#v: truly my own batman
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worldsfinestknights · 2 years ago
Terry McGinnis Tag Drop
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daffydilled · 1 month ago
On using the Robins
Alright, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but DC? We gotta talk about the Robins and how they're used. For a company and comic universe with a truly spectacular willingness to explore every possible avenue of a character, if you want to really get to the point of Batman, we're going to need Robins used consistently across media and we're going to need the right ones used.
Why? TL;DR: the Robin you use tells us a hell of a lot about the Batman you're using. If you're going to keep using Batman in everything, we're going to need Robins. And they need to be the right ones. Using the wrong Robin is destroying live action DC adaptations.
Believe it or not, this whole rant started with me playing Gotham Knights on my PS5. Normally, anything that distinguishes between Robins and puts them interacting with others is pretty damn good to go in my book. It's not exactly common, after all. But I got about 15 hours into it and realized what was bugging me so much: it uses the wrong Robins.
Let me clarify. Nightwing and Red Hood are nearly perfect. They're exactly where they need to be. But if that game let Tim Drake detect in the role filled by Batgirl, let Batgirl be Oracle, and put Damian Wayne into the 'young Robin finding his wings' role that Tim plays, the story would have been far more cohesive. Why? Because I would have bought the final word Bruce tells them far more and I would have bought Talia's involvement as well.
This particular Bruce Wayne is an older Batman, one comfortable removing himself from the cause and passing it on to the rest of his family. The balance of Robins (and the misuse of Batgirl) upsets this. This isn't a team that is ready for that step yet, and Bruce in-game would know that. One can argue that's part of the tragedy of it, but the weight of the dynamic is still lopsided. The game feels unbalanced. If a story is going to rest on proteges and inheritors, I need to buy their ability to take over for Batman, and I don't. (And don't get me started on the misuse of Babs in this game. That woman has her own team, her own struggle!
Batman v Superman pokes me too. It's the lack of a Robin in these, though, that really grind my gears. That is a violent, brutal Batman that has fallen so far into 'The Mission's' ass, I kept expecting to see a suited memorial to a dead kid in his batcave and an extremely stubborn thirteen-year old stopping him from breaking a Kryptonian's face open before the dread "Save Martha" can be said.
That is a Batman that screams I just lost my son. He is so angry and bitter and walks around with an armory for a suit. That's a perfectly acceptable Batman to explore, when paired with the context of Jason Todd. Otherwise, it just reads like they made the movie gritty for the sake of being gritty and missed out on piles of nuance for both the heroes.
Frankly, a Batman grieving Jason Todd and a Superman processing the arrival of a cloned version of him mixed with Luthor's DNA would go miles to explaining the mental states of both these guys, but nobody bothered to do that, so I'm just bitter.
One of the oddest mix-ups of Robins I've ever seen has absolutely nothing to do with Batman. It's from Birds of Prey or The Fabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn, where somehow Stephanie Brown and Jason Todd pre-pit get fused into one character and named Cassandra Cain. That is. Odd. I don't even really know how to address it, but I'm going to try.
Fact one: Steph would have been a perfect kid for Harley to meet in that movie. She's whip-smart, tough as nails, survived having a supervillain for a dad, and could, in the right light, even look a bit like Harley. There's this great potential there for her to remind Harley of a younger version of herself before the Joker got to her and wouldn't have messed with the vibes Birds of Prey was going for at all.
Fact two: Jason Todd also wouldn't have been too odd of a fit, especially if this was happening in a world where he did manage to jack the tires. He's immediately recognizable to the fans, though, which I do think would have pulled focus from the Birds in that movie.
Fact three: That was not Cassandra Cain and it was frankly a bit of an insult to her character to name that character Cassandra Cain. That's a rant for another time though.
Why mention it now? It's indicative of the greater issue DC has with adapting its characters to screen. Namely the issue to actually adapt the characters at all and not turn them into some weird Frankenstein'd versions of themselves. There's no Batman in Birds of Prey, but the world he'd inhabit is. And that world, based on our poor scrambled egg mess of Robins, is a disaster.
I think it's important for DC to remember they are adapting comics here, and those comics do not shy away from using Robins in them. Even in the most bat-shit (pun not intended) alternate universes where there's Cthulhu Batman or Edwardian Batman or White Knight Batman, the Robins are there.
How they're living and dying in those universes is one of the reliable ways to judge things like tone, narrative priorities, and themes. There's nothing wrong with trying a few different version of Batman, but Batman without Robin doesn't work long-term. It hasn't before and it will continue to fail if DC, in their adaptations, don't get a handle on their universes' scale. After all, the heroes only work if they have people to pass the work onto.
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patchiko · 1 year ago
You’ve been given AK Jason so much love thx ☺️ if it’s not too much… what are some of AK Jason’s comforts? Does he have comfort foods? 🥘 Does he like the sound of the rain? 🌧️ Naps on the couch ? 🛋️
Thx 🥰
ill give this man love anytime💟
and its never too much anon, i love writing for him and yall!
Comforting Ak!Jay
(ngl this also just turned into my character analysis of Ak!Jay’s psychological gymnastics from Comics ((AK Genesis & Batman: AK)) and games) (still wrote the comfort shit tho)
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hc, but i dont think any jason todds like the rain. it reminds them too much of the time he was a kid, didnt have a place to stay and went to sleep cold and wet
or when he was still young and with his family, his apartment would get flooded.
alone, i dont think jason can comfort himself very well.
beats himself for it when its over, drops him back into a spiral
just very much not healthy
HOWEVEER with someone is very different ,,
I Ramble Abt Jason Todd
post writing this, i feel like that one tweet thats like, ‘i never realized she was holding a plate of corn in this scene.’
Ak!Jays spirals or episodes come from two things, his self-esteem or self-worth, along with his lack of self-identity
Ak!Jason (Post/During AK) has a very hard time with his self worth, it solely stems from wanting to prove people wrong about himself. he obviously doesn’t like being perceived in the wrong way.
Ak!Jason (Post/During AK) says he’s move pasts his traumas, yet his identity and reasoning is constantly rooted in them, leading to so much contradictory dialogue and mental FUCKING GYMNASTICS.
ak!jay juggling if he wants to be loved by batman/batfam or wants to end it
i think he often ponders if he was better off being killed by the joker, or if he can really be redeemed from his actions as Arkham Knight by helping Gotham as Red Hood.
and if it’s enough for the people around him or someone to accept him.
if he can truly ever be loved
he has a lot of crisises about his identity and purpose more often then not b/c he cant find a reason for either besides his own anger and approval addiction.
, his biggest fear is losing, being worthless, and unwanted.
his constant drive is winning and proving himself as the best.
it causes his always feeling the need to prove himself, just so that hes wanted.
full pic is him on hid knees begging alfred for help,, my baby—-
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the first introduction of his internalized self-deprecation is with his father, other then the Arkham Knight Annual
though he rejects this “truth” in the Annual, showing his determination to prove himself more then what Bruce and the Joker idealizes him to be, I think its a good mirror into Jasons mind and what really makes him start cracking
Ex. , his biological father canonically telling him he was a loser growing up, and his mom seems to personify/objectify Jason as gothams gravitation keeping them in gotham.
