potatoplace · 3 hours
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Oh god okay so the pictures of Taylor Swift at the VMAs yesterday in the plaid dress thingy. She is uhm. Taylor is Feyre now. Not quite the perfect fit but the AURA??? THE LOOKS???? SHE IS FEYRE IN MY EYES TODAY. Like. Omg. I cannot. Her EYES. SHE IS FEYRE.
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This is the picture btw. Something about her just screamed Feyre to my brain
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potatoplace · 1 day
Phew I can cover most of the cost thank goooodness, and it's a fix that'll last around ten years. That's good. And it's only like two hours more to wait, that's fine I can handle that. (I'm gonna eat so much fruit and so many donuts when I get home, got some after I did laundry yummm and I'll let myself get stoned and just write away)
I'm so booored I'm at the auto shop cause my car is having some issues, and I have like two hours at least until I'll be done.
I'm trying to write Omega Needs C9 but its so saaaad poor lil Feyre is not having a good time. And I'm tired so the words are just not flowing like I want them to.
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potatoplace · 1 day
I'm so booored I'm at the auto shop cause my car is having some issues, and I have like two hours at least until I'll be done.
I'm trying to write Omega Needs C9 but its so saaaad poor lil Feyre is not having a good time. And I'm tired so the words are just not flowing like I want them to.
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potatoplace · 3 days
Sooooo Hewn City Feyre if the dress was all black, or like black and silver plaid. But. Her? Miss Swift? Feyre. Still. Feyre all the way.
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Oh god okay so the pictures of Taylor Swift at the VMAs yesterday in the plaid dress thingy. She is uhm. Taylor is Feyre now. Not quite the perfect fit but the AURA??? THE LOOKS???? SHE IS FEYRE IN MY EYES TODAY. Like. Omg. I cannot. Her EYES. SHE IS FEYRE.
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This is the picture btw. Something about her just screamed Feyre to my brain
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potatoplace · 3 days
More pregnancy cuteness stuff because I cannot get ENOUGH this was most of what I thought about at work today
These are a lil spoilers-ish but mainly just cute moments once you're pregnant, nothing rlly plot relevant
When you all know that you're pregnant, Feyre and Rhys are so ecstatic, and instantly more protective. The three of you stay in your bedroom for two days, until you finally wake up before them and sneak down to the kitchen, where you see Cassian. He congratulates you, and suddenly Rhys is there punching him in the stomach for talking to you. Feyre grabs you and pulls you upstairs (I can't wait to write this omg)
Feyre is the most excited for you to have a bump, and when you finally start showing she can't keep her hands off of your stomach unless she has a meeting to go to.
Once you can't fit in your old clothes, you have a breakdown in front of the mirror one morning. Feyre catches you crying, and reassures you that you are absolutely perfect. She takes you shopping for some new clothes, making sure you know just how much she loves your body the entire time, and being very touchy (ahhh)
At least one of them walks you to your bakery every morning, and back home in the evening. You always hold hands, and if it's too icy out one of them will carry you. They do the same if your feet are hurting you. Feyre will always bring you a drink when you walk home, normally a tea or cocoa, and Rhys brings you a treat from Jayla's cafe, normally a cookie of some kind.
The two of them insist on feeding you whenever you let them, always making sure you're stuffed. They need to make sure baby is getting enough nutrients, after all! Rhys likes to pull you onto his lap to feed you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder once you're sleepy and full.
Feyre helps dress you every morning, usually picking out your clothes for you so that you don't have to think about it, after too many mornings spent crying about how it didn't look how you pictured. Feyre doesn't mind, she loves dressing you in the cutest clothing, and making sure you'll be comfortable in what you're wearing all day.
Eventually, you have to hand over the day to day operations of your bakery when you're put on bed rest. Feyre and Rhys try their best to keep you resting, but you beg them until they let you go and oversee things for a couple of hours. One of them will stay with you, monitoring how tired you get and whisking you back home once you show any signs of discomfort.
You wake up in the middle of the night one time, needing a chocolate cake, right then. You sneak down to the kitchen, careful to not wake your mates. A little while later, Feyre comes down and nearly drags you back to bed before you convince her to just let you stay up and let the cake bake. The two of you sit on the counter, yawning with your head on her shoulder and her head resting on yours, hands interlocked. When the cake is done, you let it cool for a few minutes before you cut a large slice, and the two of you share it. You let Feyre drag you up to bed, leaving the cake on the counter. In the morning, Rhys wakes up first and goes to start breakfast, and comes back to wake you and Feyre up to ask if you'd heard anything strange (worrywart lol)
Baby clothes shopping!! The absolute best thing ever, all three of you agree. There are so many adorable outfits, you think that you bought one of each in every shop in Velaris. Needless to say, your child will never go without clothes. Or toys, if the amount Rhys buys is anything to go by.
Feyre paints a mural on each wall of the nursery, one for each one of your life's stories (tamed down, of course!), and the remaining wall is the one of your love story (AHHHHHHHH)
Feyre also paints two portraits of you when you're heavily pregnant- one in the Hewn City, the official portrait that she wants for you. And one with your bump showing, you only clothed in a few swaths of fabric to keep your modesty (Feyre had wanted a full nude). Feyre took forever on the second one, she spent so much time staring at you in all your beauty, enthralled by you. (You also pause for a few make out sessions, you can't help it, Feyre is looking at you like you're the Mother herself)
Rhys is able to create a recreation of the night sky on the nursery ceiling, with stars that trace patterns to help soothe your child to sleep. He also works painstakingly with Arana to create the perfect furniture for the nursery, ensuring that the crib is as safe as fae-ly possible and that all areas that could hurt the baby have protection enchantments on them. He does the same for the rest of the house, and your home is baby proofed five months before the baby is due.
You are extra needy when other omegas around, nuzzling further into your alphas without thinking about it. You can't help it, you need to get your scent all over them so those other omegas don't try to steal your perfect, perfect alphas. Maybe you do understand why Rhys and Fey are so protective...
I love these three so much 😭 I am so so sooo excited to get to this point in the story, but the build up is going to be so worth it!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I just had to get this out they're taking up so much space in my braaaaain
Pregnancy cuteness stuff for you can have it (cause that's a ways off and I keep thinking about the cuteness of iiiiit)
If you don't want to know what cuteness lies ahead, feel free to skip this!
Feyre and Rhys are very adamant about getting reader pregnant- they try as often as you let them, and they're both firm believers that an omegas pleasure increases fertility
Your scent changes slowly, but once it's noticeable the two of them are all over you, constantly scenting you
Doctors visits are a weekly occurance for you, sometimes twice a week if one of them is fussing over a symptom you're having (usually Rhys)
Morning sickness is no joke, and one if not both of them are always there, holding your hair back
If one of them leaves your side for more than an hour or leaves the house, they bring you back a gift or treat.
