#snape x granger
echoofawind · 6 months
SSHG Feels Trip Fest 2024
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Do you want to go on a short trip? This is your ticket 🎟️ to pack up your feels and join us on a trip 🚌 with Severus and Hermione.
Why a short trip? Because this is a Drabble and Art fest! We want to see a snapshot of emotion. For this fest, a Drabble is 100 words. Got more to say? No worries! Do a multiple drabble work! Need more words? A picture is worth a thousand words: add some art to your creation!
You can view the collection on AO3 here.
The Timeline:
Prompting opens: Now! Go fill out the form here!
Works due: May 31st end of day (your timezone)
Go questions? Send me (Echo, echofawind on Tumblr) an ask! I'm happy to help. I'm looking forward to reading your creations!
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I have a deadline so I’m focusing on that… except right now… I thought I should treat myself.
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Based on an old photo of mine. Tehe.
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Half-Blood Prince is like:
Hermione: I wish Ron liked me back
Ron: I wish Hermione liked me back
Lavender: I wish Ron liked me back
Ginny: I wish Harry liked me back
Dean: I wish Ginny liked me back
Seamus: I wish dean liked me back
Harry: I wish Ginny liked me back
Draco: The only way to save myself and my family is to kill Dumbledore which will end the rest of the entire wizarding world, Snape and Harry won’t get off my back, and i have no idea how to fix the magic cabinet but if i fail GrayBack will kill me and my mother
Snape: I wish Lilly liked me back
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Harry: runs into strange woman as she enters the great hall "I'm so sorry miss..."
Y/N: "Snape"
Harry: "no not possible, there is no way you are related to professor Snape"
Y/N: "I'm his wife"
Harry: "really I've never heard about you or seen you before"
Y/N: "I'm the head of aurors in America"
Harry: walks away muttering "she has to be under a love potion"
Y/N: sits next to Severus "can you believe those kids think you are using a love potion on me"
Severus: "love can you turn and pretend to talk to McGonagall I'll put there suspicions to ease"
Severus: pulls vile from pocket and pours it into her cup watching Ron, Hermione and harry watch in shock
Severus: "drink this love and let the fun begin"
Y/N: drinks it then looks up to see their horrified faces
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wordsarelife · 22 days
—the black dog
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: the war awakes something in theo you hadn't thought was even there. you battle with your feelings of heartbreak, while you try to forget his everlasting presence in your life
warnings: mentions of death, grief, pain and torture. canon typical violence. this is very much heartbreak through and through
note: this isn't exactly what you asked for but your request inspired me to write this. i feel like it was important to highlight the complicated relationship that theo and reader resulted in because of the war.
theo and draco are cousins in this.
"would you please just talk to me?" you screamed. he had been acting weird for a few days now. 
at first you hadn't thought anything of it, not at the beginning. it had started with draco, who had been strange since the school year started, staying behind when the rest of you would go somewhere or disappearing in the middle of dinner. 
you had tried talking to him, you had grown closer over the time you and theo were together. you had quickly realized that it was hard for draco to build relationships, partly because he wasn't sure how and partly because he was scared of being left. 
you had done a pretty good job at showing him that you were going nowhere and that he, even if theo and you should break up one day, would still be your friend. 
you had thought that it had something to do with his parents. he didn't mention them often and you had only met them once, during a visit to the manor for a festivity during the winter break of the fifth year. you admitted that you didn't know them well, but it was easy enough for you to judge narcissa malfoy and the connection she had to her son. the love that kept her from ever risking something happening to him.
whatever was going on with him, his mother was well informed and probably already searching for a solution.
but draco had made it clear to you that he wanted to be left alone and you didn't push him to tell you more, just comforted him whenever he would let you or pansy. 
his weird behavior had been a constant throughout the entire year, until the point where it had influenced mattheo and enzo to act just as suspiciously and if you thought it couldn't get worse, you had been wrong. 
"i can't" theo muttered between clenched teeth, and you tried to look at his face as he frantically turned away from you. 
"is it about harry? is it about something he said to draco? did he say something to you?"
harry and the rest of your gryffindor friends were normally a topic you strictly avoided when in company of the slytherins and especially draco. you didn't agree on the childish rivalry they had going on and rather just kept out of that. but now that you thought about it, harry had been acting just as strange as draco had since the beginning of the year.
"potter doesn't matter, y/n" theo pressed his hands on both your shoulders, scaring you with the look on his face. 
"let me help you, love" you tried to not let it affect you, to not let the fear shine through your voice and honestly, you weren't scared of him, but of what would happen to the boy you loved so desperately it felt like breathing. 
"you can't" theo shook his head. "but you have to get ouf of the castle immediately, promise it to me"
"what? why should i--"
"you have to promise it" theo repeated louder, desperate and teary eyed as he stared at you like you had already died. 
the threatening war had made it harder to overlook the differences between you and the slytherins. you were a pureblooded witch, but definitely didn't share the same views about blood purity your friends did. 
"okay" you cooed, taking him into your arms. "i promise, i promise anything you want" 
theo didn't leave much room for questions when he told you to get off the hogwarts grounds and apparate home to your parents a few minutes later. you were scared and confused, as you watched the fear in his eyes flame up at whatever was coming. there was something he was not telling you and it simply broke your heart, knowing that he had to go through it alone. 
you weren't sure what took over you, when you heard a familar laugh, one that was so earth shattering and haunting, you couldn't help but dash back into the castle, despite what you had promised your boyfriend, his name repeating over and over again in your mind. 
you took two stairs at once, sprinting up the tower, wand in hand and ready to jump to theo's defense. 
"you made mummy so proud, boys" bellatrix said and you wanted to throw up at the tone in her voice. you could just imagine enzo and mattheo, or what was left of them, looking at their mother, not one bit of love or familiarity on their face. just fear. 
before you could climb the rest of the stairs, a hand grabbed you, pulling you to the side, behind old school supplies. the persons other hand was pressed onto your mouth and your eyes grew big until you noticed harry, stoic expression, not amused at seeing you. 
"harry" you muttered relieved. 
"what are you doing here?" harry whispered, not caring for the fear in your voice or the intent you had had coming up here in the first place. 
before you could answer, bellatrix spoke once again. 
"your boy has surely made you proud too, nott" she giggled. "just like our draco will make his parents in just a few minutes"
your eyes went up to the floor above you like your own name had been called. it wasn't even theo she had called by the name and still you could just imagine his slumped down shoulders and sickly expression. the same he had been spotting these past few days.
harry watched you closely, as if to make sure you would keep quiet, before his eyes turned back up too. 
“do it” bellaxtrix hissed at draco, who had raised his wand at dumbledore.
harry and you exchanged glances, before he too, raised his wand. you gripped on his arms tightly, shaking your head at him. 
“we can’t” you mouthed. 
“dumbledore” harry whispered. you shook your head again, tears spilling over your cheeks. 
your eyes left harry and wandered back through the floorboards. you couldn’t see theo, enzo, and mattheo, but draco was clearly shaking in fear and you couldn’t help but be worried about him. 
“draco” bellaxtrix encouraged once more “do it!”
“he’s not brave enough, bellatrix” notts voice rang out sounding as triumphantly as possible. you heard movement on the floor, a pair of dark shoes stepping forward and you wondered what nott was planning to do, when your heart suddenly stopped beating. 
“avada kedavra” a voice muttered, wand raised and aimed at dumbledore, who fell backwards so slowly as if time had stopped.  
harry gripped your arm, your body still frozen, as your eyes stayed focused on notts shoes. theodore notts shoes. not his father. theo, your theo. 
theo had just killed dumbledore. 
one part of you wanted to scream, jump into the open and scream at him or bellatrix or all the people a few steps above you, but the other part, the unstoppable dread, was aching to hide away from all of it, to just go and never come back.
how could you ever look at him again after what you had just witnessed? would he still be the same after he had done something like this? you couldn’t. he wouldn’t. your heart ripped open. 
“y/n” harry whispered, pushing you back to hide the both of you behind some old astronomy maps. footsteps descended down the stairs and out of the tower and you felt like you could breathe again once he had left. 
you sank to your knees immediately. harry still watched the space around you, not sure if you were entirely safe yet. 
someone ran up the stairs. harry tried grabbing you to push you back behind the old things, to shield you from whoever was coming back and trying to finish the job. 
it was snape and harry felt relieved for the first time upon seeing the teacher. he didn’t fully trust him, but dumbledore did. also, snape was a far better option than any of the death eaters. 
snapes eyes jumped between harry and you on the ground, before they turned to look up the stairs. 
“they’re gone” harry said, voice raised to drown out your sobbing, before he bent down once more and helped you back onto your feet. he pulled you close, to bring you comfort and shield your tear spilled face from snape's penetrating gaze.
harry wasn’t sure if he imagined it, but he could almost see a bit of pity in snape’s eyes, when the man watched you stand on your shivering legs, only held up by harry, as if your body was too heavy to stand on it’s own.
it was just suddenly that the meaning of snape's presence painted a clear picture in your mind. narcissa malfoy hadn't found a solution, no she had found something that was even better: a substitute, someone to step in, when draco would ultimately fail upon the task he had been given.
and tiberius nott had done the same, only that he had proudly sold out his son instead of sparing his life.
you threw off harry’s arms, walking across the room, step by step, until you were standing in front of the teacher, ready to bash his head in.
