#underground anarchy
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amaianita · 2 years ago
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finally! here's my second oc for @d15gu571ng 's underground anarchy AU, Sharx aka Sage. Sharx is another lover of squid communism, just like Enjells, but Sage is not really good at keeping with the program and contradicts it constantly
Sharx is very much just a silly stupid guy who likes to be a weirdo and kiss everyone on the mouth. mwah!
sploosh will be added later i think! too hard of a design to think of el oh el
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undergroundrockpress · 2 years ago
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1967. Today, unfortunately, that sentiment is still widely shared by sane people everywhere.
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stilianos · 5 months ago
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Fuck it ✊
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pvnktimez · 3 months ago
On speaking
Autonomy and control over selfhood, that's the dream, baby! Isn't it? Have you ever wondered who the first person to come up with words is? Why do we use the speech patterns and vocabulary that we do? What do the subtleties of our speaking habits reveal about our underlying perspectives and attitudes towards the world, ourselves, our fellow humans, and all the other organisms and spirits who share the world with us. For example, that we differentiate between humans as people and nonhumans as animals shows a lot about how we unconsciously separate ourselves from other living creatures, justly or otherwise. 
Noam Chomsky is a well known social theorist and political commentator who got a big name first for his work in linguistics. Language is everything - it defines perception - a powerful, magically artistic and diplomatic tool to influence ourselves and the world at large. Being able to speak at all is an amazing gift our ancestors have blessed us with - to understand language and use it intentionally is, in my view, the mark of a powerful craftsman. It is intangible, yet has the capability to bend, twist, and transform reality when handled with skill, for good or bad. 
Consider gender - not only have members of the trasngender community been doing groundbreaking philosophical linguistic work for the better part of a century by developing new language to expand our collective perception and acceptance of gender diversity, many languages have already been using gender neutral pronouns since inception! I started dipping my toes into Turkish on Duolingo this year and learned that they do not use gendered pronouns - he/she/it are all wrapped up into the singular 'o' and the plural 'onlar'. Elegant, no? 
Back to animals, the capacity for symbolic speech is a uniquely human trait. While many animals have the capacity for auditory/vocal communication, none exhibit the same capacity for "hierarchical syntactic structure" as humans have. This involves traits like symbolism, abstraction, and creative grammatical construction. While it is true that some nonhuman animals, such as some birds, dogs, and monkeys can mimic language (a process called "phonological syntax"), use tools to construct basic sentences to communicate needs (like those button pads with pre-recorded words such as "treat" or "walk"), or even learn sign language effectively, they notably lack the biological faculties which would allow for the complex, creative combining of vocabulary and syntax to organically generate new sentence structures, speech or otherwise. This field of study is called Comparative Linguistics - it deals with the material, biological circumstances that result in the variety of language capacities across different species (Bolhuis, et. al.).
In an interview on the podcast "Conversations with Tyler", Chomsky describes the spectacularity of language in humans as follows: 
"The fundamental property of human language is this unique capacity to create, unboundedly, many new thoughts in our minds, and even to be able to convey to others who have no access to our minds their innermost workings. Galileo himself thought the alphabet was the most spectacular of human inventions because it provided a means to carry out this miracle" (Cowan).
Communication fosters connection and empathy, so it makes sense that many people feel disconnected from animals because communication between different languages is damn hard. It seems to me that when one group of people who are already deficit in empathy (such as the white colonizers who founded the current American empire) meets another group who does not share the same language (such as the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island and abroad), grounds for dehumanization are very easy to justify, particularly so within the cultural context of religious superiority. I even see that within a common language, people still manage to ignore the conversational partners, whether in casual or professional settings, by refusing to listen and using language to dominate and self-affirm, therefore separating themselves from the harmonious community. 
I would also note that I believe the chronic lack of empathy we're observing is, at least partially, on account of numerous types of trauma and repression from systems such as white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, and religious extremism that modern science has barely begun to understand in the last century. We have a lot of healing to do, folks :) 
Moving onto the state and its monopoly on violence, it's well known that if someone can control the language a group of people use, they have control over that group's perception of reality and the consequent decisions made thereafter. George Orwell explores this theme in his notorious novel "1984". Even if you haven't read it, I trust the reader understands its premise primarily warns against government totalitarianism and censorship. I say this because I have not read it, but have listened to enough people talk about it that I feel like I get it. One notable comment I remember hearing went something along the lines of "1984 was not a prediction of the future, but a description of the author's present day environment", as is much of the sci-fi genre. We have to remember "1984" was published in 1949, not even a decade after WWII.
In the same interview mentioned above, Chomsky outlines more subtle ways the United States government has implemented this tactic. "Manufacturing Consent" may be one of his most well known books, written in 1988. This term was coined from Walter Lippman in the early 20th century, a member of Woodrow Wilson's propaganda committee. Despite campaigning on a platform for pacifism, Wilson decided the U.S. should enter WWI and was faced with changing public opinion from one of peace towards war to gain support for this decision. This is what the Committee of Public Information was charged with - dealing misinformation. Sound familiar?
