#wait I was editing the flames on the photo for so long that I forgot where this original screenshot came from LMFAO
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phail · 4 months ago
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original screenshot of post below so you can see the tags clearly
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usedtobethelegendcreator · 2 months ago
Just realized I have never once talked about my hobbies. Well, my blog, my rules. Welcome to the shitshow.
1. Scented candles
My nose is somehow the most autistic part of my body, so since I can’t smell flowers, I am very, very picky about what candles I get. The majority of them are crème brûlée, the actual best scent ever. Like. Imagine if love had a smell and it gave you a hug. That’s what crème brûlée candles smell like. There’s also dirty hot chocolate and cinnamon, and one s’mores candle I got from Hershey. Now if only I could figure out how to use that lighter…
2. Spoons
My mother loves to travel, and I don’t. So, as compensation, I started collecting state-themed spoons, usually from gas stations (I’m looking at you, Love’s). My collection became…quite extensive. Got most of the 50 states.
3. Porcelain and glassware
Something about good porcelain makes the creature in my brain go “Oooooooh grabby grabby grabby!”. You wouldn’t believe how many gorgeous pieces are found in antique shops. I once found a teacup set made in Japan at a random shop in an Iowan Amish town. Lucky for me, my great-grandmother had the same brain creature, so I essentially laid claim to the stash. They’re prettyyyyyyy.
4. Dress shopping
Not just regular shopping. Dress shopping. Dresses must be involved. My standards for dresses are sky-high, so if you ever spot me walking into Belk laughing like a maniac, expect the dress sections to be raided. I went in with a gift card last week and walked out with one dress. Yes, it was amazing.
5. Photo editing
I’ve played around in Photos so much you might as well call me an expert. Oh, wait, I got a certification from Adobe for Photoshop. Huh. Guess you can call me an expert. Yeah. Still proud of myself for that one.
6. Mineralogy (former)
Before I fell into the world of fandom, I was a mineralogy nerd. Not much else to say about it…I had a hard time even pronouncing it for a long time.
7. Video games
I haven’t had a console since my cousin’s shitty hand-me-down Wii, but I never forgot. There were exactly three games I played on that thing, and they live on in my memory, even though I never finished them. So long, Paper Mario, Epic Mickey, and Sonic and the Secret Rings. You placed my long-dormant Sonic autism inside me.
I could get into my tragic backstory involving theater and a certain play called “Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames”, but that wouldn’t fit here.
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awanderingdeal · 4 years ago
Never too late - 1-3
There were so many things Regulus wanted to do as child that his parents wouldn’t allow, but Leo is adamant that it is never too late to do those things. They make a list of ten things Regulus wants to do before he decides what his next step in life was going to be, because he refuses to grow up before he even got a chance to be young. 
Disclaimer: Of course you don’t have to have do any of things to have a happy and fulfilled childhood, but Regulus didn’t not get to do them because he had other interests or because he didn’t have the means (and usually, if that is the case, parents will ensure their child have other fun memories). It was a case of having controlling parents, who thought the only important things were school and hockey and there was no reason to have fun outside of those things. He watched his friends having experiences and he didn’t get choose in whether he wanted to participate or not. 
CW: mentions of toxic parenting and frequent mentions of food.
Please message me if you feel anything needs to be added to the content warnings.
Credit for the sweater universe and the characters within it go to @lumosinlove. What a hero.
P.S. I was getting increasingly inebriated as I wrote this and I haven’t read it over so sorry for any errors. I will probably edit tomorrow!
“What do you mean you’ve never had a sleepover?” Leo exclaimed, tea sloshing over the side of his mug with the force that he set it down on the table. “Not even with your cousins?”
“Not even with our cousins,” Regulus shrugged. “Maybe when I was really small? Mother and Father weren’t keen on letting us out of their sight much.” 
“Yeah, that's fucked up,” Leo said resolutely. Sometimes he forgot how lucky he was to have his parents, and conversations with Regulus often made him want to call and tell them how much he loved them. 
“I’m starting to recognise that now,” Regulus hummed quietly, giving Leo a shy look. “Guess I should be grateful to Uncle Alphard for the trust fund. At least I’ll be able to pay for the lifetime of therapy I’m going to require.”
“You and Sirius should milk the media by doing increasingly ridiculous interviews for exorbitant fees,” Leo laughed, looking around the kitchen. “Do you have any cookies in this house?”
“Merde, your stomach is bottomless. We just had lunch!” Regulus rolled his eyes, but waved in the direction of one of the cupboards. 
“I’m a growing boy,” Leo defended, pushing his chair back to source the cookies. “Besides, I’m going to need the energy if we’re going to plan your ‘Regulus had a sucky childhood and this must be rectified list’,” he said, his words muffled due to the fact his head was half-way into the cupboard as he rummaged around for a worthy snack. Moments later, Leo emerged with a triumphant smile and his fingers clasped around a packet of Nutter Butter cookies.
“First of all, what the fuck?” Regulus scoffed, taking a long sip of his coffee. “Secondly, really?” he raised an eyebrow. 
“Admittedly, the name is a work in progress,” Leo sat back down, schooling his features into something he hoped looked indignant. “And, I have a brand to maintain,” he continued, biting into the cookie with an overly loud crunch. 
And that was how Leo and Regulus ended up spending an entire afternoon curating the perfect list of things Regulus wanted to experience before he decided his next step in life. 
1) Have a sleepover! Build a fort, play video games, eat all the snacks, stay up all night and have a pillow fight! 
“Babe, sleepovers are supposed to be fun, not meticulously planned military operations,” Finn teased, peering over Leo’s shoulder to look at the schedule on the laptop screen. 
“There is a lot of enjoyment to be found in structure!” Leo argued, tilting his head back to pout at Finn. “I don’t want to forget anything. I just want Reg to have a good time,” he sighed.
“Sweetheart it’s gonna be fine,” Finn reassured, pecking a kiss on Leo’s lips. “You’ve got pizza, you’ve got Mario Kart, you’ve got -” Finn leaned forward to squint at the screen, “building a blanket fort. Hey, I wanna come to this sleepover! You’re gonna have a great time.” 
Leo smiled up at Finn, his boyfriend had a seemingly infinite ability to make him feel better. 
 “Bye! Have fun!” Finn yelled.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Logan added, and then the door slammed. 
Leo reached out to grab his cell off the coffee table before wriggling excitedly in his seat, “Okay! Let the sleepover begin. What pizza do you want?”
Regulus rolled his eyes, but his reply betrayed his enthusiasm, “I’ll have an extra large half and half please. One side with ham and pineapple and the other with pepperoni, green peppers, grilled onions, black olives, mushrooms, sausage and extra mozzarella. Oh, and a side of wedges, please.”
Leo spluttered, “Reg!”
“Hey, don’t judge. Your order will be just as big,” Regulus frowned.
“Please,” Leo scoffed. “I live with Finn and Logan. You could order five pizzas and I wouldn’t be phased. No, I am scandalised by your topping choices. Pineapple!” Leo gesticulated his arms widely, “I thought you were better than that. I am seriously re-considering this friendship.” 
“Wow, you really are picking up on Finn’s dramatics,” Regulus laughed.
Leo huffed as he tapped at his phone, “Pineapple on pizza is a very serious matter, thank you very much. Since this is your sleepover, I have ordered the abomination. Consider this a one time pass.” 
“I am honoured.” Regulus drawled, playing up the posh notes of his accents. 
“So you should be,” Leo said, grabbing the cushion from behind him and throwing it at Regulus. 
“Oh, that’s how you want to play it.” Regulus smirked, grasping the cushion that had been thrown at him, as well as the one stuffed behind him. 
“Noooooo!” Leo shrieked. “Pillow fights are not on the plan until -” his words interrupted by a cushion hitting him square in the face. “- 9pm.”
“Oh dear, we can’t mess with your painstakingly designed plan.” Regulus teased, leaning forward to pick up the printed schedule that Leo had shown him earlier. “I believe we are at, 19.30 - play Mario Kart whilst waiting for pizza.”
“So, did you boys have fun?” Sirius asked,  as he placed a cup of coffee in front of Regulus, and then Leo. He sounded exactly like Leo’s mother and it was creeping him out. 
“Why are you here?” Regulus grumbled, resting his head against his arms. He titled it to the side and cracked one eye open. 
“Thank you for the coffee, Sirius. You’re the best big brother, Sirius,” Sirius did an uncanny imitation of Regulus’ voice. “We were in the neighbourhood and figured we’d pick you up instead of you getting a taxi back.”
Regulus made another noise that sounded somewhat like a thank you. 
“Did you guys sleep at all last night?” Remus laughed.
“A little bit,” Leo mumbled, staring into his coffee. He wanted it to magically make its way into his stomach without him having to make the effort of lifting it. 
“An hour maybe?” Regulus added. 
Logan snorted as he wandered into the kitchen, “We came in at 3am and they were fast asleep on the couch. We have photo evidence.” 
“And Leo was doing his “I’m having sweet dreams’ snore so I doubt they had only just fallen asleep,” Finn added, following behind Logan.
“I do not have a ‘I’m having sweet dreams’ snore,” Leo said, the tips of his cheeks turning pink. 
Regulus laughed, sitting up-right and swallowing a huge gulp of coffee. 
“I wouldn’t laugh if I were you,” Logan began, pouring coffee beans into the espresso machine. “You were drooling.” 
2) Master that chore list! Learn to cook! It’s a bore, but you’ll thank me later.
“This is an excellent idea,” Remus said, “Perhaps now I will stop being woken up by the sound of the fire alarm.” 
“That was one time!” Regulus protested, shoving Remus in the shoulder. “Leave. I have lessons to learn.”
“Try not to burn the kitchen down!” Sirius sang, as he left the kitchen, his arms piled with snacks. 
“You cannot talk, Sirius Black,” Remus laughed. “And don’t you think that is a bit excessive. We’re going to order take-out in two hours anyway.”
“Regulus! Your hand,” Leo shouted when he saw the flames. 
“What?” Regulus asked, but then he looked down and saw the edge of the oven mitt he was wearing were alight. He must have had them too close to hob. Leo noticed the panic in eyes and grabbed the end of the mitt that wasn’t on fire and chucked it into the sink, turning the tap on to smother the flames. 
“Okay,” Leo said, “Maybe we should start with something easier. Let’s try the washing machine.”
Regulus whined, “The washing machine scares me.”
“How does the washing machine scare you?” Leo asked, trying his best to hold in the laugh. 
“It’s scary!” Regulus reiterated. “You put stuff in there and they come out tiny or pink or covered in tissue.”
Leo blinked multiple times, registering the words and then he couldn’t hold in the laughter any longer. “Well, those things should only happen if you do it wrong. Pro tip, number one, don’t put tissues in the washing machine,” he said once he had recovered. “Come on, I’ll show you. It’s really not that scary and I’ll teach you how to sort things properly but really I chuck stuff in together all the time and nothing ever turns pink.” 
“Regulus. Leo,” Remus called, leaning in the doorway to the lounge. Leo paused the movie they were watching before turning to look at him. “Is there a reason that all our bedding is pink?”
Leo and Regulus shared a sheepish look. 
“No idea, sorry,” Leo said.
“It was Leo’s fault! He said nothing ever turned pink,” Regulus blurted out, shoving his hand over his mouth as soon as the words left it. 
“Never take up a career in espionage,” Leo scoffed, throwing the skittle he conveniently had in his hand at Regulus. 
“And I suppose you had something to do with the glove in the kitchen sink?” Remus chuckled. 
“Oh fuck, I forgot about that,” Leo said, giving Remus his most charming smile. “I’ll buy a new pair.”
3) Go to your first concert, it’ll be a night to remember
Leo had managed to drag half the team into his mission to get tickets to see Fall Out Boy in a couple of months time. It was a band both he and Regulus loved, and Leo had always wanted to see them when he was younger but it never seemed to work out.  
Between them they had twelve laptops that they were constantly refreshing, waiting for the box office to open. 
“Yes! I’m in,” Thomas shouted, wiggling around in  a celebratory dance. “Waiting time is 27 minutes.” A few seconds later, James was chanting about his access. 
“No suh! My wait time is 35 minutes. How is that possible, I was only a few seconds behind Talker,” James griped. 
“It’s a cruel cruel game,” Ollie nodded solemnly. 
In the end, they did manage to get tickets for everybody that wanted them, even if Leo had lost the will to live by the time he had kicked everybody out of their apartment. 
Leo noticed that Regulus was sticking pretty close to him as they walked through the halls of the arena, a sign that he was nervous. “Hey, you doing okay?” Leo asked, bumping his shoulder against Regulus’.
“Yeah,” Regulus breathed. “It’s just...a lot,”  he gestured to the crowds of people around him. They had tried to get there early to ease Regulus into things, but between Talker and Noelle running later, and Finn having an absolute meltdown because he couldn’t find his old tour t-shirt, it was already starting to get quite busy. 
“We can always go if it gets too much,” Leo reassured, smiling softly at Regulus. 
“You just paid all that money for the tickets, we can’t just leave,” Regulus argued. 
Leo slung his arm around Regulus, hugging him close. “Your comfort is worth far more than the price of a concert ticket, Reggie.”
“Don’t call me that,” Regulus moaned, but Leo felt him sink into the hug. Their tranquil moment was ruined by Finn who decided it was the perfect moment to burst into a rendition of Dance, Dance, and James immediately joined in. 
“I’m sad,” Regulus sighed, wearing one of the t-shirts he had brought at the concert. He’d been deliberating over a few when Leo had told the cashier that they’d take one of all of them. Thankfully, Regulus had learnt that to argue with Leo when he was trying to show love was futile. “Why am I sad? I just had the best night.”
“Post concert blues,” Leo commiserated, sliding a plate of pancakes across the table to Regulus. 
Logan hummed his agreement, drowning his pancakes in maple syrup, “You’ve got to spend the whole day watching the videos you took. Try and get some of the endorphins back. But really, the only thing that cures it, is booking a new concert. You’re gonna be hooked forever.” 
“Is it also normal to still be able to hear the music?” Regulus said, rubbing at his left ear, before cutting into his pancake. 
“Sure, the music is loud,” Finn answered with a chortle.“ You two blasting music until 2am in the morning probably didn’t help. It’s a good job this apartment is soundproof.” 
“Sorry,” Regulus said, looking guilty, “Did we keep you up?” Leo didn’t even remember falling asleep. The last thing he could recall was dancing around his bedroom screaming along to My songs know what you did in the dark, and then was waking up sprawled across Regulus.
“Don’t worry about,” Finn mumbled around a mouthful of food. “It was nice to see you letting go like that.”
“It would be nice if you could learn some table manners,” Logan chirped.
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afoolandathief · 4 years ago
Word find tag parts I, II & II
Catching up on my tags; @drippingmoon, @faelanvance & @splinter-cat all tagged me to find a set of words in my WIP.
Tagging, if and only if you'd like, @author-a-holmes, @fourteenzero, @leadhelmetcosmonaut, @inlilac, & @47crayons
Okay I'm editing this like an hour later because once again I forgot to include the words,aggghh
Your words are: drum, stitch, neck & sunshine.
Each search brought up some passages from Something Wicked I'd like to share, so long post below the cut ↓
From @drippingmoon's post: sister, family, simple and door ↓
From a scene I'm going to change if not cut, but I still like getting to introduce Ember and Amber, so:
Ember’s sister glided from the back on a rolling ladder.
“Who do we have here?” she said brightly, her freckles stretching over her face as she smiled.
“The witch who got herself banished from the Coven is here,” Ember said lazily. “And her friend. A hedgewitch, I’m guessing?”
“You’d be right,” Violet said coolly.
“There was a certain crime family in this city who were pretty upset when you took out young Jimmy O’Rourke for a rival gang,” she continued. “I mean, you scattered his parts all over the city, didn’t you Caz?”
“How’d you figure out it was me?” he asked.
“Those two puncture marks you left behind. One on one side of his neck where his head was separated from his body; the other on the other side. I saw them in the old autopsy photos.”
“Damn, you’re clever. No one’s ever figured that out.”
“Is the famous Cottonmouth Killer really getting hung up on this?”
“Oh,” he smiled smugly. “So you have heard of me before?”
“I’ve been in this city nearly as long as you, fella, of course I have.”
“Damn, it seemed so much simpler when I was starting out back then,” Caz said. “Just killing someone and getting cash in addition to a meal. Having a heart complicates things.”
“Wouldn’t know,” Ruby smirked.
Apparently I've written the word "door" 114 times in Something Wicked. Here's the very first time, in the very first line:
It was a quarter to eight when Jade heard a rapping on her screen door.
A figure stood far too still on her porch, not seeming to mind waiting in the pitch dark.
“May I come in?” the figure asked, too-white canines glinting in the bit of light from Jade’s kitchen.
From @faelanvance's post: home, song, warm and light ↓
It was after midnight when Jade finally got home, throwing her keys into the mess on her kitchen table. She stooped down to stroke the ear of a long-haired calico rubbing against her leg, before shooing a sleek black cat from the remnants of gunpowder and bones on her counter.
