#tw allergy mention
What those the living band eats,do they eat something special or something related to the aniamls they are?
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Henry: The band actually all have different tastes in food which is surprising, the even more surprising part is that Bonnie and Spring have actually become omnivores like the rest of the band which is interesting since rabbits are herbivores in nature. As for favorites let's see, Freddy likes burgers, Bonnie seems to really like a lot of pasta dishes especially spaghetti and meatballs, Chica likes pizza, Foxy likes fish sticks with ketchup on the side, Golden likes chili dogs, and Spring actually seems to like kabobs. We do have to be careful when cooking since the kids all have different allergies
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modern-sybil · 2 years
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onlytiktoks · 7 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was kissing a woman, but turned out she was allergic to mint. I had just brushed my teeth so I wouldn’t have bad breath. Then I witnessed the rest of the events in a comic book format. I think she may have died.
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sunnibits · 10 months
you know what I really do understand now why people would always project their stomach issues and eating disorders into izzy hands. the moment I got diagnosed with celiac I was like “yeah izzy has celiac disease now :)”. and guess what he has arfid too. because I said so.
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kimetsu-chan · 2 months
ik I don’t normally talk abt stuff like this, but it’s been really weighing me down a lot. This is a major vent(rlly bad and prob rlly triggering) and I’m talking to no one in particular, just in general. I would encourage ppl not to say anything abt it or just not read it at all bc I’m mostly just typing what I cannot say out loud.
Okay, so the presidential election is this year. Yeah, I’ve heard abt project 2025 😐 I’ve read about it. And I want to scream. How has trump managed to make something that infinitely worse than Kosa(imo)
because holy fuck, I know this is not what I should be focusing on and it’s low-key selfish, but reversing women’s rights?! I’m not 100% sure what that entails, but I’ve seen a screenshot of the actual legitimate document saying that the only “valid family” is with a working husband and a stay-at-home wife.
Do you not understand how frustrating it is to have the ability to do whatever you want with your life dangled in front of you for your entire life, and be told you could be whoever you want to be, just for it to very possibly be ripped away from you right as you get close to adulthood.
Everything about this is so horrendous?!
I already wished I lived anywhere but the us, but it’s so much worse now.
If Trump becomes president again, and if this project gets put into place, would I even be able to leave the country??! Would I be allowed to live in another country, or would I be forced to stay here, miserable.
like, in all seriousness, completely 100% genuine right now. I might actually just kill myself if and when I get to adulthood if this happens, and if I am forced into a life I don’t want. I’m already suicidal, and the thought that I won’t get to experience life as I told I would be able to would absolutely crush me and would probably be the final straw tbh.
It feels like I’m being toyed with, why are some(<- important, i know good Christians) Christians so fucking entitled and cruel and just horrible. This is going to drive people AWAY from your religion, it’s going to make people hate it! Why does trump think he gets to shove all of his beliefs onto everyone else and force everyone to comply. I don’t want to be a stay at home mom, hell, I don’t think I want to be a mom, period!!
I thought we stepped away from all the toxic stuff before lgbt and women’s rights. But no, apparently not.
I am actually raging and crying over this, you cannot do this to me! Or anyone! It’s not fair!!
I hate this place, I don’t want to be here anymore, genuinely :(
likely will take this down later, but I desperately needed to get this off my chest bc idk if I can trust my dad enough to talk abt it. Bc my family is super religious and I’m guessing my dad is a trump supporter. God, I hope not.
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a quick reminder to everyone
I am literally disabled because of my learning disabilities, I have faced literal descrimnation because of it.
everytime you call us retarded or a retard you are ACTIVLY upholding the systems in which I am trapped in.
I take more offence in being called a retard than anything due to the literal DECADES of systematic abuse and descrimnation from the medical system, every single government resource, and almost all school alternatives.
fuck you greatly if you use these words against us, I have to live in a country where they hate people like me and would rather us dead than to do literally anything to help people like us.
call us what you will, but I will never call anyone retarded because it’s a basic decency reserved for everyone.
I’m a very happy retard, fuck your ableism!
