#and the last one is a bridal shop. which i want to re do and make it a bridal shop and prom dress store.
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i love you community lots
not my shell, i downloaded it from the gallery and redoing the outside and interiors, i forgot the gallery id but i think i looked up bridal shop
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vadergf · 4 years
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Hi I'm back with chapter two! This one took some last minute editing to make it atleast as long and relatively good as the last chapter lol. This was an easier chapter to write because it was mostly just emotions and literally no dialogue.
Word count: 1000+ words (barely)
Here's a spotify playlist for the series if you want (x)
Warning for the whole series: angst, swearing, drinking (of age), being in love with two people?
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New Rome still feels like home. The minute my feet land there, a sense of belonging sweeps over me. I want to scream out of frustration. I’m a traitor to myself and home, but I’m still loved. Everywhere I go, people smile at me and I can’t take it.
But its changed. Time’s cruel hands have not left it unscathed. The feeling of home lingers, but the things that made it home are gone. The shops and houses are different; the streets are lined different, the very fabric of the New Rome I used to know is altered. After the war, things changed. That’s what everyone tells me. But I miss the familiar faces the most.
It’s only when I see baby Julia who used to help Terminus all grown up in college is when I realize how long I’ve been away. Piper is oblivious and so are the others. The only one who can slightly relate is Percy and he chose his home; his love and his legacy.
It’s me who faced turmoil. A choice. A choice that tore me apart inside.
Juno’s words from the dream she had given my memories back echoed in my mind:
“Your love was just as strong as the son of Poseidon and the daughter of Athena. Maybe stronger. But the daughter of Aphrodite was crucial. She needed to be in love with you for the plan to work. Now, she is. So are you. The question is: who do you love more, oh hero? That is your choice to make.”
And I’d made it. And I fucking hated it right now.
All my friends chatted and caught up while I could barely bring myself to say a word, so I absentmindedly ruffled Percy’s daughter, Charlie’s hair while she went on and on about some new friends she had made, her words reminiscent of her mother as a child. The arrival of Alex and Reyna interrupted my blank thoughts.
“The power couple of New Rome!” I thought bitterly.
16 years ago, that was our title.
Reyna looked different. The mask she usually put up to hide her emotions was gone. She was all smiles and laughs. Genuine ones, too. Her long hair was left open, out of her characteristic braid and she wore a guy’s hoodie with ripped jeans.
Reyna never wore ripped jeans and the only hoodies she used to wear were mine.
“Stop that!” I commanded myself. Sounding like a whiny kid was not going to help.
Alex was so in love with her, it hurt. They smile, hold hands, peck each other’s cheeks, finish each other’s sentences and poke fun at each other.
Its calm, understanding, sweet love.
I hate it.
Our love was passion, desperation, friendship, craving and a love where we helped each other to help us get over the ghosts of the past while fighting the demons that plagued us today. Where we needed each other.
I know I should’ve been happy for her but I can’t bring myself to be. I feel bitter and angry, mostly at myself. And I can’t escape the light throb in my heart each time someone brings up the marriage.
A pair of arms circled my waist and I flinched visibly. The hands were covered in bracelets and they’re Piper’s. With a jolt, I realized I forgot she was here.
And somehow, that made me feel more horrible.
Everyone’s moving around, prepping for the wedding. I somehow got dragged (re: conned) into dress shopping. I’m here at some store in New Rome called Bridal Apparel, which I didn’t even know existed till right now.
I’ve been sitting around for an hour now and they’re no closer to picking a dress. All the dresses had something wrong- veil too short, veil too long, sleeves too poufy, too prudish, too revealing etc. Honestly, I’ve just been avoiding Reyna like the plague. It’s too much. I might just accidentally blurt something I shouldn’t like ‘I still love you’ and she might just say something like ‘We are never ever getting back together’. Who knows if she’s still obsessed with those cheesy pop breakup songs?
I gave a small smile at the memory of her singing Taylor Swift, holding a dagger as her mic. Only Reyna.
I’m interrupted by excited squeals from the direction of the changing room. I blink out of the memory to see Rey walking out in a wedding dress.
It’s a beautiful white shade that makes her skin glow and it is made up in typical Roman fashion with long transparent sleeves. The neckline is a deep V-neck and the whole thing fits her perfectly, like it was meant to be.
The worst part of the whole thing is that I love it so much.
The lady who owned the store scurried over and draped the veil on her and my stomach dissolved into butterflies.
She gave me a nervous smile and gestured to herself. “Well?”
“You look… good, Rey. Really good.” My voice choked a bit on the last statement and I hoped to all the gods that no one heard it. Thankfully, they didn’t.
All the other girls made noises of protest at my statement. Hazel gasped, “How? That’s justgood?! She looks like a princess!”
She didn’t look like a princess. She looked like a queen.
And she always looked like one to me.
My eyes are still on Reyna. She looks calm but her eyes look freaked out. Overwhelmed. And her fingers are nervously twisting her ring. And I can make out the way she’s tapping her feet under her dress.
I murmured through the side of my mouth, “You look beautiful. This is the one.”
She gave a shaky breath and nodded. She turned to the girls and said, her voice more confident, “Guess what? I’m saying yes to the dress!”
The shop erupted in cheers, except for me. I was trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my chest,
Reyna’s getting married to Alex. I’m with Piper.
I’m not supposed to imagine her walking down the aisle towards me.
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And that's it! Please please leave feedback and maybe reblog because this is my baby🥺
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septiembrre · 4 years
30 for the kiss prompts!!!!
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Prompt: Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot.
@sothischickshe, I made a concerted effort to keep this silly and short. And I gave myself frown lines as I watched it grow longer and longer and… angsty. D: 
A magical reappearance of Beth’s furniture
A broken air conditioner
A heatwave
Lots of summer clothing
Sweat (but like the typical annoying kind. This is not a euphemism for sex)
Beth and her anxiety
Rio, a certified Goth™
A relationship not yet ended
And a Mick cameo, of course!
On AO3, too!
Beth’s first mistake was not calling the HVAC technician first thing in the morning. She had called on the way out the door, left a voicemail. 
It shouldn’t have been a big deal. Wednesdays were usually slow. She would be able to sneak away at almost any point to take a call back. In the message she left, Beth made sure to mention that her only conflict was at three (the weekly drop of bills from Mick). Otherwise, there was plenty of time to schedule the service visit with perfect timing for the impending heatwave. 
But, of course, her life was no longer neat.   
On this random mid-day shift, there had been a flurry of customers at the store -- multiple special orders for invitations, a desperate maid of honor running in for last minute bridal shower details. And, naturally, it was in this hubbub that the tech had returned her call. There was another subsequent round of phone tag. Beth left a new message. 
On her phone, there was also a text from Mick. He was held up -- and that never happened. The texts hinted at some mysterious, more-important errand for their boss and she was a little curious. He had quashed her follow-up questions (only a couple!), with a gruff, “I’ll get there when I get there.” 
And he indeed eventually arrived to Paper Porcupine -- a whole hour late and in a terrible mood. He barreled in the backdoor, sans his typical flannel and sans-leather jacket. Instead, he was in a t-shirt and sweaty as all get out in the late afternoon heat. Beth had stared at him aghast as her phone chimed with another call. It had been a perky soundtrack to Mick’s string of colorful swears when he realized he had left behind half the one-dollar bills needed for the next print run.
Well, at least that mess wasn’t on her. 
When Beth finally caught the technician on her drive home, she confirmed what Beth had begun to suspect in her gut: they were all booked up with service calls until next Monday. 
“It’s the heatwave, Mrs. Boland,” the tech explained over the car’s speaker phone. “Half of Detroit is calling in about faulty units. We can get you in first thing next week.” 
Beth had nodded unseen and despairing. She had the AC blasting in the car, but she was still sticky with sweat. It was going to be precisely eleven degrees hotter by tomorrow. Then, it would chart 105 the day after that.  
Good Lord. 
Her second mistake was not immediately driving to the store to purchase a pool.
This is how Beth finds herself in the middle of the brutal once-a-year Michigan heatwave, reflecting on how truly her life no longer plays out in the tidy, pre-ordained trajectories it used to. And some days this is thrilling but other days, today, it’s... 
Beth tries to do what she can. 
She digs out her most breathable pair of exercise shorts, short short and purchased two children ago. She dons her comfiest, lift bra and throws on a frayed pink tank top. She no longer wore these articles of clothing in the presence of her husband (especially after that comment now etched into her soul about “a great ass and perfectly shaped boobs”) but kept them tucked into her dresser for such hellishly hot, solitary occasions such as today. 
She pulls her hair messily into a lofty bun leaving no opportunity for it to cling to her neck. She also temporarily appropriates three of the flagging household fans and angles all of them carefully at her, meticulously layering the currents. Finally, she sprawls on her bed, starfishing her limbs for maximum air-to-skin contact. 
All of it helps a little, but she’s still hot. Beth can’t fathom anything outside of her misery, wants to shed her skin. 
She momentarily considers taking her third cold shower of the day. 
Then, without realizing it is happening, Beth finds herself an hour deep into a frenzy of online shopping, precariously balancing her laptop so it doesn’t touch her skin. 
Her focus: sandals. 
Beth knows she shouldn’t go through with the purchase. Rationally, she can admit it is a feverish spiral, fixating on one fraction of why this week is awful. But, it is all she can think about: she does not have any appropriate footwear for this heat. 
How will she survive?
From there comes a whole whorl of scenarios. If she could get away with not leaving the house, she could stay barefoot, stick to the shadowy corners of her house, shower any hour of the day. In fact, this was (part of) the reason why she had chosen to stay home as Dean took the kids to the community pool a few blocks over. Her old pair of ratty flip flops had finally given out and the mid-morning heat already had Beth at her wit’s end. God, she just needed some quiet and some sense of distance from Dean. So, she suggested the idea, urged him to go and leave her in peace.
Perhaps, she could send him out for all the kids’ needs and assorted errands? 
...But, could he be trusted? 
Well, if Beth refused to leave the house, that meant she was also choosing not to go with the kids to the movies or the library, places with functioning air conditioners where she could cool off. And what else could they do tomorrow? Maybe she could dig out the old sprinkler from the garage… But, then she’d have to go into the garage, and the temperature in there-- 
Anxiously, Beth meanders the tabs on the DSW website and adds two new pairs of flip flops to her cart. One’s a little more casual, definitely good for pool-side and backyard time. The other pair is a little more dignified. They didn’t look like they would clack. 
Well, she doesn’t need two pairs...
She’ll narrow it down later. 
In the back of her mind, Beth can acknowledge she doesn’t really need to buy anything at all, and that these sandals will not make her current discomfort any more bearable. But, it doesn’t hurt to look. 
Oh, goodness -- what about when she has to go back to Paper Porcupine for her next shift? The thought of putting on any of her flats seems like too much to bear, claustrophobic as they were in the heat. Pumps were out of the question. Which brings her to her last job-appropriate footwear option -- her ankle boots. Weirdly, that seemed to be a fashion trend that was happening now, but nope, absolutely not. 
It is in this fever pitch, that Beth makes her third and perhaps most egregious mistake: when Rio knocks on the French doors, she lets him in. 
In her defense, she’s a little dazed. As mentioned before, the current state of Michigan is literally hell and Rio’s appearance… takes her by surprise. She was not expecting him to show up today with a duffle of the rest of the small bills. He hadn’t texted and to top it off, he is wearing... an outfit she has never seen before.
A sleeveless shirt.
A sleeveless shirt and joggers, fancy athletic ones that look a price point (or three) above the ones she usually buys for Dean. However, despite this new foray into athleisure-wear, Rio remains head to toe in his favorite color with black on black Chucks rounding out the look. 
What a goth, Beth thinks, shaking her head to herself. This outfit in over-100 degree heat? 
She feels hotter just looking at him.
Like Mick the other day, Rio is sans-jacket, sans-button-up, and sans-beanie and there’s just… miles and miles of uncovered brown, freshly sun-kissed skin. 
Maybe, it’s her deep-seated jealousy of people who can tan. All her skin is good for is glowing in the dark and flash burning at the slightest interest from the sun. And mind you, she’s currently safe inside her dim bedroom, but it’s the strangest thing...  She’s burning now as her eyes trace the smooth skin exposed at the base of his neck, burning as she follows along the neat, sharp line of his collarbone where she had bit--
Stop, Beth. Why did she still want-- 
Had he purposefully shown up with a work excuse on the hottest day of the year to pester her? Was this a latent extension of his punishment? Beth thought they were past this. 
But, you know what? Whatever. Let him try.
She’s cool. She might be sweaty as hell, and wanting to crawl out of her skin, but she is cool as a cucumber, cold as ice, profoundly unbothered. 
She’s so cool that she doesn’t say a word. 
Not to greet him, or remark upon the mistake with the drop or… his atypical clothing choice. 
She doesn’t comment either on the state of their business or ask after whatever it was he had assigned Mick to do this week and had seemingly gone awry. 
She doesn’t comment as his mouth drops open with surprise as he takes in her appearance, his eyes widening with something as intolerably warm as the air around them. The bag slips from his grip just inside her doorway.
Nor does she say anything when Rio follows her back to bed, tethered to her through a tenuous spell of heat (weather or otherwise). She’s cool, indifferent, breezy actually as she repositions herself in the crosshairs of the fans. If she pretends he doesn’t matter, she doesn’t have to share the breeze right? So she doesn’t pay much mind as Rio slips off his sneakers and settles next to her. Instead, she re-balances the laptop and resumes pursuing the online DSW store. 
She doesn’t say anything as he eventually shuffles closer, presumably to watch as she adds strappy sandals to her cart (or more probably to peek down her shirt). And god-- this stupid tank top. Maybe her boobs look better from over there in Rio-world, but over here she is sticky with underboob sweat and crossing her fingers that none of it shows through her bra. 
His shoulder leans against hers.
And she has every reason to push him away, but… his skin is cool and smooth and not the most intolerable part of this weekend. So, she lets him stay there. 
And she continues to ignore him, cool-like, or cool-aspiring.
Until he no longer lets her. 
Concentrated as she is on her shopping, she notes idly as Rio’s foot reaches out to nudge one of her fans to aim more directly at him.
Beth can’t help the snarl that comes out of her mouth, “Don’t.” 
He always brings out the worst in her.
There’s a low snicker. Her gaze drops down to take in Rio’s arm as it presses up fully against hers. His fingers reach over to pinch her thigh. 
“Damn, ma.” 
There’s that heat again, the one from inside. God, she hates him. 
Beth shuffles away, frowning at her screen. Rio shuffles too, sidling up next to her again. She adds another pair of sandals to her order and then considers her cart. 
“Elizabeth…” In the corner of her eye, she catches the movement of Rio shaking his head with reprove. “Think about where you live.”
Beth flails on the bed in a display that admittedly reminds her of her own children in a fussy mood and it only annoys her more. Her bedspread sticks to her arms, the backs of her legs, and the exposed sliver of her midriff where her top is creeping up. Beth shifts, trying to dislodge the cover from her skin, mindful to protect the laptop. It’s only happenstance that she manages not to shift a single inch of where the length of her arm touches Rio’s. 
As she tries to calm down, a brief vision comes to Beth -- an alternate universe where the laptop is safely tucked away and the HVAC blessedly functions. The Rio and Beth of this fantasy are them but also not… maybe she’ll call them Christopher and Elizabeth. That Beth -- Elizabeth -- is only mildly inconvenienced by the heat raging outside. She can rest her dampened forehead against the cool arch of his-- Christopher’s neck. She can lean in to press a weak kiss at his collar bone. In fact, she can kiss it anytime she wants, invited to touch him anywhere she like. In this dream, Elizabeth’s ministrations don’t have to be surer or bolder or cool -- because she has him. 
