#wayne mansion
eleanore-delphinium · 2 months
DamiRae Week 2020: First And Last AU
FIRST  (first part)
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fandomfuntimem · 2 months
Dp x dc prompt #10000000000000000000000000000000000¹⁰
Bruce decided to foster this boy he had found. The kid's name is Danny, his parents were arrested for child endangerment and having an illegal lab in their basement.
At first the boy was curt and avoided contact with others. But now, they cannot keep their eyes off him. The moment they look away he is already halfway down the street running like a bat(haha) out of hell. No wonder Bruce had found him wondering the streets. No family could ever keep him in one place.
At first it was easy to catch him and bring him back, "hiring" the vigilantes to find him. But with time he only got sneakier, faster, and angrier. Everytime he got dragged back he was yelling and cursing. Calling Bruce a "fruitloop" he could only assume that was ment to be derogatory. Once he even punched poor Dick in the face. Duke swears that he must be a meta human, and Bruce can't help but agree with that sentiment.
Oddly enough though, Jason was the one to find him the most. At first it was just luck, but the more emotional Danny got, the more it became like a sixth sense to him. Danny disappeared, and Jason could find him. Hell, Danny was calmest with Jason. Still warry, but he didn't struggle as much, or search for ways out when he was set to watch him.
Now though, there were more reasons to keep an eye on him than before. One night he escaped, but he wasn't running from them, he was running to something. When Jason managed to catch him he swore up and down this wasn't an escape attempt, right before he pulled the vigilante down barely avoiding a bullet to the head. It was the Court of Owls. They were after Danny, and they led him into a trap. They barely made it out with their lives. Danny claimed he followed because he saw someone in trouble.
Then later, the League of Assassins made an attempt on his life. Claiming Ra's Al Ghul had plans for him. Ok. Ew. Yet another son of Bruce's the old creep was after.
Then more and more paranormal based groups and cults were gunning it for the poor kid. Now Danny had a new reason to run, and they had a new reason to protect him even harder.
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Every year, Sam, Danny, and Tucker go on a vacation courtesy of Sam's very reluctant parents. This year, it was Tuckers turn to choose the location and activities, and he chose Gotham.
Not only did it have Wayne Tech, one of the most technologically advanced companies, but Gotham was also hosting a massive furry convention this year and the three of them were cosplaying as Succubats from the Dragon Quest series. They had gone all out, full purple body and face paint, contacts that made the whites of their eyes black, hand died leggings, leotards, and fuzzy leg warmers as well as everything else. Let's just say there was a lot of sowing involved.
Danny even made a mad scientist invention that toyed with gravity so that they could fly while flapping their wings. His parents were so proud and made them stop for pictures before they left.
The convention was fun and they got saved by Robin once and ended up teasing him a bit. Sam was cackling the next day when she found out Robin had gone through the rest of his patrol not knowing that Danny's purple galaxy lipstick was still on his cheek the entire time.
The only part they didn't like was this weird trenchcoat guy kept following them around in the shadows, but Batman was with him, so it was probably okay. The Justice League had found out about the anti ecto acts and publicly tore the government a new one. Danny had barely managed to hide his parents' involvement and work with Tuckers and Vlads' help. While he and Vlad were still bitter enemies, Vlad didn't want to see Maddie in jail, and Danny could work with that.
On the flip side of things, the Justice League still had no idea about the portals in Amity Park or that anything was going on there. So when John Constantine found out about a insanely powerful entity that radiated death energy like the sun radiated light heading straight to Gotham, he panicked and immediately went to Batman to tell him the bad news.
John had no idea what this creature was and was determined to find out, but between the make up and body paint and everything else, it was impossible to discover the identity of the three teens. It didn't help that Danny could just turn them invisible/fly them everywhere so John and Bruce are suffering
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serxeri · 4 months
Wayne's Haunted Mansion Fanart
Megapost version. :'3c Part 1
Wayne's Haunted Mansion fic by @tathartiel
Tis about a cute lil fella meeting the bats one by one and getting spoiled by his new found family. :'3c
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:'3c Moar to come in the future.
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mylifeingotham · 6 months
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luckyfox3000 · 10 months
Ok, so, here's an idea.
Danny fenton ghost extraordinaire has been alive for decades.
He stumbled upon a portal and fell into the DC universe after the explosion of his town.
Now, Danny new to this world stumbles upon Gotham loooong before bruce is born and finds castle like manor surrounded by Gotham's aura and decides to haunt it.
