#where im from if an adult had a problem with a kid they beat up the kids parents
Somethin about anime that always gets me is why are these grown folk beefin with children like that? 😭
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krash-and-co · 5 months
haven't done this in a while, so here !! l&co as stuff I've heard/said in the past few months, bc I don't remember exact exchanges before then 👍👍
arguably more unhinged for reasons unknown. fate of Gods favorite clown idk
Lucy: I thought Billie Joe Armstrong went to the moon for a long time, honestly.
Lucy: [calling Barnes] there's a stranger at our house. she tried really hard to get in, and--
Lockwood, in the distance: we broke all the stranger danger rules.
Lucy: we broke all the stranger danger rules.
Holly: Lockwood, you have the coolest style.
Lockwood: thanks!
Lucy: what?!? she just tells me I look gay.
Lucy: and homeless.
holly: I want to help disabled kids ride a tricycle. wait, I meant to say horses.
lockwood: you want to help disabled horses ride a tricycle??????
Lucy: I don't have mommy issues I just don't like my mom.
Lucy: you gave me a framed photo for my birthday
Lucy: and within thirty minutes you stepped on it.
Lockwood: but then I bought you a new frame!!!
Lucy: and then I opened it, and it looked like you stepped on it.
Lockwood: well I'm not buying you another one.
skull: ugh, theyre so obsessed with how they look.
lucy, nodding: yeah, they're all "oh I'm so perfect!" preps. they definitely shave their legs.
Lockwood: I need to work on my swearing problem, cuz there are adults around and they don't li-- *drops thermos* ow FUCK
Lockwood: shut the windows. shut the fucking windows, I feel like we're being watched.
Lucy: hahaha, this is fucking terrifying.
Lockwood: here are the knives.
Holly: do you have any baseball bats? I don't want to stab people.
George: no, but we have crutches. we can hit people with them.
Holly, nodding: that's good.
Lockwood: I'm stupid.
Kipps: no you're not- yes you are. I don't know why I said you're not, so I had to correct myself.
holly: if we kill someone, we'll get in.... trouble.
George: shit!! I mean fuck!!! I mean crap!!!
Lucy, hitting him repeatedly: stop CURSING YOU FUCKING-- DANG IT!!!!!
Holly: do you ever get the urge to be randomly violent, like-
[loud clatter as lockwood and kipps beat each other up in the background]
holly: yeah like that.
Kipps, on searching for Bobby: I used to just grab any kid I saw about his height with brown hair, but that caused problems.
Lucy: what's your biggest fear?
Lockwood: what? spiders.
Lucy: no the other one
Lockwood: change.
Lucy: no the-- the other one.
George: what do you WANT FROM HIM-
lucy: you're going to make me have a gambling addiction.
skull, nodding: that's the idea.
George: pff my mom says im special.
Lockwood: im also special! they put me in classes about it.
[Lockwood and George burst out laughing while everyone else stares]
[Lucy and George are punching each other, screaming, and spewing out profanity in sign language]
George: literally nobody even looked up
Lucy: we're at the point where it's normal
George: yeah, haha!
Lucy: haha!
[a moment of heavy breathing and grinning before they begin fucking attacking each other again]
George, to Lucy: ugh im so sore. why do you keep punching me.
[Lucy punches him]
ok last one but this was a hell of a fucking convo and it was so funny everyone just jumped in with random twists 😭😭
[kipps crew, l&co, and flo are all sitting in barnes otherwise empty office]
George: kipps sounds terminally online, but I can't figure out yet if it's the normal kind or if he has. like. a kin list.
Lucy: the two extremes. normal or homestuck.
George: I read all of homestuck but it's okay I'm normal now
skull: im-
lucy: skull YOU'RE terminally online, but like the video gamer kind. kipps sounds like he had a my hero academia phase.
Lockwood: I was friends with someone who would roleplay mha all the time.
George: like pretend to have powers or something?
Lockwood: no, like pretend to be the characters. interact as them.
bobby: I don't roleplay, but I like to imagine I'm a different person with powers sometimes :)
ned: ha, furry.
flo: furry? one of my friends knows a furry who got her tail stolen, and she's in the office right now.
Lockwood: like today??
flo: yeah today. she's there right now.
Lockwood: [silence] oh.
flo: yeah they just. yoink.
bobby: .....im not a furry but--
Lucy: aaaand gonna stop you right there before you make things worse for yourself
kat: why can't we EVER have normal conversations
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
ooough its punkitt thoughts on mlp season 5 wow!!
finished season 5 last night! putting Twlight in a position where she couldn't just DBZ laser beam her way out of the villain this time made for a much more thematically resonant resolution with the main baddy. Tirek was completely forgettable because the challenge was mostly just beating the shit out of him; cool animation for sure, but for a show based on its character interactions I think there could have been something a lil deeper. Putting Twilight in a spot where she straight-up cannot brute-force her way through the solution unless she and the villain come to an understanding was a smart choice on the writer's part to avoid that happening this time around.
seeing all those AUs with the apocalypses was kind of crazy and super fan-indulgent but I think after five seasons of normal horse stuff I think you deserve to get kind of wacky and fan-indulgent in some ways? like, yeah, even if it MAY have jumped the shark a lil in this season, there's still a solid 3 seasons of Lauren Faust-type beat stuff and Season 4 and 5 have some of my favorite episodes of the series so far. I get why people hopped ship around this point but as An Adult In My 20s Who Enjoys An Optimistic and Well-Written Cartoon (not the initial target audience) 4 and 5 are more up my alley in terms of situations to slap those equines in. Someone on the staff was DEFINITELY aware of the popularity of fan stories like Fallout Equestria and stuff and you could tell a lot of alternate timelines were mostly made with a "wouldn't that be a cool thing for fans to expand on?" mindset which might be offputting for some but honestly I'm a fan of Kingdom Hearts and One Piece and shit so doing things that are Cool For The Sake Of Cool is far from something i dislike on principle.
I also think that it's silly that folks felt like Starlight shouldn't have been redeemed and instead punished or something! She clearly didn't know what she was doing and, stepping outside the in-universe lore for a moment, this is once again still a show about rainbow horses aimed at kids called Friendship Is Magic. Having someone who caused an entire apocalypse because she had a friendship problem is like, ripe for the picking for Redeeming Their Ass. I felt like that montage of Starlight hanging out did leagues more for me in terms of redeeming a villain than all of Discord's post-redemption episodes combined because it actually showed The Mane 6 being charitable and kind and having fun with Starlight rather than us just being told. That's the power of a montage baby!
Honestly it felt like a series finale, in a sense, even tho I know we're far from that. I love a good wrapping bow on a good season, though, so even if it felt very ending-ish I still think it went out with a bang. good season and im very excited to see where we go next with starlight she's neat :]]]
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jinxed-lemon · 4 months
I’ve seen a lot of peoples characterization about Future!Leo meeting Present!Leo and while I am a sucker for the whole “Future!Leo giving Present!Leo a hard time bc of angst” trope let me also present: F!Leo being kind and understanding to P!Leo:
However you wanna headcanon why F!Leo is suddenly back in the past, he somehow is and it’s after the the whole Krang situation has been dealt with and of course everyone is freaking out bc “oh god did something else bad happen that another time branch opened up just to warn us about something?”. Skip ahead and everyone is welcoming him in bc of course they would and we pan over to P!Leo and the kid is obviously freaking out and going through the 5 stages of grief.
He spends the next week absolutely avoiding future him- ducking corners, making excuses to be out of the lair, straight up just pretending that F!Leo isn’t there. Everyone is confused bc they thought ‘Leo would have LOVED to meet a cooler, older more experienced version of him from the future’ but apparently not. F!Leo is kinda fed up with it cause he really wanted to meet the younger version of him and ask about how they defeated the Krang so he finally corners him one day.
It’s totally awkward at first but F!Leo just sighs and decides that there’s no beating around the bush and directly asks P!Leo if there was a problem. He thinks that the younger version of him must hold some type of anger or animosity for how the future went- and he’s fully expecting to ease the tension if true but before he can continue P!Leo just starts sobbing his eyes out and F!Leo is standing there like 🧍 thinking ‘holy shit did I scare him??’.
P!Leo: I thought that you would hate me for what I did. I’m so sorry that I’m like this- I’ll be better, I swear.”
F!Leo: …Kid what are you talking about…?😨”
F!Leo is just absolutely stunned when P!Leo starts explaining about how he thought he’d hate him. About how he was fully expecting his future self to absolutely loath and despise him for getting their world destroyed in another life and before he can finish his rant F!Leo is putting an arm around him and going ‘Kid what are you saying??? I would never hate you? Why would you think that?? :(‘
P!Leo: I thought you’d be mad at me? I messed up everything and-
F!Leo: But you didn’t though? That was me from another timeline, not you. Sure you messed up a little but everyone does- you still saved the world.
F!Leo- the same guy who raised Casey in war and raised him with love despite the battle and loss? The one who made Casey feel appreciated and trusted enough to help change the future for the better?? I’m sorry, but I can’t see him looking down at self-sacrificial, sad version of himself with a newly born martyr complex and not immediately imagine another kid like Casey that needs to be protected.
Like yeah, of course he has regrets, had those moments during the war where he was at an all time low of depression and doubt. But that was him, not P!Leo. F!Leo is the adult and more than aware that there’s nothing he can do to change what happened to him in his timeline. What happened- happened, you know? Why would he be mad that the younger version of him still had the opportunity to grow up and be a kid without worrying about the death and destruction of his world?
P!Leo: ..Are you sure you’re not even a little angry with me?? You don’t have to lie you can hit me if it’ll make you feel better-
Give me F!Leo always reassuring P!Leo. P!Leo messing up a move during training and expecting to be berated but instead hears ‘You almost had it! Here let me show you how to do it-‘. F!Leo insisting that P!Leo keep his little childish hobbies and to treasure them while he still can.
P!Leo: *Talking about his collection* I should really stop reading these. It’s kind of babyish for a leader to have Jupiter Jim comics-
F!Leo: Jupiter Jim will never be babyish!!1!/j 😡
I want F!Leo begging P!Leo about the newest editions- the movies and lore and merch he missed out on. I want him to still have the same, corny humor and the wide shit-eating grin he gets when people dramatically sigh at his jokes. I want him to put a comforting shoulder on P!Leo’s shoulder and assuring him that he made the same mistakes. I need P!Leo feeling comfortable enough to individually seek out F!Leo and feeling confident to ask him for help first.
P!Leo: I feel bad
F!Leo: How come?
P!Leo: Bc you lost an arm and I didn’t. Maybe if I lost a limb during the battle then we could be matching and-
F!Leo: Kid I cannot express enough how glad I am that you didn’t become an amputee ☠️
I need them to be a weird father/son duo
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do you think we should forgive people who havw hurt us? even if they aren't sorry or even aware of the hurt theyve caused? you dont hava to respond to this if you dont want to , but i am just thinking, is it actually wise to let specific people exist in my life , (a parent) when they are delusionally unaware of the lifelong damage theyve caused me (and will never understand), or anyone really. Is there a point in.. getting angry, when they oncr again show that they really dont know or care. Still, i enjoy talking to them. So im thinking that maybe forgiving would be better . but i feel like that way i might be gaslighting myself. Have you ever read anything on this?
there is a good book on this anon, "adult children of emotionally immature parents", u can read it online for free if u google the PDF. it is monumentally eye opening. other than that, i can speak from my own experience w/ my parents. i'll put it under readmore cus im bout to get a lil personal;
so, basically, i have one parent, my mom, because my dad has been dead for over 15 years. my parents were alcoholics who worked full time dead end jobs and we never had a close relationship, but i was closer to my dad. when he died, my mom absolutely lost her mind, like, maybe this is dramatic but i do pretty much consider myself an orphan because in 2006 i lost both of them. my mom chose booze, despite the fact that it made her act completely volatile and disturbed, she chose the liquor over me n my sister. my sister is an extrovert and she started spending All her time at other ppl's houses so i was constantly alone with my mom. the emotional abuse she dealt me after my dad's death i think are the wounds within me that truly can never be healed. worse than having to watch him die. my mother would berate me for everything i did, my appearance, the fact i was flunking school, my friends, and most of all, she would always remind me that i am a bad daughter who doesn't love her enough. once i started w the suicide attempts her abuse and guilt trips only got worse. i made a lot of reckless decisions just trying to get away from her. i still feel immeasuable guilt that she is my only living parent but i can't be her daughter. i havent seen her in 3 years..
now that the context is out of the way, here's how i feel about forgiveness: you HAVE to forgive. you have to. for your own sake. to free yourself. for me, when im so so belligerently angry at my mom, i imagine her as a child. i think of her childhood where she was born to a 16 y/o polish ww2 orphan girl and a 17 y/o fatherless boy who had already been thru several detention camps + was forced to join the navy to avoid jail time. i think of the stories she'd tell me from her childhood where she constantly moved from trailer park to trailer park, the caretaker of her 3 younger sisters while her parents worked, her dad often disappearing for months at a time w no explanation, her mother in and out of psych wards. she's always casually bringing up how her parents would beat her if the trailer wasn't spotless when they got home. she was mercilessly bullied at school for being poor so she's never had many friends. she never got any education and has worked retail/cashier positions her whole life. she had to watch her husband slowly waste away, then go right back to work so we could just barely afford to eat. i think of all these factors and it's so so easy to forgive her, despite it all. like if i could reach into her chest and grab her heart and pour all of the forgiveness inside of me into her body just so she could feel happy and light for one single day, i would do it. we are all so broken and forgiveness is the only way we can ever put things back together.
that being said anon...i still have an immensely hard time talking to her. every time we talk on the phone she immediately just starts dumping all of her problems onto me, like how she used to do when i was a kid and she was drunk. she refuses to acknowledge she could ever possibly benefit from therapy. she can't even begin to acknowlege the ways she hurt and abused me. she is deeply, deeply emotionally immature. when i talk to her it rly feels like im talking to a severely damaged child. our conversations are short. i dont tell her anything about my life, i never have. we'll never be close, i've accepted it. sometimes i have days where i'm so angry at her that im ready to send myself to the psych ward over it. but the damage is done, it cant be taken back, only moving forward. and at the end of the day, i forgive her. and i want her to be ok.
i'm not sure what's happened to you with your parent anon, but just know, you can forgive from afar, you don't have to keep engaging with them if they continuously harm you. i really really reccomend reading adult children of emotionally immature parents. its only like 200 pages and you'll fly through it. like i said, available for free as a pdf online. i wish you the best anon and im sorry you have to go thru this but you're not alone. #<333
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ineffible-chaos · 1 year
The Christmas Kids
It's been four years since Craig Tucker stepped into South Park. After a nasty, one-sided breakup at sixteen with his long-term boyfriend, Tweek Tweak, Craig has been on a downward spiral with seemingly no end. With a new assignment from his therapist, Stripe #10 and enough medication to kill a small village, Craig is returning to the source of all his problems. Things have changed in South Park and some people don't know how to leave well enough alone. With new friends, old friends, and something in between, Craig just wants to disappear out of the lives of everyone
Parings: Craig/Tweek, Kyle/Stan, Kenny/Butters/Marj
“I dream of you in every waking and sleeping moment and its the sweetest and cruelest form of torture.”
