#which wouldn't be an issue if i had done the shit for the right due date
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youdontknowhowtodiequietly · 3 months ago
this is my first year actually buying and giving gifts for a bunch of people (last year i only did it for a few) and jfc why did no one tell me it was this exhausting?? like, yeah, ik in other places it's exhausting because it's busy but i'm talking abt mentally exhausting. thinking abt shit to get multiple ppl, worrying abt if they'll even like the gift or if you just think they will? wrapping/bagging the presents? writing cards? i haven't done the rest of my wrapping, or finished writing cards, and just the thought of doing either of those things is just so draining for me ugh
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thatstheproblemwithnapkinman · 10 months ago
something that kind of annoys me is when peoiple genuinely criticise tom taylor's nightwing run by saying "dick is so out of character in those 2 issues where he gets the shit beaten out of him and then falls through his window"
that is taken out of the context of dick recovering from a traumatic brain injury so yeah he's going to be off balance after being whacked in the head MULTIPLE TIMES what are you talking about?!?!
it's ok, just breathe
the panel for reference
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Nightwing (2016) #83 pp. 12
don't believe me?
dick gets shot in the head just above his left ear, which you can see in both of these panels and in the cover for nightwing (2016) #50 (if you pretend if's a mirror image bc why is it on the right)
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Batman (2016) #55 pp. 21 Nightwing (2016) #50 pp. 2
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Nightwing (2016) #50 Cover
you can also see his brain scans in the same issue which nicely show the area of damage and literally list what happened
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Nightwing (2016) #50 pp. 2
so he lost bone (skull), blood (obviously), brain tissue (we'll come back to this), cerebrospinal fluid (bc there was a whole in his head), and suffered from severe vascular swelling (we'll return here too)
so, what brain tissue did dick lose?
here's the very basic anatomy of the human brain
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John Hopkins Medicine - https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/anatomy-of-the-brain (i drew the red circle)
now the ears sit just in front of the cerebellum, roughly somewhere around the red circle which lines up with the brain scan showing the damage is roughly in that notch where the temporal lobe and parietal lobe meet
the temporal lobe is involved with speech, rhythm, and short term memory
the parietal lobe is involved with pain and touch recognition, recognising objects, and oh would you look at that, spatial recognition
dick go shot in the part of the brain that tells the body where it is in relation to objects
no wonder he had a hard time fighting and trying to climb through windows, his coordination was all fucky
now the cerebellum is the part of the brain that affects balance BUT but but but we haven't talked about vascular swelling yet
vascular swelling is where the walls of the blood vessels swell (whodathunk) and this causes a reduction in the blood supply as they swell inwards
outward swelling with increase pressure on the brain which is not good either BUT this reduced blood flow = less oxygen to the brain = damage
there's a reason the symptoms of hypoxia pre-passing out are pretty much limited to your brain bc that's the organ that goes first
so with a decrease in bloodflow to his brain, there is a decent change damage was also done to every single part of his brain
now the blood supply does come in past the cerebellum so tbh there probably wouldn't be that much damage if at all however even with that it would explain how dick was still effected from getting shot
so having learned all that, lets take a look at issues 81 & 83 shall we
in #81...
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 5
he gets whacked in the head by heartless, someone with enhanced strength
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 12
he passes out because he's been whacked on the head near to where he was shot
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 13
this is nicely confirmed by babs
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 19
he gets pushed back whilst fighting and due to his injury induced lack of spatial awareness, he falls down the stairs
then in #83, after fighting blockbuster, almost getting shot again, and flying through a helicopter...
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Nightwing (2016) #83 pp. 12
he falls through his window
so yeah, i do think this is reasonable for dick to do given he's recovering from a brain injury and has just been hit in the head and probably hit it whilst falling down the stairs
and if you've made it this far, i want to emphasise the 20 million valid reasons to criticise tom taylor's nightwing run, but this just isn't one of them
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crazy56u · 1 month ago
It's late, I'm bored, I wanna ramble about a thing.
So, a while back, I did that thing again where I had an art commission made (shoutout @thenovika); it never got shared on here, but it was shared on other places. And I feel like talking about it a little bit, just for kicks. And also to share the deep lore that's been burning in my head concerning it, some of which might not 100% track, but fuck it, it's my imagination, and I decide the path it takes.
To start, said commission is this:
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(shifting to "Read More" mode now)
Firstly, yes, this is using "Quantum Leap Jesus Painting" as a reference.
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Believe it or not, this is the last time this becomes relevant in this rant; things are gonna deviate quick here.
Secondly, this post is mainly a (very long delayed) response to some people's interpretation of what is going on in the image; namely, that Julie-Su is dead.
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This was never my intention... however, admittedly, my intention is somewhat worse. Essentially, the intrusive thoughts were angry.
Let me explain: For those unaware, in the Archie comics, prior to the Big Legal Kerfluffle that resulted in the SGW reboot, Rouge was, to be blunt, a self-serving bastard, and basically didn't give a shit that Knuckles had a girlfriend.
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Later on in the comic, Knuckles was going through The Shit due to briefly being evil (long fucking story) and trying to "free" people from technology and shit, and decided after everything was said and done that he needed to self-isolate.
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Fast forward two issues, and Knuckles decides to return to public life... mainly thanks to Rouge wanting to further an agenda (that I don't really think gets revealed, given how the comics soon quickly fall down a cliff in terms of #shenangans and #lawsuits).
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And here is where the thoughts started getting loud; Rouge could've tried to have it both ways: Get Knuckles back in to the fight, and also keep him to herself.
After all, Knuckles did have a good reason to stay away from Julie-Su after The Shit happened...
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Yeah, he almost did that; stands to reason he could be convinced to keep his distance... or, rather, be convinced Julie-Su wanted to keep her distance.
Here is where the real shit kicks into gear with how this plays out in my brain: In order to play both sides (and, this is important, there is a very small window of opportunity Rouge would have her to prevent Knuckles from properly reuniting with her), Rouge confronts Julie-Su privately shortly after The Shit and, upon pushing just the right buttons (basically insinuating to her that it was her fault Knuckles went through The Shit at all), Rouge manipulates her into having that long-awaited rematch between the two of them in a private location... where she basically wipes the floor with her (she can kick Knuckles' ass just fine, this wouldn't be nothing in comparison; plus, cybernetics can be shorted out, just a tip), and knocks her out (see the first image).
You may have noticed my decision to use the phrase "play both sides".
Well, that's because that was what I was thinking of.
As much as she wanted Knuckles for herself, Rouge wouldn't kill Julie-Su directly.
She'd kill the idea of her.
She'd take her home. To a familiar face.
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Who is on the record not above screwing with Julie-Su's brain to get what she wants.
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(Plus, it's implied that chip never came out...)
And now also has a new partner in crime to help make the transition process smoother.
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And Rouge 100% would A) know how to contact Lien-Da, B) talk her into taking part in this plan, and C) turn a blind eye to it all after the fact.
So, yes, in a very warped sense, everyone wins.
Knuckles gets to start moving on from The Shit, no longer burdened with one of the biggest reminders of how deep that went.
Rouge gets her prize.
Lien-Da gets to clear the slate and start fresh with a new ally, and a new member of the Dark Egg Legion.
And as far as everyone is concerned, Julie-Su has left for greener pastures, for her own good.
Rouge wouldn't kill Julie-Su. Not directly. Too many lost resources that way.
...but maybe it'd be merciful the other way around...
