#where the west begins
thesconesyard · 2 months
Don’t judge me harshly for my first ever Spock pov, please
Where the West Begins
18. Bandolier
“Spock,” Scotty called across the yard.
Spock stopped and turned, standing still as the Scotsman caught up to him.
“How’s Jim doing today?”
“Much better,” Spock replied, with a faint tightness around his mouth that could pass for a smile. “Though I do not understand why Dr. McCoy did not inform him he was being poisoned.”
Scotty appeared to sigh. “Aye, maybe we should have told ye, but we worried the lass may start to catch onto us or harm someone else.”
“I see.”
“And ye know the lad, he never wants to admit to being under the weather.”
“That is true, unfortunately.”
“But I’m sure if he’d gotten any worse Len would have stepped in. Ye know he was tearing himself up about it trying to fix it,” Scotty said.
“In hindsight his distress was clear. Is there something you needed, Scotty?”
“Aye!” The Scotsman perked up. “I was having some wee trouble with some calculations for that new out building, and was hoping ye could help me.”
“I’d be happy too,” Spock said. He followed quietly behind the other man.
His mind was eased some at Scotty’s explanations of the doctor’s actions. Yes, Jim could be stubborn about some things, especially concerning himself, but Spock had seen McCoy go head to head with the ranch owner many times and come out the winner. If the doctor had been stubborn this time, Jim would not have suffered as long as he had.
Though in the end Jim was healing and that woman was gone. She would be a reminder to them to be vigilant of those who came to them.
In the evening, after dinner, the others were helping wash up or take care of the evening chores, but Spock wandered to his room. From under his bed he drew out a small chest. It was long but not very wide, nor very deep.
He took a very slow, deep breath as he sat on the bed and undid the latches. The relics of a previous life lay inside. Spock had not looked at them since he had come to the ranch and shoved the chest underneath the bed.
The past months had drawn forth thoughts he’d not had for a very long time. Of family, long gone separate ways.
A photograph sat on top, old and faded. Spock lifted it and looked. His parents. So different from each other and so fiercely devoted to each other. He set the photograph aside, and turned to the next item. His fingers ran gently over the smooth handle of a small knife. Gingerly he lifted it and slid it an inch from the hilt. The sharp blade gleamed, though he knew what deeds had been done with it.
Spock closed his eyes for a moment and breathed slowly. He slid the knife back in the sheath and set it down. Soft leather was next.
Spock startled at a knock on the door.
“Spock, you in there?”
Spock stared at the door, then glanced at the open chest in front of him. No one had seen these things since he had packed them away.
“Yes,” he finally answered.
“You alright?” Jim sounded concerned. That was wrong; Spock should be the one still concerned for Jim. He was still healing.
“I am fine.”
“Alright if I come in?” Jim called through the door, sounding amused.
Spock looked again at the open chest, and his breath grew tight. He let it out and made himself relax.
The door opened and Jim stepped in wearing a bright smile.
“What’s all this?” he asked.
“The door please Jim.”
“Oh. Sure.” Jim turned back and closed the door before he crossed over to look at the items on the bed.
“Who’s this?” Jim asked, pointing at the photograph. “May I?” His hand reached halfway to it.
“My parents,” Spock said stiffly. “You may.”
Jim lifted the photo carefully and studied it. “You look like both of them,” he said with a smile.
“I wish that I didn’t.”
Jim looked over at him in confusion. Spock looked away towards the window.
“One parent from each side of the conflict does not make one very welcome afterwards in either place.”
“Oh. Spock—”
“They loved each other.” Spock gave his head a sad shake. “But I did not belong. I tried, on both sides. I fought.” Spock touched the knife again. “I killed. But neither side wanted me.”
From the chest he pulled a long leather belt, folded together.
“I was not enough for either, despite my skills.” He held the folded belt angled across his chest.
“What did you do?” Jim sat down on the bed with the chest between them.
“I left. I worked for who paid the most.”
“A mercenary?”
“Perhaps you would name what I did that.”
“What happened?”
“I received a letter saying my parents had been killed. They had tried to stop the next conflict. Each side blamed the other for their deaths.”
“I’m sorry.”
Spock shook his head. “I gave up that life. I wandered and I ended here.” He set the bandolier back in the chest, then laid the knife back on top. He reached over and took the photo from Jim. With it in the chest he closed the lid and did the latches again.
