#unlike most endos lol
syscoarse · 4 months
just learned abt transDID……..
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star-going-supernova · 10 months
Can you write some badass Gregory? In the games nobody was really around to witness him surviving and doing an awesome job for a child so maybe get everyone’s reactions?
Gregory doing an insanely impressive thing without thinking:
The animatronics & Vanessa: !!!!
Freddy clutching his chest: that’s my superstar!!
This is tumblr generated prompt number 65 and marks the halfway point of this round! I’m a big fan of competent/bamf Gregory, enough so that I feel like I’m running out of slightly plausible scenarios to put this kid in to highlight that, lol. I ended up repurposing the premise of an old ficlet that I never finished, so, context: there’s a handful of kids trapped in the pizzaplex that Vanny’s looking to pick off one by one, like a game. Gregory’s thirteen here!
title taken from an old short story of the same name
The Most Dangerous Game
Gregory silently grit his teeth together, legs aching from how long he’d been crouching in place. Behind him were the two younger kids he’d found—seven-year-old Jenna and ten-year-old Delaney. He didn’t know how many of them were trapped inside the pizzaplex; he didn’t know how many were dead already. 
“Okay,” he whispered as Roxy finally disappeared into the east arcade. “Ready?” 
Both girls nodded, their fingers tightly linked together. Jenna was crying. He wanted nothing more than to get there somewhere safe, or as safe as any place could be in this hellhole. 
He took Jenna’s other hand, keeping her between him and Delaney, and then he pulled them out of the photo booth they’d been huddled in for ages. To the younger kids’ credit, they kept up with him and did so quietly as he ran as fast as he dared to the escalators. Gregory kept a careful eye on the arcade entrance, but it stayed Roxy-free as they cautiously started down the steps. 
He dared to breathe a sigh of relief when they reached the middle level, but they kept going. He was aiming for the ground floor. 
Their ultimate goal was the daycare. Sun was odd, not murderous, and hopefully by the time Cassie was done with him, whatever weird glitch had him so twitchy and at-odds with his other half would be fixed. 
As much as he hated it, as much as he wanted to keep all of them with him where he could protect them himself, Gregory had to leave the girls behind if he was going to find and rescue as many kids as he could. He’d already seen one too-young dead body. He refused to stand by and let the crazy bunny lady get to another. For that, he needed to move fast. He couldn’t do that with tag-alongs. 
Their little trio reached the ground floor without alerting anyone to their presence, which was all Gregory could have asked for. His eyes automatically scanned their immediate surroundings for a hiding place, even as he hurried them along to get out of the extremely exposed atrium. 
Their luck ran out before they could find cover. He heard the heavy, clunking footsteps first, rushing closer. In addition to the character animatronics, the bunny lady had unleashed a horde of creepy endoskeletons to hunt her victims down. 
There was something uniquely terrifying about the skeletal, wide-eyed robot bearing down on them. Its face was so blank, and unlike the band, they didn’t speak. 
Gregory blew out a sharp breath and herded the girls toward the wall before going to meet the robot head-on. He freed his sole weapon from his makeshift belt holster: a crowbar, snatched from the construction area around the raceway. 
The only silver lining with the robots was that they were dumber than a box of rocks. The endo just rushed for Gregory, not even trying to dodge when he wound up and swung. It might have looked intimidating with its wide shoulders and large hands, but there were so many delicate wires and moving parts exposed along its spine and clavicle.
The crowbar’s hooked end tore through a lot of that, leaving the endoskeleton twitching. He lashed out, kicking one of its ball-jointed knees backward. It collapsed sideways, sparks flying, and Gregory clubbed the back of its head until it had stopped moving. 
Sliding the crowbar away, Gregory gave himself a little shake to loosen up his tense shoulders, then hurried back to the girls. They stared at him with wide, awed eyes,
“Whoa,” Jenna whispered. 
“That was awesome!” Delaney whisper-shouted. 
Gregory smiled weakly. “Thanks. Now, c’mon. We’ve gotta keep moving.” 
They both nodded, and he was at least a little gratified that neither of them looked quite so scared. Dodging STAFF bots by the dozens, their progress was slow but steady. At Gregory’s direction, during their one close encounter, they scooted along the floor, hidden by a large walled planter, staying out of Chica’s sight. 
It was the tensest game of hide and seek Gregory had ever played. 
But at last, they slipped through the doors into the hall outside the daycare. The home stretch. 
Just as Gregory carefully closed the doors, a child’s scream echoed through the pizzaplex. He froze, instinct tearing him in two. He wanted to rush out there and find and help whoever’d probably just been caught. But he couldn’t leave Jenna and Delaney behind, not when they were so close to being safe-ish. 
Biting back curses, he took their hands and rushed them through the hall to the door to the actual daycare room. 
“Are you gonna go save them?” Delaney asked. Jenna looked to be on the verge of tears again. 
“I’m gonna do my best,” Gregory swore. “But I have to make sure you guys are okay first.” 
Delaney nodded, and Jenna sniffled and asked, “Will you come back?”
She was too young for him to make a morbid joke that only death could keep him away. “Yeah,” he said. “I’ll come back, and I’ll bring more kids when I do.” 
He hoped he wasn’t setting himself up to be a liar. 
The daycare was still brightly lit, and Gregory rushed to the railing. “Cassie?” he hissed, loud as he dared. 
“I’m here!” she called. “I’m in the play structure with Eclipse.” 
He paused in his move toward the slide. “With who?”
Her shrug was audible. “Whatever I did to fix Sun and Moon brought out Eclipse. He’s nice, promise, and way more, uh, reasonable, I guess.” 
Gregory ushered Jenna and Delaney down the slide. Eclipse, apparently, was waiting at the edge of the ball pit. “Welcome, welcome,” he said cheerfully, but Gregory could hear some well-hidden tension. As he gently lifted the girls out, he said to Gregory, “You must be Cassie’s friend! She’s told me a lot about you.” 
Gregory leaned up over the ledge, waving at Cassie, who was indeed inside the play structure. Delaney led Jenna over to one of the ramps that would led up to her. It wasn’t a bad place to hide; she was easily out of sight of anyone who tried to scope out the daycare from the balcony.
He almost wished she could go with him. Cassie would be able to keep up with him and watch his back. Or, she would’ve been able to, if not for the broken leg the crazy lady had given her by dropping her down an elevator shaft. 
“You’re not staying, are you?” Eclipse said. 
Gregory dropped back into the ball pit, already sidling toward the slide to climb out. “There’s more kids out there,” he explained helplessly. “Someone’s got to help them.” 
“You’re a kid, star-shine.” 
Gregory pressed his lips together and didn’t say anything. 
Eclipse sagged in place. 
“Keep them safe,” Gregory demanded. “Lock the doors, don’t trust any adults until this place opens up in the morning.” 
“No one will touch them,” Eclipse promised, hand over his heart, or where a heart would be. “I hope I see you again soon, Gregory.” 
“Yeah,” he muttered, ducking into the slide and scrambling up it, sneakers squeaking. “Me too.” 
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
- -🌄-📀-🌙- -💚- -💛- -✨-🌄-✨- -💛- -💚- -🌙-📀-🌄- -
I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
- -💥-🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-✨- -💛- -❤️- -🌙-🐺-💥- -
DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
- -🪸-🐸-🌙- -💙- -🩵- -✨-🪸-✨- -🩵- -💙- -🌙-🐸-🪸- -
- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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stormoflina · 10 months
Rant over footy twt. It's long and boring, feel free to skip this lol
Why do we have to be so freaking reactionary? I held my tongue over this, for my own sanity. I try to not get too worked up over football, but just can't anymore lol.
In a spawn of like 3 months, we went from this, just over our midfield players:
- Dominik has a great start, runs the show with 10 men down multiple times, has two beautiful goals, literally runs the most and the fastest, takes on the workload of 2 players, covers for Trent, performs well in a new role, despite being a natural 10, despite being new in the PL-> he is the next Gerrard, the signing of the summer, the best midfielder in the PL, our own KDB regent -> his incredible form drops slightly a bit, but he still performs decent, and does his magic in Hungary -> why can't he show up in Liverpool the way he does in Hungary, he is actually shit, he is not creative, he doesn't have any G/A, didn't worth the money we paid for him, should be benched, all he does is looking into the cameras he is a narc and a flop, he can't even take a free-kick -> gets moved forward for like 10 minutes, does well in attacking role (wonder why) manages to score -> now people are saying he should play LW, bench Lucho and put Dominik there, he is a better finisher than Nunez (..) and saying Cody (!!!) should play his role in midfield instead, because he is just soooo good in the attack.
- Alexis has a bit challenged start in a completely new role, doesn't hit the ground running at first like Dominik does, but still provides very decent stats -> therefore he is a flop, absolutely shit, should be sold and get out of the club, he is not a natural 6, never will be, but Dom, Grav, Elliott and even Trent starts over him as an 8, he was an absolute waste of money just because he is a "wc winner" -> scores a beautiful goal, suddenly he is the best midfielder in our team, he is clear of Caicedo, he should start every game and look at his stats, despite not being a natural 6 he is actually a very good DM, we don't even need to buy one in January, Mac10 will carry us. -> finally plays in his position, but has a game where he comes down with an injury, plays +60 minutes despite that, performs well, but nothing too flashy. Literally gets bullied and attacked every second he plays, as if the other players are trying to take him out -> Endo is clear of him in DM, but he is not good enough in the 8 position, bench him, he's too short anyway.
