#wei wuxian is the best cat dad
*makes treats for his cat*
Wei Wuxian: what was I don't, oh right! Being the best kitty dad, in all of k-kitty ...w-world-
Wei Wuxian: is this safe? I don't want my cat turning into a gluten free cat loaf"
Wei Wuxian: I'm the best cat dad in all of..cat kingdom!
Wei Wuxian: ugh my heart hurt...on how much I LoVee YooOoou
Wei Wuxian: we are getting pretty gross-
Wei Wuxian: *looking at tutorial for help* what do with kitty cat treats?
Wei Wuxian: *putting tray in the oven* you gonna do great
Wei Wuxian: Siri, set a delicious timer for 20 minutes.
Siri: timer for 20 minutes
Wei Wuxian: delicious timer, thank you
Wei Wuxian: I slaved for you eat it!
Wei Wuxian: *tries treat* ew, don't eat those...
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
Can we keep him? by Sweetlittlevampire
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Can we keep him?
by Sweetlittlevampire
G, 15k, wangxian
Summary: Single dad Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan find a cat in their flat. They do not have a cat. At the same time, Lan Wangji goes missing. Turns out those two things might not be unrelated.
Mojo's comments: A soft, sweet story wherein single dad wwx and a-yuan turn around one day to find a fluffy white (extremely well-behaved) cat in their home. They both fall in love with him, but meanwhile, wwx's best friend is missing, and his brother seems strangely unperturbed by it.
Kay's comments: Single Dad Wei Wuxian, my beloved. Modern AU with Magic, my beloved. This fic is just hitting all the sweet spots. It's so adorable and fluffy and yet there's angst and pining. I loved reading it so much!
Excerpt: “Hey Lan Zhan, it’s me!” Wei Wuxian says after the beep. “Listen, I know it sounds crazy, but uh... a cat wandered into my apartment today. We’re already looking for the owner, but Mianmian suggested a vet visit on Monday to scan for a chip. I thought you might know someone from your volunteer work at the shelter? If you do, please call me back, okay? Oh, and are you thinking dinner tomorrow or on Sunday? Miss you!” He hangs up and looks over to the cat, who observes him with an unreadable look. Carefully, Wei Wuxian extends his hand. The cat, still perched on the cushion, stretches its neck to sniff on Wei Wuxian’s fingers before affectionately rubbing its cheek against them.
modern setting, shapeshifters, animal transformation, friends to lovers, kid fic, single dad wei wuxian, light angst, happy ending, modern with magic, podfic available, fluff, domestic, cat lan wangji, getting together, self-worth issues, pov wei wuxian, @sweetlittlevampire
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
It’s so easily forgotten that JC wanted JZX to die in that cave too. He literally changes the narrative of events when it suits him best. He tells people JFM favoured WWX, he tells people YZY wasn’t too harsh on WWX, he tells people WWX is an enemy of the cultivation worlds, he says WN killed both of JL’s parents, oh but leaves out he said JZX should have been left for dead. Not only does he not take any responsibility for his own actions, he’ll twist other people’s actions to suit his pity party better. None of JC’s words can be trusted yet he’s treated like the most reliable gospel truth of the story but the fandom.
Re THIS post.
YES EXACTLY!! I completely agree.
Side note: jiang cheng is so much like his mother. Like: WWX isn't going to the indoctrination camp??? oh ig ur coddling him bc he's ur fav 😡? What?! WWX IS going to the indoctrination camp!! WOW ?! FREAKING WOW Ofc he can do whatever he wants 😡!! 🤡🤡🤡
jiang cheng has a terrible way of changing the story constantly to make everything wwx's fault. He's absolutely allergic to responsibility himself. Nothing ever happens because of the shitty actions he takes, or bc of his failures as a person. It's all his father being unfair to him and evil WWX showing him up. Even w the incense :
“‘I only’ what? Cat got your tongue? No matter. You can come back to Lotus Pier with me, kneel in front of my mother and father’s souls, and say it slowly.” (Chapter 24)
but then
Jiang Cheng, “Burn some incense? Wei WuXian, are you really that dense? It’s been so long since you were kicked out of our sect, and here you are taking unwelcome people with you to burn incense for my parents?” (Chapter 87)
Jiang Cheng mocked, “Look how forgetful you are. What does unwelcome people mean? Then let me remind you. It was because you played the hero and saved Second Young Master Lan, who’s standing beside you right now, that the entire Lotus Pier and my parents went down with you. (87)
Apparently Jin Zixuan isn't also at fault for being rescued in the XuanWu cave. Or hell any of the other disciples who were going to be turtle kibble INCLUDING JC. It's ALL Lan Wangji's fault. Oh and forget that the whole conflict at Lotus Pier was sparked by his freak of a mother who preferred to see everyone die rather than play nice w WLJ for a little longer instead of stepping on her face.
Then on the defection before he said kicked out now :
Jiang Cheng, “Just how much did we the Jiang Sect give you? I’m supposed to be his son, I’m supposed to be the heir of the YunmengJiang Sect, yet all these years I’ve been outdone by you at every single thing. You paid for your bringing-up with life! The lives of my dad, my mom, my sister, and Jin ZiXuan! Because of you, all that’s left is a parentless Jin Ling!”
Jin Ling trembled. His shoulders sunk, and his face sagged as well. Wei WuXian moved his lips, but he couldn’t say anything. Lan WangJi turned around to hold his hand.
On the other hand, Jiang Cheng refused to give up, shouting, “Wei WuXian, who was the one who broke his promise and betrayed the Jiang Sect first? Tell me.
"He got more agitated as he ranted on, “And in the end? You go and protect outsiders, haha! The Wen Sect’s people, even. How much of their rice did you eat?! Defecting with such resolution!"
Apparently YanLi crashing down on a battlefield of her own choice in the middle of battle and being killed by one of the solders on jc's SIDE, one of the "righteous" cultivators he was gathered there to kill the enemy of the cultivation world with, is somehow WWX's fault. Listen this dude did not give a fuck about Jin Ling's emotions. This was the jiang cheng pity hour. Just like every other hour. Such an insufferable personality type. Can definitely see why his cringe stans project on it so hard...
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nutty1005 · 4 years
Uniquely Him – Xiao Zhan: The biggest monster to defeat is himself
Translator’s Note: This article comes from ELLE Magazine 2019 Jan Issue.
He learned drawing since elementary school, drawing planets and monsters were his obsession, firmly believing in the existence of aliens. As a lively, vivid and exemplary person, he radiates a sense of security from someone dependable, and yet he has a worldly wisdom of one who knows the ways of the world but prefers not to practice it. 
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He learned drawing since young, drawing planets and monsters were his obsession. When he watched Martians in movies as a child, his wild imagination gave him a battle with monsters. At that time, he was a boy who was especially fascinated with space, and believed firmly that aliens existed. When he saw news on UFOs, he was excited, curious, but also afraid – would the aliens be friendly with us?
After he read “The Three-Body Problem”, this feeling grew stronger. While exclaiming the broadness of the author’s imagination and how grand the universe is, he researched on the theories and explanations in the novel, as well as on astronomy. Xiao Zhan also imagined how the subjects in “The Three-Body Problem” would look like, “looks like an engineer, perhaps he wears spectacles, he must have a highly progressed mind, great mechanical skills, but probably useless in everyday life, just like Sheldon in ‘The Big Bang Theory’.”
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The cruel logic behind all the glitz
Seated in front of the window in the hotel room, his long narrow eyes, puffy and red, Xiao Zhan just finished a day’s filming, and was accepting our interview in a layer of thick winter coat. His attitude was polite, and all around him was the vividness of youth – this made a huge impression.
He had his own studio when he was in year 2 of university, and became a designer after graduating – exemplary student Xiao Zhan’s most glorious moment was being able to design logos in projects with his seniors while he was still an intern, and the client eventually chose his design. Life as a designer lasted until 2015 – his university teacher recommended him to participate in “X-Fire” (TN: A talent search variety show) and he debuted, and since then, his life went onto a different track, becoming one of the hottest idols currently.
Actually, the challenge of becoming an artist is not much different from fighting monsters – since you receive flowers and applause, you would also receive gossip and rumors. His life had been smooth sailing till this, and this confused him for a while, “When the competition ended, there was some dissenting voices, I didn’t quite understand then. Now I’m more at peace, because when you choose a career, you need to learn to accept it. People will like you, and there will be people who won’t.”
However, the cruel logic behind all the glitz was something he could not have imagined. “Audiences do not see what you’ve experienced along the way, they would only judge you based on the final results.” He was filming his first period movie, being outdoors in the mountains at -10°C+ was a daily norm, “We’re filming by the river, everyday we could see the ice slowly form up, today the river is totally frozen, we could walk on it. Basically after every scene I have to cover my face with a warm water bag, otherwise my face would be numb from the cold and become uncontrollable.” And because today there was a scene to scream and shout, Xiao Zhan’s voice was already hoarse.
Xiao Zhan could overcome all this suffering and exhaustion well, the biggest monster he wanted to fight were his self imposed restrictions. “Just now I was thinking while doing make-up, that actually celebrities are like a product, packaged by make-up and styles in order to polish this product. I will bring forth my best to my audiences, but yet I don’t want to over package myself, the real me needs to be in it. I wish that everyone, while accepting my glorious exterior as a celebrity, would also accept my flaws and quirks, since after all, I am a vivid person.”
This sincerity and clarity is where Xiao Zhan’s wisdom lies.
