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misfithive · 1 year ago
What I think Simon likes about Wille
I have seen some discussions about “why Simon even like Wille” (😔☹️💔) both here and elsewhere. I'm bored sooooo here is my list of what I think! I admit when I first watched I used to wonder sometimes why Simon liked him, mostly bc the back and forth hot and cold of season 1 could understandably be exhausting however once i thought about it I came up with many things. (some are hc ish ) :) I also think that if you love wilmon's relationship then you can see what they see in eachother. Two people (Wilmon) created that dynamic together both of them are loving/open/gentle with each other it is deeper than " i like that he sings and he is pretty"- they like how the other person makes them feel which is different I think than what is usually portrayed in teen relationships. People focus too much on their fights/angst sometimes and not their nice moments I think the good outweighs the bad. Also why i believe in endgame bc they have something deep and special.
1. I think Simon thinks Wille is adorable in a dorky way or finds him endearing. When Wille dropped the utensil after their first real convo Simon was blushing and giggling
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2. Wille actively seeks him out a lot and tries to help Simon when he can/ When someone is giving you that kind of attention it is flattering and shows how kind Wille is (the tip about tutoring, the rowing tips, the song on the piano). Thats a quality someone would find attractive
3. Similarly when they are together Wille’s attention and energy is solely focused on him / Wille smiling at him adoringly all the time. I think that would make anyone feel special and especially if you are like Simon and spend a lot of energy caring for/thinking about other people
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4. Wille is generally very gentle with Simon which is beautiful and also imagine someone being that gentle with u and holding u like that im sure u would fall in love too lmfao even tho simon is asleep I think he felt it and this isnt the only example I just like the picture hehe
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5. Wille wears his heart on his sleeve. Simon is more guarded with his feelings i think he could drawn to how open/expressive/ softhearted Wille is with him. “I didn't want to lose you” “you are beautiful” etc
6. Wille makes him sandwiches asks him how he is doing a lot etc sorry but no boys were making me sandwiches as a teenager a lot of small things like this are still a big deal
7. Wille is a prince and he could be a total arrogant a** hole like everyone else at that school and no one would think twice but he is not. It takes a certain type of person to actively not be like that when u are born into that level of privilege and everyone will let you get away with whatever. I think Simon likes that Wille is different than than the other people at school who ignore him and treat him bad.
8. Simon feels safe around Wille (maybe with the exception of the music room scene) but they have a safe space together its a strong contrast to the dynamic with marcus and i think everything with marcus serves to highlight how special the dynamic is with Wille.
9. Wille gives good hugs
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10. Wille is nice to Linda and tries to make her feel included Simon thought that was cute (it was very cute)
11. They can laugh together and see how silly (ridiculous) august/some of the antics of the other boys are
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12. I could go on okay but love is not always rational and cant be contained in a list, they are soulmates and thats that!!!!!!!!!
//Adding that i think Omar said in an interview that despite what Simon says in the locker room he thinks Simon likes that Wille accepts him for who he is. But if anyone can find the clip pls share I dont wanna misquote him! //
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sanderssidesthehouse · 26 days ago
Link is being weird RIP. This is my submission for janus week day 2 @darksideweeks prompt: shedding.
The scales had not been his idea. That one belonged to Creativity and Morality. Not that they’d done it on purpose, of course, and neither of them would have dreamed of inflicting the pain they’d caused when they sprouted, but still, if you were looking for a source, that was where you’d have to look.
That being said, Janus rather liked his scales. They were smooth and pretty and really helped his whole aesthetic. He wouldn’t trade them even if he could. Still, he could do without the shedding. It was itchy and messy and uncomfortable. It wasn’t really fair that he was the only side with permanent animal features. Honestly, it was very rude of Thomas to not have associated any of the others so strongly. Logan could do with some feathers, and no one would mind if Patton was a bit froggy all of the time.
But there he was, on his favorite flat rock under his heat lamp, currently the only source of light in the room, trying desperately not to itch his scales off. It unequivocally sucked. Just his luck to hear a knock at his door. Following the knock was a loud energetic voice. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Janus mused.
“What do you want?” Janus hissed through the crack he had opened the door.
“Shit, that time already?” Remus responded in lieu of a proper answer.
“What do you want, Remus?”
“Let me in, I’ll help.”
“You just want to eat it.”
“Just a little! Or maybe a lot.”
“Just go play with someone else.” Janus tried to push the door closed only to find Remus had shoved his foot in the crack, and no amount of pushing, pleading, or pain would get him to move it. He knew this from experience.
“I’m not your keeper.”
“Hmm… Actually I think I’d rather stay here.”
“So,” Remus pushed the door open, sending Janus stumbling back, “what do we do?”
“I’ve never let you help before, what makes you think I’ll start now?”
“Because I made LoLo tell me all about snake shedding and now I’m an expert. Plus I’m stronger than you.”
“If I want you out, you know I can force you.”
“And yet you haven’t!” Remus plastered his signature shit eating grin onto his face.
“Ugh, fine. Just be quiet.”
“It’ll be like I’m not even here.”
“I sincerely doubt that.”
To his credit, Remus did keep the noise level down, though down for him and down for the average side was an entirely different metric. Still it was an impressive feat for Intrusive Thoughts to tone down the Intrusiveness.
After some time Janus relented and allowed Remus to fetch him some water. If he wanted to be helpful for once, Janus would let him. Though that wasn’t really fair. Remus always wanted to be helpful, it’s just that most of the time no one wanted his help.
“I know you don’t eat much when this happens, so I thought about making you a smoothie, but I remember last time I oh, so graciously made you a smoothie-”
“It was lamb’s blood, pickles, and pig intestines.”
“-and you didn’t really appreciate that so I told Virgil to make a smoothie that doesn’t suck because he actually knows what you like, and he told me to do some things Patton surely wouldn’t approve of, so one might pop up at some point, you know how he likes to be a tsundere.”
“... But you brought some water? Normal water?”
“I milked the stalactites myself!”
“... Remus…”
“Just kidding! I got it out of the tap. But I would milk stalactites if you asked me to. Or even if you didn’t.”
“I’m aware. Feel free to do that on your own time, but if you fall from any significant height or onto stalagmites, do make sure to fix yourself up before you pop back into the living room, hmm? I hate having to replace the furniture.”
“Aw, what’s a little blood on the everything? It adds character!”
“... We can discuss this later-”
“Which means we won’t.”
“-but for now, I would like to drink my normal water and go back to laying peacefully on my rock.”
“Oh, right!” Remus whisper yelled. “I’ll be quiet.”
“Much appreciated.”
Janus artificially sunned himself for about half an hour more before he noticed a smoothie pop into existence on his bedside table. They may not be talking since then, but this was enough for now. Enough to make him smile fondly despite the discomfort, and enough to show that not all was lost.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome! What are you thanking me for?”
Janus chuckled. “Never change, hm?”
“Didn’t plan on it!”
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My New Addiction Pt. 2
Octane x Fem! Reader!
Part one link at the bottom!
Again lmk if the Spanish is off at all, my Spanish knowledge isn’t the best👉🏼😎👉🏼
Once again, mutual pining, slow painful burn of a romance, awkward flirts, etc.
I hope you enjoy! 💚 if you have ideas or suggestions on how this goes feel free to message me!
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Octavio was in his room trying to mentally prep himself for having to see you looking nice, not that you didn’t look nice all the time but nicer than usual. We’re you going to wear a dress? A skirt? Pants? What you were gonna wear was gonna kill him as long as it wasn’t plain weird but he figured that wasn’t your style anyways. You didn’t love the spotlight like he did, he kind of liked that about you. He heard a knock on his door and it was none other than Loba, an odd guest right before an event.
“Oh! Hey Lolo, what can I do for you?” He asked with a grin, mask in hand. Loba smiled at him
“Hey speedy, could I borrow a shirt of yours? Pretty please? I need a button up.” She winked, this only confused him, Loba literally had the biggest closet out of the entire crew and she needed a shirt? From him? As confused as he was he shrugged and threw over a smaller silk button up of his that he hardly wore. “Knock yourself out.” She waved and thanked Octavio as she walked away, leaving him to get ready.
What he didn’t know what Loba was styling you for today, you weren’t the most savvy when it came to dressing super nice so naturally you went to the style master herself. She went to your room and threw the shirt at you. You catching it and lookin’ at it. “OooOo! It’s like the perfect green too. You really have nice stuff Loba.” You complimented and she waved her hand to disregard the quality of the item. “Oh please. This hardly sees the light of day, beautiful.” She wasn’t wrong but she did leave out the fact that it was Octavio’s shirt. She styled the button up to just hang off your shoulder, you wearing a black lace bralette underneath, her adding on a few gems to add a subtle glam element on the dainty lace. Pairing this with black satin dress pants. Finishing it with a black belt and heels.
“I’m not the best in heels I’ll be honest.” You admit and she laughs softly.
“You’ll be next to Octavio, he’ll catch you if you stumble I’m sure.” She winked at you, causing a soft blush to creep onto your cheeks. See how these things work is basically each team gets interviewed after a short ‘red carpet’ type entrance. Most of the time the teams coordinate a little to make the pictures more appealing so that’s why you were looking for a green aspect of the outfit. Loba sighed and placed her hand on her forehead. “Ugh, I should’ve asked if he had a spare mask. Oh well.” She threw down her staff, causing her black market to pop up. Quickly going in and finding a mask that worked with the outfit and snatched it from his room, then some goggles and swiftly closing it. “I doubt he noticed. He’s probably playing music.” She grinned devilishly and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“We’ll as long as I give it back I guess.” You shrugged the blatant stealing and just left it alone. It wasn’t a big deal anyhow. You finished the outfit with pining the goggles to your styled hair, it was left down but it was curled. (if you have curly hair it was just styled slightly). Loba did a dark green Smokey eye with some silver on the inner corner, putting on lashes and a dark red lip to finish it off. Highlighter on your high points and she smiled. “My my, aren’t you pretty?” She cupped your face. “Speedy is gonna lose it.” She teased and said goodbye so she could get ready. She usually had a team of people to make it quick for her, she was sought after for pictures so she was at a higher standard than the others.
You did another once over on yourself, you felt really attractive for once. You smiled a little and added a little subtle necklace and a few rings to accent everything. Taking a few selfies to post later you finally heard the announcement to get to your vehicles to depart. You started making your way to the pick up, where everyone was at. A few whistles and some of the girls complimenting you as you arrived. Even though you’ve been here a little while you hadn’t had a conference that asked specifically for more formality. You personally hadn’t had a duo’s match until now so you figured that was why. Natalie walked over to you, wearing an beautiful blue dress, modest. Her hair out, showing off her golden locks. “Wow! You look exquisite!” She complimented and gave you a hug, she was such a sweetheart when she wasn’t in a match, she was a menace to go up against sometimes. She had been teamed up with Anitta, an unlikely duo but they didn’t do bad. Loba strutted to the pickup and wrapped her arm around you. “Thank you, this is my work.” She announced proudly. “She’ll be the bell of the ball.” She air kisses your cheek, to not ruin the mask you were wearing.
Ajay giggled a bit and looked around for a certain green haired fella, not seeing him yet. “Silva is gon’ enjoy the eye candy for sure.” Everyone knew you had a crush on this man by now, except him. You made small talk with everyone until you heard a family mechanical footstep. Everyone kind of naturally covered you, Gibby being the main wall. Octavio waved. “Sorry sorry! I couldn’t get this tie on.” He looked at everyone and watched as they parted away for him to finally see you. Thank the Gods he was wearing his goggle and mask combo or else you would’ve seen his face heat up in a unsuspected blush, that was his shirt. His shirt. On your body. “Dios mio…” he breathed out, poor guy didn’t know how to react, he just stared a bit. Ajay snapped her fingers. “Say something ya’ stupid boy.” His gaze snapped to her and back to you before finally speaking. “Wow! How lucky am I to have such an attractive teammate! The fans are gonna love this!” He rushed over to your side, pulling out his phone to snap some selfies. A few other legends peeking in a few of the shots. Soon everyone’s individual rides pulled up and everyone started to pile into their assigned car. Octavio reached and opened the door and gestured for you to enter first. “Pretty ones first.” He did and over exaggerated bow as you passed by, causing you to laugh. He followed you in and plopped into his seat. Once the doors were closed and you two were off he rubbed the back of his neck. “So that’s why Lolo needed a shirt huh?” He asked, you looked at him confused. “What? No she had this… right?” Looked at him and he shook his head. “Nope, that’s mine. She asked for it while I was gettin’ ready. Also… is the mask and goggles mine too?” He asked through a chuckle. You flushed a bit pink and laughed awkwardly. “O-oh! I didn’t know this shirt was yours, no wonder it was the perfect green. Yeah these are yours too, she used her market to snatch them.” You tattled, “I was gonna give them back though! Don’t worry.” You explained and felt awkward now, looking at your outfit. Did you look okay in his clothes? Was it weird?
Octavio shrugged and put both hands behind his head, leaning back into the seat. “Meh, you should keep it. Looks better on you anyways. The shirt I mean, the mask and goggles are my thing.” He looked at you and winked, causing your heart to skip a little. Trying desperately to not show how bashful you were feeling by his compliments. You soon saw him sit back up quickly, grabbing his phone again. Turning towards you, “look at my teammate everyone! Isn’t she la mas linda?!” You laugh and try covering his phone. “What does that mean!! Are you making fun of me you jerk?!” You tease and he shakes his head, looking at you, through the goggles. “No I said aren’t you the prettiest.” You stop moving and your face was radiating heat now. “I- oh shut up.” You laugh it off and return to sitting normally, your heart beating rapidly. “He acts like he doesn’t get to see Loba everyone something like this happens!” You grin, pulling down your mask. “Maybe he has a crush on me huh? Tease him about it for me will ya?” You say to the phone. Not knowing if he was live-streaming or just recording this. He laughed and soon turned the phone around, showing he was just recording it on his phone, he switched it to pictures and took a few more photos. He liked pictures. The more to post the better. “Ok! Now just ignore me for a second, look out the window. Model for me real quick.” He chuckled. Not expecting you to do it with ease. He had never seen you model, okay it saw you do it for your Legend photos but those don’t count! He hadn’t seen you model like this. Your legs were crossed and you had you phone in your hand, looking down at it, hand in hair like you were leaning onto it. His eyes lingered on your frame, seeing how well the clothes outlined your body. How his hands wanted to dance along your skin, if you looked this good in clothing how would you look without them? Quickly attempting to shut down the thoughts running rampant he snapped one photo, one was plenty for him. “Wow.” He whispered and smiled, snapping back into the fun, unbothered Octane. “Nice!! Now one of me!” You laugh a bit more and take a picture or two for him.
He sure did love his fans. He was always doing something for them it seemed. Daring stunts someone requested, replying to some letters even. He was a really sweet guy to his fans. It was cute to see. The conversation was typical the rest of the way, fun and weird at points. Soon the car stopped, in line to drop you off at the entrance of the carpet. You breath and look in the mirror to make sure you looked alright. Octane looking over at you double checking yourself. He whispered something and you looked over, catching him just gazing at you. “Tavi?” You ask as you pull up the mask. “A-ah! Haha! Don’t worry about how you look, you look fine!! Let’s go out there and show them the best team ever. That didn’t win but we’re totally the coolest!!” He was so enthusiastic and you loved it. You smile and give a nod, waiting for your turn.
The car stopped and Octane opened the door, exiting first. “Heyyyy!!!” He said all excited before stepping to the side and offering his hand to you. “C’mon hermosa.” You take his hand and exit, placing a hand in your pocket and putting on your model face for the pictures. You wave to people and you both make your way to the main carpet. Posing for some individual photos you soon felt a hand snake around your waist, you looked over and it was Octane, still posing. Your heart raced again and you leaned into him, following his vibe. There was a couple ‘serious’ ones and the rest were you two throwing up peace signs and rock on signs, he picked you up once, putting you on one of his shoulders effortlessly. You laughed and took off the mask, sticking your tongue out and laughing. Once off the carpet it was on to questions.
The whole thing was over awhile later and it was time to go get dinner with everyone at the bar. You had the mask off entirely at this point, putting it in your back pocket and Octavio was doing the same, he had gone to the bar to get a drink in him before he had to socialize with you again. Walter (fuse) walked up to the bar and watched as Tavi’ downed a strong shot. “Whoa there, tough day or somethin’ mate? You aren’t one for shots usually.” He asked as the bartender fixed his drink. Octavio shook his head. “No, nothing like that amigo, just…” he sighed and Walter chuckled. “Is ya little lady crush lookin’ a little too nice for ya?” He asked as he sipped a bit of his drink. Octavio groaned and looked at him “Is it that obvious?! Damn…” the two share a laugh and Walter leaned on the bar. “Listen mate, good ole Fitzroy has had his fair share of…eh well, partners. What I’ve learned is that it’s best to at least make your feelin’s known.” Octane looked at him like he was crazy. “Hey now you don’t gotta do a whole confession of love and shit, but Yaknow. Flirt it up, make her blush. See how she reacts. Trust me you’ll know if she ain’t interested.” He patted his pals back before walking off to join his partner Bloodhound.
Tavi sighed and ordered a drink to have while hanging out. That’s when you walked in, looking as sexy as ever. He watched as you greeted everyone that was nearby and Ajay gestured towards the bar. You smile seeing Tavi already over there, you thanked her and made your way over. “Hey Tavi! Some of the pics are already posted online, look!” You pulled out your phone and showed him some of the shots the press had taken of you two, gosh you looked good together. “Hey! That’s rad! Look at my face in that one!!” He laughed and so did you. “Tavi, you can’t see your face, Fuckin’ dork!” He made an ‘oops’ face and shrugged. “Eh, whatever. Want a drink?” He asked and you nodded. You order your favorite drink and wait for it to be made. You also needed a drink to listen up around Octavio looking so dashing. You figured you hadn’t said anything about he looks so now was as good as ever. “Yaknow, you look pretty hot ya self speedy.” He was mid drink when you stated this, he damn near choked. He chuckled, playing it off as well as he could. “Oh~? You think so huh? Are you falling for me, Chica?” He wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed as you got your drink handed to you. “Don’t know Silva. Show me some dance moves and I’ll figure it out.” You leave a subtle flirt as you saunter off to Loba, who was the one that encouraged a flirt or two to be dropped, along with Ajay who knew how dense her friend could be. Speaking of Ajay, Octavio basically chugged his drink after that interaction and rushed over to her. “Che. Talk. Now.” Was all that was said before he dragged her off into an empty hall.
