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digimontamerrichie-tcg · 6 days ago
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In Digimon Tamers, Zhuqiaomon was solely responsible for the creation of the Deva, who it sent to abduct Calumon. However, in broader Digimon lore, it is but one of four Digimon sovereign (a group of Digimon who previously appeared in Digimon Adventure 02, with the focus on Azulongmon) each of whom rule over three of the Deva.
After meeting Shu-Chong "Suzie" Wong, Antylamon defected to the side of the protagonists.
The Deva are all based on signs of the Chinese Zodiac.
Azulongmon of the East rules over Mihiramon (the tiger), Antylamon (the rabbit), and Majiramon (the dragon).
Ebonwumon of the North rules over Vikaralamon (the pig), Kumbhiramon (the rat), and Vajramon (the bull).
Baihumon of the West rules over Makuramon (the monkey), Sinduramon (the chicken), and Caturamon (the dog).
Finally, Zhuqiaomon of the South rules over Sandiramon (the snake), Indaramon (the horse), and Pajiramon (the sheep).
Embodying the center of the Earth is Huanglongmon.
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bagerfluff · 1 month ago
Custom Digivolution Line
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Baby I - Choromon
Baby II - Pagumon
Child - Blackgabumon
Adult - Dobermon X
Perfect - Vajramon
Ultimate - Sleipmon
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digimonarchive · 2 years ago
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Note: This poll question is based on the Chinese Animal Zodiac (by the birth year) but in Digimon style.
The Birth Years and Dates are under the cut, click on Keep Reading.
Admin Note: I am Andiramon/Antylamon (Rabbit)
Zodiac Date and Years
Feb 10 1948 – Jan 28 1949
Jan 28 1960 - Feb 14 1961
Feb 15 1972 – Feb 2 1973
Feb 2 1984 – Feb 19 1985
Feb 19 1996 – Feb 6 1997
Feb. 7, 2008 – Jan. 25, 2009
Jan. 29, 1949 – Feb. 16, 1950
Feb. 15, 1961 – Feb. 4, 1962
Feb. 3, 1973 – Jan. 22, 1974
Feb. 19, 1985 – Feb. 8, 1986
Feb. 7, 1997 – Jan. 27, 1998
Jan. 26, 2009 – Feb. 13, 2010
Feb. 17, 1950 – Feb. 05, 1951
Feb. 5, 1962 – Jan. 24, 1963
Jan. 23, 1974 – Feb. 10, 1975
Feb. 9, 1986 – Jan. 28, 1987
Jan. 28, 1998 – Feb. 15, 1999
Feb. 14, 2010 – Feb. 2, 2011
Feb. 06, 1951 – Jan. 26, 1952
Jan. 25, 1963 – Feb. 12, 1964
Feb. 11, 1975 – Jan. 30, 1976
Jan. 29, 1987 – Feb. 16, 1988
Feb. 16, 1999 – Feb. 4, 2000
Feb. 3, 2011 – Jan. 22, 2012
Jan. 27, 1952 – Feb. 13, 1953
Feb. 13, 1964 – Feb. 1, 1965
Jan. 31, 1976 – Feb. 17, 1977
Feb. 17, 1988 – Feb. 5, 1989
Feb. 5, 2000 – Jan. 23, 2001
Jan. 23, 2012 – Feb. 9, 2013
Feb. 14, 1953 – Feb. 02, 1954
Feb. 2, 1965 – Jan. 20, 1966
Feb. 18, 1977 – Feb. 6, 1978
Feb. 6, 1989 – Jan. 26, 1990
Jan. 24, 2001 – Feb. 11, 2002
Feb. 10, 2013 – Jan. 30, 2014
Feb. 03, 1954 – Jan. 23, 1955
Jan. 21, 1966 – Feb. 8, 1967
Feb. 7, 1978 – Jan. 27, 1979
Jan. 27, 1990 – Feb. 14, 1991
Feb. 12, 2002 – Feb. 18, 2003
Jan. 31, 2014 – Feb. 18, 2015
Jan. 24, 1955 – Feb. 11, 1956
Feb. 9, 1967 – Jan. 30, 1968
Jan. 28, 1979 – Feb. 15, 1980
Feb. 15, 1991 – Feb. 3, 1992
Feb. 1, 2003 – Jan. 21, 2004
Feb. 19, 2015 – Feb. 7, 2016
Feb. 12, 1956 – Jan. 30, 1957
Jan. 30, 1968 – Feb. 16, 1969
Feb. 16, 1980 – Feb. 4, 1981
Feb. 4, 1992 – Jan. 22, 1993
Jan. 22, 2004 – Feb. 8, 2005
Feb. 8, 2016 – Jan. 27, 2017
Jan. 31, 1957 – Feb. 17, 1958
Feb. 17, 1969 – Feb. 5, 1970
Feb. 5, 1981 – Jan. 24, 1982
Jan. 23, 1993 – Feb. 9, 1994
Feb. 9, 2005 – Jan. 28, 2006
Jan. 28, 2017 – Feb. 15, 2018
Feb. 18, 1958 – Feb. 07, 1959
Feb. 6, 1970 – Jan. 26, 1971
Jan. 25, 1982 – Feb. 12, 1983
Feb. 10, 1994 – Jan. 30, 1995
Jan. 29, 2006 – Feb. 17, 2007
Feb. 16, 2018 – Feb. 4, 2019
Feb. 08, 1959 – Jan. 27, 1960
Jan. 27, 1971 – Feb. 14, 1972
Feb. 13, 1983 – Feb. 1, 1984
Jan. 30, 1995 – Feb. 18, 1996
Feb. 17, 2007 – Feb. 6, 2008
Feb. 4, 2019 – Jan. 24, 2020
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br-x-ton · 1 year ago
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I feel like Grandracmon and Vajramon are the two most popular centaur-like Digimon.