“you are too late” you cried, not caring if spit or tears or anything else fell onto his robes. you stabbed a finger to his chest. “it’s your job to help. why didn’t you help him?” you cried.
snape furrowed his brows in confusion. “draco?” he asked in his normal tone, but a little bit of surprise broke through. just like you had thought. not even snape had held draco for capable of fulfilling his task.
you shook your head. slowly, bitterly. It was unfair that you had to say his name, that you had to recapture the event like a missed quidditch game, that snape had been late enough to miss it, but perfectly on time to watch your life fall apart.
you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. couldn’t even mutter the name that had been the most beautiful thing to you these past years, there was nothing left. no meaning behind those letters and still you couldn’t do it. “nott” you said. 
it was over. 
“nott?” snape repeated, as if he was daring you to finally say what you had been dreading. 
“junior” harry muttered. you turned your head at him and he looked down on his shoes, as if he was ashamed you had heard him. 
“surprisingly unexpected” snape noted, like you had been discussing the weather.
“what?” you muttered, your voice strained. 
“y/n” harry said softly and you could hear him coming closer. you broke apart from snape, slapping his hand away when he tried reaching for your arm in an unusual caring manner. 
“you failed him” you spit at him, before you stormed out of the tower, harry hot on your heels.
bellaxtrix and the rest of the deatheaters, were jumping down the grass path to hagrids hut. following behind them were draco, enzo, mattheo and finally theo, who stepped out of the castle as last.
they had probably strolled through the halls, bringing their inevitable destruction into the home you had grown to love and cherish.
harry and you had watched them from the side of the entryway, dried tears on your cheeks and the anger taking over the pain that had tightened your chest. you loved him, but you couldn't believe that he had had no choice.
killing someone was not debatable.
you had watched in susprise when theo had not been there with them, but your surprise had been quickly taken over by even more anger, when he finally strolled through the door, hands in his pockets, like he was talking a late evening stroll.
your hand wept forward without so much as a thought, gripping the material of his tie and yanking him back.
theo made a gurgling sound, briefly breathless, and it was only his surprise that allowed you to measure up enough strength to effectively pull him back. that and your anger.
harry helped you as he pushed theo against the wall, wand at his throat.
theo took a big breath as soon as you let go of his tie, his eyes widened in surprise as he completely ignored harry and only looked at you, your face cast with shadows of the darkness in the creeping night and the regret that was so evident it only pained him further.
"didn't i tell you to go home?" it didn't surprise you that there was still a hint of superiority in his voice, even if it had faltered tremendously.
"you knew about all of it, didn't you?" you asked instead.
"y/n" theo sighed, in a tone as if he was inspecting a failed task for a homework you hadn't been able to finish. "i can explain"
"i don't think you should" you muttered and you were doing your best to not let the look of helplessness that now entered his face break your heart any further. "i just think i speak for the both of us, when i say that it's over"
"y/n" theo pleaded, pushing against harry's hold to try and reach for you. you stepped back and harry pushed the tip of his wand deeper into theo's neck.
you shook your head, not having it in you to look at him, before you turned around. "do what you have to do" you left the two of them alone, knowing that harry was just waiting to punish theo for killing one of the most important people to him.
you couldn't muster up the courage to even care about what would happen to him. your anger at snape had evaporated as fast as it had come. theo had it in him to kill and snape's late arrival changed nothing about that.
the person you had loved died together with the headmaster.
everything had been lost the moment he had muttered the curse, leaving behind a hurricane of feelings in your heart, but no one left to love in this world.
you did not waste another thought for him, pushing his name so far away from your mind, you almost forgot about him completely.
but a three-year relationship wasn't just consisting of memories, but of habits too and you found yourself thinking about possibilities in the dead of night.
possibilities that you had thought to be endless before, but of which was only one left now.
what if theo hadn't killed dumbledore?
your friends were clearly worried about you. hermione and ginny never left you alone during your stay in the burrow or during the nights, which had to have been the most haunting. the time were you most experienced his loss, as nightmares were plaguing your mind and fear was taking over your senses, feeling like you had made a mistake with theo. even if your friends and the weasleys said something different.
it was the same restlessness that lead to you following hermione, ron and harry on an adventure that was trying to fulfill an impossible task.
but there was no hope left if you didn't at least try what had been asked of you and you were smart enough to realize that.
even though you were always together, the time you were on the road seemed to be the most lonely you had ever felt and you found yourself thinking more about theo than you had wanted to.
none of your friends dared to say anything to you the next morning, when you would call out his name in your dream, always asking yourself what had happened, and if he was even still alive.
your question was answered in a different way than you had liked, when your group was discovered by deatheaters and brought back to malfoy manor, where not only draco and the malfoys, but theo was staying too.
you hadn't seen him at first, down in the dungeon. but surely they had come to get hermione, bringing her back a few hours later, scarred and crying for mercy as she fell into ron's arms.
it took another hour to call for the other female friend of harry potter.
"the other?" you could draco's voice ask when you were dragged up the stairs and through the halls.
"what other?" it was theo's voice that was now speaking, fear and dread overweighing the curiosity.
the door flew open and five people turned around to gain a look at you.
narcissa and lucius malfoy were sitting in obnoxious chairs, spotting similiar looks of surprise and interest.
bellatrix was hanging over the back of narcissa's chair. her hands pressing down on her younger sister's shoulders, squeezing them as if she was excited.
narcissa suddenly seemed less content, as she heard the similar gasps coming from her sons and nephew's mouths.
draco and theo were staring at you wide-eyed. their faces pale and painfully twisted as they recalled what had happened with harry potter's other friend just hours before.
"oh" bellatrix quirked up when the unknown death eater threw you to the floor and theo and draco dashed forward at the same time to try and catch you, before they were held back by the black haired witch. "do you happen to know her?"
your eyes were fixated on the doors behind you, which fell close with a loud thud as the deatheater who had brought you disappeared.
"no" draco and theo mustered up to stutter at the same time.
you send a glare across the room. it meant nothing, those two were only shells of the boys you had once known. but the innocence had been drained from them like a well run dry in a relentless drought.
"what are we going to do with you?" bellatrix smiled, stepping away from the chair and walking around your body on the floor.
narcissa reached for theo's arm, when he was about to drag bellatrix away from you.
you averted your eyes. not giving her the satisfaction to see the fear in them.
bellatrix looked through your act immediately. "she's a tough one" she noted and her expression of admiration changed to a malicious grin as she saw theo close his eyes.
"you do it" she laughed excitedly, stepping forward and pulling theo into the middle of the room.
"bellatrix, please" narcissa said, not even bothering to stand up and stop her sister from her attempt.
"what, cissy?" bellatrix asked. "you don't think she should be punished for stealing?"
"stealing what?" your voice made bellatrix turn around dramatically.
"would you look at that!" she gushed "the girl can speak!"
"yes" you nodded "and the girl can even tell you that she stole nothing"
"lie" bellatrix giggled and you had to admire her persistence, while the playful tone in her voice kept you on edge, always waiting for the moment she would break into an insanely loud scream.
you had heard not only hermione's cries, but bellatrix' screams from the dungeon. that gave a measure to how loud she was able to scream. and how she could torture until there was nothing left of the person you had once been.
"atta boy!" bellatrix encouraged theo, as she pushed him closer, until he was standing just a few feet from your body.
you wouldn't beg for their mercy. you would die without feigning any regret. if bellatrix really thought you stole something from her, you were glad she was torturing you instead of harry, who was much more important for everything coming after.
you could afford to die so early into the war. you were of no importance for the safety of the wizarding world.
you looked up at theo. the blue of his eyes mixed together with the tears that were already spilling over the edges.
"it shouldn't be hard" you said, voice hoarse and strained. you had been apart for almost ten months and he was still creating a lump in your throat, he was standing for everything that had been lost.
theo exchanged a glance with draco, almost as if begging him to take his place.
"bellatrix, this is madness" narcissa said, a bit stricter now, as if her simple words could really change the mind of someone who had already decided to embrace the madness her sould had been corrupted by.
"oh, cissy" bellatrix giggled "how will he learn? just another step on the path he must take to be granted the honour of the dark lord"
"do it" you said to theo, ignoring what bellatrix was babbling about.
"i can't—“ theo looked back at narcissa, talking to her rather than you.
"do it!" you repeated, louder this time.
"she even wants him to" bellatrix noted, clear amusement in her voice. she was almost excited to find out more about the conflict between you and her nephew.
"she's a pureblooded witch" theo turned to bellatrix, now trying to convince her himself. "she's one of us"
"i'm not" you protested, but bellatrix ignored you, stepping forward and touching theo's cheek softly with the pocket knife that she had taken from her robes, dripping in blood. hermione's blood probably.
"i thought you didn't know her" bellatrix mused "but the knowledge about her blood status suggests otherwise" theo gulped and before he was ready to say something, bellatrix has dragged the weapon across his cheek with one quick gesture, leaving a bleeding cut.
theo looked down quickly, as if to hide his injury from you, but he hadn't missed the gasp of air you had taken, scared that the woman had planned to kill him.
bellatrix stepped back next to her sister. "go on boy, don't make auntie bella angry" she threatened, playing with the knife in her hand.
not even narcissa dared to say something.
"just kill me" you told theo, when he raised his eyes to look at you once more, wand still losely hanging to the side. "you know how to"
"y/n" theo muttered, just loud enough for you to hear.
"it doesn't matter" you shook your head. "just do it" you closed your eyes, ready for the stream of the green curse to take over your body and future.
theo did not raise his wand.
