#it’s a mutation called fasciation
bekkathyst · 6 months
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I found an Extra Wide dandelion today
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icechippies · 3 months
Unnamed Twomp fic
Ok so first TWOMP fic, I'm posting it here first because it needs a name for Ao3 and I dont have a good name yet. Each chapter will be a reblog of this one by me so keep an eye out, I am going to post the first two tonight.
Tags that it would probably have on Ao3: Angst and hurt/comfort, Argos/Mr Plant, Medical stuff, chainsaw Argos, bad medical decisions -Or something like that at least, idk Ao3 tags at the top of my head.
I wrote a LOT of notes to share with this. I'll uh, I'll just let them do the talking, chapters will be reblogged from this post as I decide I want to. When I post to Ao3 Kudos are appreciated but comments are what really help.
I am sick and haven’t been able to sleep for the past two nights except for a nyquill induced nap yesterday. I want to write but I don’t want to deal with 8+ characters in a scene, solution? Angsty hurt/comfort of everyone’s favorite murder boyfriends. This is my first TWOMP fic so it’s going to be a little iffy on the characterization I think, I’m testing the waters. If I over explain stuff in the notes it’s because I’m practically delirious. I will continue writing this until such time as I am no longer sick, which may be a while
I think Mr. Plant normally has some vines, but they are vestigial (Like how whales still have leg bones or humans have tailbones) and don’t really serve much of a purpose and mostly come from his neck where he turns from plant to humanoid.
A witches’ broom is a growth on a plant that can be caused by fungal, bacterial, or viral infections but can also be the result of random genetic mutation (Fasciation). It causes patches of extremely dense, unregulated growth. Viral witches' brooms often have no cure, the only thing that can really be done is remove the plant to prevent it from spreading, rose rosette virus being one of them. If left untreated, the dense growth of the plant will catch water and bacteria and start to rot, slowly killing the plant. 
Anyway, pretty horrific for a plant. This story basically expands upon that real life disease but reimagining it in a way that could affect a plant-person thing.
No, Argos was absolutely not invited. He made a copy of Mr. Plant’s key because picking the lock got too tiresome after the twenty-somethingth time.
You see, I never watched Happy Tree Friends, and I only saw one episode of DHMIS. I was watching a secret third horrific thing in middle school, Cyriak videos. And oooweee, it shows sometimes.
I think Argos went to the library a lot before getting obsessed with Mr.Plant not in the nerdy computer geek way but with the same vibes as a kid who goes to the library during lunch to distract them from the fact that they don’t have any friends and as such has basically read every book there.
The Argos chainsaw photoshoot lives in my head and the bastard doesn’t even pay rent.
This was started before the void 1 stuff came out and I was so right, wasn’t I? I predicted void 1 mutated things, I predicted Ghost adding Respite to the setlist, just call me the fanfiction prophet.
(other note: I started this like 6 months ago, I have had time to edit since I was sick lol)
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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The other day I was reading this post where some plant people were talking about fasciation, a condition that causes these kinds of wild deformities in plants. It can have a variety of triggers from injury to genetic mutation, and sometimes the deformities are so decorative that they are highly desirable for gardeners and florists. So I'm looking at this post and going Damn it's called fascination? That's so fucking gothic, what a great description of a plant that is thrown off its growth trajectory and becomes hellbent on assuming this bizarre, obsessively-expanding or repeating shape. I fucking love that, fascination. It could happen to your mind: Help! I got the fascination and I'm twisting into a bizarre new person I was never meant to be! Throw me in the bedlam! ...then I realized, after reading it a hundred fucking times, that actually it said fasciation, and I was just making the whole thing up.
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hardknifeplays · 4 years
Part III Jason x Gender-Neutral Reader as his S/O
Genre : Fluff, Slice of Life
Words : 1,7k+
 You have been living with Jason for two years. Well, you are not necessarily live in his cabin. At first, you came to see him three times a week. As time went by, you met him every day. That's when you know that you're ready to live with the man himself.
It was a breezy evening, you were sitting on the couch, reading a book that you bought yesterday. Your fingertips flipped pages by pages, your eyes focused on the book so much that you didn't notice Jason already standing by the door, watching you.
He stomped his feet for you to notice that he was home.
“Oh- hi Jason! You're back!”
