#vivian answers asks
where-is-vivian · 4 months
Viv !! I’m now the biggest North African James fan !!!!! I NEED FICS AND HCS NOW !!!!!
@reverie-darling see what we have created...
I don't have any fics in storage with north African James right now 🤔 we need to change that (I'm thinking about writing him with another hc than Hindi on the next long fic I have planned so maybe that)... if anyone has fics like this, feel free to share!
for the headcanons, well I'm not north African myself, so I only know some bits of the culture from my friends and from the internet, but here's a few that I think fit for james:
1. He'd be from Morocco. He's getting the Moroccan genes from his mother, and he often went back to his mother's parents home during holidays as a kid. He has good memories of running around and having fun with his cousins and the beautiful view when they'd be high enough to see the whole qsur.
2. He's also spoiled rotten by his grandma. No further explanation x)
3. He'd do tricks when serving the tea. oh my. James would show off every time there were guests (and especially if at some point he invites lily or regulus). He trained for years for that, burning himself several times (and Euphemia giving him healing ointments after while scolding him lightly (it's her love language)). He'd just show off. Oh also he'd love mint tea.
4. He's a cat person. Sirius feels betrayed but I'm sorry, that might be a cliché idk; if you've seen the guy on tiktok saying that all Arab people are cat people and all cats are Muslims, well. All of my Arab friends are cat people (no fr x)) so I say: James cat person (also he absolutely looooves Regulus in his Animagus form).
5. And last, but not least, he'd speak French. You probably come from this post already but I'm putting it here anyway x)
If you have any hcs for north African James, feel free to share!
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milolovesbmc · 26 days
bites you… dilf whizzer is on my mind again
Whizzer Brown the man you are……..
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linkedin-offficial · 2 months
how does goombella feel about chimera vivian? i imagine she's got some real charged emotions about it all
ohhh for sure without a doubt shes got emotions alright . for being so small , she does a pretty good job of not exploding due to the stress of it all, frankly.
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i did explore how she would react a teensy bit in this post, but that was made before i wrote out the entire timeline/series of events of the whole au. now its clearer in my head that she definitely would absolutely Hate everything about the situation and would probably act really out of her normal character. irritable, not talking as much, shut off and secluded, the works.
but to be fair, it would impact all of them horribly. i cant imagine watching a really close friend of yours get eaten and then turned into a horrible beast once you go through all the trouble to revive them would really do much good for anyones psyche .. ^_^;
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simplydannie · 1 month
Vivian and Brandy getting along with their hot husbands>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Haii Pookie!
Those girls are totally all over their husbands no lie! Both being VERY affection towards them. But I can totally see Vivian and Brandy sitting down at the mini bar with a drink or two and just gushing about their husbands!
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thatdraggo · 3 months
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“Absolutely NOT!” As Goombella flipped through her giant textbook with a red face.
Sadly (?) I cannot eat her phone, “Rabid Vivibella stans.” She said she’d explain that species to me in the morning! But for now, I guess answering questions on here is funner than sleeping. Also, her hair is surprisingly soft to lay on! I’ve been touching it all night!
(I know what you are…)
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himexyandere · 29 days
Why am I getting so many asks about Vivian shitting-
Anyway, no, snakes don't shit out of their dicks, their cloaca are located on the undersides of their tails, and that's where they shit from. Since he's half snake/half human, his dicks are located where a human male's usually are, while his cloaca is in the same spot as a snake's
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mercurygray · 6 months
For the one word prompts, how about “security” + whichever one of your OCs the inspiration strikes! - @softspeirs
Katie, I hope you don't mind that I've decided to use this prompt for Crank and Laura!
For those of you who might be new here, Laura Arsenault is an OC of mine from The Darkening Sky; she's a nurse with the 128th Field Hospital and a good friend of Frankie Horgan, who is a good friend of Marj Gordon's. Part of Laura's story is that she has a brother, George, serving with a tank regiment, and an older sister, Vivian, who was one of the Army nurses imprisoned on Bataan.
She never thought she'd miss the war.
Well, not the war, exactly - Laura didn't miss the war itself. She didn't miss the smell of operating wards and dirt and wet canvas and boots that were never dry and washing out of a helmet and keeping the rats out of your bunk and scrubbing blood out of your nails. She didn't miss the dying, or the dead.
