The Scones Yard
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An anon place for my embarrassing love of Star Trek and sillies 😁 Shipping Scones #1
Last active 60 minutes ago
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thesconesyard · 1 day ago
im curious . only count weddings that you like, remember. i went to one when i was 1 year old and that doesnt count
reblog for sample size etc etc etc
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thesconesyard · 1 day ago
It’s been a week đŸ˜« but this little guy has been getting me through it, the amount he has blossomed and grown the past year đŸ„° yesterday I got feeling done and overwhelmed on the playground and I saw him, put my hands over my eyes and said “hide and seek?” His big smile said “yes!” and he ran to hide. I spent the last ten minutes when I should have been watching everyone, pretending to not be able to find him. He was delighted. Today we had rainy day, so while he was coloring I drew him a shark, cause he’s a shark guy, and he drew a shark over my shark, eating it, then wanted me to draw more fish the sharks could catch. And when I had to walk off to keep monitoring everyone, he turned and yelled “hey!” at me until I came back. I’m glad he thinks of me as one of his people, cause he’s just a lovable little guy ❀
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thesconesyard · 2 days ago
Stumbling upon a Star Trek: TOS post that isn’t some stupid fuck jerking off to Kirk and Spock as a couple is like finding $20 on the sidewalk.
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thesconesyard · 4 days ago
“National teacher shortage” is a fun way of saying that the USA has made a passion driven job so ungodly inhospitable that even people who “just care about teaching, not the money” don’t even care about teaching anymore.
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thesconesyard · 4 days ago
In Our Favor
Part 445
“We- we should secure him.”
Scotty’s voice was shaky as he pointed to the unconscious Romulan.
“I don’t think he’ll be going far if he wakes up,” Aporal said softly, turning his face away into Jaylah’s neck.
“You did what you had to,” McCoy tried to reassure him as he stepped by to check on the Romulan.
“Be careful mo ghràdh,” Scotty said, lifting the phaser slowly.
“You put that on stun, right Montgomery Scotty?” Jaylah said. She was still holding tightly to Aporal. Scotty nodded.
“He’s breathing,” McCoy said, standing back up from where he had kneeled down. “We can at least tie his hands. Kick me that rope Jaylah.”
Moments later McCoy stood again, the Romulan secured. He gave a loud sigh. “And now I suppose the admiral.” He reached into a secret pocket in the back of his jacket and pulled out his comm. “This is gonna be fun.” He smiled wearily at the others.
“Hello? This is Admiral Winston.”
“Hello Admiral, ma’am,” McCoy began. “This is Leonard McCoy.”
“Yes, cadet, how can I help you?”
McCoy looked at the other three again as they all listened.
“Well, uh, we um, we caught the Romulan.”
There was a pause before the admiral answered.
“I’m sorry, you did what?”
“We caught the Romulan. We have him secure but he’s going to need some medical help.”
“Where are you?!” Admiral Winston demanded. “Who is ‘we?’ Your personal security?”
“Uhh, no. Scotty and I and our friend Aporal. He and Jaylah might need a med team too.”
“Cadet, you are going to tell me where you are, and then you are going to stay put until I see you and hear this whole story. Am I understood?”
“Yes ma’am,” McCoy replied, and slipped his comm back in a normal pocket as the admiral ended the call. “You alright?” he asked, moving over to Scotty. His husband was still pale. Though as McCoy moved, the adrenaline began to leave him and he swayed on his feet.
“Are ye?” Scotty asked back as he grabbed onto McCoy. The prince nodded as Scotty pulled him close.
“You’re safe,” McCoy whispered. He leaned in and rested his forehead against Scotty’s.
It wasn’t that long before they began to hear sirens moving closer and shortly after the door burst open. The Romulan hadn’t regained consciousness yet. McCoy and Scotty sat together against a wall, Jaylah and Aporal close together next to them.
They hadn’t spoken much since the call with the admiral. Aporal had carefully looked over Jaylah’s head wound, and she had returned the tenderness, taking his bruised and swollen hand between hers gently. McCoy had shared a glance with Scotty, but neither had said a word. The care and love between the two alien cadets was quite plain to see.
“I want an explanation now,” Admiral Winston said as she came in the door behind a pair of security members. She strode quickly over to the four.
“I got a call—” began Scotty.
