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dramaticfangirling · 4 years ago
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you have been visited by El Caballo. El Caballo wishes you a very pleasant day.
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davecrosland · 5 years ago
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Sketchin’ up a real sourpuss social club... • • • #sourpuss #turnthatfrownupsidedown #ink #davecrosland #sketchbook (at South Pasadena, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64dRbSDNdy/?igshid=wkdj48u3p51v
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goldiqlust · 6 years ago
Did a little cutting of recording to fit in the main lyrics #turnthatfrownupsidedown #dayslikethis #retro #retweet Goldiq.com/?ref=28 #lifeisgood #bass #nowirehangers #shareforshare #followforfollowback #retweet https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKeAsojHSK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mqq9z7utuz2m
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craftygirlstv · 6 years ago
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When Monday gets you down, do what Gus does. 😻💕💜❤️😴😂😹 - #gus #funnycat #oneofthesethingsisnotliketheother #cozy #mondayblues #turnthatfrownupsidedown #cuddle #beanieboos #sleepycat #socute https://www.instagram.com/p/BrNyOgPHz2S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=plbs33ujycph
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share2seed · 3 years ago
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#TheMatrix #TruthOverIgnorance #ChooseWisely #TurnThatFrownUpsideDown https://www.instagram.com/p/CVYTkl6Pe_Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lain0423 · 4 years ago
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Looking ahead to another vacation like 😃😁😊 It’s been a week! Anything that could have gone wrong, pretty much did! I wanted to focus on the positives, but when you’re hit when you’re already down, it’s hard to change that mindset! It is OK to be a grump, to get in a funk, to have bad days, but move on, get past it, and turn that frown upside down! 🙃😉🥰 Couldn’t link this exact maxi dress, but found lots of similar dresses AND they are part of #amazondealoftheday today!! Throw on a denim jacket and mules and transition in to the Fall! 📲 http://liketk.it/3m96A • •• ••• •••• #fridayfashion #fridayvibes #badweek #turnthatfrownupsidedown #betterdaysarecoming #ootd #ootdfashion #ootdstyle #maxidress #toryburchsandals #stelladotstyle #summerstyle #fallfashion #fallstyle #momstyle #influencer #microinfluencer #weekendvibes #whattoweartoday #workstyle #teacherstyle #amazonfashion #amazonstyle #blackdresses #fridayfeels #dmtocollab #ltkfashion #ltkstyletip #ltkstyle @shop.ltk @liketoknow.it.usa @amazonfashion @amazon @toryburch @stelladot (at Downingtown, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSzQLoTs70w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lostmylenscap · 7 years ago
Kids are so weird
They'll gripe and groan and do awkward grimacing “smiles” throughout an entire session and then be like
"Ugh! I'm not smiling in any of them!"
Like no. You're not. Because you're a little shit so now you have to deal with lame shots of your lame self because you couldn’t just smile for the camera when your mom asked you to
I’m not a sorcerer. If you Refuse to smile for me the entire time you’re not gonna somehow magically look nice in the pictures afterwards
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Let’s flip that chart & get to the good part!😉 summer of DOGECOIN anyone????😎🐕🐕🐕🐾 #turnthatfrownupsidedown #makeitraincrypto #dogecoin 🐕 #cryptocoins #cryptomining #bitcoinmining #litecoinmining #cryptomemes #buythedip #disappointmentmemes #disappointmentcomics #charts #altcoinmining #ethereum #litecoin #nebulas #turnthatfrownupsidedown🙃 #ripplecoin #financialmarkets #cryptomarkets #losemoney #sandiego #sandiegosummer2018 #memeeconomy #hodlgram #makeitrain #longterminvestment #memesquad #doge #cryptocurrencymemes 🐕🚀🌕 (at San Diego, California)
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robynanonymous · 4 years ago
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#Itsthelittlethingsinlife that make me #happy these days. • Waking up before my alarm • Having a delicious smoothie for breakfast • Tickling my grandson #Happinessisachoice that each of us must make. We need to set our #happinessgoals and show up with our #happyintentions if we want to show the world that #lifeisbetterhappy #Behappyonpurpose and share your #happiness with everyone you meet. The smile on your face may be just what that stranger needs to #turnthatfrownupsidedown What makes you happy???? . https://www.instagram.com/p/CLfABF6jFpW/?igshid=o3txfj0gd9x0
