#uncle captain rex
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kingeika · 2 years ago
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absolutely had to redraw that one rex panel from star wars adventures #19!! it’s one of my favorite rex panels, he radiates such uncle energy 😭
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crashlanding-skywalker · 9 months ago
Fordo: Where are the kids?
Alpha-17: They're playing hide and seek.
Fordo: Where?
Alpha-17, looking at him: I don't think you get how the game works.
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archivewriter1ont · 10 days ago
Cadet Batch Incorrect Quotes
Obi-Wan: Cody, I cannot believe you hid them from me.
Cody: In my own defense Sir, I was suffering from shock. My only intent was to contain the situation.
Obi-Wan: I could have helped, surely.
Cody: Yes, I'm sure you could have -- - *sees baby batchers with steaming mugs* WHO GAVE THEM CAF?
Obi-Wan: I did.
Obi-Wan: What was I supposed to do? They asked very politely.
Cody: Hunter doesn't like caf -- not even as an adult.
Obi-Wan: Oh, he doesn't now, either. I gave him tea.
Cody: Your caffeinated tea?
Obi-Wan: Yes. And he loves it. See, I'm wonderful with children. After all, I raised Anakin.
Rex, who has witnessed every stupid thing Anakin has done in the past two years: That's not comforting, Sir.
| Fic is here |
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Ezra: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to? Zeb: Schrödinger's boys. Sabine: KRIFF! Rex: What about cracking open a cold milkshake? Kallus: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do. Kallus: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison. Ezra: … Rex: … Zeb: … Sabine: … Kallus: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
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diviluscorner · 4 months ago
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“Your scarecrow outfit’s starting to smear off,” Cody says with a grin. “Least I dressed up.” Drawing a breath, Rex looks at the holopicture his brother holds up as evidence. The nose is a bit smudged, but nothing else is too out of place. Glancing at his scarecrow mini-me, he’s pleased to see her makeup’s stayed on rather well.
Redraw from Oh's where Rex decides to set up a fall harvest for the town then loses a child--his child--during it.
Find the story here!
Original drawing below the cut
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tending-the-hearth · 10 months ago
Questions that endlessly haunt me: Do Rex and Cody know what happened to their Generals?
Does Cody know Obi-wan survived? Did he know he died on the Death Star? Did Cody see a report come in from the Death Star that Vader had killed Obi-wan? If he did, how would he feel about it? Would he grieve? Would he be indifferent? Would he be pleased? Would he pretend not to care but internally be a mess? Did he feel ashamed for failing to carry out Order 66? Relieved but conflicted? If he had found out Obi-wan was hiding out on Tattooine would he simply report it or track Obi-wan down himself? Would he seek to finish Order 66 or go to beg forgiveness?
Did Rex ever find out what Anakin became? Ahsoka knew but would she have told him? Or would she keep it secret?How would it affect their relationship either way? Would Rex recognize him if he saw Vader fighting? Would he feel betrayed? Angry? Heartbroken? How would Vader react if he saw him? Rex never betrayed Anakin or did anything that could be interpreted as such? Would Vader let him live? try and give him the mercy of a quick death? How would that go down? Did Rex ever met Luke? Or see him on a rebel base or ship? If he did, would he recognize who he was or his lightsaber first? How would Rex feel about Luke? Happy? Nostalgic? Amused? Sad? Uncomfortable?
(Bare in mind i have never seen Bad Batch or the last couple seasons of clone wars)
i'm curled up in my bed sobbing over all of this 😭😭😭😭
so, going off of what we know from Bad Batch, Cody eventually does defect, or he's at least listed as MIA. When we see him in the show, there's definitely a few moments where we see his regret and pain over what's happened, leading to his ultimate MIA classification. we don't knwo what happens to him after that, but i like to believe that Cody found out where Obi-Wan was, and got into contact with him, and the two were able to safely and happily reunite!
I do think Ahsoka would tell Rex that Anakin is Vader, either during their moments together in Rebels, or after Anakin's death. Anakin was so important to both of them that I think Ahsoka wouldn't be able to hide it from him.
When it comes to Luke, Rex is the one Anakin trusted the most with his relationship with Padme. In the last season of The Clone Wars, we see Rex covering for Anakin while he's on a call with Padme. I think Rex would be overjoyed to meet Luke, and just immediately see so much of his general and his favorite senator in him. Rex would also IMMEDIATELY clock that Leia is Luke's twin, she looks far too much like Padme, and her snark is so purely Anakin that if he closes his eyes, he hears his general.
