#monty cantsin
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mickmathersartblog · 1 year ago
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"Monty Cantsin Looks in the Bathroom Mirror"
digital collage & digital painting by Mick Mather
(click image to view actual size)
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radiofreealbemut · 1 year ago
Full album in free download here https://archive.org/details/MERSZ-Klub-PUTSCH-Monty-Cantsin-Parniczky-Ede-Invisible-Illusion
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guerrillamydreams · 5 years ago
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These images were generated on thispersondoesnotexist.com. These are the ones I thought look most like someone who fits the labels I’m typically given and within about 5 or so years of my age in either direction. None of them look enough like me to even imagine a resemblance. Here is a sample of my “radio voice.”
Which of them do you think it fits best with?
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
I have to admit that I’m partial to the one in the middle only because of the weird blob in the left  third of the frame. It amuses me to imagine comically overreacting to people who mention it. (”THAT’S MY FIANCEE, YOU PRICK!”) Plus that face really looks like so many headshots I’ve seen of talk radio hosts who’ve been in the business for a long time. I mean...
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My amorphous soulmate Karen and I, showing off her ring.
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spaceintruderdetector · 5 years ago
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A Neoist Research Projectby N.O. Cantsin
A Neoist Research Project is the first comprehensive anthology and source book of Neoism, an international collective network of mostly anonymous and pseudonymous subcultural actionists and speculative experimenters. It consists of more than one hundred Neoist texts and two hundred images documenting diverse Neoist interventions, Neoist Apartment Festivals, definitions and pamphlets of Neoism and affiliated currents, language and identity experiments, and Neoist memes such as the shared identity Monty Cantsin. 
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alejandrocaiazza · 3 years ago
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art-damaged · 7 years ago
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On August 20, 2014, a man splashed a red substance (later confirmed to be blood) on a blank gallery wall on the third floor of the Whitney’s ongoing Jeff Koons retrospective. He also inscribed some graffiti in black ink.
The man was quickly apprehended by security and removed by the police, who took him to a hospital for evaluation. He was eventually identified as Canadian performance artist Istvan Kantor, who was acting under the guise of “Monty Cantsin,” an “open-source, multi-use” identity associated with Neoism.
The floor was temporarily closed, but reopened within two hours. No art was damaged.
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antibothis · 4 years ago
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Improper Names offers a genealogy and theory of the “improper name,” which author Marco Deseriis defines as the adoption of the same pseudonym by organized collectives, affinity groups, and individual authors. Although such names are often invented to pursue a specific social or political agenda, they are soon appropriated for different and sometimes diverging purposes. This book examines the tension arising from struggles for control of a pseudonym’s symbolic power. Deseriis provides five fascinating and widely varying case studies. Ned Ludd was the legendary and eponymous leader of the English Luddites, textile workers who threatened the destruction of industrial machinery and then advanced a variety of economic and political demands. Alan Smithee—an alias coined by Hollywood film directors in 1969 in order to disown films that were recut by producers—became a contested signature and was therefore no longer effective to signal prevarication to Hollywood insiders. Monty Cantsin was an “open pop star” created by U.S. and Canadian artists in the late 1970s to critique bourgeois notions of authorship, but its communal character was compromised by excessive identification with individual users of the name. The Italian media activists calling themselves Luther Blissett, aware of the Cantsin experience, implemented measures to prevent individuals from assuming the alias, which was used to author media pranks, sell apocryphal manuscripts to publishers, fabricate artists and artworks, and author best-selling novels. The longest chapter here is devoted to the contemporary “hacktivist” group known as Anonymous, which protests censorship and restricted access to information and information technologies. After delving into a rich philosophical debate on community among those who have nothing in common, the book concludes with a reflection on how the politics of improper names affects present-day anticapitalist social movements such as Occupy and 15-M.
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1800any · 5 years ago
Tut Final: Post-Neoism
Post-Neoism is derived from the movement of Neoism itself. Neoism was a parodistic-ism. It referred to both a specific subcultural network of artistic performance and media experimentalists and more generally to a practical underground philosophy. Neoism was an international subculture which in the beginning put itself into contemporary continuity with among other subcultures and movements in experimental art focuses such as dada surrealism, fluxus, concept art, punk, and the constructivism movement. It also associated with political and religious free spirited movements, science fiction, literature, pedo-physics and speculative science.
Neoism was first devised by American satirist, Franklin P. Adams as a parody of modern arts in 1914. This would be a catalytic idea for postmodernism which did in fact rise in the 60’s. Neoism grew as a subculture within America during the 1970’s by artist, Monty Cantsin who was affiliated with a few other artists such as Karen Elliot, Sandy Larson and Luther Blissett. The movement then died down by the end of the 90’s and would be later brought up through Stewart Home’s writings on Cantsin stating that the movement was way too open ended to have an affiliation with anything in particular.  
The movement/subculture’s main aim was to re-explore aspects of identity, parody, paradoxes, plagiarism and faking. This has created multiple contradicting definitions of itself in order to defy categorisation. Placing “post” within Neoism would imply that there is an after Neoism, further implying that there is an eventual product of contemporary Neoism. By identifying that Neosim stands for the critique of contemporary views of identity, parody, paradoxes, plagiarism and faking, we can conclude that Post-Neoism is the movement of the eventual products of future artmaking. I would prefer for Post-Neoism to be a defining term for all art which hasn’t been made yet. There is nothing after postmodernism; therefore Post-Neoism is the product of all future art products which haven’t existed yet.  
