#wang wei hua
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namjhyun · 21 days ago
DRAMA REVIEW | Les Belles (2025)
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Les Belles was not in my radar and I can't remember why I started watching it, but I am glad I did because this is easily one of the best romcoms of this year. And not only that, it has a solid political intrigue on the side.
Lingyu is a wonderful leading lady. She has being through it after her parents' passing, raised (if you can call it that) by her uncle and aunt, she has manage to grow to be a young lady full of confidence and self-love, smart as a fox but, because of her circumstances, she's also kind and humble. Lingyu has a very clear goal in life and plans several steps ahead to get it. It is only right that she would meet her match in Yun, a young lord who has a talent for political and military strategy and comes from a family of court officials. Raised by his uncle, an important Minister, just like Lingyu, but in a loving enviorement that has allowed him to grow to be one of the capital's most desirable talent and bachelor.
Watching these two play an extended game of wits, as they get to know each other and come to the realization they might be perfect for each other, it's an absolutely a treat. It's only enhanced by Yun's family dynamics with his cousin Xian (a hilarious mother hen), followed by the strict aunt and uncle, and Grandma's constant health ruse. Add to that Jinchuan (Yun's nagging servant) who does everything possible to get his ship sailing, and you have romcom gold.
But that's not all, the rest of the supporting cast it's also full of lovable characters with excellent character development. The Crown Prince and his siblings are a handful (iykyk) but really honest and good people; it's been a while since I have seen such great royals. Miss Chen and Miss Zhou complete the friends group, bringing some really heart-wrenching and hilarious moments.
The political narrative of this drama it's also really interesting and balances out the comedy perfectly, giving the drama some gravitas and opportunities for the characters to grow as young adults taking their places in the public arena. All the characters are developed wonderfully through their relationships but also the political intrigue they must handle, which has an emotional and action packed resolution.
Les Belles just kept getting better with every episode, until the very last scene, and keeping me on my toes and entertained. The excellency of this is not only thanks to the cast perfect chemistry and performances, but also due to the people behind the scenes. The filming locations were perfectly chosen, the sets beautiful to look at, each costume design a perfect mirror to the character wearing it. The stunt coordinator for all the action scenes and even some of the physical comedy really delivered some of the most hilarious and bloody savage choreographies.
Director Huang Ying Xiang and scriptwriter Wang Hong are a dream team; and I would love for these two badass women to work together again if they deliver this kind of high level production every time.
Don't miss out on Les Belles!!
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 1 month ago
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heymeowmao · 1 year ago
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大理寺少卿游 | White Cat Legend E35 ° Li Bing, you were turned into a demon because of him. Because Qiu Qingzhi begged me to do it!
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kdram-chjh · 6 months ago
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Tdrama: Meet You at the Blossom (2024)
Special Ep 🥹 | Meet you at the blossom 🌸 #MeetYouAtTheBlossom #BloomingFlowersSilentSorrow
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BynUxFlTl0E
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movielosophy · 11 months ago
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Blossoms In Adversity | That is one free-spirited handkerchief.
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extraordinarilyextreme · 1 year ago
from Wei Zheming's 20240310 livestream
Any mistakes are my own.
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stuff-diary · 2 years ago
Marry My Dead Body
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Movies watched in 2023
Marry My Dead Body (2023, Taiwan)
Director: Cheng Wei Hao
Writer: Cheng Wei Hao & Sharon Wu (based on a story by Lai Chih Liang
I had so much fun watching this! I feel like the movie's tonal shifts and mixtures might be a bit too jarring for some people, but they worked perfectly for me. Most of the comedy lands pretty well, and the dramatic moments strike a nerve. There are even some effective jump-scares here and there! But the thing that takes the film to the next level is the acting. Greg Hsu and Austin Lin deliver flawless performances that really draw you in. People expecting a full-on gay romance will be disappointed, cause that's not what the story is about at all, but the chemistry between these two actors is fantastic and energetic. The directing is also dynamic and keeps you on the edge of your seat. That being said, the movie is not perfect. It tends to represent gay people in a way that feels somewhat stereotypical, and I think it could have delved much more into the social issues it addresses. I know the film has the best of intentions, but yeah, it could still be better in that regard. Anyway, Marry My Dead Body is a very fun experience, filled with humor, drama, action and great performances.
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moviemosaics · 1 year ago
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Marry My Dead Body
directed by Cheng Wei-hao, 2022
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dual-domination · 2 years ago
How about this for a theoretical fic summary:
Shen Wei has been somehow cursed and sealed away underground. The Iron Triangle accidentally find him.
