The SonicAsuraZone
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Hello! I'm SonicAsura. Age: 26. Pronouns: She/Her. This is a mixed media blog, where you can find stuff both rare or popular. If you want to check out my stories, then go to @talesofsonicasura! I DON'T DO COMMISSIONS.
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sonicasura · 20 minutes ago
She had to set up a perpetual hologram over the Titan, but she didn’t blame him for wanting to sprawl out in his root mode. No doubt Trypticon will be reluctant to switch back to alt mode any time soon. It’d be more convenient for the cyber sleuth yet she knew to let him rest a bit. Pen and her Digimon had to reorientate themselves inside the now bipedal Trypticon. Doof had (respectfully) dipped back into the non-digital world to not be poking around the processor of someone very much aware.
Even his hum alone reverberated through his frame—she had hope it was due to the still close proximity to his spark chamber. Or else she’d have to partially mute her own hearing…
Pen turned the closest camera to speak to the Titanformer. “Since I imagine you won’t want to do anything for next long while—who would blame you after being stasis locked for years…” She commented, receiving an exvent huff of a laugh from the Titan at the remark. “I need to take care of some things. My team hasn’t quite been all together in a long while anyway.”
“I’m definitely sticking around at least for a day or two.” Null agreed, still in his Canoweissmon form. “Cybertron’s pretty dull for months on end even with you sending supplies…”
The Digimon all made various noises or gestures in Knell’s case in agreement to spending some time catching up. They all had been working especially hard since Penumbra got Dark Energon exposure. She took care of them really well, but somedays things grated.
“Anyway! Will you be alright if we leave you here for a few days?” The cyber sleuth questioned, although it was ultimately up to the Titan if he wanted any of them to even stick around.
“I will be more than alright, young speaker. Go. Celebrate with your comrades. I have a millennia of stretching out to catch up on.”
Pen nodded albeit a bit confused over the “speaker” thing. Then, she noticed Doof having some trouble with a familiar dark energon container that decidedly held something else. A slightly mischievous smile came over her face. “Good! You’ll have a lot to talk about with your son—“ The Titan jolted at the sudden change in topic as Doof let Nemesis out near his spark. “—maybe talk about the actual good days of the Decepticons. What they fought for. How the Autobots have shed most of their functionalist ways? Bond over decoding the Iacon files?”
And with that, her Digimon rejoined into her Digivice as she ground bridged away. Leaving Trypticon to fret over his technical newspark.
Knockout wiped off his tools of spilt energon and none-too-gently woke the rogue Seeker out of stasis. The Decepticon medic was honestly surprised Breakdown’s savior’s favor would lead back to Starscream. But, the little bug of an ally was adamant about him restoring the former SIC’s ability to transform. He did the procedure.
Transplanting a t-cog back into a mech was deceptively hard if the area around it was at all damaged. Starscream’s slight malnutrition hardly helped the matter, but he made do. At least the operating room was set in a more neutral location—though it was clearly thrown together metal in the general shape of a med bay. Knockout couldn’t quite tell where they were and kept Breakdown in his sights at all times while here. One never could be to careful even when dealing with “friendly” elements.
Starscream hissed out as he was rudely woken up, but struggled to his pedes in order to test out his t-cog. The Decepticon medic shook his helm at the hurry yet vaguely understood why the Seeker was rushing through recovering.
While the transformation far less smooth than usual—a jet rested in front of them shortly after.
“Well, if that’s all you need of my services… I think we are done here, Breakdown.” Knockout announced already packing away his tools into his subspace. His conjunx cut his conversation with the blue military lizard short to hobble over to his side. Admittedly, the medic hadn’t wanted the broad frame to accompany him while still very much injured. Except neither wanted the other to go into unknown territory alone. Thankfully, the askers remained friendly.
Knockout held up his servo to call one of the Vehicons to open up a groundbridge, only to be met with static. He tried again and was met with the exact same result. Considering they could still comm when they first got here… this was very concerning. The medic saw the frown form on Breakdown faceplate as he tried multiple channels to have static spat at him.
Then, a ground bridge opened up in front of Knockout. It held the telltale signature of Soundwave which did not bode well for keeping this little shindig a secret for much longer.
