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contentloadingandstuff · 4 days ago
Hi! Hope u r doing well
I wanna ask when can we expect the sequel to equals cuz I for one can’t wait anymore
When? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe in two weeks, I guess? Yeah, why not. Likely earlier if I get my stuff in order. Enjoy a teaser in the meantime.
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contentloadingandstuff · 4 days ago
Teaser for Equals III, updates
Straight to the point. Equals part 3 is cooking on a small flame. Why? I'll explain further down. Have a teaser.
Respected Yumemizuki Mizuki, It has been a while since our last outing, and I cannot help but wonder if you hold a grudge for that jovial bit of teasing regarding the recent customer crisis of your bathhouse. I can only assure you I meant no harm, and pray most piously to the Sacred Sakura for your forgiveness. It was my intention all along to motivate you out of your, do not take offence, rather pathetic state of defeatism. Judging by how the issue was resolved, it seems that my ploy found significant success. Wouldn’t you agree? Regardless, there is a matter of great importance that happens to require our attention. I am sure the situation regarding a certain destructive white fox has reached your adorable, pointy ears - it is indeed the topic of this letter. You may remember that he was rescued quite recently from the open ocean, but until yesterday, he was rather docile in terms of behavior. His sudden outburst worries me greatly; dark bags under his eyes, seemingly relentless night terrors and his words all lead me to the conclusion that his unprecedented episode of mania is related to his dreams. I will share more details at my home - feel free to visit me at your earliest convenience. Haste would be appreciated as the sedatives will wear off in about a day or so; I believe the opportunity to examine him without resistance will significantly speed up our work.  If you indeed hold a grudge towards me, I ask you to do it for him, not for me. Awaiting your visit,  The Beloved, Beautiful and Powerful Kitsune Guuji of the Narukami Shrine Yae Miko
Now, updates. My brain has been in a washing machine of stuff recently - changing majors, my family's disapproval, my translating job, getting my documents ready and relentlessly worrying about every little thing in the world. In creative terms, I've been having a period of puppy-like attention span recently. I've written something for Bittersweet Endings (a collection of short aftermaths of the breakup series), a more hardcore fic including Signiora being a vile charactered but hot woman as well as something unrelated to Genshin - an attempt at making a scientific entry regarding Drowners, creatures from Slavic folklore. Recently I got an idea for doing something akin to the SCP Foundation, but taking an ordinary zoology approach to fictional beasts - speculative evolution, taxonomy, ecology and occultism all included. But you guys probably aren't interested in that. Oh, and I've been writing out a plan for a potential fic; monster hunter reader does a contract for Cloud Retainer, taking along his love Shenhe and young Chongyun to show him some exorcisms in practice.
So yeah, lots of stuff. Too bad fantasies of potential fics can't turn them into posts...
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contentloadingandstuff · 10 days ago
Bondrewd reader from Made In Abyss
Made In Abyss...?
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contentloadingandstuff · 20 days ago
Breaking up with Them - Ayaka x Male!Reader
A/N: A bit Dark Days-y. Enjoy!
CW: Nothing.
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“Then, we got a report that another fetch was sighted in the city.”
Ayaka whispers confidentially, staring up at the night sky as she leans against the cold, stone wall of the Kamisato Estate. The air around her is cool, but the voice behind the wall brings a warmth to her heart, so comfortingly familiar. 
You whisper, putting your mouth close to a small hole in the wall. “I've heard about it. It spooked a woman, right?”
Your lover nods, though out of your view. “Yes, that's right. But she wasn't hurt, thank the Shogun. The little Bake-Danuki didn't mean any harm, after all.”
A chuckle. “Mischievous cuties, aren't they?”
She smiles, lowering her head to keep it from showing. Just being here this late at night was risky enough. But she had a plan, clutched right in her hand. Some sort of astrological scribbles and diagrams she bought from a foreign astrologer - she didn't understand what they were for or how to decipher them, but fortunately, nobody else did either. It was a good excuse in case one of the staff noticed her, talking to herself against the outer wall. ‘I was just analysing the night sky’, she would claim while you scurried away into the darkness. 
Her brother already found out about her heart's longings for the common folk when he noticed you being a bit too friendly with her. You were ousted, but Ayato did not publicly declare the reason for your termination - for your own safety. If the news that the princess mingled romantically with a peasant, the reputation of the Kamisato clan would be tarnished. In Inazuma, there was hardly any flexibility or room for tolerance amongst the obstinate higher class, one the siblings had to put up with. Ayaka knew that her brother would bless her marriage if he could - you were a kind and loyal person, after all. But he couldn't ignore the consequences and put her up for ostracism and scrutiny, to be pelted with dishonouring accusations. 
