#why cant i have 4 boys who i like who i have different kinds of dirty nasty sex with on the reg?
vvhorebound · 2 years
sex & me have not been getting along recently
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stxuxrniolochris · 7 months
safari guide - Chris Sturniolo
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Summary~~ You work at a safari and famous youtubers rent out the whole place and one catches your eye. Will it lead to anything?~~
It was early in the morning and I was tired. I normally took the night shift for the over night but there were some famous people who rented the whole thing out and I’m the only one who is experienced enough to give the full guide and was willing to be here for over 24 hours. I didn’t do any research on these guys but I know there triplets and that there youtubers.
I was at the front desk waiting, which felt like forever when I saw two people who looked very similar. And a guy with a camera behind them. I guess this was them. “Hey! We’re fore the safari overnight thing.” The first one smiled brightly. I smiled right back, I love people who are just happy and kind. “Hi! I assume your the Sturn-ni-olo triplets?” I said struggling to say there seconds name. “Yess haha I’m Nick Sturniolo and this is Matt.” He gestured to the other boy who was quiet. I smiled at Matt while taking a mental note on how to say there name. “The other one, Chris will be here in just a second, he’s getting the spare camera.” He continued still smiling. “Well it’s nice to meet you I’m y/n.” I said while handing them maps of the safari when a third boy walked up. They all look similar but you could tell differences about them. I got butterflies when I saw the last one, which I figured was Chris. He was cute, no he was hot. “Chris! This is y/n, y/n this is Chris.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. I could’ve sworn I saw him look me up and down quick, but I just brushed it off. “Do you mind be on camera?” Nick asked. “No not at all.” I smiled.
“So are you guys celebrating your birthday or..” I asked while we walked to the zip line. “No, 6 million subscribers.” Nick said smiling. My eyes widened, i mean I heard they were famous but not that famous. They chuckled at my reaction. “Well congratulations, that’s a lot of people.” “Thank you.” They all said collectively, which made me laugh. Chris kept looking and smiling at me, which I thought was cute.
I was walking a couple steps ahead of the boys, giving them space while they talked to the camera when I heard footsteps get closer to me, faster. I turned slightly to be met with Chris smiling widely at me. “Hey.” He beamed. “Hi.” I smiled back. “Soooo how long have you worked here for, you seem to know your stuff.” I smiled at him asking this, I was passionate about my job here. “Hmm 4 years I think, yea since I was 16.” “No way we’re the same age, 20?” He said playfully hitting my arm. “Yup, when’s your birthday?” I said while laughing. “August 1st, you?” “No way I’m august 2.” I smiled. “Well I guess we’re just meant for each other then.” He shrugged while smirking. I rolled my eyes while smiling, I could feel my face go red. “Ok buddy.” I replied making him laugh.
Whenever he wasn’t talking to the camera he was beside me trying to make conversation. I was glad because I was scared that they would be some like fake- rude out of touch influencers, but they were really genuine and kind.
We got to the end of the tour at the dinner tent. “Well this is the end of the tour, they have dinner made so I’ll be back when you guys are done.” I smiled. “Thank you so much.” Nick said at the same time Matt said thank you. “Thank you.” Chris said while waving. “Cant wait to see you later, miss you already.” He whispered, so only I could hear, while smirking. My face for sure went bright red so I just smiled, shook my head and walked out.
Chris pov
I just finished dinner and decided to go find y/n. I don’t know why I was attracted to her. I’ve never felt this interested in a girl since high school. After a bout 5 minutes of looking around I spot hee on the edge of a rock with her feet dangling off. She was smoking somthing, normally would be a turn off for me but the way her lips wrapped around the end just made me more attracted.
“Hey” I breathe while walking up to her. “Hi.” She smiled brightly while putting out her joint. I sat down and looked between us at her phone. Breathe by Lil Skies was playing. “No way you listen to Skies.” I smile happily. “Yes way, what’s so unbelievable.” She laughs. God I love her laugh. “No I just love him, favourite artist.” I nudge her arm playfully. “Really? Same.” I nodded as she hands me an airpod, I smile while taking it. After a few moments of us listening to the music she speaks up again. “I went to see at summer smash last summer.” My jaw drops “No way you were there.” “Yea front row and everything.” She smiles smugly. “Well I do you one up, I was back stage.” I smirk. “No shot i don’t believe you.” “Do you remember that one guy going on stage with him during ‘rage’.” I said while still smirking. She looks at me confused, then realisation hits her. “No fucking way that was you.” Her jaw slacks. I laugh “yup”
Y/n pov
I can’t believe this. So he was famous-famous. I suddenly felt confident. “Always thought you were my type.” I smirk while shrugging. “Oh yea?” He questioned. “Yea.” I replied while smiling. I couldn’t sworn he had gotten a lot closer over the last few minutes. It’s silent, but not uncomfortable. We’re just staring at each other. He’s slowly leaning in and so do I. What was just doing omg. It was unexpected but I liked it.
Next thing I knew his lips were on mine. It was a slow and passionate kiss but it got quicker as it went on. My hands found there way up to his hair, while one of his was supporting him up and the other on my waist which sent shivers through me. After a bit I pulled back for air and he rested his forehead on mine. I smiled and he smiled back. “You know your really really pretty.” He whispered making me smile even bigger. “So can I get your number.” He asks. “Of course you can.” I laugh making him smile. “Alright we better get back you have your night tour.” I say but not moving. He sighs and drops his head a bit then gives me a peck on the lips. “Alright pretty girl.” He said making me get butterflies. We exchanged numbers then walked back to the others. I couldn’t stop smiling and by the looks of it neither could he, causing to get a few suspicious looks from Nick and Matt. I didn’t mind though I was just happy.
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misfithive · 8 months
What I think Simon likes about Wille
I have seen some discussions about “why Simon even like Wille” (😔☹️💔) both here and elsewhere. I'm bored sooooo here is my list of what I think! I admit when I first watched I used to wonder sometimes why Simon liked him, mostly bc the back and forth hot and cold of season 1 could understandably be exhausting however once i thought about it I came up with many things. (some are hc ish ) :) I also think that if you love wilmon's relationship then you can see what they see in eachother. Two people (Wilmon) created that dynamic together both of them are loving/open/gentle with each other it is deeper than " i like that he sings and he is pretty"- they like how the other person makes them feel which is different I think than what is usually portrayed in teen relationships. People focus too much on their fights/angst sometimes and not their nice moments I think the good outweighs the bad. Also why i believe in endgame bc they have something deep and special.
1. I think Simon thinks Wille is adorable in a dorky way or finds him endearing. When Wille dropped the utensil after their first real convo Simon was blushing and giggling
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2. Wille actively seeks him out a lot and tries to help Simon when he can/ When someone is giving you that kind of attention it is flattering and shows how kind Wille is (the tip about tutoring, the rowing tips, the song on the piano). Thats a quality someone would find attractive
3. Similarly when they are together Wille’s attention and energy is solely focused on him / Wille smiling at him adoringly all the time. I think that would make anyone feel special and especially if you are like Simon and spend a lot of energy caring for/thinking about other people
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4. Wille is generally very gentle with Simon which is beautiful and also imagine someone being that gentle with u and holding u like that im sure u would fall in love too lmfao even tho simon is asleep I think he felt it and this isnt the only example I just like the picture hehe
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5. Wille wears his heart on his sleeve. Simon is more guarded with his feelings i think he could drawn to how open/expressive/ softhearted Wille is with him. “I didn't want to lose you” “you are beautiful” etc
6. Wille makes him sandwiches asks him how he is doing a lot etc sorry but no boys were making me sandwiches as a teenager a lot of small things like this are still a big deal
7. Wille is a prince and he could be a total arrogant a** hole like everyone else at that school and no one would think twice but he is not. It takes a certain type of person to actively not be like that when u are born into that level of privilege and everyone will let you get away with whatever. I think Simon likes that Wille is different than than the other people at school who ignore him and treat him bad.
8. Simon feels safe around Wille (maybe with the exception of the music room scene) but they have a safe space together its a strong contrast to the dynamic with marcus and i think everything with marcus serves to highlight how special the dynamic is with Wille.