Both Decepticons made their way over in order to step through rather promptly when—
“By the way, I supposed I should apologize for using this opportunity to keep you away from the ship.” Checkpoint commented suddenly being at both their backsides. “I’m sure Soundwave or Skyquake will catch you up soon enough. Know this was for Trypticon’s sake.”
The blue reptilian pushed them through the ground bridge and Knockout found himself having to catch a stumbling Breakdown.
They ended up not on the Nemesis, but rather an absolutely make shift base of operations out of an Energon mine. The Vehicons crowded around them in order to mutter all kinds of things. Soundwave sat a ways away working on… his minicons? How. Those other three were lost in the war, weren’t they?
Why—was Megatron strapped down to a makeshift berth?
“What do you mean the Nemesis is a Titan?!”
At least Knockout and Breakdown were away for that. Can only imagine Starscream laughing his ass aft off if he heard what's been going on with the other cons. Especially Megatron because dear Primus is it poetic.
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sonicasura · 24 minutes ago
Ben 10/One Piece crossover
Ok, I had the funniest idea of Ben getting a girlfriend/wife and I had the funny idea of Ben dating Smoothie(One of Big Moms Daughter) like just imagine how'd they meet
Oh god. Hopefully away from Big Mom considering every kid/grand kid is crew member stint and how she wants different races amongst them. Ben accidentally wooing Smoothie sounds hilarious though.
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sonicasura · 29 minutes ago
I am not surprised the Gotei 13 would flip out when all there sensors basically burst into flames and it was Exodia's summoning that caused it.
Exodia is definitely the final option for Ash, and the Hollow swarm definitely fit the " Break Glass In Case Of Emergency"
I do wonder at the end of the Hollow Swarm incident The Gotei 13 decide too send others from the Gotei 13 beside Renji and Byakuya too not only get Rukia but also find out what is behind that influx of Spiritual Energy?
Exodia is definitely their last resort. Unless they are super pissed and managed to get all five cards in their hand faster than normal. It was the latter with Menos Grande as Ash was checking in on Ichigo's friends while he handled Uryu.
They saw the destruction and various injuries the hollows racked up thanks to this stupid contest. You can bet your ass they threatened our Quincy with Exodia if he ever pulls this stunt again. Ash despises games that put people's lives in great danger, especially on a massive scale.
I will say there will either be an Exodia encore or Master of Chaos obliterating the Menos Grande horde Aizen leaves behind as a betrayal gift. Ash was already tired from all this insanity. Like they're here to help Ichigo rescue Rukia, not deal with a murder mystery flavored soap opera.
You are correct about other people being sent on this mission. Such a massive amount of unknown spiritual energy required an immediate investigation. Thus Toshiro and Rangiku were sent for this particular directive.
Ash isn't going to be able to lend Ichigo a hand as they'll have their hands full with those two.
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sonicasura · 1 hour ago
Ben 10/One Piece
Ok but I just realized that Ben would be a perfect mentor for the ASL brother, considering Ben has also been trained martial arts and some sharp shooting. But a good number of his aliens could help Luffy train his rubber powers
He's definitely the perfect first mentor for the trio. A good chunk of Ben's battles required him to adapt on the fly and change tactics. You can't always rely on brute strength after all.
Plus I imagine Luffy gets his moveset references from Ben like UFO and Rocket.
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sonicasura · 1 hour ago
Ben 10/One Piece crossover
Ok I had the funny idea of Ben and Garp battling each other, Garp because he thinks Ben is going to steal the brothers and Ben because well pick a reason, just imagine how crazy it would get when they stop holding back against each other
Ben is definitely moving the both of them far away as he doesn't want the kids to get caught in the crossfire. He cares about their safety more than anything else.
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sonicasura · 2 hours ago
Ben 10/One Piece crossover
Ok new idea, because we don't know much about Luffy's or Ace's moms I had a fun idea.
Luffy having Osmosian abilities(Never liked Omniverses Retcon on Kevin's powers) which makes his rubber attack even more devastating.
Ace actually having Anodite spark in him, that awakens when he goes to save Luffy from Akainu
That would be very interesting. Although I imagine Ace getting scolded later for the obvious heart attack.
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sonicasura · 2 hours ago
May I suggest Magical Musket for the gun half of Mina's deck?
They're based on a German opera called Der Freischütz. Folklore around is that a marksman made a deal with the devil to obtain seven magical bullets with supernatural accuracy. The first six bullets are subservient to the wielder but the seventh is always in the devil's grip.
