#werewolf hermione
tomioneforever · 9 months
The grayscale version. My coloring is so lame that I decided to gray it all.
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And it surprises me every time how a single flip of your drawing can alter how you perceive it.
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Now Hermione seems to be backed in a corner and has no way to escape 😂
Which one do you like better?
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myloveharry · 3 months
Remus: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am-
Sirius: A doll.
Peter: A cinnamon roll.
James: A sweetheart.
Remus: ...stop it.
When the found out that Remus is a werewolf😂
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fic recs of the month
This is just a collection of my fic recs for the month of march, have fun <3
The Lab
by @de-sire-blog (de_sire) on Ao3
“I don’t get it,” Sirius says truthfully. “Remus is such a nice person, why does everyone pretend like he’s some kind of wicked stepmother?”
James laughs joyfully and winks at Sirius. “Are we even talking about the same person?” He holds out his hand above his head. “Big guy, about this tall, curly hair? Temper like a sleeping dragon? Smart, but a bit full of himself? Can kill you with his eyes?”
Sirius raises his eyebrows and laughs as well. “No, I don’t think we are talking about the same person at all.”  
A love story about healing, new beginnings and growing up. Academia! Romance! Shared cigarettes, cute cats, lots of coffee and the most amorous business trip you have ever seen.
the hare and the hound
by @steelycunt (aeridi0nis) on Ao3
‘He’ll never have to do it again, Remus realises. He can just keep being good, if he just behaves, he’ll never have to do it again, never with the dark and the bleeding and the crying. He just can’t give them reason to be angry at him, and he won’t, he hasn’t. And his mum is right – the drink does make him feel a little better.’
Remus is a terribly behaved five-year-old. He doesn’t really think so himself, but his parents lock him in the cellar every month, so he must be doing something to deserve it. Well, not anymore. He’s got a plan, see, sort of. He’ll never go downstairs again.
by @theresthesnitch on Ao3
“That’s not fair.” Sirius was crying now, and Remus swiped his tears away with his thumb. “This isn’t fair. We haven’t had enough time. It’s not fair.” 
“I know, love.” Remus leaned in for a kiss, and wondered if it would be the last. “I have loved you for sixty-two years, and it’s nowhere near enough.” 
Sirius loses his memories.
by @wolfstarbuxks (BayleyWinchester) on Ao3
Lupine adjective lu·pine | \ ˈlü-ˌpīn \ Definition of lupine : WOLFISH
Teddy is Remus' everything in life. He'd do anything for his son - including going to the same zoo, twice a week for a year so that his son could see the wolves that he had fallen in love with.
And if that meant that Remus got to met a sexy zookeeper, who was he to complain?
by darkbluedark on Ao3
In which Alastor not-yet-"Mad-Eye"-but-still-quite-Mad Moody does as Alastor "Just Mad" Moody does, and brings a sneakoscope to an Order meeting.
~The kind of fix-it that makes so much sense that the fact that it isn't canon should be considered a plot hole in itself~
A Brief History of Dragons
by @eyra on Ao3
It's lovely up here; all meadows dotted with wildflowers, wind-beaten tracks criss-crossing this way and that through the fields, weaving inland to the pinewoods. The sun's hot on his back as he passes ramshackle stone walls, long since crumbled to piles of ancient rubble and scree, and then the path winds downwards, still following the line of the coast until Sirius finds himself outside an old white cottage, tucked away behind the hill with a rose garden that faces out to the sea.
Sirius moves to Cornwall for the summer and meets a rude, beautiful boy who is writing a book that may or may not be about dragons.
The Phoenix Agency
by LupinsChocolatePraline on Ao3
Sirius Black is excited to start his first full-time job after Uni, but this life change doesn’t sit well with his boyfriend who is difficult to live with on a good day, abusive on all other days. Sirius is good at pretending that everything is alright, he can even convince himself, but sometimes he wishes things were different. The problem is – Fabian is all Sirius has. Or so they both think.
Remus Lupin is a senior copywriter at an advertising agency, currently single by choice, and very comfortable with his unchanging daily routine, his familiar colleagues and his company-issued ergonomic chair that’s been his for three years now. When his favourite graphic designer is replaced by a twitchy, fresh-out-of-university Sirius Black, his peaceful routine takes an unexpected hit.
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drabsyo · 11 months
Curious: What about Werewolf Hermione & Fleur? Wolves and Veela are both Soul Mate Creatures - how would the 2 react in each other's presence & when Hermione is transformed?
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anon you absolute genius, you had me at hello the potential of this au is *chefs kiss*
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basiatlu · 11 months
A Very Harry Drawtober Week 4
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We’re so close to being done.