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another example is the way he is talked to throughout scarecrows psychotropic
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throughout the comic and game he goes between or showing a desire for a connection with bruce and praising joker for his upbringing, then chastising them.
its very clear jason has an identity issue, with him isolating himself because he believes he is too broken (game dialogues), his need for validation stemming from his childhood, his fear of abandonment, and overall internal dilemmas of wanting a connection or not. obviously hes not good with working out his emotions on his own without doing considerably impulsive things.
jason wanting to be his own person v jason wanting to be a better person for the people in his life
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He see’s the place he was tortured as a rebirth for him, along with his plan to destroy Gotham and Bruce.(AK: Genesis)
This only comes from his desire to want his own separate identity, by ending these cycles of Bruces actions and Gothams nightmares he also believes that he will be truly free.
his only true identification with himself is anger and resentment, being built, gravitated, and broken by anger. feeling like hes always losing or lost, and his desire to just win something and therefore be wanted
okay to stop a fuckton of more rambling jason todd, abandoment issues, jealousy/obsession issues, need for connection, validation, relationships, self-destructive isolation, brainwashing induced perception issue, intense mood swings which also cause perception issues.
i guess it could try to be argued that Jason doesn’t actually want validation bc he got over the psychotropic; but i disagree with the way he constantly talks about being underestimated and feeling like he has to prove himself throughout the comics and his dialogue with Barbra in game.
i also want to make it clear that throughout the ak!comics he does help civilians so it does really have morality for other people. He does separate Gothams Gravity from the people, and claims the worst of the worst (villains and such) are the people who succumb to gotham.
(im only stopping bc im on mobile and couldn’t put anymore pictures)
im so upset.
theres so much i didnt get to talk abt
Ok Actually Comforting
so its pretty god damn hard to comfort this dude, he’s a chronic over analyzer, could probably turn anything and everything you say against himself or you, and yet would crave validation and intimacy.
which makes him a bit of a trip,, but i love him. so.
a lot of the time you’ll have to go with his flow
if its really bad he’ll isolate himself, he feels like he’s letting you down by breaking in front of you. He can’t let you see him as weak because to him its a liability for your relationship.
as well as the fact that his perception becomes very extreme/warped when very emotional. he’ll can range from believe your lying to him, to he’s not worth that kind of comfort and he’s wasting your time.
it takes a lot of patience for him to accept that he isnt an inconvenience to you and you do actually care
overtime, a lot of fucking time, he’ll slowly come around to this. instead of leaving for days or weeks at a time, Jason will leave for at most a day or two, but around midnight he’ll be home craving your presence.
he cant be alone again, he really doesn’t wanna be alone again, he needs to make sure you don’t wanna leave him.
probably just goes to sleep facing you, or holding your hand if hes feeling especially mushy.
he’d be so quiet, having the internal battle of leaving you or letting him feed into his desire of just having you around him.
In his words, needing a home. feeling safe, and warm. (I LIED I DELETED TWO PICS TO SHOW THIS)
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jason thinking of alfred as home>>
Jason needs that in a partner! Someone who is warm to him! someone who makes him feel wanted or needed! Someone who makes him feel safe!
I think if you catch him just as he gets triggered/begins to spiral, you can help him not crash out.
Being over the top mushy with him isnt gonna work, he needs someone to ground him and be 100% with him.
sometimes he doesn’t need to talk or just doesn’t want to, again presence.
but acknowledging him every now and then to make sure he knows your not brushing him off or forgot about him.
when you’re in a closer relationship he definitely just wants you in his arms, needs to hold you close.
Home-cooked meals with him, justing going about your life with him, making him feel wanted, making him feel acknowledged.
i think he’d open up every now and then, but i think he’s also still a self-assured person who needs guidance at the right time. to just be sure he’s on the right path and youre with him.
one of his triggers is his own jealousy, accidentally making him feel like he’s replaceable or him believing you’ll get tired of him.
he needs so much reassurance.
just be there with him, guide him, love him, make sure he’s on the right path.
he needs a lot of things, sometimes its naps, sometimes its food, sometimes just to be in your arms, sometimes to help you cook, sometimes watching you work, sometimes he’ll have you lay your back on his chest and read with him, sometimes he just wants to fall asleep with you, sometimes he wants to cry in your arms, JUSDHRIDJDJDISO JASON TODD COME HOME WE MISS YOUUUU
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this was so satisfying to write i <3 jason todd
rq/inbox is open !! if you just wanna yap or wanna request somethin’ go ahead!
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lena-thinks-too-much · 4 months ago
Comparing The Avengers to the Justice league but it's actually accurate
We're just gonna do the main ones because otherwise we'd be here forever
I'm also mainly using mcu characterizations because I'm not as familiar with Marvel comics as I am with DC
Iron Man - Batman
This one goes without saying
Tony is literally Batman and Brucie Wayne put together
Billionaire Playboy Philantropist Superhero who?
They both have ridiculous paranoia
They're rich orphans with British butler (or butler adjacent if we're talking about Jarvis)
Incredibly smart and know it
They both run multimillion dollar companies
and work to better the world both in and out of their super hero persona's
Thor - Aquaman
Non human royalty
friendly and funny
Both of them have a strong sense of duty and loyalty towards their people
They just don't get normal society a lot of the time
Also interwoven magic and science
and they both have really strong elementally based powers
plus a very specific weapon that is inherently associated with them
to be honest, I don't actually know much about aquaman but it feels right
Captain America - Wonder Woman
They are literally soldiers
They both fought in a world war
Also Diana's love intrest is literally a blonde soldier named Steve
Both of them have a strong sense of duty and moral obligation
They're also the most fond of proteges and younger heros
I'm sorry but Steve had no business being so nice to Peter during the airport battle
Dude you are literally fighting each other
Idk the military background makes them more similar in my opinion
also the fact that they're super behind on a lot of modern day stuff
Like everyone remembers Diana discovering ice cream don't we?
and grandpa steve my beloved
Hulk - Superman
okay this one was a little hard
at first I was gonna do Guy Gardner cuz green guy with anger issues. But Guy's kind of an asshole and Bruce is a sweetheart
so then I thought the Flash for the science but I don't think Bruce is into puns enough to match with either Barry or Wally
But Clark is perfect
Clark is a dork
But he is genuinely really intelligent
also they literally wear the same glasses
I think Clark and Bruce would get along really well
If you want to talk about the anger issues
We've all scene Batman V. Superman
Tbh not my favorite version of superman
Clark is obviously not quite prone to rage
and it's definitely no where near hulk levels though
But when he's angry it gets destructive real fast
think about most of his fights with doomsday
Constantly worries about his own strength and hurting the people he loves
Which is a struggle both of them are characterized by
Black Widow - Orphan/Black Bat/Batgirl
okay I know cass isn't technically a member of the league
but hear me out
also I'm not actually sure which title is Cass's current one
both were raised from childhood to be a lethal weapon
and they truly are
they both have a major guilt complex over the lives they've taken
and that's one of the biggest factors for them becoming a hero
they joined the good guys to get out of the assassin lifestyle
Also dancing?