Plus why settle for one gun type when you can have multiple?
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There's a new Yugioh Archetype called Yummy coming out and all I can think of is Mina Ashiro from Kaiju No. 8 just fainting due to all the cuteness.
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For those wondering the archetype is based on those 100 yen crane games with our abducting blue feline, Yummy Snatchy, being a collector. Snatchy wants all the different variants of the three other Yummies we see here: Cooky, Cupsie, Lollipo.
Mina would adore these cute candy plush cats. Especially if you seen that one panel from Kaiju No. 8 Relax.
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sonicasura · 3 hours ago
Ben 10/One Piece crossover
Ok but the reason I have Ben arriving before Luffy's DF eating moment, I had the fun idea of Ben making omnitrixes for the ASL Brothers. Since he's basically the only good father figure for the boys
I see Sabo getting an Omnitrix but not Luffy and Ace. Seriously can't imagine either of them using it. They would rather rely on their own strength. Nevermind the massive responsibility behind it.
Sabo however is perfect in my opinion. He's pretty crafty even without a Devil Fruit power.
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sonicasura · 3 hours ago
Would Soul Society notice the prescene of the Duel Spuruts in Karakura Town? I imagine there cellphone devices wouldn't pick them up because there not Hollows but still they are Spirits many whom contain great power. So would they sense the new arrivals in Karakura?
The Soul Society definitely detected the very strange spiritual pressure originating in Karakura. Duel Spirits with higher Levels/Ranks/Link Scales/Pendulum Scales are especially potent as they don't blend-in amongst the area's natural reishi unlike Spirit World passageways/Spirit Wells. There was some discussion on sending a research squad to take samples.
Cue Exodia obliterating the Menos Grande. The scanners resemble for monitoring Karakura Town IMMEDIATELY exploded upon the sheer power of the Forbidden One's attack. A meeting amongst the 13 Court Guard Squads was never arranged so fast before in Soul Society history.
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sonicasura · 3 hours ago
Eaters weren’t the only beings who could purposely open Digital Shifts to hide within. Most Champion level digimon could project one easily and her current Digimon were all in various stages between ultimate-mega range. The cyber sleuth took a deep breath, then—with Trypticon’s permission—she supercharged one of her seldomly used to skills as a tamer.
Knell acted as the anchor digimon of the Digital shift so part of Wayward Island became an almost graveyard looking space. Say what you will, Digimon were a bit thematically dramatic when it came to spawning spaces. Trypticon did a partial transformation around them in order to shake loose the unwanted mechs.
Dozens upon dozens of Vehicons rained down none-too-gently onto the landing space, Dreadwing caught his twin mid air to glide them both down, Soundwave had transformed though him and Laserbeak’s cables were full carrying the recovered three cassettes’ frames.
…Megatron faceplanted from the highest point the Titan could shift to throw him out of.
“If I can make a suggestion, could you expel at least half the energon cubes? The Vehicons are partially unknowing in all of this and it would send a bad signs if either of us let them starve.” Pen commented, belatedly realizing some of the repercussions of liberating the Decepticon’s ‘vessel’. She was rewarded with the Titan awkwardly doing so—though the shifting off his frame felt slower than the past two times.
It had been ages since he could transform.
The warlord awoke to the most painful helm-ache he had had in many solar cycles and a deep rumble of a growl. One that seemed to shake the very ground he—and others he realized—were situated on. Purple optics slowly returning to red opened up to a worrying sight.
Yellow optics of a being he had not truly met face to face in several millennia glared at him.
The Titan’s root mode looked slightly different than before the Nemesis protocol was enacted, some areas less armored. Evidently not of the larger cybertronian’s choice given what he had ordered. Megatron truly thought he would never have to face the Titan’s rage at reutilizing that frame for his own purposes. He had had Soundwave constantly monitoring Trypticon’s processor during the first few decades after all.
Vehicon troops cowered in the presence of who the warship truly was. Dreadwing stood in front of his brother shielding the still recovering Seeker from any immediate laser fire. The Decepticon leader had to look further around to locate where Soundwave wandered off to. His third-in-command was bent over, adamantly focused on something else. Megatron faintly admired the spymaster’s ability to ignore the looming presence of a incensed Titanformer.
“The mad lord finally awakens.”