All the time. 
She can afford to be soft. 
In turn, Christopher nuzzles his face into her hair fondly, and that Elizabeth receives a soft kiss at the crown of her head. There’s an undercurrent of sex between them, the suggestion of it, but overall the scene is sluggish in the zenith of summer and content. Elizabeth can curl her body around his and let him hold her-- 
How silly. 
Beth shakes herself out of it and realizes that Rio has shifted on his side, watching her as she’s zoned out staring at the cart full of sandals for too long. His lips twitch and almost pull into a smile. Then, he quells them into mock seriousness. 
It feels too intimate, him with her on this bed, her bed, the bed. It feels like Before. 
God, why is he here anyway? If she was alone, she could peel off all her clothes and… take an ice bath probably. 
Not think of him at least. 
Not think about that wild, feverish idea of curling up, fitting her body into his and surrendering to the heat. Not think about how desperately and pettily she wants to pinch him back. She wants to kiss that stupid look off of his face or... Maybe she could purchase all six pairs of sandals and start browsing for pools on Cloud 9 just to spite him-- 
 “I am thinking about where I live and actually, it’s the middle of summer here--” Beth bites out. “--and it’s outrageously hot.”
“Just buy yourself a pair of sturdy white lady shoes. You mean to tell me you don’t already own some Birks?”
“Excuse me--” Beth splutters, incensed. She had considered them first but had been discouraged again by the price tag for a single pair.  “White people aren’t only ones who wear Birkenstocks.”
Without missing a beat, Rio volleys back, “Baby girl, what are you going to do with so many pairs of sandals in Michigan the rest of the year?” 
“Says you.”  
“You literally have a million pairs of shoes. Your closet is insane.”
It dawns on her, what she just said. 
Not good. 
It’s the fucking heat. At least, the discomfort can’t blotch her cheeks any more than they already are. 
She knows that if she looked at him now, she would see Rio doing something... obnoxious with his face. He’s probably smirking in that terrible, gloating, dumb, sexy way that he does, but too bad. 
Beth refuses to look at him.
She’s indifferent and unbothered. She’s cool. She’s the kind of Beth that would never ever even think about his closet or daydream about them folding clothes together or fucking on-- 
So, instead, she snaps her laptop close with a final click. The sandals were a half-brained idea anyway and that was a conclusion she already came to on her own. Thank you very much, boss. 
She starts to get up but then Rio’s hand reaches out to curl around her thigh, pinning her to the bed. He squeezes her leg gently, as he has the audacity to shush her. 
It’s enough impetus for Beth to rear her head back to meet his gaze again and level him with her most withering glare. 
And, what do you know? She was correct. He appears to be very entertained. 
This time she feels the heat surge on her face and knows without a doubt that it shows on top of the heat rash.  
“Yeah, so… are you ever gonna tell me what you were doin’ at my house?”
“No.” She snipes, prim. 
“I wasn’t doing anything.” It's outright untruth.
Rio’s amused disbelief and her defensiveness meet in a standoff. Beth knows from experience he’ll try to wait her out and she gnashes her teeth. 
Then, there’s a twitch of movement at her thigh, the flex of fingers she realizes are still there and Beth registers the warm span of his hand a few inches above her knee. Her gaze darts down to look at where he’s touching her. He glances down, too. Together they watch as his thumb slowly strokes her skin. Then, again. 
They both observe as the muscles in her thighs just perceptively clench.
God, him and her, in this bed. 
His voice softens to that ridiculous mumble, both low and rich. “Aw, c’mon, darlin’. You can tell me.” 
The tone raises her hackles -- as if she wasn’t already too familiar with this trap! She tries to affect nonchalance -- she’s cool -- and shrugs, “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Rio grins. It’s sharp like a knife and charming. She hates that he’s the most attractive person she’s ever met. “You liked my closet?” 
Then, an idea comes to her-- how she can best him at his own little game.
Beth curls on her side towards him. Her cleavage deepens and god, she can instantly feel more sweat bloom but she knows what he likes. The line of their bodies is parallel, only separated by an inch or two. They’re sharing the breeze from the fans now and wisps of her hair have gotten loose from her bun and are blowing into her face. Rio’s hand shifts to resettle and it drifts up to stroke her hair back behind her ear. Then it drops to curl at her waist. And you know -- nice move -- but she can do him one better.
“Yes,” Beth says simply. She brings her hands up to trace along the neck of his shirt, across his pecs, and the expanse of skin she hasn’t seen since that afternoon of Before. “I didn’t see this though.” 
Then, in a moment of haughty malice, her fingers find the notch of his clavicle. She watches his throat bob as he swallows hard and she counts the success. She ignores the tell-tale temptation to gift him more bruises, to kiss him… 
The thought occurs to her, distantly, slowly emerging through the fog of heat, that if she tugged the fabric to the side a bit, she’d find one of the scars she gave him. Her hands become clammy and they retreat. 
“You like it?” Rio’s voice comes out a smidge hoarse. But, perhaps only someone who knows him like her would notice. 
Beth shrugs a shoulder. 
His eyes are bright as he looks back at her. His gaze shifts crass, laden with the suggestion of sex, and there’s a tinge there that's not quite sour per se. But, it’s heavy with the particular weight of who they are now. His line of sight deliberately drops to her cleavage with old, salacious purpose. 
It’s not the way he looked at her that day, that one time (or two).  
Self-rebuffed, Beth tries not to think too much about how she hates that Rio caught her dressed like this. She itches to pull her top up to her neck or scramble off the bed to find something else to throw on. She itches to disappear entirely or to retreat into her bathroom (and see if this time he’ll follow her there too). 
Slowly, in performance, Rio moves the fingers at her waist and dips them under the edge of her tank top. He traces teasingly underneath along her sweaty skin. 
“I like this.” Rio says, biting his lower lip lewdly, tugging along the hem of her shirt. 
And Beth feels-- she feels--
Too hot. 
Too objectified. 
Her stomach drops and she wants to crawl out of her skin. This wasn’t, this isn’t-- This isn’t what it was. 
No matter who they are this minute, whatever mess continues to unfold, this isn’t what that day was.  
She won’t let him ruin it. 
“You know I did really like your closet. I liked your shoe racks--” she scrambles, trying to dangle a little of what he wants and to remind him. “Your pictures. Nice touch.” 
The comment serves its purpose. It makes him pause, sufficiently rebuked by all the ways that she knows him. 
Rio extricates his hand, pulls away from her skin, as she tries again to calm herself. She needs to be cool, cool, cool. 
But, it’s unbearable -- who they are now.  
She feels frazzled and depleted as she watches Rio roll onto his back. He looks up at her ceiling, not at her. “Why can’t you be honest with me for once?” He says it tiredly, without artifice. 
She can’t stand it. 
“You’re one to talk.”  
Beth watches as Rio is now the one gritting his teeth. 
“Y’know--” There’s a poignant, festering beat and then he says, “When I fucked you in this bed, I had wanted…” 
That want goes unsaid, suspended in the air around them with the heat. 
“But, you just wanted me to fuck you,” he finishes quietly, leveling her. 
Her stomach bottoms out newly pained and she wonders if that day, those two times, are already ruined for him. Certainly, she can understand if it’s because of the bullets. But, if he still has any doubt-- 
She makes a last-ditch attempt at levity. 
“You’d probably say this is really… basic bitch of me.” The phrase fits awkwardly, and the call back immediately has Rio’s attention. She knows in her race to pull something together, to make it better, something bearable, whatever she’s going to say is going to be too candid.
“But, the times that I’ve been the most… attracted to you--” Oh god, this isn’t coming out light and casual at all. Oh no. 
Rio shakes his head at her, “Don’t stop now, Elizabeth.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Beth huffs. Then, she tries again. “One is definitely when you were bashing in that butt-ugly car.” 
Rio’s eyebrows raise comically high. 
“You know with the crowbar,” She gestures, swinging her hand gratuitously. He absolutely already knows what she’s talking about. 
“And two..”  Beth shuts her eyes and takes a steadying breath. She hopes for the best and tries not to rush the next bit. “--was when I saw your closet was color-coordinated.” 
She sneaks a glance at him, and her stomach twists again.
He has absolutely no business looking so fondly at her. 
She strives to clarify. “But, that was before.” 
“Not anymore?”
Rio nods, presumably in acceptance of her refusal. 
But, then he tugs her to him, across him. Beth settles on top of him, too hot, too sweaty. Her forehead comes to rest, pressed against the soft hollow of his neck.  
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pixie88 · 3 years
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Chapter 1 - Alone - Third A&E Series.
A/N: I originally posted this on a side blog but I was having trouble switching between the two and I also didn’t want to start again. As I said there this A&E series is a lot more darker, hitting RL subjects I have been through myself please don’t judge me as you can’t make me feel an worse than I have made myself in the past. The stigma around these subjects are real and so many people don’t speak out about them. Friends and family don’t even know the secrets I will reveal in these chapters as I am ashamed and worry about what they will think. I hope this helps even just one person realise they aren’t alone. I hope you like it 😘
I’m not going to annoy people with re-tags, so I’m not tagging in these first two chapters as most my usual tags have read it.
Find previous chapters HERE under Together - Adam & Ellie.
Word count: 1905
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Angst & adult language.
Pairings: Adam x Ellie.
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A Year and a half after the last chapter of A&E Together.
"She's beautiful, Ellie! A girl! We have a little girl," she looks over to him feeding their daughter. All the panic and worry was worth it! She thought to herself as she's getting stitched up.
16 week's earlier.
This pregnancy had been harder on her than Charlie's, her morning sickness had carried on until 24 weeks, she was in pain with her hips and back. Adam made her give up work at 32 weeks. She was reluctant, but knew he was right, plus at home, she could do more research on shops for sale in London.
By the time she had hit 36 weeks she had found the perfect shop, they had a cheeky weekend away in London to view the property while Ellie's mum had Charlie for them. Being heavily pregnant they didn't do much sight seeing, but they did spent a lot of time tangled beneath the sheets in the hotel room. This would probably be the last time in a long time they would have time alone, so they wanted to make the most of it. 
When they arrived back home Ellie had to sort out the internal and external work. She had put in an offer and was in the proceeds of owning the new shop being, so close to the end of her pregnancy Adam took over all the dealings of the new shop not wanting his wife stressed. 40 weeks Ellie woke on her due date irritated and fed up with being pregnant their little lady showed no signs of wanting to come out.
That afternoon Ellie was in the bathroom when she thought her water had broken, looking down at the floor, she was expecting to see clear waters but instead she saw crimson red puddles of blood. She calls out to Adam who was downstairs soon rushed up to his panicked wife. Shock grew on his face as he saw what had her so panicky. He quickly regained his composure, trying not to worry his heavily pregnant wife.
Adam quickly called her midwife who told them to head to the hospital after dropping Charlie at Elaine's door. He helped an hysterical Ellie into the car. On the way her contractions started they were very close together so when they arrived, he practically had to bridal carry her out to the car with her bag to the labour ward where they handed him a wheel chair. Once in the delivery suite and after a few puffs of gas and air Ellie start to calm down she was so mellow that she wasn't even bothered when the doctor took a sample of her blood, she usually hated blood tests but the gas and air had worked its magic.
When the doctor came in Ellie was completely out of it. Between contractions, she was drifting, those few seconds between each one felt like heaven "Sorry, did you say your name is Doctor Curry? I bet you had the korma taken out of you at school!" she laughs at her own joke, then apologizes when she realised what she had said "Don't worry, I know it's the gas and air talking believe me, I've had worse. We are just going to listen to baby and see how they are! OK?" She nods.
After 10 minutes whooshing the doctor and midwife didn't look very happy with the result "What's wrong?" She asked him. He had that look all doctor have when they're about to tell you bad news "You baby's heart beat keeps dipping" tears started forming in her eyes "Dipping? What do you mean?" He hands her a tissue "Mrs Barlow, we want to deliver your baby as safely as possible and with the fluctuations of their heart beat you have an hour to deliver this baby, or we will have to take you down to theatre for an emergency c-section" her heart sank "But how am I going to have a baby in less than an hour? She just said I'm only 3 centimetres" She looks up at Adam, he's calm which soothe her.
"Well, we need to first break your waters, hopefully that should speed things along a bit. So, I'm going to leave Charlotte here to do that and I will be back in half an hour to see how you are doing" DR. Curry makes his way for the door. "Ellie, after your next contraction I'm going try and break your waters. So, I need you to tell me when it's over, OK?" Ellie nods the next contraction comes and goes. Charlotte successful breaks her waters "That feels so warm!" Ellie laughs just as the next contraction starts to build.
"Oh my god! I feel like I need to push!" She screams as the contraction takes hold. "Ellie if you need to push, then push, but little pushes!" Scared her body is tricking her, she refuses "I can't! You said I was only 3 centimetres. I'm not ready!" She hisses at Charlotte "Hey Ellie, listen to me if that's what your body wants to do then do it. I will keep an eye if nothing happens we will stop! OK? You need to trust what your body is telling you to do!"
The next contraction build she begins to push... crashing Adam's hand in the process until it fades again "You're doing brilliant, beautiful" Adam kisses her forehead "Anything?" She asks her midwife "Well, I can see the top of baby's head..." She's cut off by the next contractions "There's the head" Charlotte tells her "With the next contraction she'll be here" another starts and Ellie pushes again "And here she is 7:43PM welcome to the world little one!" Charlotte says as she cleans her up.
"Ellie, you did it again! She's here!" Adam cups her face and kisses her lips "Skin to skin?" Charlotte asks, Ellie nods "I'll just get Daddy to cut the cord" she looks over to Adam and hands him the scissors. He proudly cuts through the cord before Charlotte moves her to Ellie's chest "Does she have a name?" Charlotte looks at both of them "We're still haven't decid..." she cuts Adam off "Delilah!" Ellie looks up at Adam as the brightest smile appears on his face "Aww that's lovely! Where did you get that from?" She asks the pair.
"It was my Nan's name" Adam says not quite believing she finally had a name and a name that means something to him. "That's sweet! Ellie do you want to give Delilah to Daddy while we get this afterbirth delivered?" Charlotte places Delilah in a towel passes her to Adam as DR. Curry walks in "How are we do...oh baby is here! Wow how long did that take?" He looks over to Charlotte "15 minutes after I broke her water. She had the urge to push right away!" He looks at her stunned "Whoa! That's amazing have you requested her IV drip yet?"
Ellie looks confused "IV drip?" He looks over to her "We estimated you probably lost just over a pint of blood. This will just stop anymore bleeding" Charlotte smiles at a worried Ellie "Nothing to worry about its just because you've lost more than usually. It's routine"
"I'll go and get what we need. While you finish up in here" DR. Curry says as he leave the room.
Later, Charlotte has shift had ended and a new midwife had taken over "When can I go for a shower?" Ellie asks her new midwife Demi she wanders over checks the IV drip monitor "You have another 45 minutes on this then you should be OK" another midwife walks in and calls Demi out of the room a few minutes later she comes back in "We are going to have to move you up to postnatal ward now" Ellie looked shocked with Charlie's Labour she was allowed to have a shower before heading up.
Her legs were still covered in blood as well as her hospital gown. She got off the bed with her IV drip and into a wheelchair, Adam close behind with Delilah. She gets into her cubicle and take a seat in the chair after the midwife leave, she bursts into tears Adam puts Delilah down in her cot and rushes over to his wife "Hey, what's up beautiful?"