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“There is no grandiose in my life”
2018 is the year of rapid growth for Xiao Zhan, he had main roles in various dramas, such as “The Wolf”, “Joy of Life”, “The Untamed”, etc – honing his acting and radiating his presence.
As the lead actor in “The Untamed”, Xiao Zhan’s load was heavy and his filming schedule was tight – filming under the ceaseless summer heat in Hengdian, his mind was always tense. The temperatures in the set was as high as 50°C, the make-up could not stay on, and he filmed most scenes barefaced. The most unforgettable scene was a crying scene – Wei Wuxian, portrayed by Xiao Zhan, had an explosive emotional scene after the massacre of the Jiang family. This scene started filming in the morning, he and Jiang Yanli started crying since 7 a.m. and after they were done, their eyes were as swollen as that of goldfishes. Before this, he was filming “The Wolf” – he systematically took performance classes and grew rapidly in during the filming. “Familiar set and environment, learning to adjust to the nerves and tension, especially since there were hundreds of people servicing you on set, you can do no mistakes.” Xiao Zhan radiates this sense of security from someone dependable. “The Wolf” was his first time as a main supporting role, and he was under tremendous pressure during that period, he often dreamed of acting on set. After every scene he would request for everyone to provide feedback, and then he would learn continuously, analyze and quickly adjust.
After that he had his first cat of his life, a munchkin named Jianguo (TN: Jianguo means nut). After the performance teacher learned about this, one of the homework he gave Xiao Zhan was for him to observe his cat. As a cat-lover, he reveled in the it, “I found out some things that I overlooked, like you will find out that when she’s angry, affectionate or hungry her expression and calls are different.” Xiao Zhan was exceptionally loving to his cat – the first thing he did when after a day’s work was to go home and play with his cat. His private life was quiet and simple, he just stays at home. “The feeling of staying at home is like falling into a cloud, you could roll around as you like, there is no pressure.”
“There is no grandiose in my life.” This was what he felt that gave people the sense of security. His parents, while supportive of his career, were also worried, hence Xiao Zhan often communicated with them, sharing his career successes, helping them be at ease.
In the whole conversation, Xiao Zhan had the purity and enthusiasm belonging uniquely to a youth, and there was this sense of extraordinary realness in him. “Whether or not I want to be an idol, I don’t actually have a choice, the label of an idol is already on me, just that I want to slowly shed off the label of an idol, and become an actor accepted by audiences, so that they can see more of my inner self.”
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“I especially dislike public proclamations, you have to pace your life.”
ELLE: What type of boyfriend do you think you are? XZ: I am the boyfriend who is more considerate of the other person, if there were to be my other half in the future, when she’s busy, upset or happy, or wants me to do something, I’ll try to accompany her the way she likes it.
ELLE: Are you the gentle puppy type of boyfriend? XZ: There’s definitely a dominating side, but if you were to be dominating everyday, how do you live? When you have the other half, the most important things are responsibility and trust. (After having a cat, do you think you’re a good dad?) I feel yes, from taking care of my cat.
ELLE: What type of girls do you most want to date? XZ: In many interviews before I spoke about warm, gentle and family-loving girls, but I feel that it still comes down to chemistry, and this is something unpredictable.
ELLE: If you are currently dating a girl, how would you hope to spend Valentine’s Day? XZ: Stay at home, and cook together. There’s a phrase about when you love the right person, every day’s Valentine’s Day, why do you have to spend that day in the crowd with everyone. Being an artist is quite particular, and quite tiring, I have to go back to live my life. If everyday has to be vigorous and stirring, there’s no way to live. No one can act everyday, I especially dislike public proclamations, I feel that you have to pace your life.
ELLE: If we give you a holiday now, what would you do? XZ: Go home and rest, with my parents, and then play with my cat.
ELLE: Are you a typical Libra? XZ: I don’t think so, I don’t have difficulties in choosing, when I spot something I want to buy, I’ll just buy. But sometimes I’ll be stuck in things that I care about, for example the scene I did today, if I’m not satisfied with it, I will think about it from morning till night, and annoy the others around me with my nagging.
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wangxianslillotus · 3 years
Au where Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang and Jin ZiXuan go to a haunted house into the forest of a mountain, in the middle of the night because ghosts won't show up during the day time.
Nie Huaisang hears that inside the house you can find incredible scary things such as talismans, bloody walls, screams at some point of the night, evidence of rituals. He even hears that there is a witch living in one of the rooms at the very end of the house.
Mostly, he knows that this is true due to pictures that one college classmate took a couple of days ago, but the pictures that people take of the witch always dissappear as if it was never there.
Indeed, it is a very creepy thing, but as Huaisang is SO curious about it, and Jiang Cheng is a good boyfriend, he comes along to protect him just in case.
And as for Jin ZiXuan, he comes along because his girlfriend, YanLi, is worried for his brother's well-being, knowing WanYin it's an actual scary cat. So yeah, he joins the party for the expedition into that damn haunted house.
When they arrive, they try to pry from one of the windows, just to prevent the immediate encounter with the witch. They see candles lighted on the ground that project weird shadows and shapes all around the place. As the rumors had said, the walls are full of talismans of all kinds, some drawings made with what they absolutely think that is blood, and there are hanging some papers from the ceilings above the bloody circle in the floor. They can't see more than that, and Huaisang hasn't satisfied his curiosity yet, he says. He wants to see the witch.
Jiang Cheng looks at Huaisang and wants to fucking kick his ass down the mountain, but instead just tells him how much he loves him to get a foot inside that eery ass house. They hold hands while entering the house, slowly and being the most careful they have ever been in their lives. The wood of the floor makes a scratchy sound as they walk into the first room, paper doors already long gone.
It is a very old house, at least that much they know. As they saw from the window, the room next to this one is the one with the papers hanging from the ceiling, but in the current one there seems to be some kind of altar, surrounded by more candles and incense that smells not so bad. They keep walking, looking at the walls of the window room quite closely now, amazed by how the witch has prepared so many things.
They are keeping it in by short, and it shows when they hear running footsteps in the next room. There is a paper door that's almost destroyed in between the two rooms, and they do catch a glimpse of a little shadow running into another further room from the spaces that were supposed to be covered with the paper.
Jiang Cheng mutters, "what the fuck?" Huaisang holding tighter onto his arm, and ZiXuan resisting the impulse that wants to make him run to hold Huaisang too, all of them scared to death.
They hear nothing now, but even so, they stay still for a couple of minutes. When nothing happens, they keep going further because Huaisang wanted to get a glimpse of the witch. And if Huaisang wanted, Jiang Cheng complied. And Jin ZiXuan wanted to leave them both right there.
ZiXuan opens the door after being pushed by Jiang Cheng, sliding it to the side with utmost silence. In this room there's only a table on the ground, full of scattered things that are just as gloomy as the first two rooms. They look like pieces of toys, and there are some tools too that Jiang Cheng recognizes from his sister's work, but that doesn't bring him any good feelings.
Suddenly a tug in his arm makes him turn, Huaisang pointing with his mouth full open to the door next room. Jiang Cheng looks, but doesn't see anything until he does, and then he's tugging at ZiXuan's arm with urgency.
"The... the... corner." He instructs, his voice being barely a tiny thread compared to his usual loud voice. ZiXuan doesn't even question it, he follows his instructions in case they need to run away. But when he does, he too, gets paralyzed at the sight.
There are two small hands holding the door that guides to the next room. Two small hands and the half of a child's face staring at them.
They stay still for what feels like ages, so when a big terrific shadow projects over their heads in the wall in front of them, greatly defined thanks to the thousands of candles lighted in the previous room, along with the happy kid's voice calling "papa" to something or someone pass them, they jump straight into different reactions.
Huaisang faints. He goes limp on the floor, and Jiang Cheng barely registers his fall, still frozen like a statue. ZiXuan runs towards the opposite wall to the one that projects the shadow, and turns around to confront it with a loud scream.
"Could you please be silent, you're scaring my son." The man speaks, already tired of the scene, even if he finds it hilarious. His voice is very chill, and he doesn't look much older than them. The little kid opens the door and runs towards him, hiding behind his legs.
Jiang Cheng turns around after gaining some of his soul back, ready to punch the man with all his strength until he turns him into a real ghost, but decides that his fainted boyfriend needs a little bit more of attention. He holds Huaisang closer as he speaks, "We are scaring him? He almost killed my man!!!"
The man chuckles, "You pretty much deserve that for coming into my home in the middle of the night." He states, patting the little boy's head with care.
"... your... home?" ZiXuan asks, confused. How could someone live in a place like this? It was insane. Jiang Cheng now tries to wake Huaisang up with a little slap on his cheek, but gets no response at all.
"Do I look like I am fond to repeat my words?" The man says, glaring at ZiXuan. The kid suddenly tugs at his father's pants, making grabby hands towards him, and with a smile, the man complies his son's wishes.
Jiang Cheng mutters, "This haunted place doesn't look like a home..."
"Ow, I'm sorry I missed the home-decor meeting, man." The man scoffs, making a half smile. "Now, even if you are intruders in my home," He paused, "I am a very good host, so unless you prefer to wait for him to wake up while you go down the woods to the city, you can bring him up to the living room."
He doesn't wait for an answer from the boys, and instead, he walks over the next room. They are quite surprised when they see him turn the lights on, and after sharing a look, they both take Huaisang, following the man deeper into the house.
They get into another room, laying Huaisang in the couch that the man points lazily as he dissappears into another room.
Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan instantly get closer, and start discussing the current events.
