#lien-da the echidna
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It's late, I'm bored, I wanna ramble about a thing.
So, a while back, I did that thing again where I had an art commission made (shoutout @thenovika); it never got shared on here, but it was shared on other places. And I feel like talking about it a little bit, just for kicks. And also to share the deep lore that's been burning in my head concerning it, some of which might not 100% track, but fuck it, it's my imagination, and I decide the path it takes.
To start, said commission is this:

(shifting to "Read More" mode now)
Firstly, yes, this is using "Quantum Leap Jesus Painting" as a reference.

Believe it or not, this is the last time this becomes relevant in this rant; things are gonna deviate quick here.
Secondly, this post is mainly a (very long delayed) response to some people's interpretation of what is going on in the image; namely, that Julie-Su is dead.
This was never my intention... however, admittedly, my intention is somewhat worse. Essentially, the intrusive thoughts were angry.
Let me explain: For those unaware, in the Archie comics, prior to the Big Legal Kerfluffle that resulted in the SGW reboot, Rouge was, to be blunt, a self-serving bastard, and basically didn't give a shit that Knuckles had a girlfriend.
Later on in the comic, Knuckles was going through The Shit due to briefly being evil (long fucking story) and trying to "free" people from technology and shit, and decided after everything was said and done that he needed to self-isolate.
Fast forward two issues, and Knuckles decides to return to public life... mainly thanks to Rouge wanting to further an agenda (that I don't really think gets revealed, given how the comics soon quickly fall down a cliff in terms of #shenangans and #lawsuits).
And here is where the thoughts started getting loud; Rouge could've tried to have it both ways: Get Knuckles back in to the fight, and also keep him to herself.
After all, Knuckles did have a good reason to stay away from Julie-Su after The Shit happened...
Yeah, he almost did that; stands to reason he could be convinced to keep his distance... or, rather, be convinced Julie-Su wanted to keep her distance.
Here is where the real shit kicks into gear with how this plays out in my brain: In order to play both sides (and, this is important, there is a very small window of opportunity Rouge would have her to prevent Knuckles from properly reuniting with her), Rouge confronts Julie-Su privately shortly after The Shit and, upon pushing just the right buttons (basically insinuating to her that it was her fault Knuckles went through The Shit at all), Rouge manipulates her into having that long-awaited rematch between the two of them in a private location... where she basically wipes the floor with her (she can kick Knuckles' ass just fine, this wouldn't be nothing in comparison; plus, cybernetics can be shorted out, just a tip), and knocks her out (see the first image).
You may have noticed my decision to use the phrase "play both sides".
Well, that's because that was what I was thinking of.
As much as she wanted Knuckles for herself, Rouge wouldn't kill Julie-Su directly.
She'd kill the idea of her.
She'd take her home. To a familiar face.
Who is on the record not above screwing with Julie-Su's brain to get what she wants.
(Plus, it's implied that chip never came out...)
And now also has a new partner in crime to help make the transition process smoother.
And Rouge 100% would A) know how to contact Lien-Da, B) talk her into taking part in this plan, and C) turn a blind eye to it all after the fact.
So, yes, in a very warped sense, everyone wins.
Knuckles gets to start moving on from The Shit, no longer burdened with one of the biggest reminders of how deep that went.
Rouge gets her prize.
Lien-Da gets to clear the slate and start fresh with a new ally, and a new member of the Dark Egg Legion.
And as far as everyone is concerned, Julie-Su has left for greener pastures, for her own good.
Rouge wouldn't kill Julie-Su. Not directly. Too many lost resources that way.
...but maybe it'd be merciful the other way around...