Once you start having cravings, Feyre and Rhys go above and beyond to get you what you need- including cooking or baking for you (well, Feyre sits on the counter with you and looks cute/gives you aaall of the attention while the two of you watch Rhys)
When you sleep, Rhys and Feyre sleep on either side of you, Rhys closest to the door. They keep one hand on your bump at all times no matter which position you sleep in.
Once they can hear the baby's heartbeat, Feyre spends at least a half an hour with her ear to your stomach listening every day. When Rhys is feeling stressed and tired, the two of you curl up on a couch together, with you sitting on one end (with a pillow, of course) and Rhys laying with his head on your lap and an ear against your tummy.
They become even more protective, even going as far as to growl at any alphas that enter your bakery, until you finally break and put an end to it. They grovel a bit, and tone down their aggression towards everyone who comes within ten feet of you.
Once you start nesting, Feyre is always with you. She helps you do everything, coaxes you to eat and forces you to bathe even if she has to drag you from your nest (as much as it hurts her to hear you cry). Rhys brings replacements of fabrics every few days, and they switch them out while you're asleep. Rhys brings food for the both of you, and anything he thinks of that you might want- from cute stuffies to books to tea and treats.
You start having emotional outbursts after a couple of months, mainly over your alphas- how cute, pretty, sexy they are, if they get you something you cry about it until they hold you and stroke your hair.
When you're finally in labor, Feyre and Rhys are absolute messes. They take turns sitting behind you and supporting your body, but for every tear you shed, they shed one too (or more).
I'm just obseeeessed with these threeee I'm so excited for everything about this series! I can't wait for possessive, jealous Feyre and worry wart Rhys. I love them so much alreadyyy and I haven't even written them yeeeet
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potatoplace · 4 days
I'm on S9 of Greys at the beginning, and I love love LOVE Cristina and Thomas's relationship so much. I love old guy mentors so much, I just hate that he dies 😭
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potatoplace · 4 days
I'm on S9 of Greys at the beginning, and I love love LOVE Cristina and Thomas's relationship so much. I love old guy mentors so much, I just hate that he dies 😭
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potatoplace · 4 days
Mastermind - Part 2
Dark!Feysand x Reader
Part 1 | ACOTAR x Reader Masterlist
Story Summary: Your friend of a few months, Feyre, invited you out for a celebratory drink over your new job, and of course her husband Rhys joins you. The night doesn't go quite as planned, and you end up back at their place with very few wits about you.
Warnings: non-con, abduction, being kept prisoner, smut, drug use (pot)
Words: ~5k
Author's Note: it's here! Feyre... you live in my head rent free so often... also this is just like a purely self indulgent fic at this point, I think it'll be a mini-series. Please read the warnings!
18+ only pls
You woke up with a headache and a confusing ache between your legs.
Your bed was comfier than usual, and so, so warm. Almost like you had a heated blanket going. You mouth cracked open into a yawn, and you stretched your limbs as far as you could-
Which wasn't far.
Both your legs and arms bumped into something solid and warm, surrounding you on both sides.
Your eyes flew open, very, very confused when you saw your friend Feyre laying to your right, and her husband Rhys on your left and-
You're naked.
Completely bare between the two of them, with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Your face flushed with heat.
God, what have I done?
Your tried to wiggle your way out from between the two of them, but one of Rhys's arms merely locked tighter around you, pulling you further against him.
He's naked. You could feel him hardening against you already as he stirred slightly, burying his face in your hair.
You struggled slightly, trying to move away from him, he's your friend's husband for crying out loud.
"What's wrong, sweetness?" Feyre's sleep heavy voice asked from your right. Her hand moved up your thigh and over your stomach, coming to rest between your breasts.
You pushed her hand off of you. "I'm so confused right now, Fey, why are Rhys and I naked? I should go," you said, moving to sit up, but Feyre's hand shot out to keep you down, and between her and Rhys you were powerless to move.
"You're never going to leave us again, darling," Feyre said, wiggling closer to you and pressing her body against yours- she was naked as well.
What the fuck did I do last night?
"Feyre, let me up," you demanded, doing your best to get her hand off of you, but in your struggle you must have woken Rhys up.
"Is there a problem, ladies?" His sultry voice sent shivers down your spine. Your always found it attractive, but now? Trapped between him and your best friend? You wanted nothing more than to bolt out of their apartment and back to yours and never come back out.
"Rhysie, she's trying to leave," Feyre said poutily, hand rubbing circles onto your stomach.
"And why would our sweet little kitten want to leave, hmm?" He asked, lips finding your neck and pressing soft kisses along the expanse of it. "You were so happy last night, sweet thing, what changed?"
You shook your head- this was wrong, all of this was wrong. And Rhys's lips had brought to your attention something wrapped around your neck snugly.
"This isn't right, I can't even remember what happened last night," you said, tears leaking from your eyes now, and you brought a hand up to your throat, fingering the fabric on your neck. Is it leather? Is it-
"You put a collar on me?" You asked, disbelief in your voice as your fingers attempted to tear the item from your body.
"I figured you might freak out, sweetness," Feyre tutted from beside you, a hand raising your grasp both of yours. "You're ours now, Y/N, you just need a little help realizing that. That's what the cute little collar is for, just to keep you from running away like the silly little kitten I think you might be." Feyre's voice was soft but condescending as she explained it to you, but you were still so lost.
"I don't understand, Fey," you cried, attempting to pull your body out of their embraces. "We're friends, you're married. This isn't okay."
Rhys shushed you, running his hands over your hair. "We might be married, but you're the secret missing piece we've been looking for, kitten. From the moment Feyre introduced me to you, I knew what she meant when she said she had to have you. Neither of us can resist how absolutely sweet and lovely you are." You went to open your mouth to protest, but Feyre's mouth covered yours in a heated kiss. "You'll realize just how much you can't resist us either, soon," Rhys added when he felt you involuntarily relax into Feyre's dominating hold over you.
"As for the not remembering last night..." Feyre started when she finally pulled away from claiming your mouth. "I think I know the perfect way to fix that," she said with a smirk, already moving down below the blankets and between your thighs.
"Feyre stop," you pleaded. "I don't want this, I want to go home," you cried, fat tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Really?" Feyre asked with a smirk, dragging a finger through your folds and collecting the wetness that had pooled there. "Because this sweet little pussy says otherwise."