But maybe it was - was the being in it that she missed, the sense of shared self and shared goals and shared purpose. And she missed the people. They weren't ever alone, in that hospital - there was always someone to talk to, always work to help with, always someone to go see. And getting a date had been infinitely easier. Easy as pie, when you were one of only fifty or so girls and there were dozens - or hundreds - of guys at the dance.
Not any more. Now she was back home, where no one knew her, and everyone she did know was always a bus ride away instead of a two minute walk, and finding dates was awful - especially once everyone heard what she did for work. "Oh, a nurse." And then this odd little smile and an anecdote about whoever they knew in the hospital, or something like that, and she'd have to smile and nod and pretend to care.
And all the men were - well, she didn't know where they were, but none of them seemed to be in Boston, or at least, not the part of it that she was, and yet everyone seemed to have a brother, or a cousin, or a - a someone who needed to meet someone. But none of those guys ever seemed interested in more than one meeting. She wasn't desperate enough yet to start answering those ads in the paper, but it felt like a distinct possibility - reduced to twenty words or less.
So here she was again - another blind date, this time with Rose's cousin Charlie. "You'll like him," Rose had said, patting her arm and handing her the address of a restaurant. "He was a pilot."
A pilot - possibly her least favorite kind of soldier, probably because she'd seen so few of them, and heard so much, and your average infantryman didn't have a lot of nice things to say about the bomber boys, except that they were lazy, and they were late, and they were getting all the press. Now, come on, Laura, you haven't even met him yet.
Yes - hadn't met him yet because he was late, and now she was sitting, like a bad penny, all on her own at this table in the middle of the back wall trying not to look too lost in this big room with all these other perfectly paired off people.
"Miss Arsenault?"
Well, here he was - and lord, did he ever sound like a local boy - Laura heard it in every syllable. She held out a hand to shake, and he took it, his grip firm and uncompromising.
"Mr. Cruikshank."
He had a kind face - that was something, anyway. Not the sort of face she would have thought belonged to a pilot, if she was being honest, but that was Hollywood and a lot of movies talking. His hair, she could see, was very naturally curly, though he'd done his darnedest to comb it down into parting neatly. He was wearing civies, or mostly civies, anyway - charcoal grey trousers and a sweater that wasn't too far out of current fashion with his leather bomber jacket over it, his name, C. Cruikshank, stamped into the leather plate over his left breast.
"It's Charles, if that's too much of a mouthful."
Not Charlie, then. She'd have to remember that. "Laura," she offered, watching him pull out his chair and drape his jacket over the back. "The waiter should be back soon, I didn't - want to order without you."
"You ever been here before?" he asked, obviously just trying to make conversation, his eyes darting around the room.
"Once or twice, but not - not for dates." I'm trying not to sound like the kind of girl who goes on a lot of dates. "Rose said you were - were a pilot. What'd you fly?"
"Heavy bombers," he offered, shuffling a little in his chair. "B-17s, out of Norfolk. And you were a - were a nurse?"
She nodded. "Field hospital. We were everywhere."
"Imagine that was a -- a hard job." His eyes were still avoiding hers, his hands rubbing together nervously in his lap.
"I can't imagine what being in a plane was like. We didn't get too many airman."
He nodded, and Laura looked back down at the candle on the table, feeling foolish for not knowing what else to say. He was bouncing his leg, underneath the table, his chair not quite pulled in all the way, like he was going rather than coming, waiting for the check instead of waiting for the menu.
Well. I guess that's that on that, then. Failed before we even ordered. She'd get chicken - that was easy, and cheap, now, too. They could eat and mumble through something about the weather and she wouldn't have to do this again and she could tell Rose on Monday that Charles had been charming but not the guy for her.
Just how had Vivian managed it - finding the love of her life before the end of the war, and in a hospital, no less! Laura knew she shouldn't compare, but it was hard not to, when it seemed to have been so easy and where she was now seemed so hard. Not that Vivian had had it easy, at all - she'd only been in Hawaii because she'd been in the Philippines, and she'd only met Andy because she'd been on light duties, and him recovering from surgery. She'd made the mistake of saying it, once, a few months ago, and the look Vivian had given her would have scared anyone silent. "Don't say that, Laur," she'd begged. "I'm not lucky. You don't want to be where I've been."
