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fabeuless 7 years ago
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Because I鈥檝e managed to injure my left shoulder YET AGAIN, my morning practice included lots of shoulder openers and absolutely NO arm balances 馃槙. One-armed tiger pose is an easily approachable shoulder stretch that helped to ease the strain. #highlyfragile #shouldermobility #onearmedtigerpose #ekahastavyaghrasana #yogapractice #meandmymat #fitwomen #texasyogi #strengthandflexibility #yogastrong #igyoga #beginneryoga #altarego #moondance #breathebetter #whenindoubtstretchitout #yogife #breathebetter #yogatherapy #namaste
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funfoyer-blog 11 years ago
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@jeffreybyl gets his daily dose while @dowmankyle works on his ski ballet in the background #jacksonhole #WhenInDoubtStretchItOut @stiomountain
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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What better month to open your heart than February? Full lord of the dance pose is a heart and shoulder opener and a potent stretch for the hamstrings and quads. 馃挄馃挒馃挀馃挆馃挅馃挊#heartopeners #natarajasana #fulllordofthedancepose #yogastrong #strengthandbalance #standingpose #shoulderopener #strengthandflexibility #whenindoubtstretchitout #openyourheart #meandmymat #igyoga #yogaanywhere #lululemon #wunderunders #swifty #yogapose #fitwomen #texasyogi #fitfebruary #yogapractice #breathebetter #yogalife #flipyourgrip #texasyogi #getstrong #lordofthedance #findyourdrishti #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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There鈥檚 NOTHING better than a yoga flow to follow leg day. The intense hamstring stretch found in compass pose has never felt better. #compasspose #parivrttasuryayantrasana #sundialpose #matmonday #hamstringstretch #hipopener #shoulderopener #whenindoubtstretchitout #texasyogi #yogaathome #meandmymat #ashtanga #igyoga #yogapose #yogapractice #breathebetter #aloyoga #beagoddess #goddessleggings #nevermissamonday #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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Turn that frown upside down-there鈥檚 an inversion for that. Super soldier pose will change your point of view. #supersoldierpose #supersunday #inversion #turnthatfrownupsidedown #hamstringstretch #hipopener #balancepose #yogastrong #strengthandflexibility #ashtanga #findyourdrishti #whenindoubtstretchitout #sidebodystretch #strengthandbalance #yogaathome #igyoga #aloyoga #godessleggings #invertedcompasspose #texasyogi #breathebetter #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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Taking aim at the weekend with an upward facing bow. Happy Friday Jr.馃徆馃幆. This intense backbend offers an outstanding stretch and strengthens arms, legs, and core. #ekapadaurdhvadhanurasana #oneleggedwheelpose #upwardfacingbow #wheelposevariation #aimtrue #yogastrong #yogapractice #igyoga #strengthandflexibility #strongerthanyesterday #yoga #texasyogi #yogaathome #meandmymat #bendy #breathebetter #whenindoubtstretchitout #inversion #backbend #ladieswholift #fabletics #fittexas #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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It's so important to set your intention before your begin your yoga practice for the day. Otherwise you might end up just (literally) going through the motions. My intention today was to relax, unspool myself, and release some pent up tension. Uncomplicated standing poses like bird of paradise and hand to big toe were ideal for this. #standingpose #handtobigtoepose #utthitahastapadangusthasana #birdofparadisepose #svargadvijasana #yogapose #unspool #chillout #setyourintention #yogabasics #igyoga #yogaathome #yogapractice #meandmymat #yoga #humpdayyoga #breathebetter #extend #midweekmadness #texasyogi #findyourdrishti #whenindoubtstretchitout #yogaflow #ladieswholift #yogastrong #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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When you gotta take that stretch to infinity and beyond, there's a pose for that. Infinity Pose or reclined compass is an exceptional hamstring stretch and hip opener. #toinfinityandbeyond #infinitypose #recliningcompasspose #suptasuryayantrasana #meandmymat #thighthursday #yogaathome #igyoga #yogastrong #strongerthanyesterday #flexibilitytraining #strengthandflexibility #doyouevenyoga #bendy #whenindoubtstretchitout #yogapose #breathebetter #yoga #namaste (at Infinity & Beyond)
