#vivian headcanon
agentvharrison · 6 months
Vivian's workout/running playlist is predominantly J-pop and anime openings and endings. Most of them at least ten years old.
She REFUSES to be ashamed of this.
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animezinglife · 6 months
Nyx Headcanons
Headcanons for my favorite little bean, because we don't talk about him enough.
He 100% inherits Rhys's "earth-shattering" power. That extra chapter where Feyre and Rhys were deciding on a name and basically felt powers shifting in the Force when Nyx came up makes me firmly believe that.
He's a good, sweet kid but also goes through a few phases where he's an absolute nightmare to raise through no fault of his own. Nyx is a happy baby, but has zero concept of his power when it starts to show, leaving one very tired High Lord and High Lady when he shatters a window in his nursery when wiggling his arms excitedly.
He's an intuitive little guy though and very quickly figures out he needs to be careful when Feyre and Rhys try to teach him to get a handle on that power. He learns this the hard way after accidentally nightmisting one of his toys.
Nobody for the life of them can figure out why he adores cranky Auntie Amren so much. Though he's not old enough to explain it, he thinks she's another child to play with. Cassian suggests this and Amren nearly rips his head off.
Nyx is a full-fledged mama's boy. He adores Feyre and is a complete snugglebug with her. He's also very protective of his mama.
That said, he idolizes his dad too and copies everything he does. He follows Rhys around and mimics everything, right down to trying to copy the High Lord's graceful swagger. Feyre, naturally, absolutely melts at the sight of him waddling after his dad with one hand in his pocket looking too cool for school on his tiny little legs.
Nyx is obsessed with Starfall, and his first-ever painting is a finger painting of him with his parents under those stars. Rhys gets misty-eyed when he sees it.
He's besties with Kallias and Viviane's little snow angel. The fact they're the same age is perfect--when the grown-ups are too boring tending to one courtly matter or the other, Nyx and his friend can easily pass the time playing in the snow. Nyx already has met his match in the realm of snowball fighting, and takes a new tactic or two back to absolutely wallop his uncles. Rhys could not be more proud of this fact.
Nyx takes his role as Eldest Cousin very seriously, but there's one cousin in particular who absolutely does not and will not listen to a word he says. Guess whose kid that cousin is.
Nyx takes a little too much after his mother sometimes in that he befriends every semi-civil demon-thing or dark spirit that walks the face of the earth. To Uncle Cassian's absolute horror, Nyx is apparently friends with Bryaxis...and Bryaxis loves this kid.
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84773ry4c1d · 3 months
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if i dont make pride art for every single media i like then who would i be ?
happy pride guys heres some thousand year door gays
(also happy late thousand year door remake lets go. love u canon trans vivian)
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dawneternal · 3 months
What I think the acotar characters smell like
Emerie - woodsmoke, herbal tea
Gwyn - honeysuckle, warm rain
Clotho - sweet mint, parchment
Tarquin - sea salt, lime, coconut
Eris - brown sugar, whiskey, smoke
Helion - vetiver, saffron, magnolia
Thesan - apricot, sage
Kallias - vanilla, cedar, snowdrop
Vivianne - violets, sugar plum, fresh snow
Tamlin - moss, lily of the valley, blackberry
Lucien - Leather, bergamot
Lady of Autumn - clementine, clove, amber
Beron - tobacco, cider, oak
Nuala and Cerridwen - moonflower, peach, sandalwood
Rhysand's mom - cardamom, moonflower
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yardsards · 1 year
toh theory i am only partially joking about:
amity's jawline before coming to the human realm:
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amity's jawline after months in the human realm
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amity's jawline after years back in the demon realm
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conclusion? amity is a trans girl and was off her magic hrt for months while stranded in the human realm.
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katt-sports · 1 month
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( Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/god-offical/758702151923056640/god-offical-god-offical-favoritesticle?source=share )
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wildissylupus · 29 days
Sojourn: (Sigh) Why didn't you talk to me before you ran off with Talon
Reaper: It would have turned into an argument
Sojourn: I thought we were friends, Gabe
Reaper: That's exactly why I left you out of it
The writers really saw that Reaper got the mythic and went "Alright time to go ham on the character development", I was not prepared to be hit with this today-
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s4bt00nz · 4 months
vivian is CHUBBY and madame flurrie is FAT they are FAT WOMEN i love FAT WOMEN REPRESENTATION IN MEDIA if you disagree you are INCORRECT and will DISINTEGRATE WITH LASER BEAMS
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simplydannie · 2 months
Vaughn Montegue || Vivian Montegue || New Family
Vaughn and Vivian HCs (and lore update!) cause I’m obsessed:
Vaughn is the head dog of Under Rageous, mafia king taking the business up after his dad
UPDATE: Vivian is the daughter of another gang crime boss, rival to the Montegues. Her sister’s engagement to Vaughn was supposed to bring peace, but unfortunately it was a scam set up.
