#unless COLORS are somehow demonic
keow · 1 year
It’s funny how God will tell you not to do something that you know would be effective in solving your problem, yet He refuses to help you when you pray for the problem to be resolved. What do You want from me…
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kalims · 10 months
Hellooo I really like your writing :) May I request taking Malleus/Leona's favorite food from the fridge and leaving $2.18 in place of it?? How would they react when they find out their fav is missing?? Thank you so much !
ㅤas a form of payment
note. ty 🥲 I really appreciate since I basically disappeared for months LOL
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in your defense, there's barely anything to snack on inside your dorm—unless you somehow enjoyed the myriad of canned cat food for grim (which you've been spending a lot on compared to your actual food..) and if there were anything to eat at all, you'd reckon the feline would've already gotten his hands on it and kept it to himself.
when you're already on a strict budget plan with the madol crowley 'graciously' provides you, barely enough to scrape by. you'd argue; but with the squawks of the blabbering he has, it's like arguing a wall.
thankfully lilia doesn't even seem to mind when you raid their fridge everytime you sleep over.
the dorm was really nice. nicer than your own, besides the fact sebek practically guards the front door with his life and demanding a formal invite from you the moment your knuckles resound against the door. though ramshackle, and diasomnia held similar vibes. the former looked younger than the latter but definitely in less good shape.
it was too enticing.. you shouldn't overstep as a guest.
but... "it's mocking me," you say to no one but yourself in particular. seated on a stool you found on the kitchen, in front of a counter and in the sights of the fridge. the green eccentrics of material drives your eyes to narrow further, a long, wistful sigh emitted from your lips as your folded hands rest beneath your chin.
not only that but it served like a warning to you, the color reminded you of sebek and his yelling habits. it would be a shame if you were discovered shredding their fridge with your gaze with the screech you'd imagine he'd make.
then something along the lines of; 'what are you planning, human?!'
surprisingly the dorm was eerily quiet during the night. they follow a strict protocol which only serves as fuel for your fire. you grumble. "I'm just a guest," you remind yourself. maybe to steel your morals but your resolve proves to reign when you quietly slip off the stool and open the freezer, eyes skimming through the frozen goods—a bar of chocolate, a frozen... eye...? whatever demon hotdogs were and—finally something normal.
you groan to yourself, feeling around your back pocket before peeling out a couple of coins that would be the equivalent of a dollar or two in your world. (also the last of your riches but atleast you partially paid?)
you look back, nervously looking around like a criminal before hauling the tub of ice cream in your arms. the rumble of your abdomen reminds you of why exactly you're even here committing a crime (or atleast it feels like you are...) you quickly grab a spoon, and tail it to the.. random ominous door you've never been to in your life.
malleus has this strange feeling.
he sums it up to hunger so he ventures down the familiar stairs of his dorm, through the living room, and to the place that will supposedly solve all of his problems. the churn in his gut grows stronger when he steps foot in the kitchen, blinking slowly when he cranes his head and finds the light illuminating and bright. when it shouldn't be.
it must be a resident that forgot. he shrugs it off, trudging over. picking up the smell of something familiar that brings warmth to his chest so his lips twitch into a pleasant smile. he must be going crazy, even now you're on his mind? "hmm," he mumbles, having opened the freezer and not spotting the familiar tub he's put earlier this morning.
sebek did say what it looked like, but none of these are even the delicacy he desires. he thinks, placing down a small cup of yogurt that could only belong to his father. maybe he put it in the refrigerator?
he sighs sharply through his nose and grumbles (coincidentally the same time a lightning strikes.) shutting the door to the refrigerator after finding nothing but a few eggs, chips from random residents, and more random thing that hss no correlation to what he wants. even if sebek did put it down there then what's the point in eating if it's not frozen?
malleus turns, about to sulk back to his room when he catches sight of a sticky notes and.. some madol?
'hi, this is for whoever ice cream that was T-T'
he crumples the paper in his grasp, wanting to seem understanding but the flash of lightning once again serves as a remainder of his growing irritation. a brightening of his eyes comes as quick as the tracking spell he casts quickly. eyes following a trail to the.. inconspicuous closet.
"oh, hi." the sudden light flooding in as you crouch on the floor, tub of desert between your crossed legs brings a hand over your eyes. unknown legs stand in front of the.. whatever room this is, but a closet seems more fitting so you'd call it that.
"child of man?" an incredulous voice echoes above you. the familiar sound illicits you to remove the hand blocking your sight, you wouldn't want to not look at malleus. you blink, fingers grasping the spoon laid forgotten inside the tub as you stare up at him and offer a nervous smile.
you wave with your free hand. "I got hungry?" you justify but that's only when he looks down at what you're glomping on and blinks, the random thunderstorm that started out of nowhere seems to pause for a few seconds before he breaks into a light chuckle and shakes his head. crouching down in front of you.
he presents you a small smirk. "I believe what you're eating is mine," he chides gently, devoid of any ill intent and previous irritation evaporating into nothingness when he finds you as the source of his troubles just a second ago. you open your mouth to reply, probably looking like an idiot with your mouth hung open, frozen when he just casually swipes a thumb on the corner of your mouth. wiping off an excess of ice cream that you didn't notice.
the notion might as well just given you a heart attack with the skip of a beat it did. it's almost as if malleus knows what's he's doing with the awfully appealing smirk on his face, still so gentle but you'd know better that he's doing it out of goodwill and natural caring nature for you. just the thought that he actually is so perfect warms your face.
you open your mouth—furrow your brows, close, and open. "I.. um... I'm sorry I know the money wasn't enough but I was really hungry, I'll get you a new one," a sincere apology, if you'd known it was his you would've never taken it in the first place. with the kindness he's extended you for so many times, you'd hate to see a frown on his face.
he huffs through his nose, a patient look of understanding on his face. "what's mine is all yours," he gestures to the tub between your legs, a reassuring hand on shoulder as he rubs his thumb around. he's close enough for you to see the light in his eyes, the green, and your reflection in the iris. you stare, a little dazed and mesmerized and he stares back.
"something as material as that doesn't matter compared to you," he adds.
oh my god. you gape. suddenly you're not so regretful of committing this crime.
his eyes drift up for a moment, pondering. standing back up to his full height and offering you a hand. "if you really want to make it up to me then why don't we eat it together?"
when you grasp his hand, his fingers enclose around yours. pulling you up with utmost caution. treating you as if you're the most fragile jewel he's ever held but holding you with a grip so firm you're almost afraid he's just never gonna never let go of you. you eye him as he leads you to the living room, having taken the stance as a gentleman and taking out the tub out of your hands.
even with the lasting cold from the tub transferring to your skin you still feel warm, something of a tranquil and quiet silence comfortable falling over as you both settle on the couch. you're surprised he doesn't take the seat on the opposite of you as he's always has, this time next to you. not minding your knees bumping against each other as he scoops a spoonful and offers it to you.
... how did you get in this predicament? you wonder, but open your mouth and allow yourself to shift a little closer.
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not pr
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qin shi huang with yoriichi tsugikuni!fem!reader headcanons
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warnings: spoilers from manga, ooc, slow burn friends-to-lovers troupe
Special thanks to @onecantsimply, @yellow-snark and @thatstrangesheep for their feedback and help with these headcanons! Enjoy! :)
Even in death, Qin Shi Huang was an emperor whom everyone respected as the ‘king who began everything’. He had reunited the annexed nations of China, a guiding light who led his people bringing peace and prosperity after almost a millennium of strife. Now, within the vast afterlife known as Valhalla, he reigned over a substantial amount of territory alongside his successors, working as a cohesive council when conflict arose.
Today, however, he has come to handle the problem on his own terms. For the last two months, men, women, and even children have gone missing from the foot of the northeastern mountains. Given the harsh environment, it is not too odd to believe that the cause of their disappearance might be an attack from a wild animal, angering the spirits who guard the terrain, or just simply got lost.
But the disemboweled bodies told the emperor a different story: there is a beast devouring his people, and it is certainly not a bear. For a split moment, Qin Shi Huang feared that Chi You had somehow returned from beyond its miserable grave and had come back to take revenge on the ‘insolent whelp’ who would not bow before its bony knees as payment for being accepted as an emperor of China.
If that were truly the case, though, there would be more corpses strewn about the mountain base than the current number of victims. Qin Shi Huang had already defeated the god, and he will do it again to protect his subjects. Such is the road he leads as an emperor, after all~.
So imagine his surprise when he comes across a six-armed being with pasty skin and glowing golden sclera, hunched over the corpse of a man cradling his child. It was not Chi You, but a demon. A demon that was the stuff of legends many years ago, only for them to suddenly vanish and become nothing more than a bedtime story to keep children from sneaking off at night.
And now, here is the great emperor, face-to-face with this drooling beast. Qin Shi Huang frowned, bending his sinewy body into an offensive position. Just when he was about to launch an attack, his opponent’s head rolled off its shoulders. He blinked, watching the demon’s body collapse onto the grass, twitching rapidly before disintegrating into dust. Hm? He hadn’t even moved! Unless the presence of an emperor is that powerful before a demon that it self destructs?
“Are you all right?” Qin Shi Huang then saw a figure standing where the demon had been, sword unsheathed. At first glance, she seemed like an ordinary traveler by the way she dressed, but the emperor knew that she was certainly not an ordinary person. Not from the tremendous amount of chi circulating around this woman’s body and the sword fastened at her waist.
She was a warrior as Chun Yan had been.
He grinned. “Hao!”
[Eye Color] orbs blinked at him in confusion, tilting her head to the side as she repeated the word. “Does that mean…you are hurt?”
Zori sandals stomped against the bloodied soil as she strode over to him, astounding Qin Shi Huang with her agility. She frowned slightly, her eyes scanning over his body. “You…are all right, it appears.” She glanced up at him. “I…apologize if I had gotten…your clothes dirty. You are a young lord, yes?”
Qin Shi Huang frowned. “Buhao.”
He raised his right hand, pressing his middle and index fingers together before he pointed them towards the ground, the golden nail guards glowing beneath the moonlight. “Humble yourself. You are in the presence of an emperor. Be grateful I have not executed you for your impudence.”
“You…are an emperor?”
That was how the greatest emperor in all of Chinese history crossed paths with the greatest Demon Slayer in history, the Mother of All Breathing Techniques, the Sun Hashira [First Name] [Last Name].
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In your defense, you never would have guessed that the man who had been endangered moments ago had not been a feudal lord looking for trouble in these woods, but an emperor who had come to kill the demon devouring his people.
