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Tim is the only one who calls the poor thing Gina 😭
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bruce’s 2022 resolutions
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Green Lantern: You know, most Superheroes are cornered into the job by moral obligations because of how powerful they are, but... aren't you just like, a normal guy? Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you gave up the vigilante life to just take it easy?
Batman: Well--
Nightwing, suddenly vaulting into the conversation from across the room: No, no, NO, the last time we pretended to be a normal family for an hour, we played Trivial Pursuit and it ended with an arrow through the living room TV. None of us even fight with arrows. We're freaks that need to fight crime, don't take that away from us.
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and done!
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Thinking so hard about the fact that when Bruce decided to adopt Dick and recruit him as Robin, it was so that Dick wouldn’t end up being like Bruce, growing up with this unending, unrelenting rage. Turning to vigilantism and paranoia to try and cope with the guilt and duty he feel whenever he think about his parents.
Thinking so hard about how Dick was doing the exact same thing with Damian when Damian became his Robin. How Dick was helping him through his rage and mistrust and crushing feeling of duty that was never meant for such young shoulders. How Batman was helping Robin to become something better than the man in the cowl.
Thinking about how that all came to an abrupt end when Bruce came back, and how Dick and Damian both lost that connection of healing by each other’s side through keeping Gotham safe
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I like in Teen Titans that Robin’s mask is just as expressive as like cartoon spidey masks. Especially when they do this thing:
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he’s so silly I love him lmao
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Damian is two apples tall. Change my mind 🍎.
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Jason Todd fans come get your daily dose of scrunkly Jason (ft. Damian)
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+ Jason being a protective older brother
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and them fighting (because obviously)
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he's just a little guy here
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look at them!! brothers!!
From The Boy Wonder #2 By Juni Ba
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lil dicky
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Jason: *kicks wall* Well, that mission went terribly.
Tim: Bruce is gonna be so angry at me.
Dick: *having read that validating feelings is important* Yeah, that would suck. Last time I made him mad he kicked me out. But I just showed up a month later and he completely forgot. So it’ll work out fine! *cheery smile*
Tim: *eyes wide* He could kick me out?
Jason: *takes out pistol* If he kicks either of you out, I’ll shoot him.
Dick: Thanks, but it’s fine.
Jason: Oh no…I know that look.
Dick tries to hug him and ends up grazed by a bullet. Tim is now worried that he’ll be kicked out. Jason is even angrier than he was at the start.
All of them are extra hurt. None of them are comforted. But it’s the thought that counts.
Hurt/failure to comfort.
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Damian and Dick being brothers 🥰
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dick pretending he doesn’t know stuff just so people can explain it to him because it makes them happy
like for example he lets tim explain coding stuff to him even though he already knows what tim’s talking about. regardless instead of telling him he just lets tim talk and engages with him.
jason wants to talk about guns while cleaning them? we’ll dick is already standing right next to him and asks if he can watch. jason, who is trying to hide his excitement that finally someone in this family is showing interest in his guns rather than ridiculing him, ofc says yes. so dick listens while jason tells him how to clean a gun properly. (dick knows how from his time in spyral, with deathstroke and as a cop)
conclusion dick plays down his knowledge of stuff because he’s 10% human and 90% people pleaser.
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Superman Meets the Batfamily
(under the watchful eye of Batman the helicopter parent)
Dick Grayson Jason Todd
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Tim Drake Damian Wayne
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Cassandra Cain
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Superbat Master Collection
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no one:
Jason Todd in the last 24 hours:
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