Day one.
My name is Craig Tucker.
I’m twenty-two years old.
My therapist is making me do this assignment where I have to make an entry for a whole year. Three hundred and sixty-five entries. He told me that it was okay to skip a day or two if I forgot or didn't have the energy to write anything down. I don't mind this if i'm being honest, it's better than wallowing in my own self pity like I have been the last few years.
I think it would be rude to not introduce myself to you, even if you are just a leather bound book filled with empty space.
My name is Craig Tucker and I'm depressed.
I was first diagnosed when I was sixteen when my boyfriend of six years broke up with me. Then a lot of stuff happened and I got the free upgrade of having MDD- major depressive disorder, a few years later. I’m gay, I’ve known since I was fourteen. You’re probably wondering, “Craig, how did you have a boyfriend for six years if you didn’t know you were gay until years after you started dating him?”
That, my friend, is the question, isn't it? I grew up in South Park, this fucked up little town in Colorado. The adults were insane, there was one fat kid who was a menace to society (his friends were too, I still hate them for Puru) and then there was Tweek.
Tweek Tweak was this neurotic little blond kid whose parents ran the only coffee shop in all of South Park.
We even fought once because of the fat kid I mentioned earlier. We’d played superheroes together (I was Super Craig and I beat the shit out of other kids, I loved it) and before we “dated”, we were doing some medieval shit with this new kid who farted. Like, a lot. It was a weird time.
Then the Asian girls started making yaoi fanart of us and the whole town had decided that we were gay, dating and that was that. We “broke up” shortly after and Tweek had decided to make me sound like a cheating bastard with some dude named Michael (srsly what the fuck, im still mad about that).
But I guess we just sort of stayed together after that. We fake dated for the town but we actually became really good friends and eventually the line between friends and being something more just… blurred. I was the only one who could calm him down and he was the only one I could stand touching me.
That's sort of my thing. My family never believed in coddling their kids and it was rare to be touched in a way that wasn't violent (I got into fights a lot) or those posed two second family pictures. I even remember flinching away from his touch in the beginning because it was so foreign.
I haven't let anyone else touch me since.
The thought makes my skin crawl, like having any one else’s hands on me but his made me want to throw up.
Sorry, I'm rambling aren't i? It's been a while since i've talked to anyone that wasn't the therapist.
I'm gonna be honest, book. I’m not okay.
I’ve been in love with my ex for nearly ten years and I don't know how to get over him. No one else clicks and a part of me is so, so tired of getting drunk and high to feel something other than misery and self pity that I just want everything to end. That sounds bad doesn't it? Who feels that way over some guy?
Everything feels heightened now because I'm going home to South Park for the first time in four years and I'm scared out of my mind. I was a complete mess that last year and a half of high school after Tweek broke up with me and I spent most of that time high, drunk or both on the first set of meds that made me feel numb enough that I could barely think and when i could, i was so fucking miserable i wanted to die.
If I'm being honest, I don't even know how I graduated. Despite what everyone thought about Kyle Broflovsky and Wendy Testaburger being the smartest in our grade, I had been on track to be valedictorian, which I hid from everyone as best I could. Sure, I had sucked at school when I was younger but the teachers had been able to tweak (ha, jokes) how I was taught and boom, smart as hell.
Honestly, I think my teachers felt bad for me and just passed the depressed gay kid who was dumped by his long term boyfriend for a fucking girl.
Book, this entry is making me want to jump so I’m gonna end it here. So see you for entry two, maybe I won’t be so miserable the next time we talk.
He flipped the book closed and flexed his fingers, which had cramped from the amount of writing he'd done. A part of him had almost felt bad for trauma dumping through the pages and immediately wanted to punch himself in the face because how fucking stupid is that? It's a book.
He hadn’t been lying as he wrote and he’d even felt like the slightest bit of weight had eased off of his shoulders for a moment. He looked around his barren dorm room and wished he could make time stop moving; graduation had come and gone and now he was heading back home to South Park for the first time in years. Apartments were too expensive in the city and he was completely wiped out from paying tuition.
So home it was. Tricia was about to be in her senior year of high school and he’d felt guilty for missing so many events the last few years. His mom was excited he was coming home and he had no doubt that every single miserable person in town knew the Gay Kid was coming back home.
Being out of the cold shadow of the mountains had done him good, his voice had finally let go of the lispy rasp he’d had for so long and he'd let his hair grow out so it stuck out from under his hat.
He looked towards the desk in his room and stood from his perch on the bed. Stripe #10 had been changed to his carrying case and he’d protested it, his angry weeks expressing just how he felt being in his tiny enclosure.
“Dude, chill. You’ll be in there for only a little longer and I’ll give you treats later.”
Stripe let out a huff in response.
“Don’t sass me young man, it's hard being a single mother dealing with your tantrums.”
Damn kids.
He shrugged his bag on and lifted the cage, leaving behind the dorm he’d occupied for so long. He left the key by the RA office and put Stripe in the front seat of his car, buckling him in and throwing the bag into the back seat.
“Don’t expect to see your deadbeat dad anytime soon bud, just because we’re going home doesn’t mean you get to see him.” He said to Stripe, who didn’t respond.
Teenagers are so ungrateful nowadays, he thought to himself and started the long journey to South Park.
this is also posted on A03
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/
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the-b1ah · 2 years
Tumblr media
This post is about a Danny phantom and Red hood(Jason Todd aka the dead robin) crossover because I think there should be more content of them. Also like all my knowledge of these characters comes solely from here and fanfics. I don’t claim to be an expert I just think their neat. I suck at spelling so beware. With all that said, I have this story idea…
So when Jason dies in the whole joker explosion there is just enough ectoplasm in the area for him to create a really shoddy core. Like all it does is keep his body from decomposing and if it didn’t get anymore energy it would fade in a couple of years.
But then superboy does that whole punch the universe thing and that gives Jason’s shitty core just enough juice to bring him back to life but not enough to really heal him completely (it’s trying its best ok). Then Talia dunks him into the pit which im headcanoning is ectoplasm a random portal had spit out that got super corrupted. For a normal ghost this wouldn’t really be a problem cause they can filter it but Jason’s core sucks.
The pit madness basically makes all Jason’s underlying ghost instincts go up to 20 which explains how he act in the whole make Batman kill joker thing(because his actions make more sense if you think of him as a ghost and not a human). And I headcanon(or maybe it is a canon im not sure) that jason did die again from the batarang to the neck (death part two the electric BOOgaloo(ha get it) )and when Jason’s little core brings him back there it also has the a side effect that it takes away some of the corruption making jason mellow out a bit.
Things go on as normal until the whole penguin thing where bats beats him to death (father figure 2 is a failure bring in the next one). After Roy drags him away and he heals up Jason runs into Danny. Literally…
Sooo Danny finally tells his parents (no phantom planet tho ) and they accept him. But all is not what it seems because Later that night though they bring him down to lab and try to “fix”and/or figure out if he is really Danny. Jazz is at college, Sam is at a galla somewhere out of state with her parents, tucker competing in a week long tech competition, and Ellie is exploring the ghost zone so no one notices Danny is gone.
The guys in white come to investigate the Fentons and when the find phantom locked in the basement they kill the fentons an take him. Danny is with them for three months before they try to vivisect him. They go to touch him core and even with all the tech they are using to weaken him,danny lets out a wail killing almost everyone and escaping. The surviving GIW hunt him down as he tries to get back home. Danny is able to avoid them for a couple days but they find him and try to corner him in an alley. As Danny is running for his afterlife he senses a ghost nearby and runs to them in the hopes that whoever they are can help him fight off the GIW.
this is where he runs into jason. Literally.
So they collide danny says “help me” and hides behind jason. The GIW come sprinting into the alley guns a blazing and demand that jason hands over the freak. Jason looks at the bloody scared kid behind him then at the adults calling a child an it and goes full protect mode and kills them. After that is taken care of he goes back to Danny an asks if he hungry. Danny nods and they go get chili dogs.
They get close as Danny heals up and they plan to kill the rest of GIW. Danny morals have been a tad twisted because A)These guys just experimented on him for 3month B) They where using what they found out from experimenting on him to find ways to destroy the GZ C)he knows if he doesn’t kill them they keep trying to kill him and destroy the GZ.
They take down the GIW(cool fights and explosions) and Jason thinks that will be the end of it since danny can go back to his sisters and friends. Danny has other ideas. He does go home and tells the phantomily(phantom-family) that he’s ok but returns to jason and just starts following him around. The confrontation just kinda goes like this…
Jason: kid what are you still doing here. I’m dangerous go home.
Danny: hey I can take these guys any day and maybe I like hanging out with you. Dead guy to dead guy.
Jason: go home kid. And I prefer the term zombie.
Danny: nah ill think ill stay! I can even help my powers are super useful!
Jason:… still too risky, i not going let you become a child soilder im not Batman.
Danny: awww come on plzzzzz
Jason: your parents are probably worried about you Go. Home.
Jason *hugs him*: im sorry Danny you can stay.
So Red hood gets a partner in crime and Jason gets a family.
Phantom gets mentor who cares and Danny gets a new parent.
If you guys like the idea let me know! i’ll make more art and write more
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actualbird · 2 years
Aaaaa I love your headcanons so much! Weird kid rep from the nxx boys!! I don't know how you come up with all these specific scenarios and make them work but I fear you for it.
Luke having increasingly wild stories surrounding him is great but what if one of them just so happens to come true after he joins nsb.
Random classmate: Haha remember when we thought you'd threatened to beat up a guy who threatened mc and leave him to die those were the good days.
Luke, laughing very nervously: Yeah haha I don't know how you came up with them (Don't talk about Nosta don't talk about Nosta don't talk about-)
So I don't know how it is in other countries or schools but in my school when someone was getting bullied they'd use one of those moral education periods to lecture the entire class. Artem's classes probably all had the bullying talks and it was almost entirely undeserved because there wasn't a bullying problem at all chcgiif his poor classmates those talks were painful to hear when there was a problem, imagine how much worse it would be when it isn't. I do like to think maybe the talk spurs the cliques to be more vigilant against that kind of stuff because bullying in cliques can be so subtle and hard to see when you see the bully as a friend. The talk did help cut down on bullying, even if the one it was supposed to help had never been bullied at all dgdjgchk.
GIANN AND HIS COOL ADULT VIBES XGKDTIDIG some of the kids stop picking on Marius because they don't want his Cool Adult brother to not like them :( Marius threatens to tell Giann on them and it has the same effect as threatening to tell the class's favourite teacher. Disappointment from a respected adult hurts.
Vyn's pickle jar dgkxjgdig tiny Vyn Richter violently shaking voodoo dolls of his classmates around yknow what whatever relieves stress. What if he stops doing it as often as an adult but the urge still comes up. Nxx pokes fun at his sleeping habits during sotn and Vyn takes a deep breath and pulls out a pickle jar.
irt each nxx boy is Not Like The Other Kids in elementary-middle school for diff reasons
gmorning, milkyway!! and kJBKJSFKGJSK how i do it is that i have a brain that never shuts off except when i actually need to write, it's a blessing and a curse
on luke
GOD, UR RIGHT, the wild childhood rumors about luke eventually do come true one way or another. theres lost gold and in his RRG card he DEADASS BEAT UP TWO PEOPLE WHO MADE MC CRY, those dudes were LIMPING.
random classmate, pointing at scraggly long scar on his arm: woah, whered you get that? did you actually fight bears on the weekends? haha
luke, who got that scar during wilderness training where he was dropped into a remote forest with close to no equipment and told to hold out for a week and he did have to fight off a bear that found his shelter and THATS LEGIT WHERE HE GOT HIS SCAR: uh. i had a. really bad blender accident
on artem
WE HAD STUFF LIKE THAT AT OUR SCHOOL!!! IT IS EXCRUCIATING!!! i had an experience where we had a bullying talk that had a section that was "How to tell if your classmate is being bullied and not talking about it" and then the speaker basically described everything about how i presented myself. always in a jacket/hoodie, quiet, keeps to themself, mostly seen alone, startled at sudden movements. several classmates immediately thought i was being bullied and i kept saying "IM JUST A NERVOUS AND INTROVERTED PERSON" but they didnt listen and one girl felt so bad she gave me MONEY. i dont frigging know why, she had good intentions, im sure, but what those intentions were are lost to me. usually i'd never say no to free cash but this was so unwarranted that i kept returning it but she kept giving it back so i had to wait til she left and then i slipped the money back into her bag
anyway everything in the above bulletpoint happened to artem. it was....it sure was Something
on marius
SCREAMMMM!!! i think marius is 50% glad giann is so cool bc yep, all he has to do is threaten to put in a bad word to giann and everybody behaves and stops picking on marius
but marius is also 50% annoyed that giann is so cool because stuff like this happens
classmate: uhhhh, hey, marius! so um.
marius: yeah?
classmate: ur older brother, giann...
marius: uh huh?
classmate: .......is he single?
marius doesnt tell this to giann because NO!! NO!!!!! but he does tell giann to like......tone down the coolness?? if thats POSSIBLE???