- Gravenberch is an unnecessary signing, he must be bad, we don't need him, who cares -> has a couple of good performances in the EL -> he is so good, so silky on the ball, he never does backward passes unlike our other midfielders, he should start in the PL -> he starts in the PL, has a good first half, he is our best signing this year, he is so much better than Szoboszlai or Macallister, he starts over Curtis Jones,he only passes forward, that's what we like to see, he is going to be our best midfielder since Gerrard -> makes a mistake, has a less impressive second half in the SAME match, he is actually so shit, someone sub him off and bench him, CuJo is so clear of him, we should have never bought him, he is so lazy, he doesn't track back or tries to defend, sell him.
- Curtis Jones is going to be a Liverpool legend, his control on and off the ball is amazing, he is the missing piece to our midfield, he is finally getting the recognition he deserves -> gets a red card, misses 3 matches then picks up an injury, out for a couple of weeks -> has his first match back after missing out many games against City, doesn't drop a world class performance and dribbles past Rodri, he is so washed, he should be playing for Blackburn not Liverpool, English tax, Scouse tax, Gravenberch should start over him, Curtis is slow, ruins our attacks, at least Gravenberch tries to go forward, all Curtis does is just slow down the ball -> actually nevermind, Gravenberch had a shitty second half, Curtis is so clear of him, he actually puts in the work and tries, he never stops fighting, he lives and breaths liverpool fc, he has insane control on the ball and creates harmony in our midfield, he should start
Rant over. 🫣
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thetentsystem · 7 days
Syscourse will never end.
I am not being a doomer by saying this. Its just the truth. Syscourse is a constant thing. It wont be the same forever, but it will still be syscourse.
Based on the system survey i did, anti endos and pro endos would most likely still fight over these things.
in the survey, many anti endos answered that if endogenic plurality were proven, they'd still have pro endos in their dni and ask for their own space, which is reasonable. However with blogs like sophieinwonderland, a reactionary who actively invades anti endo spaces and actively harms pwCDDs, that would most likely not happen.
Heres a pro endos explanation on why they do not follow sophie, also more proof of my claim. [ QUESTION: do you follow sophieinwonderland? why or why not? ]
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[IMAGE ID: Nope. Her behavior towards anti-endos shows absolutely zero care for pwCDDs. Her "plural future" doesn't include pwCDDs she doesn't like. I'm all for a future where we accept people who experience multiple selves for whatever the reason may be, but she's harming her own community AND the CDD community. Hard pass. /END ID]
Some pro endos would still most likely fight for endogenic plurality if it was disproven, though most would change their stance accordingly. Heres some proof of that from the survey.
QUESTION: Hypothetically, if endogenic plurality were proven to not be a true thing, what would you do?
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Highlighted part adds proof. [IMAGE ID: first, i'd question how it was proven. i don't think it's possible to prove that a subjective experience of self is not real, but i'll entertain this. if it were proven beyond any doubt, and with 100% certainty and zero margin for error, that it's not possible to perceive one's own self as more than one, i'd change my stance accordingly. but it's literally impossible to prove that someone's perception of their self is "untrue" so whatever lol /END ID]
This anonymous user states that they would question it at first, then change their stance accordingly, which is fair.
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[IMAGE ID: At this point, it's also just not going to happen that EVERY form of endogenic plurality is going to get disproven. There's been studies on authors with living characters who act as self-autonomous and several on tulpamancy and thoughtforms. There is either way something obviously going on. Even if it might turn out to just be thoughtforms or just be subconscious, that's still real. /END ID]
This anonymous user states that it is very unlikely and near impossible.
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[IMAGE ID: Nothing different. /END ID]
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[Image id: probably nothing, honestly. i think i'd still be chill with endos. for the most part they're not hurting anyone, so i don't see any reason that it matters to me if they're not "real" /END ID]
This might actively harm the commuity, however.
(if you typed any of these out and dont want them shown, lmk!)
In the end, syscourse is a never ending loop.
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blkkizzat · 3 months
🍒 anon is back and NO i did not read plug choso pt 3 as yet because i started reading it in public and a bitch started sweating ummmm i need to save that one for bedtime ….
STOP I SAW THE VOYEUR TAG IM SO- listen idc how good the dick is, he's gonna have to apologize sharing a blunt w gouda bitch for monthsssss i was heartbroken LMAO
Oh my godddd im kissing you and ur brain, u get it!!!! Like the way a woman's virginity determines her value to some men is 🙄 and it's definitely not the other way around too like smh. Also what u said abt pcos and endo and how it would have alr be cured if men got it im !!!!! Say it louderrrr
Tbh i also like bunny bc she's just so silly yk? Like she's living her best and cutest life and i love her for that!!! Overly moral or perfect characters run flat to me but i swear i have a girl crush on bunny bc she just that bitch! The way she's assured of her own sexuality is HOT! love thatttt
A tarot deck omg. No bc fr bunny would have a tarot deck and be using it to try and get answers for finals or asking which boom bro she should sleep w that week lol
PLSSSS gf!choso reader was so fun, gf!cho in general was insane bc….that smut scene yoooooo…. Im also a fat cat haver and the only crotch wedgie i will ever like is the one gf!choso gave reader bc that shit was insane 😭 speaking of which i just bought new thongs and im praying the front is wide enough to not dig in 🙏
Omg but the age gap in gf!choso was so hot too like idk why that just popped into my head lol
I'm 5'10!!! And ooo the gowns are so pretty but i deadass have nowhere to wear them LMAO 
mwahhh 🍒 anon 
My 🍒 pookies!
Lol no I get it haha, smut can be a bit much for public. 😆
But I feel like Choso more than makes up for sharing that blunt by the end of the fic haha~~🤭
Yeah non-2d men suck lmfao basically is what that boils down to!!!
Yaaas you get Bunny! She can very slightly between fic but overall you nailed it perfectly!!! Jhdfskjh crying at her using tarot for hookups. That thought tickling me fr. Hehe it’s about to tell her to date nerd!geto tho, ahhh I can’t wait to start writing that. Hopefully I can finish the 3-4 things I have ahead of it quickly since nothing should be so long like plug!choso lol. 
LOLOL OMFG I forgot all about that crotch wedgie scene. Sometimes I be high as hell writing smut scenes and the craziest shit be coming out. 
AHHHHH omfg I totally feel you there with thongs there’s just so many times like one coochie lip be popping out in thongs. Like id rather them both just show a little then one just being freed fkjdsflkjhsf. 
Older choso <3333 haha, unlike plug!choso reader is not ashamed of gf!choso and tries to get him to come to her sorority parties and dress up. And he’s like “u know ur tempting me to kill every frat boy who looks at you rn” but he also goes cause his piercing stares keep them all away from you LOL. 
5’10 is model height though!! I get though wanting to feel more petite. It’s hard for me at 5’7 most of my friends are like under 5’5.😭😭
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macabrecravings · 3 months
Scarlet, pomegranate, and blood for all three!
And maybe crimson for Evangeline!
- Courier
SCARLET - How do they grieve?
Oh this is good. I get to think about their parents ehe~ (Shoutout to Rosalia Andretti, Mr. & Mrs. Dougherty, and Evangeline's bio parent(s)...? 🗣️) Cain — His parents died when he was 11 & it very much still haunts him. When the grief strikes, he distracts himself until he completely shuts down. He's got a support system within the temple, so grieving silently is doable. He's not one to discuss his feelings unless there's the shroud of anonymity that the confessional provides. 😁 Evangeline — Unlike the other two, she's not grieving the memory of actual people. Instead, she grieves and yearns for the connection, for the hypothetical figures she does not remember. She seeks "familial connections" to replace and fill the empty void, if that makes sense? It's why she sees Morgan as her dad, Cain like a brother, so on. She's creating a family for herself. Seraphina — When her mother left, she was very young. (6 years old). For the most part, she's accepting/understanding of it, but her memory and "what if's" are what mess with her. She greives very openly with the people she's close with. Robin understands, so does Kylar. They can talk about anything she needs to.
POMEGRANITE - Which myth would they relate to the most?
I am not a mythology fanatic... Haven't been since, like, middle school...? So I asked Endo LOL. Here's what they suggested & their guesses are as good as mine, so: Cain — Would probably enjoy King Arthur (Sword in the Stone) Evangeline — The Frog Princess was what they suggested for her. ("im so biased but some weird Russian myths with like . creatures... i feel like she'd like that") Seraphina — A Greek myth where ppl have multiple partners/affairs (Which tbf is, like. Most of them. But. again, not my forte T_T)
BLOOD - What would they do if they saw a stranger's corpse?
Cain — Freak out!!! Call the authorities! Could see him attempting resuscitation/CPR, depending on the state of the person. Internally debate mortality for a long while after they're taken away. Like, I'm talking substantial amount of time thinking about dying as a concept and mortality in humans. Evangeline — Freeze. Stare. For a good couple of minutes. Then, check for valuables in their pockets/wallet/body. Maybe tell Morgan or Harper...? But only if prompted? Seraphina — Well... she has! (Online.) She'd either look or scroll past depending on the brutality. In person, though, she'd fucking panic. Cry and cry. Call for help, stay there until the authorities come and maybe try to get involved with the whole situation just to be sure that the person's family is informed.
Answered Crimson in this post (>؂ •́)ᕗ
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
(In ref to that one "anti traumagenic" person) I literally split a headmate because a Dr Who roleplayer was grooming me and now I hate Dr Who??? And I'm a mixed origin system so???? They're just incorrect and also definitely not endo safe lol
This! And I'm really sorry that happened to you.
