#we all implode
egophiliac · 13 days
you know, I've been thinking about it, and there is actually one single scenario in which I would be okay with not getting a big ol' "Silver Vanrouge" out of Lilia.
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(just kidding, I still need some "call me Silver, Mr. Vanrouge is my father" in my life, please don't let me down on this one Twst)
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izzystizzys · 2 months
TW: discussion of something approximating suicidal tendencies but with the usual crack programming of this blog
“Ah, High General Windu”, says Fox, pleasantly. “So we meet again.”
High General Windu raises an unimpressed eyebrow at him, Fox thinks, though it’s getting hard to tell with all the blood rushing to his head. “If I let you go, will you try to throw yourself out of another window?”
Fox makes a vague shrugging motion - or tries to, anyways. It’s hard to tell where any of his limbs are going, hanging upside down in the air as he is. “I am willing to discuss terms.” A bridge will do just fine.
Impossibly, the High General’s eyebrows climb even further up his forehead. “A compromise, then, esteemed Commander.” And so, he righths Fox the head way up in the air, but leaves him floating just above the ground, at which point several painted shells come skidding around the corner followed by billowing robes and screeches.
“You’ll short out your helmet mic”, Fox advises him, sagely. Fondly, he thinks back to decimating his own on only his second time in the newly-christened official Coruscant Guard Scream Closet. He’d just received the comm about the Zillo Beast being transported to 000, and made sure to take his bucket off thereafter to improve the quality of his closet time.
High General Windu’s face does something complicated between sympathy and constipation.
Because the Galaxy doesn’t hate Fox enough already and Cody wasn’t enough on his own, Wolffe elbows his way through their batch to plant himself in front of him, shoulders squared and shaking with repressed rage. “If you try that again, dickhead”, he begins, in a low growl that quite frankly sounds more cringe that intimidating, “I’m going to resurrect you and then kill you again.”
“Ah, Wolffe”, Plo Koon says, in his deep, shivery timbre, “Remember our conversations about effective conflict resolution and communication of needs?”
Wolffe’s eyes narrow at Fox, because all non-Guard are sweet summer children who walk around buckets off on 000 like absolute lunatics. Fox prays they never have to find out why that’s a bad idea. “I feel”, his ori’vod presses out between clenched teeth, “that if you make me watch you throw yourself out of another window, I’m going to jump after you and strangle you on the way down, you little bitch.”
“That’s fair”, says Fox, and watches High General Kenobi bury his face in his hands. Wolffe twitches in place and makes an aborted groaning noise, the hypocrite.
“Excuse me, High Marshall Commander Fox, but I fail to see what’s so dire about this situation that the Jedi High Council and your brothers cannot help you solve”, says Windu, the only sane one left on this Force-forsaken bloated corpse of a planet. Behind the gaggle of Jedi and ori’vode already gathered in front of Fox, the rest of them come veering around the corner in a commotion that’s quite frankly embarrassing. High General Yoda is mounted on Skywalker’s back like he’s a race-Eopie, which is Fox’ only consolation.
He got up this morning at 0300, bleary-eyed and with a pounding headache as always, and all was right in the world. And then Fox got called into the Jedi High Council’s chambers and was ceremoniously informed that in the wake of Chancellor Palpatine’s unfortunate demise (hah), and through the emergency state of the Senate, as well as several invented promotions foisted on Fox to make the delegation of any and all paperwork less shady, he was now next in the chain of command and-
Well, Fox is the acting Chancellor, in short.
Haha, he had said, and been meet with several seconds of silence, until it got both awkward and exceedingly painful. Wait, he’d said. You’re kriffing serious.
Kriffing serious, we are, had said High General Yoda, and thus Fox launched himself out the first best window with a maniacal cackle of, you’ll have to catch me first!
And catch him, High General Windu sure did.
“The will of the Force this is”, Yoda interrupts Fox’ train of thought. He scans him thoughtfully from beneath his wizened brow, and hems to himself. “Shake things up, this will. Determine the fate of the Galaxy, this shall. A feeling, I have, that a good Chancellor you will make. A better one, hmmm.”
“That’d be high praise, if not for the fact that a dead lemming would make for a better Chancellor than the last one”, says Fox, drawing and indignant gasp from Skywalker. He doesn’t bother with either that or the green goblin’s cackle, lost in the deep sense of resignation that settles over his shoulders like a suffocating blanket.
“Alright, then, get me Thorn on the comm. As my first act in office, I’m firing all the Jedi. No offense, but you’re kind of a disaster. Then, someone get me to the Chancellor’s office, I’m calling Dooku to let him know the war’s off. And please get me Judicial, they’ll be up all night working on my datafolders - I’m having the Senate arrested.”