“It’s my fault—” said Aporal.
“They rescued me,” Jaylah said, getting to her feet before the three boys.
“Ma’am, we’ll tell you everything, but can they be checked out first?” McCoy had also gotten up, and he gestured to Jaylah and Aporal.
Admiral Winston looked the pair over, taking in the injuries. She looked over her shoulder, then made a gesture at the two cadets. A pair of medical members came forward.
“Start from the beginning,” she said, looking back at McCoy and Scotty.
Part 446
Scotty and Leonard stood close together near the warehouse and looked over to an ambulance where Aporal and Jaylah's injuries were being attended to at that moment. Sural's brother had been taken into another medical vehicle, surrounded by security and police officers. Paramedics would take care of him and then he would be taken to a detention center.
"I just can't believe it." Admiral Winston shook her head in disbelief. "How could you pull off such a risky operation?"
Scotty lowered his head guiltily.
"When the Romulan called me and told me that he had Jaylah in his power, Aporal and I didn't ken what else to do. The guy said that he would hurt Jaylah if Leonard and I didn't come alone."
Leonard squeezed Scotty's hand a little tighter. He obviously realized how difficult it was for the Scotsman to talk about it.
"How did you manage to leave the campus unnoticed? My people and the royal security team were always close to you."
Scotty sighed and his eyes wandered over to Aporal. Sooner or later Starfleet would find out about his ideas anyway.
"Aporal and I... we've been working on a project. A kind of... mini transportation device. Ye can carry it around and beam people to ye."
Admiral Winston blinked a few times, but then simply gestured for Scotty to continue.
"Aporal beamed us to him and then we went to this place."
Admiral Winston made a few notes. A frown crossed her face and she stopped typing for a moment.
"You were supposed to come alone. Then how could Mr. Tallister help you?"
Once again Scotty had to look at his Andorian friend and he swallowed.
"With another invention. A bracelet that allows the wearer to be invisible for others eyes."
The admiral's eyes widened slightly for a moment, then she continued typing.
"We will confiscate these devices and then take a closer look at them. I sincerely hope that's clear to Mr. Tallister."
Scotty nodded. He was pretty sure Aporal had known that. But he had simply wanted to help Jaylah.
"Aye. But... he'll be allowed to keep working on it, won't he?"
Winston shrugged her shoulders.
"We'll decide that later. For now, we'll settle the matter with the Romulan."
Scotty just nodded. The admiral's look was stern.
"I hope you realize that this could have gone incredibly wrong. You should have informed me or one of my people."
"With all due respect, ma'am, but we had to act quickly. We didn't have time for that." Leonard finally spoke up.
Winston didn't seem too impressed.
"There must always be time to inform superiors about such things. Always! Remember that for the future."
"Yes, Admiral."
For another moment the woman's face stayed hard, but eventually it softened.
"That's it for now. Now get over to your friends and ask them how they are doing."
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thesconesyard · 4 days ago
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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thesconesyard · 5 days ago
In Our Favor
Part 443
“You can’t blame us for that,” McCoy said haughtily, trying to sound more confident than he felt. He lifted his chin just a bit as he squared his shoulders, his body falling into a familiar royal posture. The more they could keep the Romulan’s attention the better.
McCoy opened his jacket and dropped a few things to the floor in front of them. He nudged Scotty to do the same and risked a glance at his husband. Scotty was pale.
“We’re here, we’ve dropped our weapons,” McCoy said, glaring. “Now let Jaylah go.”
Sural’s brother tightened his grip on Jaylah’s arm, still keeping her between himself and the two cadets. He shook his head.
“Not yet.”
“What the hell is it that you want from us?!” McCoy demanded angrily; he couldn’t help himself. “You’ve already tried to kill us; why?”
“Len,” Scotty whispered at his side, reaching a hand over to touch his arm. Jaylah looked at them wide eyed, as she jerked forward slightly. The Romulan had jabbed his phaser into her back.
“You know why,” he said.
“Because of Sural,” Scotty said quietly.
“Sural got caught up with augments who were tangled up with corrupt Starfleet officers,” McCoy replied. He brought the haughtiness back into his voice. “How are his mistakes our fault?”
Behind them McCoy could sense that Aporal had moved away, but he was unsure in which direction. He didn’t want to look around and be suspicious, so he kept his eyes looking forward.