After Anakin's death, I think Rex would sit with both the twins and share stories, not just of Anakin, but also of Padme, and the time that he spent with them. it's bittersweet, but also heartwarming, because Rex gets to pass on the stories of the people he cared about to more people he cares about
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archivistofnerddom · 2 years ago
Okay, but what would make me happy is one of the end scenes of the series is just Ahsoka stopping by to visit Rex in his very relaxing and much-deserved retirement. Like, he’s not involved in whatever schemes are going on. Rex is just chilling on a boat or on a beach, sipping colorful beverages and being wholly unbothered by the universe.
And maaaaaybe that boat/beach happens to be on Pabu. And there just so happen to be a whole gaggle of people of all ages (and who, perhaps, resemble Rex in varying degrees) around who call him “Uncle Rex.” And, oh my, is that a blonde woman who calls him her brother?
Ahsoka gets to see Rex happy in his retirement and old age being the uncle/honorary grandfather to the children of the clones he managed to save over the years. She gets to see the genetic sister he didn’t expect to find, but still accepted and loved.
And she is happy to see that!
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ladykagewaki · 1 year ago
Ms Fangirl In Spooky Season Part 3/9
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9
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@zaya-mo @chrissywakingup @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @aintinacage @ladykatakuri @marierg @isthereanechoinhere96 @thecoffeelorian
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archivistofnerddom · 2 years ago
Rex would have a field day with Luke and Leia. His approach would be, “Yeah, I knew your parents. Fought alongside your father quite a bit. Here, let me tell you about some of the crazy ideas that we pulled off back in the day.”
Han’s nightmares take a very specific shape, especially once Rex does Anakin a posthumous solid and make Han’s life miserable. Someone has to make sure that a certain scoundrel is good enough for Leia, and Anakin isn’t there to do that. Yes, sure, she can take of herself, but it’s a matter of pride. Well, that and Han isn’t prepared for 501st shenanigans combined with hanging with the Bad Batch and years spent as an unhinged feral clone hunting jooba. Rex is an absolute menace when it comes trolling people, especially when he has nothing else to keep him occupied.
Rex would do the same for whoever Luke expresses romantic attachment towards. He’s an equally-opportunity protective surrogate uncle.
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im not sorry
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matchademi · 11 months ago
To keep myself sane BEFORE tbb finally (ON MY 21ST BIRTHDAY COME ON)
Funny moment with Nalia, Rex and Naga
Rex:*helping the Batch break into Tantisis*
Naga:*busts in making an even bigger explosion, then Wrecker could*
Nalia:*causing havoc with Omega having gotten herself free*
Naga:you are so grounded
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archivewriter1ont · 2 months ago
🤔,👻,💥, and 🛏 for the ask game!
Thanks for the asks! ❤️
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
I'm actually super excited about this! I just found out about the Febuwhump event, and one of the prompts is perfect for some new characters I've loved for a while but never written about. I'm a HUGE fan of the Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (my next cats will be named Vinnie and Aloysius) and have been thinking of writing a short fic about D'Agosta's reaction to Pendergast's sacrifice in Book 5: Brimstone. That will be posted in February but I'm already working on it so I can have time to get it as close to perfect as possible!
Another new kind of fic I might try to write is for C.J. Archer's Cleopatra Fox series, because as much as I love her slow-burn, low-spice detective stories, we are in book 9 (NINE) and there has been no real emotional progress and only two brief kisses that Cleo overthinks for the rest of that book and the next. Richard is perfect for her but she just won't admit to her pessimistic (and sometimes toxic-feminist) side that he's not like the guys she's seen in the past. I listen to the series on audio, and during the last book people at work actually thought I was mad at my spreadsheets but I was really just mentally shaking this girl by the shoulders like "Open your eyes, ma'am!" So (deep breath, don't continue the rant)...I would love to attempt a fix-it sort of thing where I finally get the resolution that I want and they go on happily solving crimes together, whether her family disowns her or not. Her family isn't particularly likable to begin with, except for Flossy who is a funny little dear, so I don't see where that's a huge issue.
Summary: If I write a Pendergast fic, I just want him and D'Agosta to acknowledge that at this point they are blood brothers, maybe for Aloysius to fess up a little about why he's so averse to hugs, and for them to admit that they would die for each other since they have each actually tried to like twice already. If I write a Cleo/Richard fic, I just want an honest admission by Cleo that she was wrong about love and that marriage to a man who she fell in love with at first sight who lets her do as she pleases and who "gets" her at a level that her family never could, would maybe not be so bad.
