(Main tumblr) All photographies by Ed End. In free Share under license creative commons by-non comercial-sharealike If you want to help Ed End release more art free here is the marchandising (t-shirts,pillows,stickers,cards, posters, mugs, tablet & phone cases...) & donations buttons. You can also follow, repost and share this tumblr... But the better way is to create your own art your own way and share it freely. <iframe src="" width="300" height="30" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen...
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Welllllllll...... there are a lot of records waiting in my harvest list... so it's better to do a double 23th Pay What You Want Zero Include day !!!!!!!
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Welcome back in PAYwHATYOUWANTdAY (zero include) !!! Now each no air month, the 23th you will find a selection of 10 records from the PWYW zero include land of freedom. I do this because it’s important to do not forget that to break the rules is the better way to stay free ^^ And also of course because it’s so frustrating to share only free download music. (Previous selection is here )
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Happy new years 2025 ! Here is the list of all the albums release in 2024 on the netlabel. Horsnorme free music is unclassable : try to find the style of these albums and you will understand...
+ illbient ?
+ experimental ?
+ acid rock ?
+ psychedelic rock ?
+ electropunk ?
+ industrial rock ?
+ ambient music ?
+ suicidal music ?
+ noise rock ?
+ electro ethnic ?
All our music is in free download and also you can find it back 24/24 with more free music on the web Radio Free Albemuth o r s n o r m e
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Ce morceaux est en téléchargement gratuit, n'hésite pas à le partager. Il y aura bientôt le maxi disponible gratuitement sur ce profil bandcamp
#front populaire#nouveau front populaire#whatthefrance#france#musique#punk#synthpunk#anarchie#libertaire#politique#anarchy#écologie#activisme#protest#rock alternatif#experimental#synthwave#synthpop#free music#hymn#chanson française#musique gratuite#artist on tumblr#gratuit#soundcloud#electro#electronics#electronic#underground#anarcho
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All other Invisible Illusion albums are free here The necrophile hummingbird netlabel presents Weathering The Rocks by Invisible Illusion. "Industrial Noise Rock for Post-Industrial Blues Lovers" Full album always in free download here PART I [1/2/3/4/5/6/7] Regular versions with Pete & Studio 112 on the first three tracks, and Ed End in the four next. PART II [8/9/10/11/12/13] More instrumental versions with Gabriel Pereira Spurr & Studio 112 on the first three tracks, and Ed End on the three next. PART III [14/15/16/17/18/19/20] Pete Hope's Elemental Edit shorter versions with only Pete & Ed End.
This music comes from the land of chaos; intuition and emotions interplay has led it to this singular form. It is not consensual, it is demanding, it asks the listener to step out of their comfort zone. But like slow burners, in the end, it brings a reward that is worth it. The first part is what I call "mantrawave". The improvisations have been preserved as much as possible, maintaining their hypnotic character; to put it simply, these are the long version tracks of the album. The second part is what I call an "upgrade", they have been developed to reach a new form, the musical aspect is emphasized; to put it simply, this is closer to an instrumental version. The last part is the "elemental edit", where only the essential is kept.
It's no coincidence if this recalls the distillation of alchemy. This complete version of the album is released almost two years after the elemental edit because something surprising happened during this collective cooperation. While I was looking forward to discovering the meeting of the two sonic lineages that have taught me the most in recent years, (besides the music with Studio 112 obviously, because its case is particular, being neighbors, we evolve together), we realized that Pete's voice did not work with Gabriel's music. Their approach to music was different, somewhat like two distinct elements : - What happens if you bring fire and water together ? You can't simply mix them, but we didn't give up; instead of choosing one or the other, as minds operating on exclusion would do, we chose to keep both and develop them, so we could study this amalgamation.
