#where everything wasn't taken so damn seriously
verstxppen33 · 3 days
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this wasn't meant to happen
summary: oops, you left your diary at his house... | autumn special!
genre: a sprinkle of fluff
warnings: use of y/n
pairing: lando norris x reader // friends to lovers
a/n: super cliché, i know, i know
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The raindrops dropped gently against your window, creating a soothing sound. As soothing as it was, it didn't really comfort your anxiousness of your diary being gone. You rummaged through everything and everywhere, even in the bathroom. But it was nowhere to be found.
Unless you've taken it to Lando's house...you took it to Lando's house?!
Meanwhile, Lando found a scarlet-coloured notebook on his bedside table. Out of curiosity, he picked it up and opened it.
"Dear Diary,
Today, I had to take care of a drunk Lando. He kept mumbling about me being so precious and pretty? I didn't quite take it seriously, but the way he spoke was just too affectionate. Not to mention, he was very clingy too."
Lando's eyes shot wide open, as he remembered the morning after "the incident". It was your diary. He quickly shut the diary, a slight blush on his cheeks. He didn't want to invade your privacy, even if all of your thoughts and feelings could just be opened right here and now. It'd be a bad thing to do, right?
He resisted the urge only for a few minutes, letting out a slight giggle and opening up the book and sliding to the next page. He looked around his bedroom like if someone was watching him, then sitting against his headboard and reading curiously.
"Hey there,
Something's going on with my mind, and I don't even have the energy to write anything. Quick and short, I might be in love? With Lando, perhaps? I have no idea. He's just too cute! It's wrong to fall in love with my bestfriend, isn't it? Nevertheless, I have some things to do:"
What? In love? Lando stopped immediately stopped reading. He didn't really care about the other pages now, definitely not your To-do list.
He silently cursed himself for invading your privacy like that and letting his curiosity win over. He closed the book and thought about giving it back to you.
Still in slight panic, you were drinking a cup of tea, leaning against the countertop, wondering where your damn diary was. You almost never wrote into it, but it still felt so damn important. The rain already stopped pouring, leaving an earthy smell in the crisp of the autumn air.
A ring on your doorbell could be heard and you put your cup of tea down, wondering who would it be. As you opened the door, you smiled at Lando's sight, but as your gaze darted over to the scarlet notebook he was holding—your diary, your smile faltered.
"I think it was yours." Lando spoke up sheepishly, holding the diary out for you to take. You rapidly take it from his hands.
"Did...Did you read it?" you ask nervously, even though you had no idea what was in it anymore, since the last time you wrote in it was months ago.
"Maybe, y/n, Maybe." he responded with a faint smile. "I got too curious. And I've think I've read enough." You raised an eyebrow. Was that a good or a bad thing? What the hell did you write into that notebook?
"What did you see, exactly?" you asked curiously, leaning into him unconsciously.
"You're in love with me." Lando responded bluntly with a slight chuckle, noticing your cheeks heating up immediately. "No, it's fine. It's fine. I maybe I am too, and I'm maybe just figuring it out."
Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He responded to it quickly and wrapping his arms around you as well, grinning widely. He gently lifted his hand to run through the strands of your hair, his hand slightly cold from the autumn breeze.
You two have a lot to figure out.
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eisforeidolon · 7 days
The writers were aware of fandom wank, which is why a lot of the “Dean/Cass” stuff ends up on the cutting room floor. It’s like they’d write something that seemed fine on paper, the. they realize people will read too much into it when performed and cut it out.
That was some of it. Like the infamous fake heaven scene they thought would be so hilarious to fill with pictures of Dean - where Jared had to point out some fans would take it seriously as a hint to where the story was going. So they removed it because that wasn't the intent. Like the crypt scene were Jensen pointed out Dean would not say I love you there. So Robbie changed it to what he more explicitly meant in terms of it being familial affection by his own direct admission.
Hellers want to insist all those little cut moments are PROOF of a conspiracy to ~*cheat them*~ out of an intended D/C story the writers were trying to give them, damn the meddling network and producers! However, what all the details we've actually heard about show? Is the ship being a thing in canon was so far outside of the genuine agreed intent multiple writers not only didn't think about the implications and not only used it as a punchline? But usually immediately removed those supposed hints when anyone pointed out the prospect of it being taken seriously by fans. Of course, when you have fans so desperately searching for clues they can turn literally breathing in the same room into ~*epic romance*~ it's hard to remove everything unless the characters literally never interact (and then you end up with "negative space" meta, so there's no winning).
Sure, there's a deeper question there as to whether they thought that specific pairing was ridiculous in the context of the canon (absolutely) or they generally thought m/m pairings were only fodder for jokes (not cool). Except that's a whole different discussion, because either way? What is clear is there was never some intentional secret storyline in easily cut throwaway moments leading up to making D/C canon the REAL story of the show. And not just because the idea anyone would tell a story on tv that way is fucking bonkers.
The writers definitely became more aware as time went on about fandom wank in regards to the subject? Though I think it was complicated a bit by them also having some quote unquote writers join the team towards the very end who were desperate for attention and actively wanted to bait those unhinged fans, like Bobo the Assclown and whatsherface the minion underling.
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imahinatjon · 5 months
Chuuya x Reader
Sensitive topics heavily implied!!!
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As a member of the port Mafia, you were no stranger to loosing friends, comrades, though it was usually a result of the job.
In your personal life though... yeah, it was pretty much the same situation, with a few tweaked details.
You've always had a hard time making friends, and keeping them. You always assume its your fault.
It could be a number of other things. Poor choice in friends, you not doing enough to keep the friendship going, them not doing enough to keep the friendship going, drifting apart, personalities that just don't mesh, among other things of the sort.
Even when you find all these reasons, you still arrive to the same conclusion. It's all your fault.
But, you found a solution, a way to stop your friends from leaving you.
Over the years, you found that acts of service help. Doing things for these people, agreeing with these people, letting them dump their emotional baggage on you, buying things for them (even when you weren't in a good enough financial situation for it)
Ultimately, you found, the only way you could keep your friends around was to do whatever they wanted you to.
If only you hadn't been so wrong.
When Chuuya first joined the Mafia, he didn't know you, and you didn't know him. You were just some other underling, you worked for so and so doing such and such, he'd only occasionally pass you in the hallway.
Still, he had the biggest crush on you. You were just so beautiful, to pretty, so sweet. You seemed out of place in the Mafia headquarters.
The more he thought about you, the more you started appearing. Like that strange phenomenon when you first notice someone, and then suddenly you see them everywhere.
He wasn't complaining.
He saw how you were with some of your comrades, woman and men, you were always running around, doing things for them, following them wherever they wanted you to go. He didn't think much of it until he got brave enough to approach you and the group of 'friends' you had made a few years later.
"Ah, damn, I don't have enough for lunch! And I was really craving a pizza today too!" One of the woman whined, that's when you perked up, meekly raising your hand, as though you needed permission to speak, their attention went to you.
"I-i could always go and get you something if you like? I have enough on me"
That was nice of you.
"Really?! That would be great! Seriously, your such a life saver YN" she accepted your offer and praised you. And you ate it up with a bright smile and ran off to god knows where.
Once you were out of earshot, he heard the woman snicker
"See, if you want her to do anything, just make her feel bad for you! Pretend your injured, or sick, or that you have no money! Hell, she'll do anything if you so much as say you've had a bad day"
Chuuya froze. What? It was like some teen drama show - the overly kind, energetic friendly girl being taken advantage of by the meaner more callous popular one (Not that she was popular, Chuuya didn't even know her name, nor did he want to)
Well, if that's what it was gonna be like- he'd just become your Knight in shining armor!
If only it was that easy.
You'd come back rather quickly, almost like you'd ran, and handed the food over, the group thanking you, patting your head like dog before they up and left you standing there. You didn't have anything. Left on your own to go hungry for the day because you spent what you had on someone else.
So chuuya introduced himself. And he took you out to lunch.
It was the start of what should have been a beautiful friendship. But you were incredibly dense, and you treated chuuya the same way you treated everyone else, albeit with more effort because he never asked for anything.
And that made you nervous. You didn't know what you could do for him. So you did everything, to the point that everyone knew, and you eventually got assigned to become his 'secretary' of sorts. His personal lackey. Why bother giving anyone else the position when you were there doing it all anyway?
And Chuuya HATED this arrangement. But he couldn't say anything, not when you looked so happy to be working with him.
It takes a few more years before he's ready to tell you that he has feelings for you. He doesn't know what's been stopping him. Perhaps he was worried you didn't feel the same. He wouldn't put it past you to agree to date someone just because they asked, because you felt like you had to.
But then - then you got a boyfriend. Some guy he didn't know, and didn't really want to know.
You'd talk Chuuya's ear off about this man all day long, not singing his praise, but... complaining? It was refreshing, to see you not speaking so highly of someone, but it was also concerning as to the state of your relationship.
Your boyfriend disregarded your feelings, ignored what you said. But you'd tell Chuuya it was okay, because sometimes he just 'forgot'. He never spent much money on you either, which was fine, you didn't expect it. But chuuya distinctly remembers one day in the office watching you pace back and forth because you didn't have enough money for your boyfriends birthday gift - he'd been asking for it for months now, and you couldn't afford it.
Of course chuuya gave you the money for it. And of course you paid him back when he asked you not too.
After a few months Chuuya told you that you had to break up with him, for your own good. But you refused.
"You have no right to tell me that"
He didn't see you much after that. It broke his heart.
But not as much as it did weeks later when you came crying to him in his office. It was about your boyfriend - ex boyfriend now.
Chuuya once spoke about the future with you, where you saw yourself- married? Kids? You said you never wanted kids.
But now you come to him, a small white stick in your hand and tears running down your face. He sits you down and asked what happend.