“What Silva? You can’t go draggin’ me off like that without a good reason so what’s goin’ on hm?” She asked a little annoyed at his sudden actions.
“Che, you’re a girl.” She almost looked offended.
“And I may or may not have a crush, on a girl” he halfway admitted.
“You do have a crush but go on.”
“And I- hey. Anyways. I think she just flirted with me. What do I do?” Poor boy was so nervous. He’s had a couple one night stands but those were with fans who made it very clear that they wanted him. Ajay looked slightly amused. “Oh you poor thing, okay. Tell me what happened.” She listened to Octavio reenact the interaction between you two, word for word. She rolled her eyes at how obvious the flirt was and smiled a bit. “What are you, stupid? She wants you to dance with her, boy!! Now stop talkin to me and go! Don’t be creepy either!”
With that he was pumped. There was a chance. You don’t flirt with anyone so that had to be a sign right?? He could feel the liquid courage coursing through him and it was giving him a rush of excitement. “Oi! Hermosa, let’s dance.” He held out his hand and you smiled taking it and having him lead you to the dance floor. There were already a handful of friends out on the floor, along with some higher ups from the conference from earlier. You and Octavio danced as club music was playing through the speakers. You started out just dancing facing each other, bumping and lip syncing to the music together. Loba gathered the girls Natalie, Tressa, Ramya and her girlfriend Kairi to the dance floor to, give you hand. Loba entered your little circle and started dancing behind you, taking place a man. Hands on your hips and dancing close, “you should dance like this with a certain someone.” She said next to your ear. “Let me help.” She continued to dance with you until she suddenly left and a new body took her spot, that person was Octavio. He kept his hands to himself, just kind of side stepping to the song. “Hey.” He said, looking at you. There was a moment before he grabbed your waist and started dancing with you, he was Hispanic and his hips only proved that. He wasn’t grinding but you could see his movements.
Fuck it
You closed the distance, pressing against him and dancing with him, reaching up behind you and putting your hand behind his head as you danced. His hands remained respectful, not wandering. Although you wished he would. “Chica’s got dance moves!” He shouted over the music and you smirked, turning to face him and body rolling on him slowly. “Only with people I like.” You also had some liquid courage flowing. He continued to grip your hips and matched your energy, he wasn’t a stranger to dancing flirty. Getting lost in the music and crowd you danced with him for what felt like forever until it was time to eat. Renee coming into the dance floor and fetching the girls, including you. Didn’t give you much of a chance to object or say anything before being dragged off, this was planned. Leave him wanting more type of thing. Soon one of the guys came to wrangle the rest of the boys and meet up at their private table.
Octavio planned on sitting by you and continuing the flirtation but you had people on either side of you, the seat across from you was free though so he snagged that. It was two long tables by each other with an array of food on each of them. Octavio didn’t waste much time I’m getting food on his plate, a little bit of everything and extra of the things he liked. Small talk and casual conversation was heard as everyone was eating, Octavio glancing at you from time to time and you doing the same, anytime you two caught each other you’d just flash a soft smile his way and continue with whatever conversation you were having. That was basically the dinner, you two didn’t get to talk much, not just because everyone was talking to everyone but you two both didn’t know what to really say. There was always the ride back from the bar though. It wasn’t too far.
With dinner finished you all chatted at the tables a little while longer, laughter and camaraderie seeping out of every window. You enjoyed this. Everyone here were pals, of course they didn’t ALL get along all the time. Revenant and Ash were a tough duo to ‘befriend’ and anyone would say they put up with everyone else most of the time. It was finally time to leave, the vehicles lined up outside for everyone to get in. Octavio tapped your shoulder before you could leave. “Hey, wanna walk back? I’m not ready to end the night just like that!! I still got a buzz.” He laughed a bit and against your better judgement you agreed. “Hah! Okay Tavi, we can walk back.” You said happily. He rushed and told your driver that he didn’t have to worry about you two and began to walk back to the legends precinct. Octavio for once wasn’t taking pictures of snagging videos. He was just walking along side you, of course he would jump occasionally over things and maybe add a flip in there. But for Octane, he was pretty chill. “So, hermosa. What did you think of your first fancy shmancy after party thing?” He asked and you grinned. “Oh it was a lot of fun, I don’t get to get dolled up much, especially now. Just doesn’t make sense. I’m gonna get all sweaty and probably bleed most days so why try?” You laugh a bit and he joins in. “Yeah, those typically aren’t my favorite, it takes a lot of work to even put a tie on, takes too long Yaknow?” You nod, a smile just resting on your lips. “I did enjoy dancing with you though, that was a lot of fun.” You looked up at him as he walked backwards in front of you, he tripped a little when you said that and he laughed. “Yeah! I didn’t know you could move like that! I mean I knew that were good at moving in matches but that’s totally different. It was hot!” He blurted out and he realized what he said and made an ‘oh shit’ face. Wide eyes and awkward smile. You felt a soft heat on your face and you laughed a little. “Oh yeah, I’m so hot…it’s all thanks to Loba’s hard work.” You looked down as you walked, you weren’t the most confident in your appearance but you learned to just be content with it most days. You didn’t realize Octavio stopped walking and you bumped into him, you looked up at him confused. “Don’t say that, I think you’re very pretty, even without all the frills.” Well you couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks after that statement. You just let out an awkward chuckle and avoided his eyes, “I-.. uh well thanks. I appreciate it.” He didn’t move, he just stood in front of you. There was a long pause and you finally looked back up at him, his eyes locked onto your frame. “I didn’t lie when I said I had the most attractive teammate today.” You weren’t ready to accept all these compliments while he was so close to you. “Okay okay! What’s got you so affectionate, the booze?” You tease, playfully pushing him away and walking passed. Octavio was trying so hard to make it obvious that he liked you without having to say it directly, usually he could tell anyone anything pretty bluntly but with this he couldn’t find the words. He was stuck in his head until he heard you wince slightly. He turned around and saw your poor feet in those heels. “Oh man! I bet your feet hurt! I didn’t even think about that, lo siento.” You couldn’t even respond before you saw Octavio kneel in front of you, back facing you. “Hop on! All aboard the Octrain!” You couldn’t help but accept his offer, you climb onto his back and he once again lifts you up effortlessly. “Woo! Let’s go!” Was all that was said before you had to cling on for dear life, the man took off in a sprint, even without a stim he was fast as hell.
With that speed it was no time that you guys were back at the precinct and heading up to your rooms. He didn’t allow you to walk anymore until you were safely back in your room. Once to your door he slid you off his back and did a few hops “That was fun!” He smiled wide and you grinned looking up at him. “Thanks Tavi, you didn’t have to do that.” He shook his head “Hey, I’m the one who asked to walk! It’s my fault I didn’t think of your torture devices on your feet.” You both laugh and you nod “Yeah, fuckin’ hate heels.” You admit “But damn they do wonders to the legs.” You strike a pose and he did too, sharing yet more laughter as you turned the knob of your door. You didn’t want to end it yet but it was getting late. “Well , I had fun today thanks to you. I hope we get paired up again soon.” He put his hands in his pockets and nodded. “Yeah, me too, chica.” He rubbed the back of his neck watching you enter your room,
“Night Tavi.”
“G’night y/n.”
With a click of your door shutting you slid to the floor, biting your lip. You had to tell him sooner or later. Today really tested you on not just kissing him. Stupid guy with his stupid handsome face. You sigh and kick off those heels and start undressing to get into comfy clothes for the night.
He went to his room and changed into looser clothes and decided to take a run, he had a lot of energy after tonight and needed to get rid of it if he wanted any chance of sleep tonight.
↩️Prev Part. Next part.↪️
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appleflavoredkitkats · 2 years ago
filipino ineffable husbands/good omens hc's my friends and i made up (sorry medyo mahaba HAHAHA)
may dalawang outfits si crowley: full body black winter clothes sa 42 degree heat OR sando at shorts na may medyas at tsinelas
si aziraphale yung peak Filipino Lola. nakaduster sya sa bahay
tawag kay aziraphale "aze" (pronounced ah-zeh) at tawag kay crowley "lee"
naka-allcaps magtext si aziraphale na maraming accent kasi antigas nya magtype pero jeje magtext si crowley na laging kulang ng vowels at nakalowercase
example, aziraphale: PUÑTA AKONG SM...MAY GUSTO KA..., crowley: wla namn bka a5ukal lng tnx bb
nagtytype si azi gamit ng index finger nya + ipad ang gamit nya kasi gusto nya na malaki ang screen para magcandy crush
si crowley may nokia lang
facebook lola si aziraphale na palaging may myday story
sya yung tipong nagsesend ng gifs na may picture ni jesus at yung text parang biblical quote o may uplifting message na parang "GOD LOVES YOU..."
yung message nya may kasama pang "GOD BLESS YOU ANAK... TAY AZE"
si azi din parang nanay na humihinto every 5 mins para magpicture
nagtuturo si aziraphale ng nstp at theo sa lahat ng mga colleges na sabay sabay. just milagro tingz
imbes na bentley may lumang jeep si crowley. yung maliit na wala mang pader. running on fresh air at pag-asa
gawa ni crowley ang ostiya review at pura luka ama namin lipsync
fans sina azi at crowley ng on the wings of love. theme song nila yun
fan si crowley ng mga spg na show na puro adultery at pagpapatay (shoutout sa wildflower). si azi naman sabi niya ayaw pero guilty pleasure din nya
favorite show ni azi ung 100 days to heaven pero pinagtatawanan lang ni crowley yung mga kristyanong palabas
for a short period of time nireplace ni azi si mam charo sa mmk
may coffee shop pa rin si nina pero si maggie may tiangge syang pangukay ng damit
si aziraphale either nagtitinda sa angel's burger o may book collection sya na pinoy history na ginagamit pangthesis ng history majors
si crowley yung ahas sa robinson's
nung namatay si henry sy sya ung nagpasponsor ng bagong gusali sa langit
mukhang parkingan na amoy tae ang impyerno
may fb grp at viber grp ung shopkeeper's association na wala namang nagsasalita
si crowley magaling tumawad sa market/divisoria
inaaway nilang dalawa ang mga bbm trolls sa fb
si crowley yung lolo na nagbibilang sa espanyol at si muriel yung palaging "dad what's singkwenta"
may reading glasses si azi para sa ipad nya pero nagsquiquint parin kahit malaki na ang font tas ang liwanag ng screen
kinakausap ni azi ung mga multo sa school
si muriel yung bata may panyo at pulbo sa likod
si crowley marites at si azi kunwaring hindi marites pero nagwawalis pag may naririnig na away sa labas
si aziraphale yung palaging nagsasabi ng "HUYYYY"
favorite ni crowley ung teleserye galema anak ni zuma
imbes na ritz sa jollibee sila nagkikita
nung panahon ng katipunan team aguinaldo si crowley at team bonifacio si aziraphale
yung army base either nasa clark pampanga, camp aguinaldo, o bataan nuclear center
feel free to add more HAHAHAHA
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oregonphotobus · 5 months ago
Places to Do Wedding Photoshoots in Oregon
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When it comes to choosing a location in Oregon for your engagement photos, the options are endless. From the rocky coast to the high desert, the mountains, or the city, there's something for everyone in the Pacific Northwest. 
There are two main questions that you should ask yourself when you are unsure about a location:
1) Do you want to go somewhere familiar or meaningful to you and your relationship?
2) Do you want to explore somewhere new and epic together to mark this new chapter?
Once you've decided whether you want to go somewhere new or familiar, you'll start to narrow down your choices. Below, we have listed some of the most beautiful locations for Oregon engagement sessions—these are places that photographers frequently shoot for these events. It is always amazing to discover new locations in the PNW. Make sure to add to this list as we find more fantastic places to do photoshoots in Oregon!
My recommendations are divided below into the Oregon coast and Mount Hood.
The Oregon Coast
Cannon Beach +. Ecola State Park
The first time you see Haystack Rock off the coast of Cannon Beach is a memorable experience. It's an iconic spot on the Oregon Coast that is hard to forget. While it's a popular place for engagements and proposals, the beach is so large and the tide so vast that you can easily take photos without others in the background. As someone from the East Coast, known for its small, rocky beaches, I especially appreciate this. Not only can you capture amazing coastal engagement photos with Haystack Rock in the background, but you can also explore Ecola State Park and other small beaches and woods nearby.
Hug Point + Elk Flats Trail
If you’re looking for a spot on the Oregon coast with a little less traffic than Cannon Beach, we can’t recommend Hug Point enough. Just twenty minutes south of Cannon Beach, this was actually one of the most beautiful beaches in Oregon, so feel free to fall in love with the moody, jagged rocks off the coast and the cozy, warm caverns that dotted the other side of the beach. Another plus for this location is the woodsy goodness that lines the actual beach behind you, providing lots of variety for your coastal engagement session. A perfect place for a photo booth rental in Oregon Elk Flats is just a little south of Hug Point and is a perfect companion location. It’s got grassy hills and dramatic cliffs overlooking the ocean. We recommend going at sunrise for the softest light, but it’s beautiful any time! The trail to the cliff spot is short, about 10 minutes. It’s not a difficult trail, but it can get muddy if it’s been raining a lot.
Mount Hood
Old Salmon River Trail + Lolo Pass Road
The Salmon River Trail begins as the Old Salmon River Trail for a few miles before transforming into a longer backpacking trail. Both trailheads are couple’s favorite spots in the Mount Hood National Forest. The area resembles something out of a twilight movie, with moss-covered logs, ferns blanketing the forest floor, and small waterfalls along the river. This is a scientifically designated rainforest, so expect misty conditions and savor all that the forest has to offer. If you're seeking more expansive views, you can cross Highway 26 and drive down Lolo Pass road to enjoy views of the open valley and Mount Hood on a clear day.
Bald Mountain Via Top Spur Trail
Bald Mountain, which leads to McNeal Point, offers a beautiful trail on Mount Hood with an incredible payoff. For a relatively short hike, You’ll find yourself in one of the most amazing places to do photoshoots in Oregon. Starting at the Top Spur trailhead makes it a much shorter hike. The trail begins in the forest, and after a little less than a mile, you emerge to the viewpoint overlooking the valley with the mountain majestically in front of you. In the summer, this is an excellent spot for wildflowers. I recommend going at sunrise for the best light and fewer crowds.
Most Magical Places for Your Wedding
Oregon offers an abundance of stunning locations for your wedding photoshoots, each with its unique charm and breathtaking scenery. Whether you choose the iconic beaches of the Oregon Coast or the majestic landscapes around Mount Hood, you're sure to find the perfect backdrop for capturing your love story. Remember to consider what resonates with you and your partner, whether it's a familiar spot or a new adventure. With these beautiful locations in mind, you're well on your way to creating lasting memories that you'll cherish for years to come. Embrace the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, and let your engagement photos reflect the magic of this exciting new chapter in your lives!
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lesbian-in-leather · 2 years ago
ooo thanks for the tag! can you tell us something about 2?
Yes I absolutely can!!
Okay so Bloodlust was inspired by a song on my eswell playlist (Hit and Run by LOLO) and it was literally just... Georgina and Esmé commit a murder together lmao. Which is sort of why it never got posted because it's just kinda short and like. Doesn't really have a lot going on? I count it as a WIP though because I do quite like it, but I feel like it'd need to be longer for me to post it on ao3 or anything so... who knows, maybe some day I'll add to it and it'll go somewhere!
Instead of a snippet I'm literally going to include the whole thing because! It's short! Might as well see the light of day (content warning: blood, violence, weaponry)
The knife sliced across his throat as easily as a boat glides through the water, leaving ripples of crimson red in its wake. A torrent flowed from him, soaking his clothes as he crumpled, coating Esmé’s hands as she held him upright; savouring the kill. Her eyes met Georgina’s, and the optometrist saw the rush of power that always came with taking a life. Many words had been used to describe Esmé Gigi Geniveve Squalor – ‘cruel’, ‘vain’, ‘villainous’, ‘manipulative’, and ‘a terrible actress who cannot sing and should have never replaced a certain remarkable woman in the odious play directed by Count Olaf’, were merely a few choice examples. But in that moment, Georgina’s mind could conjure only one.
“Breath-taking.” It was an apt description – the word ‘breath-taking’, as you probably know, can be meant both figuratively and literally. If someone is literally breath-taking, then they are depriving someone else of their breath (someone might, for example, take the breath of City’s sixth most important financial advisor by cutting his throat with a knife in the entranceway of a mansion belonging to the City’s seventh most important financial advisor, so that the City’s eighth most important financial adviser could very efficiently jump two rankings in one evening). If someone is figuratively breath-taking, however, then they are so beautiful that the observer merely feels as though they cannot breathe, and all they can do is watch in awe as this beautiful person stands before them like an ethereal apparition.
It pains me to say that, in this moment – slightly out of breath, her eyes alight with the visceral thrill that accompanied her villainous deed, hands bloody and still holding the dripping knife, as a cruel, merciless smile spread over her features – in Georgina’s eyes, at least, Esmé Squalor was breath-taking in all senses of the word.
She dropped her most recent victim – who was still gurgling slightly as blood spilled from his gaping wound – and stepped over his body without a second thought, reaching Georgina in a few purposeful strides. Esmé’s towering heels clicked on the stone floor before she snatched Georgina’s gun from her hands, tossing it to one side and fisting a bloodstained hand in the lapel of the optometrist’s blazer as it skittered away. She pressed the blade of her knife against Georgina’s throat with her free hand as she pulled her closer, their faces barely a hair’s breadth apart. Georgina should have objected to the blood now staining her clothes, should have fought back against the threat that Esmé was making, should have drawn a clear line in the metaphorical sand, should have finally set a boundary in their impossible, ever-shifting, pseudo-relationship. If it were anyone else, she would have done so without a second thought. But, then again, if it were anyone else, she wouldn’t have found the act nearly so arousing. For an instant they stayed there, eyes locked, before the tension that had been building between them all evening finally snapped and Georgina couldn’t prevent her eyes from flicking down to Esmé’s slightly parted lips – painted the same shade as the blood spattered over her collarbone, in place of her usual jewellery.