9. Wille gives good hugs
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10. Wille is nice to Linda and tries to make her feel included Simon thought that was cute (it was very cute)
11. They can laugh together and see how silly (ridiculous) august/some of the antics of the other boys are
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12. I could go on okay but love is not always rational and cant be contained in a list, they are soulmates and thats that!!!!!!!!!
//Adding that i think Omar said in an interview that despite what Simon says in the locker room he thinks Simon likes that Wille accepts him for who he is. But if anyone can find the clip pls share I dont wanna misquote him! //
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theemporium · 1 year
idk if this counts as a little blurb or not-
4. “This doesn’t change anything between us.” (but it really does)6th year..? with muggleborn gryffindor reader x sirius.
she cant stand james and sirius and peter(Even remus sometimes) shes not a quiet person and stands up for everyone including herself. and maybe she gets attacked by Slytherins (Snape & the gang) after defending some kids in a different house.
or if you have a better idea write whatever you feel like writing<3
thank you for requesting!🖤
You did not like the marauders. 
You didn’t care what people said about them, you didn’t care about the praises they sang. You didn’t care how charming James Potter was. You didn’t care how pretty Sirius Black was. You didn’t care how Peter Pettigrew was a sweet boy. You didn’t fucking care if Remus Lupin was the best of the bunch. 
You did not like the marauders and being in the same house as them—the same year as well, to add to the pain—only solidified your feelings for them. You didn’t like them in first year and you certainly don't like them now.
And despite the little fan base they accumulated over the years, you didn’t keep your distaste about them silent.
“I just don’t get it,” a friend of yours had once said to you, a witch from Ravenclaw who you shared a few classes with over the years. “How can you sit in the common room and not just swoon over Sirius Black?”
You flashed her a look. “Because unlike some people, I can see past looks.” 
“But he’s so dreamy!” she had insisted as if many people hadn’t said the exact same thing to you before.
“He’s an arrogant pig who thinks he’s a fucking comedian,” you grumbled with a shake of your head, already done with the conversation topic. 
“Pigs are quite a beloved species, sweetheart,” a voice had sounded from behind you and you didn’t need to turn around to know exactly who it was. If anything, you were hoping that as long you didn’t turn around, he would disappear. 
But that was never the case with Sirius.
“They are also beloved to the slaughterhouses,” you deadpanned. “You wanna take a visit, Black?” 
His eyes glittered with amusement. “Only if you’re there with me.”
And it was never a mystery to the boys themselves just how you felt about them. However, whilst James and Peter and Remus tended to either keep out of your way or try be kind to you on the off chance you would change your mind about them, Sirius went out of his way to poke the bear.
It only fuelled the hatred you held for him. 
Maybe that’s why it was a shock to you, to see Sirius Black—of all fucking people to have found you, to have stumbled onto the situation you were currently in—to see him defend you when you had so openly hated him for years. 
You had been returning from a late night visit at the library, your book bag holding the heaves of herbology textbooks you planned to use for the essay you were going to start during the weekend. You were feeling restless, not quite ready to head back to the chaos of the Gryffindor common room and had decided to take a longer route to the tower. 
That was your mistake.
You had never really bothered with the likes of Severus Snape and the group he surrounded himself with. They were never on your radar, maybe because you had bigger concerns than whatever superiority complex they liked to push onto themselves—and maybe that was exactly why you were the best target for their anger. 
You had stumbled onto the scene when you rounded a corner on the fifth floor, finding Snape and his goonies pointing their wands at a kid who was years younger than them—maybe even a first year. 
You saw red.
You don’t remember dropping your book bag or rushing over until your wand was in your hand and you were standing in front of the young Hufflepuff boy who looked like he was doing his best to hold back his tears.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you sneered at the leader of the pack, eyebrows scrunched in disgust. 
“Get out of our way,” Snape snapped at you, not lowering his wand as it was less than an inch from your face. 
“Or what? You can’t handle someone your own size, Snape?” you taunted, standing your ground in front of the young boy. “Need to fight someone younger to have a fighting chance?” 
“Shut up, you filthy mudblood,” Snape sneered, the young boy behind you gasping as the slur rolled off his tongue. “You don’t know shit.” 
“I know your big words are overcompensating for something,” you snided before you turned to the boy. “Go on, they won’t bother you again,” you told him and he didn’t need to hear another word before he was scrambling to get away. 
However, what you weren’t expecting was for the spell to hit you from behind. 
Snape always was a dirty fighter. 
Your ears were still ringing as you lifted your head up, your body feeling achy and sore from where you had hit the wall but you remained mostly okay. You blinked a few times, gaining your bearings before you noticed a body standing in front of you. 
“You’re a no-good cheat, Snape,” the angry voice hissed. “You don’t even have the bloody honour of duelling properly!” 
“What do you know, Black? You’re just a blood traitor, kissing up to every mudblood ass you can—”
“Get the fuck out of here before I decide to break more than just your nose, you prick.” 
Your vision was still a little blurry when a figure kneeled in front of you, cold palms touching your cheeks as Sirius lifted your head to meet his gaze. 
“What?” you mumbled out because it was all you could say.
“Easy there, sweetheart,” he murmured with a soft frown on his face, eyes glancing all over you to make sure you were okay. “He got a good hit on you.” 
“What are you doing here?” you managed to get out, trying not to focus on the way his thumb felt gently caressing your cheek.
“Midnight stroll,” he said before snorting. “I was setting something up for Slughorn’s class tomorrow when that wee Hufflepuff ran into me. Told me what was going on.”
“Oh,” you murmured. 
“Oh indeed,” Sirius grinned.
“This doesn’t change anything between us,” you blurted out as he stood up, offering his hand to you. And you took it, stumbling towards him from the sudden movement but his hands gripped you and kept you right.
“I would never think something so preposterous,” Sirius nodded with a grim smile before it melted into his usual smirk. “Let’s get you to bed before you decide to play hero to anyone else, sweetheart.” 
“Thank you,” you murmured after a few moments, quiet enough that he almost missed it.
Sirius grinned widely in response. “Anytime, sweetheart, anytime.”
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tiktaalic · 5 months
tortured poets review. by song
fortnight: fine. sounds like a song. one of the lana drag ones. the actual lyrical content is nothing special. i would not have made this track one. 6/10
tortured poets department: kind of exactly what you would expect from a taylor swift album called tortured poets department. it's silly. it's got references. it makes you go. girl? already less distinct musically. 3/10
my boy only breaks his favorite toys: the consequence of doing lana drag is that you listen to songs and go this would be a lot better if lana got her chords on it. fundamentally not a song that i can enjoy from taylor allison swift. a song i would respect in lana of video games fame catalogue once she strips it down. not like head turningly strange like tpd just plain and simple middle of the road. 4/10
down bad: this one is unlistenable for me. cant explain why. probably the chorus of down bad. i think it's tooooooo silly too silly by far when taylor swift does how do you do fellow teens vocabulary. 2/10
so long london: i can see the place that this takes on my spotify wrapped. lyrics are fine. good even. this + backing + doing something even the littlest bit different from soft monotone talk singing makes it one of the most memorable on this album by miles. probably not near the top of most memorable in her hundreds deep bench though. can't think of anything to dock it for but it's no belter. 8/10.
but daddy i love him: yeah okay. i love when she does a silly one. i think the instrumentals are nice. i'm having his baby. no i'm not! but you should see your face. easily i would listen to an album that was full of songs to this theme / musicality. points docked because i dont think she knows it's as silly as it is. 7/10.