Hi there, Fixa! Thank you so much for the ask! It took me a while to answer because it ended as a whole fic, I think I got a bit excited writing this... So here, have the beginning bc this thing is almost 10k, so I'm posting the complete work on AO3 😃
Of fallen gods and forgotten sacrifices
Xiaoge stepped lightly on each of the narrow stones that formed the sinuous path. Full of lichen, the slippery stones were the only way through the gigantic monuments that have been fallen for millennia.
He followed the scent. Without a draft, it was uncertain how the scent was carried there. But he felt it, green-leafed vines, fresh and alive. Fresh was also the scent of blood, which he must be used to, but this time, it burned his nostrils.
Turning back a step, he looked at Liu Sang in silent questioning.
Liu Sang nodded, he could finally hear something. When Xiaoge reached for his hand, the young man tapped in his palm with a fingertip, "Dripping slowly."
Xiaoge tapped back, "Can you smell it?" And Liu Sang shook his head in response. It was too far for him to smell whatever it was that was dripping.
Before letting go of the auburn-haired boy's hand, Xiaoge left him one last word, "Blood."
Behind them, distant and late, Pangzi and Wu Xie balanced each other on the stone path, swallowing their curses every time their feet fumbled and one almost threw the other against the monuments - which Xiaoge had already warned not to touch.
Usually this was an invitation for them to touch anything, but something held them back this time. The fallen monuments maintained the grandeur of times of glory and their stone faces evoked The Three Sovereigns, Fuxi, Nuwa and Shennong. But there were five colossal statues there, in the remains of that temple, now shrouded by a mountain and pine forests. 
Reaching the fourth statue, Pangzi looked at Wu Xie, seeking some hint as to who the guy depicted there was. 
Wu Xie ducked his head, observing the carved lines of that face that time hadn't erased it's beauty, he spoke low, "The Mountain God, Kunlun."
"How do you know?" Pangzi couldn't remember hearing that name in years - a god forgotten by men so long that little was known about him.
Wu Xie continued to look at the statue, slowly raising his hand, dragged down by the discomfort in his chest.
"Once wasn't just stone," he whispered as his fingertips touched the icy, smooth surface.
It only lasted a second, Pangzi slapped his hand, "Aiyo, Tianzhen! Xiaoge already told us not to touch the statues! What if you arouse the wrath of one of those grumpy old gods?"
"Not this one. Not him." Wu Xie let go and continued on his way with Pangzi, who ignored his friend's brief rambling.
A few steps further and they reached Xiaoge and Liu Sang, who had stopped along the way to look at the fifth statue.
Pangzi opened his mouth to ask about that statue, but Xiaoge raised his finger in front of his mouth, reinforcing what he had asked them before about keeping quiet there. Liu Sang, who had overheard the conversation just now, just rolled his eyes – he might die because friends not only couldn't stop touching what they shouldn't, they also didn't know how to keep their mouths shut.
And then, Pangzi and Wu Xie also gazed at the face of the fifth statue.
Wu Xie didn't show any reaction, but if Pangzi wanted to speak before, now he was speechless.
That face was just...
Pangzi stared at the statue until his head tilted to look at it from another angle, and every way he looked, there wasn't a doubt there. He knew that face very well - and for many years. He looked at that face almost every day.
He turned to face Wu Xie, with even more questions, hoping Wu Xie shared the same doubts as him, but Wu Xie's face was blank.
Then Pangzi pointed to the statue and gestured, the question becoming clear, "Who is he?"
Wu Xie shook his head, showing that he didn't know the answer; Liu Sang did the same.
Pangzi looked at Xiaoge, who nodded. He knew who the fallen god was.
Even though he had no idea why he knew the face of that god. Or it just seemed. The striking resemblance was what had stopped him and Liu Sang from continuing down the path.
Despite claiming to know, Xiaoge didn't bother to provide anything that could serve as an explanation at the moment and indicated to the group that they should proceed.
Pangzi wanted to protest, but since Wu Xie and Liu Sang could wait to hear what Xiaoge might say about it, Pangzi pretended that he could too, but it kept spinning in his head with every step forward.
Flashlights lit the rest of the way, to where the last statue's hand emerged from between the rocks, holding two intertwined dragons in its palm and the fire that rose from their open mouths. 