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agumonger · 2 years ago
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New couple of Digimental comms for @HeffeVonKoffing !!
Digimentals of Innocence and Tenacity!
Based on Caturamon and Vajramon!
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digimontcgcatalog · 2 hours ago
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Vajramon BT5-077
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conventionalwisdomcomic · 2 months ago
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Weekly Digimon Comic: Digimon Tamers - page 18.25
Actually, there's a whole second level of weirdness to Vajramon's behavior here, seeing as he's perving over Renamon IMMEDIATELY after Pajiramon just got blasted to bits. Bro moves on FAST.
(Also, to repeat what I said in the Baccano comic: sorry for another laps in content. I was in a bad way over last weekend, and that threw everything waaay off)
Conventional Wisdom / Patreon
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ilikedyourablogithere · 8 months ago
Yggdrasill / Homeostasis
the ones that are managing the main digital world
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Yggdrasill is the host computer
Homeostasis is a formless lifeform
Depending on the story Homeostasis takes over when Yggdrasill gets shutdown (Xros War Manga) or They co-rule while stepping on each others metaphorical toes (Digimon Adventure Tri) but for most stories it's usually just Yggdrasill with maybe implied Homeostasis is around
Yggdrasill usually ends up as an antagonist of a story for being too much of a robot and being so black and white about situations
(very quick to call for a purge)
While Homeostasis would be a antagonist due to their desire for a balance
God- depends on the story. Sometimes it's a person that programed the digital world. Sometimes it's Yggdrasill or Homeostasis. And their role is...well to be God
They reside in The Kernel aka God's Domain aka This is where all the important data is at and if something goes wrong shit hits the fans HARD
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This is also where God's army resides
Three Archangels
The three angels in charge of God's army in leading the angels in fighting the fallen angels and responsible with spreading God's will
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Seraphimon the guardian of law and order
Ofanimon the guardian of love and life
Cherubimon the guardian of knowledge and education
*question does that make whoever the god of the digital world is in charge also the religion ?
Four Holy Beasts
Govern the digital worlds stability
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Huanglongmon- Emperor of the Center
↳Xuanwumon for the north Zhuqiaomon for the south Qinglongmon for the east and Baihumon for the west- Current rulers
↳ Vikaralamon Kumbhiramon Vajramon Makuramon Sinduramon Caturamon Sandiramon Indaramon Pajiramon Mihiramon Andiramon Majiramon- The subordinates
They seem to reign over and protect the general Digital World
Royal Knights
guardian deities of the network. they are the highest rank of network security and are under the jurisdiction of Yggdrasill itself
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if there is a big crisis? they are the one that show up... which also means they're the most used group in the whole franchise (they're basically the Avengers)
Tian Ji
organization created with the intention of maintaining the natural order of the world, protecting the weak, and stopping predators from running amok
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Erlangmon- leader/founder
Xiangpengmon Takutoumon Nezhamon
as the newest big group curtesy of Digimon New Century not much is known of them they got big mary sue energy but in all fairness this their first appearance so they need to make a good impression so fair but from what I've gathered while 3 Great Angels are fighting fallen angels and demon, 4 Holy Beasts are governing and Royal Knights deal with the highest of threats, these will be the ones that take care of lesser threats and fight for the little guys
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aviculor · 8 months ago
All the hope lines can be divided into "Sleipmon" and "AncientMegatheriummon". For the sake of freshness though, I only used each once. Twice if you count Sleipmon X.
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I don't think I need to explain why I gave Patamon/Pegasmon Indaramon and Sleipmon. Horse. You'll find most of these follow that kind of logic, the problem was when I didn't have that option. I also considered making the ultimate Goddramon as a nod to Adventure 2020, that's a good alternative.