UPDATE: Behind the scenes of this mafia family drama, Vaughn and Vivian had secretly been falling in love and seeing each other. Eventually, he asked her to marry, finally freeing her from her abusive family.
UPDATE: Vivian was abused by her family, specifically her father.
Vivian is the talker, Vaughn is the listener.
Vivian LOVES gardening, even if nothing really grows in Under Rageous.
Vaughn loves teasing her just to get her flustered.
Vaughn never remembered his birthday until marrying Vivian. Now she makes sure to celebrate it every year.
Vaughn is actually a good cook and loves making special dinners for his wife and kids.
Vaughn is three years older than Vivian.
For a Rageon, Vivian very petite.
She LOVES her husband’s tallness.
Vivian had fertility issues. It took her a long while before she finally got pregnant. She calls the twins her “miracle babies”.
Vivian loves to have Vaughn read a book to her just to hear his voice (he doesn’t get far in the story cause after him reading for a while Vivian can’t keep her hands off him *wink wink*)
Vaughn leaves little surprise flowers around their home for her.
Vaughn can be a little menace to Vivian. He loves it when she gets angry or flustered and yells “REALLY VAUGHN!” from across the room.
Vivian loves to play little pranks on her husband. She once told him she was pregnant again with quadruplets…. He passed out.
Vivian is shy and timid, but so easy to talk to.
Vaughn is stoic and secluded, and can be VERY sarcastic when you get to know him.
Vivian caught him reading the baby books she had bought herself one day.
Vaughn tends to call the twins by their middle names more often than their first.
Vivian caught him playing tea party with Velvet one day. Their daughter had put a tiara on him. He looked at Vivian and said, “Not a word.”
Vaughn let Veneer help him cook a Mother’s Day breakfast for Vivian…. The house almost burned down that day.
……That’s it for now!
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ovwechoes · 2 months
'Worst Habit' Headcanons!
Here's some sfw headcanons for what I think Overwatch members' worst habits are c: (I rambled a bit so it's under the cut as per usual)
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Winston: It's obvious that Winston loves peanut butter, which is fine in and of itself. I think he has a really bad habit of leaving empty pots around the Overwatch HQs, especially his room though. That, and making the worst combinations imaginable. Like peanut butter and spicy chips, or peanut butter and eggs, that sort of thing. He would convince everyone to try it, and feel rejected if they didn't. It's his worst habit but not necessarily a toxic one; otherwise he's a pretty sensible individual.
Lena Oxton / Tracer: Tracer's worst habit is definitely picking at her nails. She tends to do so as a self soothing action, but she doesn't know when to stop and it causes her to have scabs sometimes that Emily has to mend for her. It's something she's aware of but nothing helps to stop her from doing so; she's tried picking stones, those zit popping toys, everything. Nothing feels as good as picking her skin when she's anxious.
Mei-Ling Zhou / Mei: When Mei's in a low mood and is struggling mentally, she sometimes finds it hard to avoid not talking down herself, or viewing herself negatively. It seeps into the atmosphere in HQ, and it's something that she struggles to get herself out of. Once the bad thoughts start, she can't control them and struggles to do so, especially when they involve her survivor's guilt.
Genji Shimada / Genji: Genji used to have several bad habits he's learned to stop over the years, like playing games in his bed, eating unhealthy food too much, smoking probably at one point or another. But he still cant shake the bad habit of skipping training sometimes because he can't be bothered. If he's not in the mood, there's no way he's gonna be seen in the gym strength and ability training unless Brigitte drags him there.
Reinhardt Wilhelm / Reinhardt: Reinhardt has a tendency to overdramatise everything; from his speech to his stories. This applies too to his emotions, and he feels them too close to his heart as though his skin was made of paper. He struggles with his ability to regulate his emotions, and it's something he's aware of but views it as something positive, rather than negative. He wouldn't admit that it's his worst habit, but everyone around him would.