"What the fuck?" ZiXuan starts, holding himself close by grabbing onto Jiang Cheng's shoulder.
"I don't know, what is going on, man..." he responds, sighing. "Wasn't this supposed to be a haunted house with a witch and all that?"
"Who said that? So rude." A third voice joins them with whispers too, making them jump again. They breat heavily, lips pressing while shooting glares to the man that returned from wherever he was.
"Can you stop?" Jiang Cheng barks, pushing the man with his shoulder without second thought. The man looks at him, eyes full of innocence.
"I'm not doing anything." He provides, disconcerted by the request.
"You're appearing out of nowhere, so suddenly... we're still kind of... getting our nerves back, you know?" ZiXuan explains the best way he can. The man makes an understanding gesture with his face, and apologizes in a whisper again.
They go silent a while more, just staring blankly at Huaisang, that shows no signs of waking up anytime soon. Until the man tries to break the ice.
"Since you're already here, and all that... what are your names?" He asks, taking a seat next to the table that matches the couch, on the floor. He looks at them with a sweet smile, looking almost happy for having them there.
"Uhh..." Jiang Cheng side looks at ZiXuan before answering. "Are you sure you're not going to like... throw a curse at us or something like that?"
The man laughs wholeheartedly at his words, grabbing his stomach and all, before answering, "Oh, no. You got enough already, didn't you?" He said putting his elbows onto the table, "But for you to be somewhat reassured, my name is Wei WuXian".
With that, the other two were indeed reassured. "I am Jin ZiXuan, he is Jiang WanYin... and this deceased one is Nie Huaisang. We are truly sorry for breaking in like this. And for scaring your son, too. He looks like a good child." He tries with a smile. With that, Wei WuXian seems to relax even more, as a proud father that he was.
"Oh, A-yuan is the best. He's sleeping now, but I promise that he is. Now, would you mind telling me who said that this was a Haunted house? I wouldn't want more people breaking in in my sleep, you know?"
"It was... one of Huaisang's college classmates. They came here the other night and took some pictures to show around." Jiang Cheng sits while talking, right next to Huaisang's legs. If he was going to be chatty, then at least he should be comfy.
Wei WuXian made a face at that information. That wasn't good at all.
"I see..."
They pause for another couple of seconds, until Jiang Cheng couldn't hold it anymore. He has a curiosity too, and just like his boyfriend, he's very often, not so good at containing it.
"Why do you live here?" He wanted to know since he realized that there was no witch, no ghost, but just a lot of awful choices with decorations, probably to scare away people in the first place, or something like that, and a little boy in his pajamas waiting for his dad to come back home.
Wei WuXian sighs, "I don't have money to rent a better place at the city, and with my current job I have enough to pay for a tuition for A-yuan. I'm searching, tho. For better jobs, and better conditions too, but... it's been pretty though. 23 years old, a child, no bank account or references and no other job experiences, people don't really want that on their heads when I do the interviews." He wishes he had a beer or something to talk about his problems with people he barely knew, but he supposes that that was exactly the reason why he could talk without saving himself some face, without having to pretend that he was not affected by what he couldn't control. They have already seen a lot, too. So what else could be saved.
Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan felt for what Wei WuXian was going through. They weren't exactly the best empaths, but they knew how hard the things could be for some people.
Jiang Cheng had seen his mother after the divorce, refusing to accept the money his father sent them because she thought that it was the fastest way to get completely away from him and his lack of everything at their past relationship. He had seen her working hard to earn her place in the world, and had seen her distressed when they had no money to spare, not even for a toy. They were better now, way better. But he never forgot.
Not even now, seeing the same expression that his mom had at the time, plastered in Wei WuXian's face while he lets a sigh take away some tension.
You could... come with us. He wants to say. We have a spare room where you could live with your child for a while until you get some money. He really wants to say. But he doesn't find the words.
"How is your son doing with all this, WuXian?" ZiXuan asks, knowing the background of the thinking process that was going on inside of Jiang Cheng's mind. Wei WuXian wrinkles his nose a little bit, trying to pull some strength.
"He..." he sighs, changing his position, "He's trying his best. He doesn't like this place, we're not feeling safe here, and he has nightmares from time to time. But he studies hard even if he's tired, and eats whatever I can bring onto the table... he never complains." Sometimes, Wei WuXian wanted that his son complained, so that he could blame himself for everything that was going on. It was his fault, in the first place. But his son's smiles hurted him even deeper than any blame that he could phantom.
"It's been long?" Jiang Cheng finally got a grip on his memories, and he rejoins the conversation. "Since you live here."
Wei WuXian looks at him and thinks, has it been long? "Mmh... no more than six months."
"That's!!!" Jiang Cheng quarrels with a sudden scream. Wei WuXian looks at him surprised, and Jiang Cheng clears his throat before continuing, "that's a lot of time..."
"Indeed, it is." Wei WuXian answers, dry. It was already more than the "couple of weeks" that he said he needed to get everything under control. It was by far more than a couple of weeks.
When Jiang Cheng was about to offer him that he joined the Jiang house, Nie Huaisang made a sound in complain, making them jump onto their feets to check him.
"Babe... if you're so much of a scary cat to faint on the spot, then we shouldn't have come to a supposed haunted house." Jiang Cheng said, pulling his boyfriend's cheek when he confirmed that he was okay.
Nie Huaisang makes a pout but doesn't argue on that. Instead, he focuses on the unknown man in black at the side of his boyfriend, and offers a polite smile.
"How long have you been awake?" Wei WuXian asks, not being fooled by his smile. Huaisang presses his lips, he's been caught on the spot. The other two boys look surprised, was he faking it?
"... Since A-Cheng asked you why you live here..." he confesses, turning pink on his cheeks.
"A-Sang!" Jiang Cheng complains, frowning deep. "Why didn't you say something?"
"How could I just talk in the middle of all that?! You would have stopped right away... besides, it would have been the most uncomfortable thing ever. So spare me, A-Cheng!" He took his boyfriend's hand into his, pulling him to seat again at his side in the couch.
ZiXuan rolls his eyes and takes a seat in front of Wei WuXian, not wanting to pay attention to the couple. He knew better already. And it seemed that Wei WuXian could predict them too, because he just sat back on the floor. There where a couple of seconds more until the couple settles, finally paying attention to the previous conversation.
"So... you... live... alone with your son?" Huaisang asks, tip toeing the words, not so sure how would it sound once pronounced. Wei WuXian stares at him for a second, not really looking. It was more like he was looking at the past for a couple of moments, but he ends up smiling, stiff but deciding to answer.
"I do. We do. It's just A-Yuan and Wei Ying." He declares. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good either, in some terms.
It was good, because Wei WuXian loved every single day he spends by his precious son's side, he loves the way his little boy munches his food, the way he sleeps, the way he treats the world, he did his best everyday, even to random stray cats that showed up on their door, his son was the best and the cutest. He loves him. But... it wasn't good for A-Yuan, because these weren't the proper conditions for his son's health or education, nor to his well-being and growth. Wei WuXian knows it.
The other three boys didn't knew what to say to that, to be fair. They couldn't just avoid the feeling that something definitely had happened, but also they couldn't quite grab exactly what had happened, so they really didn't knew what to say in response. It wasn't like Wei WuXian wasn't sharing, or keeping secrets. He was being bare open to their questioning, but this... just seems way too personal for them to dig it up just like that.
Wei WuXian seems to catch the feeling in the air, because he agitates his hand in front of his nose, like fanning something, saying "Oh, no. Don't mind it. Really, it isn't something that hurts to speak of."
They breathe again, and look at him with expectation in their eyes. Wei WuXian is happy that he, now, has someone who will listen to his story, his and his son's. But it wasn't the moment, was it?
"He isn't really my son. He is, because I love him, and because I adopted him. But I'm not his biological father." He provided in a whisper, that being enough for now. "He doesn't know, so I'm not quite comfortable with saying it out loud here."
They all made an understanding nod, all with different expressions, but understanding nonetheless. Wei WuXian smiled warmly.
That night, the party left the haunted house with a new friend and a new trouble to be talked and solved. They arrived at the Jiang house, still talking about what or how would they ask Madam Yu permission for bringing their new friend, plus one little boy, under their roof.
Madam Yu wasn't quite enchanted by the full idea, of course, she wanted to help, but bringing a man into the house would be a little bit shocking to the people in the neighborhood, but she knew why his son was doing all of this. And they could say that it was a friend of Jiang Cheng, which was true. They sat sat the table until four am, talking about how would they live from now on. They even talked about making Wei WuXian a contract for rent, in case he needed it for any reason that could come up in the future. When they settled most of the things, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang went to the room that they were going to give Wei WuXian to prepare it, ZiXuan went to his own home, and Madam Yu went to her study to check out prices of furniture that the boy and his son would probably need.
Later that week, WanYin and Huaisang went up the mountain again. They walk for quite a bit until they are in front of the house in the middle of the forest. Under the daylight, the house looks not so scary anymore, but instead just bad maintained.
There are some toys scattered on the side of the entrance, when they pass. Huaisang slides his hand onto his boyfriend's and smiles at him excitedly. They go further down the house until the actual main entrance, announcing their arrival with a loud voice, so that Wei WuXian doesn't get surprised, at least in the wrong way.
Wei Ying turns around with A-Yuan on his arms, smiling at his friends with happiness. "Guys! What are you doing here?" He asked, making an adorable face when his son waves at them too, offering a thooty smile. What a polite little boy.
