#what a bland tweet
tariah23 · 8 months
Oh... this is not….
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starlooove · 21 days
Also what’s the difference between them and superbat in which ur not demonizing the brown boy quickly
#like Im sorry if I go into the superson tag it’s like 2 minutes and you’ll find Damian with fangs and on a leash or smth#It’s the same as tim where it’s not all of y’all but y’all definitely made the ‘minority’ of y’all popular so now what#and It’s just. idk I keep saying it’s not Interesting and to me it’s not bc they’re literally carbon copies of their dads but Damian gets#exoticized#like It’s mean aggresive brown kid and all American white kid and it’s so. bland. like It’s everywhere I saw it on Fox News last night#the only thing that hooks me with Jon is the age up sorry#like idk I used to say I hated it but I was glazing new Trinity#giving Jon heavy trauma is the best thing they could do#now or they’d acknowledge it#and u already know how I feel about the regression of Damian’s character with every single new comic#where we have to go over the same fucking points over and over again and make it seem like he’s never had a friend ever#and It’s never to add anything interesting it feels like every time they find a new way to say Damian was born evil or Bruce is the best#white savior ever#and It’s not even regurgitating the actual issues between him and his family members bc it’s difficult to blame a 10 year old for why his#dad won’t fucking talk to him like a human being - not for lack of trying tho#so It’s like moving forward they’re making Damian snarky arrogant super loyal to Bruce and chalking the past up to his own failures and#wrong doings with ZERO mention of the adults in the situation unless it’s to say Bruce can’t communicate but aren’t we glad he saved Damian#from his nasty evil family. he’s so much better with us white folk instead#like Damian is a fave but I don’t like shit written for him bc it’s so skewed from where we should be#but thats like comic book things the point is#u can Tell they’ve only watched supersons on Netflix and read tweets on Damian and Jon#they still say they hate the age up and don’t know the age gap is exactly the damn same#which actually nobody on here is any better for that either
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 2 months
30 Sickos, 3.5 Stars, and Pervert Writers
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As I gear up to publish Detente for the Ravenous, I've been thinking a lot about these tweets. I know that my writing is solid, but it's not groundbreaking. My designs are fun, but they're not revolutionary. My prose is simple, my plots well-trodden. The fights and monsters kick ass, but god help me my romance is milquetoast at best. It's not what I'm interested in. I'm interested in the 30 years war and Catholic kaiju.
We like to quantify things, online. When I'm shopping for games, I sort by "most popular" and "highest rated." I don't want my time to be wasted, I don't want to spend my money sub-optimally. It's easier to connect to folks over a movie that 3 million people watched as opposed to a podcast listened to by a few hundred. I am not criticizing the impulse. Life is too short, and none of us have enough money.
But as a creator, whatever that means, I think I have to get comfortable with my shortcomings, and be honest about what I actually care about. I am not interested in writing a novel that appeals to all people. I am interested in writing a novel where they assassinate Pope Kissinger. That doesn't mean I won't ever try to improve my romance, or make my character arcs less predictable. But if I am gonna write another book, I have to write it for me, not for my imagined literary agent or Big 5 editor.
There's this great manifesto on itchio by “Average Urotsukidōji Enjoyer," called "Good Writers are Perverts." It touches on this sentiment that I've been stewing on, and I think this passage crystalizes what I'm trying to do with my own work.
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I know my best work is the work of the pervert, the ex catholic who grew up on Naruto, the military history dork who trained for years to save lives instead of taking them. That is the stuff that makes me want to create, the hope that I can take all my stupid interests and life experiences and twist them into something at least partially interesting, to hit that 3.5 star rating that isn't all things to all people, but is at least one really good thing to a few people. If a handful of young folks get ahold of my work and it changes their lives in a small way forever, then I'll be happy.
I hope that as art becomes less profitable, as financial incentives only encourage the bland and inoffensive, the tried and true instead of niche and experimental, more artists double down, go deep instead of wide. I'm not afraid to fail, I'm afraid of trying so hard to be loved that I stop giving a shit about the craft
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billiewena · 2 years
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TWO YEARS SINCE NOV 5TH, 2020 as summed up by Supernatural (sequel to this)
⤷ bonus
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image ID & context below:
[image ID: screenshots of Supernatural paired with screenshots of various tweets, news headlines and Tumblr posts.
1. Castiel coming out of a closet in SPN 12x08 with screenshots of articles and videos called “Supernatural’s Misha Collins Appears to Come Out as Bisexual,” “Supernatural star Misha Collins appears to come out as Bisexual in the Best Way”, “Misha Collins Comes Out as Bisexual Footage”
2. Kevin Tran in SPN 8x01 saying “You know I’m not gay, right?” With screenshots of articles that read “Supernatural’s Misha Collins Apologizes for ‘Misspeaking’ After Appearing to Come Out As Bisexual,” “Misha Collins Is Getting Clowned About Being Bisexual Then Coming Out As Straight,” and a tweet by Misha Collins that reads, “This was not my intention so I need to correct the record: I am not bisexual. I happen to be straight, but I am also a fierce ally and the last thing I want to do is falsely co-opt the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community 3/5”
3. Castiel telling a waitress in SPN 14x15, “And between various, steamy, erotic musings” with a screenshot of musician Perfume Genius tweet linking to the article “I have had sex with every actor from the TV show Supernatural” with the caption “I have had sex with every actor from the TV Supernatural. What follows is an account of each erotic event followed by a letter grade.”