The Post-Neoist Manifesto:
The Post-Neoist movement is a conceptual idea which aims to idealise nonexistent art. The strive to see beyond the postmodern, contemporary nature of art and explore areas of art making which theoretically cannot exist.
Our primary objective is to conceptualize art which is politically correct, culturally appropriate and effective within meaning making.
We dismiss works which focus on decorative aesthetics in order to desaturate the artworld.
No to neocolonialism.
Absolutely no inclusion of whiteness.
Careful intent on research.
Confrontational addresses on social and intersectional issues.
A stride towards subjective relativity by conceptualizing works which are considerate in raising issues for others.
Comfort the distressed and bring stress to the comfortable.
Hereby we can conclude that all artists and artistic, cultural products which haven’t existed already are Post-Neoist artworks. The very inexistence of Post-Neoism defines artworks which don’t exist yet. Post-Neoism stands to define the indefinite, the existence of what hasn’t existed yet.
This declares that everyone is a Post-Neoist and every artist who will create an artwork is complying with the Post-Neoism movement. There is no way to identify Post-Neoist artwork as they currently do not exist yet. If the product is final, its existence as a Post-Neoist work will no longer be.  
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mickmathersartblog · 2 years ago
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“Monty Cantsin Calls for the Lifeboats”
digital collage & digital painting by Mick Mather
(click image to view full size)
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enzocorrenti · 5 years ago
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eSSeRCi SeNZa eSSeRCi (XII edizione)
Mail art – Performance - Musica - Video Art - Danza - Poesia
A cura di _guroga & eNZo CoRReNTi
Con la collaborazione dell’ Officina Dada Boom Viareggio
28 / 29 settembre 2019
Officina Di Arte Fotografica e Contemporanea Dada Boom
Via Minghetti, 12 – 55049 Viareggio (Lucca)
01 Daniela Mastromauro (Italia)
02 Eleonora Bianchetti (Italia)
03 Meral Agar (Turchia)
04 Anja Mattila Tolvanen (Finlandia)
05 Turkan Elçi (Turchia)
06-07-30-186 Mimicha Finazzi “Skinaz” (Italia)
08 Alessandro Giannetti (Italia)
09 Lozzo Antifà Egg (Italia)
10-11 Mariano Lo Gerfo (Italia)
12-61 Leti Vanna (Italia)
13-14-15-16 Sassanelli Antonella (Italia)
‌17-18-62-63-64-100-101-102-126-127 Ina Ripari (Italia)
65-66 artisti vari (Italia)
19-24-25 Antonio Conte (USA-Italia)
20-21 Daniele Virgilio (Italia)
22 Stella Maris verasco (Argentina)
23 Daniel C. Boyer (USA)
26-27-28-29 Giovanni e Renata Strada (Italia)
31-32-33-34 Franco Ballabeni (Italia)
35 Walter Pennacchi (Italia)
36 Monty Cantsin (Canada)
37 Sabela Bana (Spagna)
38-39-40-41 Nestor Rossi (Argentina)
42-43 Mikel Untzilla (Spagna)
44-45-46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53-54-93-94 Serse Luigetti  (Italia)
55-56-57-58 Maya Lopez Muro (Argentina-Italia)
59 Janys Oliveira (Brasile)
60-72 Ryosuke Cohen (Giappone)
67 Lancillotto Bellini (Italia)
68 Veit Art _guroga & Enzo Correnti (Venezuela-Italia)
69 Daniela Mastromauro (Italia)
70 Horvàth Piroska (Austria)
71 Claudio Romeo (Italia)
73-74-75-76 Morice Marcuse (Italia)
77-78-79-80-81-82 Roberto Scala (Italia)
83 Girardi Mauro (Italia)
84 Bruno Cassaglia (Italia)
85 Manuel Guillén (Venezuela)
86-87-88-89-90-91-92  Stefano Benedetti (Italia)
95-96  Cherub Ayers (USA)
97 Fernando Calhau (Brasile) busta
98 Meral Agar (Turchia)
99 Bonnie Diva (USA)
103 Mario Selloni (Italia)
104-105-106-107-108-109 Harouna Souare (Guinea)
110-11-112 Beatrice Capozzo (Italia)
113-114-115-116 Maurizio Follin (Italia)
117 Oronzo Liuzzi (Italia)
118 Semenenko Basin (Russia)
119-120 Maria Teresa Cazzaro (Italia)
121 Derya AVCI (Turchia)
122-123-124-125 Stefano Benedetti (Italia)
128 Lancillotto Bellini (Italia)
129-130 Domenico Ferrara Foria (Italia)
131-132 Hikmet Şahin (Turchia)
133-134-135-179-185 Enzo Correnti (Italia)
137-138-139-140 Francesco Cornello (Italia)
141-142-143 Maria Victoria Bone Ramirez (Maritè) Uruguay
146 Giada Mazzini (Italia)
148 Paola Baldassini (Italia)
