#what to include in an about me page
ashennflame · 12 days
I decided to make playlists for each of the Greek students in The Secret History.
A few things to note about each playlist:
I purposefully made it so that each playlist has exactly 100 songs in it so that I can force myself to discover new music in order to fill out the playlists as well as properly capture an exact vibe while still having diversity in each playlist.
I wanted each playlist to be completely unique, therefore there are no exact overlapping songs in any of them, with the exception of different covers of the same song being in multiple playlists.
This is how I personally interpret each student to an extent, and it may be a bit different compared to others.
The playlists are mostly based off of vibes. There are songs whose lyrics as well as vibe fit the character (in my mind), but there are also songs that are based solely off of the vibe even if the lyrics don't fit.
The songs in each playlist may change over time as I find new music that I feel better fits over another.
I hope that these playlists can be thoroughly enjoyed!
[Characters associated with each playlist in order]
Richard Papen
Henry Winter
Bunny Corcoran
Francis Abernathy
Charles Macaulay
Camilla Macaulay
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dayurno · 1 month
so sick and tired of people writing fics about jeremy treating kevin like shit over kevin leaving jean at the nest like that is either 1) in character 2) something jean would appreciate or 3) fair. do you even bother to read the books you’re writing fanfic about or is the urge to create cheap angst so overwhelming you can’t see past the tropes you write for every other fictional pairing you like? the idea that jean would appreciate jeremy going out of his way to poke old wounds in his and kevin’s relationship when jean himself does not even like for jeremy to joke about kevin near him is absurd, and that’s without mentioning the fact that jeremy is not so clueless as to think he has any idea of what the nest was like, or why kevin felt he had to leave the way he did. if you need something to make your ship more interesting thinking beyond your flat interpretation of it is a lovely start, but don’t use kevin’s name and storyline if you’re just going to butcher it for the sake of a milquetoast sob fest the characters involved in would not even appreciate
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helios-two · 3 months
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cindy + studcoms compilation
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bookshelfdreams · 3 months
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Hold Fast by hoc_voluerunt / @cuddlytogas
Stede Bonnet is free at last, and on his way back to his love. As "Captain Thomas Edwards", he'll learn a lot about sailing and emotional availability, and perhaps even make a name for himself as the man either brave or foolish enough to hunt the legendary Blackbeard. But rumour has it that Blackbeard may be the opposite of welcoming, if and when he ever catches up... Obligatory overly-long post-season 1 reunion fix-it fic, feat. slow burn reconciliation, more historical accuracy than you wanted, and plenty of piratical action.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
I know it’s been talked about ad nauseam, but I think one of the things that got lost in the discourse about TTPD and the muses and whatnot is how one of, if not the core trigger points of the album is the yearning for commitment and perhaps even more poignantly, motherhood.
The reason she was so susceptible to falling for the “conman’s get love quick schemes” is because she was grieving that imagined life with the person she had long assumed would be the one to give her that. What has been beyond clear in several albums, let alone interviews etc, is that those plans for building a family were very much real and top of mind for years, and she kept holding on and shifting her world in service of making that happen. And when whatever happened happened that pulled that rug out from under her, it left her bereft not just for the relationship that had once been her world but also the imagined family she had been hoping for and sticking out the hard times for.
And that’s likely why she was swayed by and trusting of the promises of someone who knew her history and knew how unmooring that loss was to her. It may have been partially about the person himself or lust or whatever, but the core issue was the pain of giving up the dream, and sublimating that dream into this new opportunity in front of her, because she was so desperate to hold onto the last scraps of that imagined life she wanted so badly. (And I don’t mean desperate as in pathetic or negative, I mean as in fighting within the last ounce of energy and hope she had.) It wasn’t rational and it wasn’t love, it was grief, not just for a relationship but even more so for the family it represented.
So to me the core issue of TTPD isn’t just the Joe vs. Matty or whoever of it all: it’s Taylor and her yearning. She wanted a family badly and a life that was theirs and was processing losing that in all kinds of ways. It’s all over the album in overt and subtle lyrics. It may not have been grieving a literal death but I’d bet it felt pretty darn close.
And I’d also bet that’s why we’re seeing… what we’re seeing now.
(I have so many more thoughts about womanhood and motherhood on TTPD but that is another post being worked on piecemeal in my drafts… this is just a little Saturday morning post-zoomies reflection)
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... okay. I have blocked the person who was making me feel the most uncomfortable on all my platforms.
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bobellafofella · 1 year
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girls will do anything but listen to the last episode of naddpod c1. including saying fuck it we ball and starting trinyvale instead.