4. Dean in SPN 10x10 saying, “And it ain’t gonna cost me a dime” with a screenshot of a tweet from @DiscussingFilm that says, “Nextstar will acquire 75% of The CW for $0. Instead, Nester will assume a significant portion of The CW’s current losses, which could exceed $100M.”
5. Dean in SPN 3x11 saying, “Come on. You love this song and you know it” with a screenshot of spnamvarchive and the 77 total videos in the #honeypie tag. There is also a screenshot of a text post by user iloveyoucas that says “OOH GIRL DONT YOU STOP DONT YOU STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH HONEY OH HONEY HONEYPIE HONEY HONEY HONEYPIE OOH GIRL DONT YOU STOP DON’T YOU STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH HONEY OH HONEY HONEYPIE HONEY HONEY HONEYPIE” with a gif of people dancing and a screenshot of a Honeypie AMV of Dean Winchester by afeelingsoweet.
6. Lilith in SPN 15x05 saying, “and his very weird, very perv-y obsession with you” with a headline that reads, “Jensen Ackles on his naked Soldier Boy intro on The Boys: ’Nothing on but a sock.”
7. Castiel in SPN 12x18 as he listens to a man say, “You know…like the Queen of England” with a screenshot of a post by whyissupernaturaltrending that says “Sept 8, 2022 - Supernatural trends because the Queen died” with a screenshot of Supernatural trending #1 on Tumblr.
8. Marie in SPN 10x05 saying, “But this is transformative fiction” with headlines that read: “Supernatural Prequel ‘The Winchesters’ Starts on The CW,” “The CW’s The Winchesters is a prequel to ‘Supernatural’”, “Jensen Ackles and The Winchesters Team Promise to carry on the Supernatural Legacy: ‘Trust us.”
9. Dean in SPN 10x05 responding to Marie saying, “You mean fan fiction” with headlines that read: “The Winchesters is a Soulless, Bland Attempt at Recapturing the Supernatural Magic”, “The Winchesters: 8 Biggest Retcons From Supernatural,” “Supernatural’s Spinoff Prequel ‘The Winchesters’ Offers Familiar Pleasures but Struggles building Its Own World: TV Review”
10. Dean in SPN 14x13 saying, “They always talk too much" with a tweet by nuttyforackles recapping a conventional panel that reads, “I should have said I love you too and hugged Cas… people will sexualize that but it’d doesn’t have to be, we were brothers in arms” - Jensen Ackles #spncon #vancon
Bonus: Lucifer talking to Dean in SPN 5x03, saying “Whatever you do, you will always end up here” with the Tumblr logo edited over Lucifer’s head.
/end ID]
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showtoonzfan · 4 months
Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel is concerningly a trojan horse of white feminism. White feminism identifies with white patriarchy and strives to find a place of power within it, whether or not they acknowledge white men would never see them as equals. This type of feminism enforces the same patriarchal values that hold them down.
On both shows, the male characters are favored, the actions of the shitty male characters are justified to be right and that they are to be sympathized with little to no regard to their victims that are made to be at fault for being being imperfect at reacting at the abuse they receive.
And what is most perplexing to me as an outsider, is that Medrano is supposed to be a victim of abuse by some guy, and yet identifies and upholds her abusive male characters. In her attempt to humanize them, she disregards the weight of their actions. Her actions with her ex-employees and ex-friends show that the victim became the abuser to regain a sense of power, which is typically what white feminism is.
I know I shouldn't be psycho-analyzing her as a distant observer, but I'm tired of people mystifying a suffering deer with fungal-mutated horns and not thinking there's something wrong with it and that it needs help.
No you’re completely right. Vivienne has shown for many years that she isn’t a girls girl. On the outside she’s tried to paint herself as pro feminism and that she cares about other women, when in reality she’s transphobic, has put other women down, and has slut shamed them in her work. She’s basically that obnoxious girl in middle school that acts like she’s a girls girl but in reality is constantly and desperately seeking male validation, like how she once made a tweet questioning why she hasn’t been acknowledged for being a famous female content creator in a world dominated by men even though there were many other female content creators before her that were already rising to the top. I never came out of watching or reading something she made and thought “she hates men”, cause she doesn’t. She hates women and it shows in how she writes them and uses them. Her males are allowed to be 3 dimensional yet 90% of her females are one note. Viv also caters to the male audience who lusts over her female characters and I don’t need to explain that one.
Meanwhile she hasn’t got a single favorite or popular female character. There’s a reason why for years she’s said her favorites are Alastor and Angel and how she loves writing Adam, hell…she confirmed Adam is her favorite HH character. She doesn’t care about her female characters and only her males, whom she can find enjoyment in, either woobifying or sexualizing them. I think it kinda tells you something when you learn that Val is supposed to be based on her abuser yet she constantly likes tweets by Val apologists and sexy/silly fanart of him.
Meanwhile (as everyone has been saying), her content is for white queers/white fujoshi’s, no one else. She tries so hard for some reason to act like she’s new and progressive, challenging the world that’s been dominated by white people and their bland perspectives, but she hasn’t really added anything new to the table, and the way her fandom (and she herself at this point) treats black people is fucking nuts.
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iizzeee · 4 months
Guys, I am begging you. Please please please please please PLEASE do NOT vote 3rd party, or not vote at all.
I get it. I really do. Biden’s handling of Israel has been, not gonna mince words, dogshit. Abominable. Unspeakably bad.
But we cannot afford to protest like this.
We don’t need Biden as president. We do need to keep Trump out of office. And to those who respond “well, I don’t want just the lesser of two evils,” please, for the love of god, grow the fuck up.