I still can't understand what @sweet-sloths-sys actually thought is unbelievable or even implausible? Is it that a headmate could form through roleplaying? Pretty sure that's an incredibly common origin. Is it that there would be abusive people in fandom spaces who would take advantage of vulnerable people? I'm sorry, but have you seen most fandoms? Is it that someone who was abused in a fandom might not like that fandom anymore?
It's just... absolutely none of these things are even remotely unbelievable or even unlikely.
Having said that, despite how terrible the things they've said are, I also feel I need to say this because of something else I saw on their page...
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@khanivoris Please knock it off. This isn't helping anything.
It doesn't matter what they've said or done. Encouraging someone to take their life is never acceptable. It just makes the whole environment that much more toxic.
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omegathetaone · 1 year
Welcome to the Omega System 。・:*˚:✧。
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Hey! We're the Omega System (also known as ΩΘ1/Omega or Theta in short), and we are a self diagnosed traumagenic system. The full DNI list will be written below, however note that we are expressly anti-endo/tulpa as they make us very uncomfortable! Below you will find our DNI list, frequent fronters, sign offs, and more! Please, please give it a read before interacting with us! Especially the DNI list, if nothing else!
This post is subject to updates at any time, so make sure to check here to keep yourself up to date! (Long Post under the cut <3)
The Basics & BYF
We use we/us and I/me interchangeably We are autistic, a minor, and bodily a trans man We are a self diagnosed osdd/did system but we can't tell which kind of system we are even after extensive research (we are leaning towards OSDD-1b)
We are a fictive heavy system We are a masc-identity heavy system The majority of our system is queer
We collectively go by Omega or Theta online. Outside of that we use the body's name (we will not be sharing it here) We collectively use He/It pronouns, so if you don't know who's fronting or are referring to us in general just use those pronouns
We block very liberally
We will delete posts as we so choose. One day you might see it, the next it could be gone. Sorry if this causes any confusion!
We struggle with self-acceptance at times to please be patient with us. We're doing our best to get out of that mindset but it's not an easy process
Don't be afraid to let us know if someone is problematic! If we reblog from someone unknowingly then letting us know would be greatly appreciated so we can block them and correct our mistake!
We prefer to interact with people who are at least 16, so if you are younger than that you will be on thin ice with us unless if we're mutuals.
General rule, please don't refer to us as "plural" or to our headmates as "parts". We don't feel comfortable with these terms.
We are open to most questions about being a system, how our system works, or anything else that might be on your mind! We love answering questions (though don't expect this from other systems online- they don't have to share anything if they don't want to).
Our DMs are open unless stated otherwise. If another system needs someone to talk to or is looking for a system friend, then you can come to us! Keep in mind though- we will stop communication and/or block you if we feel super uncomfortable!
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Detroit: Become Human
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Red Vs. Blue
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Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
In Sound Mind (Video Game)
Some of my other interests include...
The Horror Genre
Cryptids, SCPs, Analogue Horror, and other things of that nature
Music + Composition
Sound Design
Marine Biology
Marching Band (Marching music my beloved)
Learning new instruments (I'm up to 5 now I think)
Writing (I blame fandoms for this)
Of course some of these can vary depending on who's fronting but they are generally pretty consistent? For the most part anyway.
Favorite current songs...
Mayday mayday! by Biometrix
Downfall by NEONI
Outlaw by NEONI
Wonderland by NEONI
Big Guns by NEONI (can you tell we like Neoni?)
E.T. cover by Rain Paris
Beautiful is Boring by BONES UK
Underground by Unlike Pluto and 8 Graves
There's more, but the list would be going on forever lol
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4 notes · View notes
moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Thirty-Three: Future King
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Summary: Shōyō Hinata loves volleyball! There is no doubt that all he really thinks about is volleyball. His sister, however, isn’t the same way. Sakura is ready to start her first year of high school at Karasuno with her twin brother and doesn’t really want to do anything, unlike Shōyō. Though she can’t help it when she gets dragged into the antics of the volleyball club.
Word Count: 4618
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A/n: Another update let's goooooo!! This chapter is a bit short, but it's an original one and very, very angsty. Or at least I tried to make it angsty lol Hope ya'll like it.
JOJI ISN’T SURE HOW THE NEWS WAS going to go over well with his parents. Though no matter what they say, more like his father, he was going to go. It’s his final year at Karasuno, he’s going to do everything exciting with his friends. A Tokyo training camp? Yea, it will probably be tiring, but it’s an experience that Joji is more than happy with going through with his friends.
He has been to Tokyo plenty of times. Though to stay for a volleyball training camp was new. Not only that but the schools that he had heard from coach Ukai were some that he hadn’t heard of before. He couldn’t wait to see what kinds of guys went to those schools. After all, he quite liked Nekoma, who’s to say he won’t like Fukurōdani or Shinzen. The only downside would be that he couldn’t go around Tokyo and hang out there. What a bummer.
Getting home, his mother greeted him warmly and inquired about his day. They talked for a while over some tea before he went to his room to get some homework done. As he wrote out some of his math homework, his knee bounced under his desk. Joji might not admit it out loud but he was nervous. Talking to his family about the things he wants to do was always a toss up of emotions for him. On one hand, he was confident enough to do what he wanted, and wouldn’t be convinced to not do it. However, he was also insecure about what they would think about what he wanted. Things had been chosen for him for so long and making the decision for himself was usually a toss up. It wasn’t until recently that he was allowed to make them for himself. Even then he doesn’t do anything too drastic, really just staying in the volleyball club and going to Karasuno were the biggest ones that he had made. Perhaps he wasn’t given the chance to do it, but he didn’t make too many.
Soon enough, Joji found himself at the dining room table starting to eat his meal. As usual the dinner was more or less silent. Every once and a while, Eliza would attempt to make small talk but it never really led anywhere. Joji’s stomach was tied in a tight knot as he thought over how he was going to say that he was going to the camp. His mother would most likely be supportive to an extent, of course unless his father convinced her otherwise. Joji loves his mother dearly, but she can bend quite easily to the things her father wants. She could  be far too passive when up against her father, in Joji’s opinion.
The tense atmosphere wasn’t helping Joji with his plan to explain the camp to them. It really would only help contribute to his father’s disagreement to the idea. He knew that his father would not approve of the trip, but it wasn’t like Joji cared that he already knew what his father thought. The only way that he was going to get through this night was getting straight to the point. After all, even if Joji was going to make his own decision no matter what his father said, he still was allowed to know Joji’s plans.
“The team is heading to a training camp in Tokyo soon,” Endo started to say while munching on some dinner. His mother had made a wonderfully delicious plate of salmon for them tonight, and Joji loved it. Well, he loved anything that his mother cooked or baked, since she’s quite an artist in the kitchen, not just with her own art.
Eliza turned to him with a sweet smile, “Oh, really? That sounds like fun! They’ve never done a training camp that far away.”
Joji smiled at that, “everyone is really excited about it.”
Though through their happy moment, Hideaki himself had to cut through it with a knife. “I’m suspecting that you wish to go.” The room became chilly as they continued to eat. Eliza did her best to ignore the feeling that was wafting around the room, but that was hard with Joji starting to match the chilled atmosphere with his own slowly growing anger.
The normal anger that Joji got when his father made comments such as this was simmering under his skin. He hoped that tonight would be a night to get into another argument with his father, but he knew that he would be wrong. Joji held his father’s gaze with sharp eyes and didn’t waver, “Yes, I’m going.”
Eliza’s sunny disposition tried to break in between the two men, “How long is it?”
“A week.” Joji said monotony.
“I think it sounds wonderful, you could learn a lot-”
“You should not go,” Hideaki cut her off
Even though Joji wasn’t surprised with the denial, that didn’t mean he wasn’t any less angry and annoyed. He narrowed his eyes even further, “What?”
Hideaki knew that he was going to get “There’s no need to busy your time with a sports camp that will do little to benefit you in the future.”
Joji stared at him with a tight smile as he laughed humorlessly, “Why do you think you can control that, hm?”
“These… silly distractions from your future-”
“Distractions?” Joji scoffed in disbelief, “These aren’t distractions for anything.”
Hideaki shook his head, obviously becoming frustrated with this, “You chose to join this club in spite of what I want for you.” Why was his son being such a hassle? Over this club that he deemed unimportant. Hideaki is a practical man, and he didn’t deem it practical to be in a club that he didn’t see contributing to Joji’s future plans.
Joji just stared at him with a dumbfounded look. Was his father even hearing his own words? He blinked owlishly, “What you want for me? What about what I want?”
“Please,” Eliza said, trying to intervene before things got too out of hand, “let’s not fight about this.”
Though Hideaki wasn’t going to have any of that right now. After all this seemed to be a very important topic to talk through. “Eliza, it’s time we had this talk with him about any distractions that he has from what’s important.” He loves his wife, but from his point of view she babied their son far too much. Joji is becoming a man in the real world and he needs to face the facts. He stared down his son from across the table, “Do you even enjoy volleyball? What’s the point of busying precious time with silly things like playing a sport when you could be focusing on bettering your skills for your future in the company?”
Joji’s eyes twitched in annoyance, “A company that deals with the therapy and production of athletic prosthetics definitely has nothing to do with sports, huh?”
Hideaki sighed heavily, “What I mean is instead of going to a sports camp that will not have any benefit to you, why not stay home and study on medical practices to use during your time at the company. While having an understanding of the sport is a nice sentiment, the medical aspect of it is imperative to understand.” He could see his son’s reasoning about actually playing a sport, but that wasn’t necessary for their line of work. Even so, in Hideaki’s mind what’s more important research for the business would be to study medical techniques and practices not just playing one sport for years.