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
hi all <3
so back when season 2 first dropped, i happened to poke my head into the tags too soon and saw a post that i didn’t agree with, saying something about how terrible Wilhelm and Simon’s communication was in s2. respectfully, i just removed myself from the tags, but it had struck a chord in me. so naturally i rewatched s2 immediately and hand-wrote 14 pages looking at how their communication actually was through the season. 
it’s now a little over a month and many, many rewatches later, but having been encouraged by @missmeganlee, i have decided to share with you all! i have transferred the original thoughts directly from my yr book and onto here, so these are written exactly as i first wrote them back on Nov. 2. 
i do want to clarify that this isn’t an analysis post, it’s more of an observations post. the main purpose was to go through almost every interaction Wilhelm and Simon had in season 2 and to point out their communication throughout. although it’s not something i would ever send directly to the person who inspired it, it pretty much is a direct response to that post. it’s more of a breakdown pointing things out than an analysis about why or who or what or how. 
affectionately titled “’Wilmon bad communication’: Kiss My Ass”, here you go:
Episode 1 
(34:00) - The Library Scene
Simon tells Wille what he wants (to not talk) and explains that it’s not forever, just for now
Wille expresses why he doesn’t want that (“you’re the only one I can talk to”)
But Simon tells Wille that he hurt him, which Wille doesn’t deny
Simon says “I can’t be around you right now” which establishes how he feels and sets a boundary
“Tell me what to do” Wille wants to fix it but doesn’t know how. It’s a last effort to get Simon to stay, but ultimately when he doesn’t, Wille let’s him walk away, respecting the boundary
Episode 2 
(1:04) - Walking away from the music room
Wille is still respecting the boundary
(5:19) - Not passing to him in gym class
Petty, but still the boundary
(7:12) - In the classroom
Wille asks Simon before sitting, even though there is no where else
Petty bitch
“I’m just trying to be honest about my feelings. Maybe you should try it.” Also petty, but it’s a good message. Simon doesn’t feel like WIlle is honest or clear, so he tells him that it’s a problem.
Wille looks properly chastised after, meaning he’s considering what Simon said and realizing he was right.
(16:50) - In the locker room
Wille is now expressing how he feels about Simon’s behavior (“You don’t care, you just shut down.”)
Clarification!!! Simon explains what actually happened (“I went to the principal. Now I’ll get detention.”)
Wille apologizes for getting mad AND thanks Simon for trying to help
They discuss what happened, putting them both on the same page (to an extent)
Wille tells Simon that they can have a relationship and explains the situation around it (“Two years it would have to be a secret”)
Wille makes it clear that he wants to be together again now
Simon stops Wille and asks for clarification
Hi Henry
Simon expresses his problems with the situation (waiting two years and Wille’s denying the video) as well as his lack if trust in Wille
Restates what he needs/wants (not to be a secret)
Explains a new boundary (talking at school)
Wille clarifies what this means. “As friends, then?” and Simon confirms. SAME PAGE.
Episode 3
(2:47) - At rowing practice
Wille checking on Simon when he sees he’s upset
Simon being honest about the reasons, including his displeasure in the difference in how they are treated
Wille apologizes (roughly, but he does) and explains his reasoning
(11:05) - Doing homework in the cafe
Wille expressing that he felt lied to, even though, as Simon clarifies, he was told the truth
Wille asking (...telling) Simon to just speak plainly
Simon does
Wille accepts Simon’s answer without a fight
Simon decides on his own to further clarify that he and Marcus aren’t dating, as well as telling Wille that it “isn’t his business” which is another boundary of sorts
Episode 4
No prior communication from either side regarding Marcus and Felice
(10:02) - In the locker room
Simon opens up with anger, but he immediately is explaining why he’s mad
Wille acknowledges that Simon is upset and validates his anger (“I get that it’s hard”) but he also points out Simon’s hypocrisy 
Wille expresses his own anger and why
Wille again asks Simon for a clear, simple answer. Simon shrugs (which isn’t clear, but given Simon’s whole situation, I’m pretty sure it was honest)
Simon explains how he feel with Marcus (“He’s open about liking me/he introduces me to his friends/etc.”)
Wille is defensive. He can’t deny the first one, but he does the others. 
“He accepts me the way I am.” “And I don’t? You’re the one who can’t accept my role, my family!” “No, maybe I can’t” (Now Simon is being hypocritical again) But Simon is being brutally honest. He does have trouble accepting that Wille is the Crown Prince. Painful, but he still lets Wille know it’s an issue. 