Beside the stone hand, the closed doors seemed to have become one, the cracks that started on one side, digging into the other. Dry vines hung down the walls and wrapped around the doors, nature's addition or a last lock to prevent those doors from being crossed - already ineffective.
The smell of fresh vines and blood was so strong there that Xiaoge assumed that the others were finally feeling it.
Liu Sang could hear the dripping coming from behind the doors, a drop falling into an overflowing container.
Around, no other sound than the four breaths. The silence was absolute, no echo from paths already traversed or from other chambers. Just the suffocating stillness of a temple that had become a tomb of those once worshipped.
Xiaoge unsheathed his sword and cut through the dead vines in a single move, making the center that joined the doors appear. Sheathing his sword back, he missed Hei Xiazi, the mercenary must have caught up with them by now.
He turned to Liu Sang, who didn't need any questions – there was always a point on expeditions when Xiaoge would expect Hei Xiazi to already be there. This time, that point was now.
When Liu Sang was about to shake his head, he heard something different coming from behind the doors. Trying to pay attention and define what it was, he was unprepared for what came from behind Pangzi and Wu Xie.
"Mute Zhang, are you going to stand there without opening the door for the rest of the day?"
Xiaoge would roll his eyes if it was like him. Maybe he was doing it, internally. Liu Sang definitely rolled his eyes, mainly because of the fright that Wu Xie and Pangzi took.
"Ai, you want to scare me to death?!" Pangzi complained, as he turned around to purposefully shine the flashlight in the mercenary's face, hitting an innocent Xiao Hua instead.
"Where did you come from?" Wu Xie wondered if he had been so distracted by the statues that he hadn't noticed the others close behind.
"Zhurong's hand," Xiao Hua replied, "There is a passage behind the dragons."
"Zhurong," Wu Xie muttered the name of the fifth god to himself.
"Yeah, this guy," Hei Xiazi spoke as he walked past them until he was beside Xiaoge in front of the door, "the fire god who helped Pangu separate the skies from the earth. Or at least that's what is written in some books out there."
"Xiaoge," Pangzi had another complaint, "why did you tell us to be quiet and this one comes in talking loudly and it's okay?"
But it was Xiazi who responded instead, "C'mon, do you think those guys over there will wake up? They're deader than any corpses we've found so far." Then he turned towards the head of the last statue, now in the distance. "Well, maybe not all of them, but... yeah, it's not dangerous at all."
"Do your job," Xiao Hua wanted to finish that and get out of there, go back to where he had cell phone reception and continue the dispute in the online game he had been playing against Wu Erbai for the last few days.
"Hua'er, don't rush me so cruelly," Xiazi moved closer to the door and those who still had their flashlights lit lowered them. Pulling his glasses from his eyes just enough to look over the top of the lens, Xiazi watched the seal form in the center of the door, glowing in a faint golden light. "That's right, guys, the lock is a seal with Fuxi's eight trigrams. It looks like this thing here was closed by one of the dead guys back there."
"And then how do we open it?" Pangzi had a feeling the answer would be another joke.
"I think," Xiazi pushed his glasses back before turning to the others, "ah, never mind. There's an easy way." He grabbed Wu Xie's arm and pulled him closer to the door, with a grunt of protest that even Liu Sang could not understand. "Here, Wu Xie, you place your hand right here, in the middle of the seal." But he didn't say where the middle of the seal was, or where the seal was at all. Xiaoge was the only one who could vaguely see what was clear only to Xiazi.
Maybe it was just a matter of obviousness, because it was always Wu Xie who touched what he shouldn't and things happened.
Wu Xie placed his palm exactly in the center of the seal.
The sound of a heavy piece of massive bronze dragging between stone latches echoed throughout the entire place, making Liu Sang cover his ears with his hands.
When the sound ceased, the door was still closed.
"We're not there yet, but almost." Xiazi scratched his chin thoughtfully.
"The trigrams," Xiaoge said, trying to observe Wu Xie's face, but it was more expressionless than his own.
"Of course." Xiazi shook his finger as if he was forgetting the most obvious thing in the world.
"Wu Xie, you now draw the trigrams exactly in the sequence they are combined on the seal."
Xiaoge again tried to see the seal more clearly, but he still only saw broken points of what Hei Xiazi could see as a whole.
Hei Xiazi, however, had no idea what the sequence was or even if there was one. He had bets and guesses, like he always did.
Wu Xie raised two fingers and started tracing invisible designs over the doors. With each sequence of strokes, the sound of a new metal gear echoing inside the doors overlapped the previous one.