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manic-pixie-aquarius · 8 months ago
Mike Wheeler, quick to defend Will but not El
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No cause it's crazy that Mike didn't hesitate to stand up to bullies talking shit about Will in his absence, but when bullies started surrounding El with a camera, clearly about to humiliate her Mike just stood there. (As did Will, but to be fair we never see Will stand up to bullies. But he did aid El earlier when her diorama was broken).
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Yeah, Mike was already upset that she lied, but she lied about having friends due to her insecurity. If my s/o lied about something like that to me, I wouldn't be that upset... I would be empathetic and try to help them feel comfortable by talking about my own experience with bullies and not fitting in at school... which leads me to ask once again WHY do people still ship Mileven??😭 They are not good together! I've been an advocate for El being single and learning how to be independent from Mike and men in general because there have been so many men with power over her her whole life who've dictated everything she does- INCLUDING Mike, and as much as I love him as a character, he is such a bad boyfriend to El!!!
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(I saw a gif earlier of Mike saying this paralleling Brenner but can't find it anymore ughh)
Anyways, off of this tangent, Mike being upset and passive aggressive and overall unhelpful to El after she is humiliated is because he's actually upset with Will and therefore cannot be bothered by El's issues - which is entirely fucked up. Like bro that is your GIRLFRIEND. Just like you said to Will...
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She's your girlfriend but you sure aren't taking your boyfriend duty that seriously... you didn't even want to talk to her after she got humiliated in front of her classmates. Everyone is focused on your quietly sulking ass at the dinner table, but you didn't even go through the brunt of the problems your girlfriend and best friend did (as far as we know, we don't see any major struggles Mike is going thru prior to season 4 --besides the hellfire club stuff--unlike El's bullying and Will's struggle with queerness. Those of us who aren't the GA know that Mike not writing "Love" is likely an internal issue with him falling out of love with El/struggling with his queerness). Like Will is initially upset at El because she keeps lying to Mike about her status and he's also mad about Mike not reaching out to him. El is mad at Will for telling the truth and also at Mike for not standing up for and helping her/probably for being scared of her and rubbing her mistake (hurting Angela) in her face "What did you do?!"/for him not saying he loves her. Basically, El has multiple reasons to be upset at Mike. And Mike's upset at Will for not reaching out/"being a douche" to El/for thinking that he should be a top priority along with El. He is also upset at El for lying, although he expresses anger at Will for not telling him about El's lying even though he didn't even know about the lying. In Mike's eyes, he isn't doing anything wrong even though he is a big subject of both Will and El's insecurities. So why is he sulking? If anything, El should be the one allowed to sulk and get the sympathy/empathy. But she doesn't, and Mike acting like the victim of this whole situation in this scene sends El over the edge.
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I honestly love this scene because she had every right to be mad at Mike. And I'm not trying to let Will off the hook here, but he was trying to be noble by clearing any lies before they went too far, although they went too far anyway. He also has every right to be upset at Mike (as far as we know, because Will mentions that Mike didn't reach out which leads us to believe that the reaching out was one-sided)
Note: I haven't done a season 4 rewatch yet so correct me if I'm wrong about anything. I only rewatched the rink fight and Byers dinner scenes for this post!
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popculturebuffet · 3 months ago
Out of the three which is the worse?
Cricket tricking his family into a Spacecation and trapping Commander Voyd?
Mabel giving the Rift to Bill leading to Weirdmageddon?
Louie stealing treasures from the past and creating a Timephoon?
Louie. I thought this would be hard with the first two.. but no it's louie.
Now as for why Cricket tricking his family is bad, as he implictly knew like bill "They woudln't go for this" (or at the very least BILL wouldn't). Him trapping Colleen is worse. But their both done out of a misguided well meaning impulse to do the best for his family. THeir bad actions, but the intent is better.
Mabel screwed up, but is easily the least cuplable person here as she had no idea who she was dealing with and the summer forever thing "Blandon" proposed while not good, was on the same level as other stuff she'd done (The Several Times thing comes to mind) or dipper had done (the rumble mcskrimish fiasco). As far as she knew the worst that could happen was she'd learn a life lesson
Neither of these are GOOD.. but Louie trumps both in a lot of ways. His reason for nearly destroying reality is selfish: he want smore money, he wants a quick solution, so he steals things from time. Like Cricket and Mable he is aware what he's doing is probably wrong but does it anyway.
The big diffrence that wins him the worst boy crown is his reactoin to it: Cricket doubles down a little, but clearly does feel bad he disapointed his dad, while mabel ducks into mable land but realizes she can't say and works hard to make up for what she did, accident or no. Both try to avoid the problem, make it worst, but ultimately work to fix it.
Louie... tries to avoid the problem and makes it worse.. but he only fixes it when it's at it's worst point. See in Cricket and Mable's dilemma's both know somethings wrong but don't fix it right away due to personal issues, cricket finally getting praise and mabel's abandonment issues about dipper. Both aren't right to do that, but you can understand it.
Louie... refuses to tell anyone he did this to avoid consequences. Plain and simple. He spends the episode hiding what he done did despite having the solution in his room and only reverses things when people start seemingly dying. He isn't honest till it's too late.
What puts it over the top though.. is his reaction. Again Mabel feels bad and tries to fix it and atone for it: she helps stop weirdmageddon, is helping fix the rifts it left in the comics, and alongside everyone else encourages the reader. Cricket goes into a depression but then risks his life to save big city and is geninely contrite.
Louie in contrast feels bad in the moment.. but once he's free gives a half assed apology. He's not sorry he did this, he's not sorry he lied and made it worse, he's just sorry people nearly died. Louie is the worst out of the three because he didn't learn anything from it, didn't try and improve. He just tried to slide his way out of actual consequence sand while della fucked up in how she punished it, Glomtales is a bit of a mess even if the glomgold stuff as always was gold, she was absoltuely right to slam her foot down and him jabbing her with the moon thing was him being an absolute shit. The big diffrence is Della not only recognizes she fucked up in the moon but has spent a decade away from her kids paying for it, struggling to survivie, loosing a leg and trying desperatly to get home. Louie.. is a little shit in this episode and crosses the line a few times and thus easily wins being the worst here by a mile.
PS: Forgot to go by scale too.. and he still wins. Cricket nearly destroyed a chunk of earth, Mabel reality.. and Louie also nearly wiped out reality. And unlike Mabel he wasn't catfished into it.
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You Just...Left - Reiner x Reader
TW: Hurt with slight comfort, abandonment issues+getting left behind briefly mentioned, breif mention of reader wanting to die
Context: Reader has abandonment issues due to being ditched by a parent during a titan attack (said parent was never seen again) and gets hurt real bad by Reiner and fully expexts to never see him again. The begin of this is a bit of a flashback before going back to current
I was nervous. Reiner and I had become quick friends on the second day of being in the scouts training camp and now with it halfway done he wanted to see me after dinner. Speaking of dinner I had tried to make it last as long as possible but I could feel his gaze bore holes into my back the entire time, it also didn't help that Sasha kept asking if I was going to finish what was on my plate. I slid it to her after a while, I had lost my apatite.
I tried to leave the dinning hall as quietly as possible. It's not that I didn't want to hear what he had to say, in fact I actually really like him. He strong, caring to others, pretty funny when the timing is right, and most of all he has a big heart. I had actually hoped maybe he wanted to talk to confess but the odds are extremely low of that happening....I've learned from the past that getting close only hurts in the end.