"kill me" you said loudly, unforgiving, almost screaming. you opened your eyes to look at your tormentors. apart from bellatrix none of them looked like they were particularly enjoying what was happening.
bellatrix’s eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction as if she was savoring the power she held over theo. narcissa’s face was a portrait of conflicted emotions, torn between her loyalty to her sister and her love for her son and nephew. lucius’s gaze darted nervously between the scene unfolding before him, as if hoping for some resolution to the madness. draco was crying and trying to swallow the breaths that were tempting him to throw up right on his aunt's feet.
and theo? theo was rather keen on killing himself than doing you any harm.
you were less forgiving. "kill me like you killed dumbledore!" you screamed, tears falling on the floor in front of you, as your voice echoed off the cold stone walls. the anger in your voice was raw, pure, and unfiltered. theo flinched at the words, his face paling further, if that was even possible. the weight of your demand seemed to crush him, making it even harder for him to act.
you were so indescribably angry. but not at what he had done to you, but rather what he had done to himself. and that in it alone was the reason you would never forgive him.
he had ruined what you had loved. he had killed the person you had loved the most and you had nothing left to care about what would happen to you.
maybe it was his punishment that he had to be the one to kill or torture you.
theo’s grip on his wand faltered as he looked at you with a mixture of horror and heartbreak. he seemed to be struggling not just with what he was being asked to do, but with the shattered remnants of the person he used to be.
bellatrix’s patience wore thin, her frustration evident as she waved her wand dismissively. “enough of this pathetic display,” she sneered, her voice dripping with venom. “the boy is clearly too weak for this task.”
“no!” theo shouted, his voice cracking. “i can’t— i won’t—” his wand dropped to the floor, clattering against the stone with a finality that seemed to reverberate through the room.
the room erupted into chaos as bellatrix’s fury reached its peak. she turned on theo with a rage that was almost as palpable as your own pain. narcissa tried to intervene, her voice pleading, but it was clear that the darkness had already taken hold.
but before she was able to mutter a curse, to torture or kill theo right in front of your eyes, harry, ron and hermione came running in the room, wands raised they started firing spells.
it took you a moment longer to get up. you and theo held eye contact, the boy just a crumpled mess on the floor in front of you. you reached out your hand and took his wand, disarming bellatrix, who began screaming.
the fight was short and unforgiving as the malfoys were throwing spells. draco was struggling to keep up with harry's quick movements and theo did not even make an attempt to stand up. instead he kept his eyes trained on you.
dobby appeared suddenly, calling you to him to bring you to safety, after he had let a chandelier fall onto bellatrix who had held a knife to hermione's throat.
you stepped forward once more, kneeling in front of theo, who looked up at you with curiosity, just hoping you would be taking him with you.
"i will never forgive you" you muttered instead and all hope left his face and heart. you healed the cut on his cheek with a move of his own wand. "you should've killed me and maybe i could've been able to"
you did not look back again as you ran across the room to your friends. you just left him there, on the ground in malfoy manor, as you took dobby's hand and followed your friends into the uncertain.
one heart shattering realisation left with you that day.
theo's gaze would haunt your nightmares. but the possibility of his death would haunt your dreams, as you could only forgive him if he didn't survive.
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weasleyreidstyles · 10 months
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chapter two
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. All characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): slight mind manipulation?
series masterlist; previous part; next part
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At some point during the feast, you managed to sneak your way onto the Gryffindor table, sliding into the seat beside Ginny, who was sat with Dean Thomas to her other side, who shifted uncomfortably everytime Ron glared at the hand that was grazing his sister's.
"Nice face, Harold." you say sarcastically. "Who healed the break? It looks rushed."
"Thanks Meadow." he snarks before deflating further in his seat as your eyes tracked him for more injuries. "Tonks walked me from the train."
You hummed in acknowledgment before you went over the unhealed scabs and dried patches of blood with wordless spells which always left your friends marvelling at your skill.
"There. Now your face is pretty as ever." you say smirking, patting Harry's cheek which he swats away. "Can't have the 'Chosen One' at his worst now, can we?"
"Piss off." he grumbled but it was only banter between two friends.
"How are you, really, Harry? Where'd you disappear to on the train." you wanted to hear him say it, even if you did trust Theo's word.
"I was right about Malfoy-" he starts before you interrupt him.
"So I've heard. You've taken up stalking as a hobby now, Potter? That's low." you chuckle, which turns into a full on laugh as he glares at you, annoyed.
"He's a Death Eater." he lowers his voice, but his admission sucks the happiness right out of the air. "He was talking about some task that Voldemort has for him."
He pauses as if his mind is trying to catch up with the words tumbling from his mouth, before he looks directly at you, as if he's staring through you.
"You've seen Nott today right? And Parkinson?" you nodded. "What did they talk about? Did Nott talk about his father being caught at the Ministry? Or did-"
You raised a singular brow at your friend as if to say 'are you finished?'.
"Yes I saw them today, in the Prefects' carriage. We just caught up with small talk and some gossip about some Hufflepuff couple. Nothing more." the lie was quickly thought out and also not too far fetched – Pansy had mentioned something about a new couple in passing before you'd parted ways on the train.
"Nothing about tasks or creepy shops?" Ron asked as he shoved a piece of chicken into his mouth. You watched him, discust painting your features.
"Nothing about tasks, and certainly nothing about creepy shops. Please chew with your mouth closed, Ronald. Seriously Harry? Stalking?"
He only shrugged at you before turning to his plate of food. He was clearly put out about something and you would bet all your galleons that it had to do with the couple next to you, who were being nauseating, to put it lightly.
You and Hermione giggled as Ron muttered about his sister and her boyfriend showing any ounce of affection in front of him, sharing a glance as Harry continued to glance at them before looking away, visibly annoyed.
When Dumbledore began to stand in front of the House tables, you slipped back into your seat beside Luna; in the corner of your eye you watched as Theo gave you the subtlest of nods.
"The very best of evenings to you!" Dumbledore announced, smiling broadly, his arms outstretched wide as if he were embracing the whole room. That's when you, and the rest of the Hogwarts student body, noticed that his right hand appeared to have started decaying at a rapid rate.
You made eye contact with Pansy who looked as horrified as everyone else.
What the fuck? She practically screamed into your mind as the sound of people whispering swept through the hall.
Dumbledore merely smiled before he shook the sleeve of his purple and gold cloak over his hand.
"Nothing to worry about," he said airily. "Now...to our new students, welcome, to our old students, welcome back! Another year full of magical education awaits you..."
You drowned out the rest of his speech, like you do every year, instead conversing with Pansy in your head.
It looks like his hand has physically died. You say to her. It's got to be dark magic of some sort.
But what business does Dumbledore have messing with that sort of evil? She sounded as nauseated as you felt just thinking about it.
"We are pleased to welcome a new member of staff this year. Professor Slughorn-" Dumbledore said, prompting the man that you had yet to meet to stand up. "-is a former colleague of mine who has agreed to resume his old post of Potions master."
You swivelled in your seat to find Hermione in the crowds and mouthed 'potions?' to her with confusion written all over your face.
The word echoed all over the Hall as people wondered whether they had heard right.
"But if he's the Potions Professor, then who will be teaching Defence?" Cho spoke from across the table.
"Professor Snape, meanwhile," said Dumbledore, raising voice so that it carried over all the muttering, "will be taking the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."
Well that answered that question.
"No!" you giggled quietly with Luna as everyone's heads swivelled back and forth between Harry, who had shouted so loudly but didn't seem to care, Snape and Dumbledore.
And suddenly Defence is my least favourite subject. Theo spoke, making you choke on your drink as you laugh.
As if oblivious to the uproar his announcement just caused, Dumbledore waited only a few moments before the hall descended into silence once more, before continuing his long winded speech.
"Now as everyone in this Hall is aware," he pointedly looked anywhere but in the direction of the Slytherin table, "Lord Voldemort and his followers once again walk among us and gain strength and numbers everyday."
Suddenly the heads that were staring in Harry's direction turned pointedly to where Mattheo Riddle and his friends were sitting. Instead of shying away from their gazes, like Pansy and Daphne Greengrass and few others did, he continued to stare ahead at Dumbledore, seemingly unbothered by the attention he was garnering.
The silence seemed to strain painfully as Dumbledore spoke. But you seemed to zone out of what he was saying. Something about the castle's protection wards being fortified and strengthened; extra security; stricter curfew at night, etc. You took in none of it, instead focusing on your friends at the Slytherin table, who grew paler by the second. You'd watch out for them this year, especially Theo. None of them deserved to be put into the position they no doubt would all be in, come Christmas time.
Dumbledore's blue twinkling eyes swept over the students once more. "But now, your beds await, as warm and comfortable as you could possibly wish, and I know that your top priority is to be well-rested for your lessons tomorrow. Let us therefore say good night. Pip pip!"
Your lessons tomorrow.
You wished it was as simple as school work, but you knew it would be anything but.
You woke up early the next morning, the anticipation for what the day may bring making your anxiety skyrocket as you got ready to leave for the Great Hall, in which the ceiling sported a brilliantly blue sky, only a few clouds dotting the illusion. You met the Golden trio there, who were busy discussing Harry's theory about Malfoy.
"Well obviously Riddle's already inducted." Ron muttered as you sat down, a speck of blue, in a sea of red. "He is his father's son, after all."
"Still going on your Malfoy-is-a-death eater spiel? The day has hardly begun." you said as you piled scrambled eggs onto a plate, ignoring the pointed look that Professor Mcgonagall gave you as she handed out her House's timetables.
Ron seemed to be getting more agitated by the second as another group of third years on the table beside your's pointed between the four of you and whispered, not so discreetly, about what happened in June.
"It's rude to point." he snapped, sending a glare their way, causing them to turn around, cheeks painted with embarrassment.