“Too many fight in this world. I choose not to anymore, but I will defend what is mine.” His dark eyes looked across at Jim with intensity.
Jim nodded slowly. “Thank you for telling me.”
Spock nodded in acknowledgment.
“Is there anything I can do?” Jim asked quietly.
“Keep being the good person you are in this terrible world.”
“It’s not all terrible Spock,” Jim grinned suddenly. “It brought you here to me didn’t it?”
Warmth crept up Spock’s face at Jim’s words and he fought to hide it.
“That is true,” he admitted softly.
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snuize · 11 days
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Goodnight everyone, tonight id like to leave you with the knowledge that Dans middle name is Elston
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devine-fem · 4 months
Now… Due to my birdflash fixation, I have completely struck out and decided to make this post to explain why I read/headcanon them as exes. I now realize that this is going to be a long, drawn out way of saying “I think they have explored each other’s bodies,” well, it’s a little bit more than that 😭. In my head, I always felt as though Wally and Dick’s relationship sometimes read to me as two people who felt greatly for each other in their youths then over time found other people and new purpose and continued to pull away from the other.
Sometimes they treat each other kind of like how I’d treat an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, especially in Flash/Nightwing years.
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Now I think it’s important to talk about their roles as Robin and Kid Flash, they are characters created to be relatable, the whole sidekick schtick was about appealing to the younger audience. It was such an early era that it should be noted that Dick and Wally did not have anyone else. Unlike now, Dick has a plethora of Robins to have seperate and distinct relationships with, same thing with Wally, any insecurities and worries can make someone feel extremely lonely. They did not have anyone, anyone but each other.
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The early years for Robin and Kid Flash must had been confusing for the both of them so they had to confide in each other. Around this time I feel like it could be easier to fall more into a queerplatonic relationship with someone, Dick could feel confused and lonely, as he does then seeks and finds in Wally, with emotions hitting a peak I could totally see them accidentally falling for the other and sharing a relationship that’s a little more than friends…
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It’s a big contrast. Wally has shown this big obligation for helping Dick and being there for him. This has always been strange to me. His inclination to try and be that person for him, which to me can feel like someone clinging to a relationship they know is slipping away.
It’s important to note that as Nightwing, the people there for Dick was not Wally, by this time, Wally became the Flash, found family, found love and entered the JLA. He was moving on and so was Dick but they still feel this inclination to call each other “best friends” though all the evidence says otherwise. It feels like one is clinging to a broken friendship to me.
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He’s always so concerned for Dick because he knows how often he represses his emotions.
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It’s why in my head, I can totally see Dick and Wally in their Robin/Kid Flash eras, losing their way, getting confused and confiding in each other in let’s say: a romantic way and now as adults they don’t know how to deal with it.
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I know Dick is just thinking here but like, they do this A LOT. Like what is the need for this constant tension in the air with these two? Why is it so awkward? Why does it feel like there is something they want to say but can’t bring themselves to say it?
It makes my mind want to fill in the blanks…
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Here they are saying flatly that it feels like an obligation. This is the closest they’ve gotten to really talking about how their dynamic has changed. It’s very sweet. It’d also be due to outside factors, like DC not knowing what to do with these two and refusing to let these two acknowledge that they are not best friends anymore and their lives have changed greatly. The thing about Superhero comics is that there’s so much fighting that the characters never get a chance to sit and just talk so it’s more the writers constantly trying to cling on to what they remember the Robin/Kid Flash dynamic to be and making it seem like these characters are clinging to their relationship.
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Thry gush about the progress they make a lot and Wally feels like… I don’t know, his pride may fill the void the graysons left behind? Like he’s kind of a subtle replacement. It helps with my idea that Dick could be greiving his parents then quickly subconsciously seek and confide in Wally. Their relationship just is distinctly different from all their other friends in a way I can never pin down or the writers refuse to acknowledge. How Dick is much closer to Donna and Roy but they both still are mindlessly attached to one another like there’s this secret third thing keeping them together.
Wally has fully moved on and found his soulmate. Dick found Kory and fell pathetically in love but now he has nothing again and in canon still does this “Oh my best best friend to ever was, Wally~” It feels very much like someone hasn’t gotten over their little break up… 🙄 Even now they still comfort and talk about each other with a little bit more love and affection then they might do their other friends for this same weird reason.