#art commission discussion#dark thoughts inbound#borderline psychotic ranting#shaky understanding of lore#sonic the hedgehog#archie sonic#rouge the bat#knuckles the echidna#enerjak#julie-su#lien-da#julie-su the echidna#lien-da the echidna#quantum leap jesus painting
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remembered she existed and something just possessed me until this was done lol
this is specifically her iconic jon gray look from #139!! one of my favorite arcs <3
#lien-da#lien da#archie sonic#sonic the hedgehog#archie sonic the hedgehog#lienda#lien da the echidna#lien-da the echidna#dark legion#pls ignore the fact i am always doing this same pose over and over HUIDGHIUS i had fun ok#sth
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Archie Comic Echidnas Rebooted: BONUS ROUND
Dimitri - -Political figure that had an interest in science, much more of a scientist compared to his brother though, Edmund handled more of the political talk. -Had an interest in robotics and technology, thinking if developed it could better their kind in ways that could never be imagined. -Loved to show off -Struggled to say when he was wrong, just highly stubborn and bold. -Was very willing to use himself as a test subject, Edmund HATED this but he wouldn’t listen. -Like his brother, was fascinated by the emerald but while his brother wanted to study it, he wanted to see how it could be used to better their technology -proposed an idea of one of his experimental tech experiments to the council, wanting permission to attempt to power it with the emerald but was denied and shut down. This made him angry and stubbornly refused to let the project go. -He went behind the council's back and snuck into the emerald chamber, his brother either following him or him asking his brother to come along despite him trying to persuade him to turn back. He did not. -The experiment went wrong but instead of dying or destroying the emerald he was overloaded with chaos energy, almost acted possessed -A possible idea was that he was possessed by the spirit of enerjak but instead of it becoming something of a host and just becoming the ‘new enerjak’. Enerjak’s spirit more so increases it’s host extreme desires and personality, if that makes sense. Makes them have a thirst for chaos and power, fuels their ambitions, desires and strongest traits, usually the negative ones. In Dimitri’s case, it’d make him just as stubborn, self-centered but intelligent and knowledgeable in technology but to extreme measures . Heck his abilities could function more based off of technopathy then anything. His ambitions would grow darker. Having plans of a technologically advanced society that bowed to him while he had armies fueled by his creations that dominated other societies. -Somehow was defeated. Haven’t decided yet. Or at least was believed to be killed. -Unsure what became of him but I do wanna imagine him going down a similar path and somehow surviving and either becoming a chaos imbued spirit or him being able to get his consciousness embedded into a robotic body which he’d be totally fine with.
Menniker- -Was very close with his cousin Steppenwolf. -Like his cousin with his own father, was his own fathers biggest fan. Grew heavily fascinated by technology and robotics thanks to him. -Had many ambitions for life, wanted to be great like his father and uncle. Kind of an opposite to Steppenwolf who had too many ideas and could never settle on one. He just knew he wanted to be something GREAT. -After his father died, he struggled immensely with grief and whether it be from an emotional break or something more sinister, he became much more deranged and began to blame his uncle Edmund for his fathers death. Steppenwolf began to be more aware of his cousin's mental instability but had no idea just how bad it got. -Unsure whether it was his own illusion and his mental state struggling and making him BELIEVE this or if it was genuinely his father’s spirit giving him these ‘thoughts’ or ‘messages’ somehow but he claims his father wanted him to continue what he started, to continue his plans and ideas. -Began to develop a team of pro-technology echidnas when the new laws of anti-tech and robotics began to become larger in the community, becoming their leader. -He had organised the death of Edmund as revenge for his father, especially after possibly discovering plans of ‘Haven’ and saw this secret as an act of hypocrisy or perhaps even stealing his fathers handiwork (the latter untrue but just an idea-). -While not as intelligent as his father, he was still a great strategist and mastered manipulating and convincing people. -Was one that gave the idea to manipulate Aaron to their side and when Aaron came to their side, took him under his wing, in a twisted sense at getting back at his cousins family for going against him. -If moritori was NOT is son. He would’ve had plans to carry it onto a future heir of his if given the chance but he hadn’t had the chance so decided he’d make plans to give it to one of his best soldiers and when he considered Rex. -Possibly was killed by Rex. -If he died a slow natural death or was poisoned by Rex, he’d take a moment to think back on his actions. He wouldn’t have any regret for them, thinking its’ what his father wanted… but he would think back to the times before it all happened, with his father, uncle and cousin… and he'd miss that. It was when he was the most happiest. If he simply died in battle or was killed quickly by Rex then NOPE. No chance to think about his life. -Unknown if he had any visible cybernetics, if he would. I’m unsure what unique ones he could have- -Would frequently spend time at the training grounds, working on his aim and trying new weapons, was VERY good with guns. Moritori Rex- -Either took over for Menniker by being chosen, being his son/chosen heir, or was killed by him so he could take control of the Legion. -Devious, malicious and extremely ambitious. -Acts much more like a dictator compared to Menniker -Was and still is in charge despite being old. (Lienna and Kragok have definitely thought about trying to kill him to take over but then they’d have to fight eachother to see who could take over so for now they don’t do anything) -Was disappointed in Luger’s approach to things so slowly manipulated his children to go against him. Definitely a toxic and abusive parent. -While happy to be violent, he can be very manipulative and deceptive if needed. -Definitely a sadist, enjoyed bringing harm to others. -Has cybernetic legs, spine and most of his organs are cybernetic. -Doesn’t particularly care of the legion stays in the land they’re in, he has no care for his peoples freedom. He more so just wants power over a large population, and whether that be just the legion, the whole of Angel Island or the world. He doesn’t care. Power is everything to him.