(it's not. giann's on magazines bc hes a handsome rising star. nothing is gonna make him uncool)
on vyn
i am Losing My Mind. he has a jar on the desk in his study. it is not filled with anything.
but when the others get on his nerves, he grabs it and shakes it vigorously anyway
even if theres no nxx boy voodoo dolls in there, the muscle memory of jostling jars is enough to calm vyn down
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siarrawrites · 4 years
Rating Various Star Wars Curses
a guide w much real swearing, inspired by a midnight convo with @kckenobi​
crink/crinking -- what the actual fuck is this supposed to be. Who came up with this??? We’re only a few letters away from ‘crinkled’ or even ‘tinkled’, god. No self respecting Space Adult is going to use this.---  -2/10 pls try again
sithspit-- a classic. can be found everywhere in fic. kind of sounds like you’re hissing, which the sith would probably appreciate actually. (do normal space ppl use this or is it just a jedi thing tho bc most star wars citizens dont seem to know abt the sith???) --- 9/10 very sssssssmooth
holy sith!-- again with the sith?? ok i guess. a pretty good alternative to ‘holy shit’ but lacks the pazzazz of sithspit which is 10x more fun to say ---6/10 reliable but uninspired
frizz/frizzled -- what is this, the magic school-bus? I love Ms. Frizzle with all my heart of course, which is why im disturbed by seeing her name used as an approximation of fucked (it kinda sounds like jizz too which I HATEE). I can maybe see it as a kiddie swear like frick though. ---3/10 what the frizz is this
dwang-- ...kind of strange but you know what I’ll accept it --5/10 haha dwang the rock johnson
e chu ta-- a solid fuck you. definitely sounds like a space language, and has a nice ring to it when said with passion. works for characters ages 9-->999, thank you kiddie anakin for this gem. --10/10, ‘a fine addition to my collection!!’
sleemo-- sounds like the word ‘sleazy’ and for once the real word association does it a favor. You hear this and just KNOW what kind of person it describes. ---8/10 honestly huttese curses can get it
farkled-- ...this is the name of a fucking dice game. also it sounds nasty                --0/10 get sued pls 
blast-- idk if this is actually a star wars curse or an irl thing, but it absolutely should be. you got BLASTers for cripes sake this shit writes itself -- 10/10 it just makes sense honey
son of a blaster-- ok we get it guns aren’t a thing in space. except they are. sob is great i guess but consider son of a slugthrower boom alliteration plus badass space guns lets go boys ---7/10 alliteration is key
kark/karking-- amazing. inspired. beautiful. I regularly forget this isn’t an actual thing and use it in everyday life. gotta love the hard consonants she is cathartic as kark to use. -- 50/10 she just hits different ok
kriff/kriffing-- basically ‘frick’. Actually sounds like a kid-ification of kark and I just really admire that about her. 10/10 all the cool initiates say kriff
bantha poodoo-- the one that started this whole discussion. listen, this is fine when you’re 9 year old anakin skywalker and say ‘yippee’ unironically but for anyone else this is just embarrassing -- 2/10 ok if you’re baby i guess
skrog/skrogging-- at first I was gonna rate this one low bc it sounds weird and is a synonym for fuck (which just ain’t it). but then I thought about it and realized that if you replace bantha poodoo with bantha skrog you actually have a somewhat decent word for space shit. --- 6/10 we done figured it out boys 
snark/snarking-- this is already a real word. why are you stealing actual live words out of the english dictionary sir that’s  i l l e g a l  --- 0/10 for plagiarism
druk-- a solid replacement for shit, and more serious than skrog (though bantha skrog sounds better than bantha druk imo). gotta love those consonants, and a ‘drukload’ of problems is a phrase that just works. 9/10 will always be there for you
krong-- I just... I dont... know? How i feel abt this. reminds me of king kong donkey kong AND kronk from emperors new groove. maybe thats my own brains fault but also where does this work?? ‘dont krong things up’ just use kark? ‘bantha krong’ just use skrog or druk. In conclusion? --4/10 ok but you can do better
schuta-- we’re branching out folks! finally, a twi’leki curse. she’s catchy and  very fun to say, but it does mean slut, and we respect women in this household. If you wanna make a very despicable character say it though it will help make us all want to beat ‘em up :) ---5/10 all women are QUEENS george
vape/vaping-- ... ill give u a pass bc I dont think vaping was a thing when this word was made, but this straight up doesn’t work in the blessed decade of 2020 ---1/10 you’re on thin fucking ice
shab/shabuir-- not to be confused w ‘shebs’ which is just mandalorian booty, this is mandalorian shit. Sounds like a real word, is mandalorian which automatically makes everything 10x more legit, and has that lovely insult variation! ---7/10 truly some shit I can get behind (heh)
vong-- we don’t mention the y**zhan v*ng in this household --- -∞/10 legends can get right tf outta here
shavit-- friends, I had to look this one up to make sure it wasn’t actually a real swear word. I think I’ve picked this one up through osmosis reading fic bc I’ve definitely used this in real life. that’s quality folks. --- 10000+/10, will unironically say this from now on
KC, I cried laughing at some of these I truly dont know where they come up with this stuff. 
there’s a lot more where these came from but i didnt feel like doing all of them, heres the link tho , knock yourselves out
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
honestly THANK YOU for saying all that abt baghra bc i thought i was going crazy from not liking her??? bc i haven't read the books and only summaries of them on wiki and like. i dunno why ppl like her actually even in the show bc this guy, her son, is like "i wanna make the world better for us grisha" and she's just like "no." even tho he sees that she's MAKING HERSELF SICK from suppressing her powers! she's literally like in bed coughing in the flashback yet seem much healthier at the little palace. also like after everything, after her disapproval, after the fold, after centuries of waiting for the sun summoner.. he never abandons her. he makes sure she's cares for. he doesn't harm her. and i have to wonder if baghra has ever thanks him for that, for just not leaving her alone. like i dunno how im suppose ro believe aleks is a heartless villain when he still cares for his abusive mom like this. like has baghra even told her she loved him (honestly she reminds me of a classic emotionally unavailable asian parent but maybe that's just me). also im wondering if baghra ever told aleks that he had an aunt.. bc like.. now that u bring up her isolating him it's like hmmmm...
not at me being like alina... why do u trust the bitter old woman who literally beats u with a stick and verbally abuses u every chance she gets.. just bc she showed a bad painting... like.. pls use two braincells to see that who u figured out as his mother... is also using his protection..
like baghra could've upped and left with alina. but no. she stayed bc she knew she was safe under aleks's protection.
alsoim just impressed that after his first friend tried to drown him and harvest his bones... he didn't go into hiding???? he still wanted to make a safe heaven for grisha!!! HE STILL WANTED TO PROTECT GRISHA EVEN AFTER HIS GRISHA FRIEND TRIED TO KILL HIM FOR HIS FUCKEN BONES. like... this is the guy im suppose to believe is the villain???
honestly i feel like part of the reason why LB's plotlines seem so bad and disconnected (and sometimes outright racist but that's another rant) and why darkles is disproportionately more violent and villainous in the later books is bc she didn't expect the darkling to be so popular and wanted to stick with her guns of making him the villain. but also wanted the money from aleks's popularity. but like you can't have ur cake and eat it too.
Well thank you for sending this ask! It's very sweet and very passionate. I'm glad you liked my post! I didn't put as much thought into it as some of my others lol. I kind of just talked. But it was nice to be able to finally talk about some of the problems I have with both her character and the fandom/author's perception of her.
HERE is the post this is referring to, in case anyone's wondering.
👀👀 You've hit the nail on the head for so many things, here!
Baghra is extremely emotionally unavailable, basically to the point of neglect. She's also verbally and physically abusive, traits which I doubt were only reserved for her students and not her son. Baghra claims she would do anything to protect him, but I've known a lot of parents who have that mindset and yet still harm their children because they think it's "good for them".
Aleksander stays at Baghra's side for years, and even when they're opposing each other she's never too far away from him. Idk if you've read the books but he does eventually hurt her. And as much as I don't like Baghra, I think his actions were horrid. But I'm also honestly kind of surprised it took him so long lmao.
Yeah I mean, in terms of isolation, let's not forget that she never wanted to introduce him to his father, either. Baghra's sense of eternity clouds a lot of her judgments on relationships, which means she views most people as dust and therefore teaches her son to as well. The problem with that is that he's a growing child, and he needs those social and emotional attachments for healthy development.
I would bet quite a bit of money that Baghra has either never told him she loves him or she has told him so few times it's practically forgettable.
And everything becomes more complicated because so many of Baghra's actions are understandable because of her life and her history, but the impacts they have on the people around her, especially Aleksander, are permanently damaging. And the fact that that's never gone over in critical depth in the books or how it's glossed over in fandom is just very disconcerting. Like, acknowledging Baghra's failings doesn't mean we're excusing Aleksander's actions, it just means we're holding Baghra liable for her own. Which the fandom should be doing, considering she's the epitome of an abusive parental figure.
And Alina trusting Baghra over Aleksander is even more confusing! Especially in the show!! This is the woman who beat her and abused her and tortured her friends when they tiny little children (and who probably still does so now that they're adults). This is the woman who mocks you and harasses you and insults you on a regular basis. Why does Baghra revealing she's Aleksander's mother make Alina change her mind?! Like fuck, I'd just feel bad for Aleksander. No wonder he kept it a secret, I would too! And that painting is enough evidence?! Really?! A random painting shown to you by this abusive mentor that's been making your life hell. That's what you're going to betray your new lover over?
The friends trying to harvest his bones thing is a good point, too. I think Aleksander, especially show Aleksander, is incredibly idealistic. I think he cares too much for others - those he's deemed worth his care (a sentiment given to him by Baghra). Despite everything she's tried to teach him about hiding and abandoning others and never caring and never doing anything to help or reach out or connect with people, Aleksander still continues to do so. It's likely because he never got it from Baghra growing up, and so is desperate for those emotional needs to be fulfilled elsewhere.
His turning point, when Baghra tells him it was understandable that those kids tried to kill him because the world is such a hard place for them - that's crucial. And the reason it's possible as a motivating factor is because of that idealism and that desire to help and that desire to be everything his mother isn't. Baghra tells him this trauma he just experienced was because of the oppression of his people, and instead of following her lead and accepting that, going into hiding and abandoning everybody to their misery, he goes I can do something about that. I can make it so this never happens again. Which is usually how trauma like that combines with one's core personality traits at a young age, especially when there's none of the essential support systems in place to aid in recovery (ie, the role Baghra should have been filling but wasn't, because she decided to exacerbate the problem instead).
And yeah, one of my biggest problems with the ham-fisted "beating you over the head with a sledgehammer of evil deeds" look-how-bad-this-character-is! portrayal of the Darkling in the later books comes from the impression I get that Bardugo doesn't trust her readers. She's so desperate to have us hate this character and think him an irredeemable villain, not trusting any of her readers to engage critically with a morally gray character, that it feels quite a bit like condescending fucking bullshit. Which ew, I know how to engage with literature, thanks.
She really does seem to look down on a large part of her fandom, and imo, the infantilization of the female characters in her books seems to carry over to her impression of most of her female readers as well. Which is why the Darkling's character arc gets fucking destroyed. But he's still a good cash grab, of course, so she'll shake his dead corpse in front of the fandom for money every time she wants something from it.
Also! Another reason I think her plotlines feel disconnected (I'm sorry Bardugo I respect you as a person, but shit-) is because the writing in SaB is just bad. I mean, nevermind the absolutely nauseating implications of the way she portrays the Grisha as a persecuted group who's situation is never actually fully addressed as it should be, considering Grisha rights is what her main villain is fighting for (imo for a series called the Grishaverse, LB seems to be pretty anti Grisha), but her characters and story alone are just wrong for each other. They don't fit together.
And the ending is one of the main pieces of evidence in that regard! You can’t say the ending where Alina isn’t Grisha anymore is her “going back to where she started” when she’s always been Grisha. She just didn’t know she was Grisha because she denied that part of herself that she was born with.
Alina is reluctant to move forward or change, she struggles with adapting, and she’s very set on the things she’s grown attached to throughout her life. She also has some latent prejudices against the Grisha, and so denies the possibility of being Grisha for those reasons as well.
Alina’s lack of powers in the beginning of her life because she willfully doesn’t learn about them to avoid change versus her lack of powers at the end of the book when she’s accepted them and then they’re stripped away from her by outer forces are two entirely separate circumstances. You can’t make a parallel about lost powers and lack of Grisha status bringing her back to the start when she was always Grisha and she always had powers and she simply refused to come to terms with it because of personal reasons.
The first situation is an internal conflict that indicates a story about growth and a journey of self acceptance. Denying herself the opportunity to learn about her heritage and to find acceptance with a group of people like her because she’s tied to the past and because of the way she was raised is the setup for a narrative that tackles unlearning prejudice and learning how to connect with a part of her identity that was denied her and learning how to grow independent and self assured. It’s the setup for a different story entirely. The second situation is an external conflict that centers around the ‘corrupting influence of power’... for some reason.