I made it maybe seven feet from the dinning hall door before someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the shadows covering my mouth before I could let out a yelp. This is it I'm done for, someone snuck in and I'm the poor soul who's life they chose to extinguish. "Gosh you're shaking like a leaf it's just me (Y/N)?" the voice of the hands said with a low rumbling chuckle while letting me go. I whirl around to face him and playfully smack him on the chest "Reiner! You scared the shit out of me!" I say with a huge grin appearing briefly of my face before looking up at him expectantly. His short choppy hair highlighted by the moonlight, dark shadows across his face with what seemed to be a hint of blush lurking beneath them. Perhaps getting close wouldn't be so bad?
That was the night we confessed our feelings for each other and I had my first kiss. The many days that followed after were some of the best in my entire life...until they weren't.
It was a bit after graduation. What was left of our group were on Wall Rose and I was just ahead of Mikasa when she stopped, I could hear Reiner talking and Bertholdt getting a bit frantic so I turned around to head towards my love only to be stopped by her. The next few things that happened were a blur, Mikasa was gone in a flash attacking Reiner and Bertholdt, they both turned into the Colossal and Armored Titan respectively, and then they grabbed Eren and Ymir and ran.
That was the second most worst day of my life. I had told him about my abandonment issues and yet he still left on his own accord! The hurt and anger in my eyes and wails of his name as he ran into the woods...I hope it haunts him. The days that followed I became reckless on missions caring little for my own safety cause then at least if I died the pain would stop.
I didn't think I'd ever see him again and I was perfectly fine with that but because of Eren and his tendencies of course Reiner would show up again. I could tell even in his titan form he was looking for me as I zipped around on my ODM gear. I should've known it was stupid to attempt to go for the nape but I wanted to make him feel some sort of pain that I felt but before I could reach my destination he grabbed me out of the air and then it all went black.
When I came back to I was in a small room looking up at the ceiling, looking around I noticed Reiner sitting in the furthest corner from where I was with his arms crossed and head bent down. I sat up with a grunt which caused him to lift his head to look at me "(Y/N)..." he says softly, his harsh and depressing looking face softening as his eyes laided themselves on me taking in everything that's changed. He stood up and started to approach me but I scurried back falling off the edge of the bed as tears filled my eyes. Looking up over the edge of the bed I saw the soft look he gave me a few moments before change to one of hurt and worry "Stay away from me! You left me behind just leave again!" I shout as I shakily stand and dash for the door.
His arms wrap around me. They were warm, strong, and inviting but I can't...give in, I can't get close only for him to leave me again. He pulls me close to his broad chest with my own pressed against and tears willingly and angrily fall from my eyes as I sob and pound my fists on his chest. I let loose frustration after frustration along the lines of "You coward!" "How could you leave! You knew my fears!" "Why didn't you take me with you!" "Why did you have to come back you could've made it so easy for me to forget!" and after a while of scream sobs and shouting at him I slowed down. Worn out from my meltdown weakly pounding on his chest before my hands fall limp to my sides feeling his now damp shirt against my cheeks and face, he hadn't said a word the entire time "Please...saying something. Anything, just rip my heart out finally. Deal the final blow Reiner." I mange to croak out.
A pause goes by and still nothing, not a peep, but it felt like something was falling on top of my head so I take a chance to look up. He was silently crying and big tears splashed on my face upon impact as he took one hand from around me and cupped my face as I stared at him in shock. "I wanted so desperately to just sweep you off your feet and take you away with me. I know I'm an asshole for leaving you behind, I was scared and a coward and wanted to make it back home alive." he looks away for a second before continuing "Trust me I wanted so badly to come back for you (Y/N) but due to my situation I wasn't allowed to. Anytime we fought that brat I always looked for you but you were never there until now. I'm sorry for what I've put you through but I'd like to make amends for my past failures?" he finishes. Fresh tears fall from my eyes "Reiner...I-I don't know..." I trail off and after a moment of silence I add on "It'd be hard for me to trust that you just won't leave me again."
"Please give me one more chance to prove myself to you (Y/N)?" he practically begs.
I let out a deep sigh and hesitantly nod with my eyes shut "Okay Reiner." I answer.
"Thank you my precious angel." he says as he cups both my cheeks and pulls me into a long awaited kiss.
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woodchipp · 10 months ago
It's interesting that Crossroads and Backstage - or, more specifically, the fact they're present in the story at all - imply Sunny really doesn't undergo any substantial development as a character.
The whole point of the game is that Sunny must face reality, as harsh and complicated it is. The Sunny route is meant to be Sunny working on his issues. But before he confronts the final issue - his depression - he dreams about his friends (and whatever that apparition of Mari is meant to be lmao) giving him three pep-talks even though the game spent much of its story hammering in the point that Sunny shouldn't be indulging in escapism like that.
The contents of said pep-talks and their main takeaways are no less... interesting.
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Since all the dialogue in Crossroads and Backstage is basically Sunny talking with himself, Basil's line here implies Sunny wouldn't consider his friends "good" if they (understandably) choose not to forgive him. It also implies that he doesn't give much of a shit about their feelings as long as they leave the possibility of forgiving him on the table.
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Here, the game tries to pretend shoving Mari down the stairs was the only bad thing Sunny did, conveniently ignoring the choices he made after the accident and over the course of the story.
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Again, It's quite telling that Mari urges him to forgive himself. There's no indication that he wants to tell the truth to do right by his friends - it's for his peace of mind.
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"You've worked really hard to get to this point..."
Because him loitering around the town for three days without doing anything of note (without player input or not at the request of some other character) is considered "hard work" by this game, apparently.
Oh, and we haven't even gotten to Backstage yet!
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"Something bad", huh?
Well, let's go over all of the shitty things Sunny's done, shall we?
(Apparently) was aware of Aubrey's troubled situation at home, wasn't shown doing anything of note to help and/or support her
Threw a tantrum that resulted in the death of his sister because he couldn't watch TV shows with his friends for as long as he'd like
Was relieved that he got away with accidentally killing his sister
Chose to lie to his friends by omission, letting them believe they had somehow failed Mari due of the assumed nature of her death as a suicide and irreversibly traumatizing them
Chose to let Basil take the fall for blacking out Mari's photos in the photo album, which entailed Basil becoming the target of Aubrey's bullying and wore Basil's mental health down to near-psychosis by the time of the game's events
Walked out on Basil - his best friend - when the latter had a mental breakdown despite Basil begging him to stay
Considered leaving Basil to his death as a legitimate option, twice
Wasn't shown to feel any guilt or shame from having a picnic with the people he lied to near his dead sister's grave
Twisted the supportive words of the people he lied to to alleviate his own self-loathing over committing manslaughter
Dropped the bombshell shortly before having to move town, thus avoiding the direct consequences of his confession
I'm not exaggerating any of this. I don't need to. Quite the impressive list for a sixteen-year-old, isn't it?
Sunny doesn't get to "something bad" his way out of this one.
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...how do you think Basil felt, Sunny, you fucking asshole?
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This is where I have to reiterate my point - despite the game focusing on Sunny having to let go of his escapist fantasies and face reality, he only confronts his depression after... indulging in said fantasies again, imagining his friends saying what he wants them to say. We're meant to feel good about it this time because, uh... The imaginary facsimiles of his friends have different sprites now! Yay!!
I'm not saying this 16 yo who had his eye stabbed a few minutes prior to this should just get over it, obviously, because that'd be absurd lol. However, I do think Crossroads and Backstage should have been cut from the game to indicate that Sunny doesn't need such fantasies to comfort himself anymore because the work he did on his issues over the course of the game did pay off after all.