fresh out the slammer: bored. i just looked at the lyrics and they're passable but they're performed in the most boring possible manner. stupidest name imaginable. i actually might bump it a point or two if the name was different. 4/10
florida: makes me go yaaaaaay florence every time i hear it. taylor's part halsey 2014 core. could have been worse! if i was in charge of cutting tracks i would keep this one. 6/10
guilty as sin: started it went oh i'm docking this one for boring. read the first quarter of lyrics and went oh this is fine? got to second half and went oh i don't care for this. can imagine a world where it's a better song with different backing and emphasis. 5/10
whose afraid of little old me: i dont think it's good necessarily but i love every song where shes like im craaaazy im insane. i think for the concept it's going for it could have been put together differently. 6/10
i can fix him: i like the way it sounds. but could use more oomph. it's so nice to hear guitars though. don't care for the subject matter. 5/10
loml: snooze. boring lyrics. boring performance. 4/10
i can do it with a broken heart: BAFFLING. easily the me / karma of the album. the tonal mismatch is the point but . well. it is what it is. i would like this more if it WAS a barbie soundtrack release i think. then it would have an extra layer of silly. i think this might make my wrapped. unfortunately. 5/10.
smallest man who ever lived: who gives a shit about matty healy. 4/10
the alchemy: head in my hands. head in my hands. football song. it's so over. and we are never going to be so back. 3/10
clara bow: i like the intro. i can't see myself ever doing more than half humming this. lyrics are whatever. fine, passable. 6/10
the black dog: yeah it's fine. no complaints. guitar 👍. 6/10
getyouback: why would you EVER tee yourself up perfectly to be compared to a better song. 3/10
albatross: oh i liked this one on first listen. 7/10.
chloe sam sophia marcus: outing song ‼️‼️‼️divorce music‼️‼️‼️. nothing too exciting or groundbreaking musically. 5.5?
how did it end: um. it gets points for being #real but not much else. 5/10.
so high school: i think i would like it if it was even a TOUCH less heterosexual. i would cut 3 lines that would turn it into a 6. i can see this song in someone else's hands dominating the radio and me loving that. in taylor's hands i'm giving it a 5/10.
i hate it here: not interesting. next. 4/10
thank you aimee: out of respect for taylor swift's struggles i will withhold comment and rating. -_-
look in people's windows: lyrics aren't bad but it's another one that's not really. doing anything. 4/10
the prophecy: yeah i'll give this one a 7/10. i would have one (1) greige complaint if this was on folkevermore but that's pretty damn solid.
cassandra: passing it and moving on. that's as much as it deserves. 5/10
peter: lyrics get a thumbs up. another 5.5? i could be talked into a six.
the bolter: yes girl commitment issues. 6/10. actually. 7/10.
robin: jesus god this album is too long. i have listened to too much taylor swift tpd to give this any kind of rating.
the manuscript: 5/10. like if woulda coulda shoulda had no beat
thank you for sharing this journey. with me and also taylor swift
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earlymorningfoxhunt · 2 months
Hello, we're a system/collective who started listening to Malevolent on June 7th, 2024, and boy did it hit close to home! not only because of the jarthur body sharing blues, but also johns individual experience with his identity made us feel seen in a way we haven't felt before.
the way john has to figure out what differentiates himself from both arthur and hastur, despite feeling trapped behind arthurs eyes and chained to hastur heart, aligns with our experiences... a lot. so we've been making a compilation for the past month that includes all of the moments that made us go OOORRG as well as different folks commentaries (mostly consisting of us going OOORRG). this is going to be long as shit because this entire show is this.
also if your a system/collective who likes malevolent: PLEASE put ur favorite moments/ur thoughts
and if you haven't listened to malevolent: hey, you should give it a try and then come cry to me about it :D
A Compilation Of Malevolent Moments That Hit Differently As A System:
The Caves: (34:59-35:20)
during their argument john laughs while arthur trips over things
hehehe ya
The Path: (43:06-44:05)
johns questioning if he's feeding off of arthurs emotions or if hes learning them for himself, new split type beat, trying to figure out where each other start and end.
"we are of two minds, and more and more im realizing two souls as well. there's a bleed over effect but you are something entirely your own, john."
The Fall:
oh my god this episode. this man got so fucking pissed, not at john for rubbing the death of arthurs child in his face, but at arthur pulling host rank???? i was like ya buddy you can rot in a pit for a few months, mf you cant do that!! we we're listening to this at work and we were so pissed
The King: (35:00-36:25)(45:18-48:57)
its the first time arthur talks for him and its the first time he feels johns tears.
arthurs confrontation with the king and the feeling of no matter how much you hate each other, you're going to have each others back. for us personally it feels like a sucker punch to the gut every time he says "because i cant lose another person!"
The Unconquerable:
when we wrote down the title we didnt know why the episode resonated with us, but now I come back to it a month later as a yellow introject. we have horrid memory issues on top of memory issues, so it hurts something familiar to see the state yellow is in when he gets thrown into arthur. not knowing who or where he is but still trying to hold the cards, arthurs disappointment that hes not who he wanted him to be. its a new kind of painful. its the odd solace that comes from a shattered mirror.
we see arthurs frustration but its almost nice to be able to hate him for not giving yellow more grace.
The Train: (4:19-8:10)
I have literally told this guy he looks 80lbs sopping wet before, this entire episode is perfect. the bickering, the team work, the having to navigate socializing, it feels so nice
The Tear: (12:14-22:48)
The Detective: [(3:50-7:05) (10:40-14:58)] (28:09-28:18)
we made the mistake of listening to this on the way to getting tacos and we just had to sit in the parking lot, crying as john got to be seen for the first time by an ally. I've never had the experience myself(others in our system are out tho) but seeing it go well for him sparked something in me, enough that it pulled us to front for the past few weeks. that, w. it was a very important moment to us
and on a completely different vibe, "have you ever... before?" fuckin "well with out my excellent call outs" silly guy
The Order II: (23:26-24:00)
huh? oh hes not talking to us
The Witch: [(16:11-17:24) (25:30-26:56) (29:00-33:17)]
the whole episode honestly, start to finish.
no, im not including the ending speech it makes me physically ill
WITCH: This woman cared for you?
JOHN: Yes. 
WITCH: Lies! She cared for your mortal!
JOHN: He couldn’t hear her! I was the one who received her care, her kindness, her –
WITCH: Intended for another!
JOHN: What does that matter!? She knew no difference between me or him! She knew nothing of the soul that heard her, whether it was… (He sighs in frustration.) It was the same care. The same… compassion. 
Honorary Mentions:
all of johns memory issues in season 4:
how every time he came back he would be defensive saying "right, i knew that!" even when he didn't remember, that's a classic.
Intermezzo: (5:00-5:46)
kayne and his many many voices/me not me/ its not about the names were given its about the names we choose
every time jarthur says we/our
The King:
"well at least thats what the loudest voice in my head says" ya? and how many voices are in there?
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- "hey bizly can we fight an alligator next episode. i just wanna see who would win" "the hilarious thing is that we would LOSE because theyre MORE POWERFUL THAN US" i told you there would be more of this . theres a REASON im including it but also its just so fucking funny
- charlie: "my whole scale for this campaign now is alligator based. while we were getting shot at i kept thinking 'man i wonder how an alligator would deal with this'" alligators are power level 7 btw.
- yakko: "they should just replace all low level superheroes with alligators in costumes" "prime defenders becomes alligators and its like penguins of madagascar"
- "do you think william wisp could beat an alligator in a cartoon beatboxing battle" "no. i dont think alligators can beatbox but william would still lose" i love a loser boy
- theyre trying to get bizly to tell them what power level wavelength is and he wont tell them so they said "put it in alligator terms"
- grizzly wants to pick up a new character quirk for dakota: having one consistent bit per episode and then dropping it at the end of the epispde and picking up a different one next time (like the psychic thing) . yakko was like "its like he sees a new hobby and thinks its gonna be cool and then gets bored of it in like a week" dakota adhd king
- LIZARD UPDATE: crocodiles are power level 8. a crocodile has almost as much charisma as william wisp
- theyre looking at the page from the rulebook now . "youre telling me a komodo dragon is power level 6??? look how dumb that thing looks thats how powerful we are."
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- yakko: "look at the komodo dragon. thats how i feel every time i play prime defenders"
- "MARK IS PART LIZARD. what type of lizard is he. thats how we figure out his power level."
