#who's the resident idiot
eggo-tistical · 8 months
sorry for the lack of posts as i became deadly ill from evil pathogens!! (literally the common cold)
here, serennedy be upon ye
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caitlynmeow · 4 months
Modern AU:
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When Bela started going to university there was the inevitable question: “why here and not Cambridge or Harvard?”
Many excuses were used to answer the question, but the real answer is Alcina looking at her daughter (this is only done with close family like only Miranda and the other Lords) and saying “She couldn’t handle living on an hour and a half away campus, why do you think she can handle living abroad on her own?”
Because Bela tried. She even has a huge apartment near campus to stay in. She did move there, actually. But on the first night, she drove back to the castle because she felt very homesick and couldn’t possibly spend the night there.
Alcina is a no-pressure mom and also very indulging so she didn’t try to force Bela to tough it out and stay at the apartment. Because she was also having a hard time accepting that one of her babies was old enough to live on her own.
So if Bela feels better staying at home, then she stays at home.
Bela only stayed at the apartment during midterms and finals because she needed the extra time to study and be close to campus (during those times Cass would go with her because wants to keep her sister company and also have access to the university library and all the extra resources that she can use to excel even further in high school). But other than that Bela stayed at the castle and the driver would drive to and back from university every day.
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
>open Twitter >open DMs to send a message to a buddy I haven't spoken to in a while >there's a shitton of messages that I never got notifications for that I just straight-up missed over the course of A YEAR >goddamn it Twitter >this is all Elon Musk's fault >anyway >one of them is from the Project Umbrella guys >remember the big stupid bitchfight I got into with them last year >oh Jesus what the fuck did they want back then that I missed >open DM >HE'S DEFENDING THE RE ARCHIVES >NO FUCKING WAY LOL
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And that's NOT what happens in Leon's RE3 epilogue. THIS is Leon's RE3 epilogue:
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Oh but wait!
There's more!
This guy then tries to go on to defend the "Adam Benford kidnapped Leon" argument. Let's see how well his argument holds up.
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So let's check his facts. Let's do a search for Jun Takeuchi.
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Interesting. So Takeuchi became an executive around 2017. RE6 came out in 2012. So Takeuchi wasn't an executive at the time RE6 was written or released.
In fact
looking at this
Takeuchi didn't work on Resident Evil 6 at all. So... if he didn't work on RE6, then that would make anything he writes about it... fanfiction... wouldn't it? Otherwise, what gives him word of god for RE6's story? The fact that he was employed at the company at the time? Does this mean that any random environmental artist has word of god over the story? Do the Monster Hunter guys have word of god over RE6, too?
And what about Tsukasa Takenaka? Well, he's not even a big enough name to have a Wikipedia page to begin with. In fact, looking him up, it seems like he had a minor hand in writing RE5, produced Revelations 1, and worked on RE: The Mercenaries 3D.
Okay, well what about this dude's other claims?
Adam Benford was director of the CIA in 2002 (according ONLY TO that airsoft ad written by the guy who did not work on RE6; this is NOT stated in RE6 itself), and his position in 1998 is unknown -- implying that he was not actually the director of the CIA in 1998. But Leon was kidnapped in 1998 by the CIA. So if he wasn't the director... then I guess he wasn't behind the kidnapping, was he?
Our friend from Project Umbrella then goes on to make a bunch of other claims right in a row, so let's go down them one by one.
>"Leon and Adam working together for a decade is only an approximation" Okay, but if you're approximating, the number would be closer to 15, not 10. Benford died in 2011. 2011 - 1998 = 13. So the rounded number would be 15.
>it's okay if RE6 gets the date wrong because supplementary material gets it wrong >implying that the game does not have more people working on it to ensure accuracy than random supplemental material. You're telling me that no one on the team of hundreds that worked on this game remembered that Raccoon City happened in 1998?
>RE6 is off by a year re: Chris killing Wesker
Is that true?
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No, actually. That's not true at all. RE6 says it happened in 2009. And, wouldn't you know it. RE5 takes place in 2009.
So, what do you think, Mr. Project Umbrella?
Is that enough research that I've done for you?
Maybe the next time you want to go into a woman's DMs to mansplain at her and call her hysterical, you might want to get your fucking facts right first, you self-important misogynistic piece of human fucking garbage.