What's the point of having your character trying to kick an addiction and framing said addiction as a bad thing only to have the character indulge in that addiction once again and frame it as a good thing at the end?
I think it's very telling that the last major appearance Sunny's friends make in the story is being literal props to make him feel better about himself. They're there because he wants them to be there, and what he wants is all that matters to this game. And the game even proves that via what Hero has to say if you choose to interact with him one more time
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"We will always want what's best for you. Because what we want and what we feel doesn't really matter. <3"
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"And what you do with those feelings... that will be your truth."
What an amazing message to send.
It always comes down to how things make you feel personally rather than doing what's right by other people even if it hurts your feelings. Because your feelings matter more than the feelings of other people or the objective reality of your situation.
Feels before reals.
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Jiang Cheng
There is an entire Canon Jiang Cheng tag dedicated to him due to people fighting about if depicting him in certain ways is ooc. All discourse enivitably revolves around him like a carosel.
He is one of the sntagonists, but the author herself said he's a guy with a "knife mouth, tofu heart." He's done shit to learn from, but he is NOT EVIL YALL.
People will be like "he HATES Wei Wuxian and therefore he is Evil" like ?????? All of his 134809 issues come from loving his big brother Wei Wuxian too much. Also hating someone doesn't make you evil, torturing people does <3 which he and Wei Wuxian did together as a siblings bonding activity <3 The atrocities and the being a huge bitch are very real but people are out there going "he doesn't care about his family" that's the single thing he goes insane about forever is caring about his family. Imagine taking the moral high ground over things that are comparably insignificant AND straight up wrong, heartbreaking Jiang Cheng yells at the top of his lungs about everything he is insane but he is also at the same time the most normal of men. This is a man who is stuck in traffic. This is a man who takes his nephew to the playground. Do you get it.
Prefacing this with a major spoiler warning and also yes, he did all that, but consider this from his point of view: The guy who started a few million years of civil war for your home planet, forever cementing this as your species' reputation, even for people who didn't come from said home planet, got off with a slap on the wrist from the war crimes trial and his punishment is to be a co-captain on the spaceship you joined to experience post-war fun adventures. Everything is now SOILED for you because you were only born in the first place to fight in that war against him but despite the millions of dead, Megatron is allowed to live??? Well, we can't have that, now can we? Let's send Megatron and his close supporters (literally the rest of the co-captains and some other guys) to a moon and call an execution squad with a vendetta out for Megatron's blood to go pay them a visit. Anyone who objects also gets sent to the moon, gets their memory wiped and altered to fit your narrative, or becomes payment for a cannibal. Look, I don't like Getaway but that's because he's so well written. Yes, he absolutely hurted all my favorites and killed Atomizer with his barehands for doubting the plan but also can you really blame him? He had a point in trying to carry out his own justice because the government couldn't be bothered to but his way of going about it was insanely ruthless and cruel. He's the first villain I've ever hated for being a guy who had the right thoughts and I couldn't argue against him. What's worse is that Getaway is literally some guy, unlike the all-powerful protagonist squad who got ejected from their own ship. Getaway worked for this and I gotta give him that credit.
He's a horrible person, I admit that, but people act like was 100% in the wrong, full stop. I'd say if he went about his anti-megatron plans in a different way, people wouldn't hate him as much.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
Dr. Hofnarr for prompts 12, 34, and 61, please!
I love him sm... here you go!
Yandere! Dr. Hofnarr Prompts 12, 34, 61
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"No one else understands me except you!"
"Being alone is worse than you hating me."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Murder, Blood, Sadism mentioned, Drugging, Implied kidnapping, Canon typical violence, Swearing in one line, Manipulation, Forced relationship implied.
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Hofnarr was more used to seeing this kind of thing on TV. He wasn't even sure if he had it in him. Oh, he had no idea what came over him….
Like the TV show he used to dedicate most of his time into, blood pooled on the floor. Hofnarr had no idea he had such aggression in him. Maybe those drives really were affecting him more than he thought.
Hofnarr felt slight excitement at the scene in front of him. The grunt in front of him was one that was getting too close to you. The sight of their blood coating his hands and lab coat made Hofnarr giddy.
The issue that slowly crept in his heart was the aftermath. He'd have to clean this up. He had to clean everything up before he saw you. Then he had to come up with an excuse as to why this grunt was gone.
Hofnarr was ready to cover this up. He'd do anything for the love of his life. Even this… which honestly… it felt kinda good to do.
Good until the door to the empty lab opened.
“Hofnarr? I just left some stuff behi-” You freeze in place. In front of you stands a frazzled scientist staring at you like a deer in headlights. Shit… you were supposed to have gone home for the day! This was a miscalculation….
“You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done….” Hofnarr whisper yells to himself as you stare at him in disbelief.
“Hofnarr…? What happened?” You ask cautiously. Hofnarr thinks fast, flopping himself on the floor in mock pain as he secretly rummages through a drawer near his desk. “Hofnarr!?”
Hofnarr waits patiently as you run over. You currently didn't know he was faking it. The good thing about this was due to Hofnarr's personality… you wouldn't expect him right off.
“Oh, you have to believe me… he attacked me!” Hofnarr whimpers. You give him a look of concern that makes his heart melt. He's good at this….
“Really!? I-I never picked him for the type… oh there's so much blood.” You mutter, helping Hofnarr sit up. Hofnarr takes this as an opportunity to hug onto you. You pause for a moment but let him.
“Y'know… no one else understands me except you….” Hofnarr whispers as he holds onto you.
“It'll be okay, Hofnarr… I consider you a close friend.” You say back, trying to look him over. However… you notice with all of the blood on him… none of it is his own. “... Hofnarr?”
Something sharp presses into your skin before a plunger is pushed. You back up a little to notice Hofnarr jabbed a syringe into you. You wonder where he got it… or how long he was keeping it.
Why'd he even have it?
“Sorry… they were just too close with you. You can hate me… many people do.” Hofnarr whispers to you as you feel yourself grow tired. “But being alone is worse than you hating me.”
Hofnarr then waits until you collapse into his arms. He hates the betrayed look you gave him before succumbing to the drug. He kept it in his desk for emergencies… hoping he didn't have to use it.
Unfortunately it seems that time has come. Yet Hofnarr isn't too upset about it. Maybe this is what he needed all along.
If only he could've made you his in a better enviornment…
But right now, Hofnarr should really be taking you home.
His home… your home for the both of you.
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batbeato · 8 months ago
thoughts on witch's heart so far?
I'm partway through Bonus Stage right now, not entirely done with the released content yet. I'm going through the Wilardo section at the moment. So this will have spoilers for all of Witch's Heart that I've consumed.
Anyway with that caveat given. WH is interesting because we have the yume nikki inspired (?) dream logic fucked up surreal demon requests and fantasy scenery mixed with the horror (fantasy) elements. It does and doesn't work, because the requests are very charming, but their tone is very different from main story sections that mix cutesy or surreal imagery with horror (or at least, some sort of violence).
For example, a lot of the sections with Lime in the main story have a sweets or wonderland theme, but also often the lingering threat of violence. But even if some violence is present in the requests (those evil eyeball mazes, monsters wanting to burn shit, etc.), since there's often no human dialogue/reaction, you mostly are left with just surrealism.