But her heart longed for you, and yours longed for her. You weren't allowed to enter the estate again, so the only way was to meet here, way back on the estate grounds with a thick wall separating you. It was too tall to climb so the guard did not patrol much here, and if he did, you could easily hear him approach before he turned the corner and climb down the rocky shelf to safety, out of view. Ayaka would then sneak back into her quarters, away from any suspicions. 
“I wish you were there.” She sighs, groping the scroll in her hands. “There were many Yokai, all of those that still interact with humanity. And even some more.”
She turns her head slightly, peeking through the hole to see your smiling face. “Some sort of sentient staff came up to us, you know? Miko relegated it to one of her shrine maidens, of course, as it could not speak yet.”
Your eyes meet with her silver gaze, warm against the harsh ocean winds whipping your back. “Typical, I say. Since it could not speak, I bet she found it boring.”
You hear a hum from the other end. “Yes, I'm sure she would love to tease it. But alas, she could not. So she gave it away, and I saw the Traveler walking around with it.”
“I suppose it found a good home, though knowing him, he'll likely just hit things with it.”
Ayaka covers her mouth with her hand to stifle a laugh. Footsteps. “I bet, dear!” 
You smile at her adorable attempt. If only you could see her face, see her mouth turn up at your words, her eyes closing and her delicate, royal hand, courtly holding the chuckle in. If only…
A sigh escapes your lips. You lift your hand up and stick your pinky finger through the small hole. 
“Can we… hold fingers for a while?” You ask, your voice almost pleading. 
“Of course, love.”
You soon feel her middle finger touch yours. It's small. So lovably small. Like the girl herself, you think. You will never forget that one time when you hugged her. Your arms enveloped her entire frame, her cheek rested on your chest, feminine hands holding onto your back for comfort. Footsteps. You treasure that memory just as much as you treasured that moment. She felt safe, by her own admission. She didn't feel alone. She felt in love. 
Pulling out your fingers, you both look through the opening. Your eyes meet. 
For the briefest of moments. 
“Got you!”
Ayaka jumps as she sees an armour-clad fist slam against your head. Her eyes open wide, hands immediately finding her mouth to stop the gasp from getting out. She watches in horror as your body hits the ground, quickly curling up as you receive a powerful kick to the stomach. You cough as the familiar, uniformed figure of Hirano towers over you, holding you at spearpoint. 
“What were you thinking, huh!? Spying on the Kamisato Clan! How long were you here, fleabag? Why are you here?”
You refuse to answer, instead looking at Ayaka through the opening. You notice the silver glint of tears and panic mixing in her eyes. A sharp sting of pain shoots through your chest as Hirano strikes you with the butt of his weapon. 
“Answer me! I'll have you hanged, whoever you are, I swear by the Shogun!” The guard shouts at you, his tone striking fear into your heart. He was right, after all. That was most likely what awaited you. 
You stay silent, covering your head with your hands. The guard groans and stomps on you with all his might, making you whine in pain. “Help me! I need backup behind the estate! I've caught a spy!”
On the other side of the wall, Ayaka’s heart beats fast, so fast that she feels like it will tear apart any moment. You've been had, you've been had and you will be killed. They will torture you and they will execute you. They will boil you alive, crucify you or throw you into the sea with stones tied to your ankles because of her. No. No. No! She bites her fingers, chewing on them in stress as her mind flips through the options. She can't attack Hirano, she can't admit she loves you… Then what can she do!?
She gasps. Yes! 
“Hirano, sta-” Ayaka can't finish her command as a big hand clasps over her mouth. She squeals in panic, desperately wiggling to break free and save you. But a familiar voice reaches her ears.
“What are you doing, sister?!” Ayato hisses, still silencing Ayaka with his hand. He can't let her utter a word more - things are bad already as-is. The man's ears stake out for any reactions from beyond the wall. 
“Huh?” The guard says, making Ayato furrow his brow. Ayaka’s desperate resistance slows to a halt, the tension in her body palpable. “Hello? Is anybody there? Lord Ayato? Lady Ayaka?”
“Shh. Stay quiet.” He whispers to his younger sister, the girl nodding and squeezing her teary eyes shut, afraid of what will happen next. 
“Hirano! Stand down! I'm a m-” Your voice is kicked shut, but the older sibling lets out a sigh of relief. You think quickly, that's good. 
