#very cool plant!!!
regardless of how well you did (which sounds like you did tremendously because you are a smarty-pants-mcgee)
pass or not YOU TRIED
you worked your ASS off and accomplished something AMAZING
get some rest and relax your brain and body however it needs to
but dont forget to CELEBRATE what you fucking did!!! what you are capable of!!!!
treat yourself to something!!!
yes a good rest is a treat in and of itself
but make yourself a tasty bevvie, some extra delicious instant mashed potatoes, watch something that brings you joy, look at cute frogs and other animals online, or anything really that simply allows you to acknowledge what you accomplished and that you deserve something that will uplift your spirits even more!
so proud of you for working so hard!!
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for you i share some Ulex europaeus (gorse).
beautiful fucking brilliant yellow flowers!
highly invasive in the us and is a danger for fire because of the components within the plant.
also a bitch to work with because of how sharp the modified leaves (spines) are
BUT is incredible in its native spaces! (Europe and i believe Northern Africa). used medicinally, is a great nitrogen fixer in the soil so is great for reintroducing native plants, and can be utilized as an impenetrable shrub that can block your enemies from crossing into your land!
i think it is a really cool shrub, just like you!
anyways, have a GREAT fucking day!! 💐💐💐
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hellsitegenetics · 6 months
I’m here for your weirdest little guy, the most whacky little goofball you can provide. I haven’t decided if they’re going to become an oc or just some doodle motivation, but I have seen so many people get really pretty creatures so I am hoping to break that streak and get the freakiest freak you got! Dream goal would be if you pulled out something on the same level as a tailess whip scorpion, (if anyone is even slightly arachnophobic I would not look them up, they are like the “worst” parts of spiders cranked up to 11, otherwise definitely look them up they’re cool as hell)
That’s all I got, let’s test my luck!! Big money no Whammies!
String identified: ’ t tt g, t t ac tt ga ca . a’t c t’ gg t c a c t tat, t a a gt a tt cat a g t a tat ta a gt t at a gt! a ga t tg t a a a ta c, ( a gt aacc t t , t a t “t” at ca t , t t t t’ c a )
Tat’ a gt, t’ tt c!! g a!
Closest match: Solanum dulcamara genome assembly, chromosome: 12 Common name: Bittersweet nightshade
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(image source)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Note: Reasons to Be Cheerful has had weirdly huge formatting issues for the past six or so months, so if that version is a mess, this link should work better.
"Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), the Sunshine State’s largest power utility, employs all the people you might expect: electricians, lineworkers, mechanical engineers — and a few you might not. For over 40 years, the company has kept a team of wildlife biologists on staff. Their task? Monitoring the giant carnivorous reptiles that reside in one of the state’s nuclear power plants. 
Saving the American Crocodile
What sounds like a low-budget creature feature is actually a wildly successful conservation story. It goes like this: In 1975, the shy and reclusive American crocodile was facing extinction. Over-hunting and habitat decline caused by encroaching development had pushed its numbers to a record low. By 1975, when it was listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, there were only 200 to 300 left. 
Three years later, in 1978, workers at the Turkey Point nuclear power plant in Homestead, Florida happened upon something that must have made them gasp: a crocodile nest along one of the plant’s 5,900-acre “cooling canals.” Rather than drive the crocs away — perhaps the easiest solution — FPL hired a team of biologists and implemented a Crocodile Management Plan. Its goal was unconventional: provide a suitable habitat for the crocs within the workings of the nuclear power plant, allowing both to coexist.  
Over the course of the next 30 years, FPL’s wildlife biologists monitored nests, tagged hatchlings and generally created a hospitable environment for the reptiles. As it turned out, the plant’s cooling canals provided an ideal habitat: drained earth that never floods on which to lay eggs directly adjacent to water. Over the years, more and more crocs made the cooling canals home. By 1985, the nests at Turkey Point were responsible for 10 percent of American crocodile hatchlings in South Florida. In 2007, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service downgraded the American crocodile’s status from endangered to threatened, singling out FPL for its efforts. 
The program continues to this day. To date, biologists have tagged some 7,000 babies born at the plant. In 2021, there were a record-setting 565 crocodile hatchlings at the Turkey Point facility. 
"Reconciliation Ecology"
Turkey Point’s efforts are an example of what is known in the conservation world as “reconciliation ecology.” Rather than create separate areas where nature or animals can thrive in isolation from humans, reconciliation ecology suggests that we can blend the rich natural world with the world of human activity. Michael Rosenzweig, an emeritus professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona, was a leading force in establishing this concept. The author of Win-Win Ecology: How the Earth’s Species can Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise, Rosenzweig has pointed out that although human encroachment has typically been considered a threat to biodiversity, the notion that the world must be either “holy” or “profane,” ecologically speaking, is simply not true.  