Moving on over time as the Wayne's had been living there, helped and protected by an unseen presence they began to think of it as the Wayne family protector.
They pass on this story generation to generation, and soon Bruce is born. Bruce grows up hearing stories of how this ghostly presence helped them over the years.
After his parents death he begins to feel the presence closer, mostly at night when he's having nightmares.
He grows up and as his family grows larger they begin to ask bruce about the presence.
Bruce tells them the same stories he's been told growing up and tells them tales of the Wayne family protector and of course, the batkids take it up as a challenge to find the ghost. They create theory after theory and soon they are trying all sorts of things to find the ghost.
Feel free to add on or use!
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mrsoftthoughts · 18 days
I don't hate when fanfics make that Will and Nico have childs, in fact it can be kinda cute
But why we are sleeping on the potential of these two being the Richs no-Childs-Gay-Uncles ???
Just think about these two being the only couple in their social circle without kids and spoiling the others childs to the spine
They always come up with the best gifts for holidays ( atleats for the kids, they often but things that are massive destruction weapons for the mental peace of the parents)
And the kids often prefer to be dropped with them when their parents can't find a babysitter instead of anyone else, because these two always take them to do something fun or their house is already big enough to have lots of fun
(And one of the reasons why they are child free is the fact that they are 100% concius that they wouldn't be capable of stand those little demons 24/7 all the day of the week 12 months during atleats the nex 18 of their lifes)
Just think about it
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #30
It’s been a while since they had a moment of calm in the Wayne household. Danny and Damian found themselves sitting on the U shaped couch talking,
“You mentioned before going into the Video Game Doomed, have you tried it with other games? Or tried it with a companion?” Damian asked.
Danny considers the question before shaking his head… the two try it and it works
From here you can really throw them into any game you choose, but I headcannon that Danny would absolutely pick something horror or ghost themed. They wind up in Luigi’s Mansion, Damian playing the part of Luigi frustrated with trying to get his brother back, while Danny argues with King Boo,
“I’m technically half ghost, doesn’t keeping me here technically goes against your whole thing here?”
Danny knows he’s being a pain but he doesn’t really care.
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 2 years
Jason is 100% like ‘fuck you and fuck all of your spoiled brats, old man’ until he finds out that Stephanie and Duke are both from the Narrows and then he’s like ‘.....fuck you and fuck some of your spoiled brats. old man.’
They form a club. The Street Rats Society. dick is an honorary member.
they complain about the upper class. they bully bruce for not knowing how much a banana costs. they unionize and cause mayhem whenever someone forgets to tip at a coffee shop. every time someone mentions off hand how expensive something is (designer clothes, aged liqueurs, cars, etc) they go ‘it costs HOW much?!?   .... you could buy so many 4for4s from wendys with that,,,’
one time Tim goes, ‘I was middle class once. does that count for anything?’ and duke flies at him with a knife.
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thegatorsgoose · 1 year
Mourning Dove notes, batch #1
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So since I am a very visual thinker, whenever I post my ideas (that aren't in-the-moment rants, that is) I like to draw something for it. It's the closest thing I can get to transferring something directly from my brain to yours. Unfortunately, I have a lot of thoughts, which means I have a lot of drawings I want to make to help get my points across. And since it's easier to write my ideas down as they come to me anyway, I'll be posting Mourning Dove stuff in batches, drawing + notes = a batch :)
Speaking of the drawing part, this is actually a redraw of fanart I did for Wayne's Haunted Mansion I drew a while ago, so you can actually use the bear as a size reference! He's bigger than Bearwing now, but to be fair the bears not that big. Danny, at 14, is 5”2 at most, probably closer to 5’0. He's still a small king.
I decided to have him be 14 when he becomes a vigilante because 1. That seems like a reasonable amount of time for him to have recovered mentally and physically enough for him to be able to handle unfamiliar environments and have the training necessary to be cautious and know when and how to step in (at least 4 years of training + his powers make him a tiny terror).
2. Yo Danny Phantom he was just 14
This batch is going to be dedicated to why Danny is this au has autism and ADHD, and how that affects him. The why will come from the original fanfic this au is based on, Wayne’s Haunted Mansion by @tathartiel (which you should definitely read if you enjoy dp x dc!). How it affects him will mostly be part of the au. Ok? Ok. I tend to ramble a bit but I tried to make it easy to follow.