Both sections of the game are good, but I feel like maybe more work was needed to blend them together, and also for them to make sense in-game a bit more? I do like that the reason more and more demons appear over time is because of Noel's time loops, though. It's a nice touch.
Something I liked a lot about the base game is that you're told most of what you actually need to know there, excepting specific details and some confirmations. Ashe wants the Heart because of his family, who is probably dead. Wilardo wants it because he's immortal. Noel is Patricia, which was obvious from the start (for me) but is also confirmed.
Unfortunately Bonus Stage is making me sit through extended backstory sequences. Sirius' is nice enough, and cute, but it... doesn't really add much. I guess it answers some questions if people really wanted to know more details about that era? I'm on Wilardo's now, and it feels the same way. I don't feel like the fact that his grandfather betrayed him (haven't seen it yet, but it's obvious) and needing to watch this entire extended sequence about his life with his adopted grandfather and how he became immortal/cursed is important. Even the backstory sequences for the demons didn't bother to really flesh out characters besides the demons, or give them sprites, excepting if they were relevant to the main story (like Claire's mom).
Meanwhile, every single flashback about Noel/Patricia is incredibly relevant and interesting and adds more to the character. I am definitely not at all biased in any way.
Another issue is that Noel-Sirius-Claire are so tied up in the big Dorothy/demons narrative, whereas Wilardo and Ashe... aren't. Wilardo had a chance to be, given that he's after the Heart due to a curse, but as far as I can tell it's not really going that way. Not sure if Ashe will go that way either: it doesn't seem like he has a personal vendetta against witches or demons, just that he really wants the Heart and will do anything for it, including kill witches.
This means that Noel-Sirius-Claire backstory is tied to the bigger picture in a way that Ashe and Wilardo aren't, which lends itself towards me sidelining them in my thoughts about the story. Which... is a problem, given that Ashe/Wilardo are the primary reason that Claire keeps dying, which perpetuates the time loop. Yes, their own individual reasons/traumas are definitely deep and worthy of being such powerful motivators for murder, but it does detract from things when they come off as total outsiders compared to Noel-Sirius-Claire. We're supposed to believe that Noel is just genuinely so kind and sees so much good in these strangers that he can never bring himself to kill them, or at least that it's motivated more by him caring for them as people than by fears of being like his father? We're supposed to believe that Sirius, who is shown to be capable of killing if completely thrown off/terrified, wouldn't be able to protect Claire in even one time loop from Ashe/Wilardo, who are strangers that he mistrusts? There is no time loop where, after killing Ashe, Sirius grabs Claire and locks them up in his study, or uses the secret room in Noel's room that he is shown to know about to protect Claire?
If Ashe/Wilardo had some personal history with the others, there might be a way to better make sense of how the time loop can go on in perpetuity (almost 10,000 times!!) and also to unite the cast more, instead of breaking the human characters up into insiders relevant to the mansion/Dorothy/demons and outsiders who want the Heart.
Then again, this might be my biases coming from stories like Umineko where all the characters are deeply entwined with each other. There are others ways besides giving everyone these past connections to fix this issue, I'm sure. For one, I really like the present moments that Bonus Stage has that explore Ashe/Wilardo's characters and backstories, like Ashe taking care of Noel but being reminded of his little sister, or Wilardo sort of trying to warn Claire about himself. Those are a lot more enjoyable for me than seeing their backstories relayed to me 1:1 by the demons.
Speaking of the demons: they're one of my favorite parts of Witch's Heart. I really love the concepts of born demons (which I really hope will be explored more, not betting on it though) and Haters who are humans that become demons and must relive their deaths/trauma every day in order to continue being demons/hating humans. I love how the demons act very playful but in the end they're happiest when people are suffering because that contrast is my bread and butter. I love the overall theme of how witches are humans who are made out as scapegoats and punished arbitrarily, which creates demons/monsters and a cycle of abuse.
I also love Noel. He is transmasc (to me) and I love a man who is just like his mothers and experiences sexual abuse from his father. The amount of appeal he has for me specifically is too high.
Overall Witch's Heart plays with some interesting stuff but honestly for me it just has the most incredible vibes/me-specific appeal and can coast by on this energy alone regardless of some gameplay-story mismatch, some plot holes or at least unexplained contradictions, and the fact that Ashe and Wilardo do not fit into the rest of the game very well for me. Ashe has Nagito energy though. Good for him.
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objectosexual · 9 months ago
This is a very personal story/reflection but I'm feeling very sentimental today and the main story here is something I don't believe I've ever told anyone before
Content warnings: suicide/suicidal ideation, sexual content
So the year is 2011, I am 15 and a half, and it's time for me to learn to drive. I am given my first car: a silvery-beige 2005 Honda Civic. He's got a few scuffs on him, had over 100k miles, and he slightly smells of cigarette smoke but he was free, and he's mine.
Concurrently, I am discovering some things about myself, mainly connecting some dots that "huh, it's a bit weird that I have crushes on car characters a lot"
Fast forward a few years, skipping over the couple years it took me to get my license due to moving across the country, and skipping the (official) onset of my gender dysphoria... It's now 2015. I know I'm objectum now but it's limited to a couple of fictional characters at this point. No biggy. A friend sends me a video of someone playing the game "Stick Shift" and everything about my sexuality finally clicks: I am gay for cars. Like. Very gay.
This spirals into me making a bunch of car OCs and realizing my type is old boxy red sedans. My car isn't one of those, but that's fine. I am still fond of him! Eventually I get a job at a pizza joint delivering pizzas, so we spend a lot of time together. I don't know exactly when it happened but I did fall in love with him. We were as inseparable as a human and car could be, I guess.
On weekends when my parents were out of town, and I could park my car in the garage, I would experiment with him. The very first time I got brave enough to have sex with him, it genuinely felt so right. Every once in a while we would go on little dates and park out in dark parking lots in the middle of nowhere, using the privacy so I could make out with his steering wheel or try (and fail) to rub one out in the driver's seat.
Despite all this though, I was struggling with suicidal ideation, which manifested itself in me just. Not giving a shit about a lot of things, primarily my safety and well being. I was denied HRT treatment in early 2016. My dysphoria was becoming too much to deal with. Every day I went without starting T was a day I was losing (or at least this was my mindset).
This was around the time a majority of Honda models were getting recalled for airbag malfunctions. If memory serves, I got a recall notice for airbags exploding when deployed. I scheduled an appointment for like a month or two out and that was that. In the mean time though, I was still driving like a total jackass.
One night though, I was trying to fly down one of the back roads on the way home. I usually would go 60 here (bad. dangerous. I should not have been doing this), but for some reason, my car was struggling to go above 45 on the hill. This was never an issue before this night, and it was never an issue afterward. I didn't think much on it until we crested the hill, where I could suddenly see a deer running across the road. Instinct kicked in and I hit the brakes a bit, but had I been going any faster prior to that, I absolutely would have hit it, likely causing my airbags to go off. I kinda just drove home, stunned.
I always say I have mixed views/beliefs on animism and POSIC stuff but I do, 100%, believe that my car saved my life that night. Intentional or not, I will truly never know, but I know if he let me go 60 up that hill, I wouldn't be here.
A couple months later I made a plan to kill myself, just by idling two cars in the garage and letting myself fall asleep in my car, but when I went out to the garage to do that, I saw my car's silly little smiling face and was immediately felt so much guilt that I went back into the house. I wound up emailing a doctor about HRT during a mental breakdown that same day and the rest is kinda history.