"So, what did Rose say about me? When she set this up?" He looked nervous about hearing the answer.
"She said she thought we'd get along, I think." Laura offered, and then paused. Wait. That's ...not what she said. She said we wouldn't have to explain anything to each other. And she said that you'd had a hard war...but who didn't?
She didn't want to say that last part out loud - no one liked to be a charity case, and she knew that better than anyone. But as she thought about it, really thought about the way Rose had spoken about her cousin, she realized that Rose had only brought up meeting Charles when she'd told a story about Vivian. And she realized, finally, where she'd seen the look on his face before - in Vivian's eyes, always trying to find the exits, calculate the quickest way out. This man wasn't just a pilot - and maybe there were things from his war that he didn't want to explain, either, things that really were hard. "Do you want to switch places?" she asked, moving her chair out from the table a little.
He looked guilty, and…afraid, even, a man trapped who'd been trapped before. "My sister never wants to sit with her back to the door," she said, trying not to pry. "She always wants to - see that there's a way out." She paused. "Three years behind wire will do that to a person."
He looked up from his hands and stared. "Your sister?"
She nodded. "She was with MacArthur in the Philippines." She met his eye. "I don't mind, really."
"Thanks." They moved seats, leaving their coats where they were, and a kind of calm came over him as he took in more of the room. "Imagine she had it worse. I was…only eighteen months. In Germany. 43 to 45."
Laura could see her sister's face as he said that - could see Andy's face, too, talking with her brother George over their pipes after dinner about whether fighting in the heat or the cold was worse. "She'd tell you it wasn't a competition. If it helps."
He smiled at that, loosing up a little. "My doc says I should work on things like this - dinner, and conversation, and…crowded rooms." He shrugged. "I know no one likes a project, but I'm….trying." He smiled a little bashfully. "And I'm a little nervous anyway - Rose …didn't tell me you were pretty."
She felt herself blush, and looked down at her napkin. Well, all right, Charles Cruikshank, tell me I'm pretty. "She didn't tell me her cousin Charles was cute, either."
It was his turn to blush, and he did it almost sweetly, a touch of color coming into his already ruddy cheeks. "You know I haven't…actually been called Charles for about five years. He feels like…some other fellow that's not me. All my friends call me Crank."
"Crank?" What a name! Pilots.
He smiled again - really smiled, this time, his eyes even lighting up a little, and she was glad, finally, that he'd felt security enough in being called by his name to show her what his smile looked like. "Someone would tell you it's 'cause I complain a lot, but it's, it's short for Crankshaft. It's a long story."
The waiter appeared, pad and white apron at the ready. "Are we ready to order?"
Laura looked at Crank and smiled. She would still order the chicken, and there would be no need to talk about the weather. "Well, why don't you tell it to me? I think we've got some time."
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pealeii · 3 months
ASK ATTACK!!!!!!!! haiiiiiii :3
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blorbocedes · 11 months
why do you think nico retired from f1?
got mpregnant
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where-is-vivian · 2 months
hello hi viv my love i just went through your art tag here on tumble because i wanted to find the dorcas video but i cant find it. (insert elijah wood interview voice) is it on tumblr? have you put it on tumblr? will you put it on tumblr? when will you put it on tumblr? sending you all the love!!!
no I do not, no I have not, maybe *saturated laugh*
no for real x) I haven't put it on tumblr yet! I wasn't sure about tumblr being the proper platform for it, but since you're so kindly asking, here it is:
I hope the quality isn't too bad! have a good day 😊
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mpsansy · 12 days
Were any of the ladies: Elizabeth, Vivian, Isabella, and Aria, friends back in the past when the McFadden were alive? Would they be friends in the present?
In the past, I’d say so. Admittedly, Isabella was the awkward one of the bunch. A woman that only spoke about plants and sometimes desserts she'd read from cook books. But she quickly got less awkward and more comfortable with speaking to the girls as the interactions continued.
All three (Isa, Viv, and Aria) didn’t get a chance to talk to Elizabeth a whole lot, yet they were around her enough to see how full of life she was. And how she got Simon to being all soft & fatherly.
And on the matter of them being friends in the present? Of course! They’d have a lot to talk about too. Mostly Elizabeth, as she’s been missing forever. The girls all just assumed she’d passed on and away from this earthly plain. Certainly not the case, she was still around. Just incredibly lost and with no means of communicating for a long period of time.
