#weaver rambles
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nodaudaboutitt · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alexsandr Kallus & Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Alexsandr Kallus/Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios Characters: Alexsandr Kallus, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Kassius Konstantine Additional Tags: future kalluzeb, Character Study, Canon Compliant, Alternative Perspective, kallus character study, Kallus POV, Mid-Canon, Rebel Alexsandr Kallus, Imperial Security Bureau (Star Wars) Summary:
After a night on a frozen moon with his sworn enemy, Kallus' imperial indoctrination begins to crack, how will he cope when his worldview begins to crash around him.
Character Study of Agent Kallus following The Honorable Ones, looking into his transition from ISB agent to Fulcrum. Will do my best to remain canon compliant but will take liberties since the show left some gaps for me to dig into >:)
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b1adelight · 1 year ago
it’s way too late for me to be asleep right now but I’ve been thinking about this all day… it strikes me as odd that in fo4, the dogs you see in game are completely purebred. I don’t mean the mongrels, but Dogmeat and the Rottweilers that you come across.
you could create a hypothetical scenario that at least one person would be able to keep breeding some dogs shortly after the bombs dropped… but doing that would be nearly impossible with a sudden lack of resources (also hoping that you don’t die in the initial blast, or deteriorate too soon), and bringing pets into a Vault wasnt an option (unless, you know, there was a vault specifically designed for that, but there is no trace of that in the Commonwealth). so with that out of the picture… what’s stopping dogs from mixing breeds over the 210 years after the bombs hit? Literally nothing.
realistically, dogs in the fallout universe should appear a lot more like the dogs found in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. they’re pretty much just… really irradiated mutts. No specific breed since everything has been so watered down. look at these guys. they’re adorable.
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(photo found here)
not much to add to this tbh. I just really like these dogs and wish fo4 could have taken a bit more inspiration from them. as much as I love German shepherds, I was always confused as to why Dogmeat is the only one… or why he even is one at all! same with the Rotties too.
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pyrholidonhead · 3 months ago
alien season is officially upon us by the way. embrace winter with the cold terror of space, sigourney weaver, insidious corporations that want to kill you, space truckers and space marines, and your best friend the xenomorph
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cryptid-catnip · 5 months ago
my favorite part of Worm was when Taylor Worm said "it's worming time" and then murdered a toddler
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akuma-tenshi · 3 months ago
finished closing night!! boy do i have some thoughts. and now that i've gathered them, i'm about to make my autism your problem. spoilers below.
the first part of the event wasn't awful imo, it felt like character building and just helping establish the dynamic. i know some people weren't fond of it but given that i was never really that invested in hullabaloo before this and didn't know every little detail of these characters, it was nice to get some character establishment and figure out how they all are as people. i am also a fan of slowburn character-focused horror, so that may just be a personal taste thing lmao
bryce papenbrook does a good job as mike, even though there are definitely points where he sounds exactly like nagito (namely the scene where he's shouting at margaretha in the foyer). he has a very particular way of speaking / voicing characters that make it immediately clear it's him. however, i do think he fits mike well and he definitely lays off the nagito-ness in the second part.
the rest of the cast was excellent as well. while there was a Choice made with murro's voice (he sounds WAY younger than he's supposed to be, which is off-putting and takes me out every time he speaks), it's very clear everyone knows their characters well and they all do a good job keeping their mannerisms and vocalisations unique and fitting to each role. aside from some awkward lines (which i attribute more to stilted writing than to the va's themselves), the voice acting is absolutely a highlight.
margaretha's trauma with sergi is portrayed very well imo. bear in mind i have not suffered the same abuse as her, so i can't say how accurate or good it is, but it feels like it displays that it was a terrible thing while also being respectful and avoiding being exploitative. the added layer that everyone else (except joker) liked sergi and was unaware of the abuse adds a lot.
in general, i think mike and margaretha are incredibly well-written here. i think ne could've absolutely gone the route of popular fan interpretations and completely demonised margaretha while making mike a perfect angel, and they would've gotten a lot of praise for it. but they stuck to their guns and made them both very flawed yet understandable people, and that just makes everything feel that much more real, at least to me. they're such different people with opposing goals, and their friction really comes through. everyone else is very well done (shoutout to me a couple of hours ago calling joker cute for some godforsaken reason i can't remember) and i love all of their characterisations, but mike and margie really are the standouts here.