“Who - is - arresting - “, Bly pants, hands on his knees from where he’s just come sprinting around the corner with his Jedi.
Underneath his bucket, Fox smiles a smile that’s all teeth. “The Senate”, he says, sweetly, wondering if he’s just imagined the shiver that’s gone through the room. “I’m suing the Senate, and taking them all into temporary custody for abuse of sentient rights.”
#commander fox#corrie guard deserves better#sw tcw fic idea#look fox has been planning this coup for a while okay he just needed to adjust and get over the initial reaction of Fuck No#if they’re sentient enough for their signatures to have authoritative quality on military reports and to be promoted to chancellor on a#technicality then they’re sentient enough for everything to be victims of systemic oppression and abuse#fox still does not want this position and will yeet it the literal second bail organa isn’t watching his step religiously#a custody battle ensues between Corries and GAR ori’vode for who grts to tackle him (affectionate)#it is solved by getting a bigger room so they can all do it at once#thorn makes a point of jamming his elbow in some soft places. cody and co are disgruntled but accepting of this#he has a bit of a point admittedly and wolffe has to promise not to threaten murder again#plo makes him go to another Effective Interpersonal Communication Seminar (it’s the fifth that year)#anakin is initially outraged on padme’s behalf but she could literally not be happier#fully supportive of being arrested in the name of Fox’ Good#we can still do book club though right she asks. visiting hours don’t apply to chancellor probably#fox shrugs. it’s his next act as chancellor#count dooku: live slug reaction#the systemic issues fuelling the war cannot be solved with a phone call but in absence of someone with two braincells to rub together#the whole thing loses steam and strategy steadily#look it was always a sham that house of cards of a republic/confederacy was waiting to be blown over by literally any light breeze#general grievous implodes from pure rage. legend has it his last word was KENOBAAYYYYY. wipes away tear#thorn laughs so hard when he hears all this he cracks a rib#another day another post of utter nonsense#ponds makes sure to give his fox’ika a hug as soon as he’s floated down bcs ponds is the best#which is why he didn’t get it in the last ficlet for anyone wondering#the only functional one#much like mace windu
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madeleineengland · 11 months
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Go to watch the trailer of "Santocielo" by Ficarra & Picone 👀
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rosesapphire2323 · 22 hours
Just had a horrible, terrible thought. Have you ever tried taking a child from their mother, like to hold them or whatnot? after a certain age kids understand that taking them from their mom isn't gonna be permanent and you're not gonna kill them, but before that they cry and cling. And so it occurred to me that lwj may once had been at such age, small enough to think that being taken from his mom is the end of the world and had at least once reacted accordingly.
Think about that. Actually envision that moment happening with a tiny baby a-zhan clinging with his life to his mom when they're trying to take him away.
Now your day is as ruined as mine.
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rekindlevn · 3 months
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Devlog Update #1!
Can you believe its only been a week since Rekindle was released and we are already sitting at over 1.5k downloads!!
When the team decided on this little venture it was a little passion project with the idea that if people liked it then great, but it was more important to us to bring these boys to life for us first.
To know that so many of you have fallen in love with them warms our hearts so much!!
We truly appreciate your support as we learn to navigate the world that is VN creation and hope you keep falling in love with the boys as we do.
We plan to bring you updates as often as we can with whats happening behind the scenes, what are the devs up to, showing off more art and giving you some crumbs about the trio!
In celebration of such a great first week since launch, please observe the lovely art we had commissioned from the lovely @rui-drawsbox
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How precious do they loooook! We cant get over how cute they are and just wanna squish them so much!!
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msmc-796-official · 2 months
-I managed to finally contact the HRA division with me to stop firing at your people. For the love of Christ-the-Buddha get your asshole commander away from me she won't stop screaming slurs in languages I don't understand at me over the comms channel we're stuck in
Who in the-?! Oh, wait, shit, that's right, I forgot you were still awake in there. Christ-the-Buddha Almighty, that scared me.
Are you sure that's still Kennedi screaming? She (or, rather, her unconscious - and hopefully not lifeless - body) and her molten wreck of a Caliban have been with us at MSMC-148's drop site for like two hours now, waiting for pickup. Slipshod managed to pry your casket outta that slag heap you used to call a Genghis Mk. 1 and get you connected to a "life support" of sorts on one of their backup generators, but if you can still hear Kennedi's voice screaming bloody murder at you, then your systems might be fried worse than we thought. (No clue if that sort of thing is fixable or not...)
Hopefully the Albatross will be here soon. Our distress beacon is still up and running, and they should more than have our coordinates by now. We'll all be out of here soon. (I hope.)