“In addition to its primary value as a conservation tool, reconciliation ecology offers a valuable social byproduct,” writes Rosenzweig in his first chapter. “It promises to reduce the endless bickering and legal wrangling that characterize environmental issues today.”
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, May 5, 2022. Article continues below. All headings added by me for added readability.
Dr. Madhusudan Katti, an associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University, was inspired by Rosenzweig when he did his postdoc at Arizona State. Katti has now been in the field of reconciliation ecology for two decades and teaches classes on the subject. “To me it’s finding solutions to reconciling human development with biodiversity conservation,” Katti says.
This common ground between development and conservation can be consciously planned, like FPL managing a crocodile habitat at a nuclear power plant or the state-sponsored vertical gardens and commercial farms on high-rise buildings in Singapore. Other examples include the restoration of the coral reef around an undersea restaurant in Eilat, Israel, or recent legislation in New York City requiring patterned glass on high-rise buildings, making windows more visible to migratory birds. Other planned examples of reconciliation ecology can be more individually scaled: a rooftop garden in an urban setting, modifying your garden to earn a “backyard bird habitat” certification from the Audubon Society, or even just mowing your lawn less often...
Reconciliation Ecology: Nature's Already Doing It Without Us
But there are countless examples of “accidental” incidents of reconciliation ecology, as well. One of Katti’s favorites is the kit fox of California’s San Joaquin Valley. “The kit fox was one of the very first species listed on the Endangered Species Act,” Katti says. Its decline was caused by habitat loss through agricultural and industrial development, as well as the extermination of the gray wolf population, which led to an increase in coyotes. So kit foxes adapted and moved to new habitats. One of these was the city of Bakersfield, California.
“Bakersfield, surrounded by oil pumps, would be the last place you’d expect to find an endangered species,” Katti says. But researchers think kit foxes have migrated to Bakersfield because they actually have more protection there from predators like coyotes and bobcats. “The kit foxes have figured out that if they can tolerate the human disturbance and live with people, then they are safer from all these other predators,” he says. 
Living in the city has led to some interesting behavioral changes. In the wild, for instance, a female kit fox gives birth to her young and raises them by herself in a den. But in the city, researchers have observed multiple females raising their litters together in the same den. “It’s like a form of cooperative breeding,” Katti says. “That wouldn’t happen in the wild.” ...
The Big Picture: How We Think about Conservation
Reconciliation Ecology isn’t just we humans welcoming animals like crocodiles and foxes into our environments, though. It’s also living with nature in a way that most Western societies haven’t done since the Enlightenment. “In recent years, there’s been a recognition that the ‘fortress conservation’ model — keeping nature separated from humans and not thinking of or valuing human-inhabited landscapes — those ideas are outdated,” says Katti.
In fact, in Katti’s classes on reconciliation ecology, he embraces the notion of reconnecting people with their land if they have been unjustly separated from it. “The term reconciliation also applies to all the colonial legacies where both nature and people have been harmed,” Katti says. “For Indigenous communities, the harm done to ecosystems, it’s happened together. So you can talk about addressing both. That’s where a lot of my thinking is at the moment.” 
A hopeful version of this sort of reconciliation is happening in California where colleagues of Katti’s who are tribal members are re-introducing “tribal burns” in some areas. Controlled burns have been a part of many Indigenous cultures for millenia, both as a way to prevent devastating forest fires, but also to encourage the growth of certain plants like hazel that are used for basket-weaving and other crafts. 
“The notion that people don’t belong there and ‘let nature take care of itself’ doesn’t really work,” Katti says. “That’s the legacy of Western European Enlightenment thinking — a divide between human and nature. That is a real faulty view of nature. People have been part of the ecosystem forever.”