149 Karla Kolberg Lipp (Brasile)
150 Barbara Ardai & Domenico Mimmo Di Caterino (Italia)
151-152-153-154-155-156-157-158-159-160-161 Mimmo Domenico Di Caterino (Italia)
162 Adele D'Angio (Italia)
163 Dala (Italia)
164-165-166-167 Davide Cruciata (Italia)
168-169 Miguel Jimenez (Spagna)
170 Ina Ripari (Italia)
171-172-173-174 Dania Gentili (Italia)
175-176-177 Mariano Bellarosa (Italia)
178 Enzo Correnti (Italia) & Ivy Junia Grace Wuethrich (Svizzera)
180-181-182-183-184 Ivy Junia Grace Wuethrich (Svizzera)
187-188-189-190-191 Ignazio Fresu (Italia)
193-194-195 Moreno Correnti (Italia)
196-197-198-199-200-201 Noe Itò (Giappone)
202-203 Ksenia Luschi (Italia)
204-205 Fabiola Barna (Italia)
206-207-208 Horst Tress (Germania)
210 Carla Colombo (Italia)
211 Anna Bacchilega (Italia)
212-213 Patrizia Cerella (Italia)
214-215 Antonio Herrera de Hoyos (Messico)
216 I Santini Del Prete (Italia)
217-218 Domenico Severino (Italia)
219 Chiara Burgio (Italia)
220-221 Simona Carletti (Italia)
222-223-224-225-226 Assunta Sabina Preziosi (Italia)
227-228-229-230-239-240-241-243-244-245 Tania Passerino (Italia)
231-232 Vasko Vidmar (Slovenia)
233-234-235 Antonio D'Antonio (Italia)
236 Antonia Valle (Italia)
237-238-239 Sabrina Danielli (Italia)
242 Vittore Baroni (Italia)
246 Simona Giglio (Italia)
247 Claudio Scarpelli (Italia)
248 Tamara Donati (Italia)
249-250 Susanne Schumacher (Germania)
251 Maria Grazia Martina (Italia)
252-253-254-255-271-272 Angela Sardone (Italia)
270 Graziano Dovichi (Italia)
271-272-273-274-275 Angela Sardone (Italia)
277-278-279 Cecilia Chiavistelli (Italia)
280-281 L'alveare che dice si (Italia)
282-283-284-285-286-287-288-289 Luce Fabbri (Italia)
291-292-293 Veit art (_guroga e Enzo Correnti) Venezuela /Italia
293-294-295 Mario Giannelli (Italia)
TRENTATRE PIU’ progetto di  Mail art di Antonio Conte
WISH I WAS THERE (Vorrei essere lì) progetto collettivo d’archivio di Vittore Baroni
Libri della Biblioteca Suphi Nejat Ağırnaslı e Carlo Giuliani
a cura del Museo Popolare della Pineta Viareggio
LETTERA AL VIAGGIATORE DEL TEMPO  installazione di Davide Cruciata
Giacomo Verde
Gian Luca Cupisti
UN BUCO NELLO STOMACO ( A hole in the stomach) video di Gudrun De Chirico
Lorena Sireno
Sabato, 28 settembre 2019
Performance poetica musicale di Eugenio Sanna- chitarra acustica, cellophane, palloncini, lamiere zincate, voce
Giuliano Tremea- voce, lettura, canto
Chiara Lazzerini- trombone, conchiglia
Performance di Laura Serafin
MULIER Performance Ina Ripari e Davide Cruciata
L’INFINITO E LA STORIA Video performance di Mauro Andreani e Paolo Bottari
LA DANZA DELLE STREGHE performance pittorica musicale
Progetto No Name (Sara KO Fontana e Dario Arrighi)
Mort Vivant (Martina Vivaldi)
Giada Matteoli
NO-BODY Performance di Manrico Fiorentini
Domenica, 29 settembre 2019
xxxTITOLOxxx Performance musicale di Lauraballa
NO-FUTURE PUNK Reading di Angela Teodorowsky
Giovanni Colliva al clarinetto basso
con poesie dal Canzoniere della morte di Salvatore Toma
POESIA TOTALE Reading di poesia di Gabriella Beccherelli
POESIE ALLA MANO Reading di poesia di Paolo Guerriero
REO DI METTERCI LA FACCIA Performance di Nicola Bertoglio
QUESTO E’ IL MIO CUORE Performance di Mario Giannelli
Performance di Licia Forlivesi
ESSERCI SENZA ESSERCI Lettura R(3)O Dada di Enzo Correnti e Ivette Berti
DO-MINA DE-SIDERA Performance di Patrizia Cerella e Ina Ripari
Con voce narrante di Paolo Guerriero
Performance di David Brogi
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cultfund · 7 years ago
Artist Istvan Kantor aka Monty Cantsin Amen talks with ThatChannel.com about his new Book of Neoism, also bacteria, mail art soups, the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, Anthony Haden-Guest and Warhol era hip NYC art scene. Featuring original compositions by Monty Cantsin "Neoist Revolutionary Song" and violin pieces by Douglas Richardson. Produced by Alexander Braun. http://IstvanKantor.com/ http://ThatChannel.com/ by ThatChannel.com
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guerrillamydreams · 5 years ago
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My amorphous soulmate Karen Elliot and I, showing off her ring.