You did apologize for being rude, and politely asked His Imperial Majesty if there was a town close by. You lived deep in the mountains, though in the opposite direction of his territory. It would take about two days to return should you leave now. That was only if you were lucky enough to not come across any more demons on your journey back home.
To your surprise, this emperor all but commanded you to follow him to his palace. He boasted that it was the largest one in Valhalla, with the finest food and rooms available for only esteemed guests and members of his court. However, since you did humble yourself before him, he will make an exception and allow a weary traveler to stay in the guest quarters for the night. You thanked him, trailing after the man through the woods to the crowded streets of a bustling city and right up the stone footsteps of an extravagant palace the likes of which you had never seen before.
You dared to say that it was much bigger than the Ubuyashiki compound.
With a clap of his jeweled hands, a group of young maidens in flowing robes appeared before him. He ordered them to make sure you received the most excellent care, including running a warm bath and mending your damaged clothes. Before you could have a moment to say something, you were immediately whisked away to another part of the palace until dinner was ready.
The food was just as extravagant as the clothes that the maidens had dressed you in. It was almost too much, but you dared to not insult your host. Instead, you bowed your head to him in gratitude and ate as much as you could without being too rude. Thankfully you could recall some of your table manners from when you had been alive, before becoming a Hashira and just the daughter of a prestigious household in the Sengoku era.
Between the raucous laughter and idle chatter amongst the others who dined at this table, you had almost expected to be asked to leave or escorted out of the banquet hall so that the emperor could speak to his fellow countrymen freely without the presence of an outsider.
Instead, His Imperial Majesty asked you many questions. Who you are, why were you in the woods, how did you defeat the demon, etc. You answered them to the best of your ability, humbly explaining that you had once been a Demon Slayer and trained to exterminate the ones who came out at night to consume human flesh. There is nothing special about you.
You had simply worked hard, protected humanity until your untimely death. There was no need for him to know of your ability to see the Transparent World, much less the Breathing Techniques of a Demon Slayer.
Some secrets were meant to be just that: secrets. And you were bad at explaining things; it had been a miracle that the Hashiras, those whom you had worked alongside all those years ago, could comprehend your words and adapt the Sun Breathing techniques into their own variations: Water, Insect, Flame, Wind, Stone, and so forth.
Again the emperor surprised you; he seemed intrigued by the Breathing Styles and continued to ask questions about how to use it until the handmaidens escorted you to the guest quarters later that night, although His Imperial Majesty wished to keep speaking even in a drunken stupor.
The following morning, you thanked the emperor for his hospitality and left the palace. An armed entourage followed you out to the city’s borders to make sure you would not try to attack His Imperial Majesty nor the citizens. You thanked them for their vigilance and hard work before beginning the journey towards your humble home.
You were certain that this was the first and only time you would come across royalty and thought nothing of it in the days that went by upon returning, weeks becoming almost two months since the demon attack. You would either be tending to the crops or practicing your swordsmanship. Eventually, it was time for you to venture down from the mountains to restock on your supplies.
The villagers who lived at the mountain’s edge were kind people. Some of them were elderly and required assistance with manual labor or errands. You did not mind helping them, and were quite hesitant to accept anything from them, especially rice or other precarious commodities.
Most were merchants who traveled a great distance from the village to the city to sell their wares. How could you even consider taking that away from them? To your dismay, they were quite stubborn and practically shoved it in your hands.
The ‘payment’ from the villagers, including the usual amount of items you purchased from the vendors, became too much for you to carry without making two trips up and down the mountain.
You were almost considering having to borrow a cart when a voice called out to you.
Turning around, your eyes widened in shock at the appearance of the emperor Qin Shi Huang walking down the muddied main road, flanked by four or five armed soldiers. He recognized you immediately, almost running with a wide grin on his face.
He’d been wanting to continue his conversation with you, yet due to his workload in the palace prevented him from venturing out sooner. You had also been difficult to track down as no one seemed to be aware that a Demon Slayer wearing hanafuda earrings existed in Valhalla except for a young whelp and his little sister living in the floating cities alongside the Valkyries.
But now, he’s here and ready to chat~. You should be grateful he had traveled such a long way to visit. He is an emperor after all. He was willing to help carry the supplies up the mountains if it meant he had an opportunity to challenge you to a fight and idly chatter over drinks.
Upon explaining that you did not drink alcohol, the emperor told you not to fret. He’s come prepared. Revealing a large jug of corked liquor in his hand with a wide grin, you realized that he would not go away even if you politely asked him too.
So with great reluctance, you guided Qin and his entourage up the mountains, some of them carrying your supplies.
A peaceful day became chaotic. And from this single afternoon of idle chatter and sparring with an incredibly powerful fighter transitioned to an unlikely friendship. Qin Shi Huang was nothing like Sumiyoshi, that much was certain.
Where Sumiyoshi was a humble man blessed to have a family in turbulent times, the boastful emperor had been an unwanted child from the moment he was born. If it had not been for his mentor and mother, that meek little boy would not have the confidence to move forward and pave the road for his people to live in peace, let alone find a method to deal with the Zhao’s anger aimed at him simply because he was from royalty.
He had many children sired from his concubines but he never took an empress, much to his council’s annoyance even in the afterlife. Chun Yan too, of all people!
Yet despite such different personalities from two different people who are your friends….you knew they both possessed kindness and empathy. Why else would an emperor continue to maintain contact with you via letters and occasionally visit you in the mountains over the next thirty years?
He’s a man who had led his people into prosperity after all, the king of all kings.
You had lost so much when you were alive…is it truly all right to be selfish and treasure Qin Shi Huang as a friend, an emperor of all people?
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Qin Shi Huang quickly discovered that there was more to his new friend than being a calm, unreadable individual who never raised her voice once even when he had been purposely annoying just to gauge a reaction.
The Sun Hashira…she was perfect. A beautiful, complex creature who values integrity and kindness above all else. She did not enjoy fighting, preferring a quiet life away from society than challenging one opponent after another. And like him, she knew what it meant to lose a loved one.
When it came to strength, she once told him, those who are marked like herself will all meet the same fate. He had an idea as to the cryptic meaning behind her words…and he prayed that she would live in this afterlife.
When he revealed his past to her, what he had done as a child until his death, the Sun Hashira simply accepted it all as they say together on the snowy veranda of her small home.
“To live in an era of conflict…there can never be true peace without bloodshed. Your Imperial Majesty had gone through so much….and you were loved deeply by Chun Yan. I wish….I could have met her….and thank her for raising a wonderful, strong son.”
Qin Shi Huang.exe stopped working for a span of five seconds before he tried to hide his embarrassment with a swing of the warm sake that his host had prepared especially for them to celebrate the New Year together.
Another year has come and gone…so why was it that his heart hasn’t stopped hammering against his ribcage?
Bonus Content:
After five years of sending luxurious gifts and love letters, it took a stammering confession from the emperor to convey his feelings towards the Sun Hashira.
Although she did not want to marry right away, she humbly accepted a period of courtship from China’s greatest emperor until it was appropriate to be welcomed as his empress.
Some of his court were pleased that he had finally selected a wife to become the mother of the nation, but there were others who believed that [First Name] was too independent and would not respect the traditions required to follow after becoming an empress.
Needless to say, Qin Shi Huang made an example of the courtiers who dared to disrespect his new wife behind closed doors. His warning also extended to the concubines, should they try to do something malicious out of petty jealousy.
Quality time included sampling delicacies in the garden, sparring matches, and cuddling in his private quarters.
Chun Yan approved of [First Name], congratulating her adoptive son on finding a woman who can keep up with his shenanigans.
The domestic bliss between the emperor and empress never wavered…until Brunhilde approached the palace and asked for their aid to fight against the gods. Both of them.
If it hadn’t been for [First Name]’s benevolence, Qin would have immediately executed the Valkyrie on the spot for her arrogance. Instead he gave her the courtesy and listened to her proposal regarding the event called Ragnarok. A battle royale until one opponent is annihilated.
The emperor would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested, but he had no intention of bringing his Sun Hashira into it. He wanted her to spend this afterlife in peace, not to put her life on the line again.
Alas, his wife was stubborn. He agreed to Brunhilde’s terms so long as she agreed to his terms. Once she left the palace, he pulled his empress into a long talk about this…situation.
Whatever obstacles will come their way, they will face it together. The Sun Hashira isn’t alone anymore.
Honorable mentions:
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Just finished the new Helluva boss short: Mission: Wee-a-boo-boo and I want to say, it's pretty good (warning for spoilers)
I really love the design for the woman that Blitz has to kill for his cilent because of, what I assume is the client was being cyberbullied by this woman or the client was being brutally harassed by her fans to the point that they'd killed theirselves.
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Honestly, They don't really explained how the client died so I just assume that it's either because of suicide because of what the girl did or they simply just died in an accident or whatever and decided that they want to put a hit on her lol
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Also just realize that in this scene Blitz is activating the asmodean crystal by just rubbing it.. I'm gonna assume it's suppose to mimic how you rub someone's ya know because if you remember in the infamous penguin short (the one where the penguins are calling them slurs) the crystal only activates if you perform a sex act on it or something, idk lol
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Also, I have a lot of questions about this scene.. she is wearing this sort of necklace that blocked Blitz's attack which she claims that it's official merch from an anime that she had watched.
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Which if that's the case, how the hell is it magical if it's just some piece of plastic?? I'm guessing it's the pentagram on it and not gonna lie, when that scene happened I thought this girl was gifted some sort of magical ambulant by the Cherubs to protect her (as well as to fuck with Blitz because they probably somehow know what he is up to) or that she's secretly an angel but that was until I saw the pentagram and of course, what she had said.
Also, miss opportunity to use the word "Monster fucker" instead of "Monster lover" since that's what some people who want to fuck a monster or mythical creature are called :P
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Also, love the Rawr paddle in the background, obvious nod to the infamous yaoi paddle
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And finally, I love her sinner design.. the color scheme is so adorable and I love that ironically she's suppose to be a chubby cat demon considering what she called herself in that episode before her death.
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Not sure about the wings though, I would've personally kept the wings out while keeping her cat like appearance but I do love the fact that her stockings turn into little demons or evil cat stockings.. I think that's really funny/creative :3
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Unless their actually now fused to her legs considering there's two pink hooves on them.