Huaisang almost dies at the cuteness of this little one, so he immediately goes to him, while Jiang Cheng is left to give the big news.
"Well... actually... You know. There's a room." He says, smacking himself mentally at the eyebrow that Wei WuXian gives him, and the laugh that his boyfriend barely contains inside. "There's a free. A free room. It's not being used. The room it's at my house." He... is getting somewhere, enough to enlighten Wei WuXian's eyes when he connects the dots. But Jiang Cheng it's not a patient human being, so he just sighs before a bluntly adding, "do you want it?"
Huaisang looks at him with a smile, just too amused at the spectacle to make some additions, meanwhile Wei WuXian covers his face to laugh out loud.
"What is funny?" WanYin asks, red from head to toe.
"I do want it, WanYin. Thank you..." Wei WuXian says, pulling the other man into his arms for a hug. A tight hug. "Thank you so, so, so much."
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chuplayswithfire · 3 years
We're all becoming Wen fans around here and I kind of love it! What do you like best, or what do you find most interesting, about Wen Chao? You told me a while back that you fell in love with a specific headcanon about him, and I'd love to know it and any others you might have, if you're up to sharing!
The Wens are making a comeback in our hearts and I love them for it! Honestly I started loving Wen Chao entirely on accident, I was throwing around ideas with @ plotdesigner for SangChao because we are gremlins and I've never met a rarepair/crackship I wasn't willing to take a crack at, and hit on an interpretation of Wen Chao as being Like That because he's kind of insecure, kind of anxious, and drastically overcompensating.
Wen Ruohan is presented as the next closest thing to an immortal since Baoshan Sanren, and probably seen it all, done it all, and has an interest in low-key conquering the world, or at least absorbing the other sects into his territory and cementing the Wens place as the Peak of cultivation society, given the burning of the Cloud Recesses and the concept of the observation houses... and Wen Chao is like, at least as presented in Wei Wuxian's (for good reason) biased perspective, not very good at a lot of things. He's clearly TRUSTED to an extent - he's in command of the hostage situation after all! - but he's also like, the same age as those hostages.
It's a lot of pressure for someone young! He's basically a young jackass, who's clearly got a lot of adjacency to power without controlling where it goes, and personally I think that would make someone anxious and kind of bitter and kind of eager to impress dad... and also, I really do think it would be difficult to Be Normal when your parent is a near immortal on Earth, practically a god-king, who also has like this whole torture palace and who basically sees the world as something that rightfully belongs to him and thus to you as one of his heirs... those aren't conditions that produce a lot of empathy for others, or understanding with your fellow person.
OMG THIS GOT LONG.... essentially... i just love the potential of this kid and the places it could have gone. I think he loves his family and particularly his older, impressive, powerful brother who apparently needed Nie Mingjue himself to take down, and it shakes his entire worldview to lose his brother and that’s not something he really gets to process at all! And then of course he's on the ride of a lifetime of terror being Wei Wuxian's target for however long Wei Wuxian played that sick game of cat and mouse.
(i love wwx but legit nothing will make me think that degree of torture was like. cool. fully on team 'god bro just KILL HIM')
also I read this fic on AO3 that was really more about Wen Ning, and I can’t remember what it is anymore because I read so many fics...all the time... but it introduced the idea of Wen Chao as having actually been widowed, and I kind of fell in love with this idea of Wen Chao too as having married young and it’s not that he’s cheating on his wife, his wife is dead, and he’s thrown himself into a lot of shallow relationships with his grief, because he doesn’t know what to do with that, but he does know the motions of being in that honeymoon phase of a relationship, and it seems from Wang Lingjiao that that’s kind of where he stays - in the honeymoon phase and the second that ends he chases someone else to start it again. 
Horrible coping methods. Absolutely fascinating to witness.
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Friday’s T &G reading
Some of these are shorter because I found them while reading longer ones!
This Brilliant Display (all for you), by Eliza (tenth in a series)
Nie Huaisang thinks the Jiang heir could use a friend.
My Sun One Early Morning Did Shine, by tangerinechar (2 chapters)
Wei Wuxian takes his hand and squeezes it, traces the dip of Lan Wangji’s wrist with his thumb, then drags him to a secluded corner of the gardens. “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan,” he’s saying. Laughing. Somewhere in between the two. He tucks his head between Lan Wangji’s shoulder and neck, curling around Lan Wangji like an oversized cat. “Aren’t you proud of your Wei Ying? I acted so well, not even your brother could see that we’re already together — though I’m sure he suspects something, at least. So scary!”
The esteemed Hanguang-Jun, Wei Wuxian, and a secret garden rendezvous at the Winter Ball.
Ashes, by Snowberryrose
In which Wen Qing does not burn
Or: help from an unexpected source
only missed midnight, by Yuisaki
"So," Wei Wuxian begins, staring at the lone twin-sized mattress lying before them, "this is how it's going to work out. We are going to share a bed."
Beside him, Lan Wangji is also staring at the mattress with some expression that Wei Wuxian isn't brave enough to face yet. It could the neutral face of observation, as is the Lan Wangji trademark, or it could be, oh, utter disgust at the thought of having to share a bed with Wei Wuxian. Either way he's not brave enough to test it.
"Mm," Lan Wangji says after a moment, which really means, 'Go on.'
Wei Wuxian kicks off the new year in a dingy hotel room with Lan Wangji, boyfriend extraordinaire.
Little Moments, by Hades_the_Blingking
When he is visiting Yiling, Lan Zhan notices that Wei WuXian has not been taking care of himself as much as he should be. So after A-Yuan inadvertently discovers a hot spring, Lan Zhan decides that it is perfect place to tend to him. Even with chaos and uncertainty surrounding them, they can find a little peace.
(A scene inserted into Episode 29, after Lan Zhan is served tea (oop, water), but before Wei WuXian leads him down the mountain.)
teenaged, by everbrighter (second in a series)
Even the best parents fail sometimes. Five times Lan Zhan failed to be a perfect dad in the face of a complete and total hormonal teenager. And one time Lan Zhan realized how very much this complete and total hormonal teenager was like Wei Ying.
for a good night's sleep, by thefaceofno
Wei Wuxian has trouble sleeping. On the way back to Cloud Recesses, he has to share a bed with Lan Zhan and has the best nights sleep he's ever experienced.
Now he has to figure out what exactly made him sleep so well without telling Lan Zhan that he's been having trouble sleeping.
Step 1: steal Lan Zhan's outer robe.
Lan Day Out, by Jin_Lings_Guncle (sixth in a series)
Xichen is having the most wonderful day with his little brother, full of all the best things.
Or is he?
Office Antics, by Jin_Lings_Guncle (seventh in a series)
Poor Wei Ying learns that maybe his husband isn't living exactly the life he'd always assumed. It is possible that the assumptions are entirely on him. Possibly.
Freefalling, by Jin_Lings_Guncle (eighth in a series)
Jiang Cheng always knew days that involved his brother and his brother-in-law were mixed bags. This one started with skydiving, and oddly enough, the danger only ramped up from there. Soulmates are the WORST.
Under the same snowy sky, by Lucky_Moonly (fourth in a series)
“Wei Ying, you did not answer my question. Where are you going?” Lan Wangji repeated as he fidgeted with his blanket.
“Don’t worry, Lan Zhan. I simply can’t sleep and I will go hang out in the common room for a bit,” Wei Wuxian pipped up.
“With your winter cloak on and your wand in your hair?” Lan Wangji asked, doubt clearly audible in his voice.
first contact, by everbrighter
“Shouldn’t I—” Aren’t there classes for this? Aren’t there books a person is supposed to read for this? Should he have done research? Shouldn’t he have prepared? But ah, it’s too late now, and there’s a baby in his arms, face to the shoulder of Lan Zhan’s cable-knit sweater.
curating, by everbrighter (third in a series)
Wei Ying died ten years ago today.
Axe on Leg, by Itszero
Wei Wuxian, in all his glorious dumbassery, convinces his boyfriend to go on a date with someone else.
At the Hour of Our Death, by NevillesGran
Jiang Yanli wasn't breathing anymore.
Wei Wuxian lifted the Stygian Tiger Seal above his head and raised every dead thing in Wen Ruohan’s thrice-damned Nightless City.
Every dead thing but one. His sister, he dropped to his knees beside and began drawing every talisman he had ever used on Wen Ning.
To Play the King, by nirejseki
"That situation is not good," Lan Qiren said, and Wen Ruohan looked at him sidelong.
The other man looked perturbed as he watched the Lotus Pier’s training field where the Jiang sect's most junior disciples were playing around with the juniors from the other sects, including perhaps most notably his Wen sect’s juniors, led by his recognized eldest son. It had been dubbed training time by their host, but the children were too young for that to be true; they were really just fooling around.
The littlest one, round-faced Jiang Cheng, was struggling to keep up, his chubby little arms waving in the air as the other children ran ahead of him, and that was where Lan Qiren’s gaze was focused.
Once Again for Love., by sanjige
In their first lives, they were greatly suppressed.
Pressure coming from both outside and inside sources, having a will but no power to make a way, being pitted against the small amount of family they each have left, having to abide by politics, wanting to help but not being able too...
Then, they’re all gifted with a second life.
In this life, they have a chance. Anything that could go wrong, can be prevented. They can proudly stand and fight. They can stick by those they love. They can use the newfound power they have to help those they call their own. They can get the comfort that they themselves all so desperately need...
And they will not let the opportunity go to waste.
(Or, Sunshot Generation get reincarnated as their predecessors.)
