#what. what is that fashion choice
all-lars-bars · 1 year
grabbing screenshots of Tim's dumb fucking shirt. Because he deserves to be drawn in it more and I can never find it anywhere else without having to go on some grand journey.
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I am just now realizing that is a radioactive hazard sign. If that's the case, what the shit is the blue??? Is that supposed to be a man?????
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inkskinned · 1 year
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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ffcrazy15 · 8 months
Someone needs to do an analysis on the way the Kung Fu Panda movies use old-fashioned vs. modern language ("Panda we meet at last"/"Hey how's it going") and old-fashioned vs. modern settings (forbidden-city-esque palaces/modern-ish Chinese restaurant) to indicate class differences in their characters, and how those class differences create underlying tensions and misunderstandings.
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lornaka · 6 months
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Love how that episode was all about clone cadets being happy and safe on Pabu and nothing bad happened to anyone
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zivazivc · 8 months
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floyd has big brother flavored mommy/daddy issues you can't convince me otherwise, sorry, i've spent too much time thinking about it. he is crushing on a troll too old for him and he doesn't know how to deal except to use his adorable baby brother charm. he thinks it's working (question mark)
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these images were drawn in three sessions over a longer period so i'm no longer that happy with les's look in the first part since I was still figuring him out, but man do i find this idea entertaining and cute and want to share it even though i also feel really weird about it skdjbvkbfc 🙈🙊😳
the pillars of their relationship if you even care:
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one of them is going to lose
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wtftaylr · 2 months
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look little timmy, it's Mr. and Mrs. New Vegas. Isn't that suit butt fugly
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spaghetti-machete · 3 months
just finished fantasy high junior year. relate to mary ann skuttle painfully as someone who had no sense of fashion a hyperfixation and a flat affect as a teenager. you can't tell me she isn't three years away from having a gender crisis
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diiambee · 3 months
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I come in peace .. . . .. . ... . .
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messervixen · 3 months
Lily should have survived.
“Harry was saved by his mother’s love-“ Let me stop you right there.
I present to you: James Fleamont Potter.
You’re telling me that James didn’t love Lily and Harry enough to evoke the ancient love magic that Lily saved Harry with?
Mr. “Had an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match it?”
He loved both of them so much that he literally died trying to give them a chance to escape and that wasn’t enough?
I don’t buy it.
The only semi-logical explanation I can come up with is that he didn’t have his wand and maybe you can’t do something like that wand-less but did Lily have her wand?
Even then we’re talking about a guy who literally became an illegal animagus at the ripe age of 15.
He also loves and cares for people so deeply and it was LOVE MAGIC.
Look me in the eyes and tell me James Potter couldn’t have just saved BOTH of them without his wand.
Exactly, you can’t.
Honestly I could go on about all of the reasons James and Lily dying didn’t even make sense.
This is just another thing that makes me question why they died the way they did.
Them dying on an order mission would’ve been more realistic. There were just too many plot holes in them dying in Godric’s Hollow.
In conclusion, the ending of the first war didn’t make sense. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Guys this post is not that serious I just mean that everything about what happened that night and the explanation for all of it felt like a stretch and kinda vague to me 😭
Even with the stuff about James not having a choice. Like yeah Voldemort didn’t verbally give him the option to back off but James still made the choice to try and hold him off.
Also James was a Pureblood and Voldemort made it known that he would spare them if they didn’t fight him because his whole thing was blood purity.
So like the “Lily was given a choice” still feels so vague to me.
Also Voldemort making the promise to Snape feels weird. Snape asked him not to kill Lily but Voldemort said that he wouldn’t as long as she didn’t get in his way. And Lily did get in his way of killing Harry so he didn’t break that promise by killing her.
Yeah he probably could’ve just knocked her out or something but he still didn’t break any promises.
And the whole reason Snape joined Dumbledore before the end of the first war is because he didn’t think Lily would just let Voldemort kill her son. He didn’t make an unbreakable vow or anything so Snape knew that Voldemort would probably kill Lily.
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balkanradfem · 3 months
Do you think that low birth-rates are a problem?