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
I'd actually like to try my hand at...I guess it's not really romance, because of the simple fact that I don't like what most romance/romantasy novels contain (to each his own, but I'ma pass). But stories like in The Secret of Chimneys by Agatha Christie, in which the guy and the girl actually are perfect for each other and their souls mesh the minute they meet, like "Wow what took me so long to find you?" At the moment that's my Cleo Fox/Richard Armitage HC story, or Tech/Phee and Hunter/Sheona (OC) for the Bad Batch. In the case of the Batch, they all deserve a happily ever after. I'm just not sure how well I could write that kind of thing.
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
Yes! I'm super excited about writing The Codex, which I've talked about a little already but will happily do so again at length. It's in the very beginning stages but I would love to get it done this year, especially with the TBB comics coming out!
Basic Idea: Near the beginning of the Clone Wars, Clone Force 99 is assigned by Commander Cody to escort Obi-Wan Kenobi to an unexplored Outer Rim planet. Their objective is to find an ancient Sith/Jedi relic that has been coming up in underworld chatter, an object known as the Codex. (It's actually a real thing in SW. The Codex focuses and enhances a being's Force potential but was lost for millennia.) Kenobi hasn't met the Batch before, but as soon as he does he senses something like Force sensitivity in Hunter.
Without prying too much, the general tries to discover what the sergeant's abilities may be as the mission goes on. (Think random questions and conversations regarding Force things about which Hunter has literally no clue. The poor sergeant thinks Cody gave them the crazy general, which he did, but for other reasons.) When they get to the temple, a dark Force user is already there for the relic and a nail-biting race for the artifact ensues through underground tunnels, light sabers and blasters lighting up the dark, like a crazy Preston&Child chase sequence. Lots of opportunities for the young Batch to prove their stuff as relatively new soldiers -- cave-ins and explosions for Wrecker, split-second thinking and obscure knowledge for Tech, and stuff to kill and make fun of for Crosshair. Hunter is dealing with his own issues because of the Force thing but he's also thrilled to be out in the field, tracking and getting the job done. (Another side effect is that Obi-Wan is in real fear for his life at one point, sees these boys causing chaos and destruction, having the time of their lives, and thinks that it should be illegal for that much energy and death-wishiness to be packed into four men. It's enough to supply the entire 7th Sky Corps but somehow they got all of it.)
The plot twist is that Kenobi is emphatically not the hero of the story. The Dark Force user takes the "room temperature challenge" courtesy of an unlikely person who used the Codex and surprised everyone, including himself.
I just think a Force-sensitive Hunter would be a fun character to explore, and I like the idea of the Bad Batch saving General-the-Sithslayer Kenobi. I also think that Obi-Wan would see the four young batchers (scrawny in too-big armor, fresh off Kamino, arguing amongst themselves with intense stray puppy vibes) and just go "Adopt" because he's been around Plo too long and it's turned up his own dad instincts. (If not precious kiddos, why precious kiddo shaped?)
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Do AUs count as tropes? Because buddy do I have some stuff I've been thinking about. I love the Modern Batch AU my sister came up with; I also have plenty of ideas for an "Order 66 didn't happen (or if it did it didn't work bc Cody is awesome)" kind of AU. There's another one I've been thinking about, which I've been calling my Rescued AU, that also includes a Force-sensitive Hunter, but the Bad Batchers are much younger than the other clones, Ahsoka is older, Fives lives and Echo is never blown up, and Rex and the command batch figure out who the Sith Lord is early on in the war. Somehow this saves the galaxy and everyone lives happily ever after.
If not AUs, I think the "presumed dead" trope is fun (for me, obviously not the characters). It was done well in Brimstone and I've had a WIP called Glory and Honor that's been collecting dust forever, in which Cody is presumed dead after a terrible campaign that was caused by either Krell or Tarkin (still not sure if it's going to be an Umbara alternate or take place in a more original setting). Kenobi is distraught because he was wounded and taken from the field before Cody disappeared, and has no way to know for sure if the commander was killed instantly as reported or if he was left to die slowly in the carnage. Cody obviously survives and fights his way back to his Jedi and his men, and gets a good swing or two in on the bad guy responsible (which is why I'm kind of hoping it's going to be Krell, so I can have Cody kill him off as he deserves).