"So sixth year looks very bare in comparison to last year, doesn't it." you say, steering Ron's glare from the backs of their heads while you looked over his timetable.
"I love being a sixth year already." Ron said, his mood brightening visibly thanks to your interference. "And we're going to be getting free time this year. Whole periods when we can just sit up in the common room and relax."
"We're going to need that time for studying, Ron!" Hermione berated as you laughed.
"Yeah, but not today," said Ron, "today's going to be a real doss, I reckon."
"I wouldn't speak too soon, Ronald." you say with a smirk as Professor Mcgonagall makes her way over to the four of you. You'd already gotten your timetable the from Professor Flitwick that morning and found out that you were in the same classes as Hermione. You both finished off your plates and left Harry and Ron in favour of getting to Ancient Runes, where Theo and Riddle were waiting for you.
Reaching the classroom, you spotted Theo immediately and went to snag the seat beside him, but Pansy beat you to it with a playful smirk.
"Come and sit by me, Princess." you glared at your two friends as you turned around to find Riddle with his arm stretched over the back of the spare seat of his desk. "I don't bite."
"Somehow I highly doubt that." you mumbled as you searched for Hermione, who had chosen to sit near the front of the room, the seat beside her already taken. Traitor. She only looked at you apologetically before turning around.
You slumped into the seat, pointedly ignoring him as you took out your things. You could hear Theo and Pansy laughing at your expense so you sent a small stinging jinx wandlessly their way, smirking when they yelped in surprise.
"Smart girl." Riddle mumbled to himself, probably not intending for you to hear, but your cheeks flushed all the same.
"So was Theo lying about your disastrous ability to desipher runes, or was that just a way to get me to agree for your...help?" you ask, still choosing to igore him.
"Oh I assure you I'm quite terrible, Princess. Awful. In fact I'm not sure how I got back into this class, if I'm being entirely honest." he said it with a shrug before he smirked at you again. "I'm sure you can help me. You are top of the class, after all."
"Actually Mione was top of the class at the end of last year. Why not ask her?" you ask, glancing at him through the corner of your eye. He had turned to look directly at you, but his hand was still on the back of your chair.
You try, and fail, to push it off, sneering at the muscular appendage in offence. Damn him and his strong, quidditch arms.
"Theodore doesn't trust Granger, he trusts you. Therefore, I'm putting my trust into your...abilities to help me out."
Lovely. His words carried a double meaning. You were really considering hexing Theo and Pansy again for putting you in this situation.
His huff of laughter along with the burning pinch at the base of your skull were the only indications that he'd heard your thoughts.
After Defence, wait for me so that we can discuss the nature of your lessons and my apparent tutlage.
You ignored him for the rest of the lesson, but wordlessly agreed, nonetheless.
You were complaining to Hermione the whole walk to the Defence classroom, and while she was amused, there was underlying worry in her responses.
"So he wants you to tutor him?" she asks curiously.
"Not a clue why." you say flipantly. "If I was him I'd much rather you taught me."
"Well I am a muggleborn, for starters." she says self-depricatingly and continues speaking, not allowing you to rebute her statement. "And you're still at the top of the class. Christ, you can do most spells non-verbally and wandlessly, far better than I can. I think I'd rather you than me, too. No offence."
You only smiled sarcastically at her. "I don't think anyone would willingly tutor him. Perhaps I should bargain a favour with him instead."
You left out the part where he was already fulfilling a kind of favour, for Theodore and Pansy, no less.
"One class in and my shoulders already ache." you whine as you rolled your shoulder to ease the pain that your heavy bag was causing. Harry and Ron met you outside the classroom a moment later, staring, horrified, at Hermione's armful of heavy books.
"We've gotten so much homework for Runes already." she said anxiously. "A fifteen-inch essay, two translations and we've got to read these by Wednesday!"
"Now I see why we have so many frees this year." you grumble.
"Shame," Ron said with a yawn, before smirking at the two of you.
"Just you wait," she said resentfully. "I bet Snape gives us loads."
The classroom door opened as she spoke and Snape stepped into the corridor, his sallow face framed as ever by two curtains of greasy black hair. Silence fell over the queue immediately.
"Inside," he said.
The Defence classroom was gloomier than ever, but thankfully it was no longer sickeningly pink and filled to the brim with plates of cat photos. The dark curtains were drawn across the windows and the only light came from the numerous candles that dotted the room, insighting a headache when you tried to read the blackboard. Snape's personality appeared to shine all over the room, from the odd portraits to the weird contraptions that littered the space.
"I have not asked you to take out your books," said Snape, closing the door and moving to face the class from behind his desk; Hermione hastily dropped her copy of Confronting the Faceless back into her bag and stowed it under her chair. "I wish to speak to you and I require your fullest attention. You have had five teachers in this subject so far, I believe."
His dark, beady eyes scanned the room.
"Naturally, these teachers will all have had their own methods and priorities. Given this confusion I am surprised so many of you scraped an O.W.L. in this subject. I shall be even more surprised if all of you manage to keep up with the N.E.W.T. work, which will be much more advanced." he set off around the edge of the room, speaking now in a low voice that you desperately wanted to drown out. But the burning sensation at the back of your skill prohibited you from doing just that.
No. Pay attention. Riddle was becoming a thorn in your side, and its only the first day.
"The Dark Arts," said Snape, "are many, varied, ever-changing and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster. Each time a neck is severed, it sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible."
Someone read up on their Greek mythology this summer. You say to Theo, who smirks behind his hand.
"Your defences," Snape continued, a little louder, "must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the Arts you seek to undo. These pictures," he indicated a few of them as he swept past, "give a fair representation of what happens to those who suffer, for instance, the Cruciatus Curse-" he waved a hand towards a witch who was clearly shrieking in agony; "-feel the Dementor's Kiss-" a wizard lying huddled and blank-eyed slumped against a wall; "-or provoke the aggression of the Inferius." a bloody mass upon the ground.
"Has an Inferius been seen, then?" Parvati Patil asked in a high-pitched voice. "Is it definite, is he using them?"
"The Dark Lord has used Inferi in the past," said Snape, "which means you would be well-advised to assume he might use them again. Now..."
You really did drown him out this time. Thinking about his wording. To your knowledge, only his followed gave him the name 'the Dark Lord', so why was Snape using that name? You filed away the information as he paced across the classroom.
"....you are, I believe, complete novices in the use of non-verbal spells. What is the advantage of a non-verbal spell?"
Hermione's hand shot into the air. Snape took his time looking around at everybody else, pointledly looking in your direction where your hands stayed glued to your sides, making sure he had no choice, before saying curtly, "Very well – Miss Granger?"
"Your adversary has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to perform," she stated, "which gives you a split-second advantage."
"An answer copied almost word for word from The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6," said Snape dismissively. "But correct in essentials. Yes, those who progress to using magic without shouting incantations gain an element of surprise in their spell-casting. Not all wizards can do this, of course; it is a question of concentration and mind power which some," his gaze lingered maliciously upon Harry, "lack."
The Professor's beady eyes landed on you once more, a challenge present in them.
"Miss Meadow, come up to the front." everyone's eyes were on you as he beckoned you forward, so you obeyed. "I want you to demonstrate this skill. On me." He motioned for you to stand on one side of the room, while he stayed at the other.
You shook off your limps and, using your wand rather than just doing it wandlessly, you shot out a disarming spell, which Snape blocked.
"Good. Now try again." he said as he shot his own disarming spell at you, which you wordlessly blocked with a flick of your wand.
This back and forth continued for five or so more minutes before Snape managed to catch you off guard and disarm you with a minute flick of his wrist.
"Very good. Now following that example, you will divide into pairs. One partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking. The other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence. Carry on."
People paired off, you choosing to partner with Mione who looked determined to perfect this new skill. Everyone who was part of the DA in the previous year were practically experts at casting spells, but none of them, bar you, could perform the Charms wordlessly. A reasonable amount of cheating ensued; many people were merely whispering the incantation instead of saying it aloud, including Ron, which only made you laugh as you watched as Harry blocked his every attack.
Of course, Hermione had gotten the hang of it within ten minutes of practice, as did Theo and Zabini and Riddle. Harry and Ron were still struggling, along with Pansy and Lorenzo.
To say you were bored was an understatement. Snape had already known that you were skilled with wordless and apparently wandless magic too, which meant that he could clearly see into your mind – yet another reason why Riddle needed to teach you control. The only other interesting thing to happen was Harry blatently sassing your Professor, which left you and Hermione gaping and Ron, Dean and Seamus grinning at him.
Once the lesson had ended, Snape in a more abysmal mood than usual after Harry made a fool out of him, you lingered in the corridor, waiting for Riddle to leave so that you could get the interaction over with.
"Hey Meadow! You coming?" Ron asked loudly from the end of the hallway. He looked at you with an odd expression on his face which morphed into unwilling understanding when you felt Theo's presence beside you.
"I'll be there in a bit. I'll meet you in the courtyard." you shout back as you turn towards Theo and his friends.
"Some lesson that was, right tesoro?" Theo asks you as he wraps a strong arm around your shoulder, steering you in the direction of the rest of his group, who were looking between you, Theo and Mattheo with matching expressions on their faces.
"What the hell is she doing here, Nott?" Malfoy asks, looking at you with distain. You glared back at him, about to respond when his familiar deep voice answers instead.
"She's here for me." Riddle says. "Go on ahead. I won't be a moment."
Its Zabini who steers Malfoy away from his glaring contest with you, and Theo who wordlessly wishes you luck with a pat to the top of your head.