You quickly closed the book and you got up from the couch, ran to Jason to give him a hug. He put his machete aside and gave you a big bear hug in return. You smiled widely, and you realised that you've been missing him so much.
He pulled out the hug and move his machete near the front door. Jason walked towards you, lingering his arms around your body. He smooched your face with his hockey mask. You giggled, and you kissed his mask. He lured you into a deeper embrace. You could feel the warmth of his body. He smelled like a the mixture of campfire and lavender, so warm and calming. You leaned your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
“Whoa, your heartbeat is racing,”
I love you, I really do.
Jason placed his head on top of yours. Both of you were staying like this for a good five minutes. You intertwined your fingers against his; his hands are so big compared to yours. Jason held your hand firmly, he loves to think that you are fragile and needs to be protected. You are his priority.
❁ ❁ ❁
You and Jason were having a good time last night, but when you woke up this morning, he wasn't there. You checked your phone, and it was 7 A.M. He never left this early, where was he?
You jumped on your foot, looking out the window. There was no sign of him outside. You put your shoes on and rushed to the front door. You went outside and looking at the woods, and felt relieved after you found him stood alone by the lake.
You approach him, watching your steps carefully so you won't stumble over the traps. Standing by his side, you turn your body to face him, waving your hand to him.
“Good morning,” you say.
He waves his hand to you, signing, good morning too.
You glance over the lake and hear the birds chattering from some different directions. You smile when you remember that the one who owns this place is your boyfriend.
You feel your forearm being touched. You look up to Jason, and he tilts his head. “What's happening?” you ask. He points something on the ground.
You follow where his index finger is pointing at. He's pointing at a small group of daisies, and you find one odd-looking one. You raise one of your eyebrows and closes your mouth.
“Oh my God, Jason, look at that!” You are amazed, and crouch in front of it. You touch the odd one and chuckles. You look up to Jason and tell him to crouch beside you, and he does. Both of you are studying the daisy for a while.
“I think it's deformed,” you say. Jason immediately glancing at you. You glance back at him, slightly terrified of his response.
“I- I don't know what is it, the name of this. Is it deforming? Or mutating? Probably, but that's not the right word... Ah, yes, it's called fasciation.” the way you murmur to yourself confuses Jason, and he keeps his eyes on you.
What are you doing? Why are you talking to yourself?
“This stunning-looking daisy is having a fasciation. The daisy might be mutated, I don't know. I don't really understand how DNA works. From this point, you could see that nature works mysteriously,”
You smile to him. Jason shifts his gaze from you to the daisy and touches it. Jason also grabs your hand gently, and lead your hand to touch the daisy too. “Eh, It feels like just the rests of the daisies,” you say. Jason gives you no respond. He shook his head after that.
“Huh?” you ask, trying to figure out what is he trying to say.
Jason replies to you with gestures, We need to fix this.
You look at him, and you burst out a laugh. You pat his shoulder several times until you're tearing up a little. Jason looking at you in confusion, did he say something funny? Did he hurt the daisy? Why-
“Jason, my baby, my love. I'm sorry my darling but we cannot fix this. The daisy, uh, was born with it, and you see that it doing just fine. It grows well like the others.” you explain to him. Jason looking down to the ground before he looks up to you again.
But it's different.
“So what if it's different?” you laugh. You caress Jason's cheek and continue, “Look. I know that this one right here is different, but it stands out. The proof? You noticed it first before the other daisies. It's deformed, but beautiful.” You look away at the mutated daisy again.
Jason is stunned by your words. He knows that he is not one of the good-looking guys, he was so insecure about his looks. He wants to be that daisy. He knows that he got facial disfigurement, and he hopes people find him fascinating instead of strange or scary.
“To be honest, it reminds me of you.” you look at Jason lightly, and he gasps. You are reading his mind. He stays still, waiting for you to continue your sentence patiently. You are facing him now, put his hand on your palm, and give him an affectionate smile.
“Jason, my love, I want you to remember this. I love you, I see the real you. I see you as a whole wonderful human being,” you place your hands on his chest, pressing it a little.
“Your mom is right, you are a good person. You keep me from any harm, you protect me when I'm afraid of the dark and the storm. You never hurt me.”