She looks up at him "Everything I'm covered in blood, I'm still in this awful thing. I want get into bed, but I can't sit on there like this! I want to cuddle my baby, but my arms are cover in blood. I feel dirty like I'm a cast member of the walking dead! And from what it sounds like we have a snorer the other side of this stupid curtain" He lifts up his wife's chin "Watch Delilah I'll be back in a minute" he gets up and leaves the cubicle through the curtain.
10 minutes later he comes back with a wheel chair and a midwife "You help her into the chair and grab her bag I'll grab baby" the midwife tells Adam. Wiping her tears she looks up at him "What's going on?" He smiles at her "You'll see now come on!" He lifts her out of her chair and into the wheel chair. They walk down the hall and through a door. Once inside she spots another bed and a bathroom "Adam?"
She looks up at him "This was the last one they had!" She looks at him still confused, he laughs, "£90 a night for a private room with a bath in the bathroom and this lovely lady has said if you've had over 80 percent of that drip she'll take it off you, so you can go for a soak" her eyes well up and she starts to cry again.
"It suppose to make you happy not sad!" He laughs, "Happy tears!" The midwife smiles at them both as she catches sight of Ellie, she shook her head "Oh dear, look at the state of you! They let you come up here like that! You poor thing, let me put her next to the bed and get you off this. Even if I have to put you back on after you can't sit like that!" She puts Delilah next the bed and takes Ellie off the drip before helping her to the bathroom.
20 minutes later all fresh from her shower, she emerges from the bathroom in her own comfortable clothes. Adam is changing Delilahs nappy. He looks up "Feeling better?" She smiles as she nods at him before she gets onto the bed next him. She places a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you!" He looks over to her "Why are you thanking me? You did all the hard work!" He places Delilah back in her cot "You were calm while I was losing it! I crashed your hand and you spent money on a hospital room just to make me happy!"
He laughs, "I did have my own motives! No one, not even me was going to sleep with a motorbike snoring next door!" he pulls her to his chest and pulls over the blanket over the both of them "We better sleep while she does. So, night beautiful!" She kisses his cheek "Night! I love you!" She feels him chuckle "I love you more"
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 2.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
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For @klaroline-events​ KC Bingo - “Flower Shop” On FF and AO3
Who says the customer is always right? 
You Don’t Bring Me Flowers
“She told me I never give her flowers,” he huffed. “How was I supposed to know that was a thing?”
“Who would have thought that giving someone flowers was a thing,” she shot back wryly. “You’re really asking the owner of this type of establishment that question?”
“You know what I mean,” he insisted. “I can’t do anything right hence my impromptu trip to what is, I’m sure, a very fine establishment.”
“Well, you’re here, so that’s a start,” she murmured. “And as much as I’d love to discuss the merits of giving flowers versus not giving them, it’s sort of busy in here right now so...”
“Oh of course, my apologies,” he replied, shelling over a wad of notes for his purchase. 
“How about a card?”
“Why do I need a card? It’s not like she won’t know who they’re from, right?” 
Caroline had to resist the urge not to roll her eyes at a customer. If this guy was her boyfriend she’d have dumped him by now. Who was she kidding? She never would have gone out with him in the first place. 
Yes, maybe he was kind of attractive with those untamed, blonde locks, short stubble that demanded to be touched and lips the colour of her favourite primrose. But he clearly had no idea about how to be a decent human being. 
Call her traditional but Caroline loved flowers and the generous act of giving them, hence why she started her own business five years earlier. 
Wild at Heart wasn’t big compared to some shops but what it lacked in size it made up for in its artistic bouquets as well as its warm ambience from the freshly baked, pumpkin scones in the adjoining cafe to her friendly staff. Well, except when Katherine was in a bad mood or hung over.
“A card is an accompaniment to the flowers and allows you to properly convey your message.”
“There’s definitely a message I’d like to convey but not sure it is very card friendly, if you know what I mean?”
Caroline was incredibly curious at his response and had to bite her tongue from responding. The obvious question being why he was buying flowers in the first place? But she could see the long line up of impatient customers behind him and knew they wouldn’t appreciate her views on the matter.
“If that’s the case, I think it’s best we just stick with the flowers.” 
Caroline wondered about his choice of flowers too. Most men, who had no idea about flowers, went straight for the roses. Beautiful, yes, but they were a safe option. Mister Sunshine, however, had chosen the namesake at the heart of her shop.
It was a combination of wildflowers. A mixture of Lavender, Daisies, Forget Me Nots and Queen Anne’s Lace to name a few. Although they were her absolute favourites, it was usually the last bouquet to sell in a day. Given it was only 9:09 am this was a first.
“No, I think you might have a point. So, what do you suggest I write?” She could hear the impatient groans from the people behind. 
“Look, here’s a card that says To and From,” she gestured to the plainest gift tag they had in the shop. One she only really kept on hand for situations like this. “All you need to do is insert names, easy right? Then you won’t feel the need to share opinions which might negate the positive act of giving flowers in the first place.”
A slight smile tugged at the edges of his mouth and Caroline was struggling not to reciprocate but then she remembered he was an ass. 
Before he could reply, she pushed that and the flowers towards him trying to ignore the way those crimson lips curved into a knowing smile followed by a flash of not just one dimple but two. 
“Next, please?”
27 hours later
Klaus had been standing outside the shop for a good fifteen minutes. He was debating whether or not to go inside. 
He looked down at the flowers he’d purchased yesterday, surprisingly still in relatively good condition given the way she’d thrown them at him. 
That would teach him to buy her flowers.  
Most people would take the rejection and either re-gift the flowers or throw them in the trash, Klaus, however, thought they were too beautiful for that and decided recycling was probably the best course of action. 
It had absolutely nothing to do with the beautiful, sarcastic blonde who’d sold them to him. Well, that’s what he kept telling himself.  
“Let me guess, you couldn’t help yourself and gave her the non card friendly version?” 
He turned slightly to his left, noticing the familiar blonde watering the flower pots outside the shop. He thought she looked stunning yesterday in a blue sweater, the colour of which he’d committed to memory, but today her jeans and white t-shirt combination was distracting him even more so. 
“Excuse me?”
“I couldn’t help but notice that my flowers are firmly grasped in your hand,” she noted. “If you’re looking for a refund I’m afraid...”
“Uh, no, of course not,” he stumbled. “I actually thought you might like them back.”
“I’m assuming they didn’t go down too well with...”
“I’d apologise but given the way you were speaking yesterday I don’t really blame her for thinking you’re probably a bit of an ass.”
“Oh really? Is this how you usually talk to your customers, love?”
“Well, you’ve already paid for the flowers so I figure I’m safe.”
“You think you know me?”
“I know your type.”
“Wow, I’m a type,” he replied. “Please, tell me all about it.” 
“You did something wrong and you think buying this Rebekah flowers is going to fix everything. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work like that.”
“What do you think I did?” Klaus was beginning to get a complex and had no idea that a stranger, albeit a beautiful one, could make him feel so guilty. 
“Something bad if you’ve still got those flowers,” she murmured, her blue eyes gazing into his intently. “Maybe Rebekah wants more than flowers, did you ever think of that?”
“How about you?”
“How about me what?”
“If I gave you these flowers, would you like them?”
“I think that’s beside the point and extremely insensitive to poor Rebekah,” she scoffed. “I think I’m starting to realise her issues with you now.”
“Rebekah is my sister.”
“Yeah sure and that guy over there is my husband.” Klaus felt his chest constrict, not realising just how disappointed he was to hear that.  
When he’d made the trip, Klaus was secretly hoping she’d agree to go out with him. He knew he hadn’t made the best first impression but he truly felt like there was something between them. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, love,” he murmured. 
“Hang on, Rebekah really is your sister?”
“Unfortunately and you’re married, so it’s probably best I take my flowers and go.”
“What exactly did you do to your sister, you know besides not giving her flowers enough?”
“Her husband is in the Army and currently stationed in The Middle East. She’s heavily pregnant and incredibly moody and apparently I haven’t lavished enough attention on her. In my defence, she’s been like this since we were children but she’s one hundred times worse now.”
“Well, that I wasn’t expecting.” 
“I’ve taken her to every doctor’s appointment even though she complained about my supposed lack of driving skills and I’ve made plenty of late night trips to the store to buy the most disgusting combinations of foods to fulfil her voracious appetite. Then I thought flowers might help but apparently they weren’t to her taste.”
“Wow, you’ve been needing to get that off your chest for a while, huh?”
“You have no idea. I love her but she drives me crazy,” he chuckled. “I’m sorry to download on you, I should really let you get back to work.”
“I’m curious, why did you pick those flowers?” He looked down at them noting the diverse array of colours and shapes. He’d found himself immediately drawn to them in the shop but not exactly sure why at the time. 
“My sister, as it turns out, wanted roses, hence the tantrum. I suppose I thought these were understated, but at the same time wild and unexpected in a really beautiful way.”
“They grow not far from here actually,” she shared. “I usually go out and pick them a couple of times a week if you wanted to come with me?” 
Was she asking him out? Klaus couldn’t believe it, his initial disappointment a distant memory. 
“Your husband won’t mind?” She gave him a wicked smile, a slight blush crossing her creamy cheeks. 
“I won’t tell him if you don’t tell Rebekah,” she teased. 
When they married three years later, the bridal party carried wildflowers Caroline had picked herself. Rebekah’s daughter Florence was the flower girl and Klaus promised in his vows to always write a card to accompany his flowers even if she knew they were from him.
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In The Shadows Of The Rising Sun Chp 11
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 
Once again thank you for your patience and for reading this story :)
Chapter 11: A Girl’s Best Friend
Word Count: 2,028
Their first week in the strange situation they found themselves in came and went. New routines became established, waking early to assure mutual chances at breakfast, scouring the library for any books related to the magical customs of japan. Evening snacks, and homework in the forest, followed by lessons in magic and language respectively. 
As Chise had suspected, Reina was unconcerned if she returned late and even seemed somewhat pleased she didn’t have to share dinner company. Even her teachers had reluctantly admitted that her assignments were improving. And to top it off Reina would once again be gone this weekend while she visited a friend from college. 
Not to say they were no hiccups. One such hiccup greeted her that Sunday morning in the form of Elias’ nose hovered worriedly over her stomach. 
Sleep covered her like a film of moss that stretched and cracked as she forced her eyes open. She had no reason to feel this lethargic, she thought, their day yesterday had been spent leisurely reading through tomes of Japanese folklore.   
Concerned wuffles whined through Elias’ nose as he looked her over again. “Elias,” She groaned, “what's wrong?” 
“Chise, are you injured?” 
She blinked. “What?”
“I smell blood.” Troubled pants racked his frame never ceasing his frantic inspection. “I don’t understand, I was here all night… I should have known... what could have…” he muttered in increasing frustration. 
“Blood? I’m not…” realization crashed into her like a tidal wave. She sat up quickly forcing her knees together in frantic damage control. The sporadic movement served only to further worry Elias, as he froze eyes flitting from her face to his claws and back again. Her hands came up in placating motions. “It’s ok! Just... please help me to the bathroom.”
Smoky shadow dissipated and reformed just as quickly as his arms gripped her back and under her knees. As he lifted her in smooth bridal carry Chise quickly inspected where she had laid on the futon thankful for the uninterrupted color that signaled her fear was unwarranted. His strong legs crossed the apartment in hurried steps till the pads of his feet hit linoleum. She wriggled slightly and Elias relented to let her stand.
“Thank you, now just wait out here for a moment.” He made to protest briefly before nodding as she closed the door. 
A brief search in the under-sink cupboard yielded exactly one product. Delightful. 
To say Chise’s cycle was irregular was a gross understatement. There were occasions where entire seasons would pass between the end of one and the beginning of another. As such, she rarely requested sanitary products and that morning happened upon the bad luck of Reina’s supply being all but empty. Her head fell back and her eyes winced shut in a grimace. Not only would she have to devise a way to calm Elias, who had almost certainly melted into a puddle of anxiety by now, but also they would have to run to town and buy more pads. 
So much for our nice day, she thought dejectedly. She supposed in a strange way she should have been grateful for this undeniable sign that her health had improved ever so slightly thanks to the steady influx of food she had enjoyed since Elias’ arrival. Gratitude was difficult to muster however, as her organs decided they had stood idle long enough in the form ripping spasms across her abdomen. She grunted as she strained off the floor. There was work to do. 
The door opened to the scene of Elias nervously fidgeting before fixing his eyes on her. 
She breathed deeply before exhaling an explanation. “Its Ok Elias, I’m not hurt. It’s perfectly normal for girls to bleed every so often.” She prayed silently that she would not have to explain menstrual cycles to him in detail.
His fingers flexed anxiously, making unclear whether this explanation had calmed him or worried him further. “You are...not in pain then?”
“Well I wouldn’t say that.” she blurted as immediately as she regretted. Elias’ entire posture stood on end ready to jump the second she showed discomfort. “I mean, it's uncomfortable but not unbearable. We’ll just need to run to town to grab a few things.” 
Through a truly herculean effort, Chise somehow managed to get dressed while keeping Elias stable as they headed out to town. A grueling trek later found Chise staring at a convenience store racks. She scratched her head in genuine confusion as to which size and amount she needed.  
She finally chose and mentally ran over any possible necessities. Her figurative and literal coin purse was slightly heavier as of late thanks to Elias’ habit of swiping free change off the ground. Thankfully he did refrain from the paper money as asked. As she was mentally debating the cost of painkillers, her attention was drawn to a pair of girls arguing across at the candy aisle. 
“Oni-Chan?" the younger girl whined, "Can we get chocolate for Haru?”
“No,” Her sister scoffed, “mom only gave me enough for dad and nii-san.” 
The little sister's tiny fists shot down spiking her shoulders in a heated attempt to appear larger. “But you have money!”
“Yeah, but I’m not paying for chocolates for your little crush.” The older sister continued unaffected. “You should have thought of it before the day of.”
“Pleaaase? I’ll do your chores for the week?” The younger one pleaded quickly changing tactics.
“...Make it two weeks and you have a deal.” 
Chise absorbed the meaning of her accidental eavesdropping as the sisters loudly made their way to the checkout. Why had they made such a fuss over candy? And more importantly, why did she feel it was so important to her right now? 
Shouldn’t have waited till the day of...the day of what? She mulled to herself. It couldn’t have been three separate birthdays...oh. Well, that made two glaringly obvious surprises before lunch. 
Chise was passingly familiar with holidays that forced family participation to at least acknowledge her as an occupant of the household. But a purely social holiday, Valentine's Day, was as foreign a concept to her as what it felt like to stand under the Eiffel tower. She had heard about, seen it on tv, even observed chocolate-coated rendezvous at school. But actual active participation? Well, that required several things, money, time, a recipient. All things she didn’t have. 
Didn’t have until…
Her eyes flitted down to her feet. To the passing observer, the odd branching patterns of her pale shadow cast in the artificial storefront light would be attributed to the irregular shapes of the snack aisle. That same snack aisle she quickly found herself striding towards where the sisters had stood arguing not a minute earlier. 
The electronic doorbell of the convenience store blared in her ears as Chise left feeling like a thief seconds away from apprehension. Despite having paid for the entire expense without dipping into the last of their food money. Her shopping bag’s weight felt as though it belonged to someone else but she strode forward. 
She was all but running by the time they reached the apartment and took the stairs two at a time. The door opened, shut and locked all in one motion. In the same second that her back thudded in emotional exhaustion against the door a wave of shadow surrounded her. His face formed first clearly desperate to see and speak to her before all else. His arms and legs took a full second longer to form as he scanned her for discomfort.
Summoning all her courage she plunged her hand into the grocery bag, fishing furiously. “Chise, what are-”
“Here!” she exclaimed louder than intended. But she knew that without considerable force neither the words nor the present would reach their destination.  
