#west coast though
non-un-topo · 1 year
Lord stop me from writing an old guard fic about obscure Canadian history
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aelisinsims · 1 month
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i'm sorry there's so many pictures, i was just so happy with this area and i wanted to show you guys
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reddamselette · 5 months
"Jason." Leo's voice rang through the other side of the telephone, breathless and airy as if he ran for miles and miles until he inserted the quarters, dialed his number, then called.
Jason waved off Nico, pointing to his phone held to his ear, gesturing that he'd catch up once the phone call was to end. Jason shoved his free hand into the pocket of his jacket and leaned against an office building with a smile gracing his face. "You took so long to call, idiot."
Leo laughed, warming a fast beating heart and overran the electricity that surged and powered his body and brain with heat. Even in the cold temperatures of New York, Jason had forgotten all about the icy sensation pricking his nose and cheeks. "I know. The bus got here late and it wouldn't even stop by the booth. It robbed me of my money too, you know? What bullshit is that?"
He huffed out a laugh. "You called in time because I completely forgot to charge my phone before I left the apartment. I would've missed your call." Jason scratched his cheek, lowering his head to glance down at his shoes and tapped the tip of it against the concrete. He cleared his throat, nerves building in his stomach and swallowed. "Are you...are you coming tonight? To Nico's birthday, I mean."
He heard a groan then a faint smack that could only imply Leo slapped his hand onto his forehead. "I'll be there but don't tell him. Gotta have the best gift for last as a surprise and all that. I'll be there, promise. Listen, I gotta get going. Piper should be here with the car in a few minutes-"
"No, yeah, I'll, uh, I'll see you tonight."
They both had said their goodbyes and as Jason glanced at the screen of his phone, it shut off. He watched the loading circle for a few seconds until it went entirely black and he sighed.
He hadn't seen Leo in months, traveling overseas with Annabeth for their studies since the end of summer but he was overwhelmed with anxiety. They called, of course, but hearing the one person he loved for years over the phone was nothing compared to seeing him in person after an annoyingly, agonizingly long while.
Jason placed a hand over his chest, near his heart as he started to walk down the sidewalk to meet Nico and inhaled sharply. He's just a friend, Grace. Nothing more, nothing less.
part two
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bedlamsbard · 9 days
every day I am shocked the Midwest accent is real
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lamboflace · 9 months
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A Snow Angel Lacie to ring in the New Years~ May this year be better than the last!
textless ver;
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sidsthekid · 8 months
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when you're smiling (the whole world smiles with you)
pit vs vgk | 1.20.24
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laomelettedufromage · 5 months
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ofpd · 1 year
so many characters in les mis are really just girls in love (cant be held responsible for their actions)
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heartbeetz · 9 months
I wanna know if Anton's va/creator had any specific regional accent/dialect in mind when deciding on his voice. Bc it sounds like there's maybe Something distinct there, but I can't for the life of me tell what it is. It may even be nothing.
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ladychandraofthemoone · 5 months
Kwaku Basis
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arcmonkeys · 23 days
i'd suggest doing the geography challenge with the swedish provinces but i'm SOOOO bad at them so better not
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deletingmyself · 9 months
Happy holidays! Be safe everyone!!
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
What’s the farthest you’ve traveled out of your hometown? My sis is currently on her way to Washington D.C for a field trip, we live in Ohio and from here it’s about a 9 hour drive
A few different directions. I live in the very NW parts of Washington State, and I've been down to Arizona a few times in my life-- about 22-24 hours worth of driving. That's probably the furthest distance-wise I've been. (Although I also used to live in Texas, I am taking this question in relation to where I live currently.)
I've been pretty high up into B.C. (Canada) a few times as well, and into the islands too where ferrying can take quite a few hours.
Oh! And in about a month, I will be visiting two states I've never been to before-- Into Montana and Wyoming to visit family. Really excited to go through the Rockies, I've only ever seen them from a distance in Idaho. This will be the second longest distance traveled for me, as it takes about 16-17 hours to get to our Wyoming destination.
I probably elaborated a little more than you asked for, but I really love traveling!
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chiefguideandcentre · 9 months
“Why do people choose to live in an area where the weather can kill them?”
“Just move then”
“It’s your fault for being there”
“Why aren’t you driving away?”
“YoU cHooSe to LiVe ThErrE”
The comments being made on a video about a recent, mostly unexpected natural disaster
1) how callus and rude
2) please tell me then where everyone is supposed to live since you know everything. Name one place in the entire world where there is no bad weather or natural disasters ever. Name one place free from tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, mudslides, sandstorms, snowstorms, floods, earthquakes, heatwaves, cold waves, blizzards etc etc Every area has problems, please tell me where people should go
4) “jUsT MoVe DuH” not everyone has the luxury to just pick up their entire lives and move on a whim- due to things like money, jobs, cost of living in other areas, children, military families who have to be in a certain place, housing market, how expensive moving is etc etc It’s not so simple thanks
3) don’t be fucking stupid, at least pretend you have an ounce of common sense
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canadiancryptid · 1 year
Honestly, ‘West Coast Avengers’ has the best low-key uses of Gwen’s powers whenever she was able (‘allowed’) to use them (addressing her ‘rebooting’ having been the plan for a future storyline before the series was cancelled), much like the 200 towels in the room (the implication being it was via the Gutter) — my favourite moment in particular being this one: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/497472479158206465/1064658241897898054/IMG_3473.jpg
The whole undercover plan going horribly wrong was great. Getting outed by pink hair. Randomly guessing the password and somehow getting it right. Getting caught because of how surprised they were that the password was SOMEHOW NOT WRONG?
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Honestly, I love the concept of reality warpers using their powers offscreen, leaving everyone to question what they actually did. I'm not quite sure how her powers work when she's not currently in a panel, given the whole fourth wall nature of them, but Quentin getting super confused by it is so funny. He knows she can do SOMETHING, but no idea what.
I love their whole dynamic. Not huge on the ship, but I'm usually pretty neutral on those anyways. That's a whole other thing for later though.
His reaction to Gwen's arguably terrible explanation of her powers is... understandable. Hilarious, but understandable. Especially when he already thinks she's got a few screws loose. She didn't even try to explain the comic book thing. "Yeah, I could do stuff, but now I can't, so IDK"
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The reboot could have been a neat storyline. As it is, her whole powers-disappearing thing wasn't really explained. It could have had something to do with the reality-show format or being part of a team making it work differently, but the series didn't last long enough for it to be explored. Too bad. I really liked it.
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pendraegon · 1 year
if ur wondering if im working on fobthuriana i am it's just. mcrthuriana took me like a month to a month and a half and i expect it to take as much time, maybe even a bit more (WILL be done before the summer ends tho)
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