I will happily live and love and learn even if THE LITERAL GOVERNMENT doesn’t want me too.
(yeah being a mid supports autistic with other learning disabilities and disabilities in general that made me unable to attend a school just means I deserve to die. 100% legit I deal with this literally all the time always fuck the Australian government)
so again fuck you all greatly, for using a literal slur against me one that has been used against me since I was a baby.
fuck you all, genuinely.
did I forfeit my rights to be treated as a human being the moment I had a bit of trouble learning things? Because if I did I’d like to break someone’s teeth with a brick.
Edit: the language and lines between what the fuck developmental disabilities and intellectual disability are is confusing as fuck.
I have gotten very confused between the 2 because they are grouped together half the time.
My apologies to everyone for being utterly confused where I fall because it is extremely confusing to figure out, and internationally it varies wildly according to my brief reading.
I did not mean to be mean or anything I just was genuinely going off what I’ve been told most my life lol.
Shout out to my developmentally disabled brethren you are loved
#-pop#activism stuff#disability#Learning disabilities#learning disability#dyslexia#anticapitalism stuff#anarchism stuff#mental health stuff#dysgraphia#adhd#autism#I’m actually somewhat on the intellectually disabled spectrum lol. Not that it’s changed my tune (I got other severe devoplmental disorders#I still had to experience insane ableism my entire life and like continue to into my adulthood with no sign of it stopping soon#like genuinely fuck some people. Those are not your words to use#r slur mention#r slur tw#(idk what even counts but man I have so much wrong with me. and like it's not like this shit does not run in my family LOL my bisnonna was-#actually illiterate and had severe learning disabilities lol she was awesome and made a life for herself so again this shit does not stop-#anyone it just sucks because the education system is fucked screw that shit. idk :shrug: I've never actually looked at my medical record-#I actually should because I have a strong feeling I'm diagnosed with some crazy shit that none of my family remembers bc we just have shit-#memory (for my parents it's the trauma ngl. for me it's also the trauma and the ADHD LOL)#so at this point I just have been disabled by fuck do I know there's literally more maladies that run in my family than I can describe. lik#it's not that weird for me specifically to have severe learning disablities and also devoplmental ones it makes sense with what I know.#I was literally a tinny tiny failure to thrive child actually. who could barely eat anything due to severe allergies and more shit!
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the-friendly-entity · 5 months
[ ~"Service Digimons"~ ] - Digimon
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A Company as saw interest in the Digimons as they could work for special works to help humans! they closely analyze each Digimon with no exception of who could work to help humans in different situations and health circumstance, Once the analysis/investigation and Training and modified Data as been made to these Digimon, they start working on help specific humans!
What contains? Sensitive Content, Mention of Death, Mention of Depression, Mention of Illness, Mention of Suicide
Can be visualized as? Guardians/Caretakers
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Grizzlymon - Allergy Detector
-If the Tamer suffers allergy to fur, this Digimon (or other fur kind) is not given, but if is good to go, he does an amazing job detecting his surroundings and objects that are dangerous to his Tamer
-Are you allergic to some specific stuff? specific kinds of plants, fabrics, ingredients, and materials?, etc, this Digimon will keep his nose on alert to detect anything you are dangerous of!
-Grizzlymon will always keep you away from what hurt you and do an allergy reaction, someone offering you food? nope! he will be on the way and avoid the food touch or you smell it if he find it have something is a no no or the food in general is dangerous for you
-if sadly you get an Allergy reaction, he always has a small backpack with the medicine needed to stop it in time! if the Allergy gets soo much into your system he will fastly get you to the nearest hospital as fast as possible
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Angemon - Alzheimer
-This Digimon is perfect if you suffer of a memory loss, and always makes sure you feel safe and never lost or disoriented, being around Angemon always know you will feel safe
-You forgot something? very important? Angemon is always there to remind you, or always remind you ahead before anything important, even if you lose track in the middle of nowhere he always reminds you what was you doing
-You forgot yourself? dont freak out, Angemon will be there to remind you who you are, with a lot of videos, photos, and anything that would make you click back to remember
-Angemo is your guardian angel and will be there to never forget, even if you forget stuff, you will still feel safe, knowing Angemon is there to help you, his safe aura always make you know you will never be lost
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Antylamon - Guardian
-Such a big bunny protector! Antylamon is one of the best Digimon to help humans who need to keep an eye on their health due they are very fragile if they break their own limits without noticed
-What I'm referring too? expressing their emotions too much, too happy, too angry, too sad, anything is too much of they health and heart, Antylamon will be there to calm them down to avoid they health is in danger
-If they Tamer is too excited running around, Antylamon will be there to gently put his hand on the way and keep him calm, having a hard time almost like a time bomb is going to blow due how much sadness feels, Antylamon carefully cuddles with you and try to keep you clam as possible, you are in you right to cry, but do it carefully, Antylamon is worried about you!