He was taken aback for several silent seconds, staring slack-jawed at the small package thrust forward in her palms. He shook his head and delicately plucked the present from her hands. “What is…”
“It’s a chocolate bar, for Valentine's day...for you.” She blushed fiercely.
“You were supposed to acquire provisions for yourself.” He accused in a surprisingly serious tone. 
“I know! And I did. I just...i-in Japan girls give chocolates to b-boys.” An odd thought questioned whether he considered himself to be gendered in any way. But that was for another time. “It’s how we celebrate Valentine's day. It's nothing special, but I... wanted to…” Her explanation had devolved into rambling and she forced herself to breathe. 
“I’m sorry…” I knew I shouldn't have done this she chastised. The warmth of his hand on her shoulder distracted her from his nose leaning forward. "Don't apologize," He breathed directly into her ear. He nuzzled her temple before pulling away, an odd heaviness settling in his expression. 
“I...wasn't expecting this,” he finally uttered. “Thank you for the gift.” He gasped. “Is there something I need to do for Valentine's Day?” 
Relief flooded Chise in a rush leaving her feeling giddy at the strange and adorable situation. “No, not until White Day. It's custom to give flowers to the person who gave you chocolates. You don’t have to though.”
“No, I want to!" He exclaimed, his jaw opening frantically, "When is White Day?” 
“It's not for a month or so.”
“Oh, please let me know when it comes.”
His eager desire to please caused a happy little smile to rest on Chise’s lips. A smile that was quickly broken apart as her ears rang and her stomach dropped. Her blood sugar and body fell in tandem, the later cushioned in Elias’ lightspeed grip. A miasma of terror permeated his being as he struggled to find words. 
“Sorry, I should have eaten before we left.” Chise offered feebly as she fought the pounding against her temporal lobe. Against his chest, she could feel him swallow forcibly as he brought her back to the futon. Any protest she had was stifled by gentle comfort as he laid her tenderly and covered her with their blanket. There wasn’t any harm in resting her eyes was there?
In the background, she heard clanking about the kitchenette but her sudden onslaught of fatigue made discerning meaning from the noise an impossibility. It wasn’t until Elias set the coffee table upright that Chise’s full attention was brought back to the present. The sound of cheap ceramic hitting wood followed by a light sloshing caused her to sit upright cautiously. 
“I...was unsure I could work the microwave.” Elias sheepishly offered as Chise took in the sight before her. The plastic cup she preferred to use had been filled halfway and beside it was a haphazardly filled bowl of cereal. She smiled. “Thank you...were is yours?”
“I don’t need any until you eat.” 
“I am not the one collapsing. I can last a few minutes.” He argued pointedly.
Chise sighed at her foolishness and diligently began forcing down spoonfuls. Midway during her meal Elias rose and retrieved cereal for himself. Chise watched him intently between gulps. She chuckled to herself when he accidentally spilled milk on the counter. As he was looking for a rag to clean with, Chise spotted his candy had been placed on the counter. 
“Would you like to eat your chocolate?” She called gaining his attention. He nodded bringing the package along with him as he sat across from her. “How...do you eat it?” He asked.
She extended her hand to which he placed the candy, watching intently as she tore the plastic and returned it to his hands. “You just take a bite.” He delicately closed his jaws on the corner of the chocolate and bit down. The bar crumbled slightly leading Elias to worriedly struggle to catch the crumbs. Chise stifled a giggle. His jaw moved in an odd semblance to chewing with his teeth barely opening before he swallowed. 
“Well?” Chise questioned.
“It is,” his tongue flicked out swiping a spot of chocolate flecked on his incisors, “very sweet.” He broke off a piece offering it to her. She accepted, popping it into her mouth.
Chise smiled, “Yeah...it is.” The pain in her abdomen was present but considerably dulled. Very sweet indeed.  
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lenavonschweetz · 6 years
Let’s Play Pretend - Part 2
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Synopsis: Requested by @finnofamerica - Bucky agrees to be your fake boyfriend for your brother’s wedding to appease your family.  There’s only one problem - you want him to be more than just a fake boyfriend.
Warnings: Fluff, fake boyfriend troupe, language, a sprinkle of angst, sexual situations, sexual tension, adult content, Big Family Shenanigans™️.
A/N: Here is part 2 of the Let’s Play Pretend Saga!  The flirting and blushing and overall fluffiness continues!  Let’s see what Bucky gets up to this time... Thanks again to 
A/N/N: I did my best to leave the reader’s ethnicity, weight, height, and overall appearance all very vague so as to not leave anyone out.  I hope it reads alright!
HUGE HUGE HUGE SHOUT OUT TO @thetruealphasmccall for being my AMAZING beta and saving me about 1/2 a million headaches. Bless. You.
Let’s Play Pretend - Part 1 || Let’s Play Pretend - Part 3
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You barely slept a wink.
How could you when you were forced to share a full-sized bed with one of the hottest sexiest largest men you knew? 
Ok, well forced was the wrong word.  In fact, Bucky had offered to make a make-shift bed on the floor out of pillows and comforters.  ‘I’ve slept on worse, trust me doll.’  But you couldn’t let him just sleep on the floor like some animal!
But no, you just had to be the idiot who told him to get his cute little butt in the bed.  When he saw the blush on your cheeks and the way you could not meet his eyes, he just couldn’t argue.
Bucky took up most of the bed even though he tried not to.  Still, you ended up scrunched up on your side trying desperately to avoid any physical contact.  When your alarm finally went off, you practically shot out of bed and downstairs to down some coffee before you could spontaneously combust.
The rest of the house joins you shortly after you’ve finished your first cup, while you sat perched on the kitchen island like a child.  Bucky looks like absolute sex as he ruffles his bed head, yawning in his tight t-shirt and grey sweatpants - which you could definitely see through the soft material to the...morning’s effects on him. You almost fall off your makeshift marble seat at the sight.
Jesus, was everything about this man overwhelming?!
“Morning, Doll.  How’d you sleep?”  He asks with the whisper of a smirk like he had no idea that you spent the night trying desperately not to jump him.
“Like the dead.”  You deadpanned, voice even and low as your brothers soon followed the wall of a man.  You divvied out the coffees, knowing exactly how everyone liked them and not at all just trying to cover for the fact that you knew exactly how Bucky liked his (which was black) and had made it the second you came down.
“So what’s on the agenda for today?”  Mike asks as Gordon takes a sip of his coffee.  The groom shrugs.
“I normally just wait until Mom or Em tells me what to do.”  Masculine chuckles echo around the room, one, in particular, drawing your attention.  You loved when Bucky let go and smiled like this.  Like nothing in the world could take him down.  Not his past, nor the what-ifs of the future.  He was in the present, his smile reaching his sparkling eyes.  When he suddenly shifts his attention to you that smile turns to a smirk.
Shit.  Play it off, Y/N.  Just drink your coffee and look away.  He won’t call you out in front of your brothers...right?
“Yeah, what is the plan for today, boss?”  Bucky winks at you as he saddles up next to you.  Even with you sitting on the high island counter, he towers over you.  His large hand snakes around your hip and goose bumps explode across your skin.  When he begins to run his thumb in small circles on the skin, you tap the metal digits quickly with a glare.  He ignores the obvious ‘stop!’ in your eyes, continuing his ministrations as your brothers stand just paces away from you.
“I know the bridal party was going to pick up the cake and bouquets.  Oh!  And I think we're picking up our bridesmaid dresses too!”  You answer smoothly.  A feat for how hard your body is shaking being so close to his.  “I should get ready to meet them soon.”
“When’s the bachelorette party?”  Will teases.  Mike rolls his eyes, informing the youngest brother that the party was last weekend.  At that information, Bucky’s eyes find yours again.  It’s very disarming.
“You missed the bachelorette party?”  He asks with puppy dog eyes.
“Well, yeah.”  You chuckle at his crestfallen expression.  “I couldn’t exactly leave in the middle of Nat and I’s mission to go watch ripped men, dressed as something outrageous, strip with my extended family.  It was hard enough to get this week off for the wedding!”
“Well Doll,” Bucky’s tone is still playful, but you feel like there’s some truth behind his words.  “If you still want to see ripped men dressed outrageously strip for you, I am at your service.”
You shove his shoulder roughly with a laugh and hop off the counter to go get dressed.  You hope desperately that he doesn’t notice the blush on your cheeks when the thought of him stripping for you crosses your mind in vivid detail.
Emely is a ball of energy, especially in the morning.
And her wedding is not a small one.
You had prepared efficiently, polishing off the remainder of your second cup of coffee before the girls came to pick you up.  Your stomach was rather empty since you hadn’t trusted yourself to eat anything what with the way Bucky had your stomach flipping like crazy.  His comment about giving you your own private show still danced through your head as you squeezed in your cousin’s car going from errand to errand.
“So when am I going to get to meet this hunk of yours, Y/N?”  Em asks, pulling you from a detailed daydream of having Bucky dressed (and quickly getting undressed) like a fireman for your eyes only.  “Gee said the pictures don’t come close to showing how big the guy really is.”
“Y-yeah.”  You say, clearing your throat as all the attention is shifted to you.  “He’s uh...something.”
“Y/N, that is a grotesque understatement.”  Your cousin Maria says.  “Mom showed me the pictures.  The man practically oozes sex!”
“Yeah, you got that right.”  Em’s best friend, Jasmine, giggles from the front seat.  “Em and I may or may not have stalked your Instagram.  Y/N, you work with the hottest men known to man.”  A smug smile fights its way to your face at that.
“Tell me about it.”
The conversation thankfully steers away from your love life as Maria fills Em in on your Aunt’s itinerary for picking up family from the airport.  Still, you can’t stop thinking about Bucky.
Had you always felt like this?  Sure, the guy was super easy on the eyes, but so was the rest of your team!  Up until now, he had just been a friend who was nice to look at.  When had he started making your heart and mind race like this?
The boutique that had fitted the bridal party’s dresses is nothing short of classy.  In fact, when you walked in the first words out of your mouth had been “Holy shit, I’ve never seen anything so bougie.”  The staff hadn’t appreciated that.
You’re all directed to your own dressing rooms, your dresses already hung up in them for you to try on.
You stare at the gown for a moment, taken aback by the beautiful garment.  You hadn’t actually been able to make it to a single fitting, but were easily able to supply your exact measurements as skin-tight catsuits are your daily wardrobe and those had to fit just right.  Sure, they had all told you how beautiful the dresses were but you couldn’t believe you got to wear something like this.
The floor-length gown was a soft color, one that complimented your hair and skin tone perfectly.  For years, you’d gotten used to tactical gear, catsuits, and gym clothes.  Sure, there were dresses involved on missions every now and again, but more times than not Nat was the one going undercover while you were the eyes and ears from afar. You didn’t get wear elegant things like this.  You much preferred the sniper’s detail than you did the seduction.  And it had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Bucky was usually your partner on the sniper’s detail.  Nope.  Not at all.
The silk drapes perfectly over your body, accentuating every curve, every contour in only the best ways.  You’ve never felt nor looked like this.  You’re honestly a little speechless when you see yourself, and you aren’t the only one.
“Y/N,” Maria whispers when you emerge.  “You look absolutely stunning.”
“Do you really think so?”  Doing a little spin, you face yourself in the surrounding mirrors.
“Do I really think so?”  Maria’s head suddenly rests on your shoulders, her arms winding around your waist.  You smile at your cousin through your reflection as she hugs you from behind.  “You are going to take Bucky’s breath away. cuz.”
“Thanks, Riri.”  You squeeze her forearms as a way of returning her hug before turning to face her and hold her at arms’ length.  “Emely chose the prettiest dresses.”
“Of course I did!  Only the best for my girls!  Now,”  Em embraces you both before pulling away to shoo you to your dressing rooms.  “Go ahead and get out of them so we can pick up the cake!”
Giggles trickle through the party as you all go to change.  Upon entering your stall, you see your phone light up with a message.  You unlock it with a smile at whose name pops up on your phone - a true feat considering you manage it one handed while also shimmying out of your dress.
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Setting your phone down once more, you return the gown to its hanger, smoothing it out before handing it to the awaiting consultant on the other side of the dressing room door.
Another ping alerts you to a message and you cock an eyebrow at his ‘Just finished?  You still at the shop?’  You answer, giggling as you the two of you text while you reach for your bra to finish getting changed.  His latest reply makes you freeze.
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He’s kidding.  Of course, he’s kidding.  He’s just fucking with you like he always does.  Why would Bucky Barnes ask you for a picture of you in just your underwear?!
But then what if he wasn’t?  What if Bucky was really asking you for an intimate picture?  What if when you sent it he would groan low in his throat - the groan that never fails to turn you on - as he palms himself through his pants?  Would he bite down on his plump bottom lip with those perfect teeth as he unbuckled his belt and pushed down his pants...
Before you can stop yourself, you’re dropping your bra.  This particular dress couldn’t be worn with a bra and if he wanted to see your bridesmaid lingerie, well then you’d show him!
You open your camera with shaking fingers, taking advantage of this sudden courage before it dissipates.  Angling the phone so the picture starts just above your collarbones, you drape your arm across your chest and press the capture button.  It’s not bad.
The swell of your breasts disappears below your arm, your palm cupping the outside of one to accentuate your cleavage.  Your hip is cocked just so, your back arched and turned slightly for a nice profile photo.  You’d even managed to slip the heels back on, and it did wonders for your legs and backside.  Your backside, which by the way, looks fucking amazing peeking out from underneath slightly sheer lace panties that match the color of your gown perfectly.
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding and smirk to yourself.
Maybe you would send it.
If anything, you could just tell him to go fuck himself and play it off as a joke...right?
When your phone alerts you to another message, you unlock your phone to attach the photo in his text thread.
But what you see wipes the confident look straight from your face.
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A deep regret floods through your chest, followed by painfully powerful embarrassment.  Of course, he was kidding!  Who were you kidding?  He’s your friend; he’s just here pretending to be your boyfriend.  Just because you’re putting on this facade for your family doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to fall in love with each other!
Brushing off your disappointment, you type back what you hope is a flippant enough response to defuse the situation.  When Bucky suddenly returns to his playful self, you know you’ve done just that.
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You lock your phone with a sigh and return to your day clothes before finally emerging from your dressing room.  You immediately put on a smile as you find the rest of the ladies, putting that Avengers training to good use.  You may have felt like absolute shit now, but you weren’t going to let them know, and you sure as hell weren’t going to let it ruin the rest of your week.
“How was the rest of your day?”  Bucky asks as he tugs his shirt off over his head in prep for bed.  “I mean how was it really.”  A groan escapes you before you can stop it.  The greatest assassin known to man would pick up on your behavior at dinner, no matter how minuscule your shift in demeanor.
“It was fine.”  You play off, slipping under the covers in your oversized t-shirt from your favorite band’s concert that you attended with your step-mom in high school.
“Doll.”  He fixes you with a hard stare, ridiculously muscular arms crossing over his broad, bare chest.  It takes everything you have to rip your eyes away from the light dusting of dark hair and freckles against his pale skin.
“Ok, fine!  It was...long.”  You relent.  “Emely dragged us all over and I’m just tired.”
Bucky didn’t buy it, not for a second.  He hummed low and sighed before uncrossing his arms to climb in next to you.  Thankfully, he flicks off the light and that seemed to be the end of that.
“Y’know, if it’ll help you sleep, I don’t mind if you want to snuggle with me.”
“Oh, fuck off Barnes.”  You grumble facing away from him, a fact that you’re glad for because you know you’re blushing.
“I just noticed that you were curled in on yourself last night in a position that didn’t look comfortable at all.  If you were trying to keep your distance for my comfort, I just wanted to let you know you don’t have to.”