For one, why wouldn’t you want the lesser of two evils. It is, by definition, LESS EVIL.
“Why can’t we just have no evil, why isn’t that an option.” I really wish it was. Just as much as you. But it’s not. These are our cards, and we have to play our hand to the best of our ability.
Which brings us to two.
Trump is more evil. Like, so much more evil. We’re comparing apples and oranges here guys.
I understand that a lot of you might doubt that. The largest demographic of people advocating for third party or non-votes are in the 18-26 range. New voters, with one or no elections under their belt.
So they don’t remember.
Most of us (I myself fall under this age range) don’t remember 2016. The election, that is. They don’t remember how so many people protested Hillary vs Trump by going 3rd party or writing in joke votes, because they saw the two as equally bad. And Trump won.
Half of us don’t remember the Trump presidency. We’ve heard he was a weird, bad, bigoted president, but don’t fully grasp the scope of how bad.
So off the top of my head, here are some highlights of real things Donald Trump did while he held office.
- threw toilet paper at hurricane victims like he was trying to shoot a 3-pointer
- fired the man investigating him for election fraud
- called African countries “shitholes”
- appointed members of the Supreme Court who would go on to overturn roe v wade
- stole classified documents from the white house to hide at his resort
- tried to instate a Muslim Ban
- incited a insurrection to try and keep himself in office, and maybe hang his VP if there was time
- looked directly at an eclipse. Like no glasses, full on.
- fueled covid conspiracies. Also told people to “drink bleach” to fight the virus
- withdrew us from the Paris Climate Accord
- cofefe. Remember that? What a fun, normal thing for the president to tweet at 2am.
- employed literal white supremacists
- called Nazi’s “very fine people”
- got endorsed by the KKK, and refused to condemn David Duke
And that’s just what I can remember right now.
So if you’re angry at Biden about Palestine, please please please do not think for a fucking second Trump would be better. He would almost certainly actively be worse. He would give Netanyahu the green light. If you think Biden has used a loose leash, at least it’s some kind of leash. Trump would be all in. Full chips, flying to the Middle East to send in the bombs himself.
If you’re still hesitant, consider this last plea.
Things are bad. These shouldn’t be the only two choice we have, but they are. You can’t look at the menu, which is offering either bland soup someone spit in or actual rat poison and go “could I have some steak”.
You can order the soup and live to write a one-star review on Yelp, maybe call health inspections on the restaurant or contact the owners and say “you guys know your menu has only two options and they’re both dogshit. If you don’t add more, you’ll be unemployed soon.”
Or you can order rat poison and die.
If we elect Donald Trump in the fall, we will be eating rat poison. He has repeatedly said himself to be in favor of a dictatorship. He quotes Hitler. If he is put in office, the change we all want and so critically need will not be fucking POSSIBLE. Because with Biden, it’ll be hard, and tedious, and long, and exhausting, but at least it will be goddamn possible.
So, come November, please don’t order the rat poison.
Please just eat your shitty ass soup so we can live to get really angry about it.
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Am I an asshole because I told someone to shut the hell up about his autism?
Now, please read this before making your vote.
I (21 F) started going back to school recently, I signed up for classes late because it took so long for the paperwork and processes to be finalized. I was taking a speech class in the morning and we had to do a group project in class. Now, I spoke with the professor and told her I did not do well in group projects because I either get treated like literal crap or I do all the work. She said she didn't care, either I join a group or get a 0. Someone (20 M) was watching, we'll call him Ed for clarity. I asked if I could join Ed's group and he said yes. I tried being really nice to Ed and waited for our group members to meet with us after class. He showed me which music he liked and I said it was nice. So, during the entire time period of this project I would meet a lot with my group mates and we'd do the project. It was very difficult because professor wanted over 10 resources and a certain length for the report, then to top it off a PowerPoint we'd be presenting too. Ed did a lot of things to make me feel very uncomfortable, but my group mates ignored it and didn't say anything. He'd talk about how he visited the dark web and looked into hitmen. Then he showed us an intro to a porno. I felt very uncomfortable and mentioned it to the other girl in our group, she said she would talk with the other boys in our group about it (they all had been friends since highschool except Ed) , she said the assignment did require us to find an intro that was terrible, but maybe a porno intro was too much. The assignment in question was basically a research project about why introductions are very important. They ended up choosing some 90's tv show intro, I don't remember which one it was, just that the show got 2 seasons and the intro was too stereotypical for the time. During the time Ed would send me random "hi"s and he added/followed me on all my social media. He would comment on everything and would try to make conversations on them when I wouldn't text back. I kept the texts as bland as possible. Ed just gave me a bad vibe and kept doing shit to make me uncomfortable. Now here's where the autism part comes in. I was talking to a guy I had a crush on instagram and I guess Ed noticed. So Ed basically calls me and asks if I'm not attracted to him because he has autism. I said what the hell and hung up. It made me feel so uncomfortable then he started bringing up his autism on all my photos, posts, tweets, you name it. I didn't know what to do anymore. Ed kept blowing up my phone too. He'd message me every 5 mins and would get mad when I wouldn't answer right away. So back to my crush, Ed messaged him I wasn't interested in dating him! Like dude! So my crush says he doesn't have time for immaturity and blocks me despite me trying to defuse and apologize hundreds of times for that. So I asked for some advice and basically I got that his autism was making him act like that. I don't want to sound ableist, I'm sorry if I give off that impression, but enough was enough. I told him to fuck off or else I'd get the authorities and school involved since what he was doing was harassment. He said he can't harass since he has autism so I told him to shut the hell up about his autism since it wasn't a "get out of jail" card so i finally blocked him everywhere. I don't know if I'm being an asshole or maybe I'm just not patient or equip to handle Ed? Even then, I am in no shape or form attracted to Ed nor was I ever. Now I just never want him bothering me again.