-Antylamon will be always in your side to make sure you are in a calm state, you dont overwork yourself and you dont hurt yourself by accident, Antylamon understands if you feel limited, and will make sure you dont feel that way, will always find a way you enjoy without that feeling of be limited
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ToyAgumon - Autims/ADHD
-A perfect cutie one to such Tamers! there will always joy around this little fella! you would never feel uncomfortable or weird, accepted and always belong to someone!
-ToyAgumon is perfect to help you feel safe, loud sounds? he will warn ya!, Things you can't understand? he got you! hard to keep track of things? he will give a hand! hard to socialize? dont worry! he will your voice!
-If the voices in your head are too much to take it, he will cuddle with you and be the only voice you can hear, you are close to having a meltdown? no no! he will make sure that does not happen! sure to act fast before it happens!
-He also make sure you dont overwork yourself or dont overthink yourself, you are safe! its ok!, ToyAgumon due is a block toy he the perfect toy you can use, always take him apart and put him back together! even make something new! he dont mind, as long you happy!
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Oleamon - Blindness
-One of the perfect Digimons who help people who can't see! due to her long arms, can always have close and you always know she is near you, always guide you where you need to go!
-Even if the two go separate, she can emit her aroma and you will always know where to go to find her! and Oleamon can do the same, use her tongue to move in the air to try to find your scent to find you!
-You always will be protected, from any insect to anything around you that could hurt you, she always tries to describe you a vision of around you if you ask or if is necessary, mostly she will say it if she sees the place have full of stuff or have a dangerous stuff she point ou so make sure you know!
-Even is scared for others see Oleamon, that was the intention, blind people can't see a scary thing but others do, was intentionally made so people dont try to do anything funny to you, Oleamon will scarry for others but always an angel for you!
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Strabimon - Deaf
-A lot of Digimon have this role, and Strabimon is no exception! With his big hands, he can help you communicate and let you know anything that is happening! you will not miss anything that others are saying!
-Is amazing to communicate, if someone wants to talk but does not know how to do sign language, Strabimon is a big help to help both sides, you with sign language and what the person is saying, and the person to translate what you are saying in sign language
-He can even describe things you dont know how sound, and music? he would tell you the meaning of the lyrics and how the music "feels", same as another kind of sounds like wood and such
-He will be the first one to take action fast if he hears something dangerous, a car coming so fast? or an explosion? anything you cant hear he fastly takes you and puts you in a safe place, of course, explaining to you what happened, you always have for sure Strabimon is there to keep you safe in a muted world
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Beelzemon - Lupus (this also applies to any other kind of risk Illness)
-Dont get me wrong, when almost all digimons can help to service humans to help them, I mean it, Beelzemon is no exception to this, being a guardian to does people who have almost death sentences
-He always has his jacket full of medicine, and always knows what time you need to drink your medicine or you need to take it due to unexpected attacks, he wants you to stay in home, but he understands why his purpose, to at least bring freedom and happiness in such heavy situation
-You are mostly on his motorcycle, always slow while you are outside, rare times you can be down and walk around, mostly places Beelzemon knows you can be safe without much risk, of course, always remind you or stop you if you put you life in danger
-the good thing about having a motorcycle is if you are suffering a horrible attack and medicine is not helping, he can go fast to the nearest hospital to take you to emergency, of course, he always makes sure the way to the hospital is safe
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Puppetmon - Paralysis
-Puppetmon is a good companion with people who suffer who paralysis! can be not really heavy paralysis or complete paralysis, in either case, he is there to help!