It’s was definitely an experience. Not a good one though.
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I'm glad there's a blog dedicated to her so much! She's always been an all time favorite of mine!
Same! She's very relatable and it really does break my heart to see her get emotionally abused by Beldam including having transphobia getting dished out onto her!
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linkedin-offficial · 2 months
Okay a question. If Vivian is that dragon- bird hybrid from the Dungeon Meshi, who would the other partners be matched with in the dungeon meshi cast? (If that makes sense)
okay so i have thought about this!!!!! very extensively might i add
of course, the way the au works isnt nessesarily a "replacement" au (where certain members assume a role as the story of another media is transported to the one in question); but i did write this down because i thought it would help my thoughts roll around clearer
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(some are greyed out because there was no one i thought thatd fit them/i planned to create a character that would fit)
unfortunately it didint really help my thought process in the end and i ended up scrapping the idea of referencing "who replaces who" at all, since it would just make things complicated and i didint want to nessesarily make this a replacement au in the first place anyway. but these notes exist! so here they are
btw, ill probably be answering asks like these on my other blog, @linkedin-corp, instead, from now on. any i get here will be answered there! id just like to keep my ramblings over there and not on my art blog xD hope that makes sense
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kris-mage-fics · 1 year
what do u thinks happening with all the slightly weird pregnancy/dating vibes in SH with the Scarlets
Well, it could simply be a holdover from how upper class folks in the past used to expect their children to continue the family line. As a way of maintaining a legacy, consolidating generational wealth, and holding on to power (and let’s face it, often for racist reasons as well). I get the impression that Pearlanne was pretty old-fashioned and conservative in a lot of her views. This expectation still is alive today in a lot of families that have long held power and immense wealth.
Though I can’t rule out more interesting theories, like @hellhoundmaggie's theory that she talked about here. Personally, I don’t think it’s anything quite so intense, but it’s a really cool theory and it would be very neat if she’s right! It would be a much more interesting story that my ideas, lol! I suspect it’s partly the boring reason I mentioned above, combined with a few other things. For one I agree with the take that Tabitha wants kids but probably has trouble conceiving, though maybe isn't truly infertile. Also Pearlanne chased off Tabitha’s beaus because she decided for one reason or another they weren’t good enough to be the sperm-donor* of her grandchild. The fourth component in my mind is Pearlanne wanted a grandchild before Vivian had one. Since Tabitha is an only child all the pressure was on her to give Pearlanne what she wanted. Do I think these four things are enough to give us the strange vibes around pregnancy and dating we see in the game? Yeah, absolutely. But my ideas on this one are pretty boring compared to Maggie’s!
*Because the men who father Scarlet children sure haven’t stayed around long since Enoch!
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mercurygray · 4 months
so random question time: will we possibly be seeing more of laura and cranks's dates in the future? i found them to be impossibly cute together!
I would for sure write more of Crank and Laura if I had more ideas, Kind Anonymous Friend!
Sadly, the last idea I did have was courtesy of @latibvles and one of her similarly named characters - and Crank and Laura are really only side characters.
She and I are both writing Vivians and *her* Vivian is in love with Bucky, and that got me thinking about what *my* Vivian would be like with Bucky. Bucky's visiting the Cruikshank family for Christmas - a couple of days off for the holiday while he's working in DC means he can't make it all the way to his own folks so Crank invites him up to Boston for the party, which is actually at his in-laws, the Arsenaults. All three of their children (Vivian, Laura, and George) served and they have very strong feelings about a decorated veteran being alone for Christmas, so of course Bucky's welcome along. Eventually someone shares with Bucky how Vivian spent her war - a guest of the Japanese for nearly 3 years - and the two of them talk about all kinds of things, after which Bucky kisses her, because that's just ...who he is as a person, and he can't stand to see a beautiful woman alone.
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effervescentdragon · 10 months
Do you mean 'enviromental king', actually a cunt (affectionate and proud) when he needed to be, the biggest WAG of all time to his wife or something else? Intrigued to know (and I probably agree)
i mean that people are really quick to tear nico down for all the things that theyre very quick to praise seb for, like environmentalism, or "focusing on parenting" and i mean that it annoys me as fuck sometimes
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