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nuoveresidency · 6 years ago
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curated by Geraldine Blais and Patrizio Peterlini 
Project in collaboration with Fondazione Bonotto, ArtVerona and the University of Verona
video documentation of the Monty Cantsin performance “Made in Italy” edit by Piero Matarrese
photo © Giovanni Peretti and Geraldine Blais 
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-mask · 5 years ago
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alejandrocaiazza · 3 years ago
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“The 10 Ton Show”
May 12th - June 5th, 2022
Konstantin Bokov, Alejandro Caiazza, Istvan Kantor (Monty Cantsin Amen), Christopher Hart Chambers, Tomas Del Balso, Al Diaz, Devon Marinac, Jason McLean, Clayton Patterson, Sinclair The Vandal, Kevin Wendall, and Antony Zito.
*Based in NYC, Alejandro Caiazza's artwork is currently exhibited at Van Der Plas Gallery (New York City) For more information call: 212.227.8983 #nycgallery #LES #AlejandroCaiazza #VanDerPlasGallery #newpaintings #newAmericanPaintings #newpainting #contemporypaintings #newyorkcity #theoutsiders #primitiveART #artdealer #outsider #Artcollector #expressionism #NYARTBEAT #NewYorkArtBeat #CoBrAArt #outsiderart #collectors #artlowereastside #LowerEastSide #neoexpressionism #expressionism #newfigurative #ArtBrut #neofigurative
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stormyrecords-blog · 7 years ago
new arrivals 9-22-17
stormy records
13306 michigan ave
dearborn, mi 48126 313-581-9322
so many great new releases this week!!! wow!! call or email us if there is something you would like to place on hold or do mailorder for. we use realy great mailers!! new items for friday SEPTEMBER 22nd 2017 VATrax Test (Excerpts From The Modular Network 1981-1987)2LP  $31.99
Trax Test is the first ever survey of Italy's pioneering, visionary, and influential label and mail art collective Trax, which ran from 1981-1987 as a network for the creation of collaborative projects. The collective included a pre-NWW Colin Potter and some of the earliest work from Masami Akita, aka Merzbow, but also had deep connections with the art world; a few Trax members went on to become famous designers and artists -- Ettore Sottsass of hugely influential Memphis Group even guests on vocals on the last track of the compilation. The whole selection here is rare as heck and sorely in-demand by collectors, much of it now making its vinyl premiere some 30-odd years after the fact. With credit due to compilers Vittore Baroni of Trax and Ecstatic's avowed wave fiend, Alessio Natalizia (Not Waving) -- who was also behind the Mutazione (Italian Electronic & New Wave Underground 1980-1988) compilation (2013) -- Trax Test is a portal to the international scene which laid the grassroots for a proliferation of electronic music over the proceeding decades -- a pioneering part of the infrastructure for independent music distribution which could be said to pre-echo the myriad social networks and platforms today. As Frans De Waard astutely points out in the 16-page booklet, there were no "templates" for this thing back then, meaning artists did everything DIY: from cutting, pasting, and Xeroxing their artwork to experimenting with recording techniques and disseminating their work; all resulting in a wonderfully daring and freeform mosaic of ideas which valued the virtues of ostensibly "unfinished" or open-ended work. Traces of disco, cosmic krautrock, jazz, electro-pop, and industrial noise are all tessellated across the compilation's 25 tracks, with a number of artists and the same equipment -- cheap drum machines, synths, FX and tape -- cropping up in various, mutant formations. This set is right up there with the best compilations from Vinyl On Demand, Light Sounds Dark, or Minimal Wave. Features: Cancer, M.A.Phillips, Nausea, Amok, Mecanique Vegetale, Daniele Ciullini, E-Coli, The Cop Killers, Peter Mayer, Rod Summers, Robin Crozier, Capitalist Pig, Biagio D'egidio, Piermario Ciani, Vittore Baroni, Nocturnal Emissions, De Rezke, Ado Scaini, Enrico Piva, Giancarlo Martina, B Sides, Colin Potter, Naif Orchestra, Merzbow (Vacation Of Merzbow Lowest Music & Arts), Monty Cantsin, Die Form, Utopia Production, Spirocheta Pergoli, Nostalgia, Ptose, Ddaa, Zone Verte, and I Nipoti Del Faraone. Mastered by Matt Colton at Alchemy. NINOS DU BRASILVida Eterna  LP  $29.99
Nico Vascellari and Nicolò Fortuni come out to play in the dark on their third and deadliest LP as Ninos Du Brasil, taking their fascinations with ritual musics -- from Brazilian Afro-Latin tribal rhythms to library music and freezing Scandinavian BM -- deep into the festering undergrowth of their shared, exotic aesthetic. Where the cover of their first album for Hospital Productions, Novos Mistérios (HOS 411CD, 2014), depicted a naked man covered by a leopard pelt, Marvin Gaye Chetwynd's oil painting of a screeching Chiroptera in flight on the Vida Eterna jacket makes a strong visual allegory for NDB's finer tuned spatial sensitivities inside, with their churning rhythms now embedded in fathoms of dread space and father shaded in layers of processed vocal chants, both punk, metal, and tribalistic. The big highlight is no doubt the closing cut, "Vagalumes Piralampos", where Arto Lindsay, the legendary founder of DNA, chimes in on a stygian, moonlit jag between the eyes of bossa nova, batacuda, and the sort of esoteric electronics also charted by Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement or Cienfuegos. But