Tears fell from your eyes faster, shame welling within you as Feyre sucked her finger clean, closing her eyes as she did so. Feyre lowered her mouth to your sex in the next moment, not wasting any time in working you up to your breaking point.
You were still so sensitive from whatever they had done to you last night, and with Feyre’s tongue working your clit like magic you could hardly keep yourself still, even as Rhys pinned down your torso. One of his hands was fondling your breast and keeping you in the bed while the other ran through your hair and kept your face tilted towards Feyre.
You could see her face well again, now that the blanket had slid further down the bed while you twitched and writhed in their hold and against the pleasure Feyre was giving you. Her eyes were locked on your face, taking in every detail as you got closer and closer to the brink with every delicious swipe of her tongue.
To you it was wrong, all wrong. You didn’t want to be reacting, to even be warming their bed at all, yet you were trapped here as the couple worked you into your first orgasm of the morning against your will.
The strangled moan that left your throat was enough to have Feyre smirking up at you from between your thighs.
“See? You love us, and what we can give you. And we love you, Y/N.”
“No you don’t, Feyre, this isn’t love,” you cried softly, too tired and ashamed to put up much of fight anymore.
“It is, darling. We love you,” Rhys reiterated, peppering your neck and face with kisses as if to prove his point. “Now, will you let us feed you? I imagine you’re hungry after all the work we did last night,” he said with a dirty grin, two fingers pinching your right nipple.
Feyre began to move back up the bed and you took the opportunity to roll to your right into the spot that she had occupied while the three of you slept. Feyre sighed.
“Rhys, you can go take a shower and then start breakfast, okay? I’ll get this one into the shower after a little more… persuasion,” Feyre said in a disappointed tone.
Rhys chuckled, but got up from the bed anyway and walked into the bathroom. “Tell me pancakes or waffles after I come back out, darling.”
Feyre’s hands were pulling your back against her front snugly, allowing no room for you to escape the soft press of her body. Once you’d calmed a bit, she let one of her hands snake down between your thighs, gathering a bit of wetness from your center and then rubbing quick circles on your clit.
So sensitive. Her deft fingers brought you to completion twice in the time it took Rhys to finish showering and enter the room for his clothing.
You were a whimpering mess by the time he rounded to the side of the bed you were facing, leaning into Feyre’s embrace as she forced you closer and closer to a third orgasm in such rapid succession.
“I see, you’re just more comfortable with Feyre, hmm?” Rhys asked as he pulled your lower lip between his thumb and forefinger. “I guess I’ll just have to spend every waking second of the next week getting you used to me,” Rhys said with a smile before heading to leave the room.
“Pancakes,” Feyre told him, right as her fingers brought you to your fourth orgasm of the morning.
“Got it, darling. Make sure to actually get her in the shower, okay?”
Feyre’s merely lowered her lips to the left side of your neck, sucking a pair of dark, claiming marks over the spaces that Rhys had left unmarked.
Your breathy, contented sigh shocked you so thoroughly you jerked from Feyre’s hold finally and landed on the carpeting.
“Oh, sweetness, still afraid of liking us?” Feyre asked amusedly, bringing herself to the edge of the bed. “Don’t worry, you’ll get over that in a couple of days, I think. Unless you decide to be a brat and fight your fate which, I might add, is useless. Rhys and I love you, Y/N.”
You shook your head at her words. “This is wrong, Feyre, you know it’s wrong. You can’t just keep me here,” you said indignantly, getting up from the floor on shaky legs and attempting to cover yourself with your arms.
“Why not?”
You scoffed. “Because, Feyre, I am a human being and not a pet. I have a life and people that care about me, you can’t just abduct me and get away with it!”
“People that care about you? You have me, Y/N. Your family is mostly dead and the ones that are alive, you don’t talk to! And you even told me that I’m the first friend you made in Velaris, you belong with me. You have belonged to me ever since I first saw you in that coffee shop.”
“What about my job? I have a job, Feyre, they will be worried when I don’t actually start in a few days,” you told her desperately, hoping for any shred of the kindness you’d thought your friend had possessed before today to shine through.
“At the marketing firm? Rhys owns it, sweetie, his cousin Mor manages it. She already knows that you won’t be starting, you have a much better life set up for you now.”
You stared at her in shock. Had everything about your life recently been one big set up?
"What did you do Feyre?" You asked her, despair lacing your tone. If she was telling the truth, then there was no way out of this for you. And-
Oh my god. Your apartment here. Feyre had recommended it.
"I didn't do anything, Y/N. I suggested the job at the marketing firm because you were working yourself to the bone at that coffee shop, dear. I couldn't stand to see you suffer," Feyre explained, prowling across the room to stand in front of you. You were backed against the corner of the room now, with nowhere to go. "And I suggested the apartment here because we have good security, and I've seen the way your regulars would look at you, like they were just waiting to snatch you when the opportunity presented itself." One of Feyre's hands comes up to cup your face, following you as you turned away, still finding its mark. She turned your face back to look at her, and her eyes held such a fiercely protective look, you almost couldn't get your next words out.
"How are you any better than them?" You asked quietly, instantly taking note of how her eyes darkened with anger. "You snatched me away, Feyre, not any of those men. So how are you-"
Feyre surged forward, cutting your words off by slotting her mouth over yours. The kiss was harsh, claiming as she pulled your naked body against hers even as you struggled and tried to pull away.
"I love you, Y/N. And I would never, ever hurt you..." Feyre trailed off as her fingers played with your hair once you'd stopped fighting her. You opened your mouth to refute that claim, but she started speaking before you could. "I am not hurting you, sweetness. You simply don't know what is best for you right now, and sometimes we just need to be shown the right path." You went to argue again- "Now, if you don't shower with me, you won't be given any clothes to wear for the next week," Feyre said with finality.
Fight her, continue to feel disgusting in the off chance that she doesn't still force you to shower, and have no clothes for a whole seven days, or don't fight her, deal with it this once, and have clothes.
You didn't fight as Feyre steered you by the shoulders into their grand bathroom, stopping by the large triple sink counter. She carefully removed the collar from your neck with some type of key, then led you straight into the massive shower that had four huge, separate shower heads- one on each of the three walls, and one overhead.
You turned around right as Feyre started the shower, turning on just the three wall spouts. Water hit you from three sides, and Feyre came at you from the remaining one.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" Feyre asked softly as she ran her hands over your body, passing over your nipples far more times than you felt was necessary. You shook your head. All that you could vaguely remember was getting to the bar Feyre had suggested. “That’s too bad, sweetness. You were very eager last night,” she said with a smile, and your cheeks flushed. “Don’t worry, at some point you’ll be able to admit to yourself how much you want us. For now we’ll just keep reminding you how much we want you.”