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana for #SeptemberSplits today. This pose is an intense hamstring stretch that also strengthens the quads, hamstrings, and glutes of the kicking leg. Makes for an excellent asana to lead in to leg day. #urdvhaprasaritaekapadasana #yoga #inversion #standingpose #balancepose #strengthandbalance #yogastrong #strengthandbalance #hamstringstretch #beagoddess #aloyoga #yogapose #longandstrong #yogaathome #yogapractice #splits #breathebetter #fittexas #ladieswholift #whenindoubtstretchitout #hipopener #intermidiateyoga #igyoga #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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No better pose for rest day than #anantasana, aka Vishnu's Couch. Goes great with my couch. #recliningpose #vishnuscouch #eternalonespose #restday #restdayasana #yoga #igyoga #yogapose #yogaathome #strengthandflexibility #flexibilitytraining #whenindoubtstretchitout #yogaflow #corestrength #relax #yogastrong #strongerthanyesterday #breathebetter #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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Monday is the perfect time to renew your direction and reset your compass. #compasspose #parivrttasuryayantrasana #sundialpose #newdirections #mondayyoga #mondaymotivation #nevermissamonday #hipopener #hamstringstretch #shoulderopener #yogastrong #matmonday #yoga #yogapose #yogaathome #yogastrong #igyoga #meandmymat #strengthandflexibility #flexibilitytraining #limber #yogi #whenindoubtstretchitout #breathebetter #findyourway #namaste
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fabeuless 7 years ago
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Wednesdays are for yoga. My practice today was very focused on deep stretches for the hamstrings, hip flexors, and psoas. Baby grasshopper and mermaid pose help to ease the tightness that weightlifting can bring. #babygrasshopper #babygrasshopperpose #parsvabhujadandasana #modifiedpose #mermaidpose #ekapadarajakapotasana #strengthandflexibility #yogastrong #fittexas #workoutwednesday #yogapose #yogawednesday #yoga #breathebetter #strongerthanyesterday #whenindoubtstretchitout #flexibility #armbalance #humpdayyoga #humpday #stretch #yogaforrecovery #yogapractice #yogaathome #namaste
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fabeuless 8 years ago
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It's only Tuesday and I've already trained legs twice this week. A quick yoga session was very necessary to work out the kinks. #sugarcanepose #ardhachandrachapasana #sugarcane #halfmoonvariation #boundhalfmoon #halfmoonpose #heysugar #standingpose #backbend #hamstringstretch #quadricepstretch #balancepose #yogaathome #meandmymat #strengthandflexibility #balance #yogastrong #strongerthanyesterday #yoga #yogaposes #poser #tuesdayyoga #flexibilitytraining #whenindoubtstretchitout #mobilitytraining #yogini #igyoga #bendy #bodyspace #namaste
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fabeuless 8 years ago
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I train legs a bunch and I find that hip openers are key to maintaining mobility in a fatigued lower body. Today, I did this lizard sequence at home before heading in for an hour in the studio. #bodyspace #yoga #lizardpose #lizardposevariations #fulllizard #flyinglizard #utthanpristhasana #lizardqueen #hipopener #armbalance #yogastrong #mobilitytraining #flexibilitytraining #poser #yogapractice #strongerthanyesterday #ladieswholift #lafitness #breathebetter #dracolizard #collaredlizard #yogaeverywednesday #yogaathome #meandmymat #studioyoga #yogaflow #namaste #lizardleggings #whenindoubtstretchitout
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fabeuless 8 years ago
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Finally back on track with my weekly yoga. I was off my game for a while, but it feels great to be #backonthemat. #yoga #yogaathome #meandmymat #wednesdayyoga #flexibilitytraining #whenindoubtstretchitout #bendy #fittexas #strikeapose #aloyoga #godessleggings #poser #yogaposes #crsecentvariations #mermaidlunge #hipopener #hamstringstretch #upavisthakonasana #straddlesplits #wideangleseatedforwardbend #treepose #tadasana #balance #breathebetter #namaste #happyhumpday #humpdayyoga #yogapractice #workoutwednesday
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