"So you're going to teach me control?" you ask as you lean against the nearest wall. He rolls his eyes and wraps a giant hand around your wrist.
"Yes." he hissed. "But not here. How stupid are you? Talking about it out in the open, by a classroom, nonetheless."
Your eyes only widened in mild surprise as he began dragging you down the corridor in the direction that his friends went, but he turned into an empty broom cupboard instead.
"Salazar, if you wanted to get me alone like this there were far better ways of asking Riddle." you say sarcastically, but your eyes show a teasing challenge as you stare up at him.
"Was that an offer, Princess?" he asks with that wicked smirk of his.
"Read the room, Riddle. I'd rather sleep with a troll." you snark.
"Suit yourself." he chuckles before his face sets into that serious look he seems to have mastered in his years at Hogwarts. "The first step to learning full control is learning how to ground yourself."
You look at him expectantly which made him roll is eyes.
"You have to find a happy medium in your head that allows you to keep control of what you don't want people to see, and who you let into your head." he explains motioning to his own head as he speaks.
"So that horrible burning feeling in the back of my skull whenever you get in my head-" you begin.
"Is only there because it lets you know that someone unwanted is using Occlimency on you. The fact that you can't block me out is what we need to work on. Does the same happen with Theodore and Pansy when you communicate with them?"
"No. They're presence is wanted. Yours," you trail your eyes up and down what you can see of his tall frame in the dark, "is not."
"Well until you do accept me in your subconscious, it'll continue to hurt and it'll hurt more when you're trying to block it out." he says and to demonstrate he begins rifling through your thoughts and feelings with little to no effort, that burning sensation appearing like a pinch once again. You cradle you head in your hands, a cry escaping your lips.
Walking to the Great Hall for breakfast that morning, anxiety knawing at your insides.
Harry's Malfoy-is-a-death-eater spiel.
Your mini-dual with Snape.
How you want Riddle to rip your clothes right off your body and have him take you-
That wasn't right. You managed to mentally push him right out of your mind with more effort than you reckon it would take for you to haul a quaffle into the goal. It made your head ache.
"What the fuck was that?!" you snap, hitting his arm.
"You're a fast learner. Well done. It takes most people multiple sessions to do what you just did." he looks...proud. It stirs something strange in your gut.
"What did I just do?" you asked, intrigued, scared, confused.
"You just succeeded in blocking me out of your head." he smirked lightly, almost showing a ghost of a smile.
We're going to have lots of fun, Princess.
He was still in your head. His deep voice filling every corner of your mind, but that burning sensation was no longer present. It no longer stung and he was no longer able to rifle through your thoughts. Only converse with you, like you could with Theo and Pansy.
"We'll do this twice a week, until you can block me out without thinking about it." he said as he walked towards the door, leaving you standing motionlessly in the dark.
icl the whole plot of this is heavily inspired by my beloved xaden and violet's bond with all their mind talking and arguing🤭🤭 (minus the dragons, etc)
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snake-queen7 · 4 months
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Last commissions for lovely @6luciole
These arts are book covers for fanfictions
"Cold Hearts and Muddy Understandings" and "Toil and Trouble" by thisiszircon
Hope you will like them!!~☆
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justagirlwholikesadam · 10 months
In Another Life
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Severus Snape x FEM!Reader
Summary: The golden trio ask their D.A.D.A teacher for information about the new professor called Mrs. Snape.
A/N: I tried to do another blurb with some angst but i just kept typing! By the way, I haven’t read the books so if something doesn’t make sense just ignore it or stop reading. Enjoy! -L
Warning: Married, mention of Self Harm, Remus Lupin Has a Crush, Young Severus Snape, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Bullied Severus Snape, Angst, Fluff, Romance, Crush at First Sight, Minor James Potter/Lily, Young James Potter, Young Sirius Black
Word Count: 4.6K
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Professor Lupin was deep in thought as he stared at the old wrinkled chocolate wrapper. He held it carefully in his hands, his thumb tracing the gold color front on the wrapper. Leaning back in his chair, he lets out a sigh. It’s been so long since he looked at the wrapper. He had hidden it at the bottom of his suitcase years ago, he never threw it out. He didn’t want to, he didn't want to forget. 
He had gone through his suitcase after the morning announcement. He was recovering from a full moon, he wasn’t in the right headspace, he was tired and wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings. He was in his usual place at the teacher table, staring at the empty plate in front of him. He didn’t pay attention when Dumbledore walked to the podium. It wasn’t until he heard your name. He hasn’t heard it in so long but it’s different now. Your last name is different. He looked around when the students and the teachers near him clapped. He freezes for a moment when he looks down at the teacher table and sees you standing up from your chair giving a small bow. 
You sit back down and look to your left at the Potion Master, Severus. His eyes widen when he sees Severus giving you a smile. He looks down at the table and notices your join hands. Severus' thumb was rubbing the inside of your wrist as the headmaster spoke. Looking away, Dumbledore is walking back to his seat and allowing breakfast to be served. 
He almost dropped the wrapper when there was a knock on the door. 
“Come in.” He shouts, placing the wrapper on his desk before rising up from his seat. “Harry. Hermione. Ronald, what do I owe this pleasure?” He greeted them with a smile as he walked in front of his desk and sat on the edge of it as the trio walked inside of the classroom. 
“Professor Lupin-” Hermione starts to speak but quiets down when she looks over at Harry and Ron. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, looking between them. With everything going on, he hoped it wasn’t too serious and hoped he’s able to help them. 
“What do you know about Professor Snape - well Mrs. Snape?” Harry blurts out. Ron shares a look with Harry when they notice their professor stuffing his hands in the front pocket of his cardigan looking a bit weirded out. 
“Is something the matter? It’s her first day.” Remus questioned the trio. 
“We don’t trust her! She’s Professor Snape’s wife!” Ron exclaimed. “I see.” Remus signaled the trio to sit down. 
“Dumbledore wouldn’t have brought Mrs. Snape into Hogwarts if he didn’t trust her. You must trust him as well as her. Y/n is very kind.” Remus cursed himself when he mentioned your first name. 
“Y/n.”  Hermione repeats the name. “I heard that name before.” 
Remus shook his head. “You haven’t.” He snapped at her. The trio flinched at his harsh tone. He had to give them something to forget about your name. They couldn’t know who you were. Things will get messy and people will start to poke their nose around. He fears that the trio will still meddle in and get themselves into trouble. He didn't want that. 
“What I tell you now must never leave this room, do you hear me?” Remus said, looking at the trio. They nodded at him and Remus shook his head. 
“Swear it to me! I will tell you about her and her cousin, Sirius.” Harry looked at his friends who were shocked. "You knew him?" Harry asked.
"We were friends in school and lost touched after." Remus lied. "Do you still want to know about her?" They nodded at him. 
“Swear it! What I tell you now stays with us.” Remus shouted at the top of his lungs. “We swear!” Hermione answered back for all of them. 
“I knew Mrs. Snape, we went to school together and she was…” Remus drifted off as he reminisced the moment he first saw you.  
He was famished, he missed breakfast and he had told his friends that he was heading to the great hall early for lunch. Remus was staring down at the ground as he walked when he heard laughter. Looking ahead he saw a group of girls walking, he stopped in mid step about to turn to the great hall when he saw you. You held a book out in your hands, open and pointing at a passage. He saw your eyes were wide and filled with excitement. Your laughter rang out as you shut the book and the girls around you joined in. They passed by him without a glance. He hasn’t seen you before, he couldn’t believe he had missed such a beautiful jewel like you. 
Remus continued on to stare as you walked into the great hall joining the Slytherin's table. He was so busy admiring your beauty that he didn’t see the green tie or the green lining on your uniform. He frowned when he noticed you waving bye at the girls and joined at the far end of the table. He gulped when he saw you sat across, from no other than Severus. 
Remus knew what would happen next, Severus would just curse you out for bothering him. Severus has always had a cold exterior and he didn’t blame him for it. He’s been bullied by his friends. Remus thought he was dreaming when he saw Severus let out a smile as you showed him the book you were holding. Remus could see how awe you looked when looking at Severus. A smile appeared on your face when Severus looked up at you. He notices your hand taking the book before brushing against Severus’ slender fingers. Severus didn’t pull away; he kept his gaze on you, his smile didn’t fade. 
Remus didn’t see what happened next when he felt a pair of hands grab a hold on his shoulders.
He flinched as James came behind me. “I’m starving.” Remus looked over his shoulder giving his friend a smile. 
“Sirius is talking to a girl, he said we can start without him.” Remus nodded as he walked with James into the hall. He glanced over at you as he passed by your table, thanking Merlin that James passed Severus without making any snide comment.
He starts to notice you more after that day. In the library, in the great hall and in the hallways. He thinks as every day passes you get more beautiful. He was so excited when the new year came and he had you in one of his classes. Sadly, before he had the chance to ask if he could sit by you. The seat was taken by some Hufflepuff, he decided to sit behind you. 
He rarely got the chance to talk to you mostly because he was always surrounded by his friends and the day that he was alone was the day of the full moon when he transformed into a werewolf. It was later on that he finally asked James about you. He sitting with him in the hall. James was eating up a storm since he had a Quidditch match later on. 
“You see that girl over there with Severus?” Remus tries to be nonchalant about it to not raise any questions. 
James looks over his shoulders and chuckles, shaking his head as he takes another bite from his butter toast. 
“Sinvelly with his little girlfriend, Black.” James said with disgust. 
“They been glued to the fucking hip since she arrived.” Remus remains silent for a moment then looks over at Severus and you eating breakfast. 