Feyre gently tipped your head back to wet your hair, taking her time to get it soaked in the warm spray. Her nails scratched lightly along your scalp, and you nearly sighed at the soft gesture.
This is not the same friend you’ve known all these months, you reminded yourself.
Before today, you would have never guessed you would be taking a shower with Feyre. A small part of you had maybe dreamed about it, but never would you have thought it would become a reality. Especially with the added element of you being forced.
Still, you couldn’t help but relax into Feyre’s gentle grasp and she shampooed your hair, then rinsed the lather from it, being careful to not get any suds in your eyes. The shampoo smelled just like the one you used before all of this happened. Strange. When Feyre began putting a thick conditioner in your hair, you realized it.
They don’t just smell like the products you use at home, they are the products you use at home.
Your accusatory glare hit Feyre once she was done rubbing the conditioner in.
“What?” Feyre asked innocently as she wet her own hair.
“Why do you know what products I use?”
Feyre smiled. “I pay attention, dear. I wanted to make the transition as comfortable as possible for you, so I got everything I could think of that you use regularly. Now, will you help me wash my hair?”
You didn’t move.
“Pleaaase, Y/N?” Feyre asked again, a pouty look on her face now, one that you were rarely able to resist.
“Fine. Which bottles?” You conceded, grabbing the shampoo bottle she pointed to and squeezing some out into the palm of your hand. You lathered it up, then set to working it through Feyre’s thick, golden brown hair. When you rinsed her hair, you wanted to let soap run into her eyes, but couldn’t let yourself for some reason. You repeated the process of working the conditioner through Feyre’s hair, and once you were done she turned around to fade you again.
“Time to rinse yours, cutie,” Feyre said, already tipping your head back into the water to rid your hair of conditioner. Again, her nails scraped along your scalp gently, just enough to get your body to relax more. When she finished, she grabbed a cloth and loaded it with body wash, one that smelled of lilacs and pears- very Feyre. Feyre soaped up your body slowly, lingering in the sensitive areas as long as she could before you started to fight her hold again. She helped you rinse off, then extended the cloth to you. “Do me?”
You shook your head. No. “I already washed your hair, Feyre, just let me get out please.”
Feyre sighed, and started washing her body. “You can’t get out yet, you still need to wash your face. I’d suggest it after last night,” Feyre said with a wink, and your stomach churned.
You don’t really want to know what that comment was about. But you wash and exfoliate your face nonetheless, using the identical products to those you had before, finishing just as Feyre was done washing her own face.
She turned the water off, and grabbed two fluffy towels off of the rack for the both of you. She wrapped one around herself, then patted you dry, taking her time to get every inch of skin and dry your hair as much as she could before she dried herself off.
Feyre went to the sink closest to the shower, and you spotted all of your skincare and hair care products lined up attractively behind the middle sink. Feyre was already doing her routine as you examined the bottles and jars, picking out what you wanted to use.
At least they’re giving you something normal.
Once the two of you had finished, Feyre locked the collar back onto your neck, then pulled you back into their bedroom, the massive bed lurking in your vision no matter where you turned. Feyre grabbed two sets of clothing, pulling on her own outfit. First was a lacy black set of lingerie that looked flawless on her, then a pair of black leggings, a rich brown sweater, and slippers.
She then forced you to let her dress you, slipping a pair of blush pink panties up your legs to settle snugly on your hips, and a matching colored bralette over your breasts, which she had for once refrained from squeezing. Your arms were lifted above your head to let a soft pink, long sleeved peasant dress fall over your body, and you were instructed to sit to allow Feyre to put white knee high socks onto your legs and slip your feet into cute pink slipper booties. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as Feyre dragged you out of the bedroom. You look cute, if you had to describe the outfit. It’s similar enough to the style you wear on your off time, though everything seems to be made of higher quality materials than what you were able to afford.
The door to the bedroom led to a short hallway, which Feyre led you to the open end of, coming out in the living room. The two of you walked to dining table, near the far end of the open concept room. There was already a good amount of food on the table, and Rhys was just walking away from the stove with a large plate of pancakes in hand, a large smile spreading across his face when he spotted the both of you.
“And I was just thinking I might have to come and get you girls,” he said with a grin. “Come and sit down, breakfast is ready.”
Rhys pulled out a chair for you, pushing you in once you’d sat down and repeated the gesture with Feyre, who was sitting to your left. Rhys then took the seat to your right at the head of the table and began piling food onto your plate. A couple of sausages, pieces of bacon, chunks of cut up melon, and of course pancakes.
You didn’t think you could eat.
If you had woken up in a separate bed this morning, all of this would feel normal enough. Feyre and Rhys had let you stay over once before, and the following morning had a breakfast similar to this.
But everything had changed, you weren’t here because your friends were kind and invited you, you were here because they had trapped you here. You had a collar wrapped around your neck, that alone would be reason enough for you to want to leave.
“Eat up, darling,” Rhys said as he moved on to plating his own food.
You stayed still, staring down at the food that had your stomach turning.
Feyre’s elbow nudged you gently, and you instinctively looked to your left.
“Go ahead and eat, Y/N,” Feyre said gently. When you still didn’t move, she sighed. “Not eating won’t do anything for you, sweetness. Have just one of everything, please,” she begged, using her soft eyes that were so hard to resist.
So, even with your stomach protesting, you lifted a bite of pancake to your mouth, chewing and swallowing but tasting nothing. Maybe if you play along for a little bit, they’ll let their guard down and you can escape.
Feyre and Rhys chatted about their jobs as the three of you ate- Feyre about her studio, and Rhys about the various businesses under the Night Corporation umbrella. You choked down each bite of food, doing your best to keep attention off of you.
A phone ringing cut through their chatter, and Feyre sighed as she picked it up.
“What?” She asked, annoyance clear in her tone. “Can’t you deal with it? I have something important today,” Feyre said, shooting a smile your way. The person on the other end replied with something that made Feyre groan. “Fine, I’ll be there in a half hour.”
Feyre dropped her phone onto the table and ran her hands over her eyes. “Well, I have to go into the studio, apparently the art class has taken a drastic turn that only I can fix,” Feyre whined. “Will you be okay here with just Rhys, sweetness?”
You raised a brow at her. “As though I have a choice?”
Rhys chuckled at your words. “That’s true, Fey, she’s stuck with me for the day. I’ll take good care of her, don’t worry.” Dread pooled in your stomach at his words. You don’t want to know what type of ‘care’ he has in mind.
