#adora and catra
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kawasiki-jo · 7 months ago
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It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit-chat
Take me to your love shack
Mama's always gotta back-track
When everybody talks back
Band AU inspired by @diaspro-back-here and their genius brain. 🫐🫡🫶
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sharrkbaiitcartoonz · 3 months ago
I am here to hurt your feelings:
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In this episode, Catra genuinely whole heartedly believes nobody in the universe cares about her anymore and she’s willing to risk it all to save Adora and Glimmer at that point, and face the consequences. She doesn’t think Adora will come back for her (even if she wants her to) becauseeee:
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In this episode, she realized that Adora went back for Glimmer and Bow,
but never even tried to go back for Catra.
sure Adora had said “come join the rebellion” to Catra but actions speak louder than words, especially to someone as mentally abused as Catra, she assumed she wasn’t wanted as much as bow and glimmer where if at all. Not only was that instilled in her brain by Adora only going back for them and never Catra, but Shadow weaver fed her that her entire life.
“Adora doesn’t want me, not like I want her”
that was a view Catra had the entire series.
Hope I ruined your day <3
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knightesspo · 9 months ago
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Quick animation because I love these women
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darklinaforever · 3 months ago
Not the people who try to say that Catradora is incest because they were raised together... I need to remind you that despite that they never behaved like sisters ? Or even been considered as such by the one who educated them ? Or to tell me that Catra's entire character revolves around Adora when that's not true. Catra is much more than that. Or to say that Catradora is an abusive relationship because they are trying to kill each other, or rather that Catra is trying to hurt Adora. Not like... oh, you know... they were on opposite sides in the war and therefore enemies ? And not at all in a friendly relationship and even less in a romantic relationship ?! And when they become friends again and then lovers, Catra is no longer problematic with Adora ? Seriously... Oh and I'm tired of seeing people call out poor queer representation on the grounds that the relationship isn't 100% healthy. There are tons of healthy queer relationships in fiction. Go get these rather than the Catradora relationships! People tire me...
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ilianazzzfanofblogs · 1 year ago
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Tara and Darcy as Adora and Catra! (Idk who are Adora and Catra but I know some people love them)
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emberheartbeat · 2 years ago
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xmsmarvel18 · 2 years ago
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"That my best friend, she a real bad bitch. "
Planning to post more for the Pride month
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venerablelama · 1 month ago
Okay. Let's talk about how Adora can be a bit possessive going through a stage of denial.
Окей. Давайте поговорим о том, как Адора может быть немного собственницей, проходя через стадию отрицания.
On missions, Adora doesn't let anyone fight Katra. We always hear, "Go. I'm taking on Katra." You can, of course, argue, "Adora knows all her tricks and techniques." Yes, of course. The answer is accepted. But I appeal and say that in the first three seasons, Katra has successfully manipulated and distracted Adora, causing her to let her guard down at times. So wouldn't it make more sense to send someone else after Katra? Glymer would be perfectly capable of that task. But Adora was like, "That's my kitty. I'm the only one who can beat her."
Н�� заданиях Адора никому не разрешает сражаться с Катрой. Мы всегда слышим: "Идите! Я беру Катру на себя". Вы, конечно, можете возразить: "Адора знает все её уловки и приёмы". Да, конечно. Ответ принят. Но я подаю апелляцию и заявляю, что в течение первых трёх сезонов Катра успешно манипулировала Адорой и отвлекала её, заставляя её временами терять бдительность. Так не разумнее ли было бы послать за Катрой кого-нибудь другого? Глимер прекрасно справилась бы с этой задачей. Но Адора сказала: "Это моя кошечка. Я единственная, кто может победить ее".
If I'm right, imagine how badly Adora wanted to bite off Prime's hands when he touched the chipped Katra, heh
Если я права, то представьте, как сильно Адоре хотелось откусить Прайму руки, когда он дотронулся до чипированой Катры, хех
I think Adora doesn't let anyone touch Katra because others won't hurt her as much as she does. That is, Adora knows all Katra's weaknesses and can take advantage of them. But she would never take advantage of Katra's forbidden weaknesses. No matter how painful it is for Adora to fight Katra, for Adora it is a guarantee that Katra will suffer minimally and stay alive. After all, in battles with other people, Katra can get such injuries that it will be impossible to fix.
Так же, я думаю, Адора никому не позволяет прикасаться к Катре, потому что другие не причинят ей такой боли, какую причинит она сама. То есть, Адора знает все слабости Катры и может воспользоваться ими. Но она никогда бы не воспользовалась запретными слабостями Катры. Как бы ни было больно Адоре сражаться с ней, для неё это гарантия того, что Катра пострадает минимально и останется жива. Ведь в боях с другими людьми Катра может получить такие травмы, которые будет невозможно исправить.
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I'm speaking it into the universe. Please PLEASE can we get Darcy and Tara dressed up as Catra and Adora for a Halloween episode. PLEASEEEEEEEEEE. <3333333 @netflix
Just. Just look at them.
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purrplexed · 3 months ago
any recs for lesbian novels / audiobooks?? doesn’t have to be a romance, preferably a good story with the main character(s) being gay is enough
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antispopausandstuff · 2 years ago
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[ not a ship post, and i may or may not have forgotten to post this ]
art of my virtues // RL au, where adora and catra go to brightmoon together and save etheria bit by bit.
context for art above - after errands, they had time to get comfy in sleepwear and catra took a nap.
just for some information on these iterations:
adora is older ( 19, 5'6 ), catra is younger ( 18, 5'10 ).
catra is morally ambiguous, as she's willing to do anything to protect the people she loves most, even if it's not the morally correct decision.
adora is still morally good, but is often robotic and seemingly lacking a personality of her own. the image above is only when she gets used to brightmoon's environment and atmosphere.
shadow weaver abused them both in a variety of ways, and adora's memories are rewritten to hell ( you'll know what i mean once i get this story together or if i decide to spoil it anyway ).
adora and lonnie are the EtL of this AU ( don't worry, it's handled with care, promise ), and catfuma is a thing.
that's all i'll share for now!
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sharrkbaiitcartoonz · 3 months ago
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Found this on Pinterest and had to repost it here bc I actually cackled
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narcissa-black-supermacy · 2 years ago
i've been browsing through my old ssnr and bkdk bookmarks and i'm only now realising that if you look at my biggest otps through history, i absolutely have a type
childhood friends obsessed with each other to an unhealthily codependent degree where one of them is a powerful, intimidating dude with trauma and anger issues and the other one is a charismatic, equally powerful dude with a sunshine smile and a hero complex
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auxilioooo · 1 year ago
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literally this
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darklinaforever · 1 year ago
I saw someone... at face value... compare the character of Catra to Christian Grey !
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Saying that if you're willing to defend Catra by saying she's a complex character with a good redemption arc, or even that she deserves redemption in the first place, then you're also willing to defend Christian Grey.
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I don't even have the words to describe such stupidity...
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morbidmagnolia · 8 months ago
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I love The Sapphic Pose ™️
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