i do wish there was a bigger payoff for margaretha using euphoria so frequently. i know it's implied to have been involved in violetta's death, and i appreciate the connection to game 5, but i wish there was a little bit more there. it's not a huge gripe though, so i won't harp on it for long.
the pacing at the start of the second part had me extremely worried; things felt like they were dragging along and being padded out for the sake of being padded out, and i was not having fun with it. fortunately, this issue was remedied about halfway through, and once things got going, i started really enjoying myself. the pacing of the first half of part two is my biggest gripe with this story.
i was noticing a lot of similarities between hullabaloo and fool's gold: hunter forms of popular survivors being announced and used as a major part of marketing for an update to the idv story. with the aforementioned pacing issues, i was really worried that hullabaloo's reveal would shape up to be similar to fg's: a kinda cool cutscene and a lame chase sequence at the very end of a long, boring storyline. however, despite hullabaloo having a much smaller part in this story than fg did in aom, appearing only briefly in the fire at the very end, i still think it's a better incorporation of the character than what they did with norton. better to have it be quick and intimidating than just kinda tedious.
every death in this (aside from joker's) felt very purposeful and well-done. violetta's death was heartbreaking. the change in animation towards the end, followed by the single sound of her machinery giving out after the screen went black, was beautiful, and hey, at least she died happy. margaretha's death pulled at a very specific and very major love i have in storytelling, that being a character choosing to die free rather than live in captivity, and the payoff of all the underwater scenes where she swims towards sergi finally coming through when she chooses to sink away from him had me losing my mind. i genuinely did not expect mike's death to be a straight-up suicide; like i said, i'm not completely caught up on hullabaloo lore, so maybe other people saw this coming, but the fact that he truly could not live with the truth about hullabaloo is such a heartwrenching yet satisfying end to his character. like i said, joker's is the only death that doesn't totally stand out, but i like that they let you put the pieces together yourself.
the chase sequence with joker was unintimidating and a little lame, and honestly it felt somewhat forced, just a way to get his hunter form in there bc they realised "oh shit right this guy's like. a hunter isn't he." i do like that they gave him back his chainsaw though; very nice little callback to the betas.
the animation of the hullabaloo fire was absolutely gorgeous and the ending had me in shambles. for a while afterwards i felt similar to how i felt after finishing end roll: drained and flat but in a good way, like a ton of adrenaline had just released from my body after some intense event.
all in all, i really enjoyed it. i can't say if i like it more than aom, but that may be the frederick bias coming through, so i'm going to choose not to rank them and just say hey. banger event. well worth the hype even with its hiccups and flaws. i always say this, but idv has some genuinely talented people in its writers' room, and i can't wait to see what they come out with next.
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dewwshi · 10 days ago
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princess of mithral hall
#waiter!! waiter!! more catti-brie dwarvish culture content please#she's SOOO fun to draw i can't stop#i like thinking about dwarf clothing...... metalwork THE HOUSE although this design is pretty simplistic#if i actually sat down and tried to do a full traditional outfit design i would have gone more all out than i did here. MORE METAL!! MORE!!#TAYLOR WANT SHEET METAL#can you imagine all the clan battlehammer weavers tearing their hair out trying to figure out how to fit dwarf trad clothing on a human#i neeeeeeed to stop using green as a prominent colour in all my drawings cuz i always end up hating the colour balance LMFAOAO#i'm halfway through sea of swords now and the way catti is written in it is so... weird.......#like she's normal and fun and acting like herself in all of the scenes where it's just her and drizzt#but then if they have to talk to any npc at all suddenly it's like a fuckin batman and robin situation#and drizzt is doing all the talking and catti is just his sidekick that occasionally interjects#it reeeally feels like it should be the other way around and both of their characters suffer#cuz drizzt is supposed to be quiet and kinda shy and cat is supposed to be talkative and extroverted. I HAD THOUGHT AT LEAST#it's such a weird thing cuz this problem was a lot less prominent in previous books#we forgive cuz it's been a couple books since these two were in the spotlight so maybe that's the issue but bob.......#let catti lead a conversation please#well. it's been 1 book timeline wise since they were in the spotlight#but as far as i understand servant of the shard was also chronologically written in between spine of the world and sea of swords#too many fuckin books with s words in the titles#the tags of my art posts are just a place for me to post reading updates i guess#I LOVED SPINE OF THE WORLD BTW REALLY FUN BOOK EXTREMELY FUNNY#we interrupt legend of drizzt to bring you high fantasy hbo euphoria#OK OK ENOUGH RAMBLING#legend of drizzt#lod#catti-brie battlehammer#catti-brie#dnd#forgotten realms