like the widows were trained in ballet since it was the red room's cover
and cass dances as an escape
I think it's poetic
Also they both are the owners of their family's shared braincell
Cass is like Natasha but younger really
Hawkeye - Green Arrow
so I know at first glance this seems obvious
yk skilled archer or whatever
but I wasn't exactly for it at first
I'm not really Green Arrow's biggest fan
But I've recently been reading Mia's run as speedy
and despite the vast, and I mean vast, difference in her back story with Kate
Their mentors are very similar with their proteges
like Oliver is just so soft with mia and it's adorable
not to mention neither wanted a protege at first and then they go and basically adopt them
literally in oliver's case
Also Ollie's into pranking as much as Clint is
And admittedly Oliver is just as strongly attached to his family as Clint is
if we ignore the thing with roy because wtf Oliver
Runner ups:
Thor and Wonder Woman: mythology and their whole fish-out-of-water-ness in modern society
Thor and Captain Marvel: again mythology, lightning powers, and also their childlike nature (literally in Billy's case)
Black Widow and Black Canary: badasses that keep the men on their team in line. need I say more?
Iron Man and Green Arrow: only thing that got me is that Ollie's not nearly smart enough to go toe to toe with Tony
Vision and Martian Manhunter: they can pass through walls and they just don't get humans
Scarlett Witch and Zatanna/ Dr Strange and Constantine: I don't think this requires elaboration
Winter Soldier and Jason Todd: fallen hero presumed dead starts working for the bad guys before switching back to the good guys
Spiderman and Dick!Robin
they're bendy
they love puns
they love swinging in the air
they're smart
they give their mentors high blood pressure
everyone loves them
they have a lot of grief
they have a thing for really smart, badass red heads
Ball of sunshine with ridiculous anger issues
also I think a meeting between Dick and Peter would be a disaster in the best way possible
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ducktoonsfanart · 11 months ago
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Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck as superheroes - T-Squad - Regular T-Squad vs My version of T-Squad - Quack Pack Week - Supeheroes - Quack Pack, Quack Pack AU and Duckverse
On April 15, 1938, the famous trio appeared in the classic Donald Duck short, called “Donald’s Nephews”, which will change the history of the Duckverse in part.
I know it's been a while, but on the theme of Quack Pack Week on the theme of superheroes, I draw Huey, Dewey and Louie as superheroes, and also to draw them for their birthday, since I can't forget the underrated version of Donald's nephews, one of my favorites and that is the Quack Pack version. Yes, the teenagers Huey, Dewey and Louie like to read a lot of comics about superheroes and they also wanted to be superheroes and in the first episode of Quack Pack "The Really Mighty Ducks" they became superheroes with the help of a machine by Professor Ludwig von Drake and that like T-Squad. T-Squad actually stands for the Tremendously Talented Trio of Truly Trusted Trouble-Shooters and is made up of Donald's nephews. Huey is The Really Incredibly Fast Guy (like Flash), Dewey is Brain Boy (a bit like Megamind, and like Big Brain from Marvel) and Louie is Captain Muscle (like Hulk). And they became superheroes just to disobey their uncle who ordered them to clean their room. This reminds me of something, doesn't it?
However, there is also Huey, Dewey and Louie from the Quack Pack as my version of the T-Squad, i.e. my superhero imitation for the triplets. They too like to read comics and love superheroes, but they became superheroes in a different way through their connections with their role models, such as Darkwing Duck, Gizmoduck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik), the patrons of Duckburg and St. Canard. If you know from my older drawings Huey is Red Shadow (the inspiration is taken from Shadow and Darkwing Duck), Dewey is Blue Cyclops or Techno Duck (the inspiration is taken from Cyclops from X-men, Ironman and Gizmoduck) and Louie is Green Avenger or Paperinik Junior (inspiration certainly taken from Duck Avenger, but partly from Spiderman, Batman and Green Lantern). Granted, I haven't made special versions for them yet, but I'm definitely working on it, and they'll be in my fanfictions in the future since that's how I envision them, and it's part of my Quack Pack AU.
However, I drew both versions of the T-Squad to show some comparisons and similarities, and admittedly there are differences between them. Both versions of Huey don't really get along, and both versions of Dewey marvel at each other, while both versions of Louie like to show off their muscles. Well Louie as the Green Avenger doesn't have very strong muscles, but he tries to be. At the end there will be a poll as to which version of T-Squad is better, the official one from Quack Pack or mine or both. And yes, I drew as a background behind them the Money Bin, since they are the Duckburg defenders, even though I know Scrooge's vault was not a Quack Pack, it still is in my version of a Quack Pack. By the way, I kind of prefer my version, and let's not forget the song about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE7U0RqRLD4
I just wonder where they would join, the Justice Ducks (the group led by Darkwing Duck) or the Ultraheroes (led by Duck Avenger (Paperinik)) or if they have their own group like the Teen Titans? Also this drawing is intended since this drawing is dedicated to the given topic. @quackpackweek
I hope you like this drawing and this idea of Donald's nephews as superheroes (besides the Quack Pack, Donald's nephews were the only superheroes in a few comics) and feel free to like and reblog this if you're a fan of Donald's nephews and superheroes! I just ask that you don't use these same ideas of mine without mentioning me and without my permission, in terms of my version of a superhero for triplets. And happy belated birthday to the best trio!
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dailycass-cain · 10 months ago
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It's time at long last to delve into a certain secondary story in Detective Comics #1083 by Alex Paknadel and Robbi Rodriguez and my thoughts on it.
I SO did not expect to see a secondary Cass story as Ram V closes out his Tec run (but maybe I should've given he's let others give EVERYONE their due of his run).
And here ironically, a month before the character's 25th anniversary we get Cass.
I must confess reading the story drawn by Rodriguez along with Cass's appearance in #1082. It's got me reminiscing on Batgirls again.
It does make me truly miss that series. Even with the rewards that have been this run, Birds of Prey, and Spirit World.
However, unlike the prior two series, this one does a DEEP dive into the mindset of Cass and where she's at during this point of the run.
Some truly meaty stuff we get here character-wise.
The story continues where we left Cass in #1082, still roaming Gotham freely and making sure the city remembers the symbol of the bat.
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I do adore any time a criminal mistakes her for Batman. Just another notch to add that she'd make a great successor to Bruce as Batman.
Likewise, I do enjoy HOW she's introduced. Going to town on the criminal lot and us the reader seeing her viewpoint on subduing them.
Yet, unlike the prior story, not everything is hunky-dory with Cass. With a few words of choice in the narration boxes, you can tell something is off with Cass.