“You captured him! And threw him in prison!” The Romulan’s voice grew louder.
“He captured us,” said Scotty.
“Sural wasn’t even the Romulan in charge,” McCoy added. “Shouldn’t it be his fault for not planning better? Shouldn’t you be mad at him for recruiting Sural?”
“Shut up! It’s your fault! You and your friends! I want him released!”
Jaylah squirmed again as the phaser pressed into her at the Romulan’s angry words. McCoy stole a quick look over at Scotty.
“We aren’t in charge of that,” Scotty said with a frown.
“Killing us wouldn’t get him released either,” McCoy said.
“Your fath—” Before Sural’s brother could say more the phaser clattered away to the floor and Jaylah stumbled forward as if pushed. McCoy dashed forward to prevent her falling.
An angry cry came from the Romulan. With Jaylah in his arms, McCoy backed away again.
“Where’d the phaser go?” McCoy asked, looking around the floor.
“I’ve got it,” Scotty said, breathlessly. He was staring transfixed at where the Romulan appeared to be scrambling around by himself.
“What is happening?” Jaylah breathed out as soon as McCoy had her gag removed. She was staring wide eyed as well.
“Aporal,” Scotty said. “Aporal!” he called louder. “We’ve got Jaylah!”
Suddenly he reappeared. The Romulan had gotten a grip on Aporal’s wrist and must have triggered the invisibility bracelet. It was useless though, Aporal’s face was ablaze, his free fist slamming again and again into the side of his opponent’s head. Together they collapsed on the ground, Aporal on top, still swinging.
“Aporal!” McCoy and Scotty yelled in unison. The Romulan was beginning to go limp beneath him, but Aporal kept hitting. The pair looked at each other, not knowing what to do. McCoy had been hit before trying to break Aporal out of a fight.
“Ye can’t kill him!” Scotty yelled.
Everything went still, Jaylah’s voice ringing in the loud empty room, Aporal’s fist stopped halfway in the air.
Part 444
He was back. He was back on the ship where he had been held captive for so long. And he knew that there was only one chance to survive this fight – he had to kill his opponent.
Anger and adrenaline turned into a very dangerous mixture and Aporal barely realized how he was completely losing control of his actions.
He felt the pain in his knuckles, which were cracking from the many blows he was delivering, but he couldn't care less.
He heard the voices of Scotty and Leonard calling for him somewhere in the distance, but the sound of his blood in his ears was much louder and drowned out the words.
He could feel the Romulan's body sagging beneath him, but he just couldn't stop! He had to make sure the bastard was dead! He had to–
And suddenly...
That voice. That beautiful, if now tainted with fear, voice. Aporal couldn't help but stop in the middle of his movement.
His arm remained in the air for a moment, as if of its own accord, before it finally fell.
Only slowly did the Andorian manage to turn his head to the side and he saw Jaylah, who was being held by Leonard. Her eyes were wide and filled with worry. When she saw that she had caught Aporal's attention, she carefully took a step forward.
"I'm okay. I-I'm fine."
As if in a trance, Aporal got to his feet and when his hands touched Jaylah's shoulders, the motionless opponent on the floor behind him was forgotten.
"You're... okay," he repeated the words softly and an exhausted smile formed on Jaylah's lips as she nodded.
"I am. You saved me, Aporal."
The Andorian's hands moved to Jaylah's face and then on to the bleeding wound on her forehead.
And even though the anger and hatred spread inside him again, he managed to control these feelings.
The look in Jaylah's eyes was enough to calm him down. It was all he needed to see at that moment to get a grip on his emotions.
"We're all okay. You deafeated him. He... he won't hurt us anymore."
For a moment, Aporal and Jaylah simply looked into each other's eyes before they finally fell into each other's arms and held each other tightly.
They were okay. All of them.
When Aporal's gaze finally fell on Scotty and Leonard, he felt his cheeks grow hot. Shame coursed through his body. Not because the two of them saw how close Jaylah and he were, but because of what they had witnessed before.
"I'm sorry. I... I never wanted any of you to see that side of me." He glanced over his shoulder at the unconscious figure of the Romulan. "I... I didn't mean for things to get out of hand."
Leonard only shook his head.