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inkyycapp · 4 months
Yokai!matsu kidnapping reader..? It ticks a few things at once. Oh! Oh! They're kidnapped cos they were found injured, but even after they've healed the yokai brothers (seperately) refuse to let them go.
Cough, cough. I love this, cough.
You're getting hcs too.
Slight notice! I did some minor research for this, but even then I'm still unsure !! If anything is wrong please do tell me !!
(Uh so, really bad weather rn. Wifi going in and out and tornadoes lurking around, so, like that's rad ig !! Forgive me.)
Tw/Cw: Injuries, slight mention of blood, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome if you squint, manipulation(?), desperation, spelling/grammar(?), probably a little or a lot ooc I'm terrible at telling !! Forgive me !!
Youkai!Matsu x Injured!Reader
( Yokai!Matsu but used Youkai for letter colors..:D )
Small reader context !!
For whatever reason you're in the mountains doing whatever your mortal self does up there. A sharp pain shoots through your leg causing you to slip. Your foot set off a bear/fox trap. A group of bandits or just overall bad people--who one would assume set the trap--find poor injured you.
You don't have much on hand. Maybe you have a weapon, maybe you don't. But, regardless of how hard you fight, there are just more of them the there are of you.
-He doesn't hate humans, but he doesn't actively like them either. He's more neutral about it.
-Like, he wouldn't go out of his way to help/save them, that's way too much work for him. But, he also wouldn't go out of his way to kill someone unless they really pissed him off.
-Doesn't really understand humans, but somewhat understand and takes a small liking to bits of their culture and activities.
-Actually fairly in with the times, but doesn't really try enough to be in with the times, y'know?
-Obviously takes part in gambling with the humans regardless of the time period.
-He finds that you're injured and probably not going to make it out of the situation alive.
-While at first he's slightly indifferent about your situation, he recognizes you from the village below. He probably asked for money and you gave it to him, or maybe you work at one of the place he frequents, but for whatever reason, he may be persuaded to help.
-You're already unconscious and he can't help but feel pity for you. Pretty nasty leg injury. Maybe he should help.
-And, so, he does!
-After attending to your Injuries best he could, he decided to wait for you to come around. He'll admit, the patch up was sloppy, but it did the job, that's what matters.
-Eventually, you'd come around and find yourself face to face with the devil himself. Whether fearful or not, this would take some...adjusting.
-Compared to the known sterotype, he seems more lax and less...demonic.
-He finds you interesting. Somehow, that curiosity hadn't faded one moment since he's found you. Expect some questions personal, even perverted, or not.
-Dislikes when you get up or move around without his help. Though, more chill and just lightly scold you for straining yourself.
-Then, soon, one day you're all better. But, he doesn't want you to leave. How strange. He didn't think he'd be this...attached to someone like yourself. Not like that, bit it's weird to him.
-He had seen humans come and go--grow old and die. He's never been this comfortable with humans before he'd met you. He doesn't want you to leave. Will you ever see each other again after you part ways? Probably not, but he doesn't want to take that chance.
-So, you can't leave just yet.
-Karamatsu loves humans/humanity the MOST out of this list. He often tries to be 'in' with the culture no matter the time period. He goes through many "phases" trying to be what the humans deem is cool in certain points of time.
-He loves to collect and tell stories that humans tell, though can sometimes stretch it a little for a more theatrical performance.
-He often tries to interact with people and walk amongst them. But, it usually never goes well.
-His brothers often tease, but he's restless in his search for a human Karamatsu boy or girl.
-When he found you in the snow plains, a red staining the snow around you, he didn't hesitate to check out the scene.
-A group of people trying to take advantage of a defenseless Karamatsu boy or girl !! Of course he felt the need to intervene and help the poor soul.
-He manages to scare off the bandits, but by the time he gets to you, you're already out. It pains him to see such a beauty in so much pain.
-Karamatsu, without so much as a second thought, takes you somewhere much safer. A nice small cabin deep in the woods. That's where he nurses injured you back to health.
-At first, you're probably shocked, but maybe around the first week mark, you'll probably get used to it. If not, don't worry! You'll have a long time to adjust!
-He's very curious about you and the humans you surround yourself with. His knowledge of the culture is a little outdated, not by much. Still, it's nothing compared to understanding the real thing.
-He doesn't like when you try to get up. You need to recover. You'll probably hurt yourself! Don't worry, he'll do it for you!
-Honestly, just wants you to be safe. By far, you're the first human that he's ever gotten this close with--both metaphorically and literally.
-He just wants to keep you safe. There are monsters lurking both human and spirit. Surely you know.
-Karamatsu had already taken a liking to you since he met you, but over the time of your recovery, he's grown too attached to let you leave.
-You'll stay, won't you?
-Also kind of neutral, more lenient towards pretty humans. It's so painfully obvious, his brothers tease him about it, though he's incredibly indenile.
-While claiming he doesn't have an obvious leniency towards pretty humans, it is obvious to literally anyone. Including the mortals down in the villages.
-Choromatsu won't go out of his way to harm anyone he considers "pretty or cute", though his idea of pretty and cute is complicated! Not always about looks, but mannerisms, actions, etc.
-He spots you before. And, he folds at first glance. It's not difficult to be encouraged to help you. You're practically a sparkly treasure to be collected and safe guarded.
-But, then he watches as you're injured self begins to get surrounded by the group that seemed to have caught you.
-Choromats had quickly intervened, chasing off the group (probably off a cliff), before returning back to you.
-Laying in the snow, you were out cold and didn't seem to respond at all, your pulse being the only thing noting you're still alive.
-Won't deny, he was absolutely panicking at first, figuring out how to clean your injures properly.
-Eventually, he does somewhat figure it out, and once you're stable he takes that time to breathe. And, well, admire your sleeping form. Not in a creepy way, but just studying you.I
-When you do come around, he's trying and failing with his words for a moment.
-Takes care of you, and while he does often nag you, he's more so worried about how your recovery is coming along.
-Tends to kinda hover, keeping a close eye on you, telling you to lay down and get rest and that he can do whatever it was you wanted to get up to do.
-Will refuse to let you get up and do anything for yourself. Why have you do it when you have him? A literal waste, really!
-Even if he sees your coming around and the healing process is moving quicker than he wants, he still refuses to let you do anything.
-Now comes the time when you're ready to leave the nest. Pun.
-He obviously begs you to stay, much without words. Choromatsu doesn't want you to go now that he's oh so attached! You can't go. You won't leave, will you?
-Please don't leave .
-Ichimatsu, opposed to Karamatsu, probobly hates humans/humanity the most on this list.
-Often times, he was the cause of some humans lost or missing on the mountain. Though, he wouldn't go out of his way for anything unless angered or maybe he just felt malicious that day.
-Humans find him captivating despite his dislike for them. Even so, he won't admit it, but they do fascinate him on some occasions.
-He spots the bandits first, then you after he gets rid of those loud bandits that woke him from his nap. He considers getting rid of you, too.
-But, you're asleep. And, it seemed your leg is caught pretty badly. It doesn't seem like you'll be able to move far with your leg like that. You'll probably be dead in a matter of hours. He doesn't have to do a thing.
-No, he doesn't feel bad for you. Not one bit. You're just an unlucky human caught by the foot like some poor rabbit.
-Ichimatsu does somehow end up carrying you off elsewhere--somewhere more comfortable. Don't be mistaken, he may be helping you, but no further than this.
-Once you're safe in the small cabin, he does the bare minimum with your injuries and once your stable, he leaves.
-You'll wake up alone, and it'll probably be like that for maybe a few hours before you're visited by a stranger.
-Ichimatsu takes care you you between visits, though he doesn't speak to you often. You're probably scared being so close to a monster like himself.
-But, you grow comfortable in his presence and attempt to talk to him. Something he finds real odd, but almost sweet. He still doesn't talk to you though, but he almost wants to.
-His visits grow more frequent, and he even began bringing you gifts. Like dead animals. But, it's the thought that counts!
-He ends up more attached than he would've liked to admit. And, unlike some people on the list, he's more blunt that you remain here with him.
-You'll be stuck with a monster trash like him, but at least here he can keep you warm and fed.
-You're staying put. There's no reason for you to leave anyways.
-Honestly, it doesn't matter to Jyushimatsu. He's fairly friendly to any and all who walk in his path. Many run, but it doesn't bother him much.
-Though, if he had to love one thing about them, he absolutely loves their sports and activities. Often goes with Karamatsu to go take part in "human activities".
-But as one can assume, they get comically outed.
-Is fairly kind opposed to some on this list. He won't go out of his way to harm humans regardless how he feels, though when it comes to helping it's a 50/50. Normally at least tries. But, if he doesn't like you, he'll probably just watch with a lead stare.
-When he found you in the snow, you were surrounded, and he had accidentally hit one of the people with a baseball. Completely by accident. But, kinda thinks maybe the accident wasn't that much of an accident.
-Ends up completely making a fool of the group when leading them away. But, he quickly returns to where you had been laying.
-Similar to Choromatsu, he panics at first and is so unsure about how to go about this situation. Obviously he doesn't want to make it worse, but he really doesn't want you to die.
-He carries you off to the small cabin to tend to your wounds. It's sloppy patch-job, but it's alright.
-Watches you while you sleep. Pokes you now and again. When you don't move for too long Jyushimatsu does tend to panic a little but settles when you finally take in that breath of air.
-When you do wake up, he's happy you're up and not dead. Sure, he may not feel too bad if you died, but only because he didn't have a close enough connection to care, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't care.
-Jyushimatsu tries to stay the entire time your recovering. While he does hover a little, he's more considerate of your space.
-Does whatever he can to make you laugh. Whether it's acting out a skit, telling jokes or just being goofy.
-Doesn't care if it makes him look dumb. As long as he at least gets a smile out of you it doesn't matter.
-Gets way too attached way to quick. And, when you're all better, he gets a little (lying) clingy.
-Whines and may even howl like a kicked puppy. Might even do tricks if it gets you to stay.
-Don't leave yet!!
-Todomatsu doesn't hate them, but he doesn't care for them either, similar to Osomatsu. However, he's more in with their culture, more so than Karamatsu. Only because he thinks it's cute.
-Prefers some time period clothing to others and can tend to stand out, but language is definitely up to date.
-He views humans/humanity as beneath him, or simply to play into his enjoyment. He has no issues getting rid of anyone that doesn't gives him what he wants out of an interaction. Absolutely stone cold.
-He spots a few humans gathering around, and grows curious as to what grabbed their attention.