And it's fascinating she sees relief in reuniting with probably one of the beings who can "understand" her-- Lady Shiva.
Probably the only downside I have with the story is this recurring cycle of Cass instantly mistrusting her, when really the last two stories with Shiva, her mom has been trying.
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Still, they "talk" in the only way daughter/mother truly knows: fighting. Instantly, Shiva picks up what been clued to us the reader in the beginning: Cass is not well.
Though unlike the reader, Shiva lays out thickly what it is.
Since the Orgham have taken over Gotham they've been trying to wipe away the memory of the Bat via the. Yes, we know given a few issues ago Cass was immune to the Reality Engine wiping away the memory of the Bat.
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Here we find out another reason why: she's fighting as Bruce.
Of course, being that this is an Orgham-controlled Gotham and Shiva has her own subplot in the issue. Their exchange is cut short by the arrival of Azmer demons.
Something I've been hoping for Cass to encounter since they showed up.
I do muse how bluntly Shiva starts this team-up to again say she's not up to any insidious shenanigans. Again, it's Shiva being blunt which I guess she has to do given Cass just always seems to untrust her.
And we get the "juiciest" portion next. Still fighting as Bruce, Cass is getting her butt handed to her by the Azmer when we get this memory:
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Seven years it has been since we last saw you in a canon DC comic (fifteen years if we count this incarnation): welcome back David Cain you freaking bastard.
Again this goes back to what Cass said in her last story. She was built like Bruce, but differently, and here is how that came to be.
Which again is the core of Cassandra's character. She's always terrified of becoming what her father made her: this weapon of death. How she continues to go with this answer of NO and down this path of the bat.
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That goes deeply into WHY the bat symbol means so much for Cass. It's not just a layer of justice, but redemption. That is her coda: "You can change. You CAN change."
Ironically, it's due to the Reality Engine that probably WHY Cass has this relapse. She's good, but we know from the "Outlaws" arc even she was being affected by the Reality Engine at an EXTREMELY close range.
And it's fun that Shiva is again the one to help Cass through this time. Because other than Bruce and Oynx (man I miss that friendship), she's probably the only one who can help her daughter.
Where once more, we get the recurring theme of Cass/Shiva finding mutual ground between one another, but also Shiva letting her daughter be what she wants to be. Which given all their history does feel like a new layer going with them (hopefully).
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Again, this story ties so wonderfully with what Ram V has been doing with Cass. Showing again, how much the bat symbol means to her, and again reminding the reader that she's built like Bruce in sheer determination.
This was a REALLY good story that was built on prior with Cassandra. It gives Cass a sense of poetry at the end for her character. Her appearances here all tie together for this subplot of showing the any new reader WHO SHE IS, and why so damn enthralling as a character.
In a way, this really felt like a good unofficial celebration of the character. Though DC never fully said it, this does celebrate just means A LOT to so many.
The tale meant A LOT, giving us ANOTHER banger Cass story to boot.
Though I can't help but wonder? Even if there were rats in the story. My mind kept going here instead and Cass's "little friend" and nickname from Shadow of the Batgirl. I know it was probably unintentional.
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If this is truly all we get in celebrating the anniversary of the character this TRULY was a story worthy for it. For that, I thank the creative team behind this and Ram V too for giving us this. Like you, Kelly, Michael, and Alyssa are just giving us all these bangers.🙏
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whipbogard · 2 years ago
do you have a bruharvey comic reading list ?
Lmfao I personally feel like every Harvey-centric comic is somewhat a BruHarvey comic if you squint 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This list is in no way exhaustive and I'm pretty sure I've missed out some very important stuff but nevertheless, this is what I could think off at the top of my head:
Disclaimer: I'm bad at continuity. And I won't call some of these excellent writing but they did give me all the delicious bruharv moments.
Batman - A Lonely Place of Dying - Some nice parallels between Batman and Two-Face were made in here when they're busy trying to outwit each other. This is mainly focused on Bruce's angst post-Jason's death and it is rather delicious for the angst-lover. And also origin story for Robin Tim.
Batman: Year One - That infamous scene where Batman hid under Harvey's desk. That's it. That's big reason enough for you to read it. (Harvey is also exceptionally hansum in here. Will always be one of my fav Harveys).
Two-Face: Year One - Chummy college days, Bruce hanging out at Harvey's office late and night and also the one where 2F didn't listen to the coin and spared Bruce's life :^)
Batman: Eye of the Beholder - The one where Jim introduced Harvey to Batman and then they started hanging out together and left Jim out. JK JK JK LOL but it sure felt like that 🤣 In all honesty though, this is one of--if not--the best Harvey story out there so please read it anyway!!!!
Batman: Face The Face - This takes place sometime after Batman: Hush (where if you recall, Harvey betrayed Tommy to save Bruce's ass uwu). Harvey is somewhat "cured" now that his face is fixed. He go about protecting Gotham in Bruce's absence. And oh, Harvey recalling the 30 days whirlwind of a romance with Bruce where they trained together and also went for dinner dates and movies (I KID YOU NOT)---and obviously got 2F very upset LOL.
All-Star Batman: My Own Worst Enemy - The one where Bruce and Harvey went on a cross-country trip while being handcuffed together. Also a look into their childhood together at that very weird school lol
Batman and Robin #24 - #28 (The Big Burn) - This is 2F's origin story for current continuity. The one where Harvey called Bruce a Prince (while looking at his own reflection on a knight armour) and Bruce called Harvey "dummy" affectionately. Also here we learn that Harvey had known that Bruce is Batman since forever and has been protecting that secret from 2F.
Detective Comics #989 - #993 (Deface The Face) - My beloved Gotham Justice Triumvirate reuniting and working together!!!! The ending to this arc truly fulfilled my love for that chasing game between a hero and a villain tbh uwu
Detective Comics #1020 - #1024 (Ugly Heart & Prelude to Joker War) - It started out weird enough with 2F having a cult of some sort and having real weird erotic ritual involving the coin (lbr you know I'd join this cult in a heartbeat LOL). Again, this arc emphasized on Harvey's struggles to protect Bruce and his identity from 2F. And Harvey teaming up with Bruce to beat Joker's talons!!!!! It ended with 2F being suppressed and a somewhat "reformed" Harvey in Blackgate being visited by Matches. I like this arc for a lot of shippy reasons lmfao ("Promises, promises" hehe)
Detective Comics #1062 - present - The current craze. An excellently written Harvey by Ram V and Simon Spurrier. I look forward to where this is heading! (As of now, seems like Harvey has stopped making an appearance but I sure hope he'll come back again!!!)
The Doom That Came to Gotham - This is a depressing Elseworlds story with Lovecraft elements but the BruHarvey in here is absolutely golden and even more so in the movie version.