I think they're the opposite of a problem :)
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minniiaa · 4 months
I feel like Mihawk would low key like Law—he’s emo, covered in tattoos, carries around a big ass sword, became a Warlord by dropping off a crate full of hearts, doesn’t run his mouth (unless prompted), always shows his chest, and is a swordsman who DOESN’T want to challenge him.
The ONLY thing Mihawk would hate about him is his horrid fashion sense and I like to think he would lament to Perona about it after a Warlord meeting or something “he was wearing orange pants with a YELLOW jacket. Can you believe this Perona? Horrid I tell you. And what’s with the spots? Does he think he’s a leopard or something? So much wasted potential in that one.” Mihawk would say as he swirls his wine glass talking about Law has so much potential to be fabulous he’s just… not.
Perona would agree, thinking about all the amazing outfits she could put on Law to make him a prime specimen of emo culture. She’s been trying to get Zoro to go emo for months now and she starts holding up pictures of Law’s bounty poster to him and telling him it’s time to dye that ugly green hair of his and become more like this guy.
At first, Zoro has a vendetta against Law for the way he had been tortured by Persona with his face but when they meet later on he realizes Law is pretty chill if not kind of pathetic the way Luffy just runs circles around him and drives him crazy. Later in their journey he writes a letter to Perona (Mihawk basically begged him to write her letters now and again after listening to her cry for DAYS after he left but Perona would never admit it) he brags about how Law is with their crew now and that he’s just as moody as Mihawk but admits his fashion sense is really kind of shit even by his standards (even though Zoro is too stubborn to listen to Perona/Mihawk and change his own clothing style, they low key rubbed off on him and now he’s secretly judgmental af)
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beybuniki · 8 months
How do you pick your colors? Your art style is so cohesive and i love the palettes you use!!
thank you! im a very intuitive artist, i think i draw frequently enough to know my preferences pretty well lol, but recently I’ve been enjoying working with somehow complementary colors?
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like these don't look that similar but i did use the same 4 colors or so! i like to complement yellow/orange (skin) with teal (most of the clothes lol), I think they make each other pop rlly well
i also keep my palettes very minimal, i used the same blue hues for bokuto's hair, outfit, and the pigeons, too! same with deku’s outfits and hair, it’s the same color in different hues :)
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i keep my palettes very minimal in general, i think its easier to create a somehow cohesive/harmonious palette and illustrations if you limit yourself :) as you can see, the colors I predominantly use are all hues of green and yellow, I let the overlay balance it all out and make it look less harsh I guess
also i don’t limit myself to fixed color palettes, i just use the same base color and overlay layer for most illustrations, I think those bring everything together even if I dont really know what I’m doing, i hope this helpssss
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deanofsam · 20 days
it just occurred to me that some of you might have missed seeing american football player joe burrow’s suit this past june during paris fashion week, and it is my personal opinion that everyone see these images at least once in their lifetime, especially those of us with a shared interest in slutty clothes on men (fictional or otherwise). so here they are.
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fangirl-erdariel · 21 days
Sometimes I wonder what Tolkien would think about the fact that his books have been popular for so long that some of the words in it have started to change meaning
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felixakranken · 8 months
TWF fans have a strange habit of, for lack of a better word, woobifying Mr. Walten.
I think a lot of you seem to take this series a lot less serious than it actually is, and those same people have a very bad habit of making Jack out to be a saint. He's just a normal guy. Just because he loves his family doesn't mean he's some sweet and perfect guy who has no flaws. I never see any of you discuss or portray his anger issues that Martin has mentioned numerous times.
You all blatantly ignore the fact that Sophie's only memories she retained of him were that he was angry and he worked all the time. Just because he loves his family and didn't abuse them doesn't mean he's perfect. To deny him of these flaws take away what a dynamic character he's being written to be.
We know Felix sucks. We all know this because no one shuts up about it. That's his best friend of 20 years, someone he chose to have around his family, and someone he chose to start a business with. Felix's actions don't reflect on Jack, obviously, but you have to think about the fact they are best friends of 2 decades.
The small bit we know about Jack and what things Martin has let on to his personality over time is very different than what everyone makes him out to be, and it's strange. If you choose to ignore that Jack is just a normal middle-aged man in the 70s, that's on your own inability to actually like the character that's there.
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sentientstump · 11 months
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about things
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in the alt text with some notes
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