Here We Go Again, by Alliandra
He looked over to where the swordswoman was still fighting, but her focus seemed entirely locked onto that fight so it was unlikely that she could have had anything to do with the energy drain. He was still wracking his brain for something else to do to assist, so this thing didn’t kill them both, but now he was feeling weak, dizzy and currently not far from helpless.
It has been several months since the events at the Guanyin temple and Wei Wuxian is wandering around on his own. After he helps a stranger kill a very dangerous beast he uncovers what seems to be a conspiracy aimed at ending his life. He heads back to Cloud Recesses with his new companion in tow, looking to get Lan Wanji's help in working out what is involved.
Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling made a surprising discovery under Koi Tower that may well be linked to the threat against Wei Wuxian's life.
Can they all work together to find out what is going on and put a stop to it, before something disastrous occurs?
When I'm Gone, by qiankun_pouch
"Protect them," he whispers hoarsely.
Wei Wuxian looks at Wen Qing next, his voice wavering as he remorses, "Qing-jie… You weren't supposed to see this."
She sobs. Please, no, Wei Wuxian. Please don't do this.
"Thank you. For everything," he continues.
There's a smile on his face, small and sad, and he speaks his final words.
"And I'm sorry."
Or, the one where Lan Wangji never goes to the Burial Mounds, and after some disturbing events, Wei Wuxian dies (TW: suicide). Everyone learns the truth and has to deal with the consequences.
(Story diverges after Wei Wuxian learns that there is trouble at the Burial Mounds.)
sweet lotus petals, unfolding in the sun, by stiltonbasket
In Wei Wuxian's defense, no one told him not to drink from the cold spring.
"In my defense," Lan Xichen groans, "I didn't think you would."
"We should put up a sign," Wei Wuxian says brightly. "'Consumption of these waters may result in a case of unexpected radish.' Lan Zhan can build it, and I'll do the calligraphy."
(Or, the one where Wangxian have a baby, and the lost love of a lifetime finds her way back home.)
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seaside-stars · 4 years
since it’s been years since I’ve properly been here, I thought i would write a quick post about some things that happened or changed. Under the cut so it doesn’t take up too much space on the dash
I go by Phoenix now Pronouns are still he/him and they/them, and I mostly vibe with the label nonbinary now. Came out to grandma and dad Still very much ace and will gladly block assholes who say ace and aro people don’t belong in the community.
I HAVE A REDBUBBLE STORE I got an iPad and Procreate so I’ve been occasionally drawing things.
Sis, her fiancé, and I moved to a place together, we’re a 40 minute walk from  mum’s place (oh, yeah, sis is engaged)  Mum works as a live in carer in the UK and she’s stuck there until at least february because of the virus Dad, sis, her fiancé, and I went to ski in Hungary while visiting family this year (it was in February so before lock downs and quarantines) Mum and Dad separated (finally) and they both are dating someone.
I went to the con in Barcelona twice, the first time I met one of my now best friends (Jonathan/Whiite, they recognised that I was cosplaying Neil) and the second time I spent the whole con with them and slept over (and of course one of the days we cosplayed Andreil) I went to Dokomi once, it was awesome, hope I’ll be able to return when things are okay again. Visited my other best friend in the UK (Lau/Lance), we made a bunch of TikToks and went to a cat café dressed as Andrew and Neil because we’re Like That. We were supposed to meet again this year but that plan didn’t happen obviously. I was supposed to go to London and see Be More Chill with Jonathan a day before my birthday but it was canceled because of the virus and I’m still super sad about that, my bday sucked. But at least Jonathan was able to come visit me once when it was a bit safer.
I’ve been reading a lot of books in the past few years (finished 30 this year) Started to listen to podcasts (really behind on CritRole, gave up on TAZ Graduation, need to catch up with TMA and Juno Steel) I’ve read MDZS and I have a Wei Wuxian cosplay, I just need to stop being lazy and style the wig. Almost at the end of The Untamed, and I also started watching it with sis.
Cosplayed Neil, Andrew, Aaron (just for Lau, to make content with his Katelyn cosplay), Renee (so far only once for a con), and Allison. Made HP OCs with the best friends and have been making a lot of content with them on tiktok. (btw, fuck Rowling) Cosplayed Taako and Lup and I want to bring them back after an upgrade. That’s all for now
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antiquecompass · 5 years
Hi! How about WangXian + Stop (LAHL verse if you can)!
Here you go, anon!
Send me a “Stop” and I’ll write a drabble about one character calming the other down (from anger, jealously, etc)
Wei Wuxian could admit that he liked it when his Lan Zhan got a little jealous. But just a little. The kind of jealous that meant he’d have all the best bites and bruises on him come morning and he could look at them and smile and his Lan Zhan wouldn’t even blush anymore, because he was just as proud to place them as Wei Wuxian was to receive them.
But there was making him a little jealous and then having reminders of Wei Wuxian’s misspent college years shoved in his face, at a convention signing, with their eight-year-old son sitting beside them, flipping through a stack of comic books.
Out of all the places Wei Wuxian expected his Yiling Patriach past to come back and haunt him, Y’all Fest was not one of them. He wondered just how fast he could duck and roll under the table and maybe escape to that awesome biscuit shop down the street.
He looked around the tent full of other authors and fans, resigned himself to the fact that it was only Friday, and slapped the fakest of smiles on his face.
“My darling husband, my dear Lan Zhan,” he said.
“Wei Ying,” his husband said in that tone that even made their Little Bun look up in concern.
“So, you know how I did some things, stupid things, back in our golden years, especially when you were off on those family trips? You know, the ones where my brother had to–”
“Take you to the emergency room to have your stomach pumped?” Lan Zhan asked. “Yes, I do recall those times.”
“Right, okay, back then there was this guy who kind of followed me around a lot? Nothing, like, bad. Just hung around me at all the parties. And then after that one night where it got really bad, Jiang Cheng kind of blamed him. And then my brother was well, my brother, and the guy kind of disappeared.”
Lan Zhan blinked at him.
“Right, okay, he’s in the line. Like, maybe ten people black. Dressed in all black,” he said.
“Like you, Dad!” his son helpfully supplied.
“Yes,” Wei Wuxian agreed.
And being dressed in all black in Charleston of all places wasn’t exactly smart, even in November, but he wasn’t the only one dressed up like Wei Wuxian or one of his characters. Wei Wuxian didn’t want to brag, but he had a bit of a following on various social media sites, and while he’d calmed down with some of the posting because he didn’t want his kid’s face all over the internet unless his Little Bun said it was cool, well, he still had a lot of fans.
“Hn,” Lan Zhan said as he carefully re-arranged the free bookmarks Wei Wuxian was handing out to people in line.
“Uh-oh,” Lan Sizhui said.
Uh-oh indeed.
“There are many little pitchers with big ears about,” Wei Wuxian reminded his husband, grabbing his hand.
“I’ve never cursed in front of any children,” Lan Zhan said. He took their clasped hands and put them on the table. Where everyone could see.
Wei Wuxian wasn’t getting his other hand back for a long time.
The signing went smoothly for the next few folks. Fans who were sweet and enthusiastic about the weekend. A few rightfully fawning over his handsome husband and his very adorable son. A group wearing bunny ear headbands that he just had to take a picture of, and then grinned when they gave him a set of his own.
And then it was time for Chris? Carter? Kayden? Carpe? Columbo?
“Wuxian, man, it’s good to see you!”
Wei Wuxian laughed and nodded even as his Lan Zhan’s grip almost turned painful.
“You too! So, do you live in Charleston,” he asked, almost desperately grabbing for the man’s book.
“No, I’m in Kentucky now, but when I heard you were doing a signing here, I just had to drive down.”
“Pathetic,” Lan Zhan said.
“Yes,” Wei Wuxian quickly corrected. “It is pathetic that I don’t do more tours in that part of the country.” He tried not to blush as Lan Zhan leaned into him, his lips almost on Wei Wuxian’s ear.
“Your signature is sloppy, Wei Ying,” he said.
“Papa,” their Little Bun said, sounding almost scandalous. “Don’t make me get the spray bottle.”
“The what?” Wei Wuxian asked.
“Uncle said that if you two became too much in public, for the sake of the family’s reputation, I needed to spray you with the water bottle like he does with the cats when they’re bad.”
He reached into his bag and pulled out a plastic spray bottle, wherein Jiang Cheng’s distinctive scrawl had written Mood Killer.
It was enough to break all the tension in the moment. Wei Wuxian laughing so hard all he could was close Creepy? Crackle? Kringles? book and hand it back to him, waving the next person forward.
Gods bless his baby bro. Always there even when he wasn’t there.
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bloomeng · 4 years
MDZS/Hogwarts au Headcanons
This au is a classic, but per usual I have opinions so here we go. (Also let’s pretend we do not see you know who)
All the patronuses are based on the official list and descriptions (I’ll leave the link below).
Wei Wuxian:
Do I even need to make an arguement for this??