When he traced the last combination, he brought his palm to the center of the seal again, and then the entire seal glowed visibly for everyone, as well as all the trigram combinations that Wu Xie had drawn on the door. 
Circling the seal, two dragons flashed and disappeared, as did all the golden light. And the doors began to drag themselves through the stones uneven by time, forcing themselves open, causing the surrounding environment to shudder with the movement of the huge pieces.
That's when the smell of blood really reached everyone.
Xiaoge worried, it wasn't the smell of human blood. Besides, what they had come here looking for wasn't just any kind of living thing for it to bleed.
"Wu Xie," Xiaoge called to his friend, who was still in the same place, looking into the darkness of the closed chamber.
"I guess whatever we were looking for," Wu Xie replied, "it's not what we found." He lifted the flashlight again and flicked it on, stepping through the door.
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reinaka42 · 1 year ago
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❝Bloody rains lay kisses on his scars❞ ➳ 山河令 / 忘川风华录 Wangchuan gifset — 5/?
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zee-aka-pretty · 11 months ago
Wake me up inside (Save me)
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morethanwonderful · 7 months ago
Introducing: The Which MXTX Character Was/Would Be Most Insufferable Online Tournament Bracket
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Beginning the evening of August 23rd, 2024 (USA time), I’ll be running a tournament via tumblr polls to determine once and for all which Mo Xiang Tong Xiu web novel character was or would be most insufferable if given access to the internet.
Why this poll theme?
I thought it would be fun to run another big MXTX tournament bracket, since the bugpoll last year was a blast, and this was the funniest theme I could manage to think of.
Why isn't Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu in the bracket?
Given what we know about our dear Peerless Cucumber, I fear an SQQ sweep would be a foregone conclusion if I included him. Therefore, after the bracket finds a winner, I'll hold a bonus round and pit the winner against Shen Yuan to determine the true most internet-insufferable character.
What is wrong with you?
My goal is to hold one round per day every day for a week, but I'm contending with a full-time work schedule, so things may get slightly more stretched out than that. I'll also be splitting the first round into Round 1 Part 1 (the left side of the bracket) and Round 1 Part 2 (the right side of the bracket) to avoid spamming people's dashes with 32 separate polls in one day.
If you’d like to either search for or blacklist posts related to this event, all of mine will be tagged with “MXTX insufferapoll.”
The full list of matches is under the readmore here. Happy voting!
Round 1 Part 1:
Wen Chao vs Jin Guangshan
Quan Yizhen vs Mobei-jun
Mu Qingfang vs Ban Yue
Pei Xiu vs Jin Zixun
Xie Lian vs Jiang Yanli
Gongyi Xiao vs Lang Qianqiu
He Xuan vs Xue Yang
Lan Xichen vs Xiao Xingchen
Feng Xin vs Tianlang-jun
Wei Wuxian vs Liu Mingyan
Shi Qingxuan vs Nie Huaisang
Pei Ming vs Shang Qinghua
Jian Lan vs Qi Rong
Lan Wangji vs Song Lan
Nie Mingjue vs Liu Qingge
Mei Nianqing vs Lan Qiren
Round 1 Part 2:
Ling Wen vs Jin Guangyao
Sha Hualing vs Mo Xuanyu
Lang Ying (Present) vs Lan Sizhui
Bai Wuxiang vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jiang Cheng vs Ning Yingying
Jin Ling vs Ming Fan
Mu Qing vs Luo "Mianmian" Qingyang
Yu Ziyuan vs Yue Qingyuan
Xuan Ji vs Qiu Haitang
A-Qing vs Yin Yu
Wen Ning vs Zhuzhi-lang
Luo Binghe vs Wang Lingjiao
Wen Qing vs Yushi Huang
Hua Cheng vs Su She
Jin Zixuan vs Shi Wudu
Ouyang Zizhen vs Lan Jingyi
Round 2:
Wen Chao vs Quan Yizhen
Mu Qingfang vs Jin Zixun
Xie Lian vs Lang Qianqiu
Xue Yang vs Xiao Xingchen
Tianlang-jun vs Wei Wuxian
Nie Huaisang vs Shang Qinghua
Qi Rong vs Lan Wangji
Nie Mingjue vs Lan Qiren
Jin Guangyao vs Sha Hualing
Lang Ying (Present) vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jiang Cheng vs Jin Ling
Mu Qing vs Yu Ziyuan
Xuan Ji vs a-Qing
Zhuzhi-lang vs Luo Binghe
Wen Qing vs Su She
Shi Wudu vs Lan Jingyi
Round 3:
Wen Chao vs Jin Zixun
Lang Qianqiu vs Xue Yang
Tianlang-jun vs Shang Qinghua
Qi Rong vs Lan Qiren
Sha Hualing vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jin Ling vs Mu Qing
Xuan Ji vs Luo Binghe
Su She vs Lan Jingyi
Wen Chao vs Xue Yang
Tianlang-jun vs Qi Rong
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Jin Ling
Luo Binghe vs Su She
Wen Chao vs Qi Rong
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Luo Binghe
Qi Rong vs Luo Binghe
Qi Rong vs Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months ago
The FSYY Body Count List
…Because when you are trying to procrastinate an assignment, you'll focus your attention on anything that isn't the assignment, no matter how strange the subject matter is.