A rapidly diminishing voice in the back of Georgina’s mind was still vaguely aware that she shouldn’t be allowing Esmé so much control, should at least put on the pretence of fighting back, but the act she had just witnessed – their plan finally put into motion – and the way it had affected Esmé was far too enticing to fight against. Even as she found herself being pushed backwards until she hit the wall, Esmé discarding the knife on a nearby table, just close enough to retain the threat and the thrill, but freeing her hands and allowing her to begin ridding Georgina of her clothing. It would also have been easier to object if Esmé hadn’t been kissing her quite so thoroughly, occupying both Georgina’s mouth and her mind until all she could do was hold on to Esmé with equal ferocity – one hand on her waist and the other winding its way into her hair.
“Here?” she asked, in the brief moment when it was proved that even Esmé had to catch her breath on occasion. “Now?” the half-laugh quickly dissolved into a moan as Esmé focused on Georgina’s neck, teeth and tongue lavishing Esmé’s sadistic attentions over the skin there in a deliberately unequal ratio.
“Now.” Esmé practically growled into Georgina’s throat, tearing through the fabric of Georgina’s blouse in her desperation to remove it, nails clawing at the exposed skin beneath, and all the optometrist could do was arch into her lover’s touch and moan her agreement.
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the-sympathetic-villain · 4 years ago
The Stowaway’s Heart - Chapter 6
AO3 | First | Previous | Next | Masterpost
Description:  Virgil is rescued by selkies after being abandoned at sea and brought back to their pod to recover. Virgil’s poor, gay heart may just explode from how attractive they all are.
Word Count: 6214
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety, Play fighting, Sexual innuendo, copious amounts of romance/flirting, kissing, mentions of past abandonment/abuse, Brief anger/lashing out, Scars (Let me know if I need to add anything!)
    “You’re sure?”
    “Love, I feel the need to point out that this is the twelfth time you’ve inquired on this subject.” Virgil could hear the subtle teasing in Logan's tone as he continued to reassure him. “Given the consistency of my responses, most people would conclude it is highly improbable that my answer has changed.”
     Virgil turned his head,  smiling sheepishly, as he glanced over his shoulder at Logan, keeping his hands on the bars where he’d been staring out into the dark tunnels. Almost immediately after turning his head, he felt his anxiety melt away as he took in the sight of his soulmates curled up on the bed together. Remus curled around Logan’s back. His arm wrapped tightly around Logan’s waist and his face was buried up against the back of Logan's head, features obscured by Logan’s disheveled hair. Virgil couldn't resist a shy smile as Logan smirked up at him from where he was tucked underneath Remus' arm.
    He blushed, tucking his hands timidly behind his back as he slowly turned toward Logan. “Just once more, Lo.”
    Logan rolled his eyes with a dramatic sigh. His eyes sparkled as he recited the same lecture he'd given Virgil a dozen times at this point. “I am certain you are ready to meet Janus, Virgil. The last few days has provided satisfactory proof that you are more than capable of handling Remus’ and my pelts.”
    Virgil nodded, dropping his gaze as he attempted to control his nervous breathing. What-if's and worst-case scenarios played through his head as he leaned back against the bars.
     “Dearest, our pelts should cause the most intense emotional impact for you to hold because of our soul connections. Roman and Patton’s pelts would be similar to one of ours but with significantly less overstimulation.”
    Virgil leaned against the bars, shifting his feet as he felt a pit form in his stomach  “But this guy's pelt is different, right? What if I can't—”
    “Janus’ pelt does not have the same effect as the rest of us but I assure you there is no risk of you being overwhelmed by his pelt.” Logan  exhaled slowly, patiently looking up at him as Remus snored into his hair. “I promise you will be okay, Virgil.”
    “Sorry, Lo.” A smile tugged at Virgil’s lips as he tucked his chin to his chest, hoping to hide the redness in his cheeks. “I know you've told me this a thousand times already, but I hate waiting. I just want to get this over with.”
    “Some nervousness is to be expected, love.” Logan whispered, his tone soft and comforting. “You are submitting yourself to the judgment of an unknown party. That in itself is an intimidating prospect but the process is not as intrusive as you are imagining.”
    Virgil looked up at him, biting his lip. “How do you know?”
       “Janus has done readings for all of our podmates at some point or another throughout our lives. Honestly, the experience can be pleasantly enlightening ” Logan paused, his eyes hovering closed for a moment as he shifted closer to Remus. “and certainly nothing worth distressing yourself over.
    “Are you sure—” Virgil nearly bit his tongue as Logan shot open and he raised an eyebrow at Virgil. Something in Logan’s gaze sent chills up his spine and he knew he was in trouble. “I'm sorry, Lo. I didn’t mean it—”
    He could handled Logan being irritated at his continual need for reassurance, but to Virgil’s dismay, his mouth curled into a mischievous smile sending nervousness coursing through his body as Remus shifted behind him.
    “Leave me alone, Lolo.” Remus slurred his words sleepily, his voice muffled gently by Logan’s hair. “I'm sleepin'.”
    “Re,” Logan whispered, just loud enough for Virgil to hear. He kept his eyes fixed on Virgil. A smile spread wide across his face as he gently nudged Remus awake. “Virgil’s feeling nervous about meeting Jan.”
     Virgil sucked in a breath as Remus'  green eyes peeked over Logan's shoulder with a dangerous glimmer. Chaos sparkled in Remus’ eyes as he released an exaggerated sigh, lifting his head up to cradle in the nook of Logan’s shoulder. Remus smiled at up a Virgil with an innocent flutter of his eyelashes. “Jan is going to shred you into tiny strips and feed you to the fishes as his uses your bones to pick his teeth—"
    “Re,” Logan warned with a gentle teasing in his voice, smiling as Virgil’s mouth dropped in terror. “I did not wake you so that you would terrorize him.”
     “Liar,” Remus nipped lightly at Logan’s neck, holding his waist so he couldn’t escape from Remus grip. He snarled playfully into Logan’s ear and Logan let out a breathless whine. “You knew exactly what you were doing.”
    Virgil relaxed for a moment as he watched Logan giggle as he squirmed in Remus' arms. He took a breath, letting his gaze fall from his soulmates as worry crept back into his mind. Subtle worries replayed in his mind until he noticed the room had fallen silent. When he turned his head up, his muscles tensed. Logan paused mid-whisper into Remus' ear and turned back to Virgil.  A devious smile curled on Remus' lips as he whispered into Logan’s ear loud enough for Virgil to hear. “Good idea, Lolo.”
    Already on edge, Virgil stumbled back, nearly slipping backward as Remus nimbly hopped up off the bed and scurried toward him. He gave an undignified squeak as Remus swept him off his feet and carried him bridal style over to the bed. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Logan push himself up, leaning back against the wall with a hungry look in his eyes as they approached him. Virgil reached up to wrap his arms around Remus' neck but before he could latch on, a shriek escaped him as Remus gave him a swing and he flew less than gracefully through the air, landing between Logan’s legs. Logan's arms wrapped around his shoulders with a iron and Remus collapsed below them curling himself around Virgil’s legs and resting his head on Virgil’s stomach.
    “What are you doing?” Virgil whined, burning red as his voice cracked. His breath caught in his throat as his skin tingled happily. He barely contained his smile, feigning a disgruntled whimper as his soulmates’ warmth surrounded him.
    “Distracting you, love." Logan whispered, breathing softly into Virgil’s ear. Virgil cooed as Logan's lips brushed his neck and his breath became shallow. “You have nothing to worry about, my dear.”
    “Nah,” Remus purred, closing his eyes and curling comfortably onto Virgil’s lap. Virgil closed his eyes, sighing breathlessly as Remus' subtle movements brushed against his skin. “Janus is a catty bastard but he doesn’t got it in him to actually hurt anyone.
    “What if I say something wrong?’ Virgil muttered helplessly, closing his eyes as the feelings consumed him.
    “There are no wrong answers. This is not a test.” Logan reassured him. “Janus' reading will simply tell him about who you are and show you details about what lies in your future. It will not change the fact that you are staying here with us.”
    “What's the point then?” Virgil breathed slowly, looking up at Logan. “Why do I have to do this before I leave?”
    “Jannie just likes to know everyone’s dirty, little secrets, but don't worry.” Remus chuckled and looked up at Virgil  with a wink. “He's not a kiss-and-tell kind of guy.”
    “Secrets—” Virgil asked breathlessly before another wave of shock settled over him, tensing in Logan’s arms as he frantically leaned forward to look at Remus. “Wait—what do you mean kiss,  Re?!”
    “Relax, love.” Logan chuckled quietly. His grip tightened around Virgil and he rested his chin on Virgil’s shoulder. “No one is kissing you but me.”
    “—and me.” Remus waved his free arm up at them lazily so that Virgil had to lean away to avoid Remus smacking him repeatedly in the face. Virgil groaned but he couldn’t resist smiling as Remus curled himself tighter around his legs.
    “Do you feel better, love?” Logan whispered, holding him closer aa he ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair.
    “Yeah, Lo.” Virgil breathed loudly, tapping his fingers happily on his legs as his skin tingled at his soulmates’ touch. “I feel better.”
    “Good,” Remus whispered, closing his eyes. “No more worrying.”
    Virgil hummed, leaning into Logan's shoulder. “When is he coming, Lo?”
     “Soon enough,” Logan whispered. “but I cannot say for certain. I can't mentally nudge him or Roman like I can Remus.”
    “Why not?” Virgil muttered tiredly, closing his eyes.
    Logan chuckled. “Because Janus isn't my soulmate, Virgil.”
    Virgil blinked, turning up to Logan. “Does that mean you can do that to me, Lo?”
    Logan nodded slowly on his shoulder.
    “Huh,” Virgil breathed, deep in thought. “Why haven't you?”
    “It was never necessary—”
    “—and it feels real funny the first time.” Remus muttered. “Like you got worms in your brain.”
    Virgil felt Logan smile against his neck as he giggled. “That is also a significant concern when you are unaware of what to expect.”
    Virgil smiled, stretching his muscles as his soulmates settled in closer.
    “Listen, Virgil.” Logan paused and Virgil could feel him breathe next to his ear. “There are some things about Janus we should discuss before you actually meet him.”
    Virgil looked up and Logan smiled sadly down at him. He stared up at Logan for a long moment before Remus sigh pulled him from his thoughts. Virgil looked down as Remus sat up and turned to face them. Virgil found himself staring at Remus' serious expression. He leaned forward, pulling himself out from where he sat between Logan’s legs. Moving to sit between his soulmates, he looked between their weary expressions.
    “What kind of things?” Virgil started nervously.
    “Jan's a bit different than the rest of us.” Remus smiled weakly. “He's a precious bugger and we love the shit out of him, but he had bit of a rough patch of luck before he ended up stuck with us.”
    “You see,” Logan paused until Virgil turned back to him. “though we are all selkies, there are subtle differences between us based on our kindred seal species." Logan gestured to Remus. “For instance, brown fur seals are vocal, social creatures that tend be brazen in face of danger. Therefore, Remus and Roman take on an exaggerated form of those traits. It's a feeling you’ve likely noticed as you held his pelt.”
    Virgil nodded, looking cautiously at Remus as he processed Logan’s words.
    Logan smiled. “Spotted seals, like myself and Patton tend to be inquisitive, quick-learning and attentive to each other. Therefore, Patton and I act in a similar fashion and my pelt resonates with mental clarity and compassion.”
    “Okay.” Virgil looked between them, contemplating their words. “That all makes sense so far, but how’s Janus different?”
    “Janus' kindred are harp seals, which for the most part are similar to a spotted seal like Patton and I, except perhaps less inquisitive and more compassionate.” Logan paused. “Janus is unique for more than just being the only of his species in our pod though.”
    “How?” Virgil pressed.
    “Selkies are like magical creatures, right?” Remus gestured dramatically. “Well, some of us are born packing a little extra juice. Gives us extra abilities and Janus was unfortunate enough to landed with two of the damn things.”
    “Unfortunate?” Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Isn't extra power a good thing?”
    “We think so and that's why Janus lives with us,” Logan smiled at him. “Despite their docile nature, selkies are not great at handling those who are different, especially when it's one of their own.”
    “You’re talking like you aren’t one, Lo.” Virgil stared at him, taken aback by the sudden edge in Logan’s tone.
    “Sometimes, I am less than proud of my heritage, love.” Logan muttered and the bitterness in his voice unsettled him. He opened his mouth to speak but Remus cut him off before he got the chance.
    “Listen, most pods have dozens of members, but Jannie's is the last of our little patchwork family for you to meet.” Remus hummed, looking up at Virgil. “The four of us were forced out of our pods by shit far out of our control. Shitty situations all around and Jan just happened to get it worse than, uh…” Remus paused, glancing up at Logan. “well, worse than most of the rest of us anyway.”
    Virgil quickly glanced at Logan beside him, noticing his demeanor had changed. Suddenly, Virgil could see tension in his shoulders and his usually bright expression had dulled. He hesitated, slowly tearing his eyes from Logan as he looked back to Remus. “Why were you guys—”
    “The reason why is irrelevant.” Logan cut him off dryly. His face curled into a snarl as he dropped his head to his chest, running his finger through his hair.
    Virgil flinched at Logan’s tone, immediately regretting his question. “I'm sorry. You’re right—I shouldn’t have—”
    “Hey now. Don't get all flustered on us now.” Remus purred with a reassuring wink. “It's cute and all, but it’s not necessary. That’s a natural question to ask,” Remus put a hand gently on Logan’s leg. “but Lolo’s right. That's a story for another day.”
    Virgil watched as Logan lifted his head and smiled at Remus with tired smile. He slowly slid his hand over, curling his fingers around Remus'. The subtle adoration in Logan’s eyes as he looked to Remus warmed Virgil's heart, but nearly as quickly as it had come, it faded away. Virgil frowned as Logan looked away, distant as he lost himself in his thoughts again.
    He turned an uneasy glance at Remus and he could tell Remus had noticed the same regression in Logan’s mood. Remus cast a sympathetic smile at Virgil noticing his concern before his mustache curled into devious smile. Virgil blinked briefly in confusion. His mouth hung agape as Remus winked at him, tightening his grip on Logan’s hand. Logan glanced up briefly in confusion before used Logan’s tight grip to leverage his weight to lunge himself across Virgil’s lap towards Logan. Virgil ducked and Logan let out an undignified squeak of shock as Remus tipped him back onto the bed. Virgil smiled, crossing his arms over his knees as he watched Logan blush. Logan relaxed as Remus perched on top of him, straddling his chest and pinning his arms to his sides.
    “Let me go, Re—” Logan muttered breathlessly as he squirmed under Remus' weight. His face reddened and a smile spread across his face as Remus pecked kisses into his neck. “Your mustache tickles—”
    “No. Kisses now.” Remus muttered petulantly and Logan whined pitifully as Remus' deep growl tickled his neck. He nuzzled into Logan’s hair, gently kissing Logan under his ear. “Where are you, Lolo?”
     “Here with you, Re.” Logan whispered and Virgil’s heart fluttered as Logan relaxed into his bed with a blissful smile.
    Remus leaned down and kissed Logan’s forehead hovering just above Logan’s face. “Love you, Lolo.”
    “Love you too, Re.” Logan whispered breathlessly. His face was flushed red and his hair disheveled as finally Remus pulled him upright.
    Remus slid off him, plopping himself ungracefully between Logan and Virgil. He beamed down at Logan as the satisfied selkie curled under his arm and wrapped his arm Remus’ waist.
    Virgil leaned into the wall. His heart filled with warmth as he watched his soulmates cuddle together. He chewed his lip and butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he watched Logan starry-eyed look as he stared up at Remus. Remus gently kissed the top of Logan’s head and Virgil was jolted from his thoughts as Remus turned his head ip to him. Virgil felt his heart stutter as he realized he’d been staring. His cheeks burned as he looked away. “I'm sorry—I didn’t mean to—”
    “Shut up and come over here.” Remus chuckled and extended a hand to Virgil, gesturing for him to join them.
    “Are you s-sure?” Virgil stuttered as he hesitated, biting his lip. “I-I can just watch.”
     “Kinky,” Remus giggled as the red in Virgil’s cheeks deepened and he pulled his hood over his head, realizing what he'd said. “but, no. Come here.”
    Virgil tilted his head up, peeking his eyes up nervously under the hood. Remus held opened his arm up to him again and Virgil timidly shifted closer until Remus' arm wrapped around him. Shivering at his touch, Virgil slowly relaxed into Remus’ chest.
    “Lolo needs a little help getting out of his head sometimes,” Remus sighed. “but I don’t want you to get the idea in your head that we're ignoring you—”
    Virgil looked up as Remus paused.
    “I know I'm exactly up to snuff for most people's taste. Roman and Lolo have had to put up with me since we were kids and I even think a few years with me has worn Jannie down to where he tolerates me—" Remus crooked grin beamed down at Virgil.
    “Re, Janus loves you.” Logan pecked a kiss on Remus' cheek. “As do Roman and I.”
    Virgil sensed a moment of hesitation in Remus' expression before he smiled down at Logan. “Right, Lolo. I know, but I've got a reputation to uphold."
    Remus winked down at him and Virgil melted at the soft, adoring look in his eyes as he looked down at Logan. Virgil’s skin tingled as Remus turned his sparkling green eyes back down to him.
    Virgil bit his lip. He felt butterflies in his stomach and he stared up at him in awe, suddenly glad his hood partially obscured his face.
    “Anyway, I get that my energy’s a turn-off for most people—"
    “What?” Virgil looked up in surprise. The shadows from his hood cast dark circles under his eyes.