Patronus: Crow or Dolphin (I genuinely can’t decide)
Has friends in all houses and floats around among the tables in the great hall
Has been in all the houses common rooms tho
Probably good at most subjects, but he is amazing at defense against the dark arts
Definitely plays Quidditch, and is definitely the seeker too
Y’know typical over-achiver, star of the show, but without really trying
Steals books from the resticted section, not because he wants to read them, just because he was told they were off limits
He also steals food from the kitchen on his way back from the Hufflepuff common room (visiting Yanli ofc)
Is the kid that looses all of the points for his house, which means he also has most of the names in trophy room memorized (just from the sheer amount of time he’s had to clean them in detention)
Curfew is more of a suggestion, in his opinion nightime is the best time to roam the castle
He’s ended up in the hospital wing so many times that he basically has a bed reserved
Jiang Cheng:
Between the loyalty, courage, ambition to “attempt the impossible,” and secret heart of gold, he could rival wwx’s Gryffindor spirit
Patronus: Chow Dog
Grumpily follows around during his misadeventures to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself
Or rather he’s the one who drags wwx’s ass to the hospital wing when he does hurt himself
Only one out of the trio (wwx, nhs, jc) who actaully studies
Hates divination, thinks it’s all a hoax, and it bugs the crap out of him that nhs actually belives in it
Is the captain of the Quidditch team, started as a chaser but now he’s the keeper
Was chosen to be a prefect
His favorite perk is the fancy bathtub, which nhs has definitely bribed him to gain access to
Shares his dorm with wwx, and he’s always complaining how he has to drag him out of bed
Lan Wangji:
He do be out here being super creative with that Guqin, and also owning our asses with his intelligence
Patronus: Wild Rabbit
I’d estimate that he spent 90% of the first 3 years of school in the library
Insert intense glaring at wwx as he tries to sneak into the restricted section
Somehow missed that wwx played Quidditch until his brother dragged him to a game
Needless to say he never missed a Gryffindor game after that
Somehow he managed to score one point off of a perfect grade on his OWL
Y’all already know he’d be a prefect, do I even need to say it
His favorite place in the castle is the window seat in Ravenclaw tower
Pretends to protest wwx sneaking into his common room
Imagine: Wangxian Hogsmeade dates and wwx trying to get him to wear his Quidditch jersey
Lan Xichen:
Although I feel like you could make a strong case for Ravenclaw, but the compassion and open-mindedness wins out
Patronous: White Swan
Professors love him, even Snape manages to tolerate him, probably by his 5th year he’s friends with half his professors
His favorite class is herbology but he’s also really good at charms and transfiguration
Owns an owl that he shares with his brother that he named something dumb like “Harold”
Has the Daily Prophet delievered every morning, and always thanks “Harold”
He grew up in a pure blood family so he is fascinated by muggle culture, and he is constantly asking jgy questions
Once jgy shared music from his ipod (yknow like one of the og ipods) and it blew his mind
Probably tried to help the house elves in the kitchen at some point, but was kicked out because he caused more damage then actual help
Somehow he was made a prefect in his fourth year???
He just roots for the under dog in Quidditch games, which often leads to a friendly competition between he and his brother (Gryffindor is never the underdog, not with wwx and jc on the team)
Nie Huaisang:
Again do I even need to make a case for this???
Patronus: Sparrow
Doesn’t even try and hide the fact that he let’s wwx and jc into the Slytherin common room
Often sits at the Gryffindor table because he wants to sit with wwx and jc
Instead of studying, he is constantly trying to find ways to cheat by designing bewitched items
By his 7th year he has his own business selling his cheats
His favorite class is divination, everyone assumes it’s because he’s a believer, but in reality he finds the subject hilarious and he’s amazed how a scam can go so far as to have a full educational class dedicated to it
Forged his brother’s signature on the Hogsmeade form, because Mingjue told him he wasn’t allowed to go if he was failing a class
Can’t fly a broom for the life of him
Barely passed his OWLS
In general he’s far more concerned with gossip and playing match-maker then doing any of this school work (who do you think told lxc to bring lwj to a Gryffinsor Quidditch game??)
(My monkey Xiyao controled brain likes to think that he’s been trying to set the two of them up for years, but that might just be me)
Jin Guangyao:
AGAIN do I really need to explain my thought process on this??? He’s cunning and manipulative, case closed, I do not take critism
Patronus: Grass Snake
Struggles in conjouring magic, but makes up for it in written work and testing
In general he works very hard and is most likely top of his class, despite the lack of natural ability
His favorite class is potions, because it’s simply a matter of following directions
The first friend he made was lxc after realizing as first years that they had really similar class schedules and decided to study together
His mother was a muggle, and thus he was raised in the muggle world, so there’s a lot of prejudice from his housemates
Every once in awhile he’ll quietly ask lxc to explain something about the wizarding world
To the annoyance of his house, he was made a prefect
Somewhere along the way he befriended nhs
The relationship dynamic is as follows: jgy forces nhs to study, while nhs forces him to come with him to Hogsmeade (mainly so that he doesn’t have to pay for his own food)
Jiang Yanli:
She’s just so sweet, compassionate, and kind not to be a Hufflepuff
Patronus: Doe
Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care for Magical Creatures
She’s really good with animals
She read that you were allowed to bring an animal and immediately went out to buy a cat
Buys wwx snacks on the Hogwarts Express, even though she made him lunch
She brought a phonograph and a collection of records from home, and set it up in the common room
No one knows where it came from, but people started to slowly add to the collection of records
Now the common room is just constantly filled with music
Lxc knows it was her, but he didn’t see the harm in letting it stay, so he let it be (plus he also enjoys music)
She goes to Quidditch games and roots for Gryffindor despite... not being in Gryffindor (she’s a supportive sister)
Spent most of her 4th year stopping wwx from fighting Jin Zixuan (the year before she started dating him)
She really do be living the cliche dream of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin relationship
Jin Zixuan:
He’s the typical pompous, preppy, asshole, that people assiociate with Slytherins
Patronus: Peacock
The first thing he did when he got to Hogwarts was set up his side of the dorm room to make it more up to his “standards”
His dad tried to convince him to play Quidditch, but he refused
Basically ignores jgy’s existence.... even though they’re in the same house
Loathes herbology because it requires getting his hands dirty
Is racist(?) towards muggleborns
He always has a mob of girls surrounding him at all times, yet doesn’t know how to properly process his own feelings for Yanli
I’d say he’s trying his best but that would be a lie, he thinks he’s doing the most though
He takes school very seriously, and he scored pretty well on his OWLS
One time in potions something went wrong and his potion blew up in his face quite literally, and wwx hasn’t let him live that down
Xue Yang:
He is bad man grrrrrr and a sly bastard, so ofc he’s the house of snek
Patronus: Weasel
Everyone hates him, his professors, his housemates, even the ghosts avoid him
Except Peeves, in fact Peeves love him
Probably because he’s constantly messing with people
He’s the only person to rival wwx’s detention record
He is fantastic at defense against the dark arts
He likes to mess with Trelawney by purposely making death omens in his readings
He just doesn’t do assignments, yet does really well on exams and passes???
Snape would vouch for him, that’s the vibe I get
He plays as a beater on his Quidditch team, and he’s known for knocking people out
Xiao Xingchen:
He’s kind, selfless, and is always trying to see the good in people, which screams Hufflepuff
Patronus: Dragonfly
Is really good with charms
Even though he’s of age, he hates appariting and will do a lot to avoid it
Runs group study sessions, with the help of sl
A big activist in freeing house elves working for old families
Stops to have full conversations with the paintings
Is the only person in the school that tries to be friendly to Xue Yang
Song Lan:
He seems to have that very principled and intelligent nature of a Ravenclaw
Patronus: Dun Stallion
He doesn’t really have a lot of friends outside of xxc, but he doesn’t seem to mind
He’s that one person who actually enjoys professor Binns’ History of Magic class
He lets xxc drag him to Hogsmeade, even though the crowded shops make him uncomfortable
Shh it’s a secret but he also has a major sweet tooth and he will buy a shit ton of candy
Because of his scary amount of knowledge of Hogwarts and its history, he managed to find the room of requirement
So he and xxc end up moving their study sessions there when their group size outgrows the library
Anyway that’s all for now, but if you have a request be sure to ask!
Anyway I’m proud of the patronus choices I made for these, mostly. I know that it’s inevitable that someone will disagree with the house placements, so just note that these are purely my opinons.
Patronus info link:
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I’m going to live blog my rewatch of The Untamed because im alone and gay.
Episode two!
-lil’ Apple 🍏😍🍎
-Why do I always think it’s Daf/ran mountain not Dafan. The esports mountain...
-“what is he your dad?” “No he’s my idol!!!”
-what if we kissed while trapped in the deity-binding nets on Dafan mountain haha..... unless?
-Jin Ling is baby. please don’t be mean to your twice nephew, Wei Wuxian.
-“Who is your uncle?” “I am.” BIIIIIITCH
-“you look well Hanguang-jun” “thank you its the depression”
-this whole scene is just That™️ meme of the lady yelling at the cat at the dinner table.
-Lan Wangji looks toward Mo Xuanyu behind the tree with those sad gay eyes and oucccchhhh it hurts it hurts
-i forgot how many random pov shots they put in this show- OH NO SAD WATER FEELINGS
-thank you random passersby for that horrible exposition gossip- *SLAP*
-the juniors really just have one braincell between them that Sizhui keeps under lock and key, hunh
-y’all really just- in that cave going “man i hope this thing isn’t evil” *someone dies* man what could have caused this?
-SIZHUI IS SO PRECIOUS “Young master Mo!” :)
-I’m so excited to see /him/
-why is it so funny seeing Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji sitting like that I’m just picturing elevator music quietly playing
-yessss Jin Ling 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 make mama proud!!!