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beetlejuice-e · 1 month
texts and tweets of basketball! abby and her cheerleader! gf
authors note: i’m back, i wasn’t dead btw 😥 no warnings besides angst bc im in a bad mood rn soooo 😊 but yall gone make up so.
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loud knocks on the door filled your apartment, you knew it was abby so you didn’t really want to answer. but she was at your door now meaning you didn’t have a choice but to answer. she wasn’t going to stop until she got an answer.
getting up from your bed to made your way to the front door and looked through the peephole seeing a distressed looking abby, who had flowers in one hand and a basket filled with things in the other. you thought maybe she was sorry and maybe you should forgive her right then and there but you stood strong.
why were you even upset?
abby thought it was a fun idea to flirt with her teammate on video, getting all handsy with the girl and even kissing on her. so you were more than pissed.
when confronted about it, abby called you jealous and said that you were overreacting so you broke things off with her. just to show her how overreacting you can be.
this was about 2 weeks ago, and since she’s been blowing up your phone, coming to your apartment and even practices to see if you’d forgive her.
you didn’t. yet.
you reluctantly opened the door and gave your now ex-girlfriend a short smile before inviting her in. she entered your apartment slowly making sure you saw her. shaking your head you closed the door behind her and went off into your living room.
“apologize and get out. thanks.” you said sitting down on your couch while abby stood by the door watching as you sat down.
“can i give you your gifts first?” abby asked walking to the opposite side of the room so she could stand in front of you. she blinked and set the flowers in an empty vase that sat on the table. you hadn’t had any flowers since your 2 week breakup so the table was starting to look bland.
“i guess, why would you—“ she cut you off and set the basket filled with all of your favorite things down on the table as well.
“don’t be so blunt with me, i apologized to you multiple times and said it was a joke.”
“a joke? A JOKE? WHO KISSES THEIR FRIEND AS A JOKE!” you yelled out with your jaw dropped because you couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. a joke…really?
abby’s face turned red when you began yelling at her, it was quite embarrassing. shes always hated whenever you raised your voice at her especially if it was serious.
“do you have to yell at me?” she asked rubbing on her arm. “i’m sorry baby i swear, i don’t even look at her as someone i see a future with. i only see you.”
“come on y/n. it’s been two weeks, two whole weeks i can’t sleep without you by my side. do you not know how embarrassing that is to admit?” she asked to which she got no reply.
you didn’t answer because you wanted to see how long this was going to go on before you eventually forgave her. you were simply playing mindgames with the girl. while she went on and on you looked through the basket to see what she got you.
“my mother called me last week and asked if we could come with her and my dad to a trip to portugal, and i had to tell her no. i NEVER tell my mom no.” her rant continued.
this was true throughout the duration of your relationship she’s never once told her mom no, so you did feel a little guilty. after she was forgiven you’d definitely have to text up her mom to tell her you were sorry.
“you’re so apart of my routine and now your not, it feels so weird and out of place. i feel so lost without you.”
“ughh come here you big baby.” you rolled your eyes and held your arms out so you could pull abby in. whom nearly busted her ass trying to run over towards you. pulling her in you took in her scent, which smelled nearly identical to the one you were wearing at the moment. cute. maybe she really did miss you. “i missed you so much baby, and i forgive you just don’t do that shit again.” you spoke brushing her blonde locks out of the way so you could place a few kisses on her forehead.
“i won’t, i can’t stand seeing you mad at me. i thought i was going to die without you.”
“you’re soooo dramatic girl please. die? really.” you just stared at her and shook your head while laughing.
“it’s not funny y/n….you hurt my feelings i can’t believe your fucking broke up with me.” abby said gently pushing you off of her. “that was mean as fuck.”
“don’t kiss other girls and maybe your main girl won’t break up with you?” you said shrugging and getting up from the couch to get some water for your new flowers.
“oh hush, i kissed her on the cheek not her lips.” abby rolled her eyes and got up to follow you into the kitchen.
“that’s still kissing, i don’t care if you kiss her near her the left mole on her face. don’t kiss anyone who’s not me.” you said filling up a glass with water. abby once again following you back to her spot on the couch. she watched as you filled the vase with water, happy that you were back to her.
“does this mean we’re back together?” she asked pulling you onto her lap.
“yes abby it does.”
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the-badger-mole · 6 months
It seemed like every day of travel got longer. Even now with Katara and Zuko coming to a peaceful resolution to their issues, the tension hadn't broken over the group.
"Once we get to Ember Island, it'll get better," Suki promised them all. "My troop got antsy like this when we were on duty, too. We just need a break, that's all." This was met with grumbles of disbelief, but Aang was grateful that someone other than him was trying to be the voice of optimism. That role usually fell to Katara, but she had been quiet and withdrawn since she and Zuko had come back from finding Yon Rah. Oddly enough, only Zuko seemed to be able to get more than a few words from her at a time. When they stopped for rest, they would often end up slightly away from the group, falling into hushed conversations, broken up by Zuko occasionally running to get her a drink or a snack, or to handle a chore Katara usually did. She assured her friends she was fine, though. Just tired.