“And what if I want to have fun?” Joji asked, his teeth starting to grind, “Am I allowed to have fun?! I’m in high school, I should be having fun with my friends, right?!”
“Fun has nothing to do with your future-”
“MY FUTURE!?!” Joji exclaimed, his voice dripping in disbelief and bemusement. He had hit his boiling point it seemed. Sure, he’s put up with his father, and argued with him most of the time and all of it had finally hit its end. Joji started to seeth, “Stop trying to control every aspect of my life! I thought I would get to be left alone for the entirety of my high school career, that you wouldn’t interject yourself into every decision that I made, but it looks like I was wrong.”
Hideaki seemed slightly shaken at the shout and rant. Though he brushed it off, since he’s used to the angered exclamations from his dramatic son. He cleared his throat, “Well, I have to. You don’t look at the bigger picture.”
“I don’t want to look at the bigger picture, not now.” The boy scoffed, “Ever since you forced us to come to Japan, I was never allowed to be a kid, never allowed to have fun. Back in France, I could be a kid, I could play games, make mistakes, have fun. But the moment you dragged me here, you forced every decision you thought was best for me down my throat. The freedom that normal children have is something that I was never allowed.” 
Joji remembered all the times he was told ‘no’ to playing with the only friends he had, to going to places like zoos or parks, all because his father didn’t see it necessary. He didn’t have a childhood like a normal kid should have, he wasn’t allowed. All because of his father’s blinded view of his child’s life. It frustrated him to no end and while he did his best over the years to portray that frustration to his father, Joji always got nowhere with him.
“You were not a normal child. You were-”
The dining room was nearly silent except for the heavy breathing coming from Joji. He was nearly shaking as he glared down at his father, the man almost looking shocked at the outburst. He’s seen his son mad at him, but this was a rage that he hadn’t ever experienced. Eliza appeared to be extremely upset at the palpable anger brewing between the two men.
“Mon chéri…” Eliza started to say softly, more than worried with how things were going to go. This was more intense than any argument that she has bared witness to. It felt heavier than anything else. She hates this. Hates it so much.
Joji didn’t even look at her as he commanded, “Mum, please go.”
“This is between father and I.” He said sternly, still not looking at her. Whether that was because he didn’t want to or couldn’t work up the courage to, is clear. He let out a deep breath, “You don’t need to be dragged into it again.”
Hideaki also silently urged her to do it with a quick glance in her direction. He didn’t need to have her here since, in his mind, she wasn’t going to help either side with her indecisiveness. Even if she wanted to stay, Eliza could see from the hardened expression on their faces that they weren’t going to budge on the idea. Yes, she hates seeing her husband and son argue, but this felt heavier than the normal argument. So she left them to deal with whatever differences they needed to. She just hoped that it didn’t end up being a much bigger issue in the end.
After Eliza left quickly, all that remained was Hideaki and Joji in the dining room that was slowly becoming colder with each passing second. Neither man appeared as though they were really going to say anything. Hideaki didn’t seem to know what to say at all and Joji’s mind was racing so fast that he didn’t know where to start.
Hideaki sighed heavily while leaning back into his chair, “I never wanted this to upset your mother.”
Joji scoffed, “Well, we’re far beyond that point now. Years beyond that point. All because you wanted to dictate what I do in my life.”
“You don’t even know what you want in life.” Hideaki stated harshly, knowing that he was most certainly in the right about this. After all, he’s seen his son grow up not grasping onto anything to stick with it long. Though it’s not like he realized that it was due to anything he could have done while raising his son.
Joji bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from making any loud outburst again. “That’s because I was never given a chance to explore things about life. Things that could interest me or that I might like to do in the future!”
Hideaki stared at his son for a long moment. Taking in those words. He didn’t really think about it like that, though how could that be wrong? “All to make sure that you focus on the future.”
“A future that you can’t even be sure that I wanted!”
A beat of silence passed between them. This had to be the longest time that either of them had spoken to each other. Due to Joji avoiding his father and Hideaki being too busy to be home to talk with his son. So it was like they were finally coming to a new revelation with things about this. Joji never would think about what reasons his father would have with forcing his decisions down his throat were anything else than selfish. The idea that Hideaki would think of anything other than himself or his business would never cross Joji’s mind. Though staring down his father with a heated glare and seeing how Hideaki’s eyes were starting to soften caused Joji to pause slightly.
In his own mind, Hideaki was starting to realize just how far he has pushed his son away. After all these years, the effort that Hideaki thought he was putting into helping his son in the future was all for naught. Forcing Joji to lose something as precious as his childhood had affected him, hurt him so much. Hideaki should have realized this sooner. It shouldn’t take his son shouting and screaming at him for Hideaki to come to this conclusion. This was far too overdue, he realized.
“I know.” Hideaki finally said, his tone just being slightly softer than usual, “I know that I have made mistakes when raising you. I should have been there for you more. I said some things that have hurt you. I should have been a more attentive father. Though I did it all for you.” He did his best to try and stress this point to him, since that was the only reason in his eyes. After all, he values his son more than anything in this world. How had that been misconstrued at some point? “I want you to be successful and not have anything to jeopardize that. All I wish is for you to have the opportunities that I never had as a child. Doors were never opened and remained shut until I forced them open with my achievements in business. It was tough and difficult and I don’t want you to have to struggle for it. I can see now that I was going about this the wrong way.”
It took a moment for Joji to process this. It certainly wasn’t something that he would have thought about his father doing. Maybe when he was a child he believed that his father wanted what was best for him, but growing up he felt like that was not true. His father proved time and time again that he didn’t care all too much about Joji’s thoughts and his interests, so he didn’t care what he thought. Though to now hear that all this time his father thought he was doing what was best for him… It just made Joji even more annoyed.
“Why didn’t you realize this sooner?” Joji asked, close to shaking at his fathers admission, “After everything that I’ve told you, after what mum has told you, you’re only now seeing the issues?”
Hideaki had the decency to look even slightly ashamed for his words, “I’m sorry.”
“You could have saved us so many hurt feelings, especially for mum. She was always put in the middle of this and had to pick sides. Go with her teenage son who just wants some freedom in his own life, or go with her demanding husband who’s got his head so far up his ass that he can’t even realize that he’s the reason his family is so torn!” That had to be another thing that pissed Joji off quite a bit. His mother had been in the middle of all of this for years, and Joji didn’t like that things couldn’t have been better for her not to worry about them. Though that never was going to happen, was it? Joji stood up from his chair leaning across the table to stare his father in the eyes. The anger emanating from him seemed to be keeping Hideaki in his spot as he stared at his son. “I have spent years thinking that you thought of me as nothing but your replacement. As soon as I became of age you’d train me to take your spot in the company and nothing more. I was nothing but a tool for you to use once you could no longer work with your company. And I tried, I tried when I was younger to live up to your expectations but nothing was ever enough for you.” He harshly spat, “I wasn’t smart enough, I wasn't devoted enough, I wasn’t focusing enough. So yea, that discouraged me quite a bit. I wasn’t enough for my father, who I thought of as my hero!” Joji wasn’t sure, but he thought he could feel hot tears trailing down his cheeks, though he ignored that. “Then every time I tried to venture out to explore things on my own like art or volleyball or anything not related to the company I was scolded and told to forget it. Do you know what it does to a child to constantly be put down for trying new things, things that I was proud of for a time?” Hideaki’s face lost any semblance of it’s stoney expression as he took all those words in. If Joji really thought about it, his father started to look… broken. Though Joji continued to rant, “So I don’t think you should be surprised that I “rebelled” against you when I made that deal with you to attend Karasuno. So yes, I’m angry with you for your instance to constantly keep having your input in my decisions. I’m angry that I never felt like my life was my own. I’m angry that you never even seemed to love me!” He was breathing heavily, getting so much off of his chest was certainly draining. At this point, he knew that he was crying openly. The only ones who had really seen him cry was his mother and Asahi, being this vulnerable with his father was never a thought to him. How was that possible? Just how broken was their family? He swallowed thickly, “but I can’t hate you. You’re my father, I can’t hate you like I want to. I still love you but it’s… it’s hard to just forgive what happened.”
There was so much to take in there. So many emotions, so many regrets. Hideaki was having trouble processing it. How does he respond? How could he make up for this? These years of pushing his son away and forcing him to view him as a selfish father. How had things become so horrible for them. How were they going to fix this?
“I’m sorry for everything. I just…” Hideaki rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was unable to look his son in the eyes, unlike when he usually scolded his son for something like shouting and arguing. Though his avoidance of eye contact may be because of just how upset Joji appeared to be. Hideaki has never seen his son cry, he didn’t think his son was capable of it since he was a child. Hideaki himself wasn’t much of a cryer either. Though at this moment he nearly felt like crying, for how emotional things had become between them. He tried to continue on through some choked words, “I wished to give you a stable job once you were old enough, a comfortable lifestyle for when you grew up. So I wouldn’t have to worry about you being lost in life.”
Joji stared at his father through his blurry vision. This was something. An apology was a start, he thought. Though just how far was an apology going to get them? He sat back down in his chair and stared at his untouched meal. “I appreciate the apology. But if this is some… manipulation tactic to convince me not to go to Tokyo, it’s not going to work. I’m going.” He said stiffly, with no means of arguing with his decision. “You think that you know me, that I’m not interested in volleyball, but I am. I might not see it as something that I’ll do as a career or that I’ll do in college, but I enjoy it. I like it enough to stay on this team, to be a part of it for three years. I am dedicated to this team, whether you believe it or not. You don’t know what I want, I suggest working on learning how to find that out, like a normal father should.”