-He will help with things you can't do, put your clothes on? eat? take a bath? anything you need you cant do he will help you, he make sure to you dont think you weak for be that way, is not your fault and never will
-the choice was not randomly, thanks to Puppetmon wires he can help paralysis people to try to move, any part of the body cant move, will do small training session, using you as a puppet but for help you your body move, carefully and make sure you are not hurt
-if the small training session is working out, seeing the result your body slowly is responding back to your orders, Puppetmon will let you do the work to you get better, he will continue helping you, but will be less and less as see things are getting better, and mostly he happy and proud of you are recovering!
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Swanmon - Parental Figure
-This Digimon is perfect you ever loss a parental figure or never have a parent, Swanmon will be that parental figure you never have, always make you feel welcome and love you as you was her child all along
-She will be your voice of reason, helping you in decisions a parental figure always do, always asking you about your day, if you are ok, you need something? she made you some snacks!
-You can always count she will be there if you need to cry a shoulder, dont feel ashamed, she there for you and to hear you, helping you and clean does tears, she always make sure you are ok to cry
-Never feel ashamed of having Swammon as your Service Digimon, everyone deserves to have a parental figure, no matter how independent you are, family is part of everyone's life, and is ok to depend on them sometimes
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Monzaemon - Depression
-Monzaemon is one of the popular Digimon when comes to depression! a very carrying Digimon, always make sure you are happy and mostly accepted! is almost like being near him you space out of the horrible world
-Monzaemon will slow with you, helping you part of part what is the cause of your depression, what are the things you are that way and try to fix it, if are things is out of his hand he try to change it to better things or found solucions in long term will be fix! anything of could be, will find a way to fix it
-He will advoid anything could be dangerous, knifes very high place, things can be use as a White weapon, High places and such is a big no no, you will always have a ballon on your back, mostly to Monzaemon keep track of you and if you even try to jump on a high place, welp, enjoy floating until you arrive to the floor
-He only uses his attack ´Heart Attacks´ if is need it, if you was going to do something very dangerous he cant stop you right there, using Heart Attacks to keep you inside of the heart bubble and having only happy feelings, to prevent you to do a mistake you will regret
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I feel like psychoactive substances don’t work on me like they do on most people because my normal state of mind makes me feel like I’m trippy and stoned 24/7 as it is.
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ceruleanmusings · 1 month
Blood Diamond; Year Three
Year Two tw: hospital mention, allergy / allergic reaction, weight loss mention note: trying something different with this one
"I can't believe you! I told you—I told you! And you didn't listen! You never listen to me!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Sorry isn't going to fix anything! You hurt our little boy!"
"I did!?"
"He can't have nuts!"
"I didn't know!"
"...You didn't know? You didn't know James, your son—the son you so desperately wanted—had an allergy? What else don't you know, then?"
"Oh, don't do this Brooke."
"No, we're going to do this! Because of you, James will be traumatized for life!"
"That's ridiculous! It's not anaphylaxis! It's a mild allergy. Even the doctors said so!"
"Because that's better! 'James, I only hurt you a little bit! But it's okay because you didn't die'."
"Don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I'm saying and you know it."
"No, I don't. I don't know what you're trying to say at all. Only that James doesn't matter to you."
"He's my son! Of course he matters!"
"Then where were you when his daycare had their 'Dinosaurs with Dads' event? Hmm?"
"I was sleeping—I had a long night, Brooke! You know shows don't end until 11 or midnight. And what about you?"
"What about me?"
"You're home all day doing nothing! You could have been watching him!"
"Excuse me, I make sure you have a nice, clean house to come home to and 'relax' in, as you say."
"We have a maid service."
"Do you know how long it takes to vet them?"
"I'm not the one who has a problem with all of them."