Luger- -A heavy workaholic, mostly just attempted to dive into his work so he wouldn’t have to think of his feelings towards…everything. He prefers to try and think with logic and reasoning. He feels his emotions can over complicated matters. -Originally tried to please his father the best he could when he was younger but since he found there was no pleasing him, he simply became complacent in his fathers behaviour and began to do things his own way. -While Rex prioritised being in power and control, Luger prioritised development and trying to free his people from their circumstances, even if it meant doing things more peacefully and even attempting to do a treaty. Which is father DID NOT like at all. -Actually made an effort to act civil to his soldiers and even outsiders, this didn’t always go well. But he just didn’t see a point in trying to make enemies, even within the legion ranks. -While he loved his kids, he was not a great father. He focused far too much on his work. Especially since his wife died giving birth to them. They were mostly left in the care of others while he would try to have them be involved with his work, show them the ropes… but that would mostly be left to his father. He didn’t realise how big of a mistake this was until it was too late. -Had an interest in experimenting with cybernetics and technology, but a lot of the time, his experiments would be on himself and in private. He never wanted to risk his soldiers lives but had no issue doing it to himself. -He had no sense of self-worth aside from his birthright as grandmaster. He has no idea that this was from his father’s abuse. It’s why he has no qualms about experimenting and doing stuff on himself. -Had a soft spot for the kids, even though he did not have any good paternal instincts. That didn't mean he didn't want to encourage children of their potential, including his own and was never mean to them. He’d mistakenly be accused of liking other children over his own by the twins, this wasn’t true. He just happened to see and speak to Julie every so often as her parents were trusted allies that worked with him. -Liked to people-watch, and observe in general. -Even though he tried his best to be friendly, he couldn't help but give off a creepy vibe since he didn’t know how to be that social. -A possible what-if, is that if he had found out about his children's plan to assassinate him. He’d be utterly shocked, almost horrified. He’d be smart enough to fake his death but still leave the legion. This broke him as he truly wants to free his people but… he truly doesn’t know what to do. His logic and reasoning can’t help him this time as well as his emotions are taking over for once. -A continuation of this what-if is that he’s a hideaway on angel island, trying to think of some kind of plan to convince others that the Dark Legion could be helped…
Kragok -Handles the more soldier side of the DL. -Commanding general and is known for yelling a lot. His whole voice can get the attention of the room. -Will not hesitate to use violence. At all. In fact a small punch or stab or cut from a blade IS his version of a warning. Will take things too far and will have no regrets about it. -Enjoys a good fight he claims, but only if he wins. -Actually has a high tolerance for pain…in fact he sort of likes pain, a bit of a masochist… and a bit of a sadist too. He likes seeing how much he can handle but denies getting any enjoyment out of the pain. -Twin Brother of Lienna, they were born conjoined but both were separated at birth. As a result both lacked a whole arm and a deformed eye and got cybernetic replacements. (either he has two robotic arms and Lienna has two robot eyes or vice versa. To make himself look more unique) -He has some of his ‘preferred’ soldiers, Xenin being one of them. But he may push his shoulders a lot but he actually cares a lot about his soldiers if they prove themselves worthy. He hates to waste good men. (Moritori definitely doesn’t care) -Unless given good reason, he doesn’t like killing their own. -He cuts his spines to be short and straight, he hates how they naturally curl and make him look ‘stupid’ in his mind. -He’s not scared often but is afraid of his grandfather, but claims it’s just respect and him knowing his place. -Possibly gay. But shoves that down along with other emotions.