(36:35) - At the ball
Simon is honest in expressing that the interaction with Marcus felt weird
Wille is honest in assuring him it was just him being polite
Wille explicitly states his observations and new intentions (“You don’t love me anymore. I’ll leave you alone.”) While this observation isn’t accurate (Simon does still love him) Wille believes it is, so he’s again being honest.
He is also acknowledging that Simon wants to move on and clearly stating that he will stop pushing or trying to get Simon to take him back
(40:05) - At the ball, outside
Wille is intentionally ignoring Simon at first, until Simon catches up
Simon states that he is trying to move on and Wille accepts it
“Everything just went wrong between us.” “I know.” Simon is telling Wille that their breakup wasn’t because of loss or lack of feelings, and again Wille accepts that
Simon is the one to initiate the kiss
He also leaves Wille without talking about it
Episode 5
(7:55) - The classroom
Our second lack of communication
Wille believing that their kiss means that they are on good terms, when Simon is still just as confused, as a result of them not yet discussing it
We also have Simon shutting down when Wille asks if something happened, where before he had answered
(8:45) - The music room
Once again, we have Wille reaching out to see if Simon is okay or why he is upset (this is Wille explicitly trying to have good, open communication with Simon)
Simon is once again brutally honest about his feelings in the moment (“It feels like when you enter the picture, everything I do turns into a problem.”) Which isn’t fair to Wille, but it is how Simon feels
Now Wille is searching for clarification of the results of the kiss, through explaining his own assumptions 
(also to note: “You… we kissed each other.” he is intentionally taking part of the blame, as opposed to just blaming Simon for what happened.)
Simon clarifies that it’s about more than the kiss and tells Wille why he is upset (can’t sing his song, no association w/ Wille)
Wille states that this isn’t his fault, and it’s not, but Simon explains the reason is still because of Wille (“The song is about you.”)
Simon brings up some of what is probably an older truth: “How long will I be punished for the video?”
He then assumes that Wille hasn’t had problems because of the video
Wille is, again, defensive
Simon turns around to acknowledge that things were bad “for a while” but again assumes that just since he hasn’t seen it, that Wille isn’t still affected
Wille tells him that he doesn’t know how he’s been affected by it
Now he tries to direct Simon’s anger towards who posted it, since they are the one at fault
Simon does acknowledge that as well, but makes it clear he’s still getting the majority of the shit for it
Simon expresses his thoughts on the kiss now (“[it] was a mistake.”) and tries to leave
Finally, we have Wille telling Simon who posted the video!
Wille tries to explain what has been done as punishment
Simon asks when Wille found out. He doesn’t answer. 
Simon asks that he didn’t want to tell him. Wille says he did, but tries to justify why he didn’t (“I was trying to protect you.”)
Simon expresses what he has assumed of Wille’s actions (“You were protecting him.”)
Wille explains why Simon’s plan wouldn’t work (August’s protections)
Simon is getting angry. He points out the way Wille is separating himself from the others (the Royal Court)
Simon tells Wille how he’s acting just like his mother. He leaves.
Wille tries to stop him, because he wants to talk it out as opposed to leaving it on bad terms, but he doesn’t stop. Wille still let’s him walk away. 
(25:09) - Outside Simon’s house (gods i love this scene)
Wille opens with an apology. This shows that he knows he hurt Simon by not telling him before, and he’s acknowledging that hurt. 
Then we have Wille explaining the ENTIRE situation, as he knows it, as well as the most likely results of each option AND how he personally feels
Simon looks for clarification that this isn’t Wille trying to convince him not to
Wille says no. Tells him it’s his choice.
“I just wanted you to know. This is the situation. This is how I feel.” HOW CAN YOU SAY “THEY HAVE BAD COMMUNICATION” AFTER HEARING THAT?? sorry
(30:01) - In the study group
Communication through book analysis <3
Someone else put this much better than I can ( @stygianirondiangelo !!!) , but basically it’s Wille acknowledging his mistakes and how they were affected by his title and how it hurt Simon, and Simon acknowledging that Wille’s background is important and it’s hard
“Not everything is bad.”
(34:11) - Study group
Simon is forthright with Wille about his decision
(36:05) - From the classroom
Simon directly asks if Wille is mad at him for his decision
(36:43) - Wille’s room
Now we have Simon checking in on how Wille is feeling (I think… this is the first time all season)
Wille is honest about both reasons he didn’t feel well (the speech and August)
Simon makes it clear that it isn’t to hurt Wille
Wille acknowledges that, and further explains that he isn’t trying to change Simon’s mind. That it is Simon’s choice. 