    “I mean, I know I’m a hottie and all, but I get it if I'm not what you were expecting after someone as wonderful as Lolo—”
    Virgil watched, entranced by the apprehensive look on Remus’ face. His cheeks were dusted red and the corner of his mustache twitched into a frown. This was beyond what Virgil could fathom.
    He's anxious about…me?
    About me…not liking him?
    “Re, stop—" Logan’s arm tightened around Remus.
    “Lolo, it's okay. Virgil—”
    The end of Remus sentence was cut off as Virgil leaned over him and reached around the back of his head. Remus tensed for a moment as Virgil slowly leaned closer and pressed his lips gently on Remus'. Virgil grasped a handful of the man's shirt in his hand as Remus’ arm tightened around his waist. He felt his hood slip to his shoulder as the kiss lingered and they tasted each other’s breath. A quiet moment passed before Virgil slowly opened his eyes, freezing as he noticed the knowing smirk on Remus' face.
    Remus cooed with a teasing grin as he leaned closer. “You kiss like a French boy—”
    Virgil groaned, peeling away from Remus. He moved to pull his hood back over his head as his embarrassment flooded his face. “Shut up—"
    Remus chuckled with an teasing grin, gently reaching up to stop him from covering his face. “If that's what you wanted, you should have kept your tongue in my mou—”
    “Logan—" Virgil moaned, burying his head into Remus’ shoulder. “Help me—"
    “Oh, love.” Virgil’s breath caught his throat at the chill in Logan's voice as he slipped out of Remus' grip and allowed Remus to focus his energy on Virgil. I think it would be unwise for me to allow you to become dependent on me to save you.”
    “What?” Virgil muttered breathlessly as Remus nuzzled his neck. He bit his lip stifling a giggle as Remus’ face tickled his neck, not wanting to give Remus the satisfaction of tormenting him.
    “The best way for you to learn the error of your ways is to force you to deal with your own mistakes.” Logan smiled coyly at him as he squirmed in Remus’ grip. “I do believe the proper phrase is, ‘You got yourself into this mess. You can get yourself out.”
    Virgil pouted, allowing Remus to wrap around his shoulders and pull him back to Logan until Remus gently tipped him back so he lay on Remus' lap looking up at his soulmates. Still pouting, he glared up at Logan. “Traitor.”
    Logan chuckled as he reached down to run his fingers through Virgil’s hair. “Fortunately, dear one, luck seems to be on your side this time. Roman and Janus will be here any moment and we need to get back to the matter at hand before they arrive.”
    Remus grumbled. “Way to kill the mood, Lolo. I could do without listening to Jan’s tragic origin story again.”
    “So could I, Re,” Logan muttered with a frown as he wrapped an arm around Remus’ waist. “but Virgil needs to know what to expect when Janus arrives.”
    “I don't handle people hurting my friends well.” Virgil could feel Remus' voice rumble in his chest above him. There was an edge in Remus' voice that sent a shiver down his spine and he couldn't help tensing at the anger in Remus' eyes. “If I ever find those bastards, I'll personally coat them in fish bait and string them up in the water and let the fish peel their skin away layer by layer until—”
    “Re,” Logan whispered patiently, running his fingers through Remus' hair. “as much as I support your inclination to violence regarding Janus' supposed family, we are running out of time.”
    “Fine.” Remus muttered his reply, slumping into Logan's shoulder with a grunt.
   “Good,” Logan looked down at Virgil. “Love, when a selkie transitions out of childhood, their pelt undergoes both physical and magical changes as they prepare for adulthood. From what I understand, it is relatable to the process of puberty in humans, though from my understanding, the process seems significantly less distressing for selkies. Does that make sense?”
     Virgil looked to Remus' disgruntled expression before nodding and allowing Logan to continue. “For brown fur seals like Roman and Remus, it's merely a texture change, but for me, my pelt changed from a bright white color to the spotted pelt you see now. Likewise, when Patton gets older, his white coat will likely do the same.”
    Virgil nodded uncertainly when Logan looked at him for affirmation.
    “When Janus was younger, his pelt should have changed the same way,” Logan paused and Virgil could see a sad look in his eyes. “but it didn't.”
    Virgil blinked, confused. “So what?”
    “When a selkie’s pelt doesn’t change, they’re marked as an oracle, Virgil. He sees and knows things that we are unable to perceive.” Logan paused. “To be honest, he is quite a powerful ally.”
    “Wow—He can see stuff things that aren’t there? How's that work—” Virgil tapped his hand excitedly until the sad smile on Logan’s face gave him pause. He looked to Remus’ serious expression before looking back to Logan “Wait—why's that a bad thing?”
    “Selkies don't like it when one of their own suddenly doesn’t mix,” Remus whispered bitterly.
    “They isolated him, Virgil.” Logan muttered. “They told him he needed space to develop his skills, but they were simply afraid of him.”
    “Which is fuck—”
    “—Stupid.” Remus spat, giving Logan a dirty look. “Janus is as harmless as a newborn pup.”
     Logan sighed, looking down at Virgil. “He sees things that no one else does. They found his unpredictable movements to be unsettling—”
    “Wait—” Virgil interrupted Logan’s explanation. “Remus said there were two things that were weird about this guy. What's the other thing?”
    “Right.” Logan paused, looking almost surprised he'd forgotten. “Well, much like the effect of my pelt has a slightly different effect than Remus’, Janus’ pelt is also unique. Unlike ours though it is not based on his kindred species, but rather a recessive trait that only appears only once every few generations even in a pod at normal capacity.”
    “Which is what?” Virgil watched Logan grow nervous, nearly covering his mouth with his hand as he tensed.
    “I am realizing I probably should have led with this topic, but you’ll recall I said I wasn’t worried about you being tempted by holding Janus’ pelt.” Logan ran his finger through his hair as Virgil nodded cautiously. “The reason for that assumption is that his pelt does not allow you to control him, but rather will have the effect of making you more…complacent.”
    “What?” Virgil’s mouth dropped.
    “The power of his pelt lowers the effect of your natural inhibitions and makes you more prone to suggestion—”
     “You’re planning on leaving me alone with him and just letting him brainwash me?” Virgil sputtered, pulling away from Remus and Logan and hopping off the bed. He stumbled off the bed spinning on them as he slowly backed into the bars. For the first time since he'd first woken up in this cell, he felt trapped.
    “No, love.” Logan pleaded, standing up. “The actual practice is more akin to hypnosis than—"
    “That's not better—” Virgil waved him away, leaning against the bars. “Do I even get a choice?”
    “Virgil, his methods are not about control. He simply opens up your psyche to being read—”
    “Sure. You’re calling it a reading like you don't mean he’s just going to force me to spill all of my secrets and then do whatever else he wants to me—”
    “It's not like that.” Virgil tore his gaze from Logan and settled bitterly on Remus, but the kindness in Remus' eyes gave Virgil pause. “Listen, Jan will know some of your dirty, little secrets just by looking at you, and we can't do anything about that, but he can't loosen your lips. Not to mention, Janus likes to get freaky but control's not really his kink.”
    Logan sighed, rolling his eyes at Remus before looking over at Virgil. “His pelt lowers your inhibitions, but your survival instincts will take over if he pries deeper than you are truly comfortable with and you can always stop. No one here will force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
   Virgil looked to Logan. “He can’t force me to do anything?”
    “No, love. If you were already considering saying or doing something, his pelt may influence you to act,” Logan smiled patiently. “but you won't say or do anything you would be adamant about not saying or doing otherwise.”
     “And I can stop?”
    “Anytime,” Logan nodded with a subtle smile. “and for any reason at all.”
     Virgil swallowed nervously. “What if he doesn't let me?”
    “He will,” Remus jumped up off the bed toward him, stopping just a few feet away from him. He extended a hand to Virgil. “but if he gives you any trouble or pressures you, you focus on needing help. We got that weird mental thing, right? If you need help, Lolo and I will be there right when you need us.”
     “Okay.” Virgil stared at him for a moment before relaxing. “Okay. I'm sorry.”
     Logan crossed his arms as his brow furrowed. “Why are you apologizing?”
    Biting his lip, Virgil was quiet. He stared down at the ground. “Because I freaked out—"
    “Your reaction was justified given what you expected to happen,” Logan paused watching as Virgil took Remus' hand and allowed him to bring him back. He looked down at Virgil with a serious expression as they approached. “I am glad we were able to rectify your understanding of the situation before you met with Janus, and perhaps, you will now understand better why Janus' pod was uncomfortable with his presence.”
    Virgil bit his lip guiltily. “I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to judge him.”
    “Do not apologize, love.” Logan’s expression softened and he smiled patiently as Virgil hung his head, rubbing his shoulder nervously. Logan put a hand on Virgil’s shoulder reassuringly. “Even Janus recognizes his power is intimidating. What matters most is that you try not to allow it to color your perception of him. He can be intimidating but he is a good person, Virgil.”
    Virgil nodded absently. He felt Logan’s hand drop off his shoulder as Remus pulled him into the bed and he inhaled deeply as Logan dropped down next to him. His soulmates’ wrapped their arms around his chest and his anxiety began to settle in his stomach as their gentle touches grounded him.
     “What did they do to him?”
     “Isn't it obvious?”
     A chill ran up Virgil’s spine as a deep, sinister voice resonated through the room. He shrank in between his soulmates, who both suddenly looked guilty.
     “They put with me until they could barely stomach to look at me,” Virgil heard a hiss as the unknown figure inhaled sharply. “and then they slashed my face open so I'd be shark bait if I tried to follow them or hunt for myself and then they left me for dead.”
    “Logan—” The figure interrupted him abruptly. “—if this door isn't open in the next—”
     “Of course, Jan! One second—” Logan scrambled off the bed toward the door and for the first time, Virgil caught a glimpse of the mysterious man as he curled into Remus’ arms. He barely managed to stifle a surprised gasp as he peeked over the edge of his cloak.
    The fluffy, white fur draped nearly to the slender figure’s knees. He was dressed in simple black pants and a black, silk shirt. But despite the man's elegant dress, Virgil eyes were drawn to the scars on the right side of the man's face.
    The deep cut started right at his hairline and snaked across his eye to curl under his jaw. Virgil sucked in a breath. Even in the dim light, the scar shimmered like it had been inlaid with veins of gold. Virgil’s gaze drifted up the golden scar until he locked eyes with the stranger snarling down at them. He shivered as the stranger's amber eyes locked onto him and he curled nervously into Remus' chest.
    Fortunately, his attention didn’t linger on Virgil for long. He quickly turned away as Logan pushed open the door. Logan immediately stepped out of his way, hanging his head as Janus turned to slink past him into the room. Virgil couldn’t help but stare up at the man as he came to loom over him. He was breathtaking, despite the way his gaze sent shivers through Virgil’s body whenever he managed to catch his eye.
    “Leave the door open."
    Virgil watched Logan hesitate in the door way. “But Roman—”
    “This guy's either leaving here after I'm done with him,” Virgil pulled his hood over his head as the man stared down at Remus with a wicked grin as Remus puffed up over Virgil defensively. “or he's going to escape right into your brother’s arms and Roman’s going to snap his pretty, little neck before he gets halfway down the corridor.”
     “No one is laying a finger on him—” Remus started to hiss, curling his arm around Virgil.
      “Scram,” The stranger ordered menacingly, glancing over his shoulder at Logan. “Both of you.”
     “Jan—” Remus prodded.
     “I don’t believe I stuttered, Remus.” The stranger growled and stared Remus down until he slunk off the bed toward Logan. “Go help your brother keep track of Patton. Between the three of you, maybe you can manage not to lose him.”
    Virgil sucked in a breath, suddenly exposed and feeling at the mercy of the man looming over him. Logan seemed to notice his discomfort, and stepped forward.
    “I said go.”
    Remus stepped forward taking Logan's hand to guide him to the door. “It's all good, Virgie. Jan's bark is worse than his bite—”
     A deep, guttural growl emanated from Janus' throat as he snapped. “Leave. Now—”
    Virgil flinched as the man snapped and watched nervously as his soulmates shrieked and fled the room. His breath caught in his throat and he shrank back, tears welling in his eyes as the man’s gaze turned back on him.
    “Please—” Virgil whimpered, burying his head in his knees. “Don’t hurt me—"
     “Hey, now.” Virgil flinched as a hand brushed against his cheek. He felt the bed shift as the man sat on the bed next to him. “There’s no need for any of that nonsense.”
     The gentle touch returned and Virgil relented, allowing the stranger to tilt his head up to look at him. Virgil blinked up at him in disbelief.
     The beautiful stranger smiled softly down at him. All malice was gone from his eyes and Virgil couldn't help but stare as the stranger’s scar sparkled in the flickering light. He shivered nervously as Janus fingertips brushed his jaw.  The strange man's hand drifted up his jaw, pulling his hood down off his head.
     “That's better. Isn't it, Virgil?”
     Virgil shuddered as Janus spoke his name and he watched anxiously as the stranger’s hand dropped away from his face. His eyes darted across the stranger’s friendly face, trying to explain the sudden change in his behavior.
     Janus let out a subtle,  dramatic sigh and turned his sparkling, white smile to Virgil. “You have nothing to fear from me. I'm not upset with you. Just the dimwits who shared certain details of my life without my consent.”
     “Th-they d-did it to—” Virgil pressed his back against the wall as he shuddered.
      “They want to prepare you for seeing me,” Janus supplied bitterly. “I understood what they were doing, but regardless of their intentions, that doesn’t mean they had the right to share that information.”
     “I’m s-sorry. I-I didn’t know—"
     “Hush now. I know this isn’t your fault.” Virgil looked up to Janus' soft smile. He watched nervously as the man slowly slid onto the bed next to him. Virgil flinched, anxiously tugging at his sleeve as he avoided the man’s gaze. “I apologize for scaring you. I intended to do nothing more than scare our mutual friends into being more considerate of their actions in the future.”
    “A-and me?” Virgil stuttered nervously.
    “Nothing will happen to you, Virgil.” The stranger smiled as he lay a hand on Virgil’s back, guiding him off the bed. “We will finish your reading and get you out of this sad, little hole for good.”
    “B-but Roman—” Virgil allowed himself to be stood up and he absently  followed Janus across the room.
    “—won't actually snap your neck.” Janus’ hand drifted over Virgil’s neck as he gently guided him to sit at the desk at the end of the bed. “Roman has a delicate constitution. He cannot stomach killing, even if he'd like you to believe otherwise.”
     “I—” Virgil felt a strange calm settle over him as the stranger smiled warmly at him. He dropped his head numbly, staring down at the desk in front of him.
     “You’re leaving here safely tonight.” Janus lowered himself on the bed next to Virgil, staring at him with an earnest look in his eyes. “I give you my word.”
    “Thank you.” He felt himself relax staring at the shimmering man in front of him.
    “You’re very welcome, Virgil.” Janus sighed and a tiny smile twitched at the corner of his lips as he watched Virgil closely. “I'm sorry that I scared you.”
    Virgil shrugged. “You didn't know how I was feeling.”
    Janus blinked. Virgil looked up as his amber eyes sparkled in the dim light. He noticed that Janus seemed to be watching something over his head. After a moment, Janus seemed to notice him watching and he smiled. “I should have known. I would have if I'd been paying better attention.”
    “You really see things that aren’t there, don't you?” Virgil looked at him tiredly.
    “Yes, I do,” Janus watched him warily. “Does that scare you?”
     “No.” Virgil sighed. “Why would I be?”
     “Many people find it unsettling to be in the midst of forces they cannot see or touch.” Janus whispered and Virgil sensed a touch of pain behind his words.
     “I, uh—” Virgil crossed his arms, tilting his head up to Janus. “I think it's nice. It's cool to know there's more out there.”
     “I do too," Janus smiled. “and it's actually quite beautiful.”
     Virgil smiled, fiddling with his hands nervously. “I'd like to hear more about it sometime.”
    “Certainly. I would be happy to share with you,” Janus smiled patiently. “but we should probably start, if you’re ready.”
    Virgil eyed him cautiously but nodded slowly.
     “Before we do your reading though, I believe we should address what's on your mind.” Janus prodded gently, gauging Virgil’s reaction. “Don’t you?”
    Virgil’s eyes darted up at Janus as he continued to hang his head nervously. He sighed, dropping his shoulders as he nodded complacently.
     “Very well.”
     Virgil cautiously looked up as Janus took his hand. His eyes shifted guiltily as Janus stared at him with concern in his eyes. Virgil dropped his gaze to the ground, biting his lip as he felt it tremble.
     “Who's trying to kill you, Virgil?”
General Taglist:
@somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @im-an-anxious-wreck
The Stowaway’s Heart
@alias290 @lonelyanxiousbean @kieraelieson @evoodo123 @dndnerd1609 @lovesupernova25 @minninugget @ace-in-a-shopping-cart @trainwreckwithlimbs @i-apparently-exist @rachetssearch @twilight-trix @evelyn-nova @sluggerbot-2-5 @chronicallynervouschild @arsenicdragon @so-what-if-im-crazy @thetanzaniteknight @slutty-cinammon-roll @inferiorfilth @eeveeeclair246 @dwbh888
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thecatboyfriend-moved · 5 years ago
One More Time With Feeling
Summary: Logan gets tired of how the other sides treat him and now he lives off of Crofters.
Warnings: Swearing, slight crying mention, yelling, Virgil and Patton being pushy, Logan angst. Tell me if there’s anything I should add!
Word Count: ~1,880
Note: New AU timeeee!!!! Feel free to send in asks about this because I have a lot of thoughts about this AU.
After the events post-wedding, Logan goes back to his room. He had been in the living room with Remus and Virgil, watching the events unfold on the TV while he gave his facts from his laptop. 
Deceit, or Janus as he learned, came in some way through, asking to take over. Logan, frustrated with the others’ lack of interest, agreed, practically throwing his laptop to Janus. He went to get some coffee and calm down but was called back when Janus left. He slammed his mug on the table, typing quickly before shutting the laptop and storming out. 