-- Angel
#lancer rpg#lancer ttrpg#lancerrpg#+ you're welcome for the rescue by the way - I wanted to leave you for dead (or whatever's closest for an NHP) but P insisted you come with#+ I can verify that Kennedi's been out cold for a while though - her comms cut out the minute you both imploded on each other#+ the KTB are gonna have a hell of a time patching that worldkiller-sized hole y'all left in the ground#+ also gonna have to find you a new body at some point - I'm not letting you leech off of my backup generator forever#+ I suggest you start thinking about what you want now so we can get you outta my tech and into a system that's actually yours ASAP#// in my defense I wasn't about to let you get left behind - after all you still owe several people out here an apology#// CORSAIR for trying to cascade BOSUN - they're still trying to clean up your collateral damage even after Slipshod hit the killswitch#// Intern Jimbo for hijacking HA's systems and causing that THOR to cascade and almost kill him#// I also expect an apology to Kennedi when (if) she wakes up - I know you have some bad blood with HA but I can't have this happen again#// even something as barebones as a truce and a “we are never speaking of this again” would suffice at this point#// as for us - we owe the KTB an apology (never thought I'd see the day) for wrecking their planet#// probably also one to HRA for any damages they took as a result of our attempted intervention#// we can sort more of this out later when we're back at MSMC and Kennedi wakes up (if she ever does)#correspondences with: AGNI clone “Rev”#the fireman saga
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my worlds have collided
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peepee-magee · 2 months
Lucifer: Of all the things you’ve ever done, this is THE stupidest thing! Do you morons have any last words?!
Siblings: *puppy dog eyes at MC*
Lucifer: Don't look at them! Even their beyond helping you at this-
Mc: *pantes Lucifer*
Literally everyone in the three realms: ...😱🫵
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pokomumee · 4 months
Pran’s ACTUAL sexuality
I need there to be a Bad Buddy fanfic that discusses Pran's sexuality instead of EVERYONE assuming he's gay. In my very own humble opinion, I think, maybe, hope that his story is he's never really been attracted to anyone else since he'd been in love with Pat since he was, what? 10? 12? There needs to be a scene where Pran, unintentionally, obviously, slips and lets Pat know that he doesn't actually know his sexuality, there's never been anyone else since that night the watch was returned to him by Pat. He's not gay, not bi, not pansexual, he's Patsexual, there, I made the lame pun. I NEED, like a drowning man needs air, for Pat to either implode or simply malfunction from the immensity of how MUCH and how LONG Pran's heart and eyes have been his, and his only. This is where my little brain just break down on me and I really have no idea how Pat will respond, and what he will do after this revelation. I only hope it's smutty in the best way possible, and...I need this to be Top!Pat? This is another topic altogether, and possibly one real big can of worm...I Love that Pat&Pran are verse but...I think there's not enough Top!Pat in the fandom. People, including me, love the subversiveness of Bad Buddy...but I'm also a traditionalist sometimes, and I NEED. Just a thought...if you are a fic writer, I would owe you for the rest of my life if you could take this idea and run with it. I have a few writers in mind that would just ace this but...I don't know them personally and I don't even know if any of them is even still into PatPran, it's been almost 3 years. I need to find out how to grovel better, or maybe how to trade my soul for fics. Or, if you are a PatPran writer and would like me to commission you, please contact me. I'm THAT desperate.
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sadaveniren · 2 months
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lady-harrowhark · 1 month
i ended up going through a few old flash drives while i was looking for a file and i just came across one with a very old backup of a bunch of music and it has a copy of the mix cd my high school boyfriend made for me wayyy before we started dating and man it just feels like a little time capsule. it's so weird to be far enough away from that era of my life to be able to listen to it and feel nothing more intense than "aww, that's sweet" and "poor kids, that was a rough time for you guys" while casually playing it in the background on a thursday night.
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theloopus · 1 year
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i just found my old tweets folder and i'm losing it at this (ft. @archerism)
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fat-fem-and-asian · 1 year
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photos for next week's episode!
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fuji09 · 1 month
Season 4 was not my favorite but season 4 Derek is my favorite look. If only he wore the red long sleeve shirt with thumb holes in it! Then I would really melt into the floor.
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whitehartlane · 9 months
“title challengers” gold lined kits with the assumption that they’d be reigning pl champions, full strength starting xi every match, long into their rebuild: 40 points
“naive team playing a suicidal high line” starting 4 fullbacks in defense every game, barely 6 months into the rebuild, has a whole starting xi out with injuries including some of the most crucial players: 39 points
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chocosvt · 3 months
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just came face to face with the paragraph limit
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