-“it sounds awful” im fully on board the tone deaf Lan Jingyi train
-HES HERE!!! WEN NING!!!!! BEST BOY!!!! 😍😍😍😍
-WWX’s reaction to seeing Wen Ning, he’s so confused and upset- ahhh the gay it just- jumped out. Me too WWX, seeing ur prep bf & ur goth bf after 16 years of being dead in the same day is a lot for anyone
-the change from one song to the other to calm Wen Ning? ugh
-the slow backing away with Wen Ning’s full attention on him? /ugh/
-Lan Wangji grabbing his arm and looking right into his eyes and just- holding onto him while he gets Wen Ning to leave and then Wei Wuxian putting a hand on his to keep him from chasing after Wen Ning? UGH
-Wangxian just having a full on wordless conversation before Jiang Cheng started yelling and thats LOVE babyyyyy
-i personally would love to have my soul whipped out of my body by Zidian
-i really like how WWX just fully passes out its great.
~flashback noises~
-I missed my boys in blue 😭 all three of them look so good
-“he will definitely make trouble at the Cloud Recesses” 👀💧
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mossyblue · 4 years
hehe thank you @adhdgays for tagging me :0
Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you wanna know better
1. Name: ben!
2. Nickname: oh there are Many. pretty much any version of ben you can think of. benny, benathane, bengermin, benne (pronounced like penne), benny boi, B, bee, recently banjo man or simply "banjo", mossy which has nothing to do with my name and is just because of my url and the fact that I really like moss
3. Zodiac sign: aquarius >:)
4. Height: 5'9! simultaneously right at average height and taller than every single one of my friends
5. Language: only english 😔
6. Nationality: usa
7. Favorite season: fall!!!! I look sexiest in chilly weather clothing and winter is too sad and cold
8. Favorite flower: hyacinth!! gay n they smell nice and I remember my best friends mom always used to have them in their kitchen
9. Favorite scent: oooooghhoioo the ocean!!! also lemonbalm, Pine Forest In The Sun, and like... fire
10. Favorite color: blue!!!! any and all shades
11. Favorite animals: rats!!! I have five :^) I also love sharks so much that if I think about them too long I'll cry. and crows!!!! crows.... I dont know if this really counts but I recently just got back into my Holy Shit Dinosaurs Are So Fucking Cool What The Fuck thing... quarantine ben reverts back to 5 year old bens hyperfixations apparently
12. Favorite fictional character: you know when I list them out like this you can really tell that I have a distinct Fave Character Type - wei wuxian, ronan lynch, caleb from the bright sessions
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hmmm I feel like I gotta say hot chocolate because it slaps Always no matter what. I like tea but I always make it and then... forget about it so the only consistently good forms are Mamas Ice Tea and I'm Sitting In A Teahouse Tea. I love coffee but I never know what the fuck caffeine will do to me so I can only drink it when I have no other responsibilities that day akksksk
14. Average hours of sleep: like. 5
15. Dog or cat: cat!! obviously
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: two!! big comforter n one of those soft fuzzy ones underneath :^)
17. Dream trip: my dad and I are SUPPOSED to go to alaska at some point but he's going on a two year trip soon >://
18. Blog established: oh goodness I've had this blog since like... 2014??
19. Followers: 1,183
20. Random fact: when I was 12 my best friend and I got banned from whole foods
uuuhbhgh mm I'll tag @starrymug @loxh @holistic-jupiter n @dykelwj but don't feel obligated!!
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noirbriar · 6 years
MDZS Modern police AU drabble dump
“ALRIGHT! Listen up you crazy lot!Get in line and get in the car and ya’all know the drill” Wei Wuxian dryly speaks into the megaphone to his drunk audience. While the cadets start to haul the gangs into the police van-
“Relax Jiang Cheng, the night is young!”
“Fuck this.” Jiang Cheng heads back into the stripper bar and swipes a pricey cognac off and proceeds to chug it.
Just another day for YunMeng City Police. And for people to upload pictures of their favourite inspector on Weibo.
“Okay. We’re done. Chopchop go go go. I have places to be, people to see, Salty Huang. Don’t let me see ya around so soon in here. “
“But you didn’t...even finish my statement,Inspector Wei?”
“Since when do criminals want to complete their charges??”
Jiang Cheng walks out of the interrogation room. He needs another coffee, black. Like his bleak life as it is now. Sometimes he wondered how they survived together as kids. Also through cadet school.
Oh wait. He didn’t. Barely.
“Inspector Wei, apologies but I know you are going off duty soon but we need a statement from this guy who refuses to have it taken by anyone but you.Its regarding the weird drug circulating around the streets.  “
“Ehhh??? Can’t Ah-Liu or someone do it?I’m in a hurry!”
“He specifically asked for you. Sir. “
Wei Wuxian sulked and proceeds to throw off his coat and follows the sheepish cadet to the interrogation room.
Where a man in a black coat, a black top hat and two black tabby cats are awaiting. Wei Wuxian flops onto a chair opposite of the man but not before he switches off the surveillance cameras.
“Tsktsktsk. Tian ah. Your disguises are getting ridiculous each time,Bu Zhi. “
“Excuse me. These is called haute couture. Ask your roommate he will teach you a thing or two!” Bu Zhi huffs, flicking a fancy Chinese ornamental fan open and waves slowly in front of him.
“Its tacky. Thats what it is. Any way what is is this time? Did you swipe off another ancient emperor era painting or some tang dynasty vase from some rich prick or what?
“I collect ART,Wei Wuxian. And I was having my eye on an exquisite cultivator era painting of the Sunshot Campaign. But I will have you know, that during my...curating...I have overheard Wang LingJiao, the mistress of Wen Chao, bragging about some drug. That sounds suspiciously like your case.”
“Wang LingJiao? The hussy of the young underground lord of Qishan City?”
“You heard nothing. You have not seen me.”
“And your brother doesn’t know. Chill. HuaiSang. I plan to keep my best intel around. ”
Jiang Cheng is about to get into his car and get ready for his day off. Which is starting in 5.08 minutes. He is going to get the coffee machine going and have a nice hot soak in the tub after another disastrous bar raid. He just bought new unicorn bath bombs and his lounge chair awaits-
“JIANG CHENG HELP LEMME USE YOUR CAR I’M LATE!”Wei Wuxian jumps in from the passanger side and tries to wedge his childhood friend/ teammate off the driver seat.
“Something wrong with the coffee, FengMian?”
“Its nothing but excellent RuoHan. Just a sneeze is all.”
“Ah. Shame, Changze can’t join us today.After being in Europe for so long I miss my dear friends. I was so hoping for a reunion. ”
The leader of the China Gangsters sighs loftily while Jiang FengMian smiles. The country club is exclusive and only by invitation. The food is excellent.
In the end, Jiang Cheng had to take a taxi back to his loft. His off day now delayed by 20.56 minutes.
Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian crashes back into his apartment, cake in hand and takeout on the other.
Mo Xuanyu comes out of the toddler room to greet his roommate.
“Ah. Wei ge, you’re-“
“A-YUAAAAAN~! Happy birthday my boy! Come come lemme hug you!”
Wei Wuxian grabs the babbling toddler from the tired design student who gladly leaves with a yawn.
“Oh my god I’m sorry I’m late XuanYu, your portfolio..?”
“Gonna go submit now. Pantry is stocked, Alcohol is in the fridge, laundry is done, your mala sauce is in the fourth shelf.Don’t do anything stupid...yawwwn...I’m going to school...meet Huai Sang for breakfast.”
“Don’t let that sneaky fox bring you weird places!”
Mo Xuanyu smiles and gives A-yuan a goodbye wave before he leaves the apartment.
Leaving both father and son to enjoy a peaceful morning.
Over in Gusu City, another family breakfast is underway. Though quiet. With dishes more bland with sugarless tea.
Lan Qingheng quietly pours his wife more congee and observes his sons who partakes after their elders. Both talented and outstanding in their career in the force. Shame that none of them chose law but he is proud nevertheless. 
Madame Lan is pleased to have her family together, along with their extended relatives who lives together within the same district. Its rare especially with everyone’s tight schedules for the entire Lan family to gather for something so pure and simple.. Lan Qiren may have retired early but he still oversees the cadet school. Lan Xichen now leads the Gusu City police while Wangji is climbing the ranks as inspector.
It is indeed a rare peaceful morning-
“Wangji, since your birthday is around the corner, I thought you may like an early present.”
“Oh! Xichen is so considerate, what did you get your brother?”
A crash and a few minutes later, an ambulance is called for Senior Inspector Lan Qiren whose blood pressure spiked unnaturally.
Wei Wuxian drops back into reality the next day. In Superintendent Yu’s office.
“Exactly what I said. Starting next week, You will be working in Inspector Lan’s division.”
In an upscale mansion in Gusu City, with a family picture and another of a selfie of a bright smiling teen and a younger him in cadet uniform adorning his minimalistic table in a rather minimalistic room. Also half a dozen of rabbits lying on top of him in a king sized bed, Lan Wangji is almost turning 30.He’s okay.
Not. ---
I don’t know where I’m going with this or why I even wrote this. I only had that one image of jiang fengmian and wen ruohan having brunch together and WWX being all suave and ridiculous on a cop car, thats literally it.
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salinator · 5 years
Hi there, Yuletide Author,
Thanks for writing my fic this year. This is my first time getting involved, and I’m pretty excited for what you’ve got in store. Hopefully, this letter gives you a bit of an idea about what to write if you’re not sure yet. I’m not super fussed, although I have some admittedly specific DNWs that I hope won’t be too annoying. Please enjoy writing!