A silence falls over the dark room before you give in.  Fumbling with the sheets you let yourself get comfortable, telling yourself that there was nothing weird about sleeping this close to a friend.  Thankfully, this adjustment seems to do wonders as sleep already begins to overtake you.  Before you fall asleep, you mumble.
“...Thanks, Buck.”  You think his fingers brush your own before taking your hand, but write it off as a trick of your groggy mind.
“Anytime, Doll.”
@bxtchybrie , @sergeantjamesbarnes107th , @itsanotheravengersimaginesblog , @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme , @james-bionic-barnes , @mickeyl322 , @stank-tower , @lostinspace33 , @thecrownedrose , @nikkitia7 , @redroomproperty , @magpiegirl80 , @fifi1433 , @knittingknerdy , @specs15 , @justareader , @metalarmandredstar , @agentsofcap , @marvel-lucy , @pickylittlebitch , @shamvictoria11 , @twistedfate108 , @tori-medusa-belongs-to-bucky , @too-many-fandoms-and-shitposting, @allinhishands , @hellomissmabel , @mizzzpink , @smexy-bucky-waifu , @annwhojumps , @avengerofyourheart , @saffreelove , @palaiasaurus64 , @flowercrownsandmetallicarms , @sexyvixen7 , @armenian-nerd, @thiddlestoff , @callingmrsbarnes , @avengebuckybarnes , @splaine-to-me , @to-be-a-sunshine , @heismyhunter , @miladycollie , @4theluvofall , @sebastianbarnesandchrisrogers , @writingourwildestemodreams , @imadandelion-yourearose, @sebbymylove16, @harrysbbby, @italyand5soslover283, @gingerbatchwife,@httpbarnes, @subtletynotwithstanding, @panickingwiththefalloutboys, @hardcorehippos, @ryverpenrad, @stellarfairie, @nativesebby, @violentlyfarts, @dianelogan, @mrtinslydia, @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @unidentifiedanonfics, @microscopicmonsters, @elohunnie, @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x, @paprika0437
@meganlane84 , @thewinterher0 , @winter-in-wakanda , @221bshrlocked , @iamkaties111003 , @castiel-barnes , @creideamhgradochas , @sebbytrash , @nykitass , @livenicebebeautiful , @slickblitz , @supersoldier-buckybarnes , @jarnesbrnes , @my-wings-will-heal, @octopishisahybridanimal, @harleyscheekheart, @leoberosis, @da-sebooty-be-plentiful, @jamesbarncs, @thenightmarebeforesam, @mermaidinplaid, @gucci---garbage, @siliverin, @ageekybookworm, @nilly-willy , @musichowler, @mermaidinplaid
@l4life, @julesthequirky, @happy-pooter, @angelsofalliteration, @mlehbleh, @maximofos, @fuckthatfeeling, @marvel-fan-queen, @buckyisthepuresthuman,  @sicparvismagnaxi, @jamesbbarnes17, @some-emo-ass-poetry, @natalia-romvnova, @the-mrs-cap-evans, @savetoreadzx, @alyxandriamac, @just-add-butter, @anotherotter, @crazybunny02-blog, 
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My Journey as a Maid of Honor
Since summer is approaching us, do you know what that means? Wedding Season. A whole a lot of spending your money on clothes that you will probably never wear again, OH and dealing with bridezillas.
Last year of November, my best friend surprised me and some of her other friends by popping the BIG QUESTION, “Will you be my Maid of Honor.” Obviously, I was going to say yes without realizing the amount of annoyance I was about to be faced with. With joy I accepted her box full of treats she gave as a present to me. In the box were pictures from our childhood, a PJ set, a wine bottle, a hand mirror, and a heart filled personalized card. In the card she wrote why she chose me to me the maid of honor, and the date of the wedding which was only revealed to me. Obviously, it was on the same weekend of my birthday. But oh well, it’s just a birthday, I guess…
Two weeks later, my other best friend announced that she would have her wedding 3 weeks before my other best friend (end of June), and my cousin announced that she would have her wedding the same weekend as well.
Tip: Breath and create a calendar with all the main events
So just in case you feel lost, let me draw this out for you. I am a Maid of Honor for a wedding taking place on July 20thand a bridesmaid for a wedding taking place on June 30thand on the same weekend my cousin is getting married.
Now the problem is not the actual weddings, is it the 10 events which happen leading up to the wedding. As well as the thousands of dollars that are spent on clothing, hair and makeup. Being Indian means, we have a lot of traditions and celebrations, which don’t get me wrong, are tons of fun. It involves a whole a lot of color, beautiful outfits, outrageous décor, a lot of dancing and BOOZE. The image below is an example of how décor typically looks like at an Indian wedding ceremony.
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Tip: Always create a budget break-down for yourself in terms of how much you will end up spending for each event. This includes the cost of your outfit, makeup, bachelorette/bachelor party, gift(s) to the brides, etc.
As I am processing this, I just realized that I still have one more semester of school left, and this is where I start PANICKING. How am I going to handle school, whilst helping plan three important weddings? Plus, all these food festivals which I do not want to miss out on. Like how can anyone miss out on poutine festival or taco fest?
Anyways, in December my best friend approached me to ask me if I can plan the bachelorette and bridal shower for her. As a Maid of Honor, I had to say yes. Listen, I love my best friend and I would do anything for her, but this is a busy time for me since I am trying to manage school and work on all these wedding shenanigans.
To make things more complicated, she decided to invite her fiancé and his friends to the bachelorette party. So essentially it would be both a bachelorette and a bachelor party. For anyone who has ever experienced this, they would know how complicated things can get when you add a bunch of guys to the mix.
So, the first thing I did was reach out to my best friend’s sister, Bianca, and created a WhatsApp group with all the bridesmaids, and to inform them that the destination we have chosen is Vegas. Now come the outpouring suggestions and recommendations of where we should stay, and how much our budget should be blah blah.
So, complication #5393458 is that everyone in the group are of different age and have different things going on in their lives. Some were students, some are businesswomen, and some are married and have kids. So, their interests and budgets are entirely different from one another.
Some wanted to spend their money on a luxurious hotel, and some would rather spend their money at pool parties and clubs. Long story short, it took me about 3 months to decide on what hotel we should stay at. Once we finalized the hotel, I decided to get touch with the groom and his best man(s) who were planning the bachelor party and let’s just say they were not happy with the hotel we decided to stay at. At this point I told them I don’t really give a s*** about their opinion and we are going ahead with that hotel.
Tip: Create an excel sheet with a budget breakdown so people can see where their money will be going. For people who are on a tight budget, seeing a number visually will ease the process. Below is an example of how this can look like.
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The next headache was coming up with an itinerary. This trip is supposed to be 3 nights and 4 days long (Friday- Monday). For Friday, the bride and groom decided that both the guys and girls should spend it together, GREAT! (rolling my eyes). Now this is where things get really COMPLICATED. I had booked all of the girls for an event where Calvin Harris was performing, and of course the best man(s) had to oppose to it, because the cost of them getting a booth there was “too expensive” (FYI: only $100 difference shared amongst 28 people). So anyways, they decided we should go to a “cheaper” event with a less interesting artist. Ok so they literally ruined our wonderful plan, but we were okay with that.
For that same day we had decided that we will get a private dining room for all the girls and guys as a surprise for both the groom and bride. At this point I had already booked a private chef, and here come along the groom’s men opposing to the idea once again. They wanted to do a $100 USD buffet. Why would anyone spend that much on a buffet? Once again, I agreed to it.
Now that the bachelorette party was somewhat coming together, it was time to plan the bridal shower. Let me tell you, this was not fun at all. The bride told us she wanted us to plan an Aladdin themed bridal shower, and once again she wanted us to surprise her so that meant we had to come up with the guest list, find a venue and a caterer, etc.
As I started planning this, I decided to use a technique I learnt when doing group work in the Master of Marketing program, and that is to DELEGATE! Instead of taking on all the responsibilities and trying to plan every single detail, I decided to come up with a list of duties and assign a task to all the bridesmaids.  I simply created a google doc and listed all the responsibilities and put a bunch of names down and shared it with everyone.
Tip: Create a Google Doc and share it with the people who will be participating in the planning process, like the one below.
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The planning led all the way to April, which also meant exam time. Since there was only two weeks left till Vegas, this meant CRUNCH time.
Amidst all this, I had to deal with coordinating bridesmaid’s outfits. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TRYING TO GET 13 BRIDESMAIDS to send their correct measurements?! Anyways, once I got the measurements, I decided to order the outfits.
Tip: Ladies and Gents, whenever you are placing a bulk order for clothes, always make sure you get a sample outfit from the designer
The outfits were being made in India. It is a beautiful white skirt and crop top with gold embroidery. The cost of each outfit is $300 CAD, and each bridesmaid has to pay out of her pocket which made it more nerve wracking in terms of getting these outfits down to perfection.
Three weeks later, we received a box with all these outfits, and what happens? NONE OF THEM FIT. I called the designer and yelled at him for sending me the wrong sizes and since these are custom made, none of them are refundable nor returnable. I told the bridesmaids to re-measure themselves so I can find a seamstress to fix all of them, and turns out, they all measured themselves wrong.
Tip: Always find someone professional to get you measured
So, since it was their fault, I told them that it was their responsibility to get their own outfits fixed. Remember guys, always delegate.
Now its exam time, and I am both stressed and excited for Vegas (not really excited for my exams haha). After I finished my exams, it was crunch time for the trip, so this meant buying the decorations for our hotel and custom making our t-shirts and making any last-minute reservations. This also meant hitting the gym every single day in the hopes I would have a 6-pac for my trip.
Amidst all this chaos, I totally forgot to order outfits for my trip. So, I quickly went onto Fashion Nova, which is a famous online store for both men and women. I quickly placed an order in hopes I would get my order in time and hopefully all the outfits would fit. Fast forward a week later (I now only have 6 days left till my trip) I receive my order from Fashion Nova, AND EVERYTHING IS TOO SMALL on me. When I mean I started crying, I mean it! I called my best friend and started crying because nothing fit me and I had spent so much money on these outfits and none of it was refundable, oh and they also sent me 3 of the wrong outfits.
So, at this point my only option was to go to the mall and try to find 3 outfits for a night out, 2 for a pool party and at least 2 for a fancy dinner and lunch. So, I went to at least 3 malls, and FOUND NOTHING!
Did I mention how unnecessarily expensive stores are? I wasn’t going to spend $100 on just one dress. At this point I made a decision to go onto another online store called Pretty Little Thing. I decided to order 4 dresses, confident that they will all fit since I ordered from them before. Since I needed it expediated, I had to pay $20 USD for express shipping. 2 days later, I get my package, and as I’m furiously opening it, I try on my first out and guess what? The dresses are too big. At this point I was not even mad; I was just laughing at myself for even trying.
Tip: Never order dresses from any online shops until reading reviews on both Instagram and on Google. Try to find the exact outfit on the company’s Instagram page and see the reviews for that exact outfit. See what people say about the sizing and quality.
I come downstairs, and my mom asks me “how are the dresses?” I told her that I am just going to end up wearing my old dresses because this whole online ordering business is not working out for me. She took a look at the dresses and said that she can take me to a seamstress and just get them fixed. How genius is my mother… The same day I decide to visit my seamstress and she quotes me $50 just to get them fixed, without hesitation I gave it to her and told her I will pick them up the next day. Anyways, so that whole situation worked out somehow. I went to Post Canada to return all my Fashion Nova dresses. As we know I was already frustrated with their return policy, and then I was told I would have to pay $30 in return shipping, WHEN IT WAS NOT EVEN MY FAULT. I emailed Fashion Nova, and let’s just say I sent a very threatening message to them on both Facebook and email.
Tip: Always send customer service an email about your complaint/ experience. If you do not like their response via email, try contacting them on social media. These companies care about their reputation and the last thing they want is a bad review on their page.
Finally came the day to leave for VEGAS! Our flight departed at 9 p.m. from Toronto, so we decided to go to the airport to sit at the Air Canada Lounge to eat and drink. We then decided to stop by the duty free to pick up some alcohol since everyone who has been to Vegas knows how expensive food and alcohol can be there.
Tip: Never buy alcohol from Vegas, always get it from the airport when departing.
We all finally arrive and set-up our suite with decorations and gifts for all the bridesmaids. And let’s just say after that, the trip was a blur.
After recovering from the trip, now it was time to finalise everything for the bridal shower. This was a breeze since we hired people to decorate the venue and make all the deserts. Below is a picture of the beautiful Aladdin cake.
Today is May 26th, 2019, and within the next 3 weeks it is both my cousins and my other best friend’s bridal showers and bachelorette parties. (WISH ME LUCK)!
This story will be continued, if I make it out alive after this summer….
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
What is the newest hobby you’ve started?: hmm haven’t done anything new recently. i might start getting into cooking again though. What is the last thing you won in a contest?: free tickets to a kehlani club appearance. …and what was it that you won the prize for?: just replying to a facebook post lol. Are you subscribed to a lot of youtube videos?: if you mean youtube channels then yeah, i’m subscribed to quite a few.
What are your favorite types of videos to watch on youtube?: i like travel vlogs, music, sometimes lifestyle. 