In a world where Grisha do not have social, political, or economic power and they are hunted, centering your heroine’s journey of self acceptance and growth around an external conflict about... the corrupting influence of power (in a group of people that don’t actually have any power?!) just doesn’t work. It is literally impossible to connect the two stories Bardugo is trying to push in Shadow and Bone without seriously damaging the main character’s developmental arc.
The only way a narrative like this would work, claiming that she has gone back to where she started, is either a) if the Grisha weren’t actually a persecuted group and instead were apart of the upper class, or b) if the one bad connection between the two instances is acknowledged - that Alina denied a part of herself crucial to self acceptance and growing up, and that losing her powers at the end has also denied her. It is a tragedy, not a happy ending.
Alina suffered because she didn’t use her powers. She grew sick. It was bad for her. This was not a resistance to 'the corruption of power and the burden of greed', it was her suffering because she couldn’t fully accept herself.
Framing the ending as a return to the beginning can’t be done if you don’t address how bad the beginning was for your main character. You brought her back to a bad point in her life. You regressed her. This should be a low point in her arc. It should be a problem that’s solved so she can finish developing organically or it should be something that is acknowledged as a tragedy in it’s own right, for the future the world (the writing) denied her.
This is a ramble and it makes no sense and I’m really sorry, but my point is that Bardugo put the wrong characters in the wrong story. The character arc required for organic development doesn’t match the story and intended message at all. The narrative doesn’t fit the cast. She's got two clashing stories attempting to work in tandem and she ends up with both conflicting messages that fans still can’t comprehend in her writing and an ending that doesn’t suit her main character to such an impossible degree that it’s almost laughable.
So yeah, there's a few reasons why I think the story and the plot feels so bad and disconnected. I hope you don't mind me making this answer so long! 😅 I was not expecting to write this much.
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
lil mold man deserve more love
Absolutely!!! I'll do both sfw and nsft :D. If anyone wants, you can look through my Resident Evil tag to find others I've done thus far for: Lady Dimitrescu, Lady Beneviento, Lord Heisenberg, and Lord Moreau! If anyone wants to see anyone else, just hit up my inbox!
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni as this is Adult Content!!!
Warnings: R18+/NSFT under the cut, Trans headcanons (+ involving a trans man being pregnant), Mutation powers
• Ethan is a trans man! He's had top surgery + facial surgery, but he's been on T for a very long time. Probably all the way back in his teens!
• He also is the one who was pregnant with Rose! It's been a huge desire for him since he was younger to be a father and he was hoping he'd be the one who could carry to term. So it was exciting when Mia was all for it, considering she wanted a kid too but didn't want to carry!
• Ethan is very romantic. He's the type to play music in the kitchen and twirls and spin his wife, hold her by her waist and enjoy time together. He also plans dates, but of course that became harder when under witness protection- but that never stopped him from making time with Mia. Even in their strained moments.
• Hobbies!!! He loves gardening and has quite the green thumb, he used to play baseball when he was younger and still dabbles sometimes, hiking, and LOVES cooking.
• Ragingly bisexual. Hugely bisexual. Painfully bisexual.
• Lone child so he's really bad at board games + card games. Mia uses this to her advantage in couple's game night where she can beat his ass at uno. He's really bad at uno.
• Circling back to him being a romantic: In just their dating stage, Ethan always brought Mia flowers for their dates and her favorite snacks. To this day, you can find those flowers pressed somewhere. One from each bouquet he's given her.
• Owns far too many cargo shorts. But he actually dresses VERY nice most times! A nice sweater, a good fitting pair of slacks, and nice shoes are normally his go to.
~R18+/NSFT under the cut here~
• His t growth is rather impressive! He prefers cock/dick for his terminology describing himself. But his dick is rather large, maybe a little over two inches without pumping. He was just blessed, honestly, as he came into this world with already packing some. So T was just a blessing to add onto it in his opinion.
• Get turned on by basic things like kissing or making out. Though he started rather vanilla, Mia's since introduced him to exploring kinks. He's more on the submissive side and likes things like getting his hair pulled or being man-handled.
• Though being on the more submissive side, he's actually a switch who prefers topping!!! He's got a wide array of strap ons to pick from. It just so happens that he's a service top and he likes when Mia bullies him is all.
• When trying for Rose (with clinic insemination), Ethan joked once that it would be much easier to get a kid if Mia could fuck him. Then she'd joked back that it would be. This resulted in Ethan being a bottom for the first time and both of them realizing that A. Mia LIKED that control on him and B. Ethan actually felt comfy bottoming. Esp for her.
• (Ignoring the fact he McFucking Dies in the end of Re8) The mold mutation gave him more than just regenerative ability and actually allowed minor shape shifting ability! Nothing like Miranda, but he could do things like give himself too many fingers, eyes, or even give himself a penis! The last one was exciting for him because though he doesn't want bottom surgery, he likes having the option!
• Fucks like a champ. Never leaves his wife not satisfied out of her mind. He is a pussy eating Champion. King of Head. The only problem is is that he REALLY REALLY likes giving head. Resulting in Mia being locked with her legs on either side of his head and his arms holding her thighs in place even when she's whining about over stimulation.
• If it were not for the stress of trying to find his fucking kid and running on zero sleep, when he saw the lords and ladies all towering over him he may have realized how turned on he was. Heisenberg, however, could smell it and was Immediately enamored by this curious non-local who gets turned on by danger and fear.
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mxchellesworld · 4 years
You know biggie?
Spencer Reid x Poc!Reader
Synopsis; Where Spencer enlists help from Morgan to try and impress you
Warnings; none, mention of smut, mostly fluff
a/n; this is very much a self indulgent thought i have so im very sorry that i modeled y/n kind of like myself. also as a black/mexican girl it is so upsetting that are rarely fics with cm characters and a poc so here we are. anyways hope you enjoy!
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The day you walked into the BAU Spencer knew he was fucked. Though that’s how Derek put it, he wouldn’t disagree. From the moment he saw you were able to get Hotch to smile he knew you were special. 
You were a ball of vibrant energy. Always trying to bring people up when they were having a tough time. While you’d never admit it, Garcia had a run for her money. 
He was lucky enough to have his desk next to yours. Every time you walked by him in the morning, the mix of your coconut shampoo and the bright smile you gave him pushed him to do his best. 
Now he wasn’t a jealous man at all. It was more so that he wished to be able to have some moments with you like the ones you share with others. The one he wanted the most was how you acted with Morgan. 
Of course he was the big brother figure to everyone. So naturally whenever he was driving you’d always yell out, “shotgun” to sit with him. Spencer would just playfully groan but had no problem giving up his seat for you. If anything it was the perfect time to admire you. 
Even on the dullest cases you were able to lighten the mood by connecting your phone to the aux and blasting your favorite songs. He’d watch how you’d start poking Morgan’s arm as he drove to try and get him to rap along with you. 
Spencer would notice how he would bite his cheek to try and keep in the grin begging to spread across his face. You’d then pick up the imaginary microphone and give them the performance of a life time. Aiming the mic towards Morgan’s mouth he knew he couldn’t let you down and would always give in to your playful ways. 
But his favorite part was when you’d turn in your seat to sing to him. 
The way your plump glossy lips would curve in a smile with each word you sang. The way your big brown eyes showed how the emotions of the lyrics flowed through you. Even when you’d get a little bold and caress his face then playfully bop his nose. 
Morgan would be looking in the rearview with a shit eating grin on his face mouthing ‘you’re whipped’. 
For the rest of the ride he would be entranced by your curls bouncing as you bopped your head to the beat. 
Maybe he’d ask Morgan to write down some of your favorite songs. For research of course. 
After a year of you being on the team Penelope decided a party was in order to celebrate. Rossi being the generous man he was offered up his house for a pool party since it was June and the heat was coming on strong. 
Spencer walked into the back yard where the party was in full swing. You had asked for just the members of the team and their families. The adults were sitting around on lawn chairs or resting on the edge of the pool watching their kids. 
Looking around for you he saw you laying on the grass with Hank resting on your stomach. His tiny hands would reach for your face and you’d playfully press kisses to his palms causing a roar of giggles to come from his small body.
Spencer felt a hand clap on his shoulder and knew who it was. 
“She’s something else huh pretty boy,” Morgan said while looking at you cooing at his son. 
“Yeah,” he sighed longingly, “Do you uh, what do you think she’d day if I asked her on a date?”
“Pretty Ricky I know you have a IQ of a million in there so you should be able to run some guesses.” 
“So she’d say no,” Spencer said with a pout. 
Morgan smacked the back of his head which caused Spencer to let out a loud noise of disapproval. You walked over with Hank in your arms to see Spencer rubbing the back of his head. 
“Derek did you hit him?” you asked with a defensive tone. 
“He asked a stupid question,” Morgan said in defense. 
“Yeah yeah take your kid,” you said handing Hank over to him, “Spence let me get you a drink.” 
The only thing he could do was nod and return your smile. You motioned for him to follow you into Rossi’s kitchen. As he walked behind you it took all his strength to not let his eyes drop down to the small wrap you had around your waist covering up the bikini bottoms you had on. 
Though the water dripping down your tan back from the tips of your hair didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
Reaching into the fridge you pulled out a beer and quickly opened it. He felt his breath hitch as your fingers grazed his while you handed it to him. 
“Is that ok? I know you usually like whiskey or something when the team goes to bars but I figured you were driving home so I thought maybe a beer would be better to keep you on your toes,” he had never seen you ramble as if you were nervous. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered at the fact you had been so thoughtful of his drinking choices. Even if it was something so simple. 
“Yeah Y/n this is perfect.. You’re perfect,” he said looking down at you. 
“Oh- I uh um thank you Spencer. You are quite perfect yourself as well,” you said trying to regain some of your usual confidence. 
Neither of you had realized you were standing there until the beat of an all too familiar song brought you out of your trance, lost in his caramel eyes. 
Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls
“God I love this song,” you perked up, ready to head back out to the rest of the guests. 
“Did you know “Hypnotize” was released just weeks before his death on March 9, 1997,” Spencer tried to say keeping his voice from wavering. 
“You know Biggie?” you said with a questioning smile. 
“Y/n I grew up in Vegas of course-,” he cut himself off noticing your raised eyebrow, “Ok maybe I didn’t know him that well. I uh asked Morgan for some of your favorite songs to get to know you and did a little research.” 
“Aw Spence that’s really sweet. How about you come over tomorrow and I can put you on to some music?”
“I will be there,” he said raising his bottle. 
“Great. And Spence, I envy your glasses,” you said with a smirk. 
“What? My glasses?” 
“Cus they’re sitting on your face and I’m not,” you said winking at him then turning around and heading out the patio door. 
He looked in that direction to see Morgan peeking his head in with Hank in his arms. It was crazy to see how such a small child could have such a knowing look on his face. 
Spencer groaned and walked back out to the party. Making eye contact with you as you passed on the imaginary microphone to Penelope who gladly took it and sung at the top of her lungs. 
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kamimint · 2 years
Omg haiiii * staring straight into the gun * wale Yui Reo is like the main one, he's easily removable from Danganronpa but he started out as a dangan OC for an rp in 2019.
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He's the ultimate digital artist (idk if that's cringe or not but it's been three years so. Too late to change it LOL) and I like to insert him into sdr2 a lot especially in the Enoshima au. Which means he was also an ultimate despair where he drew really horrific and uncanny shit and y'know displayed it on image boards across the city and he's like chained his monitor to him and shit. He's Le Transgender but pretty GNC, he likes to wear skirts sometimes if they go with his outfit but he usually sticks to shorts (he used to wear pants but that was when I was one of those trans men who had The Dysphoria when I dont anymore and haven't for. About two years?). He always wears his bandana as it lets him cover his face easily. He has autism and adhd and anxiety and he used to have depression but he like. Bullied it out of his system idk hes never gone to therapy so he's just dealt w it in his own ways. Also with his personality, he's a dick, like a massive cunt. He will go out of his way to pick on people for holier-than-thou attitudes and won't hesitate to shit all over them. He doesn't single out people like Mikan though bc he's like . Well that's a bit much. * Beats the shit out of hiyoko though *. Like he HAS a moral compass but he's really (for lack of better term) tsundere about all of his emotions and refuses to open up unless the person displays physical touch bc emotions have always been hard for him
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Ermm the other boy is Zyo, he's Yui's big brother. He went to Hope's peak for a year then dropped out, so he decided to stay home and try to help Yui through hashtag PROBLEMS. Hes the ultimate paranormal investigator. He was originally supposed to look like a poltergeist but over time he just became a lot more shark-like and tbh I fully embrace it. Nobody knows why his skin is literally blue or why he Looks Like That, but he loves it. Originally while he was growing up, kids would call him a ghost and be afraid of him so he picked up looking into ghosts and paranormal shit and eventually became an expert investigator to the point that hopes peak was interested. When he comes back from Hope's peak, he's strongly against Yui even going there once he gets the acceptance letter, bc he knows Reo wouldn't be able to handle the crowded and uptight environment created by rich young adults but their parents make him go anyway. And that's when sdr2 happens lalalaalalala. I would describe Zyo as kindof stupid. Like. CLASSIC fat himbo who only wants the best for others and is honestly scared to death of the uncanny valley. He tries to care for Yui but Yui is a little shit and doesn't want him around until it's Too Late and he's gone to Hope's peak and the world is like. Time 4 apocalypse! But I can't decide between Zyo dying or surviving and he's helped by the future foundation so . Yea
The only other oc I have is a pokemon oc whos the fourth of the Forces Of Nature in modern times (bc that weird fucking . Anamorous? Erm. Idk ruined it). He's a grass flying type and he's pink and green. Im pretty sure I made his therian form a lizard? I really can't remember I'll have to dig it up this was back in........ Uhh 2017?but that's it that's all my ocs
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owldart · 3 years
im having a lot of lego monkie kid FEELINGS warning for spoilers under the cut for the most recent episodes
because theyre surprisingly well written for only being 11 minutes long and like, there’s a lot of personality in each character that shines through that absolutely kills me due to how organically they interact and how sometimes that causes lapses in communication
like, mk had a big turning point in ‘a minor scale’! he finally ended up swimming with a big fish he was NOT equipped to deal with, and she both scared the crud out of him and ultimately shook his confidence down to his core. mk is anxious a lot, but this is specifically when i think mk starts to feel unsafe.