It's been about 8 years since all that transpired. I've definitely mellowed out. I'm still alive. 2/3rds of my physical transition are done... What sucks is my car didn't get to see all of this with me. I lost him at the end of 2019 after some bad engine misfires/failing gaskets. At the time it made more sense to get a new car. It's been one of my biggest regrets in life, but unfortunately, I can't change what happened in the past.
I've kinda always felt Ehh about my current car: he is sexy as fuck, and I've done things with him a couple of times but it never felt nearly as good. We never seemingly got along. It's weird. Losing him has been... strange. But I do think I will miss him, he was pretty reliable and we did have a close calls with a couple of drivers/objects on road here in California that he was fortunately good enough handling-wise to get us out of.
This all to say: I wouldn't be who I am or where I am if it wasn't for my objectumsexuality toward cars. Like even my NAME was picked out because of how much I love cars. Cars are why I realized I like other objects. It bums me out that the two cars I've had have met untimely ends, and it reminds me how fragile objectum relationships can be.
I miss my beloved 2005 Civic and I guess I miss my 2019 Civic.
Miles (2005 - 2019) and Lawrence (2019 - 2024)
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away-ward · 10 months ago
Were you surprised how much Rika and the others depend on Alex? 
Rika? No. They're friends, and Rika needs those bonds.
The others? It was unbelievable how much this woman is able to do. Not that there aren't incredibly accomplished people out there, but the amount of work she gets done for the group + plus keeping up with her own clients + going to college full time + having a social life, and she's still happy. And not taking drugs? And she does it all successfully, never dropping a ball or failing a task? It's just a huge reach for me.
OMG THIS! K.O., you perfectly nailed the reason why i found alex's char so questionable. And as a sex worker who frequents drugs and have access to the prostitution and sex work industry, youre telling me she can "stay pure"? While being surrounded by sketchy people who makes money off of preying on young women like her, and selling drugs under table? Her lifestyle literally influences the way she interacts with people, and that is just one word: ugky. And in this case, unrealistic AF.
one thing that i hate so much about authors writing about the sex work industry, escorting, and all those extreme works that normal citizens dont even get access to, is that these authors dont know shit about that world and have sensitivity readers to consider the behavior and opinion of people wprking in that industry itself. Not all sex work is just from OnlyFans and clearly Alex HAD done a lot of sketchy things behind her family's back, so why was she still pure? Even Rika knew that Alex worked for them? So?
idk man, i'm confused. For all these rise about sex working positivity, you would've thought PD would approach this topic with more nuances, because it IS a very complex issue, but nah, not only that Alex's lifestyle and job were not shown to be impacting her emotions a lot other than her being angry at Emmy for aydin's fault in nightfall, we only see her only as a plus when her friends want to have orfies. What about this screams empowerment? Istg if PD just did more research about how escorting, sex industry and porn industry work, Alex's character wouldn't have been so romanticised, and painted as "others". She would've ugly sides just like everyone else,
which is why i hoped PD wrote at least one POV in her behalf. Which i bet, 100% weren't so feminist or women-supporting of her due to the competition among women who are richer, prettier, smarter, chosen than her that she had to face at least since she was 18 with that ex-friend Aurora. Aurora was painted as the crazy girl, but alex WAS the homewrecker. And if alex can fight emmy for stupid shit in nightfall while lauding to everyone how a bitch emmy was even when she wasnt right, why would we trust her words when it comes to Aurora? Alex was messy s fuck! And this is a common problem among escort, and sex workers because their vile and vicious industry out women against another and men around them laugh at them while they fund their lifestyles. It's truly saddening for young women to be caught into this, but it's a reality for many.
which is also why i feel like PD glossed over this aspect, because we could at least get one explaination about how insensitive alex was to her FRIEND, emmy in nightfall. Because to a lot of workers in this industry, this is their norm. Fights, slamders, cheating, and pose emmy's friendship with her that started well from the start until the end a unique dynamic among her other relationships in life. Made me angry when alex was always fighting emmy for everything that aydin but never once hurt aydin or will in the process. She wasn't the feminist figure that everyone thought she was. But then everyone had low as fuck standards, so ofc, just like winter, her misogyny was overlooked.
i'm sure if we get an alex pov, we probably would've explored this side of her as a sex worker more, and how her relationship with men are different than women since she had to always buddy up with men, and hurt their gfs or be in competition with them. Alex's first interaction with all the horsemen's wives always interesting to me because you can see where these girls came from, how they were risen up in family, and what kind of person they chose to be to strangers, especially women that looked like are in "competition" with them. Which obviously made me love Emory even more. I think this point of Emory treating the girls well has been said many times, but it's truly sad that this is even an outlier, it should)ve been the standard. Which also made me like the dark verse series more because of the genuine supportive female relationships in that series.
in conclusion, i dont mind reading about nasty fmcs or women because in a dark romance, i dont hold fmcs to a higher standard than their male counterpart, but for stupid reasons? These characters almost dont want people to like them at this point because they all sound shallow and stupid as fuck. For them to still be stupid and nasty (especially from one women to another, and one men to another) for no reason while already having 7-8 members in the family? No braincells? WTF? I love dark romance, but it's hard to find the ones that truly makes it good and smart, because even the dark verse has a problem with the grammar and writing style. Ugh idk.
have you wver thought of alex's character in this angle, K.O.? I'm surprised nobody ever discussed this point.
And as a sex worker who frequents drugs and have access to the prostitution and sex work industry, youre telling me she can "stay pure"?
She hung out with Will enough that I'm sure she got high on occasion. I was actually just talking about something like Adderall.
You’re telling me she was able to do all of that with out taking some sort up upper, was my take. There's no way that girl is doing all of that, without some help, and taking care of herself.
I’m not aware of the specifics of the sex work industry. Most of what I know, which is little, is gleaned from the small exposure I have from social media. It’s either portrayed as the worst decision someone every made, forever giving them self-esteem and trust issues, or their way to freedom and the best decision they ever made. This is why I’ve never made an issue about Alex being a sex worker. She always said it was just a job and that she intended to quit someday, and I took her word for it.
My issue with Alex’s sex life is that she makes everything about it.
Something big was going on when Banks walked in on Alex with Lev, distracting him from what he was supposed to be doing, and Banks had to tell Alex ‘no.'
Alex got pouty.
What? You're upset you can't have sex with the bodyguard so he can do his job??? That's so gross and immature to me.
Rika tells a side character that when "Alex is thinking about sex, someone is getting laid."
Alex asking who’s available for her with they’re on the yacht - supposedly to discuss Will - and all the other couples pair off. Banks and Rika need to reassure her that she can have access to the crew and Lev. Which made Alex feel like it was her birthday and Christmas rolled into one.
I thought you were concerned about Will? Just sick over it? But I guess it's all okay as long as you're getting laid, right?
Again, not fully informed on the specifics, but it comes across as if she’s a sex addict, or close to it. As if as soon as the idea occurs to her, she has to act on it. She can't go one night without sex, and it doesn't matter who with. It doesn't feel like sex positivity. It feels like unhealthy behavior and a coping mechanism. Which, maybe it is to cover up how empty her life is without Aydin.
And then, in Conclave, to turn in around and have Alex express sadness that she ended up in this position almost by accident. But, still, she would never change it. Despite her doing all that work for the group, despite Rika pointing out that she could have a job where she doesn’t have to sell herself for $500 an hour, she always vehemently refuses to give it up because “there’s nothing wrong” with what she does.
Nobody in her friend group told her there was. They were reminding her she had options if she wasn't happy.