“What?! B-black like cousin-” Remus gets cut off when Lily comes walking in sitting beside James giving him a peck on cheek. 
“Sirius’ cousin mate! Sirius told me, her parents are in the same family, you know a way to keep it pure.” James answered Remus.  
“Who are you guys talking about?” Lily asked as she scooped some scrambled eggs on to her plate. 
“Greasy hair Snivellus with his little girlfriend.” James replies to Lily. Remus noticed the face she made and keeps quiet. She didn’t want to know about him anymore not since he called her a mudblood. While Lily quietly looks over her shoulder to see Severus. Remus was looking ahead over James’ head to look at you. 
“He seems happy.” Lily softly said before turning back around. 
“He won’t for long.” James said with a chuckle. 
The next time he heard you speak was when a prank was pulled on Severus. You had found them in a abandoned hallway. 
“Well, if it isn’t my sweet dear cousin.” Sirius said when he heard someone yelling his name. Remus and Peter grew nervous as you walked towards them. You passed them ignoring James and Sirius and kneeling down next to Severus who was trying to get up but the amount of green slime on him was weighing him down. 
“Leave us, Sirius.”  You said standing up to face the four Gryffindor boys. 
“I think not. Tell me how can you kiss slimy pale Snivelly? I think we need to start pranking you next.” James and Sirius both laughed. Sirius elbow Remus to join in but he kept quiet like he always did whenever they pulled pranks on Severus. 
“I want you to prank me, cousin. I want you to do it, so then I can beat you into a bloody pulp.” You look over at James. 
“I’ll break your fucking legs you could forget about playing Quidditch. I’m gonna shove that broom stick so far up your ass is going to come out of your mouth.” James' smile dies as you speak to him. 
Peter flinched under your dark gaze. “Bucktooth Peter. I don’t think you need to be punished. That face you were born with is punishment enough.”
Remus gathered all the courage he had to look up at you. He was met with your eyes and as much as he was scared, he was so intrigued by them. Your eyes that he saw held so much love and softness are now dark and cloudy with anger. You look away from Remus not mentioning him at all. Sirius took out his wand and you copied him. 
Your laughter filled the hallway as you stared at your cousin. “I want you to fucking do it. I’m sure your little friends would like to see how we battle. You know how the battle ends when you go against me.” 
James looks at Sirius who begins to shake with anger. “You’re just like them. A fucking monster.” 
Remus saw the way your eyes soften but quickly covered it up when you hit Sirius with a non vocal spell. It was Expelliarmus, because Sirius’ wand flew out of his hand. The boy's eyes grew after that, it was something that took lots of skills and practice.  
“We both truly know who the monsters are especially those who share our last name.” Sirius looks away from you. Remus tried to place a comforting hand on Sirius’ shoulder but he shrugged it off too embarrassed that he was just unarmed him. Remus knew what you were talking about. Remus and he grew close throughout the years in Hogwarts. You were talking about your family.  
“Enough with this pranking. Got it? You know what I can do. Let him be.” You snapped at them.
You look over at Severus. The green slime is long gone, he’s leaning against the wall holding his own wand with a hard face staring at Sirius. Remus thought his crush on you would disappear when he saw Severus placing a hand on your back but it didn’t. He felt jealous because Severus was touching you. Remus took a step back when Severus suddenly turned his eyes towards him and glared at him with such hatred. Remus let out a small gasp when Severus looked down at you then him. 'There was no way, right?' He thought to himself. Severus couldn’t know what he was thinking about. 
Before anyone could say something, Severus flicked his wand at them without speaking. Remus felt himself being thrown back and darkness overcame him. 
“That asshole.” Remus heard Sirius say as he finally woke up. All four of them had been thrown back to the end of the hallway. Peter moaned and groaned as he held his head, James rubbed his knee that got banged on the floor. Remus grabbed Sirius’ hand, helping him stand up, they looked back at the hallway, you and Severus were long gone. 
Remus stayed silent as the three of his friends started to talk among themselves on how to get back at Severus. He ignored them, the full moon was approaching and he was feeling it. His long limbs were getting stiff. 
“Wait! Are you saying Severus knew what you were thinking? Like he can read minds.” Harry questioned him, pulling him out of his story. 
“Legilimens.” Hermione said, looking at the professor. Remus nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“That's why he hates me because of my father. He bullied and tormented him.” Remus noticed the sadness on Harry's face. 
“What happened between Y/n and Sirius?” Hermione asked Remus. 
“After that day, Severus began to watch me. Whenever we were in the same class or the hallways. I thought I was going crazy. Sirius caught on what he was doing to me and knew Severus was interested in me and where I went every month.” 
Harry frowned. “Every month?” 
Remus looks down at the ground sadly and in shame. “You're a werewolf.” Hermione said softly. “Blimey!” Ron exclaimed, earning a shove from Hermione. “How did you-” 
“Professor Snape taught us about it when you were out the last time.” Harry answered him. 
"We won't tell anyone, we swear." Harry told as the rest nodded at their professor. 
Harry hasn't seen Remus act this way before. Looking so shameful, he began to run his fingers through his hair as he took deep breaths. “It was a horrible prank what Sirius did to Severus. I didn't know. I would kill myself before hurting someone but Severus didn't believe me.” 
That night was a mess, Remus refused to speak with his friends. He felt used, they knew how he felt about being a werewolf. James had saved Severus that night and Dumbledore told him to keep it a secret. Severus was on the other side of the hospital wing being looked out while Remus laid on the opposite side away from him, he had the divider panel up so no one could see him. He hears light footsteps coming inside of the wing. He dreaded if it was for him, he didn't want to see anyone. 
He heard your voice. “What happened, Sev?!” “Fuck, when you didn't come I knew something happened? I was so worried. Are you hurt, my love?” 
He shut his eyes tightly when he heard Severus break into a sob. He felt pathetic when he heard you comforting Severus. Your sweet voice comforting the scared boy. He imagined you saying those words to him. He was jealous once more that Severus had you while he had no one to confront him. 
“Y/n!” His eyes shot open when he heard Sirius. He sees his friends near his bedside, James had tugged down the divider and they looked across the wing. Remus looked over to see you laying down next to Severus. 
“What the hell?” He yelled as you came down from the bed, looking over at Severus who grabbed his wand and pointed at him without a single thought. 
“This was your idea? The prank?” You yelled at your cousin. 
“People could have died. All of you could have died. You want to be six feet under!” You screamed. 
James walked behind Sirius with his wand in his hand, ready to defend him in case Severus decides to attack. Sirius was about to speak when he froze when he saw you were tearing up. 
You look over at Remus who is still laid on the bed, “I thought you were different but you are just like them.” Those were the first words you spoke to Remus and it hit him to his very core. 
“He had no idea about it.” Sirius told you. Your cousin turned to his friend. “I'm really sorry, mate.” Remus looks away from his friend’s sad gaze towards you. 
“Please stop the pranks. The curses on one another.” You said to them and Severus. “I don't think so.” James said, looking between you and Severus.
“What do you want?” James frowned and you repeated your question to him. 
“What will it take for you to stop?” James shakes his head and gives a disbelief chuckle making you angry, Sirius kept looking at you and Severus. 
“Stay here.” Sirius told James before walking towards you. Severus was about to jump out of the bed but you waved him to stop. 
“She looked up at him.” Remus told the trio with a smile. “No fear in her eyes and Sirius asked something that James and Peter couldn't hear but I did. Since I'm a werewolf, my hearing is better than most.” Harry watched their teacher speak He can see it in his eyes that he held so much admiration for Mrs. Snape. 
“What did they say?” Ron asked eagerly. 
“He asked her why him, why Sinvelly? She responded to him right away, he's the only one that doesn't see me as a monster.” Remus answered. 
“The Black are the most noble and ancient house in the wizarding world. Their views are pureblood supremacy. Sirius didn't think like them and so did Y/n. After that Sirius told us why the family thought she was a monster. Unlike him, Y/n is very powerful, too powerful that it alarmed the family because she couldn't control it. Her emotion makes her power lash out. She had mistakenly taken lives because of it.” 
“Why is she so powerful?” Harry asked. “Her blood, right?” Hermione spoke out looking at their teacher. 
“Yes, her mother was one of many unfortunate woman who had to deal with being born in a noble family. Her mother was married off with a family member. She died giving birth to Y/n.” 
“What happened after the prank? What did Sirius tell her?” Harry asked the professor. 
“I don’t think you're a monster, he told her. She just shook her head. You called me a monster a week ago. She answered back then walked away. The pranks did stop, he asked James to stop. Severus ignored us and we did the same. Severus and Y/n whereabouts were unknown after they were done with school. Sirius never mentioned her again but I knew it was hard for him. All he wanted was a family.” Remus finished looking over at Harry. 
Remus didn’t want to say at the end Sirius did get his little family with James, Lily, Peter and him. Harry would know in time who his godfather is. Harry will know in time the truth. 
“Thank you for telling us, Professor. We feel a little bit comfortable now knowing about her.” Hermione said, making him nod. 
“Remember what I said.” He pointed his finger at them and they simultaneously said. “This never leaves the room.” 
“Thank you. Have a good day, children.” Remus said as Ron and Hermione began to walk out. 
“Professor?” Harry called out before walking out the door. 
“Do you still have feelings for her?” Harry asked him. Remus stood up straight and shook his head. 
“Not anymore. It was a simple school crush. That was the only time she spoke to me.” Harry nodded at his response and wished him a good day. Remus let out a sigh after Harry left. 
He looks back at the wrapper in his desk with a longing stare and he feels his chest tightened at the sight of it.