usually, he has his friends to back him up- he’s got reliable adults in his life! and for those parts of his life where a regular adult won’t cut it because it’s immortal or a terrifying demon, he’s got the monkey king! nobody can beat the monkey king, right? it’ll be fine if he’s there and training mk!
but the monkey king got a taste of not being able to do anything for once in what, a millennia? back at the start of the season. he was tied up, power drained, and everyone he cared about was in INTENSE DANGER. the only thing he could really do was rile up DBK, which was clever, but it didn’t help afterwards when lady bone demon gave him that horrifying vision of the future.
monkey king feels unsafe, right now. so to cope, he’s going after the problem himself, and keeping everyone else out of the loop, pretending he’s on ‘vacation’. because if they try to help? chances are they’re going to get hurt, and he’s the only one who’s immortal right now.
mk is used to not being immortal! he’s not scared of it. what he IS scared of is the fact that he can’t protect HIMSELF, let alone his friends and his city, because there are things out there that he can’t handle. His adults can’t handle it, his friends can’t handle it, because it’s just that dangerous! And now Monkey King is AFK, on VACATION, and MK is stagnating! he can’t get any stronger! no matter what he does, he doesn’t feel safe because he can’t DO anything about lady bone demon. she’s too powerful for him, for his friends.
he’s alone, and every time he reaches out to monkey king, the monkey king is busy. he just gets told to do more prep work for something he knows he can’t handle, and what’s worse is that mk is a quick study and he’s running out of material. once he’s out of lessons to work on, there isn’t anything to hold back that anxiety.
mk and monkey king are both trying to tackle the problem- lady bone demon. but they aren’t being CLEAR with each other about what’s scaring them, and what they can and can’t do, which is what’s leading to a disconnect in communication and letting this whole situation fester.
pretty sure if monkey king just TOLD mk instead of trying to protect him by keeping his strategy a secret, and if mk didn’t feel the need to look strong all the time so that monkey king wouldn’t think he’d picked a bogus successor, this whole thing would run a lot smoother.
a smaller version of this whole conflict happened in season 1 episode 9. monkey king is training mk, mk is frustrated because monkey king is cryptic, and a clever bad guy character plays to mk’s good nature and his insecurities and uses it to kick his butt, ultimately weakening the monkey king too. it isn’t until mk and the monkey king are truthful with each other and they LISTEN TO EACH OTHER that anything improves.
when mk and the monkey king work together? they get stuff DONE, they’re ultimately a great team. see the season 2 opening, where they completely smash up the spider queen with that combo toss attack. when they try to save face or act like something they really aren’t, bad things happen. like a panicked kid trying to learn a billion and one power moves to feel safe against an insurmountable power and a panicked adult trying to dig up tons of information to find a way to get rid of said insurmountable power.
you just get a scared kid with a lot of big guns and none of the wisdom on where to shoot, and an adult who ends up VERY confused as to why their kid explodes after they come back from their three month information sabbatical.
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moonlitwings1 · 4 years
Icing on Top
Christmas cookies were a tradition in the Mayfield house, and Max isn’t going to let two obnoxious Hargrove men ruin it this year. They didn’t do it the year before because someone thought that cookies would be bad for his cholesterol. Old man problems, Max thinks. If Neil doesn’t want his cholesterol to increase or whatever, why doesn’t he just not eat cookies. Seems simple enough to her. 
Thankfully, Neil’s not here right now. He’s with her mom going last minute Christmas shopping. She could’ve gone with them, but she doesn’t have anymore money to buy anything, spent it all on the arcade last week. She’s just going to give Neil and her mom cards, same as last year. Thank you for being the best mom! Max internally cringes. It sounds so fake every time she writes it. It’ll be even worse to write one for Neil. For Billy...well, she doesn’t know what he likes besides music and being an asshole, so he’ll get a card too.
She doesn’t believe in Santa anymore. Stopped believing when Billy ruined that for her literally the day they met. Laughed in her face and told her she was stupid for not realizing her mom’s the one who puts the presents under the tree. She remembers going to her mom and crying because the new boy just told her Santa’s not real. Turns out, when you stop believing in Santa, you also stop getting gifts from him. So for a couple years now, Max has only gotten one gift under the Christmas tree instead of two like she used to. No more presents from Santa, but at least Neil was happy about that. He said that he never thought this Santa business was any good for kids. False idols or whatever. Religious shit she doesn’t care about. Neil acts like he’s oh so religious, but they go to church about five times a year, and the entire time Neil’s only focused on Billy, who is doing everything in his power to annoy Max.
Well, tomorrow’s Christmas and her mom bought a horrible red dress with little white fluff across the edges, the same kind she’s seen too many little girls wear. She’ll have to convince her mom not to let her wear that. Later. Right now, she has a different focus, cook book stuffed underneath her arm as she searches for the ingredients. 
“Flour, sugar, baking soda, butter, eggs,” she mutters under her breath, repeating the ingredients to herself over and over again. Sounds easy enough. She’s never made cookies by herself before, but wherever Neil is, her mom is, and she doesn’t want Neil to get in the way of her Christmas festivities, as he likes to call them. So for now, she’s going to have to figure out how to do this by herself. She’s definitely not allowed to use the oven without an adult, but tonight, she’s planning to prove that she’s not a fucking child. 
She had just gotten started on the wet ingredients when she hears the back door slam shut, making her flinch hard. You’ve got to be fucking kidding. They haven’t even been gone for ten minutes. Neil must’ve forgotten something. She thinks she’s screwed and frantically starts hiding the bowls when she realizes those steps were far too heavy and obnoxious to be Neil’s. Max almost lets out a sigh of relief when Billy struts into the kitchen. He’s an asshole, but at least he’s not Neil. 
She doesn’t know where he went, probably went to hang out with some girl like he always tells Neil, but she swears the cologne he’s wearing smells vaguely similar to the one Steve had on the other day. Maybe they’re friends now? Nah. Must be some new popular teen cologne, she thinks, rolling her eyes. She won’t give it much more attention. 
“The fuck are you doing?” he asks, the scarred eyebrow lifting. He sounds more interested than angry.
“Making cookies. Go away,” she spits before turning her back to him and bringing her focus back to the wet ingredients.
He hums, amused like he always is when he’s annoying her, “Don’t think you’re supposed to be making anything by yourself, Maxi.”
She pauses what she’s doing, closes her eyes, and lets out a long sigh, tries to control her temper. “I’m not a fucking child, Billy. Go away,” she repeats. “I can handle it. And don’t call me that.”
He peers over her shoulder to look at what she’s making. She tries to ignore him, but she can literally feel him breathing down her neck, and he’s standing way too fucking close to her. She knows he’s doing it on purpose. 
“Maaaax,” he whispers. 
She continues ignoring him, mixing the bowl furiously, but after another minute of Billy just standing behind her, he snorts like somethings funny. And that pisses her off because nothing’s funny right now. He’s just an asshole who’s ruining her Christmas. 
So without warning, she spins around, slams two hands into his chest and pushes him as hard as she can (which isn’t saying much, but she’s not going to admit that). Billy didn’t see that coming. She can tell because he actually stumbles a little bit. So she doesn’t stop there, tries to push him out of the kitchen completely before he regains himself. She wasn’t fast enough.
When he realizes what she’s trying to do, he laughs. It’s not even the scary laugh that he made while beating up Steve last year. He’s laughing at her. The fucking asshole’s making fun of her, and it does nothing to soothe her frustration. This time, she aims a slap at his face, but he catches her wrist before she could do anything. She gasps aloud because ow that stung.
“Ouch, you jackass! That fucking hurt!” 
She starts hitting him with her left hand, gets in a few good hits before he snatches that one away too. If he were any closer, she would bite his wrist. She considers kicking him in the dick, but he must see what she’s thinking because he spins her around and bear hugs her from behind, trapping her arms to her side. They’re both panting now, but one from exertion and one from laughter. 
“Jesus Christ, Maxine,” he laughs. “I didn’t fucking do anything to you. The hell blew your fuse?”
“Stop laughing,” she huffs, struggling in his arms and trying to glare at him, because he still has a sleazy grin plastered on his face. She can fucking hear it in his voice. “And get off of me!”
“You cool?”
She’s totally not cool, but she’s not going to tell him that. “Yes I’m fucking cool.”
“You su-”
He chuckles one more time before letting her go. “Whatever you say, Maxi-pad.” 
She decidedly ignores his comment and rubs her shoulder from where his arm pressed into hers. “Can you leave now?”
“Not until you tell me what you’re making.”
“I already said cookies.”
“What kind?” Max knows he’s not actually interested in her cookies. He just wants to find a reason to bug her longer. 
“Sugar. What else would I make for Christmas, dumbass.” She’s lucky he doesn’t immediately attack her for calling him ‘dumbass.’ She probably shouldn’t push it anymore. 
“I want you out of the kitchen in an hour,” he snaps, “And you better not burn this house down.” He strides out of the room before she can reply but not before giving her a stony look that warns of death. Asshole. 
Alone at last. Even if Billy’s home, it’s not like he’s going to leave his room anytime soon. He’ll lock himself in there and stay put for hours. She wonders what he does in there for so long and slightly winces when his music starts vibrating through the house. Max lets out a long sigh. She forgot about that. He usually doesn’t put it too loud when Neil’s home. 
She tries to block out the music and focus on the task at hand. Do they have any more eggs? 
Twenty minutes later, Max is staring at the oven proudly, hands on her hips. The cookies are currently baking, and she has a good feeling about them. They’re not pretty, and they’re oddly shaped (since they don’t have any cutouts), but she’s sure they’ll come out ok. She’s not, however, looking forward to cleaning up the entire kitchen. Its a mess, bowls everywhere, and the hand mixer is dripping onto the floor, but she can clean it up later, preferably before Billy comes out of hibernation and screams at her about it. But for now, she deserves a fucking break.
She heads off towards her room, and lounges around for ten minutes, looking through some comics, while waiting for the cookies to finish.
Things were going so well. So fucking well until the fire alarms starts blaring and makes Max jump out of her skin. She hears Billy’s music suddenly shut off. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
She’s too scared to move. She doesn’t move when she hears loud footsteps walking towards the kitchen, and she doesn’t move when the fire alarm stops ringing. She definitely doesn’t move when those loud footprints start getting increasingly louder, coming closer to her room. She’s going to die. She’s going to be murdered by her own brother. She shoots a quick prayer to whatever god out there that maybe she’ll survive this one long enough, so she can tell her mom goodbye. 
Her door bursts open. 
“MAXINE.” She recoils from his voice.“ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?”
When she doesn’t say anything, his voice goes deathly quiet. “I leave you alone for barely an hour, and you manage to fuck it all up.” 
Max still doesn’t say anything. She imagines she looks like a deer in headlights because she’s totally frozen, sitting on her bed just staring at him. It must piss him off though because he starts towards her. Thankfully, something turns on in her brain and she immediately goes and stands on the other side of the bed where he can’t easily reach her. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, I’m not going to do shit to you,” he says, running a hand over his face. When she still doesn’t move, utterly unconvinced, he continues. “I just want you to see what a bang up job you did of making those fucking cookies, so get out here.”
She’s still not totally convinced, but if she stays there any longer, he might try to drag her out himself so she’s just got to suck it up. She moves cautiously towards the door, side-eyeing Billy to see if he’s going to pounce, but he doesn’t. 
Thank God nothing besides the cookies were burnt. If anything was actually damaged, she wouldn’t even be alive right now. 
“I-I don’t know what happened, Billy. I literally followed the recipe so don’t try to blame me for this,” she snaps, turning around to glare at him.
He scoffs at her. “What happened,” he growls, grabbing the open cookbook and stabbing a finger into the page, “is that you didn’t read the fucking directions correctly and set the oven at 450 degrees instead of 350 degrees.”
Max looks at where he’s pointing and her spirit drops when she realizes that he’s right. It says right there, Preheat the oven to 350°F. She internally curses herself. How did she not see that? If she had just paid attention, she wouldn’t be in this mess. 
He watches her reaction and snorts. “Someone can’t read,” he says, and reaches out to ruffle her hair. She tries to slap his hand away, but it just makes him ruffle her hair harder. 
“Now clean-” But before he could complete his sentence, Max storms out of the kitchen, taking a wide turn around Billy so there’d be a smaller chance that he’d try to grab her. 
When she looks over at him though, it doesn’t look like he was going to anyway. She doesn’t know why he’s like this, why he always switches emotions every two seconds. Five minutes ago, he had barged into her room, murderous, and she was sure she was going to die. Now? Now he’s fucking joking with her. He literally just ruffled her hair like she’s his sister. She hates it. Why can’t he just be normal? 
She slams the door behind her and locks it as she walks in. Thankfully, Neil still hasn’t taken away her lock like he’d done for Billy, so she still has a semblance of privacy. She’s almost in tears, and she doesn’t know why. She’s just...frustrated. The sound of heavy footsteps come her way, and she immediately dives under her covers, pulling the duvet up and over her head. She’s embarrassed from her stupid mistake that Billy will inevitably make fun of her for. Thinking about it just makes more tears sting the corner of her eye. She wants to be left alone, but Billy’ll never let that happen. 
He pounds on the door. “Maxine, open up.”