The Titan suddenly spoke, finally shattering what little silence and firmly shaking the Vehicons down to their Sparks. Unlike what most beings expected a Titanformer to sound like—Trypticon’s voice never turned into roars. His voice almost unnervingly calm in every instance Megatron had ever heard from him.
“Trypticon.” The Decepticon leader greeted although it was only out of barest hints of respect for what the Titan was. “I have been expecting your revival since your consciousness showed itself across the screens.” Say what you will, Megatron was never without his words. “I must admit I was rather surprised to see that you did not reawaken immediately. Dark Energon has a way of reviving from any state.”
“You revived nothing.”
The Titan hissed, yellow optics dimly glowing to belay his true emotional state beyond the perpetually calm undertones of his voice.
“You mangled my frame to serve your own purposes, calling it payment for failing you once. Yet the Decepticon cause squanders its resources fighting five Autobots now.”
Dreadwing and Skyquake’s optics widened at the confirmation that the Titan was rendered into his alt mode largely by Megatron.
“The Dark Energon shoved into my spark chamber was your own foolish attempt to cut corners instead of repairing me. And if that wasn’t unwise enough, you spawned a new Titan that nearly off-lined themself!”
Nemesis may have been largely spawned from Dark Energon, but the newspark was clearly Trypticon’s. Spark or Anti-Spark—new Titans being born was downright unheard of. This revelation certainly earned several reactions from the Decepticons gathered before him.
Trypticon was partially reeling of the fact he was technically a Sire now. But testifying to the true depravity of Megatron took priority now.
“You have fallen from virtues you started this faction with. Allowing the Chaosbringer to influence you in the beginning. Yet now easily indulging in His twisted life blood with no remorse to how it weakens everyone outside of you.”
He could still feel entire cubes of Unicron’s damned essence resting near his Spark. The Titan felt horribly unclean with that within him.
“My anger lies in Megatron alone. But—“
Trypticon did it without a second thought and clawed over the Decepticon symbol on his chest plating. This hurt yet was very necessary.
“I can no longer in my restored consciousness participate in the rotted farce the Decepticons have become. Consider this my resignation. Count yourselves fortunate that I am not enacting my vengeance right this moment.”
Soundwave’s portable ground bridge generator suddenly activated on its own, opening several ground bridging beneath the Cons’ pedes. Each and every member present (including the Energon dispensed) was transported away. The Titan frankly didn’t have the energy to care anymore after spending so long in stasis…
Once the surroundings were clear of Decepticons, Trypticon let his frame slump against the island that he had landed on. The strange space around him shattered back into the natural environment of the planet.
There's the biggest slap to face and Fuck You ever given to the Decepticons. At least Trypticon can now rest outside of his alt mode for once.
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sonicasura · 3 hours ago
If you think this is bad, when Kafka and 9 offically meets in canon is a lot worse. Before we get to that though, things goes as well as one can hope at the exam site. Both kaijus are dealt with despite the issues that comes up but Kafka is pretty shaken by it all.
Reno and Mina spends a night with Kafka, to both comfort him and themself. Reno and Kikoru have a very close bond in this au, despite how often the two denies it and he actually went to check on her. Lets just say it left him rattled and needed comfort from his father figure that his own childhood friend was gonna be okay.
And Mina? She is having a awful gut feeling that none of these past 'incidents' are unrelated and is starting to worry. Something is wrong and she can't rest because of it.
Unfortunatly for Reno, he was gonna cause the same rattled feelings for Kikoru, maybe even worse, when that fateful meeting with 9 at his very first offical mission happens. Like with Kikoru, things have changed here to which is not good for Reno nor Iharu for that matter.
These two get even more beaten up and closer to death then in canon. Meaning they had to be in the same special recovery room Kikoru was in when she got injured by the end. And it was not helped that 9 was actually gonna kaijufied the two either while in this state.
Yeah you heard me right. 9 was acutally gonna turn both Reno and Iharu into Ninth Kaijus. Too bad for the musrhoom, he messed with the wrong people.
Thanks to all the hide and seek games, Kafka has become pretty good at hiding despite his size and learned how to supress his presence too. Not a lot on the latter, but it is still enough that Kafka is slowly sneaking up on 9 and the other has no idea until a chill runs down his back and a big shadow lums over him. He has just enough time to turn around and see who it is before he is sent flying body, head and all right through several buildings.