- on this topic, yakko goes: "wait ashe doesnt know marks lizard stuff was from experiments maybe he thinks its genetic. what if next episode he goes up to mark like 'so like am i gonna get lizard powers when i grow up'
- "bizly your silence during this discussion is speaking volumes. can we level up." ".... SURE. NOW YOURE AS POWERFUL AS AN ALLIGATOR"
- i fucking love the lizard discussion its so funny. this isnt trivia but like they have BARELY talked about the episode its all lizard power levels
- the angel that ashe summons to heal people is not a literal angel its just a spirit that happens to look like that
- williams suit was built with all kinds of mystery solving stuff in it!! there were a couple things mentioned in the episode but they specifically say here it has a feat called Always Rolling which gives him a bodycam that records everything they do
- back to the alligator situation. there is a statblock for "army soldier" that is. power level 4 (or 5? they dont say specificially) so now theyre back on this again "YOURE TELLING ME. all the training and shit they go theough and theyd still lose to a fucking gator? THEY HAVE GUNS."
- in order for ashe to summon things he has to say an incantation AND physically have the book open to the right page! so he cant just memorize things he actually physically needs to have the book
- "dakota is so endearing i love him so much" ME TOO
- a lot of the way grizzly plays dakota is inspired by beast boy from teen titans ... i love this about him
- "tide's being stupid and now we have to go save him so he doesnt die"
bizly: "no, tide's not being stupid. he knows fully what hes getting himself into, he just loves his family and would do anything for his family" :(((
- they had this whole discussion about how sad it is that tide was trusting them to make a choice and actively inviting them to a thing that he probably knew was gonna be dangerous and how they betrayed him by making the choice to go with mark instead and it sort of starts to turn into a nuance argument and charlie shuts the whole thing down by going "actually i think tide is an alligator" and thats where they fucking end it
- vyncents fisherman class is not real its just for a bit/for flavor but every day i wish it was
OK I SHOULD HAVE ANSWERED THESE BEFORE I STARTED S2 BUT OH MY GOD THAT LIZARD PAGE. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY LIZARDS. WHO NEEDS THIS MANY LIZARDS IN ONE CAMPAIGN. the fucking alligator oh my god it's insane that overlord is actually a fucking alligator. thats so fucking funny. oh my god
knowing that grizzly plays dakota with beast boy in mind makes soooo much sense. that is beast boy right there!!!!!
vyncent's fisherman class should have been real and canon </3 in my mind it is in fact canon. what would the fisherman's name be..... that is the question
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mutsky · 2 months
century of love ep 5&6
-oh now he realizes thats his lover he just had to ALMOST DIE FIRST
-uncle is working with yis sexy dad
-comically large gps letters on the box
-this is so soapy
-into the water
-theres no way the big bad dies half way through this must be the small bad
-what a caring husband didnt know grandpa had it in him
-feeding him? who is this guy?
-i love when the family just peeks from behind a pole or something
-this is NOT the san of the past 4 episodes
-whats with the slow walk in for the doctor
-ah yes him!
-the goddess is playing with my guy
-bc the goddess wanted YAOI
-ohhh in all his dreams huh
-the possessiveness is crazy
-hes looked like this for the past 100 years so
-chu we love you
-lets get chu a girlfriend
-get him again for me
-yeah but fortunately for you san we tend to like bad boys who are mean to us
-loving the arguments
-between chu and the goddess our yaoi plots will prosper AMEN
-poor lead in a 100 dollar designer tshirt
-the looks the doctor is giving san are perfect
-ohhh mr doctor
-thats a shitty piece of art
-the grumpy dinosaur reminding him of his husbandndkdmfdkfmgmf
-do we think chu thought in a million years shed be her great great great grandfathers fag hag going to spy on his husband with him?
-i love how theyre such bad spies theyre in the background of all the photos
-its upside down
-crying theyre all so goofy
-i just realized its a grumpy RAINBOW dinosaur
-since high school?
-now you wanna be his husband yeah ok
-oh how the tables turn
-whos forcing who into marriage now
-the goddess is working overtime
-look at their little smiles awww
-thats the fakest looking moon ive ever seen
onwards and upwards lads
-mother and daughter bonding activity: fujoing lut
-come on product placement
-grumbling old man... yeah that's true
-ahh youre so cute
-two tickets to an amusement park
-does he know what that is?
-grandpa please! were trying to set you up
-amusement park date classic
-the dinosaur motif is killing me
-what kind of amusement park has perfume making stations
-ok grandpa i didn't know you had game
-two dates with two different men in one day... vee living up to the promiscuous bisexual stereotype
-how did he find him?
-awww poor vee
-well you see
-poor third in every life time he will lose vee
-imagine if hes not actually in there
-ahh hes not
-say it again PLEASEEEEE
-ok grandpa chic outfit
-here he comes with his fag hag great great granddaughter in tow
-i wish dinner and dancing was still a thing
-i wish there was live music in restaurants
-oh so he did hear it all
-that shitty marriage proposal came back to bite huh
-ok redemption
-why would you say that
-100 year old and 25 year old average gay relationship age gap
-scent kink? pitbabe the damage youve done
-very nothing sex scene tbh
-on the left ring finger too
-mom grandpa please
-to be fair these people know everything every wet dream
-fujoing out yas
-but first a message from our sponsor
-jdent is the gayest toothpaste of all time
-aww so cute and theyre all so happy for him
-oh honey its ok for him
-oh no what does grandma know
-to be fair this guys looked the same for 100 years and hasnt hidden it
-hes had the same haircut for 100 years too
-brooooo look at this fucking shirt and he didnt think he was gay
-the girl looks like grandma woah
-i love how everyone in this show is accepting this bullshit
-grandma and grandson have a crush on the same guy
-is this still the dream?
-she looks so creepy
-cant we have a little longer in the honeymoon damn
this SUCKS
cant have a single good day around here
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certifieduruihater · 4 months
really wish the 12 series didnt have raph bring out the splinter's favorite line. they were so close to not doing it. so close to not slapping that on as the reason for raph being raph.
but they did it. and it lowkey still doesnt make any sense? not once in the show were there ever any hints of this being an issue. not once was it ever hinted as something that bugged raph. i think this could have worked, but it needed to have some sort of precedent, and it didnt. this leaves the statement kind of feeling like it came out of left field.
i always got the impression that raph's anger came from other sources. like being cooped up with your brothers for 15 years and not being able to go outside for fear of being hunted down like an animal. no way to release pent up aggression. and when it comes to leo, the first few seasons made it seem like raph's anger was due to his perceived shift in power dynamics. for 15 years he was on equal footing with his brother, and in the span of a day, suddenly he's the leader? maybe raph always did feel some sort of rivalry towards his brother, maybe he was jealous of leo to some degree for his skills/some other reason like that, and these feelings were exacerbated when leo became the leader. but to say raph was actually always jealous of leo because "he was always splinter's favorite?" huh? where did that come from? when was this established? either way for it to work i feel like this should have been brought up before.
and you could chalk it up to raph perceiving leo to be splinter's favorite, and this not actually being the case, but i dont think the series ever explores raphs feelings any deeper than this so idk. and then once again, you'd probably have to establish this earlier if this were to be the case. season 4, which is basically the last season of the main story, should not be the first time we're hearing about this major aspect of raph's character. is it ever even mentioned again??
and honestly, i think slapping this on as the reason for raphs issues is kind of boring at this point. its been done before in so many other characters in other stories. boo. give me something else. youre telling me yall cant look any deeper into raphs character than this, that you have to give a surface level reason? it feels like a cop out to just blame splinter. but hey, if you guys really want someone to blame, SHREDDER IS RIGHT THERE. maybe if they didn't have to live in fear of getting killed their whole lives things would have been different.
i guess im also just bothered by this because now it gives fuel to the "abusive parent splinter" fans who have this weird agenda of completely rewriting splinter's character to be a terrible parent and then blaming all of the boys' issues on him
also, why muddy raph and leo's relationship even more? honestly to me their relationship already started getting muddier by season 2 due to weird writing decisions, but overall i really liked how they genuinely seemed to be good friends and have a close bond with each other. i got the vibe that they liked hanging out with each other in their spare time, and that most of the time they did get along (just look at the amount of times they're just casually hanging out in the background/sparring in their free time/in the same room). it's just that whenever an episode focuses on them, they tended have some sort of conflict due to the nature of an episode, i guess. but when you introduce this to their dynamic it just feels weird. like i guess having this added to their dynamic doesn't have to negate their friendship, but it adds another layer of complexity that the writers just didn't seem to be willing to face/deal with properly
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the-hawthorns-ocs · 2 years
Vice Mothheart!