First of all, Danny enjoys knitting! He's already sewing, it's only the natural progression for him to find out about knitting, and the family would definitely try to encourage the hobby with less sharp tools. It gives him something to do with his hands, and at the end of the day he has something he made all by himself, something he can be proud of. He loves making stuff for people he cares about, he likes knowing he can do something to keep his loved ones warm, whether by making a blanket, scarf, sweater- you name it. He's definitely not great at first, but he does practice a lot. Whenever he's nervous or fidgety, it's nice to do something with his hands.
One of his favorite parts of knitting is the yarn itself. Specifically the texture and feel of certain yarns. The Waynes are rich so they have no problem supplying him with extremely soft yarns to make the softest sweaters and blankets. And you know how he loves pillows? Well I'd imagine that he’d also love the extremely thick, pillowy yarn. He uses it to make a huge blanket that enhances his pillow nest 10 fold. The day he got a giant roll of thick fluffy yarn he spent all day making a giant fluffy blanket out of it, and the following night shoving it in the birds and bats faces so they can experience the bliss that is the feeling of his new soft, pillowy creation.
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Speaking of textures, Danny loves hoodies, especially his Batman hoodie(s). Not only so that he can physically show his appreciation for his family, but that they are warm and soft on the inside, and make him feel secure. His siblings have all gotten him their merch at one point or another, but it wasn't until Jason got him Red Hood merch in the form of a leather jacket did they realize that texture could be a problem. The inside was just not working for Danny, but he was happy to have merch so he tried to ignore it to make Jason happy. It lasted until dinner that night, Danny had a breakdown because the uncomfortable feel of the jacket was agitating him and suddenly the klinks of silverware on plates was to loud, the scrapes and stabs of forks hitting the plates felt like he was physically being hit on the head, and the vibration of the table when someone moved felt like pins and needles going through his arms that were resting on the table. It all became too much for him and he excused himself from the table with a wobbly chirp before promptly disappearing.
It wasn't until later that night, before Jason left, that he reappeared in front of him, tears in his eyes, and handed back the jacket with a guilty chirp. It took Jason some prodding to get Danny to explain why he was handing it back, and then when he finally understood it took a lot more convincing to get Danny to understand it's ok to not like the jacket, no i'm not mad at you, its ok. After he got Danny to calm down he left the manor and informed the rest of the group chat of the new development… and then got Danny another, comfier Red Hood jacket. Bruce, having autism himself (i'm not even sure if that's a headcanon or canon at this point), helps Danny in making sure he knows its ok to feel that way about certain textures and asks what textures he likes and doesn't like, even writes them down so when buying something online or getting something tailored, they can make sure it won't be uncomfortable. His siblings 100% take advantage of this list and start a sort of unspoken competition of who can buy Danny his favorite piece of merch.
Speaking of merch, he has a hoodie of every single Gotham vigilante and wears one almost 24/7. The media was given the vague explanation that Batman saved him from a physically abusive household at 10 (or whatever his age ends up actually being, they don't reveal his existence to the world until he's 12, where by that point he can change back into his human form comfortably. I'm making the assumption he eventually can for the au cus I don’t know everything) so they just assume it's hero worship from that. His siblings however know that it's because he loves them and thinks they're the coolest people ever. Everyone thinks he's adorable anyway. When he first saw Mourning Dove merch he was super excited, until he realized it would be too uncomfortable to wear. Later that week when Bruce gives him a tailor made Dove hoodie, he cried. (Bruce totally won the competition for it, the kids are just a little bitter about it)
Merch was made for him because Gotham does know Mourning Dove exists, mostly from eye witness accounts of the baddies he took down, but also from the literal one blurry video of him that exists. It shows Dove holding onto Batman's cape as Red Robin talks. This was taken on his first official patrol, so he was a little nervous. At first Gotham was mad at Batman for bringing yet another child into the fold, until all the criminals Dove brought in came back terrified. They realized they really should have learned their lesson from the latest Robin, and now just respect their funky shadow child.
However Dove doesn't actually come out all that often. He started his vigilante career because he got wrapped up in the supernatural side of Gotham, at first it was just helping the occasional stray ghost find their haunt, but you know how dangerous magic and the supernatural world can get in just the blink of an eye. Think Jujutsu Kaisen, he was able to see Gotham spirits causing and feeding off of citizens misery, and he just can't not help. When the Batfam realizes what he's doing, he's fully committed to helping the spirit of Gotham deal with her curse. They know there's nothing they can do to stop him, so they do the next best thing and give him armor, a mask and a weapon. They also up his training, which they had been doing before because… it's Gotham. So Mourning Dove doesn't actually come out as often as the others, just either when they're down on members, there's an emergency and need his powers, they want to teach him something, or when he just asks.