She fell forward onto her bed, not bothering to get up as she pulled off her shirt and jeans. She rolled over and laid there for a moment, staring at the lamp on her ceiling until her eyes unfocused.
He hiccuped, the glass shaking on his lips, as he watched the last of the blue liquid fall down the side of the glass into his throat. He started preparing a second drink, swaying comfortably to a song in his head before waltzing to his living room in search of the right record to play.
He looked down to where his phone still laid on the floor. Should he call someone?, he asked himself. He should call someone, but who?
Jade’s head went back and her body seized up. Shit. Had she ever been standing when one of these things happened before? Shit.
She was falling backwards. Caz caught her on the small of her back, taking care to only touch the cloth of her dress, but he could feel how warm and damp her flesh was under his fingers as they hooked into the dimple between her waist and hip. The rest of her slumped sideways into the crook of his arm.
“You need to do a bit more to convince me here, sweetheart.”
Her eyes seemed to give off that light again, until Brooks realized the glow in the mirror was coming from the front of the car.
He moved his hands back from his suddenly-ignited steering wheel, the car swerving in the street before he hit the brakes just as the flames vanished.
“Holy shit,” he shouted. The man next to him started cackling.
From @splinter-cat's post: evening, fragrant, face, and spell ↓
Jade’s phone rang a few minutes later.
“Why the hell would you summon me like that?”
“Good evening, Caz.”
“It’s 4:30, it’s barely evening. The sun’s still out,” he moaned.
“Jesus,” Jade said, rubbing her temple. “So you’re saying there’s a chance that, while grinding with that one-night stand of yours, you dropped the fragrance at the club, and it got in the hands of a guy who is actively kidnapping women and girls?”
“You said all that, not me,” Caz said.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Apparently, I also use the word "face" a lot, so I had a hard time choosing this one:
“Aren’t you hunting on your own, then?”
“I’ve tried, Lila, believe me,” he said. “But it’s bad. Real bad. Whenever I’m about to strike, I see her stupid face, hear her stupid reprimanding voice in my head.”
Lila gave an amused smile.
“She’s got quite the hold on you, hasn’t she?”
“I’m like fucking Pavlov’s dog,” Caz replied. “Whenever I smell that perfume of hers I start drooling now.”
Jade had gotten herself lost in a thought, again.
Usually this occurred when she was at her kitchen table, trying to piece together a spell; or when she took apart her laptop so it no longer sounded like a jet engine. It wasn’t supposed to involve Jade charging forward into the next room of a crowded party, ignoring all instincts to run outside and take a deep breath of cool night air.
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theazkabandreamer · 4 years ago
Hide and Seek
This is a revised edition of a story I had written a while back.
Can also be read here.
Scorpius always wanted to go to London ever since he had read about the capital in his history books; It was a city so rich in history and he was entranced by it.
He had begged his parents to take him to London but for some reason, his father was reluctant to go.
But finally, he was going. His father said that he had business to do at Gringotts Bank and Scorpius had asked Draco if he could go with him. Scorpius's mother suggested that they make it a day out together.
Scorpius asked if they could visit Muggle London as well much to his mother's delight, so the Malfoys ended up visiting the many famous landmarks of London where Astoria took many photographs of a beaming Scorpius standing in front of them.
Scorpius noted, however, that his father looked uneasy when they were out in Muggle London. He supposed that it was because of all of the Muggle cars and busses and the city was heaving with people, many of them taking photos.
Draco looked a lot calmer once they reached the Leakey Cauldron and they went out to the courtyard at the back of the pub where he took out his wand and tapped one of the bricks with it.
Scorpius got a shock when the bricks parted revealing to Scorpius for the first time in his life; Diagon Alley.
He had seen many photographs of the famous street, but that didn't prepare him for the hustle and bustle of many witches and wizards going about their business.
He wished he could stop and watch it all but his father was in a hurry and didn't have time to look at the shops. Astoria mentioned getting something at the Apothecary and his father said he needed to get to Gringotts.
Scorpius never forgot the moment he saw the snowy building; It towered above all other buildings in Diagon Alley and he let out a cry of wonder.
"It is rather majestic, isn't it Scorpius?" Draco said, putting a hand on Scorpius's shoulder.
"Is it true that there are Dragons inside the bank?" Scorpius asked eagerly and Draco hesitated, a peculiar look on his face.
"There used to be," he said slowly. "But not anymore."
"Oh, okay," Scorpius said, feeling slightly disappointed. "It would've been nice to see a dragon though because I've read so much about them in that book that Mum got me for Christmas. Do you think that Gringotts had Hungarian Horntails guarding the vaults? Because they're the most vicious dragons. Sometimes I think-"
"Listen, Scorpius," Draco said, cutting Scorpius off. "We're not going down to our vault. I have some business to do at one of the counters. You are not to wander off whilst we're in there. Can you do that for me?"
"Okay, daddy," Scorpius said happily and Draco smiled and squeezed his shoulder.
As Draco and Scorpius got closer to the snowy building, Scorpius saw two smartly dressed creatures standing by the entrance. He had read about them and froze, staring at them in wonder.
One of the creatures noticed him staring at them and gave him a sharp look which took Scorpius by surprise. He hid behind his father's leg and poked his head out to look at the creature.
"Daddy?" Scorpius asked, tugging at Draco's cloak. "Are they who I think they are?"
"Yes, Scorpius," Draco said gently. "Goblins. They're the ones who look after our gold."
Scorpius continued to stare at the Goblin from behind Draco's legs and the Goblin nodded at Scorpius and gave him a small smile. Scorpius returned the smile with a brilliant beam which took the Goblin by surprise.
He felt a lot braver as he entered the bank. Draco ushered him through two pairs of doors and once inside, Scorpius let out another cry of wonder.
He was greeted by a big hall that was full of tables and counters. There were more Goblins behind the counters and they were seeing to various wizards and witches and Scorpius saw a Goblin lead several wizards down a torch-lit passageway.
Scorpius followed Draco down the hall and he wished he had eyes in the back of his head; Everywhere he turned, there was gold being counted and various jewels being examined.
They passed a counter where a scraggy, ginger-haired man was arguing with a Goblin.
"We are very good at identifying Leprechaun Gold, Fletcher," the Goblin said smartly. "We don't like being made fools of."
Draco and Scorpius stopped to look at the man. Scorpius didn't like the look of him; There was a strange, smoky smell hanging about the man that made Scorpius wrinkle his nose.
"Wait a minute, I can explain," the man called Fletcher said hastily. "It was that old mucker Warty. See, I meant to give 'im the Leprechaun Gold and you the ordinary gold. 'e must've taken the wrong gold. You know I would never lie to you."
"Then how do you explain the incident the other month when you claimed to have in your possession a suit of Goblin made armour?" the Goblin asked swiftly.
"It was Goblin made," Fletcher said. "I've even got a Goblin made teaspoon. It's been in me family for years and I've stirred me tea with it for as long as I can remember. I hate to let it go, but a big pot of gold might help drown me sorrows away."
Fletcher took a grubby teaspoon out of his pocket and put it on the counter. The Goblin picked it up and examined it with its long fingers.
"Do you take me for a fool?" the Goblin asked sharply. "I know Goblin made Silverware when I see it and this 'spoon' was not made by any Goblin I know."
"Maybe you don't get out much," Fletcher said.
"You have tried our patience time and time again," the Goblin said. "I have more pressing matters to attend to."
The Goblin pressed a button behind the counter and Fletcher jumped back, drawing his wand.
"Now 'ang on a minute," Fletcher said, waving his wand threateningly at the Goblin. "So a man makes a mistake in identifying a piece of Goblin made Silverware. You can't go kicking 'im out of Gringotts for that. I know my rights."
"I can for wasting my time," the Goblin said swiftly.
"Daddy?" Scorpius whispered, giving Draco's cloak a gentle tug. "What's happening?"
"Just someone trying to trick a Goblin, Scorpius," Draco said gently. "It's best not to watch."
Draco moved to block Scorpius's view of the counter as four human security guards burst out of a torch-lit passageway.
Scorpius heard curses being shouted and saw the four security guards carrying Fletcher out of the bank. Fletcher was stiff and not moving at all.
"Daddy, I think he's dead," Scorpius said worriedly.
"It's okay, Scorpius," Draco said comfortingly. "It was only the full body bind curse. I remember using that at School."
Scorpius felt shaken, but Draco put a comforting hand on his shoulder and kneeled so that his face was level with Scorpius's.
"Never try to deceive a Goblin, Scorpius," Draco said. "They are smart creatures and only fools would get on their bad side. Treat them with respect, and you will go a long way."
Scorpius nodded, although he still felt a little bit shaken after seeing the man called Fletcher being carried out of the bank.
"Such important advice for a first time visitor," the Goblin said, clearly listening in. "You sir, are a fine father."
Draco's cheeks briefly flushed pink and he stood up and approached the Goblin.
"I need to do business with you," he said curtly and the Goblin nodded.
"Of course," the Goblin said. "I'm sure that you will be a far better customer than Mundungus Fletcher. He's always coming here trying to cheat us. I regret that I lost my patience with him. Especially in front of your son."
The Goblin gave Scorpius an apologetic look and Scorpius felt braver as he looked up at the Goblin.
"I'm Draco Malfoy and this is my son, Scorpius," Draco said.
"Hello!" Scorpius said brightly, giving the Goblin a big smile and a wave.
"A pleasure," the Goblin said. "I am Kragor. To what do I owe this visit to Gringotts, Draco Malfoy?"
Draco pulled a large bag out of his pocket, along with several rolls of parchment.
"I have several assets that I need put away in the Malfoy vault and there is the matter of the debt that my ancestor, Victivus Malfoy owed back in 1865. I've decided that it's time that we're going to pay the debt back in full."
"You have my complete attention," Kragor said sharply.
Scorpius didn't pay attention to the conversation; He was too busy looking around the hall, watching the various interactions between wizards and Goblins.
He watched coins being counted, emeralds being weighed and observed a group of four Goblins take a large chest down one of the torch-lit passageways. Scorpius saw a couple of large gold coins fall out of it.
If only he could wander off and explore the place properly, but he promised his father that he would stay by his side and he wasn't going to break his promise.
Instead, he watched a family at the counter opposite Scorpius.
A woman with flaming red hair was talking to the Goblin who was presenting a large piece of parchment to a teenage boy with turquoise hair - Scorpius had never seen hair that colour before.
The woman had her hand on the teenage boy's shoulder and would nod every time the Goblin would finish speaking.
Standing apart from them, was a boy the same age as Scorpius.
He had messy jet-black hair, a thin, kind face and even though Scorpius was at a distance, he could still see the boy's bright green eyes that shone like the emeralds that Scorpius saw being weighed.
Scorpius felt as if he should know the boy somehow – he looked oddly familiar – but the excitement of being in Gringotts seemed to drive it from his mind.
The boy was also looking around the bank and little did Scorpius know, he caught the boy's attention. After he looked to the spot where the boy was standing, he saw that the boy had disappeared.
Scorpius frowned and blinked; Where did the boy go? He looked around for the boy and found his head sticking behind a pillar a few feet away from his mother, grinning at Scorpius.
Scorpius giggled and spotted a man carrying a large chest full of gold. As the boy darted from the pillar, Scorpius used the man with the chest as a cover so that he could hide behind the nearest pillar from his dad.
He looked around the pillar to see the boy looking around confusedly to see where Scorpius had gone.
Scorpius stuck a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter, however, he felt a pair of eyes on him and he looked up to see the boy grinning at him again.
They darted from pillar to pillar and Scorpius noted that this was the first time that he was able to play with someone his age and he was having the time of his life. But all things come to an end.
At the counter, Draco had finished doing business with Kragor the Goblin and once the ink had dried and they shook hands, Draco was ready.
"Come on, Scorpius," Draco said, beckoning to Scorpius.
Scorpius was hiding behind the nearest pillar and gave the boy an apologetic smile before following Draco.
Draco saw the boy and gave him a shrewd look which the boy faltered under. However, Draco's face softened and he gave the boy a small smile and a curt nod before turning on his heel and striding out of the bank, his black cloak billowing behind him.
"Bye!" Scorpius called to the boy and he ran after Draco.
"It's nice to see you making a friend," Draco said quietly. "Now, let's go find your mother and stop her from buying the Apothecary. You've been very good today. Shall we get an ice cream?"
"I'd love an ice cream, daddy!" Scorpius said excitedly. "Can I have two scoops instead of one? With lots of sauce and sprinkles and a big cherry on the top? Oh, and a wafer! I like wafers because I get to scoop up the ice cream."
"I don't see why not," Draco said. "Because you've been so good for me, I'll take you down to the vault the next time we visit Gringotts."
"Really?" Scorpius asked. "We get to go on the really fast cart? I've always wanted to ride that cart ever since I read about it and it doesn't matter that there aren't any dragons at the bank anymore. I can't wait. Hooray!"
Scorpius beamed up at his father and did a little skip on the spot before looking back at the boy. The boy waved at him and Scorpius waved back, feeling slightly disappointed that he didn't get to ask the boy his name.
Al watched the beaming blond boy leave with his father and sighed; It was nice while it lasted. Al had enjoyed it very much. He could hear the boy giggling the entire time that he was playing with him.
He wished he could've talked with the boy instead of playing with him but his mum told him not to wander off and he didn't want to disappoint her.
He would rather be with his mum and Teddy at Gringotts instead of Quality Quidditch Supplies with his dad, Uncle Ron, Aunt Hermione, James, Lily, Rose and Hugo celebrating the Chuddley Cannons recent win.
The endless Quidditch talk was starting to grate on him and if he had to watch his Uncle Ron dancing again, he would probably die of embarrassment on his behalf.
But Gringotts was an interesting place and Al had enjoyed playing with the beaming blonde boy whose sheer joy was infectious even at a distance.
The Goblin at the door might have given him a suspicious look, but his mum ushered him in with the promise that Al wasn't here to rob the place.
He had the feeling that there was something more to the story that Uncle Ron had told them and tried to ask his mum about it, but she was in a rush and Al had to keep quiet.
"Right, that's that then," Ginny said after finishing with the Goblin. "Come on, Al. Let's go meet up with dad, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione."
"Thanks for helping me understand all of this, Ginny," Teddy said, putting three leaflets carefully into his pocket as they left the bank. "It sounded very complicated."
"No trouble at all, Ted," Ginny said, patting Teddy on the arm. "Bill's better at explaining to you the finer details but it's all there in the leaflets."
"You're going to get a bank vault soon, Teddy?" Al asked, walking beside his Godbrother as they made their way down the street.
"Yeah, I can't believe it myself, Al," Teddy chuckled. "I'm soon going to be old enough to manage my own money. I remember it as if it were yesterday when your dad took me to Diagon Alley to get me my first books for Hogwarts."
"Do you have to put gold in your vault, though?" Al asked, kicking at a pebble. "You could put other stuff in there as well."
"Anything you have in mind?" Teddy asked slowly.
"Yeah, sweets," Al said. "James keeps eating them all."
"James will eat anything if it's coated in sugar," Teddy snorted. "You've just got to find a better hiding place."
"But he always finds them wherever I hide them," Al muttered, taking his frustrations out on another pebble.
"You've been well behaved today, Al," Ginny said, ruffling his hair gently. "I would've thought you would've found Gringotts boring."
"Not really," Al said, thinking of the beaming blond boy he had met in there and smiling. "It was quite interesting, actually. Why did you say to the Goblin at the door that I wasn't here to rob the place?"
Ginny seemed lost for words and Teddy caught her eye and turned away quickly, trying not to laugh.
"Well, love," Ginny said slowly. "I don't think I'll be able to explain it in the street."
"Because your dad did rob the place," Teddy said and Al stared at his godbrother.
"What do you mean?" Al asked, frowning.
"It's a long story, Al," Ginny said hastily. "You might want to ask your dad, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione about it."
"And watch them squirm," Teddy muttered. "Anyway, shouldn't we get some lunch? Al can ask them when we're eating."
"Could I get an ice cream?" Al asked suddenly, still thinking of the beaming blond boy.
"Of course you can," Ginny said, ruffling Al's hair again. "And because you've been so good for me, you can have an extra scoop."
"Really?" Al asked and Ginny leaned forward.
"But don't tell James," she whispered.
"Never," Al grinned and Ginny winked before ruffling Al's hair again.
As they walked down the crowded streets of Diagon Alley, Al spotted the beaming blonde boy from Gringotts sitting in an ice cream shop between his parents and eating a large ice cream with sprinkles, sauce, a big cherry on the top and a large wafer.
He was still wearing that big smile and Al caught the boy's eye and waved at him before moving on.
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(Just a drabble. Please ignore mistakes and the weird writing. I didn’t edit this out and just typed whatever was on my mind. Thanks for reading!)
His eyes shone with mischief and the knowledge that her pride will force her to accept the dare he'd set for her.
"It's not like I'm asking you to go make out with a stranger, although you can if you'd like--" Bucky was cut off by a massive cushion hitting him squarely in the face and toppling him from the couch he had been lounging on.