"H-he didn't want to use... he didn't want to use protection. I asked him too, but he said it felt better without it. He said he'd leave me. So I - I let him..." Chuuya understood what you were saying, and it made his blood boil, he was ready to comitt murder in your name. But then you said something else that worried him.
"Then I..." You couldn't finish the sentence as you handed him the stick you came in with. Chuuya wasn't stupid. He knew what this was. It was the last thing you wanted.
"What are you going to do?" He finally asked.
You didn't answer him, instead leaning and resting your head on his shoulder.
You were tired. So he would let you sleep.
You left after a few hours, and came back a week later. A happy go lucky smile on your face as you ran around doing all the tasks you needed to do plus a few extras on the side. You weren't all there of course, smile faltering ever so slightly when you thought no one was looking. When no one would notice.
But Chuuya noticed. Of course he did. He was always looking. He always has been.
He let's you settle back into life, before he even considers thinking about you romantically again. He's cautious, he doesn't want to hurt you.
But eventually it gets too much. Your acts of service, you keep buying him things. It's too much! He should be the one doing that for you. And he tells you as much.
"But why? That's not... you job?" You asked him.
"It's not yours either"
You think you understand, and you panic - have you been doing too much all this time? You thought that was how friendships were supposed to work.
"You don't... you don't need to keep doing things for me. I want to be the one doing things for you!" He exclaimed, infront of many onlookers. "I want to be the one spoiling you, buying you presents, taking you out to eat, be someone you can lean on, talk to, tell all your problems" he continued further.
"I want to hold your hand. I want to see your face every day, I want to be close to you, and I want you to stop thinking you have to do things for me because you don't have to do anything other than be yourself"
"I didn't fall in love with what you could do for me, I didn't fall in love with the material items you brought me, I just fell in love with you, everything else be damned"
"You...fell in love with me?"
"Of course I did. How could I not"
"Well... i could think of one or two reasons" you tried to joke
"Just shut up. You have no idea how much it hurt, how much I hated myself for not being able to stop others from using you, how much it felt like I was also using you. And I don't want to use you, I just want to be with you... that's all"
"I..." You couldn't hide the shy grin coming to your face. It was out of character for Chuuya, especially infront of so many people to say such things, it was also cheesy. But... it meant to world to you. Chuuya loved you. And a part of you, the part of you you had been trying for so long to push down loved him too.
"You said you love me..." You whispered "you really said you love me!" You said a little louder
"I mean... well... yea, I guess I did"
You couldn't stop yourself from rushing forward to hug him, hiding your face in his shoulder
"You have... no idea how happy that makes me"
"I'd like to tell you how much i love you every day... if you'll let me?"
Ehhhh, the endings not really doing it for me I'm afraid. I wanted so badly to write a bad ending, but that wouldn't have been very comforting.
Not that Chuuya did a whole lot of comforting until the end... sorta.
Masterlist :3
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gayvecchio · 6 months
Chinatown is such a great F/V episode. Obviously, there is some romantic subtext between Ray and Fraser from the pilot and a good bit in every episode after, but this one just leans so heavily into it, it almost becomes text.
The episode starts with Ray just wanting to take Fraser out on a nice date (to a restaurant he likely knows doesn't allow animals, because having Dief around is like bringing along another person, and this is supposed to be a DATE damn it! Of course, he doesn’t want a third wheel/chaperone tagging along!). He wants to impress Fraser with his local insider knowlege and ordering prowess, but everything is out, and of course, Fraser is too impressive himself to be easily impressed, and outdoes Ray by ordering in Chinese. Then just as their nice meal arrives, someone gets kidnapped, and Fraser’s off jumping out a window, ruining poor Ray's plans for the evening.
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"Oh no, Benny, not the window! I don't think they have doors in Canada."
Then comes the first in the wonderful (and not at all subtle) running gag of Fraser and Ray in the closet together.
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(Just what, Fraser? What were you two doing in the closet?) "I'm sitting in a dark closet with a Mountie being licked by a deaf wolf . . . That was the wolf, wasn't it? " (I love that Ray entertained the thought that Fraser might be the one licking him, not Dief.)
When the case takes a bad turn, Fraser feels responsible. Ray tries to assauge him, but it doesn't work. He pleads with Welsh to let him have the case, so that he and Fraser can continue to work on it and make it right. Because he knows that the only way to relieve Fraser's guilt is if he is able to save Mr. Lee's son. Making Fraser feel better has been a priority to Ray since the beginning.
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A small, rare moment here of Fraser making sure that Ray is okay before he takes off after a suspect. If Ray had said no, would Fraser have let the guy go and stayed? Would he have put Ray's well-being above 'getting his man' for once? Interesting to ponder.
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Elaine’s reaction in the episode almost does more to imply that something is going on between Fraser and Ray than anything else. After finding them in the closet, she later sounds jealous with Ray on the phone “you two having trouble squeezing into a booth?”
At the end of the episode, Elaine is eating ice cream and venting to Dief about being an idiot and feeling foolish regarding her crush on Fraser. It reads like she found out the guy she likes has been in a relationship (with another man) the whole time. She feels dejected and foolish because she realized she’d been barking up the wrong tree. The only other interaction Elaine has with Fraser is over the phone when he 'thanks her kindly' for her help. He doesn't treat her any differently in this episode than he has previously. There’s really no reason for Elaine to suddenly feel any more hopeless about the possibility of something happening with Fraser other than her now believing he's already taken.
Ray and Fraser’s final scene in the episode consists of them watching fireworks together (seriously, what’s more romantic than that?) then promenading down the sidewalk as they discuss going to out to dinner again—getting a do-over for the initial ruined date.
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It’s just such a great shippy episode, and arguably the one where Fraser and Ray Define the Relationship in a sense and become official.
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velvetvexations · 4 months
I'm not engaging in whataboutism when I see someone who has "death to the USA and Israel" in their header and go like, "you know there are other bad countries, right?" because I am literally just trying to ask, no seriously, why are you not concerned about literally anything else that doesn't directly affect you?
Like it sucks hard to have been so concerned and vocal about Saudi Arabia and Russia and China and Israel, for a decade now, just to see exactly one of those go viral to the point of tunnel vision.
That doesn't apply to everyone who engages in pro-Palestinian activism or critiques liberals, obviously. This doesn't even apply to everyone who hasn't gone as hard on, like, supporting Ukraine. Like, I do get that people don't have time or the capacity to talk about everything all the time. But it's just so conspicuous, you know? Where were all these people when Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2022? Actually, where were all these people when Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014? Because I was there and it felt like no one else in the West, at least not that were my age, could care less. The support Ukraine got from us in 2022 was somewhat encouraging, but it certainly wasn't a youth movement. It certainly wasn't the hardcore crowd that still dreams about a Russian dommy mommy even though the Russian Federation is the greatest example of capitalist parasitism that's ever existed.
One might say that to an extent, Israel is different because the US is tied to it. But like, we're increasingly tied to Saudi Arabia day by day, and if you want to hate Democrats, Biden shook the prince's hand - you know, the guy who famously ordered the brutal assassination of a journalist in a shockingly grotesque and gruesome way? Republicans have greatly affected aid to Ukraine and the results of the 2024 election could be game over for them if we let it.
But for as long as I've been alive foreign policy was just grown-up politics while the people who are all "voting blue means you only care about Americans" now completely ignored everything outside their window, and continue to ignore everything except this new thing that's completely taken over their brains as being what you absolutely must prioritize above all else, even doing things that would keep that issue from getting even worse.
And is that even accelerationism? Because I keep thinking "fucking accelerationists", because that's what they claim, they give it an accelerationist window dressing, but I don't think that's what it is. I think it's people who have their heart in the right place being led by lazy insincere grifters who think it makes them look smart to brag about the privilege of not having to vote because nothing will change for them personally.
So like. I want everyone to keep talking about Israel and Palestinians. I just wish they'd talk - I wish they'd give a damn - about other things too.
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tora-the-cat · 25 days
when people talk about how allison is the worst and it’s just a list of all the reasons i love her… this world was not built for people like us
'she thinks she's always right' 'she's so conceited!' 'she refuses to accept reality for what it is' SHE CAN LITERALLY MANIPULATE REALITY. Reality has been RELATIVE to her desire for almost her entire life. Why would she take ANYONE seriously. She's trying SO HARD to be a person these days but that shit is HARD.
'she's vain' yeah she's 1. a child star and 2. the prettiest girl in the world. and 3. its funny
'she's got a weird thing with her brother' I LOVE fucked up dynamics and the writers are cowards for never letting them talk their shit out.
'She wasn't honest with Ray!' what could she have possibly said without being thrown in a looney bin.
'she could've at least told him about her brothers, or her daughter, or literally anything about her life' Allison has, literally, NEVER had to talk about or explain her life to anyone. she's been famous since she was ten. I genuinely do not think she knows HOW to even approach the topic.
'she doesn't use her powers even though it could instantly solve her every problem' this is not a plot hole and you are not smart for pointing it out. This is LITERALLY the central conflict of her character. She accepts that her actions have consequences of her actions exactly once ever and it is so traumatizing she literally stops trusting her own judgement implicitly. Using her power again means opening up the possibility of making a mistake again, and accepting responsibility for her actions ONCE damn near killed her.
'she's so focused on her daughter she's delusional!' the audacity to say that shit if your favorite character is five, the most delusional about his family character ever written. Hipocracy taser. (It's literally her daughter. of COURSE she's the center of allison's universe).
'she killed Harlen without running it by anyone!' I genuinely don't understand this one. She SMUGGLED Harlen out the hotel with Viktor cause the rest of the family had? already voted on killing him? VIKTOR is the one acting against the family's best interest here, and he KNOWS it.