He hurries into his room, shutting the door behind him. Logan takes a deep breath as tears gather in his eyes. He presses his back against the door and slides down to the floor, curling into a ball.
His own statement swirls through his head. “If the variety of generosity that you subscribe to leaves you feeling depressed or like your life isn’t your own, then you need to reevaluate things.”
He squeezes his eyes shut tight, trying his very best to get the thought out of his head. He isn’t depressed. He can't be, he doesn’t have feelings. Right? That’s been his mantra for a bit now.
Despite his best efforts to convince himself, he knows it isn’t true. He used to be so happy. He really was. Then things got more complicated and he was seen as less serious. So he tried to be more professional, he tried to forget it all and just be Logic. 
But it’s not working.
They didn’t take him seriously when he was himself. And they aren’t taking him seriously now. So what’s the point?
What’s the point?
He lets his eyes open at that. Why does he have to be something he’s not when all it’s doing is hurting him?
Well, simple: he doesn’t. If he’s going to be seen as a joke either way, he may as well be able to laugh along.
Logan takes a deep breath, prying himself up off the floor. He stumbles a bit before righting himself and heading towards his dresser. He tears the tie off from around his neck, frowning at it. It was nice, he did like the colors. But it’s not right. It’s not the lighter blue he used to love, it’s not the soft fabric of his favorite comfort clothes he keeps hidden away. It’s not him. 
So, he crumples it up and throws it across the room. He can’t help but let a smile appear on his face at that. Next goes his polo, with its logo he had loved but has grown to hate. He throws that somewhere to the other side of the room. 
He digs in his drawers, throwing out extra polos and ties he despises as he tries to find his comfort clothes. His grin only grows when he finds his light blue sweater buried under his jeans.
He holds it for a moment, admiring the color that should have been his and the soft texture he never gets from his polos. He throws it on quickly. Once it’s on, he hugs himself, laughing a bit. It’s so much better.
He gets his jeans off, finding his sleep shorts and putting those on. It’s so much more comfortable and so much more him. It’s nice. 
With the clothes now on, Logan goes over to his bed, letting himself flop onto it. 
He glances over at his desk, covered in schedules and binders and things he’d usually stay up late working on. But instead of dragging himself over to the desk and staying there until midnight—like he usually would—he summons his trivial pursuit book. He settles himself under the covers with the book, falling asleep soon after. 
Logan wakes up to a loud knocking at his door. Groaning, he sits up. He tries to wipe the sleep out of his eyes but finds his glasses still on. He must have slept on his side because the glasses are bent. Sighing, he throws them off and onto the bed. 
“It’s open, you know,” he yells at the door, which is still being knocked on. The knocking stops and the door opens, revealing a confused looking Patton.
“Hey, Lolo!” Patton says, letting himself into the room. He glances around, frowning a bit at the clothes thrown around. “Uh, what happened here?” 
Logan pulls himself out of bed, stretching with a sigh. “Did you actually need something?” 
“Oh, right!” Logan rolls his eyes, heading to his desk. “Well, you weren’t up yet, so I wanted to check on you!” 
“I wasn’t aware I’m not allowed to sleep in,” Logan growls, digging through his desk drawers. He pulls a pair of round, thin-framed glasses out, sliding them on his face. 
“Well, no, you are! You just never really do, so I was worried.” Logan snorts, going to the door and shoving past the taller side. He makes his way down the stairs, Patton following close behind. He can faintly hear the other chastising him, but he just keeps walking.
Logan walks into the kitchen, ignoring the looks Patton is giving him.
“Hey L,” Virgil says from his place at the table. Logan glances over at him before digging in the cabinet. “There’s already coffee made if you want some.” 
Logan’s nose scrunches up at that. The others think he likes black coffee, which is far from true. He only agreed to drink it when Patton handed it to him one morning, apparently thinking he likes it. He’s drunk it ever since, trying his very best to ignore its bitter taste.
He ignores Virgil, pulling a jar of Crofter’s from the cabinet and leaving the door open. He can hear Patton hushedly talking with Virgil as he gets a spoon and retreats to the couch. 
“Uh, Lolo?” Logan looks up from where he sprawled on the couch. Patton’s standing by the arm of the couch with a frown.
“What?” Logan drawls out. He pops the lid off his jar, shoving a spoonful of the jelly into his mouth. 
“Isn’t it too early for jam?” Patton asks, laughing nervously. Logan rolls his eyes.
“It’s good and I like it, so fuck off.” He shoves another spoonful in his mouth, trying not to laugh at the way Patton gasps. 
“Logan Sanders! Do not—,”
“You’re not my dad,” Logan says with a mouthful of jelly. He sits up more on the couch, summoning the remote. He holds the spoon in his mouth as he turns on the TV, still cradling the Crofters.
He can hear Patton huff, walking away. Logan turns on Sherlock, sinking further into the couch and eating more jelly. 
Logan gets through about an episode and a jar and a half of Crofter’s before the couch is stolen from under him.
He stumbles, suddenly standing in Thomas’ living room. He finds Patton, Virgil, and Thomas staring at him. 
“Y’know, you really should give me a warning or something,” Logan says. He finds the jam still in his hands, taking a bite of it. 
“Logan, is something wrong?” Thomas asks, looking over Logan’s appearance warily. He’s still in his light blue sweater and shorts with his round glasses, an obvious difference to his usual attire.
Logan just laughs, waving his spoon accusingly at Thomas. “Y’all are so terrible, really. Like, I change into comfy clothes once and suddenly I’m treated like I’m sick.” 
“No, you changed your clothes,” Patton begins listing. “Threw your other clothes around your room, cursed at me, and you’re living off of Crofters!”
Logan just deadpans at him, shoving another spoon of Crofters in his mouth. “Dunno whatcha mean, Pat.” He leaves his usual spot by the stairs, flopping onto Thomas’ couch. “Thomas, I’m stealing your couch. And your TV.”
He tries to resume his show, but Virgil is suddenly in front of the TV. 
“Okay, enough of...whatever this is,” he growls. “What are you doing Logan?” Logan groans, loud and annoyed. 
“Alright, you wanna know what’s wrong, Virgil?” Logan laughs back. “None of you give a shit!”
The three look surprised by that, quite obviously not knowing what to say. So Logan continues.
“You all act so goddamn ignorant! Like with Virgil!” Said side jumps a bit, narrowing his eyes as if he’s daring Logan to continue. “Oh, don’t act so innocent. You got us to accept you and sympathize with you, but that wasn’t enough! No, you didn’t want sympathy or any of that shit, you just wanted to be able to be a bitch without being called out!”
“Logan, that’s enough,” Patton says, joining Virgil by the TV.
“Oh, what? You want a turn?” 
“No Patton,” Logan interrupts. “Because you’re the one that lets him! You act like he’s some pure innocent being that can do no wrong, but he’s not! He threatened me, and you didn’t do shit!”
Logan turns back to Virgil, grinning madly. “Remember that, Virge? That ‘I’m gonna prohibit your breathing’ bullshit? Because you bet your ass I do!”
Now Patton’s looking at Virgil with wide eyes. Virgil looks absolutely caught. 
“Oh no, Pat, you do not get to act all sweet and innocent here,” Logan laughs. “Don’t act like you didn’t hear him! And even if you didn’t, you’ve done shit too! Let’s see.” He stands, stalking his way over to Patton who starts backing up.
“You’ve made fun of me for my mistakes.” Patton bumps into the TV as Logan gets in front of him.
“You try to skip my words so you don’t have to hear what you’ve done wrong.” He jabs a finger at Patton’s chest.
“And you don’t take me seriously.” He hisses out the last sentence, stepping away from Patton. 
“That’s the whole fucking problem here!” He yells, waving his arms as he talks. “You all refuse to take me seriously! You will humor everyone but me!”
Logan takes a breath, running a hand through his hair as he glares at Thomas. “Yes, I have made my own mistakes. I’ve let my temper get the best of me, I’ve been rude, I’ve done things I’m not proud of. But I only do those things when you all refuse to listen and when I’m at my limit.”
“Logan, buddy,” Thomas tries to interject, but Logan holds up a hand to stop him.
“No, Thomas. You aren’t innocent either. Sure, you haven’t done as much as they have, but you will still side with them over me. I still had to try and ignore my feelings and push away what made me happy, all so you would listen to me.”
Logan laughs, turning away from Thomas as he heads back to the couch. “Y’know, it really says a lot about you Thomas; the fact that your own Logic is feeling like this.”
Silence and guilt hang in the air as Logan picks back up his jar of Crofters, turning to the others. 
“I’m done, I really am,” he sighs. “That’s what this is. I’m done putting on an emotionless facade to get you all to listen. Because you didn’t listen and I wasn’t happy. You’ve pushed me to my limit, and I’m done being ignored. You’re going to regret this.”
With that, he sinks out to his room, leaving the others to contemplate just what they’ve done. 
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oneletteredwondered · 5 years ago
Logan's first day of public school.
Minor warning for some brief bullying.
Addams family au, based off this picture and au by @misplaced-my-notes hey ily.
The long black car pulls up to the blue gates of the public school. Children are running about all directions inside the property, yelling and screaming. Some are sitting on the dirty ground smacking their hands together in some strange ritualistic pattern. There are adults standing on the outskirts keeping careful watch in case someone gets hurt.
Logan stares out the window with his messenger bag over one shoulder. There's a notebook on his lap for the express purpose of taking notes on the other children. He twists his suit jacket in his hands.
Logan is not intimidated.
"Thank you for the ride, Thing," Logan says. The disembodied hand on the steering wheel scutters and turns to face him. It bounces once and raises a finger. Logan huffs.
"I am not nervous." He says, purposefully unclenching the hem of his jacket. Thing bounces twice. Logan deigns not to answer it.
He exits the car, taking a second to make sure his outfit is wrinkle free and shuts the door. He thanks Thing one more time through the open window and begins to make his way up to the blue gates. He has a pen in his notebook at the ready.
He's scribbling notes as he walks, peering over the top of his notebook at the other students. They are so different from him. It's to be expected when under the assumption they have been in public school for their whole lives while Logan has been home schooled for his.
His first observation is that the other students have more finite social skills, moving from person to person with a simple question but not taking the time to really get to know them. Base level acquaintances by definition but he hears the word friend be tossed around. None of them exhibit the requirements for 'friends' in his opinion.
"Question if I may," he approaches a group of girls in the sand. They look to each other then back at him. He marks down silent communication on his pad of paper to explore later.
"I observed you putting your hands together. What is the benefit to that?" He asks. The girls once again give each other looks that Logan can't decipher.
"You mean patty-cake?" One finally says. Logan writes that down.
"It's a game." Another says but this time the tone isn't nice or questioning, but bordering on rude. Logan finds them staring at him with creases near their eyes.
"What benefit does it serve?" He asks anyway.
"Do you not play games?" And then they are laughing and he doesn't know why. Logan is confused. He does not like being confused. Further more, he does play games. Just last week he and his Uncle Remus played how many light bulbs does it take to to short circuit his nervous system. 37. His brother Remy filmed the whole thing for their next family reunion.
It doesn't matter because the girls get up and walk away from him, one of them smacking his notebook to the dirt and laughing again. It's rude. Logan picks it up and shakes the dirt off. He feels a burning on his face. 
A new feeling he is not a fan of.
A bell rings and Logan plainly follows the teachers rules to find his designated classroom.
He spends the next hour ignoring the teacher and detailing the interaction, trying to figure out the nuances of what he did to get the girls to act unkindly. He comes up with nothing, which is more frustrating than he cares to admit.
He spends the next hour after that arguing with the teacher about Christopher Columbus because they have wildly different accounts of what he did to the world. In the end, Logan has something called a detention and one of his classmates is crying because he talked about murder. He was simply trying to inform them of the truth.
Logan does not pout.
During the scheduled lunch period Logan spends the time alone at a table, writing notes about the hidden groups within groups at each table. It's not until the hour is almost up that he realizes the other children are whispering and looking at him, and it doesn't look nice either.
This is proven as when the period ends, someone snags his notebook, holding it over their head where Logan can't reach without looking undignified jumping for it.
"What are you writing about you weirdo?" They taunt. Logan just stands and stares at them. Without his notebook he begins to details his observations out loud.
"Taller male uses his height against others. Perhaps a tactic learned at home. Possibly used to try and seem more likable by his peers. Uses physical attributes as they are certainly lacking in the intellectual department." Logan places a hand to his chin in thought, circling the student who took his book. A small crowd of students forms around them.
"What did you just say to me?" They ask dumbly. Logan sighs.
"My apologies, I didn't realizes your critical thinking skills were so severely missing. I said you are not smart so you try to be liked by being stronger than others." The bully stares at Logan angrily. Logan stares back. Suddenly the bully shoves the notebook back into his hands.
"Mr Saga! He called me stupid!" The bully points a finger at him accusatory. Logan gapes.
"I did not! I called you severely lacking in intelligence. There’s a difference!"
"Mr Addams." An authoritative voice comes from behind him. Logan turns to see a teacher looking disapproving back at him.
"Come with me Mr Addams." They say. Logan follows plainly, turning to glare at the bully as they look smugly back at him. It's then that Logan realizes they planned their words and got Logan in trouble on purpose. How rude. 
Logan writes that down.
He gets a small lecture from the teacher about how it's impolite to call someone stupid, which Logan clarifies, again, he did not, in fact, call any one stupid. The teacher just sighs.
"Since this is your first day and you're coming from being home schooled, I'll let you off with a warning, try to not let it happen again." Mr Saga says. Logan narrows his eyes but agrees for the time being.
He exits the classroom to find another student leaning against the walls beside the door. They perk up seeing him, waiting for him. They wear a flowy blue skirt and there's a white bow in their unruly curly hair. They give Logan a bright smile.
"Hi." They say first.
"Salutations." Logan says back. The other giggles and Logan isn't sure what they found funny.
"I just wanted to say I thought it was cool the way you stood up to Nate like that. He holds things over people's heads a lot." They inform him. Logan makes a note in his book as he walks, the other student falling in line with him.
"What are you writing down?" They ask. Logan studies them for a second, trying to figure out their motive. They just smile softly at him behind their round glasses.
"I am detailing the differences from being home schooled to those who have been in public schools." The other makes an 'oh' noise.
"Actually if I may, might I inquire some insight from you?" Logan stops in the middle of the hallway, his walking partner stops as well. They nod their head happily, swaying back and forth.
Logan details the conversation he had earlier with the girls in the sand, confusion apparent as he is unsure what he did to make them treat him like that. His new friend giggles again. It doesn't sound mean at all and a part of Logan wishes to detail the noise in his book.
"It's not uh, common, to ask questions like that, so they uh, probably, just acted mean cause they didn't know what else to do." Well. Even if they didn't sound sure, it's a better explanation than Logan could come up with. He details the theory in his book.
"My name's Patton by the way!" The student says. Logan holds out his hand. Patton blinks at it.
"Logan Addams," Logan introduces himself. Patton still hasn't shook his hand. Logan shifts awkwardly.
"It's polite to take my hand," he tries to explain. At that Patton grins wide and takes his hand. But he doesn't shake his hand proper, instead he squeezes it and doesn't let go.
Logan sputters and suddenly Patton is dragging him through the hall, telling Logan all about the strange slapping hand ritual from earlier. It's a game of some kind apparently, made for the pure fact to be fun and sometimes challenging with no purpose otherwise. Logan does his best to remember these details but Patton's hand is warm in his and it's very distracting.
Warm. Not like the burning of earlier where he felt sad and angry. This is soft warmth that makes him flustered and.. happy? Patton guides them to class, making some excuse about getting lost. The class laughs at their misfortune but Patton shrugs it off, so Logan figures it's best to do so as well.
He decides not to speak during class, writing and writing all the information Patton provided to him down. It's important for research, nothing else.
At the end of the day Patton is by his side again, walking him out the front gates and chatting aimlessly about seemingly nothing. They wait together for a while, cars moving in a line to pick up the kids. A long sleek black car is last in line.
"I'll see you tomorrow!" Patton calls, beginning to step away.
"Do you have a guardian coming to collect you?" Logan asks curiously not really wanting their conversation to end. Patton is.. willing to talk to him.. and provide valuable commentary. That's all. Patton shakes his head to the question.
"I live with my grandma just a few minutes from here, so I just walk home," he explains. Logan swallows a lump in his throat.
"Would you care for a ride home then? As thank you for being helpful to me today." He adds quickly. It doesn't stop Patton from beaming at him and that causes something downright strange to happen to Logan's stomach.
"Thanks Lolo," He says and Logan is so caught up in that something he's barely coherent when he opens the door to the car for Patton like a gentleman, and Patton screams.
"THERE'S A HAND!" He yelps, skittering to hide behind Logan and pointing over his shoulder into the car. Thing taps the wheel hard.
"Yes of course there's a hand." Logan says plainly.
"Its name is Thing, its my family's house keeper." Logan goes on, sliding into the car. Patton looks between Logan and Thing with very clear fear in his eyes. He slowly slides in beside Logan and closes the door.
"Can it.. uh, actually drive?" Patton's voice squeaks.
"He is the safest driver in our family." The car moves and Patton is frozen still and not talking as they pull out of the the school lot. He barely manages to give directions to his home. Logan isn't sure what happened. Patton was so.. cheerful a moment ago. Logan fiddles with the hem of his suit then reaches over to give Patton's hand a squeeze like Patton did for him earlier in the day.
Whatever it does, it works, as Patton begins to smile at him again and Logan finds himself smiling back, but just a little. Patton is relaxed by the time they pull up to a small cottage styled house.
"Thanks for the ride Logan, uh.. Thing?" Thing lifts a finger in a wave and Patton waves a finger back at it, a giggle slipping out. Logan ends up staring unable to look away. There's that noise again, the one that he wants to document and hold onto and hear again and again. What is wrong with him?
"See you tomorrow Logan," Patton says impossibly soft and he's looking at Logan so nicely and Logan manages a quick 'bye' and the door closes. Logan scoots to the window and watches as Patton enters his home.
Thing begins the drive back home. It taps the steering wheel.