"I wouldn't have a problem with them if my husband could keep his eyes in his head."
"Well maybe if you dressed up a little bit I wouldn't be looking at anything else."
"I have a three-year-old crawling all over me all the time! He grabs and pulls and ruins my clothes! If I'm out of his sight for a second he comes and finds me! It never ends! I needed a break from him! So what? You never see him! And the first thing you do when you're actually home is push him away and let him eat anything he wants!"
"I said I was sorry!"
"Don't tell me. Tell James. Tell James how sorry you are for hurting him. Tell your son how sorry you are for never being there for him."
"I'm working. Someone has to provide for this family!"
"And you provided the vehicle that sent him to the hospital. You're Father of the Year, like you've always wanted. Congratulations."
"...Forget it. I'll see you at home."
"Mommy, I'm itchy."
"I know, James, I know. But everything will be better soon, okay? Mommy will make it better. Mommy knows what you need to be healthy. Your daddy doesn't. Okay? Mommy will take care of you. From now on, I'll be in charge and make sure nothing hurts you ever again."
"Okay. Thank you. I love you, Mommy."
"...Excuse me, James says he's still itchy. Shouldn't he be feeling better by now?"
"Mrs. Diamond, as I've explained before—"
"Then you need to explain it again. Maybe using better words this time since you imply that I don't seem to understand my baby boy is suffering."
"...It will take some time for the antihistamines to go through his system but they're doing their job and he'll be good as new."
"Good as new. Really? James has just gone through a traumatic experience and you think he'll be the same after this? You think he'll just be able to forget? Like he wasn't harmed?"
"It's just an expression, Mrs. Diamond. With the right support, I only meant—"
"I knew what you meant. And it's okay. Because I'll be here for him and be all the support he needs. ...Oh and nurse? While you're here, I'd like to discuss James' weight loss options."
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@raging-violets @myloveforhergoeson @witchofinterest @partiallypearl
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 9 months
Murder me, please.
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pfhwrittes · 5 months
hellllo p, 🍫 cheese or chocolate? (and please elaborate. name names.)
hi syyyy! 💜
🍫 - oh man i can't choose! okay, if we ignore my lactose intolerance which is probably a mild dairy allergy i'm gonna pick cheese all day every day.
you want cheese recs? you've gotta try wensleydale cheese. it's a mild, creamy and slightly crumbly cheese (10/10 for nibbling chunks off standing in front of the fridge). there's a version of it with cranberries in, which is popular as fuck around christmas.
next up, try caerphilly cheese. another milder cheese. less creamy than wensleydale but still very good! as a treat i buy a little bit now and then and eat it straight out the wrapper.
(and finally, i'm going to cheat and recommend people try monty bojangle's choccy scoffy truffles. they're considered to be a dark chocolate over here and they are VERY good.)
emoji ask game
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painsandconfusion · 5 months
can I participate in Knife Day? I remembered I have this lovely girl.
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I call it the boxcutter because I... cut boxes with it.
(Did you know that if you use a kitchen-use pairing knife to break boxes down you get yelled at by the chef?)
It can be quickly coated in pecan or walnut dust for a tactical advantage against someone with such allergies.
Lol sure! Sorry I'm answering this on tuesday instead of monday (knife day), but Alec will always take more knives!
Also, I love the idea of dusting the blade for allergies. Let's up it one, though and make it peanut oil. Easy to soak a rag with it and just slide it over the blade when you need it. Sticks better, stays in the wound better, and is easier to apply a more deadly amount and ensure it gets into the wound.
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babyspacebatclone · 11 months
I’ve been meaning to get something like this done for a bit, and this post from @my-autism-adhd-blog gave me the nudge to type it out.
I’m keeping it here in my own post, though, to not clog their notes too much. 😅
I’m sure anyone with an invisible illness or neurodivergence has had to come up against the idea of “Well, back in my day, no one ever had [very real problem you are suffering from], we just bucked up and deal with life!”
Oh, really?
Do you [theoretical irritating naysayer] know when the term anaphylaxis was coined?