If you read ALL of that, I applaud you. I am notoriously long-winded😂Sorry!
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 months ago
I simply must know, would the teenage friend groups (dead guys included) of AEIWAM and TPOFATGIF get along? Any standout crossover friendships and/or rivalries?
Ichigo and Tristan recognize the dead-eyed stare of "It's always fucking something" in each other and have a great time standing in the alley and trading their most WTF stories at increasingly loud volume.
Bakura and Orihime are immediate "autistic little weirdo into unexpectedly creepy shit" besties. The rest of the friend groups find them in the local graveyard looking up names on unattended tombstones to see what happened (and pay respects).
Chad immediately gloms onto Joey to be his Emotional Support Human who has conversations with strangers for him. Joey is thrilled to be helpful, and likewise, Chad is his "Remembering the Homework" human.
Serenity smells the violence on Tatsuki and is immediately trying to sign her up for the local SCA. Tatsuki is trying to convince her to attend Karakura High next year so she can beef up the Karate team.
Keigo already knows Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood from the unhinged web forums they get into arguments on.
Mizurio already knows Mokuba from when Mokuba commissioned one of Mizurio's mob uncles to get one of the BEWD cards through less-than-legal means. Mokuba has immense respect for Mizurio's total disregard for conventional authority and Mizurio the same respect for Mokuba's understated willingness to do violence.
Uryuu and Duke bond over "my dad is completely insane for reasons I can't really discuss with most people" and "it's called FASHION" reasons.
The people who get along best with Seto are Rukia and Renji, because they are used to "autistic bougie severe familial trauma that is fixated on one VERY niche character" nonsense from Byakuya, and know how to auto-translate Seto into Normal People, and also subtly train him to have normal conversations.
The person who gets along with Yami is Isshin- in AEIWAM, Isshin genuinely has amnesia from 1980 onward. He doesn't remember being a captain, and hearing stories about himself is like hearing about a stranger. It's a bizarre feeling of alienation Yami understands well.
Yoruichi sees Mai Valentine and immediately knows that should they go drinking together, it will almost certainly result in major property damage, felonies, and the worst hangover she's ever had, so naturally, she asks the girl to come on a spree with her.
Yugi has always had an easier time making friends with the adults around than his peers- having friends his own age is a very recent development. Due to Grandpa Solomon hanging around the senior center with his peer group of "Old Men With Nothing Better To Do", Yugi is very acclimated to playing board games with random adults. Kisuke Urahara hasn't had anyone kick his ass at Go that hard in a long time, and the kid is strangely canny to things Kisuke *thought* he'd concealed well. Yugi thinks Urahara 's Go game is a little rusty, but whatever the hell espionage game he's playing is REALLY intriguing.
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archivistofnerddom · 2 years ago
Rex completed his full conversion to honorary Dad Batch member with that choice of footwear. (He would, and Echo mocks him mercilessly for it.)
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in my head they all have annual passes and rex (not so) begrudgingly bought one so he can bail omega out of school on fridays and take her to disney
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imtryingbuck · 11 months ago
Old As A Dinosaur
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: reader learns something about her boyfriend
Word count: 842
Warnings: fluff. short and sweet.
A/N: this idea came from the wonderful @buckys-wintersoldier❤️
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The giggles coming from the living room greeted you the moment you stepped foot into the house, as you walked in to the room you saw your son Sebastian sitting on the couch tucked in to the side of your boyfriend Bucky.
Bucky didn’t bat an eye when you told him that you had a three year old son. When he met Seb for the first time it seemed that both your son and boyfriend forgot that you were even there. The first night Bucky stayed over Seb asked if Bucky could put him to bed, then when a nightmare involving monkeys that were trying to eat his toes woke him up he begged for Bucky to come and save him.
Six months after Bucky had met Sebastian the rest of the Avengers met him too. His squeals of pure joy had everyone laughing other than Bucky as Sam had Seb in his arms and flew the two around. Your boyfriend actually threatened Sam that he would end him if he dropped the three year old. Said three year old who tried to lift up Thor’s hammer, then was using Captain Americas shield as a sled.
You had actually been pulled aside by Seb’s teacher and was told that Seb had been lying all day by telling everyone he knew the Avengers, you just raised your eyebrow and laughed informing her that he was not lying at all.
“Hi pretty mama” Bucky greeted when he noticed you standing there.
“Hi pwetty mama” Seb repeated making the pair of you laugh.