"It was fine," Logan says curtly, hands crinkling his notebook on his lap. He thinks back over the day and he ends up warm again thinking about Patton and that strange thing happens to his stomach again.
Once home Logan wastes no time in heading to the moonroom in the back of the house. The sides of the room are all glass, but thick black curtains cover them while the sun is up, only opening when the moon is high in the sky. It's filled with plots of rose thorns, the petals and bulbs scattered all over the floor so when his parents waltz they swirl around them.
His father is there, wearing something long and black, a swirling shadow around his neck as he reads from a large tome with witch words written on the inside. There’s a pendant in his hand that sways as he walks the room. His skin is deathly pale and cold, but still manages to give comforting hugs when called for.
"Father," Logan says when he enters. The shadow thing around his father's shoulder puffs into nothingness and takes its rightful resting place under his father's eyes.
"Logan dear, how was your first day at the public school?" Virgil asks, taking a seat at one of the long tattered benches in the room. He pats the seat beside him and Logan goes to sit by him.
"I believe myself to be ill." Logan tells him plainly. Virgil gasps and goes to touch his forehead.
"Did one of the other school children give you a pox? Your Uncle Remus would love to experience it with you." Virgil says. Logan pushes his hand off. Holding his father's hand doesn't feel the same as holding Patton's he notices bitterly.
"I do not think any of them were sick to my knowledge but I am feeling.. Odd." He settles on. Virgil tsks sadly. When Logan had announced he wanted to attend the public school to study the other kids, Virgil had encouraged his brilliant mind.
His son confided that it's not that he didn't love his father's lessons on the occult or his padre's lessons with the sword, but this is an experiment all on it's own, one he got to do all on his own. Seeing his child so distraught about something they were so excited about is distressing.
Virgil looks up as his husband enters the room, giving him a pointed look towards their son. Roman flicks the ashes of his cigar into one of the potted plants and takes a seat on the other side of Logan.
"What ever is the matter son?" Roman asks. He takes one more puff of his cigar and tosses it. One of the plants jerk up to eat it. Virgil glares at him because they have discussed it's not healthy for the plants to be smoking yet.
Logan recounts his day for his parents, flipping through his notebook as he does. Virgil and Roman are attentive, nodding approvingly to Logan's banter with the teacher about the misinterpretation about Chris Columbus, and Roman laughs heartily when Logan explains how he never actually called someone stupid. He has way better insults that stupid anyway.
"And then Patton, he-" Logan cuts off his words with a pout, feeling that strange feeling again. Virgil plays with his hair comfortingly.
"Is Patton a good one or a bad one?" He asks.
"He's good." Logan says quickly. Roman raises his eyebrows at that. He and Virgil share a questioning look over Logan's head.
"He's good, but he- he makes me feel weird. He makes me feel sickly." Logan explains.
"Even though he's good?" Virgil asks. Logan nods but he doesn't look happy about it.
"He's sweet and kind and explained some of the social instances for me." Logan swallows hard.
"He makes my chest feel like it's constricting. Shortness of breath isn't healthy and while talking to him I almost stuttered which is concerning for my brain scan last week did not have any abnormalities." Logan had been upset about the lack of abnormalities, but now he's more upset cause if there were, then at least he'd have a working theory of the cause of this sudden feeling.
He's hugged on both sides by his parents and even though he's still confused it does make him feel slightly better.
"Maybe we should meet your new friend?" Roman asks. Logan stiffens, then nods. The word friend echoes in his head. Are he and Patton friends? It is something he is going to have to inquire about. He hops off the bench and heads to his room, finishing what little homework he has, then proceeding to electrocute his brother until his eyes are glowing blue.
And he takes time to think about Patton. He used a full page in his book to try and document his laugh. He feels odd for sure but not bad. He will have to conduct more experiments he decides, almost smiling at the idea of spending more time with his.. new friend, and the experiments of course.
"Ah, young love," Roman laments back in the moonroom. He takes Virgil's hand and kisses up his arm to his lips. Virgil allows the affection.
"He doesn't realize it yet though," Virgil chides. Roman just smirks at him.
"He will figure it out eventually. He takes after you in that regard." It's teasing and Virgil pushes him away and stands. Roman is quick on the upkeep, chasing to catch Virgil by the waist and pull him into a dip.
"You mustn't tell him," Virgil says hanging from Roman's arms. "You know how he gets when the answer is spoiled for him." Roman pulls Virgil back to standing, twirling him around the room, rose petals dancing at their feet.
"I have full confidence in our little mad scientist," Roman says with a dashing smile. Virgil returns it with a smirk.
"Just like you have full confidence with me?" He's teasing. Roman lights up.
"Is that a dare my darling?" He leans in. Virgil laughs dark and low, gripping Roman by the lapels of his white suit.
"It's a threat," he whispers against Roman's lips. A pleasant shiver runs through Roman as he kisses his husband quiet, knowing the feelings tormenting Logan will come to light all on their own.
And when Logan finally invites Patton over, and the soft boy screams at Virgil's pet spider, giving Athena the fear she deserves and hasn't had in such a long time, and Logan spends an hour comforting him, both Virgil and Roman decide Patton is good, and that Logan has made an excellent choice for a friend.
AN: So I wrote this and then after saw OP artist put Emile as Uncle Fester... so I'm claiming creative liberties with making Remus Uncle Fester because a) he and Roman are actual brothers and b) I love him.
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yugyummygot7reactions · 5 years ago
Behind the Curtain - 2
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| Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Epilogue | 
Updates are Sundays at 5pm PST!
Characters: Choi Youngjae x You Genre: Smut Warning(s): Stuffing, Water Inflation, Bondage  Word Count: 2,577
**Hello My Lovelies!! 
I am adding an extra warning/recommendation here. Body inflation is a very graphic and intense kink. It is classified as an extreme kink for a reason. If you want to brave reading it or learn more about what it is, feel free to read the chapter and enjoy. 
If inflation is not a kink you enjoy reading about or it makes you uncomfortable, I would recommend 1 of 2 things. Either read just the beginning of this chapter until the point where Youngjae takes you to his room and know that the rest is intense inflation smut (I’ll add ** there to show the divide), or just skip this chapter altogether. It is mentioned in future chapters if he is light or dark so don’t worry about missing out on that. 
I also want to ask you, please don’t write off my entire series from this one intense kink chapter. I wanted to challenge myself by writing one chapter on an extreme kink that I don’t see often and after some research I decided on this one. The other chapters have kinks/sexual situations that are much more “main stream” and even if they aren’t your thing I think you’ll enjoy them. 
Thanks! ~LoLo**
You knew that you needed to work your way up to some of the more closed off members, especially since you didn’t really have to do any work to seduce Mark and learn more about him. What you needed was to build up experience to be able to break the walls of someone as powerful as Got7′s head kingpin by the end of the week. Tomorrow would have to be someone you knew you could easily seduce.
Who better to start with than Mr. Innocence and Sunshine himself.
Your dreams were filled with thoughts of Mark, but when you woke up the next morning to the sound of your violent alarm, you knew that you needed to be filly focused on the next member on your list. Choi Youngjae.
After careful thought, you decided to try to get Youngjae alone in either your office or his. If he was sure you were alone, you thought he would easily cave to your flirting and things could get heated quickly. You tied your hair up in a purposely messy bun, a few tendrils of hair falling along your neck, and made sure to put on just enough makeup that your eyes and lips really popped, but it didn’t look out of the ordinary for you. You wanted his attention on your best features to really pull him in. 
After putting on your finishing touches, you left your room and sought out Youngjae. After spending most of the morning looking for him, finding his office and normal hang outs void of his presence, you found out he was off base doing a business deal and wouldn’t be back until dinner time. 
You continued on with your day like normal until dinner time. You usually sat with the other advisors in the cafeteria but decided to sit alone today not too far from the table reserved for the 7 leaders. 
You sat picking at your food, watching as people came and went, not seeing Youngjae at all. You waited almost two hours at that table, lost in a daze before a familiar voice shocked you out of your thoughts.
“And I thought I’d be eating alone this late.” Youngjae smiled as he set 2 very full trays down and took the seat next to you. 
“Oh..” you said pretending to be frazzled, “what time is it?”
Youngjae laughed at your confusion, it wasn’t like you. “It’s almost 8:30.” He smiled as he took a bite of his food and pushed one of the two trays in front of you.
“What’s this?” You asked as you looked at the hot food in front of you. 
“You’re dinner.” He smiled, “The cafeteria worker said you’ve been here for hours. Your food must be freezing by now.”
“Thank you… but I’m fine,” you said as you began to fidget with this food as well. “Plus this could feed 3 of me!” you laughed gently as you smiled at him. 
“Nope,” Youngjae said as he took his own fork and held a bite of food up to your mouth. “Ahh” He cutely said as he opened his mouth, asking you to mimic him. You laugh and roll your eyes as you play along. He continues to feed you dinner in between his own bites. You can’t help but think at how cute it is. 
“I’m getting full Youngjae,” You say as he  holds up another bite for you to eat, almost half of your tray gone at this point. “I should stop.”
“You’re going to turn down food from one of your bosses?” He asked cutely “One of your bosses who is even willing to feed it to you?” He raised his eyebrows and wiggled the fork in front of you, looking so happy to be there with you. “I can have a few more bites.”  You smiled, not wanting to upset him, especially if you needed to stay on his good side to seduce him later. 
A few bites turned into you finishing your entire tray and you think Youngjae might have snuck some of his food to you as well. You stopped seeing him take bites a while ago. You felt so full, you didn’t know how you ate that much. 
“I can’t believe I ate that much,” You said taking a breath and looking down seeing your stomach was bloated, stretching your shirt. You immediately tried to hide it in embarrassment. You were supposed to be seducing Youngjae, and this was not the way to do that
“Y/N,” he said smiling, “We aren’t done yet! We haven’t had dessert!” He got up before you could protest and grabbed both of you milkshakes and large pieces of chocolate cake.
“I appreciate it, Youngjae, I really do, but I don’t think I could eat another bite if it tried. I’m so full.” He just smiled, handing you the plate and glass, making you take it with hesitation.
“Aren’t you the one who told us before that there is always room for dessert?” He smiled, “I thought you had a separate dessert stomach.” He took a bite of his cake and smiled at you as he chewed.
"I did say that before," you nervously smiled as you looked at the food in front of you. It looked like Youngjae had gotten you a piece of cake much bigger than his. You needed to be careful with eating this, especially if you wanted to still go through with your plan today. You just couldn’t say no to Youngjae. You could see why he was in charge of business deals for the gang.
"Now be a good girl and eat!" He smirked. 
You took the fork again in your hands, preparing to take in the last slice. It was just one more thing before you could stop and try to move forward with your plan. Youngjae watched you closely as you took in every bite of the chocolatey, spongy mass. After forcing down every last bite you looked over at Youngjae and smiled. 
“It was really good,” You started, “I’m amazed I finished it.” Youngjae smiled brightly at you as he reached for your milkshake at put it in front of you, looking anxiously at you to drink it.
“You can’t forget to wash it down with something.” He took a sip of his own shake and when you tried to refuse, he pouted and put the straw up to your lips and was so cute you couldn’t refuse. You had to stay on his good side tonight, even if it meant you’d be a bit sick from over-eating later.
As you caved and began to drink your shake, a smirk on Youngjae’s face widened to a devious grin as he quickly looked away and got up to clear the rest of the table. 
“I’ll be right back,” He speak-sang as he headed over towards the food line again. 
"You better not be getting more food!” You yelled at him as playfully as you could, “I'm so full, I can't take it" You thought you heard Youngjae whine or moan at that comment and you were confused. "I’m serious, Youngjae! I can feel everything inside me wanting to come back out." 
Youngjae said something to the cafeteria worker and she nodded before leaving. You realized then that the cafeteria was completely empty except for you and Youngjae. He slowly walked over to you and placed a gentle hand on your distended belly.
"My good girl ate every single bite without a serious complaint," Youngjae says as he leans in and kisses your neck, nipping a little. “Let’s go back to my room for a bit, we can have some more fun.”
You tried to get up and realized you were so full you were struggling to get out of the cafeteria bench. 
“Let me carry you.” He whispered as his lips ghosted your ear. He reached down and picked you up, taking you out of the cafeteria. You were sleepy from the food and were drifting off in the warmth of his arms as he took you to his room. 
You woke up in shock, not knowing how much time had passed. You were in Youngjae’s room, and you went to call out to him, only to realize that there was something in your mouth and you couldn’t speak. You were still fully clothed, but your hands and legs were also tied to his bed. 
“Welcome back,” Youngjae smirked as he stood before you in just low sitting sweat pants. “You were so cute, I decided not to wake you. It’s only been like 20 minutes.” He laughed as his eyes wandered your body. He walked over to you and pressed a kiss on your bloated belly. “I’m amazed you could eat that much, I didn’t think I’d get you to eat even half of it.” He winked at you before fidgeting with something next to the bed. “My powers of persuasion must be better than I thought.” 
You were confused. This whole time, you were planning to seduce Youngjae, and he was doing the same to you?
“You know,” he started as he sat next to you on the bed, “I’ve always had a thing for you,” he laughed as he continued to fidget next to the bed, “I just knew that there was something about you I wanted to experience and I think I finally found it.”
He had something in his hand you couldn’t see. 
“I have a proposition for you my dear,” he smiled, “I want to play with you more. Push your limits. Do you trust me?” He asked, a spark of danger in his eyes. 
You could nod or shake your head. If you agree god knows what he’ll do to you, but if you say no, you won’t see the other side of him.
You think about it for a moment, but remember that the agency you actually work for has trained you to do anything that the mission requires.
You nod your head, nervous but excited to see this side of Mr. Sunshine. Youngjae smirked as he held up a tube that was attached to a nearby faucet. 
He lowered the hose into your mouth and you heard some clicking noises as he clipped it into place so you couldn’t spit it out. He carefully guided the hose down down your throat, “We can’t have you drowning,” he smiled as he did some final adjustments to the tools attached to the tube. 
“Here we go,” he smiled brightly as he turned on the faucet, causing the slightly warm water to go down your throat and into your already bloated stomach.
You grunted in confusion as the water began to force its way into you. You didn’t have to do much work of swallowing the water, as the position of the hose did that for you. It just kept going, filling you up.
You could see your stomach starting to swell even more as Youngjae licked his lips, his erection becoming more noticeable in his pants.
A wave of nausea hit you, signaling that your stomach was starting to reach its max capacity, but as Youngjae saw you squirm, he massaged your belly and the sensation passed with time. You didn’t think you could take anymore and tried to spit out the hose, but you couldn’t.
Youngjae chuckled evilly, laying his hands on your stomach, feeling it rise as it began to stretch more to accommodate the water. Soon your skirt was tearing at the seams and your shirt was stretched farther than you thought it could. You kept squirming against the tube trying to get it out, but Youngjae made no movements to stop the water from flowing. 
“We can get you a bit bigger before we shut it off.” He said as his eyes wandered over your body. You didn’t believe him, when you started the evening you had a nearly flat stomach, and you now looked nearly 3 months pregnant. 
You could see Youngjae’s cock twitch under his pants and he moved under your skirt, sticking his fingers inside of you and stretching you out, causing a moan to escape your lips. He removed his sweatpants and then grabbed on to both of your legs and put the tip of his manhood between your legs. 
“Ready for what I’ve always wanted to do with you?” he smirked as he sheathed his throbbing cock in your heat. You moaned in both pain and pleasure as Youngjae stilled to catch his breath.
“Jesus you’re fucking tight. You never get dick before?” He grunted as he thrusted into you again.
You could feel the water move through to your intestinal tract, causing  you to swell even more. 
“Ahhh God damn, loosen up baby girl, you’re gonna snap me in two” he chuckled as he thrusted into you again and again.
Your belly now bulged out much farther than you had ever thought it could, and it began to truly ache from the pressure inside. It felt like being a living water balloon. 
Youngjae’s eyes were locked on your belly, it looked as if you were closer to 6 months pregnant now and you really didn’t think you could stretch any more.
“Ahhh  good girl…That’s it…” he moaned, rubbing his veiny hands against your huge, distended tummy. The strain of the stretch was evident on both the taut skin of your belly, and the pained expression on your face. You breathed heavily through your nostrils, a sharp stabbing sensation running through your torso.
“What’s the matter, getting a little tight for you?” He chuckled as he pulled  out and shut off the hose, removing it from your mouth. “We don’t want you popping now do we.” He took the tube and clamp out of your mouth and roughly kissed you as he picked up speed. This time, with no break between the thrusts, he began a solid rhythm. Your bodies met and smacked, your overly full belly jiggled with each thrust, the water in you sloshing about with the rough pace Youngjae was setting. 
Youngjae thrusted faster and deeper. “That’s my girl. Nice and big for me.” He kept running his hands over your belly. “If we do this again I know I can get you bigger next time.” He licked his lips as he kept going, the fullness causing friction that was bringing you to your edge. 
Your orgasm suddenly hit you hard and Youngjae let your clenching heat bring him almost to his release. He pulled out at the last minute and came all over your large belly. 
After catching his breath, he licked his cum off of you and undid your restraints. “Do you want help to your room? You can’t stay here tonight.” He looked distant now, and helped walk you to your room down the hall, your legs too weak to support your body on their own. 
Youngjae practically threw you on the bed before walking away, “I’ll tell the others you are sick tomorrow. You’ll be back to normal in a day or so.” His tone was so cold and uncaring. You couldn’t believe that the man who was seemingly so sweet before was actually so rough. 
You hugged yourself, knowing that you’d be horribly sick tomorrow and would have to take a day off from your plan to seduce G7. You’d just have to double up one day to make up for it. This wasn’t the plan, but you had to think on the fly. That’s what the agency paid you for.
This was miserable, but you now knew that Youngjae was too dark to save. Anyone who can flip personalities that quickly isn’t stable enough to re-train. One day of hell to get that valuable information was worth it. 
One other thing you did know for sure… a trip to see the gang doctor wouldn’t be so far-fetched after taking a day off for an upset stomach.
Park Jinyoung. You’re next. 
Hello My Lovelies!!