Brigitte Lindholm / Brigitte: Brigitte takes care of herself very well; she views the human body as a machine that needs rest, supplements, nutrition, etc. But her worst habit is remembering to drink when she's working on something or busy with a mission. The amount of times Angela has had to admit her for dehydration isn't even funny, and Reinhardt is always getting yelled at by Torbjorn for 'letting it happen to her'. It's one of those things where when Brigitte is focused on something, she forgets everything else going on.
Angela Ziegler / Mercy: Angela has a very bad problem with doomscrolling online. Once she starts, she cant stop even when she gets ads telling her to take a break. She doesn't necessarily enjoy it, and it keeps her up late into the night, but it's a distraction for her from everything going on in the world. Don't ask to see her app usage history; it'll entirely be instagram reels and tiktok with like 9hrs a day average usage.
Echo: Sometimes, Echo fails to match her responses to the mood of the situation. She tends to take a direct and neutral stance on everything, so her worst habit is that sometimes she comes off as though she's playing devil's advocate, when she isn't. She's just simply showing all aspects that the person she's talking to might not have considered. She's a very logical being, but the way in which she does this sometimes comes off negatively on other people.
Vivian Chase / Sojourn: With Vivian, I can imagine she has a bad habit of getting stuck in nostalgic loops. She likes to look back on the past, understand what happened and what went wrong, but if she lets herself do it too much or for too long, she lingers on her mistakes and it affects her mentally. Similarly to Mei, she feels survivors guilt and feels ashamed for the events in Canada that happened to her sister and niece years ago. Vivian loves a blast from the past, but struggles to regulate how far back to go and how much to think about it.
Lúcio Correia dos Santos / Lucio: Lucio has a very bad habit of staying up too late, working on music or plans for the next day, to the point where he misses sleep and is extremely groggy in the morning. It's something he gets distracted with and loses track of time with. It doesn't help either that he has time blindness and gets lost in the music.
Cole Cassidy / Cassidy: Smoking is his worst habit; everyone working in Overwatch will tell you that. He refuses to try vaping, and prefers cigars to anything else. His cough is disgusting at times, and he has nicotine rush every morning after his first cigar, which makes it hard for anyone to talk to him and get a response from him properly. It's something he has no intention of stopping, as he's here to live a good life not a long one, but everyone has an issue with it when he smokes around them because his favourite brand absolutely reeks.
Fareeha Amari / Pharah: Fareeha holds grudges too long; she struggles with forgiveness and moving forwards. She won't admit it, but it's something that affects her relationship to her family and previous friends. If she's wronged as well, it only takes that one moment for her to give up emotionally and mentally on that friendship. It's not rational, and she understands that, but it's something she views as another form of protection, like armour against people who could hurt her or abandon her.
Jean-Baptiste Augustin / Baptiste: Baptiste is a bad influence when it comes to drinking and has a bad habit of not knowing his own limit. To this day, he still wonders how he's the first one to be absolutely drunk when everyone else around him is barely tipsy (even after he's had 3 shots one after another of fireball on an empty stomach). He indulges in it too much and he doesn't know his own limit to drinking, so you can imagine Cole and Angela have had to comfort him while his head's in the toilet bowl.
Aleksandra Zaryanova / Zarya: Zarya has a tendency to give everyone grace and understanding, even when they don't deserve it. She gives people too many chances, and too many opportunities to use her. It's something she's working on, but she views the world in a more positive light than others and wants to keep the optimism she has for other people.
Hana Song / D.Va: Hana has been told for years she holds herself to too high standards with her work and efforts in Overwatch, and she works herself to the bone. It's something she doesn't view as wrong, but it impacts her body and mind SEVERELY. Angela and Brigitte have had several conversations about taking breaks and not pushing herself too hard with staying up late for work, skipping meals, exhausting herself on missions, etc. It's her worst habit and even she would agree, but she doesn't intend to change it when it gives her the results they need.
Bastion: Bastion's worst habit is getting distracted easily; he's like a kid in a candy shop sometimes with the places Overwatch takes him, and he loves to show Ganymede everything he finds and take them places he enjoyed. It's bothersome sometimes, especially if he's nowhere to be found on a mission because he's busy showing Ganymede the other birds near their temporary station. It is what it is though, and seeing Bastion happy and on their side is something they appreciate.
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where-is-vivian · 4 months
Viv !! I’m now the biggest North African James fan !!!!! I NEED FICS AND HCS NOW !!!!!
@reverie-darling see what we have created...