Kafka saw and heared everything Sonic, and his previous glowing teal/green/blue colours are suddenly a deep purple and slowly turning to a blood red colour that has both Reno and Iharu feel fear for the first time. A early awaking of Riot Mode is here, and 9 is about to learn that he has fucked up big time.
The mushroom of course manage to esacpe when he uses the injuired kids as way to distract Kafka, but the musrhoom has far more damage and his core has actual cracks in it too. Not big ones, but it slowls 9 recovery period by at least a few extra weeks.
That's one way to trigger Riot Mode early. I also imagine it's gonna be quite difficult to get Kafka to calm down afterwards. Poor Reno and Iharu barely dodged becoming lab rats.
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sonicasura · 3 hours ago
Ok fun idea Ben 10/One Piece crossover.
In this crossover an older Ben(Think like an Ben 10,000) due to the destruction of the Omniverse was jettisoned from his home dimension and ended up in the One Piece dimension, and landed on the island where the ASL Brothers were living(a year or two before eating his devil fruit, and that's gonna be important). After wondering the Jungle trying to look for the town he find the three brothers trying to hunt down a massive tiger but not doing so hot, so he decides to help them out.
Two minutes later the three brothers are now talking to Mr.Alien because he has the coolest power ever.
I actually have a better idea than leaving his universe destroyed. The entire thing is repaired in exchange for everyone forgetting about Ben and he can never return. A bittersweet separation.
Yup. No way is he gonna let a few kids end up as tiger chow. Even if Ben gets a shit ton of questions afterwards.
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sonicasura · 5 hours ago
Well, Ami thought it was only fair given what he did. And also made sure they where still safer after Kafka got them all to a safer place later. Though Ami did watch Asa given Reno a lecture about what he did while still being injured.
True that but you see Sonic, here 9 sees it as a necessary sacrifice as Kafka adds too many unknows that the mushroom don't like nor want when he finally deems its time to start his plan. Besides, he finds there are good advantages as Kafka acts kinda like a test doll for 9 and his improved kaijus. Special on the Ninth Kaijus as we've come to call them. And your already aware how Kafka handle that stuff.
Its a give and take situation in someways. Cause all these kaijus that 9 sends actually only makes the DF stronger, since they are able to get more materials and even better, experience to fight. It is also not helped that Kafka has been helping with the rebuilding of what is destroyed and has helped further research in many areas. 9 don't really realize this until its too late.
Now lets go to exam event. Here things are a bit different too. Yoju and Honjus are still let out to test the new trainies at the exam site, though Kafka is there as well keeping an eye on things and making sure none of the kaijus try anything funny. Mostly by staying on the outside of the site. Which works better then you'd think as his presence alone makes it so the weaker kaijus keep themself inside as they don't dare getting anywhere near the walls or gates. Hell, some just decide to stay in there cages out of sheer fear. And no matter what the officers do, they can't get them out.
Anyhow, things goes for the most part well. With Reno and Kikoru being kickass as they work together in this. Its natural for them given how long they've know for each other, though their canon rival/sibling bond is there as well. However one sees it. Reno has long since been taught by Kafka to be observant and his time spent at the Monster Sweepers was not wasted either. Though it takes him a little longer then usual to figure out the weakness of these kaijus they are hunting.
Then 9 has to go and fuck shit up. Worse then before even as he brings alone a ninth kaiju as well for the fight. Kafka nonetheless comes to save Kikoru, even when he wants nothing but go hide at spotting 9's latest creation. And I'm not just speaking about the resurrected and powered up Honju.
Luckly, neither Mina nor Soshiro is far off. They deal the resurrected Honju, as Kafka is the only able to handle the ninth kaiju given it has some weird ability that makes it hard to actually hurt it. Its only thanks to Tiny and his parental instinct that Kafka don't let his fear take over as Kikoru's injured stats drives the himbo's protective side up to 11.
That's No. 9 for you. A scientist who cares more about results than the sacrifices behind it. Like Aizen but less charismatic.
Oof. A Ninth Kaiju showing up at the exam is a whole lot worse than stronger undead kaiju. Kafka immediately knows what's up so Tiny has to get him to focus. This development obviously proves to be a bad omen unlike any other as you mentioned in older posts.