Feyre was still staring at you, like she wanted to say something, then looked away when she stood up. “I shouldn’t be gone more than an hour, but I’ll text you to let you know if there’s anything that will hold me up,” she remarked as she placed a kiss on Rhys’s cheek, and one on yours as well. “Love you guys!” Feyre said as she was walking out of the door, purse in hand.
“Love you darling!”
In the silence that followed the door slamming shut, the dread in your stomach grew.
“So, would you like a little tour?” Rhys asked, already stacking your breakfast plates together.
You stared at him. “A tour?”
Rhys smiled. “Yes, darling, a tour. You need to know your way around now that you’re living here. And don’t say no, this is mandatory,” he added when you shook your head.
He placed the dishes in the sink before smoking back to the table, pull in out your chair and extending a hand to help you stand. You ignore it, standing on your own, which made Rhys sigh.
“Right this way, darling,” Rhys said, pulling you by the hand back towards the hallway containing their bedroom. You dug your feet into the ground, unwilling to enter the bedroom with him. Rhys stopped walking and turned to face you. “What’s the problem, doll?”
“I am not going to take this sham of a ‘tour’ if it just means that you’re going to rape me.”
Rhys’s eyes softened at your words, and he pulled you into a hug even as your tried to resist his hold. “Oh, darling. You won’t have to worry about that. I won’t fuck you until you are begging for my cock.”
“Like that will ever happen,” you spat, finally wrenching yourself free of his grasp.
“Oh, it will,” Rhys said assuredly, smirking down at you. “Now, will you let me give you the tour?”
You sighed, but did feel mildly better knowing that he supposedly wouldn’t be forcing himself on you. “Fine."
He continued to lead you back down the hallway their their bedroom resided, but stopped at the doorway opposite it. He swung it open, and gestured for you to walk inside. When you did, your jaw dropped.
It’s as though they had gone into your mind and plucked your perfect bedroom out of it just to recreate it here. The walls were in a soft, dusty pink color with a pale cream ceiling. There was fluffy pink carpet on the floor, looking so soft and squishy you wanted to be barefoot on it. At the far end of the room was a large canopy bed, decorated in hues of pink and purple, with a mound of pillows against the wall. There was a dresser and large closet off to the left, and on the right there was a small sitting area gathered around a table with a tv on it, your favorite consoles already lined up and plugged in, along with stacks and stacks of your favorite games. There was even a cute pink mini fridge and little snack shelf, all filled with your favorites.
“Do you like it?” Rhys asked hesitantly from his place in the doorway.
“Do I-?” You stopped to laugh. “Do I like it? It’s like the two of your read my mind. How?”
Rhys’s cheeks colored slightly as he met your eyes. “Feyre had the idea to look through your Pinterest, and you had a board dedicated to your dream room, so she worked tirelessly to get this ready for you.”
The thought and effort would have been sweet- were they not keeping you here against your will.
You just sighed and shook your head. “Is there more to the tour?”
Rhys nodded and grabbed you by the hand once more. He showed you around to the various guest rooms, the guest bathroom, then to Feyre’s home studio and his office, and finally you were back to the living room. The two of you were stood in front of the couches, looking out at their pool and massive patio.
“Do you want to play a game together?” Rhys asked, gesturing to the double TV and console set up in front of you. “We can play whatever you want, you can even play alone,” he offered.
Strangely, this request put you at ease even more than him saying he wouldn’t fuck you. Almost like it confirmed that the Rhys you had known was still in there, just… different. Darker.
“I don’t know…”
“We could smoke a joint,” Rhys said in a sing-songy voice, having grabbed one out of a box on the coffee table. “Or two. Or three. Just something to help you get your mind of things, maybe?”
The offer was tempting. You could pretend like you were just hanging out at your friends’ house and playing a video game with him.
“Sure, why not?”
The feeling of smoke filling your lungs calmed you down, settling you into a sleepy state where you weren’t thinking about the situation and how fucked up it is, just the passing flow of the river of your thoughts. You and Rhys shared two joints together on the patio, passing it between puffs.
“You know that Feyre cares about you, right?” Rhys asked as he took the second lit joint from you. You exhaled the smoke from your mouth, watching as it was whipped away by the wind.
“I don’t know that I would call this,” you gestured around you and at the collar, “caring about me.”
Rhys sighed. “But it is, Y/N. I know we went about it in a twisted way, but Feyre and I truly want you to be happy and safe. And before you ask, no, I won’t let you go. Just give us some time, you’ll come see how nice your life can be here and how much we care about you.”
You took the joint back from him with a pout, annoyed with him now. Sure, they care about me enough to steal me away and lock me up, but not enough to let me make the choice myself.
“I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
Rhys laughed sadly. “No, you don’t. But giving us a chance will make this much more enjoyable for you.”
You took another long drag before passing the joint back to Rhys’s waiting fingers.
“Will you… would you convince Feyre to not… touch me until I’m begging?” You asked hopefully, knowing that that day would never come now.
Rhys eyed you carefully. “I can talk to her about that, if it would make you feel more at ease around us darling."
A weight was lifted off your chest at his confirmation that he would wrangle Feyre in. He let you take the last drag before putting the joint out, and followed you back into the living room.
“Do you have Minecraft?” You asked hopefully, wanting to dick around and maybe build a cute house.
“Of course, darling,” Rhys said, booting up the TVs and consoles, passing a pink controller to you.
Within a couple of minutes, the two of you were as focused on the blocky game as you could be, your minds covered in a weed soaked haze.
Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff (let me know if you want to stay on the taglist for the mini series!)
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potatoplace · 5 days
Also I now have over 3k words written for Mastermind part 2, I think it'll be a short lil series when I feel like updating it. But the second part will be out tonight or tomorrow, and I'll get Omega Needs C9 started
I have such a problem with dressing my characters in cute ass pink clothes because that is what I think of as soft and cute so if I want them to look soft and cute then they're in like pink or purple dresses and knee highs and fluffy scarves and hats and mittens like yessss
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potatoplace · 5 days
I have such a problem with dressing my characters in cute ass pink clothes because that is what I think of as soft and cute so if I want them to look soft and cute then they're in like pink or purple dresses and knee highs and fluffy scarves and hats and mittens like yessss
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potatoplace · 6 days
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making a triumphant (but hesitant) return to tumblr bc I am suffering so deeply from ACOTAR brain rot and need somewhere to expel the madness.
this is my first pass at drawing Feyre and Rhysand- or any ACOTAR fanart at all !! Still trying to figure out how to draw Rhys, tattoos, and wings. I’m very very new to this fandom and series, and I hope to contribute some cool art 🫡
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potatoplace · 7 days
Oh god okay so the pictures of Taylor Swift at the VMAs yesterday in the plaid dress thingy. She is uhm. Taylor is Feyre now. Not quite the perfect fit but the AURA??? THE LOOKS???? SHE IS FEYRE IN MY EYES TODAY. Like. Omg. I cannot. Her EYES. SHE IS FEYRE.