I don't have any fics in storage with north African James right now 🤔 we need to change that (I'm thinking about writing him with another hc than Hindi on the next long fic I have planned so maybe that)... if anyone has fics like this, feel free to share!
for the headcanons, well I'm not north African myself, so I only know some bits of the culture from my friends and from the internet, but here's a few that I think fit for james:
1. He'd be from Morocco. He's getting the Moroccan genes from his mother, and he often went back to his mother's parents home during holidays as a kid. He has good memories of running around and having fun with his cousins and the beautiful view when they'd be high enough to see the whole qsur.
2. He's also spoiled rotten by his grandma. No further explanation x)
3. He'd do tricks when serving the tea. oh my. James would show off every time there were guests (and especially if at some point he invites lily or regulus). He trained for years for that, burning himself several times (and Euphemia giving him healing ointments after while scolding him lightly (it's her love language)). He'd just show off. Oh also he'd love mint tea.
4. He's a cat person. Sirius feels betrayed but I'm sorry, that might be a cliché idk; if you've seen the guy on tiktok saying that all Arab people are cat people and all cats are Muslims, well. All of my Arab friends are cat people (no fr x)) so I say: James cat person (also he absolutely looooves Regulus in his Animagus form).
5. And last, but not least, he'd speak French. You probably come from this post already but I'm putting it here anyway x)
If you have any hcs for north African James, feel free to share!
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agentvharrison · 2 years
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Vivian + clothing choices
It's my hc that SHIELD agents aren't supposed to let people know they work for SHIELD (Vivian's cover story is a separate hc).  But at the same time, as Clint said in Avengers, "SHIELD has many enemies" and at least some of those enemies have the ability to know who SHIELD's agents are.  Therefore, it’s reasonable for SHIELD agents to be cautious.
As a result of this, Vivian won't set foot outside her apartment unless she's able to handle herself in a fight.  Just in case.
A large part of Vivian's fashion style is dependent on "can I fight in this?"  So skirts have to give her freedom of movement.  Tops can't restrict arm movement.  She'll wear stiletto or platform high heels at home or in a club, but she won't wear anything out on the street that she can't run in or balance on one foot in. She avoids earrings and good necklaces, only wearing necklaces that will break easily so it can't be used to hurt her.  Vivian prefers cuff bracelets and therefore avoids wearing bracelets at all.  Modesty is not a concern; she really doesn’t care who gets a glimpse of tit or ass so long as she’s capable of punching them in the face.
Her hair is almost always tied up because she hates it in her face, but outside of her apartment it's usually french braided so that if someone grabs a hold of the pressure will be spread out across her scalp (I totally stole that from Tamora Pierce and Vivian absolutely got the idea from reading the Beka Cooper books).  Often she goes a step further and pins up the braid so there’s less to grab (I will find a picture of Nicole Haught from Wynonna Earp for a perfect reference).
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achaotichuman · 8 months
I need an Au where the Acotar characters fall into an alternate morden Acotar, obviously there’s a ton of plot and alternate characters for everyone. So everyone’s coming in contact with themselves. Maybe in this universe there is a giant criminal network that is run by Rhysand’s sister and co-manger by Rhysand, and separated into seven sectors with different needs and capabilities and all are run by the alternate versions of the High lords.
But none of them had any falling outs so it’s like Prythian but if they had guns and actually all liked and worked together. And they’re helping their Acotar counterparts to get back to their world whilst simultaneously showing them that they work better together instead of against each other.
But really what I want to see is modern Tamlin explaining the concept of modern day slang.
Modern Tam- "Slay."
Acotar Tam- "WHO?!"
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dreamingmantis · 2 months
Goombella laying her head on Vivian's tummy and Vivian laying her head on Goombella's hair
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t-bird510 · 3 months
My paper Mario character LBGTQ Headcanons!!!
Since it’s still pride month I decided to Do this post!!!
1 - Vivian - MTF Transgender (This is canon!!!)
2 - Goombella - Bisexual or Lesbian (Sides towards girls)
3 - Mario (Paper Mario version) - Straight ally
4 - Nastasia - Bisexual + Asexual
5 - Koops - Stright ally
6 - Lady Bow - Lesbian or Bisexual/Pansexual
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So yeah! These were my Own personal opinions and Headcanons for Paper Mario characters!!!
I might make a updated version in the future or make a part 2 if I feel like it.
Otherwise, I hope you all have a great day and enjoy yourselves!
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wildissylupus · 3 months
Sojourn: So... what’s goin’ on? Cassidy: You want the long version or the short version? Sojourn, hesitantly: The short one, I guess? Cassidy: Shit’s fucked. Sojourn: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
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