In conclusion.
and talk down to women, apparently
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1ncend1ary · 1 year
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leon "what did they mean by that" kennedy
bonus of my friend outing me
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
I know 'person with secret to hide spots other person with secret to hide but doesn't say anything' is like. Thee trope in superhero crossovers, but come on! Some of these guys have been doing this for decades! There's tons of heroes that have gone to pretty extreme lengths to be Completely Imperceptible in civilian life.
Don't you think it's scarier, after all is said and done, to sit there and think I didn't notice a thing? I wouldn't have ever realised? I would never have known? To know that someone you were familiar with - close with, even! - had this whole other personality and skillset and powers and experiences and life just behind the curtain, and they hid it so completely you didn't even see it was there.
'I always knew there was something off' what if you didn't. How world shaking would it be to be so utterly blindsided? To know that this person had somehow learned to so deceptive?
#Strongly inspired by the dp x dc where Danny knows what up IMMEDIATELY or a bat clocks Danny as super suspicious within mins of meeting#Or the amount of reveal fics caused by the hero slipping up in some stupid way and getting themselves doxxed against their will#Like come on!! Full time heroes like superman or batman or Spidey go to great lengths to construct an entirely separate civilian persona!#And yes I know they've had their idiot moments when it comes to their identities but they've kept their secret rock solid for irl DECADES#What's an identity reveal without drama!! Shake it up! Stir the pot! Not a slow and gradual build up of suspicion and stress#But two high speed trains coming at right-angles and the audience is the only one who can see the incoming crash#Twist the knife in if you want. Make it HURT. Make it completely rewrite what they believed.#Short ID reveals are great for this because you can SEE the ripple effects spreading out as the story ends. Just BANG.#But also no ID reveal at all. The main character goes through the story regularly interacting with and developing character right alongside#A hero in hiding and no one is ever the wiser. You're a worker in WE fending off attempts to steal your inventions and Bruce Wayne#Invites you to his office to discuss security and he walks you back to your office when you get nervous about a break in.#You're struggling with school bullies and getting into trouble over your photography hobby and Peter Parker is right there alongside#You complaining about rich kids and fiddling with the outdated finicky lenses you got from the school.#You're a reporter unpicking a mystery scandal and you ask resident tank Clark Kent if he's able to play bodyguard if you go somewhere shady#The reader knows. No one else notices a thing.#And besides focusing on the civilian side is a nice change of pace! Let's see how they manage leading double lives!#What do I even tag this#batman#superman#Marvel#Dcu#spiderman#secret identity#identity reveal#long tags#captain marvel#miraculous ladybug#I know I know#hero and villain
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rainbowtvz · 1 month
*grits teeth*
i do not want to discourse here or anywhere anymore but it does kind of affect me as a transmasc bi person when i see shit that indirectly misgenders me and implies that bisexuality is an icky no good word and identity and you have to be bi and gay and bi and lesbian and bi and straight at the same time or support them or you're an evil stinky stinky terf like... hello where am, i
#it makes me feel othered by an otherwise inclusive community bc how dare i think that men aren't involved in lesbianism#or how dare i think that bisexuality is a whole and valid sexuality#or how dare i think that any and all nonbinary genders are included in every single sexuality by default#or that trans women are women so no fuckin g duh theyre included in lesbianism and if your knee jerk reaction to seeing:#men cannot be lesbians is to think of trans women then you are the transphobe here#or how i dare think that trans man and transmasc aren't the exact same thing#that genderqueerdyke person is also a transadrophobia geek and theyre buddies with genderkoolaid#which like. do i HAVE to say it?#IF U IGNORE THE TRANSMISOGYNY (WHICH U SHOUDLNT) THEYRE ALSO A ZIONIST HELLOW?? WHATS NOT CLICKING WHATS NOT CLICKING#OK IM KINDA MAD ABT THAT LIKE... SORRY BUT HOW ABOUT WE DONT PLATFORM IDIOTS NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEIR RHETORIC MIGHT SOUND#BC U WANT TO BE TOTALLY INCLUSIVE AND NOT GATEKEEPY#ive BEEN around the fucking block ive BEEN on tumblr when the resident terfs here coined bi lesbian#if you scrolled back far enough in certain keywords you wouldve seen that shit in the early 2010s being discussed in their circles#to mean lesbians who are attracted to trans women#you cannot reclaim that or recoin it#yes ive done the research too#i looked at every single piece of evidence of that label existing in the past 50~ years#its just bisexual women back when lesbian spaces also included them#plus like may i also fucking ssay that bisexual also used to mean being of two sexes (transsexual/gender and/or intersex?)#this close to fully believing that the pushback against bisexual being it's own whole and valid sexuality is some kind of psy op#i sound schizophrenic well Maybe I Am#i feel like im going to end up deleting this post bc i dont want to argue with people who disagree with me because there is no getting#through to any of you#tbd.