Tailmon/Goatmon get Mephismon because it's a goat and then AncientMegatheriummon because a musk ok is a big goat and its horns and hooves match Goatmon's the closest. I could have done Gulfmon for the ultimate too.
V-mon was the hardest because what the fuck is up with Sagittarimon? It looks like a perfect-level jogress of Fladramon and Lighdramon. I've run into armor digimon that were tough to work with, but at least they still made sense to use as adult stages. Its lore comes with a baked-in line of Centalmon->Sagittarimon->Sleipmon that I can't use because it places Sagittarimon as the perfect. Sleipmon X has its bow drawn in the art, and I threw in Assaultmon just because it's another centaur whose lower half has nondescript claw feet and it shoots projectiles. I'm not a fan of this one, it was an impossible challenge and I'd like to see what KarnEX thinks up for it.
Hawkmon/Moosemon is a fun one because we have very rapidly run out of artiodactyl digimon. I'm lucky we were recently given another deer in the form of Cernumon, but there's nothing good to bridge them together. As weird as it is to use WereGarurumon as the perfect, Moosemon is white and blue with striped patterns and "feathers" sticking out of its back like the Garurumon family. If you don't like it, the best alternative I have is Mammon as another icy megafauna.
Armadimon/Sheepmon become Pajiramon and Belphemon, this one was easy. Sheepmon and Pajiramon both have sleep/dream powers, and our perpetually-asleep demon lord of sloth has ram horns.
Wormmon/Bullmon becoming Vajramon is another no-brainer, but where do we go from here without any more cow digimon? Well, Olegmon has horns, armor, and dual-wields bladed weapons. I don't love it, but options are slim when we keep getting railroaded.
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digimontamerrichie-tcg · 4 months ago
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woozysloth · 2 years ago
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The reigning champion, the Digimon Queen. Or Ice Queen if you feel a bit catty. She doesn't care either way. Ruki's first year competing gained her quite a bit of reputation, as she sailed to the upper echelons of the game on a river of other children's tears. Her use of a particularly cold and menacing looking variant of Devimon bordered on psychological warfare - which seemed particularly mean-spirited given that she was already miles better than basically everyone else.
Then she met Ryo.
Ruki's second year saw her crush her competition even harder, despite having started late in the season for whatever reason. Rumour has it she was busy babysitting, which is obviously a lie, because who would trust this girl around small children? She'd probably eat them.
Regardless, Ruki took the title by virtue of being better than everyone else. And also, some think, Ryo not being there. Which very, very few people are stupid enough to say to her face or where she might be able to hear.
Ruki's mother has been running along with the whole thing surprisingly well after a period of confusion - she's now decided Ruki is going to be a "Digimon Card Game Idol", whatever that's supposed to mean. Which is great, right? That she's taking an interest in her daughter. It's great. Really. It's fine. Stop talking about it.
Whatever Ruki won in her second year, nobody knows. She doesn't talk about it, and it's not as obvious as Ryo's sudden appearance in a series of video games. Some people say she rejected any sort of prize, that victory by itself was her only goal. These people are very dramatic. Still, Ryo disappeared, and is still gone. And she had the opportunity to get what she wanted already. So why is she back, really?
Ruki only really uses the same handful of monsters, though she gave away her initial 'ace' from that first year, as if trying to rid herself of the reminder of 'only' getting second place out of several hundred competitors in her first year playing the game. Renamon is obviously her main mon, and Ruki talks to the card (some say) as if she's some sort of coach/ruthless stage mom. It's a little weird. Don't tell her I said that, please. She's very scary.
Ruki at first appears at random events to crush her opponents and for publicity, while looking dissatisfied and bored. She has parallel storylines to the boys that mostly revolve around her relationships with her family and with this seemingly childish franchise - she's a bit older than the other kids, being a young teenager, and seemingly has a lot of pride, so the image has grown kind of incongruous. She eventually takes an interest in "the gogglehead" when he evolves his run-of-the-mill Agumon card into a nonexistent and ludicrously powerful Adult. What exactly is a "Growmon" supposed to be, and is it a worthy challenge?
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Ruki's primary monster card these days - even the other monsters she sometimes puts on the field feel more like accessories to this particular monster. Renamon reacts incredibly quickly to Ruki's commands and even seems to take some initiative when not given anything to work with. Renamon will sometimes ask other monsters or Tamers questions when in 'downtime', which most seem to think is some sort of mind game that Ruki's getting her to do.
Battle wise, Renamon is incredibly mobile and versatile in any form, mostly using the one straightforward evolution line and adapting well to being given traits of other monsters.
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A Bakumon that will evolve into Bullmon, then Vajramon. It starts out as support that will sometimes deliver a singular powerful attack while Renamon runs interference, then as a sort of 'mount' as Bullmon, then a physical attacker that covers for Taomon's longer spells, almost reversing their initial tactics. Ruki doesn't directly interact with it much, so most of its growth comes from Renamon and second-hand experience from Ruki talking to Renamon. Over time it seems to develop some sort of intense fixation on the primary monster. Is that...normal?