Are you hurt by someone right now?: no. What is the last book you read or what are you currently reading?: nothing right now. What is your current favorite song?: not sure! i feel like i listen to music so absentmindedly now. Are you a youtuber?: no. If so, how long have you been a youtuber?: - Do you feel like your dream job is out of your reach?: yep. Your first crush: name, hair color, and where did you meet them?: ricky, black, school. Have you ever changed yourself to try to impress someone?: haha no. What is your favorite unisex name?: don’t have one. Are you happy with the gender you were born with?: yes. What was your favorite dress-up day of Homecoming Week?: never did homecoming at school. Where do you buy art supplies?: i don’t. Would you rather be a musician or a painter?: musician. What do you think you are MOST talented at?: hmm. idk anymore sadly. i used to have a lot of creative flair but i got over it. Do people tell you you are a good singer?: haha no. Would you ever audition for American Idol?: no. …or America’s Got Talent?: no. Who is your favorite judge on America’s Got Talent?: i don’t watch it. …on American Idol?: ^ What’s something that comes naturally to you?: sleep. Do you prefer to sleep outside or inside?: inside for sure. Are you drawn to the same colors as you were when you were a kid?: i think so? What do you want to be for Halloween this year?: no idea. not even sure if i’ll be dressing up. Do you have any plans for you next birthday yet?: nope. How old will you be turning next?: 28. Can you dance?: haha no. i wish. Are you jealous of anyone?: no. What is your favorite way to express your creativity?: photography. Do you feel heard? loved? cared about? valued?: sure. Has anyone ever bullied you because they were jealous of you?: no idea. i only got bullied during the first two years of highschool. Is there a guy who likes you that you have no interest in?: no. Would you ever marry a guy who wasn’t able to support you?: it all depends on other factors of the relationship and the reasons on why they can’t support me. Do you shop at Goodwill?: no. What is your opinion on thrift stores?: i love visiting them. Would you rather travel to Asia or Africa?: asia. Would you rather travel to Europe or Asia?: hmmm europe. If you were a planet, which one would you be?: neptune. Seashell hunting or stargazing?: stargazing. Do you play Truth or Dare?: no. Would you ever make a Truth or Dare youtube challenge video?: no lol. What do you think I should do in my next youtube video?: idk. What’s different about you? What’s unique?: idk. just all my quirks and qualities together i guess. How many windows are in your apartment or house?: quite a few. too many to count right now. Do people call you unique?: no. Would you rather be unique or fit in?: either or. whoever i actually am. Were your ancestors rich or poor?: most likely poor. If you live in the US, where did your ancestors immigrate from?: i don’t live in the usa. Does the sunlight come in through your window?: nah, i got blackout curtains. What is your favorite brand of flavored water?: none. just normal. What color shirt are you wearing?: white. What time of the day is it now?: night. Do you know who you want to be the bridesmaids in your wedding?: no idea yet!! we’ll see how my friendships are when the time comes. i definitely want my sister to be in the bridal group though. Have you had good luck in your love life?: kinda. my boyfriend and i start dating when we were 18 and are still together 9 years later. we’re still doing well. Have you had a prayer answered recently?: no. What was the last thing that made you cry?: frustration. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?: myself. Are you happy with your doctor?: i went to a new one today and liked her. Are you considering switching doctors?: not right now. Do you trust your doctor?: well i kinda have to, right? Unicorns or mermaids?: mermaids. Fairies or phoenixes?: fairies. Would you ever reveal all of your secrets on youtube?: lol. no. Would you ever do a box swap with anyone for youtube?: no. Plaid or polka dots?: polka dots. Was the last book you read relatable? Was it relevant to your life?: not at all. What is your favorite place to go shopping for planners?: kikki k. What natural disasters have you experienced?: bushfires. List five current trends you love.: no. Have you ever been called a trendsetter?: no. If you were to re-decorate your room and had to choose a theme, what theme would you choose?: minimalistic i think. What is the current theme of your bedroom, if you have one?: none. Have you ever made a Room Tour video?: no. What was your favorite TV show as a kid?: arthur, sesame street, the simpsons. Were you popular in high school?: nah. Have you ever been popular? Or do you feel like an outsider?: i was popular in primary school for some reason. in high school i was just around. What talents could you be using more?: painting. Are you responsible? Would you honestly say you are responsible?: yes. Would you honestly say you are a good person?: i’d like to think so. Have you ever been an online troll?: no. such a waste of time. Do you prefer books or movies?: movies. actually tv shows. If you were to star in a movie and could pick one location, where would you want it filmed?: san francisco. If someone were to film a movie about your life, would you like to play you or would you rather have someone else do it?: noooo idea. What is your favorite ride at the fair?: haunted maze lol. Do you take pictures often?: not anymore. What was the last fun thing you did?: had brunch. Do you enjoy editing photos and videos?: no. What job do you wish you had?: anything that allows me to get paid to travel. What grocery store do you shop at?: coles. What do you do when you’re bored?: sleep. If you had a twin sister, what would she be named?: no idea. What would you have been named if you had been born the opposite gender?: never asked. What is your name (first and middle)?: i’d rather not share.
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My Only Angel - A Wedding Series #8 - Bridal Shower
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Today was the day of your Bridal Shower. You were getting ready, doing your makeup and hair when Harry walked in from the Gym. 
“Oh, good, you’re still here,” he smiled wrapping his arms around you. 
“Ew, get off of me,” you groaned. 
“What? I can’t give my fiance a hug?” He asked. 
“Not when you’re covered in sweat, smell like fucking old gym socks, and I’m getting ready for my bridal shower,” you laughed. 
“Well, aren’t you’re just full of love,” he scoffed walking over to the shower and turning it on. “What time does it start?” 
“In about an hour and a half,” you said. “But I thought I’d get there a bit early in case they need help with anything.” 
“Baby, it’s your shower, you’re not supposed to help with anything,” he said taking off his shirt. 
“I know, but I can’t just have everyone do something for me when I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself,” you said turning your gaze over to him as he finished getting undressed. 
He smirked. “Can I help you?” 
“What are you talking about?” You said turning back to the mirror. 
“I saw you staring at me,” he smirked walking towards you. 
“Can you blame me? You’re standing completely naked in the same room as me. We both know if I was the naked one, you’d be staring even more at me,” you said. 
“Well, we can arrange you being naked,” he smirked pulling down the top of your robe causing the skin of your chest to peek out. 
“I don’t have time for this,” you groaned. “I still have to take the curlers out of my hair and style it and I just spent a like 45 minutes on my makeup.” 
“You said it yourself you have almost two hours before the party starts,” he smirked against your shoulder. “And do you really think you’d be able to enjoy it when you’re sexually frustrated,” he whispered wrapping his arms around you and placing his hand under your robe. 
You closed your eyes when you felt his hand on you and the other untying your robe before pulling it completely off of you. When the fabric fell to the floor, you turned around and glared at him. 
“You’ve got twenty minutes.. thirty tops. Don’t mess touch my hair or fuck up my makeup because I will kill you,” you said. 
He smirked picking you up and setting you on the empty space of the bathroom counter and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“Don’t worry baby, I got this,” he smirked. 
An hour later, you were dressed in a gorgeous white sundress with your hair curled and a braided back in a half do style, along with your makeup touched up and ready to go. Harry kept to his word and you didn’t have to re-do anything. 
He was now laying in the bed on his phone, as you buckled your wedges onto your feet. You stood up and turned around to face him. 
“So, what do you think? How do I look? Do I look like the bride?” You giggled. 
He smiled. “I love it and you look fucking gorgeous and I really want to re-enact what we just did on the bathroom counter earlier,” he smirked. 
You rolled your eyes. “Be serious please.”
“I am!” He defended. “But yes you look like the most beautiful bride the world has ever fucking seen.” 
You smiled walking over and giving him a quick kiss. “I’ll see you when I get back.” 
“Okay, baby, have fun,” he smiled. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too,” you smiled grabbing your purse and heading out the door. 
When you got the venue, the valet took your car and you walked to where they were having the shower. You smiled when you saw all of the decorations and everyone that was there. Anne and Gemma, along with your Mom, came over and hugged you. 
“You look beautiful,” your Mom smiled. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. “This... this is amazing. More than I ever thought.” 
“You deserve every bit of this,” Anne smiled. “Now, come on, it’s time to get this party started.” 
You all started with lunch and appetizers as you all chatted a bit. After lunch, you took some photos with everyone and then took some “photobooth” photos, before coming together again and playing some games. 
All throughout the games, there were laughs and a few blushes from yourself. One particular game was set up like The Newlywed Game where Gemma had asked Harry some questions prior to today and then asked you the same questions and see which answers you got right. 
You ended up getting them all right, even the more inappropriate ones that you’d rather not had answered in front of the mothers and grandmothers. 
And the embarrassing moments didn’t stop there, they only got worse once you started opening presents. Sure you got the normal wedding gifts, like cookware, stuff for the house, etc, but you also were given a lot of other things as well. 
Bedroom things to be more specific. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed at the different lingerie sets or the little game ideas for the bedrooms and some other things that more than likely came from a sex shop, but it was the fact that you were opening all of this in front of your Mom, Grandmother, and his Mom and sister. 
You quickly put everything back into their bags. 
“Make sure you save that for after the wedding,” Lou joked causing everyone to laugh. 
“Okay, so how about some cake?” You said. “Yeah, let’s have some cake.” 
You took more pictures and enjoyed some cakes and chocolate covered fruit. Soon it was time for everyone to start saying goodbye and clean up. 
“Do you need any help?” You asked. 
“Nope, we’ve got it all under control,” your Mom smiled. “Did you have a good time?
“I had a wonderful time,” you smiled. “Thank you so much.” 
“I still can’t believe my baby is getting married,” she smiled. 
“I can’t either, but I can’t wait for it,” you added. 
“It’ll be here before you know it,” she said. 
You smiled giving her a hug before doing the say to Anne and Gemma. The valet’s helped you bring all of your gifts back to the car and you gave them their tip before getting into the car and driving home. 
You called Harry on the way home, so he was waiting for you to help you bring everything inside. 
“Wow,” he said when he saw all the bags. 
“Yeah, I think people got a little carried away,” you laughed. 
“Well, all of this will come in handy when we start looking for a new house,” he said. 
“True, plus it will help us get rid of some things we already have that may be older, or we can take what we don’t need and donate it,” you said. 
“That’s a great idea,” he said putting the bags down inside the house and going to get some more. 
When you went back out, you saw Harry standing there and looking through a bag with a smirk on his face. You knew exactly which one it was. 
“Before you even ask, none of that is being used before the wedding,” you said. 
“Wait, what?” He groaned. “Come on, there’s so much shit in these bags, surely we can pick a few to use before then.” 
“No, these are wedding gifts,” you smirked. “Which means we use them after the wedding.” 
“Okay, so you’re going to tell me you’re not going to use any of what you got today before the wedding,” he said. 
“Yes,” you nodded. 
“Even the cake pop pan?” He asked. 
“Well, I mean, maybe not that. I need to make sure it works,” you said. 
“And we need to make sure some of this works,” he smirked. 
“Not going to happen,” you said grabbing the last bag and heading inside. 
He groaned stomping inside behind you. 
“Look it’s either we don’t have sex anymore until our wedding night or we wait to use whatever is in those bags until our wedding night and after,” you said. “You pick.” 
“I choose the latter,” he mumbled. 
“That’s what I thought,” you giggled walking over to him. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. 
“I did. They did a great job,” you said. “Oh! And I scored a 100 on the trivia game.” 
“That’s my girl,” he smirked. 
You smirked. “Now, Hmm, since we obviously know one another quite well, I think that needs some sort of celebrating don’t you?” you asked. 
“I think we both agree on that,” he said. “But what type of celebrating...” 
“How about this, I know I said we couldn’t use anything in those bags before the wedding, but I think this is a special occasion right? So, why don’t you pick one thing, just one, and the rest we keep for after the wedding,” you smirked. 
“Seriously?” He perked up. “Like this isn’t a test right because you were quite adamant about not using anything.” 
“I mean if you don’t want to...” you said. 
He quickly went over to the bags and grabbed the first thing he wanted to try before picking you up and heading straight to the bedroom, where you both stayed for the rest of the night. 
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asmasheikh · 3 years
The epidemic has paralyzed the event management industry
The event management industry has been crippled by the coronavirus epidemic, as revenues have fallen to virtually zero during emergencies, and mass events, which are a livelihood for this sector, will certainly be banned for some time to come. According to those working in the industry, many companies will not be worth next year.
Probably in their darkest nightmares, couples dreaming of the big day of their lives would not have thought when they decided they wanted to get married in the spring and summer of 2020, this would fail for reasons beyond their control.
In the middle of a similar nightmare, the event specialization industry, which has become increasingly prosperous in recent years, has found itself virtually overnight with restaurants, photographers, bands and bridal shops in addition to event management companies. . Although something has moved since the state of emergency has been lifted, such as some baptisms, family events, and small weddings, most of which are organized by the family, they do not seek the help of specialists or tailor-made events, weddings for hundreds of people are the revenue. These, however, are not allowed to this day.
Thus, in the current situation, the event organizers’ priority has been to find new dates and possibly venues, and they are trying to find the most optimal solution in cooperation with the couples. As it began to become clear that there would be no mass events in the second half of the summer, some couples, confident of a coronavirus pandemic, began sorting through this fall’s free dates, while the other camp didn’t want to go uncertain, starting the wedding right away by 2021. Re-organize.
Many will not survive
The size of the outage in recent months is such that many companies will not survive, says Ibrahim, a representative of the Royal Party event management company, who has been in the business for fifteen years. To our interest in the number of dropouts this year compared to the summer period of previous years, which is the peak season in this industry, the expert said, according to him, the loss of income is 100 percent compared to previous years.
“You have to know that wedding planning has grown into an industry in the last 25 to 30 years that has provided jobs for many people. Thus, the loss of revenue in recent months has also adversely affected many background providers, producers and traders, all those who have supplied their products to the wedding and event industry. How big the dropout is, unfortunately, I can say: it’s so big that a lot of companies won’t survive.
My company has contracts with four big restaurants in the county, and certainly eight a week, and when there was a wedding on Friday, we organized even more events. We were not only organizing weddings or other events, but also decorating the halls and flowers, renting supplies, so we perform very complex tasks. During this period, everyone is struggling, some have managed to re-profile somewhat, some have been looking for other jobs. I don’t want to be pessimistic, but since we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and there are no positive predictions yet, unfortunately our situation will only get worse. Those who only lived from this, and this was their job, have to switch. I did my best to do this myself, but until this situation stabilizes, I have to make up for the loss of other work, the event organizer pointed out.
When asked how the couples concerned relate to the situation, whether they will postpone the big event to a later date, possibly next year, or rather keep it in a close family circle, respecting epidemiological restrictions, Ibrahim explained: they do not treat the situation equally. Some have postponed the date next year, some have hoped for this fall’s wedding, but unfortunately they also need to be postponed.
– Like I said, I don’t want to be pessimistic, but if the number of illnesses still increases after six months, I’m wondering how to proceed, what will happen in the next six months, because then the weddings for 2021 should be organized with great force . That is the issue that concerns us, he added. As he said, after the restrictions have been partially lifted, very little progress has been made in organizing events, they find that perhaps people are more considerate, think more about what they are spending and order only the bare minimum.
The current situation will continue to make its mark next year
Photographer Ab Majeed believes that the current situation will have its mark not only this year, but also next year, as the events – especially the weddings – for which they have been contracted this year need to be rescheduled. As he said, couples definitely want to have a big day of their lives with a crowded guest army as originally planned and are looking for alternatives to that. It is not an easy task, as it is necessary to look for a date next year – in line with the bookings for next year – so that the entire staff, the restaurant, the musician and the photographer can be free. Many have taken a later fall date as a first step, but – as it looks like there will be no larger events in the fall – they will be carried over to next year, and another logistical task is to make it work for everyone. Because of this, that in the future the season will shift even until late autumn. Ibrahim admitted that, fortunately, in addition to event photography, he also works as a cinematographer and promotional material, but many of his colleagues, who specialized in event photography and were normally scheduled from spring to mid-October, undertook up to two weddings a week, with huge losses on Saturdays and Sundays.
Rather, they reduced the number of guests but celebrated the big day
In recent years, more and more young couples and families with small children have chosen Haller Castle as the venue for their wedding and baptism of their children, due to its elegant, unique halls and wonderful castle park. The wellness center, which is part of the catering unit, was very popular among families organizing birthdays and children’s parties. The wellness center has been closed since March, but smaller events can be held in the courtyard of the castle since June. , Ltd. operating the castle hotel our director told us that they had to reschedule more than ten weddings due to the restrictions caused by the epidemic, some couples have already set a date for next year, and others have the exact date pending. From the beginning of June, when the regulations made it possible to organize smaller events, life also started around Haller Castle, baptisms were held in the open air, and there were couples who reduced their 100-person wedding to fifty, which is the maximum number allowed for an outdoor event, they did not want to postpone the event any further. However, the outdoor events are a headache, as they are weather-dependent, and if it rains accidentally that day, more than twenty guests cannot be admitted to the indoor rooms, said Ab, who emphasized that she was glad that no one had to lay off the staff despite the difficulties members and plans to build a larger outdoor terrace next year in case
In the coming season, most of the weekends are already booked
The service providers with whom they had a contract for their wedding scheduled for mid-June were extremely cooperative, from the photographer to the function room operator, the musician and the costume rental, a young woman asking anonymity told our paper. As he said, when the epidemic broke out, they hoped things would recover by June and they could hold the wedding planned for nearly two hundred people, but as time went on, it became clear to them that the chances of that were practically close to zero. They were also worried that the down payment they had paid to the restaurant or the musicians, for example, would be lost, but each provider was extremely flexible in their handling of the situation, trying to offer new dates at no extra cost. The young couple finally held the civil wedding in a close family circle a few weeks ago, and plans to celebrate the event with distant relatives and friends in the future. The problem is that the restaurant already has a lot of dates for next year, it is very difficult to reconcile the date so that the restaurant is free, and the photographer and the musicians all get it, as they already have a lot of contracts for next year. They were also told to consider the possibility of scheduling the wedding on Thursday or Friday.