it only really makes sense after you've expended your energies along with the band thru monstrous techno shakedowns such as "O Veto Chama Seu Nome", the soca-like rush of "Condenado Por Un Idioma Desconhecido", or found yourself lost, without coordinates, in the pitch black breakdown of "No Meio Da Noite" and have been hypnotized by the stalking rhythms and atmospheres of "Em Que O Rio Do Mar Se Toma". The creation of this album, inspired by vampirism, was born from a collaboration between Vascellari and Fortuni with producer Rocco Rampino, whose love of dense textures and low-end bombast masterfully and cleverly couples with the bands explosive percussive charge, resulting in eight tracks that mimic sharp blades scything through a nocturnal jungle. RIYL: Psychedelic Warriors Of Gaia, Female, Vatican Shadow. Cut at Dubplates & Mastering, Berlin. Comes in a gatefold jacket. OZKENT, MUSTAFAGenclik Ile Elele   LP  $25.99
2017 repress, black vinyl. "Originally released in Turkey 1973, Özkent's masterpiece (creation) of an all instrumental Turkish Psychedelic Funk album, filled with classic beats and breaks still inspires long time fans and first time listeners. The funky rhythms, hypnotic percussions, and heavy break beats makes this a holy grail amongst DJ's and music fans alike. Only a handful of copies from the original pressing are known to still exist making this reissue a welcome addition to any record collection. The concept is very complicated, futuristic and free from categorization. Traditional folk songs mixed with rock, jazz, blues, funk and psych. Özkent took traditional turkish folk songs and reconstructed them for the new 'hip' generation. It was recorded live in just one day with some of the best studio musicians in Turkey. The band was made up of 2 drummers, 2 guitarists, 2 percussionists, a bassist and a Hammond B3 organist. Özkent created his own unique guitar sound by adding extra frets and a clutch of effect pedals in order to create quarter notes and emulate turkish traditional scales. Mustafa Özkent has since made arrangements for hundreds of other artists in Turkey. But this unique album documents his most revered work. In the more than 40 years since the Mustafa Özkent Ve Orkestrası recorded Gençlik İle Elele, it seems that the world is still just discovering this gem." SILVER APPLESSilver Apples  LP  $26.99
2017 repress. Formed in 1967 as a psychedelic electronic duo featuring Dan Taylor on drums and Simeon on a homemade synthesizer consisting of 12 oscillators (and an assortment of sound filters, telegraph keys, radio parts, lab gear and a variety of second hand electronic junk), Silver Apples quickly gained a reputation as New York's leading underground musical expression. Their pulsating rhythmic beats with the use of electronics laid the groundwork for what would become 'Krautrock' Silver Apples was released in 1968 and still remains an innovative and revolutionary album. Their highly influential sound has influenced countless bands from Stereolab, Beastie Boys, Blur and more." VINCENTFast Forward  12"  $21.99
Music From Memory return with four tracks drawn from the St. Louis musician Virgil "Vincent" Work Jr.'s cassette debut from 1987, Fast Forward. Following a compilation taken from one of Virgil's collaborative projects, Workdub (MFM 012EP, 2016), this album reflects a more stripped back and raw musical approach. Experimenting with rhythm programming, midi, layering, sequencing, digital effects, and sound synthesis, the Fast Forward sessions grew from a series of late night jams with Vincent's brother Scott. The songs that would form Fast Forward evolved out of improvisation, lending a unique often spatial and searching quality to the tracks. O'DWYER, AINEGallarais   LP  $24.99
David Toop, on hearing Áine O'Dwyer's Gallarais and the subsequent conversations between November 2016 and January 2017. "Sleep music, the underworld. Twenty-six letters were sent, not far to travel, from Proust, hypersensitive writer to his upstairs neighbour, Marie Williams -- 'I was rather troubled by noise . . . I was trying to sleep off an attack. But at 8am the tapping on the parquet was so distinct that the Veronal didn't work and I woke with the attack still raging.' Marie Williams played harp, though it was not the harp that dragged Proust from the fumes of a bedroom armed against asthma attacks, cork-lined to smother noise.. . . Proust spoke of an imperceptible breath, 'like the wind breathing into the stem of a reed', mingling with the subdued song of his dying grandmother's breathing, 'swift and light . . . gliding like a skater towards the delicious fluid', the human sighs released at the approach of death . . . 'Who's there?' cries out the old man, stark terror pulled awake at the faintest of noises from pitch black vicinity of an unseen doorway. . . . There is one voice or two, whispers of shaping breath thrown into far obscure and occult recesses of the space as if spirits on the wing whose feathers shriek and keen. They are swans with near-human heads, carrying the lightness of souls, moving between dry land of the living, subterranean rivers of the dead. Sleep music they make, its murmurs written by the method of 'passive writing', a transcribing of tongues unknown to all but the most open of listeners. . . . The space was a cave, a tunnel, a room without windows. A skull without eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, though as Beckett had noticed, the soul turns in this cage as in a lantern, silence 'beating against the walls and being beaten back by them'; the space was a chapel, upturned boat, perhaps the curragh that carried Maildun and his crew to the Isle of Weeping, the Isle of Speaking Birds, the Palace of Solitude. . . . 'Within a house described by Mary Butts, in Ashe of Rings (1998), the bronze note of a clock rings, 'like a body falling bound into deep water'. . . . The body descended into the tunnel, never to return as itself." Sky Music: A Tribute To Terje RypdalCD  $16.99