She doesn’t answer, digging her head into her pillow harder. Maybe if she ignores him, he’ll leave. In the back of her head, she knows that that’s not what’s going to happen. 
"Hey shitbird, get your ass out here,” he says again, back to asshole mode and pounding harder on the door. “Did ya see the fucking kitchen? You better clean that shit up before Susan and Neil come home.”
She still doesn’t say anything. 
“Max,” his voice goes deadly quiet, “if you don’t get your ass out in the next ten seconds, I’m going to-”
“You ruined that shit for your-”
“Leave me alone, Billy.” Her voice cracks when she says his name, and he must hear it because he does. She knows she’s going to have to clean the kitchen up eventually, but she can’t bring herself to right now. Maybe it’s because she’s going to start her period any second, or maybe it’s because Billy’s just a jerk, but she feels abnormally upset. Unreasonably miserable. Billy’s antics don’t usually put her in this bad of a mood, and she feels stupid for letting it. 
Ten minutes later, she hears him stomping around the house and the jingle of keys. The back door slams shut, and she knows he just left the house, probably to cool himself down before he actually murders her. 
She’s alone. 
Max wakes up startled from her nap with the sound of someone picking at her lock. She looks around widely for the time. An hour has passed, who’s-
The door burst open, and there stands a triumphant looking Billy. “HAH,” he shouts. “I’ve opened the door!”
She doesn’t know what to say to that. He sounds more stupid than usual. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t see him with a smile on his face very often. 
“What are you doing?” she asks cautiously because she doesn’t want to accidentally piss him off. 
“Come out here,” he says. Oh, not this again. She huffs and plops her face right back into the pillow, turning to her side so she’s facing away from the door. She’s not dealing with this again. If she wants to be locked up in her room, why can’t she?
“Max,” he calls, walking closer to her. “Get up, I’ve got stuff for you.” That peaks Max’s interests, and she raises her head a little, getting annoyed when she sees the smirk on Billy’s face. He knew saying that would get her to pay attention. 
“I’m not telling you until you get up,” he says, tugging at her blanket now. She smacks his hand away, and plops her head right back down. 
“Then I’m not getting up. You’re literally the fucking grinch so it’s not like it’s going to be anything good anyways.”
He laughs at that. “So if I’m the grinch, who are you? Cindy fucking Lou Who?” 
Max covers her smile with the duvet. “Just tell me what you got.”
“Nope,” Billy says and walks his annoying ass straight out of her room. 
She decides to stay in bed, refuses to give in to Billy’s obvious plan to get her to come out of her room. But curiosity catches up to her when she hears him banging around the kitchen, and five minutes later, she’s dragging herself out from under the covers and walking into the room. She stops when she catches Billy red handed, literally, with two of his fingers dipped into a small bowl of red icing. 
When he sees her watching, he grins at her, teeth stained red and gross. “Oh hey there Maxine. Didn’t see ya there. I’m really enjoying this lovely frosting,” He waggles his fingers at her for emphasis. “Better take it away from me before I eat it all.”
He’s about to double dip his nasty fingers into the frosting again before Max can’t help herself and has to cut in. 
She runs up to him and smacks his hand away. “Oh my God. Billy, that’s literally so unsanitary. Give it here.” She takes the can of frosting from him, and mumbles you’re so gross under her breath. The cover of the can features pretty sugar cookies all covered in red frosting and sprinkles. If only she still had her stupid cookies. Now they’re at the bottom of the trash can, all black and burnt. 
“Why’d you buy this anyway? Not like I’m gonna be using them anymore.”
Billy drums his fingers on the counter. “It’s so you can decorate your little cookies,” he says. “You’re lucky I’m craving sugar right now.” She hasn’t properly decorated cookies since California when she was with her dad. It might not seem like a big deal to him, but she’s getting excited over it. He can probably tell by the smile that has just spread across her face. 
“I’m giving you a second chance, so don’t fucking screw this up. You hear me?” he’s glaring at her now, all threats and ager. Of course, he immediately tries to ruin the moment. 
 “So you’ll let me make them again?”
“Wouldn’t be surprised if they come out shit again, though. You can’t cook to save your life.”
She huffs. Totally not true. “We don’t have any more butter though.”
He pats the plastic bag on the counter. “’s all in here.” 
She looks over at the bag he touched. So is that where he went while she was sleeping? 
“You went to the store?”
He grunts in response. “Figured you’d need more shit after your first failed attempt.”
“Ok, thanks,” she says, already making a grab for the hand mixer. “You can leave now.” 
“Ungrateful ass,” he snorts. “Last time I left, you burnt the fucking cookies and set off the fire alarm so I don’t think so.”
Max sighs. “So what? You’re just gonna stand there?”
He smirks at her, leaning against the counter. “Hand me the mixer.” 
Apparently Billy’s good at baking because ten minutes later he has all the ingredients combined and the dough rolled out on the table. She didn’t roll out the dough during her attempt so it makes sense now why her cookies were ugly even before they got burnt. 
They only bickered a couple times. Once because Max questioned him about how he smells suspiciously like Steve. She didn’t expect him to get so defensive, but he immediately snapped at her and told her not to get into other people’s business. His defensiveness made her think that him and Steve were friends now, and he’s just embarrassed to admit it. Or maybe they’re...more? When she suggested that though, he nearly shoved her head into the dough so that’s going to be the last time she investigates on that. 
The second time, they bickered over whether or not they should add food coloring to the dough. I payed good money for this, shitbird, so we’re using it. They eventually decided to make different batches, some with dye and some without.  
“Do we need to cut them into circles now?”
“The fuck are you thinking? Circles are boring.”
Max rolls her eyes. “Oh I’m ever so sorry for offending you, master baker Billy,” she says sarcastically.  “What do you suggest we do to spice up this atrocious dough.”
Billy points his head towards the plastic bag. “Look in there, junior baker Maxine.”
She reaches out for the magical plastic bag. It’s already given her butter and red frosting. What else could be in there? Her entire face lights up when she sees a can of green frosting, four different cookie cutters, and so many sprinkles. 
“Consider this your Christmas present because you’re not going to get anything else.”
She gapes at him. He’s never done anything nice to her in her entire life. Ok, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but it’s definitely a once in a blue moon occasion. 
“Thank you,” she says, still gaping at him. She doesn’t know what else to say. 
“Yeah well stop staring at me like that.” He reaches across and flicks her mouth shut. “And close your mouth. You’re gonna catch flies.” 
She doesn’t say anything to that, but stares down at the plastic bag again. She’ll decorate a cookie for her mom. A red one with green sparkles. She wonders if Billy’ll decorate one for his dad. Probably not. Guess he’ll go cookie-less. Better for his cholesterol anyways. 
Her thoughts are disrupted when Billy’s fingers smudge bright, red, frosting across her face. She flinches and tries to shove him off but he does it again, icing smeared across both cheeks now. 
“You asshole,” she laughs, reaching inside the plastic bag and pulling out the green frosting. “You’re so on.”
By the end of their frosting battle, they’re both covered in red and green icing. At one point Billy even started showering her with sprinkles. It’ll take forever to get it out of her hair, and there’s barely any frosting left for the cookies, but there was just enough to make it last. 
Their parents were appalled when they walked in on their children covered in sugar, but it was worth it. Neil wasn’t even that upset since her mom was seemed happy enough. Susan followed them around with a camera, trying to convince them to pose together. You guys look so cute! C’mon just one picture. They retreated to their rooms to hide. 
Max ended up with two Christmas presents under the tree that year. 
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wingsofkpop · 3 years
Hiraeth - I.IX: Bloodborne
pairing(s): Hybrid!Im Jaebeom x Reader, Witch!Mark Tuan x Reader, Werewolf!Jackson Wang x Reader, Vampire!Park Jinyoung x Reader, Supernatural!Got7 x Reader
genre: Supernatural!AU, Dark Magic!AU, heavy Angst, eventual Smut
warnings: Mature language, mentions of death and murder, violence, explicit descriptions of fighting, blood and gore, some satanic themes, mentions of trauma, etc. 
word count: 6,5k
synopsis: How far are you willing to go to find out the truth about Moon Dye Bay?…
chapter directory
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“—so once Youngjae channels enough power from the blood moon tonight, he’ll be able to lower the veil between the Other Side and the physical plane long enough to resurrect your spirit into a mortal body.” You explain, glancing over your notes at the unusually quiet figure sitting on your bed. Something about his expression seems distant—almost sorrowful. 
After your return from the hospital, and after the long chat with your roommate convincing her that your absence all night was due to a last minute work emergency, a certain ghost phased into your bedroom. You wouldn’t allow yourself to be this concerned, but during his visits, Jackson usually never shuts up. If you were all alone with no one to talk to, you probably wouldn’t either. 
You lower your notebook and shake your head, “You haven’t said one word since you showed up. What’s wrong?”
Jackson purses his lips, as if nervous to relay the thoughts swirling through his mind. Another brief moment of silence passes before he finally murmurs, “It’s the witches. They’re starting to get suspicious again… I don’t know how long I have before they figure out I’ve been crossing over to this plane.”  
“Then we’ll just have to bring you back before they find out.” You grab your phone from your desk, checking through your notifications to see if a certain siphoner has yet responded to your dozens of texts and calls. No dice. 
You haven’t been able to reach Youngjae since yesterday morning, which is odd considering the guy is the type to respond within three seconds of receiving a message. It would be one thing if he let you know that he’s busy, but it’s complete radio silence. It’s not like Youngjae at all. 
“You’re worried about something.” 
Your eyes dartup at Jackson’s observation, discovering his concerned gaze focused on you. 
“It’s Youngjae.” You sigh, “I haven’t heard from him, but I’m sure he’s just busy brewing potions or something.” You expect to earn at least a chuckle from the ghost, but his silence remains along with the blank expression along his face. His same distant demeanor also lingers, and this time, your concern grows to panic. “What is it, Jackson? What’s going on?” 
“I didn’t want to say anything cause I was sure it was all in my head, but I feel that something is… weird.” 
“It’s hard to explain.” He continues, “But as a ghost, I can feel things around me… like right now, the universe just seems off—” His voice cuts out as he frantically shakes his head, “Anyway, I just want you to be careful. Mark used to tell me that disrupting the balance of nature is like opening Pandora’s box.” 
“Yeah. We will be doing none of that.” You set your phone down before crossing the room to kneel in front of Jackson. A grin lifts to your lips as you hum to the ghost, “So what do you feel when you’re around me?...” 
Jackson raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?” 
“You said you feel things around you… Do you feel anything special when you’re with me?” 
You’re surprised at the eagerness that swells in your chest as he takes his time to think over your question. The inquiry was supposed to be a joke to lighten the mood, but you’re actually curious about your companion’s ghastly perceptions. After maybe a minute or two, Jackson sends you a small smile: 
“I feel… light.” 
“Light? What is that supposed to mean?” 
“You have this aura around you.” Jackson affirms, mindlessly reaching forward thumb at your cheek. You obviously can’t feel his touch, but something in your gut tells you that if you could, you would feel nothing but warmth. “I feel powerful when I’m with you…” 
“Is that a good thing?”  
He grins, “I think so.” 
You continue to stare at one another for a moment, almost attempting to read the depths in each other’s eyes. It’s not until a harsh knock resonates from the front door do you finally break the gaze, offering Jackson a final hum, “I’ll bring you back as soon as I can. I promise.” 
Jackson nods, “I know you will. But like I said, please be careful.” 
“I will. See you soon.” You wait for Jackson to disappear completely before exiting your bedroom, cursing Sana for leaving you to deal with whoever is incessantly banging on your door. It’s probably the old lady from across the hall wanting to borrow another cup of sugar. You roll your eyes at the thought and open the door, ready to politely decline your neighbor’s request.
Your words die on your tongue—definitely not the old lady from across the hall.  
“Mark? What are you—?” 
“What? Not expecting to see me?” Mark’s hostile growl takes you by surprise, as does the furious expression etched along his features. “That’s not surprising since you’ve been ignoring me.” 
“I’ve been busy.” 
“Oh. I’m sure.” 
You cross your arms over your chest. “What the hell is your problem?” 
“You wanna know what my problem is?” Mark takes a step closer to you before pointing a finger in your direction, “The fact that you not only lie to me, but you go behind my back and then deliberately avoid me for days on end.” 
“What are you even talking about, Mark?” 
“I’m talking about you and Youngjae playing God and resurrecting Jackson.” 
Your muscles instantly freeze, as if Mark had taken a tub of ice water and thrown it over your head. The annoyance inside your chest shifts to guilt, and your once cold features cannot help but soften. 
You shake your head, “Mark, I—” 
“Do you know how dangerous it is to bring someone back from the dead, (Y/N)?” Mark lowers his voice, but his tone remains as frigid as his gaze. “Do you know the consequences that happen when you fuck with the balance of nature?” 
“I get that, but—it’s complicated, Mark… There’s things you don’t understand—” 
“I don’t understand!?” He scoffs, “Last I checked, I’m the goddamn witch here, (Y/N)! You know nothing about magic and its sacrifice!” 
“Maybe not, but I do know that there is a chance I could bring Jackson back!” You shake your head again, “Please, just give me a chance to explain—” 
“No. Because it’s not fucking happening.” Mark interrupts, furiously shaking his own head. “I forbid you to do this.” 
It’s like a switch goes off in your mind. Your guilt immediately transforms, but this time, it configures into rage: 
“You forbid me!? Who the flying fuck do you think you are!?”
“I won’t sit back and allow you to get yourself killed—!” 
“And last I checked, you don’t have the right to control what I do and the decisions I make!” You seethe, stepping further back into your apartment. “This is my choice. I’m resurrecting Jackson whether you like it or not.” 
“Fine! Get yourself fucking killed for all I care!” The witch raises his hands in mock surrender. “At least then I won’t have to deal with your reckless, moronic ass!”
