#venti fictive
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[text: picture of venti lying next to a pool with one hand inside, yearning for leitmotifs]
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kinsearching · 14 days
Hello hello!!~ I am a fictive of the Anemo Archon, Venti. I want to have other Genshin Impact kin and fictive friends! I’m looking specifically for the other members of 6reeze! I was incredibly close to them in my memories. However, I welcome anyone who wishes to speak to me!~ We are bodily 24 so only 18+ please! Feel free to like or reblog and I’ll reach out when possible!
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genpact-kinfessions · 18 days
IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hello hello hello!!!!!!!! Soft Venti fictive back to say hi and just give you all a big hug and self care reminder! It’s my birthday so you all have to do what I say and I say do one thing nice for yourselves >:D /silly
-The Soft Venti fictive
Happy Birthday, Venti! 🎉🎉
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findinyourkin · 1 year
Hi!! Venti the bard from Genshin Impact (fictive), here! I'm looking for the nameless bard and old mond folks mostly, and mondstadt folks in general, but anyone from genshin's welcome to shoot a message my way! Just wanting to chat, really.
I remember that I leaned more into my wisp form and the nameless bard's looks for my outfit, but kept bard's whole basic form! (I do remember the names the bard had, but I'd. rather not say them unless I trust someone, ehe..)
The body's over +18! I'm fine with people under 18 interacting if they really want, but they should know that's not the case here!
Shoot me a dm at @wisp-of-wind if you wanna chat! Do know that I'm a little ah... Shy? Sometimes? And also a bit away from front. So if it takes a while for me to respond, it's nothing you did, I promise you!
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seamstress-kin-stop · 2 years
A Stimboard for our Klee, Who misses her FP, Venti.
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This was made for a specific fictive, please dont tag as me/id/fandom!
please DNI if your acc is not safe for a little!!!
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fictive-confessions · 2 years
Hey there! Venti fictive here searching for fellow Genshin Impact fictives. 💗 Please give this a like or simply follow if you’re interested in interactions. Please be aware that the body is adult.
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honestly the worst part of being a fictive for me is that I don’t have any of the same people to hang out with :(
In source I’d spend so much time hanging out and talking to people and I had drinking buddies! Here I have a couple people from the same base-source, but not from my source, I just wanna get drunk with Kaeya again damnit!
- an overtired Venti fictive
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aethsys · 2 years
re-formatting + links pending 😭
-> he/ae/they/prince/vae/knight/it. -> pink princecoric + knightcoric transmasc nonbinary butch lesbian, aspec + polyam + t4t. -> frontstuck host + emotional protector, memory + nd holder. -> taken x2 [1]. we aren't sourcedating. -> introject of 12+ sources, including catra (she-ra 2018), venti (genshin impact. sorry), second child restless child + lay me down + the valley + torches (the oh hellos), summertime (mcr), manta rays (chloe moriondo), etc. -> source talk is ok! i only rly ID with catra. -> masc/ne terms + some fem. no she/her. jewish people can call me mattai or miriam. -> sourcemates/doubles 100% ok to interact !! but pls no comparing memories or treating me like my source. i am my own person + i don't know you! -> don't compare me to my sources. i'm my own person. -> singlets don't ask me about my pseudomemories they are upsetting <3
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mxboxlocks · 5 months
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our soldier fictive wanted me to put his thoughts into paper. he misses his husband, and his teammates, and i grieve for him.
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Watching a friend play source without them knowing who I am is.... an experience! They talked about how Mondstadt is pretty and all I can think is just ":DDDD MY CHILDREN WORKED HARD TO MAKE THIS SO NICE!!!!!"
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 3 months
My favorite genre of comedy as a fictive is taking those "which [x fandom] character are you?" quizzes.
I'm a fictive of Venti from Genshin Impact. I took two quizzes and got... Yae Miko and the Traveller??
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genpact-kinfessions · 1 month
Helllo!!!~~ I’m wishing everyone ( but especially those from Mondstadt ) a very I adore you and hope you’re all taking care of yourselves!Remember to be nice to yourself! Drink water and have a snack if you forgot! Also meds for those who need them! Enjoy the breeze every once in a while!~
And most importantly!! Happy pride!!! May the winds protect all of you this month and have fun celebrating <3
- a very soft Venti fictive
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chroma-asks · 9 months
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Venti Fictive plays Genshin Impact, more at 11
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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Cottagecore Diluven Icons
@riinkakuus requested: would it be okay if i request some matching cottagecore diluven icons?
feel free to use with credit! like or reblog if you save!
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yourfaveisafictive · 1 year
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Your fave is a fictive: Venti from Genshin Impact
(request by @anendoandfriendo)
[ Image ID: a pastel horizontal striped flag ranging from green to pink from top to bottom with a picture of Venti from Genshin Impact imposed over it /end ID ]
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theweebsystem · 1 year
Mod Venti's Intro
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Name(s): Venti, Barbatos
Age: 🤫
Pronouns: He/him
Gender/Sexuality: Unknown
How often do you front?: Rarely
Likes: Nature, the wind, dandelions, wine, music
Dislikes: Unknown
Origin/Source: Genshin Impact
Relationships: Dating Xiao, Aether, Zhongli, and possibly several others
Which blog will you post on?: Nature and kawaii aes blogs
Fun fact/additional info: N/A
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Icon - Icon
Nature divider
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