"It's... it's okay. You wanted to protect us. And you did. Thanks to your help this nightmare is finally over."
Scotty nodded in agreement, even though Aporal could see how shocked his Scottish friend was. He was paler than before and from time to time his eyes wandered to the body of Sural's brother.
"Well then... I suppose we better call Admiral Winston and tell her what happened."
Aporal couldn't help but snort a little at Leonard's words.
"Oh, she's never gonna believe this."
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thesconesyard · 6 days ago
Because I have awesome students
One of them gave me this sticker last week because they know I like possums
I don’t know where I’m going to put it yet
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thesconesyard · 7 days ago
In Our Favor
Part 441
“This- this is ridiculous you know,” McCoy said quietly when the door closed behind Aporal. The Andorian was on his way back to the lab. “Untested tech?”
“We have to save Jaylah,” Scotty said firmly, face still pale.
“I know,” McCoy replied softly. “Isn’t there some other way we can think of?” He ran a hand across his face and stepped close to Scotty. “I don’t want you to be in danger.”
Scotty lifted his hands around McCoy. “I ken. I feel the same about ye.” McCoy buried his face into Scotty’s neck.
Tense minutes passed as they waited for Aporal to call.
When Scotty’s comm chirped McCoy’s chest tightened.
“I’m ready here,” Aporal said as Scotty answered so McCoy could hear too. “Did you prepare?”
“Aye,” Scotty answered. McCoy could hear the slight waiver in his husband’s voice. They had changed clothes to not stand out in town, and had hidden what they could as weapons on their persons.
“I’ve got a lock on you
 now. One at a time,” Aporal said, sounding as if he was concentrating hard on something. “See you in a moment, Scottish boy.”
Quickly Scotty handed the comm to McCoy. A faint golden sheen appeared around Scotty before slowly growing stronger. Then, as it reached its apex, it began to fade and Scotty with it.
“A-Aporal?” he asked nervously.
“I’m safe mo ghràdh,” Scotty replied instead.
McCoy realized he was holding his breath and let it out with a loud noise.
“I said it would work,” came Aporal’s voice with a hint of a sneer. “Ready for you Prince.”
McCoy felt his stomach sink, and golden light appeared around him. Its slow swirl was mesmerizing, but as the room blinked away he became more unsettled.
A second later Scotty’s hands were on his shoulders and he was peering into McCoy’s face with concern.
“I feel like I’m going to be sick,” McCoy muttered. Somehow he managed to take a deep breath, and tried to force himself to relax. They couldn’t go confront Sural’s brother if he was ill.
Scotty hurried away and came back with some water.
“Thank you,” McCoy murmured as he began to sip from the glass.
“Ye’ve still got some calibrations to work out,” Scotty said to Aporal chidingly.
“Noted,” Aporal said, shoving aside a device and reaching for something else.
McCoy wiped a hand across his face, set down the glass and took a deep breath. “Now do we have an idea of what to do when we get there or are we just going to wing it?”
Part 442
Scotty pulled his hood a little lower over his face as Leonard, Aporal and he walked away from the campus and a few other students came towards them. They couldn't be spotted! They had to reach the location without being recognized by anyone.
Aporal walked purposefully in front of the pair. He knew the city better than any of them and he knew exactly how to get to their destination as quickly as possible.
Even though the path led them through the busy city at first, they eventually turned into an alley that led them to an area Scotty and Leonard had never been to before.
It was a rather deserted area and therefore a good place for a Romulan to hide.
Scotty flinched as Aporal suddenly stopped abruptly in one of the alleyways and he and Leonard almost stumbled into him.
"What the–" Leonard said, but the Andorian interrupted him.
"It's just around the corner. An old warehouse. I have to make myself invisible now so the bastard only sees you two coming."
Leonard exchanged an uncertain look with Scotty. They had discussed exactly how everything was going to work, but he seemed to have serious doubts.
"So, let's go over the plan again. You two go in and I'll stay close to you. While you talk to the guy and distract him, I'll sneak at him as quietly as possible and then overpower him from behind." Aporal smiled grimly. "That son of a bitch won't see me coming."
"A-aye. Understood," Scotty replied. He felt incredibly queasy, but he trusted his Adorian friend. Aporal knew how to fight. He knew about such actions.
Leonard sighed heavily, but nodded.