-Their wares seem to interest him. Then, there's you. After disposing of the others, he's left with unconscious you. What to do with you.
-Well, you could be useful. You'll pretty much be indebted to him for saving you. Or, at least you should be.
-So, he drags you away from the scene, tenderly caring to your wounds, putting on a sweet and kind persona.
-When you awaken, he greets you gently, coming forward as the one who saved your life after he found you on the brink of death in the snow.
-Skeptical or not, you come around and thank him however you would. Already gaining praise from you. Admittedly, the praise feels...nicer than it should. He brushes it off, what else can he get from you.
-He slyly asks you questions, gaining more information of your personal life over a week, maybe two.
-You get up to do something, and being the ever so kind savior, he takes you back to bed, doing the task for you instead. Not that he wants to. He's playing the long game with your little life.
-But, you thank him, telling him just how kind he is. Todomatsu can't help but grow addicted to that feeling. Being appreciated and validated.
-Slowly, but surely, he begins to grow a bit (a lot) attached. He didn't think it was possible. But, soon he doesn't see you as just a human, but as you.
-Once you get better, he does contemplate poisoning you to get you to stay. Not much to kill you, but enough so he could still take care of you.
-Todomatsu doesn't do it. But, he has heavily considered it.
-He will try his damndest to get you to remain in this little cabin with him.
-You can't go yet! You need him!
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So funny that Osomatsu and Karamatsu are my favorites in general, but Todomatsu is my favorite to write for, and Jyushimatsu is my favorite to draw. What.
I still dislike Choromatsu. There is no reason for it.
Anyway if you're here, try Arizona RX Energy Herbal Tonic Tea. It's so damn good. That's all lmao !!
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impala-dreamer · 9 months
Wicked Desire
A Supernatural Story
~There's never any promise in a one-night-stand, never any certainty when you catch a stranger's eye. It's dangerous, but there was never any question when Dean asked you to join him for a drink...~
Demon!Dean x Reader
1173 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Facial Fucking and Blow Jobs and Oh my. 
A/N: This was a TMA ask that I just rolled with...
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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There’s too much tequila in your system and your body is tingling, limp and pliant. There’s absolutely no resistance when he shoves two thick fingers between your lips, no hesitation when he utters a command.
Your tongue undulates against the pads of his fore and middle fingers and your mouth floods with saliva. You moan as he juts his fingers deeper inside. He wants to hear it, feel your throat contract around his digits, feel your lips block him from crawling fully inside.
“So fuckin’ sexy, sweetheart,” he coos, but there’s no love behind his words. There’s no praise either. It’s almost as if he’s telling himself and not you. You could be anyone, anything; just a bunch of well lubricated holes and he wouldn’t care.
Your eyes flutter closed when he pushes in deeper and your body protests as he skirts the very back of your throat. A lurching gag jerks you forward but he goes nowhere, enjoying the tears that leek out around your lashes.
“Knew I picked a good one.”
His laugh is cold and deep and somehow makes you melt a little more. You can feel yourself dripping, the heat pooling between your thighs, soaking into the thin black panties you’re wearing. Your knees are dug deep into the cheap roadhouse carpet and your thighs are burning from the pose, but he doesn’t seem to want to move, to change it up. He just wants to test your reflexes, your desire.
You look up and he’s grinning down at you, a devilish smirk that makes your heart race. He’s pure danger and absolute sex. There’s something so raw and hungry lurking beneath that beautiful freckled face and you want to know it, to feel it.
It also terrifies you.
There was too much confidence in the way he came at you in the bar, so sure he had you without even saying a word. Without warning, he’d sauntered up next to you, slapped a fifty down on the bar and flashed a smile that nearly knocked you off your feet.
The look of him, the heat pulsing off of his hand as it slid onto your thigh, the smell of him- musky and smoky with a hint of cinnamon- it was intoxicating. He had you hooked before he’d said a word.
“I’m Dean…”
You were lost in his eyes, addicted to the smooth tone of his voice. There was nothing he could ask for that you’d deny, nothing he could attempt that you’d pull away from.
When his fingers slide from your lips, you let out such a pathetic moan that it shocks you. You rock forward on your knees, mouth hung open and drooling, reaching for him again.
He looks down, shadowed chin dipping close to your face. He grabs your cheeks in one big hand, squeezing the hollows inward.
“How fuckin’ lucky am I? Picked up such a willing little slut and all it cost me was a few rounds.” His tongue juts out, thick and pink, and he licks at your puckered lips, teasing, tasting. “Awesome.”
He grins again and you swear his eyes change colors. The green vanishes and black appears, soaking through everything like an acid rain. Your body recoils, your breath catches hard, but he’s got you, his fingers tightening, blunt nails digging into your cheeks.
“Oh, don’t worry,” he says, laughter on the end of each word. “I’m not gonna hurt ya.” He licks his lips slowly and the green returns. “Not unless you ask, of course.”
His wink is insane and stunning and you nearly fall over when he releases his hold. He catches you with a strong hand at the base of your skull, pulling you back to center. He holds you there, fingers splayed across the back of your head as his free hand takes care of his zipper.
His jeans slink down, stopped by the top of his boots and he tugs his boxers from his hips. His cock is long but only half hard and he presents it with a slow thrust forward.
Your gaze settles in the cut of his thighs, those deep v lines that bring you right to his gorgeous cock. Hungry, you flash your eyes upward and pucker your already puffy lips.
“You don’t gotta wait for an invitation,” he jokes. “Have at it…”
He’s thick and deliciously warm. Salty tang floods your mouth as you take him in, lapping at his length with the tip of your tongue. You seal your lips tight around him and he moans, the sound is so beautiful, so deadly and erotic that all you can think about is doing it again.
Deeper and deeper you go until your nose is against him, until your breath is weak and your lips aching.
Dean keeps his fingers locked in your hair, guiding your rhythm, forcing you to keep going when your throat nearly closes. His moans are like a magic spell weaving through your head and blocking everything else out.
“Just like that… Fuck!”
You grab at his hips, holding yourself to him as he takes over, thrusting when he can’t hold back anymore. His cock throbs on your tongue and his pleasure seems to wash through you. Your nipples tighten, your clit pulses.
So wicked, you think, that he’s turned your mouth into a sloppy cunt just like that. It was so easy… all it took was a few shots and a brilliant smile.
Dean picks up his pace, jerking his hips almost painfully into your face. You hold your breath and suck hard, knowing he’s close but praying he lasts. Your pussy is throbbing so hard that it hurts, the wetness leaking down your thighs. You need him to pull away, grab you up and slam you into the wall, fuck you until there’s no more you. You need him to break you, to make you cum so hard you can’t remember your name, your own face, your sense of self.
Your lungs are burning when he cums and you suck in a shaky breath as he coats your tongue. Too surprised to think, a bit squeaks out of the corner of your mouth and you slurp it back in, swallowing him down with a moan.
Hand still locked on the back of your head, Dean thrusts in deep once more and holds you there, loving the feel of your throat constricting around him. He softens slowly and groans out a lazy sigh.
“Fuckin’ hell, sweetheart…”
He backs away and you teeter on your knees, falling forward onto the ugly carpet.
“You got some skill, I’ll give you that.”
He buttons up before you can reach him, crawling like a bitch in heat on your hands and knees. You wait at his feet, still aching and horny.
He looks down and sucks his teeth, huffs out a curt laugh. “I’ll getcha next time.”
He’s gone before you can scramble to your feet, leaving you with nothing but a wink and an empty promise.
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cloakedsparrow · 5 months
Bat Family 'Bruce is Tim's Biological Parent' AU Idea #3
The couple that Talia secretly adopted the baby she faked a miscarriage with at the end of Batman: Son of the Demon were Jack and Janet Drake.
None of those involved know that Tim is Bruce and Talia’s biological child.
A couple years after giving up Tim (whose adopted name she never knew), Talia encounters Bruce again and the sparks fly, same as always. She ends up pregnant again (maybe he needs to make/carry bat-condoms?) but this time, Bruce doesn’t stick around so he doesn’t know. Maybe it's because he doesn’t know; maybe Ra’s is insistent that Talia stay safe so not to lose this baby; maybe Ra’s knows she hid the previous baby from him and keeps her under watch this time; maybe Talia just doesn’t have it in her to give up another child; in any case, she keeps Damian and does her best to raise and protect him.
Tim has Talia’s hair, cheekbones, lips, eye shape, and more lithe build. He has Bruce’s skin tone. He has Martha Wayne’s ears and eye color. He has Ra's jawline and Thomas Wayne's eyebrows.
Damian has Bruce’s hair, cheekbones, jawline, brow line, and more muscular build. He has Talia’s skin tone, eye color, and eye shape. He has Thomas Wayne’s lips and eyebrows. He has Ra’s ears.
They don’t look like brothers unless you know enough about both sides of the family to see the connections. No one really does, so the connection isn’t made.
Until one day, when Damian is going through a box of photos in Tim’s room and sees a photo of a dark haired baby with a necklace he’s seen in photos before. It was his mother’s, and before that, his grandmother's. His mother said it was a family heirloom that went missing a few years before Damian was born.
Damian takes the photo to Tim to demand to know about it.
A very confused Tim answers that it’s a photo of him as an infant.
Damian demands to know about the necklace.
“Oh, that? It's pretty cool, huh? It was a parting gift from my birth mother. I still have it in a safety deposit box my mom set up for me.”
“Your birth mother?”
“Yeah, I was adopted…before Bruce adopted me. When I was born.”
“Who were your parents?!”
“You mean my birth parents? I don’t know. It was a private adoption and my parents never encouraged me to ask about it."
"And you never checked after they died?!"
"No...? Why would I? And why do you care?”
Damian refuses to answer but demands a copy of the photo. He secretly sends it to Talia.
She realizes that, somehow, against all odds, her boys have found each other. They’re with their father. They’re safe (relatively speaking) and being cared for. In a perfect world, she would have been able to keep both and raise them alongside her beloved, but in the world she lives in, this is better than she ever dared hope for.
Heaven help Ra’s the next time he makes a move against any of her children (she has totally mentally adopted Jason and Dick & Cass are technically her step-children, so…the whole family is basically under her protection now, even if they don’t realize it yet).
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phenphoenix · 6 months
Vaggie pulled her mask off, trying to catch her breath. Nailing another sinner through the torso.
They were all screaming.
Didn't they know this was mercy?
She flew down another alley, and found a small child. The kid was trembling, pressed into the wall.