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pascaloverx · 5 months
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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You open your eyes, feeling a strange pain in your head but relief in your back. You're lying on a very soft bed. But you don't recognize the place; it seems to be someone else's room. There's more light in the room, fewer scattered books. The furniture looks expensive, all in a dark tone. You try to get up from the bed, but you end up staggering. Once again, your body is back on the bed. You think it might be best to go back to sleep until someone shows up. It's exactly at that moment that Sirius enters through the door. He carries a cup and is watching you almost without making any noise.
"How long are you going to keep watching me?" You ask while still lying in bed. Sirius laughs, and you feel relieved that you've broken what could have been an awkward moment between you.
"Is that how you're going to talk to the man who saved you from death twice? I thought you'd know how to be more grateful." Sirius responds as he leans his body against the desk in the room. You sit up in bed, after some effort, and stare at Sirius. He's wearing new, elegant, dark clothes.
"If you're expecting gratitude from me, you'll have to wait until I'm in a better mood. My head is a mess. Did you bring me here?" You wonder how you ended up in Sirius's room. Then you wonder where Remus is. Did you hallucinate meeting someone named Remus? And if he does exist, why did he leave you with Sirius?
"Remus and I. It was teamwork. We didn't want you to get hurt anymore. Before you ask, Remus and I are very close. When you're Lupin's problem, you're my problem too." Sirius then hands you the cup. There's what seems to be herbal tea inside, and you don't waste time asking whether you should drink it or not. You quickly ingest the tea, and almost instantly, you feel relief from the pain in your head.
"I'm grateful and offended at the same time. What do you mean, problem? I'm not a problem for either of you. In fact, I find it rather rude of you to refer to me as a problem." You say as soon as you finish the tea. Apparently, you managed to rise and stand up immediately after getting angry with Sirius. He seems to have a talent for irritating you.
"Hey, hey, hey princess. Relax. I didn't mean to offend you, but let's just say taking care of you was an inconvenience. Remus had to go teach, but today is my day off. A day away from the little ones." Sirius says, smiling slyly. You look into Sirius's eyes and wonder how he can be someone's teacher.
"You're a bit childish for a teacher. Not that I'm saying you're not qualified to teach, but..." you say, being suggestive. You notice he's no longer smiling, which is a pity. His smile is beautiful. As beautiful as he is.
"I'll forgive you for the attitude and offer to take you to the room where you should be going to teach. Right now." Sirius says, somewhat arrogantly, and pretending to be modest. At least, that's what it seems like he's doing.
"How? I just arrived, I can't just already have to teach, can I?" You had no idea that there would already be a class waiting for you. Things at Hogwarts seem to happen too quickly.
"McGonagall doesn't mess around. Apparently, you'll be substituting for my esteemed friend Lily Potter. Her health is fragile at the moment. But enough details. Let's go. The brats are eager to meet you." Sirius says, almost excitedly. Then he puts his hand out in front of you as if he wants you to take his hand. And you hold his hand, which is as cold as winter. But soft; very soft. And then he guides you, holding your hand with some firmness.
"Shouldn't I meet with this McGonagall or Dumbledore? Am I just going to arrive and start teaching?" You speak as you practically run through the corridors behind Sirius. He seems focused.
"McGonagall is busy dealing with a student who locked herself in the bathroom, and now everyone can hear her moans, and many students are nervous about it. As for Dumbledore, he's traveled to a meeting between some influential school directors in London. He won't be back for a few weeks. But trust me, you're in good hands." Sirius says, almost breathless as you're both almost running everywhere. Oh dear, how will you manage to teach after sprinting through almost the entire school at this speed?
"Tell me we've arrived. My feet can't handle climbing another staircase. At this rate, you'll have to carry me." You say, letting go of Sirius's hand for a moment and catching your breath.
"Nice way to flirt with me, but we've arrived. You're new here, they probably tried to intimidate you. I hope you survive. Take good care of my godson. See you later, Y/N." Sirius says quickly, with a playful smirk on his face, and then he disappears. How does he manage to be so fast?
Summoning courage, you enter the classroom. It's a room with an old-fashioned style, furniture made of the finest wood, and several students who look at you as if you've committed a crime.You compose yourself as you walk to the teacher's desk. It's a large desk, with a big book on top of it and a attendance list. You look at the class and notice that the boys who were fighting when you arrived are your students.
"So, students. I'm your substitute teacher. I'll be taking over this class until the previous teacher can return. I hope you'll receive me with the same respect that I'll give to you." You speak in a steady tone, neither too loud nor too soft.
"You hear that, Potter? Now you won't be privileged with high grades just for being the teacher's son. Finally, all of Hogwarts will discover what a loser you are." The boy, whom you believe to be called Draco, speaks almost across the room, addressing the dark-haired boy.