"Good, let's go."
Scotty's knees were trembling as Leonard and he approached the door of the warehouse and knocked carefully. Even though he couldn't see him, the Scotsman could sense the presence of Aporal, who was standing right behind them. He only hoped that Sural's brother wouldn't notice it too.
When no answer came from inside the hall, Scotty and Leonard exchanged a quick glance before reaching for the button next to the door and pressing it. The entrance opened with a hiss and Scotty's heart stopped for a moment.
In a corner of the hall, Jaylah sat on the floor, bound and gagged. There was a bleeding laceration on her forehead and her yellow eyes were huge.
"Jaylah!" Leonard exclaimed and it was obvious that he would have loved to just run over to their alien friend. However, he stayed put next to Scotty, his hands clenched into fists.
Standing next to Jaylah was the young man Scotty had already seen once back at the club. A Romulan who was the spitting image of Sural. There was a smirk on his lips and in his hand... A phaser, which he held pointed directly at Jaylah's head.
"Ah, Your Highness and his consort. So you've found your way to me."
Scotty swallowed hardly as he and Leonard stepped fully into the hall. Aporal was close behind them which allowed for the door to close.
"W-we're here. That's what ye wanted. L-let her go."
Sural's brother tilted his head to the side, apparently musing, before he grabbed Jaylah and pulled her to her feet. The alien girl grunted and struggled, but she didn't have the power to fight back.
Slowly, holding Jaylah in front of him like a shield, the Romulan moved closer towards the humans.
"How about you get rid of whatever weapons you have on you? I doubt that you came unprepared."
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thesconesyard · 7 days ago
I’m starting to sound like a nutcase at work because upper management keeps trying to implement AI programs and AI assistants and Chat GPT and my middle-of-the-road, don’t-infodump, don’t-engage response has been “I don’t like AI”, “I prefer to remain in control of my own tasks”, “I’d rather make my own mistakes”, and “I don’t trust any machine smarter than a toaster”
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thesconesyard · 9 days ago
It’s class picture day at school
While I’m trying to think of what I can sneak into the staff photo this year, my kid (who’s 7) is trying to dress herself up as princess-y as she can đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€Ł
You had to force me into clothes like that as a kid, and little is in there telling me she’s wearing lipstick. I said back you don’t need it, no one will be able to tell in the picture and she said yes I am, and that was that. It’s a very pale, mostly clear so whatever (she calls everything that goes on lips lipstick, even if it’s lip balm)
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thesconesyard · 10 days ago
it's funny because my job involves a lot of using a box cutter, so you'd think that's the thing I'd accidentally hurt myself with the most
but nooo no no no. the box cutter is my colleague, my ally, my friend. you know what is truly bloodthirsty in a print & signage shop? literally Anything Else that's able to cut but not supposed to. cardboard, sheets of plastic, the humble paper of course, corrugated polypropylene, aluminum composite sheets - i nicked myself on a sheet of magnetic material today?? it bled. kinda profusely.
box cutter: a trusty companion, might hurt you if you handle it wrong, but that's understandable
stuff you use the box cutter on: they know you as their enemy. they know the rules of this life: kill, or be killed. they know what they have to do.
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thesconesyard · 10 days ago
For the ship bingo ~
Star Trek: Spock x Chapel
Hot Fuzz: Angel x Danny
Mission Impossible: Ethan x Julia
My finger is a stupid writing tool đŸ€Ł
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thesconesyard · 10 days ago
Ship bingo! Like Mega, not picking scones. Thoughts on Spock and Uhura? What about Uhura and Chapel? McCoy and Spock?
Jeez, just realizing how much Spock and Uhura showed up, lol
Omg, ignore my terrible finger writing on too small of a screen đŸ€Ł
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thesconesyard · 10 days ago
In Our Favor
Part 439
The week had been lowkey, if being trailed by palace security everywhere on campus could be called lowkey. McCoy glanced at Averie sitting just inside the door of the study room. He let out a soft sigh. She had planned to stay in the hall while he and Eugene studied together, but McCoy knew the couch in the room would be much more comfortable after the long shifts the three security team members had been sharing.
“Did you get an answer on seventeen yet?” Eugene asked, interrupting McCoy’s thoughts.
“Hmm? No. Sorry, my mind
” McCoy trailed off and waved a hand in the air after his lost thoughts.
