#virus add
villetela · 3 months
Computer Virus au: Sun and Moon.
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I finally finished this! (This looks like shit and I'm very not proud of this cause I hate the background. 😔) Meet my own boys CV Sun and Moon! Your helpful Viruses/AI's that will help you during work! Their information is not finished yet (as I'm lazy-) but they will get their own information.
Transparents upon ye:
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I'm not fully disappointed at this, I just hate the background. Tbh I was in full rush during this.. But I hope you guys like this :(
Y/n is not done yet (as I'm trying to think what job they would have.) But I'll let you guys know when I'm finally done with y/n's design. Anyway! That's all I should say.
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yanderemommabean · 9 months
Odd Idea
It's a red room scenario but the Red in this instance is for...pleasure rather than pain. Yanderes rent these secret rooms after they find a way to capture their darling, some use it as a method of a welcome home, others as a method of punishment if their darling has escaped.
These rooms have a strict set of rules, some things to consider if things go wrong, and so on. But the darling is in that room to be pleasured until the yandere has their fill, and if that yandere gets tired or needs to rest, they have hired help or even their partners to take over for them.
There are cameras and a live chat, but the darling is given ways to orgasm rather than painful punishments.
It's a half baked Idea I can see working with the yandere virus and yandere purge AU's, I can add more later on, but I figured I'd spew this out before I forget!
Lemme know what you think! (Please. Interact. Its literally the only thing keeping creators creating. )
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xenonsdoodles · 5 months
B1 dimivain :)
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Disaster at Ailell
if there is one thing I love to do it's putting feralmitri in situations where he's forced to care about something other than vengeance. maybe it's just heat exhaustion though, maybe he's fine
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vurelly · 2 years
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afton virus commission done for @fizziepop! been having the time of my life with this one
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early futurama is fun because all these scenes of pre-character-development fry and leela being delightfully stupid are ten times as funny when you think about how Super Married they're gonna be someday
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puppyeared · 9 months
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#maybe im being pessimistic abt this. im not saying u should wear a mask every waking moment of your life god knows i cant#but also. hell no i dont trust u if anything i distrust u ppl even more after how things played out for the past 3 years#like there are situations where it might be inevitable catching covid. most of my family members are nurses and in constant contact#but there are also a ton of ways to make that risk low as possible like masking and wearing a face shield and having sanitizer#for me its not enough to just say oh we're in a small group and we're all vaccinated#motherfucker your kid is sick from preschool EVERY TIME WE VISIT. of course ill be wearing a mask she gave me covid last year#also no the fuck it isnt seasonal the cases go up because lack of caution makes the virus spread and mutate especially around times when#ppl gather. add that with virus transmission in cold weather and its a matter of different factors increasing the risk of spread#im also tired of ppl not understanding that i wont be their responsibility if i do get sick. maybe they can help me recover#but at the end of the day the risk of death and long term health is all on me. i cant change that#the govt barely gives me accommodations what makes u think theyll do anything for every individual case of long covid or worse#im so tired. im so tired#i dont even know if its possible to want this to be over anymore i just wish we didnt have to deal with this in the first place#ALSO COUGH INTO YOUR SLEEVE SERIOUSLY HOW IS THIS SO HARD TO REMEMBER#oh its just a cold/dry throat its not like i have covid or anything. no!! its basic hygiene!!! how is this so hard to understand!!!!!!!!!!#and no this isnt abt whether people have the means to protect themselves this is me bitching abt my relatives not taking me seriously#vent#my art#myart#doodles#covid 19
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ricopop · 9 months
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mini oscillo ref aahh what EVERRR dies @superbellsubways @cephalonheadquarters
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moon-buggg · 1 month
At the haunted house, how do they avoid the customers with a fight instinct?
one of the last asks mentioned the small margin of people who would notice Y/N in the group. Well that made me wonder about those small margin of people who may attempt to “avenge” yn. (Or are they behind a cage/glass wall. i went to a haunt that had most of the scary actors behind fences.)
and to expand, i know that Scare Actors have to deal with those customers who will punch and kick. Do people punch and kick at the animatronics?
During the big scene where Sun is attacking YN the guests are unable to get to them. I don't have the layout nailed down just yet, but there is some sort of glass wall or cage or other method of separation.
But- that isn't the case when Moon grabs YN while they're with a group. In that case the method is for YN to hang back, lingering in a doorway while the guests go through the room to create distance, then Moon essentially just grabs them and disappears into a secret staff only hallway, not leaving much room.