Although, there’s one Wally West panel that Birdflash shippers had taken out of context: the one where Wally says “I got married and he didn’t.”
It’s not saying that Wally wishes he got married to Dick, 😭 but even then that goes into the little foulder of evidence that proves I think Wally and Dick’s relationship is ex-coded because it’s literally a bunch of thought bubbles about how Wally is heartbroken that he has moved on with his life and his life with Dick and they are no longer as close as they once were at all. (I can’t fit the panel in this post so I can just hope you know what I’m talking about) <- but my point is: Birdflash as a ship could be so much better if we stopped ignoring Linda and started treating them as exes instead. It’s so much more interesting. This is what I mean when I say they are my favorite exes.
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chirpsythismorning · 15 days
Yeah there’s gonna be plenty of little details in s5 confirming byler, but there’s one thing in particular that I feel like would be too hilarious to pass up on…
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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dejavuboy · 2 months
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making plans
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h3rb3rtw3st · 9 months
The thing is, Herbert West would be a lot less awful if he had just been given a pair of noise cancelling headphones and maybe some stim toys. He quite literally just has undiagnosed autism, give him the right tools to deal with it and he'd be fine.
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emotinalsupportturtle · 7 months
this is from a few days ago but.. this chronically offline man is playing games on a whole other level
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zhuhongs · 9 months
just found out the lead singer of taiwans biggest death metal band is also an active parliament member since like 2015.... and is still active as a death metal singer. he's a pretty standard taiwanese center left anti communist from what i could gather. which like as a leftist i dont really agree with but i also dont know enough abt taiwanese politics to like make a full judgement. though he seems to be a standard liberal nothing remarkable, radical, or new, not overtly horrible but just bland. but that was something i definitely did Not expect. apparently he's very pro indigenous rights and self determination for indigenous people but being in a centre left mega party like the DPP does not seem like the best way to achieve that. But yea, just thought I'd share
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#chthinic collabed heavily with collage last year and ik natsuki (lead singer of collage) is very pro indigenous rights and posts abt it a#lot of instagram and i really appreciate the amount of political stuff on her platform. its all very progressive tho v much limited to tw#so idk. i kind of got the cibe of some groups that see taiwanese indigenous issues as seperate to the larger issue of colonialism and#indigenous rights all over the world to conflicts such as palestine. where some other groups have a lot more of the collective consciousnes#and idk. my view is limited and i didnt see that much but when i go back i def wanna look for more political groups in tw and learn about#the political landscape there for leftism. theres a lot of potential in tw imo#chthonic* natsuko**#edit: overall i think that like.. i get the spirit but i feel like for many taiwanese the identity of tw has been everyone united agaisnt#china which i can understand from the perspective of the indigenous ppl that had their land colonized by the japanese then had to share with#the fleeing kmt settlers. but like i dont think that its the best approach to say only china bad rather than big governments threatening to#take your land by force is bad. because idk my take on china and tw is that regardless of the historical claim or wtv. taiwans indigenous#people have been there long before the han ever stepped foot. and china isnt all good as seen in its treatment of the uyghers and tibetans#but is overall not nearly as bad as the west paints it to be. china is neither fully a communist paradise. and has many capitalist undertone#s influence the government ever since deng xiaoping came to power. personally i never fully agreed with mao. i think mao was a necessary#figure in the beginning and let power go to his head and i believe zhou enlai always shouldve been the founder of the PRC#fuck the kmt.. never liked the kmt and it seems as they are also slowly losing favor in tw also. and like... hmm#i need to do more reading tho. none of this is like 100% set in stone how i feel bc theres a lot i dont know
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hzdtrees · 2 years
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thesconesyard · 3 months
Yeehawgust is coming and my sequel story from last year has been lagging, but here comes motivation (to be done so I can write the third part!) and chapter two!
Where the West Begins
2. Cowboy Casanova
“What are you going to name him?” Christine asked Jaylah.
McCoy rolled his eyes where he was sitting on the porch. Jaylah was petting the little kitten on her knee and teasing him with a piece of string. No one who had gone looking after lunch had found any more sign of the big cat whose footprints Scotty had discovered.
“I’m still thinking,” Jaylah answered Christine. Both laughed as the kitten batted his paws at the string and caught it.
Jim had been fine with the idea of Jaylah keeping the cat when he and Spock had returned.
“Never hurts to have a good barn cat,” he’d said.