You could see that Jason is tearing. He holds your wrist on his chest, he would never let you go. You are his favourite person after his mom. After you know Jason really well, whenever you come to Crystal Lake, you always go to Pamela's shrine and say simple things like, “Good morning Pamela, I love your son so much.” and giggle. You never did this when Jason's around, but he knows. When you are away back to your home in town, Jason sits near his mom's shrine and tell everything about you. His mom approves your relationship with him. Pamela thought that you are taking care of Jason really well. Living for almost 20 years alone was not easy for Jason. You are such a blessing for his empty, dark life.
You two had the first meeting when you wandering around the lake all by yourself. You went there because you needed a break. School, work, whatever problems in life, it was all sickening.
Some people around you ever mentioned his name, Jason Voorhees, a killer that become the myth and  the legend of Crystal Lake. Instead of being scared of him, you feel sympathetic when you read about his childhood. His father, Elias Voorhees, left him when he found out that his son had deformity and hydrocephalus. Jason lived with his mom, Pamela Voorhees, until he was 11. He drowned in the lake and believed that he was dead, and his mom took  revenge for his son and kill all the campers who dared step on the land of the camp. You started to look up where Camp Crystal Lake is, and you went there some time on the weekend.
Turns out that the place is peaceful. No disturbance at all. It’s a perfect place to relax, you thought.  You sat on the dock near the lake in silence. You heard the sound of a kitten, meowed so loud and you started to get up. You searched for the source of the sound, and you found a kitten with a limping back leg, laying on the ground. You scooped the kitten, whispering to it to make it calm.
You heard footsteps behind you. You turned your head around and almost jumped. Your eyes met the glance of a tall, massive looking man. He was wearing an green army-coloured shirt, grey jeans, and a pair of boots. His shoulder was heaving heavily. He was also wearing a hockey mask.
“Uh, hi? Is this your kitten, sir? I found it here and- and the leg... is limping.” you said. The man just stood there in distance, not responding to you at all. You started to get nervous. “Oh sorry, I think I need to introduce myself. My name is Y/N, I come here to get some break. It's so peaceful here. Is this your place, sir?”
Still, no answer. He was walking towards you, fast and terrifying. You walked backwards every time he got closer and closer. You closed your eyes tightly, and you heard that the footstep stopped.
You opened your eyes and found the man standing right in front of you. He studied your movements, your expression, and the kitten. The kitten stopped meowing and trying to get itself out of your arms. The kitten fell to the ground and walked slowly to the man with its severe limping leg. He took the kitten up and put it on his shoulder.
For a moment you thought you were about to laugh, he was so cute. Looks intimidatingly tall but become so gentle with kittens? And don't forget about the hockey mask too. Adorable.
You chuckled. “I could help you to take care of the kitten if you don't mind.” you beamed lightly. There was an awkward silence happening between you and the man. You didn't want to look into his eyes. A moment later he turned his back on you and left with the kitten without saying anything, disappearing into the woods.
You had no idea if the man that you met was Jason himself. You thought that he was only a man who wanders around the camp just like you. From that time, you started to bring some foods and snacks, left some of it on the dock for him. He never really showed up. Little you did know, Jason watched you all the time. He was just so shy to say hi. When you finally left and driving back home, Jason picked all the foods and snacks you brought. He brought them back to his cabin, and he secretly hoped that you would come back tomorrow.
And here you are right now, being his partner for life. Both of you are not married yet, technically... it doesn’t matter. Jason doesn’t care about marriage, as long as you are here with him, he’s fine.
“You may have deformities and bullies were making fun of you. They were literal a**holes. But you know what? To me, you are beautiful, Jason.” you say.
I'm not. I'm ugly.
You shook your head quickly. “I'm talking about you. Not how you look like. Got it?” you reassure him. He nods slowly and draws you into a hug. You laugh and hold his arms. He puts his cheek against yours, both of you are facing the 'deformed' daisy.
“You are different and beautiful just like the daisy, Jason. I want you to take care of it. Maybe this daisy exists for a reason, and the reason is to make you realise that you are unique!”
This daisy is my friend, I should protect.
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cecils-dragons · 3 years
19, 44, 45?
19. zombies or vampires?
Vampires of course. I actually really don't like zombies. Zombie horror is something that I do not find interesting, the only zombie stuff that interests me is what happens to ants with fungal parasites because that's terrifying and so interesting. Also vampires cool :)
44. do you collect anything?