"You continue to delude yourself with your nonsense, Malfoy. If you put half as much effort into studying as you do into trying to belittle me, you'd probably be smarter." Potter speaks, and you just observe them with a serious expression.
"You know what? I think you two need to learn to put your energy into something other than taunts and senseless aggression. Malfoy and Potter, pair up and be the first to do today's class activity. For the other students, pair up as you prefer and start drawing. Today's task for everyone is to draw an animal that represents you as a pair. The best pair will earn extra credit. I suggest that Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter showcase their skills if they truly want to measure intelligence." You walk around the room as you write the task on the board and listen to the students forming their pairs. Everyone except the two mortal enemies. Apparently, they really don't want to do this task together.
"Teacher, with all due respect, it's not possible for you to believe that Draco Malfoy and I will do well in this task." Potter says as he adjusts his glasses on his face. He speaks assertively, and you look at him, trying to decide what to respond to him.
"Even though Potter is a fool, he's right. Not to mention that you've just arrived here and are already treating the two of us differently. It's not fair that the others can choose their partners and we have to stay together." Draco speaks, all full of himself, as if he's making a beautiful defense of why he's being unjustly treated. You chuckle lightly.
"I'll be clearer. You're going to work together, you're going to do a good job, and all of this in harmony. Otherwise, neither of you will receive a grade. Now, save all that energy for the beautiful drawing you're going to make. I'll be sitting at my desk waiting to evaluate you and all the other obedient classmates you have." You say, sitting in the comfortable chair designated for the teacher and opening the book on the desk. Malfoy and Potter must have realized that you wouldn't change your mind and decided to pair up. You took attendance, finally discovering that Potter's name is Harry, that the smart girl who draws beautifully is Hermione Granger, and that the boy she's paired with, who spends most of his time distracting her, is named Ron Weasley. Time passes quickly, and soon you're collecting the class's drawings to evaluate later. Draco and Harry did a great job together, but that didn't stop Malfoy from threatening to call his father to the school if you forced him to be near Potter.
"How was your first day?" Remus asks as soon as all your students leave the room for recess, and you stay behind to organize some things.
"A madness. Seriously, I thought my night was a mess, but waking up in Sirius's room in the early afternoon and then coming to teach was insane. Not to mention that the students I separated from a fight this morning are my students. And I think both of them will end up hating me by the end of my time here. And I lost my suitcase. But don't let me overwhelm your ears with my nonsense." You say, feeling lighter when you finish speaking, as if a weight has been lifted off your chest. Remus seems somewhat enchanted by your moment of venting. Or maybe his eyes always look too friendly? The smile is charming too.
"I can try to solve some of your problems. Harry is like a nephew to me, not to mention he's Sirius's godson. I can talk to him about this situation with Malfoy. As for your suitcase, it might be with me. I was walking through the forest a little before I found you in my room, and I saw this strange suitcase there. It was dirty with blood, so I preferred to clean it first, but I can take you to the suitcase. And then, of course, you can have a coffee with me." Remus says in a very sweet way, which leaves you a bit enchanted. For some reason, you feel that being near him is refreshing or comforting, something like that. You can't quite explain it yourself. You feel the impulse to hug him, which is quite strange. But you manage to control yourself.
"I can't refuse an invitation like that, especially when you offer me a solution not only to one but to two of my problems. Lead the way to the cafeteria because I'm dying for a cappuccino." You say, walking with Remus, who is walking quite calmly. Then you go together to the cafeteria, and you feel like you might enjoy your time at Hogwarts, even if it's short-lived.
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definitelynotyoidd · 5 months
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helloo, this is a bellamione fanart inspired by a fanfic called innocent death - yunaleskah on ao3. hope you like it!
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dara-art · 6 months
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art for absolutely heartbreaking ff
DON'T LOOK BACK by @onyx-and-elm
I'm saddened that I'll never know its ending, but I still love it all ❤️‍🩹
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foolishlywandwaving · 2 months
lie (can't hope)
"She is hiding a dangerous secret from the Head Boy."
same age head girl/head boy AU. written for the tomione trope fest 2023. I said this would be a oneshot (I lied)
Chapter 2 sneak preview
The word itself made her flinch.
“You’re mistaken.” Her voice was hoarse from screaming, and weaker than she would’ve liked. “I’m not -”
“But that's what you really are, aren't you? An Omega. A prize, in the eyes of many … and to think, you were hiding under my nose for what, a year? Longer? Come, you must tell me.” His words were gentle, coaxing, his face rearranged into a mask of kindness. “How did you manage it? I've never heard of an Alpha becoming an Omega.”
Riddle trailed a fingertip along the newly-sensitive bump in her wrist. She jerked at the sensation, and turned her head away.