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angelofthursdayy · 1 year
i saw someone saying it's a popular fanon on here to make luis lowkey p fucking creepy and ive gotta say congrats to those people who do that shit for winning the 2023 Most Idiotic (Mis)Interpretation Award. don't spend all your braincells at once will you guys- oh wait, you already did.
like, im sorry but that man screams hopeless romantic himbo who pretends to be a slut (affectionate) to hide the fact he would start crying sobbing throwing up if leon said he wouldn't love him if he was a worm.
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no-thanks-bro · 1 year
"I'm gonna need to ask for absolution, Father. Because I'm about to kill."
LEON PLEASE 😭😭😭😭 that is by far the best-worst line he has ever said (even moreso than 'nighty night, knights') and I literally had to pause the game and take a minute to process it fully
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eirianerisdar · 2 years
No F this I am done
Some people don’t deserve to be parents
I am on yet another day and half shift and this 12 day old baby just came in with her bilirubin sky high and her weight super low (she’s still at birth weight and had lost weight since her fifth day of life) because THE FREAKING SHITS THAT CALL THEMSELVES HER PARENTS had been only breastfeeding her for 10 minutes every 3 hours and topping up with 20ml of formula BY CUP AND NOT BY BOTTLE and she’s so severely dehydrated she’s PEEING ONLY ONCE EVERY TWELVE HOURS
He was like Huh? I thought it was ok. The baby didn’t like drinking milk it’s not my fault
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
my cousin: i just don’t get why people care so much [about stranger things/mike], like it’s not that big of a deal
me, the resident dumbass of the family, who runs a stranger things/byler fanblog: 👁👄👁
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shiroselia · 1 year
Like yeye whatevs "listen to your playerbase" this or that whatever SSE sure enough
But while you're doing that can you Not make "playerbase" literally just defined as "the fuckers in the instagram comment section" EXCLUSIVELY
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caitlynmeow · 4 months
What is wife's nationality ?
And imagine this :
Wife goes to 10 year high-school reunion where a few people got engaged, fewer even got married and she arrives with her Romanian wife and already has two children maybe three.
I think she's American but she moved to Romania ages ago so it doesn't matter anymore
Ohh even better! She'd go with Cass who's already about six months pregnant and when old friends ask, wife proudly declares this is baby #2 like hell yeah we're way past the marriage stage we're down to second kid now. (they left Aurelia back in Romania because no one wants to fly with a one-year-old plus Alcina wants to have the kiddo all to herself while Cass and wife are traveling so it's a win-win).
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
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Okay, and with this, I am officially done spamming about this scene.
Just some Leon smiling at and being comforted by Ashley's touch.
And some forbidden handholding, because Capcom said it wasn't allowed. All of Capcom. Every single dev at Division 1 didn't want them holding hands, including the director whose idea it was, the actors who mocapped it, and the animators who rendered it up in the game.
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obiwan-kenobabe · 1 year
Designing two new OCs at the same time just because I love the agonies
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ramyeonguksu · 1 year
hullevi question!
curious as to at what moment did each of them know they loved the other?
stay hydrated <3 🍰 @resident-cake-anon
Man people really wanted to know this huh HFJDKS I JUST ANSWERED A SIMILAR QUESTION
BUT TO GO INTO THE SPECIFICS Hillevi finds herself writing the most letters to him during her travels, even going so far to give him bits of her travel schedule super far in advance so that his letters would reach her wherever she is because knowing him and the work cut out for him as the Minister of the Imperial Household he would be really busy and won't be able to send as much letters back
It's when she starts looking forward to his replies more than anyone else is where she's like "Wait why" and mulls over it for nights and nights fhjdks
As for Hubert he finds out his feelings earlier when he notices how he always looks forward to reading Hillevi's letters and writing back to her during his spare time. Dorothea definitely notices this and suspects something and when she asks him about it Hubert definitely denies it but then starts thinking over it after their conversation because oh huh she might be onto something FHJSSK
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marsgalaxias · 4 months
I lead a very interesting and eventful life, and frequently my friends have joked I live in a sitcom, and I honestly don't think I've done anything other than take advantage of my opportunities. my mindset can pretty much be summed up as, "nothing matters, but everything matters, and nothing changes, but everything changes!" like it's literally just about putting things in perspective for your happiness. you do you, bro.
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