Without a word more, Ayato walks backwards, pulling his sibling away from the wall with him. The situation has been saved, as much as it could have been, but he can't risk it. His heart clenches at the image of Ayaka, desperately dashing over the wall to save you. He knows how much she values you, but he needs to handle the situation properly.
A moment later, Ayaka is sat down on the estate stairs. Ayato kneels down to her eye level, but Ayaka refuses to look him in the eyes. She sobs softly, hands clutching her dress in resigned despair. 
There are a million things he wants to say. His anger wants him to ask her why. Why would she be stupid enough to risk herself and you this way? Why would she love you in the first place? He wants to tell her: ‘congratulations, you've got him killed’, but the sight of his darling sister, breaking down in horror at likely just this thought, stops the words from sounding out and reason quickly makes its way back to his mind. 
It's love. Love is stupid and reckless by design. 
“I'll… Do what I can, Ayaka.”
He embraces her, letting her bury herself in his shoulder, muting her heartbreaking sobs. Ayato’s hand goes up to her hair, stroking it in an attempt to comfort her. 
“I promise.”
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Thanks for reading.
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contentloadingandstuff · 20 days ago
My face when daydreaming about a fic won't make it appear in my Docs:
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contentloadingandstuff · 25 days ago
The more stuff I write for the main character of Equals, the more I like him. To a point when I just want to move on from the x reader format and make him his own little guy, and name him Factorial. Would you be alright with this?
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contentloadingandstuff · 29 days ago
random question but how did you come up with your username, just wondering after i spent a good 10 minutes trying to remember it (
i think at some point i accidently wrote contentandstuffworking :sob:)
Hey there! Well, I have to admit that I didn't really base it on anything, but I was inspired, so to speak, by polish meme Facebook pages. They are usually named using "posting" or "content". I just thought about it while I was naming my blog and boom - contentloadingandstuff was born. So there's not much of a story behind it.
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contentloadingandstuff · 29 days ago
Update: Life, writing, stuff.
Hello people who still follow this blog! There's not been much posted, however that doesn't mean I wasn't busy. Some effort was required, but I managed to get in contact with three different people and work on various things - game design, translation and writing. I've been doing my best there. It's important to me, as I am planning to change my studies major from law to cognitive sciences. Recently, I also had to deal with all sorts of compulsory military commission stuff, which will be finalised with me being examined by a medical committe. Well, at least there's no forced military service in Poland. As for what I'm writing for the blog, I've been planning another part of Equals. In it, Miko will take a shortcut and get some help to learn more about the white-furred fox that fell into her hands.
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contentloadingandstuff · 1 month ago
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contentloadingandstuff · 1 month ago
What is a Husband's Role? - Liyue Girls x Male!Reader
A/N: Exams might be over for me, but now, of course, I got a notice that I have to submit myself to a military assessment, compulsory for all men in their 19th year of life. Wonderful. Anyway, enjoy! CW: None.
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Question: Who is a husband to you? What is his role?
Beidou: Well, it's quite simple. Y/N is a tough guy, one that's not afraid of taking the world on his shoulders if need be. He handles things in my absence, keeping the Crux’s land-based businesses afloat. While I don't take him out to sea that much, I'd rather have him well and good just in case, he's more than adequate at running the fleet. Me? Heh, he always has my back. Whenever I drink, he stays sober and makes sure I'm taken care of and back home safely and he keeps my bunk warm at night. He's one hell of a man in the sheets too- Why are you blushing, eh? Not the kind of answer you expected? A gal has her needs, I'll have you know. 
Ganyu: My husband is the light of my life. Y/N treats me like a precious flower, tending to my needs and admiring me like the most beautiful thing in this world. When he holds me, he does so with utmost care and attention. His affection makes me feel safe and loved. Thanks to him, I learned to balance work and life again. But even when I'm on the clock, he visits me everyday for my midday nap. All of his support has been crucial for my self-esteem and my efficiency at work. Without him, I don't know where I would be today. Hm? T-too scientific…? I'm s-sorry, I've just been thinking about it a lot…
Hu Tao: Ah, yes! My partner in crime, my muse, and the man ensuring the continuation of the Hu bloodline! Aiya, whatever would my world be without him? It would be as bleak as the space between life and death, with me - a sad, wailing soul, eager to find the comforting warmth of another… I'm lucky enough to have it already. His role in this marriage is not just being my lover, but being my best friend too! He's always open to my shenanigans and eagerly listens to all of my poetic scribbles, praising me and giving constructive criticism in equal measure. Y/N is not deterred by my work, and never ever turns a cold shoulder towards me. He's there when I want to mess around, when I need help or when I just want to lay in his arms and twirl his hair. Mm, I can already picture our lovely heirs! I hope they'll have his eyes~. 