Even after all the ranting and revelations, Joji still wasn’t going to trust his father. The apology was nice, but Joji wouldn’t put it past his father to do something like this. After all, it would take more than just a long talk to undo all the years of neglect and hate. It would take a long time to make up for those years and for his father to learn how to do better.
Hideaki just nodded his head stiffly, agreeing with that idea. He had plenty to make up for and had to learn how to properly parent his son. Though what would that do now? After all, his son is almost an adult. He had missed out on so much.
Nothing more had to be said as Joji just climbed to his feet and swiftly made a beeline for the exit. He barely even glanced at his mother who was standing right outside the dining room. She obviously had been eavesdropping on the argument, though Joji didn’t care. He just wanted to go to his bedroom and reflect on how much he just dumped onto his father.
He climbed up the stairs and clumsily made his way into his bedroom. Joji instantly plopped down onto his bed, more than content with trapping himself in the comfy confines of his bed and sleeping through the night.
He wanted to be alone. Sure, there was a part of his mind that felt like it wasn’t the best idea. There was no need to be stuck in his thoughts all by himself. It would do him no good to end up going down a road of self-loathing and annoyance towards his father. Though he didn’t think it would be a good idea to unload all his emotions on someone again. It would be better if he just stayed like this for a while. To help him process everything properly.
Staring blankly at the ceiling, Joji didn’t know if he should cry or not. He felt like progress was most likely made with his father. That he probably could understand where Joji was coming from with how he was treated all his childhood. Though who knew if it went anywhere. His father was a stubborn man, which is where Joji got his stubbornness from. Joji could only hope that things got through to his father. It was better now or never.
Down in the dining room, Hideaki sat in his seat, having not moved an inch since his son left. It was taking much longer than he thought to calm down from everything that was said. He had wanted to talk to his son about what was going to come in the future, but Hideaki didn’t think it would end up like this.
Yes, revelations were made, but he didn’t think that they were all too good. He hadn’t even realized that it was that bad for his son. Joji had many grievances with how Hideaki wanted to get him ready for his future, but Hideaki didn’t think they had hurt him like this. Had he stolen his childhood from him? No. That couldn’t be right. 
Hideaki always told himself since he learned of Eliza’s pregnancy that he would be a good father. He would do everything he could to provide for his family. He missed out on a lot due to him being at work, but he was doing that to better the life for his family. He worked to get money, to secure the perfect life that he knew his wife and child deserved. Then while Joji was born he knew that he had to create the perfect path for his son. A straight pathway into a secure job that would help Joji live a life that he deemed luxurious and befitting of his pride and joy. How that ended up becoming something that Joji himself despised was not in Hideaki’s plans.
A gentle hand placed itself on his shoulder. It was a comforting touch that Hideaki had memorized years ago. It nearly broke him to have her comfort him as he sat in the dining room after that spat. A part of him loved that his wife was comforting him after such a jarring argument, but a part of him didn’t think he deserved it.
“I didn’t realize,” he said softly. He looked up to his wife, his eyes nearly brimming with tears. This had shaken him so much, Eliza could tell. Though she’s glad that it happened. 
She sighed heavily, “We tried to tell you. But you kept your plans at the forefront of your mind. Nothing could ever get through to you.” As much as she would like to comfort her husband to stop any pain that he might be feeling, she has to be truthful. Now with everything out in the open, she has to be a bit more harsh when it comes to going over this.
He looked up at his wife with a near broken expression, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” She got out, her own eyes tearing up, “I should have tried more to get you two to understand each other.”
He shook his head, taking her hand into his own, “No. No. This is my fault, you’re as much a victim as Joji.” He was able to recognize at least that. Which made him feel even worse that he had done this to his wife, one of the last things he would ever want to do. “There’s… a lot that I have overlooked, a lot that I need to learn.”
“And I’ll help you.”
All Hideaki wanted was to set his son up with a kingdom of his own. Though he has an understanding now that he didn’t do it in the right way. That was one step in the right direction. It might be progress in this family, all that could happen now is waiting to see just how Hideaki would make it up to his family for all these years. He wasn’t going to just abandon the idea of his son taking over the company, but he knows that he should be more considerate when it comes to Joji’s opinions. He just hoped that it wasn’t too late.
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A/n: So how was it? Was it angsty enough. I wanted to get to this point for a while. Like a crescendo to Joji and his father's relationship. It finally has bubbled over and Joji's yelled his mind at his father and hopefully his father has taken this as a wake up call. Realistically, it's not going to happen so fast, but who knows.
Let me know what you thought of the chapter! Until the next one, my friends~!
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3 notes · View notes
i-shit-my-pant · 2 years
While we wait for the next chapter I'll give my predictions for the rest of the bus hijack arc. These are all my opinion mostly based on feelings so they're probably not accurate nor will many of you agree with them
- I have a feeling this arc will be pretty short, maybe 3 or 4 full chapters left of it. The bus has already been spiked and the cops are closing in. However I can also still see things going south, the Red Circus still hasn't opted for their "last ditch effort" yet. I'm kind of split 50/50 on it. Well, maybe 35/65
- I feel like the Secret Police will try to hush up the children and give the Blackbell family hushmoney to try to sweep this incident under the rug like what happened with the Westalis prime minister visit in the "secure a dog" arc. But no matter what, Loid (and possibly Yor) will find out about this sooner or later since WISE already knows about what's happening and seem to be planning to tell Twilight about it when he's back from his mission. most likely they'll find out after the damage is done and the terrorists are taken care of. I thinm Endo is trying to create a story where Loid and Yor are unavailable to assist Anya so we get to see how the government works with these types of issues, and possibly even the children defending themselves.
- once Loid and Yor find out about what happened I'm sure they'll be pretty damn unsettled. Loid will probably blame himself (or even WISE for not immediately informing him) for being unavailable and unable to properly protect Anya and so many other children from this traumatizing event. Yor will blame herself for unsuffciently eliminating the Red Circus and indirectly putting Anya in danger. I can imagine both of them either burying themselves deeper in their work to destroy as many dangers as possible, or working far less to try to keep Anya as close to them just in case anything else happens. Either way I don't expect them to going back to their normal life routines right away after this.
- Anya will probably start to be nicer to Damian now that she knows he genuinely cares for her and her classmates and isn't as much of a jerk as he has led on to be; this could possibly lead to an actual friendship formed without any ulterior motives. But sadly I also see a big possibility that after this Anya or Damian will say something stupid and set their development back to square 1 because this story is far from over, and we can't be having progress now can we? Lol. But I have faith in Endo, I can't imagine all that ha happened this arc to have ZERO impact on their relationship.
- this one is unlikely but I like to think about it: what if Yuri goes gets involved despite his superiors telling him not to, and Anya sees him? What would Yuri do, would he seriously consider killing Anya or turning the SSS on her to protect his identity? Would he try to make an agreement with her by offering a reward if she keeps her mouth shut? Or would he come clean to Yor out of fear of Anya saying something first? How would Yor react? Would she be proud of her brother for protecting the country like she is? Or would she be mortified because the SSS has been her greatest threat as an assassin and an unmarried "suspicious" woman. would she not trust her own brother anymore? I know Yor was trained by The Garden to be politically neutral to avoid becoming blind to corrupt individuals wrongdoings because she agreed with their cause, but how does she feel about the actions of the Secret Police? Yor is a killer, but she bases her work on sympathy and taking lives as painlessly as possible, but the Secret Police are cruel. They may arrest terrorists, but they also abuse and kill innocent civilians and minor offeders out of paranoia of them being Spies and enemies. I can't imagine Yor being a fan of the SSS.
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Eeeee - Rambling about (maybe) being a system
Long post
Okay. I’m here to organize thoughts lol.
So, I MIGHT have OSDD-a. My logic for this is that it would explain the random as hell chatter, the mood shifts (and wanting to go by a different name sometimes) and never feeling ‘fully’ myself.
Reasons I MIGHT have OSDD-1a (or have a UDD)
1) the mood-changing shit, somebody says something and suddenly my mood is way, way different. (Ex; my friend started venting and I went from content to very apathetic. This is a regular occurrence, however it could be a mood disorder but I’d have to research that first)
2) voices in my head, although relatively rare, are very very weird. (SB makes funny dirty-jokes and is a flirt, and RBN is murderous and typically talks about violence.)
3) I have amnesia, but it’s incredibly random, and is more like dissociative amnesia (where I zone-out, then I dissociate, and then 5 hours have passed when I snap back. 90% of this is in school, where I’m on auto—pilot.)
4) Body dysmorphia. It’s not always there, but sometimes looking in a mirror feels like a stab to the heart.
5) The edge between daydreams and reality is very blurred. While this wouldn’t make me an OSDD system, it could (potentially) be me being a schizo-system. It’s akin to psychosis, and typically the rule is ‘believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.’ That quote. Aka I don’t trust my sight, hearing or smell and rely on touch.
6) Trauma. Although not enough to garner being a system, but ‘trauma is your reaction, not the event’ and that whole thing. (Which I’m trying to wrap my head around. I thought I was overly paranoid about males.)
7) I’m writing this (this isn’t an actual reason, just putting humor so I don’t fucking implode)
My argument against NOT having OSDD-1a is :
1) if I was a system, I probably would’ve noticed earlier instead of when I first started learning about them.