“Wanna take a break?” Eugene asked. “Or call it a day?” He glanced at his comm on the table by his open book. “We have done some good work already. You and your study guides.” Eugene grinned across as McCoy.
McCoy frowned back, playing along. “Those study guides have saved your butt and you know it.” He laughed and Eugene joined him.
“But if the girls are back and you want to go see Cora, I’m fine with being done,” McCoy said. He nodded towards the comm Eugene had looked at.
“Do you mind?” Eugene asked, looking uncertainly at McCoy.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I expect Scotty and Aporal will probably be done soon too. We might as well be too.”
They both began to gather their PADDs and books. McCoy slid his into his bag.
“You and Cora have any plans?” McCoy asked.
Eugene shrugged. “It’s her pick tonight and she was talking about a movie she wanted to see, so that maybe.”
McCoy nodded, a tiny spark of jealousy in his chest. He and Scotty hadn’t been off campus since the night Scotty had seen the Romulan. He supposed in a way it was no different than when they had been confined to the palace grounds, and in another way it was preparing them for being assigned to a ship.
Averie had slipped to her feet and was waiting with a hand on the door.
“Have fun with whatever you decide,” McCoy smiled, before heading for the door.
He had only been back in his own dorm room for a few minutes before his comm began to chirp. McCoy gave a slight frown as he picked it up.
“Everything ok Aporal?” he answered.
McCoy felt a sudden chill down his back. Something in the Andorian’s tone

“Where are you Prince?”
“Our room.” McCoy’s chest tightened. “Is Scotty ok?” he demanded.
Aporal hesitated. “Yes. We’ll be there in five minutes. Stay put.”
“What? Why? Aporal?” But he got no answer. Aporal had ended the call.
McCoy swallowed and forced himself to breath. Something was wrong. He knew it. But he didn’t know what. He slipped the comm back in his pocket, then ran his hand through his hair. If something was wrong with Scotty, Aporal wouldn’t keep it from him.
With two quick strides he was at the door. It slid open and he leaned out to look towards the chair he had pushed into the hall for the security team. He composed himself.
“Any word from Andre?” he called over to Averie.
“No sir, would you like me to check in?” Averie began to reach for her comm.
“No, that’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” McCoy forced a smile and backed into the room. The door slid shut again and he began to pace.
Five minutes passed incredibly slowly. McCoy’s fingers on his left hand were nervously rolling his wedding ring around his finger. At the first noise of the door being opened he stilled. Scotty, then Aporal came into the room.
McCoy held his breath, looking Scotty over. His husband’s face was paler than normal, his eyes trying to hide something. McCoy looked at Aporal and saw his tightly set jaw and anger burning in his eyes.
“What- what’s going on?” McCoy asked nervously.
Part 440
Scotty could see that Leonard knew immediately that something terrible must have happened. It wasn't much of a surprise either, as the looks on Scotty and Aporal's faces clearly showed that nothing was okay at all.
"Oh Len." Scotty could no longer hold back the tears as he let himself fall into his husband's arms and buried his head in his shoulder. Instantly Leonard held him tightly.
"It's... it's Sural's brother. He... he contacted me. He... took Jaylah," Scotty whimpered desperately and the hug tightened a little more before Leonard slowly released him and then carefully pushed him away so he could look Scotty in the face.
"W-what? How? Jaylah was out with the others. How could–"
"We don't know, Prince. Maybe the bastard has the others too," Aporal said, but Leonard shook his head.
"I don't think so. Eugene was still writing to Cora not too long ago. Everything was still okay then."
"Maybe... maybe Jaylah did go back to the academy because she was bored and then... the guy grabbed her," Scotty suggested as he wiped away his tears.
"It doesn't matter how he kidnapped her. All that matters is that we get her out of there," Aporal replied firmly. It was obvious how angry he was.
"What does the Romulan want?"
Scotty and Aporal quickly brought Leonard up to speed and the prince had to sit down in the nearest chair. He wiped his face before looking desperately at the other two.
"What are we supposed to do now? We'll never get to the location without Andre and the others noticing. And anyway, that would be far too dangerous."
"I have an idea, but it will require you two to serve as bait."