Likes: lighthearted fluffy stuff, interesting relationship dynamics, found family, sibling dynamics, modern AUs, weird original concepts and AUs (i.e. Buzzfeed Worth It AU??????), pining, A Strong Sense Of Place, will read all ratings
Meh: angst (esp if there’s no comfort resolution), coffee shop AU, misunderstandings, genderswaps (esp cisswaps), clichéd premises and plots in general
DNW: anything that would incur an archive warning, hard kinks, ABO, homophobia, misogyny, racism, ableism, OOC, characters not being human (i.e. vampire au), misused speech tags (i.e. “wondered”, “greeted”, “introduced”... I’m a big advocate of “said”)
The Untamed: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji
I’ve only put LWJ down, BUT I do want a fic that explores his relationships with other people. Preferably with Lan Xichen, Wei Wuxian, Lan Sizhui, Lan Qiren, Mian Mian, and/or Jiang Cheng. Would absolutely die for some good and pure family dynamics!
Fic ideas:
LWJ being a Good Dad to (young teenage) LSZ, teaching him to play the qin or raising rabbits or whatever. And LSZ calling him baba or sth instead of HGJ for once
LWJ and JC as foils in their relationship with WWX
LXC looking after/teasing/matchmaking his repressed baby brother
LQR letting LWJ and WWX get married... but HOW does he ever agree to this???
Juniors looking up to their Hanguang Dad
Mian Mian and LWJ as wlw and mlm solidarity
LWJ and WWX sample Chinese food fads from bubble tea to malatang hot pot (gotta be modern AU though HAHAH)
If you choose to do this and also have HK egg waffles, please please please don’t combine them with those ice cream toppings omg
The Lans being idiosyncratic drama queens in general
dnw: Jiang Cheng x Lan Xichen, descriptions of anyone’s eyes being any colour but brown (I have a bit of a complex about this, being East Asian myself), uncritical engagement with the CCP if it’s modern AU, and prefer names to be written like “Wei Wuxian” rather than “Wei WuXian”
Carthaginian Historical RPF
Haven’t put down any characters, but I do just want Second Punic War stuff haha (sorry, Dido)
I don’t really mind which characters you write since I like them all and each combo will produce a fairly different kind of fic that I would enjoy anyway. Brotherly dynamics? Scipibal?? Mago punching Scipio??? Go wild!
Hannibal in conversation with a Roman commander (Fabius Maximus or Marcellus?), or a kind of “parallel fic” between them would be super interesting imo!
I will warn you that I am a Roman history student and am quite particular about historical inaccuracies when it comes to Rome, especially on an institutional level (I can’t help it!)
Mostly, I don’t want to see Rome demonised or glorified beyond what they deserve historically! They are people after all :’)
Feel free to go ham with Carthage though cos I know nothing about it HAHAH
dnws: Scipio shipped with anyone other than Hannibal and vice versa
The Magpie Ballads: Savonn Andalle, Dervain Teraille
It’s about time that the Best Ship of Magpie Ballads gets the support it deserves in fanfic!
Fic ideas:
Canon AU: Savonn and Dervain’s very lowkey married life in Astorre, and the visits their children friends pay them
Dervain raising cats
5 times Dervain threw Nikas out of a window (that’s all)
Modern AU where Dervain is a sound engineer and Shandei is his intern. Also Savonn has to get some sound engineered; cue flirting by means of music
Savonn and Dervain top bants. Like maybe they’re on radio or something; any profession that requires bants!!
Missing sex scenes in the novel (@the dungeon)
WILL accept Emaris x Hiraen >:)
dnw: Savonn x Emaris, top Savonn
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antiquecompass · 5 years
Untamed Winter Fest Day 20: Tradition
Wherein Lan Jingyi experiences his first day of the Jiang Holiday Extravaganza.
In all their years of being friends, and then more than friends, Lan Jingyi had never set foot on the property of the Jiang vacation home, Lotus Pier. He’d seen pictures and videos, heard the stories of course, but nothing quite prepared him for the reality.
It was magnificent. He couldn't believe it was real.
Lights. Lights everywhere. White lights. Multi-colored lights. Twinkling stars and icicles. A sea of lighted up inflatable yard decor far into the backyard of the estate. And something that looked suspiciously like if a bouncy castle and a snow globe had a child. Also lighted. And a huge inflatable Santa, staring into one of the bedrooms.
“Whose room is that?” Jingyi asked as he slid out of the car, jaw still dropped a little in awe.
“Dad and Papa’s,” Sizhui said, voice stunned.
Uncle Cheng snickered from behind them. “That’s new,” he said. “Mom must still be pissed after last year.”
“What happened last year?” Jingyi asked.
Sizhui sighed as Uncle Cheng laughed harder, leaning on Cousin Xichen.
Cousin Xichen look resigned as he shook his head  at the large, pervy santa staring into the bedroom window.
“Let’s just say Sizhui’s youngest cousins now know that storks definitely do not deliver babies,” he said. “And that some ‘wrestling’ is not to happen until they are much older.”
Jingyi looked at the large house in confusion. “I thought the kids stayed in the nursery?” he asked.
“They do,” Sizhui said.
“They thought they heard the prancing and pawing of each little hoof,” Uncle Cheng said.
Cousin Xichen sighed as he patted Uncle Cheng’s shoulder. He turned to Sizhui and Jingyi.
“And this is why we always make sure we do what?” he asked in his Headmaster Lan voice.
“Keep the bedroom doors locked,” Jingyi and Sizhui replied.
Cousin Xichen had basically given him a lecture and pop-quiz on the drive. Jingyi had thought it was a little excessive, squished into the very back seat between three dogs, but now he understood that his cousin was just trying to prepare him the best way he could.
The stories, the myths, the legends--none did justice to the glory of Lotus Pier during Christmas. Jingyi couldn’t wait to see the inside.
He did have another question before they entered the house.
"Why are there two sets of Santa and his reindeer on the roof?"
Uncle Cheng looked up from where he was getting the cats out of the car. He put Clove and Cinnamon's carrier carefully on the ground and then pulled out his phone to take pictures.
"Holy shit," he said. "She actually did it."
Jingyi was scared of ghosts, the dark, zombies, everything to do with the Hill Lans and the funeral home, and Madame Yu. She had an aura, a power, to her that made it very easy to picture her with a magical staff and green and purple flames shooting up around her as she cackled and laid a curse on everyone present. Even dressed up like Mrs. Claus, humming ‘Up on the Rooftop’ and decorating a gingerbread mansion and its extensive family, she still scared the shit out of him.
It could also be that the gingerbread people deemed less than worthy had their heads chopped off and their bodies made into crumbs.
She also did not take suggestions on gingerbread outfit options, like gumdrop buttons, for example.
Cousin Xichen had rescued him from the kitchen before Madame Yu ground up Jingyi’s bones to make her cranberry bread.
“So, can I ask a question?” he asked once they'd escaped the kitchen.
Cousin Xichen steered him away from the living room, which was apparently off-limits until Christmas Eve, and to the playroom, where the cats reigned supreme.
“You’ve just asked a question,” Cousin Xichen said.
“Can I ask another one?”
“I don’t know, can you?”
Jingyi glared at him. It wouldn’t work, telling Cousin Xichen he sounded just like Great-Uncle then. He’d take it as a compliment.
“May I ask another one, after I have asked this current one?”
Cousin Xichen nodded.
Jingyi pointed to the mantle of the fireplace, the bookshelves, and the windowsill.
“What’s with all the damn elves?” he asked.
Cousin Xichen shook his head as he cradled Pepper in his arms, ignoring all the beady little eyes on them.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “And I don’t get it. Some of them used for the scavenger hunt for the little kids, but those elves are everywhere. Please, for your own mental health, check your entire bedroom for them. My first year here I thought we’d cleared them all out. And then I found one under the bed. And inside the nightstand.” His eyes look troubled as he shifted away from the mantle. “I think she does it on purpose, like some sort of holiday psychological torture, to see if those of us, the outsiders, can survive.”
Cousin Xichen was sounding a little like Mr. Lan-Wei--Cousin Wuxian--on one of his conspiracy theory rants. Maybe he needed a nap or something. No one committed psychological torture via holiday decorations.
No one did, right?
“I feel bad every time I use the bathroom,” Jingyi said as he crawled into bed beside Sizhui.
The tree in their room was awesome. He’d never seen so many fish and crab ornaments in his life. Some of them even sang. He loved it.
“Physically or psychologically?” Sizhui asked.
“More like, I’m sorry, Santa, that your face must be on this toilet,” Jingyi said. He sprawled out over Sizhui, laughing at the mistletoe hanging over their bed.
“I somehow don’t think that was Madame Yu,” he said, tilting Sizhui’s head back for a kiss.
Sizhui laughed, soft and sweet, as he nuzzled Jingyi’s cheek. “No, no, that’s a decorating tip I learned from Dad.”
“Have you told them about Madame Yu’s new inflatable yet?” Jingyi asked.
“Nope,” Sizhui said. “I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise. I can’t wait to see their faces when they arrive tomorrow.”
“I heard a rumor that Auntie Yanli was the one who bought it,” Jingyi said. “Her and your uncle were talking about it in the kitchen.”
“Eavesdropping is forbidden--”
“At Lan Academy,” Jingyi said. “Here at Lotus Pier? I think it’s a survival skill.”
Sizhui kissed him again. “You’re going to be just fine.” He put his ice cold feet on Jingyi’s legs and gave him a little shove. “But seriously, go lock the door. If you don’t, we’ll wind up with a mountain of those damn elves in here come morning.”
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