'she knew how much killing Harlen would hurt Viktor!' god forbid women do anything.
'she was mean to Viktor after and refused to make amends' Allison doesn't think she did anything wrong (see above) and thinking she DID do something wrong is like, a paradigm-shifting thing for her on the single occasion she's ever done it (see above). Why would she apologize?
Everyone MUS understand. Allison spent TWO SEASONS doggedly dedicated to self improvement and being a good person and loving her brothers, and WHAT has it done for her? Wrought heartbreak and ruined her life twice. Her happiness and reality have gone hand in hand for her entire life where everything that WASN'T handed to her was taken with ease, and have now been made fundamentally INCOMPATIBLE (she can't have her brothers, Ray, AND Clair. she can never have everything she wants again no matter how hard she tries and how close she got). Her arc was literally the ONLY thing I liked about season 3. She should have killed MORE people, if anything. She should've killed Sloane and/or Ben just because it would piss people off. I love her so goddamn much and I support womens WRONGS.
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tmntkiseki · 5 months
Originally, I wasn't going to go public about this...
But I realized something yesterday: Suffering in silence is stupid. While it is true that there are a lot of horrible people on the internet, there are also a lot of incredibly kind people--people who may be complete strangers to you, but are more than willing to reach out a helping hand if you let them know that something is wrong, and I'm tired of pretending that everything is fine around here when it's not. So here we are.
The short version is this: Ever since I disabled anonymous asks back on the 6th of this month, I've been repeatedly stalked and harassed by an individual I've taken to calling Troll-san. Why Troll-san? Because I'm an older internet user, I've been active online since the mid-2000s, and that's what they are: a troll, and they've gone through so many URLs at this point that I have nothing better to call them.
Troll-san primarily harasses me through my ask box, but they've occasionally attempted to do what they've been doing through reblogs on my posts as well. I will give them credit where it's due because they've been incredibly persistent; every time I block one of their URLs, they proceed to delete and then remake it in order to circumvent the block feature and continue sending me more hateful messages. This also has the side effect of making reporting their behavior incredibly difficult, and that's assuming that Tumblr staff decides to even try doing something about this. (And I do not trust Tumblr staff at all.)
This is one of the only asks I made an effort to take a screencap of, sent not too long after I made my post on Friday regarding my recent ER visit, and let it be said that this is FAR from the worst message they've sent me. (They have, in fact, sent a couple of asks telling me to kill myself.)
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So, at this point in their little harassment campaign, I can confirm a few key details about Troll-san.
This is indeed over the fact I disabled anonymous asks. I'm not particularly special for disabling them since so many Tumblr users do it, but presumably the reason Troll-san is so wound up over it is that if they're having a bad day and feel like being a dick someone (me), they can no longer send rude asks and avoid the consequences for it by using the anon feature. (In fact, that's the entire reason why so many Tumblr users disabled anons in the first place! Because people were abusing them to be assholes!)
I am definitely not their first victim. I did some digging around yesterday and can confirm that there is at least one other user who has also been harassed by Troll-san, and there are likely more people who may have/are dealing with the same person.
Even though Troll-san has been constantly deleting and remaking their URLs in order to bypass the block feature and continue their harassment, I am about 99% positive that their primary URL is grandangelkitty. It's one of the only URLs that they haven't deleted and remade at some point, and the other user who was harassed confirmed it was one of the URLs that they had to block. Whether it'll still exist by the time anyone reads this, I don't know, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
I realize that by acknowledging what's going on, I am potentially inviting yet more harassment and allowing this situation to drag out even longer than it needs to, but A) cyberbulling is never okay, and knowing I'm not the first person to be harassed by this particular individual makes me more angry than knowing I have to put up with it at all and B) I've never been afraid of Troll-san. They lost all my respect when they ignored my first block and I had pretty much lost my ability to take them seriously by the time they remade their URL for the fourth time. I just wish they'd learn their damn lesson already that no means no and that being horrible to strangers online is going to result in them making enemies rather than any friends.
I did finally reach out to a couple people online regarding this ongoing fiasco and while I won't be naming anyone specific; thank you all so, so much for your kindness and support. I was originally quite content to try and deal with this problem on my own, but I find so much comfort and renewed energy in knowing that I'm no longer alone and that there are people who do have my back. I'm not at all weak for having to ask for help; in fact, I'm all the stronger for it.
I am hoping that by finally acknowledging what I've had to endure for the last week that not only will I be helping to protect more users from this person, but that they'll finally get the message that this kind of behavior is not tolerated in this community. For anyone who has read this far, please, stay safe and I hope you have a good day!
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xerith-42 · 25 days
Actually legit not even a joke I think I sit in my home and think about C!Dream and everything he could've been at least once per day. It's such a frequent train of thought for me I've gone down so many times and I always end up somewhere new and beautiful.
(also I'm gonna call the character Dream and refer to the content creator as Clay cause I hate typing out the tags before hand)
Cause like. Listen. A character like Dream can really work in any story if handled right. And he really could have worked in the SMP as a force of unrecognized unmitigated chaos with seemingly no end or way to control it. He did do that for a while but there was something externally, something outside of the narrative that never let his arc be realized.
While a lot of stuff influenced DSMP arcs in weird ways outside of the narrative (scheduling, drama, literally not knowing where the story was going), the worst offender has to be how much potential Dream could have had if Clay was willing to let go of his ego and be cyber bullied more.
Okay hear me out--
Dream is an asshole. We can all agree on this, right? He sucks, he's a shitty person who did awful things for seemingly no reason, a mad man desperately holding onto power and control because it's all he has in a world literally of his own making. The key to having a character who sucks this hard in your story is to have them be properly humbled.
The issue is that Clay, almost as a reflection of his character, refused to be humble. He seemingly always had to be in the right, his character always had to have a way out of situations, and if we take his word on it, Dream planned out everything.
But that's just. Not entertaining.
You wanna know what is entertaining?
Techno bullying Dream.
I'm so serious when I say the Prison Podcast might be my favorite individual DSMP stream. Dream keeps always trying to hold onto power both physically and psychologically, and it keeps failing because Techno is right there, being stronger than him in both regards without even trying.
When Dream is always beating everyone down and making them miserable we need scenes of the same happening to him and the only character to ever do that was Techno. Techno was so good at bullying Dream that 80% of their interactions were just him bulling Dream. Which is a needed contrast to show that as much of a manipulative little fuck Dream is, he's not immune to the very torment he puts others through.
He too is not above judgment, and the person judging him has kicked his ass in the past that he's known as one of the few people who's ever defeated Dream and considered his top competitor. And the best part is that Techno doesn't care even a little! He bullies Dream like it's breathing because Dream really is that easy to ridicule the minute he doesn't have power over someone.
Dream's such a loser that it's always fun to watch someone clown on him. The DSMP needed more moments where Techno or even other characters got to absolutely clown on Dream unchallenged. It would make his antics far more bearable and also his constant need to push against Techno's bullying is a revealing thing about his character but that's a whole other post.
Needless to say, Dream being bullied would be beneficial to the SMP also in terms of balancing out the comedy. Dream, despite being really funny sometimes, has a hard time being comedic once he starts being taken so fuckin seriously all the time. And his actions carry weight, I don't want to diminish that, I just want someone in the story to belittle him for everything he's ever done.
But I mean... We all know Clay wasn't going to let too much of that happen. Which is a damn shame.
Shout out to the timeline where the prison podcast was actually a subathon that went on until Phil checked on the stream and let Techno out of prison, I hope you guys know how good you have it.
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babybatscreationsv2 · 1 month
I watched Deadpool and Wolverine and I have thoughts
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First of all
I cannot believe I saw my girl Elektra again and yes I would have cried and thrown up if they killed her. If Blade and Gambit are both getting a new movie where's Elektra's?? I say we riot. And I'm only a little bit kidding. Spider-Man needs a new mother figure after all. How about an Elektra/Jessica Drew team up? OMG I'm just realizing they could have put her in the canceled Shang-Chi film. Does the Hand never face off with the Ten Rings? You would think a couple of a martial artist gangs would have a rivalry. We could have been shipping Elektra and Xialing 😭
Okay actual movie thoughts
Yes the car scene was in fact a sex scene and I don't even think that's even debatable. You can't tell me Hugh Jackman threw his head back like that and groaned like he was fucking cumming and it wasn't an analogy for sex and then following it up with a pan away/sunset shot? It was 100% an ode to the many gay writers who hid their desire to penetrate another man through swords, guns, and fangs. Bram Stoker would be proud
Do not watch this movie if you're uncomfortable with inappropriate sexual touching, or language for that matter. Everyone's getting sexually assaulted and it's a joke every time, but at least they call it what it is I guess?
I feel like the amount of graphic sex jokes was to cover for the fact that they were told not to joke too much about drug use. Although choosing to joke about how they can't do coke was possibly my favorite joke, don't ask me why
They sure did let that little people joke in there though... yikes. Disney is really begging people with dwarfism to jump their asses this year
The weakest part of the film was definitely the villain dialog. I guess they didn't want any big plot twisty reveals because man these dudes came out monologing and like who asked? Nobody. Why are they talking so much?
I have a genuine love for Happy becoming the new Stan Lee cameo. I just love that man as a character and it feels right that he has a hand in everything.
I saw someone on here pouting about the photo of Tony and Peter together and how Peter's face was covered BUT ACTUALLY it's a running gag in the comics that Deadpool can't see Spider-Man's face or hear his name. Even if Peter takes his mask off right in front of him the "Marvel censors" hide it from Wade and I hope to god that's why they covered it because it'll be so damn funny if and when they're both in a film together
Speaking of funny, the comedy in this film was so well done. They poured most of the jokes out in the first act and left room for the movie and the characters to be taken seriously. I'm here praying that the other Marvel writers take notes because while I'm a very emotional person who requires comic relief to get through most movies without crying, we all know the humor in Marvel films is getting to be a bit much.