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Sad soggy cat with a cool eyepatch
Character Bio:
Kinship: The Hawthorns
Gay; Tom; he/him
Age: (3 cycles, 4 moons; ~29 Hyrs)
Voice Headcanon: (haven't found an actual voice yet) maybe, Lonely! Martin Blackwood- TMA, but if he wasn't British
Title meaning: -heart =  A kind hearted cat; and empathetic cat; this cat stands tall and is prideful of their role in their Kinship; a cat who is not afraid to speak out about what they believe in.
Role: Vice
Previous Role: Keeper
Mother: Pinefang
Father: Ospreycry
Other notable kin: Heir Night (nephew)
Extra Notes: He was originally named Swanheart, but I changed it to Moth to better fit the setting (there are no swans where he lives!) He is now named after the Vestal Tiger-Moth!
Also his name symbolizes how "he is a moth caught in a spider's web"
Character Summary:
Vice Mothheart is Monarch Spiderweb's litter mate but despite this, they are very different cats. Moth is an empathetic cat, he's soft spoken and often quite meek. Though when he was younger he was more likely to stand up for himself and be more brave.
Moth was the weaker and smaller of the litter and Spider was their mother's obvious favorite. Despite this he and Spider used to be close, though looking back on it Moth cant tell if Spider ever actually cared about him, or just liked having him around for her own gain and ego. Moth likes to believe that she did care about him, and he wants to believe somewhere deep down she still does, it would help him feel a bit better about the fact that despite everything, he still cares about her.
Spider and Moth's relationship started going down hill when Spider began training with the Dark Maw. Moth didn't know what was going on, but he could see she was changing and becoming worse, and she was pulling away from him.
Moth realized Spider's true cruelty, and the lengths she would go to have control when as adults, Moth fought Spider on a decision. Spider, enraged by Moth daring to disagree and stand up to her, decided to get vengeance and establish power over him. She tricked him into going out in the forest alone to an area that had recently been inhabited by a fox (which Moth did not know).
Moth was attacked by the fox and nearly killed, he lost sight in one of his eyes and received several other scars. He has only survived, because Spider sent a patrol to save him right before things went /too/ far. Ever since this, Moth has been absolutely terrified of Spider, he knew that if he ever stood up to her she would not hesitate to do worse.
Moth will now do anything Spider says, and stays quiet about anything she does. This is why Spider chose him as her Vice. Moth knows he is a selfish and weak cat for choosing to do nothing all to save his hide, but he feels like all his bravery left the day of that fox attack.
PS. I love this man, i love complicated characters, who are good or bad depending on interpretation... like my boy has sat by as his sister murdered people but also hes traumatized and i feel bad for him </3
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night-dark-woods · 2 months
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ID. photo of a whiteboard with bullet points written on it, titled "Stocking Reminders."
Top stock goes in the same 4' section as the stock.
Each SKU's overstock should be all in one spot. (below this point there is a diagram of a shelf with colorcoded boxes, one mixed up and one with the colors together)
Don't overfill hooks/shelves. There should be one straight line of product! If it won't hang nicely that is too much.
End ID.
end of my fucking rope tuesday. this won't stop my coworkers because they can't read but the amount of topstock i found in fucking random aisles today was truly absurd. like we've graduated from putting it in the same aisle 16ft away on the opposite side (annoying but at least line of sight) to putting it in topstock in its unlabeled cardboard shipping box, three aisles away, in a different department.
other highlights of today:
i asked this kid to downstock One Aisle and he spent 3(?) hours standing over there doing, as far as i can tell, nothing. which dgmw i can respect. minimum wage => minimum effort but my man that wasn't even CLOSE to the minimum and you are actively making everyone else's lives more difficult!!!
hardware mgr tried to have someone else (the aforementioned kid who can't even put stock in the right spot!!!) do counts on stock, BEHIND MY BACK, AGAIN. so i started off the day with an argument with him. bc if im not shooting outs regularly enough for you fucking TALK TO ME. and i will tell you what i need, which is you to do your fucking JOB and MANAGE YOUR PEOPLE. and get on their asses to actually maintain their sections!!! i could do the whole fucking store in an hour if literally anyone else did their jobs!!!
got a new rope assortment in from a new vendor, hardware mgr packed up the old stuff for buyback but ALSO managed to pack up a bunch of the NEW stuff with it despite the packaging being a completely different color AND saying the new brand name, so i had to go digging in 15 different taped-shut boxes to find it back.
just some truly atrocious and annoying customers. girl if youre in a hurry that is YOUR problem for not planning. i cant read your mind and i cant give you an answer if you cant explain your problem to me.
got called "ladies" collectively about 8 times today by my coworker who a) does ABA as his other job b) asked me if ozzy was my "real name" and c) said he used to be a liberal but he thinks there are more important things than peoples' identities. we're mostly copacetic now though bc he sees how much work i do and also we've commiserated about the state of the educational system & when he was talking about how "boys and girls learn differently" i very lightly floated the "well, i don't think that's inherent necessarily, you know, like we're raised and taught certain ways to be from SUCH a young age, and kids pick up on stuff pretty fast," and he was like huh ive never thought about that. ill have to think about that. so not unsalvageable! just a particular Kind Of Guy.
they're doing work on the roof and they fucking broke the ancient drainpipe that runs through our upstairs backstock area, so theres like three totes worth of roof-water-soaked merchandise that i have to take out of inventory tomorrow. and everything else in that backstock area has a fine coating of rust flakes from the disintegrating ceiling. and i was paged up there to help sort thru the stock and like. there are THREE PEOPLE here today who actually have a manager title, which I DONT!!! so why cant the three of you take care of it!!! and i KNOW its bc im good at problem-solving and don't really say no and would do it faster than anyone else but god. come on. its putting wet stock in totes.
also in the last 30 min of my shift (in the hardware dept!!! doing inventory counts!!!) my coworker walkied Me, Specifically, even though i knowww they were fully staffed in cashiers and housewares today, to pick up a call from a specific problem customer ABOUT A HOUSEWARES PRODUCT. bro i know FULL WELL you are doing fucking nothing but online shopping on the work computer, you fucking handle it!!! im on a DIFFERENT FLOOR and im busy doing other shit!!!
and its only tuesday!!! yippee!!!