A sliver of satisfaction cut through the dread coursing through Addy as she watched the feared super soldier fall off his chair because of a cushion she'd hurled. Sam and Steve roared with laughter as Bucky picked himself up off the carpet, beside the table where they’d been spinning the bottle for Truth or Dare. Adonia's smile was smug as he turned over the cushion to hit Sam on the head, who was quicker and jumped out of the way, making Bucky stumble. Addy's smile grew even more smug but as Bucky turned to her with the cushion, his face was menacing but the twinkle in his eyes smothered the tiny fear that had sprung up at his prowl towards her.
He stuck out a hand to her, throwing the cushion away, like he was asking her for a dance. "Ma'am, may I escort you to your room so you can get dressed in time for dinner?" The look on his face was a teasing one, a man pleased with himself, as she groaned and took his hand, having had her silent pleas ignored by the other two.
Adonia glanced at him to give a witty reply but it got stuck in her throat, as he stared down at her with such intense longing in his eyes, although his mouth remained in an arrogant smirk. She was sure she had imagined it as the expression was gone in a flash but it sent a shiver down her spine nonetheless. Saying nothing other than a few choice swear words, Addy allowed herself to be led away to her suite, trying to hold down her panic.
"I'll come to your door in an hour, lady," he said, with another of his smirks as he crossed the landing to his suite on the other side. She sighed and opened her door to find her bedraggled best friend on her bed, eating all of Addy's gummy bears and watching something on her laptop.
Ames looked up to see Addy still standing by the door, looking like she'd been run over by a train. It surprised Amrani so much she paused whatever she was watching and got off the bed. Adonia was always composed, what had gotten her so riled up?
"You okay, bub?" Ames asked tentatively.
"Ahuh" was the listless reply that came.
Amrani rolled her eyes at Addy and pulled her in to sit by her. It didn't take any other prodding as Adonia explained the situation to her.
"GIRRRLLL, HE ASKED YOU OUT ON A DATE AND YOU'RE SITTING HER LIKE A RAG DOLL?!" Amrani almost pounced on her best friend the moment Addy finished talking and groaned at her.
Addy fell back into her bed, staring at the ceiling dejectedly. "I can't go, I'm a mess, it's a dinner, I have never been to a dinner. Like, I have but not dinner dinner, yaknowwhatimean--Oi shut it!" She threw an annoyed glance at Amrani who'd been shaking her head like she was having a fit.
"He asked you out on a date. Adonia Isabelle Anderson, he asked you out on a date. Bucky. Asked. You. Out. On. A. Date!"
"NO! It's a dare, not a date!"
Amrani's huff of impatience was complete with her look of "I can't believe this girl, can you?" as she dragged her best friend up and almost hurled her into the bathroom.
"Wash up, you dumbass, I'll help you get ready."
When Addy left the bathroom, she followed the sounds of Amrani digging through fabric to her walk-in closet and found her short-haired brunette girl hanging like a monkey from the shelves.
"What the hell are you doing?! You're going to get the whole wardrobe down!" Adonia yelled as she rushed to haul Amrani down.
"You're more concerned about your cupboards falling than your best friend getting hurt?" Ames cocked an eyebrow at Addy.
"Shut up, man, and tell me what you're doing."
"Hunting for some good clothes for you to wear."
"Why is that necessary? I can just wear my jeans with the floral shirt." Addy looked on in confusion as Ames once again gave her another of her head shakes and went back to her hunt.
"Bingo!" she yelled, as she pulled out a dress Adonia hadn't worn in months.
"There's no way I'm wearing that to dinner with him."
"It's not up for discussion and not your choice, babe."
And with that Ames sent her behind the screens to change.
As Addy shyly came out with the dress on, Ames let out a low whistle and turned her friend to the floor-to-ceiling mirror. Addy couldn't help but think she looked really nice and Ames looked very pleased with herself as she pushed her into a chair to straighten her hair.
The small emerald danglers she wore had been a gift from her mother and went quite well with the sunset yellow dress Ames had picked out for her, calf length and sleeves till her elbows. Adonia refused the high heels and settled for a slightly heeled strapped ballet style pair.
After Amrani deemed her eyeliner "on fleek" and triple checked her outfit for anything she might find amiss, Adonia was allowed to go back to her bedroom to pick up her phone and purse.
"I still don't understand why you made me up like this, it's not a date, for all we know, we're going for burgers at some pub," she muttered, as she picked up her phone.
"I know you think it's not a date but as someone who has seen the heated glances the two of you send to each other-- yes I've noticed--he's not taking you to a pub." And with that Amrani pulled her to the door as the knock came. Adonia had turned red with embarrassment that she'd been caught and then couldn't explain the thrill that ran through her as Ames mentioned he'd looked at her too.
Amrani opened the door to Bucky standing there in a spotless deep blue suit with a shirt that heightened the crystal blue of his eyes, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. Ames nodded approvingly at him as she herded Adonia out the door and shut it tight behind her with a "Have fun, you two" in form of a goodbye.
Bucky wore the same smirk from before but it was different, his gaze going softer as he surveyed Adonia and finally looked up with a boyish smile on his face as he held out the flowers, "For you."
Adonia felt like she was in a dazed dream as she accepted the bouquet and his arm as they walked into the elevator to be taken down. She realised she hadn't said a word, as the doors closed and they speeded down.
Adonia felt like her heart was going at a million miles per hour as Bucky said, "You, uhh, umm, you look beautiful." She dared a glance up at him to see his neck turn red as he bashfully dipped his head to look at her. She felt her own face redden with a searing heat, as she smiled at his compliment. She couldn't trust herself to speak without sounding like the mess she felt she was becoming inside.
As Bucky drove, Adonia couldn't help but glance at him from time to time. She ventured a careful "Where are we going?" to him as he pulled onto the highway.
"Somewhere nice, don't worry," he smiled at her so sweetly that she couldn't help herself. "I love the shirt you're wearing, it makes your eyes look prettier."
Bucky looked like he'd stopped breathing and Adonia thought she'd said something wrong when he said, "You think my eyes are pretty?" in such a soft whisper, she thought she'd misheard.
"Yes. I do."
"Thank you, Adonia."
"You're welcome, James."
And then the stiff formality of the exchange had them both burst out into laughter.
"I'm sorry, I'm just, so nervous," he managed to say as he tried to reign in his laugh.
"It's okay, Bucky, even I'm nervous."
"What are you nervous for?"
"Well, it is my first ever proper date, so."
Bucky was so still Addy looked over sheepishly and was about to apologise for having overanalysed, and damn you Amrani, when he said, in an awed voice, "You wouldn't mind it being a date?"
Adonia thought her chest was going to explode with nervous energy as she said, "No, Bucky, I won't." She was shocked by her own admission, probably something she'd been ignoring for a long time.
As Bucky pulled into the parking space for the restaurant he'd selected, his face was hard to read as Adonia bit her lip, fearing she'd maybe overstepped.
He held out the door for her and offered his hand again. She took it and stepped out, waiting as he locked the car. But instead of heading in, he turned to her to say, "Well, Adonia, I should ask you properly then."
Adonia felt like she was going to go up in flames as he took both her hands in his and smiled at her so tenderly. "Adonia, I've waited a long time to ask this and I didn't dare because I was afraid that firecracker of a best friend you have would put a knife in me." Addy burst out into a giggle as he continued, his smile growing wider. "There was also the chance of you refusing, and I was terrified you would and I'd fall apart. But umm..." He looked so endearing, stuttering like a teenager asking a girl out for the first time that Adonia forgot her own shyness to tilt his chin up so he looked at her again. "And?" she prompted.
"And, uhh, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I uhh, I would love to take you out on a date. And uhh, will you? Go with me?"
"Yes, Bucky. I think I will." Adonia smiled at him, a little surprised at her forwardness, but not all since she guessed she'd always had a soft spot for him since they'd met.
The unfiltered joy on Bucky's face was lovelier than she'd even imagined as he wound her arm through his, dropped a shy kiss on her hair and led her inside.
"My two happy little lovebirds, those dumbasses," grinned Ames to her phone as she downloaded the photo Addy sent her of the two of them, making weird faces at the camera, sitting in a fine dining restaurant.
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diabolikgrimreaper · 6 years ago
Kuroshitsuji Theory: Who are Canopus, Vega, Polaris and Sirius?
I have read a few more posts about this and I would like to insert my personal opinion and thoughts. I believe that these characters are ones we have met, and have had some sort of emotional connection to the audience/reader. Why? Yana would want, when revealed, to hit the audience in the feels and captivate the audience in awe.
(This post is very long and separate posts will be made about each inidividual character)
I made a list of characters that could possibly be one of these ‘stars’:
• Angelina Durless (Madam Red)
• Doll
• Joker
• Tanaka (debateable)
• Vincent/Rachel (debateable)
• r!Ciel
I will go into my theory on each of these characters below.
Firstly, all of these characters are present when o!Ciel is running. Each character turns into white rose petals. This is supposed to be symbolic. I believe that each person (see photo below) represents one of the sacred stars. Each person that is show in the photo below was ‘killed’ by o!Ciel in some way shape or form. Their death was at his hands. Vincent and Rachel died on his birthday, a happy day. I have concluded that o!Ciel feels guilty and ashamed that he has hurt these people.
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Why is Doll wearing her circus uniform?
Why is she here if she has no significance?
Does this mean she has a great significance than just being a tear jerker in the circus arc?
What is that significance?
I like to refer to Doll as o!Ciel’s only try friend. Doll genuinely scared about o!Ciel and went to lengths to make him feel happy and better. For example, she showed remorse and fear when he had an asthma attack, and shared her food with him when he only got a little. Doll loved o!Ciel as a friend and as a person.
I believe that Ciel recognizes this and feels guilt. What I don’t think he recognized was that he felt the same way towards her. He shuts out positive emotions, and he makes himself only feel despair and nothingness. When somebody finally showed an ounce of care and respect, he didn’t know what to do. This confused him.
Doll’s circus uniform could be symbolic of her sins. Which is why Yana decided to draw Doll wearing her WHITE dress. I believe that this white is supposed to juxopose her purity as a person, and the sins she has comitted during her life. This could also show how Doll was only a circus puppet. She was controlled and manipulated by her friends, and her ‘father.’ A truly horrible existence indeed.
The probability of Doll being Canopus, Vega or Polaris is real. This brings me into...
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Doll wnd Joker could both be Vega, since there is a theory that the Star Lord ‘Vega’ is actually two people. The evidence for this varies from theorist to theorist, but I believe that it is because there are two mirrors in Vega’s room, also two stools, and two rabbits.
Doll hates staying alone, she has a fear of loneliness. She needs somebody to be with her. UT was most likely present when the fire at Kelvin’s manor occurred, and he most likely retrieved Joker as he did to r!Ciel. Doll died outside of the flames, so she was an easy pick up.
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Yes, this room is girly, and there is only one bed. However, there could be another bed out of frame that we can’t see. This could be Joner’s bed. HOWEVER, I noticed something strange in the photo, well, two, actually.
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There seems to be a photo that resembles a witch riding on her broom stick as well as a pot of flowers. What does the pot of flowers have to do with anything? Look at it again.
Doesn’t it look familiar? Like Doll’s hair when she is in uniform? ... but I can’t keep talking about her. The link to the post about Doll/Joker is HERE (please wait until I get it made, then I will upload it!
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(Photo is NOT my edit, I just forgot who is belonged to so if you made this please message me and I’ll credit you)
Angelina Durless
I have a theory that Madam Red is Canopus. Canopus has been theorized to be injured, since Polaris and Vega is went out to find a food source for r!Ciel (most likely blood), while Canopus was not mentioned going out on any missions. Also, at Canopus’s bedside, there are items that would only be found at the bedside of somebody who was sick.
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For example, blood bandages. Who do we know that was fatally wounded in a violent way? Madam Red. However, Joker was also horribly injured. So Canopus could be either Joker or Madam Red.
(I will make a seperate post about the possibility of Angelina being Canopus soon).
Also, I will make a WHOLE nother post about Tanaka being Polaris... and how Vincent and Rachel could have some connection to why he agreed was forced to do it.
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hoopdiddies · 6 years ago
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 7)
A/N: This is probably the longest I've written in this series. Again guys, thank you for the support, your comments and likes mean so much! My tag list is always open so feel free to ask. And on a slightly heavy note: the next chapter could be really angsty. Just a heads up right there uwu
Summary: You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Warnings: Angst, slight drinking, slight swearing, (yeah the fluff is still present)
W/C: 5k-ish
Tags: @haendel-me-with-care
Edited// I forgot to link the previous parts
Parts: 6 5 4 3 2 1
(Got the pic from Pinterest hhh-)
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Storing the luggage bag you've purchased for a fair price in the spare room, you come across a small box of sundries tucked in one corner with cobwebs clinging to the sides. Your eyes light up with curiosity spiking within you, you pick it up and dust the webs off, blowing the particles away from the top. You squat on the floor and open the flaps, discovering small yet familiar items that had been lost in time– one of them being a sepia-toned polaroid of you and Ben posing dramatically with hilarious doodles drawn on your faces. You forgot about this, feeling a little guilty that you had hidden it away in a drafty box without remembering doing anything of the sort. You flip the picture over and spot a date and an unfinished sentence written in faded ink on the bottom left part. This was taken on Homecoming night.
'I'm not going-' it says, clearly discontinued next to the date. Silly to think that the picture somehow represents a puzzle piece torn away from its board.
You were bound to graduate the week after and barely a day after, not see each other for several years due to your career paths and post-college choices.
You pull on the hem of your shirt, clearing the picture of dust and any more impurities, finally fitting it into your back pocket to finally treasure it the way it was always meant to be treasured.
The door clicks as you bring it close, your eyes gluing themselves at the hardwood floor seconds to having self-pity billow over you at how quickly your tears surface in the corner of your eyes from the memory of Ben spinning Rosy around - the exact way he did with you -and kissing her like she's a pouch full of life.
You clamp down on your bottom lip, trying your hardest not to stain your cheeks with your pooling tears. "Jeez, you just-" you pace back and forth in frustration, balling your fists as you gesticulate lazily, "you just don't get it, Y/N! Ugh, you're so- fuck, just get over it..." Knowing your harsh soliloquy would be getting you nowhere, you snarl strongly at yourself and roughly wipe your tears away with the back of your hand.
"He loves Rosy. F-freaking deal with it!" The reminder takes a hiss from your quivering lips for it to sink in; you have your own place in his life– a place behind the line you'd drawn in the years prior. The friend zone couldn't be any more hollow and cold than it already is.
And a polaroid pic is the only remnant left of how inseparable you and Ben were in the early days.
At the same time you're feeling your heart tear itself apart, Ben pulls out a picture - similar to what you've found - from the inner pocket of his old varsity jacket in the middle of rummaging through his wardrobe. He leaves his room in his pajamas and tosses himself on the couch next to a sleeping Frankie, softly apologizing to the little beagle for disturbing her cat-like nap. As he cuddles Frankie close, he scrutinizes the picture and it's also from Homecoming, but in it both of you are beaming widely with your arms slung around one another– the doodles ever-so-present on your faces. Behind it, the date and the continuation of the trailed-off sentence written at the back of your share of the memory.
'-anywhere at all.'- it ends in Ben's part of the duality. He grins fondly at the long lost picture, feeling twice as guilty for not keeping it safe and...close to his heart, just as he had promised you that night.
- - - - - - - -
In the convenience of Lucy needing some company to shop with for awards season just as she had returned from her get-away with Rami, she drags you along happily, having to pass through you insisting that you stay at home and study but purposefully ending up under her mercy anyway. You couldn't say no to her, she's basically your sparkly, glam counterpart and you're in need of her life-altering sparkles as of now. Especially since you're going to be tagging along with them, mainly as Joe's date cause you know, you're his 'girlfriend' and all.
You're at the mall, in a stylish boutique full of lines of voguish clothing and shoes that could span miles if not compressed together. For once in the hours you've spent scampering around the mall with Lucy to hoard dresses, skin products and make up, you admit that this is the most aesthetically pleasing space in the entire building.
You traipse along a section with black dresses fashioned into different forms, silently praying that what you have with you will amount to at least one of the varying prices.
Lucy's on the opposite side, ogling at the most colorful section in the boutique for a piece to wear. She peers over at you to make sure you've chosen your 'fighter'. A few swishes of the dresses lined up and you do, holding it up high to evaluate the appropriateness.
It's a sleeveless, halter neck satin that's just a few inches above the knee. Utterly backless but it ends right up the small of your back. The fabric is stretchy enough to move around and breathe in as it simultaneously hugs your shape. You love it but gulp as you prepare yourself for the price. Flipping the tag over, you suddenly wish you could let out the biggest, girlish squeal the human race has ever heard with how surprisingly affordable it is.
"Finally picked out yours?" Lucy pokes her head up playfully and you nod, quite speechless but giddy. She makes a grabby hand at your dress to examine it for herself.
Well she's the fashion guru so why not? You hand her the dress and as she trails her eyes from top to bottom, her mouth falls at the simple yet elegant details. "This is perfect! I highly doubt that it's not going to catch every exposed eye present at the event."