I was holding my breath during the big team up thinking it was going to be Deadpool 2/Suicide Squad all over again, but they actually got to have their hero moment and it was beautiful.
But WTF? Why did Blade and Gambit get a big moment where they show off their skills but Elektra gets half the screen time during the fight and her moment is just her kicking someone? She has magic ninja abilities?? She could have also done something cool?? The martial arts stuff was cool in her stand alone film, it doesn't impress in a crowd of people who know how to fight. At least let her skillfully throw her sais or something, damn.
And how good is Channing Tatum as Gambit? I'm not a Channing Tatum fan or anything, but damn does he nail it.
NICEPOOL I love Nicepool, I have no idea what Deadpool variants exist in the comics because I actually hate multiverse stuff that isn't spiderverse, BUT it's canon that if Deadpool were to stop killing people that he would become pretty again and I love that there's a universe where's he just insanely nice and handsome mostly because I don't think they would ever make a Spider-Man/Deadpool film so at least we acknowledged that this happens, sorta, they don't really talk about why he's pretty and our Deadpool isn't
I love how it was a Deadpool film, but also everyone got their moment. It was barely even about him. He was the vehicle through which Wolverine and Nova and Laura got to tell their stories and it worked really well
I also feel like Wade getting Johnny killed felt weird and mildly out of character. He's an asshole, not a sadist. There's a big difference. If they wanted him dead to get rid of Chris Evans and still have their cameo, it didn't have to be Wade's fault
Wade and Logan recognizing Chris's face as belonging to Steve also sets a precedent for RDJ playing Doom. (It also means that yes people in universe will recognize him and angst will happen, I'm still crossing my fingers that there's multiple Dooms)
I give the whole thing a 4/5 had a good time, few complaints
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englass · 2 years
Plains and Valleys
Pairing(s): John Seed x Deputy/Reader
Warning(s): John is his own warning; Possessive/Obsessive Behaviour; John being creepy; Stalking; kind-of Crack, this isn’t taken all that seriously; Not Beta’d; Experimental Piece; NSFW/Explicit, my first (and likely only) attempt at smut -- please kindly let me know if there’s anything else I should warn of here, I don’t know what I’m doing.
Word Count: 4,020
A/N(s): The title is basically a placeholder for while I was writing this because I had no idea what to name it... and truly, I can’t be asked to think of something better for a piece that only exists to see if I can write smut (spoilers: I can’t, but I’m not letting a completed piece rot away in my docs just because I’m embarrassed; I worked and spent time on this damnit!).
On another note, I was gonna just give this piece over as my contribution to WIP day that @derelictheretic was kind enough to tag me in, but decided against it. I’ll post a proper response and WIP later this week or next, so bear with me please hun! Just wanted to get this out there first.
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John had a problem.
Well, he had many problems. Not least of all his growing frustration at the continued resistance from the Fairgraves' in his pursuit for the deed to their ‘establishment’. He also had been unable to play with Affirmation as regularly as he would have liked, so that put him in an even fouler mood than usual. And he wasn't going to even think about the stress he was starting to feel with his brother constantly breathing down his neck; always questioning his actions as though he were a child constantly getting into trouble and needing twenty-four hour monitoring, always asking after the progress of things that take time. A lot of time.
John may have a substantial amount of money at his disposal, but that does not mean he can work miracles.
Not all of the time, at least.
And his problems don’t stop there, oh no. Despite what many likely thought of him (and what a stroke to his ego that is, knowing that people think of him) John was well aware of his problems, his faults. He’d spent a lot of time getting intimate with them, after all; and every now and again they'd crop up like daisies, weeding their way to the surface yet again. He’d become rather good at managing them, if he said so himself, but even John wasn’t perfect (he was damn close to it though, as many would agree). And one fault he hadn’t quite been able to trim back was his tendency to fixate on things; obsess. 
He obsesses over his plane, over its upkeep and maintenance, its flight records, the slightest scratch that wasn't there the day before-- how the fuck did that get there!?
He obsesses over the details on the manifestos he’s given, the contracts he’s made, dates and times for resource collection, rotations, their members' personal records (he denies having those), PR management, expenditures and everything in between. 
He obsesses over his home, the décor, the colours and lighting, materials used, the whole aesthetic. How he presents himself, the clothes and brands he wears (it’s vain but he needs those creature comforts), his posture, his presence, his overall look that creates an identity that just screams nothing but John.
He obsesses over things.
He knows he does. It’s a faulty blessing.
And he has found something new to obsess over.
John has had a few run-ins with the local Deputies of Hope County in the past. Mostly Joey Hudson, delightful as she is, but ordinarily he doesn’t think too much of them. After all, he’s untouchable and they all know it. There’s no reason to worry about them, let alone waste his precious free time (what little he gets of it) thinking about them. They’re insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Nothing but an inconvenience, an annoyance at most. Completely irrelevant.
But then he saw her.
Standing there, innocuous, looking out at something (for something? Nothing?) in the distance. 
There’s a hitch, the catch of a stilted breath.
Where they were keeping her hidden he has no idea, but he is taken the moment he catches that rogue glance of her.
And, strangely, he doesn't know why.
Sure, John and his brothers have been in this County for a good while now and he has never seen her before, so it’s perfectly normal for him to be curious about the unfamiliar face in town. Nothing wrong with that, it’s innocent enough.
Except there’s everything wrong with that.
Because that’s not it.
He can’t even blame his wandering eyes on her appearance; she’s wearing that drab uniform that even a charity shop wouldn’t take, and it does nothing to enhance whatever natural beauty she may have hidden underneath it. Although, the girl-next-door look she gives off is begrudgingly cute (if he dared to utter the word unironically).
Honestly, she’s not the type of woman that he typically would have paid any special attention to back in his lawyer days. Fucked her stupid maybe, for the extra notch in his bedpost, but he likely wouldn’t have taken her number or thought too much about her afterwards. Relegated to just another lay in a long line of bed partners that he doesn’t remember all the names of.
To be blunt, she isn’t anything special.
And maybe that’s part of the appeal, what hooks him in. Because she is different; unassuming and uncomplicated, modest to a point of simplicity. And yet there is something about her that he can’t actively see or name from his spot across the street that has drawn him in without even trying. And he doesn’t know what or why.
It’s as infuriating as it is intriguing.
Perhaps there is some iota of truth in what Joseph had said to him a while ago, John supposed silently to himself at the time: the simplest of things can be beautiful, in their own unconventional ways.
Although his brother could have said as much with far less words, verses, and vague allusions to a potential future that might never be-- a spark of sudden change that sets a new course in motion; scales tipped by the most consuming of emotions; scorched by a soul so deceptively unremarkable that no one would have thought to believe just how uniquely special they would become--
… Huh… 
John creates a special slot in his increasingly hectic schedule just for her from then on out.
He goes out of his way to find more reasons to harass and bother the local population, all in a fruitless attempt to get lucky and have her answer their call for aid and come and tell him what a bad boy he’s being. (Annoyingly she never turns up, though.)
He makes calls and pulls some strings to the businesses he’s procured, makes inquiries to anyone that would listen to him, including those doing menial tasks or even going through their Atonement (they don’t understand the relevancy of his questioning and he may have been a little harsher with them than he should’ve been because of it), and all in the name of his personal investigation into her.
After all, he had argued to himself in front of a cork board covered with documents and pictures of her with a feverish flavour, what sort of Herald would he be if he didn't know everything about everyone living in his-- their, his and his brothers, soon-to-be County?
His invasive and not completely legal search into this new Deputy (and she is new it turns out, freshly transferred in fact) goes on for a full, nonstop month before -- during one of his totally-random-and-not-planned stops into town -- he discovers something else about her.
When he first saw his Deputy (and doesn’t that feel good to say) she was alone, leaning against the wooden beam of the Sheriff’s Department’s porch and staring out into the distant fields; the late afternoon sun haloing her figure in its golden warmth, its light making the colour of her eyes blaze bright and her hair shine silkily. The perfect picture of ease.
This time, when he finally manages to spy another in-person look at her, he finds that she has company. She’s standing next to the ever friendly Hudson, posture held strong by an understated confidence and arms casually crossed beneath her bust, an amused smile on her decidedly pretty face as Hudson talks animatedly about something that he can’t hear.
And she’s looking up at her.
John blinks, and blinks again.
He’s definitely seen her file, he even remembers glossing through her medical records (which he would most assuredly deny having if anyone asked), so he knows how tall she is. But for some reason it apparently hadn’t quite registered to him until now what that would look like in a physical comparison between the two of them.
He knows that the lovely Hudson is a couple of inches shorter than him, not too far off from meeting him eye-to-eye. His Deputy, from what he can see, is about a full head shorter than Hudson. Which would put her, what, roughly just about eye-to-chest with him...?
He thinks about it. Thinks about her next to him, imagines what that would look like. Thoughts surprisingly innocent as he wonders after clichés of reaching for something that she can’t reach, of cocooning her in his arms as he effortlessly wrangles her into his lap. Envisions the domesticity of easily resting his head on top of hers as he holds her from behind, slotting himself into the mould of her figure like matching puzzle pieces, perfectly meant to be and belong… 
A high pitched, shaky sound slips free at the mental reel.
It’s not a secret the type of life that John used to live. He has been with numerous types of women, something he used to take a great deal of pride in, and has indulged in and explored his fair share of kinks in the comfort of expensive silk sheets. But who would have guessed that the former playboy, John Duncan now John Seed, would have a thing for domestic bliss.
Or rather, domestic bliss with little. ol’. her.