2) I’m very prone to thinking I have a mental disorder I do not because my brain is set on ‘being the most special’. (Aka, sometimes if I can’t fight it I self dx with no research so I can become special. Why? No fucking clue and if anybody knows how to fix it, thank you.)
3) I could be hallucinating, I do that because i feel lonely lots. (I am not an endo system. If anything this would make me a schizo-system. I got research that more actually-(I’m not strictly anti-endo, but a lot of them are in thin ice))
4) it’s so incredibly rare as a trauma response, it’s very unlikely I do not have it
5) Although I was traumatized, I highly doubt it was not that severe. (Although I cannot remember anything from the years 1-12, but this could be amnesia, memory blocking and other crap)
6) literally no. It’s so unlikely. So so unlikely.
7) I think SOMEBODY would notice, even if it was a minor thing.
0 notes
wisehq · 3 years
Mission Debrief: Chapter Forty-Four
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Battle aboard the Princess Lorelei, everybody!
I think I speak for the whole fandom when I say thank you Endo for finally giving us our long overdue Yor chapter! And not only that, but a whole freaking boat arc to boot!! There was so much that happened this week that I honestly had trouble narrowing down the panels to use for this review. There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get into it!
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First off-!
[rips up all my old reviews]
All of my Shopkeeper theories up until this point have been completely wrong...and I am A-OK with that! I didn’t think we’d actually get to see her this early (I’m assuming it’s a her, but it was never directly stated) and to be honest I’m surprised by her design. She’s unlike any other character we’ve seen till this point; I assume the bags under her eyes to be wrinkles, and she is built very strongly for someone her age. Her gaze has a definite presence, and that hair- good god it’s long! Shopkeeper is certainly intriguing from a design standpoint, which only adds to the mystery of her as we really don’t get to see much of her character despite the panels devoted to her.
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We do get to see that Shopkeeper barely approves of Yor being Mrs. Forger, both in the above exchange and her introduction. It’s obvious she prizes Thorn Princess highly as a valuable Garden assassin, and worries that playing house is making her lose her edge. It’s going to be very interesting to see how this plays out further down the road; I wouldn’t put it past Shopkeeper to start keeping tabs on Loid, just to have something in her back pocket should the time come to convince Yor to leave the family (oh the juicy angst).
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Moving on, Yor’s mission is interesting (for more reasons than one, which we will get into more later). Instead of killing, she’ll be protecting- a mother and her child no less. I’m willing to bet money that Yor’s going to draw parallels between herself and Olka, if only for the fact that they’re both mothers with a young child. I suspect that’ll come into play more as the arc progresses, given that Anya-
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-Is not only a card shark, but also queen of the raffle box!
Ok look, I get it; this was complete bullshit on Endo’s part to finagle a way to get Loid and Anya on the boar with Yor, but dammit if I didn’t love this whole scene regardless. Anya’s determined yet deadpan stare, Loid’s nonchalant attitude about the whole thing, the whole bit about the winning ticket being stuck underneath the lid and Anya using her powers to find it, it was all adorably fun. Plus, it got the Forgers altogether on a boat, so I have no qualms about it!
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Also throwing it out there that I loved Handler getting chewed out for overworking the agents and just being like “sure whatever go on a cruise with your family, have fun.” Endo really could have made her the stick in the mud here, but I guess for the sake of time and also Loid’s sanity he went the easy route and made her the fun mom for a change lol
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The same goes for the soft moment with Yor and Yuri. It’s no secret I’m not a huge fan of the latter, but anytime the Briar siblings are together having genuine conversation I melt like butter. Not only was it nice seeing Yuri behaving like an adult for a change (for the most part) but also for Yor to start coming to terms with the fact that he’s older and doesn’t need her as much anymore. Instead, we see her feelings slowly start to shift towards Anya towards the end of the chapter. Yor muses that perhaps the best thing she could do is give up assassination, and instead focus on her (not-so) fake family. It’s a new layer of drama to an already thick cake, so we’ll see how it all plays out as the arc proceeds.
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I will say that the final panels do give a certain air of tenseness (aside from Loid holding Anya’s hand of course, love it). It certainly sets the scene for something big just on the horizon and given that we know a whole army of assassins is out for blood on a giant cruise ship, you can rest assured it’s going to get messy!
Speaking of, before we wrap up, it’s time to get back to the whole “Yor’s mission is really interesting” thing from earlier. I’d like to highlight what a few people have pointed out already; specifically that this gentleman in Shopkeeper’s briefing-
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-looks remarkably similar to a certain someone from chapter one.
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Arguing for the side that this isn’t the same character, @eldraftsman​ (calling you out dude xD) points out that their faces are slightly different and their hair’s not quite right, which I will agree with. Looking at it from the other side’s perspective though, it’s entirely possible his design has changed slightly since the very first chapter of the manga. Two years is a long time to tweak a design, let alone how fast Endo is at doing it (just look at Fiona’s introduction vs. how she looks now, all in the span of two chapters). Plus, it wouldn’t be the first time Endo has hinted at a future character way before their proper introduction.
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Guy on the right look familiar? Mr. Green in all his glory, all the way back in chapter twenty-seven. For reference, he didn’t show up again until chapter thirty-nine, almost a whole year before he got the spotlight. It’s also clear that this isn’t just him re-using the design; Mr. Green is Eden security, so it would make sense for him to be escorting the mid-term tests. Whether or not the same holds true for our mystery man orchestrating the events of Cruise Ooting Arc (coining it), I guess we’ll just have to wait till the next chapter to find out!
Also, BONUS!
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Anya really said “Give me a boat or I’ll give you felonies”
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tare-anime · 3 years
SxF Chapter 49
(Beware spoilers)
We're almost 50 chapters!! Wohoooo 🥰
Still.... after the ending of chp 48, I have no clues at all of how the story in this chapter will go.
Thus, I am not prepared at all, when Endo slapped me with this much angst 🥲
I mean, I love hurt/comfort. But this chapter is all about hurt without comfort (yet)... I'm....🥲
Ahem. Okay, let's see the lighter part of this chapter first.
Anya being worried for her mom's safety is sooo cute!! She really tried her best, but after playing all day, she got sleepy.
And day by day, she started to took her parent's trait, I found that cute 🥰
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Like mother, like daughter.... LOL
On Loid's side.... a bit of TwiYor content here. Loid really misses his wife. Especially, since he had to watch over Anya all day long, and he got really tired from doing so.
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Now you understand how Yor feels when you went all around town for your mission, eh???
I can't wait to see his expression when he reunited with Yor 🥰
(The rest will go under the cut, because this is a loooooonnngggg post.)
Now unto the villains...
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It looks like Steve Jobs is a sniffing freak! That's one scary ability there..... yet, that ability could become a weakness too. But by the his inner monologue... apparently this man was one of those who responsible in eliminating the Gretchers. Which means, he's one formidable enemy. The "boss enemy" of this arc.
I am both excited and terrified in anticipating the match between him and Yor 🥶
But, I say, the most terrifying enemy is the "evil Frankie". Informants always works in the shadow. Made them those with higher chance of survivals, and yet they held the important things/cards in their hands. With enough strategy, they will able to use it to evil deeds. Scary. And just look at this. He already prepared to save himself, should things went south.
Now, on the lighter note...
Soft boy detected!
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Furseal, whose real name turn out to be Zab, already admired Olka for a long time!! Awww... and he even noticed how distressed Olka (and the baby) are, and thus take action to be the goofy one, so that they could relax a bit.
Olka knows this, which made her commented that he’s a nice guy. 
Awww.... I just hope.... really hope.... Zeb didn't die protecting Olka. After what had happened to Olka, I want her to at least has someone she could rely on, someone that will not betrayed her under any circumstances. That person being Zab here. (Please Endo....hear my praaayy....)
From his backstory, however.... now we get a timeline. We are currently around 10 years after the war.
And that apparently the Gretchers were not at the same side with the current government, despite their enormous power. Which might be one of the reasons why they're eliminated. The government needs their resource for weaponry, but they refused to cooperate. Thus they're eliminated.
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This made me think.....
The Gretchers are friends with Garden. Garden was said to serve the shadow government. And in that term, Garden might also be at the side who don't want any war....
Which means.... Garden and WISE might be at the same side!!
I really hope so.
That means we have a possibility of Loid and Yor doing join mission, buuuuttt then we might have a Yor vs Yuri??? (Okay, I'll stop here)
Continue to Garden member. I am awed by McMahon.
He is one awesome character!! By the way he act here, we can conclude that he is one with enough experiences. Good one and bad ones. He might had seen so many things in this world, thus he understand the nature of human beings. Him being the soldier who would do things necessary for his country? Ugh... total badass!! And unlike Yor, he knows how to use different type of weapons. Fire weapon, close range weapon, throwing weapons.... wow!! wow!!
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And once again, I got the feeling that he’s Yor’s mentor. He knows when to scold her (forgeting the knocking code?? Yor!! Don’t be too nervous!), but he also acknowledge her as one of the strongest assassins in Garden.
Btw, somehow I got the feeling that McMahon is there to watch over Yor too. He seems like the loyal butler of Shopkeeper. And Yor is the princess (Shopkeeper’s daughter). And thus Mc Mahon is responsible of her safety too. I mean, look at him. Cleaning after the mess, preparing them food, smoothing their cover story, and for the night, he asked “the three of them” (Yor included) to ‘rest’ while he ‘cleaned’ the enemies. 