… Anyway, back on topic. Another way his autism affects him is making him mostly nonverbal/selectively mute. I'm making the assumption that they eventually do get his voice back, but at that point he can adequately communicate without his voice, using chirps and gestures. He knows now that if he needs to talk (talking to a stranger, needing to explain something more complicated, etc) he usually can. Usually. If he's stressed or uncomfortable in any way, he often finds that he can't talk. Thankfully he's been learning sign language for a few years now and can get across simple ideas and feelings just fine in a pinch. And sometimes, he doesn't even feel bad. And yet still, he can't find it in himself to speak. In those cases, if he needs to explain something complicated, he can write it down. He's gotten a lot better! And if he ever trips up, he can always look it up or use autocorrect if it's over text.
Another thing his trama definitely made a lot worse is that he has episodes of hypersensitivity. An analogy I once heard is that most minds are like doors, and most people can choose to shut the door on small pieces of information that are deemed unnecessary. Like the ticking of a clock, or the scratching of pencils around a classroom. But people with adhd can’t choose to closes those doors, and the flood of information can easily overstimulate us. With his super hearing this definitely becomes a problem, and I can only imagine it gets worse when in crowds. I actually already talked about this, with bad textures. Often we can ignore the extra sensory input and go on with our day, but when faced with something that agitates us, it opens the floodgates to make everything agitate us. The sounds of dinner don't usually annoy Danny, but with the extra bad sensory input that he just couldn't ignore, it made it so he couldn't ignore other pieces of input like usual, and it became too much for him. I usually counteract overstimulation by wearing headphones or earbuds, and while I know Danny definitely has noise canceling devices made for the supers with him 24/7 just in case, I think he deals with it, again, by controlling the texture of the cloths he’s wearing and using it to fidget. He counteracts the negative input by surrounding himself with positive input. If he's not in public or that doesnt work, he’ll curl up into himself and rock back and forth, countering the input with a soothing motion and clenching onto his skin like a stress ball. Of course, that's if Cujo, his service dog, isn't there to help him through it.
One thing that carries over into the future is his short attention span. curse you ADHD! He has trouble sitting still and concentrating on a task that doesn't interest him. However he still LOVES space, and often hyperfixates on it. He’ll sit in front of the tv or a tablet and watch documentaries for hours without moving an inch. The first time this happened the batfam where scared something was wrong, maybe he's having an episode and can't move? But when they approached him to see if he was alright he started wildly flapping his arms and letting out excited chirps, till he noticed the look on their face and got out his phone. An hour later he sent them a poorly written, excited and long text about his favorite star in the galaxy to the family group chat. Suffice it to say, space is his special interest. Since then they started using it as a way to get him to sit still or to distract him. Often it helps to play a documentary in the background while he does a task that doesn't interest him so he won't get so bored he up and leaves.
Last but not least, he has trouble understanding social cues. This is absolutely not helped by how sheltered he is in the social department. Danny's part ghost, and ghosts don’t really lie. It's just not a thing they do. They are loud and honest with their intentions, no beating around the bush. Danny just doesn't understand why people aren't straightforward as well. Danny is very honest and says exactly what he means. I always find this ironic when reading the actual story, that the one person in the family (minus Alfred) that's good at communicating can't talk. This is something that becomes an issue with Bruce and his habit of not using his words to talk. I'd like to imagine that, in trying to set a good example for his youngest son yet, he’d realize the importance of communication, and how he communicates.
You could argue that a lot of these traits come from his trauma, and you're absolutely right. It definitely contributes to making some of these traits a lot stronger than before in this au as well. However, I don't want to just make it all a trauma response because then it sort of implies something is… wrong with him. That there's something to fix. And I don't want him to be treated like that. There's nothing wrong with him liking hoodies. There's nothing wrong with him not wanting to talk. There's nothing wrong with him loving space so much. Those are just a part of who he is. Everyone has quirks, and those are his. I don't want the batfamily to obsess with fixing him, or try to make him “normal.” I want them to accommodate his needs like they do for everyone else in the family. I want them to accept him, and his flaws, like a normal person. Not look at him like he's broken. After everything, he deserves a family who accepts him, chirps and all.
Tldr of the last paragraph: making everything a trama thing makes people sad and want to help “fix” him instead of treating him like a normal person. I aint having that in my au so even if he wasn't hurt the way he was, he would still act like this. There's nothing wrong with Danny, he just needs to be accommodated for and treated like a normal person.