That was the over all sentiment of the rest of the group, too. Even Appa was showing signs of strain. Aang scratched his friend's neck with a concerned frown. They would have to rest that night. They'd all been hoping to make it to Ember Island by nightfall, but Aang knew he couldn't keep pushing his flying bison the he had been. He told the rest of his friends and was met with groans and complaints, and then grudging acceptance. Aang steered Appa toward a small island. It was barely big enough for the name, but there were shrubs and a grasses and small trees, hinting at fresh water nearby.
Once everyone had slid down from Appa's saddle, Aang set to making him more comfortable. He loosened the saddle, promising Appa that he would remove it completely once they made it to Ember Island and wouldn't have to leave for a while. Then, while the others set up camp, Aang wandered around with Appa, looking for a good place for him to graze. Appa stopped every so often to munch on some of the grass growing up from the greyish soil, but he didn't seem terribly interested in it. At one point, Appa stopped under a tree. It was a youngish tree, with tender green branches. This Appa eyed hungrily, but Aang gasped and nudged Appa gently.
"No, Appa," he said, pointing at one of the branches his friend had been eyeing. There was a bird's nest with new hatched chicks chirping loudly. The mother bird flew in and stood on the edge of the nest, trilling angrily at Appa. Aang chuckled and nudged Appa again, urging him gently to move on. But Appa didn't move to Aang's surprise. Then to Aang's horror, Appa leaned up, mouth opened wide, and chomped down on the branch, nest, chicks, and bird all. Before Aang could say another word, Appa began chewing, silencing the muffled tweets and chirps. Aang gagged at the sound of crunching, knowing that some of it was bones.
"Appa..." Aang gasped. Appa turned one large brown eye on his boy and kept chewing, thoroughly unbothered. Aang felt a flush creep up his neck and to his cheeks. He grabbed Appa's reins and tugged him back to camp. "That was bad, Appa! I can't believe you did that! Come on, we're going back to camp, and you can eat the grass where I can see you."
Appa groaned in protest, tugging against his reins trying to get back to the tasty tree, but Aang was persistent, and Appa didn't want to hurt him. He allowed the boy to lead him back to camp where there was little to eat except the bland, dry grass. The others looked up in surprise when Aang arrived back, still scolding Appa.
"What happened?" Sokka asked. Aang, still fuming, tied Appa's reins to a boulder.
"He ate a nest of birds!" Aang told his friends, outraged. When they exchanged confused glances, Aang rolled his eyes. Of course, they wouldn't get it. Aang could smell the meat they'd begun roasting for dinner.
"Appa is a vegetarian," Aang said, by way of explanation. More glances went through the group, this time more uncomfortable than confused.
"Well, sure," Katara said hesitantly. "For the most part." Aang turned to her, stunned.
"What do you mean for the most part?" he demanded.
"Well..." Katara shrugged, looking at her friends for help. "Well, it's just that Appa has eaten meat before."
"No he hasn't!" Aang scoffed. "Appa's been a vegetarian for his whole life!"
"I've seen him eat meat before," Katara told Aang gently. "Many times."
"Appa's been sneaking meat and you didn't tell me?" Aang gaped at Katara in horror.
"He hasn't been sneaking it," Katara said. "Last week he ate a rock squirrel. He caught it right where I was setting up my tent."
"I saw him catch and eat a tree hare," Sokka offered helpfully. "He's actually a pretty good hunter for his size."
"He catches a lot of animals just grazing on grass," Toph said with a shrug. "I thought you knew."
"Of course, I didn't know!" Aang shouted. "If I knew, I would have put a stop to it!"
"Aang," Zuko spoke up. "You do know that most animals eat meat, at least occasionally, right? Even the ones that live off of plants eat meat sometimes."
"Not flying bison!" Aang insisted. "Not Appa." He turned to his friend, who was grazing lazily. Appa didn't seem to have a care at all. Not about eating meat, not about how betrayed Aang felt. Aang stood watching him in stunned silence. Then he felt a warm slender arm slip around his shoulders.
"Hey," Katara said gently. "Why don't you come sit and calm down. I made you lentils and wild rock tubers." Aang allowed her to steer him away from Appa. Toph went in behind him and freed Appa from the boulder. He grunted at her gratefully before lumbering over to a small, green bush to graze. Suki and Sokka stood behind Aang, as if to shield him from the sight while Katara and Zuko gave him his dinner and a cup of water.
"You want a blanket?" Katara asked. Aang shook his head, but Katara went over to find one just in case. Zuko patted his back in a way that was intended to be comforting, but just felt stiff and awkward.
"I know how you feel about eating meat," he said. "But you have to understand that you not eating meat is a choice, and animals don't have the ability to make that choice. When they eat, it's based on instinct.
"Appa's not just some animal," Aang held stubbornly.
"I know he's not," Zuko said. "He's your friend, and he's very smart compared to a lot of other animals. But he is still an animal. It's his nature to eat what he needs when he needs it. It doesn't change anything about him."
Aang disagreed, but he knew he'd find no support among his friends. The problem, he convinced himself, was that Appa was now living with meat eaters. Aang could admit to himself that he, too, got curious about meat from time to time. No wonder Appa had, too. All Aang needed to do was keep a closer eye on his friend and keep him from making poor choices. After all, the monks had told him that flying bison, like airbenders, got their abilities from keeping pure. He would keep Appa away from meat for his own good.
Across the clearing, Appa had moved onto a new bush. This one had the most deliciously tart berries. Appa paused midchew and nosed the ground beneath the bush. He could smell a seagrouse nest nearby. Maybe if he was lucky, he'd get another bird before they had to leave the island.