I collect quite a few things! I have recently been collecting small ceramic statues from small artists because I find that neat. I have two favorite collections, one is my plants because they bring me such joy. I mainly have Monsteras and Pothos because they are easy to care for and are very lovely. My second favorite is my collection of flowers with the fasciation mutation. They are just so interesting! I most commonly have found them with gerbera and other daisies, one of my gerberas even produced one that was three flowers fused together, I sadly failed at preserving this one, but they just produced another long morphed one. I also love my little furby collection but I don't usually count them because they fall more into my over all collection of my own art.
45. favorite tea?
My current favorite tea blend is one from my local tea shop called Persephone. It's a black tea and pomegranate blend and is done very well. But if I had to go out and order a tea anywhere, I'd go for a chai tea because I love cinnamon and it's pretty hard to mess up.
Thank you so much for asking!!!
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kosmia · 4 years
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Mutant flowers found near Fukushima
It’s easy to assume that the odd appearance is due to a dose of radiation. After all, researchers have shown that even tiny doses of radiation can mutate butterflies. However, this particular flower deformity pops up all the time, even if it’s a bit freaky-looking. The mutation is called fasciation, a word that means banded or bundled. Scientists think fasciation is caused by a hormonal imbalance, though that imbalance may be triggered by a number of things: insects, diseases or physical injury to the plant. Though it can’t be "fixed" once it has happened, a plant that regrows each year may come back perfectly normal after one year of fasciation. Sometimes the trait is genetic and can be passed to the next generation, but more frequently it is a one-time occurrence. At this point, no expert could say whether the daises became fasciated because of nuclear radiation. 
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thebashfulbotanist · 5 years
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Fasciation is fascinating! This phenomenon, also called “cresting”, occurs when the apical meristem where growth occurs at the tip of the plant gets elongated perpendicular to the usual growth direction. So instead of getting taller, this flower grow in a fat horizontal line. It can be caused by a number of diseases and growth mutations. The flowers in this picture are Rudbeckia hirta, black-eyed Susans, but fasciation occurs in many plant species, notably Saguaro cacti, leading to the strange-looking “crested Saguaro”. 
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botanyshitposts · 6 years
Im pretty sure those dandelion mutation pics are fake:/
actually, that’s an effect called fasciation, and it’s relatively common in the world of plant mutations! it’s characterized by the accidental fusing together of tissues on the stem/organ in question, which can lead to the weird funky/siamese twin flowers you see in the post. more specifically, it happens when the hormones in a plant’s growing tip (the apical meristem, for those plant physiology nerds out there) get messed up for whatever reason and the plant gets confused on what to separate, which results in a ‘crested’ flattened/fused organ. for example in certain plant illnesses it’s directly caused by a bacterial infection; the hormones secreted by the bacteria living in the growing tip mess up the plant’s chemical signaling and cause the fusing effect. it can also happen through all sorts of stuff, including viral, chemical, fungal, and genetic causes. 
i’ve seen three plants in my life like that: two were dandelions living by the side of a parking lot at my high school, and one was a branch of a bush that my plant pathology professor brought in to show us. it was on a plant in his backyard, and it had become infected with a bacterial infection that’s known for causing it. he was pretty excited lmao 
fasciation happens like...in a SHITLOAD of plants, as long as they’re vascular (meaning not mosses, basically), which makes sense, because the mutation needs a solid stem structure to happen. here’s a fasciated palm!
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and a fasciated rose! (no flowers on this one, although i think its really interesting that the plant still managed to make some thorns, if a bit tumultuously):
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and of course, gotta have a saguaro cactus! apparently this one lives happily in a botanical park in phoenix, arizona. good for her, out living her best life. shown here next to a normal cactus of the same species. 
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EXTRA fun fact, you may have seen THIS bad boy at ur local greenhouse, called Celosia argentea var. cristata, or ‘cockscomb celosia’ for short:
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well guess what it is??? a fasciated version of Celosia argentea grown commercially specifically for its rad ass appearance!! the normal, unmutated plant looks like this:
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seeing the two side by side makes it really easy to see how the plant could have messed them up just by failing to separate the flower stems right.
side note: these are not to be confused with the other variety of this plant, Celosia argentea var. plumosa, which is also popular in north american greenhouses for their funky little floofs (this pic shows a few different available colors, some of which the fasciated version are also grown in): 
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so in short.... those pics are real. plants just be fucked up like that. 