Bonus: close up and flat colors (idk if you can even see them but I am way more proud of those eyelashes than I have any right to be)
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
so back primarily during Season 1 of the Muppet Show there were these two characters called Wayne and Wanda. their whole schtick was that they were a Sam the Eagle-approved singing duo who would show up on stage and immediately get their shit wrecked in an appropriately ironic fashion
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anyway they went AWOL after the 80s after having been fired by Kermit, only to finally reappear in The Muppets (2011) in their first on-screen appearance in well over twenty years. and what is the first thing they do?
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aggressively make out because the lights in the theater went down for five (5) minutes. honestly kind of iconic
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allgremlinart · 2 years
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look. its him. its him in one picture.
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 28
Thomas stared down at Bruce-no- Danny as he led him by the hand toward what he had dubbed as his "Secret Lair" which was just an old fall out shelter in the woods that had been well hidden and forgotten about. The door to it was old and still buried under years of dirt and plant growth, requiring Danny to phase them into it which made Thomas wonder how his grandson had found it in the first place.
Inside was surprisingly high tech. "You have a secret lair filled with all this equipment but don't have any weapons or armor?" Thomas asked, making mental preparations to fix that.
Danny sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and explained his only allies were two other 14 year olds who were also untrained, unarmed, unarmored, and unsuper-powered which would explain why Danny was so excited to be working with an adult vigilante who at least knew what they were doing.
The kid didn't even mind when some of his more evil or harmful rogues "stopped showing up" thankfully no one would really question the reclusive Vlad Masters "going back to Wisconsin" only to never be seen again. No one saw much of him before coming to Amity Park, it made since he would become a hermit again once he had his fill of human interaction.
And if hes later found dead in his cheese castle? Well, the body had decomposed too much to really say what killed him. His will left everything to a Daniel James Fenton/Daniel James Masters which visibly infuriated Danny. Thomas mentally patted himself on the back. It was a good call to get rid of that one. The will was a surprise, though one that can only benefit Thomas in his crusade of protecting his grandson. Its not like he can return to a timeline that no longer exists anyway.
Unfortunately this doesn't stop the bats from hearing about "Batman" operating in a city in Illinois for the past few months...
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The inheriting games (What do the batfamily inherit)
-*Now, who gets Wayne Enterprises? Well the most common (and boring) answer is Tim, which? I understand, it even said in a comic book that his name is on the paper, but if Tim wants to run a company, he can take Drake enterprises!
-*And Duke is so smart! He was solving Riddlers riddles in 7th GRADE! And, he just feels like the type of guy to be able to run a business nicely! He’d be able to separate enough funds for the Justice League easily!
-*At first, the idea of running a company (With Luscious Fox obviously) is daunting, but after a few months, Duke realises how much he loves it. The routine, the ability to help people even without the mask on? It was exhilarating.
-*Jason inherits the Mansion.
-*I hear you! Why in the world would JASON inherit the mansion? Well, Jason was raised in the streets. He knows best what it’s like not to have a proper place to sleep. I feel like, Jason would make the mansion a place for wandering heroes/people to stop by.
-*Like all his friends would come over sometimes, or any hero who needs a break/place to rest. Or it’s just a place for family to hang out. If the family instead hangs out at the Penthouse, then it can also be a place where people who don’t have a place to stay/who need some energy can stay. It’s still there home though. It holds too many memories.
-*Obviously shes Batman. Must I even explain?
-*She inherits the BatCave and everything, and it means the world to her that Bruce trusted her with so much.
-*Cass is the one who could have become the evilest, and most dangerous villain of them all, but instead chose to be a hero. One with the most firm no kill rule. The one, who in Bruce’s eyes, could become an even better Batman than himself.
-*So, Tim doesn’t inherit the Business. Dang. Y’know what he does inherit? Bruce’s CAR collection.
-*If you want to tell me Brucie Wayne, one of the richest and dramatic people alive, who built the most iconic car ever, DOESNT have the most EXTRAORDINARY AND EXPENSIVE Car collection known to mankind, argue with the WALL.
-*I don’t know how to explain it, it fits Tim so WELL. He’d love the car collection, he’d pull up to his siblings and friends house everyday in a new car, and it annoys his friends and family SO MUCH. Classic Nepo-Baby behaviour tbh.
