#vaguely post-war
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sunnyashe · 2 months ago
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scene from a jazzwave fic that will never see the light of day (too lazy to write)
part 2:
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supertaliart · 2 months ago
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We forgot to tell Han
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Other Skywalker Comics
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rhadamantthys · 6 months ago
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been catching up on all the animated star wars shows i didn’t watch as a kid
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mythalism · 22 days ago
genuinely curious how the writers and larger dragon age audience would treat thom rainier if instead of being appropriately* repentant and putting himself in prison he blew up a major orlesian government building to instigate a chevalier rebellion or tried to have someone do some necromantic blood magic ritual involving uncertain danger and possible sacrifices to bring the innocent children he ordered killed back to life
#*appropriately as in showing the expected amount of remorse in the appropriate way in a society founded on guilt and shame#i think blackwall actually tells us a lot about how dragon age's writers conceptualize justice and deservedness of punishment#im glad we get the option to forgive him but why do we get the option when anders is exiled at best?#and later characterized as a villain by dai#when solas is willfully imprisoned at best and trapped in a horrifying psychological torture chamber at worst?#blackwall gets a full redemption happy ending if inky so chooses#and im not saying he shouldnt#i forgive him every time#but its so interesting to me that narratively speaking#he seems to earn his happy ending through submission to punishment via imprisonment#as does solas but blackwall is portrayed far more sympathetically overall#there isnt the same meta-level narrative slander and clear agenda on behalf of the writing to make you feel a certain way about his crimes#as there is with anders and solas#why? whats the difference? what did he do to buy himself that narrative goodwill?#put himself in prison? why do the writers love carceral punishment so much lmfaooo#mine#if you wanna screenshot these tags and add them to the reblog feel free#im realizing i prob just shouldve put all of this in the post but its too late now#i think theres actually a strong argument that thom does not do nearly ENOUGH to right his wrongs#where is his effort to reform the orlesian military? where is his criticism of orlesian imperialism?#how does serving in the inquisition have a direct impact on the people he harmed? it doesnt#when you compare him to someone like roy mustang#yes im comparing him to roy mustang this is my blog and you are never going to escape roy mustang comparisons here#roy's political ambitions following his war crimes are directly related to those war crimes#and his goals directly benefit the same group of people he harmed#their ancestors and family members literally#meanwhile blackwall just kind of does vague “good” deeds and gets a full redemption#he really does not make much effort to repatriate the harm he did as a soldier#he just moves on#which again.... no shade to blackwall. my inky forgives him
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ddeck · 1 year ago
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teaching myself how to make these aliens more alien
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fischiee · 10 months ago
yorkalina “come on, let’s leave this place” vs grimmons “come with me”
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lefthandarm-man · 9 months ago
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Bucky Barnes // The Winter Soldier Captain America: Civil War (2016)
the way he looks at steve (part 1, part 2, part 3)
(steve vers.)
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winterinhimring · 2 months ago
Unpopular Harry Potter opinions:
"James Potter and the Marauders severely bullied Snape" and "Snape taking that pain out on Harry was ugly and inappropriate" are statements that can and should coexist.
"Publicly exposing someone and mocking him is not a funny prank" and "calling your best friend a slur is wrong even under stress" are statements that can and should coexist.
And, finally, "[Character] did something genuinely wrong and would face consequences for it in a just world" and "[Character] ultimately chose to do the right thing and should be recognised for that" are statements that can and should coexist. (James, Severus, and Sirius are the ones I had in mind as potential names to substitute for [Character] but really that could fit a lot of people.)
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carrion-art · 7 months ago
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God they're so cute it's nauseating (affectionate)
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fever-project · 5 months ago
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Idk vibes ig
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 year ago
Alpha-17: “That’s game cadets, who’s up next?”
Random little cadet: “What does ‘thats game’ mean?”
Alpha-17: “Well, it’s a sports term. Like slam dunk or ball handler.”
Captain Fordo: *Bursts through door* “You called?”