Batman 1989 Newspaper Comics - I have yet to go through this tbh but there are a lot of good bruharv moments in here and thIS ONE RIGHT HERE I s2G GETS ME ALL THE TIME
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THAT IS ALL!!! Thanks for asking me this because now I have a proper record to refer to since I'm so bad with arc names and issues etc 🤣
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soleminisanction · 1 year ago
What comic issue did the whole kon v steph showdown happen? In which he basically called her a poser? I’m wondering what the rest of the young justice teams reaction to her was. I think greta tried to kill her at one point? I don’t think she’s very well liked among that team, but it also makes me wonder if she’s very well liked in the wider hero community at all besides her small group of vigilantes she’s enmeshed herself with through getting involved w Tim and to a lesser extent Batman? What are your views?
Teen Titans (2003) issue #13:
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That's it in its entirety. The bit with Tim and Conner is very much the story's B-plot, the A-plot is focused on Beast Boy and the rest of the Titans back in San Fran.
As for Steph and Greta -- it is true that Greta is the one member of YJ that Steph ever truly interacted with during that time period. I actually wrote up a whole thing here about the arc of those interactions, but it was kind of off-topic with your question and also long enough that it really deserves its own post, especially because lining it all up together without the multi-year gap between plot points gave me a revelation about how the story actually went.
I'm going to try to get that post up in the next day or so to prove my point but the summation here is: the first time they met, Greta explicitly didn't try to kill Steph -- but afterwards, Steph framed it as "she tried to kill me in a jealous rage" and people took Steph's side because part of Greta's story was that her "good people bad powers" thing made her kind of sus and that's what eventually drove her to join Darksied.
So while Steph did get mentioned in YJ, including getting brought in to help as part of the invasion of Zandia in issues 50-52, her only significant contribution there was a very brief stand-off with Greta and getting stuck in a bubble with a several other 90's characters who I'm pretty sure don't exist anymore.
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The only other person I recognize here is Lagoon Boy. The pink filter doesn't help.
Other than that, the only interaction Steph's had with any member of Tim's friend group is the one issue of Teen Titans (2003), #66, where they're doing this membership drive thing and Steph (recently back from faking her death) tags along so they can pretend that maaaaybe she's going to join the team, but actually she's just there to have a very brief interaction with Traci 13 and Bombshell.
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And an even briefer, awkward stare-down with Cassie that's only there because she and Tim's budding romance had been awkwardly cut short just so he could back to Steph the very instant she got back from faking her death no matter how little sense that made.
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And then Steph wasn't even interested in joining the team anyway she was just there for quote, "moral support" as Tim told Cassie he needed to take a break for a while and focus on the pre-Final Crisis chaos going down in Gotham.
Stephanie has never spoken to Bart, Anita, Slobo, or Ray so far as I know. She's never even met Cissie because the Arrowette who went to Zandia turned out to be Bonnie in disguise.
Pre-Flashpoint, the only other people she'd met outside of Gotham are Supergirl (whom she met in World's Finest (2009)) and Squire, who's still technically a Bat even if she lives in England. Stargirl and Miss Martian show up alongside Bombshell and Supergirl towards the end of Steph's solo series but they come out of nowhere only because BQM had wanted to make them part of Steph's entourage at some point but didn't get the chance, so I don't really count them. Nor do I count her showing up in a group shot at the end of the Gail Simone Wonder Woman, since that was just a line-up of cameos from every female hero she could get at the time.
So with all that as the preamble, to answer your second question: no, I don't think Steph is very well-liked by the wider superhero community. I also don't think she's disliked. I think the vast majority of heroes and villains have no idea who she is.
If they know her at all, it's probably as, "That girl in the purple that Cass is always hanging out with" or "Robin's ex-girlfriend who faked her death that one time" or maybe even as, "There was a girl Robin at some point right? I feel like I heard that somewhere," particularly since there was a big media shake-up after War Games. Heck, they might even know her as, "Cluemaster's daughter; she runs with the Bats, yeah? Heh, sucks to be Arthur" since he's actually gotten around more than her just by virtue of being on the Suicide Squad.
But as Spoiler, as Batgirl, as a hero? Basically unknown outside of Gotham. She's always been too much of a supporting character to develop those kinds of connections.
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gl1tchr · 4 months ago
If we're talking riddlebat, which are your favourite versions and which are your least favourite? Or which do you see as having the most or least ground to stand on? They typically vary enough depending on verse to qualify as different ships imo. I'm personally a fan of unburied cause i think they're v fun in that one, and it seems to be one of the verses where they've got the best shot of like. Actually happening?
Hope the wording of the ask made sense and that you have a good day!
I'M STILL working on finding the time to listen to the Podcast Batman Things so I unfortunately can't add onto the Unburied Riddlebat part, I do enjoy Riddlebat where it genuinely seems like they could Make Something Work.
MY FAVORITE as I've said many times is BTAS. BTAS Riddlebat TO ME is one of the ones that feels like they could actually have some chemistry. Batman is a snark in his own right, and I think he and Eddie sincerely match wits in a way no other Rogue does with him, and if he'd truly reform I think he and Bruce would be adorable together
ofc I also love Reevesverse Riddlebat, just the contrast between them is hilarious. I've read fics where they do get together and imagining Eddie in news papers next to Bruce w headlines like "Billionaire Bruce Wayne dating funny little weird guy?" hsdkgjm. Like if things had been different and they had met under circumstances where they could talk about their trauma and see how similar they are, I could see them working
Arkhamverse Riddlebat is FUN but it's also the one I think is like, deffo NEVER happening, they're never even gonna be Friends. That's why Scriddler is my main Arkhamverse ship, my Riddlebat is DEAD in Arkhamverse
There really aren't any that I DISLIKE. I guess when I try to think abt like Telltale Riddlebat? Not a lot to dig into there, that Bruce is DEFINITELY written to have more chemistry with John lmao, so there's just not much to chew on. Riddler also isn't. In a ton of it. before he goes to solve the big Riddle in the sky.
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jcilyxx · 8 months ago
Since your post about The Scarecrow being the main antagonist in a Batman movie was so brilliant I wanted to take my time with my response! 😊 In my personal opinion a Batman movie with The Scarecrow in it would be great if it was both about Bruce and Jonathan not just Bruce. I've heard many other Scarecrow fans often complain how poor Jonathan is sidelined, and used as a mere plot device in most cases. Thus his character has never been truly represented except for a few rare occasions in the comics. I have to say though their relationship was nicely established in Kings Of Fear. The movie should be split 50/50 between Bruce and Jonathan if that makes sense. They should utilize Jonathan's New Earth origin not his Prime Earth origin. Show him growing up in poverty in small town Georgia. A ideal way of showing Jonathan's character would be flashbacks of his childhhood plus life as a Psychologist/Psychiatrist and Professor. Kind of like his Year One comics. Flesh out his character more showing what motivates him like his desire for power and taking control of his life. His addiction to fear is a desperate attempt to overcome his own fears/insecurities. That's both the horrific and tragic part about Jonathan. His addiction started ever sense he felt power after causing Bo Griggs and Sherry Squires's car accident, and most likely after killing Mary. It's as though watching fear in other people induces a state of euphoria for him. One of the similarities between Bruce and Jonathan they don't touch on much is how they both suffer from Atychiphobia (fear of failure), and being seen as weak or inadequate. Bruce's own fear of failure is shown multiple times in BTAS episode Nothing to Fear, Arkham Asylum, and Kings Of Fear, etc. Their identities, Batman and The Scarecrow, are physical manifestations of their psychological states due to severe trauma. They both use their identities to instil fear as well. I think Jonathan's battle with Batman is a dark reflection of his own inner turmoil and struggles. Jonathan believes if he defeats Batman he can at last conquer his demons. Hence the reason why Jonathan hallucinates "Batman" when he's exposed to his own fear toxin every time Batman defeats him.