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eternalscribbles · 1 year ago
@raggedytiger so I had a uhm. An idea. And originally it was meant to be sweet and all but I don't control the definitions of names so-
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sharrkbaiitcartoonz · 4 months ago
I drew Catra :3
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I plan on drawing cute shit soon but for now, here you go children
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Taylor turning herself in was such a fun twist and character moment, and idk I see some people disliked it and hate Dinah for orchestrating it and I get that but it fits her. Taylor is someone who will throw herself away for the greater good, and if she thinks she has a way to help she has to do it. "Cut Ties / I'm Sorry" was practically a guarantee that she'd leave, because it's Dinah appealing to her compulsive need to help, and Dinah's appeal to this was born out of a very similar need to do something to stop the end of the world. There's an interesting parallel there, where Taylor hurts her friends that she cares about by leaving them all behind when she defects, and Dinah hurts Taylor who saved her and she definitely cared about Taylor on some level. Neither of them want to do what they feel they have to do, but there's no other way that they can see to help.
Also important to remember that Dinah played a part in setting Taylor down the path to being Khepri, she just completely fucks up the girl who saved her time and time again, and what's ironic is that I think Taylor would do the same if it was the only way she saw. They're both incredibly result-focused people, which is what makes the entire mess with the notes so fun to me. Dinah wouldn't fuck over Taylor like that if she wasn't so focused on saving everyone, and her method of doing it wouldn't have worked if Taylor wasn't just as determined to do that good and stop the apocalypse. And it aches for both of them, when Khepri gives that slip of paper back to Dinah she finally gets hit with the full realization of the fact that she played a part in breaking Taylor. Idk where I'm going with this, I just think "The girl who you constantly threw away your morals and feelings and hurt others to save throws away her own morals and feelings and hurts you to save even more people" is such a wonderful little dynamic.
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citrusbuds · 2 months ago
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Born and raised in the Philippines, Clementine Cortez gets chosen to be an exchange student at Midtown High School, Nueva York. There, he stays with Ben and May Park, and their nephew Peter Park. (i thought i was so funny making the Parkers korean and renaming them as Parks and tbh i still think i am hilarious)
During a field trip, Clementine saved Peter from being bit by a radioactive spider, getting Clementine bit instead and gaining superhuman abilities to become Tide Weaver (Spider-Man)
my GOD heres my spidersona this specific drawing was made all the way back in july 2023 but i finally have the power to talk about him (i kept forgetting)
Tide Weaver was based off of Web Weaver (Cooper Coen), the gay spider-man lmao. I wanted to keep his design very colorful and ocean-y. To make him stand out against other variations of Spider-Man, Tide Weaver has the ability to glide atop water, as well as trap water in his webs (making them heavier)
i really love this guy i have so many things i wanna talk about so i will be posting A LOT (cause i have like an entire years worth of lore in my brain)
if u read all of this i love u sooo much i will give u a little kiss on the forehead for it MWAH
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 1 year ago
started rewatching spop and holy fuck y’all i forgot how good this show is
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nodaudaboutitt · 2 months ago
Excited to post my fic next week 👀👀
Been writing some Kallus exploration following his time on the geonosian moon with Zeb 👀
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b1adelight · 1 year ago
what if i gave luther a different railroad code name than the one in game... none of them really fit tbh. bullseye was the closest but i think he would have used that in his backstory, and not in the main plot
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lockandkeyhyena · 7 months ago
no idea where the ‘falls in love with every woman and like two men’ bisexual stereotype came from. for me its like the opposite lol
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cryptid-catnip · 5 months ago
give me a fictional character and i will tell you how taylor hebert from the hit web serial Worm can beat them
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akuma-tenshi · 9 months ago
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i crave silly boat shenanigans with this crew so silly boat shenanigans i shall create
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