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, May 5, 2022
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mizgnomer · 4 months
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David Tennant on the red carpet at the 2024 TV BAFTAs - where he was nominated for Male Performance in a Comedy for Good Omens
for Tennant Tuesday (or whatever day this post finds you)
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Hello may 31th anon! Look at that, another year behind us and a new one to come. Have a nice day! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
#may 31th anon#hello friends!! (。’▽’。)♡ how are you!! I missed you so much!#I'm sorry that once again i have not been posting but I did that thing again where I got scared of posting#I do not know why but it is the same with physical paper diarys#I have 3 diarys and they all have 1 entry#I think one just says 'I am ten'#what have you been up to!! did you do something fun? is it summer too where you live? c:#my tumblr messages seem to be broken! I'm sorry if you wrote something :C it just says 'no new messages' despite also saying new messages#not a lot has happened here! I got a tomato plant and then I got very invested into the tomato plant and I have eaten three tomatos so far (#my roses are also doing well!! I just got a new yellow rose and since she got here she only made orange flowers#I do not know the meaning of that#but I am very thankful! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ I love it when things are orange!!#I've been trying to buy an orange shirt for the past 2 weeks but they always sell out before I get to them#I'm also thinking about buying a jean jacket#I have not worn a jean jacket for at least 15 years because one time in 7th grade  tthe girl behind me said#that I was wearing a cool jean jacket and I just assumed that this was bullying for no actual reason#but maybe she just thought that it was an acutal cool jean jacket#we'll soon have out 10 year school reunion#maybe I should ask her#is anyone else going to a secret Sherlock phase again#I just want to see that silly little hat again#would sherlock holmes wear a jean jacket#have a nice day everyone!!#see you soon hopefully!!#♡^▽^♡
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bekkathyst · 6 months
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I found an Extra Wide dandelion today
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nibbelraz · 8 months
A scenario I had been toeing writing was a "beings with really ingrained beastly instincts (like, monsters and beasts but mostly those who appeared in Airplane's draft) recognize him as their God and Creator/Owner and obey him like well trained, overly loving doggos". Kinda like this fic on AO3 with Xin Mo recognizing SQH as his Gid& creator, except its an eldritch entity that was supposed to be a Real PlotPoint and Hurt LBH really bad just wagging tail and doing tricks for one tiny ass, sweaty and nervous peak lord.
Also, I don't remember if either Tianlang-Jun or Zhuzhi-Lang ever met gim, but wouldn't it be hilarious if they, too, recognize him as Something Other because they were not part of the plot but the draft and thus "closer" to SQH's "heart/true intentions"?
I 100 percent can definitely see other types of beasts and creatures seeing Shang Qinghua as an otherworldly being but also a lot of concepts were in Qinghuas drafts I wonder if those carry over. Like Binghe getting the ending he was meant to have was a concept and it came to be so would binghe sense Qinghua as something? Maybe that's why he's just glaring at him because he thinks it's jealousy for being near his shizun but nooo it's other things he can't pinpoint.
Thinking of Qinghua having beasts listening him to tho is funny too like
"They listen to him" points to Shang Qinghua whose staring at this huge creature and he's shaking and about to cry while the creature in question is like ":D"
I don't remember either if Tianlang-Jun or Zhuzhi-lang lang met Qinghua actually but if he did I think Tianlang-Jun would look at him real hard and then be incredibly interested in him like "Oh. This one. THIS ONE HERE. He's something for sure." He'd have the same level of enthusiasm as he does with Shen Qingqiu.
If you end up writing it, I would love to read it!!!!
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voelene · 18 days
So, we have confirmation that Bellara and Lucanis take over cooking because they fear the others would either starve or poison themselves otherwise. Now they must come to that conclusion from experience, and I can't wait to discover why everyone else is banned from the kitchen.
How many people put the kitchen on fire?
Who can cook only the most basic bland food, offending Lucanis's delicate sensibility ?
Who accidentally poisoned the food ?
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s4geskies · 2 years
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plant dad donnie is very important to me
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sparkling12 · 1 month
I'm curious, in general do we prefer Poison Ivy with Green Skin or Nah?
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oh reblog for more responses please lol
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dailybotany · 1 year
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This is Larix laricina, commonly known as tamarack, hackmatack, and Eastern, red, black or American larch.
L. laricina is native to boreal and eastern temperate North America (Nature Serve), persisting right up to the northern treeline. It frequently grows in or at the edges of wetlands (swamps, fens, marshes, and riparian areas), but can tolerate a wide range of substrates and moisture. For a good overview of the species, check out this link.
It's one of those plants that can be a lightbulb moment for some people, inspiring them to reconsider basic assumptions about the way we divide up the natural world. When we learn about trees, many of us learn that there's two basic "types": deciduous trees and conifer trees. We are often told that deciduous trees are broad leaved and lose their leaves in the fall and that trees with needles don't.
Tamarack 'breaks' that; it is a deciduous conifer. Rightly, the language we are taught should be that there are deciduous and evergreen trees, that there are conifers and broad-leaf trees, and these categories can mix and match. (Of course, the trees haven't read the rules, so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out there is a broadleaf coniferous gymnosperm--exceptions ARE the rule in ecology!)