Keqing: I would like to confess something, if that is alright with you. Before I became a wife and a mother, I didn't truly understand what I was fighting for. I have been taught to work towards the preservation of an abstract idea of Liyue, a homogeneous mass of people and the land along with it. I fought for it, yes, but now I know that I didn't truly comprehend what Liyue is. When I first woke up alongside my husband and when I first held my daughter in my arms, I finally understood. I understood that I'm fighting for the people, not as some vague collective, but as individuals. I'm working and fighting for husbands such as Y/N, wives such as myself, and children like my own. I would give my life for my loved ones a hundred times over, and I can work twice as hard, knowing that I do so for the future of my family and every other family in Liyue. My husband opened my eyes, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Lan Yan: Hey - that's no way to think about your beloved! Love is not inherently about being useful to each other, it's more about feelings and companionship. For example, I can't say that taking Y/N with me when picking rattan is making the process easier or faster; I could easily do it myself. But I invite him just to have him near. Hearing his voice comforts me, and to be honest, I've been by his side so long that I just feel… off without him. What if it stormed, or what if night caught me by surprise? He would be worried sick, I'm sure… Or what if I met a ghoul or a jiangshi while out? I m-mean, I have a Vision and everything, but is it wrong to feel safer around my big, strong husband?
Ningguang: I find it fairly obvious - he is to support me, to comfort me and to keep me company. If you would like a more personal take on the matter, I'd say that Y/N, for me, is a precious antique - surely the most valuable of all. His role is to be a feast for my eyes and my heart, nothing less, nothing more. I wouldn't want to drag him into my business, as that would be foolishly risking his life. His role is to satisfy my emotional and physical desires - after all, true fulfillment in these areas cannot be bought by Mora. 
Shenhe: Well, I learned that a husband's role is… Hm? You want me to answer in my own words? Oh, I see. Then… I used to think that a husband is meant to give his wife children. It is what I thought for most of my life, until I met Y/N. Y/N’s presence, his words and touch, cause a comforting warmth to spread through my chest. I learned that this is what love truly means. It's a sense of safety, but it is exciting all the same. I want him closer, but my usual dark visions do not appear in my mind. I do not feel the pressure of my soul straining against the red ropes. He calms me, he makes me feel safe. Now I understand the importance of having a soul to share one's life with. I understand now what the word ‘husband’ means. And I am… happy with Y/N by my side. 
Xinyan: I love Y/N because he honestly loves me for who I am. No matter if I rock and roll or feel in the mood for something softer, he'll jam out to it with me. And he's one hell of a guy, let me tell you! He's not afraid to go all in with me, no matter what. I thought about going on tour? He's there with me. I wanna save some Mora to upgrade my guitar? You guessed it, he pitches in as much as he can! I feel like stealing him and partying the night away? He never says no. That's the best man a gal can ask for!
Xianyun: Hmph. Are you implying One's choice of husband is poor? One will have you know that Y/N is of the finest sort - a body that would make the gods of old jealous and a mind that rivals One's own. It is the latter that’s of utmost importance - One doesn't see a husband as a mere nod-along, but as a man that is capable of challenging his wife's character and inciting her to grow. As such, don't be concerned by Y/N arguing my points at any point in time. It is what One desires, and loves about him the most. 
Xiangling: Ooh, where do I start! My hubby is the best sous chef in the world - he makes sure that the kitchen is stocked up, clean and well organised, letting me focus on my favourite part - cooking! Whenever I need to get ingredients, he takes my place in the restaurant. Sometimes we go out together to get some new ingredients and experiment a little. He's good at cutting up meat, hunting down that meat and defending me if any of my ingredients decides it wants to snack on me. And, when we camp for the night, his cuddles are just the best! Both my dad and Guoba approve of Y/N, so I suppose my taste in boys isn't that bad after all. 
Yelan: A woman my age, and in my line of work, can't be blamed for giving up and thinking she'll be alone until the end, right? That was the Yelan my husband met a few years back. And yet here I am today, a married woman. I knew I was missing out, but I just couldn't imagine how delightful it feels to have someone propping up my back - not for a mission, or a profession, but for life. My husband is my safety net. His arms are my hideout where I can rest from the stress of my daily work. I never want to lose him, which is why I have him stay low and always keep the eyes of my most trusted agent on him. Nobody is going to sneak up on my man - not while my heart still beats. 