“Fuck you, Mark.” You don’t allow the witch to say anything further and slam the door in his face. Your chest remains unbearably heavy, both physically and mentally, but you ignore the sweltering emotions and begin to traverse around the apartment, gathering your bag and other assorted belongings. 
A confused and rather concerned Sana emerges from her bedroom a few seconds later. “Are you okay? What was with all that yelling?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” You huff, shoving your arms through the sleeves of your jacket. “Just Mark being a douchebag, as per usual.” 
“Where are you going?” 
“To find Youngjae.”
“Isn’t it kind of late?” 
“I’m an adult, Sana.” You snap before throwing your bag over your shoulder. “Don’t wait up for me.” 
Similar to Mark, you don’t allow Sana the chance to question you further and sprint out the front door, praying that Youngjae will be up to bringing Jackson back in the next few hours. 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
Mark has never exercised the greatest control over his emotions. It first began when he was twelve, after his dad walked out on his mom. He found himself sobbing his eyes out some days, and beating the shit out of other kids on others. His mood ranged from intense rage to extreme depression. There was no in between. 
In an effort to help, his mom enrolled him in a program designed to teach teens how to handle their emotions. But to no one’s surprise, the therapy didn’t do shit and Mark continued to initiate fights and cry himself to sleep most nights. He never understood why he felt this way—he still doesn’t, to be honest. His dad and him were never close, nor did he ever really care about his sudden departure. Maybe he was just an angry kid with depression. Maybe it was something else. 
It wasn’t until his mom was killed did Mark begin to pull his life together, which also happened to be around the same time he met the too-friendly, homeschooled kid with an ego the size of Jupiter, Jackson Wang. Sure, the two of them butted heads every so often, but with Jackson being a werewolf, Mark learned the importance of managing the chaos within. ‘Emotion is like a loaded gun,’ he remembers Jackson once said, ‘If you let yourself pull the trigger without first aiming down sights, then you risk sinking a bullet into someone you love.’ Those words remain with him—remind him what means to stay in control. 
But when it involves the people he loves, Mark can’t always regulate the ticking bomb counting down in his soul. 
An ache settles in his chest as he recalls the passionate fire in your gaze. There’s always been some parts of you that reminds Mark of his past friend, specifically your stubbornness and inability to think before you act. He’s never found himself hating those parts of you until now—and he shouldn’t, Mark knows that, but he’s so fucking angry and so fucking scared of losing yet another one of the most important people in his life.
He’s experienced his fair share of loss, but losing you… It would break him. Completely. 
Mark tries to push the intrusive thoughts from the forefront of his mind and focus on navigating his way through the dark maze of headstones and crumbling tombs. Right after you slammed your front door in his face, he received a text from Youngjae summoning him, Jisung and Lia to an emergency meeting at the edge of the cemetery. He’s still mad at the siphoner for assisting with your reckless scheme, but he won’t allow his pettiness to interfere with the safety of the coven. 
A sigh falls from his lips—he does regret ever saying those ending words to you though… because what if they’re the last ones you hear from him. 
‘I’m so sorry, Jackson…’ 
Mark’s misery is forgotten when he notices a group of people up ahead. He recognizes Lia, Jisung and Youngjae flocked together inside a chalk-white circle surrounded by lit torches. For a moment, Mark wonders if they’re in the middle of performing some type of seance, but his curiosity dwindles into confusion when he grows aware of the panic present in each set of their features. 
He breaks into a sprint to cover more distance, approaching the strangely placed trio in no time. At the sight of him, Lia immediately bursts into tears, furthering the anxiety bubbling at the back of his throat. 
“What the hell is going on!?” 
“Hyung! You have to get out of here right now!” Mark notices the swollen, angry flesh of Youngjae’s bottom lip as he speaks, along with the ugly bruise underneath his left eye. 
“What happened?” He ignores the siphoner’s warnings, attempting to reach inside the circle and grab Lia’s arm. However, his hand is met with resistance—a boundary spell. “Who did this to you?” 
Lia sobs, “Just go, Mark! Before he hurts you!” 
“Before who hurts me!? What are you—” His demands die in his throat as another figure appears from behind a large, marble gravestone. He immediately recognizes the newcomer, which sends even more confusion through his veins. “Seo Changbin? What the hell is this?” 
“It’s an emergency meeting, hyung.” Mark feels his entire body freeze when the familiar, conniving voice enters his ears. “You had me a little worried… I almost thought you wouldn’t show up.” 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Mark whirls around to face a smirking Minho cockily leaning against the wall of an empty tomb. “What kind of game do you think you’re playing, Minho?”
The younger witch shrugs before pushing off the wall to pace around the area. As he draws closer and closer, Mark can spy an ancient, navy blue ring sitting heavily on his forefinger. He’s never seen any piece of jewelry like it before, but something in his gut told him it wasn’t just a simple ring—and that he’s definitely in some kind of trouble. 
“Mind explaining to me what we’re doing here? Or are you just going to continue pacing around the place like a cocky bastard?” 
“Tonight is a special night, hyung… You wanna know why?” He watches Minho point to the night sky, “In just a few minutes, the moon will drift into the Earth’s shadow and the light of the sun will reflect across the moon’s surface, thus causing a blood moon… It’s actually pretty cool—” 
“For Christsake, Minho—get to the goddamn point.”
“You know, for years I had to deal with all your bullshit excuses and justifications of putting our coven in danger—it was only a matter of time until one of us ended up dead, don’t you think?” 
A bitter memory of Nayeon’s corpse resurfaces, but Mark remains silent. 
“Everyone was too fucking blind, but I saw right through you.” Mark doesn’t move a muscle when Minho suddenly approaches, crowding his space until his nose is mere inches from brushing his own. The younger witch’s harsh glare bleeds into his soul as he continues, “You’re a poor fucking excuse for a leader, hyung—a leader who can’t even protect his own people.” 
“And you think you can do better, huh?” Mark growls, glaring his own daggers into Minho’s gaze. “You have no fucking clue what it takes to run this coven… Admit it, you’re just pissed they chose me over you.” 
“And look where that got them.” 
“You need to cut out whatever petty bullshit this is and let Youngjae, Jisung and Lia go.” Mark murmurs, “Whatever problems you have are with me, so let’s just talk it out, okay?” 
“Oh, Mark-hyung…” Minho’s gaze is unwavering from his own as he lifts a hand to rest on Mark’s shoulder. It’s a second too late that Mark realizes it is the same hand in which holds the mysterious ring: 
“I’m over talking it out.” 
Youngjae’s screams and Lia’s sobs echo in his ears along with the words that spill from Minho’s lips—they’re foreign, but Mark recognizes the spell right away. He tries to squirm and fight against the perpetrator’s grip, but another pair of hands keep his body in place—Changbin. 
Bit by bit, Mark feels the buzz of his magic lift from his veins like a flock of doves. His limbs grow weak and his head fuzzy. Soon enough, his own knees no longer bear the strength to hold his weight. Once both Minho and Changbin release him, Mark collapses to the ground—empty and unable to rise. 
“What did you do to him!?” Mark hears Jisung’s voice for the first time, although his brain is not fully able to comprehend the inquiry. 
“I took his magic. He won’t be needing it anymore.” 
Mark manages to find enough strength to reposition his body in a way that allows him to watch both Minho and Changbin approach a makeshift altar composed of an old, concrete coffin. Through the blur of his vision, he catches the witch stirring some kind of crimson mixture—likely blood. Minho looks to the moon, which is slowly brightening to a shade of maroon, before resting his gaze on his companion: 
“It’s time.” He offers the mixture to Changbin, “Once you drink this, I can begin the transformation.” 
“And you’re sure this spell will give me everything I need to take down the Primes?” 
“One hundred percent.” 
Take down the Primes?… Fucking hell. 
“Minho! Don’t do this!” Mark can’t make out his own voice between the ringing of his ears and the beating of his heart, but he can only hope they’re audible enough for his audience. “The transformation—it won’t work!” 
Youngjae shakes his head. “I don’t understand… What are you talking about, hyung?” 
“He’s going to try to recreate the spell I used on Jackson on Changbin.” With a huff and a puff, Mark pushes himself to his hands and knees. He attempts to crawl forward, but the spinning of his head sends his body sprawling along the ground once again. He abandons any more thoughts of movement and speaks to Minho directly, “It will kill him—do you understand me!? You can’t—” 
“You failed because you couldn’t draw enough power to complete the transformation.” Minho doesn’t even bother to look in his direction, “It will work—I know it will.”
Understanding there’s no possible way to convince the witch, Mark looks to the werewolf instead, “I’m warning you, Changbin! If you go through with this, you will die!” 
“Don’t listen to him. Just drink the blood.” 
“No! For fucksake, this is suicide!” 
“Think of Jackson.” Minho murmurs to a torn Changbin, reaching across the altar to place a supportive hand on his shoulder. “Do it for him.” 
“Changbin, don’t—!” 
Mark watches in horror as Changbin throws back the mixture and downs its entirety in two gulps. His heart shatters like the glass vial the werewolf launches to the ground. He peers to his left, discovering the same shocked expressions across Youngjae, Jisung and Lia’s faces, and shakes his head in defeat as Lia begins to sob again. 
“Filia maximo… Filia maximo… Morsus, morsus—” The wind begins to screech as Minho chants, tearing at Mark’s hair and nudging at his clothes, as if pleading for him to stop the spell. But there’s nothing he can do. For once, Mark is powerless. “—morsus… Advenio donec duo est revertus mors…” With a loud scream, Changbin collapses to the earth. He squirms and writhes in pain underneath the flaming light of the moon—and Mark can’t help but attempt to block out the snaps of his cracking bones. 
The scene seems to last for hours until Changbin eventually grows silent. Mark takes the time to catch his breath, unable to control his lungs over the anxiety, fear and nausea lurking through his veins. He wants to look away from the still werewolf, but his gaze is as frozen as the rest of his body. 
His eyes burn with tears of rage—Changbin is dead. Another person died because of his own fucking stupidity. Mark should have known this would happen again. He should have stopped it. He should have—
His thoughts disappear as Changbin suddenly gasps for air. For a moment, he claws at the earth as if attempting to ground himself, before he finally, albeit shakily, climbs to his feet. Minho cautiously approaches the wolf, peering down at the shorter male with a gaze full of concern. 
“How do you feel?...” 
“I feel…” Changbin flexes his fingers again, before closing them into tight fists. The moonlight illuminates the crimson glow of his irises and the sharpness of his long, black fangs as he faces the witch—a malicious smirk spreading along his lips as he chuckles, “I feel like kicking some ancient Prime ass.” 
Mark can’t find the strength to watch anymore and allows his head to lower to the earth. Just before his eyes flutter shut, he swears he spots the movement of shadows from behind a nearby headstone. But before he can confirm his suspicions, his head takes one final spin and the world grows dark. 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
June 13th, 1769 — As much as I enjoy the atmosphere of Paris, I believe it is time to progress onto another part of the world. Some of the townsfolk are beginning to grow suspicious, considering I appear twenty years younger than my supposed age. Nevertheless, I will not mind a new start elsewhere. Jaebeom, on the other hand, will be a terror to convince. As he claimed last time I brought the idea to light, ‘There will never be a place more beautiful than Paris.’
But I know he is not through playing with his newest toy—Tzuyu. 
I set sail for the newlands tomorrow at sunrise. Whether my brother decides to accompany me or not is solely his preference. It would be pleasant to spend some time apart—to spend some time in peace—but I know, with many complaints and reluctance, Jaebeom will board the ship tomorrow. Wherever I traverse, he follows, and vice versa. We are family, after all. 
I will miss Notre Dame the most. I have grown used to visiting the Cathedral and repenting my wrongdoings to the high priest. Of course, I am forced to erase his memory of our talks each time, but it is nice to confess. It lifts a weight off of the shoulders, takes away a small portion of the guilt. If there is a god, he would never allow a creature like me to walk amongst his heavens—but at least I can salvage the lingering hope left inside of my soul. Speaking of hope, I thought I saw a woman that resembled Irene during my daily visit to the church. I find it amusing that after all these years, my heart continues to yearn for her presence. She was truly special—I wonder if she ever thought the same of me. 
I’ve heard some of the sailors refer to a shore in the newland that has yet to be claimed. It may be the perfect location for Jaebeom and I to start anew.  I can only hope it is as beautiful as people say. Maybe I will construct a place of worship as stunning as the Cathedral. 
Isn’t that ironic?... A vampire who believes in faith. 
Jinyoung finishes the entry with a sigh, welcoming the nostalgia that spreads through his thoughts like an old friend. It seems just yesterday that he recorded his first thoughts about the land that would become Moon Dye Bay. He shakes his head, carefully setting the old journal back on the bookshelf. 
He never did build that church. 
“Reminiscing again, brother?” The moment is ruined when a certain hybrid’s snicker reaches his ears. Jinyoung rolls his eyes as Jaebeom takes residence beside him, dragging his fingers along the spines of Jinyoung’s other diaries. “We did have some great times back in the 18th century… Remember our battles during the French Revolution? I rather enjoyed King Louis and Marie Antoinette’s executions.” 
“You enjoy anything that involves bloodshed.” 
“Don’t be so resentful, Jinyoungie. It’s not my fault that the queen had you in her interests.” 
Jinyoung shakes his head before retreating to his desk to fix himself a drink. “The woman was as shallow as a poor soul’s ego. She was taken with any man who’d pay her the time of day. It was a miracle her death came as quickly as it did.” 
“Careful there. You sound like me.” 
Jinyoung deliberately chooses not to respond to Jaebeom’s comment and proceeds to pour two glasses of bourbon. He ignores his companion’s wide smirk as he hands him one of the drinks. Both the vampire and the hybrid simultaneously take a sip, peering at one another over the rims of their cups. Jaebeom is the first to break the silence with a pleased inhale and a hum: 
“You returned pretty late last night. I hope you used protection during your time with (Y/N).” 