Two things can be true at once, I guess. It reads as a conflicting character to me, not a complex character. The fact that it’s not address leaves me with the impression that Alex’s character being contradictory wasn’t intended.
The “being pure” has less to do with what Alex does, but more of her personality. The idea is that despite everything she’s gone through, all the challenges she’s had to face, and the work she does, which is looked down on, Alex never let anything dull her light. She still approaches things with a childlike wonder and excitement. She still has a brightness and warmth to her. She hasn’t let the hardships make her callous. Therefore, she is pure and innocent, like a child.
you would've thought PD would approach this topic with more nuances
I don’t expect PD to approach anything with nuance. And that’s not a dig at them. There’s plenty of authors that I expect will do mid-level research for their plot, and will get some things right and some things wrong. In fact, a good way to do research is to search "What does Hollywood get wrong about –" because there’s a good chance someone who actually does have experience with that topic will be ranting about it online.
What I expect is nuance with the characters. Alex had the potential to be an interesting character, but like Rika and Damon, reaches levels of ‘this character is so perfect it’s irritating’.
not only that Alex's lifestyle and job were not shown to be impacting her emotions
There's the scene in Conclave where Alex does express her feelings about her job a little bit more clearly than usual. In Nightfall, Alex tells Will that she puts everything under another layer of lipstick, clearly indicating that, like him, she shoves all her negative thoughts and feelings away and only focuses on the good in her life. She pretends everything is perfect, just the way she wants it. Since we only see her from other people’s point of views, we’re only getting the side of her that’s happy. It’s why a POV chapter from Alex might have been beneficial. It would have given her some nuance, and readers a chance to understand her better, if they wanted to.
how insensitive alex was to her FRIEND, emmy in nightfall. Because to a lot of workers in this industry, this is their norm. Fights, slamders, cheating,
I guess because of my lack of knowledge about the sex industry, I didn’t include the sense of competition in when considering the dynamic between Emory and Alex. I mean, I know Alex wanted to “protect” Will from being hurt by Emory, because she identified Emory as being the same threat to Will as Aydin was to her. But the added background of having to constantly be better than other women to get and keep clients wasn’t something I calculated for. It’s a wonder that Alex is even able to keep female friends, such as Rika, Banks, and Winter. It seems like that sense of competition should bleed over into other aspects. In fact, in the books she sees the men as competition more often, like when she told Kai he “stole” her threesome with Michael and Rika, so therefore she should get to have Banks.
Which, in a way, seems like another instance of Alex being above it all. Those traits affect everyone else, but she’s better than to get caught up in trivial and petty fights. She’s got better things to focus on.
Made me angry when alex was always fighting emmy for everything that aydin but never once hurt aydin or will in the process. She wasn't the feminist figure that everyone thought she was. But then everyone had low as fuck standards, so ofc, just like winter, her misogyny was overlooked.
See, this is not something that I totally mind when reading. It feels realistic that our actions don’t always match up with what we say. So having a character talk and act as if they always support women no matter what, and then have them targeting a woman (in this case, Emory) rather than the actual source of their anger (Aydin), feels like something that humans actually do.
My problem is that it’s she’s not called out on it? Or at least, she’s never framed as being “wrong” for it. As if she’s justified in behaving that way, when she’s not. She is being hypocritical, but nobody seems to see it that way. They support her unconditionally.
And maybe I’m just not reading the text deeply enough to see that Emory has corrected her, and that’s why the scene in the bridal shop matters. I mean, we joke about supporting women’s wrongs. But we first have to acknowledge that they. . .did wrong. . .? Which I feel like we do with Emory and Banks, but not with Alex. So it make it difficult to get to the point where we can joke about it, since the text and half the fandom refuse to acknowledge that it happened.
I think this point of Emory treating the girls well has been said many times, but it's truly sad that this is even an outlier, it should)ve been the standard
I really do appreciate that Emory never did treat other women as the competition. Even when she first met Alex, and Alex teased her about sizing her up, Emory didn’t change the way she treated Alex. There’s a lot more to it, but when compared to the other women meeting Alex, it does stand out as different.
have you wver thought of alex's character in this angle, K.O.? I'm surprised nobody ever discussed this point.
I’m also surprised this is the first time someone is bringing how her life as an escort should be affecting Alex’s behavior. It’s an interesting conversation, for sure.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months ago
Sorry a third one, so I skimmed through the good times wiki. Oh it take place in the Chicago projects…while they never said the exact one in the tv show. But the opening and closing references it supposed to be in the same projects where the first candy man take place
Which raised further questions as did the Evans in the cartoon moved to the west side of Chicago since you know we blow up the projects
Also shit you not, the baby in the cartoon is drug dealer AND a crack baby as well.
Also like the trailer stated that the government put weapons into our communities…YOURE FUCKING CHICAGO. I LIVE IN THE FUCKING SUBURBS OF IT
Sorry modern black people, dude you intentionally overlooked how crime infested this city been LONG before the 80’s? We had an infamous serial killer here who was working during the time of our city famous world fair. The father of Walt Disney moved his family out of Chicago due to how crime infested it was
Also Al Capone? Who main base of operations was in this goddamn city? Hence why the 20’s Tommy gun have the nickname of the “Chicago typewriter”
Also we’re blue as fuck, so 99% of our government issues came from our shitty politicians like that dalton mayor, light foot, and the new dumbass mayor
I’m so pissed that I just bought the complete series on good times.
And this is animation, so everyone knows how long that takes
We could have
1.Black animation series inspired of a black boy who wanted to become a Marshall like Bass Reeves
2.A sci-fi cartoon where we pay homage to black nasa scientists and astronauts
3. Oh and we could have done a respectful collaboration with a Yoruba tribe where we used their history and folklore as inspiration for a cartoon!
Nope we got racist af stereo types of black people that hijacked a very important black sitcom in tv history name.
Stuff before this too Also shit you not, the baby in the cartoon is drug dealer AND a crack baby as well.
zero consideration about how many people they're insulting, there's more acting gigs than ever these days and while I get that they don't pay as much as they used to you'd still think people wouldn't lower themselves like this.
How I define dignity is different than them though.
Also like the trailer stated that the government put weapons into our communities…YOURE FUCKING CHICAGO. I LIVE IN THE FUCKING SUBURBS OF IT
can't be the residents fault, if it was then they might have to take some responsibility for the issue.
Sorry modern black people, dude you intentionally overlooked how crime infested this city been LONG before the 80’s? We had an infamous serial killer here who was working during the time of our city famous world fair. The father of Walt Disney moved his family out of Chicago due to how crime infested it was Also Al Capone? Who main base of operations was in this goddamn city? Hence why the 20’s Tommy gun have the nickname of the “Chicago typewriter”
As "big" cities in the US go, Chicago is pretty bad and has earned that reputation, city leadership has always gone on the progressive side of things too, been Dem forever so it's fun to watch them try to blame right wingers for their ills.
Also we’re blue as fuck, so 99% of our government issues came from our shitty politicians like that dalton mayor, light foot, and the new dumbass mayor
Like I said, lol
And this is animation, so everyone knows how long that takes We could have
1.Black animation series inspired of a black boy who wanted to become a Marshall like Bass Reeves 2.A sci-fi cartoon where we pay homage to black nasa scientists and astronauts 3. Oh and we could have done a respectful collaboration with a Yoruba tribe where we used their history and folklore as inspiration for a cartoon!
