#vampire!dick grayson
tsw1234 · 5 months
Let The World Burn - D.G
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Word count: 835
Pairings: Vampire!Dick Grayson x BTVS!fem reader
Notes: I don't know how to feel about this, I had like a concept mapped out for this and another part but it all depends on you guys. So please lmk if there's anything I should edit or add, and if I should include the next part
Synopsis: Gotham's in havoc, and the only one you can rely on is your ex-bf?
Warnings: Deception, angst, manipulation
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It's been a year since the downfall of Gotham. A year since the apocalypse and a year since the vampires took over.
When the apocalypse first hit, chaos ran amok through the city's streets. Left and right, people were dropping like flies; Despite your pretty recent breakup, the first person you sought to check on was your ex-boyfriend -- Dick Grayson. Frantically you rush for the phone, dialing his number countless amounts of time solely to be met with his voicemail.
"Come on, Grayson answer!" you frustratedly mutter. In the of midst what seemed like the 10th dial, you were interrupted by a gust of wind bursting inside your apartment. You could've sworn you closed your window. Immediately you get a feeling of unease throughout your whole body. Gingerly walking towards your kitchen, you grab a knife from the knife block, arming yourself for whatever unexpected creature decides to pop out. Feeling a shadow behind you, as if instinct, you turn around and attempt to stab the unknown with all your might, only to be stopped mid-swing by a man grabbing your wrist.
"Woah there princess, you could've taken me out." the man said with a hint of mockery. You recognize the man as Dick, fully dressed in his blue and black Nightwing suit.
"Dick!" you exclaim, dropping the knife and running into his arms. He let out a cocky chuckle before wrapping his arms around your waist. If you weren't overdriven by a sense of relief and comfort., you would've noticed how his body was ice cold. Normally it would be the opposite, your hands cold to the touch in contrast to his warm hands. He used to say that that's what made the two of you perfect for each other. "You're okay! I've been calling you over and over!"
"I'm sorry sweetheart my phone died," he said, placing kisses on your temple. Weird, for a vigilante shouldn't his phone always be on? "I'm here now, that's all that matters," he reassures. Once again, there went the feeling of unease. "Baby, as much as I'm enjoying this we need to leave, now.". You nod your head, pushing back any feelings you had. He was right, the apocalypse of the world was still currently ongoing. Dick grabs your wrist, leading you towards the open window's fire escape.
"You ready?" he asks, wrapping his arms around your waist. You let out a sound of approval, clutching onto him for support. Hearing your compliance, he starts leaping from building to building, leading the two of you to a safe rooftop.
"Stay here, I'll be right back."
"Mhmm," you reply looking down at the city. Tears started to run down your face. Gotham was in shambles. Buildings were on fire, men and women- children screaming, car alarms going off, police sirens wailing.
"Baby, are you okay?" Dick calls out. He approaches you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and putting his head on top of yours. You turn and bury your face in his chest, hugging him back. "No...this is terrible! The city's in ruins, and everyone I love could be in danger.". This time your body wasn't signaling you a feeling of unease but more of a signal of danger--a warning telling you to get away. You look up at Dick and notice his eyes, his once blue eyes now blood red.
He picked up on your sense of inquietude, looking down at your distraught face. "You-you're one of them." you clamor pushing yourself away from his embrace.
"No!" you shout. With each step he takes towards you that's another you take away from him. "Baby-"
This time your foot takes a step off of the edge. "Careful!" he exclaims, and in what seems like an instant your rushes over to you and pulls you into him, leading you away from the edge. "Let go of me!" you emphasize, struggling to get away from his grasp on you.
"How could you?" you ask, realizing there's no use in fighting against him and his newly acquired superhuman strength. The only emotions you felt right now were pure pain and betrayal; a dangerous pair they would be if the love you had for Dick wasn't triumphing you to act on them.
You tried to read him, something you could once easily do when you were still together, when he was with you; when he was still human. Dick's mind happened to be in various places. It hurt him to see you so upset- truly it did! Your melancholia and fear visible from your tear filled-eyes. But on the other, he felt no remorse, if anything your fear boosted his hero complex even more. All he wanted was nothing but for you to run into his arms, and call out his name, allowing him to comfort your worries, concerns, and agony. His poor, heartbroken girl. If only you knew how pretty you looked when you cried.
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gangrenados · 2 years
headcanons on dating vampire!dick before and after he becomes a vampire?
You gotta be extremely observant to notice the little changes on his behavior to know that something about Dick is off. He's excellent at pretending (I mean, he fooled the whole batfam), and because of that Dick will make you believe what he wants you to.
You might think everything is fine until one day he shoves his fangs deep in your neck and sucks you dry.
But if for some reason he wants to keep you around, then the major change between when he was human and now, it's that Dick is cold and merciless.
He doesn't have a soft spot for anyone in the sense of giving them a more gentle treatment. Dick is strict, harsh and cold and the warmth and love he used to give you is gone.
You still enjoy favoritism over others since, well, the king is your boyfriend and he's kind enough to let you live.
But he's not sweet.
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gffa · 6 months
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Jason Todd is an annoying little brother, your honor, and I LOVE HIM.