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KoDokugumon, which Ruki seems to use mostly as a 'trapmaker' and support for Renamon, memorably using a sort of 'Survey Corps' inspired strategy, whatever that means. There's the obvious Dokugumon evolution, but rumour has it Ruki has developed a trick for quickly evolving it into something very nasty that can possess and enhance other monsters. Scary stuff. Good thing it's only a game, eh?
Apparently, Ruki doesn't have much of a problem teaching others how to play the game, as long as they don't "waste time". A friend of Takato's might benefit from this experience before making a rather...eventful debut.
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je-blauge · 2 years ago
Saw a post going around about how Animorphs might play out in the Pokemon world, so I chose digimon partners/evolution lines foe the Animorphs. Probably could do better if I put more time into it, but I've got other stuff going on at the moment. I'm especially proud of Jake's and Rachel's. (Pictures forthcoming for those of you who don't want to look all for these guys up on Wikimon.) If you have some Digis you think would fit these kids better, let me know!
Comandramon> Sealsdramon> Tankdramon> Mugendramon
Rachel: Elecmon> Leomon> Grapleomon> Saberleomon
Patamon> Tailmon> Andiramon> Ophanimon
Gazimon> Hanumon> Gokuwmon> Jokermon
Monodramon> Allomon> Skullgreymon> Hououmon
Karemon> Wizarmon> Vajramon> Zanbamon
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moth-thief · 2 years ago
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Vajramon EX5-037 C <03>
Ultimate | Vaccine | Holy Beast/Deva
[On Play] <Draw 1>. Then, you may play 1 Digimon card with the [Deva] trait with a different name from cards in your battle area or trash from your hand to an empty space in your breeding area without paying the cost.
[Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) When you use an Option card with a cost of 1 or more, gain 1 memory.
Inherited: [Your Turn] If this Digimon has the [Four Sovereigns] or [God Beast] trait, this Digimon gains <Piercing>.
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doubleddenden · 2 months ago
So I found some old vhs tapes from when my aunt recorded cartoons on tv for me as a little kid, and I got an old vcr to working so I can watch them.
I really love those YouTube videos of similar recordings, like old Cartoon Network blocks such as Miguzi or Toonami Midnight Run. It's interesting because they're living time capsules of the time that are maybe lone collections of lost media.
One of the tapes I saw so far is a Fox Kids block of 3 Digimon Tamers episodes- specifically the episodes containing Sandiramon, Sinduramon, Pajiramon, Vajramon, and Rapidmon. Some of the dubbing is just... *chef's kiss* terrible in the best way- but the really interesting stuff is seeing what commercials or bumpers happen between them.
I reckon this happened sometime after 9/11, because there are bits of Rika, Henry, a Ren and Stimpy styled character, and maybe another I'm forgetting that basically talk about how you- presumably a child- can be more patriotic, such as volunteer work, writing letters to firemen, etc, and it really emphasized the Fox part of Fox Kids in the strangest ways- especially hearing Rika, who is very Japanese and lives in Japan even with dubisms, go ooc to talk about that kind of stuff is strange and jarring to say the least in a bit that is played 100% sincere.
Then of course you get original trailers for Monsters Inc and Harry Potter- both in their theater runs I believe- and a commercial for a 2d, hand animated Mickey Mouse Christmas special. Commercials for the 2000s era GI Joe toys, Cell Saga DBZ toys of SS Vegeta, SS Goku, SS "Loyal" Gohan, and Teen Trunks; Transformers RID toys that combine, other Fox Kids shows that strangely revolve around monster collecting- probably in competition with Kids WB Pokemon at the time.
Genuinely interesting stuff tbh. I'm gonna look into ways I can maybe digitize these, because they're cool time capsules.
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antrusimbol · 2 years ago
New lines 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
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nerointruder · 2 years ago
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Name: Molochmon
Level: Ultimate (Mega)
Attribute: Virus
Field: Nature Spirits, Nightmare Soldiers
“A terrifying Demon Lord Digimon with the appearance of an ox whose Digicore is always burning with the flames of hell. It is an incredibly violent Digimon that is always seeking out Digimon to destroy and absorb their data, making its flames burn even hotter. Since it is always overheating, smoke is constantly emitted by every orifice of its body. It is said that a burn caused by this Digimon never heals and never stops hurting. Its Special Moves are slamming the enemy with flame-propulsed fists (Plasma Gibson) and turning one or both of its hands into flamethrowers, firing off 20,000 degrees Fahrenheit flames (Anger Impact)“
Suggested pre-evolutions: Aldamon, Vritramon, Vajramon, Gyukimon, Baalmon
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