Chapter 2 down! 
Sorry if this kink isn’t your thing. I learned while researching this that it is definitely not mine lol. I think this one is the most unconventional of all of the kinks I chose for this smut series, so I hope you stick with me on this project and know that there are other kinks to come!
What do we think about Dr. Jinyoung? Will he be Light or Dark? Let me know!! I love hearing everyone's opinions.
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eeyore101247 · 5 years ago
Can I request another one? 6. Dom/sub dynamic with Peter, if he could be the sub maybe? You're amazing and I love you!
Smut Fic Prompts E6: Dom/sub dynamic
“Fuck, Mistress, please!” Peter cried out, rutting his hips into the air as you pulled the vibrator away once more. You had edged him several times already after he had decided to misbehave and get himself off a day too early. You���d already been edging and teasing him for a few days, not letting him cum nor bring himself to orgasm.
“You decided to misbehave, Peter. This is your punishment.” You purred, smirking as you watched him struggle against his restraints. He let out a delicious whimper, sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine. “Now you’ll be going a full two weeks without coming.”
“Mistress, please! Please let me cum.” He whined, his eyes pleading and begging as he looked at you. You just grinned as you pressed the vibrator against his shaft once more, watching as he squirmed and writhed against the sheets. His face contorted in pleasure as you watched pre steadily dribble from his cock, making even more of a mess on his lower stomach. His mewls and moans filled the room, breathing heavy as you watched him approach the edge once more, stopping just before he could fall over the edge.
“Please!” He cried out, his voice several octaves higher as he whined. You tsked in response, turning the vibrator off and setting it aside. You moved around the bedroom, grabbing your desk chair and rolling it over within his view, your smirk growing larger as you slowly start to strip. You heard him whimper again as you bent over, showing him your soaked panties as you took off your sleep shorts.
“P-Please let me at least taste you.” He begged as you heard him struggle against his restraints again. You just shook your head as you stripped your panties off, tossing them towards the bed and watching as they landed on his chest. Peter let out a groan, rutting up into the air, his cock twitching as you grinned.
“Bad boys don’t get a taste of their mistress.” You hummed, groaning as you slid your fingers between your soaked folds. You sat back in your desk chair, giving Peter a perfect view of your vulva as you spread your pussy lips, relishing in his whimpers.
“Fuck, I’m so horny.” You moaned, your other hand playing with your breast as you slip a few fingers inside, fucking yourself quickly with them. You knew Peter would be able to hear your juices sloshing as you fucked yourself with your fingers, and his soft whimpers confirmed it.
“F-fuck, I can hear just how wet you are.” He muttered, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. You smirked, curling your fingers and gasping as you hit your g-spot, the knot in your stomach tightening ever more and ever faster.
“Fuck, I’m already getting so close, Peter.” You moaned, thumb brushing against your clit and sending shockwaves of pleasure through your system. “Fuck, you got me so close with just your delicious sounds.”
“Y/N, please…” You heard Peter whine as your eyes fluttered closed, the bed creaking as he tried to get free.
“Don’t use your strength. Unless you want to add another day to your punishment.” You threatened, hearing him whimper in response. Your thumb rubbed at your clit as you approached your high, quickly tumbling over the edge, curses falling from your lips as white hot pleasure spread through your system. You faintly heard Peter cry out your name through the haze of your orgasm.
“Peter.” You hummed softly as you slowly drifted back down from your high.
“I-I’m sorry Mistress, I-I didn’t mean to.” You heard Peter whimper out, confirming your suspicions before even opening your eyes and looking. You let out a soft sigh, but decided to let it slip, since he sounded genuinely sorry.
“It’s alright, my love.” You said softly as you opened your eyes and slowly stood. Your legs felt weak as you walked over to the bed, carefully undoing Peter’s restraints before looking to see the mess he had made of his chest. A feeling of pride blossomed in your chest, traveling through your veins and warming your entire body as you watched Peter relax into the bed.
“You came without being touched.” You smiled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek. He gave a small nod, his drowsy gaze meeting yours.
“Minus all the teasing you did before that.” He chuckled, causing you to laugh as well.
“Lay here and rest. I’ll be back with a warm rag to clean you up.”
AN: Woo, this was a steamy one to write. I decided to try something different and pick up mid scene, so I hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading!
~ LoLo *^-^*
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vanilla-bean-buttercream · 5 years ago
Through the Dark - Chapter 5
Parings: N/A (Future Romantic Moceit, Intrulogical, Prinxiety) Main Characters: Logan, Remus, Roman Warnings: fake real heart stabbing because Remus... that’s pretty much it Word Count: 2877
Logan hoped Remus being late to Biology means he dropped the subject, but he’s disappointed as he shows up late. Afterward, Roman makes an important discovery at Remus’s football practice, and he’s not too sure he likes it.
Ao3 Link
<= Chapter 1 | <- Chapter 4
Logan took his seat in Honors Biology and sighed. The seat next to him held no Remus, but Logan knew he was somewhere within the school. At some point, Remus would enter the door, that sickening smirk on his face, and disrupt Logan’s studies. Logan caught his father’s eye at his desk, but Mr. Sanders merely smiled and went back to his work.
Logan wanted to go to his father and talk to him about his situation with Remus, but he knew his dad was already under a lot of pressure preparing for the school year. Already there were kids wanting to be transferred in or transferred out, and Mr. Sanders had to organize the syllabus that he failed to complete by the beginning of the school year, gather necessary materials for the first lesson, and other things he was less than great at completing on time for the beginning of the year. Logan couldn’t add his stress on top of all that. He could put up with Remus for a few minutes of the day.
Besides, it wasn’t like his dad would partner Remus and him together for a project and expect the union to work, like Damian and Patton.
The bell rang and signaled the beginning of the class, and Logan noticed the absence of Remus hadn’t changed. Did Remus get sick and go to the nurse? Was he cutting class? Would he pop in late and apologize for his tardiness?
Come to think of it, Logan couldn’t remember having a class with Remus before. Logan usually stuck to honors classes, and it didn’t seem like Remus was the academically inclined student Logan was. Even if the school was large, it was rather odd that he didn’t share one honors class with Remus before.
Perhaps Remus switched out of the class when he realized this was not an average intelligence based environment.
After five minutes past the bell’s ringing, Logan gave up looking for Remus. The latter must’ve switched out of the class. Perhaps then it was good he didn’t bother his father with his minuscule problem.
As Mr. Sanders stared to address the class, the door opened, and Remus peeked his head in. All attention turned to him for a moment. Logan’s heart sank.
“Sorry I’m late,” Remus said in that sickeningly sweet voice Logan knew was fake. Not quite Damian’s fake, but a cheap imitation.
“It’s alright, Remus. Why don’t you have a seat,” Mr. Sanders said with a smile.
Remus closed the door behind him with a considerate cushioned click. He then walked over next to Logan and grinned.
“Afternoon, Logey Posey,” Remus chirped.
Logan resisted the urge to bang his head off of his desk.
Mr. Sanders began his lesson, and Logan did his best to pay attention. His eyes kept catching Remus’s bouncing leg under the table, the cloth of his pants shushing and hissing against the chair. The table also shook along with him. Logan groaned under his breath and folded his hands together.
“I can put up with you making my life a living nightmare, but if you purposely make me fail this class with your incessant vibrating, I will not forgive you,” Logan whispered.
Remus looked over at him with wide, innocent eyes. “What? You forgive me for all the teasing?”
“Not in the slightest,” Logan shot back.
“But that’s what you said. You forgave me.”
“Do not take my words out of context. I’m talking about the shaking of your leg.”
“It’s shaking?”
Now Logan knew he was being played the fool. He turned away from Remus and decided to drop the subject. To his surprise, Remus’s leg stopped shaking. For a moment, Logan wondered if his plea worked. It would’ve been the first time in three years Remus stopped tormenting him when Logan asked. 
However, five minutes later, the intolerable vibrating started up again. Logan sighed and did his best to ignore it.
While Logan focused on his father’s words, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Remus didn’t. Remus, instead, decided to draw hearts on his notebook paper, but not the cute hearts that people sent on Valentine's day cards. No, his were full anatomical hearts, veins and arteries showing, and some even oozing blood. The detail looked like it could be used in the medical field. For a moment, Logan was impressed.
Until Remus took delight in stabbing it over and over with his pen.
What was wrong with him?
“Alright, that’s all I have for you today. Make sure you read over chapter one, answer the questions in the back of the chapter, then turn your answers in for homework,” Mr. Sanders finished. Only then did Remus looked up from his work, his wide eyes and deep frown staring straight ahead.
“What did he just say?” Remus asked.
“We have homework,” Logan replied.
“I heard that, but of what?”
“The end chapter questions.”
“But how many?”
“I suppose all of them.”
Remus pulled out his textbook and flipped to the last page in the chapter. He stared at all thirteen questions, complete with “part a” and “part b” additions, and frowned.
“All of them?”
“Yes, all of them. Why wouldn’t it be all of them?” Logan watched Remus read and reread the questions. Sometimes he’d stop halfway through the question and start over. The more Remus stared at it, the more panicked he became. Logan rose a brow. “Are you alright?”
“No, I’m half left,” Remus responded without looking up.
Logan groaned. It sounded like a response Patton would come up with. Remus looked over at Logan, his eyes holding an emotion that Logan couldn’t quite place, and sighed.
“Do I have to do all of them?”
“Yes,” Logan grumbled, starting to feel rather annoyed. Why did Remus keep asking the same question over and over? Was he that thick or was he trying to get out of work? If he suggested Logan complete his homework for him, Logan was definitely going to his father with his concerns, busy or not.
However, Remus simply slouched in his seat and closed his book. He admired the book’s cover for a moment. Then, he put it back in his bag and began doodling on his notebook once again.
Logan sighed. “If you’re concerned you won’t have enough time to complete the task, Mr. Sanders has been gracious enough to include ten minutes of class time for us to get a head start.”
“Not really in the mood,” Remus grumbled back.
Logan’s gut boiled. It wasn’t his problem if Remus failed, so why did he care so much? Perhaps it was because Remus was squandering his father’s goodwill. Not many teachers allowed their classes time to start their homework early in the Honors system, so it was a blessing that his father cut ten minutes from his lecture to give students some free time and sacrifice teaching a lesson to the bitter end of class. Of course, if this was truly Remus’s only Honors class, perhaps he did not know that. Perhaps Remus’s other classes were more lenient on giving extra time for completion.
“If you insist,” Logan eventually said. He pulled out his own notebook and started answering the questions. Because they were basically a recap of the previous lessons he learned, he answered the question with ease. In fact, he completed half of them by the time the final bell rang. 
Logan packed his things into his bag and hurried toward the door. He missed the student at the end of the table pushing their chair out. His foot, however, didn’t. He tripped over the leg of the chair, a startled cry caught in his throat. He braced himself for impact.
An arm wrapped around his middle and steadied him. Logan blinked at the floor. The strong arm pulled him up into a standing position, and Logan straightened out his shirt.
“Thank you,” he said.
“Be more careful, Lolo.”
Logan’s eyes widened. He watched Remus walk past him as if he didn’t just save Logan a bruise on the head. For a moment, all he could do was stare as Remus exited the classroom.
“Logan, are you alright?” his father asked. Logan pulled his eyes away long enough to catch Mr. Sander’s worried look at the front of the class. 
“I’m-” Logan paused- “I’m alright.”
“Good. Watch out for any more chairs. I heard they like to attack when you least expect it,” Mr. Sanders said with a smile.
Logan dumbly nodded his head. He exited the class and replayed the events in his mind.
Remus grabbed Logan without hesitation. Remus stopped Logan from getting hurt. Logan knew he wasn’t heavy, but he wasn’t exactly light either. The risk of injury was prominent, and Remus still reached out to help. But… why? Why do so after years of torment? Was it because his father was watching? Logan thought for sure Remus would bask in his clumsiness, but he didn’t.
Logan shook his head. Perhaps Remus simply reacted. Perhaps it was a subconscious reflex. Perhaps Logan was putting too much thought into a simple action.
Logan caught Roman walking at the end of the hallway. He hurried to catch up with him and joined his side. Roman looked over at Logan with a wide smile.
“So how was class with my brother?” Roman asked.
“It was… interesting,” Logan responded. He relayed the events that happened toward the end. 
Roman’s eyebrows knitted together. He said, “Well I mean, my brother isn’t heartless.”
“But it was me he rescued, the same person who he has made an object of his torture for the past three years.”
Roman shrugged. He kept his eyes straight ahead to watch where he was going, his mind lost in thought. Logan dropped the subject for now. He may never get his answer, after all. Remus could be as unpredictable as the lottery.
Perhaps Logan just got lucky.
Roman waited outside of the track for Remus to finish his football practice. He folded his fingers and rested his chin on them as he sat in the bleachers, the chilling end summer air ruffling his hair. 
Football never excited him. He could care less about watching men throw a ball back and forth like dogs in the park. He didn’t understand how physical exertion could make people go absolutely nuts and defend a group of people who could care less about them like they were some long lost relative, then the moment the team went on a losing streak, they changed their tune and did it for a team that was "better". 
But, Roman did know how much football meant to Remus. His brother had been into football since he was young. It gave him an outlet. It gave him a purpose. It made him feel important.
Roman couldn’t stand football, but he’d give his brother his support until his dying breath.
Remus pushed through the line and waved his arms. Damian found him easily as if they were telepathically linked and threw. Remus jumped up to catch it. He sprinted down the field, and none of the other team members could catch him. He easily made it to the goal post before anyone could touch him.
And that’s when the team dogpiled him.
Roman chuckled under his breath. He shook his head and pulled out a sketch pad in his bag. Roman flipped through several pages of cartoons. He liked creating overexaggerated expressions like the character was an extension of himself. He liked how he didn’t have to follow the rules of reality and allow characters to bounce around the page like balls. He liked the freedom of forgetting anatomy over showing emotion.
“That’s some running back you got there,” a man said as he stood beside Roman. Roman snapped his head up and wondered if the man talked to him. The stranger kept his eyes forward and spoke again, “You have any idea what his name is? Number 24?”
“That’s Remus Foley,” Roman informed.
“And is he a Junior or Senior?”
“Good.” The stranger descended the bleachers, and Roman watched with curiosity. What was that about? Was it a parent that thought Remus was competition and wanted him out of the game? Was it a fan that was impressed by Remus’s work. Either way, Roman wouldn’t be getting his answer.
Virgil passed the stranger on the bleachers, a sneer evident as he pushed past him. He caught Roman’s eye for a moment and took a seat a few bleachers down. Roman scowled and leaned back in his seat.
What was he doing here?
The coach blew his whistle and rounded the team up. Remus emerged from the pile unscathed, and Damian walked over to give him their friendship handshake or whatever it was they did when they clasped their right hands and rammed their right shoulders together, usually followed by two pats on the back.
Roman turned his attention then to the cheerleaders practicing on the field. Cassie stood almost a head above the other girls, and uncoincidentally, was the only minority who made the squad. Roman rolled his eyes. He knew exactly why Cassie was picked, and so did Cassie, but he wanted to believe in a world where her skill mattered more than her skin tone.
Mara walked over to her and said something, and Cassie nodded. The group got into their staggered “V” positions and started their new cheer.
Roman liked watching the cheerleaders move a lot more than the football players. While football was fun and all, these girls threw each other around like they weighed nothing, and they made it artistically beautiful to boot. They did just as much work as the football team for half the credit. 
The girls ended their cheer with two pyramids, and they brought their hands together to catch one another. Cassie could’ve easily caught Mara by herself, but she still stayed a team player. In fact, if Roman wasn’t really watching, he wouldn’t have noticed how close Mara chose to stay with Cassie. Every member changed partners at least twice during their routines, but Mara chose to stay especially close to Cassie.
Maybe Roman was looking too deep into it. Maybe there were cheers where Mara and Cassie weren’t partnered. Maybe that’s just how the cards fell, but for some reason, the thought itched the back of his mind. 
The strange man finally made his way down to the football field and spoke with the coach. Roman watched the coach dismiss all the other players, his brother and the coach the only ones left. He wished he could hear what they were saying. 
After a few minutes, the stranger handed Remus a card. That’s when Roman stood up in his seat. He passed Virgil, who was too busy doing whatever he was doing to really care about Roman at the moment, and met up with his brother, who stared at the card like he was handed a hundred dollars.
“What was that about?” Roman asked.
Remus looked up at him, smiled, and scooped his brother into an arm crushing hug. He spun Roman around, the younger twin crying out in surprise. 
“I can’t believe it!” Remus shouted. He eventually set Roman down and put his hands on Roman’s shoulders to help steady him. “Do you know who that was?”
“No,” Roman replied.
“That was a talent scout. I’m being drafted for college!”
“That’s great,” Roman replied, his excitement for his brother bubbling up in his chest.
“Yeah, they want to give me a full scholarship. Roman, do you know what this means?”
“You can go to college?”
“I could become a professional football player!” Remus wiped a tear from his eye. “Everything I worked so hard for, I could have it.”
“That’s fantastic, Remus. So, what college is it?”
“The University of California,” Remus replied.
Roman’s heart sank. “The… California?”
“Yeah! I’d be playing for the Golden Bears.” 
Roman swallowed hard. “But Remus, that’s on the other side of the country.” 
Remus’s smile started to fall, and he brought it back as he rubbed Roman’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, dear brother of mine. You’ll finally get your wish. I’ll be out of your hair soon enough.”
Remus dry laughed at that. He left Roman on the field as Roman watched Remus leave. His brother, his twin brother, someone who he had never really been apart from for the majority of his life, was going across the country to play football.  
He should've been excited that Remus’s future showed up. Remus wanted to leave for years. It was inevitable. Roman knew this day was coming. 
So why did it hurt so much? 
Roman shuffled his feet across the track. He looked up toward the bleachers, but Virgil disappeared. The only ones left were the cheerleaders. Roman searched for Cassie to talk to her, but she was busy conversing with her squad. He couldn't interrupt that with his stupid problem that was probably less of a problem than he made it out to be. He had to be supportive for Remus’s sake. 