I don't know what the future holds for our collaborations, but their past can provide some better understanding. With Studio 112, the list would be too long, aside of Invisible Illusion, he is involved in PIRATE Tapes / Multiple Personality 3 /EVA Vertigo / TKno BeurK / rADio eNd / RefugEEs From Beyond... With Gabriel Pereira Spurr under A Symbiotic Experience project : Oneiric Sound / Open Source / Gesamtkuntswerk / Near Death Experience / Rebirth / Renaskigo Also under our own names Dawn of the Damned The album the closest to this one is probably Faust by PIRATE Tapes, where he participated with Studio 112. Also as good example to show how everything is linked, the instrumental of "We Don't Fit Anymore" comes from Original Subversion, an unborn album of A Symbiotic Experience.
With Peter Hope & Studio 112 under rADio eNd project : OddSchool / Underground Culture / Hum Antenna There is another album without Studio 112 here
The closest album to Weathering The Rocks is probably Hum Antenna, where the blues aspect is more pronounced in this one, in Hum Antenna, it is the psychedelia. So you may understand that regardless of the mask, only the musical flavor matters. This album is released under Invisible Illusion but could have been released just as well under the rADio eNd project if it weren't so important to shed our skins to change and avoid turning into self-caricatures, slaves of our public image.
Among the roots, I should also mention The World Is Over! PIKADON & Necktar because these are the steps that led to the birth of this album.
I also invite you to read the words of Pete in the full presentation of the Elemental Edit : "Tapping into the elements; rock, wind, fire & water... the very earth, the source of life & asking questions: - Who's making the decisions and the bad choices that damage & deplete, cause conflict, suffering & destruction? How much have we given up or simply lost through our disconnection from the natural world, and how can it be retrieved? Will self-importance be allowed to win the day and therefore define the terms of humanity's decline? Bring back the clatter & the drone, the mechanical clank, the smelting & shaping, the holler that sings out the rhythms of purposeful labor & truthful art. Bring us back our senses; the cold air, the hot sun, the rain, the storm & the sheltering from it. Let us breathe life again" What else can I say? The lizard on the cover died in our water collector. It has placed this album under the sign of climate and social urgency. The two are linked, and there are many solutions, only malicious forces prevent their implementation on a large scale. So, I take my own actions on my scale. Since the time of this recording, I have bought solar panels, and I have never listened to so little music in my life; now I use headphones, only using my audio system with solar batteries. In my sink, I collect water in a basin to water the flowers and vegetables. We are flexitarians and degrowers since many years. When we go on vacation, we take the bus. We should have changed all our habits years ago. But better late than never. Even if it will never be enough compared to the harm caused by industries and the ultra wealthy.
This album could have been dedicated to the waves of climate change migrants who fall victim to the selfishness of colonial countries, but that is already more or less the dedication of "Refugees Welcome". So, it is dedicated to our Mother Earth. It must be terrible that her own children render her uninhabitable. Although it's only the most egocentric fringe of humanity, it's up to the rest to take action. As we can see in 'How to Blow Up a Pipeline,' corporations and politicians are criminals responsible for the deaths of an indecent number of people and must be stopped by any means necessary.
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WIP album in free download here this is a very temporary gift to the listeners of Radio Free Albemuth... enjoy ! § : )
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Welcome in PAYwHATYOUWANTdAY (zero include) !!! Now each no air month, the 23th you will find a selection of 10 records from the PWYW zero include land of freedom. I do this because it's important to do not forget that to break the rules is the better way to stay free ^^ And also of course because it's so frustrating to share only free download music.
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Some of them are in free download here amongst other oddities...
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This is as well the first full length film made in december 2023 with videos generated by Artificial Intelligence than a collection for my first steps using Music and Video Assisted by Artificial Intelligence. These video art clips are available in free download here ( Il y a aussi une nouvelle de fiction psychotique pour les francophones ici there is also a short novel related here in english )
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No humans has been allowed during this film creation using Stable Diffusion Video as well than for the creation of the music or the lyrics by ChatGPT. Full inhuman album in free download here
More free music here
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Full compilation in free download here Today it's a repost to remind, that history is running in circles, civilians are always dying under the bombs because of the same greedy monsters and it needs to stop.