Alpha-17: “Get the hell off my training deck right now-“
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blood-mocha-latte · 1 year ago
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antonio garcia (& lester hashey) text posts
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destinedhope · 2 months ago
part 3 of warriors headcanons, this time with trauma, while trying to figure out how to word it all other then cia and war bad
i dont think warriors home life is bad per say but its not great either, hes a nobles child yes, but his parents and older sister died when he was young and so his uncle took over the family, and he already had two sons older then warriors, so technically there was no need for him any more, and while they didnt treated him horribly, it was no secret they didnt want him there either, it was his uncles goal to marry him off as quickly as he could to a different family. this is something that warriors thinks is the only thing he has going for him since hes been told for years by his uncle and cousins that his beauty is all hes worth(hes actually very smart and talented but they dont want to encourage confidence)
however when warriors is 15 the king made a new decree stating all families, noble or otherwise must send a child of 16 or older to join the military exceptions only for one child households or those unable to, warriors uncle saw this as an opportunity to get his unwanted nephew out of his hair not have to see him until he was marrying age(20 in my headcanon for this era). to keep up the pretense that he cared about his nephew, he arranged for him to live at the family estate in castle town in his free time from the army,
so warriors is sent to castle town to join the army the week he turns 16, hes has maybe 2 months of training before the war starts and hes thrown into being a captian with no experience, an older superior officer is assigned to to train him in everything he needs to know about helping to run a military in war time and to speed run his sword training. this particular superior officer unfortunately does not like warriors and his jump in the ranks or his natural talent with the sword. this officer only last a few weeks as either impa or artemis caught the man trying to take advantage of warriors, hes demoted very quickly and sent to the front lines where hes killed. impa herself takes over warriors training as now she and artemis dont trust anyone else to not try the same thing
starting by saying fuck cia i hate her and im not going into to much detail so use your imagination. unfortunately i do think that she was able to set a trap that was effectiveand that she did get her hands on him for a few weeks or even months before he was rescued, warriors deeply regrets the pride and arrogance and feeling of being invincible that got him caught, and is very careful not to let it happen again
due to the one superior officer and the fact i dont see the traitors stopping on the battle field and that there were several assassination attempts weather by poisoning or other ways, it has left a lot of trust issues, and yes he does heal from this but it does take time, and does show itself again when meeting/traveling with new people, ie the chain it does take him at least a few months to be be able to sleep and not wake up at the slightest of noise, to stop watching every movement made when someone is cooking, to trust being able to take food from them if he didnt see where it came from, to trust having his back turned towards them
he also has claustrophobia due to being trapped in a bottle by the great fairy, honestly this one is very self explanatory, hate being in small enclosed spaces
he honestly does have a lot of insecurities, ones i hope ive been able to sprinkle throughout all of my post, do let me know of theres things you would like more on and i can certainly try to find the words for it,
on a higher note to leave off on i think wind was in the war before the lu adventure solely for the reason i think he and time acting like siblings and warriors thier exhausted parent is hilarious, no one believes wind when he claims time was the one that pulled a pank, and warriors is in the background unnoticed by all except those two giving them the mom look(you know the one)
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moxie-girl · 11 months ago
um ok Strawhats Star Wars au (think like clone wars era-ish) where they’re all space pirates…
- Luffy is a force-sensitive Mandalorian foundling from a covert of True Mandalorians hiding bc the New Mandalorians currently control the planet (Shanks is his buir btw) (he’s standard human …?)
- Zoro is a former Jedi youngling who left after his crèche-mate and best friend Kuina died, he fights with two of his own lightsabers as well as Kuina’s white saber (he’s an oni-like species)
- Nami used to work for a group of bounty hunters/spice runners from an aquatic planet and was picked up by them after they took a bounty out for Bell-mere (she’s half aquatic species, half human, so Arlong’s crew like her even less…)
- Usopp is another Mandalorian from Luffy’s covert and a sniper who’s skilled with any weapon, but especially an energy slingshot he modified from an energy crossbow (he’s a near-human species notable for their long noses)
- Sanji is a modified clone who escaped from the cloning facilities as a kid, his siblings are an enhanced special ops team (think bad batch) and the rest of the clone army look pretty normal (black hair, no curly brows- those are a sign of enhancements) so most people don’t clock him as a clone at first
I’ll figure out the others later…
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trans-yllz · 4 months ago
ouyang zongzhu being like 'well the soldiers accused of war crimes Said they didn't do it' is insane. like yeah man of course they did
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foggysirens · 2 years ago
okay so someone reblogged my post (about how din and luke are so desperately touch starved and how they find comfort within one another and slowly banish the loneliness away with one another’s touch) and made a comment about how they don’t see luke as touch starved because he was never really isolated from his family and gives and receives touch very easily and like no hate cause i love that idea as well, in fact i absolutely agree- luke grew up in a very loving family that showed him that affection openly- a hug from beru before she’d go to bed, a fond ruffle of the hair from owen after he’d scraped his knee- touch and connection clearly mean a lot to him. we can see it in anh and esb how freely and easily he uses touch with those around him- the group hug with han and leia after the victory of the trench run, putting a friendly hand on chewies shoulder and letting himself get pulled into an embrace, his arm around leia as they stare out the viewport. luke is a tactile person. no doubt. but that’s also how we know he’s changed when we get to rotj and he’s noticeably less so. that’s how we can see how reserved he’s become, taking on a mantle of stoicism he’s not fully comfortable with yet, but wears anyways. war and loss has changed him. he’s still kind, still luke, just less free with his touch and joy- and with that i can’t help but go back to my thoughts on my first post about him being touch starved, because is it not even more understandable and heartbreaking that he is so? luke, a person who clearly craves and reaches out for touch, suddenly devoid of it? it makes his loneliness so much for profound, him suddenly distanced from his sister and friends after the war, all of them going their own ways, living their own lives. there is no aunt and uncle to go home to. no father or master, just his texts. the force. and how, for so long after that, that is just how he lives, a random touch on the arm or hug from leia every now and then, but the comfort and ease of touch he’d once had as a young man is gone. and how, once he meets din, he finally gets to have that part of himself back. the part that can indulge and reach for that comfort and need to have someone close. heal his touch starved soul in such a beautiful way and remind him that after all of it, all the war and fighting and isolation that he did not choose but found himself in, luke deserves the touch he so craves.
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