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omgthatdress · 2 years
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Fun fact: back in 2012, on this very blog, I made a post about American Girl dolls I’d like to see. One included a Black girl growing up during the civil rights movement and listening to Motown music. So yes, I’d love to take credit for Melody. But her actual creation goes back to a tweet someone made that I can’t find a link to right now. AG and the civil rights/motown era is SUCH a natural match, it’s kind of baffling it took until 2016 for Melody to finally come out. Being that she was a part of the “BeForever” line, it’s beyond infuriating that she only got two books.
THE GOOD NEWS IS BeForever was kind of a disaster for AG and they’ve done away with the brand. Claudie was released with Meet Claudie and her next book is Travels with Claudie so she definitely looks like she’s returning to the six book format. I doubt that the other girls released under the BeForever line (Nanea, Maryellen and Courtney) will get their full six books, which makes me so angry. I mean, given that Nanea is kind of specific to JUST pearl harbor, I can sooort of understand her having just two (even though I DEFINITELY think she should have gotten six. Hawaiian history and culture deserve a full six books). Given that Courtney is in the 80s, and a lot of what was controversial in the 80s is still controversial today, I can see how AG would be very very very hesitant to seriously dig into 80s history and politics, although six books in which Ronald Reagan and The Moral Majority are the bad guys would fucking rule. But for Maryellen and Melody it is bullshit of the highest order that they only got 2 books, especially when you consider that Maryellen’s big story is super bland bullshit about her struggling to stand out in her big family and not so much about confronting the sexist and racist cultural bullshit of the 50s. BUT she gets massive bonus points for covering the Salk vaccine (a major turning-point in history that doesn’t get NEARLY the amount of love and attention it deserves) and for having an amazing collection.
Melody being only two books is unforgivable. COMPLETELY UNFORGIVABLE. You cannot fit the enormity of civil rights and Motown and the 60s in general into just two books. All that being said, however, the two books they gave her seem to do a massive job with the tiny bit of space they were given. First of all, the advisory board for Melody is STACKED. Secondly, the trailer for Melody: Love Has to Win is the shit of Ron DeSantis’s nightmares:
A LITTLE BLACK GIRL REFUSING THE SAY THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND SAYING THAT AMERICA IS UNJUST?! That’s the sound of millions of pearls being clutched all across the nation. I’m honestly shocked Moms for Liberty weren’t burning Melody’s books in the streets. I am hereby a Melody stan now and forever. I still SINCERELY hope she gets a re-release with her full six books and a much bigger collection. Because for real Melody may be my new favorite doll (although that could change depending on what kind of collection Claudie gets).
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iicheeze · 2 years
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saintlou || [Name]'s Streaming Alias
very loud
but not so loud to make people's ears bleed
likes to play horror games but if it has multiplayer, you better believe that they're bringing a friend along
most of the time u get followers and subs by ur personality, but some just follow or sub them solely because of ur looks
(you're a 10/10 btw believe me)
friends with a lot of famous streamers like xhaitham, barbaraluv, redlou, chalkprince, and more
all of ur streams r always fun, u always somehow bring up a random experience u had in every situation
oui[name] || [Name] [Last Name]
[Name]'s private acc
basically a personal acc without including ur job
ur acc's only followed by ur irl friends (most of them u found from twitchvat)
most of the time u post food tweets or just u spitting random stuff ur brain shat out
"bro capitano's so cool idk if i wanna be him or be with him"
"what if i turned into an anime figure and the first thing i did is eat wait can i even eat as an anime figure"
dear_scara || Scaramouche's Work Acc
Used to be one of Fatui Fashion's Models
his (un)official nickname by the community is babygirl cuz his body is so slim and soft (like a babygirl)
tho his personality is very bitter, his fans r even wilder
everytime he does a photoshoot in public, ppl be crowding around it, asking to be stepped on, insulted, and even whipped
does he have a lot of paparazzi who have a degrading kink?
though he'd always find out if there's one nearby, so he just does uninteresting, bland, boring stuff
(he knows that boring pictures would sell badly)
tho thats not the reason why he got retired
he retired becuz of a certain stupid idiot ♡
kittymouche_ || Scara's private acc that no one knows existed
his username was ur idea, u found a stray cat that looked like him and started calling the cat kittymouche
(which he found annoying cuz he kept turning his head to u everytime u call the cat)
most of the time he tweets sweet nothings about you
(he wants to tell that to you irl but he'd never find the chance plus it's embarrassing in his eyes)
plus the only personal thing in his life that isn't known to the public is just you and his househusband life (cuz his paparazzi yk)
he's glad he retired
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TAGLIST || @stellakito @crueldinasty @hysteriablues @hoesaria @childeslegstrap @dreamsofminnie @caffeine-mess @alatusorrow @lunaeclipsethesimp @lxkeeeee @myaaones @withloveminnie @kavxikitty @aeongiies @qwnelisa @liliumaraneae
SUMMARY II in which, a sassy and bitter househusband, and his beloved, idiotic streamer of a lover got married! what a lovely occasion. now, for the married life in a newer, and bigger apartment.
PAIRINGS || Househusband Scaramouche x Gaming Streamer GN Reader
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kittymouche is now the official property of [Name] [Last Name] and Scaramouche [Last Name]
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very-straight-blog · 3 months
I saw a tweet the other day saying that HOTD is The Blacks point of view of what actually happened during the Dance because Fire and Blood is written as green propaganda and they use the "history is written by the victor". But, at the same time, they say The Blacks won because Aegon III sat on the throne. So, if they won, why did Aegon III let his mother be known as "The Cruel" or "Maegon with tits"?
