#vote down ballot
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deaddee-anime-brownfanlady · 4 months ago
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My family and I just recently voted earlier in the morning today. It seriously felt so good to be able to vote again, but also considering how deeply serious and highly critical this election is in terms of hopefully keeping Democracy in America intact for future elections and generations.
As I said before, this election isn't a joke. Many vulnerable groups of people rights and basic freedoms are at stake. If you truly care about said groups of marginalized people and claim to fight for them, than you'll get off your ass and go fucking VOTE for their rights and keeping them intact and not be Fucked Over by a raging, convicted criminal orange White supremacist who wants to be a damned dictator and use his presidential power for cruelty.
Check your polling places within the state you live in and what time they stay open and make a plan and Vote.
This is not the time to be dumb or self-righteous on some nonexistent moral purity superiority bullshit.
If you claim to care about minorities and other groups of people basic rights and freedoms than you'll Vote for them to not be taken away.
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their-name-is-fake · 4 months ago
I know what the “smart” thing to do is. But I just can’t. I close my eyes and I see the dead bodies of my friends and family. I close my eyes and I see Liz Cheney and her father and the millions he killed. I close my eyes and I hear the dead babies lie, the rape lies. I close my eyes and I see the tweets liberals made about how they can’t wait for us to get deported. I see the wall Kamala plans to build, the army she plans to fund, the ‘laws’ she plans to follow. I see the fracking she won’t stop and the cop cities she will build and the protestors she will allow them to beat.
I see hind and nada and Ahmed and Asmaa and Tariq and basil and Suhail and Julie and majad and misk and nabil and moaz.
I see motaz and wael and bisan and samer and bader and Ahmed
I see dr Hassan and Mohammed and Khalid and Mahmoud and ziad and feroze and azeem and Adam
I can’t stop seeing it
I can’t stop hearing Hinds voice
I can’t help but hear Kamala’s laugh follow it
And I can’t I just can’t I just fucking can’t and I do t know what to do and are we just cursed to live like this forever? To have our names carved in mud and trampled like it is nothing and do I have to keep putting others before me. While you put your oxygen masks on first I have to always put mine last? Why?
No matter who wins I lose
No matter who wins they die
No matter who wins I am not equal not free not human not ok not alive not breathing not sleeping not eating
Hind was a child
Wael lost his whole family
My friends are dead
And always always I am meant to put your mask on first and leave mine last
I am going to die in bones and blood and steel and unease and unrest and it will not matter because I do not matter and they do not matter and we do not matter so long as we put your masks on first.
Happy November 5th
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originalleftist · 4 months ago
And that's one in the bank for Harris/Walz! Not that I expect CO to be close.
Presidentially, at least- I'll be curious to see how some of the judicial races and ballot measures shake out.
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planetary-wolf · 4 months ago
I'm awake too early and I was going to go back to sleep but apparently I'm choosing violence
Genocide is not your hard line stance, you have a savior complex
There's clear signs of upcoming genocidal actions in the West that hinges on the US election cycle that we can actually change with our vote. Immigrant/(we all know it'll be)Latino concentration camps and Trans genocide in the States to name two off the top of my head that affect me directly. These are things Trump is directly campaigning on whether he's using the exact terms or not.
Kamala is no savior herself, but by the GODS my disabled queer ass is not surviving another Trump presidency.
Being a single-issue voter when so much is on the line is honestly abhorrent.
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transparentkittenheart · 4 months ago
Seeing political ads after voting gives me a weird feeling.
I think it's the constant reminder of politics every hour of the day. Theres a certain exhaustion that comes with it. After I cast my ballot I'm declaring "I've done all I can. I've talked to people, I've voted, I'm done." Then you still get these ads.
Dont they know I'm taking a mental break until the 5th? Release me from this burden.
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klcthebookworm · 7 months ago
If your vote didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to take it away from you.
people think they shouldn't vote as a protest or whatever because they've been raised on boycotts. which do sometimes work.
boycotts deprive the target of money.
not voting does not deprive the government of money.
it does, however, deprive you of power.
it's not like a boycott.
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stephen-barry · 5 months ago
Don’t say ‘v0te’: How Instagram hides your political posts... Our tech columnist investigates how Meta’s Instagram, Facebook and Threads suppress content related to the election. Even discussing h0w to v0te isn’t safe... https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/10/16/instagram-limits-political-content-shadowban-election-posts/
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originalleftist · 4 months ago
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(Reposted from Spoutible.com)
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captainfanoftheceiling · 5 months ago
Register to Vote
Check Voter Registration
Check Election Date and Time (EARLY VOTING!!)
Get sample Ballot
Reminder that just because Trump sucked tonight that you still have to go out and vote. People watched the debates in 2016, thought trump did awful and Hillary killed it, didn’t vote, and you know the rest of the story.
Start planning to vote now! Trump is counting on you not doing so.
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jjskiaraa · 4 months ago
You know what I cannot wait for? The day we have an election and we don’t have to say vote like your life depends on it because it does. This man has seeped into every facet of our lives for almost TEN years. Think about that. With one simple vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz he’s cooked-forever, and we won’t have to deal with that urgency again. We can have real policy debates and make actual progress again, once he is gone for good. So let’s do this thing one last time let’s vote like our lives depend on it and get back a better politic.
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democracyunderground · 7 months ago
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mittensmorgul · 4 months ago
on this, the eve of another november 5, may the power of destiel deliver us into democracy yet again
(also everyone in the us who is eligible and hasn't already done so, please go vote!)
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geezerwench · 4 months ago
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Women are going to send a loud and clear message to donald trump next Tuesday, November 5th, whether he likes it or not.
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mightymorphinnegro · 4 months ago
I’m grateful that atleast not All of my WWE/WWF heroes have let me down.
In a time when it feels like so many childhood icons are endorsing things I can’t stand behind, it's refreshing to see that there are still a few standing on the right side of history.
1st Dave Bautista and now Mick 'Mankind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack' Foley 💙💙💙💙
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klcthebookworm · 7 months ago
Probably not, but damn. Now I really want Gritty to debate JD Vance.
Cake to the face anytime Vance says something about childless cat ladies!
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ichooseyoupikajew · 5 months ago
White Queer People: Listen, Jews. You need to accept that your Israeli family members are evil and admit that they need to die. Israel/Palestine is *not* that complicated!
Also, White Queer People (who are related to GOP State Senators who are directly voting for transphobic policies): How dare people tell us to disavow our family members! You don’t get the right to tell us queer people how we should react to our Republican family members. It’s very complicated!
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