John makes the executive decision then and there to talk to his Deputy as soon as possible. Preferably alone. Without interference.
It feels like forever before he gets the opportunity.
A week later, on a daily walk through Falls End that has only admittedly become a thing in order to check up on the lucky woman of his blazing affections (I am not stalking her, Jacob, he had grounded out menacingly to his accusing older brother over Sunday dinner; who proceeded to look on at John with a slow quirk of an eyebrow), he finds his ever elusive Deputy resting around the corner of the Sheriff’s Department’s building. Eyes closed, head down, arms crossed, and safely concealed in the shade; unsuspectingly calm in her desired time alone.
And John is quick to ruin it.
He can’t help himself, he really can’t. The opportunity is here and he would be remiss to let it pass him by.
Even if she does look rather serene.
He's seen a few photos of her, more than a few actually-- albums worth even, so he knows what she looks like up close. He even printed one out (it’s a favourite of his, a near perfect replica of the first time he saw her) and has it framed on his bedside table; but it turns out no amount of photos quite do the real her justice.
The closer he gets to her the more he notices how petite she is, how the loose yet deceptively form-fitting hug of her bland uniform subtly accentuates the curves and slopes of her modest figure; the daintiness of her fingers as they rest against the exposed, smooth skin of her arms; that familiar magnetic draw snapping to life in the colour of her eyes as they lazily open, sparkling as he gets closer and she looks up at him, wide and wondering.
Oh, he was so wrong about her, he realises wondrously. Did her such a disservice in his initial judgement of her all those weeks ago. She is far from average.
And being here in front of her, close enough to touch, to be able to easily reach out and trap her against the wall and between his arms if he so wanted to, safely protected under the cage of his form -- her neck craning back in order to comfortably gaze up at him, meeting his eyes as he stares down at her… 
It makes something inside him go wild.
John lays the charm on quick and swift, hand attractively running through his hair as a practised but handsome smile lights up his face, eyes twinkling through his lidded gaze with an aweing hunger he knows he is failing to keep hidden.
Getting the first word in, he leans close to the wall, not quite putting his full weight against it (his shirt was expensive) but close enough to allow him a moment of privacy with her by limiting her field of view to only him. Blocking out everyone-- everything else with his taller frame (and doesn’t that thought spark a sudden twitch of interest) as he eagerly monopolises her attention.
Daringly he edges further into her space while he talks ardently to her, truly basking in the unexpected pleasure he gets in watching her unintentionally baring her neck to him; being so beautifully submissive for him without consciously realising it. Amusement colouring his tone in pale notes as he watches the way her pretty eyes darken and narrow at his progressive disturbance and invasion of her time and space.
Fuck. He didn’t know it would be this intoxicating to be so close to her.
Even as he dances through conversation with playful words and hinting remarks, becomes enamoured by the soothing intonation of her voice as she is dragged along with guarded comments and wary retorts, he can’t stop the way his mind ever so sinfully wanders… 
It really would be so easy to have her up against this wall. To crowd her in with his frame on all sides and her vision filled with nothing but him. The centre of her universe and attention, him; and his hers. The concept of that sort of all-encompassing intimacy and devotion makes John shudder. Hungry all the more for it and the woman that has unknowingly given him a taste of what it could all be and become, of what that level of pure, unadulterated want is inspiring in him.
He could easily have her against this wall. Have her looking directly skyward up at him as if he were her moon and stars, as he looks directly down at her-- his entire world and more.
Snatch her thigh and hoist it up towards his waist. Have her balancing precariously on the tips of her toes and clutching desperately at him, trusting John to help hold and support her and keep her steady as he shields her from the world around them. Hides her away from the unworthy just as the unworthy have hidden her away from him. His lips sweetly latching onto hers, her taste finally on his tongue after all these weeks of wanting, involuntarily grounding his hips into hers as a desperate sound breaks within his throat.
Oh, John can visualise it now: the two of them breathing in each other's air, bodies flush as he tugs and pushes closer, her shirt riding up as it's snagged by the rough brickwork at her back, arching into him on an unsteady foot to escape its harsh bite. Teeth nipping teasingly at her lips and tongue licking moreishly into her mouth as his free hand roams down her stomach, pulls the rest of her shirt loose and fumbles in his eagerness with the buttons of her jeans, yanking the zipper down and shoving his hand below the waistband and into her underwear. Hearing her whine sweetly into his mouth as he feels just how wet she is for him, how much she wants him and how eagerly she welcomes him into her as he plunges his fingers into her slick cunt with a needy and quaking moan of his own. 
Would she want it quick and rough? His fingers thrusting knuckle deep as he presses tight circles to her throbbing clit, teeth at her throat as he claws into her thigh held tightly in the dip of his waist. Listening to how her moans get higher, her breathing gets quicker, turning into desperate little gasps before he tugs his fingers free of her; lips devouring hers in quick apology as he battles to pull his aching cock free, cursing lowly against her lips as his slick covered fingers slip on the metal of his belt. She’d help him, he knows she would -- such a good girl --, nipping and kissing him back with wanton sounds as she bats his hand away, revelling in the noises he makes for her -- only for her, only ever for her -- as she pulls him free; rolling her hips until his cock catches on her slit and he’s thrusting home into her.
Only then -- while feeling her walls flex around him, mouth hanging open as they both bask in finally, finally being so intimately connected to one another -- would he finally hike her other leg up to wrap fully around his waist, fully supporting her weight and driving himself deeper into her, one of his arms coming up to press into the wall beside her, hand caringly slipping behind her head; bracketing her in. Shivering as her breath warms his neck and she cries out for him.
And considering her height… fuck, he can only imagine just how tight she’d be for him, chocking his cock as she squeezes him, milking him for all he’s worth until his teeth are stained red against her lovingly maimed neck. His hips snapping into hers with a guttural growl, panting sensual snarls of encouragement into her ear as he demands and begs in equal measure that she touch herself for him, dexterous fingers chasing her end as he chases his own until-- she’s coming around him with a high and shuddery keen. Her soft walls sucking him deeper into her, legs locking tighter around his waist and keeping him there as he spills himself into the back of her hot cunt with a strangled moan. Claiming her as his as he presses in closer, plugging her full with his cock and cum and praying that it’ll take-- 
… Huh.
He will definitely be exploring that at a later date…
Or perhaps she wouldn’t want it like that. Wouldn’t want him to be so rough and careless with her. Maybe she would want him to go slower, to be gentle-- to be good for her, to take his time and truly enjoy and appreciate every sweet beg and whimper that falls from her perfect lips. Perhaps she wouldn’t want to fuck him at the back of her shabby place of work, or even anywhere out in the open; maybe she would prefer privacy, for him to make love to her. Would want him to steal her away into his home, to carefully lay her out on his bed and unwrap her like a delicate gift, hands tracing teasing paths along her body before spreading her wide for his tasting pleasures. Taking his time to truly savour her unique flavour on his palette, wanton sounds pressed into sensitive flesh as he takes her throbbing clit into his mouth and sucks.
Broad strokes of his skilled tongue parting her lips and drinking her down, fingers firm as they hold onto the soft meat of her thighs and hips, thumbs rubbing soothing motions into her skin as he opens her up for him. Urges her with hot breathes, praising words, the flick of his tongue and the dip of his fingers into her wet heat, to cum for him; pleads with sound and touch and a greedy haze over his lust-darkened eyes. The gravel in his gluttonous voice vibrating into her, in love with how she reaches and cries out for him as he tells her how good she’s being for him, how badly he needs her to cum for him-- a debauched sound choking out of him as she does. Completely enraptured as she reaches the height of pleasure -- pleasure he brought her, that he will always strive to bring her --, bearing witness to his own personal God-given vision as he watches her writhe against his sheets and listens to her songs of praise, easing her down from that divine high and back into his devoted embrace.
Kissing a line up to her bitten lips, answering her mewls with soft coos and grounding touches, brushing over a nipple before taking the perky flesh into his mouth with a brief suck and fleeting skim of teeth, letting go with a lingering kiss before moving across and repeating the process to its twin. Reluctantly drawing away to playfully nip and press wet kisses into the column of her throat before letting her taste the tanginess of her juices on his tongue. Languidly kissing as he strokes her sides, writing indecipherable words of affection into her skin, content to let her enjoy the bliss of post-orgasm before he slowly pulls away, descending back down the line of her body with a husky, ‘one more, just one more for me, darling...’ 
John knows he wouldn’t stop at just ‘one more’ though. Hopefully she’d be generous enough to give him a few more before he finally slakes his need for her.
And hopefully she doesn't see the hard-on he’s now sporting after such vivid fantasies.
In a particularly bold move, temptation spurred into a fever from improper imaginings, John reaches for her; fixates on a strand of hair that has become untucked from behind her ear. She tenses, muscles coiling tight as she gives him the most suspicious look somebody has ever given him before. He’s actually rather offended. And very hurt.
But it’s sobering, in its own way. Because suddenly he can hear Joseph’s voice in his head from last Sunday (what a turn-off…), advising him that if he wanted to pursue a relationship with this Deputy that he was so smitten with then he needed to be gentle, considerate.
John may have done his ‘research’ on her, extensively so, but that did not mean that he was entitled or even deserving of her affections. He could not expect her to be on the same page as him, especially considering he had yet to even interact with her at that point. She may not have even heard of him yet, Joseph had speculated-- John and Jacob quietly sharing a disbelieving look. Everyone in the County knew their names, and with her being a Deputy there was no way she hadn’t heard of them.
Regardless, Joseph’s point still stood: if John wanted a genuine chance with her then he needed to soften himself, to be delicate, more tactful with her. Demonstrate that he can hear and see her for all that she is and can be, and that he accepts her without reservation.