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dykeyote · 8 months
obviously i know of the wonderful real and true lesbian hermie but i would still like to hear ur thoughts on her :3
HIII :3 thank u for the excuse to explain because truly i feel so strongly abt this . here is my extensive reasons as to why hermie unworthy could never be anything but a lesbian and ur hcs are all wrong and this IS a personal attack on you btw <- thats a joke this post is very silly and not meant to be an Actual Theory but i DO feel strongly
lezzermie realness: a manifesto
REASON 1!!!!!!!!! again . WHAT WAS THE BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM THING ABOUT . and this isnt "actor character randomly dresses up as kiera knightley from bend it like beckham for no reason" which to be clear . would still make me raise my eyebrows . HOWEVER hermie isnt just any kind of actor shes a SPECIFICALLY DC ACTOR . she ONLY does dc characters . the ONE other time is when she's dressing up as scary for like a Real Reason . this is not a real reason its not even a musical or a play or smt its not even theatre kiddy . what are you trying to say hermie others will silence you but i will let you speak
REASON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! further reasons will be predicated on the assumption that scary marlowe is a: a lesbian and b: that her crush on hermie is lesbianistic in nature . this can be proven simply w the line "im not like other girls i dont like ned or earl but when im with you my heart shatters or smt along those lines i cant be bothered to check verbatim" . abt hermie . oh so youre not into GENERIC MASCULINE NAMES like OTHER (STRAIGHT) GIRLS but hermie is different ...... this is successfully✅ proven . also she compared her and scary to the joker and harley ..... and scary STILL had a crush . i dont think anybody could tolerate that unless it was from a lesbian 🙏
REASON 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with this assumption presumed ....... now i know what you were thinking in reason one when i asserted hermie only broke dc those tow times . "val thats not true he was jack on the titanic" . to that i say YES ...... she did an overdramatic romantic scene riffing on an iconic straight couple from a historical movie with (as we have 100% proven) a lesbian w a dykey ass crush on her . whats more lesbian than that . thats the butchfemmiest shit
REASON 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hear you cry from the crowds . but valentine ur MISSING something . ur WRONG . because NORMAL!!!!!!!! to which i say normal is so obviously a girl to everyone but herself lets be real . the eldritch beast she has this deep connection with and empathizes with immediately is fixated on being a bad girl? she has a whole arc where she tries to be a normal son and boy to appeal to her parent who doesnt approve of how she chooses to express herself and picks a masculine name to go w it in contrast to . um . i mean i guess an adjective is gender neutral??????? hermies a lesbian FOR normal not DESPITE normal ......... also lesbians can be mlm and have complex genders too . me for example . bigender swag which hermie absolutely has
REASON 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if we assume normal's arc is transgender THEN we must observe the parallels with hermie and come to the same conclusion of girlmie (or boygirlmie but bigendermie is a convo for another day) realness . both created to be a specific type of son (normal well Normal, hermie a joke machine) both Not Quite Right in a way they cant shake both reaching out for a new more fitting identity which in hermie's case EXPLICITLY includes gender nonconformity (we will discuss next bulletpoint) . and if we prove girlmie by way of her crush on scary (and as previously stated normal) we prove lezzermie
REASON 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dressing up as poison ivy isnt necessarily lesbianistic because she dresses up as other dc villains HOWEVER!!!!!! i will argue that the way she goes about it is uniquely suggesting of dykery . a: she flirts with normal .... THROUGH poison ivy . distinctly RELATED to poison ivy . this is lesbian behavior and reinforces my prior point and b: she REPEATS poison ivy ...... which she rarely does with others she goes through Eras with the rest of them but abandons them after HOWEVER!!!!! she does poison ivy sexy and gets sort of interrupted . THEN does batman in the spiderboyz intro . THEN goes back to poison ivy in hell........ why does she only repeat the known lesbian 🤨
REASON 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERMIE unworthy ... HER MIE .... like her and me ...... instead of her man (heterosexual in nature) she chooses herMIE . normal holds her face and goes YOURE HERMIE (her x me) . think about it guys . think about it ........
ok anyway thats enough of my ramblings . this post is very silly if u cant tell but i am a #believer
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makahimetenshi · 11 months
Two separated ways - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
This fic sets in a universe where Blind Betrayal never took place and Nora destroyed the institute with the Brotherhood of Steel. I don’t know if im going to make a new story of this couples, like Arthur x Nora, Danse x Arthur, Danse x Nora since I already finished playing Fallout 4 and I am playing the 3 one and at some time I gotta go the obsession but I feel like writing things differents from Follow me inside the wastelands
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
-Ah Paladin Danse, what do I own the pleasure of this call?
For Danse it was difficult to talk to the elder of the commonwealth chapter since “that” happened…but at least his old friend was slowly taking it better and better, the young man was mature and reasonable, the resentment weren’t directed towards him at least…well…a bit…more than a bit…it was understandable since well…
-Nothing new to report about our job in Washington but…Arthur we need to talk –the elder open up his eyes stopping the hand that he had on the needle where he was mending one of his little daughter's shirts
-You mean Elder Arthur or Arthur Arthur? –it was so strange hearing him talking like that. When they meet even when he was only a teenager he wouldn’t talk like that at all, groomed into being a leader to carry the lastname Maxson really build his character like a really serious young man but after officially started dating Nora he change…a lot…and became a totally different person, love change him a lot, now at his 29 he was a totally different person that the 21 when he arrived the Commonwealth for the first time. And after “that” happened he loose himself even more, thinking that for what? What does everything matter? Why bother at all? All that work for nothing! Being the most powerful man didn’t save him at all.
-Arthur Arthur…sir… -heard Danse at the other side of the call and chuckled.
-What is it? –ask the elder, still mending the tshirt, oh he didn’t want anyone else doing this little jobs over his daughter clothes, everybody does it wrong except him! Nora taught him how and…didn’t see anyone else doing it so perfectly like she did.
-There’s a subject I want you to discuss with the sentinel –ohnononononono
-Didn’t expect you to surrender so soon –what? Oh nonono.
-Nothing about that, look since we arrived here on Washington  for our mission she is…
-I just don’t see why you cant solve it by your own, after all you are the new boy –offensive cluck
-You live here for a long time and she needs…
-You live there even more than me, beyond me even! –why they were talking about her? After all the pain and discussions for him to still have to stay after her ass
-Yeah but…
-Then that’s it! You don’t need me at all, deal yourself with the sentinel and whatever bullshit cross her mind this time –Arthur didn’t want to have anything to do with the mother of his two children.
-Look I know you are still resentful –the elder bite his tongue.
-With her for dumping me for my best friend when I send both on a mission to Washington? Nah, who do you think I am? –lets send my best paladin to protect my wife in a land she doesn’t know in the present wastelands, it would be fun they said, she wouldn’t cheat on me, they said…
Silence again, until he heard a breath and the paladin keep talking- but maybe you are more wise in this subject than me
-What subject? –oh talking or even giving some kind of entity to this subject make his mouth sour
-She is severely depressed, at first I thought it was just nostalgia but months keep passing and she is very frustrated and disappointed about the state of Washington
-I don’t get it
-She came with her ex husband Nate for vacations here once and now everything…makes her sad –oh now he understand- the state of the buildings, the new streets and ways to move, the demolished places, the trash, smell, the odor
-You mean nostalgic and depressed like the thing she has with the food doesn’t? –traumas, that was all traumas, psychological scars
-Yeah but here is with all the environment.
-Its understandable, after all there isn’t a fucking nice place in Washington, it’s a shithole, is far much worse than Boston, the commonwealth is such a luxury in comparison
-That aint helping man
-Well im not going to terraform the damn city –a sight at the other side of the call- what do you want me to do?
-Talk to her
-The state of Washington also depress me –this was stupid
-This is serious Arthur, she is severely depressed and this place isn’t helping her either
-Well im happy I was not the problem in the end, and I see  you aren’t the solution either –silence on the other side of the line.
Their second son together left her with a serious post partum depression. So in order to help his wife he send her to the Capital wasteland, have some adventures, fun, enjoy travelling to new places, kick some buts, don’t let the routine of being parents of a 3 year old and a newborn stop you from being the kickass woman I fall in love. Too bad he didn’t tell her nothing about don’t smashing his best friend, the friend he sent to protect her, his bad, he should warn her about that right?
-You have a good life in this city, talk to her
What the fuck? –whaaaaat? Since when do I had a good life in the citadel? –jaja what? Oh gosh people had the most stupid ideas.
-Better than mine for sure, she just needs a boost of confidence and I cant give the example in this area
-I had two complete meals a day, that’s far from a good life –not to mention they were feeding him like a pig so he wouldn’t famish and die with the Maxson line with him. If he gain a thing from being Noras husband for 5 years together was standards, and he understand that the life on the Wastelands was shit.
-Again, im not playing, she needs more positivity and…
-Well im not moving you both out the city because she cant face the reality and stop daydreaming –yeah being cheated on was shitty but damn it's good that he missed the obligation of having Nora by his side, over time he understood that by getting married he had bought himself a bag of unresolved problems that were very difficult to handle even for him.
-Of course not, our mission is going just fine –yeah the mission of banging his wife maybe- we are progressing with the task the elder here is giving us, she neither wants to leave this city but…its harming her –it was true, he was receiving request of that elder to even promote Danse but god damn he wouldn’t be promoting a wife thief
-The landscapes harm her –Arthur clarified. Sitting better on his chair, leaving the needle on the table.