Your flush profusely at her comment. "Thanks but I'll be bringing a coat with me."
That triggered her, but of course you're only teasing. "You better effing not." She warns you and you chuckle, taking the dress from her and evenly brushing the skirt.
"I won't, you can sleep soundly tonight."
You assure her of the possibility. As you exit the boutique with a few bags you're not used to holding, Lucy takes out her phone and gasps, her face contorting with a little disbelief. "Uh oh, this might ruin your mood." She hands you the phone and you gape at her confusingly before taking a quick look.
Ben's posted some updates on his wedding preparations, shockingly tagging you, Joe, Gwil and Lucy in one photo. He's pretty busy alright; unable to text or call you for days but miraculously tagging you out of nowhere.
You come to disregard it until you notice one minute but important detail hidden in plain sight in all of his posts– there isn't a single one with him and Rosy together alone. None of such as well on his new ones.
The only post he's had with a close girl is the one with you, which is at the very bottom of his Instagram feed. You won't admit it but it warms your heart a little. Actually, a whole lot despite wondering why there's none of him and his fiancee. You hand Lucy her phone back and tilt your head to one side, suddenly finding the eagerness to go on shopping. "Let's go."
The following week comes as a radial blur contrasted to the slightly moderate one you just woke up from; your manager phoning you up to take the earliest shift you've had in years at the expense of your allotted time to rest, the heavy workload and rush hours in the upcoming hours followed by the slowest progress of filing your travel documents and visa needed for your departure on the 26th. You've got tons of missed calls from your parents and Joe, who's requested for you to pack up early since you'll be leaving for LA with Lucy on the day of the awards but earlier.
Also noting that you still need to double check the costs for flying to LA and back, ruling out the one exclusive for your flight on the 26th.
For mere days you feel as if you could lose your sanity as your life spirals into madness with everything you're required to do– whether or not you're obliged to do it.
But they are effective distractions for that problem you are still very much preoccupied with. That's a matter noteworthy of later discussion. Amidst all the chaos happening, part of you wishes for Ben to reply to your messages or even talk to you in the slightest. You never bothered to call this week since he's tied up but the least he could do is let you know how he's doing, if he's thinking of you once in a thousand passing seconds.
You give up for a day waiting on him and drown yourself in work.
- - - - - - -
Securing your phone between your tilted head and your shoulder as you indulge in your talk with Joe through the line, you crouch and zip your luggage bag close. Your eyes fixating themselves on two, separate luggage bags for two, separate travels.
"Was that all of it?" Joe's disembodied voice asks. You spring up and take your phone between your fingers. "Pretty much. I better have a kick out of something by the time we touchdown tomorrow– it's my first visit to the US." You inform him, leaping into your bed and landing comfortably.
He chortles softly and ensures you. "I know and you can be sure to expect a good par- ow! Bad kitty!" His smooth transition to a yelp amuses you for split second.
"Are you alright? "
"No. I'm finally feline food to my kid." He refers to his pet cat that has taken a small nibble on his finger, in which Joe returns with a light ruffle to its fur. You can't help but giggle heartily at him.
"Anyway, I'm picking you and Lucy up from LAX tomorrow." He gives you that heads up and you bring your hand up to your forehead. "Where will we be staying?"
"I've booked a hotel earlier so you've got nothing to worry about the moment you land." A faint crunch can be heard from your end and you mind to ask Joe about it. "Are you- are you eating?"
To answer your question, he bites down on his food sloppily and guarantees you of what you heard. You smack your lips together as your eyes narrow in bewilderment.
"Does that answer your question?"
"Sometimes you make it easier for me to hit you with a pillow."
"Is that how you treat your boyfriend?" He taunts at you and cackles, his distorted voice bouncing off of the walls of your room. You sigh, defeated by the fact that this charade is still going on. It's silly and immature yet you and Joe somehow managed to stick to the act.
"Speaking of boyfriend though– would he be furious if I told him that I couldn't be there on his wedding day?" Since you're rested and got nothing else to distract you, you pop the question to Joe.
You hum softly.
"There are two scenarios that we need to consider," on his end, Joe taps his finger on his lips as he thinks of said scenarios, "Best case scenario- he would get discouraged and slightly unmotivated, and obviously sad, but he'd still support you cause that's your dream."
You sit up and twirl the ends of your hair around your finger, swallowing. "And worst case scenario?"
Joe falls silent before exhaling harshly. "You'd crush his soul, heart, everything ranging from physical to spiritual and it would take a toll– and I mean a substantial toll on your friendship."
"Joe, don't make it sound like a prospect! "
"That is, " he adds strongly, "if he finds out that you had meant for him to be oblivious to it." And he's right. But you had a reason. You still do. Even if you do end up telling him and he supports you, you need a great deal of space to move on.
As long as he's committed to Rosy and you're in the sidelines still in love with him, it's just something toxic. You couldn't love anybody they way you do Ben and you feel like you'll never love someone like him ever again. Albeit how clueless he is sometimes and clumsy, you both had survived every storm and wave. So sticking around to witness him give his hand and heart to someone else is torture for you.
"I'm gonna be direct and say-" just as you begin talking, your phone shrills to another caller, cutting you off from Joe.
One look at the screen and your heart begins racing. Speak of the devil. You reserve an explanation for cutting off and answer Ben, clearing your throat. "You're late."
Ben's gruff chuckle welcomes you back. "I know, I'm so sorry. Busiest week I've had and the lady at Starbucks signed my cup like a snail."
"What are you doing tonight that requires coffee?"
"Call me dramatic- or do so, given that I'm an actor- but I just want to stargaze right now." You hear a light rustle coming from his end, like he's seated out on his lawn.
Silently giving him the 'oh really' look, you spread one side of the curtain to let some moon light in. "Ben, you're leaving early tomorrow."
He hums, seemingly enjoying himself. "But that's not an excuse to not enjoy the night." This boy can not get any cornier. You cast your gaze upon the moon, sighing profoundly. "How did the wedding planning go? Good?"
"Hm, yeah. Church wedding, big reception. Whole lot of booze binging planned out. And a killer bachelor party the day after the awards. " He jokes through the line and you tell him off in a playful chide. "Benjamin Jones, you better-"
"I won't. I won't." You sense his gentle smile from your end, checking the time and reluctantly coming to the decision to hit the hay since you'll be leaving early as well. As much as you want to recreate those late night conversations you once had with him, you can't.
"Hey?" You coo somehow.
"I gotta sleep. I have to meet Lucy at the airport at 5."
He gives out a throaty grunt as if he's pulling himself up. "Tragic. I'll see you in LA then, love."
Your lips curl up into the gentlest smile with the moonlight blessing it from the window. "You too. Tell yourself and the rest- especially Brian and Roger- that I'm gonna be rooting for you guys to get up on that stage."
"I will. Thanks for the motivation, Y/N. All the words coming from you just mean so much to me. To all of us." And in his voice, you can hear his utmost sincerity and fondness just highlighting his tone.
"Anytime. Now let me sleep, you bloke. "
"Haha, alright. Love you tons, love."
Shifting your eyes to the sky once more, you reply, allowing the words you're about to say to mean more.
"I love you too, Ben. Good night."
- - - - - - -
You had promised Lucy you'd arrive 10 minutes earlier than her and you really didn't hold on to that promise. As soon as you arrive at the airport nearly bathing in sweat and deaf from the multiple rings Lucy has given you, you both take off to the waiting area with your heavy luggage where you spend an hour and a half waiting for your flight to board. Joe has sent two texts telling you that he's still in the middle of having coffee and it's a questionable action since he's 8 hours behind you and is expected to be asleep by now.
You reply with a simple, "See you there" before heeding to the call of your flight number from the speakers.
All the rushing and you haven't had a bite of breakfast yet. An eleven hour flight doesn't sound so bad, as long as you make sure you don't reel everytime you get up to use the bathroom and acquire jet lag the moment you land from a direct flight without any pit stops. The flight is long as you are awake but by the time you fall asleep in between hours, it shortens the duration. The pilot announcing your arrival wakes you and Lucy from the latest nap you've had on the plane. After gathering your luggage and answering a couple of phone calls on you way down the plane, the arrival area is where you spy Joe behind the red tapes, a scarf around his neck and an eager look plastered on his pale skin, just waiting for you and Lucy to step in. His eyes crinkle as he sees you both treading towards him with a handful of luggage. He greets you both with a tight hug and ushers you to his car, assisting with the transport of your things.
He's booked you in the hotel he's staying in to, of course, avoid some minor inconveniences especially since the awards start at 7 pm and you drastically need Lucy to help you prepare. Upon reaching the hotel, he leads the both of you up the second floor and into the hall for your rooms.
Apparently you and Lucy will be sharing which is the great and Joe will be staying in the room right across yours.
After giving yourselves a brief tour of the room, you settle in and unpack your essentials.
"Y/N, bring out your fighter!" Lucy declares with a giggle, pulling the dress she's chosen from her suitcase. It's a purple, off-the-shoulder, crepe satin and black velvet gown that cascades gracefully against the stable air.
Your eyes widen in awe at how it looks against the light. "No need for a match, Luce. You win," you raise your hands up in surrender, "that's- that's catching more eyes. From Rami of course."
"Oh shut it. You'll look smooth in black." She clicks her tongue and smoothens it at the edge of the bed. You whip out yours and hold it up high, wavering a little at how you'll look like in it tonight. How fortunate you were to find 3-inch, black pumps closeted when you were 'panic packing' the night before. You take it out from your suitcase and set it aside before striding towards the blinds, pulling it up and beholding the breathtaking view of Hollywood before you.
Your first visit to the US and you're already headed to the Oscars. This isn't the real life. This is just fantasy.
- - - - - - - -
"We're having a dinner party afterwards, I don't see any reason for two sandwiches before the ceremony." Staring blankly at how Joe's handling waiting for you and Lucy to emerge from your room, Rami purses his lips quizzically– he's come by to pick up his girl as well. The two men look dashingly handsome in their black tuxes and slick hairstyles– their individual charm strong as they highly anticipate for your appearances.
Joe swallows the chunk in his mouth before speaking. "I'm stressed."
"About what?"
He bites down on his last sandwich, dusting his hands off crumbs as he reasons out. "It's the Oscars. Biggest ceremony of the year."
With a shake of his head, Rami opens his mouth to protest but pauses as the creak of the door behind them butts in their conversation. Lucy - exquisite in her cascading satin gown and look dotted in light to moderate make up - emerges with her purse in hand and eyes heady on Rami.
Joe wishes he could loosen some hinges in Rami's jaw since the latter has got his mouth agape at her girlfriend's evening look. To him, she is his ultimate award and he wouldn't have it in any other way.
"Hey, babe." Lucy smiles delicately and kisses Rami's cheek, to which he responds with a breathless, "Luce, you look..." His starstruck silence finishing his compliment for her. Joe hums, agreeing with crossed arms. "I wish I was as pretty as you, Boynton."
"You boys look handsome, too." Lucy giggles softly and Joe begins to wonder. "Where's Y/N?"
"She'll be out in three...two..." As Lucy deliberately pauses her countdown, you come out of the room, head down as you feel a bit hesitant to continue but you regain your confidence and look up timidly– your appearance putting Joe in the same position Rami was just in with Lucy. The dress really agrees to your form, contouring every curve of your body in a semi-sensual way, guaranteeing that you'll be snagging some looks tonight. Your (H/C) hair frames your face intricately with your light make-up emphasizing the color of your eyes and lips. The light brush of air against the skin of your exposed back makes you clutch your purse tighter, deeming it uncomfortable.
Lucy smiles proudly at her work and that is you. "Well, how does she look Joe?"
Joe lets out a hitched exhale, hazel eyes wide as a sinkhole and a slacked jaw struggling to budge. "Like my girlfriend."
"You wish." You can't help but retort playfully and he brings his finger up to his lips, hushing you. Rami compliments you as well and you thank him as the four of you make your way to the elevator– your arm on Joe's and Lucy's on Rami's.
You've taken a limo for the sake of convenience, since Joe and Rami wanted to propose a pre-toast - with the champagne present in the vehicle - to their successes and hard work in the past year. You have faith they'd bring home an Oscar; considering how spectacular their work was portraying the members of Queen. You're also thrilled that you're about to meet Brian and Roger.
The limo parks just across Dolby Theatre and the four of you climb out, making your way arms-in-arms into the place crowded with paparazzi and attendees. You see yourself as a small fish swimming in a sea full of majestic dolphins. This is the big leagues right here and you're not even one bit of a celebrity– at least you feel like you aren't one. After a couple of shoulder brushes with either familiar and unfamiliar faces and escaping the blinding flashes of the cameras, the four of you reunite with Gwilym who has Roger and Brian present by his side. You are introduced to the two Queen members by Joe and you couldn't be any more happier to meet them in person. A couple of moments of interacting with the rest of the crew and cast, Ben joins the 'party' looking sharp and admittedly drop-dead gorgeous in his white tuxedo blazer and slicked back hair with Rosy by his side.
Before he could even reply to the greetings of his friends, he lays his eyes on you and for a while– his pupils dilate and his expression flits faster than he can command it to. He can't believe what or who he is seeing before him amidst all the glam. Letting go of Rosy's hand for a minute, he steps close to you, indescribably captivated. "Y/N...h-hey."
You keep your composure, musing back. "Hey. You look left out, outfit-wise, and a like a million bucks."
It takes him nearly five seconds to reply with the way hes has his eyes transfixed on you. It's like he's seeing you for the first time. Your evening look setting him back to Homecoming night and something inside him just tweaks. You avoid his mindless gaze and break the silence, trying your hardest not to flush. "Ben, please talk. It's just really-"
"You look...beautiful." He breathes out like he had just gotten up from under water.
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johnnymundano · 6 years ago
Delirium (1987) (AKA Le foto di Gioia)
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Directed by Lamberto Bava
Screenplay by Gianfranco Clerici and Daniele Stroppa
Story by Luciano Martino
Music by Simon Boswell
Country: Italy
Running Time: 93 minutes
Serena Grandi as Gloria
Daria Nicolodi as Evelyn
Vanni Corbellini as Tony
David Brandon as Roberto
George Eastman as Alex
Katrine Michelsen as Kim
Karl Zinny as Mark
Lino Salemme as Inspector Corsi
Sabrina Salerno as Sabrina
Capucine as Flora
delirium /dɪˈlɪrɪəm/ noun 1) an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence, occurring in intoxication, fever, and other disorders. 2) a 1987 Italian giallo erotic horror film directed by Lamberto Bava characterized by illusions, incoherence, boobs and dismal 1980s pop “star” Sabrina being stung to death while buck nekkid except for a very poor bee mask.
(Guilt Belch: The print of Delirium I streamed was atrocious. So I have had to nick pics off IMDB. Thanks, Prime.)
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Delirium is a terrible but worryingly enjoyable (very) late entry in the Italian giallo cycle. It is also a frighteningly prophetic movie. While it retains enough of the hallmarks of its Italian genre forbears to remain identifiably a giallo, Delirium also clearly points to the forthcoming cultural nightmare of the American cable TV style “erotic thrillers” of the 1990s, which in retrospect were neither erotic nor thrilling. These dismal American exercises in coy peekaboo tedium all starred Shannon Tweed and were about as erotic as sorting the recycling in the rain. They possessed plots so featureless they might in fact all have been the same movie, just edited differently and given a different title (Animal Longings, Nocturnal Emissions, Nocturnal Longings, Animal Emissions, Nocturnal Animals, oh wait…).  I don’t know much about them beyond that because I was busy playing Quake and they were, well, dull; Delirium is anything but dull. Delirium is ridiculous, misogynistic, stupid, and on at least two occasions astoundingly Guinness Book of Records level nuts, but it is rarely ever dull. Delirium is either better than you think or worse than you think, or both. Whatever, it’s definitely something.
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Gloria (Serena Grandi; chesty) is an ex-“glamour” model who has used the money from her husband’s recent death to empower herself by moving into publishing. In a strikingly feminist move Gloria has chosen to publish the same kind of glossy booberama she used to appear in; it’s called Pussycat, because classy never goes out of fashion. Her next door neighbour is Mark (Karl Zinny; overwrought), a young man confined to a wheelchair after a car accident in which his fiancé died. He peeps on the Pussycat photoshoots Gloria stages poolside, and frequently rings Gloria up to tell her how hard she makes him and how much he wants to “invade her flower”, because contrary to reports romance isn’t dead. Kim (Katrine Michelsen; expendable), Gloria’s friend is, however, very dead; stabbed by a pitchfork in front of Mark’s creepy peepers. Gloria thinks Mark’s having her on since no body is found, but then photos arrive showing Kim’s corpse posed in front of a blown up photo of Gloria’s chest, and when Kim herself turns up in a skip Inspector Corsi (Lino Salemme; macho) is called in to look virile and get everything wrong.