He laughed, and before, she would have found the sound grating. Obnoxious. Now, the bass of his laughter reverberated deep in her gut. A distant voice in the back of her head shouted at her, revolted that she was happy he found her amusing -
“Please,” she begged, struggling to right herself with her wrists and ankles bound, “you can’t tell anyone about this; I’ll do anything -”
Riddle smiled. “You will, won’t you? You will do anything, exactly as I wish, and what I wish, Hermione, is for you to prostrate yourself before me, figuratively speaking, and to answer my questions."
He rose smoothly to sit himself comfortably by the long-dead fire, attention briefly diverted to lazily wave his wand towards the Common Room door.
"In fact, nothing would please me more ... Oh …” Riddle trailed off softly, eyes hungrily drinking her in, for Hermione had, without her usual protest, instinctively obeyed his order and rolled onto her knees in front of him, bound wrists tucked under her tailbone.
Like a trussed-up lamb, ready for slaughter.
Like a sacrifice.
Read Chapter 1 here
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roseheira · 1 year
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8th Year AU where Hermione was the one who took Greyback down, but didn't leave unscarred.
Back for her last year in Hogwarts, she tries to hide her lycanthropy by keeping her new impulses under control but it's hard when you feel like you're habitating a stranger's body.
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casasupernovas · 2 years
you know what really gets me about the werewolf prank?
aside from the fact that you know, it wasn't just a prank and could have got severus AND james killed and ruined lupin's life AND probably would have got the school shut down? because let's be real here could you imagine? "hogwarts to close after headmaster and head of wizengamot albus dumbledore allows werewolf child into school who murders two fifth year students during full moon."
and it's not lost on me that severus didn't see james as heroic in this moment, because he just saw james having his friends best interests in mind and not giving a crap about him either. why? because sorry marauders stans, this incident happened BEFORE 'snape's worst memory' not after. so you can't use it as a turning point in jame's character because he saved severus then went on to continue bullying him like nothing happened. pretty much proving severus' point about james not caring or being particularly noble.
it's the fact that james was the only one to do the right thing. sirius didn't care. fck knows what peter was doing.
i also take issue with hermione also referring to this murder attempt as just a prank to dumbledore in the book, because i can take ron and harry thinking that. but not hermione. hermione is SMART. she's the one who cracked lupin was a werewolf. she KNOWS the danger. hell, the MARAUDERS knew the danger, it was why they became animagi in the first place. so i do not believe hermione would have heard remus out of his own mouth say it was a prank, but life risking when james was involved and not put two and two together. she's smarter than that.
p.s. stop calling severus petty for wanting the marauders expelled. i'd want my bullies expelled too tf?
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Reveal #6 - The Wolf and the Lioness
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Antonin Dolohov/Hermione Granger - Explicit
No Archive Warnings Apply
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doodleholic · 5 months
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Hermione Granger is in desperate need of an alpha (reader), preferably a lay-(person). That’s not the ad that goes to press. Draco Malfoy is an alpha (werewolf), looking for a lay (preferably, of the kinky shagging variety). Events do not quite proceed as he anticipated.
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fic rec friday
By Moonlight
by @eiirisworkshop (Eiiri) on Ao3
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus recognizes something familiar in Draco Malfoy and offers him sanctuary. With nowhere else to turn--his parents in prison, his home a crime scene--Draco reluctantly accepts and becomes a tolerated, if not welcome, member of his schoolyard rivals' and wartime adversaries' family of choice.
As pages of the lunar calendar turn and the summer wears on, Draco and the others begin to see each other in a different light.
Ahh this fic is so good! It's so gripping and has so much found family and redemption in it and I love it and I want to eat it and you should read it!
favorite tropes included are:
found family
werewolf angst
fluffy wolfstar <3 eventually
they are communicating? yes
going to the dog park with your favorite werewolf
werewolf lore
as always, leave lots of love and kudos to the author and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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thegrangerarchives · 8 months
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To Woo a Wolf by @juniordreamer
It's been years since the end of the Second Wizarding War. Hermione is a Healer specializing in the treatment of non-magic individuals (i.e. muggles) suffering magical injuries. No one knows that Draco Malfoy has been infected with lycanthropy, only that he's retreated from the public eye in exchange for a life of isolation at Malfoy Manor. She doesn't expect a response to her written request for donations or the more personal correspondence that follows.
Rated: M; Chapters: 14
→ Link: Archive of Our Own 
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dramioneasks · 4 months
Marked by the Moon By: Louisa Caraballo - M, 4 chapters -COMPLETE! When Draco Malfoy gets punished for not completing his mission for the Dark Lord, he doesn't know what to expect, but becoming a Werewolf was not it. He comes to find out that all the things he thought he knew about them are pretty much false. Now he just needs to convince his Soulmate to get on board. Updates Mondays!
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