If Roman had to go the whole year knowing it was his last with his brother, it was going to be a hell of a year.
Chapter 6 ->
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daiteitako · 5 years ago
one of my rats just died of pneumonia and while i DID know they weren’t going to make it i was slightly hopeful they could get better anyway . it’s been a rough week for me already and i don’t want to hinge on tumblr so i’ll consider taking a hiatus ; i could come back tonight , tomorrow or  not . once i make my decision i will be announcing it . I will be lurking on discord however so mutuals feel free to add me es la guitarra de lolo#3356  
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quoth-the-sparrow · 6 years ago
Bound Together
A Sanders Sides One-Shot
Warnings: None (If I need to add anything, let me know!)
Pairings: LAMP/CALM (Virgil, Roman and Patton are all in a romantic relationship, Logan is QPP’s with all of them), Background Remile
Description: Our favorite friends just finished junior year and are celebrating at Patton's house!
Word Count: 1,260
A/N 1:  Patton: FTM trans, he/him - Roman: Genderfluid, ze/zir - Virgil: Non-Binary, xe/xem - Logan: Agender, they/them
You can also find this story here on ao3
I wrote this for @gayzelley
“Last day of school! We’re seniors now, can you believe it?” Patton was practically vibrating with excitement, jumping up and down. Roman grinned at the sight and picked up zir boyfriend, spinning him around.
“How are you so cute? I thought it was impossible for someone to be so adorable, but here you are!” Roman set down a giggling Patton and kissed his cheek.
“No, stop, you’re the cutest one around! Especially in that amazing skirt of yours!” Patton stood on his tiptoes to kiss Roman’s nose, causing zir to blush. “Aw, Roro, you’re even more cute when you blush! My lovely non-binary royalty!” The two of them held hands and made their way to the student parking lot, flirting and laughing all the while.
“Hey, lovebirds! Come on, let’s get out of here!” a voice called out. Roman looked to see zir two other partners across the lot. Virgil was leaning against a black minivan, headphones around xyr neck. Logan was standing next to xem, shoulders touching and hands intertwined. Patton grinned and started running towards them, Roman following close behind.
“About time you two got here. I’m so ready-” Virgil was cut off by Patton launching himself into xyr arms. Virgil caught him effortlessly and held him close. “-to leave,” xe finished, laughing and kissing Patton’s face before setting him back down.
Roman had gone to Logan, hugging them close. Logan blushed as they pulled away. “Xe said if you two weren’t here soon we were going to leave without you.” Roman held a hand to zir chest, looking offended, and Patton let out a “Hey!”
Virgil rolled xyr eyes and gave Logan a playful shove. “That was supposed to be our secret, traitor.” Logan only laughed as they all clambered into Virgil’s car.
“Alright, so where are we heading? Patton’s place first or does anyone need to go home to pick up anything?” Virgil glanced in the mirror, then turned around to see if everyone was buckled up before pulling out of the parking lot.
“I dropped off my things at Pat’s this morning,” Roman replied. “Logan did too, since this lucky duck-” Roman punctuated the remark by poking Logan’s nose, causing them to smile and pull their head away. “-lives right next door to our beloved sunshine boy.”
“Okay, so then the store? Or are we doing that later? I kinda need to know before we get to this next light.”
Patton nodded and exclaimed “My house! I already bought everything! Well, my dads did. And they’ll be out of town cause Papa is going to be a key speaker at that big therapist’s conference in Austin, and Dad went with him for moral support and to also see the sights.”
“Nice! Whole house all to our gay-ass selves!” Roman threw a fist in the air in triumph. All four of them burst into laughter, which eventually faded into a soft silence.
“Hey, um, could we listen to the radio? I can’t- I don’t-” Logan stumbled over their words. They hated that they did this, even in the car with people they trusted. But even the silence between words was too much.
“Yeah, of course, starshine. I got ya.” Patton turned on the radio, hooked up his phone to the aux cord, and Girls/Girls/Boys began to play. Virgil and Roman immediately started singing. Patton giggled and turned it up.
“Is that too loud back there?” Logan shook their head and hummed happily, feeling themself relax as they listened to their partners sing along.
Girls love girls and boys/Girls love girls and boys/And never did I think that I/Would be caught in the way you got me/But girls love girls and boys/And love is not a choice
Virgil pulled into the driveway and parked. Once all four of them were out of the car, Virgil locked and double locked it. “You know doing that isn’t strictly necessary, right, V?” Logan commented, readjusting their glasses. Virgil just shrugged and grabbed their hand as they all headed inside. “Yeah, but it just makes me feel better.” Patton and Roman were already in the living room, backpacks thrown haphazardly onto the floor.
“Okay so, quick show and tell!” Patton declared. He was practically vibrating with excitement as he led them into the dining room. The dining room table was laden with sweets and presents. Roman’s eyes lit up and immediately went to reach for one but Patton held out a hand.
“No, hold on, you gotta wait!” Roman pouted but stepped back. “I got everyone’s favorite candy for our movie marathon! Chocolates for me, sour gummy worms for Virgil, Werther’s Original Candies for Logan, and a bag of cherry flavored Blow Pops for Roman! Also, I got each of you a graduation gift! We’ll open those first.”
Patton handed each of them a present. Roman tore into zirs the moment it was handed to zir. “Patton, you didn’t!” Ze was beaming in delight as ze held up a pack of colored pencils and a hardback sketchbook.
“Well you’d said you wanted some new ones so I got you this fancy pack! Prisma Premier is supposed to be a super good brand. And I figured you’d also need a new sketchbook to break things in.” He hugged Roman and kissed zir before going over to Virgil. “Okay stormcloud, your turn!”
Virgil opened xyr present and got two books. “Whoa, Patt, these are really cool! I’ve heard so much about The Illuminae Files series, thank you so much.”
Patton nodded enthusiastically. “I remember you posting about them a lot on Tumblr.” He went to Virgil and hugged xem. “Okay, last but not least, starshine’s turn!” He motioned for Logan to open their present. Inside was a puzzle book, a dotted journal and a pack of Zebra Midliner pens. Logan smiled and went to give Patton a tight hug.
“Thank you so much, Patton. I’m almost out of room in my current bullet journal; how did you know?”
“I just remembered! Okay, so let’s get ready to swim!” Patton turned to leave but Logan caught hold of his shirt sleeve. “Oh, is something the matter, Lolo?”
“You haven’t opened your present yet.”
Patton gave his partners a confused look. “My present? You got me something?” He glanced at Virgil, who held up xyr keys, then headed back out to xyr car.
“Of course we did, sunshine! How could we not? We all chipped in for it, and I just know you’re gonna love it!” Virgil came back in holding a yellow wrapped box with a silver ribbon. Patton blushed and gently took it from xyr hands and began unwrapping it. He gasped as he saw what was inside the box.
“Is this…” He looked up to see all three of them smiling at him, Logan stepped forward a bit.
“It’s a binder made especially for swimming. This way you won’t have to use your regular binder, and you can actually come swim with us! You’ll have to take it easy the first few times, to make sure you can breathe okay but- oh!” Patton lunged into Logan’s arms, cutting them off mid-sentence.
“Thank you so, so much. All of you. Each of you are so important to me and I’m glad to be partners with all three of you.”
Virgil and Roman both joined in on the hug. Roman let out a giggle before saying “This is so gay.”
As if on cue, Logan, Patton and Virgil chimed in: “Uh yeah, I sure hope it is!”
A/N 2:  I hope you all enjoyed this story! Feel free to reblog and tell me what you think! If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my taglist, please let me know by sending me an ask. You can find me on ao3 at Storytelling_Sparrow. Thank you so much for your continued support!
Taglist:  @theresneverenoughfandoms @galaxywitchwolf13 @magicallygrimmwiccan @daring-elm @creativity-killed-thekitten @007ardra @princeyssash @demigodnamedathena @khadij-al-kubra @thisis-theroad-toruin @sawyer-saucee @iwritegayshit  @it-me-the-phi @elfarmyenby @sparkedawg @ironwoman359 @today-only-happens-once @areyousirius-noheisdead @madly-handsome @milomeepit @princelogical @silversmith-91 @xxladystarlightxx @poisonedapples @romanamongthestars @ab-artist @ninjago2020 @anuninspiredpoet @justanormalfoot @eggheadinthemaking @gemini-the-kitsune-rp @justcallmepancake
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Where do we begin?
Pairings: Intrulogical (qpr), (implied romantic) Loyality (Lo, Ro and Pat) planned: (romantic) Anxceit,
Warnings: still written in present tense, mentions of a fist fight, mostly just the injuries and aftermath though and not the actual fight, quite graphic description (for me at least) of heavy bruises at the end, sympathetic Remus, one sexual innuendo and some misunderstanding in that direction, let me know if there's anything I missed!
Summary: Remus is a reckless idiot and Logan is worried
Quietly Logan sneaks into the dark room, observing Remus' breathing pattern for a moment before deciding that he wasn't asleep. He steps closer to the bed the other is residing in. "How are you feeling?" 
A dry laugh comes from the bed. "Well, my eyebrows don't hurt." Logan feels a smirk settling on his lips, glad that the darkness conceals him. After a pause he speaks again, hushedly, despite no one being able to hear them. "You look like shit, Ree." 
Without warning and with only a tiny hiss, an arm shoots out from under the blanket and grabs his wrist tightly. Logan startles and stumbles backwards, but even in this beat up state he's in, Remus is still surprisingly strong. And so he finds himself pulled back towards the bed. After a moment of hesitation he sits down on the edge of it, next to Remus, who finally lets go of his wrist, so abruptly as if he'd been burned. 
The silence stretches on between them again until Remus groans lowly and half-turns towards Logan. His tentative grin just barely shows the missing teeth in the front row glinting in the dim light coming from the hallway. "Is this where I say you should see the other guys?"
Logan shakes his head, his sigh somewhere between fond and exasperated. "I was worried about you, idiot", he finally admits. Remus' grin dies on his lips as he looks away again. "But not as much as you were about Ro...", he mumbles after a pause. Logans eyes widen briefly and he slowly shakes his head. Well, it was too late to go back now anyway. Without hurting his feelings at least.
"No, actually I...", he takes a deep breath to steady himself and reaches for Remus' hand again. "I was and am worried about both of you equally." He squeezes his hand carefully. "You two are such reckless idiots." 
"Hey!", Remus huffs indignantly, "We were just defending Pattons honor!" He'd gotten a bit loud, but surely no one would mind. Logan can't help but smile at him softly. "I know and that's exactly why I love you..." Remus abruptly pulls his hand away and gives him a small shove, which is immediately followed by another wince.
"Eww, get that stuff away from me, you know I'm allergic LoLo...!" Logan chuckles once again and folds his hands in his lap. "You're aromantic, Ree, not allergic", he adds, rolling his eyes at the other. Then he becomes serious once again. "Remus, I... I do care about you greatly though, and I know you don't feel the same, but-" 
"Hey, Lo..." He reaches for his hand and squeezes it reassuringly. "I care about you too. Okay?" Logan nods, still avoiding eye contact. "Okay. But... Perhaps you could elaborate on that? Please?" Hesitantly he looks back down at his friend. Remus blinks in surprise at the hope that's so clearly visible in Logans usually guarded expression. 
"Well, I, uh... Sure Lo." He sighs, thinking for a moment, before he continues. "First of all, you're a great friend. You put up with... Well, me, to put it simply. All my randomness and the weird stuff I do sometimes. Not-" He lifts his hand to stop Logan, who had opened his mouth to say something. "Just a moment, LoLo." 
"As I said", he continues, "not even Roman can put up with me all the time. So... Thanks, I guess." Logan squeezes his hand and he gives him a shaky smile in return, squeezing back. "You really don't have to thank me, Remus", he adds, "I do not care about your so called weirdness. You're not hurting anyone and you seem to have fun, so as long as you don't get in trouble with the police again, I'll support you." 
Remus sniffles and uses their joint hands to wipe his nose. Logan does his best to keep a straight face. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me LoLo..." He presses Logans hand to his chest and hisses quietly. "Dumb idea..." But then his scrunched up face slowly warps into a grin and Logan knows he's had one of his ideas again. 
"Hey LoLo, can I show you something cool?" Logan pulls up an eyebrow at him, quite suspicious of what Remus plans, but nods. "Sure." Remus' grin grows brighter and he grabs his pyjama shirt and starts to pull it up. Quickly (and carefully) Logan grabs his wrist with his free hand to stop him. "Wow, Ree, I'm not so sure about that, I mean- We just had a... Heart-felt moment and you're injured, I don't think-"
"Relax Lo..." Remus shakes off the others hand and winks. "We're not going there... Yet. I just wanna show you something." And with that he pulls up his shirt as far as he can to reveal the bruises spreading all over his side and lower back. Logan frowns. "Why did you want to show me your bruises Ree? I know what happened."
"I know you do Lo. But you can actually see my muscles in it...! I thought you might find that cool, maybe you'd want to get a better look at that?" Remus rolls his eyes and drops his shirt again. "But I seem to be wrong about your interest in anatomy..." He smirks to himself and counts the seconds in his head. He doesn't get very far before he can hear Logan sigh: "I do find your injuries rather interesting to look at Remus, but it is late and therefore dark. Perhaps we should postpone this to tomorrow and sleep for now?" 
Remus sighs again, but nods, still not letting go of Logans hand. "Fine... Sleep with me? In the non-sexual way?", he adds because he knows otherwise Logan will just clarify that anyway. Logan grins and pokes his uninjured side. "Sure thing Ree, move over." And with that he settles in next to him, snuggling close, and they're both asleep within mere moments. 
Here's the next installment of the punk AU! They're not necessarily written or posted in linear order, but it's set in the same universe as this fic.
You can also check this out on AO3 here!
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@deadboybombing @clownchecked
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swradiogram · 5 years ago
Shortwave Radiogram, 16-19 April 2020: Digital modes to the asteroids (and beyond)
Our only mishap last weekend was a late transmitter start at WRMI, resulting in the Friday 1300 UTC transmission on 15770 kHz not starting until about 1310 (in progress). Especially at WRMI, when a transmitter does not start on time, it's worth staying tuned, because the engineers are usually aware of the problem, and often they are able to fix it before the half hour is over. In the meantime, we converse about the absence of the signal on Twitter @SWRadiogram, and probably also at the Facebook group listened below. Last week's exotic mode was Olivia 32-2000 (32 tones, 2000 Hz bandwidth). Listeners reported some instances of the 32-2000 decoding in difficult reception situations where the MFSK32 showed errors. The speed of Olivia 32-2000, at 50 words per minute, is not too bad, so we might want to experiment more with this mode in the future. Videos of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (program 147) are provided by Lolo sdr in Spain (Friday 1310 UTC), Scott in Ontario (Saturday 1330 UTC), @K7al_L3afta in Morocco (Sunday 2330 UTC MFSK64 excerpt), and RIZ-LA Radio in (I think) North Carolina (Sunday 2330 UTC excerpt decoded with TIVAR).The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is prepared by Roger in Germany. This weekend's show is in the usual MFSK32 and MFSK64, with twelve MFSK  images. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 148, 16-19 April 2020, in MFSK modes as noted:   1:43  MFSK32: Program preview   2:53  Rehearsal of Virgin's 747 "flying launchpad"*   7:33  MFSK64: Asteroid 'Oumuamua might be planet shard* 11:28  This week's images* 28:34  MFSK32: Closing announcements * with image(s) Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners' results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway
| UTC Day  | UTC Time      | Frequency        | Transmitter       | |----------|---------------|------------------|-------------------| | Thursday | 2330-2400 UTC | 9265 kHz         | WINB Pennsylvania | | Friday   | 1300-1330 UTC | 15770 kHz        | WRMI Florida      | | Friday   | 1500-1530 UTC | 15750 kHz DRM    | WINB Pennsylvania | | Saturday | 0230-0300 UTC | 9265 kHz         | WINB Pennsylvania | | Saturday | 1330-1400 UTC | 15770 kHz        | WRMI Florida      | | Sunday   | 0800-0830 UTC | 5850 and 7730 kHz| WRMI Florida      | | Sunday   | 2330-2400 UTC | 7780 kHz         | WRMI Florida      |
The Mighty KBC transmits to North America Sundays at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 8-10 EDT) on 5960 kHz, via Germany. A minute of MFSK is at about 0130 UTC.  Reports to Eric: [email protected] . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/. “This is a Music Show” is the newest addition to digital modes via analog shortwave. Most of the show is a music show, but the host transmits some MFSK text and image near the end of the broadcast. It’s transmitted on WRMI, Thursdays at 0200-0300 UTC on 5850 kHz (Wednesday evening in the Americas) and a new time also on WRMI, Wednesdays at 2100-2200 UTC on 7780 kHz (aimed towards Europe) . Also look for a waterfall ID at the beginning of the show. [email protected] .  www.twitter.com/ThisIsAMusicSho/ @ThisIsAMusicSho New York and Pennsylvania NBEMS nets. Most weekends, as KD9XB, I check in to the New York NBEMS (Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software) net Saturday at 1200 UTC on 3584 kHz USB, and the Pennsylvania NBEMS net Sunday at 1200 UTC on 3583 kHz USB (with out-of-state check-ins now starting at 1130 UTC). Check-ins are usually in Thor 22, and messages are in MFSK32. Messages generally use the Flmsg add-on to Fldigi. If you are a radio amateur in eastern North America, feel free to check in. Outside the region, use an SDR in the eastern USA to tune in and decode. You do not need Flmsg to check in, and most of the messages can be read without Flmsg. If you can decode the net, send me an email to [email protected] , or tweet to @SWRadiogram , and I will let them know you are tuned in. USEast NBEMS Net: Please also note the USEast NBEMS Net, Wednesdays 2300 UTC (7 pm EDT) on 3536 kHz USB.
Christopher, K6FIB, in Oregon, received these images 12 April 2020, 0800-0830 UTC, 5850 kHz from WRMI Florida. Christopher tracks news about DRM shortwave broadcasting at his drmna.info website and @drmna_info Twitter account.
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