-Yeah, about the daydreaming…-oh not again.
-Let me guess, she is on chems again –he sighted, the only way to keeping her away from chems  was  to put a baby on her uterus, it worked with Arya and the lactancy time, and then with Shaun and the lactancy until he fucking send her to capital wasteland like it was a good idea. Stupid idea.
-Mentats, and im not her commanding officer anymore to even correct –he was interrupted.
-Oh nono now you are her daddy –he laughed, bitterly, biting on his lower lip, gosh talking about this fills him with anger!- I get it, I was her daddy too
-Arthur…-he heard at the other line a tired voice.
-Im not going to make you elder so you can be on top and place a corrective, she is a sentinel –he had so much anger accumulated on his chest, like when you are really really upset and your whole body feels infuriated!
-That’s why Im asking you to talk to her…elder…-Maxson sighted.
-Its it serious like she would…-he whistle twice- at the roof of a building?
Silence, again, he raise up his head to look at the terminal, now worried.
-Maybe, if it gets worse -maybe letting his ex-still-wife kill herself was not a good idea, she was a good sentinel and a soldier who achieved very good results-Im sorry about everything Arthur-and you fuck my wife anyway, what a good friend he thought in the insides, taking his time to process everything- but do this at least because she is the mom of your two children
-She should think on that two years ago, almost abandoning them –funny, she left to Washington when Shaun was like 8 months or something, he surely doesn’t remember her, didn’t see her since then.
-Im sure Arya is not going to be happy if something occurs to her mother –yeah, even if at her 5 years she ask about Nora a lot, misses her.
-You know? I already got what is more valuable from her, our Maxson not radiated offspring, the only reason I didn’t sent an assassin after your butt is because your shrimps are dead –they were still married together, no one is going to dare to make gossip about the elder Maxson being a cuckhold or the sentinel having an affair, plus it gives him high status being married with a sentinel…and a prewar woman- and you cant knock her.
He said that words with hate. It really hurt him to the core the fact that his best friend Danse do that to him.
-Try to give her a call, tell her that life here is not-interupted him again, bullshit, all bullshit.
-There’s no life there Danse, there’s no green even, how can I lie myself to lie to her? –it was true, capital wasteland was a shithole, an horrible place, arriving to the commonwealth was like escaping from there and its horrors, the green and the land were such a change for elder Maxson.
-Well I don’t know what else to do! –the man raised his voice in the call, he heard a bit of desperation on it- I don’t wanna loose her! –he stay in silence- maybe you don’t care anymore and I get it! But I love her! And I don’t know what to do!
He cares, deep down below all the feelings of betrayal and abandonment he cares, for the woman he falled deeply in love once.
-What do you expect me to tell her? –said the defeated elder, maybe, if he keeps caring by then, she can come back to him, but if she is dead…there will be no way to be together again…less as a family…
-I don’t know…-from the tone of his voice he really was…desperate, lost, he really used his last plan talking to him- maybe tell her that life is beautiful? –Arthur laugh, it was audible in the call- You know her better
-But you know her the longest –from initiate to Sentinel at the paladin side, until both sentinel and elder got into a relationship, fraternizing with a soldier.
-Its not working on me –now, the man was crying even if he cant see his tears, Arthur hold his chin on his hands, shutting his lids- love is not saving her on this.
The elder stood in silence, and breathe out –You know this about her…since the beginning
-I know –voice cracked at the other side of the line.
-I learned over time how to deal with that and move forward in our relationship, get through each day, try to make a future for ourselves, it didn't work for me, as you know –in any fucking chance he would have to spit in the face his betrayal to him he will do it- but It was never easy, or less painful, no matter the day
-And its only going to get worse, maybe you aren’t prepared to it, like I wasn’t
-You didn’t send her away because you can’t deal with it –then whyyyyy? If Danse gets it why did he fuck his wife? Arthur cover his face with his palms and breathe.
-Even after everything that happened I know I avoided an obstacle, a hard one, for the rest of my life –the image of Nora jumping off a building cross his mind, he open his eyes to avoid having images- but you are right. Arya will be sad, ill talk to Nora, put a call on her agenda, make sure she see it and…answer the call.
Both stay in silence, until Danse speak with the voice still broken.
-Thank you elder, that will be all
Arthur stood in silence too, eyes getting lost on the terminal.
-Crush some addictol and mix it with her food, look at her eating so she will finish the plate, Mentats doesn’t have secondary effects with other chems so don’t worry-he had the experience with this- you are discharged Paladin.
Both hang up on the call.
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
Hmmm.... top 10 OCs and why you like them! Also allowed is just giving their entire backstory with each answer.
OH FUCKIN BOY this ones almost definitely going under a read more thanks
1) JOE!!!!
ironically i cant explain this one in detail sorry thats still spoilers. we are getting there in my comic i fucking promise just give me. another year. or two. fuck. anyways he's just!!!! he's my silly!!! he helped me figure out a lot about myself and what i wanted from the world and i kind of accidentally processed some of my biggest traumas through him and because of that every day he is a reminder that life continues, the time will pass anyways, tomorrow will always come, and fear of something ending does not have to control you
2) amedeo my fucked up piece of shit amedeo. ive already written paragraphs upon paragraphs about him in several different places so i will refrain from doing it again and focus on Why he means so much to me. he's kind of! like a counterweight to what joe helps me with? like joe reminds me i have the freedom to do whatever i want with my life, and amedeo reminds me i still gotta fucking be nice to people or that will have consequences i dont want. if i were to live my life purely by what joe helped me figure out i wanted, i would become amedeo and thats like not. good ADGAHFS and i have fallen down that path before. and there was still hope for him. so theres still hope for me. hes also really pretty
3) oh fuck now i have to choose between my beloveds. UHHHHHH dara we're going dara. honestly she only gets this high up the list because shes joes girlfriend, but she is still really interesting and special to me. dara did genuinely awful things.... 70 years ago. things she has spent the rest of her life trying to make up for. she is a good person who is trying so hard. she also cant even see how hard shes trying and sabotages herself often. she is the narrator of the story and its not a role she can bear. because she knows its not her story to tell. so she hands it to theron and lets them paint her as a monster, lets everyone believe she deserves whats coming to her, that shes the scum of the earth. and she knows her side of the story will change things. and she does not give it. she thinks the best way to make up for everything shes done is to finally let theron speak. its their story. and she is their villain. she knows its true. even as shes still trying, still trying to help people, still trying to survive one day at a time, still trying to improve (even if shes not good at it). she is still therons villain. she wont take that from them
4) reverie somethings fucking wrong with them. and you cant even blame them for it. at least when i go on unreality spirals i can get someone to confirm things are real and thatll help pull me out of it. reverie cant trust a word anyone tells them because Nobody Else Is Real. They Are All Made Of Code. of course an npc would tell reverie the world is real. of course the ai living in the game would tell reverie the world is real. what else can they do. the only other player, the only other real person in this game, left them. and now its just reverie. they cant find meaning in a life theyve replayed hundreds and hundreds of times. they get trapped in their own head because thats the only thing thats real. and their head isnt filled with any comfort. they are much too far gone to be helped by the people who care about them. and so the people who care about them choose to make them worse.
reverie is interesting to me because they are an awful person who just needed to let someone hold their hand and help them through their hardest days, but i know if i was in their position, i wouldnt have accepted it either. shattering what little hope they had left was genuinely the only way to get them to snap out of it and want help. if theyd just had a hug, that they could consider real, maybe theyd have been ok. but they couldn't.