You know, “hypersensitivity (as to foreign proteins or drugs) resulting from sensitization following prior contact with the causative agent”?
The potentially fatal reaction where people can lose the ability to breathe? A very real, repeatedly proven reality for a large segment of the population?
It was created in 1905.
(I’d go into more about the individual who named it, but he also subscribed to a lot of the worst fields of thought in the early 20th century and therefore we shall move on.)
On the other hand, we have writings explicitly referencing horse allergies from the turn of BCE to CE (one of the sons of Roman Emperor Claudius), among others.
What we now recognize as Seasonal Allergies have been identified around the 16th century, under names like “rose catarrh” (as in, a believed reaction to roses, most likely a reaction to the pollen of other plants during their blooming season) and “summer asthma” (asthma being used as a general term for an ability to breathe).
What fascinates me is the end of the 18th century, where
Seasonal allergic rhinitis was now often observed and recognized. The term “hay fever” replaced “rose cold.” Physicians believed seasonal allergies were an aristocratic disease because it was most commonly diagnosed among the upper class. (emphasis mine, taken from document described below)
Huh, I wonder why upper class people would be the ones most diagnosed with seasonal allergies? I wonder what myriad of reasons could lead the financially secure to seek out personal aide for non-debilitating but extremely uncomfortable symptoms?
Not the least of which being a lifestyle which allows it to be merely non-debilitating.
At some point I want to fully read this summary of the book Ancestors of Allergy edited by F. Estelle R. Simons (as getting my hands on the text itself would be more effort than it’s worth for me personally). What I’ve skimmed thus far is fascinating.
Here’s a timeline from those 16th century misclassifications of seasonal allergies to the present understanding of allergic reactions (as the source from that one quote from above):
It’s humbling to see the development of understanding and acceptance towards a medical condition we take existing for granted nowadays.
On the other hand, the length of time it took to clarify these experiences when they have indisputable physical symptoms (if sometimes difficult to identify triggers) can be disheartening when we thing about where the scientific community currently is regarding mental health, neurodivergence, and invisible illnesses.
But my main take away in this review of the history of allergies:
It was never new. It had always been there, people had always suffered from it. The only things that changed were the public perception of the condition and the treatments afforded to people struggling under things other people dismiss.
@my-autism-adhd-blog ‘s post about dismissive attitudes towards neurodivergence, specifically Autism and ADHD, which reminded me I wanted to share this all with my pocket friends and anyone it breaks containment for.
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thisismeracing · 11 months
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Hey y’all! Weird question time, below a read more this time because it’s medical related (it’s just questions about muscle cramps and muscle spasms but saying the word “muscle” too many times squicks out my sister so I figure it must bother other people too. Also some of these questions might count as describing injuries? Idk where the line is there)
I have a series of questions, because the very nice nurse said “you know that’s not normal, right?” but idk where normal is on this scale: - do you ever have an individual muscle cramp that lasts more than a day? - do you ever have muscle cramps so severe the cramp is visible to other people? - what’s the difference between a muscle cramp and a knot in a muscle? is it just severity? - I am assuming this is related to the muscle cramps, but do you ever have it where a muscle/tendon/ligament/I don’t know anatomy is so tight it feels like a pulling on your bones when you go to move? For me this happens most often with muscle issues either in my neck or under my shoulderblades pulling at my collarbones, but I’ve had so many muscle cramps in my torso today that if I move wrong I can feel a pulling at the front of my hipbone - do you ever get muscle cramps on the side of your neck or face that impact your ability to open your eye on one side?  - do you ever get those face muscle cramps as a result of food allergies??? I feel like that one is weird but idk *how* weird - do you ever get muscle cramps/spasms between the bones of your ribs that feel like they are trying to shove the ribs apart?  - without an injury or workout beforehand, do you ever get muscle spasms where it’s just a part of a muscle twitching visibly but painlessly that you may or may not be able to feel, for anywhere from minutes to hours?  - do you ever get muscle spasms in your ear? And if so, have you also experienced the like “oh shit” levels of instant vertigo/dizziness when that happens? I have only had inner ear muscle spasms a few times but they suck
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