He really got the ‘loyal butler’ and ‘mentor’ vibes here.
Now aside from Furseal, I am also afraid that he might die in doing what he has to do (protecting Yor). 
Uuuhh but please Endooo!! If you want to kill someone, let it be Steve Jobs!! pleaseeee!!! 
(btw, could we have McMahon at the cover of the 8th volume?? but we haven’t even got Handler yet!!)
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Leave it to Endo, to make this supposedly warm panels, hurts so so so sosooooooo muccch T.T
Now, the last but not least, the source of this chapter’s angst...
Yor... oh my dear Yor...
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She’s so afraid of getting hurt because she thought it might hindered her to return to the Forgers. She was reminded that the Forgers are just ‘fake’ family. 
Yor is a simple person. All this time, she do whatever she has to do, doing all the dirty jobs, all for one purpose: Raising Yuri.
Now that Yuri had able to stand on his own two feet, suddenly Yor felt lost. And for the first time, she also has wants. Yor wants something, that is to be loved by a family. Yet she felt that she isn’t allowed to have what she wants. Ugh!! 
Not having a goal in her live, currently doing an unusual job, and now she also wants to be with the Forgers but she felt she wasn’t appropriate in doing so....  And by sitting alone in the dark quiet room, her mind wanders: She felt lost and she is depressed T.T  (and my heart breaks!!)
But by the next chapters, I hope she realized, that the Forgers are not ‘fake’. At least, Anya really see her as the mother. Anya needs her. And that getting hurt to protect her family is worth it. (I have a feelings that Yor might get hurt in protecting Anya, who in her own way tries to help, but the kid didn’t realized that these assassins are dangerous.)
So, all in all, this chapter really make me feels.... (still a wonderful chapter though!)
In next chapter I think we’re finally entering the climax of this arc (the countdown begin!).... I can’t wait! 
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hikari-writes · 4 years
I haven’t seen other isekai villainess series yet, I didn’t even realize it was popular until after getting into my next life, so if you have recommendations, I’d love to try out more!
HameFura was my first Isekai villainess ever! Coincidentally, I'm also a fan of reverse harem so the series really excites me! I don't think there are other animes for isekai villainess (in fact, I think HameFura is the first of its genre to have an anime adaptation. I wish they'd adapt more in the future though) but as you'd probably guess, there are a lot of Light Novels featuring that genre! There are also many manga adaptations of them! Some of the popular and the ones that I'm currently reading are these, though i must tell you that some of these recs are just isekai in general/reborn/reincarnated/transferred to isekai. So these are a variation of isekai genre rather than just a "reincarnated as isekai/otome game villainess" (ho boi,,,, this is a long ass one forgive me)
The Villainess' Slow Prison Life Began With Her Broken Engagement (completed, pretty short but there are the continuation in the LN, which I'll def check in the future!)
Middle-Aged Man's Noble Daughter Reincarnation (haven't read it yet, but it seemed interesting, so I'll just add this too!)
The Vengeful White Cat Lounging On The Dragon King's Lap (this is a transferred into isekai but i thought it's pretty cute! Ongoing)
The Mage With Special Circumstances Wants To Live Peacefully (MC originally lives in the this fantasy world, so i wouldn't say this is an isekai, but it's cute and interesting, so i totally recommend it! Ongoing)
Since I Became A Saint, I'll Do Whatever I Want With My Second Life ~The Prince Was My Lover Who Threw Me Away In My Previous Life~ (reborn in the same world, really interesting and I love the MC. Ongoing)
I'm Thinking Of Quitting The Villainess' Entourage (This is cute 🥺🥺 still ongoing though)
Tensei Saki Ga Shoujo Manga No Shiro Buta Reijou Datta (similar to HameFura where the villainess recovers her memories and changed for the greater good, but the setting for this one is shoujo manga rather than otome game. I think the MC is really cute and love how hardworking she is. Ongoing)
I’M A Villainous Daughter, So I’M Going To Keep The Last Boss (WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO END SMH 😢 Like, I love LOVE this manga so freaking much! Totally recommend it 10/10! Just a heads up, original otome game heroine who's kind like HameFura Maria in isekai manga/LN is considered rare. Original otome game heroine like this manga are considered to be more common. So,,, prepare yourself 💀)
Mahoutsukai No Konyakusha (the world the MC is reincarnated in doesn't have any relation to something from her past life, so this is a general fantasy setting. BUT IT'S CUTE SO WHATEVER 🤗 I believe this one is completed 🤔)
For Certain Reasons, The Villainess Noble Lady Will Live Her Post-Engagement Annulment Life Freely (interesting MC, story has main subject, which is medical stuff cause mc was a nurse in her past life, ongoing)
Of Course, I'll Claim Palimony! (This is just so interesting, and i love how straightforward the MC is, not a reincarnated MC or anything, she is originally from the world :) ongoing)
I Was Reincarnated, And Now I'm A Maid! (Reincarnated as the villainess maid instead! This is pretty heartwarming but there aren't many chapters currently, still ongoing)
Endo And Kobayashi’S Live Commentary On The Villainess (This is just so amazing and interesting! Not reborn/reincarnated, but instead, the ones from the normal world is playing the game and gave commentary on the game, one of the character (the prince) can hear them, even though he's in the game. Ongoing)
Milady Just Wants To Relax (reincarnated in a novel world as the villainess! Tells the story of the after life of MC opening up a cafe after she was exiled. So fluffy and the Love interests are beastmen)
Fiancée’S Observation Log Of The Self-Proclaimed Villainess (One of the most popular isekai manga after HameFura! Instead of the female MC's point of view, this is told in the villainess' (aka MC's) fiance's point of view! Also, the villainess in this one wants to confront her bad end rather than avoid it like in HameFura 😂 and she's as dumb as Katarina so 😔😔👌👌👌 ongoing)
When I Woke Up, Twenty Years Passed! ~The Villainous Daughter’S Afterlife~ (cute as shit and hot male LI 😌😌😌 ongoing)
Seijo No Maryoku Wa Bannou Desu (this one is transferred into isekai, i stan the MC so much, she was treated like shit at first, but it gets better dw,,, and the lead male is just so 😍😍😍)
The Villainess Want To Marry A Commoner (this is honestly just so cute and relatable! The reincarnated MC loves one of the supporting cast rather than the main LI in the otome game, so she gets engaged with him and decides to stay away from the heroine and the LI, ongoing)
The Result Of Being Reincarnated Is Having A Master-Servant Relationship With The Yandere Love Interest (reincarnated into yandere otome game! Male lead is a lowkey yandere for his master aka the villainess (MC), ongoing.)
Isekai De "kuro No Iyashi Te" Tte Yobarete Imasu (similar to seijo no maryoku, but still quite different! This is enjoyable too! Completed)
Inso's Law (the only manhwa I'll list here. I just love the relationship the MC and all the LI and original heroine. This one is set in a world of romance novel, but not one that the MC already read or knew. The MC just knew she got transferred and is forced to live in a romance novel world because of how all the laws that applied to a common romance novel is shown when she was living her life there. She was assumed to be the heroine's (normal looking) best friend. Ongoing)
The Banished Villainess! Living The Leisurely Life Of A Nun Making Revolutionary Church Food (ONE OF MY FAV! This is just so cute! (Heads up, shit may or may not go down 👀) but this is still the cutest shit ever, male lead is a scary looking guy that's actually really soft and dense and he loves the villainess (MC) but again, MC is too dumb to realize that 😔 BUT IT'S CUTE SO IT'S ALRIGHT! Ongoing)
May I Ask For One Final Thing? (BADASS MC! YES!! MC is originally from the world and she kicks ass at the people who wronged her, ongoing)
The Villainess Is Adored By The Crown Prince Of The Neighboring Kingdom (again, one of the most popular isekai villaines after HameFura. And again, the original otome game heroine is the exact opposite of Maria, so prepare yourself! This thing is cute as heck! It shows how the Villainess (MC) was treated like shit by one of the male lead (a prince)but then a hotter guy (the neighboring prince) came and proposed to her,, lmao serves the prince right, ongoing)
Isekai De Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tame Ni Ganbattemasu. (Reincarnated to a fantasy setting world, and the smol MC is adored by all animals, SUPER FLUFFY, just like the title)
I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! (Reborn again in the same world,MC decided to stay away from the Heroine and won't bully her.....which backfired horribly 😜ongoing)
Marielle Clarac's Engagement (MC originally from the world, just shows the life of her as a romance novel writer in the noble world. This one is super cute too, ongoing)
I’M Not A Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness Doesn’T Mean I’M A Bad Person! (Set in shoujo manga world, and the MC was a misunderstood girl 😢😢😢😢 i love her sm 😔 ongoing)
The Reborn Witch Foretells Destruction (reborn to a fantasy world, and the artstyle is my personal fav! I just love the relationship the MC has with the love interests)
I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is A Villain (just sum cute shit, MC born as a side character, but somehow caught the attention of the otome game Villain and was proposed by him. Also the original otome game heroine is....i think you already get it by now)
The Villainess Will Crush Her Destruction End Through Modern Firepower (BIG BAD BITCH ENERGYYYYYY even though she's a freaking loli, lol remind me of Youjo Senki...villainess MC was reincarnated to an otome game and one interesting trait of her from past life, she loves guns and revolver,,, and all those stuff, ongoing)
It Seems Like I Got Reincarnated Into The World Of A Yandere Otome Game (again, yandere otome game, but the yandere flags are all taken down, so it's safe, (still have some of those yandere tendencies tho) ongoing)
Fake Cinderella (just a patisserie reincarnated to a fantasy world, and she was engaged to a prince that is really fond of her (i say fond because their age gap is a little....questionable) ongoing)
Koushaku Reijou No Tashinami (i barely understand what's going on half of the time but i love the romance the MC villainess has with her LI. (And the LI isn't one of the capture targets from the og otome game) focuses on the subject of politic so.....RIP. but i still love the romance 🥳)
Lady Rose Wants To Be A Commoner (I 👏 LOVE 👏 THIS 👏 It's just freaking amazing and cute! MC is reincarnated as the otome game heroine, but she lets the event flowed to her bad ending, so she got to be exiled and live her life as a commoner. Interesting MC and amazing artstyle! Ongoing)
I Reincarnated Into An Otome Game As A Villainess With Only Destruction Flags... In A Dire Situation!? Verge Of Destruction Arc (HameFura spinoff! This one is set in the world where Katarina is already bullying Maria because her past life memories came like, 5/7(?) years after the incident with the scar with the prince unlike in the OG. I actually just need more HameFura content so,,, 🥺😔👉👈 Katarina's still the same ol dumb so dw,,,also more side characters are introduced! Ongoing)
The Villainess, Cecilia Silvie, Doesn't Want To Die, So She Decided To Cross-Dress! (Haven't read it yet, but i LOVE the genderbend idea!)