It just drives me mad that they want to put the black as saints that never did anything wrong. What's the point of that? Make incredible boring characters? I will probably like Rhaenyra a little if she was ambitious, at least, but she's just bland.
Sorry for the rant, but Twitter is so infested with TB stans that you can't say anything against them without getting insulted.
At such moments, I'm glad I don't have Twitter. There are a lot of logical holes in the reasoning of some TB fans, seriously. By the way, I don't quite understand what they consider a victory - Aegon III took the throne, well, because Aegon II named him as his heir (although this moment in the book is quite vague, well, okay). Rhaenyra, who was killed by Aegon II, was never officially considered a queen, women didn't get closer to power, and the Targaryens eventually disappeared, as did their dragons - for a long time. Is this a victory? Huh, okay. As for the "good" and "bad" characters, the book was literally about what war leads to, especially war within the family, there was no good and bad side and therefore this conflict was interesting. TB fans (as well as the screenwriters) try to divide everything into black and white and it's just exhausting.
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hetaologist · 5 months
World Meeting (pt. 1)
England: *Enters the meeting room* Right, I want to address a particular Tweet as today’s meeting topic…
*All Nations stop what they’re doing to look at England*
England: Just last week, I read a Tweet from a *specific* individual, talking shit about my food.
*All Nations groan, America snickers to himself*
England: *Narrows eyes at America*, I’ll have you know, my ‘Pie and Mash’ is a good, hardy meal and a British classic!
America: *Stands from his desk with a cheeky grin* Come on dude, don’t tell me you actually look forward to eating dry ass meat pies covered in nuclear green gravy and a side of wall paste~. *He laughs mischievously*
France: *Clears his throat* Mon amie~, I’m forced to agree with America…unfortunately.”
England: *Snaps his head towards France* WHAT!? Says you, you snail sucker! Your food is overrated and overly complicated to make.
France: *Clutches pearls* Sacré bleu, you heathen! At least my food is desired for and doesn't make people fat, no~?!
*America and England both glare at France*
America: Excuse me bro...?
*Germany stands up and places hands on table*
Germany: Now's not the time to talk about frivolous topics as such. The three of you, sit down und shut up!
America: Hmph, says you. You think it's perfectly okay to eat boiled sausages with boiled potatoes and noodles with no seasonings.
*Germany gasps and gets taken a back*
France: And no, covering everything in mustard or paprika doesn't count~.
*Germany is fuming like a hot baked potato*
England: Hehe~. Now you know how I feel in this situation, you bland Kraut!
America: HAHA! And your beer tastes terrible~.
*Everyone deadass looks at America*
America: What?
Russia: That's some bold words coming from you, Америка~. Germany's beer is pretty good, your beer tastes like man pissed into bottle before closing it.
America: HEY! At least my food is well seasoned and diverse...
China: Yeah right, your shit is just our stuff but with too much sugar and salt.
*All Nations nod their head in agreement*
America: No it isn't! I just like lots of flavor....
*England looks over at America's Stanley cup on his desk*
England: I bet that coffee cup is filled to the BRIM with pure sugar and syrups, you fat ass.
America: Nah dude, it's filled with my *:・゚✧special sauce*:・゚✧.
*America opens up his giant cup filled with sauce*
America: It's a combination of ranch, hot sauce, chicken tender sauce, tangy BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard, mayo, bacon bits, chipotle, sour cream, sweet n' sour and chili sauce~.
*Everyone looks in horror at America's concoction*
England: What in the ACTUAL FUCK AMERICA ?! Why do you have a huge ass cup of JUST SAUCE?!
America: To quench my thirst, of course!
*Everyone's jaw drops in disgust, some start to gag*
Russia: I should have bombed you when I had chance...
America: Nah, I'm just playing! It's for my chicken tenders.
*America pulls out a box of fast food chicken tenders out of coat pocket*
America: It's my snackies :3c , this is the sauce I use for everything! Like tacos, burgers, pizza...
*North Italy faint after hearing 'pizza'. South Italy gasps and tends to his brother.*
South Italy: You sick fuck, you always fuck up our beloved pizza and pasta!
America: Wha- no I don't!
South Italy: You are the bastard that put pineapple on pizza and fucked it all-a up!
America: Actually, that's Canada's invention...
South Italy: WHAT?!
*Everyone looks at Canada*
Canada: ...damn it. It's really not that bad, honestly.
South Italy: You're just as bad as your brother!
Canada: Fair...
*America gets on the desk and stands on it*
America: How about we once and for all decide who has the best food in the world and that person can talk all the shit they want about other countries food!
*All Nations agrees to the motion, except for Germany*
Germany: Gott in Himmel... *facepalms*
(to be continued...)