Yun Jin: His use? Ah, I think I can answer that with a single word - adventure. I always dreamt of journeying across the outside world, and love is such a journey. Y/N is my companion on it, holding my hand whenever I feel scared or unsure, standing steadfast by my side. He lets me experience so many feelings and emotions I could only imagine before he took my heart… Hehe, stories of love I sing in opera don’t come close to experiencing a husband’s warmth yourself.  
Yanfei: Well, who else would listen to me ramble on about my passion other than my lovely Y/N? I swear, no matter how many versions or iterations of Liyue’s legal history I read out to him, he never gets sleepy! He even asks questions and actually remembers what each chapter was about, can you believe that?! Hehe, seriously now; he’s a great partner, both in life and in a discussion. Y/N makes some room in his schedule for visiting me at work every day of the week, and always brings some mean snacks with him. Oh - you have to try his crab cakes, they’ll blow your socks off! And who ever said that guys can’t cook, right? 
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Thanks for reading!
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
Halfway done with the exams - I will need to retake at least two, but I've knocked out two very difficult ones
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
Ideas Poll
Basically, what it says on the tin - I have ideas, I'll focus on the one that you pick. I thought that, since due to university I haven't been able to write that much, I would do this to give you something in return for being patient with my posting schedule - or lack thereof.
To the option that wins I will dedicate more time. That doesn't mean the rest is going into the trash, of course!
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
I really hope John MiHoyo won't ban me for this...
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(Edit: fixed a mistake)
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
Okay so apparently, out of the 334 people in my semester, 2/3 (including me) failed one particular class (history of state and law in Poland) in the first approach. Nobody got an A.
This is not normal. I refuse to believe that the teacher could be declared reasonable in his test expectations. And that's just the class, the finals are going to be even worse - assuming I even pass that failed test the second time around. I'll likely do that, just to faceplant into the exam. Good times. Good times indeed.
A fic is in the works - pious reader and the Mondstadt cast. But don't hold your breath, my finals are just next week.
But, seeing the way things are going now, it looks like I'll have a lot of time for writing when they kick my ass out the door. That is, between my McDonald's shifts and laying huddled in the corner, crying.
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
Vent post - sorry for it not being a fic.
There's just a 5% chance that I will finish my semester and pass to the next. Yeah, guys. Magik time.
There's just no chance that I will. I have a total of 9 exams to go through, regarding very difficult and very extensive topics. No matter how much I will encourage myself or try to study, there's just no way that I will pass. But I will have to wait for the end of February to see if my fate really is sealed.
Of course I could just swap to a different major, but that would require me to live out over seven months of wallowing in my shame and failure, while working to earn my keep.
And you know, I'm not saying this to get attention or anything, I've never been the type of person that benefited that much just from kind words, like that of my family or friends, so it wouldn't do me good. Besides, nothing can help me now. I'm incapable of crunch, at least this level of crunch that would be necessary to pass. It's also not a "cry for help", as I said, nothing can help me now.
Well, we'll have to see how it goes. It's not a matter of if, but of when I will fail. But yeah, can't make any promises. Sorry.
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
It's never wrong to vent when you need it. Be it here or in any other place. This is your little corner of the internet! You're allowed to do as you please, even more since you have a completely valid excuse to talk about some frustrations. Keeping things bottled up isn't healthy, after all.
Writing is such a beautiful skill, and it's more complex than anyone realizes. Everyone can write, but not everyone can do so in a satisfying way. You, my friend, have that spark that makes your own works unique. Chin up!
Please keep up your great work, but when things get rough and need someplace to vent? Do it here, I'm sure there's people who will sympathize with you and don't mind seeing you vent.
You're right. To be fair, in certain moments, the random collection of internet people that happen to interact with me through the blog have showed me more kindness and understanding than the people around me. I cannot state how important this blog is to me, even if my posting schedule isn't how it should be. I check in daily, frequently reread comments, look over the asks top to bottom (though sometimes I do need to think about what I should answer). It's important to me. I would feel quite lonesome without it, and the small amount of stress it does cause is not nearly problematic.
I find it difficult to write lately because of exams (a total of 10 needs to be done, plus some other stuff on the side); I'll be done roughly in late February, assuming I pass and don't just get the boot (which is genuinely an option here, this stuff is NOT easy); if I don't pass, I can't promise I will behave responsibly. But we'll have to see. I do have plenty of ideas though.
Again, thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
What would you like to see in Equals III?
Since Equals isn't really meant to be a proper narrative like Mortuarius (if anybody still remembers it - by the way, a remake from ground up is in the works), I'm very open to requests when it comes to topics and interactions. I think it would have more potential as a sort of AU for me to write in. So, comment down below or throw your ideas into the asks - as always, I will look into each one.
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