Scotty's stomach tightened as he heard Aporal's words. He was scared at the thought of being used as bait, but at the same time, he definitely didn't want anything to happen to Jaylah.
"What are you up to?" Leonard narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"First, I'm going to get you out of this room with the latest project Scotty and I are working on."
Scotty's eyes widened and he shook his head.
"Aporal, we don't even know if it's ready for a test yet," he protested, but Aporal would not be dissuaded.
"It will work. I know it will."
"Now, wait a minute. What kind of project are we talking about here?" asked Leonard, who had got up from the chair again in the meantime. His face was a little paler than normal.
"A... a mini transporter that ye can carry around with ye. It's... it's still in the testing phase," Scotty explained cautiously.
Leonard blinked a few times.
"T-testing phase? What happens to us if it doesn't work?"
"It will work. I know it will. So, I'll teleport you out of this room and into the lab. That way, the security people won't notice that you've disappeared. Then we'll go to this address and–"
"And the guy will notice you and do something to Jaylah and us," Leonard interrupted Aporal.
"No. Because that's where my other little project comes in."
"The invisibility bracelet?" Scotty asked cautiously and Aporal nodded to him.
"The invisibility bracelet."
Leonard looked back and forth between the two.
"What's an invisibility bracelet?"
"It encases the wearer's body in a kind of protective shell, which then adapts to the surroundings. The bastard won't see me coming."
The room fell silent for a moment. Then Leonard groaned.
"That's quite a lot of components in the test phase."
"But they'll work, Prince. And they're the only way to get Jaylah out of there safely."
Scotty swallowed hard. Leonard was right. It was all very risky. But... if they wanted to save Jaylah, they didn't have too many options.
Leonard gave him a questioning look and finally the Scotsman nodded.
"Okay. I'm... I'm in."
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thesconesyard · 11 days ago
I didn’t get to the ship bingos yall sent me, was writing and wallowing and trying to stop wallowing and remember good thoughts, but I will try to do them tomorrow and at least it will keep me occupied on the playground thinking about them tomorrow
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thesconesyard · 11 days ago
In Our Favor
Part 437
McCoy was glad for the familiar surroundings of their room after they finally left dinner. Anthony had escorted them from the dining hall and at some point in the evening Averie would trade off with him for the overnight stretch in the dorm building.
Dinner had felt safe with their friends around, but it had been tiring to go over what the admiral had told them more than once. But McCoy was incredibly grateful for all their friends and their care and concern.
“How are you doing?” he asked Scotty as they settled on the bed with their books and homework. He bumped his shoulder gently into the Scotsman’s.
“I feel fine Len,” Scotty replied with a soft smile. “Tired, but nae different than any other day after classes.”
“Are you sure about not seeing someone?” McCoy rolled onto his side to better see Scotty’s face.
“I have all of ye.” Scotty moved his device and books and rolled to face McCoy. He leaned in and met McCoy’s mouth with his own.
The prince couldn’t help smiling into the kiss.
“If you’re sure
” he said as they broke apart.
“I’m sure,” Scotty assured him and kissed him again.
McCoy chuckled. “I thought we were doing homework?”
“We will,” Scotty grinned. “But we can have a few moments for each other first can’t we?”
“Always,” McCoy agreed and moved closer.
A chirp from a PADD interrupted them a few moments later.
“Whose?” McCoy asked as he frowned.
“Yours,” Scotty said, reaching behind him and looking at his device.
McCoy let out an annoyed grunt and reached for his own PADD. He opened his new message and scanned it quickly.
“Just Leah. Says the admiral contacted them with the same info she gave us.” He looked back at Scotty and sighed. “We really should get our work done.” He pushed himself up to sit.
“Aye love,” Scotty nodded. He rolled onto his back then sat up as well.
McCoy pushed away his medical text with a sigh. He had started off studying strong, but as the evening wore on his mind had begun to lose focus on medicine and the conversation in Admiral Winston’s office came back.
“What is it, love?” Scotty murmured next to him, eyes still on his own homework.
McCoy blew out another sigh. “Just wish they could catch him. That there was a way to get ahead of him.” He knew Scotty would know who he was talking about. He gave a sarcastic laugh. “You and Robbie and Keenser could probably have all the information off that data card in an hour.”