Here are few benefits compilations or albums for the palestinians. (The 2 first and the last one are new and others came through the years)
Sometimes I would prefer not to take a position, especially given the extent to which I consider religions guilty of the worst ignominies, even if the problem is perhaps more that some humans choose to obey their worst sides. Whatever the excuses, the massacre of October 7, 2023 by Hamas is abject, whatever the excuses, the daily massacre by Netanyahu's government on Gaza is abject. And must stop. Also I don't forget about Palestine is an occupied land since too long.
#free gaza#gaza#save gaza#ceasefire#free palestine#stop war#palestine#music#compilation#benefits#humanitarian aid#musical#various artists#palestinians#help#artist support#support#mutual aid
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Envie de prendre le maquis ? Rejoins l’une des 42 ZAD ! Histoire de montrer à tous les darmaniacs que leur violence n’empêchera pas nos mondes d’exister. Samedi 25 Mars à Sainte-Soline la république a une fois encore montré son vrai visage. Non à l’état terroriste ! Plus de liens utiles ici
#street culture#street art#streetart#street#graffiti#graff#graphic art#ZAD#Zone A Défendre#ecologie#extinction rebellion#les soulèvements de la terre#493#résister#anticapitalisme#anarchiste#musique#carte#JDD carte#42 ZAD#sites écologistes#la rue#rue#gluons#bloquons#résistons#créons#l'avenir#future
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Mardi 8 Juin dans mon autoportrait audio sur Aligre FM 93.1 3 nouveaux morceaux de CorteX issus du EP "New Ordeal World" Le podcast est en écoute et téléchargement gratuit ici
"Générateur de musique libre, transcodeur d’ondes sonores ou medium onirique ?
Ed End est une anomalie dont l’œuvre est le corps et qui n’a pas de tête."
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Posters, cards, badges, prints, merchandising, clothings : During a walk in the city of Dole (Franche-Comté) I discovered a building covered with vegetation. This shot reminds me of the trace left by humanity in a post apocalyptic universe. I see it as an invitation to act face to the ecological disaster to avoid this civilization disappear leaving the planet devastated.
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Au détour des réseaux en retour de manif contre la loi insécurité total… je suis tombé sur un film culte. Et quel film ! Depuis l'an 01 qui reste une référence des films militants presque 50 ans après. En 2020 voici que déboule sur nos écrans en VOD « Basta Capital ». Bon, c'est sûr, on est heureux quand dans la production hexagonale on a la chance de découvrir des films comme « Adieux les cons » déjà chroniqué sur Libres Commères ou plus récemment « Effacer l'historique » qui par la simple accumulation surréaliste des nombreuses aberrations de notre quotidien nous plonge dans le coté sombre de la tragi-comédie, comprendre un sourire aux lèvres, une larme à l’œil. Mais voilà Basta Capital lui réussit le tour de force de soumettre les patrons du CAC 40 à un tribunal populaire, exposant nombre des délits (pour lesquels il restent impunis bien que les faits soient connus) tout en présentant un programme politique qui pourrait fédérer toutes celles et ceux qui restent avant tout humainEs. Et personnellement je trouve ce film moitié dystopique génial. Contrairement à des documentaires orientés qui parfois piègent leur public, cas d'école : « Hold-up », ici la fiction permet de montrer les personnages avec leurs doutes, leur diversité et leurs nuances. C'est un film militant, mais joueur, intelligent jusque dans ses détails, comme qui pourrait représenter un risque réel pour les patrons. Ou encore la mort d’un militant à Bure comme justification de l’action, alors que Rémi Fraisse est déjà mort à Sivens. La suite de la lecture est ici
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The Necrophile Hummingbird presents : a dream. Full Album in Free Download here This album is such a joy because there has been no sampling album release on the netlabel since Size to Seizure 3 years ago. Mostly because the analogic side is growing out of control… and perhaps because turntablism is more fitting to that. Beyond the necessary struggle to an equal access to sample for everyone doing free music releases and not only the artists signed with major record companies, coming first is the right to use anything released in the public sphere as a right to answer with plunderphonics. The sampling art is more related to cut-up techniques and philosophy. It’s a way to re-interprete one’s reality. The same way that dreams are remixes of our waking lives. Perhaps this Snapping Back In is more a kind of art therapy to exorcise a nightmare. Whatever…
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