-*I feel like Bruce giving him the car collection, instead of anything serious is a sign. Tim was slowly BECOMING more like Batman (whereas Damian was the one who came defaultly as Batman, and his arc was to find his own person), and since at times Bruce didn’t let Tim have fun, it’s a sign from him now to let his teenage, rebellious side kick in. Have some fun.
-*Dick, our favourite Diva, what does he inherit? He inherits all of Bruce’s Jewellery/accessories!
-*Dick, Bruce’s first ward, the one with the most similar past, who became the hope the people needed instead of the fear.
-*Also, Dicks extra and fashion loving self would LOVE the accessories. More ways to somehow make the most fashionable stuff look terrible on anyone else but me!
-*The jewellery and accessories would be a very layered way of Bruce telling Dick to sometimes take some nights off. It’s okay to be human, and do normal things, like taking too much time choosing which watch matches his outfit, or what belt to match with his shoes.
-*ooh~ What does Damian inherit? Damian, the one who used to, in a faraway past, boast about the fact that he was the blood-son to hide his insecurities of never fitting in, or disappointing his father in some way? He’d inherit the albums, and the family heirlooms. Special objects that held not much value financially, but so much sentimental value.
-*The albums with photos of when Bruce was a baby, to pictures when Damian finally outgrew Duke and Tim. The pearl necklace that Martha wore, and the watch that Jason fixed.
-*Damian wouldn’t need money, I feel like he’d either get a very well paying job, or steal money from the league of assassins (‘It’s not stealing Drake, it’s MY inheritance anyways, so stop sticking your nose in other families business-‘)
-*He’d treasure the stuff so much 😭 He’d keep looking at photos of Bruce when he dies :)))
-*Yes, Stephanie gets something. Because while Bruce might not be her father, she’s still part of the family. Somehow.
-*She gets all the….BATMOBILES
-*Yup, you heard me. Cass is Batman, Tim has the cars, but somehow it’s STEPHANIE who ends up with the BatMobile.
-*So, mostly the reason was because of how funny it would be, but it’s also how much Stephanie would LOVE it. And of coarse it’s a layered message here as well.
-*Bruce seemed to have trusted Stephanie the least. He was the worst to her as Robin, and she ended up dead, and after THAT, they’re relationship was far from ‘good’
-*Now, because of the strained relationship, Bruce would NEVER let Steph ride the Batmobile, right? He doesn’t trust her, and, I mean, he doesn’t let DAMIAN ride it with consent- But him giving her the Batmobile is basically him saying ‘I was wrong to not trust you’, and it’s a sort of apology if you will.
-*(Tims ecstatic when he finds out he gets all the cars, but when he finds out Steph got the BATMOBILE?
-*Barbara gets all the contingency plans for the Justice league. Cass didn’t. This was Bruce’s way of telling babs how much he trusts her, and how mature she really is now.
-*He didn’t give Cass the contingency plans, not because he doesn’t trust her, but because…He thinks Babs would appreciate it more.
I know what ur thinking; Cass is Batman, Steph has the Batmobile, and Barbara gets the contingency plans? How does that work? Well, it’s basically Bruce encouraging Cass to let people help her, something he struggled with, and one of his biggest flaws.
-*if for some reason (They’re idiots I SWEAR TO GOD), they still weren’t married after he died, she gets the most beautiful diamond, pearl ring known to MANKIND, and a very heartfelt note.
-*If they were engaged/Married, Selina gets all the safe houses that Bruce owns around the world. He would want Selina to travel, and move on.
Commissioner Gordon:-
-*Commisioner gets to know Batmans identity (what it was before), and even if he already knew it, it’s the thought that counts.
-*He also gets a gun…wrapped in a sheet, with a note stuck on it. It had nothing to do with how Joker died, found in an alleyway, shot in the gut. At least, that’s what Barbara claims.
Bruce’s Money in his Bank account:-
-*His kids don’t need the money so.
-*20% goes to Clark (he begrudgingly accepts it, remembering the time Bruce gave him cash on his bday. Bruce always had strange ways of showing love.)
-*Another 20% goes to Dick, another 20% to the Justice League, and the remaining 40% to charity.
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notsolarry · 7 months
AN: This is only applicable to fictional men
The fine line between
"He's just a baby 🥺♥️ Don't hurt him..."
....is very thin nowadays
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The Phantom Mansion has run out of sugar and so Jazz, being who she is, walks to her neighbor’s home to ask for a cup of sugar for her planned baking project. Alfred is such a nice man and even offers her some future recipes over tea.
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