Courtesy: Farmhouse Events in Lahore
0 notes
secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
It’s about bloody time I created one that was a little easier for you guys to use. I know that my Masterlist has caused a few troublesome issues over the last few weeks so I can only pray that this works a little better for everyone. I think that this may be something much more handy than having to edit everything and all that jazz.
Italicised and bolded titles are titles belonging to stories which contain smut, or some GIFs and pictures that are on the rather graphic side, within them. But, of course, there are warnings at the top of each smut piece, just in case you go a little further.
If any problems do arise, let me know and I’ll get to working them out as soon as I possibly can. Let’s hope this is a lot easier to handle! I’ll slot this under a Keep Reading because it’s actually much longer than I thought it would be and I don’t want to upset people by clogging up their dashboard. 
M E E T I N G  A N D  D A T I N G
The Coffee Shop Incident
Hot-Tub Quickie
Clingy Cuddles
Annes iCloud Hack
Big Toe Tattoo
Pool Handjob
Surprise Dinner
First Time Oral and Ice Play
Another Man Photoshoot, 2016
Red Coat
Break Up Novella: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
For When You’re Missing Me
E N G A G E D  A N D  M A R R I E D
Getting Permission
Choosing The Engagement Ring
Telling The Families
Telling The Boys
Tweets and Instagrams
Early Ideas
(Tour Extras) First Concert
(Tour Extras) Walking Around Together
(Tour Extras) Instagrams
(Tour Extras) Poolside Loving
(Tour Extras) Sick
Bridal Party and Groomsmen
Cake Shopping
Suit Shopping
Dress Shopping
Hen-Party and Stag-Do
The Wedding: Part One | Part Two
Reception Party
P R E G N A N C Y , L A B O U R  A N D  D E L I V E R Y
Talking About Having a Baby
Baby Making
“We’re Pregnant”
News: Part One | Part Two
“Did You Know...”
12 Weeks
Award Shows and Fan Greetings
Flights Home and Belly Flutters
Gender Reveal
The Nursery
Pregnancy Frustrations
Jamaican Babymoon
She’s No Longer Our Little Secret, Is She?
B A B Y  ( 0 - 3 )
Happy Birthday, Missus
Chewing Daddy’s Fingers
Birthday Boy
K I D S  ( 4 - 19 )
Sick Daddy
Alfie’s Eighteenth
A-Level Results Day
Accidental Accident
A D U L T S  ( 20 + )
Welcome To The Family
Great Parents Become Grandparents
2012 Harry
2013 Harry
2014 Harry
2015 Harry
2016 Harry
2017 Harry
2018 Harry
Gucci Campaign 2018
Gucci Campaign 2019
YN’s Tour Instagrams
Gemma Styles
What Are They Doing Now?
Single Dad Harry
Best Friend Harry
X Factor Harry
Teen Dad Harry spin-off.
University Student Harry
Big Brother Harry
Teacher Harry
Teacher Harry and Single Mum YN spin-off.
Professor Harry
Painter (YN)
Alex!AU spin-off (coming soon!)
Walking Dead AU
Doctor Harry
Neighbour Harry
Gang Harry
Pornstars (Inexperienced Harry and Experienced YN)
Youtuber Harry
Fifty Shades Harry
A L T E R N A T I V E  U N I V E R S E
College Harry (stopped);
Bad Boy: Part One | Part Two
Definite Connection
Exam Studying
College Dad (on hold/ongoing);
“I’m Pregnant, Harry”
Frat Boy (on hold/ongoing);
Broken Promise
The Missus/Little Mix (on hold/ongoing);
Apple Music Festival
Get Weird Tour
The BRIT Awards, 2016
The BRIT Awards, 2017
Single Parent (ongoing);
The One With The Meeting
First Date (being re-written!)
Another Heartache? (being re-written!)
Third Date (being re-written!)
Sick (being re-written!)
Asher (being re-written!)
Welcome To The Family (being re-written!)
Painter (on hold/ongoing);
Showcase Meeting
Divorce (completed);
Settling For Divorce
“I Miss You”
Soldier (completed);
T E X T ’ S  F R O M  L A S T  N I G H T
1 - 99
100 - 199
200 - 299
300 - 399
L O U I S ,  L I A M  A N D  N I A L L
First Night Away
Hyde Park
“I’m Home!”
Wedding Day
Home From Honeymoon
Diagnosed: Part One | Part Two
Broken Ankle: Part One | Part Two
Leaking Breasts
Daddy Louis
Spencer’s Break-Up
Fist Fight
Freddie Reign
No Orgasm
“It’s Not What It Looks Like...”
“Hey, I’m With You, Okay?”
“You Need To Wake Up Because I Can’t Do This Without You”
Welcome To Doncaster
Like Father, Like Son
Tour Bus
Pregnancy Fight
“Fred, Meet Your Little Sister”
Management Stress
5 Seconds Of Summer
Sick Horans
US Tennis Open
Football Games and Cooking
Blurb One
Blurb Two
Blurb Three
Blurb Four
Blurb Five
Blurb Six
Blurb Seven
Blurb Eight
Blurb Nine
Blurb Ten
Blurb Eleven
Blurb Twelve
Blurb Thirteen
Blurb Fourteen
Blurb Fifteen (+ Louis’ Birthday One Shot)
Blurb One
Blurb Two
Blurb Three
Blurb Four
Blurb Five
Blurb Six
Blurb Seven
Blurb Eight
Blurb Nine (+ Louis’ Birthday One Shot)
Blurb Ten
Blurb Eleven
Baby’s First Christmas
A Christmas Blessing
Christmas Promises
Christmas Loving
Cologne Christmas
Full House This Christmas
Christmas Questions
Brand New Baby For Christmas
Christmas Time Is The Best Time To Meet The Family
Christmas Cookies
A Date For Christmas
(Not So) Happy Christmas
Christmas Miracles
December 1st. someone else mentioned pubes talk, and I thought it would be hilarious if Harry was trying to do something romantic like cooking a Christmas Eve meal but naked and there was singe-ing (not singing!).
December 2nd. Are you doing Alex requests for Blogmas? If so, maybe his and Y/N’s first Christmas together since the war and he decides to propose to her?
December 3rd. what about pornstar harry making a festive christmas special w y/n?
E X T R A  L I N K S
Christmas Blurbs (2015-)
Pubes Talk
Videos To Suffice The Feels
Harry Fantasies
Harry Drabble Reblogs
Instagram Prompts
Would You Rather...
Who Is Most Likely To...
Harry Talk
Fionn Talk
Recommended Writers
+ Reblogged Harry Stuff
+ Reblogged Fionn Stuff
+ Reblogged Louis Stuff
+ Reblogged Liam Stuff
+ Reblogged Niall Stuff
4K notes · View notes
ericvick · 4 years
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Tailor re-equipment to make protecting masks for neighbors
Dorchester resident Julia de los Santos is however a different compact company proprietor who has seen her business model transformed by COVID-19.
Following relocating to Boston from the Dominican Republic at a younger age, the fashion designer and tailor worked for years at shops like Nordstrom, Saks, and David’s Bridal prior to commencing her individual enterprise, JDLS Couture, out of her Washington Street home studio in 2017.
Ordinarily, de los Santos receives a ton of orders for gown alterations and customized costume patterns, which means that the impending summer time months — promenade and marriage ceremony season— are inclined to be the busiest. Now, with a lot of of individuals gatherings canceled and all in-person tailoring perform considered untenable, de los Santos has channeled her sewing talents toward a new initiative: building custom, high-finish protective facial area masks.
The change to mask-generating was about “trying to endure,” reported de los Santos.
A sample custom made “mask combo” from de los Santos’ store. “It’s one more means to study at the last minute. Since COVID modified all the things, I experienced to renovate almost everything…we have to be open-minded to acknowledge and employ the improve in our lives, our small business, our almost everything.”
The 100 per cent cotton masks and bonnets are manufactured from patterned cloth and incorporate a protecting filter sewn into the inside of the mask. De los Santos explained she designed the masks to be “breathable, protecting, excellent quality, and extremely snug.” But, crucially, the masks are also useful in a time of crisis.
A few months ago, de los Santos donated hundreds of masks to local hospitals through an initiative led by Compass Operating Capital, a nonprofit with a intention of encouraging minimal-cash flow family members enhance their economic safety.
That motion caught the consideration of Town Councillor Andrea Campbell, who understood de los Santos from when Compass helped start out up her organization. She rallied a staff of donors to enlist de los Santos to make 1,000 masks to be dispersed to people in Campbell’s District 4.
A range of mask styles fashioned by JDLS Couture. On Monday, Campbell picked up the 1st cargo of masks, which will go to community housing authorities in the district. The relaxation will go to civic leaders and seniors, who will then distribute them to people in require in the group.
Campbell named delivering the masks “the highlight of my very last couple weeks.”
“Obviously, we see COVID having a disproportionate influence on not only the wellbeing of individuals but also on enterprises in my district, threatening their survival. In order to make sure that these firms thrive and continue to be afloat immediately after this is around, we want to rally close to them. From time to time govt can just take way too lengthy–this was one particular way to believe outside the box.”
Campbell added that the get-win mother nature of the partnership presented a welcome respite from the sad fact of mastering about new circumstances and fatalities every single day.
“To have an option to help a enterprise, and to ensure that Julia can go on to be profitable and fulfill the desires of our neighborhood, it’s a really feel-good story, and surely just one we require proper now.”
de los Santos in entrance of her Washington Street storefront. Anastasia Wolf photograph The 1st round of 500 masks took de los Santos and 3 other individuals a 7 days to make, she explained, doing the job for twelve several hours each working day. Elsewhere, the masks are starting to achieve traction on Instagram, wherever de los Santos reported her niece is energetic in spreading the term. Orders are now flooding in from New York, New Jersey, and as much as Florida–that means that de los Santos is seeking to use additional staff. Thanks to her niece, some of all those orders are coming in by way of Cashapp, a different novel concept for de los Santos, who explained herself as “not a know-how lady.”
“I in no way used Cashapp, but I have to study. My niece confirmed me how to do it,” she explained. “Now every little thing is probable by cell phone, by laptop, so you really don’t have to do [in-person] contact…it is different, but I’m being open up-minded.”
To understand far more about Julia’s encounter masks, visit jdlscouture.com.
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sharethelove-ly · 4 years
Eco Wedding Tips - Save Money, The Environment and Look and Be Beautiful
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Eco-Friendly Sustainable Wedding Resources - Save Money, The Environment, Beautifully!
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    Looking for eco-friendly wedding ideas? Planning a green wedding doesn’t have to be hard.  Reduce wedding waste, find second-hand wedding dresses, and look for other easy ways to have a sustainable wedding.  The environmental impact of weddings is huge and we should all do our part to help.  Here are a few ethical, eco-friendly, zero waste ways to say ‘I do’. Consider this as a guide to spend less, giving more and getting more in the end.  Don’t get sucked into the idea that ‘bigger is better’.  The cost of your wedding does not do anything to make your marriage last longer. But it CAN destroy your budget and have a huge carbon footprint. 
  The Rising cost of weddings
Did you know that the average cost of a wedding has risen to almost $30,000 in the United States?  Considering the pressure many couples are under to throw an elaborate wedding, many people are left wondering how they can afford to tie the knot. However, there are many ways you can save money and still have a beautiful, luxurious wedding. I've been to a few weddings that went "all-out". Those weddings were actually less beautiful and the experience less appealing than weddings that were mindful. I much rather have a tree planted in my name than a bag of chocolate-covered almonds initialed in gold lettering.
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  Check Out Our Favorites Ways Below!
You don’t have to be a hardcore Greenie to appreciate the allure of a wedding in the midst of rolling meadows, botanical gardens or forested hillsides. You can double your venue's green quotient by selecting a site managed by a non-profit organization that protects the land—or sea! In Florida, Tampa Bay Watch is doing invaluable work through their restoration of wildlife habitats, education programs, and cleanup efforts. Your rental fee goes directly towards ensuring they can continue to preserve and protect these waters for future generations.
  Eco-Friendly Wedding Tips
Planning an eco-friendly wedding can be fun and leave you with a feeling of satisfaction for your minimal impact living. It won’t be quite as easy as calling your local wedding planner, unfortunately. Here are a few tips to get you started on your road to your low carbon footprint married life!
Purchase Eco-friendly Wedding Rings
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  The amount of money and human labor that goes into supporting the precious metals and diamond industries is immense. Many diamond-mining organizations have come under fire for the mistreatment of their workers. Natural resources are slowly becoming depleted as more people want to own precious stones.
Promote sustainability and the proper treatment of workers by purchasing wedding jewelry made from recycled materials. This jewelry is often more affordable than other diamonds and wedding bands.  Check out the sustainable wedding bands from AU-Rate. They use only 100% recycled gold and all pearls and gems are purchased only from ethical sources.  From family-run pearl farms to strict working conditions in gem mines, they focus on producing beautiful jewelry with strong ethics.  
Another sustainable jewelry idea is to upcycle an old family heirloom. Have an old piece of jewelry that has been passed down your family for generations? Reuse parts of old heirlooms, including gems, diamonds, and metals, to create a piece of jewelry with a unique family history.
Taylor & Hart
James Allen
Fair Trade Jewelry
  Plan a Recycled Wedding
Thanks to many eco-conscious and economical brides, there has been a recent boom in websites that allow brides to “recycle” parts, or all of their wedding. Brides who have just recently said ‘I do’ often sell their gently used decorations, wedding invitations, and even their wedding dresses. Second-hand clothing is the cornerstone of eco-friendly fashion!
Browse through the offerings on places like eBay and Craigslist and find huge savings on everything you need for your wedding. Thanks to the internet, you can incorporate beautiful secondhand pieces into your own wedding. This saves you money and prevents these good-as-new items from simply becoming trash.  Check out Bride2Bride.com for second-hand wedding dresses! 
Eco-Friendly Wedding Planners:
Greater Good Events
Green Wedding Professionals
Eco Cult Directory
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  Select an Eco-friendly Wedding Venue
An eco-friendly wedding venue saves you a great deal of money. It also drastically reduces the carbon footprint of your wedding. Many large venues, including hotels, banquet halls, and reception areas, require a large amount of electricity. All the lighting, sound systems, heating, and cooling are not a great choice for the environment. Host your reception outdoors to reduce the need for constant lighting and energy usage.
You can also host your ceremony and reception at the same venue. This way,  guests don’t have to waste gas traveling from one location to another. This is not only on my list of green wedding tips but also on my list of ‘make everyone’s life easier’ tips!
If you must host the ceremony and reception in two different places, consider renting a shuttle or other form of eco-friendly transportation to take people between the venues. This will mean fewer vehicles on the road and a decrease in harmful emissions.
  Eco-friendly Wedding Venue Resources:
Eco-Friendly Venues
Sustainable Wedding Venues
Green Building Information Gateway
Ceremony and Reception Sites
  Consider Registering for Donations
Simplest of all the eco-friendly wedding tips I want to share is to ask for money for a green cause! Committed to making a difference in the environment? Have guests make donations in your name, instead of purchasing gifts for you through a registry. Many charities offer donation cards that you can fill out and send to wedding guests, which indicates that you would like them to make a donation in lieu of giving a gift.
There are plenty of great eco-friendly charities that focus on protecting the environment and the earth’s species. Some of my favorites are the World Wildlife Foundation, Rain Forest Action Network, Conservation Fund, American Forests, and Greenpeace.