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Delirium being a giallo first and a cinematic spank mag second, the dead bodies accumulate faster than the glimpses of skin, and almost as fast as the red herrings. Basically, the race is on to unmask the killer before everybody in the movie is dead. Mark saw the killer had long blonde hair so is the killer Gloria’s blonde haired assistant Evelyn (Daria Nicolodi; too good for this)? But Kim was posed in front of an old photoshoot only Roberto (David Brandon; again, too good for this) has access to, so it must be him right? Yet Roberto claims the negatives were stolen, so maybe it’s Flora (Capucine; think an evil Sybil Danning) who is trying to wrest the magazine from Gloria, who Flora feels owes her one since she saved Gloria and her brother from “the street”. Or maybe it’s Gloria’s brother Tony (Vanni Corbellini) who can’t get it up for ‘80s pop footnote Sabrina? Gloria bumps into an old flame, Alex (George Eastman; rugged), who can get it up, as we see in a scene where he humps Gloria’s thigh in the bath while she shakes about a bit, but Alex proves elusive after his comeback hump so maybe it’s him? There are so many suspects I even forgot to mention Mark, but then he can’t walk, so it can’t be him. Or can he, so can it? Or something?
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Delirium’s mystery is enjoyably daft, and despite the flat lighting, terrible music and capable but unadventurous direction you will find yourself trying to guess who the killer is, as though you are watching something that actually might make sense. This is the fundamental magic of giallo; it tramples the boundaries of sanity so enchantingly that to not go along with it would leave you feeling like a sour faced party pooper. Delirium is trash, yes; but it’s magnificently, unapologetically trashy. Now, you can either take my word on that and watch the movie and have your mind blown harder than a sailor on shore leave, or you can read on where there be SPOILERS for the twin trash highpoints of Delirium.
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For connoisseurs of the bizarre there are two great reasons to watch Delirium, and no, that’s not a set up for a very poor joke about the physical talents of the well upholstered star Serena Grandi. At one point Kim, smoking by a swimming pool, without any whiff of warning, inexplicably and suddenly has a face like a giant eyeball in a wig. The fact she is promptly pitchforked to death is just the icing on the, uh, eyeball. (Eventually you figure out that this eyeball faced lady is what the killer sees in the grip of their…(ta dah!) delirium, but I’m pretty sure the movie never explicitly explains it. Which is either lazy or brave; you decide.) This scene alone is all kinds of amazing, so much so that I feared Delirium had peaked early (like Tony; Boom! Boom!), but luckily even the pitchfork murder of an eyeball faced woman is not ridiculous enough for Delirium. No, Delirium also has a scene where 1980s pop warbler Sabrina is stung to death by bees in her own apartment while wearing only an unconvincing bee mask. This latter scene goes on at eye glazing length. It’s sobering to realise how quickly the human mind can become bored by the sight of a 1980s pop shouter being stung to death while wearing only a very poor bee mask. Unless of course you have a fetish for 1980s pop nonentities being stung to death while wearing only a very poor bee mask, in which case you might want to marry this movie. I’m certainly not judging you; it’s a big world. And Delirium is big, guilty fun.
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cerlsy · 6 years ago
Stark leaks
Avengers: Endgame Spoilers Warning!
Summary: Peter Parker takes an argument with Steve Rogers, in which they leaks their secret.
Notes: Maybe it seems a little Steve-unfriendly, but I have no discontent to him.
I just want to tell a story about what they get from the endgame.
The story happens after the snap, before the funeral.
Words: 1.5k
They are not set up to meet up with each other in a narrow tea room. The interspace is filled with stress because of the two superheroes.  
"Well, he likes freshly ground coffee. "The first sentence, which is thrown out without hesitating in the apical, sounds lively and relaxing as the young used to be. But it is a confrontation that was designed on purpose. Or the speaker just wants to make trouble out of nothing and gets his feelings off his chest. 
Steve doesn't prepare to continue the conversation. He sniffs out kinda provocation comes from Peter. But the boy makes no reasons to do this … right? Both of them stare at the innocent coffee cup in Steve's hand for a while. The blue eyes and the brown, the porcelain white mug, make up a familiar scene which Steve can't recall up clearly. He has forgotten too much and missed too much, the poor "old man". Old man. Steve looks softer when he repeats the words in mind. They were vocalized through the mild lips in a sharp and affectionate tone. 
The reaction of Steve is unexpected. But what sort of reaction Peter wanted to see indeed? He looks away, feeling ashamed for his attempt to beats the air. Anyway, neither will he apologize nor make the PEACE. He turns around and goes ahead towards the door sullenly. ”And Starbucks sometimes. He's always so busy.” The second one, in a narrative tone which sounds quiet, is used to pine someone dreamily. That sort of self-talking and gentleness drive a nail - a tiny one - into Peter, and he is nailed there. 
"Yeah, so busy, for the Act, for the Avengers." Maybe not tiny enough. He turns back fiercely, glaring at Steve. Not actually "glare", Peter corrects, the word is not accurate, while he just tries to express his emotion by eyes. FUCKING ACT. FUCKING AVENGERS. He shouts soundless, gnashing hard till getting hurt. 
A stifling silence. Steve feels thirsty suddenly. He disguises himself by taking a sip of coffee. Bitter. Forgot adding sugar. "Tony owns his insistence and ideal, we did not dispute for ourselves, kid." 
"DON'T CALL HIM LIKE THAT!" Peter yells out, maybe, he's not sure. He takes in air, feeling his cranial cavity is buzzing and throat is grabbed by the anger stuck in his body. "What is not for yourself? Howard Stark or James Barnes?" 
Boy in adolescence grows quickly that his eyes are almost at the level of those of Steve, aka Captain American. He witnesses that the man stays there in stiltedly. The hero in his child dream seems so lost facing with his harsh words right now. Peter closes eyes then opens, over and over again, "Nobody will blame on you with things that really not for yourself, neither Mr. Stark nor me. But you thought that I was far from qualified, right?" 
"No. Not exactly...I believe in Tony, and you." Steve is comforting them, both. He doesn't wanna take it serious although the kid does hurt him. He pushes Steve to the edge of the ruined reality, drives him to open eyes and inescapably look at the mess he made. 
"Sounds like you stand by him always." Peter takes a step closer, and ignores the olive branch from Steve. "You are extremely nice to treat everybody kind and patient, Captain. Expect HIM. So you believe that,  'Tony Stark has no heart'?" 
No. That's not the truth. Steve tries to explain himself, the words rolling in his throat and dropping to his stomach finally. They fall apart and can never be rebuilt. He can't help guessing how Tony thought about it . What if Tony believed that Steve did hate him, for private reasons? Or the genius just penetrated his ulterior longing and self-struggle hiding behind the altisonant sentences. All the evidences lead to one fact, that he is just irrational and passively resistant for things concerning Tony Stark. 
The Captain American is a can-not-be-defeated hero, while Steve Rogers is a normal human. Maybe he is stronger, with the same complexity and indecision. The poor poor OLD MAN. 
"You are gonna understand us someday." 
Understand how struggling a man should be, so he can manage to resist his heart submitting to another. 
Peter glances at him, questioningly and sympathetically, "You know what, it sounds like you are haunted by communication disorders, Captain. That's not considerate but arrogant. In fact, I can understand as long as you explain." 
Steve shakes head and puts down the mug, then raises his arm to backslapping the new-succeeding young hero. But Peter sidesteps rapidly. Steve looks awkwardly, with the come-for-nothing hand creasing his pant. 
Scanning every corner of the tea room, Peter sighs suddenly, then takes the responsibility to look for a topic more relaxing. "We spent a lot of time there. Outside the workshop, we always sat there together with a cup of coffee, and shared our life. I didn't know had I made too much noise or not, but I guess that he didn't annoy."
 "An amazing mentor, isn't he?" Steve licks his lips and stresses the word "mentor". 
"More than a mentor." Peter shrugs, "We are friends, companions, and families. Sometimes he's still ... childish." He says, smiles, sincerely. Hah, the good old days. 
"DANGEROUSLY childish." Steve interrupts Peter furiously. 
The sentence offends both of them. From stressful to stressful, nothing is fresh. It always be. Steve was imitating himself who still took the taking-risk-on-himself devotee around. But he shouldn't show it in front of Peter, who can never be hippie-beard. 
"A-huh, sounds you were still in the video I watched at school guardroom." Peter takes a step back, "Don't you never think about that what he need indeed? Accompaniment, no moral maxim." 
"I have been accompanying him! What do you think I did during the five years?" Steve becomes aggressive. He raises his voice so that he could defend what he ... they have experienced together. TOGETHER. 
Not till now, Steve finally treats Peter as an intact human.  
Oh maybe they two could never be intact, from now on.  
"In my speculation, engaging the rebuilding, taking part in the support groups, playing the role as American anchor, you have been doing these years, for which I do respect you, by the way." Peter simpers. "But what did you do for him? If there was any action you had taken, any, how mean he is that even doesn't will to place a photo of yours on the cupboard?" 
Looks that Steve is gonna fight with Peter. 
They should. 
"Anyway you kept a half of shield with you, at least." Peter puts in, acidulously.1
The fist bangs on table while the word is falling from lips, which makes a loud sound. Cover up, tear down. 
"Mr. Stark cherished that coffeemaker, you'd better be more careful, Captain. "
 Steve puffs and blows, clenching his fist and unclenching in frustration. He compresses his lips tightly, locking the sorrows. At the last, a piece of mere excuse escapes.
 "You don't understand which kind of emotion I hold - "
 "Then tell me." Peter stands straightly.
 "Sorry but what- "
 "Tell me, what's that."
 "…You can't understand." The third time, the similar sentence. Peter is just watching him in silence, waiting for something. But is there anything Steve can say? He is not good at expressing, not proficient at rhetoric, even can not express his feelings properly. The emotion can't be defined in language, as it's a secret hiding under the skin.
 The human-beings roughly classify their emotions into several areas, in which Steve tries to fit his. The broken words he engulfed slashed his belly open, exposing the inside to air bloodily.
 "It's love." Steve says, eyes shining in devotion, as he had sent the love whisper to his reachless lover. "I love him." 
"You pride yourself on it overly." Peter folds his arms and takes the erratic behaviour of Steve in eyes. It's just ridiculous, Peter means, one can not abandon somebody and say love him, as nothing happened.
 It's not the rules of the world.
 "You don't ... " Steve bites it at the beginning. The blue sea covered by clouds lowers the eye-curtains.
 "You thought that I don't understand. 'Cause you FLATTER yourself. Is this what you told him? Or he told you? " Peter aggresses. "What makes you believe that his kindness is so inconspicuous that only you can find it. "
 "You thought that I didn't understand. But It's me who took him back from Siberia. It's me who stood by him throughout. It's me who gave him the last hug. You thought that I didn't understand, but I can understand how to love at least. " He says in soft-lamenting tone.
 "But I get no chance. We get no chance, any more."
 Steve loses his voice. So that's where the provocation comes from. The secret of Pandora pushes them out, under the sun. They are bare in front of it, the avoidless-lightless-hopeless-but-blazing, hoarsely and exhaustively.
 But it doesn't matter. The sorrow, the mourning, doesn't matter anymore. They had been stuck in the cage made by the genius, long ago. They can't get out, and do not want to.
 The tremendous red-gold flame hurricaned the wilderness, leaving a heap of wind-gone ashes.
P.S. My first work in English, maybe it's not perfect. Feel free to correct!
Thanks for my dear betas: Miss Yang and  @bamboo794613825 :P
I have a Chinese Edition if you have an interest in
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xukunstellation · 7 years ago
One More Night || Zhu Zhengting
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Title: One More Night Pairing: Reader x Zhengting Genre: angst Word Count: 2018 words Summary: The more you try to fix your relationship, the more it seems to fall apart. Warning: heavy arguing (nothing explicit)
A/N: Oof, I couldn’t find an appropriate gif for the life of me, so I went ahead and edited one of his weibo photos. This is my first full on angst on this blog and I’m sooo happy since angst is the genre I’m best at. Brace yourselves, lovelies. You’re in for a wild ride. Everything is under the cut! Happy reading!
You don’t remember how long you’ve been waiting.
You sat alone at the dining table, poking at the steak sitting in front of you. The food set for two at the table had long gone cold. The candle that emitted a soft golden glow was now diminished to a tiny flame, struggling to stay lit among the pool of melted wax. You heard the sound of a clock ticking from somewhere, sounding a lot louder than you remembered.
Jogging your memory, you faintly recall coming home a few hours ago from an exhausting day at work. Your boss yelled at you over something that was out of your control. When you tried to explain it to him, you only made him angrier and force you to work over time to make up for the mess. You’ve never wanted to quit your job more than you did today. 
Then, you realized you had left your lunch sitting on the counter at home so you went the entire day without eating. To make matters worse, it was raining at the end of your shift and you forgot your umbrella. You had to walk an hour in the rain because your car was still being repaired. All you wanted was to take a nice warm shower and to curl up in bed with your boyfriend, Zhengting, who you’ve been dating for over three years.
When you entered your shared apartment, you were disappointed to see the entryway devoid of his shoes. Of course he wasn’t home. That’s nothing new. Sighing, you haphazardly dumped your belongings on the spot and headed straight to take a much needed shower. 
By the time you got out and dressed, Zhengting still wasn’t home. Sighing, you went ahead and started on dinner. It’s okay. He’ll be home soon, you thought to yourself...
...which brings you to where you are now. He still wasn’t home. Looking over at the clock that hung on the wall, it read 1 am. If you had to guess, you’ve probably been waiting for over 5 hours. 
The little chime of the front door being unlocked broke through the silence of the room. You heard Zhengting stumble and curse under his breath. A few minutes later, he came into your vision and dropped your bag unceremoniously on one of the chairs.
“You know, you shouldn’t leave your belongings in the entryway like that,” he said tiredly. “I almost died coming in.”
You scoffed. He literally just came home and that’s the first thing he says to you? Unbelievable. Pushing your chair back with a loud screech, you picked up your plate of food and tossed it into the trash. You didn’t have much of an appetite anymore. Zhengting didn’t make a move to sit down and eat either, only adding fuel to your anger.
“Funny how you’re telling me to stop leaving my things around when you literally throw your clothes everywhere the moment you step foot in home,” you retorted, going over to the sink to wash your hands.
“There’s no need for the attitude, (y/n). I’m just giving you advice that you should really be taking,” he responded defensively.
“I don’t need to be taking advice for anything, Zhengting,” you hissed, emphasizing his name with ice in your tone.
Zhengting sighed deeply and rubbed his temples, already feeling a migraine kick in. It seems like he can never come without having you throw some kind of fit. “Can we not do this right now? I’ve spent the entire day choreographing and rehearsing for my next performance. I’m exhausted,” he stated.
“You don’t think I’m exhausted? I’ve had a terrible day and I still went through the lengths of cooking you dinner. I’ve been waiting for you to come home for hours, only for you to come home at one in the freaking morning,” you ranted, crossing your arms across your chest. “This isn’t the first time this has happened. It’s like I never see you. I swear it’s like I live alone in this place.”
“I didn’t ask you to cook or wait up for me. I’m not a child. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself, (y/n).”
You snorted and mumbled under your breath, which didn’t go unnoticed by Zhengting. 
“What did you say?” he asked. He was biting down hard on his teeth, wanting to be the mature one in the situation by holding back his anger.
“I said that’s funny how you said you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself when you can’t even wash your clothes. Did you forget who does the laundry here?” you reminded.
“You act as if you’re even good at it. Last time I checked, you turned all of our whites pink.”
“Maybe they wouldn’t have gone pink if you sorted your clothes properly and put a red sock in the load where it wasn’t supposed to be!”
Zhengting only rolled his eyes in response, making you glower at him. He wasn’t even looking in your direction and looked like he couldn’t be bothered.
“Are you even listening to me?” you raised your voice.
“How can I not when you’re screaming at the top of your lungs?” he countered, his voice raising above yours. “You’re exactly no angel either! You’re always misplacing things! Do you know how long it took for me to find my car keys, only to find them in the most oddest of places? Last time you left them in the fridge of all places when you borrowed them.”
“It was an honest mistake! I was making lunch for you as soon as I got home that day!” 
The fighting only escalated from there. This seemed like a regular thing for you two. One person would be angry over something and the other would try and defend themselves, only starting a domino effect. You two seemed to fight over the littlest and pettiest things, such as what dinner you had the day before or accidentally telling the other person the wrong time their favorite show aired that day. Somehow, resolved things from months to even a year ago were brought back to the surface as ammo for this screaming battle. Suddenly, it all became too much for you. 
“ENOUGH!” you screamed, your voice echoing throughout the walls of the apartment. 
You felt your resolve snap in half and your body give out before you. You slowly slid to the ground and clutched your head as heavy sobs racked through your body. Zhengting stared at you in shock with his mouth agape. As he watched you fall apart on the floor, he felt his throat begin to tighten and tears start to brim in his eyes. He cautiously made his way to you and dropped to his knees before wrapping his arms around you. In his mind, he was thinking about how he would never forgive himself for pushing you this far past your breaking point.
For an unknown amount of time, you and Zhengting sat there on the tiled kitchen floor holding and crying with each other. No words were exchanged aside from Zhengting’s soft coos and whispers of apologies, him running his hand through your hair the entire time.