Guitarist and composer Terje Rypdal (1947) is probably as close as one gets to a living legend in Norwegian music. He has received a number of awards, including three Norwegian Grammies (Spellemannpris), the last being the honorary award in 2005. Sky Music is a heartfelt celebration of an inspirational artist and truly unique guitarist who hasn't fully received the due credit and recognition he deserves for over 50 years of music making. Initiated by the experimental US guitarist and lifelong Rypdal fan Henry Kaiser, Rune Grammofon put together an all-star band including keyboardist and long-time Rypdal side-kick Ståle Storløkken (Elephant9, Supersilent), bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (Scorch Trio, The Thing), drummer Gard Nilssen (Bushman's Revenge), guitarists Even H. Hermansen (Bushman´s Revenge) and Hedvig Mollestad, Finnish guitarist Raoul Björkenheim (Scorch Trio), and Swedish guitarist Reine Fiske (Dungen). Kaiser also played and produced while Hans Magnus Ryan (Motorpsycho) added bits and pieces and Jim O'Rourke beamed in his exquisite contributions to "Sunrise" from Tokyo. Bill Frisell, Nels Cline, and David Torn delivered their solo interpretations, Cline with the aid of cellist Erik Friedlander. AUBURN LULL Hypha   CD  $16.99
vinyl coming soon
The reclusive midwesterners return from dormancy with nine stunning, elegantly sparse tracks that showcase the band at its most focused, melodic, and mysterious. While distinctly sounding like Auburn Lull, Hypha veers into uncharted territory, delivering surprises at every turn. The hallmark cavernous guitars and vast, slow-motion expanses, though still present, are reigned in, restrained, and paired with a newfound sense of minimalism and a broader palette of sounds, textures, and shapes. While the band have existed for more than 20 years, they've always remained a well-kept secret to the wider indie community. Hypha is a brilliant example of why the band's rich textures and precise compositions are adored by so many. "... discerning ears will find that Auburn Lull's rich tapestry is as dangerously hypnotic and transporting as it is soothing." --Tiny Mix Tapes WIRE, THE#404 October 2017   $10.50
"Jlin, Frances Morgan profiles the Chicago footwork outlier. Meanwhile, inside the issue... Tomokazu Hayashi essays a user's guide to the pioneering electronica of Yellow Magic Orchestra, Ryuichi Sakamoto and Haruomi Hosono. Geeta Dayal meets veteran Swiss visual artist and kosmische music producer Walter Wegmüller. Invisible Jukebox: Penny Rimbaud; Epiphanies: Noel Meek; Inner Sleeve: Paul Steinbeck; Global Ear: Portland; Unofficial Channels: Pop Not Slop. And in the Bites section, we feature: Hanba!, PSF reissues on Black Editions, Marianna Simnett and Dominique Lawarlee." GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR Luciferian Towers lp $22.99
cd $14.99
The sound of Godspeed’s radical fury takes a sideline on their impeccably composed sixth album. It contains their most melodic and powerfully positive-sounding music to date. RITUAL HOWLS 12" Their Body $14.99
Ritual Howls are a unique brand of industrial rock with death jangle-like guitars. Collaboratively, Ritual Howls create a surreal, introspective gloom that could fuel a disco in hell, a soundtrack to your favorite nightmares and most grisly fantasies MOGWAI Every Country's Sun clear vinyl lp $26.99
Every Country's Sun takes two decades of Mogwai's signature, contrasting sounds - towering intensity, pastoral introspection, synth-rock minimalism, DNA-detonating volume - and distills it, beautifully, into 56 concise minutes of gracious elegance, hymnal trance-rock, and transcendental euphoria. Produced by psych-rock luminary Dave Fridmann, it's a structural soundscape built from stark foundations up; from a gentle, twinkling, synth-rock spectre to a solid, blown-out, skyward-thrusting obelisk. There's percussive, dream-state electronics ("Coolverine"), church organs as chariots of existential fire ("Brain Sweeties"), tremulous, foreboding bleeping -Â possibly from a dying android ("aka 47"). Their most transportive album yet, it also hosts their most fully realized art-pop sing-along of their storied history, "Party In The Dark," a head-spinning disco-dream double-helix echoing New Order and The Flaming Lips, featuring Braithwaite's seldom-heard melodic vocals declaring he's "directionless and innocent, searching for another piece of mind". This is music as a keep-out chrysalis, protective audio armor through exalting organs and portentous, dissonant guitar fuzz warping at the edges, bending the world inside-out into a reality in which you'd much rather live. The last three songs ascend into explosive exorcism, closing with the colossal "Every Country's Sun," its searching intensity whooshing towards infinity in a dazzling cosmic crescendo. LINA TULLGREN lp Won $19.99