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sonicasura · 5 hours ago
For the Sly Cooper/ Yu-Gi-Oh Crossover I am going tok assume that Ash and Choco end up falling into Sly's World sometime after the first game, for this too be kicke off at.
Also thankfully for Ash they know a Glamour Spell that Ignis taught them in case they ever needed too hide in plain sight in a pinch
Yup. It's a bit after the first game as I imagine the gang would go for smaller or less known targets from time to time. Especially after something big like the first game.
Ignis definitely taught Ash some spells they can use alongside glamour. He is a Dark Magician so expect him to teach his human ward magic. Especially if they wind up in a world with no humans or humanoids of any kind.
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sonicasura · 5 hours ago
Yeah those at Monster Sweepers don't mind the limits or the extra rules/regulations for that matter. Like you just said, it makes things a lof safer for them and easier to get shit done.
Its the former, though Mina and Asa finds themself caught up in the attack. Asa was there cause he had go and check on the boy thats like a son to them, while Mina was there to cause Kafka had asked if she could take a quick visit for him to check on the boy. Aside from the fact that noone would let him inside for obvious reasons, Kafka was very busy patroling and trying to sniff out the other spider kaijus.
Guess where said kaijus where. Yep, the spiders attacked the hopstial and sheer chaos ensued shortly after. Its a good thing Mina was her still in her combat suit and had a gun with her, and Bakko of course who let both Reno and Asa ride him so Mina coould focus on the threats before her. Reno was still a bit too injuried to walk much less run on his own and Asa is not the most atlethic guy around if I'm honest.
Asa and Reno escaped the chaos, only to spot the mother and daughter duo in trouble. Reno don't think at all, much to Asa's horror and anger casue thats a Kafka move right there, and hops off Bakko and just guns it. Taking a clearly beaten up stop sign and swing it at the spider kaiju. That quickly gets it attention from the duo but before it can even do anything to Reno, it feels someone behinds it that makes a chill run down its spine. Safe to say the spider becomes dinner and Kafka is quick to help Mina once he'd gotten Reno, Asa, mother and daught duo to a safer location. Which was a good thing cause everyone swears a hive has woken up with the sheer spiders that comes out and attack the hospital.
Thats 9's fault just so you know. The mushroom has gotten into the bad habit of sending big waves of kaijus to test out how good Kafka is at battles and well, the musrhoom ain't happy about the resualts. Nor that he is running out of kaijus to send in large numbers.
Btw, Ami and Futaba is already big fans of Kafka well before this happens since Kafka has basically helped the DF for almost a decade by this point. She already had a homemade plushi of him already. After this rescue and getting to ride him, both are already even bigger supporters. And Ami needs a new plushi as her old one got destroyed. Though she also ask for one made to look like Reno as well.
No. 9 definitely would've stirred up nests of different kaiju just to get results. Something I find pretty hypocritical considering his stance on kaiju being better than humans and such.
At least our favorite mother daughter duo are safe once more. The idea of Reno also getting a plush too is so cute.
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sonicasura · 6 hours ago
Well their suits are a bit limited in some parts. For one they can't go above a certain threshold, which is around the 15% for the moment. These suites are not meant for combat and well, there are certain things that only the DF can have which is fair. They are however a lot more diverse when it comes to protection, as the suits are made of some very special fibers that can tolerate a lot of punsihment. Some of the people of the Izumo Tech thought it was a waste of resources to use those fibers, but they changed their tunes quickly after having to work for a month in the Monster Sweepers and saw the sheer danger that comes with it.
And their new equipement follows a similare design like the weapons the DF use. Just more meant for workers and have certain saftey features added and a limit of their own on how much that strenght enchantment works on them. Of course, not all the new equipment don't follow this rule as some are just newer and upgraded versons of what they already have and don't need that stuff. Aside from updated safety measures and a bit of training before they are used.
Anyways, Reno has for the most part a similare, and very much a bad time, on his first day of work as in canon. He has to follow someone else to be taught the basic since Kafka just can't. Though the himbo makes sure to check in here and there since Asa asked the himbo. Reno don't mind it as he knows both Kafka and Asa do this with good intentions and are just making sure the first few weeks go smoothly for the most part.
Kafka is still the one who tells Reno how to handle intestine duty better. Even if one of Kafka's old friends are the ones who has to hand the boy the liqud food package stuff and the nose plugs. And that chase scene still happens, though for different reason.
