#usa is backing genocide
the-lady-maddy · 4 months
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violottie · 7 months
like what the fuck is even this? because this tyrannical colonising machine of death says "um no cos we dont want to" MORE PALESTINIANS HAVE TO BE KILLED?!?!!! FUCK OFF
from Al Jazeera English, 20/Feb/2024:
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ember-knights · 11 months
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Funniest people on earth, if you don’t know. Palestinians are actually known for their humor. We just rarely hear about them if it is not during a tragedy.
This was first tweeted after communication was back in Gaza.
They fight so hard because they love life that much. Don’t get used to their suffering. It should never be normal.
Link to the tweet.
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bimdraws · 5 months
Turtle Island stands with Palestine 🇵🇸🌎
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it actually really fucks me off to see people praising the ICJ’s decision when the Palestinians actually on the ground communicating with us are screaming to the rooftops that this isn’t enough. all the lib-brained cretins on this website crowing about ‘progress’ don’t seem to understand that incremental change means less than fucking nothing when you’re on the ground, watching your home and family and your people being bombed, systematically destroyed by israeli troops. it means nothing when you’re afraid for your life.
Palestinians don’t have the luxury of waiting, and we all know full well that Israel WILL NOT abide by this ruling. Unless greater intervention is made, the bombardment will continue; but the ICJ is a bourgeois, imperialist court, made to serve bourgeois, imperialist interests. While they have shown themselves to be more benevolent than I had expected by condemning israel and conceding that they are committing genocide, the fact that they couldn’t even ask for a ceasefire speaks volumes.
Whether it’s due to deliberate inaction or whether they simply lack the capacity to do so, the ‘international community’ is still failing Palestine. It is up to us to continue the pressure, continue the boycotts, continue the action; and to threaten greater disruptions if further progress is not made.
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
What's happening in Hawai'i
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Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water
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US-occupied Hawaii is living sardine-packed 20-to-an-apartment next to methlabs, paying $3k / month, getting raped by Americans in tacky hotels, especially US soldiers.
And then be arrested for speaking your own language, dying in prison, or of diabetes at age 39.
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I invite you to don't travel to Hawai'i because of that.
Fck the US
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very-lost-hobbit · 7 months
"US proxy war in Ukraine" Beating u with lead pipes
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kropotkindersurprise · 9 months
December 29, 2023 - Activists in Naarm/Melbourne defaced and attacked the US embassy in retaliation for the USA's instrumental role in funding the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians. [video]
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chaiaurchaandni · 9 months
israel is starving Gaza
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80% of people experiencing famine/catastrophic hunger all over the world are in Gaza
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cuddlycryptid · 6 months
America is definitely a colonization state, but you can’t say the same thing about Israel
That’s erasing thousands of years of Jewish history
imagine saying the state literally committing a genocide in order to colonize and ethnically cleanse an entire civilization and history is. not engaging in violent colonialism
the government is not the same entity as everyone who has ever lived there or ever contributed to the culture and history of judaism. the israeli state is committing atrocities and some of its population contributes obviously (idf). but you need to separate the israeli state from people who are jewish and ppl who happen to have been born there but disagree with the genocide. pretending like critiquing the state automatically includes these groups, or has anything to do with jewish history or culture, is a tool used to deflect accusations of the war crimes israel is actively committing. please think critically
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the-lady-maddy · 8 months
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hussyknee · 10 months
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The impregnability of the white liberal bubble should be investigated by NASA.
That or they're all permanently on crack.
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awkwardbunnythoughts · 10 months
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jazuthevulcanprincess · 8 months
Honestly, since learning about the history and origins of Zionism in my class this quarter, I firmly believe that Israel will literally stop at nothing to fully control all of Palestine and kill or displace the Palestinian people.
Zionists truly believe that the only worthy goal is a state by and for Jews as a bastion against antisemitic attacks. They also only will accept Palestine as a nation because of their religious mythos.
Argentina and what is now Kenya were considered as places for a Jewish state, but these were rejected by would be Jewish colonists because is wasnt the land of Israel from their religious history.
Once they chose Palestine and received the Mandate from Britain to settle there, there was no other end in mind for Palestine. What we have been seeing recently is just the culmination of Zionist aspirations. Nothing and no one will stop them from eradicating Palestinians and having all of the holy land to themselves, as Netanyahu basically confirmed when he said even the ICJ wont stop them.
I do believe they do this to protect Jewish interests and I think that they do believe it when they think its justified. Zionists truly do think they are owed the rights to Palestine because of their suffering as Jews, and this attitude has been going on since the 1890s.
I despair to see any restorative justice or conflict resolution for Gaza and Palestine without an armed conflict or a worldwide national UN intervention to prevent Israels genocide on Palestinians, or to return the governance of Palestine to the Palestinians. And that wont happen because the USA allied with them for military superiority in the Middle East and oil rights.
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lunawlw · 1 month
so all the talk about land back along with abolishing the police, down with capitalism, all cops being bastards, punching nazis, being gay doing crimes, and black lives matter was just a fucking lie from yall huh
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thedepressedweasel · 9 months
I hope Benjamin Netanyahu kills himself soon!
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