Nope we got racist af stereo types of black people that hijacked a very important black sitcom in tv history name.
Why create something original when you can just try to appropriate a classic and then make it so people are less likely to give the good one a shot.
As for #2 there, NASA is real good about covering all their bases on stuff like that.
Not a cartoon, but if you look through the NASA channel, I think it's on nearly every streaming service for free, Pluto and Freevee have a bunch too.
That and it's also on YT.
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ntls-24722 · 2 years ago
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ok. LISTEN. dont let these cute pics fool you. she's fucked up. but i love her as a character
Clavier is pretty much a bastardization of my Glamrock DJMM concept where he just leaves the plex on account of the fact he's no longer limited to the fact he's like 2 stories tall. There's two timelines of how this plays out that lead to radically different DJMMs, Creek and Clavier. (btw i made them both bigender so i'll be switching up pronouns a lot. so watch out lmao)
Creek, instead of gradually assimilating into society like Clavier, befriended all the birds in a 10 mile radius and used her massive bird army to force the local government into letting her be a person. I adore Creek.
Clavier, on the other hand, had a very slow transition into society which also led to her trying to be as human as she can with modifications to her model, like her face being covered in silicone and having actual eyes instead of black voids of nothingness (this, storywise, comes off a lot like him transitioning, which personally hits home). They also have a lot of... like... dysphoria? Over not being human? Which, originally, mostly led to her "transition" but like, this also lead to... extreme measures. Which leads me to why i want to throw her down the stairs 😳
So, Clavier is aware that there is nothing for her after death since she's powered off and has faced the robot equivalent of death. So she's just scared shitless of that. But he believes that humans do have an afterlife (and, iirc, in fnaf lore, he's right?) that he is unable to access due to not having a soul, which is very convoluting for him as someone who is. very religious.
I forgot to mention but in both timelines, they have a gf who they love the absolute shit out of named Bea. They're so disgustingly in love and its really sweet and Clavier ruins it by being... Clavier. Because she learns about Afton's work and realizes that she could take a soul for herself and hopefully get an afterlife of some kind. (by the way, i feel like its worthy to note that she isn't scared of hell. she doesn't mind suffering for eternity as long as she is somewhere.)
And because he fears that he can't take any old soul, it might possess him and take him over - if he wanted to assimilate with a soul he wants it to be a good one, and he immediately and begrudgingly targets Bea, since he believes she has the greatest soul around.
So he writes down just about EVERYTHING about Bea. Cataloguing hypotheticals, her dreams, everything she loved, and for years he works and works to make them come true so that she wouldn't have regrets when she died. When he feels like it's been enough, he takes her out on one last date and kills her with a shot of pentobarbitol, so she'd die painlessly just as she hoped.
As she withers in his arms she admits that if he had waited just a little longer, she would've proposed to him that night and Clavier is left with the crushing realization of just what he had done and his empty victory of having her soul and heart, torn from her and stuffed inside himself.
get fucked clavier, L bozo
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Anyways other than creepy christian DJMM i have Comet as a Bigass House
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Usually for versions of Comet I keep him, like, organic? Idk what I was doing here? But i made him into a giant sentient spider house and its also a redesign from this, which changed almost nothing about him.
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In the giant list of music man aus he's known as the solarpunk one since in the loosely developed world that he's a part of, its a cool solarpunk future and everyone actually grows much of their own food. The world is back to a massive trading community, it's great
While not a music man, these guys are part of SOS - The hemonymphs, shapeshifting bloodsuckers who all have daddy issues.
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They were SUPPOSED to be mosquito people (they still are) but as i developed them they became these weird teethbirds. as weird as they look i actually really love these guys i think they're so silly
Weird bit of their lore, but they're kind of not a species??? They're all siblings since they all almost exclusively come from THIS creepy asshole: Dr. Hemlock, a mistake from the facility (the Oort Cloud) that created Comet - He's a psycho who goes around decapitating people and sucking the soul out of em, and began asexually reproducing to do the same thing to his kids or to use them as pawns. zoinks‼️
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spider-xan · 1 year ago
Yeah, I think I'm fucking done with the museum I volunteer at tbh
Finally got an e-mail from the CEO/president via the volunteer part addressing the museum's attempted censorship of Palestinian woman artists for a new exhibit that was defended by bullshit about how the museum has a policy of not getting political, which is a lie bc the museum was previously perfectly happy to do pro-Ukraine, anti-Russia programming and special exhibits last year, not to mention it openly works with the Israeli embassy and has had an artist say anti-Palestine shit in a lecture with no consequences before (I was there bc it was for an exhibit on Holocaust denial I was a docent for that otherwise had no Zionist content, so it caught me by surprise), and the museum released a half-assed 'We believe in human rights, so we're sad for the innocents on both sides and condemn H*mas' statement wth zero acknowledgment of genocide, and I've been there long enough to easily to pull out many other examples of the museum being political.
Anyway, this bullshit letter basically whined about how the mean Palestinian women bullied them and misrepresented what the museum did and called them liars, which is trash bc it was very clear what the museum did - they wouldn't allow the artists to mention Palestine in their work, among other censorship, including of the Nakba - but if you want the museum's side of the story, you have to contact a senior manager, and it's like, if you're so sure you're in the right side here, why not share it right in this e-mail?
But yeah, I think the only moral thing to do is to resign and state why, and honestly, I should have done that a long time ago due to other issues that have come up where the museum didn't listen to marginalized voices despite making a big show of it (eg. the TERF wizard shit, for which I was on an internal LGBT committee trying to stop it, but ofc it was too late by the time we knew).
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moongothic · 1 year ago
One Piece anime remake... From Netflix...
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I'm shockingly optimistic about this, actually
Like. I love the OG series to death, it means so incredibly much to me in ways I could not put into words. But good god, as more time passes the harder it becomes for me to actually be able to reccomend the OG series to people. Like we all know the pacing is absolute shit and that alone is a dealbreaker for a lot people (hell, it's literally why I stopped watching the series myself), so right now... Netflix has the best possible opportunity to actual FIX that issue
Like Toei's done plenty of their animated specials and movies that have been remakes of certain story arcs, but because those remakes have been few and far between you wouldn't be able to actually experience One Piece exclusively through them (not to mention some of them are just frankly bad adaptations (I'm looking at you, Alabasta Movie)). But Netflix is seemingly planning to do the whole series, from the begining? Yeah, they have the perfect opportunity to do the best possible adaptation
And not just in the sense that they can pace the story properly because they don't HAVE to drag things out the same way Toei has to right now. But also because Netflix has FORESIGHT for what's to come, meaning they can make a more consistent adaptation. (Of course, to be fair, Toei wouldn't have been able to predict what Oda was planning, so they had no idea whether or not some of their creative decisions would come back to bite them in the ass)
Like they can do bigger things like foreshadow shit like Haki with more accuracy, have more consistent character designs (both keeping skintones/hair colors more accurate but also keep them up-to-date, due to Oda's artstyle evolving over time), represent abilities etc consistently etc. But also do minor shit like, IDK, when we see the OG Shichibukai Silhouettes in East Blue, we could be shown ACCURATE silhouettes for the characters etc
IDK it's just really exciting to me, they have so much potential to make a really fucking good adaptation here. I really hope Netflix doesn't fuck it up
Honestly the most painful part is that we're going back to East Fucking Blue again for the billionth time. Which is fine and all, but really. I just. I would like to see My Husband. And we're gonna have to wait to the end of the second saga to see him. I'm in pain
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