Wille also admits to being afraid anyway, because of what it means
Simon validates that and let’s Wille know that he’s not alone in the fear
“What will happen to us?” “I don’t know.” (a question that should have been asked at the end of episode 4. I digress.)
But now we have Wille looking for a clear direction and wanting them to be on the same page, paired with Simon’s raw honesty of not knowing and not pretending he does
Episode 6
(00:14) - Wille’s room
Clear communication from Simon as to when he’s meeting his mother, and that he has something else to do, even if he doesn’t say what
(12:40) - Outside the school
Wille’s immediate reaction to August’s threats is to tell Simon everything August had told him
SAME. PAGE. Again. Wille is no longer keeping any of this from Simon
(13:38) - The hallway in Forest Ridge and the shooting range
Wille and Simon are both going to confront August together, as opposed to Wille trying to handle it or “protect” Simon
(18:10) - Road to Hillerska
This is communication, too
Wille is asking Simon to wait because Wille wants to talk it through
But Simon tells Wille “I just want to go home” and Wille lets him 
(side note: Simon needs space after conflict while Wille wants to talk it through so it doesn’t stay)
(32:19) - In their hallway
Simon starts by expressing his feelings on the situation
“I want to be with you.” Now Simon is clearly stating what he wants, and further clarifies that he fully understands what that entails but he still wants it
“I love you.” Again, making his feelings perfectly clear.
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supercantaloupe · 7 days
okay don giovanni review from last night. under the cut bc it's me. tldr the vocal performances were great, leporello carried the show, one of the most insane productions i've seen thus far but somehow in a new bizarre direction from normal. good snacks.
first of all i don't care how much wine you offer i think it's kind of ridiculous to charge $165 for a base ticket price for a performance that 1. isn't even in a concert hall or theater 2. is a concert performance rather than a staged performance (which was not advertised ahead of time) and 3. was not even a full production because they made the absolutely mind boggling decision to cut 100% of the recitative and replace it with Some Guy sitting on the stage narrating the plot between every 1-3 numbers
i did not pay that much gd bless. the student ticket was way cheaper.
the narration wasn't even good it was weirdly ungenerous to the women (like how do you even make elvira out be a "women, amirite" thing and also vaguely imply anna was into it in a production with zero acting? well they figured something out) and i don't think it even explained well enough what happens between each number to truly give a first time watcher a good idea of what's actually going on. not to mention that it absolutely kills any sense of momentum in the plot and makes the entire show drag like hell, because you have to wait between every single aria for either Some Guy to talk at you for three minutes straight, or wait awkwardly while people onstage walk off and people offstage walk on. it was so painfully clunky
they had a piano up there but since there was no recit it's not like she was accompanying much of anything. in practice what it ended up being used for was 1. the mandolin part for deh vieni (acceptable in the absence of a mandolin player; they were working with a limited chamber ensemble of musicians so i get it) 2. the party music at the end of act i (egregious fault imo because it absolutely kills the vibe of the scene and completely obfuscates the way the music is supposed to be adding to the tension and chaos with its different instrumental groups playing in different meters)
and 3. used to give singers their notes when the vocal line of their arias start on beat 1 measure 1, which they otherwise would have been able to get from the preceding recits (which is imo painfully amateurish for an ostensibly professional production)
all the numbers in act i were there although the narration was so bad i got jumpscared by fin ch'han dal vino because i forgot it was supposed to be there and thought we had skipped over that point in the plot. act ii had some really bizarre additional cuts made, notably they just entirely skipped over meta di voi and vedrai carino. it was like masetto and zerlina fuck off for the entirety of act ii save for, like, mille torbidi (they VERY briefly mentioned masetto getting beat up in the narration and i don't think they mentioned vedrai carino at all, they just skipped straight from deh vieni to sola sola. and also there was a painful awkward pause before deh vieni because i think the pianist forgot she was supposed to play there and the narrator jumped ahead to the next chunk of plot explanation too early). kept both dalla and tesoro (i'm fine with this ottavio was quite good though could've used a bit of ornamentation imo), kept mi tradi, kept non mi dir (more on that in a bit). no per queste which is probably a good thing not only for the show itself but also my head would have absolutely and irreversibly exploded if they had, probably
the whole thing kind of felt underrehearsed. like a quarter of the time it seemed like people didn't know what they were doing or had to be reminded where to be at that point in the show. and there were a few moments throughout where the orchestra struggled to keep up with the singers, but i really don't think they had much time to rehearse together, honestly.
and then, to my utter shock, the finale was actually really good?? like. insane compared to the rest of the show thus far. though it helps that 1. i absolutely love the harmonieband arrangements of cosa rara/i litiganti/non piu andrai, after possibly the draggiest non mi dir i've yet experienced it was like a breath of fresh air to hear that (and non mi dir was actually well performed i liked this anna but considering how much the Entire Show was dragging, the fact that they cut meta di voi and vedrai carino, AND the fact that they promised this act would be short, it felt crazy to me to keep it at that point.)