On one of my other posts @femme-enby (loved reading your tags btw) mentioned that scare actors aren't allowed to shout things like 'help me' that might encourage guests to try and get involved, and that is absolutely in play here.
The boys generally don't get too up close and personal with guests to avoid getting accidentally damaged. I imagine they have some sort of protocal for if a guest Does manage to hit them, but I don't have details for you. Probably they boys just leave the room and like, make a note that a guests got violent for managers to deal with
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tiny-tardis · 2 months
Art challenges — neon colors (from table 002)
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𝚐𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚋𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 ☢️⚠️𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎⚠️☢️
Umm.. what if I made up a historical AU where Q discovered radium and polonium?
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that's all.. I'm obsessed with this period in history and Marie Curie so.. i put Q in 1900s clothes and gave him a 'radioactive' halo🤭
and it glows in the dark!!
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
ooh in that case could we hear about thatcher or ruth :o
YEEAAA Sorry i'm just happy to be able to ramble a bit- /VLH
Thatcher. I'm thinking he's a werewolf but I haven't gotten a good idea of his design that. wouldn't just be alt au Thatcher- /VLH
Basically, he got turned on the investigation in the murray household, being attacked and bit by another werewolf, while Ruth. unfortunately died in the attack. Thatcher definitely. hates the fact that he's no longer fully human.
However, Ruth. is still around. in spirit anyway. She mainly talks through radios, but also really likes living in computers and only making herself known to Thatcher. she basically takes over the computer fully and can access anything said computer also can access. Kinda like. a sentient, less annoying and actually helpful Clippy.
Also I just finished a mock up of her design like less than an hour ago so here!
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daydreaming-ace · 30 days
If Kirby had an infection/zombie au, I don't think the main problem would be the infection.
It'd be keeping the Halberd out of the ocean.
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uhohbestie · 7 days
i havent finished tamn (chpt 30), but I have a little theory about immunity. I'm assuming the virus is usually fatal via fever, as in the fever kills the victim and then resurrects them. while gri and q survived the fever but are still infected, thus the "immunity". i just love sentient zombie stories! sorry for redundancy if you answered something similar to this in the past
That's the gist of it, yeah! Calling themselves "immune" is a bit of a falsehood on both Quackity and Grian's part (though not an intentionally misleading one- Grian picked up calling it 'immune' from Quackity, and Quackity calls it that because he's a very "if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a duck" kind of person). They're both still very much infected, though, which means they carry and operate with all the symptoms of the virus (just skipped the "dying horrifically" part).
That being said, we figure that there are a few people out there with True Immunity (i.e. no adverse reactions/symptoms to a bite) but sadly, in the context of TAMN............ neitehr Big Q or Gri are one of those people - 🔒
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king-crawler · 10 months
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@servonium for some reason I missed your tags earlier but Oh my God.
First off. INSANE visual
Perhaps it was similar to how Ralph’s hijacked spaceship flew everywhere in GCS except it’s Turbo in his racecar screaming OUT OF MY WAY!!!! And clouding up dust everywhere .. and then characters are like. Was that Turbo ?? Oh no…
But It would be SO COOL to see that event play out real-time in the game world instead. Cuz the flashback is Highly Condensed. Did it really all happen at once? Probably not, maybe over the course of a day or two ..? But I find it so interesting that the sequence is all from the perspective of the outside world… there’s just something about that that presentation that made him all the more mysterious and unnerving.
(It was also probably to prevent spoiling what his 3D model looks like but Yeah)
Also some more speculating ..
Do you think he was able to get out of that Terrible Fiasco he caused because running into the other racer corrupted them both into Glitches ? The Roadblasters guy was probably corrupted too badly.. but maybe Turbo somehow glitched out to escape and then tried to alter his code to repair himself- Maybe in some old debug menu where nobody would notice. Maybe THAT’S where he realized he could code himself into whatever he wanted.
FOR BEING A MAIN VILLAIN (twist villain to be fair. But Still .) THERE SURE IS A LOT OF MYSTERY AROUND HIM.. but maybe if we knew more he wouldn’t have been as mysterious and the twist wouldn’t have worked . BUT I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!!!???
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foldingfittedsheets · 10 months
Tumblr sent out a survey, I don’t think it’s to everyone but I got one and took it. They did have some cool ideas in the pipeline and I said so. They also had some flushers and I said that too. But mostly I took it so I could be like, “Just give us back the pause button on videos and let us scroll through them, this isn’t tiktok.”
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justcallmeaubs-blog · 2 months
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squoobest · 4 months
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good morning
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