Lina Tullgren is from Southern Maine just over the border of the northernmost seacoast of New Hampshire. It's an unexpected location for artistic incubation, but osmosis is bound to occur when you grow up surrounded by family, friends, and weirdos interacting at all times with their own interpretations of creative output. Shifting in trainings and traditions, the 23 year old eventually found herself a voice with the electric guitar, uniquely flavored and shaped from the many years of fiddle lessons and classical technique. The shifts in genre and instrumentation are stark, but important for her growth as a songwriter. Lina's morphing interaction with music has mirrored a growing determination to harness her ability to melodically and lyrically express complex emotions - a rare gift at such a young age.With 2016's Wishlist EP - recorded to tape at the home of band mate Ty Ueda - Lina proved an ability to craft simple, introspective and succinct songs, each one a pulsing glow leaving you both hollow and whole, alone but never lonely. It is on Lina's debut album Won that we reap the full rewards of this newfound confidence in expression and rejection of internal hesitation. "The writing doesn't necessarily get easier, but I feel more comfortable tapping into emotions and going to those places that need to be written about. Won, as it turned out, is the product that I have been hearing and picturing in my head as I write and listen to music." It is the product of what happens when you push past the fear of what it means to think out loud - to become accountable for your internal struggles by way of manifesting your ideas into songs that are then free to grow apart from you, to exist on their own while always remaining specifically implicative of you. Now backed by a full band, each track manages to remain piercingly intimate, sometimes brief, and always honest, while gaining a wholly new sense of gestation both sonically and lyrically. BEHIND THE SHADOW DROPS lp Harmonic $20.99
cd also $13.99
Behind the Shadow Drops is the new solo endeavor from Takaakira 'Taka' Goto, founding guitarist and composer of iconic Japanese experimental rock group, MONO. Established in 2016, Behind the Shadow Drops combines Goto's disparate but commensurate interests in many different forms of music, most notably ambient, trip-hop, industrial minimalism, and modern classical. Recorded at Goto's home studio and mixed with esteemed producer and percussionist, John McEntire (Tortoise, The Sea and Cake, Yo La Tengo), H a r m o n i c merges Goto's dynamic, moody compositions with McEntire's renowned drum programming and percussive sensibilities. What begins as a passing resemblance to the more melancholy work of Goto's ensemble, MONO, slowly mutates into something otherworldly, submerging in a symphony of synths, drum machines, noise loops, and mournful strings (courtesy of Los Angeles experimental cellist, Helen Money). Resembling something like waves rippling in the ocean under a cloudy moonlit sky, H a r m o n i c is as eerie as it is beautiful - a vast abyss punctuated by seemingly endless glimmers of light. OMNI lp Multi-Task $15.99
red vinyl
Atlanta, GA trio Omni charges out of the gate in 2016, stunning everyone within earshot with their debut longplayer, "Deluxe"; a dizzyingly refreshing amalgam of wiry post-punk jitters & a dash of zen cool. "Multi-task" is their latest offering & all signs point to the coveted goal of "next level".Guitarist Frankie Broyles (ex-Balkans/Deerhunter) & bassist/vocalist Philip Frobos (Carnivores) crafted "Deluxe"s eleven tracks in their practice space with friend & engineer Nathaniel Higgins. They returned to Higgins for "Multi-task", recording basic drum tracks at Higgins' home studio & overdubbing bass, guitar, vocals & more during two separate trips to a remote cabin in the woods near Vienna, Georgia."Multi-task" is a more musically adventurous step forward for the band, keeping the frantic, fleet-fingered fingerpicking of Broyles' guitar work & Frobos' dead-cool delivery while expanding their musical palette & to include whispers of post-Roxy glam & Postcard Records pop. "Multi-task" balances the band’s trademark off-kilter & unconventional jams with an elegance not found in many of their contemporaries, Omni pulls it off with grace & style, still whirring on their minimalist funk-fused agit-pop while creating an album that is awash in the excitement of new love, or fleeting attraction - a journey from that dizzying buzz of first date pheromones found twirling on the dance floor to the cab ride cool-down to home (or wherever.) WAYFARING STRANGERS Acid Nightmaresdouble lp $26.99
cd $16.99
first few copies will come with a cool numero record tote bag and deluxe label catalogAs the hippie movement hurdled towards its emanate demise, bad vibes infiltrated the rock world. Tainted LSD, loud motorcycles, and a series of brutal deaths spawned inspiration for guitar-wielding teenagers across the globe. Implementing deafening fuzz and satanic screams to create their proto-metal monstrosities, short-lived stoner bands pressed their lysergic experiments in microscopic quantities before blacking out entirely. Lifted from the ashes of the acid rock hell fire are 18 distorted tales of dope fiends, pill poppers, and the baddest of trips. Deluxe 2LP comes housed in a blacklight poster-style jacket, replete with flocking and lysergic neon. 24 pages documenting the creeping existential dread of the hard rock underground are tucked into the gatefold pocket alongside two dead dinosaur-heavy LPs. Compact disc is packaged in standard Numero slipcase, with digipak and 40-page book, limited to 2000 copies. METZ lp Strange Peace $18.99
cd also available $14.99
loser edition vinyl