What had a kid done to get into hell?
...they were doing the right thing... right?
Screams answered her.
This wasn't right.
"Go, now," she whispered, pulling back her spear, and the kid bolted. Vaggie let out a sigh.
She needed to tell-
"Vaggie, what are doing?!"
Vaggie spun around. Emily-?
Before she had a chance to respond, the seraphim had moved, and-
Pain. Horrific terrible pain.
Vaggie screamed, falling to the ground, grabbing her eye. Or... the socket. Her eye lay on the ground. Emily moved over it.
Vaggie screamed as she was pinned to the ground, and felt a quick motion. Her wings!
Emily backed up, looking furious, holding her blade tightly....
The anger faded, and the seraphim looked horrified. Glancing at the golden ichor laying around, then at Vaggie. Emily's shoulders tensed, but she turned around and took flight.
Vaggie struggled forward.
Grimacing, she yanked her halo off her head and stumbled to her feet.
She needed to move.
I think it would be interesting if Vaggie still has her halo. Emily isn't quite as cruel as Lute, but in a fit of rage she would actually cast Vaggie out, but leave once she realized what she did. Does she tell Sera what exactly she did? Does Vaggie actually still have her halo, or is that how Velvette found out? Was it trashed with her uniform?
This AU has me in a chokehold, so I hope you like what I wrote.
Ohgggg I love your guy's brains sm-
I'd say that, yes, Emily would leave in a hurry. Leaving vaggie with her halo. But vaggie trashes it herself. I'm still not sure what exactly gives her away to Velvette, but I do like the idea of it being a culmination of things. In this AU, the only thing that can cause an angel to bleed is angelic steal. More specifically, angelic steal used with intent to protect. So vaggie bleeding to get revealed never happens. Which in and of itself kinda gives her away. I also like to think that angels (even fallen ones) Heal very quickly. So even just by the time Velvette found vaggie in that alleyway, the scars on her back and face had looked like they'd been there for a while. But still, two long scars down someone's back... someone who, no matter how hard you try, never bleeds. Who never talks about their time alive and despite being a recent member in hell, doesn't fully understand current Earth trends....or any trends at all. Someone who also seems rather knowledgeable about certain overlords, some even long sense been dead. The pieces start to add up eventually....
Also, I will say that while vaggies skin is strong, she can still get bruises. Because of the color of her skin, tho they don't look all that different, then what'd you'd expect. But if one is deep enough, there is a slight golden tent. This could also be what hits the final nail in the coffin for Vel.
Angels can be hurt in many ways, but anything lethal can't be done to them unless it's by another angel or demon wielding an angelic weapon. But both still need to do it with the intent to protect and be "out for love"
(I've also had the thought that Vel somehow learns this and gets angelic fibers woven into her gloves, so hitting vaggie hurts her even more than previously. Vel using her twisted love for her image and status as a way to still fit into the rule)
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bimu2ndo · 3 months
So here's a list of ideas I came up with for new Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss OCs! If you like any of the ideas, feel free to use them, but don't forget to credit me — at least, just the first time you use it :P
Hazbin Hotel OC ideas:
1. A character that has been hired by Valentino to be Angel Dust's bodyguard.
2. An older sister for Valentino, who sometimes scares him (mostly because he wants to look good in front of her), but he also wants to impress her — like a child seeking for attention — and he cares for her.
3. If you have an OC who is one of the Vees, give them an assistant unless they already have one (best to make their outfit/uniform's color palette match their boss's appearance).
4. A child of Rosie's (whether they're adopted or biologically hers is up to you), who sees Alastor as the cool uncle and looks up to him.
5. A Winner Angel who is Velvette's brother, with hair that matches hers but is lighter (light pink, baby blue and white).
Helluva Boss OC ideas:
1. (OC × Striker) A Goetia who was kidnapped by Striker, but while they were tied up at the back of Bombproof, they chatted with Striker and somehow ended up bonding (OC should probably have a silly/ kind/ goofy/ bubbly personality, but suit yourselves and get creative with that however you want, I guess) :3
2. A brother for Glitz and Glam. If a younger brother, his sisters baby him. If an older brother, they max out his credit cards :)
3. An introverted and shy succubus who is Verosika's younger sister (because I think it will be cute to see Verosika as an overprotective older sister). She probably gets bullied and harassed by demons for not acting like a succubus.
4. A duo. Goetia and imp girlsies. The Goetia is tall and bubbly (like Pinkie Pie from MLP), while the imp is short and has Rarity (from MLP)’s personality. But then they also give off Darwin and Gumball energy.
5. A Goetia family that's chessboard themed, who live in a black and white castle.
Ideas that work for both Hazbin and Helluva:
1. Flower demons: a bunch of Hellborns who's looks are supposed to resemble flowerers. They could live in a place called Ivy Pits or Belladonna Town (or if you have a more creative name then you could use that too because I'm currently lacking creativity Imao).
2. Fallen Angel OC who was accidentally sent to Heaven as a Winner (what did they do to make the other angels realize that they were there by mistake?)
Hey guys, I need suggestions on two characters to fuse their designs for adoptables I will make. Cannon Hazbin/Helluva x Other cannon character from different fandom. Just give me names, I will design them however I want. This is NOT a custom adopt :)
Example: Zestial (from HH) x Varian (from TTS)
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jkj-digital · 8 months
Saw your reblog and mate if you got queer visual novel recs I got spare time that needs eating.
If you´ve come for gay furry visual novels, this is certainly a place with recommendations
Assume NSFW, Unfinished, and free unless otherwise specified
Adastra – get kidnapped by handsome space wolf and become involved in political shenanigans. The one that least needs an introduction – COMPLETE!
Astatos – A pair of mages (kind of) lose their home, summon a god and a devil, and help solve various political issues using card game mechanics. The queerness of this one is pretty heavily constrained to subtext, but there’s no doubt that all major characters are hot men in various states of undress – PAID, SFW
Chardonnay Romancia – Innkeeper who hates heroes discovers an amnesiac hero who quickly becomes obsessed with him, among many other subplots. The characters find themselves in many explicit scenarios, often enough against their will – PAID
Deers and Deckards – As a college student, get into a relationship with either your best friend, his dad, or both. Also, at some point the game decides it becomes tired of its light-hearted tone and takes a dip into a more supernatural setting. Currently, only the polygamy route is complete.
Demons Within – You play a demon of lust influencing the emotions of a soldier and those around him, attempting to assist your host while also growing your own power and keeping them ignorant of your existence.
Devil’s Gambit – A doctor reunites with an old friend, uncovering a supernatural mystery and kicking off a strange romance.
Glory Hounds – A young man finds himself with an unexpected employment opportunity: becoming a sidekick to a superhero.
The Human Heart – Wake up as the only human in a familiar world and find yourself adopted by a colorful group of friends – SFW
In Case of Emergency – Find yourself as the last of the chosen ones in gay furry Narnia and awkwardly ingratiate yourself into the longstanding group of heroes – COMPLETE!
Kingsguard – When things go to hell at your royal birthday how will you reclaim your throne from the magical forces trying to take it from you and, more importantly, which of your kingsguard will you fall in love with
Minotaur Hotel – Discover the true story of (and also fall in love with) the Minotaur of legends and turn his crumbling home into a home for the lost. Even among visual novels, this one is a slow burn, but it’s absolutely worth it
My Pirate Husbandos – Get rescued from drowning at sea by a crew of rowdy, and very gay, pirates, and help them until you earn yourself a place among their ranks
Nekojishi – Become forced to face an uncertain future when you suddenly awaken the ability to see spirits and find yourself fought over by three handsome cat men who each want you to become the priest of their shrine (or equivalent) – SFW, COMPLETE!
Orveia – Awaken in an unfamiliar and horny world along with your best friend (who somehow arrived about a decade before you did) and several handsome men to become an adventurer. This game contain heavy RPG mechanics
Pervader – Discover your kindly DILF of an employer is a wizard and get infected with “becomes a wizard” disease along with the heir to an order of knights whose primary goal is to stamp out all magic
Shelter – Become enraptured in a strange world of medieval fantasy dogs, and protect your home in a world that wants to take that away from you
The Smoke Room – Learn to trust again in the wild west in 1915 after a man you though loved you tried to kill you, while the world itself seems to want to drown you in your guilt
Temptation´s Ballad – A young rogue trying to live up to his father, a commoner with an obsession with adventuring, and a sheltered chosen one looking to broaden their horizons form an adventuring party by happenstance and find themselves with a quest far larger than any of them believed
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fahbee · 1 year
Theory: Crowley *was* Baraquiel in Heaven... and *IS* Baraquiel on Earth
These are images of the book Furfur references when he confronts Crowley and Aziraphale backstage:
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The fandom has been in a tizzy over the description of the angel listed below Aziraphale - Baraquiel - and for good reason. It seems to match Crowley perfectly. "Dominion" - we know that Crowley's angelic rank was "Throne, or Dominion, or above" because he was able to open the file in Heaven on Gabriel. "Angel of the Sky" - we know Crowley was a star-maker. "Hair an eye-burning jinnjer" - LOL.
But look at the title of the book: Demon's Guide to Angelic Beings who Walk the Earth. If Crowley was in fact the angel Baraquiel before he Fell, then how is Baraquiel listed in this book of angels who currently "walk the earth"? Baraquiel would no longer exist, because Baraquiel become Crawly/Crowley. But what if...??
How exactly do Aziraphale and Crowley carry out each other's blessings and temptations under the Arrangement? We're never actually told - not in the show, not in the book. All we really know is that neither of them can be caught doing the other's work or there'll be Hell (or Heaven) to pay. Wouldn't it make sense for each of them to do the other's work in disguise? So that even if word of their good/bad deeds were to somehow find its way to their respective Head Offices - and we know it's possible, for this is how Furfur finds out about Crowley entering a church to help Aziraphale in 1941 - the credit/blame for the deed would trace back to the disguised persona and not the angel/demon wearing the disguise?
What if Crowley performs Aziraphale's blessings as the angel he used to be? Baraquiel is described in the guide book as being "often draped in red." And while black is definitely Crowley's signature color, he does incorporate red accents into his clothes. Disguised as Baraquiel, I can easily picture him using red as his primary color rather than the light, neutral colors the angels prefer.