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sixpenceee · 7 years
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A photo of deformed daisies reportedly found near Fukushima, Japan, has gone viral. But don’t panic — they almost definitely aren’t radioactive mutants. It looks bad. But Beth Krizek, a biologist at the University of South Carolina, told The Huffington Post that the deformity you see here is called fasciation. She explained that fasciation happens when something affects the way plant cells replicate, leading to the over-proliferation of some cells. It can be caused by naturally occurring mutation, hormonal changes or environmental stresses. (Source) @sixpenceee
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greenfatfingers · 5 years
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There's a conjoining #GrapeHyacinth flower head in #mygarden.🤣🤣🤣 They called it #Fasciation which comes from the Latin for stripe or band, and that describes how a plant looks with this mutation of its growing stem or flower. . It can happen on many types of plants and the band can be on the stem or the flower head, which looks split. Scientists don’t know for sure what causes fasciation, but one theory is a hormone imbalance. Rosie Lerner from Purdue Extension consumer horticulturist in West Lafayette writes, "In some cases, this imbalance could be a random genetic mutation or, in other cases, induced by one or more environmental factors, including bacteria, fungi, virus, insects, frost and physical damage to the growing point”. hoosiergardener.com . One of the standard "blue #spring bulbs" are the grape #hyacinths (the other being scillas). Among gardeners, grape hyacinths quite recognizable with their tight, conical heads of tiny rounded flowers that are indeed arranged like little clusters of grapes. Grape hyacinths are members of the genus Muscari. The name comes from the Latin ‘moschos' meaning musk, alluding to the musky fragrance of some species. In fact most are fragrant to some degree though I for one, have rarely bent down low enough to enjoy the fragrance. Blue is the predominant colour, but they also come in white, pale ice blue, yellow and even gray-green! Their leaves are somewhat grass-like and relatively fleshy. Most are hardy to zone 4, even colder if plants are well mulched. In the wild, they grow in well-drained meadows, forest-edges and alpine situations, generally in full sun. Many are quite prolific, making them suitable for naturalizing. They bloom a little later than most of the spring bulbs, combining admirably with late season #daffodils and mid-season #tulips. davesgarden.com . #gardening #flowers #garden #flower #gardenlife #flowerstagram #gardens #flower_daily #nature #gardener #flower_igers #gardendesign #flowerpower #gardenlove #flowersofinstagram #flowermagic #gardenflowers #flowerslovers #gardenlovers #floweroftheday #superb_flowers #garden_explorers #greenfatfingers (at Kew Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwHe5XUBpBx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ewc94s1ougux
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plantdewdrops · 7 years
Mutated Plants From Lowe‘s
So I finally did the research and the mutation those flowers are effected by is called fasciation. Fasciated stems are produced due to abnormal growing activity in the plant. They say that it is usually limited to a single stem and rarely reoccurs the following year, but the fact that I found so many sold at Lowe’s has me concerned. I’m not sure if its the store or the person growing these plants, but something is causing the hormonal imbalance that causes this mutation.
I’ve started leaning toward the former because at the same Lowe’s I found the flower I also found a fasciated succulent, which I will post later. However, that could just be a correlation and Lowe’s may not be the causation. I’ll have to do some more in-depth research and I’ll probably talk with some of the people who work in the garden center to see what’s up.
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sevenpencee · 8 years
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This unusual condition, called fasciation is rare. Some botanists believe this mutation is caused when the growing flower head is damaged, causing the plant to attempt to replace it, resulting in a very odd looking flower, but this isn’t certain. Others suspect hormonal imbalance. Either way, these flowers are truly spectacular to look at!
Image 1, 2, 3, 4
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theoldcoffeetragedy · 7 years
@bobcatmoran replied to your photo “I think this shrub (I think it’s a kind of berberis?) has mutated a...”
Neat! Looks like it might be something called 'fasciation.' Google it if you want to see some crazy dandelions.
oh wow! it definitely looks like this is a mild case of fasciation! :D thank you! that’s neat to know - this one almost died smothered in snow last winter, I don’t know if a kind of shock triggered it but it seems to have grown really quickly because that bit wasn’t there when I tried to fix it earlier this spring. I’ll keep an eye on it!
also those daisies and dandelions and sunflowers really creep me out for some reason. woa.
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