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kellebjammin · 4 years ago
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Ever have just one of those odd days? Not bad, sort of productive, but not great... Today was that for me, there was just something in the air that was fighting me all day... 😖 I love getting creative in the kitchen, but today the prospects of a plain, but good, left over hearty chicken & potato soup was not a thrilling end to this lackluster day. Meh 😒 Things can change for the good, even at the last minute, so I decided to give this leftover soup a much needed make over to save this day! 🥄🍗🥕🥔🥬🌱🍲🤤 I added some Italian sausage, frozen peas & spinach, fresh carrots, a hint of half & half and finished it off with an unexpected addition of dill (Yes, dill!!! Try it people!)! 🤩🥳😍🤤 WOWZA! That old adage about chicken soup is legit! This was just what the doctor ordered for my mediocre day! I feel warm, cozy and content again! Tomorrow will be a great day!!!! 🙏😳🤪 . . . . . . #kellebjammin #kellebcookin #turnthatfrownupsidedown #meh #leftovers #leftovermakeover #nomnom #chickens. #chickensoup #chickensoupforthesoul #remix #restyle #goodeats #heartymeal #soup #soupseason #wintertime #eatyourveggies #peas #carrots #dill #potato #toast #toasttuesday #italiansausage #creamy (at Lubbock, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ97YAZg5zR/?igshid=jyjw858bu4to
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adogsway · 4 years ago
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why the long faces? it’s friday! 🙃 #turnthatfrownupsidedown https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGRTKZJvwW/?igshid=1c6kc42s7w065
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froggy1003 · 4 years ago
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Random dog cuteness for you! #RandomDog #turnthatfrownupsidedown #Dogs #FallDog #AutumnVibes #dogsmakeeveryonehappy #AllAboutTheDogs #FrogsLoveDogs (at Froggy 100.3) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHLvj8AnqGu/?igshid=951qs9r5gu36
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sheahulse · 4 years ago
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Workouts to do at home! . And the best sportswear to workout in 😉 now on my blog! #sponsored . Seriously...if you aren’t or haven’t been #workingoutathome during 2020, why not!?!? I’m not a doctor...btw. . If you don’t already know...#workingout releases endorphins and other “happy” brain chemicals that literally can turn that #negativenancy talk in your head to all #positivevibes in like a matter of seconds. . I mean, I’m not a doctor, but research it! . All I know is all that “these four walls are closing in on me” feelings go out the window when I work out. . Those feelings of “why me” turn into “why NOT me?” (Because obviously you’re awesome 😎 and you CAN, WILL, and DO handle everything thrown your way!) . So 2020 can still be the best year yet, if you believe that it can be! #turnthatfrownupsidedown and #goworkout . Check the #linkinbio for more 🌻 . What’s your favorite workout 🏋️‍♀️ let me know below! . #Growthmindset #momboss #stayathomemom #busymom #workfromhomemom #homebusiness #womenempowerment #laptoplifestyle #internetmarketing #makemoneyonline #hardworker #stayathomemoms #workfromanywhere #onlinebusiness #savvybusinessowner #dailymotivation #motivator #makemoneyfromhome #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurlifestyle #personaldevelopment #mindsetiseverything https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiB5vNDkTG/?igshid=1u1x1vktkxsv9
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thej4ster · 5 years ago
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/\ #Inverse /|/\|\ #turnthatfrownupsidedown /\ https://www.instagram.com/p/CEgcNZNBIeh/?igshid=1dc8bzxez679y
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vaisart · 5 years ago
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This dopey guy was not enjoying his bath. . . . . #ADogsLife #AdorableDogs #DogsOfInstagram #BoxersOfInstagram #DexTheBoxer #InstaDog #GoofyFace #InstaPup #ItsDog #Dexter #LMK #MansBestFriend #ILoveDogs #ILoveDogsMoreThanPeople #TurnThatFrownUpsideDown #ShowerTime https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzt3cdlsMw/?igshid=1oub7yiy1jyf6
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ciarameghan · 5 years ago
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#attitudeshmattitude #mykidisgrowingup #overpicsmom #tetherball #iloveyoukid #turnthatfrownupsidedown #shesannoyed https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRnHRrADa7/?igshid=1i1je9320pi3z
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