So here is a list of the individual Chan juniors' body count during the course of the FSYY novel. Fantastic creatures (non-sapient, not yaoguais that have cultivated a human form, but aren't regular animals either) are listed separately.
Nezha: 15 characters
-Li Gen the Yaksha (Qiankun Ring to the head)
-Ao Bing (pulled off steed with sash, Qiankun Ring to the head, tendons pulled out)
-Verdant Cloud Boy (archery accident)
-Yao Shaosi (speared)
-Colored Cloud Immortal (speared)
-Deng Zhong (knocked off steed with Qiankun Ring, then speared)
-Ji Li (speared)
-Li Qi (knocked down with ring, speared)
-Pong Hong (knocked down with ring, speared)
-Wang Bao (knocked off steed with ring, speared)
-Ma Zhong (incinerated by the Nine Fire Dragon Bell Cover)
-Long Anji (knocked down by a ring better than his, speared)
-Gao Lanying (didn't get her needles out in time, knocked down, speared)
-Ding Ce (killed by the Qiankun Ring)
-Lu Renjie (knocked off his steed by the Qiankun Ring in a fatal blow)
Note: I didn't count the Colored Cloud Boy, Lady Shiji's other disciple that gets bonked by the Qiankun Ring, because his death is never confirmed, even though he was already "struggling for his life on the ground" when Shiji comes out of the cave.
Yang Jian: 13 characters, 2 creatures
-Chen Jiugong (speared)
-Zhou Xin (Skyhowler'ed, then chopped in half)
-Bi Huan (Skyhowler'ed, then speared)
-Wen Liang (tried to escape after being bricked by Nezha, got hit in the shoulder by Yang Jian's slingshot, fell off his horse, and died)
-Yu Hua (Leizhen Zi knocked him off his steed, Yang Jian finished him off with his polearm)
-Zhang Kui's mom (indirectly, he tricked Zhang Kui into killing her via transformation arts)
-Chang Hao (Yang Jian transformed into a flying centipede, snipped its head off, reverted to his true form, chopped up the snake, then incinerated it with Five Thunder Arts)
-Wu Long (Yang Jian turned into a golden rooster and pecked it to pieces)
-Yang Xian (tried to flee after seeing Yang Jian turn into a tiger, chopped in half)
-Dai Li (Skyhowler'ed, then speared)
-Guo Chen (speared)
-Lei Kun (speared)
-The Nine-headed Pheasant Demoness (indirectly: Skyhowler'ed, then decapitated by Zhou soldiers on the execution ground under Yang Jian's watch)
The Flower Fox Ferret, Mo Lishou's monstrous pet (Yang Jian burst out of its body after being eaten, tearing it into two halves in the process)
The One-horned Black Smoke Beast, Zhang Kui's magical steed (indirectly, same as Zhang Kui's mom)
Huang Tianhua: 7 characters
Chen Tong (Fire Dragon Dart sucked into Tianhua's flower basket, then decapitated by the beam of the Moye Sword)
The Four Mo Brothers (killed by the Heart-piercing Nail)
Yu Qin (killed by the Fire Dragon Dart)
Chen Geng (knocked off steed by the Fire Dragon Dart, then decapitated)
Yang Ren: 6 characters
Fang Yizhen (incinerated by the Five Fire Fan)
Li Ping (caught in the fan's AOE while trying to persuade Lv Yue)
Chen Geng (incinerated by the fan)
Lv Yue (incinerated by the fan)
Yu Xian & Yu Zhao (incinerated together)
Leizhen Zi: 5 characters
Xin Huan (Skyhowler'ed, then finished off by Leizhen Zi with a staff to the head)
Zhou Xin (Staff to the head)
Peng Zun (knocked off his steed via a staff to the shoulder, then decapitated)
Yu Guang (staff to the head)
Lei Peng (KO'ed with staff)
Huang Tianxiang: 4 characters
Feng Lin (speared)
Tao Rong (speared)
Gou Zhang (speared)
Gao Gui (speared)
Wei Hu: 4 characters
Yang Wenhui (Demon-subduing Club to the head)
Yu Da (clubbed)
Zhang Kui (clubbed)
Jade Pipa Demoness (indirectly: decapitated by soldiers under his supervision)
Jinzha: 3 characters
Wang Mo (immobilized by the Dragon Stake, then killed with a sword)
Yang Sen (immobilized by Dragon Stake, killed with sword)
Dou Rong (indirectly: Jinzha immobilized him with the Dragon Stake, but Jiang Wenhuan made the killing blow)
Muzha: 2 characters
Li Xingba (killed with one of Muzha's twin flying swords)
Lady Chedi (killed with twin flying sword)
Final Thoughts
-If you count the creatures, Nezha and Yang Jian's kill counts will be equal, though several of Yang Jian's kills are indirect.