2. leporello and the don were by far the best performers of the night. so much so that i sought them out during the post show reception to tell them how great they were and enjoyed their performance. which i usually do not do, but in this like, high school recital ass production value. unbelievable relief that the final scene is dominated by the two actors in the show who most remembered that they can, and in fact Should, be acting. so much more movement and physicality and expression from those two compared to most everyone else. leporello especially, his actor apparently specializes in comedic bass roles and it shows, he was the standout all night
and 3. for the first time in the entire production they made an interesting decision regarding the physical space and staging! they had the commendatore sing from up on a balcony overlooking the audience in the foyer. the bar admittedly was set very low in the previous act and a half but the finale reminded me that i actually like this show again which is appreciated
though they then threw another curveball at me by Cutting the sextet at the end. which like didn't even piss me off at that point i was just baffled. like the don sinks down in agony and leporello sinks down whimpering in fear and the orchestra cuts off. and i'm expecting an awkward pause while they quietly get up and shuffle off so the rest of the cast can come back but nope. big orange title slate appears on the big screen behind them and the audience breaks into a roaring applause and the announcement of the wine and dessert reception. felt like i was in a fever dream
i will say the desserts were very nearly almost worth the bullshit that was the preceding show. they were so good. thank you austria for your dedication to pastry. and because i don't drink and couldn't appreciate the free wine offered i had to indulge in my own manner. spread contained chocolate oat bites (tasted as much like espresso powder as chocolate and coated in coconut, 4/10), almond sponge cake (classic, 7/10), cardamom apple bread pudding with caramel cream (not enough cardamom but otherwise very tasty and autumnal, 8.5/10) and honey cake (11/10. i don't know how they made this so good. i want more right now so much). i take both my mozart opera and my desserts very seriously.
anyway overall the production was. i would say frustrating. the singing quality was Really Good (leporello was the clear standout, probably followed by the don though i prefer my dons with a lighter voice but technically he was very good, then probably ottavio, then maybe masetto or anna. the commendatore was great but he's in it so little it's hard to compare)
i just wish they could have, like, actually done a full production. it would have been so great if they had gotten to tell the actual story and had been fully allowed to act. when there Was acting were the best moments of the show, and it's really unsurprising that most of that came from leporello, the absolute legend.
#no one respects a galant recit anymore. smh#sasha speaks#sasha reviews#don giovanni#opera tag#Really weird production. seemed designed to piss me off specifically in many aspects#frustrating in others because it DID have a lot of (mostly and regrettably squandered) promise that shone through in moments#but the singing was good. when there Was acting that was good. the desserts were good. the narration was dogshit i hate that so much#could not have fathomed producing a performance with a narrator replacing a recit#ZERO clue how they plan on applying that model to fanciulla later in the season.#if they do at all but it seems like a Thing for this company maybe? idk#don't know if i'll go see their carmen next spring. maybe it depends on my schedule#i think carmen might suffer a little less from the narration treatment comparatively since it can already be done with dialogue#as opposed to recit#idek how you'd do a puccini like that though. unless you just completely disregard narrative flow and comprehension#which honestly maybe they do. at least the flow part. including narration feels like they WANT comprehension (even if they do it poorly)#but don't seem to care about the flow considering how it butchered one of the best operas in the repertoire so far.#seriously if you just do what's written on the page for dg you have a slam dunk. and they deliberately chose not to. baffling#anyway carmen is at the french embassy next spring so maybe i just go to practice my french.#and see if they compete with austria for their refreshment spread.#and yes i realize now that part of the high ticket price is meant to cover the wine and desserts but i still think it's kind of ridiculous#okay done now bye.
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hella1975 · 1 month
why do you write? what do you think about, what drives you?
passion love grief rage spite confusion loneliness community shame boredom perfectionism fun because i dont know how to stop
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tokumusume · 11 months
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craftlands · 8 months
Idk I feel like the people who Shamane, Kaalaa, and Kanjira are supposed to represent should get a say in if they think they are offensive in some way
This also will sound kinda off but I think there are way worse depictions in other media.