“We tracked fourteen songs in four days. It was the first time we felt confident enough to just play live and roll tape,” METZ guitarist/vocalist Alex Edkins explained of the recording process in a press statement. “Strange Peace is much more diverse and varied than anything we’ve done before, which was exhilarating, but terrifying, too. We took the tapes home to Toronto feeling like we’d made the record we wanted to make.” In terms of theme, the tracks on the LP are said to be about “uncertainty.” “They’re about recognizing that we’re not always in control of our own fate, and about admitting our mistakes and fears,” Edkins continued. “They’re about finding some semblance of peace within the chaos.” Waxahatchee - American Weekend  $20.99
LIMITED EDITION PRESSING ON WHITE VINYL Flat Duo Jets - Pink Gardenia / Man With The Golden Arm  lp $22.99
The two a-sides here - Pink Gardenia and Man With The Golden Arm - were both originally released on the self-titled debut album by the Flat Duo Jets (1990), and have never been released on vinyl. These two b-sides are both outtakes from the original sessions for the album, but have never before been released. All four songs have been remastered, and are being released on special colored vinyl, in a deluxe gatefold package. Disc One - on pink vinyl 1a. Pink Gardenia 1b. Penetration Disc Two - on gold vinyl 2a. Man With The Golden Arm 2b. Bumblebee Boogie Grubbs, David - Creep Mission lp   $24.99
Creep Mission is an album of instrumental compositions with Grubbs's effortlessly recombinant electric guitar at its core, and its m.o. is to go both deep and wide. The album goes deep in the sense that the guitar becomes the relentless, meditative focus of these songs without words, and it goes wide in that these pieces utilize a discontinuous set of arrangements that make the most out of an extraordinary group of musicians convened for the mission at hand. Wand - Plum lp $20.99
Wand are back, with music colored weird orange and rouged to Plum. Teeming, dense, at times wildly multichromatic sounds; an idiom, an inside joke, a talisman, a bookmark, a mood ring, a long evening's shadow of loss and longing. And meanwhile all the shifting weather, the wireless signals, the helicopters overhead.... Tricky - ununiform lp $25.99
Tricky returns with his 13th album, ununiform, out in September on his own label False Idols via !K7 Music. It's a delicate, storming, intricate album that sees Tricky take perhaps his most radical step yet a journey into happiness and contentment.It's a record that shows the legendary British producer confront his legacy, history, family & even death itself. And in all of this, he finds the strangest, least familiar thing & peace. Laraaji - Bring On The Sun + Sun Gong (CD) $16.99
Laraaji's Bring On The Sun is a collection of brand new studio recordings, recorded by Davey Jewell (Peaking Lights/Flaming Lips) and mixed by Carlos Niño (Leaving Records). A magical mixtape of tracks that run the full gamut of ‘Laraaji music’, from blissed-out percussive jams to reflective vocal hymnals to trance-inducing drones. Available as a 10-track double CD with Bring On The Sun on the first disc, and a bonus disc of Sun Gong, the previously limited run vinyl-only pre-cursor to the main album. Laraaji - Bring On The Sun (Vinyl) $25.99
Laraaji's Bring On The Sun is a collection of brand new studio recordings, recorded by Davey Jewell (Peaking Lights/Flaming Lips) and mixed by Carlos Niño (Leaving Records). A magical mixtape of tracks that run the full gamut of ‘Laraaji music’, from blissed-out percussive jams to reflective vocal hymnals to trance-inducing drones. Available as an 8-track double vinyl LP which includes download card. Luna - A Sentimental Education lp $26.99
Thirteen years after they released their last new music, beloved indie rock band LUNA return with two releases: an LP of covers: A Sentimental Education, and a 10” EP containing six new Luna instrumentals: A Place of Greater Safety. Both releases will also be available in one double-CD wallet package. The covers album finds Luna covering the Cure, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Rolling Stones, YES, Fleetwood Mac, Mercury Rev and others. Luna are touring North America in November 2017. Upcoming events at Trinosophes 9/22: New Music Detroit's Strange and Beautiful Music opening night with m usic by  Khemia Ensemble,  Juxtatonal: Jocelyn Zelasko and Bryan Hayslett,  YAK,  Joel Peterson (with Lisa Raschiatore clarinet, James Greer viola, Abby Alwin cello),  New Music Detroit (featuring  cellist Una O’Riordan) and  Rebecca Goldberg 10/10: Circuits Des Yeux 10/14: Grails Related 9/23: Trinosophes present Ryan Jewell Duo at night two of Strange and Beautiful Music at The Max M Fisher Music Center . 10/26: Joel Peterson original score to silent classic   Der Golem  at Toledo Museum of Art   EL CLUB UPCOMING SHOWS  (most shows all ages - ticket will say all ages or not)remember - tickets are cash only. this saves us all the service charges!! the spits, screaming females  sat sept 30th $15
cold cave sun oct 1st $18
joyner lucas mon oct 2nd $12
touche amore fri oct 6th $25
tokimonsta sat oct 7th $15
the bronx tues oct 10th $17
algiers fri oct 20th $13
giraffage sun nov 5th $17
kelela tues nov 7th $20
parquet courts thurs nov 16th $17
daniel ceasar sun nov 19th $15 MARBLE BAR (all shows 18 and over) tops fri sept 22nd $10
nude party tues oct 10th $5
pickwick thurs oct 12th $12
grails sat oct 14th $13
cults sat oct 21st $19
hoop sun oct 22nd $5
bully wed nov 8th $15
shy girls thur nov 9th $13
cold specks wed nov 29th $10 ASSEMBLE SOUND (18 and over) the blow, ema fri nov 17th $13
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