Lienna (Name change, didn't like just 'Lien') -Handles the technology side of the DL. -Works to make their weapons and cybernetics top of the line and improved. -Tests a lot of the new weapons herself and is quite adept at multiple weapons. -Passive-aggressive, sly and cunning. Tries to do things much more sneakily and smart. - twin Sister of Kragok, they were born conjoined but both were separated at birth. As a result both lacked a whole arm and a deformed eye and got cybernetic replacements. (either she has two robotic arms and Kragok has two robot eyes or vice versa. To make herself look more unique) -Possibly a misandrist. Big possible. -Can only stand to be around Xenin and Gael, her closest companions. Others annoy her, her brother is a special case. They argue and get on eachothers nerves but care about eachother…would never admit this to anyone or eachother, or even themselves. -Hides way too many weapons on her. -Is smart enough to not mess with her grandfather, wont’ admit she’s afraid of him, just cautious. -Prefers not to get her hands dirty, if she wants someone dead, she either gets her brother or someone else to do, and if she has to will use methods or more ‘dignified’ methods… dignified in case at least. -Might also be gay or bisexual but again, no word of it. LOL
Julie- -NOT A RELATIVE OF KNUCKLES. -Isn’t even related to the Grandmasters, but oddly her parents were very close to Luger, they worked closely with him and were on friendly terms. -While not close with him, Luger would encourage her and claim she had great potential (But he was like this with a lot of other kids too, Julie just heard it the most due to her parents closeness with the legion) -His two children were jealous of this and took to mistreating Julie at any point they could, especially after he was assassinated. -She was just a soldier that eventually left the legion and joined Knuckles’ side. While she believes some of the legion is innocent and could be changed, some of the others she can tell are too far gone. -Dunno what to do with her much personality wise -A huge tomboy. is not at all feminine. When she first came into contact with more feminine clothing she found them highly impractical and uncomfortable for her. Has a butch style. -Takes her way too long to feel comfortable being touched. -Acts tough and reserved outwardly but is passionate and emotional on the inside. -Is not at all afraid of getting into fights and in danger, although her being raised to be a soldier has made her ignore her own safety for the sake of her goals. She’s gotten badly hurt as a result of this. -Acts strange around another echidna soldier girl from ANOTHER tribe, one the Dark Legion has run into, Shade. (yes i’m giving them interactions because I can) -Has an interest in weapons, loves discovering new ones and trying them. It’s not always successful. -She has a collection of weapons at home. -She loves her parents and misses them when she leaves the legion, she hopes she can see them again one day. -Is scared of needles, she denies this but it’s kinda hard to deny it when she angrily kicks away anyone trying to inject her, even if it's for her own good. She can handle a knife stabbing her, she’s not phased being impaled, not even being shot… but a needle seems to be too much for her. -Likes horror movies and thrilling activities, she finds it exciting. Take her to an amusement park with extreme rides and she’ll have the time of her life. -Could see her getting mildly into mechanics. Maybe. -Do want to imagine she has one hobby she has that actually calms her down… not sure what though.
Remington- -Not a relative of anyone here. (He's just a bonus) -His mother was a runaway of the legion that sought solace from the legion, she has to hide her cybernetics but thankfully managed to have a decent life and raise her son -Is the new head of the EST, fairly young for his position but he worked hard to get to this point. -He is distrusting of the DL and always on the lookout for them -also has mixed feelings on the Brotherhood, wants to trust him but doesn’t agree with their methods… -Is compassionate but not a pushover, just because he likes to do good and do kind actions does not mean he’s a fool to be taken advantage of. -He’s noticed whenever he gets a good or bad feeling about something he’s always been right about it. He’s never been able to explain it. Just has a good gut. Great intuition. -Was unsure about Knuckles and Julie at first but he rightfully takes it back after sometime, seeing that they both are good. Took him way longer to trust Julie than Knuckles but he still vibes with them. -While he has a license, hates driving, prefers to get rides. Frequently gets taxis and rides, has made friends with drivers this way. -Actually not a fan of pastries, but enjoys cookies. -Get uncomfortable at the idea of anything supernatural, the closest he’s able to put up with is the Master Emerald and it's guardians. Other than that he is… not a fan. It creeps him out. Can deal with violence and murder but mildly paranormal or supernatural stuff and he’s not okay.
#archie sonic#archie sonic comics#dark legion#dark legion grandmasters#dimitri the echidna#menniker the echidna#moritori rex the echidna#kragok the echidna#lien-da the echidna#lienna the echidna#julie-su the echidna#julie the echidna#remington the echidna
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"A Fellow Traveler Down The Twisted Path.."
Anyways welcome to my tedtalk, today i'll be talking about why the song "Twisted" by Starkid is a Starline core song-/silly
Because of my love for the song I've always wanted to draw Starline with some other past Egg-assistants....
eh an sfm render will do for now.