Poppy Pomfrey was making Remus stay a few extra days before he would be allowed to leave. Peter has been visiting him and bringing him his homework and books throughout the day. Remus didn’t want to speak to James and Sirius just yet. It was late and Remus was alone in the hospital wing, he was finishing a chapter of his book when he heard the door open. Remus got his wand from the table and waved it at the divider panel to move to the side thinking probably it’s Pomfrey with another dose of healing potion. 
Moving the divider panel he froze when he saw you. “Hey.” You said as you walked towards the end of his bed. 
“H-Hi.” Remus said before fixing the blanket of the bed and shutting his book. Placing it along with his wand on the table near him. 
“How are you feeling?” You asked. Remus' brows knitted together looking around the room to see if this was joke but you came alone in the middle of the night. 
“I’m okay. The first few days after a full moon are the hardest but I’m okay.” He said and you nodded. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” You said softly to him, looking down at the book on the table and a smile appeared on your face.
“The Shining. How do you like it? It’s one of my favorites.” Remus was shocked that you knew about a muggle book. 
“You know about Stephen King?” Remus asked you, surprised. You nodded at the brunette in front of you and sat down at the side of the bed as Remus took the book in his hands showing you the cover to make sure you really did know who the author was. 
“Yes! It’s his third book actually. My guilty pleasure is muggles literature but I have to keep it hidden from my family. They disapprove anything that has to do with muggles.” You told him looking up from the cover of the book at him. Remus’ face changed when you told him how you had to hide something you like from your family. He was so close to you and he can see every eyelash, he can see the way your nose stands out and how your lips are pressed together in a small pout. 
“I'm sorry about before. I thought you were on the prank.” Remus saw you looking down at your lap when you apologized. You started to play with the skin around your fingernails. 
“It’s alright. I’m still trying to get over it.” 
“Getting used like that is something difficult to get over, Remus.” His heart breaks, the way you said. The way your eyes darken when you said it made him want to hug you. 
“It seems like you’re speaking from experience.” He said, making you look at him. 
“When one holds an ability, sometimes people take advantage of it, show it off, hide it and sometimes get hurt because of it.” Your magic, Remus thought. 
“He cares for you so I know he didn’t mean to hurt you.” You told him. Remus knew you meant Sirius. He asked you, “How do you know?” 
“Cousin intuition some shit like that.” He gave you a smile, which you returned as well. 
“I wanted to give you something.” Remus saw you getting something from the inside pocket of your robes. He saw a shiny golden bar in your hands. 
“Chocolate?” Remus asked as you passed him the candy. You nodded. He looked at the wrapper with wide eyes. This candy was something he had never seen, it had to be expensive since the wrapper was so nice and looked fancy. 
“You like chocolate right?” Remus looks at you to see you staring at him worry. 
“I do!” Remus nodded and pointed at the bar giving you a thumbs up. “How did you know?” He asked softly, watching as you look away while your cheeks turn pink. 
“We-well, you sit behind me in fourth period. I can hear the chocolate wrappers you open behind me.” Remus snorts out a laugh making you look at him surprised that he snorted loudly. He had laughed because if you only knew how hard he tried to not make a peep in class when unwrapping his chocolate behind you.   
“I'm so sorry.” You shook your head as he covered his face with his hands, hiding his smile away from you. 
“Don't be.” You couldn't help but join him as he continued to laugh at himself.
Remus was still covering his face when you leaned forward and grabbed a hold of his wrist bringing his hand down to his lap. Remus looks down at your hand on him. Your touch was warm, not what he was expecting. He was expecting a cold and stiff touch. Your fingertips touched the inside of his wrist, he knew you could feel the light scars on his skin. You turned his arm over to see his wrist. Remus was about to pull away when you showed him your own wrist with your own scars. 
“Remus.” The professor looks up from his desk and notices the door is open. Standing up straight he notices you walking inside. You stood across from him a few feet away with a small smile. 
“Apologize, Professor Lupin. I was knocking for a while.” You said pointing over your shoulder at the door. 
Remus can't help but look at you, you have grown into a very beautiful woman. He can see you didn't share the same taste in clothes as your husband. You wore muggle clothes, a knee length dark green dress with a black cardigan, and you wore a pair of black court heel shoes. 
“I should be apologizing. I didn't hear you, I haven't been myself these past couple of days.” Remus said, running his fingers through his hair before letting a sigh. He notices you crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head looking at him. 
“I know, Severus told me it was a full moon not long ago. He asked me to give you a little pick me up potion. He just finished brewing it.” You said walking towards him. Remus looks as your hips sway while walking towards him handing him the vial. 
“That was very nice of him.” Remus said with a face making you laugh. “I know my husband can be…difficult.” Remus barks a laugh. “Just difficult?” 
“He is many things but he has a kind heart.” Remus nods but doesn't believe it, it’s hard for him. 
“He does. He was the one who told me to bring this to you.” You said before scrunching your face trying to get the same scowl as your dear husband. 
“Lupin needs to get better so those kids will stop pestering me about him.” You imitated Severus' smooth and cool voice. Remus lets out a laugh, loudly making you smile. He covered his mouth to hid his smile as he looked over at you. 
“You're always covering your face.” You said, grabbing a hold of his wrist. You held on his wrist as he showed you his wide smile. He feels his heart fluttering in his chest as he looks down at you. 
Remus pulls away from your grasp and clears his throat. He shouldn't be this close to you, you're married and you're happy with your marriage. He doesn't want to ruin that. Remus regrets never taking that chance that night you visited him years ago. The chance to be friends, maybe something more but damn the way you looked at Severus was something he only read in books and he doubts that you would ever look at him the way you looked at Severus. Severus was the same thing, his dark eyes always following you. He always had a hand on you, and even when you weren't looking he admire you.  
‘Perhaps in another life he would have taken that chance.’ He told himself. 
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theatreslave · 2 months
In which Headmaster Snape finds out that Professor Granger used to have a crush on him
Severus: “You had a crush on me?” 
Hermione: “Shut up.”
Severus: “Ah ah ah, no we are not letting it slide. Did you envision yourself as my teacher’s pet?”
Hermione: “I swear Severus I will hex you into next week”
Severus: “Was all that time spent avoiding my gaze when you returned for your 7th year because you were worried that I might take a peek into your mind and find out about your sordid fantasies?”
Hermione: “Were you taking peaks at people’s minds???”
Severus: “Is that why you used to shiver whenever I came up behind you in the ministry labs when you started your apprenticeship? Not out of fear but...pleasure? Ohhh naughty, naughty.”
*Presses her wand tip into his neck*
Severus: “Come now Hermione, having a crush on a professor is entirely natural. Let me at least bask in it for a moment. I have hardly been the object of many women’s attention. Except for the more psychotic ones.”
Hermione: “You are enjoying this far too much.”
Severus: “You are blushing far too much.”
(Follow up posted. Check reblogs)
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mori221c · 11 months
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Harry and Draco's Halloween adventure!!🖤✨🦇
With the help of a gobbler demon and a smart angel, they set out to find the evil bat of Slytherin. One after one they meet mysterious allies on their journey. Who- or "what"- is the man under the red riding hood? Is the outlaw who claims himself to be Harry's Godfather trustworthy? And when they finally stand before the legendary vampire, what astounding truth will be revealed?
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sxmnc · 26 days
guys i need marauders/harry potter fans moots IM SO DESPERATE BRO☹️
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isbreulla · 5 months
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Ok… I may have gotten carried away with the character designs and made several o them just for fun... You can't blame me though!
Tell me who's your favorite and who do you want to see next!
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wizarding-world-povs · 6 months
You ignore 90% of The Cursed Child because what the bloody hell was that about.
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severussnaperevived · 6 months
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Hermione: "can you guys see that?"
Ron: "what the hell is that white stuff on the professors back?"
Harry: "well I'm going to find out"
Hermione: "do you think we should let him know"
Ron: "hell no that got deserves to walk around not knowing"
Later that night
Y/N: "babe you have our daughters spit up on your back"
Severus: turns around in horror "you mean to tell me I've walked around all day with baby spit up on me"
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ursdahlia · 2 years
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omgrachwrites · 1 year
The Night We Met (Chapter Three)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Potter!Reader
Summary: Over the summer you connected with the boy who is quite literally your twin’s mortal enemy. Things start to fall apart in the darkness of the autumn.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, everyone lives au, takes place in 6th year
A/N: Soooo, this is up a lot later than intended so I have made it a lil longer to thank you guys for your patience. Alsoooo thank you so much for all your support on this series, it truly means the world to me! Hope you guys enjoy this part and please let me know if you would like to be tagged. I love you all very much! xxx
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Chapter Three
The Great Hall was especially rowdy one blustery Thursday morning as you went to meet your friends for breakfast, opting to sleep in for an extra ten minutes. The cause of the noise was coming from the first years panicking about their timetables and the older students who were practising their spells for class. Hermione grinned at you when she noticed you, her curly hair in a braid down her back.
“You look especially lovely this morning, Y/N,” she smiled as you sat down.
You flushed at her words, “why, thank you. My mum would say it’s the fresh air, does wonders for the complexion she says.”
Ron, who had been listening to the conversation looked at you with a raised eyebrow, “and, what would you say?” he asked.
You shrugged, “I would say it’s a happy accident.”
Ron snorted into his breakfast at your reply while Hermione shook her head fondly as she poured some milk into your tea, “you are completely ridiculous.”
You laughed, taking the milk from her and pouring it into your bowl of cereal as you looked up at your twin who looked as though he was trying not to fall asleep in his cornflakes.
“What’s up with Harry?” you asked.