-Jiang Ziya: tfw your logistic guy, responsible for overseeing the supply line, has a body count as high as your designated army vanguard.
-Yeah, Yang Jian's official job in the Zhou army is the Grain Transport Officer. I think it really fits his personality——the clever, ruthless trickster who's also a mature, polite disciple.
-Though Leizhen Zi's kill counts can't match Nezha and Yang Jian, there are multiple descriptions of him knocking down whole sections of the city wall with a single staff strike. Maybe he's the anti-fortification specialist of the team or something. /lh
-Huang Tianhua: the ranged attacker who keeps trying to be a melee DPS. /j
-For real though, he seems to rely a lot more on the Fire Dragon Darts from a slain foe, and when the Heart-piercing Nail is used after the Mo brothers' demise, it only ends up going straight through Xin Huan's wing and the Winged Immortal's right arm.
-Yang Ren always gives me the impression of a soft-spoken bureaucrat who gradually discovered his inner pyromaniac after receiving the Five Fire Fan.
-My list is only counting the named characters, but everyone on this list who's still alive during the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation Arc are described as unleashing their might and treasures during the battle.
-Considering the AOE effects of some of these treasures, they probably send a lot more filler NPCs into the Investiture. 
-BTW, there are 151 names on the Investiture who are labelled as having died in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation. 123, if you leave out the 28 Lunar Mansions, who are killed by the 4 Immortal Swords seized from Patriarch Tongtian's previous formation.
-How many percent of those 123 kills each Chan Sect participant is responsible for is up to your imagination.
-Forget about the Nezha age discourse——Huang Tianxiang was probably about 10 when he made his first kill, since the text described his head as "still bald". If I remember correctly, in the Ming dynasty, before 10, most children had their heads shaved completely bald, or leaving only a few patches of hair tied up in a braid/bun.
-He's also 14 when he made his third kill, and 17 when he was executed by Qiu Yin. Four chapters prior, Huang Tianhua died to Gao Jineng.
-Jinzha and Muzha: tfw your total kill counts combined is only a third of your little brother's.
-The one detail I've observed is that Jinzha ends up rescuing/attempting to rescue Nezha, Huang Tianhua, Jiang Ziya, and Tianhua again (together with Muzha) after they get knocked down.
-I feel kinda bad for Muzha when I look at the numbers. He does cut off one of Lv Yue's arms after recovering from his first plague attack, though.
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kdram-chjh · 8 months ago
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Tdrama: Meet You at the Blossom (2024)
eeeyyyy Jinbao! Second couple, here we go! #meetyouattheblossom #bl #boyslove #bl2024
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/P5Q8ebYUDww
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blackmoonlightexpress · 2 years ago
Fun Facts behind TTEOTM!
Creative Team
Till the End of the Moon is the second TV drama produced by newcomer Otters Studio (獭獭文化), which was originally set up for dangai/BL drama Immortality (皓衣行), also featuring Luo Yunxi.
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The Hangzhou-based Otters Studio is a subsidiary of Nanpai Entertainment (南派泛娱), the company owned by Kenneth Xu (aka “Third Uncle" 南派三叔). Xu is best known as the novelist and screenwriter behind "Grave Robbers' Chronicles" (盗墓笔记).