#sonic#sonic the hedgehog#starline the platypus#dr starline#sth#infinite the jackal#Lien-Da The Echidna#snively robotnik#breezie the hedgehog
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Lien-da on Valentines~ 💌
Last year I sketched Lien-da around Valentines Day so guess what I did this year❣️
#Lien-da the Echidna#archie sonic#crawled back to hell for H E R 😍#love her so much but I don't think I draw her nearly enough#crazy how I much I have improved drawing echidnas compared to my post last year#also really wanted to play around with her hair with these sketches#......I want to play with her hair 👉👈#pouty Lien-da face#also just HAD to also do a mini color study of that panel from Mobius 25 yrsl if you know this babe you know the one#d i s s o c i a t i o n s t a t i o n
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A slightly more final sketch of Enerjak Lien-Da, of which I started to work on two years ago... Getting close to what I want from her. Something a little more 'Moritori' influenced.
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Was feeling a Lien Da mood tonight
#navii art#my art#sth fanart#archie sonic#lien da the echidna#lien-da the echidna#begone wiglike hair#embrace echidna styled dreads#archie should've given her lightning powers earlier tbh#or at least start the motif early and build up to her having powers#a half cloak/cape would suit her well
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Isolated; Lien-Da from Archie Sonic issue 135. Artwork by: Steven Butler (Pencils), Jim Amash (Inker), Jason Jensen (Colourist). Edited slightly by The Echidna.
#Lien-Da#Archie Sonic#Lien-Da the Echidna#rubber tag#The Echidna Says: I didn't want her son in the image. Not here. Not now.
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(she 100% did.)
#i will be the flag bearer of the rarest of rarepairs: something i cant find *any* content for#LARA-LE DESERVES CHARACTER EXPLORATION AND ALSO LESBIAN SEX#lien-da the echidna#lara-le the echidna#archie sonic#i'm reviving this acct for this because im. im so curious. does anyone see my vision. DO YOU SEE IT.#also i love lien-da and i feel like the only way to ethically stan is to make her kiss knuckles' mum. (shrug)#it started as a crack ship but also? i have a lot of thoughts.#sometimes you get stuck being severely ill for months and then whoops you invent and get obsessed with toxic echidna yuri
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Knuckles and all his clones except I redesigned all of them to make them more distinct and NOT RELATED
#archie sonic#sonic the hedgehog#sonic archie comics#sonic redesign#knuckles the echidna#locke the echidna#I made locke orange because tikal genetics lol#lara le the echidna#I just call her lara though#julie su the echidna#jem the echidna#lien da the echidna#linda the echidna#remington the echidna#dimitri the echidna#dr. finitevus#I made finitevus straight up albino cuz it just suited him better#my art#locke and lara are divorced as fuck btw
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knuckles & knuckles & knuckles & knuckles & knuckles archie // idw // chronicles
#my art#archie sonic#idw sonic#sonic chronicles#knuckles the echidna#all these characters are like deep sonic cuts. sorry to anyone that isnt abnormal about sonic but i still miss lien-da#the chao are from chronicles that make your pow moves auto succeed so the patterns in the back are actually the bits you tap#on the nintendo ds screen
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Any Lien-Da and/or Dr. Finitevus stans out there? Well hopefully this post will bring some of them xD
This drawing is a bit old but I realized that I had never posted it here on Tumblr so I guess it was already time LOL
To me these are one of the most memorable villains in the comic. Along with their designs, they overall motivations were pretty interesting. Finitevus for his extremism towards the conflict between the Dark Legion and The Brotherhood and Lien-Da for her journey to finally take control of the Legion. Seriously, I could go on analyzing and talking about their characters but then it would make this post longer than it should Lmao
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic the hedghog fanart#sonic art#archie sonic#sonic archie#my art#doctor finitevus#dr finitevus#lienda the echidna#lien da the echidna
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Here's Archie Sonic Forever #1's main story, "At All Costs" part one.
Writing, art, colors, and lettering by @bubblybumblebee with some assistance by Plongo.
Cover by @monsterfoundry
#archie sonic#sonic the hedgehog#archie sonic forever#nicole the holo lynx#amy rose#cream the rabbit#mina mongoose#sally acorn#rotor walrus#dr eggman#tails doll#miles tails prower#silver the hedgehog#mordred hood#shard the metal sonic#ash mongoose#lien da#team chaotix#knuckles the echidna#julie su the echidna#fan comic
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these were things I did on my twitter a while back that I want to do again, but damn did it take forever to do
#six fanarts#sonia the hedgehog#honey the cat#kamek koopa#relic the pika#scourge the hedgehog#proto man#shade the echidna#julie su#manic the hedgehog#sonar the fennec#belle the tinkerer#jewel the beetle#lien da#lupe the wolf
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