Think of it like Atonement, Joseph had supplied sagely, fingers steepled, she needs to willingly give her confession over to you, John. Her affections. You can’t just take them.
And to Joseph’s credit, that actually made sense to John.
Atonement was all about accepting one’s sins, confessing them to another whom they trusted would never condemn nor judge them for their past actions or choices; unburdening themselves so they may be reborn pure and untainted for the hopeful future ahead of them. In that regard, his pursuit of his Deputy wasn’t too dissimilar.
So in that brief moment, in that flash of hurt as she steels herself against his considerate gesture and where John remembers Joseph’s words, he pauses. Convinces himself to go slower, to not try to grab at her like a spoiled brat reaching for things that weren't his-- yet. Reigns himself in enough so he doesn’t give her anymore of a reason to potentially be wary of him, to which he has very likely just given her quite a few. Trying in his own distinct way to smooth over her obvious distrust of him.
John knows he’s made mistakes throughout his life. Many would say he’s not a good man, and he wouldn’t necessarily disagree with them. But seeing and learning of her, of recalling his brother’s words and advice, of the many fantasies he’s had before and even during meeting her in this moment, he thinks he could change that. Knows that, if she would have him, if she gave him the chance, he’d be good. He’d be good for her.
Joseph always talks about love, about the power and control it wields over people and-- admittedly, John doesn’t completely get it. 
But with her? For her? He thinks he just might.
He thinks he already does.
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riotseas · 5 months
@taleswritten sent: Would it make you feel better if I call you Daddy while you fuck me? (YOU KNOW WHO FOR)
Cid is a lot of things, but one thing he is not—is weak.
He's been around, learned a lot and experienced even more. Some he'd rather forget, some he doesn't have to think too hard about to put into practice; a seasoned traveler, if you will. His years haven't been wasted, anyone could see that clear as day.
Despite all he's been through, all he's done, Clive fucking Rosfield is still able to get the one-up on him. Effectively wiping out all his hard earned strength from beneath his feet.
It doesn't make sense. Well, logically—yeah, it makes sense: He's completely and utterly enamored with the man. But he's not thinking 'logically' in this moment, he's barely conscious enough to wonder if he's even thinking at all. Cid figures he must be, at least a little, for the way Clive's words raise the hairs on his neck and drive a hunger deep through his stomach.
The little shit—he's been toying with him all damn day. It's bad enough he has to walk around in that get-up, no matter how well it suits him. It's a blasted corset for Greagor's sake, he has to know what he's doing at least a little? Cid thought he was going crazy when the ties in the front would loosen after battle and he couldn't do anything other than pretend he wasn't staring.
In addition to Clive's superb choice of dress, he's also a natural-born brat. All five-feet of him, and a stubborn one at that. If he doesn't get his way, oh he's letting Cid know and he's letting him know good.
An errand had taken them far past where they'd thought originally. It turns out Cid's info was no hit and all miss; and he definitely wasn't prepared for such but like everything, he took it in kind.
Or—tried to, anyways.
The heat was unbearable this far south; musty, heavy, wet heat that threatened to pull you under if you so much as stopped moving for even a second. Cid shed about as many layers as he could without being deemed indecent, and tried to get Clive to follow in suit for both his sake and Cid's.
Convincing eventually turned into sly, sensual remarks because he just couldn't help himself—especially not with the way sweat was sliding down Clive's soft, peachy pink skin. He was practically begging to be marked, and Cid was dying to get his hands on him.
It seemed like enough was enough. Push was met with shove; Clive had spoken words he hadn't realized he'd wanted to hear and it sent Cid spiraling. The name spun and coiled around something in his gut, so hot, so suffocating, he thought he was going to pass out. Such a visceral reaction, there's no way Clive couldn't see how it was affecting him.
Not that it mattered, it was going to make itself known one way or another.
Cid marched up to Clive and gripped his jaw between his fingers, firm, but not harsh; forcing eye-contact and watching for any hint of a jest.
❝ I'm sorry, sweetheart. I must've misheard you, repeat that for me again ? ❞
Framed as a question, but posed as a demand. Cid's voice had dropped an octave, another sign he was quickly becoming more enthralled with the idea Clive, seriously or not-so seriously, suggested. They were in the middle of a field, nothing but grass and trees cushioning their surroundings. Anybody could still come by, he knew that, and still found he didn't care.
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Leander and ominis having a discussion in the corridors.
Leander: The teachers only underestimate you because of your blindness. It is obvious that they make everything easier for you.
Ominis: It's not like that. I myself have taken it upon myself to tell you that I want to be treated the same as you.
Leander: Whatever you say, it's clear you're at a huge disadvantage, gaunt. And I'm sure the teachers are aware of that.
Ominis: Ha, yes I am also aware of that. But it doesn't always bother me, do you want to see? *ominis felt the presence of teacher hecat nearby*
Leander: What do you mean? *confused*
Ominis smirked and then stumbled near Leander, falling to the ground in pain and immediately groaning. Leander was shocked and looked at the teacher.
Professor Hecat: What's going on here, Mr. Prewett, Mr. Gaunt?
Leander: It wasn't me, Professor.
Ominis: I, ugh, I'm not sure. I was just walking and I felt someone get in my way, maybe putting his foot on it or something.
Leandro: Liar! You also had your wand to see where you are stepping.
Ominis: Oh, so you think my wand is exactly the same as two eyes that can see perfectly, Leander? that's not exactly how it works *informed in a frustrated tone of voice*
Professor Hecat: Mr. Prewett, you'd better admit the truth. He's not very polite of the part about him going around tripping up his classmates. What will his family think of him?
Leander: But Professor Hecat! he is lying, not me
Ominis: Yes, of course, I really enjoy falling on purpose through the corridors *ominis complained, standing up*
Leander: It's exactly what you did! damn blind viper.
Professor hecat: Enough! Mr. Prewett, it is not right to insult, let alone take advantage of Mr. Gaunt's disability. Go right now to the address, we have to talk very seriously.
Leandro: What!? This is not fair! *he looked at ominis angrily and had to contain himself not to throw him to the ground, that would only use him against him again*
Professor Hecat: Are you disobeying me, Mr. Prewett? It will no doubt cost Gryffindor some points.
Leandre: No! no no. It's okay, I'll go right away *he reluctantly agreed and gave ominis one last look before walking away towards the address*
Professor Hecat: Are you okay, Mr. Gaunt? *wanted to make sure*
Ominis: Yes, thank you teacher. I don't know why he did it. But I hope he doesn't repeat himself, it could have been worse. And that worries me.
Professor hecat: You have nothing to worry about. If you feel that one of his colleagues is bothering you, do not hesitate to contact me or the black director. We want you to be as comfortable as possible.
Ominis: I will. Thanks again, Professor Hecat.
Professor Hecat: Glad to help you. Now, be very careful on the way to your next class.
Professor hecat went to the office and ominis stood there for a moment, smirking and raising her wand to leave. That certainly was fun.
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scienter · 7 months
I have always wondered where did the narrative 'caroline said she won't take the cure' come from?Wasn't it Klaus,yet again, imposing his thoughts on Caroline that she preferred being ageless and immortal?When Caroline was asked,she had already convinced herself she wasn't getting the cure because, she said, there was only one and she knew everyone had been running around like headless chicken for that one cure so Elena could take it.She didn't even stand a chance because,even for a damn cure,Elena was the first choice.
Anyway,let's be real.It had only been less than a year since Caroline turned when they found the cure.She had just started to reclaim her lost self-confidence,regain her self worth,work on her abuse and trauma that she had undergone previously and enjoy the perks of vampirism as well.So maybe she wouldn't have taken the cure then.But isn't it normal for someone to have a different perspective of life and everything with time?Caroline never thought she would get the chance of being a mom but she did and went as far as ensuring her kids were protected & far away from the supernatural world as long as possible(even though that didn't make sense since they were born supernaturals being siphoners but it's tvd logic !).She even said she felt like dying when the twins were kidnapped.These emotions had nothing to do with being a vampire.Her desire to get married and have a normal family never went away with vampirism.She could barely handle herself when her mom died.She fell into depression after Stefan left. Did the narrative,despite all these, seriously want to convince us that,after her mom and husband were dead,Caroline would watch her kids grow old and drop dead while gleefully spending an eternity guzzling human blood like effing Kombucha?
Why wasn't Caroline Forbes allowed a narrative where she could reflect on the girl she was before she turned,the girl who was unloved,unaccepted, abandoned & raped,to the girl she grew into,after she turned, who learnt to love herself first ,proved herself to herself,to the woman she became who was loved by her friends and herself(since they had all grown out of their teenage mentality),who didn't seek external validation anymore?Why wasn't she allowed an opportunity to stop compartmentalizing her two selves and recognise that she had always been extraordinary?Caroline's journey was actually internal.Vampirism was like her training wheels.She had to let go of her training wheels ,at some point,to see if she had actually learnt anything,right?
I'm not saying she should have turned human to only play mommy to Lizzie & Josie or give a child to Stefan.But at least a storyline,that involved her considering the option and mulling over the choices,should have been explored especially when she was faced with a shortened future with Stefan due to their vampire-human mismatch.This should have made her realise that her time with her daughters was limited too.She didn't have an eternity with them.She never did unless she had been planning to pull a Katherine Pierce all along & turn both.Instead TVD had her convince herself that her excitement about an unknown future(with or without the vampire-human mismatch issue) with Stefan was always misguided in order to motivate herself to stay ignorant of what was to come.Being human wouldn't have invalidated her prior experience in my opinion.It would rather have helped her learn something new about herself that she didn't before.
Your thoughts?