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
13, 16, 21, 24
13. worst blorboficiation
jason todd. fanon tim is also annoying as hell but at least he doesn't prompt people to start spewing literal straight up copaganda
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
SHOVEL TALKS. theyre rooted in so much gross misogyny and very often also racism lmfao what is the appeal to you people??? the idea of a father figure being overly invested in your virginity???? 😬😬
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
this is incredibly specific and also incredibly bitchy but. you know that one yjdc panel of tim looking at kon's statue and saying "i didn't know what i was feeling". so many people reposted that all over the fucking place and would not stop talking about it and it was Right as i was getting into the fandom and i just remember so vividly thinking like. wow! this is so extremely bland and says nothing and was clearly just written in to get attention and be tweeted and tiktoked about. geoff johns was accidentally way queerer than this. chuck dixon was accidentally way queerer than this. judd winick's closet scene was WAY queerer than this. this is clickbait. this is literally just bait. this doesn't even confirm ANY sort of romantic feelings. it's like very vaguely implied but "i didn't know what i was feeling" about grief that consumed your life can have so many nonromantic implications as well. like. this is nothing. this is nothing!!! everyone shut up about this panel it literally says NOTHING.
but that also goes back to how i feel like a lot of recent comics have been full of clickbaity panels. like they just want to get this specific shot talked about on twitter or whatever. :|
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
does "mentioning that fandoms can perpetuate racist stereotypes" count? i mean imo thats not even ~discourse~ thats just straight up people refusing to think about their own internalized biases i guess.
oh i know!!! saying "i headcanon kon as a gay man" because you get so many people going "well i think he's generally queer or bi" because you know. he doesn't LOOK like a stereotypical twink, and as we know, all gay men are skinny white twinks ONLY,
(i'm sure there's something even more rancid than this but i'm just drawing a blank right now. so we get what was rancid to me PERSONALLY as opposed to what might be more rancid on the general level?)
"choose violence" ask game!
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kob131 · 14 days
So I just took a look at the quote tweets from Pocket Pair's Japanese announcement.
... Holy shit.
So for some background, the general reaction to the lawsuit announcement is pretty spilit but the most vocal people are decrying Nintendo for suing an indie dev like Pocket Pair. Pretty simple reason why, people don't like it when a big corporation starts wielding the law against smaller devs.
...Well, that's a misnomer. Western people don't like that. Or rather, that's their perception of what's going on and thus they have a negative reaction towards Nintendo.
On the Japanese side? The story's completely reversed. People are shitting on Pocket Pair and saying that Nintendo is in the right to do so. Now a lot of people are probably thinking that this is corporate shilling and yes, it is on some level. (Much like how the defense of Palworld is in part shilling for Pocket Pair). And yeah, just like people thinking Nintendo is suing over designs, people are saying Palworld is getting their comeuppence from stealing from Nintendo.
But the majority opinion to their statement (which is translated as follows)-
Today, Nintendo Co., Ltd. and The Pokémon Company announced that they had filed a lawsuit against us for patent infringement. At this time, we have not received the complaint and have not been able to confirm the other party's claims or the details of the patent rights that have been allegedly infringed. As a result, there are no plans to suspend or change the operation and provision of Palworld. Once we receive the complaint, we will take the necessary action. We are a small indie game development company based in Tokyo. Our goal has always been to create fun games. This goal will not change in the future, and we will continue to develop games to bring joy to many gamers. It is unfortunate that this lawsuit may force us to devote more of our time to issues other than game development, but we will do our best to work for our fans and to ensure that indie game developers are not hindered or discouraged from expressing their free ideas. We apologize for any concern and inconvenience caused to our players and related parties, but we hope that you will continue to enjoy Palworld and support us in the future.
-ranges from:
"Don't drag the indie industry into your shit"
"You caused this, you were arrogant: now own it"
to memes mocking them for bringing up the indie bit with a handful defending Pocket pair/attacking Nintendo
If you haven't noticed it- this is almost the exact OPPOSITE reaction in the english speaking world.
It's really shocking to see such a stark contrast on a situation where everyone seemingly has the same info. A friend of mine thinks this is due to a difference in focus between the two groups. The English side sees Palworld as competition for Pokemon to force innovation while the Japanese side sees Palworld as creatively bankrupt.
I think it goes deeper than that, down to the core of the two cultures.
Let's be real, most of the people defending Palworld in the English side are likely Americans. And Americans are, by our nature, disdainful of authority and see more moral legitimacy in the underdog. It fits with our own founding story with teh Revolutionary War and the Founders against the corrupt and powerful Britan, leading us to be a highly individualist culture with such a disdain for big entities.
On the other hand, Japan is a culture defined heavily by respect for authority and the morality being with the leaders. They, to the best of my knowledge, value social cohesion and unity above the individual. The reason why so many main characters coming from Japan feel like bland self-insert MCs is actually because they're made to appeal to people who want to mesh well with others and interact without conflict (a sharp contrast to Americans who value heroes CLASHING with others).
By our very cultures, we view the same situation in opposing ways because our cultures, due to growing from such massively different circumstances, are effectively polar opposites. To us, it's the big bad corporation bulling the noble underdog. To them (as much as I can assume), it's the slimy thief getting caught by the big noble man and getting his just desserts. Yet we still react the same way- with chaotic scrambling to justify our viewpoints while widely refusing nuance and paitence.
This is just simply fascinating to me. It's always so intriguing to see how America's and Japan's opposing values clash with each other, showing human beings react the same way but saying different words.
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greenconverses · 9 months
honestly laughed at the fact that they didnt even try to compete with the pokerface scene. also why did l*n kinda eat in his couple scenes i was honestly kinda flabbergasted. ALSO WHY DID THE SOLSTICE ALREADY PASS WHY DID THEY CHANGE THAT WHAT DO YOU MEAN
I think it is hilar that RR tweeted today being all, “WE’RE NOT GOING TO REFERENCE THE MOVIE WITH GAGA, THE MOVIES ARE SHIT” and then put out this bland ass episode that was only fun when the trio weren’t in the casino because they leeched all the tension out of the entire episode by acknowledging it was a trap immediately.
I didn’t mind LMM! The kiddos are best when they have a good and interesting adult actor to work with, and he did the job well. Not sure Hermes inclusion was necessary this early or some of the other exposition that got dropped. Choices are certainly being made.
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