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This is the picture btw. Something about her just screamed Feyre to my brain
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potatoplace · 7 days
Writing Roster: September 12-18
✨ definitely happening ✨
Omega Needs C9: shouuuld cover most of Feyre's remaining time in Spring before Rhys gets her again.
Mastermind p2: uhhh I'm obsessed with dark feysand right now they're living in my brain rent free... so just... more smutty dark goodness (this maaay become a series)
💘 hopefully happening 💘
You Can Have It C5: I hope this update will cover the first 2-3 weeks running the bakery and settling in further to Velaris
Control III: I keep promising daddy Az smut, it wiiiill happen sometime
I didn't get to any of the items on last week's roster, I've been a bit tired and stressed. But I'm gonna do my best to get the two 'definitely's done, ON neeeeds and update I cannot believe it's been like two weeks... poor Feyre's just rotting away in Spring...
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potatoplace · 8 days
That party meme but instead it's "no one in this laundromat knows I'm writing smut"
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potatoplace · 8 days
Mastermind needs a part 2 🥵🥵🥵
Part 2 is in the works... 🤭
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potatoplace · 9 days
Dark!Feysand x Reader Modern AU
Part 2 | ACOTAR x Reader Masterlist
Story Summary: Your friend of a few months, Feyre, invited you out for a celebratory drink over your new job, and of course her husband Rhys joins you. The night doesn't go quite as planned, and you end up back at their place with very few wits about you.
Warnings: Drugging, dub-con / non-con, abduction, smut
Words: ~3.8k
Author's Note: so uhmmmm. This idea. Got me to write. Uhhh. Yeah. Enjoy. I sure did hehe 🤭 the chokehold feysand has on me recently is. Very strong. Near irresistible. There might be future parts to this, I'm not sure yet. Read the warnings please!!
18+ only pls
Tonight was supposed to be fun.
Your friends Feyre and Rhys had offered to take you out for a drink at Rita’s when she heard about your new job, doing remote work as a graphic designer for a marketing firm.
Feyre’s had suggested the job after all, knowing that your dream lay beyond the coffee shop that you currently work in- well, used to work in, you had quit earlier that day.
That, plus your new, upscale apartment that you rent at an amazing price had made your year considerably better than the last few.
And tonight was supposed to be fun, you had worn your smallest black dress, with tiny straps just barely holding it onto your body.
Yet here you were, being driven home after only two drinks, sitting in the backseat of Rhys and Feyre’s car in Feyre’s arm. You felt dizzy, and heated all over.
It was the type of drunk you rarely felt- overwhelmingly needy and aroused.
You just needed to make it home, and thankfully Rhys and Feyre live in the same building, so there’d be no problems with getting you into your apartment.
This building has way more security than your last apartment, there you were lucky to have never been broken into, with how many times your previous neighbors had been stolen from.
The car came to a slow, smooth stop, and you heard a car door open and shut. Then, one of Feyre’s arms moved from your body, causing you to whine as she opened the door on her side.
The door on your end of the car opened, and you were quickly pulled into the arms of someone warm and solid.
Keeping your eyes open was a struggle, but you managed to tilt your head up, gaze passing over a strong jaw, high cheekbones, and finally locking briefly with intense violet eyes. Rhys smiled down at you, eyes darkened with-
You were just tired and dizzy and you- oh, you need a shower. The water could drown out your noises, just in case the state you’re in makes you louder than usual. Your thighs rubbed together slightly as your mind wandered, already set on having the feeling of warm water hitting your skin and your hand between your thighs.
Your eyes closed as the three of you passed through a doorway, and a few dings of the elevator later Rhys is walking once more, gentle movements only making you sleepier.
He sets you on the floor gently once you’re in your apartment only-
It’s not your apartment.
“We didn’t think you should be alone right now, darling, with how you’re feeling,” Feyre explained softly, one of her hands already wrapping around yours. “Did you need anything?”
“A shower,” you blurted out, more than ready to have the smell of the club, however faint it was, off of your skin.
“That we can provide, darling,” Rhys said, smacking your ass as he walked away from the both of you. You turned to say something to him, but Feyre was already moving, leading you by the hand.
You passed though a luxurious bedroom, with a California king bed draped in black silk standing out most to you. You could see chains attached to the posts-
“Here we are, Y/N. Did you need help with anything?” Feyre asked, waving her hand to the large bathroom she had taken you too. The shower was open, no curtain or door to close it off from the rest of the room.
You simply shook your head. You could manage a shower on your own, surely, you were already feeling a little better than in the club. “Thank you, Fey,” you said softly, taking her in for a hug.
“Oh, it’s nothing sweetheart. Absolutely nothing,” Feyre replied, pushing the hair away from your face and gathering it into a bun for you, securing it with the scrunchie she’d gotten while you weren’t paying attention. She started the water for you before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.
You used a makeup wipe to rid yourself of your makeup, feeling far too greasy to not wash your face, then quickly stripped off your dress and your panties and slipped into the stream of water, sighing when the warm water hit your skin. It felt just as good as you imagined- and then your thoughts went back to what you’d thought of on the way up the elevator.
Your hand slipped down, landing between your thighs as water poured over you. Your fingers dipped between your folds, your cunt already thoroughly drenched even without the water running between your legs. You swirled your fingers around your clit slowly, letting out soft sighs every now and then. The pleasure in your gut grew as you moved them faster-
“Y/N? Did you need help with anything?” Feyre asked through the door, and you quickly moved your hands from between your thighs.
“No, Fey, I’m alright,” you said, cheeks blazing with heat.
“Rhys had a nice idea, would you like to go swimming?” Feyre offered, and you turned to your right to see that she’s in the room with you. You covered your chest, keeping as much of yourself hidden as you could.
Swimming could be nice. And you’d seen their pool, it had such a pretty view, and you’d never gone in it before. You nodded your head, eyes taking note of the bikini in Feyre’s hands.
“Good, you can wear this, darling. I’ll be waiting for you outside, don’t take too long,” Feyre said, blowing you a kiss before she closed the door behind her.
Your cheeks heated even further, you’d never had such a nice and friendly female friend before, let alone such a pretty one. Your thoughts strayed to what Feyre would look like in a bikini- absolutely perfect, you were sure. Fingers dipped back between your thighs, rubbing quick circles over your clit, you just needed to cum once, once then you could go enjoy the rest of your night with your friends-
A knock at the door, right as you were about to finish.
