#Rex the bad batch
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melymigo · 2 years ago
New Captain Rex poster!
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Clone Captain Rex.
Catch up on Season 2 of Star Wars: #TheBadBatch, now streaming only on Disney+. New episodes Wednesdays.
Image taken from SW:The Clone Wars Facebook page
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fandom-fortress · 2 years ago
Thoughts and predictions of “The Bad Batch”!
This are just a few things that have been on my mind since the last three episodes, so it’s a long post.
If you haven’t seen them, keep scrolling!
This will go in no particular order:
Dr. Emerie Karr
This one was not so much of a shock to me, there was something about her and the way she spoke that inmediatly had my attention. The way she was introduced was a bit creepy but seeing it from Cross’ pov, she seemed to look like Tech, not to mention all the foreshadowing of all of them in the episode “The Outpost”.
In the episode “Tipping point”, she’s always calling Cross by his name rather than his number which, from my pov, is a way to get closer to him, make him feel more at ease giving the circumstances but, why would an imperial scientist do this? The answer is, she feels related to him somehow, then she stops the torture, gives him some sort of shot to bring him back and she unbuckles the wrist restrain, only for Cross to wake up short after and, this is where it gets interesting because, she warns him that there is no way out and it sounds to me like she has tried to do that before.
This for me means that she doesn’t want to be with the empire, because she knows what Hemlock is doing with the clones and feels uncomfortable seeing it and doing it herself, which brings me to me next point...
Echo’s contact
That’s right, i do believe that the one that keeps feeding them the info is Dr, Emerie Karr, as I mentioned before, i think she has tried to escape herself to no avail, so, to alleviate her guilt from torturing her “brothers” she’s giving the necessary intel to the people who has being helping the clones without being to obvious about it to avoid getting caught and keep helping.
I do admit this is a bit far fetch, but i think ✨it’s obvious✨
Tech’s “death”
Now here comes the heartbreaking part of this post. Though I’m in the grieving and the denial wagon, I want to see this from both sides, so bare with me on this.
Tech being alive: There are a few things that says that this might be true; one of those things being that the rest of the batch fell from a little lower than he did and they survived, they were injured as hell but alive. Another thing is, of course, no body = not dead. And the last thing is, you got it right, Tech’s googles; this is a classic move for the villian to make and it usually always works.
I feel like Hemlock knew that that attack was made by Clone Force 99 so i think he gave the order to search for clues and they found Tech’s body, at that exact moment, Cid commed the empire and tell them that the batch was at Ord Mantell, the person that answer the “call” told to Hemlock, so he grabbed his googles and made his way to Ord Mantell to poke at the wound of their fallen brother in hopes to make them turn Omega in.
Tech being dead: I hate this possibility but, I do believe this might actually be real. Things in a war don’t always end up in a happy ending.
Tech made a choice and a sacrifice. Giving him development, a love interest, making him bond more with Omega, etc, feels incomplete because that’s life. We don’t always get to say a proper goodbye to the people we care about nor do we have a lot of time to make this decision, it’s a now kindda thing. And this might even be the final straw to make them fight the empire for good this time, besides from getting Omega back that is.
I think I know were this one is going.  I saw the signs but never really paid attention to them before because ✨denial✨ but I can’t ignore them anymore.
I now believe that Omega is actually Force-sensitive. If Emerie is already a female clone, why would the empire need Omega? Yes, I know that they need Nala Se to help them and that’s why they wanted Omega but, what if there’s something else going on?
We know Palpatine is into his cloning phase, if we add to this that Omega has heightened awareness, knows how to meditate and the importance she has for the empire, then the only thing i can make of this is: Omega is force-sensitive.
The next steps
This is were the fun begins!
So, obviously they are not going back to Ord Mantell because they have nothing left there, they got AZI back and Cid finally betray them, so that’s not longer an option.
The most logical place where they should go is to Coruscant, back to Rafa’s and Trace’s garage. This because they need a place to investigate and get more fuel, not to mention that they could use all the help they can get, so i want to belive that Rex, Gregor and Howzer will help them at getting Omega and Crosshair back. 
Not to mention that i hope to see a very feral Hunter and Wrecker, i do expect to see an aggressive Hunter due to the pain of loosing Omega and Tech and the same thing goes with Wrecker.
The reunion
Now, i’m not saying that I don’t want a reunion because I obviously want that, BUT, i feel like Filoni won’t give us this unless it’s the actual final of the show OR they give us 2 more seasons; s3 will be them getting all 6 of them back together (with Tech being alive because i said so) and a final s4 with Cross trying to win their trust back.
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talesfrommedinastation · 2 years ago
“I know what you mean. When you're a sergeant, on planets and space that do not belong to you, it's like you're carrying a weight on your shoulders that no one else can see, even though it’s just your immediate squad.
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You can not show fear, you can not question your judgment. You have to make decisions, terrible as they might be.
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And sometimes, it feels like, hell, the people that you protect and serve, that you put your life at risk for….don't care about you.
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Especially if they do not view you as human, as they did the clones–for that I am sorry, that is terrible, Hunter.” 
“Thank you, Bobbie.”
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“So you protect and serve your own— the only thing consistent in your life .”
Bobbie Draper and Hunter, Far Past the Ring: Ghosts and Tales: Part 2
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archivistofnerddom · 2 years ago
Rex completed his full conversion to honorary Dad Batch member with that choice of footwear. (He would, and Echo mocks him mercilessly for it.)
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in my head they all have annual passes and rex (not so) begrudgingly bought one so he can bail omega out of school on fridays and take her to disney
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adh-d2 · 10 months ago
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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meandtheyeehaws · 3 months ago
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who is my favorite character. u are right it is echo
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gil-estel · 10 months ago
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months ago
I like the story’s where mando doesn’t realize that boba is a clone
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watch this [combines ur asks]
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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rackcty · 8 months ago
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interest check for devin’s apocalypse zine opens this week! @devinsisland
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boggsart · 6 months ago
audio seemed fitting
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skywalkerrtno · 1 year ago
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misstoodles-doodles · 12 days ago
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Patching Up & Post-Mission Debrief (AU)
AKA a 3 character sketch that got way WAY out of hand.
Close ups:
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barissoffee · 1 year ago
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anntova · 1 month ago
Kanan's opinion on clones
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and some closeups sorry for my english (used translator)
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foxwithadarkside · 4 months ago
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And part 2 Another one
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br0kuu · 9 months ago
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Wanted to make an appreciation drawing of two of my fav troopers
App: Procreate
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