“Mind your tongue, hyung.” Jinyoung warns, “I brought (Y/N) to the hospital after the attack—I trust you took care of Tzuyu?” 
Jaebeom smirks. “Of course. She won’t be alive long enough to target your newest Maria Antonia again.” 
About to inhale another sip of his bourbon, Jinyoung pauses to mull over the answer. He lowers his glass to his side before delivering Jaebeom a confused expression and a murmured inquiry, “What do you mean she won’t be alive?” 
“Tzuyu and I got into an argument and, well, she pissed me off.” Jinyoung watches Jaebeom down the rest of his drink. 
“Please tell me you didn’t bite her, Jaebeom-hyung.” He curses at the widening of Jaebeom’s smirk, slamming his glass back down on his desk with enough force to crack its exterior. “When I told you to deal with her, I didn’t mean condemn her to a fate of pain. If you wished to kill her, you could have at least been merciful and done it quick.” 
“Last I checked, you said it yourself not to be kind.” Jinyoung follows Jaebeom as he pours himself another drink and collapses onto a brown, leather sofa. He tips his glass toward him with a smile before continuing, “I thought the punishment fit the crime, and we wouldn’t want to put helpless, human (Y/N) in danger again, would we?” 
“You turned it off, didn’t you?” Jinyoung realizes, “Does holding onto your humanity wound you that badly, hyung? That you have no choice but to wish it away?” 
“If I remember correctly, I’m not the only one that can’t hold onto their humanity… How many people did you kill in the ‘20s alone? One thousand? Maybe two?” 
Jinyoung shakes his head, “I’m not that person anymore.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” In the blink of an eye, Jaebeom is in front of Jinyoung—his glass in pieces on the floor beside him. He leans in until Jinyoung can taste the alcohol of his breath on his tongue, then whispers darkly, “You can lie to yourself all you fucking want, Jinyoung. But deep down, you’ll always know what you are… let’s just hope (Y/N) never finds out, hm?” 
At the mention of your name, Jinyoung’s anger expands. He suppresses the urge to take the table beside him and smash it over the hybrid’s head, and instead inhales a deep breath. Jaebeom is only trying to provoke him—and he refuses to be a pawn in his foolish games. 
“You will remember what it was like to feel human again.” Jinyoung sighs, “For your sake, I hope your remembrance comes sooner rather than later.” 
Jaebeom tsks, “Being human is overrated.” 
“He said the same thing about fate.” Both Jinyoung and Jaebeom whirl around at the appearance of a third voice. Jinyoung feels his blood begin to boil at the sight of the familiar vampire in the doorway, once again, suppressing his desire to launch a piece of furniture in her direction. “Ironically, fate and humanity are a package deal.” 
Jaebeom growls, “What the fuck are you doing here, Tzuyu?” 
“I came to try and convince you to give me your blood.” Tzuyu coughs, and Jinyoung swears he can hear the rattle of her bones. “But judging by your attitude, that’s obviously going to be harder than I thought.” 
“You have courage for showing your face again.” Jinyoung crosses his arms with a dark hum, “Especially so soon after you nearly killed (Y/N).”
“It wasn’t my intention to kill her. I just wanted to send a message.” 
“Is that so?” With a malicious glare, Jinyoung steps forward and tilts his head toward the vampire, “And what kind of message was that?” 
“For (Y/N) to stay away from Jaebeom.” Another violent cough wracks through Tzuyu’s thin form, causing a light stream of blood to splatter from her lips. She wipes her mouth with a ragged breath before continuing, “Look, I did it for her own good. We all know his track record at keeping humans alive.” 
“You did it to protect her!?” Jaebeom cackles, “Wow! That’s fucking priceless!” 
“Say what you will, you both know I’m right.” Tzuyu says, propping herself up against a nearby bookshelf. “It’s either she ends up dead or is turned into a vampire—then again, there’s not much of a difference between the two, is there?” 
“I would die before I allow (Y/N) to come to any harm.” 
“The only issue with that is you can’t die, Jinyoung.” Jinyoung doesn’t take his eyes off Tzuyu as she grabs a bottle of brandy from the top shelf. It takes her literal seconds to unscrew the cap and down a good portion of the container. She licks her lips and says, “I’m sorry I attacked (Y/N), okay? I went too far. I won’t do it again.” 
“You think an apology is enough to save your life?” Jaebeom snickers before snatching the alcohol from the vampire, “Think again, sweetheart.” 
“What do you want from me, Jaebeom? Does seeing me die a slow, painful death bring you joy?” 
He shrugs, “No one mourns for the wicked.” 
“Is he always this much of an asshole?” 
Jinyoung chuckles, “Pretty much.” 
“Great.” The vampire breathes out a sigh and cards her fingers through her hair. After a brief moment of silence, she directs her attention back to Jaebeom and pleads—her voice packed with desperation and fear, “What can I do to convince you to let me live? Please, Jaebeom… I don’t want to die.” 
“You should have thought about that before you touched what I told you not to.” Jinyoung remains quiet as Jaebeom lifts a hand to grasp Tzuyu’s jaw. The dying visitor remains unphased, proceeding to glare at the hybrid with hateful, yet oddly sorrowful eyes. “I suggest you show yourself out before I end your life sooner.” 
“You’re going to lose everything one of these days, Jaebeom.” Tzuyu shakes her head sadly, wiping away a layer of cold sweat from her forehead. “You’re going to lose everyone, even your brother, and you’re going to be alone. For an eternity.” 
“Save the monologue.” Jaebeom waves dismissively, taking a sip of the brandy before returning it back to its shelf. “Petty isn’t a good look for you, baby.” 
“Fuck you, Jaebeom.” Tzuyu goes to stomp out the door, but something—someone blocks her path. The atmosphere changes when Jinyoung notices your panicked form, practically gasping for air and cross-eyed, standing in the doorway. He immediately speeds to your side without hesitation, grasping your hands in hopes to ground you. 
He stares into your eyes, “What is it, (Y/N)? What’s wrong?” 
“You and Jaebeom have to get the hell out of here! Right now!” 
Jaebeom shakes his head in confusion, “What the hell are you talking about?” 
“I don’t know what exactly happened but Minho turned Changbin into this dark werewolf creature or-or something… I do know, however, that Changbin is on his way right now to kill you both.” Jinyoung steps back at the intensity of your explanation, unable to think of a response over the roar of his thoughts. Through his peripheral vision, he can spot the same type of speechlessness across Jaebeom’s face. 
Not again… 
“That’s stupid… You realize nothing can kill them, right?” Tzuyu scoffs. 
“This is different.” You urge, “I saw Changbin—he wasn’t like anything I’ve ever seen before… The spell that Minho used, it was-was—” 
“Dark magic.” Jinyoung finishes blankly, “The spell was dark magic.” 
“Yes… which means you and Jaebeom need to leave town as fast as you possibly can before—” 
“I don’t think anyone is going anywhere, (Y/N).” Jinyoung’s entire body grows stiff as a new voice echoes throughout the study. He cautiously turns his head, discovering none other than the young werewolf in question resting among the shadows. His eye also catches the open window a few inches away, and he curses himself for ever wanting to feel the nightly draft. 
Changbin’s smirk is as dark as his eyes. 
“What?... Not going to offer me a drink?” 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“(Y/N)! Get out of here! Now!” Jaebeom hears Jinyoung scream as the werewolf suddenly launches forward, knocking his brother into the bookshelf behind him. The wood completely splinters beneath the impact, raining down an array of books and planks on Jinyoung’s body. Changbin turns to Jaebeom next, but the hybrid is ready—and pissed off. 
Jaebeom speeds toward the intruder and delivers a swift kick to the gut. Changbin flies back at the force, crashing back through the window with a loud growl. Sensing the urgency in time, Jaebeom quickly throws Jinyoung’s immobile body over his shoulder and urges both you and Tzuyu out the study door. 
“Come on! We gotta go!” 
“Jaebeom! What the hell is happening!?” He ignores Tzuyu’s fearful ask and proceeds to lug Jinyoung through the maze of hallways and down the staircase, you and the female vampire hot on his heels. He doesn’t know exactly where he’s going, but he makes his way to the parlor where he props Jinyoung up against a nearby chair before turning to you: 
“You need to leave. I will deal with this.” 
“No way. I’m not going anywhere.” Jaebeom curses your stubbornness inside his head, sending a stern glare in your direction. Your expression remains fixated, and he can’t help but wish your presence in any other situation but now. 
“I can’t protect you right now—” 
“And I can’t sit back and watch you get yourselves killed!” You shake your head indignantly, “I’m staying!” 
“Fucking hell, (Y/N)! Get your ass out that door before I throw you out myself!” 
“Jaebeom, watch out!” At Tzuyu’s cue, a wooden branch comes soaring in through the window. Jaebeom immediately throws himself against you, effectively forcing your body to the ground to dodge the projectile. He can feel your fear through the trembling of your limbs and hurried breaths, but it only brings him more determination to tear apart his attacker. 
He shakes his head in surrender, “You stay on the fucking ground, understand? Don’t you fucking dare move a muscle.” He doesn’t bother to wait for a response and pushes himself back to his feet. 
Tzuyu is huddled in a corner, and Jinyoung has yet to awaken from his crash landing back in the study. Jaebeom tries to focus his senses on detecting the werewolf, but he can’t seem to hear anything past the beating of his own heart. He carefully makes his way over to the incapacitated vampire, attempting to force him back to consciousness. 
“Now is really not the time for a fucking nap, Jinyoung.” He hisses, “I swear to god, if I have to save your ass one more time—” Another wave of tree branches come crashing through the windows. Unfortunately, Jaebeom is not as quick and one catches his shoulder at just the right angle. He feels the wood sink into his flesh, painfully carving into his bones. With a low groan, Jaebeom manages to grab the makeshift stake and remove it in one hefty pull. 
He tosses it away with a yell, “You gonna hide like a little bitch!? Or are you gonna come out and fight like a man!?” 
“Be careful what you wish for, asshole!” Jaebeom turns just in time to discover the werewolf emerging from a shattered window. His blood boils when he notices the sadistic grin along the young kid’s face—he wonders how those teeth will look strewn across the parlor floor. 
Changbin comes at him fast, much faster than Jaebeom could have predicted. He manages to dodge a set of jabs, but he’s not so lucky when Changbin lands a heavy hit against the side of his face. Pain erupts through his jaw as he collapses to the floor, but Jaebeom doesn’t have the chance to dwell over it and rolls out of the way just as the werewolf attempts to stomp his nose. 
Jaebeom tries to speed away again, but like before, his counterpart is faster. Changbin manages to force him to the floor for a second time, pinning his body down with his own. Horrified, the hybrid watches as the werewolf’s eyes glow blood red and large, pitch black fangs emerge past his parted lips. Once again, he attempts to break free, but it’s no use—Changbin is too strong. 
Just when he believes the wolf’s fangs are going to sink into his neck, another form knocks Changbin away. Jaebeom hurriedly props himself on his arms in time to watch Tzuyu deliver a series of hits and kicks to the perpetrator, eventually slamming his head into a nearby armoire. Taking advantage of the moment, she turns from Changbin to Jaebeom instead: 
“Grab Jinyoung and (Y/N) and run!” She screams, “Get the hell of here!” 
Unable to move, Jaebeom remains as Tzuyu attempts to fight off the wolf. But with the combination of his ultimate strength and her weakness from Jaebeom’s venom, her defeat is inevitable. He watches in terror as Changbin sinks his teeth into the vampire’s arm before yanking her head forward and effectively snapping her neck. Jaebeom feels his insides practically soar with rage when the attacker tosses a comatose Tzuyu across the room like a useless toy. 
“I’ll kill you…” He sneers, allowing his own supernatural features to overtake his face. “I’ll fucking kill you…” 
Changbin shakes his head with a smirk, “I’d like to see you try.” 
Using the little agility he has left, Jaebeom grabs one of the branches and speeds toward the wolf. Due to Changbin’s movements, he misses his chest, but manages to stab the weapon in his stomach. Changbin releases a pained groan, allowing Jaebeom to take advantage of his surprise and land another array of uppercuts to his face. Just when he finally thinks he has the upper hand, his opponent blocks one of his hits and pins him against a wall with a hand around his throat. 
“Any last words, Prime?”
“You really think you can kill me?” Jaebeom growls, squirming against Changbin’s hold. 
“I know I can… Have fun rotting in Hell—fuck!” 
Shock spills through Jaebeom’s veins as the point of branch suddenly appears through the center of the wolf’s chest, splattering red across both of their bodies. Changbin’s grip releases, allowing the hybrid to quickly speed out of his reach. Once he’s a safe distances away, Jaebeom looks to his savior, discovering the one person he never expected to see—
You stand over Changbin’s body—chest heaving and bloodied hands trembling. Your eyes are glassy when Jaebeom meets your gaze, and for some reason, he feels the urge to go and pull your form into a tight embrace. Your voice, however, returns his mind to reality: 
“Did I… Did I kill him?” 
“I don’t think so.” Jaebeom answers, nursing his wound with his own shaky fingers. “We need to get out of here—get somewhere safe.” 
“Good idea.” You trudge over to where Jinyoung is still unconsciously laid across the chair. Jaebeom follows your lead and hurries over to a lifeless Tzuyu. “I know somewhere we can go… but I don’t think you’re going to like it.” 
“(Y/N)... There is an immortal, unkillable super wolf out to kill me and my brother currently in my living room…”  He snorts, maneuvering Tzuyu’s body into one arm and assisting you and Jinyoung with the other. 
“Trust me, anywhere is a hell of a lot better than here…”
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