Hey, anon! I think there are two reasons why the writers didn’t spend a lot of time on whether Caroline wanted the cure or not.  First, the cure storyline centered on Elena and whether or not she’d take the cure. Caroline’s desire was ignored because her character was used in service to that plot.  I know, I know -- Elena was the protagonist. She was the main character of the story. I get it.  But the writers centered Elena so much that it cannibalized other character’s narratives.  Second, the writers ignored thought-provoking story arcs for the side characters in favor of reductive storytelling.  These two are often linked. You made a great point about how this affected Caroline – better than I could. So, I’m going to go into detail about how the writers ignored a fantastic character arc for Damon in season 4 by inserting the Stelena/Delena love triangle (i.e. Defan's Elena rivalry) into the cure storyline.
In the 4th season, Stefan and Damon are set in opposition to each other. Stefan wants Elena to take the cure so she won’t have to deal with the pain and guilt of being a vampire. Damon, however, doesn’t want Elena to take the cure because he doesn’t want Elena to grow old and die leaving him alone.  You know – the usual black-and-white “good selfless brother” vs. “bad selfish brother” storyline they’d been force-feeding the audience for years. If that wasn’t reductive enough the writers took it one step further in the finale: Elena wanted Damon to take the cure, but Damon says he wouldn’t take the cure because he doesn’t want to be human.
The problem with Damon’s answer is that it contradicts Damon’s existential crisis in season 2: “I miss being human. I miss it more than anything in the world.”
What the hell writers!? How did Damon go from having an existential crisis because he missed being human to not wanting to take the cure because he doesn’t want to be human?
Damon was never given an arc for this.   There was never an exploration of Damon’s feelings. There was never an explanation for this attitude change.  The writers reversed Damon’s attitude out of nowhere in service of the Will-Elena-Take-The-Cure storyline (which turned out to be a symbolic which-brother-will-Elena-choose storyline).  
This frustrated me because the cure storyline was the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to explore Damon’s existential crisis from season 2 and the writers dropped the ball. They completely ignored it. Why? Well, you answered it in your ask:
“When Caroline was asked, she had already convinced herself she wasn't getting the cure because, she said, there was only one and she knew everyone had been running around like headless chicken for that one cure so Elena could take it. She didn't even stand a chance because, even for a damn cure, Elena was the first choice.”
Caroline’s potential storyline regarding the cure was ignored just like Damon’s existential crisis was ignored.
I know this probably wasn’t the answer you were hoping for. You asked me about Caroline and I talked about Damon. However, you made such great points about Caroline and potential storylines for her that were never explored that I don’t feel like I have anything to add. You also reminded me of what I think was one of the biggest wasted opportunities regarding the cure storyline, and it’s the one that frustrates me the most. The writers kept throwing out potential character arcs for the side characters because the story always centered around Elena.
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thisisrigged4 · 1 year
hello! :D I see you would like some charles-related content <3 (or anyone for that matter hehe)
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heres a present for u <3 also what's some of your favorite things about charles? :D (I.e personality traits, appearance , etc) that you just really really appreciate about his character? ;3
<3 <3 <3
I love how he is smiling slightly in that photo <3
It got a bit long than I first thought
What isn't there to love about his personality?
I love how he has a goofy sweetheart deep down and is not the stoic serious all-around man people make him out to be. For example, getting a drunken piggyback ride from John, "You should have taken the money." "I know, I'm a fool.", playfully grabbing at the prostitute's hand as Arthur insults them. Those fleeting moments and how sweet they are. (Also randomly tossing a chair in a bar fight was peek)
How understanding and patient he is too. Take Dutch and Molly/Susan for example and How Dutch snaps at them saying "How much he has going on and they want to talk" and yet Charles has just as much going on but anytime his friends need/call for him, he always has time/is willing to help or listen.
His "no nonsense" attitude and how he never leaves the player guessing in the game. Or how he doesn't tolerate negative people or behaviors. Like when Arthur was going to send away the German woman and her kids in Dewberry Creek. Or when Micah racially profiled him and Charles straight up yeeted the dude. My favorite one tho was in "An Honest Mistake" when Uncle/Arthur split up with Bill/Charles in the trees and the dialogue that follows
Charles - "Anything dumb Williamson, you're on your own."
Bill - "Oh shut the hell up."
The last one I'll include is compassion and wanting to help others/be better. For the natives, for the German woman in Chapter 2, Saving Jack in Chapter 3, stopping to look over Lenny after he is shot (He is literally the only one besides Arthur to not just breeze by the body; IG Javier to but he literally just peaks for two seconds before dipping). I know he wasn't fond of Kieran until a little before his death but (I at least) liked how we didn't see him torturing him like the others. Live and let live.
As for appearance, everything. I'm a sucker for a man with long hair. And the face, why does it have to be that damn beautiful? Seriously tho, his smile is awkward and adorable, I wish we had gotten to see it more. I am really obsessed with his face. Eye shape, beautiful.
So this is where it might get a bit weird but his hands are attractive to me and I can not explain why. Like, they are just hands, why so attractive?
That's my crazy ramblings, thank you asking friend <3
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
The Night Stand (Part 8)
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Summary: After waking up the following morning, everything finally fits itself together in Viktor's mind.
Word Count : 2.5k
Edited and Proofread by nobody...
A/N - I apologize for not writing for a long while. Things have been rather difficult and as such all creativity has felt like pulling teeth. Hopefully this wasn't horrible...
@cheeriecherrymain and @fairy-writes - thank you both for reaching out to see if I was alright. I was blown away that not just one, but two people actually cared to check in on me. I am just used to being the one that takes care of other and not the other way around so it was different. And seriously...thank you for that.
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When he had snuck into your hospital room the night before, he had been planning on being able to just see that you were alright. He had just needed to see you, to know that you were safe and healthy. 
It had been his own anxiety and nerves that hadn’t allowed him to remain away any longer. Knowing that you might be hurt by the flowers that Jayce had mistakenly brought to you? That had just cemented the fact that he had no other choice but to slip into your room that night. 
However, the one thing that he had not expected and had not wished to remain there the whole night and find himself blinking awake to find that the sun was beginning to rise. 
To say that his heart nearly stopped would have been an understatement. The sheer panic engulfing him in mere seconds as his mind caught up to just what the situation was. 
At night there were far fewer employees and guards, there not being many that would really attempt to break into a hospital of all places in Piltover. But with the day shift beginning to make their way in for their shift, that just meant that it would be nearly impossible to escape without being seen. Without it being clear just who he had been here to see…knowing that they would begin to question why he had been so instant to seeing this pregnant woman, why he had such a need to be around this unborn child - a child whose father had yet to be named. 
It broke his heart to slip from your hold, the soft whines that escaped from you nearly bringing him to tears as all he truly wished for was to remain with you. In that moment, he would have given anything in the world to just have the ability to hold you till you awoke. To kiss you good morning, to make you breakfast in bed and to see that pretty flush on your cheeks when you brought it in - making sure that it was made exactly how you liked. 
It would appear that he had figured out where he had been making such a grave error in his thinking till then. He knew that what he was feeling for you was love, that was undoubtable. But it had taken him to lament about all that he wished he could have with you that it finally became clear to him that the things that he had wanted with you…were undoubtedly the very same things you wanted from him. 
You had tried to say as much and yet he had only been thinking about all the negatives that could come from the two of you being together. The health issues, the rude comments, the hostile looks, all of these were things that he still knew that you would receive if he were to claim this child. 
However, as he looked down at your sleeping self, just how peaceful and content you were in that moment. He knew that if the roles were reversed, if you were the one pushing him away before you believed that you were damning him…he would give up all he had to simply just have you. To have you despite all the negatives that could and would come along with it. 
He had been deciding your life for you, never allowing you to have a decision on where the two of you would go from there. If you knew about all the hostility towards those from the Undercity, would you still choose to remain by his side? Would you want him to be named as the father? The sad fact was that he didn’t know. Not because you wouldn’t answer, but because he had never asked - he had never allowed you to know everything that you would need to know to make a decision. 
He was of a mind now to explain everything to you once you were feeling better, planning on coming back the following night just like he had done the night before. 
But life seemed to have determined that he had pushed the conversation off long enough. 
He had not even made it down the first hallway before he had needed to double back in hopes of avoiding one of the many nurses that were already starting to be making their morning rounds. Only to nearly run right into a doctor that was leaving a different patient's room. 
With the two of them crashing to the ground, his cane painfully dug into his side as he did his best to remain on his feet. He didn’t waste any time in rushing back to your room, tripping a few times as he did so. 
Panic shot through him as he rushed through the door, slamming and locking it behind him before he began looking through the room for anything that would help him gain a bit more time. 
The man was vaguely aware of the fact that you had awoken and were rising from your bed as he was quickly finding anything that would allow him to makeshift a way to keep the door closed even if they unlocked the door. 
He needed more time, that was all he could think as he strung the door to the furniture near it in the hopes of keeping the door in place. 
“V-Viktor? Viktor, what are you doing?” 
Using one of the IV poles in the room to create even more of a barrier, he hoped that it would be enough to at least give him enough time. 
“Something I should have done weeks ago” He said, moving to gently pull you to sit back down on the bed, all the while he nervously ran his fingers over the back of your hand in the hopes of calming his nerves. 
“There is much that made it so I didn’t wish to claim the child. None of which had anything to do with you, you have done nothing but make me long for the privilege to claim this child as ours. I am aware you are from Piltover and as such will probably not know of many of the policies and rules that are set up against those of us from the Undercity -”
A loud crash was heard from the door, like someone had tried to open it only to end up fully stepping into the door when it didn’t budge. The sounds only seemed to grow louder, more and more people beginning to take notice of the fact that there was someone unwanted having barricaded himself inside one of the patients’ rooms. 
And yet, that did nothing to stop Viktor from explaining what he felt he needed to do. 