That isn't to say there shouldn't be a discussion this is just my opinion
Also just cause I am bad at paying attention but is Kanjira Indian or something else
I was looking at the description that gives her age and it just says unknown but I may have missed it in dialogue
(Oh and if you are one of the people that the characters "represent" then sorry if this came off as rude)
Kanjira's Indian, but the "fortune teller/thief" design is very much rooted in Rromani stereotypes and she plays a lot into those -- i'm honestly just thankful that the g-slur never got dropped as i was legitimately waiting for that to happen every single time she was onscreen, it's That Obvious. there's a long history of discussion of these tropes and how they're harmful -- while i am not able to find specific sources at the current moment, they are absolutely out there.
i'd also like to point out that she speaks in broken English nearly constantly. you could argue that this is "because she's a kid and English isn't her first language" but i would like to then point out that Matilda, who is two years younger than her, almost never does the same thing despite English also not being her first language (and her showing active disdain for learning it). that's... really not great!
Kaalaa Baunaa i think is... the least bad, having played the story? her design is still, to be blunt, rather sexualized, but there's at least been some amount of effort as far as i can tell (i do like her connections to astronomy, which is a very long tradition in India that dates back very far). i'd love to see her in actual traditional garb still, but she's definitely the one i'm least equipped to speak on.
Shamane though. oh boy, Shamane is a mess. i love him as a character, he's a delight, but there are a lot of reasons his design is a problem. when i talked about the "ear feather" thing i was more or less explicitly referencing this post, and his name is... questionable? more pertinently, though, he's using a hell of a lot of Native American aesthetics and stereotypes (he's a "shaman" with deep connections to nature, he has "native patterns" baked into pretty much all of his animations, i could go on it gets so much worse) for someone who is ostensibly the child of a regular Indian family.
so... yes, SWANA, Rromani, and First Nations people should get a say in if they think these designs are offensive. and they have been saying designs like these are offensive for years.
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buckboi · 11 days
#okay so i am going to say this once and we’re all going to be on the same page#i find tommy boring#okay? i find him uncompelling as a character outside of the fact he helped buck realise that he was bi#other people love him for some reason - this is fine and i cannot relate#whatever#BUT my problem is that there seems to be no way to express my -tommy is dull - beliefs around those who love him#without being labelled homophobic#(this does include not caring if he dies - because i dont care what he does truly he’s Such a nothing guy to me. whatever)#and I am not homophobic#and well see it just so happens that there’s a loophole through which tommy hate is. well. not ‘allowed’ but morally justified#This exists because tommy used to be racist#is he still racists now? idk. who cares.it’s a tv show.#but if im not allowed to dislike tommy for being boring - surely im allowed to hate him for being racist right?#Anyways literally i couldnt care less if he is or isnt racist still or about anything he does#I think there are wider implications involved with how this guy who is like if a cardboard brick couldnt act is suddenly compelling people#to go to war for him#I also think anyone who believes his actor’s twitter was hacked is actually stupid but that’s unrelated#U m yeah well i think everyone needs to calm down#yes everyone yes me yes you reading this#And yeah idk. it doesnt matter if tommy is or isnt racist#(well…)#rather it matters that the ‘first stone’ was -you’re homophobic if you dont like tommy’#so the retaliation became ‘actually you’re racist if you do’#and because everyone wants to ascribe a moral value to liking/not liking a stale weetabix of a man#now we’re here#do you understand? do you get what im saying#can anyone hear me?#oh wow#did you guys know there’s a tag limit?#it’s 30
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wowbright · 1 year
Really sick of quilting books/magazines that tell you to get a certain yardage of fabric but don't tell you the fabric width they're assuming, not even in the appendix or glossary of terms.
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masquerade-v · 1 year
Y'know the funny thing about writing stories from different time periods? That you'll most likely spend an ungodly amount of time searching the internet like some archaeologist desperate for a breakthrough in a case.
And the thing that you are oh so desperately researching is a literal stove from the wild west era to make sure that it's accurate. I mean, I know how the stoves worked back then and their compartments [kinda] and what food they ate! So there are upsides!
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i can't get over these people sorting by kudos or doing some math to figure out what to read like that's actively insane to me. just open up the god damn story if you like the tags/summary and see if you vibe. plenty of times i don't after opening it and reading a paragraph! and i just close it and move on to the next one!!
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