Though fear toxin is a formidable weapon it shouldn't be Jonathan's main weapon. Jonathan's true weapon is his genius intellect and psychological manipulation. A great comparison is Dr. Hannibal Lecter who's also a master Psychologist/Psychiatrist. Out of all of Batman's Rogues Gallery Jonathan is the most intriguing for sure, because of how unique he is from the rest. There's a video I highly recommend watching titled Why The Scarecrow should be Batman's Arch Nemesis. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9vdyQumKjsc&pp=ygUTbXIgcm9ndWVzIHNjYXJlY3Jvdw%3D%3D The Youtube channel in general, Mr. Rogues, is great! The main guy, plus a few other people, even created their own Arkham Patient sessions. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbs0iJWwehs9a2HqqPu4ijxjneb3bmcY8 I personally enjoy his version of Dr. Jonathan Crane a ton. ❤️
Your depiction perfectly captures my vision!
I'd absolutely love to see his backstory developed further. Unlike most other villains, Crane's past hasn't been thoroughly explored, except briefly in Year One. Flashbacks to his upbringing would be a fantastic way to illustrate the bitterness and resentment that has likely been simmering within him. Including key moments from his childhood, such as his experiences with bullying and his early fascination with fear, would add depth to his character. Additionally, exploring his academic journey and the pivotal events that transformed him into the Scarecrow would provide a richer understanding of his motivations and the darkness that drives him.
Moreover, his fear toxin shouldn’t be his main weapon. While it is a significant aspect of his character, relying too heavily on it can overshadow the psychological and manipulative brilliance that truly defines him. Showcasing his strategic mind, his ability to exploit people's deepest fears without the toxin, and his mastery of psychological terror would create a more nuanced and formidable villain.
Crane should be the main antagonist of a movie because his unique brand of psychological horror sets him apart from other villains. His ability to instill fear and manipulate his victims' minds offers a fresh and thrilling dynamic for a storyline. His complex character, driven by a tragic and tormented past, provides ample material for an engaging narrative. By focusing on Crane, the movie can delve into deeper themes of fear, trauma, and the human psyche, offering viewers a more cerebral and emotionally gripping experience.
Additionally, Crane's methods can lead to visually stunning and haunting scenes. The hallucinatory effects of his fear toxin (if were to be used), combined with his eerie Scarecrow persona, create opportunities for striking cinematography and memorable, terrifying sequences. His psychological manipulation can also drive intense, character-driven drama, pushing Batman to confront his own fears and vulnerabilities.
Crane's presence as a villain would also allow for exploration of contemporary issues such as mental health, the impact of fear on society, and the consequences of trauma. These themes resonate with modern audiences, making the story not only entertaining but also thought-provoking.
Interestingly, Jonathan Crane and Batman share several similarities that makes their conflict even more compelling. Both are products of traumatic childhoods, with Crane experiencing bullying and isolation, while Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents' murder. This shared experience of early trauma drives their obsessions—Crane's with fear and Batman's with justice. Both characters are also highly intelligent and use their knowledge to achieve their goals; Crane through his expertise in psychology and fear, and Batman through his detective skills and technological prowess. Additionally, both operate in the shadows, using fear as a tool—Crane to terrorize, and Batman to combat crime. This parallel between them, which I think was excellently shown in Kings of Fear (which you mentioned), highlights their complex relationship and the thin line between heroism and villainy.
Anyways sorry if this is long—I just have so many ideas for this, and the way you described it so perfectly really sparked even more interest in me! 🫶🏻❤️
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ragnarockz · 8 months ago
TMNT ask!
1.) What was your first exposure to TMNT?
5.) Which iterations are you familiar with?
6.) Do you own any TMNT merchandise?
Hey! Thanks for the asks! 🐢🍕
1. My first exposure to TMNT was the 2003 tv show! I had caught it randomly one Saturday morning and was INSTANTLY intrigued. It had just come out, maybe the 3rd or 4th episode? After that, my obsession literally took off from there!
5. Mostly all of them minus the comics (not a big comic reader although I do own some random issues) and the Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie (I don't really care for batman so I haven't bothered seeing that).
6. My room is CO V E R E D in TMNT merch but I used to have MORE when the 2k3 series was out. When I say I had rubermaid bins FILLED with action figures, I mean it. I had pretty much every single piece of 2k3 merch there was to own at the time. Unfortunately, my parents got rid of 95% of my collection believing I was 'too old' to want it (around 15 years old) and they got rid of it all without my permission. Catch me at 30 now trying to buy back key pieces that were truly near and dear to my heart.
One of my all-time favorite pieces I owned was something I had gotten for my 13th or 14th birthday. Unfortunately, it was in bad condition beyond repair and I actually did get rid of it.
Jump to 2022. I found someone had it listed for a fair price on eBay. I didn't think twice and bought it. Here it is:
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And here's some pics of me; enjoying TMNT every chance I get ♥ (2003, 2014, 2016 and, 2023) (peep my Raphael tattoo in the last pic!)
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damianbugs · 2 years ago
i know you love the dynamics between bruce and his kids as they are, but alot of it is also due to iffy writing lmao.
in your IDEAL scenario, what would bruce parenting look like? would he still be as abusive as he is in canon? CAN he even change?
the short answer to "can bruce change?" is... no 😭 but let me try and explain!
its not because of who bruce is as a character or batman as a hero, but because it is basically impossible for a popular character like him to have any consistent writing. we've seen it before where he's a great father and mentor for a few issues, and then less than six months later he does something horrific and takes ten steps back in that regard.
it's why this conversation (to me) is a very complicated one, because i can't for sure say who bruce is as a person without taking into consideration the literal decades of almost hundreds of different writers, runs and universes. of course, he has made some terrible and very harmful decisions, but again, so much context is required to truly comprehend those situations. that doesn't remove the fact that he has hurt his children, both accidentally and purposefully.
do i think bruce is a bad dad in canon? no. do i think he is a good dad? also no. depending on where in time you're reading him, who's writing him etc — he acts like completely different people. my head spins trying to come up with a simple answer to this otherwise simple question.
