#tw health stuff
raustenacious · 11 days
God it's not like I didn't know it was coming,
So a few months back mum was at the doc and he wrote lipedema in her chart so she started researching it a lot and shit. And she got formally diagnosed with it maybe in February? And we'd started to suspect I have it too cus of some changes and the way I experience some pain and some other symptoms. And then I finally got to see the doctor yesterday and he said I do have it but it's only stage one so really all I can do is try to stop it from going further and I'm insulin resistant so I could get type 2 diabetes later on and other health shit and it's kinda rough cus it was also in my side which I didn't think it was at all (hadnt considered it) and it's a lot to have it confirmed
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sleeplesslark · 19 days
Health stuff
My left index finger has been hurting and stiff for a few days on end after some minimal typing. Really hoping I don't eventually lose the ability to type at all.
I think it's carpal tunnel cuz I can feel it up my arm and the back of my palm feels like static sometimes. I don't know how to fix it. Doctor said rest the hand but resting just seems to make it worse when I go back to type anything. I'm using an ergonomic keyboard now too.
It might also be over use. With so many keys missing kff the computers keyboard I probably typed too hard a lot.
Is this just going to fade over time? I dont know why the pain isnt going away after like, two days of no typing. Am I fucked? Is my ability to type on a timer now? The doctor wasn't helpful and thus is probably nothing but I'm really nervous it is. I don't want to have to stop writing.
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celenawrites · 4 months
not me getting sick and then getting another nosebleed
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angered-box · 9 months
yippeee love trying to take my medication and drinking the water a little too quickly that it caused a really bad pain in my chest, causing me to feel really really heavy and as I was going to mention it to my step-dad my hearing became muffled as I was speaking and then I fainted, fun times!
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devotionbled · 9 months
Tw for medical and pregnancy stuff. I’m still going through it and it’s making my focus for writing hard. And I found out some pretty funky news tonight. I know I shouldn’t have to explain myself but… I just want to vent.
I’ve been bleeding heavily for a good two weeks. Had another ultrasound tonight, one I was asking for. They saw the second twin when they said to me WEEKS ago it was clearly a singleton pregnancy. Second baby was hiding. They’re both dying. I’m being induced on Friday which is too late if you ask me. I’ve been working through the pain when I shouldn’t have. I’ve been going to hospital at night and between work, begging for help. I was turned away each time.
It’s impressive how… one person can go through a lot and you never know. My clients wouldn’t have known any different. Between all of this, I’ve been working my two jobs, trying to be a parent, despite how much it killed me.
I feel so weak and I’ve been trying so hard to stay strong. My partner has been in a terrible position trying to care for me. It’s hard to do that when you’re still grieving the situation that is exactly the same, that happened in April.
I am tired. He’s tired. My body is just shattered. I may be into my 20’s, but my body still is suffering from my first pregnancy that I had when I was 15. That’s why I’m having difficulties, now, I think.
I’m really not well. So I am going to take my time with things.
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endlessmidnights · 9 months
I hate when people say suicide is the easy way out, they have no idea the pain you must be in to want to end your own life
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Once I learn how to stop being me it’s over for y’all
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themindofmine · 9 months
I feel like I’m already dead but I have to keep on living
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iwillnotseeheaven · 6 months
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idnwtdta · 2 months
I literally feel dead in a living body
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celenawrites · 10 months
might not attend classes cuz I'm actually in a lot of pain rn.
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3m0g1rlyyy · 2 months
Sometimes i look at my $elfharm scars and think “Damn it wasn’t even that deep”
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saduboiss · 23 days
I can’t take this anymore. I just want to be a normal person with normal emotions, but I’m not. I’m fucking crazy with emotions so intense it makes you feel like you’re about to explode and shatter into a million fucking pieces.
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maarlena · 2 months
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Idk if thats a bpd or a me thing
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Touched starved and touch repulsed
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fucklife101 · 1 year
I don’t know how many “just make it through today”s I’ve got left.
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