Eventually, you reached a point where both of you had calmed down for the most part. Neither of you were even angry anymore. If anything, you were just extremely tired from mental and physical exhaustion. Zhengting was the first to break from the embrace, situating himself a few feet away to give you both space now that you two could think and speak clearly.
“What happened to us?” Zhengting murmured, running a hand through his brown locks.
You looked at him with sad eyes, replying quietly, “We’ve changed. That’s what happened. We aren’t the same people we were three years ago, Zhengting.”
He didn’t reply. You took it as a sign of him silently agreeing, even if the thought made his heart ache painfully.
The next few words that left your mouth made your heart race, but not the kind that accompanied the butterflies you used to feel in your stomach. It was the painful kind of heart racing, the one that felt like ripping out of your chest. “Maybe... maybe we aren’t cut out for this anymore.”
“By this... you mean our relationship?”
You silently nodded, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. It’s not like this was the first time you and Zhengting had this talk before. You’ve shared three years with him and neither of you wanted it to go to waste. There was too much time, love, and history invested into this relationship to give up, so the two of you always tried your best to make things work.
That was the thing though. Nothing was working.
"But we love each other," Zhengting whispered, his eyes glossed over with tears as he met your gaze.
You felt your heart lurch in your chest at those words. You loved him. He loved you. What was so hard to understand? Wasn’t it as simple as that? However, you knew in your heart that loving each other wasn’t enough anymore. 
"It doesn't matter if we do. This love is tearing us apart," you choked out.
You quickly wiped away at the fresh batch of tears flooding your vision. Zhengting made a move to get closer to you, but you held your hand out to stop him and shook your head violently. You couldn’t bring yourself to see the hurt and guilt that shown on his face.
“Let’s break up.”
Your lip quivered at those dreaded three words that you didn’t think you’d ever hear come from Zhengting. You felt him move closer to you again, this time without you stopping him. He reached over to caress your cheek and slightly tilted your head so that you were looking at him. He was smiling softly at you, but the heartache and torment he felt was as clear as the tears that clouded his vision.
“I love you. God, I love you so much,” he laughed soullessly, “But no matter how much I love you, I’d rather let you go and be happy with another person than keep you to myself and have you suffer like this.”
“Zhengting...” you tearfully said his name.
He shook his head, the sad smile never leaving his face. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. I’ll let you go, but only one condition.”
You didn’t trust your words enough to speak, so you nodded. He first kissed your forehead. Then, he kissed your cheeks. Finally, he kissed your closed eyes, lingering on one for a few seconds before doing the same to the other. He took a moment to steady his uneven breathing to keep from choking on his words before speaking again.
“Just one more night. Let’s pretend like all of the fighting and all of the pain never existed. Let’s go back to a time where we were truly happy. Let me pretend that I’ll still be able to call you mines tomorrow. One more night.”
You knew you shouldn’t. You knew this would only make things harder for you in the end. But staring into his pleading eyes, your heart and body betrayed you as you let him carry you to your shared bedroom. He slipped you both under the covers and pulled you tightly to his chest to the point where it almost hurt, but you knew this would be the last time you held each other so you let it be.
You hated it. You hated how much you knew you were going to miss being in his arms and hearing the soothing sound of his heartbeat thump against your ear. You hated that you would no longer go to bed wrapped around in his warmth. The thing you hated the most is that you were still hopelessly in love with him.
But you couldn’t do this anymore. Neither of you could.
The following morning, Zhengting woke up to an empty bed and a broken heart.
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makeup-wonder-woman · 8 years ago
A Soulmate to remember chap 7
A/N- Hey guys! Just wanted you to know that my request box is open and empty
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Tags: @welcometothecity, @miss-nerdalots,@marvelsimaginess, @naturalnation123 , @suavehayes (let me know if I missed you/you want to be tagged) so I can add you to the list! Hope you enjoyed!
TW: Churches? Otherwise, none
Y/N- Your name 
L/N- Last Name
Word count: 1,863
You were sitting in an extra little sitting room, and You had just finished checking up on all of your college classes, and making sure you had completed all of the homework, when your mother let out a shrill call, “Y/N- phone!”
“Make sure you don’t listen in this time,” You call back a you reached over to the still-operable landline- that your mother refuses to get rid of -with your free hand. I pick it up and press the button, “Hello, Y/N L/N speaking.”
You immediately stop typing on your laptop and set it aside on the couch, “Jason! How are you, I saw a little bit of the situation on the TV - are you okay?”
He seemed taken aback for a moment, but cleared his throat and said, “Yeah, Yeah, a little bruised up, but I’m fine.”
You let out the breath, “Good, good, I’m glad, I knew you could probably take care of yourself, but still.”
Jason was silent for a moment, and you didn’t know wether to break the silence or wait until he felt like talking, and before you could make your decision he spoke, “So, I, uh, found your cellphone today.”
You blinked in surprise, “Really? You did? I ah, mean Thank you, but, uh, when in the world did you find time to find it?”
Jason was smirking, you could tell by his tone, “Oh, just found a little time, no big deal. When can I get it too you, I figured you need it.”
You nodded, “yeah, say I’ve got work in the morning, would you like to come with me to-“
The phone started ringing and You muttered under your breath when you noticed it was your boss, ‘hey it’s my boss, I should really take this… could I put you on hold real quick?”
“Thanks I’l make it quick, I promise.”
You quickly put Jason on hold before accepting the call from your boss, Steph who is quick to ask, “Oh, my gosh I saw on the news about your Uncle’s party- are you okay?”
You laughed, “Yeah Steph, I’m fine, just surprised you haven’t asked yet.”
Steph squealed, “Oh- M-Gee, about Jason Wayne meeting his soul mate, I was gonna, do you know who the mystery woman is?”
You giggled put a, “Yep.”
“Got his first words right on my ankle!”
"Congrats girl! and here I thought you’d be working for us for eternity.”
“HEY! I have no intention to leave the Nursery just yet, da’ babies would be crushed and that wouldn’t be fair to you. Speaking of, why did you call?”
“Just making sure you know that you need to be at work at eight, also the evening activities have been canceled, so you’re free.”
“Thanks for the check up. I gotta go, but I’ll give you all the details on the soul mate thing tomorrow, but you’re not allowed to tell a tabloid or something.”
“My lips are sealed, I promise! bye!”
“Bye,” You said and as soon as Steph hung up on you, you quickly took Jason off of hold, “Sorry abut that, but I’m back.”
“It’s no trouble,” Jason told you, “So you were asking?”
You took a breath to steady yourself, but lost the nerve to invite him to your church. What if he get uncomfortable? You didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, “Right, So I work at the church down on 60th and Main, but I’m sure you know that, and I was wondering if you’d just like to come by and drop the phone off. I work from eight to noon usually.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Great,” You chatted back enthusiastically, and almost cringed at your tone, ‘I’ll see you then!”
"See you then.”
You almost forgot, but remember right before you say good bye, “OH! I was wondering.. do you do… after hours every night?”
“Mostly. Why?”
You couldn’t help but swallow a bit hard, but took the phone away from your ear to muffle the sound, then put it back to ask “Are you gonna go out tonight?”
“Okay. Break a leg, but not your own, okay? The would put a damper on tomorrow.”
“Got it, I’ll do my best,” Jason told you a smile creeping into his voice, “See you then.”
With that you both hang up.
Jason set his cellphone down at the table. Mrs. Wayne look up, “How is she?”
Jason look up at his adoptive mother- okay she was basically his mother- and smiled, “Good. I’m dropping her phone of for her and then we’ll probably do lunch.”
Mrs. Wayne smiled, “She seems like a really nice young woman. I like her.”
Jason smiled, “I’m glad you do Ma.”
Mrs. Wayne raised an eyebrow at her son, “Something the matter?”
Jason shrugged, “She just seems… normal. I’d hate to take that from her.”
Mrs. Wayne stood and hugged her son, “Trust me Jason, she’s your soul mate, she’s going to somehow be far from normal. I can tell.” Jason frowned at his mother’s words, but before he could ask her what she meant, she was up and leaving the room saying, “I have to go into town. I’ll be back later!”
You got up early the next morning and quickly dressed and applied a small amount of make-up like normal. You wore your work uniform, a pair of jeans-and a purple polo shirt- while throwing a sundress into your bag. You then threw your hair into a high pony tail to protect it from getting pulled on or getting food or glue in it, You waved to your mom and raced to work. 
The church itself was one of the smaller ones. It had beautiful stain glass windows though, each depictions a cross, one backed with red flames and a contrasting blue back ground, the other one with a white dove flying across the cross and a green background, and the last with a purple butterfly resting on a brown cross with a clear background.
   You walked in, smiling and waving at the greeters and a few early birds. Before making your way to the nursery area. The nursery was a section of four rooms, one was an entry, with the babies and toddlers separated into one room on the left and right. Across the hall was for evening Sunday School or Wednesday night activities, most of the time. Then down the long ball past the Sanctuary and Chapel there was the Preschool area. Everyone in Kindergarten and up were in another section in the building.
 The rules were simple, two adults for every room, and one person was gate-keeper. Safe Sanctuary was taken very seriously.
  Steph, a mom of two, probably in her late twenties. She had dirty blonde hair and green eyes and was only a few inches shorter than you. She smiled and handed you a coffee, and the two of you talked before any kiddos arrived,“Ben is on his way, as is Sara.”
 I nodded and sipped the coffee,“Awesome! So details?”
“Give em, please!”
   You sighed,“Well, I was at the back of the yard, and my mother was talking with the Waynes. When they guys came streaming in, Jason and his brothers grabbed me and booked it through the back.”
“Nice, Nice- what were your first words to each other?”
“He asked if I was okay. But it was really, really rude. So… I told him I was but I called him a jackass.”
Steph threw her head back and laughed and laughed,“I knew you’d take after me!”
You laughed with her,“Yeah, you wish. How are you’re kids?”
“Good. Good.”
  You heard someone clear their throat behind you and turned, fully expecting a parent with a toddler but only saw Jason standing there with a smile on his face,“Good Morning Ladies.”
You blushed,“Good Morning Jason.” You noticed that he had on a nice buttoned up shirt and some slacks and black leather shoes. But from his tense body language you could tell that he was uncomfortable, maybe churches weren’t his thing.
  You opened the door for him and he smiled down at you, you blanked for a second but turned to Steph,“Steph this is Jason. Jason this is Steph.”
 Jason held his hand and Steph happily shook it,“Nice to meet you.”
“You, too,"She smiled, and then her phone rang,"Op, it’s Ben, I have to take this.”
  She went out into the hallway and Jason pulled your phone out of his jacket pocket,“Here you go.”
  You smiled and took the familiar piece of tech with a teal metallic phone case,“Thank you!”
You powered it on and Jason pointed out,“I found it while taking a walk  through the woods yesterday after the dealing with an emergency at the office when I dropped you off.”
  You smiled as the screensaver of your mother and yourself popped up, and unlocking it revealed a picture of the bat signal in the sky that you had taken one night just ‘cause. Then You noticed all the missed calls, text and emails. Jason ran a hand through his hair,“Tim may have taken it from me and done some security upgrades and such.”
  You did notice that it seemed to run fast and smiled up at him,“Oh, I’ll have to thank him. But really thank you for getting it to me. I’ve got basically my life on it, and now it won’t be a huge headache.”
“I may have taken the liberty to program my number into it.”
“I would have thought you had.”
 Jason reached over and swiped the screen and clicked on your social media folder. A normal looking app that looked like a photo editing software with an icon that was a spotlight and a shape that reminded you of a bat, that you had never seen before and also didn’t download it. He pointed to it but refrained from tapping it,“That’s to call me when I’m at the office late. In case you need me.”
Getting the meaning, You reached for his arm and squeezed,“That… Means a lot, I-”
 Steph came stoping back in, looking a bit more angry than the time one of the parents snapped at her for not letting their kids steal a toy from another, and roughly opened the door. You released Jason and both of you turned to her,“Ben is sick. Just called.”
 Realizing how much of a headache this was gonna be, you groaned,“Crap, this is bad. Ben never gets sick, it must be horrible. Should we spray down the rooms again.”
 Steph shook her head,“No, no, he says he got it while at his other job, a sick co-worker or something. But now we’re a man down.”
“Maybe Joslin’s Mom? She’s always volunteering.”
Steph shook her head,“Nope. They’re gone for the week.”
  You brought your thumb up to your mouth, chewing on the nail as you thought. Surely there were other parents that might be willing. Anyone in this church would. It would just be who, and who would NOT be the most inconvenienced.
“I’ll do it.”
Steph and you both turned to Jason,“What,” You asked, completely shocked.
Jason shrugged,“I’ll do it, I’ll help.”
Thank you for reading, please reblog/give me some feedback!!!
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kpopwhore · 8 years ago
Chapter 1: I met you when it was raining
It was raining again and Jimin found himself breathless at the smoking area in front of his university. It was 6PM and he didn’t have an umbrella so he ran all the way out. He was surprised that there was no group of people lounging around.
The sky was grey. The sky was sad. The sky was crying. But although it looked sad, Jimin always loved the rain. It comforted him. He felt at ease when it rains. The soft sound of it pattering on the roof is like a massage for his eardrums. However, as much as he loved the rain, he doesn’t like feeling like a wet puppy whenever it gets him.
He was looking at the road, cars passing him by. People are driving past by him wanting to go home as soon as possible, wanting to get out of the rain as soon as possible. He took out his box of cigarettes and his lighter from his pocket. He placed the cancerous stick in his mouth and lit it and took a drag.
Jimin as a student of film and photography created scenarios in his head and thought about how he will execute it through a film. It was a thing that he always does when he was alone. He would think about how life would look like on a big screen.
The rain started pouring hard. The temperature started getting a little bit colder. It was a good thing that he was wearing a grey sweater that was two-sizes bigger than him. He took his phone and texted his dorm-mate/best friend Taehyung:
It’s pouring out here. I maybe home a bit later. I forgot my umbrella. !Please! don’t cook anything. I’ll bring home pizza. I’ll see you in a bit.
Half a minute after he pressed ‘Send’, his phone went off. Taehyung was calling him.
“Jiminie~” Taehyung whined through the other line, “I’m hungry~ Can’t you just run back home?”
He sighed. “Tae, haven’t you seen the rain? It’s pouring.” and with this, Taehyung let out another loud, child-like whine.
“But Jim—“ Jimin ended the call. He knows Taehyung too well that if he responded to his whims again and acting the opposite as to what Taehyung wants, it’ll end to a whole week of the other man ignoring him.
His best friend was such a child but he wouldn’t trade him for anything. Him and Taehyung went through so much together. Almost like brothers. Jungkook once asked them why they wouldn’t date each other but he knows all too well that it wasn’t like that and it’ll never be like that… Best friends should just stay best friends.
He tapped the ash away from his cigarette and took a long drag. Nicotine was the only thing that accompanied him as he stood there. As he was scrolling through twitter, he received a message from Taehyung saying that they were almost out of cigarettes and that it was his turn to buy another rim of it.
A good thing about being roommates with Taehyung is that he didn’t have to worry if their dorm room smelled like cigarettes because he too was a smoker. And that’s how they probably met. In the same spot where he was standing now, he met Taehyung in his freshman year. Jimin went to university an hour before his class started and since he didn’t know anyone, he started smoking. He was inhaling cigarettes like it was air when suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder and asked for a light, he didn’t mind who that was. Probably just someone who forgot their lighter. He looked at the guy and thinking how handsome and ethereal he was. He was way out of Jimin’s league. And when he got to his classroom and sat himself on the far back, someone sat next to him. He turned to see who it was, hoping to make acquaintances during the first day of school, but he realized that it was the cool looking guy that asked for a light.
Taehyung was also studying film and photography like Jimin so they hit it off quickly. After a few months of hanging out, Taehyung asked Jimin if he wanted to be his roommate and of course, the other guy said yes. Who wouldn’t say ‘Yes’ to cheaper rent and hanging out with a friend 24/7?
Jimin was in the middle of his cigarette when someone suddenly came running and that someone stood next to him. The stranger looked irritated by the rain. And this stranger looked attractive as hell. He was wearing a black pullover, black ripped jeans, black shoes (Dr. Martens’ perhaps?) almost looking like he would attend a funeral, but his hair was blond and he was wearing his ID. The stranger was pale but his cheeks were pink because of the cold rain that drenched him.
It looked like this stranger was also from his university but in a different department as him. Maybe in the business department, he didn’t know exactly for sure. His schedule in the university is only during Friday and Saturday. That means he’s either out for photo-walks with Taehyung or he was at his Jin-hyung’s dorm editing a film or a short video that he does just for fun. And maybe that’s why he didn’t notice that there was someone beautiful studying in the same university as him.
The stranger looked at him with deadpan expression while he was reaching for his pocket, taking out a wet pack of cigarettes and lighter. The stranger looked down at his drenched pack and sighed.
Without thinking, Jimin held out his pack of cigarettes towards the stranger with a smile. “You look like you could use one. Here you go.” Jimin said, a smile still plastered on his face.