a good example i think is the current zdarsky batman run. arguably some of the best bruce wayne as a father introspection we've had in a LONG TIME, the story doing well to remove the 'child soldiers' narrative that frank miller infamously popularised to main continuity despite it not being from the canon timeline. but who's to say this sort of perspective will last before being completely disregarded by the next writer?
it's no secret i pick and choose what i (personally) view as canon, my own personal bias against Certain writers making me ignore their writing entirely, but i am also not ignorant to the fact that bruce can and desperately NEEDS to improve as a parent.
sorry for rambling but back to your original question about what my ideal parent bruce would like and to that it's two very simple words; honest and communicative.
that's really all he needs to do. almost all his shitty decisions can be linked back to him lying or purposely evading the truth and just refusing to communicate to his children, which in turn makes them not want to communicate with him. this then leads to much larger problems and much more devastating outcomes.
bruce needs to realise that his children don't owe him anything more than the very little he's given them emotionally. this whole "soldier-team" mentality that he adopts when he's batman filters into his dynamics with them as family and as bruce wayne, and that is why he keeps hurting them and not taking responsibility for it.
they should not be vigilantes before they are his children. but to do that, writers also need to make the distinction that batman is also bruce wayne, but that is an entirely different conversation.
again, current batman writing (mark waid batman vs robin, zdarsky batman, ram v detective comics, tom taylor batman etc) seems very promising in giving bruce a chance to be a better father, so we can only hope it continues this way. maybe, we'll even get bruce actually holding himself accountable one day.
i try not to discuss this topic too much because in my experience it's far too nuanced to explain in short text posts on the internet but i hope this answered your questions <3
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sanguineterrain · 6 months ago
omg just a random ramble (and a bit of a request hehe) about your recent fic about "this is for your own good" Jason:
i don't know if you've seen this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqK4UOMha2Q which is basically where Jason confronts the Joker in Death in the Family (2020) [i think this is the timeline where Bruce is the one who dies but we can take these scenes out of context JSHJS]
But I really, really found the idea of memory repression super interesting - and mix a little pit madness maybe 👀 Think about it, after everything's done, Red Hood's debut and with the finale between him and Batman, Jason comes to and realizes the fucked up things he did to Vigilante!R (the drugging, the chains) while Vigilante!R's left with being a compliant and dependent shell of themself; how do you think he'll approach this? Will he decide to keep her "safe"? Would he try to rehabilitate her himself? Would he let her go? I find it terribly heartbreaking for him to see one of the most important people in his life broken because of him
[also btw, i absolutely love how you characterized Jason here because he seems so detached despite being so obsessed and how there's this false sense of security ughhhh; i feel like the neuron activation monkey every time little details and the sentences you put connect with like with "This is a man who was trained by Batman." to Jason saying "'I know my mistake.'" which then leads to the drugging because that moment was so terribly Batman I could probably write a thesis about it if i had time 🥸 anyways, hope your week was great!]
Oooh just watched that scene! Wow, Joker's dialogue was amazing. I miss the days where superhero movies had meaningful dialogue 😭 absolutely diabolical of him to manipulate Jason like that. The way Jason became a child again when Joker got inside of his head (and he really is young to begin with!) ohhhh my boy 💔
Anyway, I think it's so interesting that most of the reactions to my fic have been requesting a fix it. It's like we love Jason so much, we can't bear to see him go dark 🫶
In my universe, Jason never "realizes his mistake" because I think he'd be in too deep at that point to face what he's done. And protecting someone he loves by any means necessary is very Batman-esque of him. Jason genuinely believes he's doing the right thing, even though it's causing R mental distress. I actually like the idea of the entire Batfamily going dark and helping Jason if the Reader ever seriously escaped. I also think it's interesting if the dynamic shifted over time and Reader used Jason's guard dog personality for their benefit. Jason is truly dedicated to them, that's no lie. They'd make each other worse 🥰
But let's say he did realize his mistake! Honestly, I think Jason wouldn't forgive himself and he'd let them go before doing something really self destructive. Reader would be the only one who could pull him back, and after everything, it's hard to say if they'd want to do that! Jason would've caused them a lot of grief at that point.
But yeah. Maybe I'll write a niceys Jason fic next because it seems like dark Jason makes all of us sad 😂 I admit that it felt weird to write him this way but I enjoyed it too. I think my favorite iteration of Jason is where he's insane and dedicated and wants you soooo bad but he tries so very hard to be normal. He would kill and die and eat people for you but he's super normal :) prommy!
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kilowogcore · 9 months ago
I... like Batman?
Sometimes I'm wrong, poozers, an' when I'm wrong I try ta' admit it an' change.
I wuz wrong about Chip Zdarsky's Batman. I've ranted a lot about it, about how I didn't like the Zur-En-Arrh plot, how I thought he wasn't doin' the work Batman needed, how I wanted him ta' wrap up Batman's heel turn after Gotham War, etc. An' now I see I wuz way too hasty in my judgement.
This week's issue wuz one a' the most beautiful Batman issues I've ever read. At the level of Tom Taylor or Josh Williamson's Batman. It dealt with all of the problems Batman's got, it dealt with where he's goin' from here, an' it ushered in a new, healthier era fer Batman. All the discussions we've had on this page about Batman bein' too grimdark? Zdarsky tackled it, took him darker than ever before, but then brought him out the other side better an' healthier than he's been since… well, since DKR came out, really.
Comic books are strange. Ya' get 22 pages a month ta' tell a story, that's it. If ya' wanna tell an epic story it can take a year or more. Heck, Ram V's run in Detective Comics has been just one huge convoluted tale fer several years now. An' that's rough on readers, cuz it seems like we've been stuck in a plot ferever, but that's the trade-off ya' gotta make fer a truly epic story. I shoulda been more aware a' that.
Now that we got this issue an' last month's issue, I can look back at Zdarsky's run an' see that this plot needed ta' be complicated, cuz Batman is complicated. Ta' bring Batman to a better place ya' need complication.
The problem wuz how long it spent with Batman bein' grimdark. But lookin' back on it, how can ya' do differently? Once Zur-En-Arrh starts makin' Batman evil (which he started doin' after Zdarsky's excellent "The Bat-Man of Gotham" arc, but which didn't really happen until the end a' Gotham War,) ya' can't really make that a B plot, that's the A plot. Maybe ya' can give the book over ta' Damian or somethin' fer a few months an' have Bruce be the antagonist in the background, but then we wouldn't have gotten the slow burn of Zur En Arrh takin' over more an' more. An' the beautiful last two issues wouldn't 'a been so impactful. Like Odysseus, we had ta' see Bruce go through the underworld in order ta' appreciate him comin' out the other side.
I think when this run is turned into a TPB it's gonna be a classic. Bein' able ta' read it all at once, without a month-long wait every 22 pages, is gonna help it.
I really, really hope future authors embrace the changes ta' Bruce from Zdarsky an' Ram V's runs, instead a' backpedalin'. It's not quite as comprehensive as my own "Fix Batman" plan, but it's a lot more than I wuz expectin', an' it's a foundation on which a lot more can be built.