The Earl's Daughter Was Suddenly Employed As The Crown Prince's Fiancée (MC is already originally living in fantasy setting world, and her interactions with the crown prince is just so freaking cute i can't,,, ongoing....i think?)
The Daughter Of The Albert House Wishes For Ruin (This is so much fun to read! Same as fiancee observation log, the villainess MC wishes to confront her dead end for some reason, ongoing i think?)
AND THAT'S ALL I CAN GIVE! This post is long as heck, and i haven't even talk about ALL of them, plus there's also the manhwa. 😂😂😂 but i hope you'll like these!
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elisaminimeneghini · 5 years
Italian Nats 2019 Recap
The 2019 Italian national championship was held in Meda on September 13-15 and it was also a trial for the upcoming worlds. Asia D’Amato won the AA competition, followed by Desirée Carofiglio and Giorgia Villa. Alice D’Amato came in 4th, Elisa Iorio in 5th, and Martina Maggio in 6th. These 6 gymnasts make up the team plus alternate that will compete in Stuttgart. My personal recap below the cut.
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(Pic from GAI on FB)
- Asia D’Amato showed up in really good shape at this competition. She was the only one among the Brixia girls to hit 4/4 which allowed her to win the competition with a 55.200 (no bonuses). Her vault boosted her total with a 14.900 for her DTY which clearly shows that she’s been working on an Amanar lately (which hopefully she won’t debut before next year). Together with her Yurchenko half-on half-off she qualified in 1st for VT EF and went on to win that title (easily) with a 14.375 avg. On bars she struggled a bit with a close pak catch, but recovered and still made UB EF where she then counted two falls but it really wouldn’t have mattered as this is her worst event. On beam she was the only one to hit consistently at nats and also at the previous friendly meet in the Netherlands, even though she only has a 5.1D. On floor she brought her FTDLO (pretty piked and not landed very well) + DLO. She still needs to do a lot of cleaning up on the landings but I’m glad they worked on her stamina, since she finally managed to hit the full routine twice without dying. Casella revealed that the long term plan is for Asia to bring back the double arabian in third and only do 3 passes total (FTDLO, DLO, double arabian...send thoughts and prayers).
- Desirée Carofiglio also looks in an amazing shape. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen her look this confident and solid AA as she is now and I’ve been stanning her for ages so I know what I’m talking about. She was second only to Asia (who had a huge advantage with the big score her DTY earned her) in the AA and only by .2! Absolutely crazy. On vault she has her good 1.5Y back and a second vault which is a fhs pike. She unfortunately sat her 1.5Y in EF which kept her out of medals, but that’s clearly a fluke. She hit bars both in quals and EF, and she’s showing a lot more confidence and cleanliness of execution. Her Nabieva, while still on the pikey side, is getting consistent and her handstands have improved a lot and she scored a 14.000 on both days on this event, finishing in 4th in EF only because the 03s are excellent here. On beam she consistently hit her solid routine, going 13+ on both days and earning again a 4th place. But it’s FX where she truly shines with her beautiful front tumbling and great choreo. She brought back her front layout to double front tuck and her Dowell which she landed extremely well every time and this plus her awesome artistry (with a little help from Lara Mori not being very clean and Giorgia Villa not making FX EF) earned her the gold medal on floor. Overall, an amazing competition for her, and I hope this showed Casella he can count on her for more than just floor at worlds.
- Giorgia Villa, despite not having the best day in qualification (oob by two miles on her triple twist on floor and fall on beam on her tuck full), with her huge vault and bars she managed to snatch the bronze AA medal ahead of Alice D’Amato (who wasn’t exactly thrilled about her 4th place LOL, see pic, she’s in the pink leo)
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Anyway, Giorgia still managed to make UB and BB EFs (beam was a bit of a splatfest in quals) and she won gold in both with superb routines. On bars Giorgia now has a consistent 6.2 routine which is full of connections including ricna-pak-maloney-bhardwaj which she sometimes connects to the VL. On beam, the roundoff tuck full has a decent hit rate, but since it’s such a hard acro, it will forever make me nervous. I’m very happy that (for now at least) she has taken out the double pike dismount in favor of a simple double twist which she can stick and, since her twisting form is great, gets wayyy less deductions. It should be noted that there have been hints from Brixia and GAI that both Asia and Giorgia are training Amanars (which is not surprising as both their DTYs are looking really good and you can tell they’ve been working on that extra twist lately, from the way they land the DTY). Hopefully and realistically, we won’t see them before next year but this is both exciting and terrifying. On floor, I’m also pretty confident that a Silivas is in the works for Giorgia, since her full-in is beautiful and high. I hope she ditches the DLO forever in favor of that. At nats (or at the dutch friendly) she hasn’t done the DLO so yay for that.
- Alice D’Amato looked like she was going to medal in the AA over Giorgia but she counted a fall on beam on her new double wolf turn and that put her in 4th place instead. Vault and bars looked great for her as well, however her floor needs extra work as her opening DLO is still short and so is her triple twist in second. This was particularly clear in FX EF, where she landed both passes kinda badly and then scratched the rest of the routine while touching her ankle...It *looks* like it shouldn’t be anything major, but she will undergo some checks before she can be declared fine. Hopefully she’ll be ok, it would be such a shame if she got injured again after all the struggle with her previous comeback. She won the bronze medal on bars with a great 14.200 routine.
- Elisa Iorio looks like she will be the one not doing AA at worlds out of the 03s right now, unless they’re having her peak riiiiiiight before worlds. She’s looking strong on bars, her best event, but on beam, the other event where she should shine, she’s still inconsistent. On vault, she brought back her DTY which, despite not looking dangerous, is not up to speed with the D’Amato and Giorgia’s, “only” scoring a 14.400 (for comparison, Desy’s 1.5 scored a 14.3). This has me wonder whether she’ll be vaulting or not. She definitely won’t be doing floor I’d say, since she got a 12.900 for a hit routine. I think unless her DTY improves in the next few days (unlikely) they should just have her do UB and possibly BB. I don’t know if I would bet on her or Desy’s consistency more tbh. Right now I’d go with Desy. She won silver on bars with a good routine. She didn’t connect out of the pak but she did connect Ezhova-VL which is very impressive. I wish she’d be able to bring back her endo dismount combo but I think she’s been having issues with it since she’s grown quite a bit. So now she’s just doing a double front.
- Martina Maggio proved once again that she can be a great backup asset and she will most likely be the alternate at worlds. She brought back her 1.5Y that is looking strong. Her bars and floor have a low D, but because she’s so clean and precise, she gains in E what she lacks in D. It’s on beam that she could offer the most to the team, with her cleanliness and consistency. She has added a double wolf turn on beam With her 5.3D, she managed to win silver in EF on this event, right behind Giorgia Villa. I’m so happy that she’s back on all 4 events after being injured repeatedly for such a long time.
- Lara Mori didn’t do AA and generally didn’t look too sharp BUT this is definitely understandable as she’s not planning on going to Worlds. This was her decision, she specifically asked Casella not to go because she wants to try and go the world cup route to qualify for Tokyo and get a spot no one will take away from her (smart). For this reason, she doesn’t need to do AA or to peak until Cottbus. Despite this, she still managed to make BB and FX EF and to win a silver medal on floor after a good routine, if a bit unpolished, with a .2 oob. I truly hope she will manage to qualify for Tokyo, however unlikely. It breaks my heart to think that it’s gonna be either her or Vanessa (or neither), but tbh if I had to pick one I’d 100% go with Lara, no matter how sentimental I am towards Vany. Lara is an amazing gymnast and she deserves so much more than what life (and Casella) has dealt her so far. Best of luck to her.
This competition also marked the return from injuries of Giada Grisetti, Maria Vittoria Cocciolo, and Noemi Linari. Giada especially looked very sharp and ready on all 4 events, despite some downgrading. I hope all 3 of them will manage to stay injury free because they can really be assets for the future.
Another notable result is Irene Lanza’s solid AA performance. She made all EFs but beam (where she was third reserve) and snatched a bronze medal on vault with just a FTY. For someone who seemingly came out of nowhere last year (in terms of national team assignments), she’s grown immensely and she should be really proud of herself.
Here are the EF rankings.
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