Now that spider kaiju still appear and tries to kill Reno that night. That still happens and Reno gets chased and injured a bit by it, jsut enough he has to stay in the hosptial, before Kafka comes to the rescuse. One swing from one of his tails and that spider is cut in half as a hot knife through butter. Mina and the others still shows up to check on the situation, with Kafka informing them that he can smell more spider kaijus hidden underground but unsure where they are.
This leads to something I had to change a bit after Reno was taken to the hosptial. Want to try and guess what happens next Sonic?
I think the Monster Sweepers wouldn't mind the limit at all or extra rules/regulations. They rather have their job extra safer and less harder. Especially since some kaiju corpse could have a worse biohazard inside.
Is there gonna be an actual kaiju attack at the hospital this time? Or someone else getting kaijufied?
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sonicasura · 6 hours ago
Contradictory to some of his safeguard protocols, Trypticon very much wanted to crush certain Decepticons in his internals while transforming back to his root mode. But no… The protocols his spark came into being with would not allow such a security hazard to occur willingly. His frame twisted and reconfigured itself as his plating had been modified without any consent. His processor compensated for the changes by reorganizing what it did have.
Trypticon at least found himself still having his “jetpack” of sorts which allowed for escaping planetary pull in both modes. Some places were less armored than he remembered having, a flicker of annoyance bubbled up at recalling the Vehicons taking plating from where his tail was configured in his alt mode. At least they hadn’t been aware of his true self—it was an accident…
He redistributed power to his jetpack, only to find it was similarly damaged as the time the Autobots forced him to crash to Cybertron. The Titan could fly yet escaping planetary orbit like this would be impossible in root made. He jolted when he registered something grabbing onto his back. Turning his head revealed a dragon-like creature with large white wings trying to help him regain altitude. Another three creatures joined it—a massive avian, a red plated draconic mech, and a yellow insectoid.
“They’re with me, don’t worry.” The strange youngling who helped restore his processor and goaded him into transforming reassured. “We’re just giving you an extra boost till your stabilizers settle. Though, I do have to ask what’s your plan if you land?”
“…I am unsure.”
The Titan answered honestly, mindful of how loud his voice was to smaller beings. Trypticon had merely been motivated to finally transform out of his lay mode! As good as it felt to stretch his servos and pedes, he knew that he didn’t want Megatron within his frame any longer. He was less sure over how felt of the Vehicons or Soundwave—it had been ages since his actual emotions mattered… Getting everyone out of his frame so he didn’t have to worry over anyone attacking his t-cog sounded feasible.
“Young speaker. I am reluctant to limit my flight, but I understand that this planet does not take kindly to ones of my size. Can you direct me to a spot where I can land down without being attacked?”
Trypticon was unsure what exactly the young organic was, but she certainly seemed to have a similar existence to a city-speaker. Those creatures of hers appeared to listen to her with no hesitance on either end of the bond.
“There’s much to be discussed and done.”
He saw her nod through one of his interior cameras—a strange serpent like creature knocked Megatron unconscious once again.
Trypticon hoped the warlord suffered processor damage for defiling his frame oh so long ago.
Pen had to cut off communications with the Autobots right after she connection jumped. She didn’t need them screeching in her ears about not waking up a Titan. For all intents and purposes, Trypticon had been wronged on a level most cybertronians would balk out. The unfortunate truth was that no one would see past the fact he’s a Titan or a Decepticon.
She had.
At the very least, the cyber sleuth could play damage control by stationing herself within the Titan. Megatron had revived his frame with a new Titan’s spark using dark energon. If she hadn’t taken the time to reconnect his processor? Who knows what sort of Terrorcon Titan would have come about eventually.
The cyber sleuth had several maps up trying to find a place nearby without many if not any inhuman inhabitants. A giant mechanical lizard/dragon taller than even most cybertronians was going to be hard enough to conceal already.
…Damnit, the closest place was Wayward Island. They had been heading to Manhattan because if Nemesis decoding a coordinate.
Pen knew that she might have to risk hacking into Soundwave’s remote space bridge generator to scatter the Decepticons soon.
I love it when neutral characters look past the labels of others. Even the most powerful, heroic, or evil being just rather being treated like a normal person. Also Null constantly knocking out Megatron is still funny.
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