So, Mr. Zdarsky, who I'm pretty sure does not follow this account an' has no idea who I am, I am sorry. I'm sorry fer not trustin' yer writin' skill an' condemin' yer run before ya' had a chance ta' show us where ya' were goin'.
I look forward ta' readin' wherever ya' take us next.
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super-hero-confessions · 2 years ago
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find it a little weird that people seem to have a bit of a skewed and nerfed view of homelander's strength.
not even to say that he's the strongest of the superman archetypes, far from it,  i think it's pretty clear he's not. but he's not 'weak' or a 'little bitch' in comparison either and it's just... strange that people think that i guess?
in the comics, setting aside minor narrative inconsistencies, they make it pretty clear that the only thing that can go toe to toe or have a chance at destroying him:
is his identical clone.
but this would literally be true for most if not all of the superman characters so it doesn't really imply he'd be much weaker than them in any sense
if we just look at the show. nearly every other supe is deathly afraid of him and with very few exceptions, it is pretty much impossible to hurt him. there isn't really anyone who rivals him in a fair fight and this version is implied to be stronger than his comics self.
and that's just the thing, i think he is undoubtedly incredibly strong, well past the point of giving any of the superman type characters quite a handful of serious trouble or even actually doing many of the heroic feats we see superman handle with ease (we know an entire train brought down by a telekinetic didn't scratch him so he likely *could* have saved flight 37 and just chose not to). but i think people are measuring him from all the wrong angles.
and i don't mean it as just a measure of strength within his own world, i would argue many of the supes created by compound V are implied to be very very strong with a few drawbacks.
part of the disconnect i think comes with how 'weak' the general humans seem to be, or how easily they get killed. but it feels like people forget the show is meant to be gory and outrageous to a point in a way that almost none of the other medias are. part of the parody is how easily these people would die around recklessly strong characters, and it's desensitizing in a way.
so this would translate to all other stories, not stay confined to the boys universe as if the people were somehow more fragile there.
another element to consider would be his ego and emotion. yes, that's a factor two ways. i know the people guilty of this wouldn't admit it, but homelander's emotional instability, insecurity, and constant need for reassurance that he is the TOP of the food chain is definitely making people *want* to think he's much weaker than he really is. simultaneously, it is one of his *weaknesses*, but it still doesn't actually make him 'weak' overall
apart from this, the only real thing that disparages him from his counterparts would be his recovery ability. from what we can gather, that seems a bit slower which can significantly limit him in a fight with someone who can deal good damage against him, but if we're truly fair about it, he could hurt them back and he wouldn't be one to hold back or avoid any chances for cheap shots or killing blows.
and some of the others were just as slow if not slower than him when it came to healing--once they were injured. and we already know not much can injure them--homelander *included*.
hell, this might be controversial, but omni-man literally got hurt by things that would have barely if even phased homelander in the first episode of invincible and then took his sweet ass time to heal.
it's pretty much just superman who can bask in sunlight and instaheal... the motherfucker...
but what homelander is *actually* a big baby about... is the fact that he can get hurt--at all. but overall, his weaknesses are few and far between, and we know he would fight very *very* dirty and he isn't above fleeing if he feels outmatched or outnumbered or needs to recuperate.
this would be the reason billy butcher has so much trouble offing the fucker, regardless of what guys like lex luthor or batman would have people believe about the actual strongest of the archetype (fucking reality altering punches my ass).
and billy's much more ruthless than either of them (so is homelander).
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dailycass-cain · 1 year ago
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Alright, I have time to finally do this!
Detective Comics #1078 continues the rollercoaster ride that this run is by Ram V. But what of the Cass shenanigans in this issue? Well, here are my thoughts...
This is "so far" Cass's biggest appearance (in costume) in the run to date with four pages (on par with the prior issue).
But what we get again is absolute gold here.
As introduced in the last issue Cass's plot here is simple: her and Mr. Freeze raid the underground to free those imprisoned by the Orghams (which is what she discovered when introduced in this run).
Though I just want to relish and enjoy Jason Shawn Alexander's Cass. Right at the onset there's a CLEAR distinction (save for the white eyes) that, "We're going with the classic Batgirl outfit for Cass in this story! Oh. OOOOOH!!"
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Again, Ram V knows to use the character for a "crowd-pleasing" moment (much as he's been spinning so many good Lian/Jade goodies, and the entrance Jean-Paul gets this issue).
Literally, this issue is a "candy store" of character fun for long-time readers of Ram V's bat stuff and those who've followed the characters here.
Which is hilarious given the main plot is Batman about to be publically hanged.
But yeah, all the stuff I want in a Batman comic this run is summed up in this issue. Heck, we even have the Joker popping in to watch this all. Creepy effective, and a nice bit of "trolling" to see the Orghams aren't in complete control.
Even if they act like they do (even by the issue's end, though I'm noting a few team members recruited by Selina who haven't shown up on this issue. SOOOO that makes me wonder when "they'll" show up).
But back to Cass, the sequence she was in had me grinning ear to ear. Like I said before, already the intro is setting up something and I'm like, "Is this comic gonna go somewhere with this?"
Yes, it does.
We get an action sequence that literally reminded me of the Puckett/Scott run. Like Ram V was taking notes reading that run (which so should get an Omni) and had Alexander do his own thing as Cass gracefully takes out Orgham goons.
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Just I like Alexander's take as he uses the cape to showcase Cass's motion throughout the fight. And the icing on the cake?
The next page with a certain playful reaction Cass gives as more come in.
The whole scene had me squeeing hard and it was only just three pages. THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT. Compressed but perfectly executed. No space wasted.
I think if there's any negative is well, how no one barely talks of this issue or how no one really is talking about this more. How, the masochists are enjoying the pain of the main book while this keeps delivering gold.
That and, it just is such a well-oiled run that it pays off stuff from prior Ram V runs (Catwoman) or the earlier half of this run. But man, reading this and seeing the seeds bearing fruit is nice.
I suggested to a friend who asked me on the current state of DC comics, how the Batman comics were doing. I told him to just start at the beginning when Ram V was on Catwoman and work his way to the current Tec run so he too could enjoy every payoff that we get.
But yeah. This was another AMAZING issue. Like, I'm floored at just how GOOD this comic continues to be. That, and I'm curious to see where this run goes next.
Like, what will be the Orghams' downfall? Will the team made by Selina's succeed? Will, they only half? If so? What will befall Gotham? How does a certain "hurtful" character factor into this all?
That's what I truly enjoy when comics do that. When things aren't so predictable. When it's WILD, and anything could happen next.
Though part of me hopes we get a Cass backup tale. I'm crossing my fingers for one given Eiko got one this issue, Renee, Jean-Paul, and Lian/Jade prior.
I just wonder WHAT the story would be?
No matter what THIS is my face on whatever Ram V has got coming our way.
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