Feyre entered without waiting for you to respond, this time without the stunning black dress she’d been wearing before. Instead, she was completely naked.
You blushed profusely, turning your eyes away from her.
“Oh, darling, you can look all you like. I just thought, since you’re taking so long and I need to shower, I’d come in and just get mine done at the same time.” Feyre paused. “I could leave, if you’d like,”
Your brain was short circuiting, being so close to your incredibly beautiful, incredibly sexy friend of a few months. “Oh, that’s, uhm… that’s fine, Fey.”
Feyre smiled, getting a bit closer to you. “Good. Did you need help getting clean, sweetness?” Feyre asked, her chest nearly touching yours, still covered by your arms. She already had a cloth filled with soap in her hands and began running it across your shoulders soothingly. Your arms slowly feel from your chest, and Feyre took the opportunity to step closer, arms practically wrapped around you as she used the cloth to clean your back, her breasts pressed against yours.
You could hardly breathe, this woman, your friend was so perfect and naked and-
The cloth slipped over your cunt, Feyre’s deft fingers quickly rubbing it over your clit, and a quiet moan escaped you. The cloth was gone a second later, two of Feyre’s fingers sinking into your cunt as the other hand came to rub circles on your clit. You came shamefully quickly, already having worked yourself up so high before your friend entered the room.
“Good girl,” Feyre whispered against your ear before pressing hot kisses down your neck, only pulling away to grab the cloth off the floor of the shower and begin washing you once more. Once she was finished, she pushed you back into the stream of water, rinsing the suds off of your body. “Help me out?” Feyre asked, hands already pushing the cloth into yours. When you hesitated, she made puppy dog eyes at you. “I helped you, pleeease Y/N?”
That was all you needed, body moving of its own accord as your hands used the cloth to clean her body, trying not to linger too long on her breasts, ass, and her sweet looking pussy that at the moment you knew you wanted nothing more than to bury your face in. Feyre rinsed herself off, her hands lingering over the spots you’d wanted to touch longer. You were on the verge of getting on your knees and begging when Rhys’s voice came from the doorway.
“You ladies are so gorgeous,” he said, walking further into the room, and it was then that you noticed- he’s naked, his long, thick cock bobbing invitingly at you, already hard and waiting. You managed to snap your eyes away from him, only to land on Feyre’s chest.
Fuck, it should be illegal for these two to be this hot, you thought to yourself, thighs pressing together as you tried to look anywhere but at your two friends.
“Thank you, Rhys,” Feyre said, walking out of the shower and pulling him with her into it. “You can shower, the two of us will get in the pool. Right Y/N?”
You nodded, letting her grab your hand and lead you over to the towels. She dried you off, lingering over your sensitive areas longer than necessary, then helped dress you in the bikini she was lending you- if you could even call it that. It was practically strings, with small stars of fabric to cover your nipples and a slightly thicker strip of fabric to cover your cunt.
But, if your friends had already seen you naked… what’s the harm?
Feyre was dressed similarly, her bikini in black instead of your silver set. She pulled you out of the bathroom, through their bedroom and out onto the patio. Feyre sat at the edge of the pool, patting the ground next to her, and you joined her a moment later.
You sighed, then leaned your head onto Feyre’s shoulder.
“Feeling better yet, darling?” She asked, her right arm coming up to circle around your shoulders. You nodded against her shoulder, kicking your legs gently in the water. “I’m glad to hear it.”
“Would either of you ladies like another drink?” Rhys asked from behind you.
“Yes please, Rhysie,” Feyre responded. “She’ll have a soda, I think. Hmm, baby? Does that sound good?” You nodded your head in confirmation. In no world do you need another drink at this point, for gods sake your friend already made you-
“Let’s get in the water, darling.” Feyre slipped in the pool, water coming to just under her barely covered breasts. “Join me?” She asked coyly, and you couldn’t help but follow her in, making your way to her immediately. The water came up to your collarbones, your height difference feeling so pronounced as you looked up at her, half expecting her to make another move.
“Here we are.” Rhys’s voice cut through the bubble you and Feyre had been in for a moment. You turned to look at him and saw that he was already sitting at the edge of the pool the two of you had entered at, two drinks in hand.
You and Feyre made your way to him, happily taking the drinks from his hand and watching as he slipped into the pool. The height difference between the two of you took your breath away slightly, you felt so small next to him. You took a few greedy sips of your soda to cover up how flustered you are around the couple tonight, every little thing about them seems to be turning you on more and more.
Feyre had taken a sip of her drink and set it back down, choosing to follow Rhys a bit deeper into the water.
You could see as he cupped her ass in his hands, her legs wrapping around his waist as they kissed passionately in front of you-
And you wanted, no, needed to be a part of that, your body already moving towards them before you were able to stop yourself. You turned back to the edge of the pool, feeling hot and dizzy with need like you had been earlier at Rita’s. Quickly, you set your drink on the smooth stone at the edge of the pool and took a few deep breaths.
These are your friends. They’re married. Stop being a whore-
Arms wrapped around you, and Feyre’s soft chest met your back. “Hi darling, not getting too lonely, are you?” She asked lowly in your ear, then pressed a soft trail of kisses from behind your ear all the way down your neck and onto your shoulder. You were leaning back against her by the time she came back up to your ear, lightly tugging on it with her teeth. “Turn around for me, sweetness,” she told you, hands helping move you where she wanted. “Perfect,” Feyre said breathily, before leaning down and pressing her lips against yours softly. The feel of her plush lips on yours was perfect, so gentle and warm. After a few seconds her tongue darted out, and you let her take control of the kiss, dominating your mouth with hers as she pushed you back against the wall of the pool.
When the two of you came up for air, you were filled with need so great you thought you might burst. You noticed a strong, tan pair of arms caging the two of you against the pool wall, and looked up to meet Rhys’s gaze. His violet eyes were filled with lust, matching the grey blue eyes of his wife that were also locked on yours. “What do you say darling? Be ours?” He asked, eyes darting down to your lips.
You tried to think about it, really think about it, but one of Feyre’s hands was between your thighs again, pushing past the tiny bikini and playing with your clit. Your eyes fell shut at her touch, a moan already making its way past your lips.
“Please,” you whined, not fully sure what you were begging for, you just knew that you needed more.
One thick finger slid into you, nearly as big as both of Feyre’s were earlier, and another moan fell from your lips, this one going into Feyre’s shoulder where you’d collapsed into her, unable to hold yourself up any longer.