A big part of TTEOTM's core creative team also worked on Immortality. And a lot of the Immortality team came from Ashes of Love (2018) with Luo Yunxi. This includes...
He Fang (Screenwriter) - Immortality
Luo Xuan (Screenwriter & Associate Producer) - Immortality
Huang Wei (Costume Designer) - Immortality
Guan Dazhou (Music Director) - Immortality
Wang Yirong (Lead Producer) - Immortality
Wang Haiqi (B Unit Director & Action Director) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Tsang Mingfai (Makeup Designer) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Shen Xufei (Special Effects Director) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Hua Tian World Concept - Immortality & Ashes of Love
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Wang Haiqi was the stunt coordinator who trained Luo Yunxi in Ashes of Love
Part of the creative team came from Huanyu (Bai Lu's management company, aka the production company of Yanxi Palace). This includes award-winning art director Luan Hexin, Huang Xinyao (Yue Fuya) and Liu Min (Nan'an).
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This is the second time Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu have paired up in a drama. They previously played a couple in modern workplace romance Love is Sweet (2020). Bai Lu expressed interest publicly in pairing up with LYX again in a costume drama numerous times.
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In addition, a number of Love is Sweet actors have minor roles or cameos in TTEOTM:
Zhao Yuanyuan (Qiao Na aka Yuan Shuai's colleague who has a crush on him) plays the Moon Goddess
Cheng Chang (Jiang Jun's father) plays Ye Xiwu's father
Deng Jinghong (Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai's shady client) plays Ye Xiwu's brother Ye Zeyu
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The popularity of TTEOTM has generated renewed interest in Love is Sweet on iQiyi. In the first half of 2023, Love is Sweet is ranked #5 on Yunhe's "old/classic drama" list, receiving 360M views (10M views/episode), equivalent to airing a new medium-budget drama.
Two actors in Ashes of Love also have minor roles in TTEOTM:
Wang Yifei (Shuihe aka peacock princess in Ashes of Love) plays the Devil God's lieutenant Siying
He Zhonghua (Heavenly Emperor aka Runyu's father) plays the King of Sheng, again terrorizing Luo Yunxi's childhood
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In addition, a number of TTEOTM actors play minor roles in the unaired Immortality:
Huang Yunyun (Yue Yingxin) plays Song Qiutong
Zheng Guolin (Qu Xuanzi aka Susu's father) plays Jiangxi
Huang Haibing (Zhaoyou) plays Nangong Zhangying
He Zhonghua (King of Sheng) plays Nangong Liu
Geng Yeting (Ye Qingyu) plays an unknown role
The source novel (黑月光拿稳BE剧本) was optioned by Otter before it was complete due to strong early hype around the IP and interesting characters & premise. It's one of the top 10 most-saved web novels of that genre on the Jinjiang platform. Its title literally translates to "black moonlight is guaranteed a bad ending screenplay".
The screenplay was written for 40 episodes, which was edited into 50 episodes of probably 45 mins each. The original plan (based on governmental records) was to air 34 episodes as part 1 and 16 episodes as part 2. However, the NRTA (Chinese government agency that regulates TV) closed the loophole around airing two seasons back to back early this year, which is why TTEOTM was edited back down to 40 episodes of 55 mins each so that it could air in one go.
TTEOTM changed its Chinese title twice. It was originally named 月照千峰为一人 (The moon shines for one person). It was then renamed to 长月无烬 (long moon without Jin/ember, also a pun for without limit or endless), which is the official publication name proposed by fans of the web novel. Right before the booting ceremony, it was renamed 长月烬明 likely for auspicious reasons (especially after the LYX accident and Immortality not airing)
Some keen netizens have noticed that if you break apart the characters of its Chinese title, 长月烬明, it becomes 长月火尽日月, which literally means....
长月 (long moon) - how people refer to the drama, in its short form
火 (fire) - Chinese internet lingo for explosive or popular
尽日月 (to the end of sun and moon)
(Gotta give one to Chinese people for coming up with auspicious names)
Luo Yunxi was injured right before production began when filming his final scene in Light Chaser Rescue. He got punched in the mouth by a costar which required emergency surgery and left a scar on the top left corner of his mouth. Production was delayed as a result. Bai Lu had to film her solo scenes first starting Oct 19, 2021. The booting ceremony took place on Nov 6, 2021 after Luo Yunxi joined the set.
Luo Yunxi was the first actor to be cast, according to an interview with the producer. It is rumored that he might have even picked which novel to adapt as Otter initially optioned both "Black Moonlight" and "Black Lotus Casebook". Bai Lu is also the "only choice" for Li Susu according to Yu Zheng.