“Robbie and Keenser maybe,” Scotty mused, looking over. “Ye know Robbie is the better hacker. But I’m sure the ‘Fleet has people just as good. They’d have to.”
“But if they don’t?” McCoy pushed. “Then this just keeps going.”
Scotty pushed his homework away and slid down to lie next to McCoy. “It won’t. They’ll get him.”
McCoy couldn’t help another long sigh. “Doesn’t feel like a level playing field.” Scotty pulled him close.
“Ye’re right, it isn’t. There’s many more of us after all.”
McCoy let out a bark of laughter.
“You know how to get me out of my head,” he smiled.
“Aye,” Scotty smiled back. “And I know how to distract ye even more.”
McCoy pulled back slightly as Scotty moved in for a kiss.
“Are you sure? You’re still healing
“I’m sure,” Scotty said firmly. “I need ye mo ghràdh.”
McCoy nodded as he moved back to meet the kiss. “I need you too,” he whispered across Scotty’s lips.
Part 438
The next week passed without any abnormalities. Scotty felt a little stronger every day and the overall situation relaxed somewhat. Leonard and he followed the lessons and spent a lot of time with their friends.
It was Saturday morning and Scotty was working on a project with Aporal in the lab when the Scotsman's communicator rang. He quickly pulled the device out of his pocket, expecting a message from Leonard or possibly Admiral Winston, but a glance at the screen told him that the call was from someone else entirely.
A smile crossed Scotty's lips.
"It's Jaylah. I bet she's already regretting going on a shopping trip with Ny and Cora instead of working with us on the project."
Aporal also had to grin before he nodded for Scotty to take the call. And he did.
"Hey there, lassie. Would ye like to join us in the lab?" Scotty asked, a mischievous undertone in his voice.
It took a moment for Jaylah's familiar voice to answer on the other end.
"M-Montgomery Scotty..."
From one moment to the next, the grin disappeared from both Scotty's and Aporal's lips. Jaylah's voice sounded quiet and uncertain, even fearful.
A frown crossed Scotty's face and his grip on the communicator tightened.
"What's wrong, lass?"
A queasy feeling ran through his stomach and an icy shiver followed when the Scotsman heard another, unfamiliar voice.
"She's fine. At least for now. Nice to finally meet you in person, Montgomery. Is your beloved prince with you too?"
That voice. Even though Scotty had never heard it before, he knew exactly who it belonged to. Sural's brother! The Romulan the entire Starfleet was looking for.
Scotty felt his pulse begin to race. Sheer panic was in his eyes and only Aporal's hand, which lay on his shoulder and squeezed it tightly, seemed to give him support.
This couldn't be happening. It simply couldn't be true! Not Jaylah. Not–
"I don't think so, otherwise he would certainly have spoken up by now." The Romulan's voice sounded almost sardonic.
"W-what... what do ye want?" Scotty didn't know where he got the strength to speak. He had been sure his tongue would be just as numb as his mouth felt.
"It's quite simple, Montgomery. The prince and you come to the address I send you. You come alone, without any of your nice bodyguards or Starfleet officers. And then? Then I'll let the pretty alien girl go and we'll have a little chat."
Scotty was nauseous. He held on to the nearest chair and tried not to collapse. Slowly, he shook his head.
"C-chat? Ye... ye tried to kill us."
"Oh, I did. But my plans have changed. And it would really be better if you came, because otherwise..."
There was silence for a moment, then Scotty heard Jaylah's voice, crying out in pain.
Scotty didn't know how Aporal could control himself and just keep quiet. He only knew that it was probably draining the Andorian's strength at that moment.
A door burst open and Andre rushed into the room.
"Mr. Scott! What's wrong!"
The call ended abruptly and a moment later the communicator beeped. A message. An address.
Scotty's whole body trembled as he raised his head and looked at Andre.
"I... It's..."
"It's nothing," Aporal quickly said. "Just a prank from a friend.
Andre didn't look too convinced. He kept his eyes fixed on Scotty until the Scotsman nodded.
"A-aye. Sorry for making ye worried."
Finally, the bodyguard nodded and then stepped back out of the room. Scotty turned to Aporal, eyes wide.
"I... W-what are we gonna do?"
Aporal's gaze was dark and determined as he squeezed Scotty's shoulder once more.
"We're going to take this son of a bitch down. But for that to work we need your prince."
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