In conclusion, if Crowley was Baraquiel before he sauntered vaguely downward (and I do think there's a very strong possibility this is the case) then "Baraquiel" would have no reason to be listed in a demonic guide book of angels who walk the earth. The fact that Baraquiel is in the book means that his name, rank, appearance, and other details have become well-known enough in Hell to warrant inclusion. So how can Crowley have been Baraquiel in Heaven if there's a Baraquiel known to 'walk the earth' after the Fall? It's impossible... unless Crowley is the one walking the earth as Baraquiel.
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csoisoi · 2 years
i saw a post regarding the grownup misfits from chapter 198 and decided to do a post on purson, because, it got way more length than i first thought
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purson's wings grew! theyre significantly larger compared to his current wing size, albeit smaller than the average demon's but somehow i feel like its the perfect size for him
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he's wearing the same headress too, i wonder if that signify's his being head of the clan but his father doesn't seem to be wearing it? that unless they only wear it when theyre on Duty
comparing future purson and the above purson's clothing, the sleeves in the grownup version are more fitted with the shoulders more structures, and it looks like his grownup attire is more fitted to his body rather than flowy
personally, the grownup attire looks better by a small amount, the flowiness of the initial attire screams mysterious and elegant, sleeves fluttering as he reappears and disappears constantly, the epitome of being a Purson. i feel like when he walks it feels as if he's gliding instead of walking.
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he and his brother seem to be matching! awee
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which is traditional purson clan attire!
soi, his brother, and his father seem to be wearing the same thing around their necks as well, i couldnt find what it's called and the closest thing i could find was a chinese knot tassel, but even then it's quite distinct
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also to diverge from outfits and to their appearances themselves
soi and his mother look very much alike, and he takes after his mother more than his father; the same eye shape and small wings (though his wings seemed to grow when he grew while hers did not), as well as the small horns on his head
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his father's features are more detailed (and he's unfairly pretty oh my god why is he so pretty), he doesnt have any visible horns, but the hair pin he's using looks like a wing! and it being pure black kinda unifies his appearance to those of his wife and (pur)son
and you know who else kinda looks like momma purson?
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and couple that with the fact that we haven't seen purton's face, and soi himself doesn't remember what his brother looks like (which is, that's rough buddy), wett being purton is kinda plausible, and we don't exactly know his bloodline magic, and wett looks to be around what purton''s age should be... everything's up in the air!
wett, from the six fingers
the simplistic eyes that we take as a purson trait, the small horns (though they're bigger than momma purson and soi's) his hair is a dark purple which is similar to the soi's lilac hair, we havent seen colored parent pursons yet and changing hair colors easy pretty easy in the mairuma world, a simple first year spell instead of going through the hassle of buying dye
this was initially a purson clan attire post, it becoming a wett is purton theory post? not that surprising i can jump from one thing to another, parkour
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mcgnagallsarmy · 2 years
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #20: A Fic A Week
So this is gonna be a looong list, be prepared!
A Fic With More Than 200k Words
West of the Moon, East of the Sun by KnifeEdge [NC-17]
I keep having the strangest dream. Every night it's the same thing: a dark room, a big bed, and a silent vampire that I can feel, but not see. I'd be wigged, except it's just a dream, right? It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever willingly sleep with a vampire again...
Fic You Haven’t Read by Author You Love
Seven by Holly [NC-17]
It's been months since Willow almost ended the world, and a tense summer has turned into an ominous fall in Sunnydale. Spike is back from wherever and acting weirder than usual, a new threat is rising that—for once—doesn't seem to stem from the hellmouth, and Buffy has no idea who to trust or what to believe. She also doesn’t have the luxury of time to figure it out. Some things never change.
Popular Fic in 2021:
You Learn by bramcrackers [Adult Only]
When Buffy learns about Angel’s history with Drusilla, she can’t ignore how he seems to keep everything about his past to himself unless forced. How can she love someone she doesn’t even know? A trip to a local mage later, she’s plunged headfirst into Angel’s entire sordid history in a series of visions. And dealing with all of that would have been a hell of a lot easier if Spike hadn’t somehow been pulled into it, happy to add the color commentary.
You Can Read in a Day
Fool me Once by Miss Marisol [NC-17]
Some weeks after Something Blue: When Tara helps Buffy find out the horrible truth - that Willow (with Xander's approval) has been dosing her with love potions, so that she thinks she loves Riley- she is furious. She is going to get her revenge on Willow and Xander in the most hurtful way she can think of – by dating someone they desperately wanted her to stay away from...
Fic About a Difficult Topic
Blip by Holly [R]
She lives a life where everything is chosen for her. But not this.
Recommended by a Friend
Hung Up by kats_meow [NC-17]
What if instead of fast food Buffy got a job as a phone sex worker at a new establishment in Sunnydale?
Fic That Will Make You Cry
Future Perfect by Sigyn [R]
“I only show the truth,” the creature said. “The truth of the future. How you feel about it is all your own.” “What future?” Buffy demanded. “What are you talking about?” The demon smiled. “You’ll see soon enough.”
Fic Published in 2012
Who We Used To Be by sweetprincipale [Adult Only]
A short Spuffy, just a small scene from a life that should have been given a second chance. Set after Angel S. five, acting as if no comic series or novels occurred. Consider this an alternate universe, it'll be easier.
Fic Published in 2022
Something Blue's Clues by cawthraven [PG-13]
Willow is just fed up with the way Buffy and Spike act around each other. What are they, five?
A Genre You Don’t Usually Read - POV
A Small Boat on the Ocean by sandy_s [PG-13]
Buffy and Spike are settled in New Orleans and decide to start a family in a realistic way (as realistic as you can get in Buffyverse). Post-NFA, Buffy POV.
Based on a Children’s Classic
Little Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Wolf by Twinkles [R]
A fairy-tale, of sorts. Response to a challenge by hcconn: Buffy gets her little red riding hood costume at Ethan's instead of the Victorian dress.
Banner With Your Favorite Color
Dreamscape by Holly [NC-17]
While her nights are occupied fighting evil, her dreams are haunted by a devastatingly sexy if not totally evil vampire. But how thin is the line between dreams and reality? More importantly: how thin does she want it to be?
Young Adult Fiction
Golden Hour by kennedynoelle [R]
Spike never came to Sunnydale during the first few seasons. The first time Buffy sees him is during The Harsh Light of Day, sunbathing on campus adorned with the Gem of Amara. Oh no, she thinks, the pit of her stomach dropping and sending tinglies all over, he's hot. They start dating, Buffy unaware that her new boyfriend is a member of the undead. Of course, she has to find out eventually...
First Story in a Trilogy
Wrong Place, Perfect Time by MaggieLaFey [NC-17]
Buffy, a successful lawyer, and William, an excellent detective, are sneaking into the LA Archives and Records Center at the last minute on Halloween day. They’re also both on the phone, and don’t notice that the elevator they’re stepping into might have a few problems. Will they get to know each other once they get stuck inside, or will they be at each other’s throats sooner than William can say “pet” and Buffy can say “sexist jerk”?
Second Story in a Trilogy
Nemesis by Holly [NC-17]
Book II of the Yellow Brick Road series. While trying to cope with mixed feelings and brewing resentment over the fact that Spike screwed her and vanished, Buffy finds herself increasingly suspicious about Faith's close relationship with Angel. Just as things can't get any more confusing, a blond vampire she was sure she would never see again decides that it's time.
Third Story in a Trilogy
Intimate by Holly [R]
He was mesmerized by her heartbeat.
Dystopian Fic
The Footprints Left Behind by Willow91 [NC-17]
In the wake of an unknown attack on the American Frontier and the subsequent loss of contact with the friends they still had stateside, Buffy and Xander sneak into the country and begin a long, dangerous journey to find old friends and the source of the near apocalypse before it spreads throughout the rest of the world.
Award-Winning Fic
Not Dead by Herself [NC-17]
Soon after her resurrection, Buffy gets turned. Spike tries to help her adjust.
Set in the Decade Before You Were Born
A Different Kind of Hell by OffYourBird [NC-17]
Jumping through Glory's tower portal, Buffy and Spike find themselves in a hell dimension they never expected. One that looks suspiciously like 1880's London. Will they find a way back home? Will the truth behind William the Bloody at last make itself known? Will Buffy ever stop butchering the Queen's English? Join them and find out. Starts off at the end of "The Gift."
Historical Fiction From A Favorite Time Period
The Darkling by OffYourBird [NC-17]
When Buffy’s quest to get Spike returned to her is fulfilled in an unexpected way, she finds herself in a complicated relationship with an intrigued master vampire who isn’t the man she loves, but who might be someday… if she can convince him to step out of the dark.
Classic You’ve Never Read
Charms of the Clarion by Eurydice [NC-17]
When the Council approaches Buffy with an offer she can't refuse, she finds herself in another world, with Spike as her necessary partner. Set early Season 5.
A Fic That Will Keep You Up All Night
Almost Paradise by Holly [NC-17]
When presented with the opportunity to magically alter the world she lives in, Buffy knows there are a lot of very good reasons why she shouldn't seize it, but figures things can't get worse. She's wrong.
Most read in 2021
Grace by Soulburnt [NC-17]
In the aftermath of 'Dead Things,' Buffy fears that Spike has dusted.  She doesn't think she can survive the world she's been pulled back into without him.  When she finds he's alive, Buffy takes a chance at reclaiming her own life by sharing her time, words... and even her blood.
Set in Your Home State - I’ll amend this to Europe
Just to Reach You by Sunalso [R]
Post-Series. Spike and Buffy have been a couple for almost two years. The honeymoon is over and together they're discovering they still have a lot to learn about themselves, each other, and how this whole "normal" relationship thing works.
You Once Started But Never Finished
These Violent Delights by Touchstoneaf [Adult Only]
Part 2 of the Something Wicked series  (S5, beginning with "Buffy vs Dracula") Spuffy have been together for a while now. Things have been great. The Scoobies have more or less accepted the reality of their couplehood, Spike finally has his own place, so there’s plenty of thoroughly excellent shag-time, and college is kind of fun when you have a worldly, undead tutor to poke fun at your instructors and help you remember your lessons with fascinating anecdotes or, when that fails, incredibly memorable sexy-times. Life is actually, like, bordering on good. But then Mr. Eurovamp 2000 blows into town and causes a bunch of jealousy. And then Buffy starts having a bunch of crappy Slayer dreams about glowy purply stuff. And Dawn is going off the hook even more than usual, and Mom is acting weird… And, as if there’s not enough to deal with, Buffy’s pretty sure that idiot Riley Finn is still lurking around town trying to come up with a reason to shoot her boyfriend… Buffy should have known things couldn’t stay yummy for long. She probably would have started to worry if it had.