“Hmm,” said Jaylah as the kitten turned and meowed at her. “How about Franklin? You look like a little Franklin.”
“Does it need a name?” McCoy asked.
“Of course!” said Jaylah.
“Yes!” Christine agreed.
McCoy couldn’t help but roll his eyes again and look away as Jaylah cooed over her new pet. Keenser came up on the porch then. He took one look at the cat.
“Keep him from the flocks,” was all he said before he entered the house.
McCoy was working in the main yard the next morning when the man appeared. A chill of memory went down his spine as he recalled just a few months before when another man had walked onto their ranch. That man, Khan- who had called himself John Harrison- was waiting for trial in a jail cell.
“Good morning!” The man called as he saw McCoy.
“Hello,” McCoy said back cautiously.
“Is this the Enterprise Ranch?”
McCoy looked at the man. He had to be about Jim’s age, with dark hair combed neatly and a face that had seen much sun. An accent lilted his question to McCoy, and he frowned slightly, trying to place it.
“It is,” he answered slowly. “How can I help you?”
“I’m looking for James T. Kirk; does he live here?”
The man’s face broke into a broad grin and he let out an exclamation McCoy didn’t understand.
“Pardon my manners! My name is Kevin Riley,” the man gave a brief bow.
“Leonard McCoy.”
“I knew Jim long ago,” Riley continued. “I’m traveling west and heard he was here.”
“Well if you walked out from town, come in and have a drink,” McCoy said, his caution dropping. “I can go find Jim for you after.”
“Thank you kindly,” Riley smiled. “I am a wee bit parched.”
“Where are you from, if I may ask? I can’t place your accent.” McCoy gave him an apologetic look as he led him to the front porch.
Riley grinned. “A descendant of the kings of old Éire I be! Ireland is where I was born,” Riley clarified at the slight frown on McCoy’s face.
“Perhaps you’ll get on with Monty then. He’s from Scotland,” said McCoy. “Have a seat.” He gestured to the porch chairs. “I’ll have one of the girls get you something to drink and find Jim.” McCoy nodded at the man, then disappeared into the house.
McCoy found Jim with Spock and Chekov in one of the work sheds.
“Hey Bones!” Jim greeted him. “Come to help finally?”
McCoy frowned down at the project the men were working on.
“No. There’s a man here to see you.”
“He give a name?” Jim asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Kevin Riley.”
“Kevin Riley?! Well hot dang!” Jim hurried from the shed with twinkling eyes.
McCoy shrugged at the questioning look Spock gave him, then left the shed to return to his own work.
Kevin Riley proved to be a lively, kind person when everyone gathered for lunch. Jim introduced him around and he sat near Jim at the top of the table.
After lunch Jim hitched up the wagon and went back into town. He had insisted that before Riley continued west he had to stay on the ranch a few days. Therefore Jim would go with him to collect his things and bring them back out.
“He seems a good fella,” Sulu said as the men and Jaylah got back to work.
“Maybe,” Chekov muttered.
McCoy glanced and Scotty who shrugged.
“What do ye suppose got into the wee lad?” Scotty asked McCoy as they settled down for the evening.
“Chekov? Dunno.” McCoy thought back over the evening. Jim and Riley had returned and after dinner everyone had gathered around the porch to enjoy the cooling air after the heat of the day.
The pair had regaled them all with stories of their younger years and Riley had fit in quite nicely. He was kind and polite and paid the ladies many compliments throughout the evening.
At breakfast, McCoy figured it out. Keenser didn’t often come in for breakfast with everyone; after getting the stoves lit for the ladies, he’d head out with his flocks. Riley chose Keenser’s open seat and talked at length with Jaylah across from him.
McCoy saw then the way the corner of Chekov’s mouth twitched. McCoy smothered a grin and ate quietly.
He caught Scotty after breakfast and bumped his shoulder with his. Scotty looked over questioningly.
“It’s Jaylah,” he said quietly and nodded towards Chekov.
Scotty frowned for a moment, then his puzzlement cleared as he watched Jaylah lead Riley away to show him the ranch.
“Well,” was all he said with a chuckle.