Lippman developed the techniques to manufacture consent which “could control the public, shape opinion, completely turn them into, in this case, fanatic anti-German people who wanted to kill everything German. Can’t say frankfurter; you have to say hotdog. You have to change your name if you’re German to something else" (Cowan). This "new art in the practice of democracy" benefitted the private sector as well as the war by accusing labor unions of anti-patriotism. This rhetoric is remarkably similar to actions taken by the the House on Un-American Activities Committee, which was active from 1938 (eleven years before "1984" was published) until 1975. 
Chomsky explains that these tactics come from the liberal perspective that the public doesn't know what's good for them - we're dumby and should only be allowed to "spectate" public affairs, never to participate, so they lie to us to make think that everythings is fine <insert dog drinking coffee in a burning house meme>
Thanks, Dad. I'll just hang out underneath the bleachers doing fent while the forests burn down in the west and hurricanes ravage the east while telling myself that the economy is actually doing SO well. Here we wonder how misinformation has become such a huge issue today on the internet, the news, and media at large, but it doesn’t seem to be anything new. Rather, only recently is the public becoming increasingly aware of the nature of government deception as access to information and source checking becomes more widespread and accessible thanks to the internet itself. 
So now what? What do we do when we realize that our voice is not our own? That we've been told what to care about, what to talk about, so that powerful people can do terrifying things. I'm done sitting under the bleachers. In fact, I'd like to flip them on their side. There is no carrying on like usual anymore, not when social breakdown, environmental collapse, and nuclear war are on the line. Like every Jew before me, I ask, "How do we keep going?" 
If I've learned anything in my short, stupid life, it's that big change requires small, consistent actions. And to act effectively, we must maintain awareness. Awareness is so trendy right now - awareness in the media, the news! Spread awareness! Every other month is dedicated to spreading awareness about some major issue, be it black history or pride. But this is not the kind of awareness I'm talking about right now.
No, this is a linguistics column, and hopefully you come out of it thinking about things a little bit differently than when you started. I am talking about awareness over your speech - the kinds of language you use when you're making observations, judgements or demands. Do you use different speech patterns when talking to people of different backgrounds? Do you meet other people with a lot of resistance, countering anything they offer in conversation with "No", or "uhm, actually..."? Or maybe you people please, letting folks say whatever they want, even if it's harmful? 
This column will be a recurring segment where Underground readers can join me in exploring how we can harness speech to change the world. How can we programmatically create change with the world? It all starts with us, here and now. There's a lot of fear about the future and anger in our hearts, but holdfast readers, there's a whole world worth protecting in our hands. Take care out there, and tell your friends you love them. 
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 9 months ago
The “for morale!” is an inside thing between them now aww
Eliot’s face when Hardison said that was so cute
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graffitistreetheart · 8 months ago
Ce morceaux est en téléchargement gratuit, n'hésite pas à le partager. Il y aura bientôt le maxi disponible gratuitement sur ce profil bandcamp https://yoshiwaku.bandcamp.com/album/plus-jamais-de-493
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nowimnothing-rx · 3 months ago
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'Welcome to dystopia'
By Casper Tricoteux, Dec 10 2024
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luifaro · 3 months ago
funky little human, with a reference image and... NAME?!
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Yekber's reference image! Aren't they so cool?
(ignore how i flubbed up the stripes on the right sleeve)
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anarch-tism · 8 months ago
Hi I made this blog a while ago but I finally took the time to set up it properly, and I'm going to use it somewhat actively.
in the about section I talked about myself and my interests and most posts of the I make or reblog will about the topics mentioned there.
I know making DNI lists are ineffective and not really taken seriously anymore, but just for fun here's one for this blog:
pedo's( including MAP pride stuff or anyone who likes loli/shota)
zoophiles (animals can't consent and you're a rapist if you think non verbal consent exists.)
transphobes (this includes terf's and truscum/transmeds cause I don't fuck with gate keeping.)
blue lives matter fans/bootlickers( I fucking hate the police and the government, and I dislike anyone who try's to defend them.)
tankies (if you're just a marxist/socalist type person we'll get along fine, but if you're like seriously a stalinist, leninist, maoist or anything like that you're basically a fascist in my eyes.)
thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy my blog.
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sickboikoko · 11 months ago
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New Friends ?
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radiofreealbemut · 1 year ago
Full album in free download here https://archive.org/details/MERSZ-Klub-PUTSCH-Monty-Cantsin-Parniczky-Ede-Invisible-Illusion
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lasvegastrillgod · 2 months ago
Fruits of my labor yesterday. Panic Attack is done! Also writing songs about politics or time sensitive subjects sucks but I like when I project comes together. Mix and master are both done. This is the final version 🤘🏾
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 9 months ago
“Skagway shuffle?” “Yeah that’s what I was thinking.” “See, now y’all are just making stuff up.”
Fucking love when Sophie and Nate start talking old cons and the rest are just like “what that ain’t a real thing” 😂
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lonniemachin · 1 year ago
9 book intial reading goal for 2024 which does not sound like a lot but that's why it's an *initial* goal. and by book i mean non-comic books.
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besiol · 1 year ago
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risk302king · 2 years ago
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Amerikkka Beware
my art
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