Yin Tao (Who Rules The world, Love & Redemption, and Ancient Love Poetry) was originally considered for director, but he worked on the Blood of Youth instead. In the end they went with Kuk Kok Leung, an award-winning veteran TVB director who has adapted 7 out of 8 Jin Yong novels. One of the Cantonese songs Luo Yunxi kept singing on set is the OST of the 1983 Condor Heroes where Kuk served as Assistant Director.
Sun Zhenni (Pianran) and Zhao Shiyi (Fuyu) won their roles through open casting call. Sun Zhenni was a big fan of Bai Lu, and the two became close friends during the shoot. She is 1/4 German Jewish through her paternal grandmother.
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Chen Duling (Ye Bingchang / Tian Huan) briefly dated Xichao Wang (who plays Jing Mie, the demon god's other lieutenant). They were apparently introduced by Yu Zheng (boss of Bai Lu's studio).
Luo Yunxi and Sun Zhenni are the only actors who dubbed themselves in the drama. Bai Lu is dubbed by Duan Yixuan, who is also the voice behind Linglong in Love & Redemption.
This is the second time Luo Yunxi plays a dragon god (Runyu is the first). This is also the second time Bai Lu plays a character who leaps off the tower to her death in a costume drama.
Post-production was rumored to be delayed and then rushed due to a number of reasons, including covid which hit the special effects team hard and the last minute change of the 40-episode rule.
During the premiere day, celebrities posted on Weibo to promote the drama in support of Luo Yunxi (usually actors only ask for this favor when it's a really important project to their career): Huang Xiaoming, Tan Songyun, Wu Jingyan, Chen Yuqi, Cheng Xiao, Victoria Song, Zhang Ruonan, Huang Xuan, Chen Yao. The most noteworthy ones were Chen Xiao (whose drama was also opening on the same day) and EDG (the esports team that LYX supports)
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danmeigirl · 11 months ago
Listing Upcoming C-Drama's to watch :-
Fox Spirit Matchmaker : Love in Pavilion (Lead- Liu Shishi & Leon Zhang)
Fox Spirit Matchmaker : Red-Moon Pact (Lead- Yang Mi & Gong Jun) Released
Fox Spirit Matchmaker : Sword and Beloved (Lead- Li Yi Tong & Cheng Yi)
Legend of the Female General (Lead- Zhou Ye & Ryan Cheng)
The Princess Royal (Lead- Zhao Jin Mai & Zhang Ling He) Released
Love of the Divine Tree ( Lead- Deng Wei & Julia Xiang) Released
Guardians of the Dafeng (Lead- Dylan Wang & Tian Xi Wei) Released
Fangs of Fortune (Lead- Neo Hou & Chen Duling) Released
Love in the Desert (Lead- Fang Yulin & Hanikezi) Released
Snowy Night : Timeless Love (Lead- Joseph Zeng & Li Qin) Released
Reborn for Love (Lead- Jing Tian & Zhang Lingh He) Released
Shui Long Yin (Lead- Fang Yilun/Xiao Shunyao/Luo Yunxi)
Lady Revenger Returns from the Fire (Lead- Xu Lu & Wei Zheming)
A Dream Within A Dream (Lead- Li Yi Tong & Liu Yu Ning)
Thousand Fragrances (Lead- Song Wei Long & Ju Jing Yi)
Love Game in Eastern Fantasy (Lead- Esther Yu & Ding Yuxi) Released
Legend of Dark River (Lead- Gong Jun & Chang Hua Sen)
Dashing Youth (Lead- Neo Hou & Hu Lian Xin) Released
The Story of Pearl Girl (Lead- Liu Yuning & Zhao Lusi) Released
Lin Jiang Xian (Lead- Joseph Zeng & Bai Lu)
Fall in Love with a Fox (Lead- Wanyan Luo Rong & Xu Hao)
Echo of her Voice (Lead- Wei Zheming & Xu Jia Qi) Released
Snowfall (Lead- Gao Wei Guang & Nana Ouyang) Released
Go East (Lead- Tan Jian Ci & Zhou Yiran) Released
Moonlight Mystique (Lead- Bai Lu & Ao Rui Peng) Released
Ran Shuang Wei Zhou (BurningNight) (Lead- Wang Yuwen & Tian Jiarui)
Journey to the West: Daughter Country (Lead- Neo Hou & Bai Lu) On hold
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