“Hi my handsome men, what are you two doing?”
“Dinos” pointing at the tv Sebastian sighed happily at seeing his favourite movie for what felt like the thousandth time.
“How was work babe?”
“It was alright, nothing exciting today. I’m going to get dinner started”
“No need pretty girl, me and little man here did it we was just waiting on you. Go and get changed and then we can eat” Bucky says before telling Seb that it was dinner time and promising the three year old that they could carry on watching as soon as they had finished eating. Doing as he says you head upstairs changing into comfier clothes.
“Follow me pwetty mama, dinner time” laughing you take your sons waiting hand letting him lead you into the dinning room as Bucky served the food.
Halfway through the meal Sebastian was trying to whisper to Bucky who kept responding with “I told you it’s a secret”
“But pwease it’s mama”
“Do you think we can trust her?” Bucky’s eyes squinted looking at you suspiciously.
“Yes! Its mama she not tell”
“Okay, but she has to do the secret pinky swear before we tell her” Your eyes moved between the pair with your eyebrow pinched together. “Pretty mama what we’re about to tell you is top secret, you have to pinky swear that you can never tell anyone what you’re about to hear”
“Pwomise mama”
“I promise” both of them hold up their pinky fingers up waiting for you to wrap yours around theirs you waited patiently to hear this top secret news.
“Okay little man, you-you can tell her” Bucky says with a nervous tone lacing his voice.
“Mama… Buck met dinos” Sebastian tells you in the most serious voice the three year old could muster.
“Yep. He was fwends with them and-and had pet T-Rex’s”
Looking at Bucky with your eyebrow raised he nodded solemnly keeping his face void of emotion.
“I-I didn’t know that”
“Top secret mama uncle Stevie don’t know so no telling no one!”
“Buck your secret is safe with me, don’t worry” you tell him earnestly.
“Thank you pretty girl, it honestly feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I’ve been able to tell my family the truth” he takes yours and Sebs hands in his and squeezes.
Honestly he deserves an Oscar for his performance.
Seb giggles and promises that he will never ever tell anyone then carries on eating his dinner as if he hadn’t just told you some life changing news about your partner. Bucky looks at you and smiles before doing the same as Seb.
Finishing your dinner, you tell Bucky that you’ll wash up - he did try and argue that he would do it but Seb begged him to watch the dinos. Walking into the living room once again, your eyebrow rosed for the umpteenth time that night as you watch Bucky with his arms pulled close to his chest, Seb coping him and both bouncing around.
“Look mama we’re dinos!” Seb giggled before roaring like a dinosaur.
“Come on pretty mama, be dinos with us” Bucky winked then roaring and chirping like Sebastian was doing.
If anyone had looked in your front windows that night they would have thought there was something wrong with all three of you.
The three of you were roaring and acting as dinosaurs. And honestly, it was the best way to end a stressful day at work.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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notanodinarygirl · 7 months ago
Part 2 of underrated Star Wars Rebels relationships since you all liked the last one alot.
Kanan Jarrus and Zeb Orellios : Friends/Brothers who are both objectively intelligent people but are absolute idiots when they're left to their own devices. (According to @humankarkat)
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Sabine Wren and Hera Syndulla : Always there for each other/Take care of each other Mother-Daughter relationship. (Suggested by @simon-white-blog)
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Ezra Bridger and Captain Rex : Strong Grandpa-Grandchild relationship.
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Kanan Jarrus and Captain Rex : Respect for each other but also like to tease each other kind of duo.
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Sabine Wren and Fenn Rau : An Uncle who loves to pamper his niece kind of relationship.
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Do you agree?
Star Wars Rebels Relationships | Part 3 | Part 2 | Part 1 |
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sunburstsoldier · 3 months ago
Some modern codywan fics that I just love
I have an EXTREMELY LONG fanfic recs document and I've been meaning to make a bunch of posts for ages so here's the first one!! non-explicit Modern AU Codywans in no particular order:
HOT2GO by Saerus2665 for dontbelasagnax | 32k | Mature |
Nurse Ben & firefighter Cody. Ben is a disaster in this and i love it. also bonus Bant is there!