And without a hesitation, the stranger took one, lit it and inhaled the smoke. While exhaling, he also let out a relieved sigh.
The stranger looked at him again with a shy smile, while giving Jimin his cigarettes and lighter, “My name is Min Yoongi,” the man said.
“My name is Jimin. Park Jimin.” Jimin said as he held out his hand to receive the pack. He got another stick of cigarette because he felt awkward not smoking when he was alone with someone. It was a bad habit and he knew it however it didn’t stop him from doing so.
They smoked in silence up until Yoongi decided to break it, releasing the smoke in his lungs before talking, “Why don’t I see you around so much? I’ve been here for 5 years and this is the first time that I’ve seen you.”
“I’m a third-year film and photography major.” Jimin said as he was putting his cigarette in his mouth again.
“Ahhh,” Yoongi said as he took another drag of smoke, inhaling and exhaling the cancer away. “So that’s why. Compared to business majors, film and photography majors’ schedules are so free. Specially for third years.”
Jimin nodded in agreement as he exhaled. “You know anybody from our department?”
Yoongi nodded as he finished off his cigarette, he crushed the small flame on the ashtray next to him. “I know that kid, Taehyung. You know him?”
Jimin nodded as he took a last drag on his cigarette. He exhaled the smoke before talking, “Yeah. I go on photo-walks with him; he’s also my dorm-mate. How’d you know him?” Jimin asked, curiosity lacing his voice.
“He went to the same high-school back in Daegu. He’s very loud.” Yoongi said as he opened his bag and started looking for something.
Jimin chuckled. “Yeah, he is. But he’s not Tae if he’s not loud. It’s his identifier.”
The other man let out a sigh of frustration. “I left my fucking handkerchief. Goddamn it.” Yoongi said as he finally gave up and just folded his arms.
Jimin took out his handkerchief and held it out for Yoongi, “Here.” He said with a smile. “I didn’t really much use it because the rain wasn’t pouring so hard when I got here, so it’s clean.”
After a few seconds of hesitation and Yoongi just staring at Jimin’s hand, he took it and tried to dry himself off. “This is the second time that you’ve helped me.”
“It’s nothing. Wouldn’t want a busy business major get sick now, do we?” Jimin said
“Well at least let me treat you to coffee when the rain starts to let up, yeah?” Yoongi said with a shy smile.
Jimin wanted to go. He did. It’s been a while since he made a new friend. And this person he wanted to befriend was good-looking as hell but then he remembered Taehyung and how he may or may not burn their dorm down. “Raincheck on that coffee? Taehyung might burn down our dorm room if I don’t feed him in time.”
Yoongi let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, sure. How about next week?” Jimin smiled and nodded. “I’ll meet you here, same time, and same place next week, yeah?”
“Sure, Yoongi-hyung.” Jimin chirped happily.
After a few minutes of hearing Yoongi mutter words of irritation while drying himself, the rain was starting to let up. It was almost an hour since he was standing and waiting for the rain to stop.
“It’s about fucking time.” Yoongi said beside him. Jimin sighed in relief but he also wished that when he comes home, the rain would start again.
Jimin looked back at Yoongi and smiled again, “I better get going. I need to feed my needy child.”
Yoongi nodded. “Okay. Take care, Jimin.”
Jimin started walking away from the smoking area. His thoughts wandering towards Yoongi and how nice he was and how he can’t wait for next week to come.
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180abroad · 6 years ago
Days 132-134: Whisky and Wonder (Bunnahabhain, Jura, and Caol Ila)
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Our next two days on Islay proceeded at a slightly more relaxed paced. We'd already accomplished most of our big goals, and much of our time was spent cruising around the island in our rental car to see what we could see. And by the end, we managed to see the last three distilleries on our checklist, as well as two of Islay's most historic sights.
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The first day was spent exploring the eastern coast of Islay and the neighboring island of Jura.
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On the way up to Bunnahabhain, Islay's most remote distillery, we stopped at the site of the future Ardnahoe distillery, which is still under construction. There wasn't much to see of the distillery, but a walk along its outskirts lead to a spectacular view of Jura and the Sound of Islay.
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After taking it all in, we trekked back to the car and continued on our way to Bunnahabhain.
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Bunnahabhain ("BOO-nuh-HAH-ven") is so remote that it wasn't even accessible by land until 1960. For the first eighty years of its existence, the distillery could only be reached by boat, and it was basically a village unto itself.
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The distillery takes pride in its maritime history, and it's whiskies are dominated by sea-salt rather than peat smoke. They had a tasting menu of specific flights, but we opted for sample bottles, which you could buy for any whisky they had on sale. If there weren't any sample bottles on the shelf, they would pour you one on the spot. We would have to wait until that night to taste them, but I won't make you wait for our notes.
Stiuireadair: A sherried, unpeated whisky, this one was smooth with vanilla and salty notes, but no smoke. Adding a drop of water brought out delicious flavors of oak, vanilla spice, and caramel apple.
An Cladach: Another sherried, unpeated whisky, this one was creamy and spicy, but it also had a strong alcohol burn. Adding a drop of water brought out green apple and cinnamon notes with a salty after taste. It was nice, but we enjoyed the Stiuireadair better.
Toiteach A Dha: A peated whisky, this one was smoky and medicinal with a long-lingering finish. Adding a drop of water brought out more wood and tempered the medicinal notes, making it much more pleasant but still not a favorite.
Ceobanach: Another peated whisky, this one was salty and smoky with a long, warming aftertaste. Adding a drop of water brought out more peat smoke. It was pretty good, but I think Laphroaig Quarter Cask is a similar whisky that I enjoy more.
Our runaway surprise favorite was Stiuireadair with a drop of water. All of the Bunnahabhain whiskies we tried had an unusually strong salt flavor that we didn't experience at any other distilleries, and they all benefited greatly from adding a drop of water.
They also had a tray of complimentary whisky fudge. It was tasty, but it had a much stronger whisky flavor that I was expecting.
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Overall, the place was very charming and atmospheric. When we asked for a restroom, we were told to just let ourselves into the main office building and head upstairs for the office bathroom. We'd love to come back someday and do a proper tour, but for now we had a ferry to catch.
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We pulled into Port Askaig just as the ferry was pulling out, so we had about an hour to entertain ourselves before the next sailing. Besides Port Ellen, Port Askaig is the other village you can get dropped off at by the ferry from the mainland. It turns out that Port Askaig is little more than a port, a hotel, and a small convenience store, so we were all the happier about our choice to land and stay in Port Ellen.
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Once we were aboard, the trip across the sound only took five minutes or so. We weren't asked to pay until we were underway, and it turned out that the ferrymen only took cash. We had just enough on hand, but we were a little concerned what might have happened if we hadn't.
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Compared to Islay, Jura is even more desolate and rugged. It is a little over half the size of Islay, only about 200 people live there, mostly in the island's one village of Craighouse. A single one-track road runs along the southern and eastern coastline. Its official name is the A846, but the locals just call it "the road."
Jura's most famous resident was George Orwell, who spent much of his final years living anonymously in a small farmhouse, where he finished Nineteen Eighty-Four.
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But our reason for coming was the whisky.
There was a solitary young woman running the shop when we went in. She seemed a little perplexed at first by our request to do a tasting without having booked a tour first, but she kindly offered us a complimentary taste of up to three whiskies each.
As we'd learned from our bartender at the Whisky Experience in Edinburgh, Jura is a distillery in transition. Until recently, they've been making fiery, Islands-style whiskies with Egyptian iconography in their logos and names like Prophecy and Superstition (which we'd tried in Edinburgh). Now, though, they're working to reinvent themselves as more serious distillery with a unique and distinctive profile.
Here are the Jura whiskies we tried:
Journey: This is Jura's take on a young and citrusy whisky. It wasn't bad, but definitely had the harsher alcohol burn of whisky that hasn't been aged enough yet.
12 Year Old: Lightly smoked and aged in a mix of sherry and bourbon casks, Jura 12 is tasty and well-balanced, but there are so many flavors that none really stood out in particular.
Seven Wood: This is one we tasted back in Edinburgh. As the name implies, it is a mixture of whiskies aged in seven different types of casks. The result is a sweet and spicy whisky that we dubbed "flaming cotton candy." This one was easily my favorite, but it was too sweet for Dad and Jessica.
Sound and Road: These two similar whiskies are part of Jura's "travel exclusive" collection, available only at the distillery and various duty-free travel shops. They were smoky and spicy with a distinctive sherry influence. Dad and Jessica liked them, but they had a bit of a funk that turned me off.
Prophecy: This whisky was smooth, smoky, and fantastic. Sadly, it's part of the distillery's old lineup and on its way out.
Superstition: This is another one that we tried back in Edinburgh. It was smoky like the Prophecy, but we found it much harsher and fierier.
Overall, if you like sweet Scotches, I'd definitely recommend trying the Seven Wood. Otherwise, this is a distillery to wait and see what happens as it reinvents itself in the coming years.
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After a nice lunch at the local pub, we raced back to the ferry. There were plenty of ferries we could catch afterward, but I was eager to get to Finlagan, one of the most important historical sites on Islay, before the visitor center and museum closed.
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But as it turned out, the place was closed for the day to host a wedding. The happy couple was getting their photos taken amidst the ruins when we arrived, so we decided to leave and come back the next day.
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That gave us time to head down to the southeastern corner of Islay and visit Kildalton, home to the best-preserved medieval cross in all of Scotland. It doesn't seem to have as many pictographic elements as other Celtic crosses, but the ornamental motifs are impressively detailed and stand out from the plane of the cross in dramatic relief.
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The ruined church is melancholically picturesque in its own right, with some interesting old grave markers depicting medieval knights.
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A short walk from the church is another old cross, and climbing a short hill beyond that gave us a spectacular view of the coastline and the surrounding glen.
The second morning started with one of my favorite meals of the trip--honest-to-goodness breakfast burritos, made with "flour wraps," "soured cream topping," and "Mexican salsa" that we'd picked up in Bowmore the day before.
This would be our last day with my dad and, almost as importantly, our rental car.
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Our first stop of the day was Caol Ila, the last of the distilleries we needed to visit. Like Bunnahabhain, Caol Ila is perched dramatically on the eastern coast, looking out toward Jura. The name Caol Ila actually comes from the Gaelic name for the Sound of Islay. It was foggier than the day before, and hills of Jura were hidden in clouds.
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For this visit, we'd booked something special--a whisky and chocolate tasting! Dad and I had picked it partly to give Jessica something to be interested in, but we were also more than curious to see how it would go.
Moch: Caol Ila's version of a light, entry-level Islay scotch, this whisky was paired with a lemongrass chocolate. It was a good Scotch and the best pairing, but on its own it wasn't our favorite Scotch of the tasting.
Distiller's Edition: The distiller's edition was sherry finished with soft, fruity notes, and they paired it with an orange chocolate. It didn't have the best synergy, but it was our favorite of the Scotches we tried.
Distillery Exclusive: This whisky was deceptively smooth for being cask strength, but it still had a noticeable burn (for me, at least). It was paired with a strawberry chocolate, which was a fairly good pairing.
15 Year Old: This unpeated whisky was smooth and creamy, but very strong. We enjoyed it so much that I forgot to write down what chocolate we had with it.
It was a really interesting experience. The chocolate definitely brought out some flavors of the whiskies, but the only one with really great synergy was the Moch and lemongrass chocolate pairing.
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Since my dad was driving, he had just a tiny sip of each whisky and saved the rest in a complimentary driver's tasting kit. A lot of distilleries seem to be offering these kits to designated drivers now, since Scotland passed a law to crack down hard on any drinking and driving.
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After enjoying a quick picnic lunch in our car, we headed back to Finlaggan. It was raining this time, but we had the place mostly to ourselves. A modern wooden bridge leads across the swampy shores to the main island, where the Lords of the Isles once reigned. At its peak, the Lordship was held by a branch of the MacDonald clan and governed the Scottish isles, the west coast of mainland Scotland, and the northern tip of Ireland. It predates the Kingdom of Scotland and managed to maintain autonomy for hundreds of years amidst a shifting tide of foreign overlords.
The Lordship was eventually absorbed into the larger Kingdom of Scotland, and now the title "Lord of the Isles" is given along with "Prince of Wales" and "Earl of Chester" to the British heir apparent--currently Prince Charles, who has now held these titles for longer than anyone else in British history.  
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But during the Middle Ages, the Lordship was lead from this small island in a small lake on Islay. The great hall and other buildings from that time are little more than ruined foundations. The ruined structure that still stands half intact is actually a farmhouse built long after the island lost is political prominence.
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Beyond the main island is a second, smaller island. This is the council island where the medieval Lords of the Isles would meet with their vassals and advisors to discuss legal and diplomatic matters in open air.
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As we stood on the shore and let the sense of place wash over us, I couldn't help but become fascinated by the brightly striated rocks jutting sharply up from the ground.
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After Finlaggan, we crossed back over to the Rinns for a repeat visit of Kilchoman. That port-cask matured whisky had wormed its way into my head, and I needed to try it again and decide whether I might actually want to buy a bottle. Fortunately--I suppose--the second tasting sobered my infatuation a bit. It was still really good, but not so good that I couldn't contentedly resign myself to more readily available whiskies back home.
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With half an afternoon left before our last day together ended, we drove up toward the northwest corner of Islay, one of the areas we hadn't really explored yet. We passed by Loch Gorm, the namesake of Jessica's favorite Kilchoman whisky, and ended up at Sanaigmore, the namesake of yet another Kilchoman whisky.
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The drive was narrow and winding, and along the way we passed by a group of chatting farmers that certainly weren't used to seeing many tourists. But it was worth it.
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Sanaigmore is as desolately beautiful a place as any we found on Islay. But it wasn't deserted--there were several large farms nearby, and Jessica was ecstatic to finally have a chance to see some Highland cows up close.
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So ecstatic, in fact, that she sprinted uphill in the knee-high grass and promptly faceplanted after stepping in a hole.
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All was good, though, and it was a perfect way to cap off our time together in Islay. Tomorrow, my dad would be catching a flight to the mainland and heading on his way home. The day after that, Jessica and I would catch a ferry and make our way deeper into the Highlands.
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It wasn't quite over yet, though. We'd made reservations at the Sea Salt Bistro, one of Port Ellen's fine dining establishments. My dad and I got lamb while Jessica got a seafood medley. It was all local and spectacularly fresh.
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That night, we tasted our Bunnahabhain whiskies and began to pack up. Jessica and I would have one more night before we left, but my dad would be leaving in the morning.
Looking back, I feel so incredibly lucky to have spent a week on Islay getting to know it's wonderful people, fine whisky, and amazing landscapes. We would all love to return someday, preferably for even longer. It's impossible to rank all of the amazing experiences Jessica and I had in Europe, but for me, the two weeks we spent in Scotland with my dad could easily contend for the top spot.
Next Post: Farewell to Islay
Last Post: Kilchoman, Bruichladdich, and the Atlantic Coast
0 notes
japanessie · 8 years ago
Hey! I found your blog recently and I also just started listening to MFS and I really like their music. I'm a bit lost as to where to start to learn more about them and their motivation/thoughts behind their music since it's been a couple years since they've debuted. What would you suggest?
Hello (^^)v Welcome to the fandom.
I’m guessing you probably discovered them through their more popular songs like ALONE, 不可逆リプレイス or the more recent ones like Missing You. Firstly, too many people get caught up in singer Hiro’s family relations and ignore the other members. So, I would highly encourage a new fan to NOT follow that crowd XD
There are basically 4 aspects to MFS that all fans need to know OR you won’t understand the band and what diehard fans talk about:
1. Band members & the personnel changes.2. Their musical roots especially the main songwriter Sho Tsuchiya + their twin band named fromus.3. Hiro’s lyrics in relations to his life story.4. The important people in their team especially their boss GEN, A&R exec KTR (Kentaro Suzuki) from Japan Music System (JMS) & circle of friends. Also, their earliest mentor K ( Kei Goto) the late singer of Pay Money To My Pain (PTP).
1. Sho Tsuchiya ~ leader, guitarist, main composer (currently only functions behind the scene & as a non-touring member)2. Nob @ Nobuaki Katou ~ bassist3. Teru @ Teruki Nishizawa ~ guitarist (many like to categorize him as rhythm guitarist when Sho was in but I personally disagree because he played both lead & rhythm guitars even from the 1st album)4. Kid'z ~ drummer (officially joined on 3 Mar 2016)5. Hiro @ Hiroki Moriuchi ~ vocalist, lyricist6. Masack @ Masaki Kojima ~ drummer (officially left on 3 Mar 2016)
Note: MFS current members “deactivated" from public social media in early 2016. So, don’t bother looking XD
Sho’s hiatus:Sho remains as a member. He announced his hiatus in October 2015. I won’t call it “inactive" like some people do because he’s still composing with them and most recently served as the Sound Producer for ANTITHESE. He’s just not a touring member for now. He didn’t give specific reason other than family matter.