With a One Word Title
Called by Dusty [PG-13]
A slayer, a vampire and how they called through the years.
A Fairy Tale Retelling
Ever Just As Sure by lafillesauvage [R]
Because there can never be enough Spuffy retellings of ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
A Fic Set in High School or Durig the High School Years
Beneath the Surface by The Danish Bird [NC-17]
Spike returns a little earlier to find his gem. The mayor decides that shooting Angel with a poison, which only Slayer blood can cure, is simply too risky for his Faith. And suddenly, Buffy finds herself locked up in a strange underground room in the company of her mortal enemy and the vampire who just broke her heart. But maybe it isn’t all bad. Maybe, this way, Angel will see that this idea about leaving for her own good is bad. Right? Spike, he just wants to get out, but if that’s out of the question, well then at least he’s going to try to have some fun! Starts out right after The Prom and before Graduation Day pt.I.
Fic Set in Another Country
Encapsulated by BillieLiar [NC-17]
“Hotel. I was supposed to have a hotel. This is so not a hotel.” “They’re called capsule hotels, luv, they’re getting common lately.”
Reread a Favorite Fic
Right Next (Door) to You by talesofstories [PG] - this is an all human story
“Why don’t you and Spike just move in together?” “Because that would be really weird? We’re neighbors and friends, Dawn; it’s not like we’re dating.” Buffy firmly ignored Dawn’s muttered, “You could have fooled me.” (Buffy and Spike are neighbors, best friends, confidants. What they aren't is dating. Which is the one thing that everyone assumes they are doing.)
On Your To-Read List the Longest
You Don't Know What You've Got by lex_hex [NC-17]
The Rwasundi demon summoned by the Trio sends Buffy back in time to the moment that Anya's power center is destroyed. Navigating the implications of time travel, Buffy gets to revisit some past events with a new perspective and lots of foresight.
A Fic About Travel
A Matter Of Taste by Twinkles [Adult Only]
A potentially horrifying story of lust, blood and hunger when the world turns inside out. Set shortly before Buffy vs Dracula; Riley left town at the end of S4.
Popular Fic You’ve Never Read
Pet by Sigyn [Adult Only]
Spike and Buffy have been living happily together for what seems like forever, but fate has a sick sense of humor. Buffy finds herself caught in the wrong body, in the wrong time, needing the assistance of a purely evil Spike. Now she must attempt to forge their trust anew, when the dynamic isn’t that of slayer and redeemed, but only that of vampire... and victim.
Crime or Mystery
Liebestod by Iamblichus [NC-17]
They really should have known the First Evil wasn't done with them after Sunnydale... Enter: Time-travel, mysterious prophesies, and lots of poetry. BtVS Post-Season 7; Angel AU Season 5. All's well that ends well.
Science Fiction - I count time travel stories as sci-fi
Someday by Sunalso [NC-17]
AU. The world is broken, but Buffy is given seven days to make it better. Does saving humanity mean letting go of the one thing she wants, or grabbing on to it with both hands?
2022 New Release
One Step Away by violettathepiratequeen [PG]
Spike knows the way she dances. Not even Faith in Buffy's body can fool him.
The First Fic in a Series
Tutor by Holly [NC-17]
Buffy has a certain set of skills: staking vampires, slaying demons, preventing the apocalypse, and chasing off men after a single night. That last thing could stand being crossed off her list. Fortunately, she knows just the man—err, vamp—to help.
Prettiest banner
Holding On to You by MaggieLaFey [NC-17]
Spike is a non-ghost in Angel’s not-so-shiny new law firm, haunted by a terrifying hell. But in his pocket, he has the note Buffy left him in the stranger’s house in Sunnydale, the one from the best night of his life. Will her words be too little, or will they help him hold on to what they’d had those last nights?
An Inspirational Story
The Girl Who Courted Death by OffYourBird [NC-17]
Due to a misfortune of genetics, Buffy is never Called as a Slayer. Instead, she grows up in L.A. with a different set of challenges and trials, unaware of the supernatural world. That is, until a chance encounter with the Slayer of Slayers changes her life—and everything afterward—forever.
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elendsessor · 4 months
hey update on the nocturne no fusion run: it’s gonna be on hiatus.
ik this is sudden especially since it’s lucifer time but i got insanely burnt out. the last few weeks haven’t been great (seasonal depression especially sucks ass) and though i’m finally climbing out of that slump, whenever something like this happens, i need to take a step back from whatever i’ve been playing so it doesn’t cause some sort of relapse. this goes for a couple other games i’ve been working on and have live-blogged about. this doesn’t mean i’m abandoning anything!!! i just likely won’t get around to it until much later.
i still have a lot of grinding and skill resetting to do and tbh it hasn’t helped much because it kinda just. made my brain more mushy than it already is. i’m all over the place in general so sorry.
since i’m not sure when i’ll finally finish what i started, i did want to share some thoughts because i’ve gained a bigger appreciation for nocturne all by running through it again.
first off i forgot how fun team building can be. maybe it’s because without fusion i can’t do much with the demons i can get, but dammit it highlights a problem with a lot of turn based rpgs being the very little breathing room with how you can set up your team.
look, i adore monster collecting games but god there tends to be a definitive “don’t use this unless it’s in a specific way” tier that applies to nearly every one of them. pokemon kinda avoids this problem because of hms/tms and the breeding mechanic but that takes significantly more time and a vast majority of the games are kinda fucking easy. challenging for a kid especially when you get to the stuff like the battle tower, but there’s no incentive to build a good moveset outside of competitive play, and trust me—as an ex-competitive player—it does ruin the non-multiplayer combat in a ton of ways.
but ps2 era onwards megaten somehow gets around this still via mechanics like skill mutation. it’s random and hard to trigger but there’s still freedom, plus the way the games have always encouraged team building and learning how mechanics work is so rewarding. rpgs (action or otherwise) are my bread and butter but so many of them do fail to understand the importance.
nocturne’s combat flavor is so weird. it’s broken. really broken. somehow that’s the fun in it? when people talk about bullcrap smt moments there’s a reason nocturne comes up because it’s designed to be bullcrap. it fits the whole “the vortex world is harsh and unforgiving” angle.
the story structure is something i appreciate a lot more despite how flawed it is. talked about it a ton in a previous post analyzing how it handles characters like chiaki.
there’s so many fun and unique shots and angles and general framework that tbh isn’t something any other megaten has captured since, assuming they try. for all the ones that do post-nocturne, dds is the one that got the most cinematic but it doesn’t play with colors nearly as much. i love the raidou games (especially 2) but 2 got rid of most of the cgs and you could tell both games had much less of a budget than other atlus projects during that era. 4 and 4a have beautiful art and do fun camera movements but the hardware limitations make it so there wasn’t a ton of actual proper cutscenes. 5 is also beautiful and is aesthetic af but camera angles aren’t played with during conversation scenes.
the actual general issue is that talking stuff. nocturne doesn’t have a lot of strictly talking scenes, and the ones that are there are so spread out that you kinda forget they’re there. plus, some of it comes from pov shots like when talking with hijiri which does help with perspective. not many games period actually take the time to play around like that, making a lot of scene set ups feel samey. megaten is no exception especially in the ds/3ds era, and it kinda got abandoned tbh. the portraits and art are good yeah but they can only carry scenes so far.
also gained a bit of appreciation for tde. no it’s not the best written ending—the “bad”/demon ending and freedom ending are definitely the winners here mainly due to thematic importance. yes, it’s really shitty that going for other routes gives you half the content. you can do the amala labyrinth and then back out after beating metatron (as long as you don’t get to the bottom afterwards you can go for any of the other endings), but that’s still tde adjacent. however… i love how morally ambiguous tde is.
it is promising in several aspects but the consequences of said actions are huge. there’s still manikins in the vortex world, an entire society being built from what remains of tokyo even after the whole fight for the right to creation stuff happens, but siding with luci means destroying everything they’ve worked towards. the demifiend can liberate his and other universes from the cycle of death and rebirth, but that’s only if yhvh is defeated and, by extension, the great will. the great will has appeared before in megaten and isn’t actually a being, more a concept, only able to be fought in a comprehensible state. it’s literally existence itself. who knows what’ll happen if someone kills off existence?
gonna be completely honest, this is probably my new favorite mainline game. there’s a lot to it that i keep discovering and loving. (also on like a fandom standpoint i haven’t had a bad experience with the nocturne side yet/haven’t seen much of the toxicity so i’m biased lol). actually fucking slaps. it’s not perfect and some of it is more learning to love than love at first sight, but dammit it’s good.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 25-28
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Hey, Janemba’s back in black.  Let’s see if I can knock this one out before I go to work.
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Last time, “Dr. W” lured Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta to Hell, where he fought them both to a standstill, then sent all the data he collected to Janemba, who is now somehow back and ready to kick some ass.  I don’t understand why this was even necessary, since Dr. W was doing just fine on his own.
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I feel like a pair of Super Saiyan 4′s ought to have an easier time against Janemba than this, but his color scheme is different, and he does have all of that data to warn him about things like “Goku punches a lot” and “watch out for Vegeta’s rapid fire attack that never works.”
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Then all the other good guys teleport in, and I guess this was Fu’s plan?  He used Bojack and Turles to keep them busy while he birdnapped Tokitoki, then he sent them all to Hell, where Janemba would be ready to finish them off.
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Oh, and Xeno Trunks can do Super Saiyan 3.  You know, they could let Xeno Pan do all sorts of crazy transformations, just like everyone else in this show, but they don’t, because Toei’s a bunch of assholes.
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Then these two show up.  Their names are Putine (left) and Salsa (right).  it is impossible for me to take Salsa seriously, because his dour expression is a little too dour, to the point of self-parody.  Also, his edgy hood has cute ears on top, like he took some Pikachu merchandise and dyed it black to complete his aesthetic. 
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Putine and Salsa are demons who fought against the Time Patrol some time ago, but this time they offer a way to destroy the Universe Tree that’s currently threatening the multiverse, so they all join forces to defeat Janemba.  But Janemba won’t go down so easily, even in a six-on-one affair.
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Then Salsa suggests that Xeno Goku use the same trick he used to defeat “the dark dragon”, and I finally realized he was referring to the Shadow Dragons from GT.  Which trick, though?  Fusion?  The bullshit spirit bomb?  Swallowing a Dragon Ball?  A lot of those things only worked because of GT Logic, but this isn’t GT, so we have to be careful.  Eating a Dragon Ball might actually kill a person here.