“Oh, sweetness, I think it’s time,” Feyre said, disconnecting herself from you. “Get her into the bathroom, Rhys,” she ordered, already pulling herself out of the pool.
You were barely keeping yourself up, but Rhys moved closer to you, pulling you in to his chest. His kissed you gently, drawing a sweet sigh from your lips before he stopped and pushed you up onto the ledge of the pool, then followed you up. He helped you stand, and picked you up after you nearly fell after three steps.
“Silly girl, don’t worry, we’ll have you all nice and comfy in bed soon,” Rhys said, carrying you into the bathroom, where Feyre was already naked and rinsing off. “You got to dress her, I get to undress her,” Rhys snapped at Feyre when she tried to come over to you. She rolled her eyes, but stayed under the stream of water, waiting for both of you.
Rhys slowly peeled the bikini off of you, taking his time to squeeze your breasts and pinch your nipples hard enough to make you gasp, and grazing his fingers over your sensitive clit teasingly a few times. As soon as you were bare Feyre came over and pulled you back into the shower while Rhys rid himself of his swim trunks.
The warm spray felt nice on your skin again, especially paired with the gentle touches of the couple surrounding your senses. One of them gently guided your face under the spray of water, and the other cleaned your face with a familiar smelling soap. They rinsed your face carefully, then shut the water off and four hands began drying you off. Once your face was dry you opened your eyes to see Feyre’s pretty ones staring back at you.
“Let’s get your skincare done, sweetness,” she suggested, leading you over to the counter after Rhys had finished drying your body. Feyre applied a toner, moisturizer and eye cream, all of them the same ones that you used daily.
“That’s funny…” you said, trailing off.
“What is, darling?” Rhys asked from where he was stood behind you, arms encircling your torso. You stared at his thick arms, how muscular they are… then you realized that you could feel him- hard and pressed against your lower back. “What’s funny?” He whispered in your ear, and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what he was talking about.
You didn’t respond. More like couldn’t, when his lips started sucking a deep, purple mark onto your neck and Feyre’s lips covered your own hungrily.
You were nothing but a quivering, needy mess when they pulled away, but luckily for you it was just to move you into the bedroom, onto their massive bed.
“Finally,” Feyre groaned at the sight of you spread out in the middle of their bed, your legs kept apart by their hands. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to taste this sweet pussy?” She asked you, looking expectantly down at your face. “Hmm?” She tapped her thumb on your clit twice, making your hips twitch. You shook your head. “Since the moment I met you. I knew that I needed to have you, that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you weren’t mine and Rhys’s,” Feyre explained, now rubbing small, even circles on your clit. “And luckily for me, well, Rhys has a pretty big breeding kink and once he saw you…” Feyre grinned down at you, eyes soft.
“I knew I had to have you as well,” Rhys finished for her, his head already dipping down to capture one of your nipples in his mouth. Your back arched as he teased it with his tongue, and between that and Feyre’s fingers you came quickly, breathy moans escaping your lips until Rhys’s mouth was over yours again. “Fuck, you are absolutely perfect,” he groaned.
Feyre fingers had moved away from you, and you were about to whine at the lack of stimulation before her mouth, warm and wet, began devouring you. She lapped up the slick that had leaked from you greedily before moving up to your clit. Feyre slowly licked at your sensitive bud, building up your pleasure once more as Rhys kissed you and played with your breasts, swallowing up the endless moan leaving you. When you were finally able to lift your head an look down at Feyre, you saw that she was grinding her thighs together as she ate you out with her eyes closed, and the sight of her so focused on your pleasure bringing you to the brink once more. You could hardly think when she climbed over you and kissed you, before moving up your body again and seating herself over your face.
Without a thought you flicked your tongue out, moaning at how wet she already was- for you.
Your arms came up to hold onto her thighs as licked at her center hungrily, sure that you had that same expression on your face that she had worn just moments before. You were happily sucking on your clit when you felt your legs being parted by-
Rhys was pushing in to you, the movement of his cock eased by how slick you were, and you moaned into Feyre’s cunt.
“Fuck, Y/N, don’t stop,” Feyre ordered breathlessly as she ground her hips down onto your face, forcing you to give she needs. She came on your face right as Rhys fully seated himself inside of you, all of the breath leaving your lungs as he did.
“Fey, she feels amazing. So tight and hot, I don’t know that I’ll ever leave the house again,” Rhys remarked as he began moving in and out of you slowly, letting your cunt adjust to his size as much as it could.
“Good thing we don’t have to for the next week,” Feyre said, still working her hips over your mouth, keeping your senses entirely filled by herself and her husband. Rhys started picking up the pace soon, letting one of his thumb graze over your clit every few seconds, your walls gripping him tighter in response. “Mm, fuck,” Feyre moaned, cumming on your face again, letting her hips twitch over you a few times before climbing off of you and sliding down so she could kiss your swollen lips. “We have plenty of time to train our new little pet.
“Train-?” You started to ask, but Feyre covered your mouth with hers once more, using her fingers to take over for Rhys’s thumb on your clit.
Moans were spilling out of you again whenever your mouth was unoccupied, which wasn’t often. Rhys has figured out just the angle to hit to make you see stars, barely even needing Feyre’s fingers to topple over the edge before Rhys followed you, slotting his hips tightly against yours as he emptied his cum into you.
After he pulled out he kissed you tenderly, fingers pushing as much of his cum back into you as possible as he did so. Your cunt fluttered around the tips of his fingers, so sensitive to every little touch now.
Feyre had disappeared, but came back into the room from the bathroom, a wet wash cloth in hand, and she carefully cleaned off your face.
“I guess we could have waited to do the skincare, hmm?” Feyre asked amusedly, taking in how wrecked you looked already.
“It was just a different kind of facial, darling,” Rhys said, humor in his voice. “Besides, her face is bound to get dirty again before the morning.”
“I suppose that’s true, her mouth is like magic Rhys, I’m sure with a little training she’ll be just as perfect at it as you are,” Feyre said, her thoughts already drifting to riding your face once more.
You were nearly asleep by the time Feyre was done cleaning your face, barely registering the feeling of something being wrapped around your throat and a gentle snick of something latching shut, but you were too tired to think about anything as Feyre and Rhys settled in around you, keeping you secure between their arms.
Lemme know if you guys want a part 2 🫣
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potatoplace · 9 days
So I have to reread what I've written for Omega Needs (to work on C9 cause it's been two weeks...) and I'm at the beginning of C5, when Feyre's thinking about if Rhys has had magical expansions and bragging to Beron... ahhh that made me chuckle lol.
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