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tomatoluvr69 · 3 months
#Spotify#music for when you’re driving to ace hardware to buy mousetraps so you can kick out that mouse like Nick Cave says#and when you get there you give him your best friend’s phone number bc you unfortunately have it memorized and he goes to ace hardware all#the time for work#and the guy on the register squints at you and confirms the very male name on the screen#and you resist the urge to squeak out an excuse and just confirm#and then you stop by aldi on the way back and buy two tubs of Greek yogurt and two bottles of synergy kombucha#bc even though you brew your own and actually have way more than you could possibly handle rn bc it’s so hot in your house#you are a sucker for limited edition flavors and it will cause you to spend $8 on kombucha#so you buy pomelo lemonade and cherry coconut lemongrass#which is the summer flavor named unity or something#and you usually get one every year#but you still feel ridiculous walking out of aldi with two tubs of yogurt and two bottles of kombucha and nothing else even though no one#you know sees you even though west ********* is crawling with acquaintances#and then you get back in your car and you’re proud of the rare burst of executive function which allowed you to finally put the new battery#in your car keys even though you stole the battery from target like two months ago you just couldn’t figure out how to open the damn thing#and the convenience is novel and you think wow maybe I should injure my ribcage more often if it’s forcing me to take care of all these#tiny tasks like buying mousetraps and replacing your key battery and cooking figs in honey et cetera#and you drive down the hill and see low clouds snagging in the blue ridge mountains and feel alright for a moment#and go to the scratch and dent where you buy butter and a couple 33¢ seltzers and a diet ginger ale as a lil treat#and when you get back home you drop it on the gravel road and the ginger ale begins to leak out so you put your mouth to it even though the#thought of what nonsense is on the outside of the can from the manufacturing and shipping process lingers#and by the time you get to the kitchen and pour it over ice in a mason jar it’s fairly flat from the burst of bubbles when you poured it#awkwardly with one hand#and you drink what remains on the porch where it’s a post-rain subdued sky sort of dusk#and you think about how much it’s gonna hurt to leave and how you have no other option because of how entwined you’ve become with someone#who is the entire city and the entire vast forest and possibly the entire ecological region#and then you’re still hungry so you eat some meal prepped overnight oats that were for tomorrow morning. the end#journal
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Lord stop me from writing an old guard fic about obscure Canadian history
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aldieb · 1 year
this b&b contains 2 old couples and us. the languages everyone speaks are (french + kind of english) (english + kind of french) (german + kind of french + kind of english) and we are able to communicate by passing a message thru multiple filters/people, so what i’m saying is i want us to create the world’s most jacked up game of telephone
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
one thing abt my family is we ARE going to pretend my papaw is an ancient proto-human man whos been alive since the big bang even tho hes objectively not old. Hes like 60
#sry i judt saw a rly funny post it was adventure time edited but i saw it and went MY PAPAW CORE 👍#it was the one where its like How old are you !? 47. did you know him (picture of the dinosaurs)#literally on the wya up here this was funny. we passed by a roadside dino statue it was like a caveman skeleton walking a dino skeleton#and we were like oh thats cool but i went I didnt realize papaw had been out this far west....#n my dad thought that was so funny that he legit called my papaw to make fun of him DNJFJFNFJFNG#WE ALL CALL HIM OLD MAN HE ISNT EVEN OLD. but its funny#dw its not like my papaw is like crying screaming tormented by us he thinks its rly funny he plays into it#its just very funny to pretend a guy who literally watched scooby doo as a kid is like Ancient.#his nickname is scooby even... thats the name he had on his work jacket#which i inherited but then SOMEBODY fucking STOLE IT even tho it was SO COMFORTABLE. whatever#idk why i said inherited my papaw is ALIVE AND WELL. i meant to sya i stole it from him after he retired/his company closed down#its crazy. he was literally like among the very first employees of his company like hed been there from the beginning#and then he was with them for like 50 years n then the company shut down#so now hes just enjoying retirement... him n my granny both retired around th same time bc my granny had been at toyota for like ages.#50 yesrs probably not more like 40. ykwim. esp bc my papaw was navy for like a while ..#but ya. they had both retired n they got a couple years b4. well. idk if yr aware of the connor lore but my granny Did die#it esp sucks bc like. it was covid the year leading up to her death. so they didnt get to travel at all they rly loved traveling#they were always on a trip one thing abt them. they had so many trips planned#WHATEVER. major shoutout to pulmonary embolisms Much Much love to fucking blood clots ITS AWESOME ITS SO COOL!#sigh. i miss my granny tails.
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autisticmight · 11 months
getting into the source material of my hyperfixation so i can at least be weird about it faithfully
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