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gothamite-rambler · 2 months
Duke Thomas: What’s your biggest fear?
Jason Todd: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Tim Drake: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Dick Grayson: Vampires.
Jason Todd: ...
Tim Drake: ...
Dick Grayson: I got turned into one once and nearly killed peoples. It's a bloodlust, you never know when you'll be fully quenched and every non-vampire is a succulent vessel... But I'm not a vampire anymore and that is in my past.
Dick eats his apple after that.
Duke Thomas: Holy crap stick, Batman.
Tim: Can I change my option to Dick Grayson?
Jason: Same.
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ehliena · 2 months
Gotta appreciate that the writers gave Cass this.
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She's usually the least likely to have lines or speak which shows how terrible this was for her.
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soranatus · 3 months
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We don’t see Insane Nightwing enough for my tastes like:
This mf listens to NO ONE if he doesn’t want to and everyone just goes “omg what a great leader always with a better plan.”
Argues with fucking BATMAN of all people and is not a stranger to winning said arguments.
Has been kicking villain ass since 8 years old and can figure out what your great-great-great aunt twice removed was doing on April 16, 1721 and will use it as blackmail for your entire bloodline.
Probably still uses Facebook.
Would 100% wear Velcro Lightning McQueen light-up sketchers and outrun you in them only to do a quadruple backflip at the finish line as his victory dance.
He knows the exact behavior patterns and personalities of his entire team/family/coworkers and can plan their movements/reactions to near perfection in almost any circumstance. Has used this to prank them.
Learned how to cook out of spite to prove to Bruce he could live on his own (after one of the aforementioned fights. Also, after proving he could live on his own, was not immediately alerted to his little brother’s passing because Bruce has a Complex).
“Tim! Tie your shoes when you walk down the stairs you could trip and get hurt!” “You literally just got shot please worry about yourself for once??”
Has trained under Batman’s pacifistic “no killing” policy and then also fucking Deathstroke the Assassin and Mercenary. Neither one was particularly kind to his psyche
Killed the joker but imo was very justified and not insane at all. But also just sort of just… let blockbuster get killed that one time. Has also killed others
The whole vampire series??? I still haven’t read that one yet but everything I’ve heard about it has been against my will
Has had beef with multiple children (special shoutout to Jason Todd)
Somehow made peace with his family after Bruce allowed all of his other children to don the name Robin, which was given to Dick by his Very Dead mother (and of which the meaning how now been diluted and the connection to his parents severed)
Please add on to this if yall think of anymore bc I just know that man has his Moments
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wetsandmemories · 1 year
alfred is so fucking real for that
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savanir · 3 months
DP x DC prompt [7]
After biting Danny, vampire king Dick gleefully tells him that he now belongs to him, seeing as his bite made him his thrall.
However, beings of the Infinite Realms operate on a lot of Fae rules, and Danny Uno-Reverse’s Dick by telling him that he must now serve him because he ate from him without his permission.
Neither are willing to give up so they are going to have to find some occult lawyer to figure this out.
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oifaaa · 1 year
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I was thinking maybe I should stop drawing so much werewolf vampire stuff but then I remembered it's October and I can do what I want
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edi-storm · 9 months
Hi! i love your Damijon arts! not sure if you still take requests or not but ii was wondering if you could draw a vampire Damian protecting a human Jon from the evil vampire king (Dick Grayson)?
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Sorry for doing this so late🤧🤧
Senior year is KILLING ME
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gangrenados · 2 years
Bestiiie! I haven’t seen any content for it, but I wanna know what you think yandere!vampking!Dick would be like. Who does he fall for. How does he treat them. What are his punishments like. Ect
I answered some of those questions here:
But I wanna go deeper with this one: who does he fall for?
Well it actually depends on what Dick's trying to accomplish, if Dick just wants a quick fuck or to feed off someone then he'll prey on a naive, easygoing person, perhaps a people pleaser he can manipulate into giving him everything he wants.
If he wants a soldier, then he'll go for a strong person, preferably with an inhuman ability he can exploit in battle.
If he wants a lover then I feel like he'll also go for someone strong who he can easily twist their mindset to fit with his intentions, even if their morals don't match. Dick wants someone who he can rule with an iron grip, but he wants to be the one with the upper hand in the relationship.
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pinkplantz · 12 days
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Vampire nightwing 🦇
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sarriathmg · 5 months
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beesarekindaswag · 8 months
Ya know how we all collectively agree that the Lazarus pits are just ectoplasm? Well.. apparently it’s canon in DC Vs Vampires that the pits can reverse vampirism and turn someone back into a human…
Guys… GUYS -
Just imagine Danny wandering the ghost zone and ooh natural portal? Yoink.
It just so happens that the portal leads to the DC vs vampires dimension and well Vlad looks enough like a stereotypical vampire that when some dude with fangs tries to kill him who can fault Danny for a little ectoplasm blast?
And wait a minute- what just happened to the guy he shot? He’s… human now? H u h
Turns out when you shoot a vampire with ectoplasm it ALSO cures the vampirism…
The real question is : did Danny happen to land in the midst of a dramatic reveal of Dick Grayson as the vampire king and oops- no more vampire ��
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tsuyakiku · 2 months
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