Turns out they were referring to the dumb bit where everyone lends their energy to Goku to charge up his Super Saiyan 4 form.  This is one of the stupidest bits from GT and the only consolation I have is that Vegeta Blue hates this crap even more than I do.  Xeno Vegeta seems to have no strong feelings about it, as he just stands beside Xeno Goku and accepts the same power-up. 
I guess I should talk about the worlds these characters come from.  Obviously, the concept here is that we have a set of Time Patrol characters who look like they’re from Dragon Ball GT, and a set of “main” characters who look like they’re from Dragon Ball Super.   But it doesn’t quite line up that way.  Xeno Goku remembers fighting the Shadow Dragons, but he clearly never vanished for 100 years with Shenron like Goku did in the finale of GT.  This partnership with Xeno Vegeta doesn’t work in the GT continuity, because they were only both SSJ4 for a handful of episodes.  After that, Vegeta powered down, and then Goku didn’t return to Earth until long after Vegeta’s death. 
On the Super side of things, the Goku and Vegeta in SDBH have different clothes on than what they wore in Super.  They remember the Tournament of Power, but they also remember the movie villains like Cooler, Bojack, and Turles.  Curiously, none of these characters seems to remember Janemba, so I don’t know what to make of this.
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Anyway, the charge-up works, and Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta work over Janemba, then finish him off with a double Super Dragon Fist.  Does Xeno Vegeta have no pride at all? 
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Wh-what if we intertwined our ki dragons together in the same villain?  Ha ha, just kidding... 
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So with that nonsense out of the way, Putine teleports everyone to the Universe Tree.  No one questions how she knows where to go or what to do.  Then again, I guess this is the only lead they have.
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Meanwhile, in a different part of Hell, we see a prisoner...
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And it’s Hearts.  And he’s pretty happy, apparently.  Sheesh, does anything bother this guy?
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At the Universe Tree, Vegeta tries to blow it up with a ki blast, but the tree just soaks it up like everything else.  Then Fu shows up and mocks their attempts to stop it.
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Towa is also here, and she arranges for most of the good guys, and Putine and Salsa, to be teleported away.  She leaves Goku and Vegeta to fight Fu by themselves, although Fu doesn’t understand the purpose of this.
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Fu seems to be more than a match for them, in part because he’s infused himself with Cumber’s dark ki, which corrupts the minds of those who come into contact with it.  You know, except for all the times fighters would hit Cumber and that didn’t happen. 
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We see Cumber trussed up in a machine that presumably siphons off his power and sends it to Fu, or the tree, or whatever.  I’m starting to see why people ship Cumber and Fu.  All they ever do is get into these kinky situations.
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So Fu uses Cumber’s power to make Goku and Vegeta go feral, but instead of turning on one another, they both go after Fu anyay.  Fu hits them with a big attack and that snaps them out of it, so what’s even the point?
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So Goku convinces Vegeta to fuse with him, since Vegito can protect himself from the Cumber effect.  Apparently Salsa left them a pair of Potara Earrings to use.   Uh-huh....
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Meanwhile, Towa explains her plan to the other good guys, whom she has trapped in a field of Cumbers’ energy.  Is Cumber that powerful?  Cooler defeated him, after all.
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She informs them that she “created” Fu.  I’m pretty sure she just had a baby with Mira, but she created Mira as well, so you can never be too sure with Towa.  Fu represents the data Towa has collected from a multitude of powerful figthers.  Mira had a similar deal, so I’m pretty sure she just means Fu inherited the same chimera DNA Mira had. 
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Towa then pulls some sort of dark energy out of her captives and explains that this is the “Dark Factor”, a power that once inhabited Mechikabura before his death at the hands of Trunks.  When he was defeated, Mechikabura released the Dark Factor and it went into the Time Patrollers who were there at the time.  Towa apparently arranged this so she could retrieve the Dark Factor when the time was right.  Her aim is to put the Dark Factor into Fu, which will allow him to become the new Dark Emperor, Mechikabura’s successor. 
Well, now it makes more sense why they did the special in Episode 20.  They were doing more than reintroducing Fu and the Time Patrol after all.
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Xeno Goku briefly escapes from his bonds, but then Mira shows up and cuts him off.  He also brings Xeno Goten and Xeno Gohan to this place, since they had to pull the Dark Factor out of their bodies as well. 
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Then they all get sucked into a time hole or something.
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Back at the Universe Tree, Vegito and Fu continue to fight.  Fu is impressed with Vegito’s power, but Vegito says that Fu never knew how strong Vegito was, because all he ever did was observe him from the shadows.   Fighting Vegito directly is a whole other story.
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Then Fu says the Universe Tree is finally ready, but when he goes to check on it, he’s horrified to discover that it’s withered and dead.  What could have happened?
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Super Shenron happened, that’s what.  While Fu was screwing around, Beerus, Champa, Whis and Vados arranged for the Super Dragon Balls to be collected, so they could wish for the Universe Tree to be destroyed.  Well, I guess that wraps up this caper... or does it?
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tragicromanceisland · 2 years
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Obey Me Dates- The Brothers
Imagining the types of dates the demon brothers take you on.
Some are shorter than the others, but I tried.
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Lucifer- would out due his brothers on whatever date they took you on. Expect his date to be the most thrilling you ever had and trust him when he says that. He won't allow them to outshine him. He will be the only one you want to go on another date with. One took you to see an opera? Well, he will take you to a symphony. You went on a joyride and had ice cream? Expect a luxury car ride and luxury doesn't exclude speed. Not only are you having dessert you'll have dinner on the beach under the moon light. Your date ended with a kiss or a steamy make-out? You're staying in his room tonight he will pull out all the stops until you are fully seduced.
Mammon- Anything from card games, casino visits, car rides, parties, and the movies. Mammon will pull out all the stops but expect him to make a fool out of himself in the process of trying to impress you. Oi! Stop laughing! It ain't funny. Now his cheeks are full of color it could be because he just ate the floor or he is actually embarrassed. You knew it was both. Thing is Mammon didn't need to over do it to impress you. You liked him just the way he is and when you told him he was flustered. You were so kind and nice to him. He couldn't help but love you. Can he give ya a goodnight kiss? You kissed him first? D'aw you turned him into a schoolboy crazy about you. Not that he already wasn't whipped by you.
Leviathan- Please say yes, please say yes, Please.Say.YES! He was a bundle of nerves, his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his pants. His thumbs sticking out as he couldn't even look in your eyes right now.
"It sounds like fun."
His eyes flit to yours and his eyes dilate.
You give a coy smile. "I said yes."
His heart was going to burst. Is this real life did you actually accept going on a date with him? Oh he is so happy. Wait...or are you joking? Please don't tell him your joking it would crush him.
"Levi, when is the concert?"
Ok, you do mean it! He can feel tears at the corners of his eyes as he covers his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.
"Two days from now! Thank you, thank you ______!!"
Before you say anything he ran off to his room. He didn't mean to leave you hanging like that but he was so happy he couldn't hold back his tears any longer and that would have been embarrassing if you saw.
The day of the date it goes way better than he could have ever imagined. You even took a picture of him with his idols!!! He passed out after that. He came too. He thought he was dreaming but it was real life. It really happened. At the end of the night, you gave him a kiss and his brain malfunctioned. Instead of saying good night he said thank you you too!! He kicked himself for saying it. Why did he say that?? He was going to die from embarrassment. He liked you so much he began telling Henry 2.0 all about his amazing date with you.
Satan - He was determined to expand your knowledge of the arts and knowledge in general. Of course, he wouldn't force it down your throat. Unless....? Nevermind. Now he is embarrassed though you aren't sure why. It starts as a coffee date and evolves into going to a museum and somehow you're at a pet shop across the street from the cafe after your compelling conversation about history and artifacts. You both continue conversation about animals and at the end of the night, you both find yourself at the Devildoms garden. Walking under the night sky you somehow change the subject to the stars. Satan explains of the legends about the stars of the Devildom. At the end of the night, Satan walks you back to your room. It's still in the house of lamentation as you both study the other. Satan had a wonderful time he would love nothing more than to kiss you. You must have been thinking the same as you both leaned into each other and Satan closed the distance. His lips firm against yours before breaking away. His cheeks burning, one kiss was not enough.
Asmodeus- Shopping and Spa dates as well as staying in and snuggling while watching horror movies were Asmo's thing. Of course, be aware every time you stayed in for a date it was inevitably going to lead to make-outs. He couldn't get enough of your soft lips or the taste of your flavored lip gloss. To say he was addicted was an understatement. Asmo would make sure you both were pampered even if you stayed at home. As much as he did those things with you he also invited you to the parties he was always invited too. These parties gave Asmo a bigger reason to dress you to his liking and often he would coordinate your colors to match. You were both often the talk of the party for fashion but also for your already-known reputation for making pacts with all seven demon lords.
Beelzebub - He asked you to come to his games and afterward he would treat you to dinner. Sometimes he invited you to new places he hadn't been and sometimes he would carry you around to various places and just talk and sometimes it was silent time just enjoying the view being beside you.
Beel also used the time he had to walk Cerberus as a way of spending time with you. He would invite you to work out with him, but...that more often than not, he ended with you distracting him and vice verse. Most of the time, it ended in a make-out. He would take you out for the best meals. Sometimes, even a picnic. He would try not to eat the food before he could share it with you. It would definitely end up with you feeding each other food and enjoying each other's company. Beel would love for you to rest your head on his lap as you fed him. He would also sneak in some kisses.
Belphegor - Stargazing to naps. Your dates with the twins happened to be some of the most peaceful. Belphie would take you to all the best spots to view stars. He would pack a picnic for you both. He had to make sure Beel didn't find out you were going on a picnic he would eat all the food. He would bring some demonus with him as well. While having a picnic you would feed him and he would feed you back sometimes he would nip at your fingers and your retalliation would be to lick his when he fed you. Of course, it made him hard, he had to keep himself in check for a little bit. However, you were quick to notice the bulge in his pants, and more often than not he fucked you under the starry night sky of the Devildom. Afterward, he held you close as he began to tell you a tragic tale of two lovers who were destined to be together yet, an envious man found out about the lovers, and because he adored the one he refused to allow the other man to take what should rightfully be his. Out of jealousy and rage, he killed the lovers. If he couldn't have the one no one could. He then explained how the lovers became entwined in the starry night sky to be together for eternity.
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