“Most hospitals refuse to treat us. That is why I haven’t been here. I am not allowed on the premises.” Freeing one of his hands, he reached out to gently place it on your stomach, his eyes flickering from where his hand was placed and back up at your eyes. 
“I have no doubt passed on my health issues to this child. It will need more care than most, so I need you to decide. I need you to know everything and decide on what you wish for me to do.” 
A heavy slam was heard against the door, this time causing panic to steadily grow in Viktor’s golden hued eyes. 
“Believe me. I want to claim this child. You would be making me a father, a thing I never even dared to dream about. And it would be with you, a person I adore and cherish. To have a child in such a situation is a miracle.” 
“Wait, please…back up, they didn’t allow you here? They don’t give you health care when you clearly need it because of such nonsense and bullshit as that?!” You could feel the beginnings of a burning starting to build, now aware of just one of the large pieces to the puzzle. It fits into place to explain so many of the things that Viktor had been so vague about in the past. Why he thought he was ‘damning’ their child by claiming it, why he didn’t wish for others to know that it was his while doing hours and hours of research on how to be the best father he could be - it all finally clicked into place. 
“D-don’t get worked up, Love, please please…the baby..” 
Pushing him away, you were back to your feet and heading to the door - already working on removing the items in the way. 
“Darling, stop” 
Ignoring him completely, it didn’t take you long to remove the barriers that were keeping the door closed. 
And to say you got satisfaction from the looks on everyone’s faces when you wrenched open the door was an understatement. 
“Get me the fucking person in charge of this place!” 
“M-maam, you need to return to bed. It is not good for the baby” 
The poor nurse that had spoken to you was the first on your shit list, the rage that was steadily growing to an all engulfing inferno being directed at her first simply because she spoke to you about the baby. 
“Don’t you dare talk to me about my child. Not after I’ve now been made aware of the fact that you have been the cause for why the father of my child hasn’t been able to see me!” 
You didn’t even seem to care about the looks they shot at the two of you, much too preoccupied with the one guard that seemed to be trying to slip past you to get closed to where Viktor was standing - the world soon having a twinge of red as the rage before was completely overshadowed. 
“You touch him and I will kill you.” 
The man froze, clearly taken aback by such bloodthirsty hate being directed at him from someone who had been nothing but kind only days if not hours before. 
Pushing him roughly and rather cruelly aside, you went and took hold of your lover’s hand to pull him behind you. Already he was fretting over you, being far too preoccupied with wanting to keep you steady than anything else. 
“Darling, please…you know as well as I that during pregnancy that you will have hormones that make it easier for you to become enraged, but please breathe. For me, my love, breathe.” 
Glancing over at him, it took only the look in his eyes, the love that clearly was shown as well as the concern that was etched into every feature to finally start to put out the burning inferno that was eating you up from the inside. 
Taking a deep breath, a shaky breath out as you tried to control your emotions - the rest of the staff watched as Viktor was able to finally get your attention to be on something other than those around you. 
However, all of that was dashed as the hospital’s CEO was making his way down the hallways towards the large crowd. 
Wrenching your hands away from Viktor’s hold, you marched towards him to meet him halfway - not even wasting a second thought on what you were going to do as you slapped him across the face with as much force as you physically could. 
You were getting ready to swing again before you felt the inventor’s touch return, pulling you away from the man with a gentleness that wouldn’t have worked for anyone else but him.
“What is wrong with you?!” 
“What is wrong with all of you?!?” You screamed, never feeling this level of hate and rage ever in your life before. It finally made sense what all the papers had said about pregnancy rage being something that wouldn’t completely take over. 
“Denying care to someone who needs it simply because of where he was born?! You should all be ashamed to call yourself healers! You will regret ever meeting me, ever keeping me here when I asked to be released, when I demanded to be let to go home. Yet all you had to say was that I needed my husband for that to be possible -” 
The grip on you stiffened as information that even Viktor hadn’t been aware of came to light. 
“We are leaving. You will not touch him, you will not do a single thing to him. Believe me, I will already be raining hell on you and all the hospitals in Piltover over the shit I’ve learned but I dare you to make it worse - I fucking dare you to make my hate grow” 
You were sick of all of them, of looking at their dumb faces as they glanced between themselves as they knew just how annoying this was most likely going to become. Because it was true, you would not rest until the policy was changed, until the rules that not only hurt those across the bridge were erased but till even such policies like a pregnant woman needing her husband there to be released - the audacity to act like she wasn’t a complete person without a man standing there beside her. 
The whole way out, nobody said a word to the pair of you as you left - Viktor all the while being nothing but attentive as he asked if you needed a drink, needed a jacket, needed a hug. All the while peppering kisses against your cheek and hands as he helped you out of the hospital. 
“Viktor-” You started, the exhaustion finally catching up to you from everything that just happened, weakly pushing him away as he tried to press a kiss to your temple this time. 
“Viktor please, just….I just want to lay with you, to hear you tell me everything will be alright. Please..” 
As he took in just how worn on you looked, the decision was simple. And with his place being closer than yours, he figured that was where you would be staying from now on. Already, as he carefully led you to his home, he was going through all the things he would need to get for you. 
"Of course, anything for you"
He would take care of you. 
There was no way that the disaster that had taken place wouldn’t get out. 
He was now the child’s father. 
There was no going back on that now, not that he wanted to, but he wouldn’t stand by the sidelines any longer. 
This was his child. 
You were the mother of his child.
And as he glanced over at you, he felt an odd sense of peace as he knew he could do this. 
Nobody would mistreat you or the child on his watch. 
He would make sure of it.
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Taglist: @cheeriecherrymain@fairy-writes@thehistoriangirl@aikoiya@piperdoodles@alternate--simp@vmyths@luixiv@linky-dinks@bruh-anator3000@somethingthatsaysbubbles
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sangaverage · 1 month
VTM OC Story: Rook- The Night After
Warnings for blood, violence and mild bad language
story under the Divider, credit to: Anitalenia (again)
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I awoke one night, it was a night almost exactly like any other, my name was still Rook, I still had two silly tooth gaps where my canines were taken out as a child and I still lived in a small shack just far enough away from the busy city, but apparently not far enough...
Tonight I have an odd sensation... Like something in the back of my mind I couldn't quite place. And it confuses me, it's almost like a voice that never speaks up and yet somehow, I know what it wants. I've no clue how long it's been there but it feels new and yet familiar at the same time, a part of me and yet not...
I grab the messy, scuffy written note in my pocket, I still cant understand it, it's like it's written in some form of code I dont understand, all I understand is FIND ME followed by what I'm assuming is an address. I sigh and attempt to get some sleep, hoping this sensation of mine doesn't get any worse.
One night it did get worse. I thought it odd it wanted me to consume what I assumed was animals from the forest, whole and raw. But animals weren't enough... Eventually it couldn't stomach them, or any food for that matter. Tonight it wanted something more...And it got it, I wasn't happy but it damn well got it.
It wouldn't stop, this voice wanted me to eat but no matter what I tried the odd feelings wouldn't go, it just got worse, almost like a "no, not that try again."
Until it picked up a scent. Everything almost happened in a blur, If it wasn't for the recurring nightmares for a week afterwards I probably wouldn't even have known what It did... What I did...
Finally the voice picks up, It speaks in a hungered hiss "that scent... Follow it!"
Who even knew I could run like that? and are those claws? Where my nails where? No surely not? Right?
"It's close... And it smells... Perfect."
"I don't like the sound of this..." Is what I would have liked to say back to myself... Well this beastly version anyway but right now it's kinda hard to considering... well...
The smell gets stronger as I run and my head begins to almost burn between the eyebrows... And my throat almost feels like I could breathe fire right now it burns so much...
"Oh... It smells human... Heh heh..." The voice pipes up, Almost through me But somehow not.
Suddenly my body stops and I sense something moving closer to me via vibrations on the soil below. Is it an animal?
An unknown voice echoes through the air. And by the feels of it... Is getting closer... Not now!
My new found uhh... Beastly side is getting worse the closer it gets... I'm almost sure I'm drooling right now... What is this?
"Uh hello? Anyone or anything there? I'm kinda lost... And alone..." The unknown pipes up again.
"Oh I dig this!" The beast hisses inside me,
The bushes before me rustle to show a girl Roughly in her early twenties by the looks of it. She attempts conversation as if blissfully unaware of the current situation and the hungry aura I'm possibly emmiting.
"Oh hello I didn't notice you there who a-" "LEAVE!" I manage to snarl. My beastly side wasn't the best at physical conversation it seemed,
"But I don't know how I'm lost and I thought you cou-"
"DONT CARE!" Seriously why aren't you running from the thing in front of you, More Creature than man at this point, are you oblivious?
"Wow okay your kind of an asshole you know that you could at least-"
"NOW!" She steps closer... Bad mistake "Alright mister I don't know what your problem is but-"
I Grip onto her almost instinctively and yank her closer... Those claws from earlier accidentally scratching her sides... And that really sets it off.
"Yes! Yes! Blood! Eat, Destroy, Consume!" I could really do with not making this worse right now but it's damn hard,
The voice hisses again "yes, Go on"
"I'm... Sorry..." I Pull her hair aside, Feel what are sharp canines protrude from where there was only gum before, Wait as in fangs? "For This!" And go straight for the throat...
Without even thinking I impulsively lap up the sweet red blood inside, okay not like sweet in taste, the taste was kind of like if you mixed pennies with raspberry sorbet, metallic yet addicting and sharp and without a care, I take the lot. The hunger subsides, my head feels better and most of all my mouth is fine!
I feel the body flump to the floor and suddenly snap to my more normal senses. I scratch the nearest tree in anger and I growl but at least it was like an angered human this time, or at least the best I can now I'm whatever this thing is...
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