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sharpedgedfool · 6 months
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vanilla is a plant so im going the most obvious route possible
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adhd-languages · 2 months
I often wonder how English distinguishing between “sentient pronouns” (he/she/they) and “inanimate pronouns” (it/its) affects our perception of the world.
I wonder if languages without this distinction foster more care towards the environment.
Animals and plants are usually referred to as “it”. Would we care for them more if we thought of them as sentient?
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neighborhoodsimulator · 3 months
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i love you community lots
not my shell, i downloaded it from the gallery and redoing the outside and interiors, i forgot the gallery id but i think i looked up bridal shop
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Been really into gardening, so what about Nikolai and König with a gardener s/o? Would they be interested in helping out, or have a specific favorite type of plant?
(I love love LOVE rambling about plants, they're so cool once you get to know them!! I blame my mom entirely since she has a green thumb)
(Also, do you have a fav kind of flower? I personally love hydrangeas)
Plants are really cool, though! Hydrangeas are very pretty, I think I've seen some here and there! I personally adore lisianthus, though! They're absolutely gorgeous! Now I can't help but wonder if I could grow some someday when I move out, haha!
Nikolai and König with a Gardener!S/O
Nikolai: I do believe that he has a garden somewhere near his house only he knows about, where he grows vegetables. He loves having his own little garden, just that little bit of space that no one can take away from him with which he can do just about whatever is nice. He especially likes tomatoes, they’re nutritious, healthy and very delicious, as well as easy to cook. Nikolai is a pretty good cook, so he knows how to utilize tomatoes to their full potential. He has tried to grow flowers as well, though. He’s made some good success with sunflowers, in fact he still has some in his secret garden. So he absolutely knows how to take care of a garden, he finds it relaxing even and would love to help you out a bit, if you let him. Do let him plant some plants of his own, though, he loves watching them grow. Although he’s never been able to do so, he’d love to cultivate some melons at some point as well. Watermelons, cantaloupes, honey melons, he’d love to eat his own ones someday as well, especially with you. He thinks it’s so cool that you’re a gardener because, in another life where he wasn’t a soldier and or leader of a PMC, he, too, would be a gardener. Has always dreamed of having a garden with you and would love to plant some trees as well. Apple trees, cherry trees, maybe even some orange trees, as long as he gets some delicious fruit out of it, he’s down. Besides, what’s more domestic than working at your shared garden together? He’ll even plant some flowers as well. He can’t particularly surprise you well with them, but he can look at your surprised face when they first start sprouting. While he won’t pluck or cut them unless he needs to, he will cherish the moments he gets to spend with you and your shared plants. And if you’re the type of person to name your plants then I can assure you he remembers each and every single name.
König: He’s never really been into gardening. He had a small succulent as a kid once so he had something to take care of that would help him with feeling down, but it didn’t survive very long. He loved the little plant a little too much and gave it too much water every day. To this day he feels guilty about it. He named it “Luisa”. Ever since then he’s not very confident in his plant keeping abilities, thinking he has the worst green thumb imaginable. He would love to help you, don’t get me wrong, but he’s afraid of killing your plants and making you mad about it. No, he’d much rather watch you and encourage you with your endeavors. He’ll buy fertilizer, if needed, or some new seeds or saplings if you want some, but he won’t really do much with your plants, aside from moving them to the sunlight if you want him to. Although, it should be added that he could still learn how to take good care of a plant. With some guidance, and another small succulent that’s hard to kill, it’s not too late. Just show him the ropes, tell him what to do and he’ll do it. He might get nervous about having overdone it again from time to time, and will come up to you, the succulent tiny in his hands, asking you if his plant will make it. Reassure him and give him some good tips, he’ll appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. König feels very accomplished when the plant has survived over two months. As time goes on, he’ll grow more comfortable with plants and ask you if he could maybe help you water some more plants. He may still need to get a feeling for it all, but he’s very eager to help you. Again, this is all very domestic for him, so he quite likes it. Just watering some plants with you, harvesting some parsley, maybe picking some apples from the tree. He can get most fruits from the tree due to his height as well, which is great. König’s more into the practical side of gardening, so he prefers fruit and vegetables over flowers. His favorite plant would be a pumpkin, but only because he loves pumpkin seed oil.
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slime-crafters · 4 months
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I think it's so funny to decorate room by room because you can tell which room I have no clue what to do with
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