“Hey,” Ben calls from the back. He holds up the forms, “You missed one.” Cody latches another one of the cabinets closed then turns to him. He doesn’t seem surprised to see him. “My bad,” he says simply. He comes to the back of the wagon and takes a seat, legs hanging over the side. He glances up as Ben hands over the forms and pen. “You’d think running down signatures would be a little below your list of duties” he says, in that annoyingly pointed way of his. That’s fine. Ben’s decided he’s done walking on eggshells around him. “You’d think a Fire Captain would be better at remembering to fill out forms he’s done a hundred times,” he returns, just as pointed. Cody smiles at him, a sharp glint in his eye. Or: Nurse Ben and the bad bitch firefighter he pulls by being a complete disaster
Turn it on to a new kind of bright by rolo_rulu, Saerus2665 |41k |
Cody is a hot surfer & Ben is a biologist and also a banana stand dude. Absolutely hysterically funny.
Someone rolls him over onto his back. “Hnnngh…” Ben blinks his eyes open. There’s a man looking down at him, haloed in the bright light of the sun. He has dark eyes, and handsome features, including an interesting scar on the right side of his face. A stray dark curl hangs down in the middle of his forehead. He’s beautiful, with the sunlight behind him. Ethereal. “Are—are you an angel?” Ben finds himself saying. He doesn't know if it's the heat or his poor instinctive attempt at flirting that makes him say it. The man squints at him, brow furrowing, clearly caught off guard. “Uh—are you a banana?” The mention of it brings him back into the reality of the situation: he’s trapped in a banana suit, 10 feet from the banana stand, with the object of his recent fantasies—because yes, this is indeed Hot-Surfer-Cody— looking down at him.
Charmed On The Wayside by TapeMonkey21 | 39k Teen+ |
Lawyer Cody, farmer Obi-Wan, aka Hallmark AU! So good I read it twice in two days, it is EXACTLY like the hallmark movie I never knew I wanted.
Cody Fett's perfect big-city life falls apart when his boyfriend breaks up with him, leaving him heartbroken. A visit to the small Vermont town where his brother Rex lives has him crossing paths repeatedly with Ben, the strange, charming, handsome, flannel-wearing owner of the local cider mill and orchard. Can Cody find love again amidst the fall leaves? Or, the fall Codywan Hallmark Movie we all deserve. Written for the Codywan Comfort flash event.
*The truth that once was spoken by Jimmytiberius | 40k | Mature  | Les Mis Theater AU.
Now with several sequel mini fics, a gorgeous love letter to theater and to our favorite boys. Really cool then-and-now structure.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a well-known actor in London's West End who's just signed a contract to make his long-awaited Broadway debut as Jean Valjean in Les Miserables. There's just one small wrinkle. Broadway star Cody Fett will be playing Inspector Javert. Obi-Wan hasn't seen Cody since the summer he was nineteen, when they were in summer stock together... also in a production of Les Miserables. Their relationship ended badly. What will happen when they see each other again for the first time in nineteen years? Will they ever find a way to tell each other the truth about what happened at the end of that summer?
sourdough: flour, water, and starting over by Shortcuts_make_long_delays |19k | Teen+ | BAKERY AU. This one is very sweet!!
Did Cody need to be up at 3:50am? No, not technically. But he had graciously offered to take Fox’s Sunday morning shifts at their Uncle’s bakery. Donning Fox's red apron as part of a decade long joke, he works at the bakery as he attempts to figure out what he wants from life. The first time Obi-wan shows up to dinner at Anakin's after moving back to Coruscant, he arrives twenty minutes late with the bag of rolls in hand, and unable to stop thinking about the baker in the red apron. Fox, he's pretty sure the name tag said.
bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child by stormwarnings | 33k | Teen + |
Cody is an EMT; Obi-Wan's house keeps catching fire. Absolutely hysterical setting, I love the way they raise the twins communally in this fic so much.
Obi-Wan meets Cody for the first time when his niece and nephew almost light his house on fire.  (Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cody Fett find their way into love slowly but steadily. There's broken bones, too much sooty turnout gear, late hours spent at EMT class, three kids, ten brothers and two adopted siblings, two weddings, and all number of laughs and inside jokes along the way. It's worth it, in the end. Family's always worth it.)
It's Raining, Dear by cafffine |10k | Modern AU 
This one feels like you're just catching pieces of their lives together and i love it. Leia loves rocks. Obi-Wan has anxiety. I love it.
Cody and Obi-Wan fall in love. They live together, Rex calls when he can, Anakin is just out of reach until he isn't, Luke and Leia grow up too fast, Ahsoka lives far away, the back deck needs to be fixed, life happens and it happens and it happens.
More to come !! enjoy!!
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