  Donate Leftover Wedding Food
When it comes to weddings, the mentality is often that it is better to have too much food than too little. With hors d’oeuvres, cocktails,  appetizers, entrees and desserts, there is often a large quantity of food leftover after the reception. Choose local food and donate leftovers instead of simply wasting it.
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    As food decomposes it releases methane gas, a toxin that is 20 percent more harmful than carbon dioxide. Help cut down on methane release by donating food to organizations such as America’s Second Harvest Food Bank, City Harvest or other local food kitchens. Food waste is a huge problem in this country, however, there are many ways to reduce your garbage output and prevent your wedding from contributing to it.
  5 Things You Need for a Green Wedding
Many green wedding supplies will be bought second hand or borrowed from friends and family. There are, however, a few items that you might want to buy new. Choosing eco-friendly wedding items will seriously reduce your carbon footprint. Here are a few of my favorite suggestions:
Biodegradable confetti. Don’t throw things on the ground that won't biodegrade, even if you ARE getting married!
Paper straws are a great alternative to plastic for your beverages. No straw is great too, but, some people really do love those things!
Eco-friendly paper lanterns. You can find ones that are 100% biodegradable which I think is totally cool.
Disposable Wedding Plates made from sustainable materials. Find compostable tableware free of dyes, bleaches, or other harsh additives. A great alternative to single-use plastic.
  Eco-Friendly Wedding Dress Ideas to Consider
If an earth-conscious wedding dress brings to mind an ill-fitting hemp garment, you couldn't be more wrong. Whether vintage, or made of organic materials, eco-friendly dresses take on many styles and couldn't be more beautiful. And in an increasingly green environment, there certainly isn't a shortage of options. Where to start? Consider the following:
1. Re-wear a gown, such as your mother's — even better because it has sentimental value. If you're not a fan of her '80s-style sleeves, take it to a seamstress to redesign the look. Or, you can buy or rent a pre-worn gown.
2. Take re-wearing a gown to a new level and go vintage. Check out consignment shops or vintage boutiques. You might get lucky and find something one-of-a-kind.
3. Look for a dress made of organic fabrics, such as organic cotton, organic silk, or peace silk. A dress made out of recyclable materials can also do the trick.
4. Choose a designer that creates sustainable gowns, whether it's by hand-making the dress or supporting women in developing countries. Need some options? Try any of these designers...
  Organic Wedding Dress Designer Resources:
Daughter of Simone
Indie Bride
Leila Hafzi
Deborah Lindquist
The Cotton Bride
  Sustainable Wedding Shopper-Stylist Resources
Sustainable Brides
Ethical Weddings
Green Wedding Designs
  Is a Green Wedding Right for You?
Plan a green wedding to save money and the environment. You can promote sustainability by finding innovative ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your big event. It is easy to incorporate eco-friendly elements into your wedding. That way, you and your soulmate can start off on an eco-friendly life together. I hope these eco-friendly wedding tips will help you in planning your own special day!  Check out Bridal Guide for more wedding planning tips!  Have any other green wedding tips to share?
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spoonsthings · 7 years
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I've always loved the​ Cottonwood Hills world by @martinessimblr, and the gorgeous builds she has done for them. Unfortunately, Martine has not been able to continue support or answer WCIFs herself for quite some time, while at the same time, I know a lot of people (including myself) would probably like to have a comprehensive list to refer to, rather than do the sleuthing themselves or comb through all the disparate WCIF posts on her main blog. So, with Martine's generous permission, I've taken it upon myself to assemble comprehensive WCIFs for her Cottonwood Hills buildings, or as many of them as I can manage, anyway, and post the results on my simblr.
However, instead of merely posting a list of links with no pictures, or splitting up each of the (already numerous) WCIF posts into several parts to accommodate Tumblr’s image restrictions, I’ve decided to use spreadsheets. I’ve done this for several reasons, not least because this way, people can reorder the list as they please: by order of source website, by creator, or by what specific part of the lot it can be found in.
For example, let’s say that I want to see all the items in the conference room area of the Tesla Science Lot (screenshot of the spreadsheet above). Items that are used in that room are marked with an “O” (as opposed to merely a blank space) in Column “I”. When you open up the sheet in Google Drive, simply RIGHT-click on the letter that denotes the column you want to look at (in my case “I”). A menu will pop up with options: select “Sort from A --> Z” to bring all the items used in the conference room to the top of the list.
I am using Martine’s list that she posted with her map of Cottonwood Hills. Links to my WCIF posts will be added as they are completed.
Currently WCIFs have been completed for 15 lots of 23 that I intend to do WCIFs for. (The remaining 8 lots have either had nothing special done to them, or they were built CC-free.)
Cottonwood Hills City Hall
Ancient Oak Park
Betty’s Salon and Atomic Ink Tattoo Studio
The White Lion Pub, Indigo Clothing Shop and WCWH Radio Station (Martine’s original post)
La Brioche Bakery and The Curious Owl Pet Shop
Chestnut Drive Shopping Centre (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Hills High
Cottonwood Public Library
Cottonwood Medical Centre (Martine’s original post)
Parking Lot (Martine’s original post)
Magnolia Leisure Centre (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Hills Fire Department (Martine’s original post)
Buckthorn End (Martine’s original post)
Android Nerd Shop and The Blue Anchor Café (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Gallery
Cinema, Antonio’s Pizzeria and Heirloom Bridal (Martine’s original post)
The Blue Room Jazz Lounge (Martine’s original post)
Usine Dance Club: no CC (See Martine’s original post for details about store items used.)
Andromeda Dive Bar and Bowling Alley: no CC (See Martine’s original post for details)
Landgraab Industries Warehouse
Betty’s Diner (Martine’s original post)
Nizuni Sushi and Karaoke Bar and The Pink Flamingo Strip Club
Hawthorn Springs Golf Course: not built.
Tesla Research Facility (Martine’s original post)
Willoughby Chapel (Martine’s original post)
Butterfly Balloon Tours
Pine Grounds (Martine’s original post)
Pinewood Film Studios (Martine’s original post)
Oak Valley Ranch (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Boardwalk (Martine’s original post)
Trader Nick’s Tiki Bar
Sandy Boulevard Lighthouse
Beach: not built.
Elm Stadium
Redwood Falls Camp Grounds: not built.
St. Francis Nectary: built by Gelina, link to build here.
Crystal Springs: not built.
The Ballroom Wedding Venue: built by Gelina, link to build here.
Willow Island Port: not built.
Willow Island Resort: not built.
Status updates:
2019 February 17: It’s been about a year and a half since I started this WCIF project, though it feels like way longer. Even so, it’s an awfully long time to make you guys wait, and so one of my major goals for this year is to get moving and finish WCIFs for all the lots before the end of 2019, and hopefully before I hit the two-year mark (which would be this upcoming summer).
In my own test games, the town is shaping up pretty nicely, and most of the lots are looking complete or at the very least reasonably close to the originals. I’ve made at least 85% progress on almost every lot that Martine built herself (the only exceptions of the art gallery and the ranch, which I’ve been putting off because those don’t tend to end up in my own versions of Cottonwood Hills). Writing them all up is a lot of work, of course, but locating lost CC is proving to still be the biggest hurdle to actually bringing this project to completion. And it certainly doesn’t help that the CC is getting lost-er and lost-er, as more and more TS3 creators are either moving on to TS4 and abandoning support for their old downloads, or quitting the community entirely.
For the last few lots I’ve written about, I’ve also been reuploading content that could be considered to be “lost”. Once I’ve posted about every lot that needs a WCIF, I will go back and add reuploads to my earlier posts as well. So far, I’ve received no complaints about how I share things, which is heartening, as I’ve tried to do it in as respectful a way as possible, while making life a bit easier for my followers who want the WCIFs.
What is NOT included: 1. Items from massive CC aggregate sites like MTS and TSR 2. Items from CC sites that are still online, and remain well-maintained (like Around The Sims 3, or any currently active simblrs / blogspot / wordpress sites) 3. Store content (with the exception of limited-edition items that are no longer available from EA themselves, even if you pay money)
What IS included: 1. Items by creators who are officially retired from Sims 3 creation (whether or not they are still creating for other games 2. Items that were hosted on sites that are now dead, if the creator has not themselves re-released the content 3. Content hosted online, but only on archive / backup sites and not by the creator themselves 4. Patterns that require extensive modification (fixing “materializing materials” bug, the “7edd20633162e6c*” bug, etc.) in order to be usable as .package files.
As I see it, those seven criteria are fairly black-and-white in terms of whether sharing the files (with or without explicit permission) is going to affect the community for worse or for better. A considerably grayer area is content from individual creators who are not famous and who also go on hiatus frequently, or are only occasionally active. Now, I really do not want to be diverting traffic away from individual simblrs, especially if they are not well-known to begin with... having been an obscure creator at one point (maybe I still am!), I know what it feels like to see people reupload or convert your stuff without acknowledging the hard work you put into it (not so much as a “thank you for your contribution, I want to do this with your stuff, may I?” comment).
But the fact remains that these are the very sites that are most likely to go down without warning (in fact, most of the “lost” uploads that gave me the most trouble to find were from small creators who had moved homepages without providing a forwarding address, so to speak, whether or not they actively scrubbed their old download links).
So I have decided to handle items from such creators on a case-by-case basis. If the simblrs appear to be stable despite their inactivity (that is to say, they don’t seem to be going away anytime soon, and the download links are likely to stay put where they are), I will generally try to avoid reuploading content. If, however, the creator has a history of deleting and/or restarting their blog frequently, if the links themselves are unstable, or if the creator has moved blogs in the past and has not made all their older downloads easily available, I will generally include their items in the zipped reuploads, to make things easier on everyone. And in any case, I will always provide a link back to the creator’s blog, if not to the download itself.
If at any point, any of the creators concerned get wind of what I am doing, and wish to explicitly make their creations off-limits, my inbox is open.
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pave tips on how to absolutely making the most of ones special day: 1 beach dresses cheap)()*&hY
Special day Points: 5 Quick in addition to Realistic Special day Techniques for This Star of the wedding -------------------- There are many factors to take into consideration as soon as women approach the marriage. From the speed many people are likely to just ignore attending to independently within the time in their marriage. Quite a few uncomplicated although realistic ways to guide pave tips on how to absolutely making the most of the wedding ceremony time.
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Just about every star of the wedding possesses many factors to take into consideration as soon as she’s setting up the woman marriage, although a great number of are likely to just ignore attending to independently within the time in their marriage. In addition to it’s significant of which these modest, although infamous, specifics definitely not evade possibly by far the most ready star of the wedding!   What exactly need to be over the rest just about every bride’s number within the time connected with the woman marriage is usually to rest and luxuriate in the item! No matter if you’ve also been using the services of a marriage guide or maybe did each of the setting up in addition to getting ready alone, it’s at this point this big event therefore you ought to get to obtain at the very least as often enjoyment seeing that all of your family and friends. Here i will discuss 5 uncomplicated, although realistic ways to guide pave tips on how to absolutely making the most of ones special day: 1 beach dresses cheap. Creating is usually (not) Difficult to do – Make a Special day Make-Up Bag  14 days prior to a marriage, start a finish test out of this wedding-day glimpse (make-up, hairdo in addition to shoes) – as long as people have a much the item in concert of which time and so you’ll learn in the event it will eventually “go the length wine red prom dress 29. ” Assemble a bit make-up case intended for hint ups you can carry on hand manufactured on the marriage and keep people shopping your easiest. In addition to within the big event, employ a pal, maid-matron of honour or maybe friend wait going without running shoes or maybe put the item some time practical to get going without running shoes when it's needed. You'll want to work with watertight mascara, in addition to don’t ignore to help wrap up this hairspray!   Trace: As soon as paying for ones make-up, view whenever you can tell this gross sales woman for the makeup table in offering you types of every little thing you’re obtaining (they’ve bought ‘em, you recognize many people do) Many people won’t consume considerably bedroom in addition to will probably be adequate of waking time!   3. Special day “Emergency” Set – Build a serious event Set For all Sudden Emergencies  Identical to the back-up, make-up case intended for hint ups (say of which triple rapidly! ), contemplate a “emergency kit” loaded with objects you'll need with your special day. Populate a compact case having objects for example a traveling measurement curtains set (you’d possibly be stunned for the secret steps only 1 safe practices personal identification number can certainly perform), distinct nail bed develop (for panty hose/stocking runs), extra number of panty hose-pipe or maybe hose, neck lozenges in addition to aspirin. Different thoughts with the “emergency kit” include things like areas, breath of air mints, tampons, give treatment in addition to band-aids. Trace: These objects can be obtained from this traveling measurement packing containers with your regional pill retail store. 3. Meal intended for Idea – Start out Ones Special day Having Nutritious & Stuffing Nourishment  Due to the fact almost all women don’t are able to experience the mealtime functioned for the party, you want to contemplate acquiring anything to enjoy prior to a marriage, regardless the way nervous that you are about how precisely precisely clothes satisfies!   Though meal stands out as the very last thing in every thought with your special day, it’s on the other hand essential that you start out manufactured having many nutritious in addition to stuffing health food. It’s intending as a very long (and wonderful) time in addition to you’ll aim for an abundance of strength to help you to hold moving in addition to mingling all day!   Trace #1: Put an electrical clubhouse break with your wallet or maybe “emergency kit”  Trace #2: Pre-arrange intended for at this time there for being anything to enjoy pictures vacation to europre inn (believe the item or maybe definitely not, almost all newlyweds usually are depriving yourself of food as soon as the special day celebrations in addition to will need to re-fuel prior to a marriage nights celebrations! )  5 ivory prom dresses. Should the Running shoe Satisfies – Get rid of This High heel & Decide In a Practical Shoe  You recognize these breathtaking, captivating, strappy, ultra-high high heel of which do the job properly with all your bridal dress? They’ll possibly be an excellent option for this wedding service in addition to with the proper pics, although in the event you’re intending to end in place ones high heel for the party, you’ll possibly be superior down flinging journey high heel in addition to paying off in anything practical. And so receive a rather, far more realistic girls you can become and keep ones pets by “barking” the full full week as soon as the marriage!     Trace #1: It’s an excellent awful strategy to employ taking walks from lalapromdihsk_dsu the shoes and boots you’ll possibly be using over the wedding service. Create a test out function from the shoes and boots Along with the bridal dress in addition to become accustomed to both equally. Trace #2: Kenneth Cole Problem helps make some sort of clever very little ripped, beaded thong that is certainly beautiful relaxing, low-priced and nice plenty of to search with all your wedding gown. I’ve bought manboobs with bronze in addition to black color (and many people also come in light seeing that well) i always take by himself everywhere you go. An excellent awful treat on your bridesmaids often!   5. Position The item Available Into a “Point Person” – Account for Time period With the Vacation plans & an argument Person  No matter if you’ve caused a marriage guide or maybe thoroughly thought out every little thing by yourself, you will have a vacation plans with the big event. Produce reports white long gown, hand them over to a couple neighbors and/or in close proximity close relatives, subsequently opt for you to definitely really do the “point person” who'll ensure that factors usually are managing without problems in addition to sensibly in time. It will be easy to help relax simply learning a minimum of one of this deputies will probably account for any time though you’re chaotic handmade these out-of-town family and friends in addition to new in-laws in whose bands people can’t rather recall!   Related recommendations: the women &^%$%87 of all ages present an magnificent set of combination outfits wedding dresses the users can (*^&)(8 also make photo calls cheap lace wedding dresses under 200 with marriage wedding planning garments including lehenga nordstrom bridesmaid dresses*&……TIg The ground duration #*^76@#$87 wedding ceremony put on within lotion 2 piece homecoming dresses
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