5) eden, girl got dragged down hard by reveries spiraling. got treated like less than a person by them so much she believed she wasnt a person either. and none of it really mattered, in the end. everything she went through was about reverie. never her. for the entire story up until that point, it had never been about her, and at her lowest point at least she thought she had some kind of meaning and purpose as she shoved her sword through reveries chest and killed them in a way they couldn't just respawn from. and none of that was about her either. just reverie. any emotions eden felt did not matter for the plot elysium wrote. edens tragedy just fucks me up because she goes through so much for nothing and she still has to just wake up the next day and keep going. and she will. she just has to find something that matters, to her
6) theron this kids fucked up theyre like 10 and experiencing horrors beyond their comprehension
7) elysium,,,,, shes really pretty and also shes trying so damn hard to save reverie but the only way she can do it is to ruin their AND eden's lives. she's a good person. she writes the story and there was nothing she could do!! she just wants everyone to love the world she helped create for them and they Cant and that breaks her heart. she looks like shed give warm hugs and hand me a juice box
8) rowena. somethings wrong with her <3 she is kind, she is awful, she kills for her own fucked up sense of justice, she is the kindest person theron has ever met, she justifies innocent bystanders getting caught in her wrath because if they didnt want to die maybe they shouldnt have been on the wrong side, she is giving a 10 year old reason to hope and love again. she genuinely cannot be considered a good or bad person because every move she makes helps AND harms others at the same time. shes fun!
9) raid, they are another player of the game just like reverie (tho they dont know each other) and they are so comfortable with their life and they make me so happy. they wake up on a day theyve seen hundreds of times, and ask themself what they can do to make it special. life is what you make of it, and raid has made it into a love letter to everything thats ever existed. they have no control over when the resets and reloads happen since reverie is always doing it before they can even consider it, and they are ok with that. they really have a grip on what a joy it is to simply be alive
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autocann1bal · 2 years
part four of my playlist analysis!!
part 1 &lt;- part 2 &lt;- part 3 <- back into the soup we dive
somewhere only we know - keane lockwood takes them to a special spot and they have a nice picnic on a hill and cuddle on a picnic blanket <3 we're ignoring how sad the song actually is <33.
brooklyn baby - lana del rey oh please lockwood is so brooklyn baby by lana del rey you cant tell me hes not hes a posh little london boy and lucy's a girl who grew up in a rural town in the north theyre so brooklyn baby.
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex we're ignoring the sexual aspect of this song entirely <3 anyway theyre wandering around a park just before the sunset, just being silly and cute <333. like real people do - hozier look i know we've had plenty of locklyle sleepy morning and sleepy nights but this one is DIFFERENT OK. they wake up in lockwoods bed after a rough night of panic attacks from both of them, they fell asleep in eachothers arms. lucy tries to get up without disturbing him and he, still asleep, holds her tighter and kisses her forehead. she stays till he wakes up and they kiss <333 domesticity my beloved. its called: freefall - rainbow kitten surprise george and lucy talking methinks. it just feels like a serious conversation between them. my kind of woman - mac demarco lockwood just heart-eyes-ing at lucy while she files papers in the basement or smth idk just lockwood pathetic simp mode, as usual <33. i was all over her - salvia palth lmao lockwood hopeless simp time but sad edition. the way he looks at her, like shes all hes ever wanted, all he ever will want, but the knowledge that she may never be his. this gets even worse after she starts helping him with his panic attacks, he feels like hes using her. francis forever - mitski lockwood, alone in his room, every night after lucy left. he cant get her out of his head and hes to afraid to ask george for help, for fear george will tell him to suck it up and move on (which of course would never happen). those where some rough nights for lockwood. the beer - kimya dawson lucy breakdown song (real) (not clickbait) (im definitely not writing this instead of my essay waht are you talking about) i want you - mitski lucy, longing for lockwood more than anything, but shes so deathly afraid that holly is replacing her. diet mountain dew - lana del rey ok it doesnt. really fit their dynamic i dont think but it just sounds so right ykwim? good looking - suki waterhouse hes her good looking boy!!! this song is so them just read the lyrics <33. 4 morant - doja cat erm. uhm. haha. i mean. yea. erm. so. hee hee. lockwood vibes. harness your hopes - b-side - pavement that whole 'hold me just like the morning paper' line is so simp-y lockwood <3333. dirty night clowns - chris garneau different. vibe from the last song uhhh. do i have to explain. move me - half.alive THEY ARE SO HALF.ALIVE I CANT EXPLAIN IT ITS JUST THEM. i mean the literal first line of this song is 'i never told, you never asked' which is quite literally them in episode 6 so. i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys just lockwood being a simp again and who can blame him lucy is so <333. britrock - mccafferty uh oh more mccafferty time. this song is just so lucy i dont know why it just is im sorry. im not sorry. after dark - mr. kitty sad vibes. theyre both in the dark just lying together in lockwoods bed. not even talking just together. thinking. ill call you mine - girl in red do i have a personal vendetta against this song?? yes. will it stop me from using it for Them TM?? absolutely not. cute domestic roadtrip vibes fight me. i want to be with you - chloe moriondo this one is self explanatory. bedroom ghost - flower face oops different vibe. lucy shower breakdown? no, lockwood shower breakdown :sunglasses:. privately owned spiral galaxy - crywank (specifically the lovejoy cover tho) mmm lockwood thinking alone in his room song methinks. christ alright, part 5 ig im so sorry this is so long i feel so bad dfhgfkjg
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kyoosoup · 12 days
reading through my old messages and vents is always a rollercoaster
some of my takeaways so far:
1. i can be proud on some counts cause in many cases i've grown or gotten better. some of my messages/vents were from very specific situations that i had either forgotten about or gotten closure to and it's weird to see?? these things that affected me daily are now just memories.
for instance the first time i got creeped on (not counting cat calls) was at work and we called the cops and stuff cause i was maybe 15?? and that really affected me and i mean i still think about it but i was a lot more paranoid back then and it was fresh yk. And im still wary now but it's not as present in my mind as it was.
another thing is how i would often be upset at myself for being lazy and having a hard time focusing and not being able to do schoolwork and burning out. and i would wonder what was wrong with me (poor little me). and now i know ! adhd! lol. my mom was confused about why i was happy to get my diagnosis when i did but for years i had been thinking that i just wasnt doing enough or trying hard enough when i didnt realize it was literally how my brain was wired. ( this was actually a very common theme in my vents thank you diagnosis)
2. sometimes i see replies from old friends and im like man. we used to be these daily presences in each others lives and really close and now we dont even speak or had falling outs. spooky???
3. i see how I myself used to type/speak too and it's weird . i am practically a different person now. the amount i feel like ive changed in the past few years alone is like . exponential compared to before. meeting new people, losing people, losing family, discovering new interests, discovering and accepting more about myself???? actually socializing lol.
4. also just some of my issues were CRAZY ??/ how did i forget that i was working 10 hour shifts back during covid. 6-4 . and then i had to go home and do school ( i couldnt focus at work). omg that was just awful how did i do that
5. whenever i look back at old stuff i am even more grateful for the friends i have now. i had friends at the time but a lot of them weren't very close as the friends i have now or the relationships weren't as healthy as they shouldve been. i often felt incredibly lonely and i can say for sure i have not felt like that in a while (at least not for long periods of time, ive probably had bad days like everyone). maybe some parts of my life now sorta suck but i haven't hated it as much because i have good people supporting me and a lot of close friends who make life well worth living. i could write about how much i love my friends for hours probably
6. omg i remember when some of my big problems were my crushes on boys . THEY WERE ONLINE CRUSHES TOO. you dont understand im actually so embarrassed for myself for like 80-90% of my past real crushes (i am not counting what i thought were crushes but i realize was just admiration or squishes/friend crushes) some people go for looks. some go for personality. somehow, 14-16 year old me chose neither. theres only one of those past crushes that i still keep in touch with and i will say he is chill and we are friends and i am not as embarrassed over that one since he wasnt a sucky person. but like i definitely liked this one guy who was not good for my mental health hahahahha woops. there were more recent embarrassing experiences for me but theyre too fresh i cant laugh at them yet without cringing
7. you know this isnt as related to the old stuff but im writing all this while once again basically forgetting i was kind of a mess earlier this year too. thank you bad memory but let me rewrite my mental history. i am only thinking about the good things this year .
Anyways i dont know why i even wrote this theres no target audience that this applies to i think i just got really bored
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