Drummer change:Masaki didn’t state why he left but it looked like he didn’t want to be tied down to only one genre of music. He was active playing outside MFS before his departure. So, he probably wanted that musical freedom even though he loves MFS. But his decision was enough to badly crush the two youngest members at the time, Hiro and Teruki, from what I observed. Those two younger men were still emotionally dealing with Sho’s hiatus at that moment.  Kid'z is their friend / labelmate who had always got along well with Teru & Hiro. He had worked together with Sho & Nob before too. Co-incidentally, his band officially split up in Nov 2015. So, he was the natural choice to replace Masaki. But Kid'z was drumming as a sessionist musician for singer ナノ(nano) at the time MFS took him. He stopped using his real name and took on a stage name Kid'z* after that. 
* I personally don’t use his real name in public anymore out of respect for his decision. Understandably, he was initially worried about MFS fans’ reaction. Also, it was and probably still is an awkward situation for him regarding his former bandmates when their band split up and he went to their biggest rival band just a few months later. So, I chose to respect his wish to start anew.
On my blog so far, the interview that tells their formation year story the most is this one from GEKIROCK.
MFS GEKIROCK Interview March 2016 Translation
The band did describe how they got together in this video interview around minutes 01:42 to 02:58.
My Japanese listening ability is not up to that point yet though, sorry. Hiro explained how he and Sho met at a PTP concert. Couldn’t catch what Sho said about Hiro & Masaki with the music playing in the background :-/ Hiro also said he and Teru knew each other when they were high school students. Well, the GEKIROCK interview is a pretty good picture of their history.
FOR OLD PHOTOS of MFS, check out these places:
My First Story Unofficial fanpage on FBMy First Story Thailand fanpage on FBex-drummer Masaki Kojima’s Twitter @kojimasa 
Ignore whatever musical comparison people made about them and OOR. The real band to compare MFS to is their real twin band fromus, a piano-rock unit. I made an entry about them here.
I personally feel that musically, MFS first two albums are the direct guitar edition fromus. Just take MFS, change the singer & then the guitars to piano. You’ll get fromus.
They do have influences from old school hard rock & metal. Sho and Nob are already in their 30s. Both men said they started on guitar with British rock legend Deep Purple’s Smoke On The Water. Guitarist Teruki grew up with a heavy-metal-music-loving father and would often cite Ozzy Osbourne and Metallica as his early influences.
If you want to see their musical & lyrical evolution, try to listen to their songs chronologically from the 1st album to the current work.
Albums & Singles
1. MY FIRST STORY ~ MV Second Limit & Take It Back2. THE STORY IS MY LIFE ~ MVs The Story Is My Life & The Reason3. 最終回STORY (Saishukai STORY)4. BONEDS (a joint 4-band project in which they contributed 2 songs)5. BLACK RAIL ~ MVs Black Rail & FAKE6. 不可逆リプレイス ( Fukagyaku Replace) ~ their breakthrough song IMO7. 虚言NEUROSE ~ MVs 虚言NEUROSE, Child Error & Someday (lyrics MV available on Livehouse iOS App & STORYTELLER website)8. ALONE ~ MVs ALONE & 失踪FLAME * 9. ANTITHESE ~ MVs The Puzzle (exclusive for STORYTELLER members only), Missing You (there’s another STORYTELLER-only version too) & Last Call
Update: 12 Jan 2017. Sorry I forgot the MVs from the ALONE single XD
They also have a special 2-track single dedicated to band leader Sho Tsuchiya, released to the public at the Budokan called:
We’re Just Waiting 4 You (available at MAGIC ROOM while stock lasts)
DVD Collection so far:
1. THE STORY IS MY LIFE Final at Shibuya Club Quattro (bundled with 最終回STORY) ~ the only official DVD released when Hiro still sported his natural black hair colour.2. The Ending of the Beginning at Ebisu Liquidroom.3. BONEDS Tour Movie (with AIR SWELL, BLUE ENCOUNT, SWANKY DANK).4. ITSUWARI NEUROSE Tour Final at Shinkiba Studio Coast.5. MFS at A.V.E.S.T. Vol.9 (released as a free bonus for ANTITHESE Pre-order)
TIDBITS Info (^_-)
Hiro called 虚言NEUROSE creation process as “creating a human-like superhero" & the sound as “listening to the radio in the city“. Does that make any sense to you? LOL. Read what he said in this interview:
Hiro’s Interview with Rockin’ On Japan magazine Jan 2015
Sho let Hiro be in charge of lyrics writing from the start (from an interview for Yamaha Music).
Hiro comes from a famous family thanks to his parents and his successful brother. As a result, he was heavily thrashed on the internet by people who disliked his “easy entry” into the music industry. Hiro used to be very active on Twitter but the criticism against him soon turned into cyber-bullying. I personally had seen the cruel things people wrote about him on Japanese 2ch forum.
I can only guess what happened that drove Hiro to leave social media. Other than abusive online comments, some people probably took advantage of his Twitter presence by sending inappropriate messages or even being intrusive about his brother Taka’s personal life. He tweeted an angry response about 2ch on 14 Feb 2013. Then he wrote on his blog on Ameblo (now deleted / deactivated(?)) that “people’s words can hurt". A few months later, he tweeted “I started blocking fucked up people" in English. Not long after, he tweeted his final tweet “Goodbye forever" and abandoned Twitter in Sept 2013.
He then channeled his anger through the song BLACK RAIL in 2014. He explained it in this interview.
Hiro MFS Rolling Stone Japan Aug 2014 Interview Translation
From then on, a lot of his lyrics reflected what he was going through while writing them.
It must be noted that the special project singles ALONE & 不可逆リプレイス (Fukagyaku Replace) were written for the themes of those projects. Hiro talked at length about ALONE around its release and there are a bunch of them that I posted on this blog.
For details on ALONE Project with HAL College, read these posts:
HAL Project Special Musician Interview with MFS Translation
MY FIRST STORY Flying Postman Interview Translation
Hiro’s ALONE Blog Translation
What is HAL Project & HAL College?
不可逆リプレイス / Fukagyaku Replace was made for the historical anime Nobunaga Concerto. Interesting to note that Hiro wrote the lyrics not from the main character Saburo’s point of view but the other guy Michi. The lines, “I don’t know why but you saved me ………… “ all the way to “I will follow you ….. keep you close to me,” were directly inspired by what Michi said to Saburo in the finale or Episode 10.
The lyrics of Someday are for the late K.Hiro said in Kaohsiung, Taiwan that “This is a very important song to me,“.
His blog entry translation on K’s death
ANTITHESE Lyrics & Hiro’s personal stories
The Puzzle & Tomorrowland are about his heartbreak over Masaki’s departure.Home is about his family who split up after his parents divorced.
IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MFS TEAM1. GEN ~ boss, owner of INTACT Records, owner of Zephyren, organizer of AVEST Project, formerly of Subciety clothing brand.Twitter : @Zephyren_genInstagram : Zephyren Gen2. KTR (Kentaro Suzuki) ~ A&R + marketing exec of JMS, marketing exec of Deviluse clothing, regularly seen at MFS video shoots and concerts.Twitter : @kkktttrrr, Instagram: Kentaro Suzuki3. The late K @ Kei Goto ~ vocalist of Pay Money To My Pain (PTP), mentor in MFS early days.4. Nori (producer), Makiko (merchandising) but she’s better known now as the lady who covered Rassungorerai with Hiro XD
* Update (Jan 2018): I believe Makiko is not in the staff team anymore but she remains a close friend. Here is the YouTube link to the video of her and Hiro.5. Japan Music System (JMS) ~ the music distribution company specializing in indie music and the one that markets/promotes MFS musicYouTube Channel: JMSTVOnline shop for bands’ merchandise: MAGIC ROOM ONLINE STORE
5. Circle of friends among many:  Shirakawa-san (SAKAEYA clothing shop manager) ~ the members regularly visit his shop.Twitter: @sakaeyatenchonano, SWANKY DANK, AIR SWELL ~ artists they had musically collaborated with.
The funny interview with Hiro & KOJI about the Sink Like A Stone collaboration in which Hiro admitted the song’s high notes were difficult to sing is here.
STORYTELLER Fan Clubhttps://xxxstorytellerxxx.comAll MFS members let go of their individual public social media after the club was launched in 2016. If you’re interested to join, feel free to ask questions on how to do that.
In case you have an iOS mobile device ……..
JMS created a Japan-only iOS App called LIVEHOUSE where they feature videos from JMS artists. The videos vary from live performances, interviews, behind the scenes etc. However, if you create a different Apple ID specifically for Japan iTunes account, you can still download the App and watch those videos even if you don’t live in Japan.
*Update (12 Jan 2017): You will then get to watch videos like this one!
**Update (15 June 2017): JMS decided to stop the App by 31 May 2017.
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Lastly yet very important, don’t believe any ridiculous claim about Hiro and his brother Taka hating each other because they don’t. You’ll find such comments at some point, I’m sure. These two brothers love and support each other away from the public eye and rightfully keep their family relationship private.
I hope that will give you a good start (^_-)
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artofaboythatoncewas · 6 years ago
Cars 3
Libra: Acura NSX. Immortalize me in stone for all I care: it won't matter when I'm six feet under. «Libi, you’re too old for your age to have the pessimistic thoughts of a teenager. You’ve been far more disappointed than them to come to those conclusions!» Agh, I know, I know, but the thought of impermanence just gets to you once in a while. I wish I could’ve been one of those weirdos who takes a picture of themselves every morning for every day to document their ageing in such a way that’s shockingly dreadful after a couple hundred photos. The concussion I had when I was a teenager didn’t turn me into one of those savants who could remember the exact details of each day of their life… Eh, what else? Oh, I’ve only cataloged any excitement in my life within the suffocating walls of the library: There’s memoirs of my experiences behind my desk, and you gotta be a special someone to have access to them while I’m still alive. «Libi, all you put in there is corny jokes and write-ups about exact status of each book; believe me, it’s not exciting.» [,] Pfft, it’s the same with all of you; that attitude is just fueling my boredom! Thus, making me want to catalog even more. Be lucky I’m not tossing another book at you. «Yeah, I still have the scar from last april when a hardcover copy of Catcher and the Rye hit my lower back.» Hey, I thought it wouldn’t hurt that much, because I got a dozen of the things in all the various editions, releases, repackagings, and promotions. I was confident I tossed you the one that was the wimpiest. Besides, that’s something you could remember fondly in this moment! You might not be able to remember it a couple years down the line… «You also might not be alive a couple years down the line, so maybe don’t spend your precious days throwing things at me.» At that point, this place is yours for the keeping and my diaries are yours to browse! <Yellen tends to her work once again.> […] «On second thought, that shot was somewhat awful, let’s go out on the range and brush up on your accuracy. And remember the silencer! You don’t want the patriarchs finding out about your professional shooting.»
Cancer: Mazda Miata. Out of all the dark voids I've been in, this is the most ominous. The year is who-cares A.D., the day is Sexta-feira, and Disturbia is still the best pop song ever made since its inception in 2008… Well, maybe it’s not the best. Lights by Ellie Goulding is a strong contender for the best pop song ever made… I’m sure this void has a great taste in music too: I’m guessing it likes more classical variations of Fado given where I managed to stumble into it, but I could be making assumptions there. The void could have just as varied and distinct tastes as I do. I mean, it’s kind enough to offer me some sort of audio refraction, so I can thankfully hear myself whenever I make a sound in the blackness… Yeah, this void has been quite accommodating despite being so off-putting, but maybe I was being too harsh in my initial judgements. […] You know, dark void, I think we got off on a bad start: My name’s Springe and I’ve lived in southwest Córdoba for fifteen years after I was relocated from my birthplace in… Oh, I forgot that I don’t remember where I was born. I just know I was born on this continent and that was it. For my accomplishments, I’ve been employed at an after-hours clinic for eleven of those total years and I’ve long gone past the point of worrying if I’ll make it to the point where I can find a higher paying job: That’s why I appreciate what you’ve done for me so far, void. I appreciate you because I’m used to failure, and you’re the realization that failure isn’t always what we hype it up to be. Sometimes… it’s just somber and reflective. I’m not even reflecting on how I failed, rather I’m reflecting on why I pursued victory in the first place. […] Void, I wanna thank you for the time you’ve spent with me here, and I wanna let you know that my first impressions were inaccurate. From my conversations with you, you seem like a very personable void with a lot to talk about and a very cultured mind that can talk for hours. As much fun as it’s been, we have to depart. So long, dark void, you’ve would’ve made a great podcast co-host… Hey, who said you would have made a great co-host? You can still be one! We can sit in here for hours and just pretend to record a podcast with our lack of recording equipment. We’ll call it… the Eternity Flame.
Virgo: Type 57 Atlantic. Okay, you know, I admit: I might be mildly obsessed with the idea of Guy Fieri as a cute lesbian with frosted, spiky hair and button-up shirts who goes around talking about Flavortown. I really feel like making up another goth friend for her to be with, but I don’t want her to be just another generic goth you know: I wanna diversify my goths as much as possible, like creating a lineup of goths to pick and choose from. I want this lesbian Guy Fieri to have a goth girlfriend who isn’t immediately disgusted by the thought of eating at some place like the Heart Attack Grill. She’ll be named something ironic though in contrast to her fearlessness when approaching the western corruptions that are the Heart Attack Grill and other imitators like it — lesbian Fieri would like any sincere appreciation of the Heart Attack Grill because she’s not worried about the health risks; she’s just worried if the food tastes good or not. So, the irony that comes from her girlfriend’s name is hilarious, and her name’s gonna be Электрификация. The electrification of her opposition to disgusting American fast-food places is exemplified towards her electrifying attitude towards a modest approach away from them, hence the name Электрификация. […] I wonder if, like, I can code in some underlying arc about lesbian Fieri needing to find the twelve sacred restaurants and relighting the hidden power beneath them to restore the balance of the… meat and produce industry or whatever. Each restaurant has a different theme associated with them, and each has a tragedy and lesson waiting for our lesbian hero, Fieri, and her girlfriend who acts as a foil character, but in a way that exposes the faults of a common attitude. [,] Oh, maybe the first restaurant will be Lebanese-themed and what lesbian Fieri and her girlfriend encounter is a Dabke ensemble called Goddess County, and they seem normal at first, but then reveal themselves to be the ancient spirits holding the sacred spirit of the restaurant that lesbian Fieri must pacify. Ooh, what if she has to go through a series of challenges all centered around cuisine? […] «Ms. Rusalka, what is this sheet music you’re submitting me? Why is Guy Fieri here and why is he a lesbian with frosted tips and a burger-critical girlfriend that he somehow gets along with?» Um, it’s my project; I’ve been working on it for a while, you see, and I think it’s zany enough to warrant publication. «That's not gonna reach anyone! He's a damn internet meme and the lesbians don't want that, and I don't care how nice of a guy he is!» Excuse me, how are you to assume what lesbians would be interested in? Square up, right now.
Sagittarius: DeLorean DMC-12. Uh, okay, I’ll tell you a story from my recent service in the military. Hold on, let me get one thing before I start. <Rossouw eats one last chip from her bag of kettle-cooked, and she begins positioning her hands so as to make them instruments of verbal storytelling.> "It was five years ago, and I was deployed in the southern border of Angola to assist the army there in their seizure of an abandoned sector of development they believed to be taken over by a terrorist group. I was part of a squad of seven, and we were tasked with infiltrating the largest building in the area. They made sure that any threats of terrorist forces on the outskirts were eliminated or push backed, so we arrived on the front safely.” [,] Before I begin, I should tell you my role in that squad: I was a rifleman given the responsibility of being the main receiver of squad-leader orders, and I had to make sure every other specialist had to follow said orders. The firearm at my side was nothing special, as it was a standard-issue military crossbow that they gave me the liberty to paint a healthy tint of pink and brandish a serial code of… something that ended in eleven. Now, this was before I recognized how stupid an army lifestyle was, but it was also the time where I was promoted from being a simple mechanical worker to being a gun-toter, and that was the turning point for me. Anyways, back to the story. […] “Our leader was Ofc. Bahomana, and they led with us sneaking into the backdoor that was cut open via wire-cutters. Inside was nothing much: Just an expanse of a dark, empty shopping center that could’ve been a nice place for me and my nephew to visit in the summertime, but it just had to be occupied by troublemakers. Through the decrepit sectors of once an active shopping sprawl, we sensed nothing but the sound of pipes leaking and the smell of arcane rust. But despite the emptiness, we were on our toes for any sudden attack… eventually, two hours passed and we seemed to’ve scavenged the entire area only to find no visible threat; mold was the most dangerous thing in that store. [,] All was quaint, until I heard a sudden electrical signal and the center light turned on, and the intercom speakers blasted with the sounds of a boot-up. Immediately, our ears were pounded with the roar of ‘Attention, Kmart shoppers!’ and the doors that we entered through were shut.” [,] I urgently demanded Bahomana what we should do, but all they could do was just sit and stare like a deer in headlights… I kept yelling at them, but they would just become more still. […] Regardless of the sheer terror of the moment, it certainly grabbed our attention.
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