Hermione rolled her eyes, “probably too busy poring over that stupid potions book all night instead of sleeping.”
It was in the first potions lesson of the year that Harry had found the mysterious book that had transformed him into a potions expert. Hermione regarded the book as a form of cheating and you weren’t inclined to agree with her until he won the tiny bottle of liquid luck. The former owner of the book called themselves the Half-Blood Prince, and none of you had any clue who it was. Though, you were sure that you had heard the name somewhere but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
Harry seemed to wake up halfway through breakfast, “what have we got first?” he asked, concealing a yawn behind his hand.
“It’s Thursday so it’s Defence Against the Dark Arts,” you replied and Harry’s face fell.
Defence Against the Dark Arts used to be Harry’s favourite lesson but now with Snape teaching the class it was quickly becoming his idea of hell, “great,” he mumbled, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, “I wonder what fun we’ll have today,” you rolled your eyes, he was so dramatic.
“Just don’t piss him off,” Ron laughed but that was almost impossible because Harry’s mere presence seemed to piss Snape off.
Finally, the bell went and you all traipsed to your lesson, it was pitch black in the classroom, as usual. Snape preferred to teach with all the blinds down on the windows, once again fuelling the rumour that he was a vampire.
“Everyone get in and sit down,” he hissed, there was no time or room for any pleasantries in Snape’s lessons.
When everyone had found their seats in silence Snape started the lesson and you quickly learned it wasn’t exactly a cheery topic that he would be teaching today, “we’ll be covering the cruciatus curse today. You will be required to explain each unforgivable curse in detail along with their characteristics for your NEWT exams next year.”
Your NEWT exams was the focus of all professors this year it seemed. You fidgeted nervously as you tried not to look at the very graphic photograph of a wizard being tortured that was hung on the wall. You missed Remus. Everyone had tried to convince Remus to come back to Hogwarts but he didn’t seem to be interested.
“Now,” Snape continued in a dangerously quiet voice, “what are the characteristics of the cruciatus curse and what is it used for?”
The room was silent, even Hermione didn’t raise her hand although you knew that she knew the answer. She was staring very hard at the blackboard, hardly blinking. A soft voice made everyone jump and you were surprised at who it was that spoke.
“The curse is used to inflict excruciating pain on the victim, though it leaves no physical mark and you have to mean it for the curse to work. It’s like your nerve endings are on fire,” Mattheo stared at his piece of parchment as he spoke before he finally looked up and cleared his throat, “or, that’s what I’ve read anyway.”
Snape nodded at him before turning to write it up on the blackboard, “5 points to Slytherin, Riddle.”
You looked at Mattheo, horror rising in your chest. What he had said didn’t seem to come from someone who had merely read about the curse. Snape lectured for about twenty more minutes before he made you all start an essay on the cruciatus curse in silence. It made for a very depressing lesson.
As soon as the bell rang, signalling the next lesson, Mattheo practically flew from the room without waiting for his friends, and you followed behind him. The hallway was practically empty due to how quick you both left the classroom and you called his name. You had expected him to keep walking but he didn’t. He turned to look at you.
“How did you know all that stuff about the cruciatus curse?”
He laughed humourlessly as he walked closer to you with an anguished look on his handsome face, “how do you think I know it?” the look on his face wasn’t the look of someone who had cast it, but someone who had been on the receiving end of it.
You forced back the gasp that threatened to spill from your mouth, you knew that he wouldn’t exactly appreciate that form of sympathy, “I’m sorry.”
He shrugged, “why the hell do you even care? We agreed to carry on like we don’t know each other.”
“I know that’s what we agreed but Theo, I can’t pretend like I don’t know you. It’s not like I can turn my feelings for you off just like that. Can you?”
Mattheo swallowed as he looked at the floor before he looked back at your face, “it was never that deep for me, Y/N.”
His words hurt you, they were so cold and calculating but before you could muster a reply, you felt someone wrap an arm around your shoulders, “is he bothering you, Y/N?” Harry asked.
Mattheo never took his eyes from yours as he raised an eyebrow. You tore your eyes away from his as you looked at your brother, “no, he’s not. C’mon, Harry, let’s get to potions.”
Harry glared at Theo as he shoved past him, hissing beneath his breath, “stay the fuck away from my sister, Riddle.”
As you joined Ron and Hermione outside the dungeons, Ron narrowed his eyes, “and where were you two?”
“Nowhere, doesn’t matter,” you said quickly before Harry could say anything.
As far as you were concerned your dad was the only one who knew about you and Mattheo, and you weren’t going to start broadcasting it now. Thankfully, Slughorn came out and greeted the class, letting them inside before Harry could contradict your words.
When you walked into the dungeons, you were immediately hit with the smell of fancy French cologne. You knew it was coming from the steaming cauldron on Slughorn’s desk. For the past couple of lessons, you had been learning the theory of Amortentia – the world’s strongest love potion – you didn’t pay too much attention to the scent of the cologne.
Your mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of Mattheo, you really wished you could just get over him. Maybe you should start dating, though unfortunately you knew that most of the male population at Hogwarts were complete idiots.
Slughorn grinned at everyone as he ushered them all inside, “welcome, welcome. Please take your seats,” it was a vast difference from Snape.
Slughorn started the lesson about five minutes late as he waited for everyone to make it down to the dungeons from their previous lessons. When everyone had taken their seats, Slughorn clapped his pudgy hands together, “right, as you all know for the past couple of days we have been learning about Amortentia. Some of you may have realised that this,” he tapped the cauldron with his wand, “is full of Amortentia. Now, who would like to tell the class what they smell?”
When nobody volunteered, Slughorn looked at you with a smile on his face, “how about you, Miss Potter?”
A couple of your classmates snickered while Mattheo looked at you, the expression on his face was very guarded. You bit your lip as you looked back at Slughorn, shaking your head, “I’d rather not if that’s okay, Professor.”
“Of course, I know it’s no small thing that I ask,” he said kindly and your body flooded with relief. Slughorn turned his attention to Mattheo, “how about you, Mr Riddle?”
To your surprise, Mattheo nodded, “yes, Sir,” he walked to the front of the classroom and took a deep breath as he drank in the scent of the steaming potion. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he did so, “I don’t smell anything, Sir.”
Slughorn looked hugely disappointed, “nothing at all?”
“No, Sir.”
Although Slughorn looked disappointed he didn’t look surprised, “very well, please take your seat, Mr Riddle.”
Mattheo found his seat and he looked up, his eyes meeting yours. There was nothing in his eyes, they were stone cold and the realisation hit you like a ton of bricks. He wasn’t lying, he really couldn’t smell anything. But what did that mean? The lesson passed in a blur and you didn’t exactly listen as your mind was elsewhere, you did feel bad but you knew that you could easily catch up with the notes at a later date.
At dinner that evening the thought was still bothering you so you decided to ask Hermione, “why couldn’t Riddle smell anything in the Amortentia?”
Hermione looked at you in surprise, “have you not heard the rumour?”
“What rumour?”
“There’s a rumour that Voldemort was conceived because of a love potion,” Harry replied, butting into the conversation.
“So?” you asked wondering what his point was.
“People who are conceived because of love potions are incapable of feeling love, and if it runs through Voldemort’s veins then it runs in Riddle’s too,” Hermione explained.
You looked up at the handsome boy who was laughing with his friends on the other side of The Great Hall. You didn’t know who his mother was but you knew that he wasn’t conceived from love, presumably Voldemort was desperate from an heir.
“So, he can’t love either,” you said to yourself.
It was like some sort of Greek tragedy, having feelings for someone who was incapable of returning them.
“Why are you so bothered?” Ron asked.
“I’m not,” you lied, missing the way Hermione looked at you with suspicion.
A couple of days later, Hermione cornered you in the changing rooms when you had showered after Quidditch practice. She was slightly breathless and her cheeks were pink, it looked as though she had practically ran to get to you.
“What are you doing here?”
She shook her head, “I was racking my brain, trying to figure out why you were so bothered that Riddle couldn’t smell anything in potions. Then it came to me, he’s the boy you met over the summer isn’t he? Please don’t lie to me.”
You sighed, “yes,” you whispered, waiting for the judgemental look or the burst of outrage but she simply took your hand and waited for you to continue, “we got to know each other over the summer and I thought he was a dick at first, but when I really got to know him, I realised he’s different than the front he puts up at school.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered, looking hurt.
“I didn’t want you judging me.”
“Y/N! I wouldn’t have judged you, I would have been there for you through it all, through the break-up. In fact, I will be there for you, it’s clear that you still have feelings for him.”
“Why would you do that for me?” Theo’s dad was the cruellest wizard that had ever lived, he’d been especially cruel to people like Hermione. She should hate you, but she didn’t.
“Because you’re my best friend, silly girl,” she laughed as she pulled you into a hug.
You hugged her back tightly, “please don’t tell anyone, especially not Harry.”
Hermione laughed into your hair, “I don’t want you to get murdered, of course I won’t tell Harry,” you smiled at her response, relieved that at least someone knew your secret.
Taglist: @primscat @thelifeofsecretpenguins @ehwhatever26 @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @nevillescomslut @hannahnikohl @5-seconds-of-animals @sanjanapm @abbiesxox @kaverichauhan @cat-loves-music @elijahslover @torresbarnes @ikyourwonderingwhyinameditthis @scream4melove @kingofsante01 @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @manyafandom-fangirl @onlyangel-444 @itsamusical4lifee @team-flashh @its-astraea @iamkaku @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @reeseeverhart @themiya55 @skyslowalking @shyartisanvoidwagon
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